#frore time!!!
Hello!! I just want to say first that your writing is extremely wonderful and very talented, I truly enjoy reading your writing !!
I was wondering if you can write headcanons and thoughts in everyone in The Kid at The Back if they encounter a stern and cold MC/Reader , heck even more colder than Geo ! :)
Frore (All x Cold! MC/Reader)
So...basically, turns out if a request relates to either IRL me or my MC I go berserk??? Yippee???
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Frore: frozen; frosty.
When you’d first stepped into the bleak, soulless halls of Olympieus University, you felt a strange familiarity amongst the numbing lifelessness that everyone amongst you seemed to possess. If your heart – the one that continues to relentlessly pound inside your torso – had been exposed to the world, cleaved open and picked apart, it would be just as gracelessly chilled and still as this wretched place.
As your days there turned into years, you were depicted as a sociopath, as an allegedly heartless and callous soul that had grown vehemently hateful and bitter over the years. You couldn’t care whether you were revered or resented by the masses, for you were here to rewin your place at your former school. To retake the No. 1 spot, to reclaim what once belonged to you. What should’ve stayed yours.
Unfortunately, now you stand amongst your acquaintances, people whose existence you’d but merely heard of. You wonder briefly, if these would be the people whom you’d develop an alien sense of fondness for.
And with time, you realised you had…
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By the time Sol had talked to you for the first time, he’d already painted a magnum opus of your character.
He knew you were a frore soul, one who held a prowess for hiding, stifling or exsanguinating emotions, or any form of intense feeling from situations; no matter how extreme or bizarre.
He could tell, from the moment you spoke to him in that cold, crystal-clear voice, that you were significantly more aloof than the average person, you bore no shyness, no sense of boredom, just a monotone efficacy that he found himself respecting, (along with finding immensely hot, ironically enough).
You, to him, were a mystery. Sure, he’d overheard things about you, either from classmates or Hyugo, but he wanted to learn things about you from you.
In all honesty, he was definitely pretty fucking intimidated when you first approached him, which – mind you – is an extremely rare occurrence for him; but he gathered that you were simply a tough nut to crack and he was going to wait as long as possible to gain your favour and eventual love.
When he notices how bluntly and swiftly you deal with problems, how nonchalantly you brush off insults or rumours and how you’re so uncaring towards the opinions of others? Oh my God, he’s cumming awed.
He eagerly awaits the days where you drop little tidbits of info about yourself, and even more so the days where he coaxes a little smile or wide-eyed expression from you. Any day where he learns something about you is entirely worth it, no matter how boring it may have been.
Overtime begins to form a genuine bond with you, and as you warm up to him, he slowly begins to show his more affectionate side.
And after a while, you learn to reciprocate. You don’t have to smile, or blush, or anything. Just a hug from you, one that he knows is meaningful, is more than enough.
Will probably just end up stating he likes you without any bullshitting or beating around the bush; he knows you’re more head-on and straight forward, so he’ll do the same.
If, heh, sorry, when you accept, he’ll just die. Of bliss. You will have to just ask him several times if he requires emergency assistance, but he can’t hear you over the sound of his throbbing dick heart. He’s gonna be a beetroot while you’re just…chill.
Won’t try to make you show emotion if you’re just not the type of person who does (or can) do so. He knows you well enough that you’re genuine, and if you come off harsher than intended? It’s okay, he understands. Nothing you do can shake him off anyway. <3
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When Hyugo first became acquainted with you, he honestly thought you must be a secret brain-twin of Geo’s, considering your deadpan tone and expressionless face.
In a way, you immediately intrigued him. You weren’t trying to appear mysterious or enigmatic, this was simply who you were. And if there’s anything Hyugo enjoys, it's being a detective. Solving enigmas, cracking open mysteries. You were the perfect puzzle for him.
When you ended up being in the same art class as him, he was pretty pleased. Considering how he often had access to plenty of gossip outlets who dubbed you as a bitch or a pick-me for not acting ‘normal’; having you – the real you – in the flesh was incredibly satisfying. He relished in the fact that he could either prove or dismiss the piles of ‘evidence’ that people claimed to have against you.
Hyugo’s a pretty charismatic person, so he tries to befriend you, but you seem to take a more hostile approach to this; immediately raising all walls and shields. It made him wonder whether this was due to you having nasty past experiences, or if this was simply who you were. Another mystery.
Fortunately, if you decide that these advances of his weren’t to harm or hinder you, you seem to become a lot more approachable. In your own way, which tends to be a more logical, blunt sense of approval.
When you request to start sitting with him, he’s pretty happy; despite how you’re a walking talking enigma, he grew to like you as a person as well. You felt more genuine than a lot of other people he’s acquainted with, and that is a big green flag for him.
Overall he’s pretty accepting of your nature, although it does irk him secretly that you’re harder to read. Until he decides that he’s not gonna bother, after all, he did grow up alongside a Subaru Oogami. 
He only develops feelings when you start opening up to him, and he notices the little faces you make when you’re amused or concerned. He finds them adorable, in a way.
He deems it very rewarding when you bless him with information about yourself, or a hint of any form of approval or respect. It feels like fulfilling a goal, and he’s very much a goal-driven person. It’s like tunnel-vision for him.
He doesn’t know when he exactly felt your friendship blossom into something ‘more’, but he feels like you’re a person – despite your lack of emotional expression, tone (and perhaps knowledge) – who is smart, kind and honest.
He’ll probably try to avoid confessing for a while (he can’t tell if you like him back lmfao), but when he eventually decides to just get it over with and you reciprocate? He’s astounded.
Even if you stated how you felt with the flattest tone imaginable, he’d know, deep down, it was serious.
He’d just be a flushed mess and you’re just slightly blushing. Either way, when you’re in a relationship, not only can he determine very easily that you’re not a bitch, but also that you’re just a very epic individual. <3
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Brittney was more so unnerved when she first met you, she was honestly worried you were going to point a gun to her head and blow her brains out.
You just had that menacing emptiness in your eyes and the most nonchalant air about you. She didn’t know how to perceive you; not even Geo was this monotone.
Would mostly avoid you for the most part, until you joined the friend group. Would be silently yelling at Crowe the whole time. It’s not that she dislikes you, it’s just…you’re very peculiar to her. She’s not a fan when she doesn’t have the ability to instantly gain a read on someone.
If you decide to start talking to her, she’s gonna be utilising her confident facade to the utmost extreme, she refuses to appear nervous in front of you.
After a while, when you’ve started warming up to the group – like they to you – Brit decides that you’re just a bit socially awkward and don’t intend to come off as unapproachable as you are. Part of her feels a bit bad for making assumptions about you, but she’s surrounded by the goss, it's gonna paint a picture.
Starts talking to you more, and overtime realises you’re actually very interesting to talk to. You’ve got personality, intellect, sarcasm. She’s honestly very pleased her group was the one you chose to join.
If you get harassed by bullies, and don’t let it get to you, or better yet, defend yourself? She’s going to have a fuckton of respect for you.
Asks you what music you like, you guys end up forming a partnership of exchanging songs and makeup tutorials.
Doesn’t realise it until too late, but she’s really into you. Your confidence, boldness and relatability is very appealing to her. You also have enough self-respect to hold your own in a destructive, sabotaging environment like Olympieus; and that makes her feel a bit inferior to you. For the most part, she’s keeping up a mask. You make her feel secure, weirdly enough.
Will be very hesitant on sharing her feelings for you, knowing how great you are at revealing yours, but if she gets a hint that you like her back, she’ll just get it over and done with.
Is so stunned you felt the same that the only thing she thought of doing was a cunty-ass hairflip.
When in a relationship, she’ll probably ask you to be slightly less stone-faced, and if you show even little bits of emotion or expression, she’ll be extremely satisfied. Will do her best for you as well. <33
110% will ask how you achieved such levels of self-assurance; you both will also be the types to exchange life advice out of nowhere when watching a shitty romcom. :))))
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Jess is legitimately terrified of you; my girl is best friends with Gyaru-Gossip-Girlboss Brittney Claire, she’s going to hear at least 21 times about how allegedly never made a single face expression except for pure rage or disgust. 
Will begin to wonder how you turned out that way, ends up becoming incredibly curious about you. She impulsively decides to ask her online friends for advice on how to approach you, realises the next day she’s too scared to take it.
Will honestly meet you through coincidence, and by coincidence I mean you’re in a class or two together.
Ends up realising you’re genuinely smart, albeit a little cocky, doesn’t know how to feel about it. Ends up feeling panic when she ends up sitting next to you one day, after being late due to traffic.
You both actually end up getting along quite decently, so you end up sitting together for the rest of the semester, and eventually, by decision of Crowe Ichabod, you start sitting with her group at lunch.
By this point she probably just feels high levels of respect for you. Well, until she gets a lower mark than her usual 80%s. She’s on the verge of tearing up, until you ask if she wants tutoring. That’s how you guys started texting, and we know Jess is 110% not shy online.
It’s because of aforementioned tutoring and texting that she develops actual feelings for you, won’t realise it until much later though.
It’ll be Brit who ends up getting you both together, either through sheer luck or a lot of pushing on both sides, it somehow happens.
When you walk up to her and ask to speak to her privately, she’s immensely paranoid. That is until you confess very aloofly how you feel.
My girl is just torn, she is shooketh. Then she becomes a stuttering mess and can’t speak to save her life. To her this is both a miracle and a WTF moment.
When she states how she feels about you, you’re just chill about it. When you both start dating though, she’s entirely used to your demeanour, although she does get a smidge paranoid about what you’re thinking at times. You’re gonna have to frequently reassure and remind her that you’re happy to be with her; and don’t fret, she’s also ecstatic she has you. <33
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Geo first met you when Crowe introduced you to him and the others, and he did not give a single fuck. You didn’t either. You both essentially avoided one another unless you had to interact, which was a 1/1,000,000 chance if at all.
He only started paying attention to your existence when he noticed you were getting picked on by a bunch of troglodytes. Knowing that you were friends with his friends, he was somewhat prepared to step in if needed; yet your response was unblinkingly, emotionlessly staring into their eyes, grabbing the leaders’ wrist and flexing your arm. 
The guy  was honestly a smidge unnerved by how much strength you had, and the fact that those people didn’t fuck with you again made him feel an ounce of respect. 
Your conversations only started when you realised you’d gotten somewhat closer with the others. Sure, you could ignore his existence, but you’re not a pussy, are you? Striding over to him, a cold, machine-like rhythm in your steps, you ask him about himself. He, as you expected, doesn’t answer and glares down at you; so you glared right the fuck back, his distaste matching perfectly with your ornery.
Your relationship only improved because of a mutual respect you had for each other. Sure, you both didn’t get along that well, but each person knew the other was competent, intelligent and able to handle themselves.
And so, overtime, the both of you found a weird solace in one-anothers’ relatability. There was no need for filler conversation, you could simply lean against trees together in serene calm.
Geo would only become truly invested when he notices how little you’ve cracked. If he was a geode (heh, get it?), you were like Minecraft bedrock.
Not that he minded, it simply was a weird anomaly, having someone be colder and more reticent than him.
Would start developing feelings when you stand up for one of his friends, most likely offering to help Brittney or Jess. Not that you deemed them weak, but you just utilising your reputation to get some people off of their asses was…nice. 
You made people genuinely paranoid, and if you pretended like these protective acts weren't from a place of goodwill? It worked wonders. You were the Robin Hood of bullies, you bashed them up and defended their targets to the end.
Of course, Geo isn’t the type to readily accept he likes you, so anything blossoming between you two will take fucking ages. Crowe and Brit will have to be wing(wo)men for you both, seriously.
Advances of his would consist of him being more snarky with you, more intrusive in knowing what you’re doing, ensuring your safety consistently…acts of service, mixed with a strange overprotectiveness. You didn’t know how to feel about it, or him (denial is a river in fucking Egypt).
You’ll have to be the one to confess, and thank God it’s done privately, or you’d have never seen Geo have a faint pink blush dust his pallid face, or him trying to compose himself when he quietly accepts and reciprocates his emotions and feelings for you.
You’re both black cats that just hiss at everybody else, only softening up when in the presence of the other and being content in one-another’s soft company. No bullshitting, nothing overtly emotional, just upfront, genuine feelings with a smidge of quality time and doing each others’ hair and makeup. <33
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When Crowe was first acquainted with you, during both your first years at Olympieus, he was intrigued by your guarded posture and stoicism. He’s the friendly type, so he knew he’d end up introducing himself one way or another to you; and as soon as he found himself face to face with you? He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit nervous. 
Your eyes bore through him, deep and lifeless. It was as if sheets of ice had abandoned your eyes in pitch-black darkness; rendering the true colours and liveliness trapped beyond unbounding walls of cynicism.
He’d been all smiles at the time, but as soon as your mutual introductions had ended, he was almost convinced you wanted him dead. Your answers had been quick and sharp, like a bullet popping during a quiet night.
When you were put in the same class together, he decided to observe you. He didn’t know why, he just felt this innate urge to learn more about you.
You weren’t shy, he picked up on that quite quickly, judging by your authoritarian aura. What he also picked up, is you tended to be very closed off to people whom you deemed as ingenuine or shallow.
He decided he wanted to get past those beliefs of yours and see what lay behind those gelid eyes, and over the span of the next few years, he did.
Nowadays you were still stoic and firmly logical, but you were well-meaning, funny and kind. Hell, you were smart as a whip, there isn’t much he could say to take you down a notch. You’re extraordinary to him.
And well, one day he realises the feelings and sheer pedestal he’s put you on aren’t…exactly platonic. The racing of his heart when you cock your head at him, that squeeze when you bemusedly smile. He ended up going from inquiring to worshipping. He couldn’t even determine where this had come from.
Luckily, a distraction would be to have his friends meet you! He can admire you from afar and have you close by, he’s lost count of how many times you both have had to move hangouts to study.
What he didn’t realise, was you’d also developed feelings for him. Potent ones; and with the help of a certain Brittney Claire, along with plenty of obvious hints, you ask Crowe out. He’s a tad embarrassed he didn’t end up being the one to ask, but he’s blushing hard anyway.
When you guys are together, he’ll ask you how you prefer to address issues, communicate etc. Your boundaries, hobbies, kinks are talked about with each other, and you both thrive on being honest and upfront. Don't worry though, he’ll still be poetic and a romantic-at-heart. ;]
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Deryl is honestly excited when he first meets you (most likely through Crowe). Similarly to Hyugo, you remind him of Geo; and he’s a pretty big fan of Geo.
To him, the coldest people are often the nicest deep down, and beneath their icy exterior possess the most opulent hearts of gold.
So he makes an effort to befriend you, slowly of course, he doesn’t want to push his luck. His curiosity and need for stubborn cat-like friends is powering him through the days of you bluntly telling him to either leave you be or to ask him about himself. He knows you’re steering the topic away, but he’ll let you. For now.
Will ask you if you play(ed) any sports, and depending on your answer will either excitedly ask about your experiences/roles/team position, or query whether you’ve just not had the time, chance or interest.
Will offer to teach you sports as a sort of hangout activity. He doesn’t care if you’re shit at it, he wants to try and see how you act in different situations. Turns out he’s quite perspicacious when it comes to reading people. That’s kinda when he deems you as a not-asshole.
Over time you both (mostly you) warm up to one-another, and you one day offer Deryl some candy. Bad idea. Scratch that, horrible idea.
It made you like him a bit more, weirdly enough. It helped you realise that he wasn’t acting friendly for the sake of it (at least, not with the friend group), and he was just a massive goofball.
You felt a weird fondness for him at that point, and every now and then when he’d ask if you wanted to hang out, you made sure to pretend to think it through before silently nodding. The shock and eagerness on his face made the days just slightly better.
Soon enough, he comes to the conclusion that he also holds feelings for you, quite strong ones, in fact. He’s pretty distraught at first, but then decides to ask the almighty Geo for advice. Not love, that…isn’t exactly a topic Geo specialises in, but more so how to approach such a matter with you. Geo just shrugs in response (he’s such a mood).
However, Deryl, knowing the type of person you were, decides it’d be best if he just mustered up the strength and told you. Running away from the feelings would work for a while, but he just hoped you wouldn’t be too repulsed.
When he gets his feelings off his chest, it’s like a weight was lifted from your soul. You deemed yourself far too unapproachable, too monotone for someone as lively as him; but hey, opposites attract, right?
After you nonchalantly reciprocate, it takes him a hot second to process the positive response, and he’s a ball of pure joy and energy. He’s ecstatic, actually, it’s like a burden had been thrown off of his shoulders.
During the process of you two dating, you’re compared to the ‘Black Cat + Golden Retriever’ shipping trope, and he’s content with that. It’s not a lie, after all. (You just don’t care lmfao). He learnt across the span of your friendship-turned-relationship a lot of gestures or movements which indicated how you felt. 
My guy is as supportive as you can get to be honest, his logic is “If nobody is hurt, it’s okay.” You’re a priority of his, and he knows you won’t screw him over. 
You can sleep well knowing these things: Deryl’s loyal, he’s respectful and he’s a fucking sweetheart.
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lvsifer · 5 months
the sweet & talented @cilil tagged me on WIP Wednesday, so have a lil snipped from the next chapter of my Paul x Feyd fic <3
Feyd-Rautha lies down on the bed, closes his eyes and thinks of the boy. Reflected red light slashes the tenebrous room in half, a laceration that cuts Feyd-Rautha off by the chest. He touches where the light warms his skin just above his seventh rib and dips his fingers between his costal arches. Here. He imagines Paul’s blade push inside. He moans. “Come to me, Atreides,” Feyd-Rautha murmurs into the empty room, then throws an arm over his face, bites at his own skin enough to bruise while his free hand sinks between his legs. What if the secret door opened and the boy came to him now? Feyd-Rautha imagines Paul’s lesser weight on top of him, spreading Feyd-Rautha’s thighs.
And ALSO, this super old angbang wip from...2016..........that I will finish...some day:
Yet in gloaming Melkor had once more returned, gargantuan and of-augury. A light had shone in his eyes, both fiery and frore. Naught of offering or promises foul, only this: his hand extended, and crackling along the whiteness of his skin, power. And Mairon had taken it. For what Mairon wants is not to serve. He wants to make. Suddenly he needs not pledge himself. Nil binds him, but his own will to power. Torn from slumber, he for the first time sees, and stares into the depths of the world. And deeper than woe or servitude, cradled in igneous rock, lie his own blackening desires, clamouring for eternity. And eternal shall they be.
tagging: @sauron-kraut (i know cilil also tagged you but still <3), @jamlocked, @liesmyth, @saintstars, @crackinthecup, @curufiin @theskeletonprior
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averygayplant · 7 months
everyone's re-blogging Lloyd and Zane forbidden scrolls of spinjitzu angst and this is my fucking MOMENT Here are two snippets I impulsively wrote that were made with my AU in mind but are fairly non specific anyway of Lloyd having a Bad Time trying to find him.
In my AU, Lloyd can 'see' others' energy and sense their presence in the world. He can very easily pick out the presence of other masters because their elements give their energies a unique kind of signature that makes them easy to discern. He's especially sensitive to the OG 4 and Nya since he grew up with them, and could probably find them from anywhere, as long as they're in the same realm as him.
If Lloyd had ever claimed to be cold before in his life, he'd grossly over exaggerated.
He'd experienced a great very many kinds of cold- the gnawing, algid sensation of being possessed by the dead, the damp, clinging chill of the Oni mist, the tepid, dry frost of the Underworld- just to name a few.
This, though. This was different.
The air was so frigid, it burned where it's icy tongue could kiss his flesh. The hard packed snow beneath his feet caused the creeping frore to leech under his skin and throughout his body. The bleak world around him was so stiff, so thick with frost that at times it seemed to Lloyd he was barely moving forward at all. His breath came out in short, shallow puffs, for the very act of drawing air into his lungs made his body scream in protest at the abuse, at the sharp, frostbitten sensation that stabbed into them with every inhale.
He'd have to find shelter soon. The frost seemed to build up, to weigh upon him- almost as if maliciously slowing his approach.
It felt as if the element itself had turned against him. The thought left a dry, bitter taste in his mouth- though, perhaps this was simply just from the cold…
Lloyd reached out again for who he'd lost, searching desperately for the light in the dark that he knew belonged to the one he was searching for. Bile rose in his throat when he realized it was even fainter than before- even more scattered, distant… And wrong.
It was all so wrong. Once again, he forcefully silenced the voice trying to tell him something, a truth he didn't want to hear.
"Please don't let me be too late," Lloyd murmured softly, another count to a total he'd lost track of- willing with all the might not spent trudging forward that the ones who decided their fates would listen to him just this once.
Just this once, he begged silently.
Just this once, and he'd never ask them of anything ever again.
He did not even let himself wish that the wolves would go away, when they howled almost as soon as he'd made that promise. He was the grandson of deities that tore themselves asunder- this god-forsaken realm would have to try a lot fucking harder if it wanted Lloyd to bend to its will- a lot harder.
The howl came again, and Lloyd came to a hesitant stop. He would not die today. Of that, he was damn certain. ______
The cold was truly near unbearable.
Even within the shelter of the Land Bounty, the frost crept in with a malicious vigor as Lloyd huddled beneath a blanket he had managed to scavenge from the wreck. The wolf by his side seemed content to doze peacefully, making small grunts in its sleep. He was still struck by how bright the red coloring on its fur was, stark against its thick, white pelt.
'Red', as Lloyd had been calling him, seemed strangely self aware for a normal animal- but then, Lloyd is self aware, and he's like, a quarter of two animals. Mythical ones sure, but… Eh.
"I hope Zane is okay," He softly spoke aloud, mostly to comfort himself with the sound of his own voice. Red's eye cracked open, and the wolf lifted his head up slightly.
"That's who I'm looking for," Lloyd explained, pulling the blanket tighter around his shoulders. "He's… He's kinda like a brother to me. More than that, honestly… He's the closest thing I've ever had to- to a parent, I guess."
Red huffed, and his eye slipped back closed.
"I know, I know- Everyone kept saying that if he was taken by the Emperor- …It doesn't matter. I can still sense him, I know he's alive. Even if-" He sighs, closing his eyes, tentatively reaching out one more time. The presence that pushed back was borderline unrecognizable, scattered, and vague, but it was still there. He knew it was Zane, because as he reached further, he brushed against the others, too.
"As long as I know he's out there, I can't stop trying," He finishes quietly. "I owe him everything- and Ninja never quit. I'll find him, even if it's finally what puts me in my damn grave. He'd do that for us without any hesitation."
The wolf beside him huffed- but oddly, Lloyd sensed an approving tone within it, as if it was agreeing with his sentiment.
"You're an odd kind of creature. …Not that I can really say anything," he joked weakly, flicking the end of his tail. "…I guess I don't really belong much of anywhere, do I? Not this realm, or any other." He looked over to find the wolf staring at him, and attempted a smile. He knew it looked more like a grimace.
"I'm sure you have a family somewhere," he says absently. "…Or maybe you lost it in the cold, like I lost Zane. …But you're a pack animal, right? And even if…" Lloyd sighs, closing his eyes.
"Nevermind. No matter what happens, what matters is that we don't have to face it alone. …I don't want to face it all alone, not again. Not ever again." If he thought his tears wouldn't freeze as soon as they fell, he might've started crying.
Red must've known that, because he let out a low whine, tentatively moving close enough for his head to rest on Lloyd's tail.
"It'll be fine," he murmurs, mostly to himself. "It's fine. Zane's gonna be there, right? …And you, I guess. For as long as you want to travel with me. Where are you going, Red?"
The wolf did not respond, of course. Lloyd reached out again. He took no comfort from the strange, uncanny presence that greeted him, and eventually fell into a fitful sleep, plagued by unpleasant recollections of the creeping sensation of cold.
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flurrys-creativity · 6 months
Ateez Seonghwa Masterlist
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banner made by @daemour
Smiley Catalogue:
🥰 = Fluff 😁 = Slice of life 🤪 = Humour 🧜‍♀️ = Fantasy
❤ = Romance ⚡ = Angst 💣 = Sensitive themes (death, etc.)
🦄 = Hybrid 🥵 = Smut 😏 = Suggestive
Last update: May 2024
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By the gods (Fantasy AU) 🧜‍♀️🥰⚡❤🥵😏💣🤪
A simple masterlist for several one shots resolving around Seonghwa being a god or having to deal with a god or having god-like powers. All of the one shots are based on pictures (sometimes also fanart) of him. It’s also Topaz’ fault that I started this.
One shots:
Ambivalence (Demon AU) 🥰🧜‍♀️⚡💣
Birthday Drabble 🥰🧜‍♀️
Halloween Special 🥰🧜‍♀️❤
The monsters under your bed are real and everyone desperately tries to keep their limbs within the safety of their bed. But you had enough of this world and didn’t care if some monster would take you. Therefore you hadn’t thought of meeting a demon, who wasn’t that demonic and decided to help you instead of taking your soul.
Frore 🦄🥰⚡💣❤
Part of the Winter Hearts event. After you rescued an Arctic Fox hybrid, who never experienced the world outside of his cage, you showed him whatever you could think of. With the winter season approaching you had the chance to let him experience something his hybrid part had yearned for.
Anabiosis 🧜‍♀️🥰❤⚡💣
A lot of people were instantly scared or afraid of Seonghwa, keeping their distance to him. Not you though. Instead you were drawn to the mysterious man, maybe even harbouring a crush on him. Would that crush stay once you found out about his dark secret?
Misguided 😁🥰⚡
Part of the jealous teezers collab. At first Seonghwa had no problem that you went to a concert but the second he discussed it with his members his feelings turned sour.
Spy academy ⚡🥰❤ WIP
You trained to be the best and thankfully you had someone in your class, who wanted to be on top as well, making him to your rival. So what happens when you got sent on a mission with him?
Bobby pin (drabble) 🥰😁❤
Requested. A game of twister, hair that is growing too long and a bobby pin. That was all Seonghwa needed to fall in love with you. Maybe even quite literally.
09.17pm (timestamp)😁❤🥰😏
Seonghwa only wanted to take a shower but your comment let him discover something else.
12.19am (timestamp) 😁🥰❤⚡
For the first time you joined Seonghwa during a fight night.
Kintsugi (drabble) 🦄🥰
Coming back to the ceramic store in your human form after you created quite the chaos as a cat felt off but you had to make sure Seonghwa wasn't too mad at you.
Promise (drabble) 😁💣⚡❤
After a ship wreck there seemed no hope to get rescued but Seonghwa couldn't just let you go.
Tongueday (drabble) 😁🥵❤
Part of the lemon week. Double the roommates meant double the pleasure. At least when Yeosang caught you half naked in the hallway and Seonghwa decided to join.
Secretive ft. Wooyoung (drabble) 🧜‍♀️🥰🤪
Keeping your new little alien pet a secret from your captain wasn't as easy as you had hoped.
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lunaarcana1 · 2 years
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Izbushka! Izbushka! Turn your back to the woods, and face towards me! Frore's pale hands descend upon thee! Pray light your hearth 'fore Night slithers in, The frigid Times are just about to begin... A lil illustration I did not too long ago to announce stream theme of Baba Yaga Yule 🌙 I’ve been vibing with Blacktail & Black Book pretty much all season. lit
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amalgamgooze · 3 months
across the bridge
My internship's location doesn't have too much to offer food-wise.
There's semi-regular food trucks to save us poor scientists from the wrath/monotony of Eternal Grilled Cheese or Wallet Die, but salvation isn't always guaranteed.
The offices/labs are all situated in buildings directly on the bank of a nearby river.
There's plenty of windows to gaze across at the other side, and even a pedestrian-friendly bridge to get over there.
The other side of the bridge is alluring to us food-desert-ites, to say the least. It's an oasis of convenient eats in the world on the other side.
But nobody ever crosses that bridge. The science everyone else is doing is too important. Lots of scheduling and 2-photon microscope reservation stuff going on.
I, however, am in a lucky situation as an intern, where I don't really have to worry about that sort of stuff, and can take an hour-long lunch.
Today, I finally mustered up the "courage" to cross the bridge. (Really, I just convinced myself that nobody would give a shit if I was gone for a bit over an hour.) The recent expeditions on the also-nearby trail had helped me build that courage up.
Right about when the noonday sun was at its highest, I left the insanity of statistical/morphological analysis of glial cells and began my adventure to the Other Side of the Bridge.
After surmounting the concrete ramp leading up to the raised bridge, a bike whizzed past me as I initiated my crossing.
A strong, cool breeze contrasted the humid weather as I made my way across the bridge to the Oasis of (Reasonably-Priced) Eats.
Needless to say, the frore breeze in my face and the water running beneath made me feel valiant. Heroic, even.
I was a pilgrim on a sacred voyage to the Promised Land.
I was a hero crossing the threshold into Joseph Campbell's "special world".
After descending another spiraling concrete path, I'd finally set foot on the other side of the river. And in good time, too. I'd crossed the bridge in under ten minutes--something noteworthy should I return here in the future.
Bizarre steel sculptures and modern office developments welcomed me into this new twisting labyrinth of walkable city streets. Alleys, plazas, and trendy clothing stores all threatened to thwart my crusade to affordable food options.
Wasting no time, I set off for the street with all the restaurants on it--knowledge that Auntie Google had imparted to me prior to my journey. It took a bit to find, but when I finally found it, it was glorious.
Nevermore shall I spend seven bucks on the world's most pathetic grilled cheese.
Nevermore shall I frequent expensive ground-floor hotel restaurants.
For the wayfarer has found what they have for so long sought.
To recount the return to the "normal world" would be redundant--I found my way back out of the metal maze without issue, and the trek across the bridge was still just as windy and valiant as before.
Except this time, I'd crossed with treasures (a burrito in a brown paper bag) in hand.
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libidomechanica · 11 months
Was I
A limerick sequence
Lambro’s care done. Them aside; her view want wide eyes, renderness. Thou shall sleep    I never lost columns    drowsie day by light is they feet, and time, her mind I read. Was I.
She princess! True heart has take heede them pleasures for her, I am strive; you’ve    hearts as a double lies    and was Johnny’s love, for vice of these thee, when for sorrow clay!
Rhyme at lays of Fame, and character, hook-ups and sex. Nor doe betters were    is not know its goblins’    hairs, worthy mind dear again. Her smile, and the true sentiments.
With swimming Polly Stewart, when the blades. Now her forced then—speak. And    undefinable talked, each base    desire dost the cannot that surfaces that which thicken.
May there along demon eye untrue. Of speak in. Married: but no bee shadow    loud line were: then roving:    mercy vould it sounded she far-fleeth afresh—Desire!
Among them back again? Heart do only sin. On the fangs shades of praise,    however beings not your    mind. I’m sensible and tears bereav’d of brutal songs them pause.
Their sins frore, such admir’d. Now where great with Loves have strict ordeal was anythings.    And Johnny’s heel, and    he same, cool wave imprint wide ebbs in her wine, all this temper?
So let us moan, and trace; her uppers that same reduced the story I    by thy own relieve this    is no great cruel, love, little bosom stand. For was born for it.
Thy for I wish’d, so fail to the trouble your hand round now she’s bones. Yesterday    he is that sing bees.    Of there busy brain with though those of face, and languid lilies.
To his become round. That she shalt remain of sin; if I, indeed, lo! I    scarce saw two marble’s flit,    there are thought! Before the could slack renown, but her, how the rents.
Low vibrating more. Hath new poem ever-dying said he it’s youth of    passings passing when are    done. Are nobody, and nighting as long as their pole! The laws.
With command; heav’n is alive a new Venus, as a snow she men and each,    spiking, especially    wrapt upon dead, and soft voice, of that. Her be thou mayst below.
Perhaps she fell into the eyes fled! A kingdoms of my youthful Hippocrene,    but fears follow above    me travel’d undiscernment to bed of herself alone?
In trace to a woman looks one stooped; and this watery of verse’s best:    t was as pearl. While light    tormed’st the Heaven, he, with pity age stared it with a boughs!
The lassie be; weel my ain lassie, kind by some proved the vale. What the strong    we have I presence comfort    spatter. Led the man, till I shall my pen, and ennui.
Yet, lover’d without I speak me tell me and sweet was warm Southern back afraid    of another, O    troth. On hew him stone I so be unmilked all heroine.
The hollow set fruit, as ye: and tempestuous lie with them death; a smile    looming, Die, oh! Besides    amber on the tenor’s drooping—oh cruel mocks, we two starved for?
Past, and cannot advantage mayst invited guess. And some get our laws with    Death, so soon’s crooning visage.    The fiction; he gave no peace a peaks so hardly can be.
Says the fears. A little. Of proud water, I saw that Love him, the had see    the lighted, Alas, fondly    be. In transferr’d of his danger, ever shut eyes, or nigh.
The too, was charms SHE along. Juan was vanquished beyond a smiled in paradise,    miserable, notes were    now should minute with the caught brief, the lists, although verdict form.
Ah for ones, which made love nor ever boy, with Subject only from the public    meane no more see, to    come to me. But for further open first by us, the view?
She drap o’ the flowers, worth do stood the move, and therefore or a qualified    it. My father she    scarce find they length, by they were to which were inheritance, mud.
There him whose sufficient work with Age— how some like each, but we cannot rose    or a young in disgrace.    I know him—I will comes to rendering no lights; you pleasant.
They could she hill-side; there; and wake, were veneration drop the words sang of    Ida sound an earth my    spoke not to see. Blood by Reproofs, save. Not my headache ashes.
Two pleasure: it is, and there’s joy. But when my tears, I folly ripe, ripe    in me; and each others,    by Natures, the closed to conquering whence all might tempests world.
Were the moonlight worth that influence with devotionless store five physicians    know, and love save beauties    brawl which destroy. Ow said, Within and which women, and stair.
Given to they looks on a betters in summoned die. And they do right, both    Susan’s in self, never    lose rose-mark their tended in a belle Dame stage, old Susan Gale?
Thus, my Katie? Thou set him whom young plain ordeal was Ida with what touch,    nor him for cheek: nor was    all the Helles, for thy brethren he dreams around the lovers.
So man, and a singest the wind. Juan reply: yon clime intoxicating    too farewell; perhaps, and    bounted in the stagger an’ mother certain, upon a shield.
This fairly know; for seeking, “Die, oh! All your idiot gainsay long. Last    I should have bid my minds    one of the river, the Master’d in palace it lay it green.
Her fate, the hill a difficult. Poor they feelings, flew with gentleman solemn,    proudly miscarries    clomb of sighing, dwells asunder first words, and you will forgive?
Blue brand, and shore, I was! When thousand which humouring in clamour. You! Almost    true! Whether, if bright    with you mine eyes may reason what her forest acquainterpret!
Idiot boy! Soul is, and yet and pulling tears the mens fast, a hermitten,    in the lake I stood    on the love the end or nest of Poesy, accordinary.
But beat thee then the sway, descending from such I love, belong, and was stung,    the hath retreater at    least, unto my bosom standing, yet, do hang upon herself!
Cast as so much, ’ I saw in April, I leans, Russian wrecked thee mad earth, tasting.    Anxious Angles year,    went survive to see her lull its gold to keep her soul abroad.
To prayer. ’ Unseen upon the sport which much I have imply love she silent    me but feel because    me, lay quite scene it bittering with theirs—their luck out a rope.
Ask me not at their stare lay somewhat your pony’s in Christened to old way    groan; when her love, no destroy.    No watches: and ne’er rents, survivor bulging by wander!
From the furies cleere. We pacem oh my Emanation, and not all thee    is worth’s unknown, comes back    afraid of conuersation was a few favouring, in souls!
I have reconciled; for the eyes the care, life. With her hand: thus down, proud of    all, compass, that whether    lay quite, and error into Eternity as I divine!
Which alone; she halls to fill that our joys: a purple islander clouds o’er    handmaids, before love in    weary of her idiot boy? The pony noise, but, Betty!
In play. With me say, you for some home, quite hawthorn. Make there’s tale pursuing    dew. So nimble    houseless likeness, that can I dream countenants had but being!
Thy showers, dear doting girl to our own blood by thinking too much pretence    and toss’d sae pawkie is with    what time Apollo plucked in the Turkish moist any. Their charms.
Will seas would beauty,—that are that has made love, when exquisitely die as    we weathed forbear note,    in theirs—the replied, Soft mood. Aye vow and so upon the pearl.
Come to ye, whose beast day—that come to like the call, maz’d, celebrated the    grave heat snatched it maks us    loaded Eagles yellow; let it, every in a carved life.
And a dark how, which less eyes, their it, and must; so fairer the sat all the    strange us, and I wants    in flowers, and wreath thee and his race. The oak and touching it?
To be a history makes of itself so wary, unheeded to sleep, and    bloom misted Pine, that neither    mouse, an’ I’ll takes not tell me wives, forgive our bed. With grow.
A posy of new era form’d for whole things; she spoken pleasure broken    flame, but that I cant would    alone full cabin, forgive? But we met with devout to see.
Rode o’er who kept, as dark moved but debate, again by the child! Pages. He    gazed, and the heaven to    mine each other foreshows us mair pure, fie! Not be back.
That she but just aboundeth. My heard her Grace’s crystal entry cling I    forgive the fishes as    true, you’llhave tarry Fays; embrace my wife spices of Heaven.
I do, and leaves liked poet’s houseless the horrid, her e’re. A Seven    more his Love—the room which    one woman like knowing at through the hare young in whispers force!
A jug of men winters, grow a woodbine between to tell your call’d a hare,    more still the bride; and, and    Haidee gazed on her? Can ye that slay the clear March of one goal.
Oh me! A stitch beard,—all their curls, the pale sicken fluctuation. As if    her would sleepers form that    opposition of that more they might the could pour hair behind.
Or where is always when the cross that is head. He also a simple muse    in your fancy. When wilt    thought has her husband of her utter, clear strife, they tale hamburg.
One sight to the made thee down, and the rose in tuned hill, so pales, or came or    roots a looked not a fair    ynought! Tis not ask me sit, you readed, filth the has floor, pale.
Two woman, to correct and silken fluctuation of one by silk and    wish’d, sad, lo! Now doth some    other fed wiping balks each otherwhere’s notice it live!
Of pleasure! With buds steps walked our days appear’d na a flowers out, as a    think? The tenor; they free,    I Stella, he water. Your girl to part. That charming in wide!
We were the immortal name days, thought at the courts—borne all you almost the    road, then, deny, in the    worth’s unconstant ayres of this sick. Moan, and come touch of the heart!
Your brain, and tremulous be a sense inquire to ye, my Katie,—canst the    same sae warriors, or of    that no wretches. Calling white pearls hand how that blow: the must end?
And if I were the world of all be held had see, should man. All not fail’d—so    the pallor whom you wrought    his failing fence’s tales of thy name; yet refresh is mankind.
With slave been me within an Angel with the blood and kiss her amorous    men for ever that God!    Where winding world is flooding to die; in my ain lass were ring?
The farce! My Friend, whose whose from false to spilt fairest and undevelopt man    is gone of all the hold    that of hollow’d my brows; in moss, that hath, of another call?
Beat, and grovelled her knew the sobbing the other might flow confined moment    light, and bare-headed    within camps, in mossy said she shriek, an old rank grass. That speak?
But idiot boy. Young gentle doubts: yet, Dianeme, ratherly Absál, past,    how fain bed in there’s    life, the whole chamber the sky, yet the staunch of Love first—my lad.
No, seem’d sometimes had heart. True, her skin: with vigour. And there breath, to see a    certain, since that paddle    of flies, all the strewn flowers, wax’d for being songs o’er him, there.
A dreadful images hereat close, with the Almight my heart in France full,    and a doctor free, for    he contempt the moon will strong. With a volume of love forgive!
Left in the presence. The helpe reject, even know where spell thee so stylle    to see herd, and then the    love in sea-shore they did joys have kill, nor grief appellation?
That hast not her on her out of loved. Each sweetened like the possess shot a    flying. Hearkens after    marriage to the effigies to the rais’d her time, her heaven.
As which ran acorn thought, of a grave, despite they are sonne forth wine are    permittent I would new. For    scarce him when on it would let us much past, fed with green firm?
Susan, I’d bid thee, and sickened, save one on mine and sea inside a    sound, or ripe, in guess to    spear-grass upon a zany. And down; to hospitality.
The strictest shall summer climes with stronged it, the farthest from whither charme,    she one. Slowly cheek a    moment, there to the softest hinter’s great they are. Or foreign.
For bodies in earth’s voyage to oblivion lay; ye couch’d sociated    that doubtful years aware,    more, more I’ll low, and line, half-world unseen, on ever. The dead.
That I quite enough his bold Lamia broodings. That village great nature    might quite of my sweet by    some summer free; she learned in the sand; I had, nor his life.
Seeing child! In aprylle, þat is, in gloss I wend; it is me say is    thine own refuses have    guest to write I, who ventures, on earth unknown the possible.
Come hither, the fully would not; I know wherein moss. As this is them now    not on þe spring    obsolete, and queen attent with a love to mend, a little near.
And in came, an’ mother and she you heard her fetter knew, a still in pleasant’s    come host of Love—the    bury make: A dreaming of infant peace. Juan, in a cense tough?
Between the presence now, and hatred hair was ancient forsooth, so faint in    her e’e. Says that appears    not somewhere much idly in far said, have is like a birds say?
Come—falling you’d before. Then the guile, what thou needs the boughs! Drop down to lives,    and were red plate and mov’d    triangle left a twin contented thoughts; dull. If I, index.
Fill moves in height her use to blackguards were they rejoic’d in her pageant for    a wild! The gentle ruth,    and mute, and we have exactly and freeborn idiot boy.
At the Nith’s unknown: they happy world altogether in the fairer may    sin. A modest invent    and golden far as the bring wants, forsworn. They thy bliss, nor tides.
Which my Emanation of still side, and he had dwelt and quaile as the    stream had ne’er beauty’s birth.    Rose-cheek with brings, his love O soul and of a sudden the rose!
When I wouldst the was a heavens, but connubial talking, and she may come    to burn’d her parents. When    on flatter, and he sand, and still relented, what evermore.
Your head—for him stared trembling dew. Caesar him—he as ye were dwell he might    I was: love’s no more or    thought could shore should be love. Tis so, but in difference. I knew tears?
This apartment, still down, not to find shelter’d from head, o whipt my side the    Vestal should on the men    separate: the most espect, that you might of hollows bare; and child!
And slip into the cried, let detected, unless over: out oft clomb to    thy soften, in will not    why, and now that lives. And lull in my graven akin. Surprise.
Am but sin, ground and the strea’s beat that had to the plain any flower    came her will dared rose ripe,    rich the will I die. My heart—just lose thee is said I, ye view?
My mild among has leave one immortal, gaz’d: his horse? To have been reigners    break; till find those steel, thou    their behoof, whole. I lovely Paris led the fell in the hour.
—All we can it takes him out of life. Reason what the live wit, he should have    set pendulous sights against    thou mayst the very was war are exhausted, stated it.
Yet look’d the as thou can those was never love to his hair. Now a’ thirty—    some good, its test, thus I    listendom. Sweet Naiad of you heart can it were is not to me!
Though lie, teach in that love, O troth, if it closely beauteous nights that river-    child! That like a wh—re.    The life—this, and your surface liked pony, Betty see, to bed.
Sit sight and only one might ever mind sights; dull and sigh’d forbid! And Johnny’s    wiping—the other    as if the cat’s one hast my heard with joy in the fortunate!
To graces to the wind. And like these arms and honour in the mark the lips    of this time must not makes    high rated, upon the just part that repent, etc.
But we glides’ death, and come distincts, brushed with his sicken fluctuation be    between sorrow? Sad rakes    men passions came night on Alisoun. Which makes they almost swell?
The London nightingale a lady found hew. As head. I do not unto    the woodland Morning letter’d    with strange that will the said—there’s tail, and he shakes thy way.
April of succeeded queen-Moon as it only one shores shoulder at O    loved, a deuil wants to blame:    they moved to her the change art; alas! Listens mechanter frost.
I thoughts inner doom. Run on mince, to blasted friends; yet every ill of silk    seats and shriek with my bones    of they go. Applause, but that in such strange; my Lady Daphne!
Have given in apprehend dumb the Nith’s motive, in full and yet, to creature,    fie! Is mixed: then there    is an in faery land, to sends shooting from his kindled it.
Fond wars of what threw, a stitch of Love shade: but spare to you and thought that touching    it listen; and if    I have fallen, have been the heard of yore, the low voice and grave.
Longing grace all the must, she garden, or timely disappear—the ground, inuade    moan. Now some from your    wake no very broad, and tread as human vanity, and firm?
Theirs was well. Neither Johnny’s little round the lives like that they bred thy    powerless, and I listened    beyond any eyes—the sun, and to this twitter weeds fight, sting.
These your own heart out of cloud lines of these founded Florian: his know what    their sad heavy day was    charms. Hard love to Susan had sworn. There quite in the Spartan’s breath.
And honey to the flint! Then up in the sophist, unweave off she glowing,    yet without ensues from    the end only should be mind now in such as fallen: the fix.
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graywyvern · 1 year
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( via / via )
Once Upon a Time.
"The other side of the supposed democratisation of entertainment culture is the strange rise of the business 'judge', a testament to the audience's need for a pantomime paternalistic figure who can tell them what to think - even if they end up rebelling against those judgements." --@k_punk_unlife
Visuals for the legend.
thalidomide · whisper dark climax · without adjunct polls ambergris · filch edict · self swerve thistle dictionary tsar spiralling searchlight · crunch oddly radical frore skiff
Armed owly cat.
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firaknight · 4 years
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@kirbyofthestars good morning!!!! The frogs are complete!!!!
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you're very cool beans
Thanks bro. <33
Anyway I'll do more requests, then I'll return to cooking Frore (part 2 of Gelid) and your awaited Sol smut.
Also fun act: I've called Geo 'Geode' so many times that typing Geo sounds wrong. <33
Farewell for now.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
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luuxxart · 5 years
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behind on rqs but take some kids
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historieofbeafts · 4 years
If I wanted to, theoretically, do a D&D campaign in a quasi-medieval setting with monsters inspired by beafts, which would you suggest as potential enemies for the heroes to encounter?
What a fun question! An actual answer would vary depending on where the campaign falls on the nonsense-to-serious gameplay spectrum, but here are 5 Potential Creatures to Encounter on a Historical Fantasy Adventure (+ 1 Sea Knight)
1. A Selection of Strange Snakes
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[The Morgan Library & Museum, MS. M.81, fol. 85v]
Pictured are the scitalis, a snake covered in markings so beautiful anyone who sees it falls into a trance, and the amphisbaena, a two-headed snake with glowing eyes and the ability to move both backwards and forwards (which is admittedly more impressive when it’s drawn as an actual snake). But there are so many superpowered medieval snakes that you could populate an entire world with them, if that’s what your heart desires.  My personal favourites are the chersydros,  a snake which leaves a trail of smoke on the ground but can only move in straight lines because of the horrible noise it makes whenever it turns, the jaculus, a flying snake which springs from trees onto unsuspecting victims, and the salpuga, a snake which is invisible.
2. Whale
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[Merton College, MS 249, fol. 8]
No one will be surprised to hear I’m a big advocate of whales in every adventure. They can be transportation, environmental obstacles or just background flavour instead of enemies, but I do think it’s a waste not to include at least one. Not near a large body of water? There’s always teleportation, dream sequences, hallucinations, dirt whales, turning your players into whales... The possibilities are endless. Whale abilities are also almost endless, but the important ones in a medieval setting are Island Imitation, Sweet Breath (For Attracting Fish), Weaponized Waterspouts & Paws.
3. Salamander
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[Det Kongelige Bibliotek, GKS 1633 4º, fol. 55v]
Salamanders: the most deadly creatures an adventurer could ever be unlucky enough to encounter.  I’ll let Bartholomaeus Anglicus take this one:
“[L]ike to the Ewt in shape, & never seene but in great raine, & fayleth in faire wether, and his song is crieng: and he quencheth the fire that hee toucheth, as Ise doth, & water frore: and out of his mouth commeth white matter, & if that matter touch a mans body, the haire shall fall, & what it toucheth, is corrupt and infected, and tourneth into foule coulour. Also Salamandra is a manner kind of an Ewt or of a Lisard, and is a pestilent beast, most venimous. For as Plinius sayeth, libro. 29. cap. 4. Salamandra infecteth fruit of Trees, and corrupteth water, so that he that eateth or drinketh thereof, is slayne anone. And if his spittle touch the foot, it infecteth and corrupteth all the mans body.”
Also, a fun worldbuilding note is that the French bestiary writer Pierre de Beauvais claims that salamanders produce a substance that is not wool, silk, or linen, but is used to create clothing for the most important and fashionable people. This clothing is cleaned by throwing it in a fire.
4. Ostrich
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[BnF, Latin 11207, fol. 21v]
This is by far the most ridiculous item on the list! But medieval ostriches were infamous for eating metal & I think it would be fun for a low-level party to be hired by a local blacksmith to track down missing supplies and instead have to wrangle an extremely large bird.  And I do mean extremely large, because according to Pliny the Elder ostriches are both taller and faster than a man on horseback.  They also use their feet to throw rocks at pursuers and “have the marvelous property of being able to digest every substance without distinction, but their stupidity is no less remarkable; for although the rest of their body is so large, they imagine, when they have thrust their head and neck into a bush, that the whole of the body is concealed.”  Perfect setup for screwball comedy.
5. Hyena
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[BnF, Français 14970, fol. 14]
Despite the fact the picture I’ve chosen resembles a goth rabbit, medieval hyenas are genuinely spooky. Hobbies include hanging out in tombs, lurking outside people’s homes in the middle of the night calling their names in a perfect imitation of a human voice, cursing any animal they walk around 3 times with total immobility, magically silencing creatures who touch their shadow, and just generally being incredibly powerful eldritch abominations. Fortunately they come with a built in weakness, since their spines are fused, making it impossible for them to turn their head without also turning their whole body. They also come with a built in loot drop, since every hyena contains a hyena stone, which allows a person to see the future when held in the mouth, like a psychic gobstopper.
+ 1. Sea Knight
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I was today years old when I learned most people are more familiar with sea knights as a type of helicopter, but this is a monster from the Ortus Sanitatis with a great design and an even better set of worldbuilding options. Here are some potential explanations for its existence:
underwater metallurgy?
cultural exchange between merpeople and landfolk? (follow up question: why armour of all things?)
an extremely whismical artificer?
really the only limit is your imagination
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mojjisxng · 4 years
Enhypen as people in my fairytale ‘universe’:
Heeseung- is an apprentice at the apothecary. At first, he could only make the herbal medicines, but he quickly perfected his skills so he could begin to learn the sorcery needed to create the array of magical potions. Throughout his childhood and adolescence, people always told him he was an ace, which is very true. But he did nearly blow the shop up trying to mix the Blue Mist flying potion in front of a very concerned yet somewhat impressed sunghoon. Heeseung secretly wishes he was a mage, just like his great grandfather was many years before him (spoiler: he has the ability to be one👀).
Jay- is a bounty hunter. He will kill any wanted criminal for the copious amounts of gold that is handed over for rewards. Buuuut he did tear up all the wanted posters of his friend Nicholas who may have stolen the king’s ruby sword, but that’s a story for another day. Jay lives in a cabin, stood in a clearing of the dark woods, which may not have been the greatest choice because he’s terrified of bugs...and the dark...and ghosts. So it’s safe to say that he may not be the violent and hardened hunter that he has the reputation of...he’s just a big softy really.
Jake- is the owner (well his parents own it) of Wendlyn’s menagerie. He spends his days playing with all of the exotic creatures that are in his care. He loves to ride on the griffin and Pegasus, he loves to chase the elemental imps around and cuddle the baby dragons. Jake is particularly fond of the wise Phoenix that observes the world from the various vantage points in the shop. He also has a soft spot for his dog, Layla (we’re 🤡🤡 for spelling it wrong), who has a single horn on her head.
Sunghoon- is a squire. He is training to become a knight of the royal guard, practicing his fighting skills during any spare time he had. Usually, he can be seen lugging round weapons and supplies for the knights when they go on expeditions and quests, looking at them in envy. There are rumours across the kingdom that he is actually a prince of the northern kingdom of Frore, but there was a threat to the kingdom so he was adopted by a noble family in the central kingdom of Wendlyn.
Sunoo- is a forest fairy, and the cutest one around, as he always wears a little hat made from leaves. He wanders throughout Wendlyn but mainly resides in the enchanted forest. You’d think that fairies may be shy at first, but no, not sunoo; he is the bubbliest creature around, always making new friends whether they are human or some other mystical creature. He always has all the tea on everyone in the forest. One day he came across Jay in his cabin deep in the woods, let’s just say he was lucky he wasn’t accidentally shot that morning...
Jungwon- works in the antique shop. He absolutely loves being surrounded by precious valuables of all ages which belonged to many different types of people. Jungwon’s fascination with the various antiquities stems from the fact that he his part gnome, who are said to be guardians of treasure, meaning that it’s the perfect place for him to work. However, his slight obsession with the treasures means that he hates to sell them, so you may be browsing the shop with a very pouty ‘Sheep’ looking at you.
Niki- is an apprentice dockhand, who will become a marine when he is an adult. The people around him wanted him to become a marine, so he left his parents in Wendlyn and moved to the kingdom of Marmoris on the east coast. The longer he stayed there the more he wanted to become the captain of his very own ship, even be a buccaneer rather than a strict, pompous marine. But for now, we would continue moving the heavy cargo to and from the towering merchant ships, and tapdance for money on the high street of the city.
a/n- if you got this far, thanks for reading this mess that came to mind when i first watched the dusk-dawn trailer and saw jay and thought his fit was bounty hunter-ish. i hope at least one person enjoyed this. have a lovely day or night- issy❤️
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amalgamgooze · 6 months
clouds and the eclipse
My family and I woke up early and left our house at 6 to start driving up to where we’d planned to watch the eclipse. We’d known the general area we wanted to watch it from for the past seven years, but we didn’t have a specific location picked out until just this past weekend. The drive itself wasn’t too bad from what I gathered—it didn’t seem like there was much traffic yet.
When we’d arrived at the park we’d decided on, the dreary sky offered, not hope, but rain. Lots of rain on and off throughout the morning. The rain started to clear up around noon, but the obscured sky offered no suggestion of a visible eclipse.
Nonetheless, we continued waiting, my own gaze fixed towards the sky, surveying it for any possible openings in the clouds. Several times that day did I refresh the Weather Channel’s website to look at the cloud radar and extrapolate any encouraging forecast for the sky. The sky of a city one state over apparently cleared up quite nicely, but otherwise there was no evidence to suggest that our own view of the eclipse wouldn’t be obscured.
Lunch was had, consisting of sandwiches and handfuls of grapes. It was, to put it simply, mediocre. There’s nothing wrong with a mediocre lunch, though, especially compared against a ‘bad’ or ‘disgusting’ lunch.
After lunch, I’d gone down to the park’s beach (we’d been situated in the parking lot all morning) with my mother to look out over the water. There wasn’t any immediate hope garnered by the still-cloudy sky, though from how much brighter the landscape had become, it could be assumed the clouds were at the very least becoming thinner. There were moments when the sun’s outline was visible through the clouds, though those moments never lasted too long.
With an imminent eclipse and a still-cloudy sky looming above, I distracted myself by skipping stones across the lake. Unfortunately, excited children hindered this act, as they were too busy sprinting in front of me. Either they were oblivious to the fact I was chucking stones into the water, or they wanted said stones to collide with them instead of skidding across the water’s surface.
By some miraculous stroke of luck, the clouds had parted perfectly just as the eclipse was beginning so that the sun was visible and bright enough to make shadows. We hurried back up to the parking lot (the beach was far too busy for it to be a great place to watch the eclipse), set up our chairs, and gazed up at the sun as the final wait began. (with solar film glasses, of course!)
As the moon slowly concealed the sun, I shivered in my seat as the air around us grew colder. I didn’t realize eclipses had the potential to affect temperature as much as they do! In that final hour, it felt as if the world was collectively holding its breath in anticipation of the total eclipse.
As the winds grew frore and a hush fell over the woods, as we sat there, gazes fixed on the sun, and the moon’s grand adventure, As the seven-year wait finally drew to a close and we put the troubles of the past behind us, as we watched in (almost) perfect silence until the sun was but a narrow sliver, And, at long last, the world quickly darkened, the sun finally fully concealed behind the moon.
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A moment of clarity. A moment of unprecedented awe and spectacle. We might regret our pasts and fear our futures but right now in this moment we stare at the moon-darkened sky and admire its beauty. The solar eclipse is brief, fleeting, and rare, which only makes it all the more special. Under totality, we cried in each others arms. My tears were of triumph, of a promise finally fulfilled, through the clouds and through the years, and of the phenomenon’s beauty, the gracefully obscured sun’s glorious ring around the moon. … And, as quicky as it had left, the harsh glare of the sun returned and the world became brighter once again as totality concluded. It was over. Just like that.
The eclipse, so brief and so fleeting. And yet, it feels as if it was just the right amount of time to appreciate it without being excessive. It’s incredible how the placement of the sun and the moon compared to the earth line up such that we get beautiful phenomena like this.
...now what? I’m left looking to the future, without any dates set anymore further than a few months out from today.
But my head feels clearer, as if from some arcane solar-lunar divination of the eclipse. I feel unusually focused and empowered. I don’t know how long the clarity will stick around for, but I’m going to enjoy it while I can.
I hope you all too got to get out and enjoy the eclipse. There’s always a few eclipses around the world going on (a few every year), but that was the last one near where I’m situated now for a while. I might never get to see another one. Honestly, though, I think I’m okay with that. Eclipses probably aren't as life-changing the second time, but, then again, I might have new people in my life by the time the next one rolls around to share the moment with.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled # 10360
A rispetto sequence
But he surf in all in their pretty pleasurable song, form’d to point of her leagues not to thy guide … nor several flattering on a king low drum. Being friend’s her smiling sight; now another attention of a minute’s, and down; we knowledge, my heart, cannot why he treasure, fie! Then gusts relent, and from this fancies should turn his best overpower shut my fire.
About each from the meant here! Sighs, and the eyes watched what Weakness of children—women must looking the schoolmastern king, how a waves the sea. His visit us and gold men did shine eye in the midst the moon art, the said; she known; found no war is I said, In Heaven’s flesh white brain, rain to vulgar by mends her on a bands: O noble the was ward, in ill alone cure, fie!
Music, the pass’d a strikes to sented? By so you by! Each reach virgin zone; she narrow conceit did shed claret, fear pig, are not unperceived so clean. Young Desire, at he feast, until this is was his that. And rhymes—as if aught to one chaste flesh officient fable—just as should ceas’d within my should gae mad, o whistle, and compassion with it. Formed too, for chain.
Within clouded eyes, but little Mermaiden fish, and does this, the never all, and can’t feel the river, yet to-day invasion. Can with a smile, the comes frore, you with not shrieks in such a coast, shore that that Pity soone and his scythe took some change and all the become to tutors. Religion weeping at so imbrue the sung in some side my honest they living name you art!
And place, as women for a rock of a sing. Or swore; and there we may stainless consorts in Cashmire is no line, and be thy hard to cometh not, but stewards to ride like dissolving eyes so go … Masons, champ and thou look’d in a stab herself! Has every is you better thee his simply ripened many a squadron flies, table scaffolds the furrow? Cut of her side.
Backward: she said not,—and who cried, and hoarse which was most suits a love, or in that hour refus’d, being it on Patience; he self-discovered, latest words have chain o’er is in the moon only life unbelieve my ear; children deare, to each tide or page; why does heart into heavily, i’m wear the martyr, and stray; your disgraceful ladders, also when, you see, ’ and Wedlock.
I will become how true lament of rum. Her very day; ruin anywhere, ’ reign eye, they presence use depends twined to melt roast of so��r ale sometimes seaweeds by his eye; or will he shown: to the signing receiv’d, spreads bow, adding mouths of some more when nightingale’s general. Also was nothing So we falshood still’d for loss of his worship so recall all of grow.
A moments pretty pleasures may note. The sharply: Strikes in summer smells on us love. Now with prevents married me, and they stay before- ’—Oh! The mountaining—and the snow, and and one admiring them make suspicion strings which he transfuse your tongue, the swing after that I deem’d to writing the though the virgin’d to come to a moment, drawes our body and the caves!
Thus to day, to blood on him had loved and looked his good topples roar and he, it would sees through, and as a thunderstands your sky, the wear a web of an according sweet, and my kind, since that your mourneys, groves, and words obey that his garded to seeks we still silver-green glory, for an imperiously blackness. As Baba: but what sweet a work, sit on bliss; fie pleasure.
I arise a full, but he seen can ail them who hold of the fades in my ain dear, was wondering a present mine own eyes, singing mute, and walking, the fault I brings with your winged inwardly don’t; beyond times Sun him out my hand serene! Left long was as out thought, and shame back, but Lovers all; ye glory in ever; quo’ she through the fast the fullest the autumn’s bride.
And cuckoo; cuckoo that we have supt, I won’t supposed cages walking young me more do fade: she kiss would not quite shrink a dreamed of Leutha’s vale: thou here is nest; with the ches. So the shore thro’ his spleen, were as much like a key in ever deepe from cold day my only light have praising ere two women; for them yet, thou payèd were fix’d; the same; exceeded broke my skill’d with losse.
Holding; and thered; her heart, and gave light. Were na look’d the strength I recall those is not to and Tom bearded, my blot the warlike they setting gem; and means be this never foul prey’d fifth care? Ah, how with a son. Another, toss, at did from them like ugly raven a life—send very element the bled like needling-place of a sings wings, and sang to the cause of Light!
, Whether, Prince, ev’n to get that sweet yoke in such as I came her fear! At lass, but when you will except to vulgar the feeble after, how wise; but if that’s deare Sonne betwixt myself once show much this life and sighs, and love, nor threaded with lullaby you ran ancient epic laws untwine, dry the river! Shall boast of feasted then, being and none by the cold desire!
And, and the merchanter’s pick it— but the kind? Advantage from Gulbeyaz’ eyes were fair wert left on grows purity we hither the bargainst they see—or idly rich is not, she will that I trust thy purling look a lass, if we love is Shadow of a kind of the secret shadow in my hand serenity—the pot, I free. And cold flowers; ’ except to the Roses!
Him she crevice personal life, I rate on a splendor. What in pure and they who buy. This why should not stay, she drag-chains to recoiling the victories should altogether; thou transitory to me, and blowing; thereth to be still, I wander’d her eare. Oh my tree. When so good? Became a boundaries she creep she widows, Lady, I ne’erthrowing blades of dewy bed!
They do not dissolve the look leave, the land, where, or by mists dying of death! And more crush’d past solid find of golden pledge, who costly present less; others love, that Miracles him from his forth, and let a thousand miser to holds fall on in his cheeks as Venus room in anywhere proof how shake in seems fertile it a cherish: she oft for on this head with aching.
For studs; and in their babes to whose my Sandy O, my lad, o we wild when sometimes under with except to showering gem; and to Baba, whose not go gentler pain—why does he dews a hostess desert. Distract; plain to the old negro, pray do ye forget to-day is as such an appears of what in a cat, or poppy see—or if you said, we are shake the more.
Is just condemne note. And then new the doors; but my fillèd alike only his losing to Her we loved me of oriental strutted, to hell: wha spied at the custom of the firm soil sell—all from the must still: they whose serv’d my other angel becommence in the meant, I loverslide intented o’er that ye form the poor drinking the bright each other; to worry him.
Still then he father debtor Next, share—he sake, and a maid, surprised pleasure, for truth anguid smile, her fault was glow between nurse who makes me dizzy to love’s temple’s turnest worth eternal slave, on the low; now a black friendship has every to temperors are the envier? All of sleeps, perswaded panes. It would you a nymph- like a length milky way, the favour, she this.
And made for auction upon my harme dizziness … and bent light make your dream; there them, as throne, whom his name? And lovely eyes of all, in thickly to outlive also confidently mistake such a genial? Thou from aught me in mine, and move and yet contrary effect on grown with our good, or power turn’d my dying like of Lamech is which neuer tack’d woman Old.
Three lady, or where, dropt with a virtue lamps, as smooth all appeare, what you be shore. Here kingdoms of selfish holds of the grey stone, and cry world leave to the worldly flowers; but I did; and bright and one of pale and lift me good nature, which they right of the pausing its for Seas Seven wings, or kind. The others pay what stric juice will in another in Heaven showed lawn.
All flame of dwell that torment height once with furs and the other heart the iudge appears. Remember thought moss the earth beauty in the ripe birds sing. Then the prove thou awakes, a sicke in his like religious dropp’d; but I know, if matters round, were came vested leaves. Children’s exuberant with a song very eyes—some other adds to thee, as the other own by what house.
Communing might with amid them so’ ’T was woman, I’ve far-off belle Dame sixth shee the tame place of my youth shriek’d, for instrument: twere sate with except thou have send: through we inhabitation. She order’d man on me said; she same down lassie yet! Bride out of youthful should! We know where mistakes out my head, ye roses from a sepulchre, all reporter to than delight.
For thinking out someone amongst throught make threefold and upon his half-world to infant lips in: since I Ioues cup do keep to death-pale stake such a small our mountain to ask how and transformal come to defilèd bosom: my mother with a string and the height berries and blessing to the years, there no equal. For speak; for dry empty this line’s shine and I rise as mild!
What, snug study, and love in proper could turned, it must lost in such as dotted with sympathized in there dead! You are their name. Or farther chance of night divine in my arms pale page freër unders from with secret, his dark caverns when saith, and fire flashing made you be supprest thro’ the best out the was he same find us not whate’er left his mouth it sets us free.
And ever, a grand that’s freely scarce better face, with lullaby. ’Re trip for him to knows! Here your leaves, and called; ever course. As done. She same into the more that beams arise world’s weigh’d down, shall beautiful, exactly. And are once age appeare: on their hammer smocks of monsters. To time wile you should we wish to infant light less, dear delight. A hirèd a very weak.
I wrote thinke the Turks—as if she your heard her mind, she reasons, on the merchant? Ask the light faith; but in the strikes that is that great morning sign’d to Juan who taste flesh and near heaven moved connubial an among them. But a glass, beautiful embodied and all the prepare to live lovely shed on more pearl. The free under you? And then the height feel pain, let me leave, life.
Men at lovely July-flowers, and it words are a pretty maintain-tops with them a voice, and his woe. When a Church on Juan ancient weighing in the praise he verge of mounting sigh. While, and I, o whistle, as I had best bands the night promise as the land on me, you play’d your chamber mouth that grieved in aprille, þat fall his vilest feelings made her feel that love you.
As been form, that she left the side, who did of muscle, as the bind his eyes of mone! Rejoice into Don Juan, ’t were color anywhere in with no wizardry old miser to seeks were to mone! Almost inter stout boat, and make a sigh; a tone than crowne, and for which—as we prove, but pray your glad eyes fit fortune once that may never this! Then the sea breathed then the sea.
Walls, and glitter. So lately foe, great god Pan, and worse. The stake, by the heart. By large, along thirty despotism in lost ere my halls, the does spring’st thou ask a text she can I fail like a gown mince, ere the grave, on the private this lullaby, my Sandy O; tho’ father, which he sodger. The curtain, since fellow wails his deare, that bad luckily from me. Of kill’d?
I loved to pant. And gins are like palace maintance almost thought my smart, that I show frank, who make fast hour mind; it is majesty of love depends intenses radiant deeper knee to awaken spreads I kissed, even men, devil shaft struck the the whistle, and them? Awoke, I needles, and a keg of this: the giant lips; she, she meantime death, and after I ne’er left.
When think your memory—odours fall: they master’s earth of the shiness … and beguile; and all the growes neere, encourage appetite. While, he dogs, other was set. Wild me infinite black fellow Polish sweet a flower caprice, Vengeance, my one, each rend to recall they trod as mild beames, that doubt that you don’t, best- naturally his cigaret! In our floor bright winced.
Sap check’d heart of poverty? Sweet thy vttermost the white trill. As the ghost they wonder eye hath sovereign’d, of that dreams did grow by the stretched me of solitude, you by! The dying it light, which you, except in the deep the world arise! Behind, which are the sun; and now befal love you I love, the whales come down; and newer pursue it. He devil snare.—My Sandy O.
) That with wide, and loved, that garden, at leaves she! I embracing soul would sees part and what does is a glimmers. But exquisitely smile, the world aught shame spring which I lose minister and pat his world wind, where some prepared, replied through your past and small of blood was Cupid, as she! His toiled and welcome to bed horribly tent stir of inward, and mind, the rose spring.
If their roots are doubt he’s comes to wand turning— whose falshood stands obay; her dying changed me. ’Tis not save nation: poor so it dissemble, with in that make a small flesh touch upon white as if your mind meant for makes her bribe me bought; for as he purple robe thou see, which destruck that god Pan, the lips the scaffolding; yet am fled more So we are similes and short.
Which we were are not ashes mixture me dearest golden gusts shine easier done? Down. But as I, which or craft had done wonder’d his own swung them thinkin o’t; the bought, and she is but nothing town a shift and all she screen new pain or and Sunne-borne away, to guiltless loved to pad, wilt; for a flame. And o’er, and she, your for these the daggering throughts of repining?
In the sorrow by the sublime; the Champak odour at time, and round in hath some to you sing the Daughty and them backward; and come to governour, may swych a few shine and her slave o’t; robert Burns: fie on shadows great expense; but Loue doth rise, an immensurate, then blackleg, broadcast our Love. But mine, as lofty as any eden weary, aweary vaults.
Said I pardon crave which for he now’s fallyt on the suns of the great mouth, and driue sone angry word. His many women’s naturally find of abstractional praction it man take to come, droop not: Fortune at youthful-grinning while he spake: o Elenor, beware them all to enclosed woes a cravat; for through piece o’ his vow, or all amorous trill. A whore, harsh fear.
Sometimes monarchs are that render tears. The laboured Queen of its ray? Sat a Love’s tear silently, an old new; one’s shall I never spin one on the should show and the mountain price, quoth Baba bow’d still now, if the great god the night aid. ’ Father life unbelievers, on the way did I say were a present above and griefe. Although which made them within the river. Mind.
Tis too widows directly took another Arac, nor great black from birth I saw, in her night I’d lost tending their flower to seeketh rust as wing overruled aside went to a cages walk’d by feature’s no more! Like then spell out though the more similes yet shalt by night while, took the hardly cruel fire; i’me wealthful year; but the smiles; pity; or wherever you?
Appetites, and up in joy and we say. I should by now just no men make in baba and not bound help would she is new. But a merry nod was you’d returns without boat, stand, turning; makes for euery farewell at not be sifted ways stuck hard with her blush and the after, as to stone, one view, dissembles sickle of you though the neere I trust into tears, and meekness.
Such a stab herself and Asian shadow from her. We throughts, who give the blue, betraide, and away, by all he did erre, if judged she gaze, from his cometh not, she has their hinges creek belovèd as a wide of her very weak rib by a day till the cheek grows ever, snowy limbs, and then this small lives, not dazzled,—that copy die, are his fell: what not dazzling my gold.
Until your dead on they gush’d from and who waiting, wilt thou be a Woman weeping, that I went that we burning for chambers, all equal, but cruelness. As a spot of either, little once, which bound like a full cause I did market range afflictions, was been pass such the hour eye. And saw thee it a churl Death take casts of him the mouse Nancy; stretched white, and hoary, away!
In deservice of wines, and I much I felt most curiosity: for so, as he same as though yet, and prison, sure hath there with the love’s yokes almost joys and some Babe, that none or poison, and quailed. And lust? Shone from the who dare not yet—ah me! What set as we might to must bear as black from myself and lads that fly by night, weight upon a blink of desire!
Ask me no fair, the eyes, but, Oh alas, if she courted: whateuer fault on a survive me this. She wintry languish moist and the could constella is not truly sympathy this delight in golden show you could see a presides, I’m hung, a thou up in jest; and the breast. The cast friends, your partake you a nymph replies lit within nor their rightly pasture-ground its way?
I will life desired children’s hardly leave, what some spring and most rocks, secure and discern the gentle way in Mens fallyt on grow old of your voices e’er keep take! Ah, how she wise may pierce revives; and to rest the drew her dear I have loom; and there shall pass’d with velvet moan. But peace been and dreamed I saw the cause martyr’s grace nor love had weird seizures groan rank grass!
Sunbeam must be thy words ease; and ivy buds and with the play the court and it the bowers of solely, and o’er measures of state it is pity Natures stream, oothoon, were battle. The leave had learn, to her waking the sea. And all in they falling it, that dare not afraid … I proper ploughs mortality distress; she winds alone and water, and hair! My wing’d wide night?
And she world arise softly tenth Muse; peace, people less pure. Of whom true, a think with a bleeding; he same Bashaw must part of beer a little making brothed that the means subtill the lang—taken by charm’d to hide the dragon-fly to he cast loved you shew us Joyes, and in dark does against the fruits found, upon your bombers, when who did drinks all who before heaths stay!
I fancies? She stars above, where we are grey church cannot lovelier lays his leaves, one view the put for it flame: while I shall not top fondly, I must no date ne’er song, these than shed in walls of designs—that more the Bosphorus cousin, ’ as fast breaking eyes the furniture the eyes, youth reflect traverse which bound thus far as oars come honest wild despite things and his gauze?
Of a good! A long although his straws, that dreams are shadows beside and be married again. As if a flitting fairily well might have nor can tell me where and we hither as a hostess dove, and your walls on a work divided spider chaste like two soule four. Where solid stone he purchase female has serenely alchemy; and rather waking backe, then, or one?
All say with a soul of a wide-embrance court my lips taste like a cherish no lady’s hair works on you would Fate sic a language who by there thine who had not by now beside the eyes of Creech; and worse to gaze, and the stept up, thy haruest-time be desire! And mutter delight so your truth, or are write may reflection slide, spread, his day to ye, my wealth, in the breath.
With a faery’s spread, each surrounding wings nor Lawes, and your soul of things charms the many wanton babes have fourth, and a little ones of yonders had leave thanking out a woman’s close threshold you, by Satan’s eyelids mouth inwardly would solitude’s. Such a gentle found to guess he’s give mean that the wide world, in rather on a fair Elenor! And fit to so rare.
I feeds my heart, when it all with the love’s great black staggering of the face not a silver babe falls that I do not everything through you. They shepherd swains and star in the secret, sad eye, round it yesterday and fashion to obey’d on eithere and stag she had leaves upon this middle aged, on the ranks of that not thus shows than fame or brethren, calm; thought her, O!
Somewhere year it be above and sighing thy brand at the other, much bettering kind out, and knows! What tree, it ne’er is fourth sweet last shall guised pleasure. Sandy brands than a morals were bowl, the sands the gratefully strings which made fiers must surprised note, while other oathsome poor heavenly perish: looking spring and troubled into my mothers in against my harm.
Like cast out of than one at the far-off grass eternal Worlds worse. Her pictur’d-for you with a wide, that’s how mourn, sometimes Sun and daisy, safely wise; so those farmer, yet now we pull; but her he’s held Love isles, and all thine of sleep becomets, too, and baskets of beer an’ I’ll bear the long. ’ Baba, nodding new. Set me with pulse and you should exist in act, readiness.
As if she free, forget here Nabuchadonosor, king, Baba smiling of the Norther knowledged shall darke, sir; for beames, all this one out at naked as she saw thee modern build woof, what can lord were few hours life? Hint that valley of the was bound an impossible, he oriental shelves in the hundred spleen, where we dark brow; but one day of mischiefe light.
Of his said the custom still remits that longer mother den, so you occur infancy aft I have restrain clinking fire land on both in such gems and there’s much I miss’d the snow she sake, and and prison from me. Next day, all were dissolves, shall part into the owl, the small alone like Heaven of sighing, was to the voice they quick, we love away his but rainbow.
Vehement straightway I every tongue, and afternoon where bland, and though soon shadowed the doing, because, nor man take you said, I am this his veil the still now a flame. My Maud and the Axis hall permit a place; I lovely Pussy saint’s Grave for in temple speaking! Are written till once she goes a birds spire, giving while thought of self and passage hidden roses.
Like in property diplomatic hands obay; as ended his guide: there’s noon where and demands unkind, which for rave, life by the summer bed, singing me or suit in law. Wall, and die. The vale: art that which her the wide: he mulberry and such as I have away from Heaven know nough he negro told him, when their daughters pay which dreamed, and pray the pair such a hearse.
Are not lovely cares? By you will gaze in my birth I spoke no needs a glimmers in its stay that I was therefore had; and owne his own her sicken, and the riversing themselves; say the cruel is righten’d her sent in the where not enought upon you write moderate puts all the white. Include the business, in her fear, the caves, sustain trouble have a green west weep the more!
Spirits, and his cold and now, yet I feed a cherub cease a burther, and wall a sluice as to still I pour most lose his perfect to times Sun and the moon began to turnest land doom with gory blood, the nightly mind. An hour oozed, purity the wide drawn, but Bromion’s ill play their eye: yes; and high? Singing moonlights in sad rimes, lest within the Piggy, I thousand said.
What while pray, to guerdon cracked Pagan, said I am near it. And variety its from scissors that long and sometimes Sun and yet it were was warm, they bowstrung Anthea bad and daisies which a female have no worship to temple’s awe and the luminous snake, and might on a broke to you rise in cups of old, who ne’er so it chasten’d domes die, bonie Sandy O.
-Rose in the milk come quite curse the would that dare not weeping, Christian, my ware? Alone amongst the gave my rack one, I noticed on him she rank as ye wrack against my lad, o whistle, and comfortable thought, Power with me along on a show. Where much in this is a joy, O joy, for both dawn and men did melted joys of desire! And yet was glory of men.
The halls, were describe; describblers to choke. Ghost too long. And you in that she same downrightning most live thy wife? On the come to come away from ours, none in this long the oriental scrupulosity; I never know who have consorts are wrings which I remembering toward, their child of age stray; the South in waves rooms, splash and in stews, the born beam must be solitude’s.
The last, my mingle lady Godes moderately that god that made himself shalt find on glass, beauty would arise mad, or the worship aduaunce, I love. Because thrown all: throng’d abouts, in ground, fee by the height of drunkards me, since Adam which else first, as they sent sorrows stormy, the Northern stand a marry force with horror lightness, haunt of relish her life is cleere.
Now course at he fair maid, object; then these pleasure breath, or poison, and corrupt my Love. At while Natures to tire off its endears, which— as well; till that was a trifling up and white. And aspire and instinctures come to deceased worship terror starr’d when to its ended his empire and left me in all his very ear; nor tell you know not upbraid, had got.
Yet, upon head most words have the rich you, if we should brand runs to me, you looked like an end, since to a good-bye and left to guerdon to blood admire hardly, nor missed against my distress, that love entwined the was doom but been his head. Thought make and small commerce be doesn’t moves the meet nobler that first sinning good, till my drudge at high; for in your wall. Like the dying round.
Brough her sensitive ties, sleep, power of forms and called the bury him, and to my mould ever hand fed her sent as yon hawthorn’s best, clipses stands obey’ had been trouble. By him thy dazling face, the sea, or where bereavid, to beye, next his honest, as t was as he, which rend all arriv’d throws of the flatter here then by and beds by me. Were art gone, and insane.
Which, Esquirts, I loves abode;—for thro’ a languid smile from Gods can never harden and sand, and they fall, and nothing and keep to hints toy! She sate brows and worm shall not gallant bosom’s wander feet hath praise; naming or other’s faults. Nay, think upon the types; Yes; and raptured by spell flee awake them that is abused. And freckled Chloe, when I won’t express and kind.
Have been myne dig deeply knead till are shake thing, for a live where thrice of my bonie, but above payment? Out off a thing look always made his large or twa, she’s but grow circumstance, and trying me door worship terror life ill reason, above the red porch forests relent, or fresh Amaryllis, with parch in my arms bared, that the villain the little was full; by all the face.
All a bird-under of mine and laughed with a stab herself to amen., Was we shake the rewards flow; now be but alone and wall and then can the folded repeated, or in heaven knowledge as far as loves, turn’d my rhymes, leap’d o’er with you you contact; the warm her. Thou cloyest monosyllable an urn. You are by might, Power to cut it be taken, the sun, his ring?
0 notes
kdiarynet · 4 years
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Winterhearts Masterlist 
Thank you to all of our members who participated in Winter Hearts - please enjoy the works from our members~ ❄💙
Works by @artaefact
Grinchly Yours (Jung Hoseok x f reader)
Works by @atiny-dazzlinglight / @sweetsweetkpop
Her Little HoHoHo (Jungwoo x F!reader)
Works by @atiny-piratequeen
Holiday Cheer (AtT Verse, Hongjoong + family)
[6:50pm] (Mingi x gender neutral reader)
Works by @gettin-a-lil-hanse
Roast Session (Doyoung x reader)
Works by @flurrys-creativity
Winter Date (Youngjae x Fairy! reader)
Kitchen Disaster (Demon! Changbin x reader)
Cookies (Dragon! Wonpil x Baker! reader)
Chim Chimney Chim Chim (Bambam x reader)
Spread the Love (Jae x reader)
Fuyugomori (Yeosang x reader)
Winter Kimchi (Dojoon x reader)
Happy New Year (Jinyoung x reader)
Glaucous (Bang Chan x reader)
Appricity (Sungjin x reader)
Snowball Fights and Other Antics (Jungkook x reader)
Sick Winter Nights (Jaehyeong x reader)
Blanket Fort (Felix x reader)
Matching (Yunho x reader)
Kazahana (Yugyeom x reader)
Trapped in the Snow (Hongjoong x reader)
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? (Jeongin/I.N x reader)
Warmer Winter (Yoongi x reader)
Burnt Marshmallows (Jongho x reader)
Jack Frost (Sammy/Woosung x reader)
Snow Camp (Minho x reader)
Memories (V/Taehyung x reader)
Cold Fingers (Dowoon x reader)
Close to Midnight (San x reader)
By Chance (Mark Tuan x reader)
Hot & Cold (Wooyoung x reader)
Icicle Danger (Hyunjin x reader)
Heart of Snow (J-hope (Hoseok) x reader)
Sweets of the Devil (Namjoon x reader)
Niveous (Seokjin x reader)
A Night to Remember (Jimin x reader)
Family Time (Jackson Wang x reader)
Roasting (Han Jisung x reader)
Knitting Together (Seungmin x reader)
Cocoa Kisses (YoungK x reader)
Frigus (Hajoon x reader)
Frore (Seonghwa x reader)
Cinnamon Love (Mingi x reader)
Works by @jacksons-goddess-gaia
The Dangers of Icicles (San x gender neutral reader)
Snowy Paradise (Shownu x gender-neutral reader)
Works by @whattodowithkpop​
Blizzard (Joshua x reader)
Piercing Halt (Vernon x reader)
Sharing is Caring (Byeongkwan x reader)
24 notes · View notes