#from a past event but mermay
dragonshoardofworks · 4 months
DannyMerMay 2024
Day 1: Insect/Anchor
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The return of Little Baby Moth! (From last year DannyMay)
Something happened since last time the two of them met, so LBMo is reasonably surprised to see Little Baby Man Mer's new form... or is this just an alternative dimension iteration of LBM (by @tourettesdog)? 🤔
(Keep reading to find the answer!)
@pikakaistudios Little Baby Mer inspired me in doing my own, so Kudos and credits where are due!
More fanarts and lore under the cut because it was getting long...
Prompt for DannyMay by @dannymayevent and MerMay by @vladdyissues.
Since I'm a serial procrastinator and I wanted to be sure the art pieces were at least decent/accurate, I was almost late (but thank CW that I did, because some of them had the wrong orca-pattern and I would have brought disgrace upon myself if I published anything not done right since orcas are one of my favorite animals).
That being said, let's continue the DannyMerMay journey!
Day 12: Time Travel/Seafood
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My poor Mer-boy got yoinked temporalily into the past when he was still Danny (so even before the "normal" LBM-fication) and he's feeling reeeaaally distressed at the act of practically cannibalism that his past-self is committing...
Day 2+4+29: Wish/Starfish + Wander/Night + Fireworks/Bioluminescence
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Wandering in the night, some interesting encounters are bound to happen...
I wonder what would happen if you wish upon a(n alien) star(fish)...
Day 19+20: Iron/Pearl + Pitch AU/Abyss
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LBMer found a his rightful Crown (of Fire) sunk into the depths of the ocean!
But since it was rusty and forgotten, what better way to restore it than ghostly mother pearl?
(Works like ghostly ice, but it's an exclusive power of LBMer.)
(The Crown got bigger than canon, but he smol!)
Day 26: Shoes/Camouflage
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They say that imitation is one of the best form of flattery, but when you don't want to get caught by a certain dimensional hopper (and be mistaken for one of his foes), it's the best way to blend in!
(Octopi can camouflage in ways that make you think that magic is real...)
(Little Baby Terror unfortunately got caught in the same "accident" that LBM did, so they generally prefer to stick together-ish in case they need help.)
Day 16+22: Glowing Veins/Courtship + Song Lyrics/Songs
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I couldn't help myself and sneaked in some Everlasting Trio for the soul.
After all, LBM (and therefore LBMer) is still Danny, even if he has new form(s) and instincts.
They do incarnate the "Would you still love me if I was a worm?", don't they?
Song: A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
(It feels such a Danny song to use, plus I checked how orcas court and while there's some posturing, they also sing! It felt only natural from there... >:3c)
Day 11: Mutation/Shell(s)
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And finally: the answer!
LBM found this weird shell on the beach while they were on vacation, but when he checked it (read: nibbed it), it reacted and tooted a magical cloud that mutated our Little Baby Man into a Mer!
(The same fate happened to Dani/Little Baby Menace and Dan/Little Baby Terror, changing them into a Seahorse Mer and Octopus Mer respectively.
I've got a lineart done of them for another prompt, but I didn't manage in time to clean and color it yet, along with a couple of others... ( ≧Д≦) )
This has two versions because I couldn't decide which was better. @teacupsandstarlight suggested the first because of the transforming smoke around our boi, but since I saved both, I told myself: why not upload both?
For now, that's all! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
I still have some linearts to finish/digitalize/color, but at least I contributed to these two fantastic events, hope y'all enjoyed them and my works!
Hope to type ya soon! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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ihaveatheoryonthat · 1 year
No Mer is An Island
I didn't go out intending to revisit @monsoon-of-art's Mer AU this month, but seeing this piece in full really hit on something, and I had to get the words down. Happy MerMay, guys!
When they’d first met, the girl had stopped him to say that he looked kind of like someone she knew.
Given that Emmet had come all this way trying to find his brother, it sounded promising on its face, but looking past the initial wording, revealed itself to be a shallow hope. If she’d been talking about Ingo, she would have been more decisive. He wouldn’t look kind of like this person, but exactly. He’d been through the cycle of leads surfacing and then sinking often enough to know that the odds weren’t good, but it was the best he’d heard since arriving in Hisui and he couldn’t afford not to give it some cursory exploration.
As they moved away from the shaky hope of a rebuilding village, her story became more and more outlandish, but… somehow not less believable; unprompted, she’d mentioned the torn remnants of a subway car, and in a land that lacked rail transport, it lent her version of events a great deal of credence. Something much more worrisome was the claim that his twin had been found pinned beneath the wreck, trapped and slowly wasting away, before being discovered.
It was strange. When, inevitably, Emmet’s questions about a missing person failed, his next strategy was always the train car. People could move on and be forgotten, but an effigy of twisted metal should have been noteworthy.
The matter of physical resemblances had been both explained and complicated as Dawn led them to a rocky outcropping by the sea.
“Well, that’s… why I wasn’t totally sure at first.” She said, scouring the horizon. Eventually, her attention settled in one specific direction, and Emmet idly followed it to a dark little island in the distance. “The thing is, the parts of you that look the same totally look the same. It’s just that Ingo’s… not really human?”
She held her hands up in placation, grimacing at her own words. “I know, I know. Just hear me out. So the Pearl Clan found him under that big wreck and took him home to heal, only he… kind of sucks at being a merperson? The same ways I suck at it. We both keep getting hung up when we swim, and neither of us distrusted humans the way the other mers did, and you couldn’t pay us to eat raw fish or seagulls or anything like that. I've been wondering about it for a long time, but maybe Ingo was human, too?”
There was a ringing in Emmet’s ears. It took him a moment to realize that it was an actual sound coming from somewhere over the water. Something in the back of his head told him he should recognize it, but it seemed unimportant compared to the information Dawn had just dumped over his head.
“That is my brother’s name.” He eventually choked out, to the exclusion of the rest of it.
Dawn’s expression cracked into a smile. “Worth a shot! I’ll go grab him and come back-- just don’t worry, okay? Most people think he’s kind of scary.”
Despite the amount of time it had been since he’d had to field that particular criticism, Emmet felt himself bristle. “He cannot help it. His face is just like that.”
The girl paused in the middle of digging through her bag and tilted her head, “I thought it was just because he always seems kind of down, but that makes sense, too.”
Unsure what to say to that, Emmet remained silent as she took something out, unlashed the satchel from around her waist, and then brought a vibrant shell to her lips.
The notes resonated, briefly, with whatever it was coming from across the waves.
“What is that?”
“It’s a special flute,” Dawn said, adjusting her grip on it now that she was no longer playing, “I’ve had it since I got here, but I can’t remember why.”
“Not the instrument. The sound. What is causing it?”
“The… flute?” She asked, baffled, and slapped her tail against the rocks.
It took a second for Emmet to rewind and process that fact.
She had implied that before, hadn’t she? Back when she’d confirmed Ingo’s name. Strange how one piece of information could be so much more pertinent than the rest and simultaneously so much less important.
Emmet consciously had to rein himself in. If humans could turn into merpeople, this could be it. He might be about to see his twin for the first time in years.
Dawn departed shortly thereafter, handing him the flute as a gesture of goodwill, and took off in the direction she’d originally scouted. Emmet pocketed the strange shell for safekeeping and then moved her satchel to somewhere the waves couldn’t sweep it away.
The sound continued that entire time, carried from somewhere far away. When several minutes passed without interruption, he finally figured out what it was: whale song. He didn’t profess to be an expert in the matter, but now that he was listening properly, he was relatively certain of that.
After some time, it stopped, and he immediately found that he missed it.
In its absence, he returned to the water’s edge, wondering if the dark island in the distance wasn’t where Dawn was headed, where his brother lingered. It seemed too much to think that he might catch a glimpse of either when it was so far away, but the reassurance would be welcome. He had little doubt that Dawn would return, particularly given that he held the key to her humanity, but the low crooning over the water proved that there were predators about, and he wouldn’t want haste to lead her into danger.
When he scanned the ocean, however, he found that the island, too, had vanished.
Ingo spent a great deal of his time alone.
It was by choice, but at times, it also felt involuntary.
The Pearl clan was more gracious than he could have asked for, worried that his continued stints on his own might reignite the loneliness that had left him so fragile upon their first meeting; while he was happy for their company, it wasn’t what he was missing. That was the problem, though: he didn’t know what would fill the void in his heart. Their camaraderie was close-- had been rejuvenating when he’d first been ushered into the fold-- but only to a point. He felt that it was the right track, just veering ever so slightly off course; if he could figure out where his destination lay, he could course correct to reach it.
It had been years, though, and while he was no longer soul-sick, the ache of it refused to leave him.
When it became too much to bear, he would leave for the surface, to float on his back and close his eyes. The ocean air had become familiar, but it went deeper than that, the churning sea so close to making a connection somewhere in the recesses of his being. He was put in the mind of the artificial reef he’d awoken in-- pinned, scared and without a trace of memory-- but had no idea how they could be related. More than anyone, he knew how heavy the construct was; it seemed wholly antithetical to the gentle rocking that only occurred above the waterline.
Frustrated with his lack of progress, but not surprised, he let out a heavy sigh and pitched it halfway through, low in his throat. He didn’t know what purpose this ability served, as none of the other merfolk could hear when he dipped into this range, but it was cathartic; he could cry for the fact that the clan had been so kind, so welcoming, and he still didn’t belong. He could lament that there was something wrong with him, that he still felt sickness in between the beating of his heart, and he feared he would never escape it.
He could admit, in tones no one would ever hear, that he didn’t know how much longer he could bear the solitude before it consumed him whole.
Though he knew perfectly well that she was unable to parse his voice like this, it died in his throat as Dawn poked her head up from the waves. Unwilling to have a conversation with her in such an undignified position, he turned over and dipped back below the water so they could speak properly.
“Is rebuilding going well?” He asked, following up from the last topic they’d touched upon, “Has there been any recovering from the salt water?”
The humans weren’t bad, he knew-- and had known for as long as he could recall-- they were just scared. For as disastrous as the region’s flooding had been, the one silver lining was that it had given the clans cause to cooperate with the villagers and, slowly, the merfolk were beginning to make progress. He couldn’t be certain how the humans looked upon the situation, but they accepted aid, at least, and that was something.
“It’s...” There was a conspicuous pause. “Going. That’s not why I came to talk, actually.”
“No?” He asked, unable to find it in himself to be surprised. Dawn was like the sea itself at times, ever shifting, just shy of capricious.
“No. I don’t want to jump the gun or anything, but I think I met someone who knew you before! He’s waiting for us at the bluff.”
He blinked at her, the words sitting at the surface of his thoughts for several seconds before sinking in, “What makes you believe that this individual and I share any sort of connection? I don’t mean to cast doubt, but if even I’m unable to say with any certainty...”
“He was looking for someone called Ingo.” She said, and while there was a twitch of her tail that suggested it wasn’t the whole truth, Ingo was too caught up in that declaration to catch it. “He looks like you, too. A scary amount.”
“He’s also an orca?” It might be nice, he thought, to physically be on the same level as someone for a change-- unmarked as the odd man out in this regard, on top of everything else that made him feel so detached from the clan.
“Well… no, it’s mostly in the face. But your coats are basically the same!”
Interesting. That, more than anything else, lent credence to her theory. As strongly as he felt about his name, his complete lack of any other personal details meant that he couldn’t be entirely sure it was what he’d used prior to waking up beneath the ruins. The fact that this person was seeking someone of the same name was noteworthy, but not conclusive. The resemblance was also compelling, but could be explained by a mimic octopus or the like.
His clothes, however, had been a subject of bewilderment among the clan for some time. Drag caused his coat to hinder his movement and speed, and it was constantly becoming caught on bits of rock or other hazards. His hat was somewhat more practical, helping him see above the water on bright days, but beneath the waves, all it did was threaten to fly away if caught in the mildest of currents. Even if this was a misunderstanding and Dawn’s contact didn’t know of him, perhaps he could ask what the utility was.
“I see.” He narrowly refrained from breathing it out as a sigh; there was little use in speculating if confirmation or denial really was so near, “If he’s waiting, we ought not to leave him at the station. Are you ready to depart for the Clamberclaw Bluffs?”
Dawn took him by the forefinger and smiled at him-- and where he occasionally saw a flash of pity in it, there was nothing but anticipation.
“Let’s go!” She said, tugging him forward, a current all her own.
Ingo allowed it to happen, allowed her to be the force driving his tired cab onward. Maybe, when they reached their destination, there would be someone there to meet it.
The first indication that Emmet was no longer alone on the rocky outcropping was Dawn hefting herself up onto the edge with the grace of someone still adjusting to that specific workout. He refrained from commenting on that fact both because he liked to think himself polite and because something else stole his attention away shortly thereafter.
Offset from where she’d appeared, the water warped unnaturally, and it took a second for him to realize that it was because it was something else was surfacing, something massive enough to distort the water as it rose.
“Oh,” Said his brother’s voice, loud as one of his directing calls whilst somehow maintaining a sort of gentle surprise, “You’re human.”
Even though he’d been warned as much, as he blinked upwards, trying to process the reality he’d found himself living, he said, “You’re… not.”
“Was… was I supposed to be?” Ingo turned his head as he said it, a hand curling to rest against his lips-- and it was so achingly familiar that, for just a second, it was possible to overlook the fact that his forearm had to be longer than Emmet’s full height.
“Yes?” He half-asked, trying to keep his expression from dipping into anything too ridiculous in his incredulity, “To my knowledge, identical siblings are usually the same species.”
The animate half of Ingo’s face scrunched, puzzled, and he leaned over on his arms to put them on the same level. He spent several seconds silently assessing Emmet, before returning with, “We do look quite similar, don’t we?”
“Identical.” Emmet repeated, insistent, and he couldn’t keep his voice from crackling on it, “We are-- we’re supposed to be identical twins.”
“And I take it from your response that you were never an orca?” His brother said, a little helplessly.
“No.” At that, however, he stepped forward, emboldened both by the certainty that this was somehow his missing twin-- all but confirming that he had never been in any danger-- and a suddenly-consuming curiosity.
Ingo watched his approach, but did nothing to stop him. The only movement was that of one enormous, clawed hand tucking itself into the tattered remains of the opposite sleeve and, abruptly, Emmet realized he was still wearing his uniform’s hat and coat. The hat and coat that had been commissioned in tandem with the ones Emmet wore right now. Emmet, who was notably human-sized.
The nearer he drew, the more clearly he could make out the black mass in the water beyond, a shadow that stretched and curved into an undeniably fish-shaped tail, floating just high enough for a dorsal fin to cut through the surface.
With a new clarity, he looked up, taking in the black patches that both camouflaged the actual lines under his brother’s eyes and made his weariness look orders worse, and asked, “Was the whale song your doing?”
The too-pale skin of Ingo’s face went faintly pink. “You were able to hear that?”
Emmet felt his face crack into a grin, “You are not quiet.”
“No, no, you misunderstand,” He tried, though the flush only intensified at the comment, “The frequency is inaudible to the other merfolk. I didn’t think anyone else was physically able to hear it.”
“Wait,” Said a mildly-familiar voice and, with a start, Emmet remembered they weren’t alone, “Is that what you’re doing when you float on the surface like a dead fish? You’re just screaming into the sky?”
“That is-- no. Not in the slightest!”
“If he yelled, you would know. Even as a human.” The commentary earned him a downward glance through narrowed eyes.
“Regardless,” Ingo said, transparently trying to get them back on a track that didn’t lead to further teasing, “I’m surprised that you were able to discern it without being a mer yourself.”
Emmet hummed, considering that, and then turned his head. “I’m not. Other people cannot read your face, but I can. It makes sense that I can understand you now, too.”
“Because you’re… my twin brother.” Ingo said haltingly, testing the words for himself as if to see if they were any more convincing in his own voice.
Emmet smiled, though not without an edge of melancholy, letting him reach a conclusion in his own time. That wasn’t disbelief, he knew, but it was plain to see how lost his brother was, and hurrying him wouldn’t help.
He wouldn’t push, but… but maybe it would be okay to make sure this was real, that he hadn’t hit his head upon arriving in Hisui and managed to fool himself into thinking this might finally be it.
Holding one hand up to indicate a lack of aggression-- as if something so small could do anything to hurt someone with the proportions of a killer whale-- he took a tentative, questioning step forward and asked, “Can I touch?”
Ingo blinked at him, focused momentarily on his palm, and then back on his face. In lieu of an answer, he rested his head on his arms in full, putting himself in range to reach more comfortably. His bright, bright eyes tracked the motion until he couldn’t any longer, and he breathed out, slow and impossibly long.
The skin beneath Emmet’s hand was dark, the stripe of it trailing up to a floppy ear and down below the line of a collar, but still warm and still undeniably human. He’d half expected it to feel rubbery under his touch, but the biggest difference was the subtle grit of drying salt. He was reminded intensely of the summer their family visited the Decolore Islands and specifically of when, as a joke, he’d tried to push his brother into the water, only for Ingo to clutch his hand that much more tightly and send the both of them tumbling in. Having to go on in wet clothes had been bad enough until they began to dry, contrasting outfits stiff with the residual salt on their persons. As children, it had been unbearable. He could only hope it didn’t itch the same way, now.
He only realized he’d spaced out at the renewed rumble as his twin began to speak again, “--not sure. Are you still with us, Emmet?”
For a second, he froze in place, and then drew his hand back, breaking out into an unburdened smile. Beaming up at his brother, he said, “Ingoooooo, I never told you my name.”
Ingo’s brow furrowed as he mentally played the conversation back, and then he glanced to Dawn, who held her hands up and shook her head. When that failed to yield any plausible explanation, his gaze flitted back over to Emmet, uncertain, as if he’d done something wrong.
“It’s good!” Emmet said before his twin could start to reverse down the tracks, “I do not know what happened, but you’re still you. That is all that matters to me.”
As quietly as he was physically capable of with such robust lungs, Ingo repeated “My brother,” to himself, already coming to terms with the idea, and Emmet stepped forward again.
He leaned into his twin’s shoulder, heedless of the water that immediately soaked through his coat, and, as best he could, pressed the side of his face to Ingo’s. Against his own side, he felt a pulse speed up, powered by a heart that was finally large enough to match the outpouring of love its owner had always put into the world.
A hand moved to cradle his back, painstaking in the care behind it, and within two beats of that massive heart, the whale song began anew.
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Pusheen Mermay Headcanons
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Summary: Pusheen is depicted in these headcanons as a meow-maid, also known as a purr-maid or purr-maiden, a cat creature from the depths who is both endearing and charming.
Ao3 version
• Treasure hunting is a favorite pastime of hers, and she enjoys sharing her findings with friends and other marine creatures who have helped her in the past.
• As a fashionable feline, she enjoys decorating her hair with starfish and seashells.
• Clam cookies and fish crackers are what she likes to snack on.
• She is fond of visiting coves and shores and observing the beauty of the surface world.
• She is capable of communicating with any fish.
• Receiving compliments from sailors will make her blush beautifully.
• When relaxing on a pool float, she has a tendency to flick her tail back and forth in the water.
• Her mornings begin with jellyfish jam spread on toast.
• She has a fondness for hosting underwater tea parties and soaking in some suds after the event has ended.
• One day, she stumbled upon a Rare Mermaid Pusheenicorn having a magical swim in the seabeds and made the decision to befriend her.
• She has a fondness for blowing bubbles with her sister Stormy, who shares the same species as her.
• She also has a fondness for playing "Sharks and Minnows" with her brother Pip, a kitty shark, and with actual sharks and minnows.
• She likes to get her cutie sleep inside sea scallops.
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murfeelee · 5 months
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IWTV INSP - MerMay Pt6: Venus Girdles
They swam further along, out of the forest, and then deeper, down past the current rock shelf. Lestat’s hand was firm in his own, feeling like an anchor, as they moved further down into the depths. It slowly got darker, the glow off Lestat and himself seeming increasingly bright as they swam, until the faint glow had become like liquid sunlight drawn over them. “Look at that,” Louis said breathlessly, hand automatically coming out of Lestat’s grip to point. It was like a thick giant ribbon in the water, translucent apart from the rainbow shooting through it, moving fluidly as it swam. “It’s a Venus Girdle,” Lestat said with a smile as Louis looked back at him. “Is it safe to approach it?” Louis asked, fascinated. “Go ahead,” Lestat encouraged, “Why don’t you try some song?” Louis hummed, trying to project no harm, no danger, friend on a little loop into the hum like Lestat had. He wasn’t sure how successful it was but Louis was able to catch up with the creature, able to see each glowing piece of internal comb shift and move within its transparent skin as it swam. Louis kept pace with it, swimming alongside it as it wove through the water, and watched it intently. It was marvellous, like something out of a dream. Louis reached out, letting it brush against his hand, it felt like soft leather despite its translucence. Louis swam back to Lestat, feeling slightly giddy, and they continued to descend. 
-- Excerpts from Part of Your World, by @weather-mood
My [Thalassophobia] entry for @vamptember's MerMay VC event!
I can't swim, so I'm not effing with the ocean. Some deep sea creatures are really cool, but others are straight up demonic.
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- I redid the Venus Girdle I uploaded here, so that it glows the way I originally wanted it to. It'll be uploaded in Pt2.
- Angler fish in beta by me
- Poses by Mia8
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steviestits · 4 months
Steviestits's Masterpost
General Info
Name: Alex Age: 36 Pronouns: They/Them Prompt Guidelines: Accepted Subjects Ao3 Account: LouderSwine Icon & Banner Credit: BoneBoyBird
(Complete Tag and Masterlist under cut)
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General Tag List
Answered Asks
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WIP Wednesday
My Fics
My Bad MS Paint Art
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WIP Wednesday Tag List
WIP Snippets
Fantasy Prompts
Fic Naming
MerMay Prompts
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Steddie Fics Masterlist
By The Pricking of My Thumb
After Jonathan bashed Steve's head into the pavement, Steve remembered he had powers, setting off a chain reaction from Nancy breaking up with him early to certain enemies showing up sooner than expected.
Status: Ongoing Ao3 Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #sevensteveau Rating: Teen Trigger Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
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The Heart Of Loch Nora
Kas aka Eddie takes over Prince Steve's kingdom and keeps Steve captive before brainwashing him into being his mate.
Status: Completed Ao3 Link: Click here Tumblr Tag: #heart of loch nora (includes art for fic) Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Extremely Dubious Consent, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Brainwashing, Gaslighting, Stockholm Syndrome, Mind Manipulation, Mind Control, Forced Feminization, Body Modification, Blood Drinking, Mild Gore, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
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I Move the Stars For No One
Labyrinth inspired, but they share zero plot points. Steve becomes King Edward's possession after stumbling onto a fairy circle.
Status: Ongoing Ao3 Link: (Coming after completion of first chapter) Masterpost Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #starsfornoone Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Child abuse, Feminization, Mating Rituals, Heats/Ruts but not the Omegaverse kind
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In The Family Way
Addams Family Values au set in the Omegaverse after the events of the movie with Steve as Debbie and Eddie as Fester.
Status: Ongoing Ao3 Link: Click Here Masterpost Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #inthefamilyway Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Attempted Murder as a love language
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I’ve Seen My Future, And You’re It
Before Stevie met Mr. Henderson, a science teacher at her school, her life was simple. She was a teenage boy living in the year 2024 and didn’t care about all this science crap, but not only has she turned into a girl, she’s traveled back in time to the year 1986 and is now stuck there!
Status: Ongoing Ao3 Link: (Coming after completion of first chapter) Masterpost Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #futureyoureit Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Genderbend, Brainwashing, Electric Stimulation, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Gaslighting, Feminization
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My God Longs For Me
Horror story where Steve was abducted by a cult and meets his future husband, Eddie, only for them to be separated when the police break-up the cult. Years later on a camping trip, Steve's friends begin to be murdered, which somehow has to do with the cult from his past.
Status: Ongoing Ao3 Link: (Coming after completion of first chapter) Masterpost Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #mygodlongsforme Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Feminization, Brainwashing, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Ritual Sacrifices, Gore, Mpreg, Body Horror, Monster Fucking
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Siren's Call, Sailor's Fall
Lost Boys Au but with mermaids instead of vampires, and the mermaids win.
Status: Ongoing Ao3 Link: Click Here Masterpost Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #lostmerau Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Hypnosis, Extremely Dubious Consent, Feminization in the Clownfish type of way, Mermaid Transformation, Bad Guys Win
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System Hacked
Eddie hacks into Steve's terminal and alters Steve's body and mind to his liking.
Status: Completed Ao3 Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #system hacked Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Mind Manipulation, Brainwashing, Stalking, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Extremely Dubious Consent, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Forced Feminization
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Urban Legend
Legend has it that there's a monster that stalks the campus of Hawkins University, who devours those careless enough to wander into its grasp. Not mentioned, however, is that monster is looking for a mate and has set its sights on Steve.
Status: Ongoing Ao3 Link: Click Here Tumblr Tag: #urbanlegend Rating: Explicit Trigger Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Mind Manipulation, Brainwashing, Stalking, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Extremely Dubious Consent, Body Modification, Forced Feminization, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
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Divider borders by Saradika
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violetstormms · 1 year
FNAF Sun and Moon x yn Fic List Update
This is update 1 for my FNAF Sun and Moon x yn fic list. www.tumblr.com/violetstormms/710457016218435584/sunmoon-fnaf-fanfic-recommendation-list?
As always look at the tags and read at your own discretion as while I will try not to include explicit material in this list, the stories can contain other mature content. If you want to see future updates to this list feel free to follow the “Violetstormm fic list updates” tag
When I have more time I will also be adding fics from my mermay list as well just to have everything in one place. The list will still be left up though as people seem to like that one.
Change: old vers Heart, Mind & Soul by SmolShampoo updated to new version.
+All Around the Mulberry Bush by Chaussette_et_Chaussures
The monkey chased the weasel
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun
POP! Goes the weasel.
The Fazbear corporation has always been surrounded by dark rumors, so was every other heavy hitter in the entertainment industry. Conspiracy theories and creepypastas abound. But when you took a job working as a repair technician, it slowly becomes more and more clear as to why you're the only one anymore. And in the dark crypt-like atmosphere of parts and services, you can't help but wonder if there isn't some grain of truth to everything you've heard.
(Please mind the tags)
`The Unseen Friend by EllaspenFrost
"The pizzeria's extensive dark past was lost to almost everyone...
Not you.
A ghost knows all the dirty secrets of its final resting place."
You are the pizzaplex's resident spirit. You were there when the place was built, and watched events unfold for the unfortunate animatronics that entertained the public. Your favorite animatronic, previously performing in the theater, was re-purposed as a daycare attendant. Though it takes several years, Sun and Moon begin to realize that they were never as alone as they believed. Someone had always been there with them.
*Thing on your swing by SourTomato
Yay cheap housing!
Why is it so cheap? Probably has something to do with mushrooms!
~A Song of the Seas by StarForgedStories
You don’t know what possessed you to buy that boat. Was it just a whim? A wish for a bit of adventure? To flee from the only life you'd ever known? Or perhaps even the call of something far more alluring than just the sea itself...
The sea has many mysteries within its dark depths and you're going to uncover them, whether you like it or not.
+Golden Midnight by friendcharlie
Recovering from severe depression and isolation, you're accepted into a position at the newly rebuilt and remodeled Mega Pizzaplex. You're expecting a tedious and boring customer service job, but after meeting your celestial-themed coworkers, it might be more than you bargained for.
~Crush Depth by NaffEclipse
You stare out the forward viewport—the window. The sub’s only window. Blood splashes against the thick glass. It is human blood. It fills an ocean on Moon FZ-87. The atmosphere is dark and barren, speckled with the ghostly light of stars that have been gone for decades.
This is the last view you have of anything above the blood ocean surface. Futility sinks roots into your ribs.
DCA x Reader (SFW)
~Song Fish Amid the Stars by NaffEclipse
A pang hits your heart, going out to the little fish struggling to escape the cruel and entrapping lagoon.
But they look like mers. Sea monsters.
Mermaid!Sun & Mermaid!Moon x Reader (SFW)
*Celestial Sundown by clutterspace
There was something slumped beneath a tree, and you had no idea what it was.
The sunlight shone brighter where it laid, despite the leaves above not differing from any of the other foliage.
It was such a small thing to notice in comparison to everything else, but it brought a small hysterical giggle out past the lump in your throat as it finally clicked in place what you were seeing.
It was a god.
You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
+*So(u)l by Strawbubbysugar
It will take every single sign the universe can throw at you to realize that you are capable of being loved. Specifically, by an animatronic daycare attendant.
Check out @strawbubbysugar on Tumblr for art related to the AU!
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pomrania · 1 year
For June 2023, I’m planning to do an art event where I’ll be drawing people’s queer D&D (or other gaming system) characters. That means I’ll need people with queer characters who want me to draw those characters. It’s the same thing as I did the last two years; but if you weren’t here for that, I’ll explain it now.
The TLDR is that if you have a queer D&D character (Pathfinder character, GURPS, Monster of the Week, any other gaming system), leave a comment here or send me a message, so I can work out a list of people who might be interested. If you’re not sure if something counts, ask me.
So, the non-TLDR version. There’s an event AdorkaStock has run called “Draw Everything June”, where new poses are put out for each weekday in June. (That worthy is being less active on dA, and currently has plans to host the event on their own site; if it doesn’t work out, then I’d use a different way to get their poses.) The pose is released the night before; I make a post about it, asking who’s interested; the next morning I check the replies, get into contact with someone who was interested in it, and I use that pose to draw their character.
You might notice that this requires me to know what their character looks like. If somebody already has good visual reference for their character, that’s great. If they don’t have reference for their character, then I can work with that; more specifically, work with THEM, to make a reference sheet I can use. And if they don’t really know what their character looks like, I can ALSO work with that, and help them figure out what their character might look like.
I can do all that stuff while working on a picture, but I’d really rather do it ahead of time. (Plus that’ll give me something to do that isn’t my Mermay piece, which is always good.) Thus, why I’m making this post now.
A few things I need to address:
“I don’t want to impose --” This isn’t imposing. This is literally me asking for people to let me draw their characters. Can I make it any more explicit?
“I’m sure you have lots of other characters to draw instead of mine --” Sometimes that happens, but in the past, what’s more often is that I don’t have ANY characters for a pose, and I have to hunt around for anyone who might be able to help, and/or beg.
“You’ve already drawn stuff for me --” And I’m perfectly capable of choosing someone else to draw stuff for, if I decide to, and all else being equal, I’ll generally pick a person who hasn’t gotten art from me before. BUT that’s “all else being equal”; and I’d really much rather have a lot of options to choose from.
“You literally drew my character last year.” Which means that your character will have lower priority (but maybe there’s a pose they’d be perfect for). I’d still like you to leave a note here, because I have a terrible memory for people; I’m not joking when I say that I can’t remember who it was, even if I chatted with you a lot about it. (I have literally forgotten that it was my MOTHER who did certain things; if HER identity can slip my mind, please believe me when I say it’s nothing personal.)
“I have multiple characters.” Awesome; some poses have two or three figures in them, and it’s easier when I just have one person to talk to about it, instead of two different people for two different characters.
“Why don’t you draw your own characters?” Because of how my brain works. Seriously.
“Here’s my character, you can just use them for whatever pose you choose.” That doesn’t work for me.
“I probably won’t be available while you’d be working on a drawing.” Then we’ll just have to work out as much as possible ahead of time; and while I prefer having regular feedback from the person whose character I’m drawing, so long as I know ahead of time that you won’t be around (and thus I won’t worry that you’re ignoring me), I can manage without it.
“But what about --” If you’ve any further questions, just ask them; not only am I not a mind reader, I’m also somewhat tired at the moment, so I prolly forgot to include a bunch of stuff.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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PART 2 HERE. for my other Ikevamp works, go here!
⤶ go back to masterlist navigation
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💕special selection:
Emergency Nap(-oleon)! [fluff] Tags: Menstruation; period cramps; Sleepy couch cuddles;napping; Fluff
Our Little Family [fluff & smut] Tags: Dad!Napoleon headcanonss + scenarious; Parenthood; Married Life; Kid Fic; Pregnancy; original kid characters; Bedtime Stories; Baby Names; Bad Cooking; Chores; Tea Parties; Light Angst; Past Lives; Dad!Napoleon; Mom!Reader; the mansion’s residents are good uncles; Fluff; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; Domestic Fluff; Eventual Smut; Massage; Body Worship; Cunnilingus; Quickies; Hand Jobs; Morning Sex
KISSAHOLIC [smut] Tags: Bickering; Femdom to Maledom; Light Dom/sub; Lipstick; Kissing; Marking; Neck Kissing; Teasing; Nipple Play; Blow Jobs; Dirty Talk; Vaginal Sex; Size Kink; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Post-Sex Cuddless
Making a home [fluff & smut] Tags: Househusband!Napoleon headcanons + scenarios; Domestic fluff; Married characters; Working wife MC; Bathing/Washing; Massage; Foot Massage; Chores; Cooking; House Cleaning; Smut; Somnophilia; Blow Jobs; Oral Sex; Face-Fucking; Rough Oral Sex; Lap Sex; Dirty Talk; Bathroom Sex; Bathtub Sex; Vanilla; Riding; Lazy Mornings; Lazy Sex; Creampie; Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Memories [fluff]Tags: Very slightly suggestive themes; Anniversary Celebrations; Filming; Travelogue; Time Travel; They’re now living in the 21st century; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Cooking; Horseback Riding; Dancing; Suggestive Themes; Humor; Fluff; Kissing
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❣ all works (latest -> oldest)
Kink Headcanons for Napoleon (+ his rating on them) [ALWAYS ACCEPTING REQUESTS FOR MORE]:
🦶 foot fetish  🥵 breeding kink  🥕 pregging  😈 dom/sub  🍈 breast kink  ⛓ bondage  🩸 period kink  👄 marking  🐺 predator/prey  🏙 public sex  🤗 praise kink  👅 cunnilingus
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event:  🤲- Do the classic “Can you hold something for me” 🤲- Do the classic “Can you hold something for me” (2) 💋 - Pull them in for a sudden fierce kiss 🎼- Serenade them with a love song 🎼- Serenade them with a love song (2)
Paradiso Terrestre part 1 ; part 2 ; part 3 [multichapter] Tags: Vacation; Birthday; Fluff
When you're feeling cold... [fluff] Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling; Sleepy Cuddles; Morning Cuddles; All the cuddles; Spooning; Little spoon Napo anyone?; Blushing Napo; Sharing Body Heat
Napoleon Gets Ready for a Date [crack] Tags: All 12 residents & MC; Humor; Crack; Dress Up 
Sunkissed Nunuche [fluff] Tags: Banter; Silliness; Sunburns
Ikemen MLM & WLW stories ficlets: quello che vuoi, lo ottieni - Mafia AU - Napoleon x Wellington wings of freedom - Magic AU - Napoleon x Genderbent!MC treasure - Pirate/Mermaid AU - Napoleon x Jean uncovered - Soulmates AU - Napoleon x Jean
KISSAHOLIC [smut] Tags: Bickering; Femdom to Maledom; Light Dom/sub; Lipstick; Kissing; Marking; Neck Kissing; Teasing; Nipple Play; Blow Jobs; Dirty Talk; Vaginal Sex; Size Kink; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Post-Sex Cuddless
In the Month of May - Chapters 1-10 ; Chapters 10-20 ; Chapters 20-31 [multichapter] Tags: MerMay 2023; Mermaid AU; Mermaid!Mitsuki; Developing Relationship; Retelling of Napoleon's route; Angst; Blood and Injury; Humor; Fluff; Love Confessions; First kiss
Hors d'oeuvre of What Now?! [fluff] Tags: Married Characters; Vacation; Lunch; Dates; Humor
Chemtrails Over Our Secret Spot [fluff]Tags: Picnics; Painting; Dates; Fluff; Humor; Married Characters
Le petit-déjeuner [fluff]Tags: fluff; kissing; morning kisses; hand kisses; contains one suggestive line
Catboy!Napoleon[headcanons] Tags: fluff, catboy traits, Napoleon is both vampire and catboy
Nap, Napo, Napster, Napoleoni, Napoleoncito, et cetera[fluff]Tags: nicknames, humor, !! slightly suggestive
Up The Hill [fluff] Tags: hiking; dates
Our Little Family[fluff & smut]Tags: Dad!Napoleon headcanonss + scenarious; Parenthood; Married Life; Kid Fic; Pregnancy; original kid characters; Bedtime Stories; Baby Names; Bad Cooking; Chores; Tea Parties; Light Angst; Past Lives; Dad!Napoleon; Mom!Reader; the mansion’s residents are good uncles; Fluff; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; Domestic Fluff; Eventual Smut; Massage; Body Worship; Cunnilingus; Quickies; Hand Jobs; Morning Sex
Attention On Me![fluff]Tags: fluff; christmas shopping; sharing a scarf; kissing
Blow My Brains Out [smut]Tags:Gυn Kink; Bad Use of Police Equipment; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Deepthroating A GυN; and not just the gυn; deranged smut; Blow Jobs; Come Swallowing; Police Uniforms 
The Catastrophe(Napoleon x Wellington) [crack]Tags: Crack Treated Seriously; Humor; Light Angst; they’re fighting :( ; Arguing; Shapeshifting; Making Up; Happy Ending; reference to that one scene at the cliff; Established Relationship; Kissing; Sexual Tension (just a lil bit); Fluff; Naps; also present in the fic are: Sebastian, Arthur, Theo, Vincent, Dazai, Comte
Emergency Nap(-oleon)![fluff] Tags: Menstruation; period cramps; Sleepy couch cuddles;napping; Fluff
Memories [fluff]Tags: Very slightly suggestive themes; Anniversary Celebrations; Filming; Travelogue; Time Travel; They’re now living in the 21st century; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Cooking; Horseback Riding; Dancing; Suggestive Themes; Humor; Fluff; Kissing
Making a home[fluff & smut] Tags: Househusband!Napoleon headcanons + scenarios; Domestic fluff; Married characters; Working wife MC; Bathing/Washing; Massage; Foot Massage; Chores; Cooking; House Cleaning; Smut; Somnophilia; Blow Jobs; Oral Sex; Face-Fucking; Rough Oral Sex; Lap Sex; Dirty Talk; Bathroom Sex; Bathtub Sex; Vanilla; Riding; Lazy Mornings; Lazy Sex; Creampie; Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Methods of War(Napoleon x Wellington x Alexander I (OC)) [smut] Tags: Threesome - M/M/M; Poly relationship; Humor; a very rare angry Napo; Light Bondage; Historical Inaccuracy (because we use xmas lights as a plot device); Nipple Play; Neck Kissing; Orgasm Denial; Riding; Anal Sex; Blow Jobs; Body Worship; Banter
But baby, it’s cold outside! [fluff] Tags: sharing clothes; hot chocolate
A piece of heaven on earth[fluff & smut]Tags: Cottagecore headcanons + scenarios; Domestic fluff; Moving out; Moving in together; Married characters; Outdoor sex; Cunnilingus
White-hot spotlight [smut]Tags: Rock star!Napoleon; Rock stars AU; Backstage sex; Semi-public sex; Piercings; Tongue Piercings; Making out; Blowjobs; Choking; Come swallowing
Leave it to you to make a mess of me(Napoleon x Wellington) [smut] Tags: First Time; Spit As Lube; Clothed Sex; Anal Fingering; Anal Sex; Banter; Teasing; Eventual Fluff;  Humor
Out of red and blue[smut]Tags: Making out; French kissing
Head in the clouds[smut] Tags: Modern AU; Pilot! Napoleon; Sеx on a plane; Semi-public sеx; Blowjobs; Vaginal fingering; Come swallowing
A Temporary Truce[fluff]Tags: Theater; Crossdressing; Feelings; they get sappy; mc being the strong woman she is
Vanilla Sunday[fluff]Tags: Birthday fic; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Teacher Napoleon; Established Relationship; Birthday Fluff; Morning Cuddles; Fluff; Domestic Fluff
The kind of thing people do on honeymoons [smut] Tags:  Honeymoon; Sex on the Beach; Public Sex; Vampire Bites; Blood Drinking
The day my heart stopped (almost) forever [hurt/comfort] Tags: written for Napoleon’s d/eath-anniversary; becomes very fluffy and wholesome; the other residents make an appearance 
He’s about to cry…[crack] Tags: based on a poorly made ikevamp app; implied sexual content
Bitter, bitter, honey (Napoleon x Wellington) [hurt/comfort] Tags: amnesia; bittersweet 
Fit for a Princess[fluff] Tags: Morning cuddles; Dreams; Banter
Yume Week 2020 DAY 1: First[fluff] Tags: humor; massage 
Yume Week 2020 DAY 2: Flowers[fluff] Tags: slightly suggestive; drunk characters; alcohol; bathtubs; bathing with clothes on; flowers 
Yume Week 2020 DAY 3: Confession[fluff] Tags: humor; Truth or Dare; the other residents making an appearance 
Yume Week 2020 DAY 4: Rain[fluff] Tags: naps; laundry incidents; angry sebastian 
Yume Week 2020 DAY 5: Fate[fluff] Tags: lots of dialogue; strolling; dates; humor; suggestive language
Yume Week 2020 DAY 6: Sorry[fluff] Tags: humor; jealousy; misunderstandings; arthur is involved
Last morning of the year[fluff] Tags:  Morning cuddles and kisses
Lost with you[hurt/comfort] Tags: bittersweet
salvus diluculo[hurt/comfort] Tags: fluff at the end 
Keep me in pursuit[smut] Tags: Hand Jobs; Glove Kink; Semi-Public Sex
Eyes on you[smut] Tags: Mirror sex; Teasing, Vaginal sex; Creampie
A master’s order (Napoleon x Sebastian) [smut] Tags: Dom/Sub undertones; Orgasm denial, Crying; Anal sex; Ass slapping; Begging
No conclusion[smut] Tags:  Making out, Vampire bites
i. We slept side by side [ snooze ] [fluff] Tags: suggestive themes
ii. We laughed [ école ] [fluff] Tags: Napoleon’s students; humor; 
iii. We fought a bear or two [ dessert ] [fluff] Tags: cooking; humor; kissing 
iv. We swirled together [ dance ] [fluff] Tags: dancing competition
v. We remembered the past [ letter ] [fluff] Tags: emotions; crying 
vi. We wondered about the future [ home ] [fluff] Tags: the other residents making an appearance; gardening 
vii. We were madly in love [ fangs ] [smut] Tags: vampire bites; oral sex; vaginal fingering; vaginal sex; creampie 
viii. We saw the first snow [ garret ] [fluff] Tags: late night conversations
ix. We welcomed the day [ field ] [fluff] Tags: implied sexual content; horse riding 
x. We were happy, awfully happy. [ celebrations ] [fluff] Tags: birthday fic; the other residents making an appearance; humor; surprises; birthday presents; birthday party 
Make the moon jealous of our love [smut] Tags:  Vaginal sex, Outdoor sex; Sex in the water 
Miserere mei [AO3 ONLY] - [angst] Tags: no MC; nightmares; past trauma; character d/eath; blood and injury 
J'en ai rêvé [AO3 ONLY] - [fluff] Tags: singing; tooth-rotting fluff
The touch of your lips [AO3 ONLY] [smut] Tags: Quickies, Lap sex, Vaginal sex, Creampie
A butler’s job [AO3 ONLY] - (Napoleon/Sebastian) [smut] Tags: Blowjobs, somnophilia; choking
Game The Mess [AO3 ONLY] [hurt/comfort] Tags: bittersweet; napoleon remembering things from the past 
Le temps de l'amour [AO3 ONLY] [smut] Tags: Cock Worship; Hand Jobs; Cum Fetish; Lipstick; Teasing
Not even in dreams we could be [AO3 ONLY] [hurt/comfort] Tags: past trauma; nightmares; mentions of d/eath; angst; mentions of fire 
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phlebaswrites · 9 months
Phlebas Fandom Year in Review (2023)
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Continuing on from the Fandom Year in Review that I did last year, this was me in 2023.
The Basics
New stories: 91 Word Count: 189,395 Events: 12 Event stories: 73
Fandom Event Breakdown
2023 Year of the OTP: 12 stories Izuna Week 2023: 7 stories Three Sentence Ficathon 2023 : 3 stories Tobirama Week 2023: 7 stories Kisame Birthday Bash 2023: 3 stories MerMay 2023: 3 stories Prompts for Pride 2023: 13 stories Naruto RarePair Week 2023: 7 stories Otsutsuki Week: 1 story Tales Under the Lamplight: 2 stories Hashirama Week 2023: 8 stories MadaTobi Week 2023: 7 stories
Fandom & Top 5 Ship Breakdown
Naruto: 90 stories Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara: 16 Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Hikaku/Uchiha Izuna: 12 Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Izuna: 10 Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara: 7 Senju Hashirama/Uchiha Madara/Uzumaki Mito: 5
Inception (2010): 1 story Gen
(All of the statistics here are taken from AO3 - I don’t keep a personal count.)
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The snippets in the images above were taken from the following stories:
January: Staking a Claim (On Your Heart) February: Riding the Waves March: Playing With Pups April: Suigetsu Sees Sai (Really Sees Him) May: Summer and Sunshine June: Fabulous Females July: The Only Living Boy in Konoha August: The Past (Is Always With You) September: Dango and the Divine October: A Heart (Full of You) November: Seeing Yourself in My Eyes December: Wielding a Weapon
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aut2imagineart · 1 year
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For the art event of MerMay I wanted to make some sketches to celebrate it.  The I included three ideas of mine on the top and three fan arts below.  Top left is an alien Diva (working name Bea) from a Don Bluth inspired story of mine titled “Galena”.  Top middle is my genie OC Zakiyah as a mermaid.  Top left is a blast from the past; my take of one of the posthuman species from Dougal Dixon’s book Man After Man called the Aquatics.  Bottom left is Classic Harley Quinn wielding her signature hammer.  Bottom middle is my current favorite mermaid Mermista from She-Ra and The Princesses of Power.  Lastly bottom right is Seraphina, a mermaid who appeared in the Disney Channel series Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure.
Harley Quinn Belongs to DC comics, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power belong to ND Stevenson, and Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure belongs to Disney.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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alicedrawslesmis · 2 years
#and I just need to say how much I love the way you did the scales and tails and general mer-anatomy#it was a delight and a revelation#and I don't even want ti think about how many fish studies you had to do first via @shitpostingfromthebarricade
(this is about the mermay 2022 drawings)
actually let me share some art notes!
I didn't do any fish studies for this event, except for the beta fish, but I did for the Javert turning into a mermaid comic from a while back. That's when I ran into the big ProblemTM with mermaid anatomy. Cause most of the general public will associate mermaids with Ariel. Now, Ariel is good enough design
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the problem is that she has a fish tail that is positioned and shaped like a whale tail, so it looks more human and she can bend it like legs instead of side-to-side like a fish. That was the compromise the animators did
Now, I wanted to give my mermaids proper fish tails. When I was making the Javert one, I went through a whole research rabit hole (of which I saved zero links and forgot everything. Thanks past me) to make a little nod to Javert's (most likely) ethnicity by drawing him as a fresh water fish from Punjab? I believe it was Punjab? Again, should've saved the links. I didn't make it explicit I just wanted to choose a fish
So I made the whole drawing, all the individual scales, only for me to realize that I had messed up the tail position because of disney mermaid bias. I had to change the whole thing and it was very annoying
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(and to cap it off I positioned the fish tail upside down. Again, no one but me will notice this. It's a mermaid, it's not real)
That's where I solidified the mermaid anatomy I would use for mermay
now, you will also notice that my drawings were disproportionately sharks during that whole month. 1- I've swam with sharks they're very chill and I have some 1:1 experience with how they move, how they swim, what their bodies look like in water and out (I'd describe it as a creature made of thick latex) 2- Speaking of latex:
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a while ago I made this prop shark for a movie I was working on. Her name is Suellen. I had to physically sculpt her in foam and latex
My hottest art take is that better than making studies from photos I NEED to see the thing move. Videos are my best friends but having access to the thing in real life is even better. How it relates to other objects is more important than making a photorealistic but soulless drawing.
Again, this is bias because I know which of my drawings were made with artistic intent and which were made from a vacuum and other people don't. But I still feel very strongly that one IRL experience with the thing is more important than a thousand photos. So I'd made a shark tail and now I was familiar enough to be able to imagine them in different poses and stuff. Hence, shark mermaids
A more tangible example: If you'd never seen a human outside of portraits, you wouldn't know that we're squishy! Fish are much the same, they're squishy, they're slick, their skin also folds (tho, they don't have fat like we do, so it folds less, but you can take the blobfish as an example of what I mean). And this is what I was going for the most.
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I also like to give viewers the sensation of having a mermaid body, like with this fin here. You can actually get some sense of having a dorsal fin yourself.
Now I haven't even touched the subject of fish genitals. Just know that yes, decisions were made
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judyneuf · 10 months
Cult of Passione AU
Back in May 2023, I made this AU for Mermay that mix Mermaids and Greek Mythology and based it solely on the Golden Wind Cast It's also a ''Everybody Lives, Everybody Stays'' AU, due to no one dying and leaving in this AU, even though the events stays mostly the same. There are no stands in this AU, but there are some references to certain stands. I originally started this whole AU with my Part 5 ocs, but they don't influence the main story, I'll make their own post for them Lore under the cut
Long long ago, there were entities that were responsible for creating the world as we know it. They created its sky, land, and sea; they created day and night; and they created creatures to populate the Earth. These creatures looked up at the sky, seeing all the stars that were up there, twinkling and sparkling, and thought that it was because those entities were looking down at them. The astral beings came to be referred to as the Eyes of Heaven.
However, some people wanted to be just as great as the Eyes of Heaven. They created artifacts out of stone that could turn anyone who wore it into gods. Said creators came to be known as the Pillar Men and their artifacts were scattered across the globe for anyone to find.
One day, a man named William Zeppeli found one of these artifacts, a stone mask, with his assistants: Jonathan, a man blessed with the mark of the Eyes of Heaven —a star shaped birthmark— and his wife Erina; their friend Speedwagon; and Jonathan’s adopted brother Dio. Their goal was to find the most artifacts to destroy them, as they believed humans should not try to play god, as it would lead to dire consequences.
One night, Dio betrayed the gang by donning the mask and killing William as his first steps to becoming a God. Jonathan did everything he could to stop him. In the end, with the blessing of the Eyes of Heaven, he managed to decapitate Dio and destroy his body. However, a simple decapitation didn’t end the reign of terror Dio had started, for he decided that Jonathan’s body would be a perfect fit for him. After a long fight, Jonathan died, leaving Dio to take over his body.
Years later, we hear the news about a young boy called Giorno, who is born to a human mother who survived an encounter with the god named DIO. His hair is as gold as wheat and his eyes, green as emeralds. With the Eyes of Heaven giving him their blessing, he is set to become a Star by taking over a cult called the Cult of Passione. 
The cult of Passione is a cult that is well known, and yet no one dares to talk about it. The members worship a god whose name would guarantee you a one-way ticket to the afterlife. He used to be referred to as the ‘’King in Crimson’’ due to his bloodthirsty nature. Over time, it has been shortened to ‘’King Crimson’’.
With the help of a fisherman called Bruno, Giorno works with his team of mythological creatures in order to take down the cult from the inside.
Abbacchio and Bruno
Abbacchio is a squid that has been mistreated by sea creatures and humans alike, leaving him to become very aggressive and territorial. Bruno was the first creature to ever show him kindness. Bruno has since become his light, his reason to open himself up to others.
Bruno’s father was a fisherman and his mother’s origins are unknown to him. She left them when Bruno was a child and he has never seen her again. Despite this, he feels like the ocean is calling him, beckoning him to explore it. Even though he calls himself a fisherman, he never actually hunts for merfolks, unlike the other fishermen; it is just an excuse for him to explore the ocean and meet sea creatures like Abbacchio and Fugo.
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Fugo and Narancia
Not a lot is known about Fugo’s past, but one thing is for sure, people don't like his venomous nature. The only person who has seen past that is Bruno, who Fugo has come to appreciate more than anything the world could offer him.
Not long after Abbacchio has joined them, Fugo has found a harpy with half of its feathers plucked out. In a panic, he has brought the bird to Bruno, begging him to help heal the bird.
Even though Bruno isn’t that familiar with birds, he has helped the poor bird whose name is Narancia. Now, it is rare to see these two separated; they are metaphorically joined at the hips, even though their personalities clash at times.
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Mista and Giorno
Life is nice for Mista. As a satyr, he is very much connected with nature and his surroundings. He is sometimes seen at night surrounded with very affectionate fireflies.
Giorno is unaware of his demigod status; however, he has the power to create life, such as plants and trees, which made Mista and —mostly— his firefly friends befriend him immediately.
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Trish and King Crimson
To the surprise of everyone in the cult, a rumor spreads that King Crimson has come to the mortal realm years ago and has had a child with a mortal woman. The child is named Trish and has been given to the care of Bruno’s team in order to reunite her with her father.
Unfortunately for her, King Crimson has other plans for his daughter…
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Fugo and Giorno
Meeting Bruno's team was the first time Giorno ever encountered mythical creatures and Fugo caught his interest first.
Fugo had a rough time getting along with the new kid, but less so than Abbacchio, but Giorno used his demi-god powers to be immune to Fugo's venom, allowing him to be the first person to be able to touch him.
Fugo felt something deep within them that they had never felt before meeting Bruno, and those feelings grew from trust to something more.
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Bruno’s Rebirth
Bruno didn't know much about his mother, aside from the fact that she left him and his dad when he was younger, and that he never saw her again.
After an accident at the temple of the King Crimson which left him mortally wounded, Giorno tried to use his demi-god powers to revive Bruno. It worked, but also unknowingly unlocked his true nature.
Throughout the rest of their journey, Bruno's body slowly metamorphosed into that of a mermaid, due to his mother's true origins.
As a mermaid, there was nothing holding him back from accepting a previous love declaration that Abbacchio gave him on their journey, as they couldn't pursue it before, as they were a mermaid and a fisherman
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Trish and Mista
After Trish was given to the care of Bruno’s team, she had a hard time settling in with the rest, as she wasn’t aware of her demi-goddess status. She had a harder time befriending Mista, as she saw satyrs as dirty smelly woodland creatures.
Let’s just say that they are friends now, after everything that went down with the two of them.
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Additional information about this AU
Here's what everyone else is in this AU
Giorno: Demi-god Bruno: Human/Oarfish Abbacchio: Squid Fugo: Blue ring octopus Narancia: Harpy Mista: Satyr Trish: Demi-god
Polpo: Sphinx
Zucchero: Human Sale: Human Luca: Human
Sheila E: Fury Cannolo: Demi-god
The Narcotics Teams: Lotus Eaters
Risotto: Mimic Octopus Formaggio: Hermit crab Illuso: Gorgon Prosciutto: Circe Pesci: Cyclops Melone: ??? Ghiaccio: ???
Squalo: Great White Shark Tizzano: Starfish Carne: Hydra Cioccolata: Scylla Secco: Charybdis
Sex Pistols: Fireflies Black Sabbath: Guardian of the Arrow Silver Chariot Requiem: Guardian of the Arrow
Doppio: Human form of Diavolo King Crimson/The Boss/Diavolo: God
As for how I translated Gold Exprerience, Spice Girl and All Along the Watchtower as Demi-god powers, Giorno can create plants and unlock people's true nature, Trish can melt things with her singing voice and Cannolo is hyper aware of everything that is going on around him, but doesn't let people know he can do that
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murfeelee · 4 months
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IWTV INSP - MerMay Pt16: Miss Lily
Louis found Lily in the stained glass hall, sitting on the bench and staring at one of the windows, no sketchbook in her hands this time.... “I think I’m past caring about tradition if you are,” Louis said, sitting down beside Lily when she nodded to him. “I think so, it hasn’t done any of us any good,” Lily agreed... They sat there in companionable silence for a moment before Lily spoke again. “It’s me,” Lily said. “What do you mean?” Louis asked. Lily gestured to the stained glass window in front of them, one of his father’s windows, the one of the selkie. The selkie portrayed in human-form, same slight willowy frame, brown skin, and long black hair as Lily, facing away towards the water, her grey seal coat slung over one shoulder.... “I’ve never seen you at the beach,” Louis said softly. “....I’ve been making a new coat from blood and skin.... One day I’ll be able to go back....” "How much more do you need for your coat?” Louis asked quietly. “I still need a significant amount of skin, it’ll take time to gather,” Lily admitted. “You can have mine,” Louis decided, the rightness of that settling over him, “However much you need.”
-- Excerpt from Part of Your World, by @weather-mood
A [FREE SPACE] entry for @vamptember's MerMay VC event!
Kicking myself that I missed Vamptember's MerMay prompt for MYTH last week, which would've been the perfect time to post this.
And YES, I know those stained glasses have dolphins, not seals--LEAVE ME ALONE! 😭
--Louis' top from EA's Cinema venue at the Store (*cough!*) (thanks @thesongofthelinnet for asking; I totally forgot to mention this!)
- Louis' pants & boots from Pets EP
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cyberghost-scout · 1 year
Honest Thoughts: Was Au Mas worth it?
(Mun HK here: As mermay is winding down and some days thinking I have to get this off my chest:
For the past couple of years, since this blog has been active, I have done this thing where I dedicate a lot about the alternate universes for my ocs, from the fun little aesthetics to explanations of what will happen to the muses and even some bits of role-play threads. It's fun. It took a lot of work, planning, and using a lot of patients to keep this event rolling.
I noticed something after last year: to me, it felt like no one was excited or saw all the work—just radio silence- very little like or conversations about how the worlds would build. Unless I'm saying what they think or long after AU mas is over.
It's a selfish thought; yes-people have lives outside of Tumblr. And the MPVS who reply and gush with au with me- love you- I get it, but after a few years of working on AU MAS and little feedback... I'm starting to understand that one post that I can not find, but it hurts if you made a cake that took hours- heart and soul- to bring to a party, but no one touches the cake, not even a glance.
Forcing myself for the last two years to make fun ideas for AU Mas and watching my excitement die as no acknowledgment is present is exhausting compared to Mermay, which has many more feedback loops and entertaining stories to share.
So after thinking about it I’ve come to a desicion: until further notice or a better compromise, 2023 is the last year of AU MAS.
Thank everyone for allowing me to share AU MAS in the first place. But now I’m ending this chapter.)
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reptile-ruler · 2 years
26, 28 & 29? 👀
Ay thank u Raya!
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
Gosh I'm trying to remember. There's nothing that jumps out to me where a big chunk of people vastly misinterpreted something I drew.
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
I was in a Lego Movie zine! And uhhh I've done Inktober twice and MerMay once, and so many fandom/ship weeks I can't remember them all.
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
Ah this is a tough one. I probably take SOME inspiration from all media I love, even if it's not always so obvious?? I have a lot of movies I adore, but I don't feel the need to make fanart for them? But MAN still some of them I want to hit those vibes with my own work sometimes 😭 Ahah.
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havethetouch · 2 years
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Summary of 2022
Kinda funky, 2022 was the first year in a long while were I consistently drew and created each month. Last time I actually achieved that was in 2014 I believe. And on top of all the bs that has befallen my family and me along the way... but this year I drew and drew and drew because I wanted it back I wanted my life back and art is a big part of that. I think even with the losses that 2022 brought about I slowly stumbled back to my feet ready to take whatever life throws at me now head-on. Grief will be my dutiful companion for a long ass time but it no longer ties me down I think I'm more than ready to heal now and close another Chapter in my life in favor for a new one. And 2023 has so many exciting and new things and experiences for me, I might talk about that at some later point but for now I can say I am actually excited for the new year for a change and hopeful things will turn out a lot better than the past 4 years have been. Also also I have a tight schedule on art projects this year like there is so many stuff I wanna focus on and I had to narrow it down to 5 big things and hopefully I can balance that nicely with some events light ArtFight and some challenges (I fucking wanna do the Mermay thing finally) and I wanna work on my comic. Expect lotsa queer pirates, some desert bandits, amazons, lotsa lesbians from the slice of life corner and of course; Fae (and other otherwordly beings of "InBetween" :D) Anyway I need to work at that one ask from Zelendur about my 2022 OCs now and uhhh feel free to hit up my ask box about anything and everything i love to ramble about my OCs - I'm like the parent that goes apeshit and tells everyone who cares to listen about it how my kid is playing a tree in the school theatre production of a Midsummernights Dream and how fucking proud I am and I will not shut up about it ever so like... hit me up.
Onwards to 2023 yoooo
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