#from the bsd staff book
skkpaws · 8 months
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(tumblrs going to ruin the quality so here’s the links for where i found the first and second pics :3)
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etrevil · 8 months
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seriously I feel like the staff is trying to say something with this one 👀
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seukorei · 8 months
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bsd manga coloring!
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coloring of harukawa illustration from bsd staff book
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bandaged-bastard · 8 months
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Some illustrations from the new bsd staff book!
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purple-lake · 7 months
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Happy birthday Akutagawa🎉🎉 I did something kind of different: A colouring from an illustration from the bsd staff book!!
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^Here are the original scan, and my cleaned up version^ (thank you for uploading the scans @kyouka-supremacy!)
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lianaisabsent · 1 year
BSD men when their s/o gets jealous
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A/n: might be a little different from exactly canon reactions but technically it includes my hcs so..
CHARACTERS: dazai, chuuya, atsushi
with dazai it's like you're confused and amused more than jealous.
He flirts to get information, it works greatly is what's more annoying to you.
This one time you both were set up on a mission and not even two seconds in and he flirted with the prime suspect and deemed her "incapable of doing murder"
When asked why he responded “I would frame her too, she's too afraid and cowardly and she's lacking financially so her motive would've been perfect to kill.. however, the way she trembles and speaks and responds is a way no killer would be able to.. She could be an actress but her hands are of those of the abused. Meaning she was purposely planted to distract us.. That's something I would do if I was the killer" (plot holes in this but I'm not a detective so excuse me if I get any thing wrong)
You were just gawking the whole time over how much he analyzed from touching the ladies hand and speaking to her softly and sweetly.. It was a mask yes but still it made you jealous.. Not like you were to admit that.
He might have.. He definitely noticed it. Dazai wanted to tease you over it but you were in a professional setting although nothing about dazai can be called professional at times.. Most times..
Bro would tease you so much so so much
You both were on a mission together, a mission to investigate a murder in an art museum. You inspected the places, found some clues and when you came back you saw your boyfriend speaking, no flirting with the staff members.
You knew it's for work, but it still makes you feel a twisting feeling in your stomach. You're not much of a doubting and possessive person with him but it's still annoying how good he is at this a natural some might even say.
You just inhaled and exhaled before rolling your eyes and walking towards someone else for their statements on what happened. They all have roughly the same statement “he was a kind man, a kind man the manager was, the manager was a nice kind man he didn't deserve this” almost led you to think this was some sort of mystery novels cassette tape on repeat.
A few minutes pass by and you feel someone hugging you from behind, you flinched and pushed the person away, person being dazai who was very wounded (dramatic is a better word) “my love! How could you!? First you get jealous and glare at the staff member and when I came to comfort you like the amazing partner I am, you pushed me!”
You could only sigh at his theatrics, 'how is he not an actor?' you thought. “don't bother dazai I know it was for work..” you sighed looking through the information you gathered. He did tease you but he ultimately didn't really know how to respond to that. As he's told you before he cant really respond with that exact emotions you want. He tried though.
“well.. I only 'flirt' for work but ultimately who do I go home to and for? You” it did make you internally embarrassed because he just said that loudly in a silent hall with people.
He isn't a flirt, his thing is more of actions speak louder then words but he does get flirted with. He doesn't respond to it but it does annoy you a little.
he isn't going to say much just “oh okay-wait what”
I think he'd be dense when it comes to recognizing jealousy, he'd just think everything is fine unless you directly tell him it's not
“chuuya, I'm jealous” “of what? My charm?”
How did you even end up with him..
One time, at a café when you were both off of your work and getting something to drink while you caught up for the week a woman came up asking for your boyfriends number.
He was about to say something before he saw a book in her hand, he did mention he'd been reading a few books recently and that you should check them out if you have time but you didn't have time. You were regretting it now for sure.
“oh you like that book?” “yes!” “oh what was-....” their words were no longer being heard by you when all you did was stare down at your drink counting till when she would leave him. But to your disappointment it was like chuuya forgot who he came to the date with. After what felt like 30 minutes she smiled and left with his number as you glared at him and picked up the butter knife.
You stared at him and he only smiled at you in return, it wasn't intentional you could see it but it annoyed you so much “so you just give away your number to random people huh?” you asked earning a confused look from him, “what do you mean darling?” “you know what I mean, the girl the book ring a bell for you yet Einstein?” he nodded before pausing “oh wait what? You were jealous!?”
He, instead of sitting across came to your side and sat beside you lightly hugging you “sorry if it made you jealous I was just kind of happy because we had similar interests is all, you're the one I'll take to dinner and you're the one who I'll plan to spend my life with along with wine”
It made you smile.
He is more dense.. He's oblivious, he doesn't even know you were jealous.. Why were you jealous? That's his thought
We all know atsushi has a thing for saving people but people do tend to over think interactions. You have witnessed multiple times where people who atsushi saved tried flirting with him. As your oblivious partner just kept being dense.
“jealous?? You? YOU WERE JEALOUS?!”
He's confused, he doesn't understand
You knew atsushi saved a girl from the guild and you knew she was his friend (?) if you could call it that because from what kyouka told you she just seemed like a shy girl who hates social interactions.. That was until you visited the café yourself and saw her upset seeing you. Had you done something to wrong her? No, you hadn't ever met the red head.
“um atsu.. Is your upset with me?” you asked to which you received a shake of his head and a small "no"
As you say down she came and threw the menu in front of atsushi and placed it carefully to you.. You were shocked to say the least. She the started bantering and you noticed a blush and thought 'oh. She likes him..' it wasn't until after she left that you felt an annoying twist in your stomach and a voice saying that they've known each other for longer then you and him have been together but you choose to ignore it.
Lucy, he told you was her name, came back with the orders placing it and when he called you 'love' which wasn't often unless he noticed something off about you that her eyes almost bulged out “YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!?” she shouted at him not that loudly to disturb everyone but still nearby customers did hear it. Atsushi nodded “oh yes, I thought I told you last time me and kyouka came” they started bantering again.
You felt jealous and annoyed, she seemed sweet.. But jealousy just made you feel angry and annoyed at her. After your café trip you walked out of the café not waiting for him to catch up. He grabbed your wrist asking what's wrong and you could only sigh "jealousy, I'm jealous, you've known her for longer then our relationship and she even could have feelings for you!” you said to which his response was shutting down literally he tried to process what you just said..
"you're jealous? JEALOUS??” he was shocked and in comparison to his obliviousness you only kissed him. It made him redder then red paint could even get. He was confused as to why you were jealous but he reassured you that he only likes you and lucy is a good person and friend of his.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Bsd except Sigma was created by Atsushi.
Just Atsushi, this lonely abused kid who's only friends are stories.
Writing about what he'd imagine a friend would he like, in a blank book.
And to his suprise he later runs into exactly what he wrote about.
Well almost exactly, humans are complex beings and so a lot of the gaps the book filled in for him.
Using Atsushi as its guide.
But as Sigma grows up, he starts to become more of his own person. With his own likes and dislikes.
Atsushi and Sigma are both outcasts and hated by the other kids and staff.
Neither know where they come from or much about themselves, but they have each other.
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thepartyishere · 6 months
Bsd music venue (band) au inspired by the rock concert I just went to
The Port Mafia all work at a venue that mainly hosts rock and similar concerts
The ada is a band that frequently plays there
Tachihara is the sound/tech guy totally jamming out to the music with the crowd, he wanted the job as a way to go to concerts for free (but he still does his job well)
Gin does sound and tech too, they get along well. Gin is especially good bc they know sign language and teach others so they dont have to try to shout
Akutagawa is the weird kid working the merch table, no one really gets along with him but he gets the job done well. He has a bizzare way of organizing and doing things that irritates anyone else but he claims its faster
Mori technically owns the place but is never actually there, Kouyou runs it with help from Chuuya and Verlaine (all three are step siblings via Mori so it's kinda family run)
Chuuya runs the bar as well
Verlaine is never seen, he remotely does finances and boring stuff
Kouyou is the main manager/ highest besides Mori. She does booking and other stuff
Dazai used to work there but quit to join the ada band, now he comes to concerts just to bother chuuya at the bar
Hirotsu does hiring and training, hes been working there the longest, since before it was sold to Mori. Everyone knows him and likes him
Higuchi is head of security and manages security people as well as supervises and creates the id checking and security process to enter the venue
Whenever the ada plays there Atsushi sneaks off to make out with Akutagawa at the merch table
DazaI also sneaks away to be a bother, usually to Chuuya
Kunikida is the manager that travels with the ada, Fukuzawa doesn't travel
Kunikida and Kouyou in particular get along very well with how often they work together and their similar way of doing things
The band is made up of Dazai, Atsushi, Junichiro, Kyoka, Kenji, Ranpo, and Yosano
Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Naomi, and Haruno are all behind the scenes staff
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strom-in-the-sky · 1 year
Your my knight
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au! King!Fyodor. Knight!reader.
"my lovely, trusted knight. I expect you to never leave my side again. You don't need to worry about the foul man again."
tw? Fyodor being Fyodor. What ever happened in the medieval time. Like that bro chill. Obsession, overprotective Fyodor.
this doesn't take place in the main au of bsd. The time line of medieval times. But Fyodor sports his two outfits. His main and dead apple. It's not mentioned really but keep that in mind he in those. Since I don't know what half his clothing is called....anyways part 1.
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Fyodor was quite a cheerful child along side you. He always like to read and read with you or play with you. Reading under the trees was always so fun with you in the Cort yard. Both of you spend most of your days and nights under the stars in this cort yard. Even thought both your training was harsh or took alot of time. Both of you didn't mind you both where kids in the end of the day. Having fun after you both done your duties. You a knight in training. Picked ripe form the village. You did have a family and went home to them when you wanted. Your family couldn't say anything else against it. Since well it was the king. They would never go against the king since their blood line severed the king. Only recently your dad step down. Being the only child you had to take his place. Fyodor was much of a joyfully kid with you. His eyes always brighten up when seeing you. He was happy but fussed when you had to leave only to recive his father teasing. He didn't have his ability at the time so he was always touchy. He loved to play tag, catch or any activity you two could play. Even so you two can be seen under the trees reading a book together. Sometime to two of you would steal a moment under the stars. Siting next to each other sharing warthm since the nights where cold. Even at some points where he would give you his hat to keep you warm. He was quite jealous when the staff took you away. You where his friend and soon to be guard! Shouldn't You be with him then them? The two where favorites among the staff. They thought you two where adorable! Like two kids running around giggling was to much for their hearts. Who wouldn't want to squish those soft cheeks or spoil the prince roten with sweets. The king and queen loved you both. And treated you as if you where their child. It was a happy times then. Well...the past stays in the past.
"{Y/N}! Promise to be my right hand guard when you grow up?" He spoke looking st you with those cute bright purple eyes. He stood before you waited to see if you would play along.
You smiling back at him as you got down on one knee and took his hand puting up to your fohead to continue the playful banter. "To the ends of the world i would sever under you my prince" you spoke in the same tone before gently pulling his hand to kiss his ring figure.
He turned red at this and pulled his hand away. You both shared laughter that day as the maids watched. Oh they loved the playful duo. Running around, playing, sleeping and making silly little promises to eachother. Heck you two even shared food together like you two are siblings. Though both of you where not. It wad quite clear the prince fell in love with the kid that played with him everday.
It all went down hill after that. One day after his father training to be a king. It was more harsh. The king trained him to fight despite him passing out at times from low iron. Since back then there was no cure for what was happing to him. His father only wanted what was best for him. After training- well he went crying for his mother's comfort only to accidentally kill her with his ability. It was out of stress, he panicked and screamed for help. The maids came in. Only late to find out the beloved queen was dead. After that his training got more harsh. His father shamed him for being born with his ability. Calling im weak of a son. He stop seeing you lot since his father made the training harsher for you to torture him. He lost that bright purple eyes going to a dull color purple. He grew more quite, focused and dull. Focusing on his studies and didn't disobey his father. He grew to see the world as a harsh place. Seeing you go to wars his father made. It made him worry... are you going to come home safe? Alive? Come home to him? He missed the days where the two of you would play around the Cort yard. Then seeing you come home bloody to the castle cover in the enemy's blood or your own. He couldn't tell the differences. The days when you two where younger children then pre-teens. The way he held you close when both of you where to tired to move from the ground. The maids always put you two in the bed together since both of you would cry or Fyodor would fuss not to let you go when geting out to bed. It was adorable. He truly missed those days. But was he grew more older he slowly became to hate his father. Learning to use his ability. Control it for the better. To over throw his father and rule the lands with a more powerful hand. One night he called you to the bedroom on a long night. His study room to be exact. He grew accustomed to the walls everyday. He told was shy about it but looking at you grow almost as dull as him made him smile and hold your face. "My knight....please tell me it again. If my father where to die right now would you sever under me and only me?" He spoke wanting to hear it from you once more. You stared by unmoved. Giving him a small smile. Taking his hands off you face which made him slightly frown before he blushed again like when he was a child. When you kissed the tips of his finger. He could fell a different between your rough ones and his soft long lanky ones. "If the king where to die this night I would. Sever under you my prince. Like I said to the end of the world and back." Smiling at him. That night you two sleep together in a warm embrace. No clothing where loosed just a comfortable cuddle in eachother arms. Fyodor held a smile that night. He felt alive again like a child. Despite his growing hormones telling him to do other thing.
He ignored it only wanting to be close again to you like the two used to be.
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Apperly I talk to much and I max out the limit.... oh well expect part too soon....
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
What's up it's Nazunon again (hope you're feeling good and are healthy and stress free <3)
Bc of the stuff you said in the last post abt having magic being very OP I had a thought about how to make it less OP.
Imagine it only working in dire circumstances (like Yosano's from BSD) so it isn't always an option, or causing severe physical harm to the person performing the magic.
And yes! Nihility/Harmony Nazuna ftw he is the Tingyun/Bennet of Magical Girl Arashi.
Anyway hope you're having an amazing day!
i officially declare the nazuna nito struggle in this au
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first of all. Hi!! Hello Nazunon and Anon!!! and a big hi to @neptunite-stars too cuz we're gonna be discussing their ideas too! im making this a list or im gonna go crazy crazyiwascrazyonc-
Powers! (not weapons, we'll get there later)
First (1) option! Healer! Nazunon says to tone down his healing powers while anon says to keep him op to show the great loss he was in Valkyrie. Gotta agree with Nazunon in this one, even if Nito is only in the final battle, a healer with no restrictions is wayy too op and would make the audience feel like there's no reason to feel worried for the main team, because even if they get hurt they can just heal and go back to work :/
A way to prevent this (using Nazunon's example!) is putting conditions! A few ideas are that he can heal only a certain percent (some bruises will keep hurting and cuts may not fully close) due the stressing situation they are, or he can transfer the bruises to his own body, as a way to represent his caring personality yet tendency to take too much. Orrr following Yosano's(BSD) powers as example, he can heal others while hurting them, directly contradicting his personality and making him reluctant to use his powers unless is strictly necessary (kind of -1HP but +5HP per hit lol)
2nd option! Support! Can buff his ally or debuff the enemy, or mabye both, idk. A buff idea is reinforce the clothes/armor of his allies (+DEF/VEL) or weapons (+ATK/VEL), and for the debuff ma~ybe inflict little but progressive dmg, maybe where whenever his attacks hit will make the enemy feel numb which can make them unknowingly ignore the cuts and bruises others make them.
3rd option! straight up a Tank. Also starting with the Weapons and Neptune's ideas. What's the weapon that would make the little guy a walking menace, you ask? A big pair of scissors is answer! like, almost as tall as him. It *has* to be that big to be used as a shield, and when it's closed it will make the shape of a sword!
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Very delicatte looking, but strong metal! It has to be able to cut heads after all hahaha!/hj
Now going back to supports/healers, i've got the classic options, staffs and books.
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Needle staff and antique books (yes they're from genshin but i didn't really wanted to design the covers, but you get the idea).
The staff has a little floating threads mess in the center from where i think infinite threads should come out, but for specific purposes, like heal or reinforce allies for his healer/buff thing, or he can stab the needle in the ground to make the threads go for the enemies foot, forming sewing patterns on the ground, keeping them trapped in the place.
And the books can have like a bunch of magic/alien fashion history that Nito has to study in depth to properly cast whatever he needs. Need to heal someone's deep cut? gotta know how to do a medical stitch in detail. Wanna tie up someone? study how to properly make the knots or take the risk of them escaping.
Anyways! Those are my takes for Nazuna's weapon/rol, hope y'all enjoyed it. I dont plan making any of them 'canon' unless i make a poll about it or see a bunch people directly saying they preffer a specific one (probably).
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kozomi · 6 days
Honestly, who or what the hell is Doc even based on?
Albatross is probably based of the poem “L’Albatross” by Charles Baudelaire. (I want to say IRL!Chuuya translated Baidelaire’s works but I might just be getting this mixed up with the fact the Baidelaire translated Poe’s works because I can’t find a source for this) I know at the very least that the IRL!Chuuya enjoyed French poetry so there’s that connection. 
Pianoman was probably based of the composer Saburo Moroi, who the IRL!Chuuya was friends with. He formed a group for young men while in university that the IRL!Chuuya was apart of. (Got this info from a sketchy blog post though so take it with a grain of salt)
Lippmann is probably the easiest to guess for next to Albatross. I’d guess he’s based off of political writer Walter Lippmann. This guess is mainly because their names are the same. Interestingly enough there’s this section of the IRL!Lippmann’s wikipedia page “During World War I, Lippmann was commissioned a captain in the Army on June 28, 1918, and was assigned to the intelligence section of the AEF headquarters in France. He was assigned to the staff of Edward M. House in October and attached to the American Commission to negotiate peace in December.” Considering BSD!Lippman’s job is a negotiator between the Mafia and the world of light I found the comparison interesting.  
This one’s more of a guess than anything, but I think Iceman got his name from the book, “The Ice Man, Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer”. I have no proof other than both BSD!Iceman and The Ice Man involving Mafia hitmen. 
With all this in mind, I have zero ideas for Doc. I have thought so hard about it but I have absolutely nothing. He’s an enigma to me and I want to know who this man is. 
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silvfyre-writings · 21 days
Flowers and Cafes Final Pt. (BSD Fanfic)
Crossposted from AO3
Ten years.
It’d been ten years since he and Sigma started dating.
Ten years of dates, ten years of holding each other through the tough times they had, but ultimately, ten years of love.
Edgar truly couldn’t believe that he’d managed to hold a stable relationship for ten years; he was genuinely surprised that Sigma had been able to put up with him and his eccentricities all this time. And he knew that Sigma felt the same way, often struggling with the same self doubt that Edgar went through—which was how they’d managed to help each other overcome their respective problems in the first place. Even better, was that the small group of friends that they had, were in agreeance that he and Sigma would remain together until one, or both of them, died, and some of them had even taken to asking when the wedding would be.
Which was something that Edgar wasn’t opposed to, but honestly, he hadn’t given it much thought.
He and Sigma’s careers had come first.
Over the past ten years, Edgar managed to publish a handful of books, slowly crawling his way onto the bestseller list, and making a name for himself. It was hard work, filled with copious amounts of caffeine and breakdowns that often left him wondering if he’d ever succeed at being a full-time author—it got to the point that he’d broken down at the café once or twice, and well, hadn’t that been embarrassing. But with the support of the café staff and Sigma, he’d done it, and continued to do it until he’d dragged success towards him. His books were actually in bookstores where he got to witness as people actually spent their hard earned money on something that he wrote. It warmed his heart.
As for Sigma, they still worked at the flower shop, however they’d gone from being a simple worker to becoming the owner of the little flower shop. Edgar had been so proud of his partner when they’d told him the good news, even as Sigma panicked and stressed about the promotion—the old owner had decided to retire, and rather than sell his business, he’d simply passed it onto Sigma, trusting them to run the little shop well. And run it, Sigma had. There wasn’t a soul around that didn’t know the name of the little flower shop, with people coming by from other cities to buy flowers and plants. It was amazing to see, and Sigma looked pleased with themself at how well things were going.
So yes, life was going well for the both of them.
They’d even gone out and adopted a cat a few years back; a fluffy gray tabby with black marks around his eyes that reminded Edgar very much of a raccoon. He was a tiny thing when they first brought him home, but now, he was massive and fluffy, and an absolute menace, always stealing things and running away, knocking things over, and trying to trick him and Sigma up. Edgar had suggested the name Karl for him; there was no reason behind the name, it just seemed to fit the spicy kitten. But regardless of how annoying or frustrating that Karl got, they loved him all the same.
Except for right now.
“I told you not to leave the flour on the bench like that.” Edgar said as he stared at what’d become of their kitchen. There was flour everywhere, courtesy of the bag the Karl had chewed open and then pushed off the counter.
“Edgar.” Sigma huffed his name, looking more despaired by the minute. “I left for five minutes. Five!”
“He was definitely waiting for you to leave; I don’t know how you didn’t realise what he was plotting.”
“Excuse me for giving our cat the benefit of the doubt.” Sigma complained, striding forward to the cupboard where they kept their cleaning supplies. They pulled out a bucket and a cloth, plus a dustpan to sweep the flour into. “I can’t believe you Karl.”
Those last words were directed at the cat that was sitting on the kitchen table, furiously licking his fur free of the flour that stained it. Gone was the gray cat they owned, replaced with a white fluffball that could’ve been a cloud if he really wanted to. Karl looked up at the sound of his name with a chirp before he went right back to cleaning himself without a care in the world.
“Do you have another bag of flour?” Edgar asked.
“Thankfully, yes.” Sigma pointed towards the pantry. “Top shelf where Karl can’t get to it.”
Edgar crossed the kitchen and stretched up to grab the bag of flour, placing it on the bench with the rest of the ingredients that Karl had thankfully not ripped into. Apparently, only the flour had inconvenienced their furry companion on this fine evening.
Because it was their ten year anniversary, he and Sigma decided they needed a cake to celebrate, but of course, it was them and a simple store-bought cake wasn’t enough for them, so that morning, Sigma had gone out to the store to buy all the ingredients they needed to bake their own. Edgar, while not the best of bakers, and more than helpless in the kitchen, was excited to try his hand at making a cake. It wasn’t going to be anything fancy, because the main factor was the effort that went behind the cake rather than the appearance of it.
And just like that, he and Sigma dove into a familiar rhythm.
They worked together to get the ingredients portioned and mixed, a comfortable silence blanketing the room whilst they moved about the kitchen. Edgar allowed himself to get lost in the sounds; the quiet banging of a spoon against the bowl, the gentle humming that Sigma began to do as they focused on what they were doing. It was a beautiful atmosphere, one that Edgar never wanted to step out of, one that had him wishing that he and Sigma baked together more often.
It wasn’t like this was their first time baking together, because it wasn’t. Usually, what happened was that Sigma would totter away in the kitchen, putting together some creation that they wanted to try out; cakes, brownies, muffins—if it could be baked, then Sigma had baked it at least once, and Edgar would sit at the table, either reading a book or working on some kind of puzzle. He’d taken a liking to logic puzzles in recent years, enjoying the way that they stimulated his brain, and sometimes, Sigma would take a jab at them to test their own skills.
It was such a… domestic thing to do, that Edgar never saw himself being able to do, yet very much loved that he had the opportunity to experience it.
And he never wanted it to end.
“Edgar, you need to actually mix things if you want to bake the cake.” Sigma’s voice dragged him back to the present, where he realised that at some point, he’d stopped moving, standing there with bowl in hand just staring into space.
He resumed stirring. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“About…?” Sigma asked, pausing in their own mixing.
“How far we’ve come with each other.” Edgar said, a soft smile on his face. He placed the bowl down on the table and stepped over to where Sigma was standing, and wound his arms around their waist. “Ten years, Sigma, can you believe that it’s been that long?”
Sigma turned in his arms, abandoning the bowl to cup Edgar’s face with their hands, stroking his cheeks with their thumbs. “Of course I can, it’s been ten years with you, the best ten years of my life.”
Edgar blushed, the words warming his heart, even more so when Sigma leaned up to place a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“You are my loveable writer that overthinks everything he does, yet still manages to be the most amazing partner ever.” Sigma said, pulling Edgar close until their foreheads were pressed together. “So how about you sit down and pull out one of your logic puzzles while I finish baking, and then you can decorate it with those secret artistic skills you’ve kept hidden from me all this time.”
Edgar smiled, and kissed his partner. “I think that’ll make things go much smoother.”
“Okay then.” Sigma pulled away, not before leaving one last kiss before they returned to the kitchen to continue the baking venture.
Meanwhile, Edgar made his way to the kitchen table and sat down, reaching over towards the chair opposite him to grab one of the many books that were stacked there. On that chair, there were novels and puzzle books, plus newspapers and magazines—their designated ‘everything’ chair that the two of them used for storage and what not. Edgar pulled a puzzle book towards him, a crossword this time, and flipped it open to a random page, pen in hand as he began to work his way through the clues. Every now and again, he would read one aloud as Sigma worked, like he usually did, and Sigma would pause for a moment as they thought, before suggesting an answer.
It was just like the old times.
Edgar couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he worked, glancing up every now and again to watch Sigma pour the cake mix from the bowl into the pan first, and then again when Sigma slid the pan into oven and closed the door. He looked back at the crossword, only to feel hands against his shoulder, and a weight slide into his lap. Edgar leant back in the chair so that Sigma could get comfortable, and wrapped an arm around their waist.
He pressed a kiss to Sigma’s neck. “Cake’s in the oven?”
“You watched me put it in there, Edgar. Won’t be long and then you can go wild with decorating.” Sigma said, stealing the pen out of Edgar’s hand and leaning over the puzzle book. They looked thoughtful for a moment before they scribbled an answer.
Edgar let out a content hum, and nuzzled his partner’s neck. “What shall I decorate it with?”
“Flowers perhaps? In memory of our first meeting?”
“I think I can manage some flowers.” Edgar gently turned Sigma’s face towards him, and pressed a tender kiss against their lips. “Here’s to another ten years, my love.”
“Another ten years.”
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catholicjinx · 2 years
*poke* bsd vampire au but they’re not like the vampires rn- thoughts 👁👁🎤
okay so. im gonna be honest the vampire thing going on in bsd rn is Not very vampire. friendly id say. ofc its altered to be from the source of an ability but the vampires being mindless and more just. controlled by bloodlust and the need to infect other people is so far off. from regular vampires. because traditionally vampires Did infect people but not so much as just. people dying and coming back as vampires. and them just needing to feed (they dont even come out every night!!! they used to be put in coffins that were specially designed to keep the vampires In and theyd. bury people alive to test if they were vampires. kinda freaky but really the story is they come out for feeding on general human energy, since Vampyres Very Traditionally were just old ancestors that came alive at night to feast on the energy of the living) so it was more 50/50 in a way? anyways. bsd vampire au
SO. im gonna do this in a bulleted list with just regular. characters. and rhe ones i favor the most rn lol
Chuuya - he wouldnt necessarily be a violent vampire but he would feel guilty about his feedings. he wouldnt need blood as often as the average vampire because of his smaller stature but i do think he would come home and immediately shower and feel awful because hes stripping himself further of humanity and like. idk. dipping into stormbringer a bit: since he Is the original chuuyas body, just hosting a god that essentially makes him half human, i think hed be obsessed with proving his humanity to himself to try and live up to what he Should Have Been. the happy boy that the flags said he was. so him becoming a vampire and being fully conscious of it would both be a Huge internal struggle and even an external one - since vampires cannot be seen in mirrors i think he would also have some body image issues! (i Know he does. Really.) but overall, he'd make the most of it. dazai would tell him his fangs are hot or whatever and itd get to him sometimes and the windows in his office would constantly have to be covered up. but he would be ok. also hed wear the SICK ASS vampire 1800s esque clothes and totally live in a gothic mansion with too many books and fireplaces. i know it.
Dazai - him turning vampire would really just. corrode his humanity even further. not only would he question if hes fulfilling odas dying wish but hed question if hes even being honest with kunikida and the rest of the agency by being a "changed man" like he claimed. his feedings probably turn into episodes, most likely having to feed once a day and feeling nothing during it but the guilt would sink in after. he would probably become something of a hermit, only letting his closest friends into his home and hiring So Much staff to take care of his mansion so he doesnt have to be seen by anyone else. his suicide attempts would probably become more drastic (and as vampires are immortal, hed only be left a lot more upset afterwards anyways). on the brighter side, some days would be better than others, and some days he wouldnt sleep in a coffin and prefer an actual Bed. and he would absolutely look like he hasnt slept in 100 years. oh and hed have duo fangs (8 fangs instead of just the traditional 4) and would probably keep heads of garlic around the house for fun. and hed grow his hair out tbh!!
Akutagawa - HE GETS ME THE MOST!!! TBH!!! HEEEEE he was the first one to get turned. for sure. and i especially think he was turned because he was bit by another vampire, his (rural town that i hc him to have grown up in despite being an orphan) buried him vampire style and put a slicer above his neck to behead him when he tried to rise. he did anyways, and since vampires are immortal, hed have a bright red scar on his neck where he was decapitated. hed feed more regularly, especially because he was sicker in the afterlife and now has to make up for it while hes undead. gin would Not be a vampire, but theyd live in a vampire mansion/cottage crossover where she takes care of him and he swears to never use her for feeding, even if he needs blood. his fangs would be small, but very sharp, and hed dress. the same way he does now lol
Atsushi - his turning was difficult. i think it wouldve happened while he was at the orphanage: he got sick, the director brought in a "doctor" to treat him but he ended up being bit and turned, and the director threw him out for behaving unlike the other kids and accused him of being possesed by. something (this also ties into my religious atsushi headcanon so stay with me here). since vampires originate out of religion, i think atsushi wouldve been Heavily raised on catholicism and both felt guilty for becoming the thing he was supposed to hate (catholics hate vampires and anything relating to the supernatural. atleast from someone who was raised in the catholic church, theyre very reserved and punish things that seem to resonate with the devil because it suggests satanism. lol.) and also would probably try to make up for it by becoming obsessive with his relationship with the trinity. ya get me. i think eventually hed accept that he was turned, but hed still feel worthless because hes doing something he deems inhumane especially through his trauma. as for appearances, hed have an interesting fang set where the bottom fangs are very short but the top are long, and i think one of his top fangs would be like a snaggletooth :3 its just very atsushi
Poe - really hed just accept it all together. his turning was ordinary and i dont have anything specific for it Yet but i do believe that he probably used it as an excuse to keep writing novels super late at night lol. also he would feed Very irregularly and itd be super unhealthy for him, so when he met ranpo he would be constantly lectured on keeping a regular feeding schedule. also hed be so scared of the sunlight hed have 100 umbrellas
Ranpo - gluttonous, got turned on accident and was terrified when he couldnt see his reflection at first but then realized he could use this to his advantage to fuck around at night whenever he wants. food isnt necessary for vampire survivial and it makes literally no difference since they straight up just absorb the blood they consume so he took So Much Advantage of this and now uses it to eat as many snacks as he wants. hes still a renown detective and participates in cases often, just from the safefy of his home. he would also have snaggleteeth and double fangs like dazai
Fukuzawa - was turned late into life and found that it didnt really make a difference, so he settled in a mansion and started an organization for vampires that dont prefer going out and feeding on people and would rather just have willing participants/premade blood without the hunting part (particularly ranpo, poe, and atsushi use this. sometimes gin too if akutagawa cant go out to feed). hes like a dad to everyone and treats his vampire staff like his own kin even though they may be scared of him. also he dresses like a 19th century goth novel protagonist. i don't make the rules
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forgedintrust-rp · 2 months
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It is said that in the mysterious Book, one will find an infinite number of potential worlds that can branch out into an infinite number of different paths depending on the choices made and conditions set. The moment something is written on a page in the Book, a world tailored to what was written is summoned in which the potential world inside the Book and the real world change places.
An ability user of unknown origin has decided to do just that. With their ability, they have obtained immeasurable knowledge of various worlds that has been stored into the book. With their newfound knowledge, the ability user has decided to write a narrative into the book, tailoring a world in which everyone, regardless of affiliation and motives, will be given a clean slate. This is a chance to rewrite the wrongs of the past and regain control of one’s destiny. The impending doom that once befell Yokohama Abe beyond is no longer of concern, or so they think. Is it possible for one to finally live with a tangible purpose or are acts of evil inevitable?
Here is what we offer
18+ server
Canon and OCs are allowed
Literate to novella writing style.
A lore that values storytelling and plot progression
Several organizations for your character to choose from. There is the option to remain unaffiliated
LGBT+ and BIPOC friendly
Community space that is inclusive and non-toxic.
Plenty of OOC channels for members to chill, chat, and play games.
Events will be planned and implemented as soon as the plot starts to progress
Currently hiring for staff and is open to building partnerships
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crab-cafe · 3 years
Really random BSD headcannons:
Kunikida teaches Atsushi and Kyoka math since they never had any proper education and he’s as ex math teacher.
Dazai regularly steals food from all his coworkers fridges. They’re not sure how he gets into their houses.
Fukuzawa owns several cats, and regularly feeds the stray cats on his street. He also enjoys visiting cat cafes.
Ango likes salami. He’s also just chronically tired.
Sigma bakes cookies everyday and has a cookie delivered to every hotel room in the casino as a complimentary gift. If you don’t have money he will also take payment for admission into the casino in cookies.
Dazai really sucks as cooking, the agency has tried to teach him, but he never gets any better. But he also doesn’t care about the quality of the food he eats, he will eat uncooked rice if no one stops him.
Jouno likes knitting scarves, he finds it relaxing. The other hunting dogs will help him pick out colors and he’ll just make scarves.
The hunting dogs have a movie night every Friday and they often argue about what to watch. Tetcho wants to watch romcoms and Teruko wants to watch violent horror. Fukuchi always offers for them to watch his movies but they unanimously turn him down. If they do pick out something to watch, Jouno sits next to Tachihara and makes him explain what is happening in the movie.
Tetcho will try and make lunch for the hunting dogs but he miserably fails because he uses his logic that similar colored food tastes good together to make the lunches. He’ll put stuff like green apples and wasabi, hard boiled eggs and powdered sugar, strawberries and ketchup. He gets kicked out of that duty fairly quickly.
Chuuya keeps trying to convince Mori to find someone to fill Dazai’s executive position but Mori is always like “nooo, Dazai will come back!”
Chuuya and Dazai are banned from several stores in Yokohama because they saw each other in that store and proceeded to have a fight.
Occasionally Dazai and Ango will run into each other while visiting Oda’s grave and it gets awkward.
In the dark era, Dazai would just randomly crash at Oda or Ango’s place, because they have much nicer houses than Dazai. Dazai lived in a shipping container like why dazoo?
Dazai started taking photos of things that he likes and keeping them up on his wall to remind him that there are some good things in the world. The photos are old photos of Oda and Ango, photos of the agency, or just random stuff he encounters on a daily basis that make him smile a bit inside.
Dazai always buys bandages from the same place and the staff knows him. He’s come there so often and buys so many bandages that they just give him a discount.
After Yosano, most of the detective agency has a fear of doctors.
The port mafia occasionally has a game night where the executives gamble over ludicrous sums of money while playing monopoly - its a recipe for disaster.
Dazai still sends the port mafia really bad New Years cards (like in Wan).
Also Dazai doesn’t have a drivers license. Does that stop him from driving? No, it does not.
Koyo and Mori make all the important mafia people and executives dress up each year for a “family photo”. Everyone hates it.
Ranpo and Poe meet at Poe’s mansion every Saturday for tea and book discussions.
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chazukekani · 4 years
Stormbringer Oopsie?
(posted on 24th Feb GMT 00:00)
As you all know, the pre-prologue consists of a quote from Cao Zhi from his writing Luo Shen Fu
Fate whispers to warrior,
'You cannot win against me.'
Warrior whispers back to fate,
'I am the storm.'
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However, it is recently found out that this is actually a misquote because Cao Zhi actually had never written such quote in his writing of Luo Shen Fu.
Why this happened?
The related original quote from Luo Shen Fu is
With [her] movement smooth as dragon, [she] flusters the swans.
This original quote was used by a reporter of the Chinese Central Television to describe the gentle and astonishing figure skate performance of Hanyu Yuzuru in the Winter Olympics, which the reporter then describe Hanyu's journey with the quote " 'Fate whispers to warrior, 'You cannot win against me.' Warrior whispers back to fate, 'I am the storm.' " and this 'fate' quote is in fact not written by Cao Zhi. The full description was beautifully written from the perspective of both Japanese and Chinese so it also once got trending in some Japanese forums.
However, thus, this created a misconception among the Japanese public as some of them may have perceive the 'fate' quote as the extension from the previous Cao Zhi's writing, but actually not. (some says the author of this quote remain unknown).
According to my understanding, Chinese fans have already reported the issue to Kadokawa (publisher of BSD), but their response is yet unknown.
My theory on potential actions:
1. No action will be taken, 27th February remains the launch day.
2. Kadokawa will correct this mistake on the e-book version of Stormbringer. (This is likely to happen, in my opinion)
3. Kadokawa will keep 27th February as the launch day for Stormbringer given the 1st edition of the novel has been printed and may have already distributed to various bookstores. Correction will occur since the 2nd edition.
4. Kadokawa may, probably, perhaps delay the launching date.
My Opinion:
Regardless of how much I love BSD, I do not see any reason to defend for the author, the editor and the publisher because this is an actual mistake that has been made as a result of insufficient research. Misquotation is no doubt a major mistake and important issue from publication and legal perspectives. Nevertheless, I don't think such misquotation is going to affect us anything from enjoying the story. The best I can do is to continue to support BSD and every associated staff, because among almost 500 pages of novel, the team has surely devoted ample amount of effort and time in producing such wonderful story, which I think their hard work should be recognised.
Please respect the author, mangaka, editor and publisher online and offline. Especially the author, as the writing of BSD in fact involved a number of personnel behind the scenes, and the author should not be bearing the full responsibility and criticism just because he is representing the team.
p.s. Don't repost it on Twitter and tag Asagiri or Harukawa, they are busy enough.
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