#from like a year ago lol.
nutmargaret · 1 month
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from above and below
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barrel-head · 10 months
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this is mag47 right
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reineydraws · 6 months
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here's a cass 🦇
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and also a jay 🗡
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pokeberry5 · 17 days
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(he's coming for your ass 🫣😳)
ive always wanted to do at least one (1) fake tim!robin cover
i have like. 3 versions of this:
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retroautomaton · 1 month
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hellspawnmotel · 9 months
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remember when I did this?
well I did more
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puppyeared · 3 months
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id fumble him so bad
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gwekkuu · 4 months
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New Sonic Channel art just leaked 👀✨
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inkycapz · 1 year
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So some people over on YouTube have commented on how they liked my narrator design from the animatic I released a few weeks ago, so I thought I'd share some sketches of him and Stanley I drew.
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pallisia · 4 months
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faraway friend
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remmyart · 6 months
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suki and ty lees fight from the boiling rock, one of my favs fights
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mdverse · 4 months
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go go go!! (x)
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thebxghag · 4 months
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An older Tea Shop Au doodle that I still like -- kind of the spiritual successor to this one.
in case it's not readable, Iroh is saying: "Oh, Lala! There you are; your mother is looking for you"
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
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illir · 1 year
an old comic from 2021 that i never posted here :)
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william and sherlock got invited to a dinner as a thank you but the client's daughter kept playing with sherlock's hair and william couldn't stop laughing
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bucketsofmonsters · 7 months
Deep Water - Part 1
cw: the ocean, talk of being drowned, water inhalation, more tags to be added as the story continues
merman x fem reader
Word count: 3k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
You peeked out a small porthole, a rarity on this kind of ship. You couldn’t decide if you were grateful for it or not as your stomach churned looking out at choppy waters. 
You’d never been particularly comfortable with the ocean. It wasn’t that you disliked it, far from it. You just had a healthy fear of it. 
Right now, it felt like anyone who didn’t was a fool. 
As you looked down at swirling black water, swearing you saw something snake around just far enough under the surface that you couldn’t make it out, that fear felt very reasonable. 
It wasn’t only fear that consumed you when you looked out at that churning water. There was awe in there too, as you looked at the seemingly infinite abyss below you. 
But not enough awe that you wouldn’t keep yourself as far away from it as you could. 
But that was the problem. Fate had thrusted you right into deep waters and you’d had no choice in the matter. 
So there you were, stowed away on a transport ship, tucked amongst boxes of spices and herbs and expensive teas that you’d never get to try. 
At least your hidden little corner smelled good, some of the herbal scents escaping their carefully packed boxes. 
You sat back down behind them, trying to put the thought of the turbulent waters under a few thin layers of wood out of your mind as the waves rocked you back and forth at a sickening pace, never quite stabilizing enough to be able to fall into a rhythm, refusing to be tuned out or ignored. 
You pulled your shawl tighter around you, though it was no use. The chill of the ship had long since set itself into your bones. 
You closed your eyes and tried to tell if it was raining or if it was just the darkness of the night blanketing the ocean. The sounds of the waves roared above anything else. You decided it wasn’t, more for your own peace of mind than anything. You didn’t need water coming at you from any more directions.
As you sat, curled up on the floor trying to focus on anything other than the deafening crashing of the waves, a new sound caught your attention. The door creaked open and as footsteps approached you, you held your breath. 
They’d caught you on an exhale and sooner than you would’ve liked, you had to sneak a tiny breath of air. Nothing noticeable, surely. Not through the sounds of crashing water. 
And then the ship slammed to the side, a massive wave sending the ground tilting under your feet.
The boxes slid as the ship wretched and you went with them, slamming into the opposite wall of the ship.  
The sailor cursed as he pushed his way out from behind the boxes that had slid right into him. You scrambled to push yourself away, to obscure yourself in any way possible. You didn’t have time to stand but maybe you could hide yourself just far enough away in the dark that he wouldn’t see you. 
You weren’t fast enough. 
His hand snaked out to grab your leg, ending your desperate scramble to get away before it had even really begun. 
“No wonder we got stuck in this god-awful storm, found our bad luck charm right here.”
You kicked at him, trying to struggle, to get away, to run. But where was there to go? They knew you were here now, it was over. You were at their mercy. 
The pleading started as soon as it sunk in, desperate promises that you wouldn’t cause any trouble, that it was only a day until they docked, you could stay out of their way, they wouldn’t even notice you. 
Rain poured down on your face as you were dragged above deck. 
Part of you was aware of the talk that began to arise as the others caught sight of you. You couldn’t focus on anything other than getting away, trying with everything you had to run. 
Despite that, you were pulled closer and closer to the edge of the ship. The rain got saltier and through the dark and endless storm, you realized you were at the edge of the ship, briny water splashing over the sides and hitting you in the face. 
You doubled your attempts of escape as you looked down on the dark waters, not sure where you would go if you escaped but certain that anything was better than being pulled closer and closer to the inky waters. 
“This is your own fault,” one of them yelled over the storm, directed at you this time.
“Please,” you called out, “Please let me stay. I’ll do anything.”
It was an ill-advised promise, especially to make to a ship full of sailors, but you could not be thrown overboard. You’d even prefer one of them ending you here and now, with your feet still standing on the wood of the deck.
Anything but being thrown off, your lungs filling with the churning, black water below you. 
“You should have thought of that before you stowed away,” the man to your left said, with what sounded almost like a chuckle. You hoped you’d imagined it amongst the rest of the endless noise. 
It was hard to know exactly what was happening. The waves were roaring and you could hardly see or hear anything. 
One second your feet were thrashing, fighting to land a blow on any of the men near you, and the next you were underwater. If you thought gathering your bearings was hard on the ship, it was impossible down here. It must be nearby but you had no idea where the ship could be. You fought to stay afloat despite knowing exactly how this would end. There was nothing else to it now. You’d landed in your cold, wet grave. The waves forced you under again and again and no matter how you tried to time your breaths, you couldn’t escape the burn of the saltwater sneaking into your lungs. 
Just as you’d breached the surface again, attempting to cough up some water before heaving in another deadly breath, something yanked at your foot and you were pulled under the waves once more. Your scream was drowned out by the ocean, eyes fighting to open despite the sting of the seawater. 
As you opened your eyes, you realized it was calmer under the water. You were no longer trying to fight the wishes of the waves to pull you down and the ocean rewarded you with a moment of clarity. 
The rockiest part was near the surface, where the rain still beat down on the water. You were being pulled further and further away, so far down that the last rays of sun from behind the clouds could barely reach. 
You’d expected to see a shark or some other ocean creature as you’d felt that tug on your leg. Instead, you found a face staring back at yours. He looked curious, taking you in as you stared dumbfounded back at him. 
Before you had a chance to process what you were seeing, the man who’d just pulled you under the waves leaned forward and kissed you. It wasn’t a long kiss, ending before you even fully realized it began. 
He pulled away and your lungs began to burn, pleading for oxygen. You tried to swim up for air but he grabbed your arm and yanked you down again. Then you caught a glimpse of something below him, the limited light reflecting off of a shimmering tail.
You gasped in water, your lungs unable to hold out any longer. Instead of choking on the ocean water filling your chest, you felt like you were gasping in air. You knew it was water, the texture was different than the air was, but as you heaved in water, you discovered you could breathe. 
He was smirking at you, the smugness evident in his face. 
He let go of your arm, having proved his point and you stayed under, filling your lungs while glancing up at the rocky surface. 
Suddenly, you were being pulled along again, under the stormy water. You didn’t have the strength to fight him, letting him take you wherever he wanted. 
It wasn’t long before you were being pushed into shallow water. You could feel the sand barely a few feet under the water and eagerly moved towards dry land. 
You pulled yourself up onto the warm sand. The rain had disappeared entirely, the sun shining above you once more. You sucked in air, falling to your back as you basked in the warmth. Off in the distance, you could see the storm still swirling. You’d traveled much further than you’d thought. The feeling of the sun shining down on you was more than welcome and some wretched part of you hoped those sailors were still in that accursed storm. 
As soon as you got your first breath of oxygen, it was like your lungs remembered that water wasn't supposed to be inside of them. You started coughing up the salty water onto the shore, gasping like you’d been drowning the whole time and just hadn’t realized it yet. 
You saw your savior wince as you hacked up the seawater. “Sorry, didn’t know that would happen.”
You stared up at him incredulously as your breathing finally slowed. “Aren't sirens supposed to drown humans?”
His eyes narrowed at you above the water. “Aren’t humans supposed to be grateful when you save them?”
Fair enough. “Thank you. I don’t really understand why you saved me but thank you.”
You laid back on the sand, inevitably getting it in your hair but too exhausted to mind. The warmth was welcome after the freezing cold water. 
You took him in from your new vantage point, eyes darting instinctively to his tail. It was a pearlescent thing, the complex shimmering shifting above his white scales. Just above it was a set of gills that he kept below the water as he lay there, staring up at you on the shore. His face wasn’t unpleasant, something almost impish about it. A smattering of scales sat on his cheekbones right under eyes that were tinted orange. His hair was shaggy and pale, dragged down to his shoulders by the water that saturated it. 
“We do drown people sometimes,” he said quietly, like he was working it out for himself and you just happened to be overhearing it. “I was planning on going after your ship but it didn’t feel like a fair fight after they threw you off like that.” 
“Humans didn’t want me, sirens didn’t even want to drown me.” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“I can… I can drown you if you want?” he said, mouth barely above the water as he spoke. 
“Maybe some other time. Where even are we?” you asked, looking around at the small patch of sand. It was a relatively barren little island, a few rocky tidepools on the other side of it the most exciting thing present on the small stretch of land.
“Just a little island nearby. I figured you’d want to get some rest before I took you anywhere. Why’d they throw you overboard anyway?”
“I was a stowaway,” you explained. “I needed to get somewhere and didn’t have any other way to travel. They found me mid storm and women are bad luck so off I went.”
“I can take you there if you want. Where the ship was going, I mean. I know all their routes. I won’t even drown you.”
Who would have guessed that the sailors would try to drown you and then you’d have a siren promising to bring you ashore? It was like the world had turned upside down. 
“Thank you so much,” you said, hoping it could both convey your gratitude and keep him on your good side long enough to successfully get you to your destination.
“Also, we should wait until night, I’ll take you back then okay?” He sounded very insistent, despite you having no idea why. 
You were honestly worried you might freeze to death if you left at night. “How about in the morning?”
“Yeah, okay.”
He waited eagerly, watching the sun set. It was refreshing, being able to see it clearly after locking yourself below deck for so long. When it finally dipped below the horizon, he turned to you. “Watch this.” 
His tail flicked excitedly behind him, a light glow starting to reflect off of the scales on his bottom half. 
As he ran his hands quickly through the water, you were able to make it out better. The water lit up a light blue as he moved. 
You couldn’t help the smile that crossed your face, your eyes going wide with wonder. “Oh my god, that’s incredible.”
“Isn’t it? It’s why I like this island so much, it’s so strong here. It’s a bunch of tiny plants in the water that are glowing, I thought you’d like it.”
How could you not? You’d never seen anything like it in your life, it almost looked like the water was alight with a blue flame. 
You could feel your siren’s eyes on you as you moved your hand back and forth in the water. 
“Are you less sad now?” he asked and your movement slowed at his question. 
“You were upset, did I fix it?”
Was that what he was trying to do? “Why do you care?”
He shrugged. “Not often I get to talk to you guys, our encounters are usually less pleasant than this. We’re kind of similar, you know. Sailors don’t like me either.”
“Small world.”
Eventually, you abandoned the glowing water, as amazing as it was, in an attempt to rest. You knew you needed to get some sleep. You were exhausted but it was cold and you never fully dried off and you were absolutely miserable. You heard a shuffling in the sand and then a warm hand touched your side. You didn’t know how his body regulated his temperature so well in the cold water. His arms were open, a clear invitation to nestle into him
You hesitated and he spoke. “You seem like you could use the warmth.”
You moved towards him, head settling on his chest as his arms wrapped around you.
“I thought fish were cold-blooded,” you said as his arms rubbed up and down yours, immediately sending a wave of heat through you.
“I’m only half fish.”
“Is that how you can breathe out here?” you asked, looking at the trail he left in the sand as he dragged himself ashore.
He murmured in the affirmative, leaning back to make sure you could comfortably lie down against him. He was right, his body heat did help. There was also something comforting about leaning against him, his arms wrapped around you protectively. 
You drifted off faster than you would have thought possible while soaking wet and cuddled up with a fish man. 
When you woke up, you glanced at the boy next to you. He really did look silly on the land like this, flopped over on his side. As you took him in, you stared at his gills right over where you assumed his ribs would be. You knew what he had told you last night but he looked too peaceful and still. You quickly nudged him awake, wanting to make sure he was alright out of the water like this.
He rubbed his eyes, moving slightly in the sand in an attempt to get a good look at you. “What do you want?”
“Just wanted to make sure you were still breathing.”
“Mmhmm, still breathing, can I go back to sleep now?”
He tried to roll over, tail flopping helplessly behind him, and you nudged him again. “Don’t we need to leave?”
He squinted up at your face, which you knew was creased with worry, and his demeanor softened. “Yeah, let’s get you home.”
You didn’t bother to correct him about where you were going, instead helping him back into the water. He pulled you in after him, looking back at you as he did, clearly deep in thought.
“You know how I kissed you yesterday?” he finally asked. 
“To make me breathe underwater? Yeah, I do.”
“It would be much easier to transport you if you could breathe underwater again.”
It was the most roundabout way anyone had ever asked to kiss you before, that was for sure. 
He seemed nervous about it so instead of letting him dwell on it, you just kissed him. You hoped there were no other rules to the kiss you needed to follow but your siren didn’t seem to mind, instead leaning into it. It was kind of nice, being the one to surprise him this time. 
You knew the kiss didn’t have to be long, the one from the day before had barely lasted a moment, and yet you lingered. His hand hesitantly rose to cup your cheek, his touch featherlight. He wasn’t holding you there but his touch begged you to stay just a second longer. 
He looked almost frightened when you pulled away, eyes wide and hand still outstretched. 
“Will that work?” you asked.
He cleared his throat, still looking dazed. “Yeah, that should be fine. Come on.”
Even knowing that you’d be fine and you’d be able to breathe, it took forever to will yourself to inhale after he pulled you into the water, waiting until the last second before you passed out, when your body forced breathing on you. 
The journey felt much faster than it should have been. You couldn’t have been zooming through the water for more than an hour when you were being pulled to the surface once more, your feet extending to find rocks beneath you. 
You turned and your eyes met the shore, the dock looming above you. You guessed you’d probably beat the ship here. Who knows if they’d made it at all, maybe the storm had taken them out. Part of you hoped it had. 
He grinned up at you as you stood, still lying below you in the water. “This is your stop.”
You had no idea how to thank him. What did one even say to someone who had just saved your life? 
“Thank you,” you managed. “If you ever need anything…”
If he ever needed anything what? You couldn’t imagine he’d have a particularly easy time finding you. 
He seemed to understand your meaning anyway. “I’ll be sure to ask. And if you ever change your mind on the drowning thing, let me know.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Will do.”
You settled on the shore, the rocks shifting beneath you as you sat, and you watched your siren swim off, one last shimmer of pale scales flashing before he disappeared into the waves.
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