#from twilight princess xD
TP Link really is the guy ever.
My man‘s a goofy horse girl who loves goats, sumo wrestles gorons, makes soup for Yetis, collects insects for a girl roleplaying princess parties and holds dogs and cats like puppies, yet almost the entire fandom makes him a brooding edgelord because the color palette of the game is kinda muted and he‘s technically a werewolf.
You can howl songs in this game and he always does a little spin at the end. He plays hide and seek with a town full of cats. He lives in a treehouse and has pictures of goats framed on the walls. You can pet the goats and play fetch with the castle town doggies. He‘s so happy over a cave full of pots to break that they placed the "Happy Link“ Miiverse stamp in said cave. He loves to go shopping in Castle Town. He sticks lit bombs onto arrows to shoot them, and somehow makes it work. He carried a whole barrel of water across half the country with his hands because a Goron was sweating. He sumo wrestles goats, too. He’s a bit of a show-off. If you do any of the sick sword moves he learnt from his dead skeleton gramps and press a, he does a fancy sword sheathing move with a smirk because he feels so cool. He likes to scare the castle town guards as a wolf. He befriends a chicken lady and her flying head son via dungeoncrawling. He set a building full of bombs on fire because of a bug inside. He’s got literal puppy eyes. He let himself get shot off a canon, twice. And got carried away by a giant monster bird, also twice. One of those times was for a minigame where you collect fruit. He eats bee larvae and jello from the ground. He goes snowboarding with the Yetis on a frozen leaf. That he obtains by rolling headfirst into a tree. He shows kindness to strangers as helps out his companion way past what she asked of him even when she was pretty mean because he knows it’s the right thing to do. He defeats the personification of a dead gods‘ anger with a fishing rod he got from his adoptive little bro who wants to be just like him.
TP Link is the guy ever.
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ryssbelle · 5 months
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My last post is a sneak peek to the next chapter of my crack fic which has just been dreamworks movie references so far XD
The most recent chapter can be found here
The BG are just the ones from Trolls 3 but I killed the trolls
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Love the idea of each previous hero's journey being mostly lost to time, such that each time the cycle starts again absolutely no one picks up the very obvious clues that might lead them to the hero.
Oh, you've named your blond haired blue eyed child Link, have you? That's a good name!
Oh, he's found a strange red and white maned horse he's named epona who has utterly bonded with him? How unusual!
Yes, the princess Zelda is the same age, isn't she? What a good omen for the family!
We know he doesn't talk much, but he's the sweetest lad, don't worry!
Don't fret, dearie, his wanderlust will abate when he grows up, I'm sure it won't get him in too much trouble before then.
Prodigious little swordsman, isn't he? He would make a great knight if he wanted to when he's older!
Oh? Rumours about a long forgotten temple in the woods? How strange! Are you sure it's not just the children telling stories?
Look at him in his armoured green outfit! That hat looks lovely on him - where did you find it?
#It's so funny#In just about every Zelda I've played there's been about a hundred signs link is In The Building and no one ever notices#Twilight Princess was the absolute worst everyone just kept bringing up Its The Hero stuff and it just was not clicking#By the time we got to epona I was half tempted to make a bingo card#Heck he even has a tree house!!#Strong oot time genes there XD#There's something about loading up a Zelda game and going 'yup. This is a Zelda game alright' but NO ONE in universe notices#YOU ACTUALLY LIVE THERE YOU GUYS STUDY THIS IN HISTORY CLASS#it also opens up the great trope of link casually knowing stuff from previous lives he absolutely shouldn't and nobody taking it seriously#Until he comes back with the master sword#Some of those games were particularly bonkers and if the specifics never got recorded then there's no way anyone would believe them#A zora princess tried to marry the hero?? Lmao try writing fanfic#Listen I know it says the hero came from the woods but kokiri don't exist he would have just lived in a cottage or something#How dare you besmirch the hero's honour! He would never lower himself to base property damage! Never mind pots!#No hylian can ever wrestle a goron are you insane??#Talking boat.... Sure#But you just KNOW Zelda would get some scholars and they'd hang off his every word#I love fics where link just casually references some world shaking knowledge (ie rito being zora descended and their own squid ancestors)#Or what the divine beasts were named after#Or what time travel feels like#Or that the myths hylians came from the skies are true#Or what one Zelda did when she vanished centuries ago#Or what the giant skeletons were#That kind of thing#Sorry I rambled#long post#legend of zelda#loz#loz zelda#loz link
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Unused bit from a fic I posted a while ago:
“Why did you think I was mad about that?” Ilia said incredulously.
Link gave a small shrug. “Because... I kept this a secret. I didn’t tell anyone I could turn into a monster, and I scared you, I know I did, and—“
“Wolves aren’t monsters.”
Link closed his mouth with a small click.
Ilia sighed, tying off the bandages on his arm. “Link you’re not a monster. Yeah this is unusual, or rather, weird, and I’m never letting you be the one who has to chase off any wolves that go after the goats again, but you’re not a monster.”
Her voice went quiet.
“Who told you that you are?”
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undercityrezident · 11 months
Poes as Foes in TotK
Something that would’ve been a cool addition to the Depths in TotK would’ve been malicious Poes as a tough enemy or roaming boss in the same way as Froxes. The Depths seem like the perfect environment for them. I don’t mind the idea of collecting Poe souls for the bargainer statues, but I remember how I became excited when I consulted that first statue in Lookout Landing and heard about their existence in the game, only to be disappointed when I found out they were just a collectible.
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Poes are a classic enemy in Zelda games, and given some of the cool adaptations we’ve seen of old enemies in BotW and TotK, I feel like we could’ve seen a great take on this ghastly foe.
I could easily see tough Poes yielding greater amounts of Poe souls for us to collect, or even special souls that we could take for rare prizes or upgrades at the bargainer statues.
On top of that, there’s a general lack of enemy and landscape feature variety in the Depths that I think Poes could’ve helped add to. We had the Gerudo Underground Cemetary filled with Gibdos, so why not other places of burial or even underground battlefields that Poes have chosen as their haunts.
And just like angler fish in the darkest parts of the ocean, imagine a swaying light in the pitch black of the Depths waving back and forth, luring you in, only for you to be at the mercy of a Poe once its trap is sprung. It phases in and out of existence, taunting and hitting you from odd angles with spectral flames and smacks of a lantern.
Once you’ve defeated it and claimed its soul, a hidden grave pulls back to reveal a reward: some prized possession it once clung to in life along with the countless souls it collected over the ages from its ruse.
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dragkbluire · 5 months
(but if you take drawing requests can you do Twi comforting wars, idk man I just love them)
Step 1 to comfort Wars: Make him realise he's being an idiot
He's about to meet Hylia. (He's very stubborn I just know it xd)
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Just kidding xd Here's the real one
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I tried a cold atmosphere with too much blue so you can feel sadness but at the same time, calm.
And the version without color
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I was about to tell you that I'm not doing requests right now but I don't have homework or exams and I have worked a lot in the drawings I have to do (and others I want to do) so I told myself that why not? xd
Besides I love Wars - Twilight relationship. For me because of Time they are uncle and nephew and being both Time's hands they often have to comfort/help each other.
And YES I love both LOZ/LU and JJBA, In fact I have noticed that a lot of people that likes LOZ likes JJBA (and vice versa). In fact I think both are similar so it's common that people that likes one likes the other.
But even if you notice (or at least I try to xd) my artstyle is a mix between LOZ and JJBA art style.
And if you were wondering (or not) my favourite Zelda games (from my most favourite to the least) are Twilight Princess (my favourite game ever), Majora's Mask and Tears of the Kingdom. But my favourite Link is Time without a doubt.
And for JJBA my favourite part is Stardust Crusaders (right now I'm reading a fan manga from the artist @/therealsnipster on instagram about Jotaro and Polnareff on their travels searching for the arrows), then I can't decide so Vento Aureo and Stone Ocean have the second place and then there is Phantom Blood. And Jonathan is my favourite Jojo.
Thank you so much for your ask and request!! :D
It was fun and it helped me notice I still need to practice some poses xdxd
EDIT: I gave it the vhs effects, I think it looks better.
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linked-maze · 3 months
I noticed that the funky bones in the new master post looks an awful lot like stallrod
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This is probably a coincidence, but it's still pretty cool either way
Stallord was one of my favorite bosses from Twilight Princess!! it does look similar yeah! XD
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So I don’t know if you take requests, but I love your artwork and I’ve been seeing it all over my recommendations, and I was wondering if you could draw the hero’s shade from twilight princess as the golden wolf and the tall bone man. If not, that’s fine. I just thought I’d ask.
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Thank you so much! I’m not super good at drawing wolves but I hope adding Twilight helps make up for my poor attempt XD
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indieyuugure · 3 months
Hii! I’ve been loving your Mutation Situation fic! Absolutely love the boys human designs, and I now consider those designs to be canon, it just makes sense to make them look similar to splinter and I love it. Also seeing them react to high school was hilarious XD
Okay so now the question: I believe you said this fic takes place around season 2, so we’re prob not gonna see the other Turtles allies, but on a hypothetical, if the story took place later in the series and the Turtles other friends and allies (Karai, Slash, Mona Lisa, Renet, Mondo Gecko, Leatherhead, Shinigami etc.) saw the turtles human form, how would you think they’d react? Would they have similar reactions to April and Casey or react/respond differently.
Glad to hear it! Lol, I probably thought way too scientificly about this whole project, but I think in the long run it’s worth it to get the details right ^v^
Yes, those boys have had like zero human interaction, throwing them in a pool of humans is a recipe for disaster 😂
On to actually answering your question. I think their reactions would be similar to April and Casey’s, except for maybe their animal/mutant friends who would put two and two together a lot faster.
I sorta got this idea from playing Twilight Princess where in you can transform back and forth between being a human and a wolf. When your in beast form, the humans in the game—even your friends—will scream and run away, but the animals know that you’re a person in an animal body and will give you little tips and chat with you. It’s an interesting detail that I really like.
So(to use your list) while Renet, Shinnigami, and maybe Karai might be a little slower to get it similar to how April and Casey took a few moments to realize it was the turtles, Slash, Leatherhead, and Mona Lisa would be much more likely to realize that it’s still them much faster. This is also one of the reasons Splinter isn’t confused as to who they are but to how the heck his boys have managed to turn themselves into humans.
Sorry I’m not sure any of that made any sense 😅 but basically they’d all probably have varied versions of April and Casey’s reactions except for their mutant friends with animal instincts that would be confused but kinda get it.
Good question! :]
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s0nia246 · 2 months
Day Dream in Pinkies senses au
Pinkies senses au created by @my-quirk-is-fred
Info on Day Dream
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Subject: Day Dream
Interviewer: Twilight Sparkle
Date: [Redacted]
[Begin Log]
Day Dream: Twilight!
Twilight Sparkle: Good evening, Day Dream. How are you doing?
Day Dream: I'm currently feeling a bit disoriented but otherwise okay, I guess....Why do I have to be in here?
Twilight Sparkle: ...It's ah...to help us with checkup. You'll have to be in the containment cell for a while.
Day Dream: Oh... okay.
Twilight Sparkle: Do you wanna talk about what happened to you during your time in the Everfree Forest?
Day Dream: Well, it's all a bit of a blur, to be honest. After I got to my old cave, I remember wandering the forest looking for things to journal, and then... everything just seemed to blend together. I lost track of time, and it felt like I was trapped in some sort of dream world.
Twilight Sparkle: A dream world, you say? Can you elaborate on that?
Day Dream: It's hard to explain. It was like being in a perpetual state of half-consciousness, where everything around me seemed surreal and fantastical. I saw things that couldn't possibly exist in the real world. Everything was made of candy, specifically gummy worms. Maybe my magic was going haywire or something.
Twilight Sparkle: Fascinating. And how did you eventually find your way out of this dream world?
Day Dream: It's hazy, but I remember hearing a voice calling out to me. It sounded familiar, like someone I knew. And then suddenly, I woke up in the forest, disoriented and confused. Then I found Spike, and he told me to come here.
Twilight Sparkle: Do you recall anything else about this voice? Are there any specific details that might help you identify its origin?Day Dream: Uh... It sounded like a lot of people were talking all at once. I heard Princess Celestia, Luna, you....pretty much everyone I know.
Twilight Sparkle: Interesting. It seems like your experience was quite....interesting. We'll need to investigate further to understand what caused it. Tell me if you remember anything else. For now, let's focus on getting you settled back in and ensuring you're feeling alright.
Day Dream: Okay. Also can you get my bag. I wanna read the book I found.Twilight Sparkle: I'll get write after the checkup.
[End Log]
Twilight Sparkle proceeded with the checkup, ensuring Day Dream was physically and magically stable after the peculiar experience in the Everfree Forest. Once everything was confirmed to be in order, Twilight retrieved Day Dream's bag and handed it to her.
"Here's your bag." Twilight placed the bag on the floor right next to Day.
"Thank you, Twilight." Day Dream smiled as she took her bag from her. She reached in and pulled out one of her many journals and a mysterious looking book that had an interesting looking cover.
"Your dinner will be ready soon," Twilight said before walking out of the room. She disappeared into the darkness outside the door before Day Dream could ask any questions.
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(I suck at drawing horror XD)
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piracytheorist · 8 months
Spy x Family Season 2 OP details! (pt 1)
I've got to admit, it's got a lot of interesting parts and even some parts that made me scratch my head a little XD
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The first few seconds show something like a game where tanks, war planes and warships are taken out. They aren't blown away, they just disappear, and that's an interesting depiction considering what the story is about. They're trying to make war and attacks "go away".
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That's a very interesting depiction of the logo! It appears normally right after, so I'm curious about the inspiration behind this style.
It's very interesting that the first character we see is Yor. I'm still trying to figure out what could have inspired the bigger feet as the characters walk forward.
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Anya and Bond make their very dramatic entrance!
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And then, epi|epsy warning, lol
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There's a rainbow in the sky, the only patch of colour in that background. Is this supposed to be City Hall where Yor works?
And then, cool shots of Thorn Princess and Twilight in action!
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Anya and Bond being shown "separately" from Yor and Loid. Hmm!
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Then, Anya is surrounded by speech bubbles, which could represent the thoughts she hears from others?
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However, the same thing is shown with Bond. I wonder what the Japanese characters shown here mean.
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For the benefit of Anya-san there will be a show tonight, with acrobats Papa and Mama doing cool stunts!
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Yeah, I don't think this one was that subtle. She really has made clowns out of them. To be fair, they don't seem to complain XD We love one clown family.
(part two analyzing Tea TimeTM here!)
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kommandantpinks-art · 8 months
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Linktober Day 11: Monsters / Beasts
I swear, if these guys weren't hostile I'd love to see someone keep one as a pet in-game XD they look somewhat adorable, especially the ones from BotW
I still love how the Twilight Princess chus are just jelly slugs without any eyes like the rest loll
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The biggest issue that I have with g5 is all of the unanswered questions about what happened during the time frame between g4 and g5. The biggest ones are:
What happened to the alicorns? 
What happened to the other sapient creatures? Donkeys, mules, zebras, horses, cattle, sheep, buffalo/bison, deer/reindeer, hippos, yaks, griffons, hippogriffs/seaponies, dragons, Changelings, kirin, anthro cats, diamond dogs, anthro birds, etc etc.
How was Equestria able to function with the magic gone? And who's been raising the sun and moon this whole time if the magic has been gone? Is it someone outside Equestria?
They're never going to answer any of those questions.
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The only reason why I watched MYM all the way through is because I was waiting for a proper explanation for all of the questions the movie didn't answer. I think the majority of us were under the impression that the TV show or comics would provide those answers.
Well... they didn't. And, let's face it, they probably never will. And if they do, the explanation will be bad.
The explanation they gave for the Unity Crystals and ponies dividing in the comics was... dumb.
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The explanation they gave for the Unity Crystals and ponies dividing in the TV show was... dumb. And inconsistent.
Sunny in The Traditional Unicorn Sleepover:
Sunny Starscout: But then one day, a magical accident happened! An Earth pony got hurt by a unicorn! Everypony started fighting with each other! The princess, wanting to protect her kingdom and all of the ponies in it, decided to put all magic into three crystals before it got out of hoof. After that, Earth ponies only felt safe with other Earth ponies. Unicorns with unicorns. And Pegasi of a feather flock together. The ponies galloped, trotted, and flew as far as they could with their crystals, settling in what would become Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, and Maretime Bay. And that's where they lived forever... until now.
Spike in the Isle of Scaley:
Spike: Twilight's reign was peaceful for many moons until Opaline Arcana appeared. She'd been banished from Skyros.
Sunny Starscout: The Alicorn land?
Spike: She wanted to rule all ponies. She thought that Alicorns were superior.
Spike: But my friends were strong. Our friendship had created such powerful magic that Opaline had to resort to dark ways to overthrow Equestria. She even attacked the dragons to transform into a Fire Alicorn!
Spike: The crystals were created to hide the magic of Equestria in them. All of pony magic. And all of dragon magic inside the Dragon Stone. Twilight sent us here to protect us and put a spell around Equestria to hide it from Opaline.
G5 is basically implying that Opaline was a much bigger threat than all of the other major villains the G4 characters had faced, which I don't believe for a second. Even after she powered herself up with the dragon's magic.
There's no implication that Opaline had mind controlled and used the dragons as an army back when she faced Twilight and her friends. Twilight and her friends could've just used their Element of Harmony powers to take away Opaline's magic, or turn her to stone, etc etc.
The series finale showed that they didn't need the physical elements or tree to access that magic...
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So why didn't they use it on Opaline?
I think the moment where I started to become disappointed in G5 was when they released that TYT short showing the dragons before they were properly introduced in Chapter 6.
And when I saw how horribly they were designed, I just got angry.
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And then I saw how they looked in the main show, and my disappointment grew...
And then I saw that Spike had the same horrible model as the other dragons (with minor changes) and I wanted to throw up XD
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And then I finished Chapter 6 of MYM, and I realized that I had wasted my precious time on G5.
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Historically inspired darknut! This drawing was intended to just be a quick little doodle as a bit of a brain reset while working on a fierce deity drawing but it ended up being a lot more complex to render than I expected, even still there's some details I didn't include that I'd like to so I'll likely come back to this one at some point. For the design I wanted to incorporate elements from all iterations of darknuts. Most of the armor is inspired by twilight princess's depiction though I included the cape as a nod to the original legend of zelda as well as the knight's crest from windwaker which I adapted into a 14th century inspired plaque belt! Both the sword and the helmet I went my own route for, the sword being inspired by both the Dacian Falx as well as some of the two handed falchions depicted in the Maciejowskie Bible, overall going for a spiky "bad guy" look (or to @phoenix-arts7 's eye a cheese knife XD, can't unsee that). The helmet is based on a European "frogmouth" jousting helmet which though not being particularly practical for foot combat gives a really cool and intimidating dehumanizing effect that I always felt darknut designs were trying to achieve! Hope y'all enjoy!
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Cerulean for the fic ask! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
The wolf stared at Rusl, it’s teeth bared, a low growl escaping its throat. And suddenly all Rusl could see were eyes that were a bright cerulean instead of yellow, looking at him in fear as he swung a torch at its face, a panicked whimper as it bolted out of sight.
He stumbled backwards, and the wolf disappeared into the bush, leaving Rusl to fall to his knees, nausea lurching in his stomach.
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blackstarchanx3new · 9 months
all your designs for the fsr cast are so so so tasty i love them all ooouwwwaahhhwhwhhwhwhwaahaewawawaaa
Thanks! XD
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There's no competition, I love the new one SO MUCH.
Trying to make them all look different while still having that Link flare is a challenge but fun.
His pink hair is such an improvement over the bright red that blended WAAAY to much into his hat.
Trying to draw his eyes more similar to how Akira does as well.
I made him slightly paler and Blue slightly less pale to give them some skin variation.
Red's hair and skin were blending too much imo before I made him paler. Working with various shades of red and pinks is so hard agh.
Gave him a more cherry red tunic too + a red for his belt and hat rim.
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I'm taking this as an opportunity to talk about things I love about drawing/designing them.
Blue's super long side burns are a favorite design choice tho. XDDDD
Blue also has a more unique nose shape being inspired by the noses in Soul Eater.
Him having no tights I think shows his wreck-less nature. XD
Thicc eyebrows are visually tasty and don't let anyone say otherwise-
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Vio's face + hair is a favorite of mine. He has such a draw-able face.
Him wearing twilight princess Link's outfit is very fitting for him I think.
Him always having his sword visible is annoying to draw but also shows he perpetually has it there is kinda off-putting.
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It's also SUCH a stark contrast when in the head space he has no armor and is in way less clothes. I wouldn't call them "revealing" because they're not, but they are compared to his 100% head to toe covered look in the real world. No armor, no long sleeve shirt no long tights. Just a baggy t shirt and shorts lol.
His tunic having a chainmail layer underneath is fun, Vio is the most armored up Link out of the four atm with his arm guards PLUS chainmail.
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Vaati is literally color-picked from minish cap and his design is taken right from that too, but playing around with him reverting back to Wind demon mode is super fun art wise.
His colored Akira art is so desaturated agh. XD
I'd love to give Vaati a new outfit at some point tho.
Dark's blank slate design is a favorite of mine. He's so dang cute but I'm very excited to draw him in new things when he gets a new outfit. I think atm tho it draws attention to his creepy chest eyeball, changing hair and his expressions more since his outfit IS so bland.
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I just love Link. He is so precious to me. Trying to work in all the colors from the four of them was a challenge but also really satisfying in the final design I think.
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I just love how Green is tiered and his hair is similar to Link's but with a cap on. Also he makes me like the color green I typically don't like working with green. XDDDD
His hair is a MESS and inspired by Oracle of ages manga Link's hair. Specifically how it tilts down instead of sticking upward like in FS.
Him wearing Ocarina of Time Link's outfit is fun but I think it works better on Shadow. XDDDD
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I'm really happy people liked Gannondorf because I struggled hah. My art style is more simple than Akira's but I'm glad I could capture the essence of Gannondorf. UwU
Like, he was mostly inspired by Twilight Princess Gannon with Wind Waker and Ocarina Gannon flare.
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Ngl I love how OOT Link's outfit looks on Shadow Link. He looks so edgy.
The hot topic boots and different toned brown for his chest belt and actual belt are just the cherry on top. XD
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I try to keep his hair in line with how it's drawn in FS because it gives him a unique silhouette when he's a shadow.
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Though I'd love to design him more Gannondorf inspired attire like his desert cloak.
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His TP manga Midna inspired look was mostly due to me wanting to find a way to show his expressions while ALSO showing he is an entirely black shadow.
Anyways yeah, FSR is very fun to work on visually XD
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