#Fluff takes them out for walks and they just roll around at high speeds on their little string!!!!
olsenmyolsen · 2 months
A**holes With Cameras
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master list
dark master list
Actress AU (Female Reader X Actress Wanda Maximoff) I know, I know! another one??? yes!!!
Summary: As you head to your new gym, you spot your favorite actress and an annoying member of the paparazzi.
Word Count: 2.7K
Content: Fluff, paparazzi, men, flirting
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You sighed as you finally parked your car after trying to parallel park on the street for about five minutes. 
It was Wednesday.
What should be the third day of your workout week was actually your first. You had been too tired to go on Monday, and honestly, yesterday, you didn't remember your promise to yourself until you were brushing your teeth after dinner.
But now here you were at the gym.
Well, technically, you were still outside of it. But this had been the closest you had been to a gym in a while.
And it's not like you were unhealthy or that you lived a terrible diet or life. It's just that you wanted to help your body before it was too late. Plus, if your Almond Mom made one more comment during your monthly FaceTime call, you would actually lose it.
So here you sat in your car on the outskirts of the city of stars outside of a gym your friend of a friend Darcy Lewis hooked you up with.
However, before you could step out, a man in an ugly shirt and fugly jeans ran up and placed his body onto the hood of your car. "What the fuck!" You yelled as the man pulled out a camera with a long lens and zoomed in on a person walking across the street at the end of the block.
An Emmy Nominated Actress and the internets Mother: Wanda Maximoff.
You found yourself stunned to see her as you looked out and to the back from your driver's side window. Your mind thinking of every piece of media and content you LOVE! While the other part of you is squealing on the inside as your stomach does flip after flip.
How the fuck was she a model in just street clothes and gym wear???
Your thoughts of Wanda came to a screeching halt when, all of a sudden, you heard this agitating male voice. "Come on, Wanda! Smile for once!" The man on the hood of your car moved off and took picture after picture of Wanda as she passed by and entered your new favorite gym.
The sight and grin of the bald man made your blood boil.
So, as he admired his pictures, you honked your horn and gave him a good scare before grabbing your phone and water bottle and exiting your car. "What the hell was that?"
The man looks you over and tilts his head. "Excuse me?"
"Excuse me?" You mock back. "Yeah, excuse you, dude! First, you climb all over my car that I'm still actively paying off! Then you just harass and take pictures of somebody??" You bark at the man as you walk onto the sidewalk.
"Chill, it's just pictures." He rolls his eyes and starts walking away from you. "Still not right, you asshole!" You yell even if you secretly love them whenever you see them on social media. But you raise your head high and watch the man walk away before you enter the gym.
The lady behind the desk looks at you with a smile. "You tell him!" She sends you a thumbs up as you smile and shake your head before scanning the special gym card Darcy had to give you.
It was metal. Like what??
Anyways. You smile and walk into the large, spacious gym. It plays quiet music as you step onto the floor. Mostly, everybody you walk past on the way to the treadmill is too busy with their music and AirPods.
Shit, you forgot yours.
You sigh, hating the thought of being alone with your own ones. Still, you set your phone and water bottle down as you hit some buttons on the treadmill. "Woah!" You jolt as the belt suddenly kicks the speed up as it slowly starts.
You chuckle nervously to yourself and look around in case anyone saw you.
No one did but one person.
But they'll show up in a second. Because right now, your eyes found the bald-ass paparazzi douche through the window waiting across the street. You let out a deep, upset sigh through your nose and gave him a glare he couldn't see before your view became obstructed.
A side profile from a face sculpted by the goddesses themselves distracts your pretty eyes as Wanda Maximoff sets up on the treadmill next to you.
She briefly glances at you before she puts in her AirPods and starts up her treadmill. You don't mean to, but you stare longer than you should before finding yourself moving down the treadmill.
You snap out of her stunning trance on you and begin your workout.
Although you'd be lying if you said it was easy to concentrate on anything other than the tremendous and beautiful Wanda Maximoff. Because your eyes kept moseying on back to her again and again, you tried to stop and be normal, but your thoughts became clouded with questions.
Should I say hi?
Do I even talk to her?
How is her garden doing?
Will she ever stop wearing that row bag?
"Excuse me?" The voice of an angel forces your eyes up and over. Wanda Maximoff removes an AirPod from her ear and looks at you before she starts speaking again. "You're the one who yelled at the paparazzi, right?"
Wanda knew it was you. She watched you yell at him before she scurried off earlier.
You nod. "Ye-yeah, that was me!" You immediately feel embarrassed by your overzealous nature before closing your eyes and sighing. You open them back up and smile at Wanda, who has the corner of her lips curled up. "Yes, that was me."
Wanda nods. "Well, thank you. It's awful to deal with them." She says as you nod. You could imagine. Her twin brother Pietro also deals with it. The Maximoffs are kind of a household name after their sister Polaris started on a show when she was a baby. "Yeah, I'm sorry you have to." You politely respond and give her a sympathetic smile before she waves you off. "I chose to become famous."
"Yeah, but that doesn't give those assholes with cameras any right." You speak, making her pull her lips in with a surprised look. "Sorry." You say after a second or two. But Wanda shakes her head. "No, you're completely right. Sorry for my face. It's just... it's just nice to have someone be so candor..."
You knew all about Wanda's ex and how they cheated on her.
You offer a smile before looking at the window. Wanda doing the same following your eye-line. "Well, it appears I didn't tell him off enough." Wanda hums and turns back to you. She looks at her AirPods. "Do you want one?"
The bald man leaves your eyesight as you look at the darling actress of your life. "I- uh, no, yeah. Yeah. Thank you." Your hands shake slightly as you take it and place it in your right ear. Wanda notices the nervousness coming from you but doesn't want to bring it up and make it worse. "Do you have anything in particular you'd like to listen to?" She asks, her voice soft after speeding up her treadmill
"No. I'm down for whatever." You answered honestly as your brain caught up to the fact that you were talking and being friendly with THE Wanda Maximoff.
Wanda hits shuffle on her Spotify before looking up to you. "Well, I hope you like The Guardians." She says as an 80's inspired synth slowly starts filling your ear before an electric guitar breaks through and a man's voice starts singing about his girlfriend. "I've never heard them!"
Wanda looks back at you. "What!?" She looks shocked. "Peter Quill, Drummer Drax, Guitarist Gamora..?" Wanda says, hoping that something would click by offering you some context of the band members.
You shake your head.
Wanda grabs her phone. "Oh my gosh. Okay. I know what we're listening to!" She queues up the band's first album, simply titled Vol. 1.
You can't help but smile.
Fuck she really was as lovely and as charming as everyone always described her.
"I've become obsessed." She says, putting her phone down. "I can tell." You joke, making her playfully roll her eyes.
Was this flirting? Oh god, am I finally doing it??
"Carol Danvers got me hooked onto them."
That name made a ding go off in your brain, and words fell from your mouth before you could stop them.
"Oh yeah, you're doing a movie together!"
You tensed up quickly after saying that. Now Wanda would know you were not just a regular fan or avid watcher. You were an 'I have updates on my phone about things you do' type of fan.
Wanda looks to you before turning down the music one or two clicks. "Oh... I didn't realize you were such a fan." She says a little coldly to her warm words from moments ago. You stumble over your words. "Yeah- no, I mean, yes, I am a fan and know who you are, but- j- just forget I said anything or ruined this nice moment." You close your eyes and feel awful before turning away to avoid her precious green eyes if they looked at you.
The music goes back up with a click.
You sigh.
And a moment passes.
"We actually finished the movie already." Wanda offers, making you look back at her. "Oh really?" She nods, and you can tell in those same green eyes that the moment between you two isn't lost. "So, a fan, huh?" You nod sheepishly as her eyes look over your face. "I would've yelled at the asshole outside regardless of if it was you or not, by the way."
Wanda likes that and chuckles a little bit. "Well, I appreciate that. Is he still there?"
You look at the window and nod. "Well, you can yell at him some more later when you walk me to my car," Wanda says without facing you. She bites back a smile. You feel your cheeks flush. "You got it." You say and focus on getting your steps in as your face reddened.
"By the way..." You look to your left. "It's okay that you're a fan, honestly. It's just sometimes nice to forget and... and to have people talk to you for you." You nod and, after a couple of quiet seconds, stick your hand out to her. "I understand. I'm Y/n."
Wanda realizes she never got your name and sends an apologetic smile. "I'm Wanda." Her soft hand shakes yours before letting go. The touch sends shivers down your sides before you smile. "Let me guess." You start. "You have the look of someone who sings for a living?" Wanda smiles and lets out a loud laugh. Shaking her head and ducking her face when people around the gym look to her. "How did you guess?" She says, making you shrug with a grand look and smile. Enjoying this second chance. Even as you two lie about her profession. "Just had a feeling."
That feeling would transform into jokes and continuous small talk as you two completed your workouts together. Well, actually, you just did whatever Wanda did, which was a struggle. Her past roles in those superhero movies really upped her body fitness.
"So, how come I've never seen you at this gym before?" Wanda asked as sweat covered the both of you while she refilled her water bottle. "Did you just move here?" Wanda asks with a glint in her eyes. You shook your head. "No, I live around." You missed a smile Wanda got for one second. "I know a friend of a friend, and they got me in." Wanda nods. "Well..." She puts the top on her bottle. "I'm glad I got to meet you."
"Me too." You say like that wasn't evident as you hide your blush. But Wanda sees it like all the other ones today. Wanda knows and shares the friendly/flirty smile you send her before she leads the two of you to the doors outside.
"Shit, I almost forgot about him," Wanda mumbles as the egghead starts to take pictures of the two of you. Wanda, putting on her sunglasses, gestures for you to follow her. You join in step with her.
"Just ignore him." She mumbles as you walk closer and closer to her car. And you do ignore him and his need for attention until you feel like he crosses a line.
He brings up Wanda's ex, and you see her cringe and tense up. "It's old news! Now come on and smile!" He shouts and treats her like a dog, sending you into a blind rage as you, without thinking, shove your phone and water bottle into Wanda's hand and turn back to the man several yards away.
"Hey, Blob!" You shout, attacking how he looks. Which you would never do but fuck he deserved it as you stepped closer and closer. The man drops the camera from his eye to around his neck as Wanda and him watch you encroach. "Leave Wanda the fuck alone before the last thing that camera sees is your ass!"
The man sneers. "Touch me or the camera, and I'll see you in court." You watch him smirk and go to lift his camera back up. "That's what I thought."
Wanda watches it all unfold as you look back at her and at the man before you lift your hand. Careful not to touch him or his stupid ass camera but instead the strap around his neck. Wanda watches as, with one simple click, the strap comes undone, and his camera slips out of his hand.
Smashing onto the floor.
The man stands shocked at the damage before he steps forward. "I didn't touch you." You say with a shit-eating grin. "You fucking wrecked my camera!?" He cries out, making you smile wider. "No, I didn't. You dropped it."
You are never one for confrontation or smug comments, but there was something about Wanda and this disgusting man that made your need to protect shoot off like a flare in the night.
Plus, maybe that feeling of justice sent you flying back to Wanda's side.
"I've thought about doing something like that a million times." She beamed to you. Through her sunglasses, you couldn't tell how her eyes glossed over your face, but watching you now, something had changed for Wanda. "Well, I'm glad to make your dreams come true."
Wanda laughed as the two of you walked back to her car. Not caring for the man crying on the sidewalk.
"I must know, will you be back at this gym? I might need more cameras smashed." You smile and chuckle. "Yeah. Same time next week?" You said with confidence coursing through you now as adrenaline picked up.
Wanda shook her head as she opened her Prius door. "How about Friday? I know a great spot for some smoothies afterward."
This sounds like a date.
You did your best to hide the overwhelming excitement, but you don't think you did an outstanding job. "That sounds great!"
Wanda loved that. "Here, put your number in." She said, handing you the same device you listened to music with earlier—her phone. You looked up and back down before putting in your number.
You were not about to wake up if this indeed was a dream.
"I'll text you my schedule for Friday. See what time works best for us." Wanda sits in her driver's seat and starts the car. Letting the A/C blow her hair back. "Maybe we'll have to skip the workout and just go straight to smoothies."
You smile. "That wouldn't be so bad."
Wanda smiled back. "I thought so." She winked. "Fan."
You shook your head and closed the door for her before she rolled down her window. "Bye, Y/n!" She playfully sang before pulling out of her spot, blasting Vol. 1.
Wanda looked back at you in the rearview mirror and smiled.
By the time Friday rolled around, Wanda knew the gym wasn't happening and wore an outfit fit for a date.
Smoothies and pizza later in the night.
Wanda made a home-cooked breakfast the next morning.
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dividers by @/benkeibea
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sserafics · 4 months
VALENTINE — henry h. x fem reader
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use of y/n, reader is rays niece, enemies to lovers? fluff, set in s4-5, 2nd person pov
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (heavily inspired by s3 e1 of game shakers!)
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your eyes scan the room as you stand in the kitchen of the hart’s home, unsure of why you’re even here.
your gaze drifts to your uncle, who is of course, flirting with henry’s mom. oh right, he brought you here, claiming you need to “socialize more and leave the man cave more often.” though it’s obvious he just wanted you to come so he could have an excuse to hit on henry’s mom. since this party is mostly teenagers, it’d be odd if a grown man just showed up alone. so, that’s why you’re here.
you sigh before taking a sip from the cola in your hand, glancing around to see the familiar faces surrounding you. piper, who threw this godforsaken valentine’s day party, charlotte, aaaand… henry. he’s talking to some girl, who you know is named valarie, but that’s about it.
an odd feeling bubbles up in your stomach at the sight of her leaning closer to him, laughing flirtatiously.
you scoff and turn away, trying not to think of the scene unfolding before you, but your gaze keeps moving back to them, the sight making your stomach twist in a way you’re unfamiliar with. you decide after a moment of watching to just leave. it’s not like your uncle is going to notice anyway, he’s too busy flexing his muscles for henry’s mom.
as you walk to the front door, you hear the sound of henry’s laugh ring through the music, making you roll your eyes at the flutter you felt in your stomach after hearing his laugh.
the cool air of the night hits your face as you step outside, grabbing your phone from your bag and opening the uber app, scheduling one. it arrives almost immediately, and you get in the car.
you look up as you settle in the backseat of the car, about to tell the driver where you need to go, but the sight shocks you. no driver? you’re about to speak, when a voice, monotonous and robot like, rings out.
“welcome to your self driving car, what is your destination?”
“oh, uhm.. just take me to junk n’ stuff.” you reply, still a bit weirded out by this car, but still you divert your attention to your phone, still trying to get your mind off of the scene at the party. the car begins driving.
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“yeah, so i’m thinking ‘bout starting a band-“ henry began, talking to another girl who just arrived at the party.
charlotte suddenly rushes to him, her phone in her hand and her eyes wide. “henry! y/n needs help!” she shows him her phone, where a text from you reads that your uber is a self driving car and is out of control. the text also reads to send your uncle, not henry.
he resists the urge to scowl at the last part of your text, before excusing himself from the girl he was talking to and rushing to the front porch, popping a gumball and transforming into kid danger.
“damn it, y/n.” he mumbles before pulling his phone out and scrolling to find your contact, calling you.
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“opening sunroof.” the robotic voice of the car speaks.
“what?- i didn’t even mention the sunroof-“ you blurt out, your voice tinged with panic as the car swerves, narrowly missing an old woman who was for some reason, walking in the middle of the street.
“y/n! just tell me when you’re about to pass swellview junior high!” henry’s voice rings out from your phone, reminding you he’s on the phone.
“what? oh- uh- yeah, i’m about to pass it now-!” you reply, trying your best to look out the windows to see where you are, but the car is speeding too fast to really tell.
a thump on the top of the car makes you yelp, accidentally dropping your phone onto the seat next to yours.
“i’m fine, actually!” you shout when you see henry on top of the car, peeking in through the sunroof to try and make out what’s going on inside. the jealousy from seeing him with valarie earlier bubbling up again.
“oh really? because it looks like your stuck in an out of control car, so.” he retorts sarcastically, sounding equally as annoyed as you do. you scoff but it quickly turns into a gasp when he drops down into the car, landing in the front seat.
“jesus! a warning would be nice next time!” you yell, glaring at the back of his head.
“yeah, okay, i’ll keep that in mind for the next time you get stuck in a self driving car!”
he tries to take control of the car, gripping the steering wheel, but the car jolts to the opposite side.
“don’t touch my wheel.” the car rings out in that same, robot like voice, jerking the car to the side again.
“come on-!” he murmurs, still trying to gain control of the car, but to no avail.
“closing sunroof.”
“what?- i didn’t even mention the sunroof-!” he exclaims, utterly confused.
“she’s obnoxious! just stop the car!!” you shout, holding onto the passenger seat in front of you for dear life, suddenly wondering why you didn’t put your seatbelt on.
he groans and pulls out his phone, scrolling and finding schwoz’s contact, quickly pressing call.
“are you seriously making a call right now-?” you ask, irritation lacing your voice.
“i need absolute silence.” he cuts you off, holding a hand up while he silently prays that schwoz will pick up.
“are you serio-“ you began but cut yourself off when schwoz’s voice spoke from his phone.
henry quickly explains what’s happening, his voice panicked. he puts the phone call on speaker phone, placing the phone on the dashboard.
“open up the front panel,” schwoz deadpans, his voice slightly muffled as if he’s eating on the other line. typical.
henry easily pops open the front panel, using some sort of gadget from the man cave, as usual.
“okay, it’s open- now what?”
“look for a red wire.”
“what?! there’s all kinds of red wires, man-“ henry tries to keep the car steady on the road— while also trying to figure out which red wire he’s supposed to be looking for, but the car suddenly swerves to the left, practically throwing you against the window.
henry’s head snaps back to you, noticing your wide eyes and he realizes he’s not going to be able to stop the car this way. he mumbles something under his breath and then moves to the back seat, sitting next to you.
“protect your eyes!” he tells you, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his laser.
“protect my eyes? what- why?-“ you began, but before you could finish, he pulled you against him and hid your face in his chest, making sure to cover his own face as he used his laser to zap at the front panel repeatedly, effectively short circuiting the car.
immediately after, he lets go of you and leans forward, taking hold of the steering wheel, making sure to guide the car to the side of the road as it slowly stops, letting out a sigh of relief after. he slumps against the back seat, panting.
an awkward silence fills the car as you fiddle with your bag, tracing one of the straps with your finger. the atmosphere feels tense yet oddly serene, the arguments that usually surround you two absent in the moment.
“why’d you come?” you ask after a while, your voice quieter than usual.
a beat passes without an answer.
“ray was too busy hitting on my mom.” he speaks after a while, glancing out the window awkwardly. that’s not the reason, and you both know it.
he transforms back to his regular self, the pop of his bubble gum causing you to turn back to look at him, suddenly becoming acutely aware of how close he’s sitting to you. your arms are brushing against one another, his face now fully exposed without his kid danger mask.
you reach for the door, hoping to get out of this awkward moment, but it doesn’t open. you sigh.
turning back to face him, you finally decide to vocalize the question that’s been lingering in your mind since you saw him at the party earlier.
“who’s valarie?”
he blinks, looking confused before smiling smugly, which makes you groan, turning away and facing the window again.
“we used to go to camp together, years ago.” he replies, though you can practically hear the smirk on his lips. “why? you jealous?”
you scoff and finally realize where you are. outside of his house again. of course, all of this trouble and you’re not even at junk n’ stuff.
the serious tone in his voice makes you turn back to look at him. you opened your mouth to speak, but before you could, he cups your cheek and leans in, pausing just before your lips meet, as if to give you an out if you don’t want this. you meet his gaze before leaning in, your lips connecting in a kiss.
it was a short, sweet kiss, yet it felt like it lasted centuries. he pulls back slowly and you open your eyes to see him already looking at you, forehead pressed against yours gently.
“happy valentines day, y/n.”
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(a/n) ahhh i finally wrote my first fic!! this took me so long but i like how it turned outtt, i feel like the ending might’ve been a little ooc for him and it kinda sucked 😞 but it’s almost midnight so im posting it 🤞🏻anyway thanks for reading!! it was pretty long so sorry abt that 😭
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mactavishsgfandwife · 8 months
Dad!Simon Taking Your Daughter to the Optician’s (Fluff)
another random one but OMG imagine your daughter had needed those adorable baby glasses and simon took her to the optician to buy a pair 😭 like awwwwweewwwwwwwwe purest domestic fluff ever, not proofread
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He pulls her tiny, pink raincoat off of the coat hangers by the door, along with his own black bomber jacket that he holds under one arm, and he tenderly leans down to zip up her little jacket - the one with cutesy rubber ducks embroidered at the cuffs. Most people wouldn’t immediately assume them to be father and daughter. This huge, intimidating military man with sunglasses on in early Spring to hide his eyes and a small silver dog tag dangling down around his neck, dwarfed by his broad shoulders - and reaching her hand up to hold his, babbling something unintelligible about rocks, a little girl. Her hair was carefully tied into bunches - Simon had tried to do it himself but he somehow managed to miss out half of her hair, so he lifted her up over his shoulder as if he were a firefighter and went to find you.
"Y’married a soldier, not a hairdresser," he grinned, a little bit embarrassed.
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At the optician’s, he guides his little girl around the room, inspecting the shelves of different glasses. He holds her soft, little hand in his big, tough one. For a moment, he is distracted by some informational poster on the wall, but a sudden exasperated gasp from the 3 year old at his feet pulls him back to reality right away. Looking down, he sees her chubby hands holding a pair of adult sunglasses to her eyes, a big grin on her face.
"Glasses! Want glasses, daddy!" she giggles, the specs falling wonky on her little button nose. Simon laughs softly, crouching down to get closer to his baby, his elbows resting on the denim of his jeans.
"You can have glasses, love… but those are too big for a littl’un like you," he leans in to kiss her soft forehead, and tries to place the sunglasses back, as her little fingers paw at them.
"What about these ones..?" he smiles, holding out a little pair of pink glasses, purple at the edges, with sweet little stars along the sides. That smile on his face is met by her exaggerated, pleading eyes and her little sad pout, still trying to reach her hands out to the sunglasses that her daddy had meanly placed on a high shelf. :(
Simon finally settles on buying the sunglasses ‘for himself’, rolling his eyes with a small chuckle as he helps fit those cute, purple glasses to his little girl’s face, turning her to look at herself in the mirror of the shop.
"Ahh!" she lets out a little, excited squeal, "I love it, Daddy!"
"You look so pretty, little girl," he smiles protectively, trying not to laugh as he sees her chubby, grinning face looking up at him behind those glasses that make her eyes seem twice as big as normal.
Her little mary-jane shoes run in circles around the shop, as she lets out little squeaks of joy and mumbles to herself - in the end, it takes your husband a whole 10 minutes to convince her to take them off so that he can buy them, and on the walk home she does her best to speed ahead of him (not that he would ever actually allow her out of his sight), shouting, "Faster, Daddy!", alternating between running away from him and walking slow at his side, panting from the running until he caved and carried her. She was just so excited and couldn’t wait to go home and show Mummy. <3
And she looks so cute when she excitedly rushes into the kitchen, screwing up her face and giggling as she tells you all about her new glasses, Simon leaning against the doorframe in the background and chuckling softly as he watches, unable to hide how much he loves his little family.
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i love him so much i’m crying tears thanks for reading lovelies! x
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raven-dor · 1 month
you and i
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in which steve and his best friend since 4th grade graduate
PAIRING: steve harrington x reader
WARNINGS: given last name, established relationship, like one swear word, fluff
AN: 100 followers!! Thank you all so much; I literally could not have done this without you!! Here's a little Steve Imagine I wrote a while ago!! I hope you enjoy it, and here's to 100 more!!
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"Steve! Hurry up! I can't be late!"
Y/N sat on Steve's bed, waiting impatiently for him to finish his hair. She knew that his literal hours of styling would inevitably get damaged underneath the hideous caps they had to wear, but Steve still insisted.
So there they were, ten minutes before they had to be at the school, and Steve was still doing his hair.
"Jeez! Relax Y/N/N. We still have-" He looked at his clock. "Shit."
Y/N walked into the bathroom and crossed her arms, smirking. "Yeah. Shit."
He turned around and grinned. "Well, well, well. Don't you look like Little Miss Valedictorian."
She smiled shyly at him for a moment. Her white dress peeked out from beneath her dark green robe, which was covered with tassels, each one another achievement that Steve had proudly watched her earn. National Honor Society, Student Government, Music Honors. The list goes on and on.
Y/N scrunched her eyebrows, laughing at her best friend. "You're an odd duck, Harrington."
"That's why you love me."
She glared at him, tapping her wrist, even though she didn't have a watch. "You done?"
He shoved his comb in his drawer, and turned back around, walking past her quickly. "Let's go!"
Y/N grabbed her shoes and cap and followed after her best friend. Mrs.Harrington beamed, and Y/N tried to pretend that the older woman was always this happy for her son.
She couldn't remember the last time she had seen Mrs. Harrington in person; it must have been almost five years ago.
"Look at you two," she walked up to Steve and pinched his cheeks. "I remember when you first started kindergarten."
Steve whined, pulling away. "Mom!"
His mother rolled her eyes. "Stand up straight, and try to look presentable. I want to take a photo."
Steve groaned, and Y/N put her hand on his shoulder, whispering in his ear teasingly. "Do what your mother says, Steven."
He pushed her away, sticking his tongue out.
Y/N stood aside as Mrs.Harrington took several polaroids of her son. She looked at Y/N, ushering her to her son's side. "Get over here."
"Yes ma'am."
She shuffled beside Steve and leaned in.
"Say cheese!"
Steve looked down at the last moment, Y/N completely oblivious to the fact that he was looking at her. She was honestly focused on trying not to look like a total disaster.
"Okay, one more, and then you can go."
Steve put his arm around her shoulders, leaning his head on hers.
"Say cheese one more time!"
Steve smirked. "Cheese one more time!"
The King of Hawkins High clapped his hands and grabbed his car keys, pulling Y/N along with him. "See you, Mom!"
"Bye, darling! Bye, Steve!"
Y/N giggled as she got into the passenger's seat. "I'm darling."
"You're a twerp is what you are. Now buckle up. You are not going to be late." He had a weird glint in his eyes. "Not if I can help it."
"It really doesn't matter that much!" But Steve ignored her, going fifteen over the speed limit immediately after pulling out of his driveway.
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Thank God for Steve's car. They made it just barely, and Y/N and Steve pushed their way to the front of the line. "Excuse us!"
Steve pushed through. "Move you, shitheads!" Steve shoved another one of his annoying ass peers and then came face to face with horror itself. "Mrs. Click."
"Mr. Harrington." She looked slightly less dismal as she turned to Y/N. "Ms. Wilkins."
She smiled guiltily. "Mrs. Click. We're here."
"So I can see." She handed them two index cards. "Fill out your names phonetically so the announcers don't pronounce them wrong." She walked slightly down the line before turning back around. "Congratulations, you two." She pursed her lips, and they both could have sworn she was smiling. "You weren't the worst students I ever had."
Steve shivered and looked at Y/N. "On that bright side we don't ever have to take a class with her again." He grinned. "Can I borrow your pen?"
She dropped it in his palm and turned to the front, straightening her posture and taking deep breaths. She ran through her speech in her head, how she would smile, how- Pomp and Circumstance began. She clenched her fist, and Steve grabbed her hand, rubbing the back, and slowly her fist fell open. Steve straightened his cap while simultaneously holding her hand tightly, kissing the back. "We got this, Y/N/N."
The walking across the field was fast enough, but the time from that and to her speech felt like an eternity. "And now, our class Valedictorian, Y/N Wilkins."
Steve yelled at the top of his lungs, the crowd giving a polite clapping volume. She could hear two other voices screaming at the top of their lungs and knew exactly who they were. She stood up and walked calmly to the stage. She shook the hand of their principal and took a deep breath, looking down at Steve, who was staring up at her proudly.
"Welcome friends, parents, loved ones, and staff to the graduation of the Class of 1985." There were cheers from the students. "We couldn't have made it here without you." She took a breath. "Hawkins High has been for us all, the best or worst time of our lives." Chuckles echoed throughout the student body. "But even then, our lives have been changed. We've grown, learned, and made lifelong friends. We've had relationships and friendships develop and crumble within minutes."
She smiled. "And for most of my peers, Hawkins has been their home for their whole lives. They've known each other since pre-k, and many interactions you observe show you. But I moved to Hawkins in fourth grade. I used to live in New York City. I loved it there, it was like a giant playground. But after my father passed away, my mother and aunt decided to move back to their hometown, Hawkins Indiana. I have to say, I was upset at first. Who wouldn't be? Being ripped from what you've known your whole life is difficult. But as soon as I sat down at my table in Mrs.Davidson's fourth-grade class, I instantly felt better. I'm sure many of you are very confused right now. Let me set the tone." Y/N laughed. "It's 1976, and this classroom is bustling with noise. Mrs. Davidson is trying to settle her class down, except for two. A girl who was staring sadly down at her desk, and a boy who threw his hand out, waiting for her to shake it. Steve Harrington-" The crowd murmured, some yelling praise for the King of Hawkins.
"Held out his hand, and after that, he never left me alone." Steve scoffed but kept smiling at the stage. "After eight years of school together, he has remained one of my best friends. He's helped me through many of my life's problems. Tests, driving lessons, my mothers..." Her eyes welled up. "Disappearance, and most recently, college." Steve knew what else she wanted to add to this list. Fighting against the Upside Down had made them closer than ever if that was even possible.
"He has helped me more than he could ever know. He's made me braver, faster, in the wittiest sense, and happier. The only thing he hasn't improved is my humor." The crowd laughed. "Sorry, Steve, but I have superior taste in comedy. In my opinion, Steve Harrington is the best example of Hawkins. He's kind, funny, and empathetic. He exemplifies the very best this town has to offer." She smiled at Steve, putting a hand over her heart. "I don't know if I've been changed for the better, but because I met you, I've definitely been changed for good." Steve grinned brightly up at the stage. "Alright, I'm almost done. I want to thank my family. Aunt Claudia, thank you for treating me like one of your own, even when I don't like it. Dustin, my favorite middle schooler. Also my cousin. You are the smartest person I know, and the best confidant." Y/N took a deep breath and smiled lightly, glancing out at the field full of her old classmates, teachers, and friends. "Thank you for your hospitality, Hawkins. You will forever be my home."
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They'd finally graduated. Y/N pushed her way through the crowd, Steve holding onto her arm for dear life.
She grabbed Dustin and hugged him tightly.
"Y/N/N! I can't breathe."
She let go. "Sorry, bud."
Dustin walked up to Steve and held out his hand. Steve smirked, and then she saw the weirdest shit she had ever seen.
Their handshake.
"What the hell?"
Y/N turned around, fully prepared to scold someone. "Oh hey, guys."
Max, Mike, and Lucas stood behind her.
"Nice speech."
Y/N laughed. "Thanks, Wheeler."
"Congrats, Y/N."
"Thank you, Max."
"You were very cheesy, Y/N/N."
She rolled her eyes lovingly, running up to them with open arms. "Thank you, Lucas." Mike squirmed, Max laughing at him. He yelled out. "Y/N/N, let us go!"
She huffed and let go begrudgingly. "I love you too, Micheal."
Steve cleared his throat, and Y/N turned around. He smiled and put his arm around her shoulders. "Let's get out of here."
"Already ahead of you."
She slipped out of his hold (and her heels) and smiled. "Race ya!"
She ran as fast as she could, Steve catching up to her in no time. Dustin groaned, and Max laughed at her friend's annoyance. "What's wrong, Dusty? Mad that your cousin is falling in love?"
Dusty crossed his arms. "Not at all. She's been in love. I'm just mad that they are both so oblivious."
Max turned back, smiling at the running teenagers. "I bet they're gonna get together this summer." Dustin nodded in agreement.
Lucas and Mike squinted their eyes and looked at their friends like they had three heads.
"They've been doing this for two years..."
Lucas finished his sentence for him. "So who's to say they won't keep doing it?"
Max stared at her boyfriend. "Because I'm not letting them. I'm sick of it, and I've only been here for a year."
Dustin nodded. "Imagine knowing both of them for basically your whole life."
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The stars twinkled above the pair as they reminisced over the funniest memories of their times at school. She tried to breathe; she'd laughed so much that her stomach was starting to hurt. "Remember when- when Tommy slipped and fell into Joan's puke?"
Steve started laughing hysterically, the memory evoking a childlike joy he hadn't felt in a while. "And then—then Carol tried to help him, and slipped, pulling him out?"
She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Staring up, she became entranced by the night sky.  "The stars are really pretty tonight."
Steve smiled at the way her eyes lit up. "They are." He lay beside her, eyes fixed on the moon. "We haven't done this in a while."
Y/N nodded, leaning her head on Steve's shoulder. She didn't want to ruin this moment, but if she didn't tell him now, she'd never tell him.
"I need to tell you something. Something important."
His heart stopped. Was she- No, she wouldn't. He had to be the first to, and besides, he didn't even know if she liked him. He kept his eyes on the sky, too afraid to look at his best friend. "Tell me something."
"I-" Y/N sat up. She decided to look down at her feet so that she wouldn't look at his distracting chocolate eyes and actually get to the point. "I got into NYU."
His heart stuttered and then began pacing normally. He sat up beside her, grinning. "You did?"
She nodded, also grinning. "I did."
"You did!" He stood up, pulling her alongside him. "NYU! That's your dream school, Y/N/N!" He hugged her. "I'm so proud of you."
She sighed, overwhelmed with the smell of his shirt. "I'm really excited! I just..." She let go, still hugging Steve loosely around his waist. "I didn't tell you when I found out because..."
"I was scared of how you'd react."
He scrunched his eyebrows. "Why would you be scared?"
She broke herself out of his embrace and started pacing around the roof. "I don't know. I guess I was afraid that you'd feel like I was leaving you, and I didn't want to make you..."
He interrupted. "You didn't want to make me feel bad, is that it?"
Y/N nodded slowly, and Steve rolled his eyes, grabbing her hand and pulling her to him. "You would never make me feel bad. You deserve this. And you're going to do amazing."
She smiled, burying her face into his chest. "Thank you."
He laughed. "Besides, I'll be fine. I got an interview with an ice cream shop that's opening up in the mall, and their starting pay is 8 dollars an hour."
She looked up. "Are you kidding me? Holy shit Harrington!" It was her turn to jump around, hugging him. "That's awesome! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He rolled his eyes. "Well, why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He sat down, and they got comfortable again, staying close underneath their shared blanket. For warmth purposes, of course. Steve sighed, leaning his head on hers.
"You don't need to worry over little old me. I'll be just fine."
She hummed and closed her eyes. "It's my job, Harrington."
She felt like she was in fourth grade again.
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i2ycat · 4 months
Trouble is a Band (TEASER)
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synopsis being in a band was all you ever wanted, and so when you were able to fly across the globe to join your brother’s high school band, you jumped at the opportunity to show everyone everything that you’ve got. singing in a band? check. performing in front of a crowd? check. falling in love with your brother’s best friend, who is in a complicated relationship with one of your fellow bandmates? check?
pairing park jongseong x fem!reader genre high school!au, kind of band!au, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, brothers best friend trope, slow burn-ish? teaser word count 381 estimated word count 5-7k teaser warnings none lyn speaking wasn’t going to have a teaser but i just thought why not! it will probably take a few weeks before i publish it because i still need to actually finish writing, proofread it and all that jazz 🤓☝🏻
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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Jay. Even the way his name rolled off your tongue felt oddly bitter and sweet at the same time. Bitter because there was no way you could be falling for your bandmate’s boyfriend without the guilt that consumed you ever-so-slowly. Sweet because there was no way for you to stop your heart from beating at twice the speed whenever he was around — he was your high school daydream; everything you wished you had.
“I really want you to sing this song I’m writing. I mean, I’m not totally done yet, but I wrote it with your voice in mind. It’s for the upcoming music festival.” He pulls out his phone and earphones from his pocket, sliding his chair closer to yours and offering an earpiece, which you cautiously take.
You straighten your back in an attempt to keep yourself focused, not wanting to mind the way his shoulders are pushed up against yours, or the way you could practically make out every single feature on his face, or the fact that you would’ve felt his breath fan against your face if he turned just a bit to the left. You need to force yourself to focus solely on the music.
Don’t mind the confusion.
The sense of focusing.
The only sure thing is you.
So now, put it all behind.
I’m just going to walk according to how my heart beats.
Fatal trouble.
Jay’s voice fills your ears, alongside Jungwon and Sunghoon’s. You could appreciate their heavenly voices all day, but the striking lyrics seemed to be the main reason for taking your breath away. It sounded as if they were speaking to your troubled thoughts right in the face, tempting you to fall deeper. Deeper into what? You didn’t want to even think about it.
"So, what do you think?”
“It's... it’s good.”
“That’s it?”
“What did you want me to say?”
“No need to get so feisty, princess.” He ruffles your hair, and you inwardly sigh, feeling the overwhelming defeat take over you because, no matter how much you wanted to fight the feeling, you knew that all your efforts would come crashing down anyway.
You were a weak woman with many faults, and being attracted to someone who is obviously taken is the biggest one of them all.
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taglist open! send an ask to be added
© i2ycat 2024
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roonyxx · 4 months
Healing Love: Part 2
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Summary: You have a normal life as a nurse, and you are content with it. But then a storm called Dean Winchester rolls into it and you get swept away by his charms. But secrets linger and threaten to drown you both.
Pairing: Dean x Witch!nurse!reader
Word count: 2455
Chapter warnings: angst, wounds and medical stuff (i am no professional and have no idea what the real treatments are), fluff.
support me :)
Healing Love Masterlist
My Masterlist
Deviders made by @firefly-graphics, give her some love!
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The day at work seemed to last forever but eventually your shift ended and you hurried home, you jumped in the shower to shave, scrub, wax, all of it.
By the time you fed Quinn and are all dressed up it is seven.
You check your phone, no news. Which is not abnormal, he might be driving.
You sit on your porch while waiting for Dean to show up.
Seven thirty rolls around and no news.
You dare to send him a little text.
“Hey, it was seven at my place, right?” you send to him.
No answer. It’s not even read.
Quinn can feel your sadness at being stood up and lays his furry head on your lap.
“Perhaps he’s just late.” You tell him while stroking his ears.
Or he stood you up…
Around eight you go back inside and take off your heels. You really thought he liked yesterday’s kiss…
Was it a bad kiss? To you it was the best kiss ever. But maybe not to him? Is that why he ghosted you?
A smile blooms on your face when you hear your phone ringing, but as soon as it came it fades at the unfamiliar number.
“Damn spammers.” You mutter while hanging up.
Was it a little high hopes on your side that Dean wanted to go out on a date with you? Maybe… he is extremely beautiful. But he was the one who suggested it. It made no sense.
The number pops up on your screen again and you grunt while you hang up. Only for the number to pop up again.
“Jeez this one is motivated.” You sigh.
You stare at the number, maybe it’s work?
Not like you have plans for tonight anyway. You pick up.
“Is this Y/N?” A strange voice asks you, but there is something similar about it.
“Yeah? Who is asking?” You frown.
“My name is Sam, I’m Dean’s brother, we need your help.” He sounds in a hurry, or worried even.
“My help?” That couldn’t be good…”Where is Dean?”
“He got hurt, badly… I know you don’t know me but- but he needs you. I will send you coordinates, could you come to us?”
“If he’s hurt badly he needs to go to a hospital.” You say, hurt again? Yesterday the cut, today this…
What are they involved in?
“That’s not an option, please Y/n, I- I don’t think he will get through the night without you.” He sounds so desperate.
Rubbing your face you grab your big bag for emergencies. “Send me the address, I will come.”
“Thank you” he sighs with relief “I sent the text, you text me when you’re here. Hurry please, Y/n.” And then he hangs up.
Walking with your big bag to your car you check the coordinates.
Who uses coordinates? You put them in your gps and see it’s just on the edge of town. You speed down the roads to get there within thirty minutes.
You get out of your car and frown, there is nothing but an old factory and woods here.
You send your text to Sam, telling him you’re here.
The big metal door of the factory opens with a loud creak.
“Y/n! Hurry, he’s in here.” Sam says from the opening.
You hurry down the little steps and follow Sam inside and look over the railing with wide eyes.
This isn’t an old factory…
The magic inside you immediately reacts to the sigils that are hidden in the walls. This whole building is magical, powerful. Your magic eases against the sigils with a soft hand, reassuring them you are not a threat. Once they are soothed they stop oppressing you like an intruder.
Inside is a very big room with many lights and machines you don’t understand. A big world map table lighting up in the middle.
And on that table is an unconscious Dean, bleeding heavily from his stomach and his face is covered in blood from a cut you can’t see.
“Oh god…” You run down the few stairs and get to the table.
“What happened!” You scream at Sam while you get to work.
Ripping open your bag you get out your stethoscope and listen for his heartbeat. It’s there but weak…
Bloodpressure is too low, he lost a lot of blood…
“What is his blood type?” You ask while cutting open his shirt.
His stomach… It’s shredded, this needs a surgeon, not a nurse.
“His b-bloodtype uhm” I can see Sam shaking in the corner of my eye, “we’re both O.” He eventually says.
“I can’t explain what happened, he got c-cut open. Please… do something.”
“I’m not a surgeon.” You pant, the panic and magic rising within you.
He needs my magic but…
But the way he gets hurt every day, no hospital, the magic of this place...
Your eyes water while looking at his unconscious face, of course he has to be a damn hunter…
Hunters murdered your friend ten years ago. You swore to her to never get near a hunter again, it was the last thing she asked of you.
You have plenty of catheters and bags to make a blood transfusion. It’s not at all like the protocol in the hospital but it will have to do.
You can’t let him die.
“Sam, you need to get me some tape, water, a bowl, a lighter, and all the bandages you have. Go now.”
Sam nods and runs out of the room.
Giving you the chance to be alone with Dean.
You put on your gloves and start cleaning his stomach as much as possible to see the damage.
Definitely werewolf claws…
You grunt, “I can’t stitch this much shredded skin…”
You look over your shoulder to make sure Sam isn’t here and take off your gloves to start rubbing your hands together.
They heat up and start glowing with a golden light, you make your hands hover over his wound.
It is impossible to heal it all, your magic untrained and rarely used. But you will do what is possible.
You know that with training you would be able to heal a lot of things, but using it is very dangerous and it drains you. A lot.
You focus on healing the cells of his intestines, healing every precious organ that is inside, then you focus on the peritoneum, the bag that seals the intestines.
Sweat is forming on your brow and you wipe it away with your sleeve to prevent it from falling inside his wound.
Dizziness is creeping in and you push your magic to knit his stomach muscles back together and heal the edges of his wound, you can stitch them when they are less shredded.
You are panting heavily by the time your magic runs out. But you check his wound and are satisfied to see his muscles are perfectly closed.
You thread your needle, black spots are creeping into your vision but you push through.
Sam comes running in with everything you asked for.
“Tell me what to do.” He says.
“Check his head, find the cut and tell me if it’s deep, clean up as much as you can.”
He nods and does exactly that while you stitch his layers of skin back together.
“It’s not deep but bleeding hard, it’s just on the edge of his hairline.”
“Keep pressure on it and use butterfly bandage to put it back together. It should hold.”
I finish with my stitches and put a big bandage over his stomach, then wrapping a compression bandage around his entire waist to keep it all in place.
You move next to Sam to check Dean’s head, it is indeed not very deep and what Sam did will be sufficient.
You go to Dean’s arm and put in a catheter, you give him some antibiotics to fight of any bacteria that got in his open wound and a shit ton of pain killers, then you move to Sam.
“Sam, sit, he needs blood.”
You grab his arm and start drawing blood to make a transfusion.
After Sam donated the maximum he can, you make shift a pole to hook the blood bag so it can slowly enter Dean.
“You’re both very lucky to have O.” You sigh, exhaustion is starting to claim you but Dean can’t stay on the table, he needs to be comfy. You give Sam just a little time and hand him a cookie to get his sugars up.
“Can you carry him?” You ask Sam.
He nods “I can. W-will he be okay?”
“He can’t stay on the table. I don’t know yet, I gave him a lot of pain meds, he should wake up in a few hours, or his heart can stop from the trauma.” I say as my eyes stay on his chest, that’s slowly moving up with each breath he takes.
Alive. He’s alive.
Sam carefully picks Dean up. You stay close, making sure the blood bag stays above Dean’s head.
Sam walks him through the enormous building and reaches what you presume is Dean’s bedroom and puts him in the bed.
You arrange his pillow and cover him so he doesn’t get cold, then grab a chair and sit next to his bed.
You take off your smart watch, turn on the sound and wrap it around Dean’s wrist, a faint beeping noise sounding that follows the rhythm of his heart.
“Get some rest Sam, I will be here, if his heart stops, my watch will make an alarm noise, I will stay here, making sure he’s okay.”
“I want to stay here.” He argues.
“I can’t have you in the room when he crashes, which is a chance. Go to bed, try to rest. You will need your strength when he wakes up.”
If he wakes up…
Sam gives a little nod and reluctantly leaves.
You slump in the chair and watch Dean breathe. The exhaustion will claim you soon, so you learn forward and touch his chest, putting your very last magic into his heart. The weak rhythm of his heart starts to pick up,  with your magic it became stronger.
With the reassurement that he won’t die, you stop fighting the exhaustion and pass out.
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“Y/n?” you hear your name being faintly said, but your eyes won’t open just yet. Your body feels as if it is submerged in deep dark waters, every movement feels heavy and hard.
“Y/n?” your name is repeated, and you can feel yourself rising up to the surface of consciousness.
Your eyes peel themselves open and made contact with two spring forest green eyes.
Your eyes jump open and you reach his side.
“You’re awake.” You gasp, you check the watch around his wrist and see three hours have passed, his heartbeat and blood pressure are not perfect yet but they are good enough.
“How do you feel?” You ask him while taking off the now empty blood bag from his catheter.
“Not great.” He winces with a small smile, “But seeing you definitely helps.”
He still looks very pale.
“Pain?” You ask him while getting some more painkiller in a needle and putting it in his catheter.
He nods.
“This will help.”
He carefully lifts the covers to see his stomach, all wrapped up. “The last time I looked here I saw inside myself… I thought-“ he swallows hard and looks at you, “I missed our date.”
You can’t help but chuckle, “You almost died and you’re thinking about our date?”
“I was looking forward to it.” He defends.
“Me too.” You softly whisper.
“This isn’t what I had in mind as a date.” He lowers the cover again, “How did you get here?”
“Sam called me urgently, saying he needed my help and let me in. Good he did, I managed to help you, the next weeks will be hard, Dean. We will see each other a lot more. You talked about me to Sam?”
The smile he gives you is far from weak, “To see you a lot more doesn’t sound bad at all. I did… I was excited to tell him about you.”
You give him a smile back, blushing at how he wanted to tell his brother about you.
How you ever doubted for a second to not use your magic to heal him.
You would risk it all just to see him smile.
“What was your idea of a date?” You ask him to keep his mind, and perhaps your own, off how close he came to dying.
“Something cheesy, like a picknick in a field with a pretty sunset. Dropping you back at your place after we had a great time and then, then I would kiss you again.” He says.
You smile, “So you’re a romantic guy, huh?”
“Very.” He grins and tries to lean towards you, only resulting in him hissing.
“Careful!” You say and help him adjust his position by putting your arms around his naked shoulders and tugging gently on his pillow.
“That’s the second time you ripped of my clothes, you know if you want to see me naked sweetheart, all you have to do is ask.”
“You’re such a flirt.” You smile at him and realize how close your faces are together, you glance down at his lips.
“I regret not kissing you tonight.” He whispers against your lips.
“Tonight isn’t over yet.” You whisper back.
He smiles and closes the gap between you two. Kissing you deeply.
You carefully cup his face, kissing him back.
He moans when your tongue brushes against the seam of his lips, asking for entrance, which he grants.
His hand comes up to brush your cheek. He tilts his head to the side and deepens the kiss, more moans spilling out from his mouth.
You’re panting against him, your hands slipping in his hair as you get lost in him.
A harsh hiss breaks you apart and you see that he tried to pull you closer, resulting in hurting himself. You slowly peel yourself away from Dean.
“You need to rest,” you pant, your lips swollen and wet from his kiss, “No excessive moving for you for at least two weeks.”
“The idea of taking a nurse on a date is much sexier than in real life.” He grunts as lays back down more comfortably, “No excessive moving, so no kissing?” he gives you the biggest puppy eyes, almost as cute as Quinn’s.
You blush and say “Only kissing is okay. Calm kissing.”
“I can survive with calm kissing,” he smiles then winks, “For now.”
You blush even harder and smile.
“Rest Dean, you need it. I will be here.”
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Forever Tags 2024: @jay-and-dean @flamencodiva @snowlovespie @awkward-and-indecisive @hobby27
Dean tags 2024: @akshi8278 @pink-sparkly-witch @verytoadpapersoul @eevvvaa @muhahaha303 @alwaystiredandconfused @deansimpalababy @globetrotter28
Healing Love tags: @deans-spinster-witch @kr804573 @suckitands33 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @brightlilith @snowayumi
send me an ask if you want to be on any of my tag lists! (or if you want to be removed)
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yona049 · 5 months
𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Part 5
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
𝗜 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗗𝗖! ^○^
>blood transfusion
>talk about excessive bleeding
>overwhelmed crying
Y/n blinked slowly and brought her hand up to her head. This was the third time she'd passed out. She was once again in the bat-cave's med bay.
"This can't be good for my health." she grumbles still half asleep.
Finally lifting her body up from the bed she looks at her arm with a needle inserted into it. Her eyes follow the tube to another needle in Clark's arm, who was sitting on a chair right beside her.
He was wearing a blue flannel with rolled up sleeves to his forearms.
The needle had a faint glow of green which Y/n didn't seem to notice because the second she saw her best friend, life filled her body and she thew herself out of the bed and onto Clark.
"Careful Y/n!" Clark yells.
With an aggressive crash both Y/n and Clark were on the ground. She laughed and hugged him tightly.
"I can't believe your here! I missed your dorky smile so much!" she smiled before her body stiffens suddenly.
Her body pushes itself up to sit on Clarks stomach then she balls her hands into fists bringing them up defensively.
"Wait! T-tell me something only Glasses would know!"
With his hands up in defense he smiles softly. He wasn't scared because how could his human friend hurt him, Superman! But he also wanted to be as calm and gentle as possible not to scare her.
"You have no awareness of how hot your coffee is! You prefer sneakers over high heels, but you wear them so people would treat you like a professional woman."
He delicately places his large hands over her fists.
"You figured it was like that when your first employer treated you like a coffee girl instead of junior editor. "
He brings her fist to his cheek and gently flattens her hand to cup his face.
"You spend way too much time in that journal of yours, but whenever you're writing in it, I see dozens of universes sparkle in your eyes."
Using super hearing, he listens to her heart rate slow and then speed up again, only for tears to start welding up in her eyes with her smile forming again.
"Ok! Just checking!" she says nonchalantly and leans down hugging Clark again.
"What are you even doing here?" Y/n asks before someone other than Clark answers.
"I called him here." a large shadow covers Y/n and Clark in a bat shape.
Clark lifts himself and Y/n off the ground helping her steady to a stand.
He pushes her back to a sit on the bed then watches batman pull the needle from Y/n's arm.
Making quick efforts to cover the small droplet of blood before it dropped from the bend of Y/n's arm then taking the needle from Clark's arm.
"You're very stupid, reporter. You knew you'd bleed out."
"What else was I supposed to do?! You weren't in range, and I was sure you'd be back before it got too bad!"
Clark folds his arms over his chest and clears his throat to stop the banter.
"Look, there's nothing we could do now. For right now, I suggest, I take Y/n back home."
Batman quickly swings around.
"No! I need to-"
"Test me? As far as I know you already have an entire bucket of blood to test! I want to go home
Besides, I just need to avoid bleeding and hallucinating, right? " Y/n interjects.
She growls and takes a step off the bed before walking to the edge of the platform. A few glances from side to side. Without looking motions Clark to come closer by opening and closing her outstretched hand to him.
"Where's the exit! Oh Shit! Perry is gonna kill me for taking sick days."
She looks down at her wrapped hands.
"Give me one or two of these fancy bandages and a number to call!"
Batman only side eye's Clark who slowly nods. Probably saying something like, I'll watch her.
Batman sighs.
"No number, I'll find you."
He tosses a small bag of bandages towards Y/n who catches it effortlessly.
Sitting on the ferry on the way back, Y/n was looking down at her hand opening and closing it slowly.
Clark was sitting right behind her watching her every move when Y/n's voice catches him off guard.
"I'm fine Glasses, No need to watch me so closely."
She giggles and finally looks him in the eyes.
"Did you get my message?"
Clark feels a little more at ease seeing her smile and that she was trying to change the subject.
"I did! But there's something I should, um, probably mention? Me and Louis, well we're work partners, and maybe at some point I liked her? But then I-I, um!"
He looks down and takes a deep breath and takes a shot.
"After all this is over, Can I take you to dinner? And no, it's not Ramen on the couch dinner. Proper, fancy, caviar, dinner!"
Y/n looks at him dumbfounded for a second putting two and two together before she snorts loudly and starts a string giggling.
A stunned Clark panics at her reaction before seeing her nod in agreement.
Clark joins in on a mutual awkward laughter.
Back in the bat cave tho, Batman was slowly paging through Y/n's journal filled with scribbles and notes. His cowl hanging on his shoulders and off his face.
"Hmph, she's smart."
He says looking at specific notes from the night she was tracking down Batman to Jim Gordon. Paging a few more pages he gets to a date from the days before.
Writings Y/n made of her own condition. He reads out loud with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"Symptoms such as Laughing are deprived from Joker venom.
Hallucinations from Scarecrow Toxin.
Acid from Poison Ivy, somehow amplified?"
Bruce smirks and turns a page and continues reading from Y/n's perspective.
"But there's something I can't quite place yet, a beep followed by ringing in my ears, not sure if batman knows what this is, but I'll try and put it last for now."
Suspicion crawls up Bruce's spine before he turns around to the bat computer. With quick typing he brings up all scans on Y/n's blood.
"I missed something, The computer is having trouble finding a fourth toxin."
He squints looking in depth at the blood sample scans.
"Computer, notify Superman that there could be a fourth toxin."
A final beep from the computer Bruce takes the journal knocking on it while he's in thought.
"She might have something more worth looking into in this journal."
"No! No!"
Y/n panics in her apartment throwing out the bag she had with her on her bed.
Clark runs into the room nearly slipping on the turn.
"Y/n?" he calls worriedly
"It's gone Clark! My journal, all my notes, my cases, my stories are in there! My dads picture and his letter!"
She holds her bandaged hand over her mouth and starts sobbing before shrinking in on herself dropping to lean back on the bed.
Clark watches her and slowly takes a seat next to her. His arms open into a welcoming pillow chest to cry on which Y/n gladly accepts.
Clark pulls her body into his and gently combs his fingertips through her hair and rubbing the small of her back.
"Well find it Y/n, I promise. I'll just ask Batman to look around the cave for it."
Y/n nods with her head buried into his neck.
"You can contact the batman?"
Clark stutters a bit correcting himself.
"I-I'm sure he's probably listening in on all communications from us! He'll know."
Y/n giggles a little and pushes herself back to a sit in front of Clark with his hands still holding hers.
"Y/n, you said it had a photo from your dad? And a letter?"
She nods rubbing her eyes and taking a small breath.
"My Dad wrote me letters while he was guarding at Arkam Asylum. One day he just stopped. My mom assumed he died during a prison brawl? The letter in the journal is the last one he sent to me."
She shakes her head and looks back at Clark's worried eyes.
"I'm sorry you got pulled into this-"
"No, absolutely no apologizing! You're the victim here, and we've known each other for years, there's no way I'd let you do this alone."
Y/n smiles and leans up to place a small kiss on Clark's cheek then whispers.
"Thanks Glasses."
The whisper sends blood rushing to Clark's cheeks leaving him with a flustered dorky smile.
He looks back up at Y/n and rubs a small tear off her cheek with the back of his finger.
"You got it, Y/n"
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quinnyundertow · 6 months
Goalies Turn
A JJK Kick-Off Fanfic/Soccer AU Choso x Reader
AN: I am absolutely obsessed with @celestie0 amazing JJK Soccer AU fanfic "Kick-Off". I adore the way she writes Choso in it; the teams Goalie. As a result with her permission I have written a one shot fanfic...for her fanfic. LMAO. This y/n is NOT the leading lady of Kick Off. Thank you Ellie for making up this amazing world and letting me play around in it!
Choso Kamo x Reader One Shot. Fluff, Comedy, Smut.
Something about feeling the turf underneath your feet without the support of your cleats was incredibly bittersweet. You adjust the binders in your hands as you walk down the sidelines. The early morning sun is just starting to evaporate last night's dew. The University of Tokyo’s men’s D1 soccer team is in high gear despite the early hour. They are performing suicide runs; their cleats eating up the turf. The sweat running down temples and rolling down backs. 
The back of your calves twitch in anticipation of the thought of joining them. At this hour you would normally be with your girls, catching their practice goal kicks. Your thick goalie gloves snatching speeding soccer balls out of the air before launching them across the field with swift kicks. The unreleased energy running through you is driving you mad. You’ll need to go on a run after this to help relieve the excess.
You reach Coach Yaga, his yappy Pomeranian giving you an attitude as you stop next to him. Yaga gives you a nod before focusing back on his players. “PICK UP YOUR FEET GOJO!” Your ears ring from the sudden bellowing next to you. It takes seconds for you to dial into that mop of white hair on the field. Star player Gojo Satoru is massive but somehow lithe; his muscles bulging as he runs to catch up with an offside ball. His physique is comparable to a statue of a Greek God. It’s too bad you heard his personality is also Greek God worthy; capricious, licentious and cocksure.
“That damn girl needs to get off my sidelines if she can’t stop distracting my players.”
You glance at the “girl” in question. She’s a professional looking young woman your age who you’ve seen around campus before. She’s crouching a respectful distance from the team on the sidelines taking photographs of the players at work. Good to see sexism is alive and well. “Yeah, I can’t believe she has the audacity to be at a professional distance while not using flash in order to be as unobtrusive as possible.”
Yaga shoots you a look that clearly says he’s not amused with your sass, “Keep taking notes on our play style like you did last practice. Fresh eyes can give insight that might be missed otherwise.” He ends his sentence with the wave of a dismissive hand in your direction. 
Dumping the binders on Yaga’s bench you pick up a clipboard and find a good spot on the sidelines to observe. Despite being on the University of Tokyo’s women’s D1 soccer team you aren’t very familiar with the men’s team. During the season you were training to chase your own championship dreams. After last week's defeat, and your dreams for this year crushed, you had volunteered to assist the men’s team in preparing for their own race to the top. It was that or take a three week break before practices started again and sitting in your dorm all day sounded like a personal hell after the rigor of these last months.
“Yeah, yeah.” A lazy voice responds still sounding groggy from sleep. The guy Coach Yaga is talking to is tying his long hair up into a low bun as he strolls over to the goal. Yaga’s yelling clearly did not light a fire under Kamo’s ass like he wanted. 
Choso Kamo, 5’11, solid build, wide shoulders with a tapered waist, impressive reach, and massive hands. He tended to be a little slow, especially at the beginning of a match, but once he got warmed up he was a force to be reckoned with. It was almost impossible to score on him in the last half of a game. You were up until three AM last night watching youtube compilations of his best saves over the season. He was good, great even. Which is why it pissed you off so much that every day you were here shadowing he showed up late and slacked off half the practice. 
He sits on the ground in his goal area tying his cleats and putting on his gloves. A loud swish of the net is heard as Suguru Geto launches a ball past Kamo’s head just barely missing making contact.
Choso shoots an unamused look at Geto before flipping him the middle finger. When he finishes fixing his gloves, flexing to make sure they are tight enough, he mumbles. “Alright, go ahead.”
You're watching Nanami Kento, the midfielder, line up shots for practice penalty kicks when you feel a pair of eyes on you. Turning you meet a set of dark orbs watching you. You meet Choso’s gaze head on but are unable to decipher what exactly he’s thinking. He just looks exhausted. Why the hell is he staring at you like that? This isn’t the first time you’ve caught him staring at you over the last three days of your volunteer work. It’s not like he’s checking you out since he’s making prolonged awkward eye contact and he couldn’t look more disinterested. Did he recognize you from the women’s team? You doubted it. Women’s soccer was notoriously underrated and underfunded. The idea of the men’s team players watching you play was delusional at best.
His eyes are locked on you when a speeding ball kicked by Nanami slams him in the gut. There are a few “Ohhhhh” sounds from other players as Kamo groans, doubling over in pain. You can’t help but laugh at the unexpected blow landing. Your hand goes up to cover your mouth when you realize your laugh was a little too loud and a few people are looking at you incredulously. Oh please, getting hit is part of being a goalie. You can’t help but grin and jibe, “Come on Kamo, I’ve seen middle school kids take hits better!” 
You hear him mutter something under his breath followed by a clear, “Shit.” as Satoru Gojo laughs obnoxiously in the background.
“CHOSO WATCH THE FIELD NOT THE SIDELINE DISTRACTIONS!” Coach Yaga’s yell causes you to blush a little at his implying it’s your fault in him getting nailed.
As Choso stands he pins you with a heated look, his onyx eyes raking over you before turning back to the field, his demeanor serious for the remainder of practice.
You're standing next to Coach Yaga reading your notes to him as he buckles his pomeranian into the front passenger seat. He doesn’t seem to actually be listening to you but you aren’t in the mood to type it all up and email it to him later tonight. 
Yaga’s car is the last one in the parking lot other than your own. You had both stayed late reviewing plays while the majority of the team went out for food and Choso begrudgingly started his late to practice laps. “So I think if you have Nanami focus on his-”
“SHIT!”  You jump in surprise as your review is interrupted by a heated yell from Yaga. He pulls a binder out of his back seat. He stares at his watch before cursing some more, “I need to leave now. Can you take this and put it in my office and then lock it up?” 
You can't help but frown and sigh as you take the key he is holding out to you. “Alright.”
He nods before getting in and starting up his car, “Thanks, bring the keys back tomorrow morning before practice. Oh, and email me those notes you took today.” 
The smile you give him is more of a grimace as he drives off without further comment. “Asshole…” you mutter under your breath as you start the trek back to the men’s locker room. Maybe you shouldn’t have volunteered to help out the men’s team. You hadn’t been ready to leave the field behind for the season yet but this wasn’t what you imagined when they asked for an assist.
You walked into the men’s locker room noting the main door was already unlocked. Yaga wants you to lock up but he couldn’t even manage to. You can’t help but wrinkle your nose a little at the smells emanating from the main locker area, especially from the questionable hamper full of dirty towels. 
Sighing you think, If this locker room is a mirror image of the womens, Yaga’s office will be in the back left corner. Heading in that direction it isn’t until you see Yaga’s office that you register a single shower is running in the background. You are so used to hearing showers run in the girls locker room that you didn’t even register the sound as unusual. You look towards the hallway of lined showers knowing that each shower cubicle has a shower curtain pulled across it obstructing any outsider’s view. 
That has to be Kamo. You thought he had left already but clearly that was not the case. You can’t help but reflexively bite your bottom lip. Mind thinking about his gleaming pale skin with rivulets of water racing down his hard muscles. You feel thirsty at the thought but shake your head scolding yourself. The man is just trying to clean up after his workout and you’re out here like a damn voyeur salivating over nothing. You quickly cross in front of the shower room to unlock Yaga’s office. You just need to be quiet, drop the binder off and then wait outside till Kamo is done so you can lock up. Simple. 
After placing the binder, you exit the office, your hands fumbling and dropping the keys. Cursing under your breath you bend to pick them up but forget the office door is weighted. You jump in surprise when it slams shut loudly. The noise echoes through the locker room. So much for being quiet, you pick the keys up in a hurry deciding to book it to the exit when a voice stops you, “Hey, can you pass me my conditioner!? I’m an idiot and left it by my locker.” You freeze staring at the shower area before turning to look at the lockers. A wooden bench towards the back has a bottle of high quality conditioner and a fluffy white towel folded on it. Did he really forget his towel too? What was with this guy?
You sigh, deciding to grab his conditioner and towel for him. You would just leave it right by the shower door and he would be none the wiser who did it. Problem solved. Picking up the items you read the label on the way back to the shower room. Damn this was like thirty dollars a bottle. Okay Kamo, I see you. You can’t resist flicking the bottle open and taking a quick whiff; the scent is sweet with a hint of coconut. You can’t help but blush as you shut the bottle again. You shouldn’t have done that. You don’t need to know what Kamo smells like.
You approach the shower area and he must have heard your sneakers because he’s talking to you again, “Thanks can you just put it where I can reach. I was dreading having to run out and freeze my ass off.” He’s talking so casually, he must assume you are one of his teammates who forgot something.
You swallow the lump in your throat. Approaching, you decide to hang the clean towel over the top of the curtain rod so that he has it when he finishes. You gently lay it over the top, careful to place it where you normally would your own, so that it doesn’t get wet from the incoming stream of water. You hear a note of surprise in his voice as he registers the towel thrown over the top. “Dude, thanks, you're the best. I knew I forgot something else.” 
You're flushing heavily at the casual way he’s speaking to you. You need to get out. Leaning over you slip the bottle of conditioner into the corner of the shower, your fingers just barely pushing it around the plastic curtain so he can grab it. Mission accomplished. You release the bottle and go to stand fully when a large wet hand grabs your own. He must have noticed your feminine fingers. The squeak that leaves your throat is terrified as you try to pull away in shock. The shower curtain rustles as it’s pushed a few inches open from the inside and Choso Kamo is blinking at you in surprise. Even though he’s the one holding onto you he looks shocked at you being there, “L/n, F/n?”
God he looks divine. His hair is down and wet, the strands in the front come to just above his eyes while the remaining dark locks rest on his shoulders blades. You’ve never been this close to him before and the prominent scar across his nose draws your eyes briefly. You note his chiseled jaw and the way his Adam's apple bobs on his thick muscular neck when he swallows. 
You’re panicking, hand pulling away from him in quick tugs but his fingers are looped easily around your wrist. The pressure is minimal but his grip is a goalie’s vise, “I-I’m sorry. Yaga asked me to lock up and then you asked for conditioner so-” your vision flies to his hold on your wrist. His hands are calloused and rugged like your own; the veins running up them cause a heat to rush down you. His one hand dwarfs your own and looking up from them your panicked eyes meet his still confused ones, “Please let me go!”
It’s almost like he just now registers he’s holding you there. “Oh.” He releases you immediately, his face turning a shade of bright red. “Sorry!” You yank your hand from his stepping back and rubbing it reflexively. He looks worried as he steps forward towards you, his chest coming out from behind the curtain, only his lower half is obscured now, “Did I hurt you?”
Dear God. If you thought he was beautiful before… He’s stunning, your mouth dries up completely as your eyes scan down his body. His pecs are massive and while he isn’t sculpted like a bodybuilder he has this thickness to his physique that lets you know he is all strength and dexterity under his light layer of fat. His v-cut is prominent and a smattering of dark black hair travels down to hide behind the curtain. You realize you're staring and he isn’t in any hurry to cover himself up.
After a long silence his voice is deeper than normal and a little husky when he speaks, his earlier question forgotten, “You’re going to make me blush.”
You flush heavily, your eyes going up to meet his own. You clench your legs together feeling a familiar desire rolling through you. An itch you haven’t scratched since before the soccer season began. “I’m sorry, you have a nice body.”
His breath catches when your eyes meet his. There’s desire written in them and he feels himself becoming hard. He lets out a groan when you apologize, “God don’t apologize, fuck. I’ve been trying to find an excuse to talk to you for months. You’re stunning.” His eyes are burning into your own with unmasked wanting. He adjusts the shower curtain and your eyes lower to see a very thick erection pressing against it. 
You don’t even register when your tongue slides against your lips as desire pools in your nether regions. “Months?” He watches you push your legs together trying to make some friction to help with the escalating arousal you are feeling.
“I-I watch all your games.” He replies a little hoarsely and your gaze shoots up to him in surprise. 
You blink in confusion, “You should have just said Hi.”
He swallows before he mumbles out, “Hi.”
You can’t help but laugh at that and he gives an awkward chuckle in response. There’s a hot naked man in front of you who wants you and you haven’t had a good fuck in a long time. Your blood is pulsing straight to your throbbing pussy at this point. Fortune favors the bold right? Your eyes dip down to his erection still barely covered, “You want help with that?” 
He groans, “Fuck, yes.” He releases the curtain and it slides to the side. His beautiful cock on display for you. He’s cut, average in length but girthy with a delicious curve. A mesmerizing vein runs up the bottom of it. The tip is flushed a bright red with precum and water dripping off his shaft. “Join me?”
He didn’t have to ask you twice. You kick off your shoes and socks. Your shirt is above your head in moments then you shimmy down your skin tight athletic pants. Not wasting any time you remove your bra and panties and move to join him. You pull the shower curtain open and wrap it behind you, hiding you from anyone’s potential sight but his. It’s like a totally new environment once you're inside the small cube. The air is hot and misty as the water sprays Choso’s back. Droplets fly through the air and land on you sporadically. 
“I have to be dreaming…” he murmurs, his eyes going up and down your body. “That’s the only way this could be happening.” 
You can’t help but laugh at that. “Are you just going to stand there or are you going to kiss me?” 
His warm wet body is pressed against your own in moments. Lips crashing against one another in a battle for dominance where neither party cares if they win. His one arm is wrapped around your waist pulling you against him while his other cups your cheek gently. The kisses are intense and needy. All your nerve endings are on fire as his tongue traces the seam of your lips asking for entry. You open your mouth hungrily granting it access; your own tongue eager to meet his.
You feel Choso’s erection pressing against your stomach. Before you can reach down and touch it his hands go to take your own. You blink in surprise as he holds both your wrists in one hand. “I can’t let you do that.”  He chokes out before kissing up your jaw. “I’ll cum before I get inside you.” 
Before you can protest his free hand begins palming one breast and then the other. His fingers lightly pinching and massaging your nipples causing shivers to ripple down you. A moan escapes your lips, as his head dips down to take your breast into his mouth. He suckles you for a moment before using his tongue to tease your nipple. “Kamo..” you keen when his mouth releases you with an audible pop. A trail of spit briefly leading from your breast to his mouth.
“Call me Choso, say my name.” He moans taking your neglected breast into his warm mouth, his sucks and teasing motions stoke your flames of desire. 
A hard suck makes you oblige him, his name falling from your lips in a gasp, “Fuck, Choso.” The heat and humidity alongside his scorching touches have you lost in sensations. You don’t even register when he releases his mouth from your tits and is back to kissing you dumb against the tiled wall. “Can I eat you out?” He rasps out between fevered sucks on your neck and chest.
“Yes, but I want you inside me.” You whimper out. The curtain of the shower briefly opens from your movements, sending a wave of chilled air over you. Skin pebbling in response, it grants a brief relief to the overwhelming heat.
Choso wastes no time after your acquiesce. He’s on his knees looking up at you, his pupils blown with desire, “I’ve cum to the idea of this so many times.. and it doesn’t even hold a candle in comparison.” That’s all the warning you get before he leans forward one strong hand on your hip the other bringing your right leg up to hook over his shoulder. His lips are on you kissing your inner thighs, light bites and sucks move to the tender flesh of your vulva. You're crying out his name when he finally decides to lick a stripe up the center of your cunt. His tongue lapping up the sweetness of your essence. You feel him groan against you, the vibrations making you whine. His tongue is dipping into your core leaving teasing strokes inside you. His nose bumping against your clit as he nudges against you needily.
Your fingers find and twist into his hair. Holding him close to you despite the fact that he has no intention of leaving. You feel yourself getting closer to release the tightness forming in your belly. “Cho- I want you inside me. I’m gonna, fuck, I’m gonna cum.”
“Wanna taste it.” He mumbles petulantly as he leans back a little to see your half lidded eyes watching him. 
“Choso, let me cum on your cock.” 
Your dirty words make him groan, “God where have you been all my life, fuck.” He lowers your leg gently, watching the way your chest is heaving trying to catch your breath.
Choso stands, ready to devour you when he suddenly deadpans, “Fuck.. need a condom.” Before you can register what he even said his naked ass is out of the shower and running towards the locker area. You lean out the curtain in surprise seeing him open various players' lockers before finally finding one and muttering, “I owe you one Gojo.”  He’s rushing back over like you might change your mind. You're watching his erection bounce as he enters the shower room again. He’s biting the condom wrapper open and putting it on his length when he hits a slippery patch and almost wipes out. 
The shocked and confused look on his face as he almost falls on his ass is enough to have you doubled over laughing. This was by far the weirdest hookup you’d ever had and you were enjoying the hell out of it. 
“Shit!” He bites out going to enter the shower again. The water he left while exiting makes him slide precariously as he grabs the curtain for support. Your eyes widen as he pulls and the entire curtain rod falls with a crash Choso hitting the ground this time. 
You can’t help it, you're crying laughing as he looks up at you soaked and wrapped in the broken curtain. “Choso, what the fuck?” You can’t catch your breath and your sides hurt from laughing. 
He was looking up at you in disappointment but the more you laughed the more he couldn’t help but smile in return. His own deeper chuckle echoing, “I really fucked that up.”
You're wiping your eyes, you can’t remember the last time you laughed this hard. You hold out your hand to help him up as he untangles himself. 
The sexual mood is broken, he’s flaccid and his ass is throbbing in pain from him landing on it. He stands next to you totally embarrassed but you're not even laughing at him, just the absurdity of the situation. When his sheepish gaze meets yours you give him a grin pulling him back under the water. “Shower sex is not as easy as they make it out to be.” You tease leaning forward to peck the corner of his lips before tapping his shoulder and indicate he should turn his back to you. “Let me condition your hair.”
He nods, turning. His embarrassment slowly fades as you gently massage his conditioner into his hair. The domesticity of the gesture makes his heart clench with want. You are so much more than anything he could have imagined. He wants to learn everything about you and have you beside him from now on. He just hopes he didn’t ruin it with this botched hook up. 
You’re finishing up rinsing his hair when he mumbles out, “I really want to see you again even though this…” his words fade off. He can’t see the smile you are giving his back as he continues, “What are you doing this evening?”
You wait until he turns to look at you, a mischievous look on your face, “I was hoping you.”
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ioaezz · 2 years
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ANTIFRAGILE ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
━━ niragi can’t handle the bullying anymore so he goes to you, a street thug who he had met earlier this week for help but he didn’t expect to fall in love with you ( fluff, angst )
word count: 3839
pairing: niragi suguru x fem!reader
warning: blood, mentions of murder and death, ooc niragi
note: this is heavily inspired by better days bc istg that movie broke me but i changed the end to something more depressing
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Niragi despised his life more than anything until he met you.
He had been walking home late at night on a sketchy street when he saw a group of street thugs fighting.
He quickened his pace and quickly glanced over only to see three men beating you up.
His hand slipped into his pocket to reach for his phone, but before he could even call the police one of the men shoved him towards where you were.
Your bloody knees were pressed against the floor, and you breathed heavily as you quietly watched them push Niragi around before they took his money.
“Is she your girlfriend or something?” The youngest one questioned while snickering at him.
Niragi didn't dare to answer him, but when he threatened to hit him he quickly shook his head while staring at the ground.
“Give me your phone,” the tallest man demanded Niragi, but he timidly shook his head while not taking his eyes off the floor.
The man got angered and was about to punch him, but the man who was holding you stopped him.
“Eh, stop it he's a high schooler,” he laughed while lessening his hold on you.
You took the opportunity and leaped onto the laughing man before beating him relentlessly.
His younger brother called out while they attempted to pull you off him.
After struggling for a while, they managed to get you off before scrambling away from you.
While they sprinted away, you struggled to get up, entirely ignoring Niragi who had been shakily observing you limp to your motorcycle.
Niragi quietly watched you disappear before he speed-walked home, trying to forget everything that just happened.
The next day Niragi was sauntering home again, but he was stopped by you which startled him.
You had bruises all over your face, and you wore a hood to cover your face.
“How much did they take?” Your question seemed to surprise him slightly, as his eyes widened.
“What?” His voice was hoarse, but you let out a sigh before repeating your question.
“2000 yen,” you grabbed your wallet silently before handing him the right amount of money.
Niragi stared at your hand for a few seconds before accepting the money from you, his fingers grazing your fingertips briefly, which made his stomach feel freaky.
You quietly observed him, which made him slightly uneasy before he decided to continue his walk home.
But to his surprise, you proceeded to follow him.
“You don't have to walk me home,” he mumbled out, just audible enough for you to hear him.
“You get bullied,” you noted somewhat harshly, which made him halt instantly.
He took an unsteady breath before turning to you with furrowed brows.
“You don't know anything about me,” his voice was trembling as he blinked repeatedly.
You approached him stealthily with a stony look that made him squirm scarcely until you stopped in front of him.
“I'll protect you if you pay me,” Niragi looked at you with broad eyes before scoffing at you.
“You can't even protect yourself, let alone someone else,” your jaw stiffened, and you turned around before leaving him in the barely lit street.
The next time you met, tears were rolling down Niragi's face as he ran as far as he could from his bullies.
His feet halted when he caught a glimpse of you leaning against your motorcycle with a helmet in your hand.
He quickly approached you while brushing his tears away before climbing onto the back of your vehicle.
“Where to?” You asked while passing him your helmet.
“Anywhere,” he placed his quivering hands on your waist as you rode through the busy streets of Tokyo.
After a while, you arrived in a sketchy-looking neighborhood, and you parked your motorcycle next to an old flat.
You shut off the motor before you got off your vehicle, while Niragi skeptically gazed at your apartment.
You didn't say anything as you unlocked the door before motioning for Niragi to follow you.
The boy quickly hurried to keep up with you while staring at you questioningly.
Your place was old and remote. There was little to no furniture and the walls were covered with band posters.
“Is this where you live?” Niragi's voice broke the tense silence that had been lingering for a while.
You glanced at Niragi's uncertain expression with narrowed eyes.
“What, is it not good enough for you?” You harshly challenged after having quickly thrown your clothes into the bathroom.
“No, it's just that I didn't expect you to live in something like this,” he mumbled while crossing his arms.
“If you don't like it, you can leave,” you left him at your door while entering your small kitchen to make some ramen for dinner.
Niragi took one final look before carefully positioning his bag on your couch and sitting down himself while taking his homework that he still had to complete.
A few minutes later, you entered your living room with two plates of warm ramen as you carefully approached him.
Niragi's eyes met yours as you set his food in front of him before you sat down on the opposite side of him.
The two of you ate in silence until Niragi broke it once again.
“Why don't you go to school?”
You lifted your brow at him while placing your food down.
“It's useless.”
“It's not,” Niragi defensively said with furrowed brows.
“It's not to you, but it is to me,” you sighed before standing up.
“It wouldn't be if you weren't a dirty street thug.”
Niragi quickly realized that he shouldn't have said it when you stilled your movements while letting out an aggravated breath.
Niragi immediately stood up while watching you warily as you clenched your firsts harshly.
His eyes skimmed one more time over your features before he left your apartment quickly.
After that experience, you decided to forget him.
A week went by, and you were heading home after having played in a casino for your boss until a fight broke out.
But when you drew near your door, you noticed a figure sitting on the floor while leaning against the wall.
Niragi looked up when he heard you walking down the hall with his arms wrapped around his knees.
His nose was broken, and his left eye was swollen and blue, with dried tears coating his cheeks.
You didn't say a word when you helped him up before opening your door.
You directed him to your couch and snatched a med kit that you frequently used after your fights.
He moved slightly to the side to make space for you as you sat down.
“This will hurt,” you mumbled as you began cleaning his wounds.
Occasionally Niragi would wince, but he was taking it relatively fine.
After having cleaned and taken care of his injuries, you told him he could take a shower while you scoured for clothing that might fit him.
You had to rake through your whole apartment to find a pair of pants that should fit, along with an oversized shirt and a zip-up hoodie.
Then you quickly tossed the clothing onto the sink before you made your bed look appropriate just as Niragi got dressed.
You were repairing your lamp when he strolled into the living room with damp hair.
“Can I stay over?” His voice was weak, and you noticed the anxiety coming from him, so you nodded.
“You can have my bed,” you declared while gesturing towards your bed that was in the corner of the living room.
Niragi timidly nodded while thanking you as he made his way towards the bed while you stood up to wash his clothing because he still had school tomorrow.
After having hung the wet clothing on the balcony, you laid down on the couch and glanced at Niragi who had been quietly watching you.
“My name's y/l/n y/n,” you told him.
“I'm Niragi Suguru.”
Silence took over, and you could hear the distant sound of cars, so you shut your eyes, not expecting Niragi to speak again.
You didn't open your eyes and just hummed as Niragi nervously fidgeted with the blanket.
“Can you protect me?” His voice was delicate and quiet, so you barely heard him.
At your lack of answer, he started talking again.
“But I can't pay you because I don't have money.”
You opened your eyes and sat up straight, which seized his attention.
“Do you have paper and pen?” You asked which Niragi nodded before getting up as well to take his school bag.
He was about to hand it to you, but you shook your head.
“Write this down,” you started while approaching him, so you were standing close enough to be able to see all the various kinds of brown that swarmed his eyes.
“Suguru owes y/n.”
The boy looked at you with narrowed eyes while you grinned at him.
“What do I owe you?” He questioned suspiciously.
“I don't know. It can be dinner or something,” you replied as he started to write that down before you stopped him.
“I didn't say dinner specifically,” Niragi gave you one final look before writing it down and closing his book.
You went back to the couch as he settled on your bed.
The next morning, you were walking across the street from Niragi as he strolled to school.
After having made sure that he got to school safely you went to see your friends who had gotten another assignment from your boss, but you made sure that you'd get there on time to walk Niragi home.
When you reached the school, you noticed Niragi hastily striding out of the school with a few guys not too far away from him.
You quickly realized that these were the guys bullying him so when Niragi passed you, you began walking again but as the boys were approaching, him, and you were far enough from the school grounds, you shoved them harshly out of the way which gave Niragi the possibility to slip away from them.
The boys angrily called after you, but you decided to deal with them later as you caught up with Niragi who had been constantly looking back until he saw you again.
Much to your surprise, Niragi wasn't walking to his home but yours, which you didn't mind, of course.
You unlocked your door for him once again and turned on the lights.
Niragi dropped his school bag onto your couch before sitting down and beginning to do his homework.
You had gone into the kitchen to make him some food before you noticed that the dim lighting wasn't good enough, so you grabbed the lamp that you had previously tried to fix and put it on the table.
Niragi couldn't pull his eyes off you as you struggled to get the lamp to work before placing a bowl of soup in front of him.
Hours passed and Niragi was still busy doing his homework, which piqued your interest slightly.
“What are you studying?” His eyes flickered up to meet yours as he spun his paper to you.
You inclined forward and read that he was occupied with chemistry. You frankly didn't even try to understand what he was writing, but you nodded at him before he resumed again.
And so, the days went on where you made sure he got around safely while doing whatever was required of you during his school hours until it became Saturday.
Niragi was currently watching TV on your shitty computer as it became night.
You glimpsed at the clock noticing that it was currently around seven pm before you stood up, but before you could even take off Niragi's voice stopped you.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to take care of something. I'll be back in an hour,” you told him before riding your motorcycle to a bar that you knew was popular among students.
You parked outside while you searched for a particular face, and when you ultimately found him you settled on waiting for him.
Not even minutes later, he parted with his other friends, and you took the chance to approach him.
You called out to him, which caught his attention before you forced him against the wall.
The concrete material scraped his face as you took out a knife and shoved it against his face.
“Don't touch Niragi Suguru.”
Subsequently, you threw him down on the floor before you rode away on your motorcycle back home, where Niragi was nervously waiting for you.
Time passed and Niragi finally started to like his life. His bullies weren't bothering him anymore, he didn't have to sit all alone at home anymore either, and he had you.
After a while, you began taking him out to museums, arcades, and aquariums because he frequently mentioned that he liked them.
The two of you got more comfortable around each other, and you created memories that he adored more than anything.
Your cold exterior seemed to disappear when you were around him, and he wasn't as nervous as he used to be.
“Y/n?” Niragi questioned you one night after having told you that you should lay next to him on your bed.
“Hm?” You hummed while holding his hand after having had a particularly rough day.
Numerous cuts and bruises were covering your face that Niragi had attempted to take care of after you had gotten into a fight.
“Does it hurt?”
His question seemed to take you back as you stopped breathing for a second.
“I'm used to it,” you numbly reply, which makes him tighten his hold on you.
“Since when?” Niragi cautiously asked as you strained to keep the tears from falling.
“Since I was thirteen.”
Niragi didn't know what to say, but he decided to act on impulse and wrap his arms around you.
You weren't sure of how to feel about the unusual amount of affection that Niragi gave to you, but you quickly settled in his arms.
This time it was his turn to hum as a tear rolled down your face.
“You're the first person to ask me if it hurts,” you mumbled quietly before you leaned deeper into him, and Niragi couldn't keep a straight face as his eyes watered slightly.
Everything had been going great until one day you were being held up by police because there had been a report that someone had been murdered by someone who worked under your boss.
You worriedly sauntered around the cell before you decided to ask the police officer how much longer you had to wait until you were about to be let out.
“Ah shut up,” he responded, which angered you even more.
Hours passed until you finally could leave, and you didn't hesitate to run home as fast as you could when Niragi wouldn't pick up his phone.
By the time you arrived, you were full-on panting as you nearly kicked down your door, but everything stopped for you when you saw Niragi sitting on the floor.
He was covered in blood, his glasses were entirely ruined, and his uniform was cut and torn. You quickly approached him and fell down on your knees as you took his face into your hands.
His eyes which were once full of life seemed so dull that it made you want to cry.
You stood up with shaking legs before you stormed towards your door, but before you could even make it out you felt Niragi wrap his arms around you.
“I will kill them all!” You angrily cried out as he sobbed into your hair, which made you cease.
“Y/n,” his pained cry for you made your heart physically hurt as tears streamed down your face.
After the both of you calmed slightly down, you cleaned and healed him before you stayed in bed together for the following two days refusing to let go of one another.
Unfortunately, you both had to get out of your slumbers on Monday morning and so your lives continued, but you made sure to take care of his bully.
Slowly the two of you started healing from the traumatic experience and your lives together seemed to be going better.
That was until you got a call from Niragi.
When he told you that he accidentally pushed his bully down the stairs after he tried to harass him multiple times, you rushed over to the scene.
Fortunately, it didn't happen at school, so there weren't any people around.
The moment you arrived you told Niragi to go to his house which confused him slightly, but he listened to you nonetheless.
When you made sure that he left you walked down all the stairs noticing the splatters of blood that indicated that he had smashed his head.
You approached his body swiftly to see whether he was alive or not, and when you saw that wasn't you knew that Niragi was done for it.
So, you pulled out your phone and called your friends to help you out.
In less than half an hour all the evidence that someone had been murdered here were gone, and you dumped the body in a muddy work zone with cement.
Your friends dropped you off at your apartment, and you made sure to burn everything in it. Thereafter, you demolished your phone and all of your personal belongings until there was nothing left.
The body was found the following morning and as you feared Niragi had been taken in for questioning, but like you planned every suspect would be cleared as soon as they found enough evidence to charge you for the murder.
You hadn't spoken to Niragi in days, but you supervised him to make sure that nothing happened to him.
After a while, you noticed that there were two officers continuously watching him, and you knew that this was the right moment to strike.
Niragi had been quietly strolling in a small alley with the agents around the corner until you yanked him into an alleyway and blocked the entrance, so the cops wouldn't be able to follow you immediately.
You quickly ran while not letting go of Niragi towards an enormous room that was filled with ancient books and shelves.
“Y/n?” He breathed out with wide eyes as the officers were calling for backup while trying to take down the metal doors that separated you from them.
“Lay down and scream for help,” you instructed.
“What? No.”
“Just do it Suguru,” much to your relief he complied and you immediately straddled him which made him blush slightly.
“What are you doing?” Niragi questioned you as you seized a brick and put it beside him.
When you didn't answer, he continued questioning you to the point where he struggled for you to answer him.
When his eyes filled with tears, and it got harder to control him, you had to talk to him again.
“Look at me,” you breathed out through gritted teeth.
“I'm a girl with nothing. No brains, no money, and no future,” as you hovered above him Niragi slightly calmed down trying to ignore the police who were still banging on the doors.
“But I love someone. I want him to have a happy ending,” you continued as tears streamed down Niragi's face.
“I won't leave,” he insisted.
“Suguru,” you mumbled while crying softly.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Niragi once again told you as you caressed his face gently.
“When you grow up. We'll meet again, right?” You smiled through tears as Niragi was full-on sobbing now.
“I'm a minor, they won't do anything to me. By the time you'll graduate from college, I'll be free,” you tried to reassure him as you hovered right above him with your noses touching.
“I love you too,” Niragi blurted, which made you smile slightly before you leaned down to press a gentle kiss against his lips.
When you leaned away after a few seconds, he tried to pursue your lips, but you had to resist him.
“I'm sorry,” you murmured as the police stormed in you punched him in the face before taking the brick, but just before you could even lift it the agents hauled you off him while he continuously sobbed for you.
Days passed, and you were finally charged for the murder of Niragi's bully, but just as you anticipated you received the death penalty.
And so, you spend your final days in a cell for a crime that you didn't even commit, but you refused for Niragi's life to get messed up.
The following day the police officer who had been interrogating both you and Niragi knocked on his door, which he opened.
Niragi's hair was a mess and his glasses had been somewhere discarded on the floor.
“You shouldn't have let y/l/n take charges,” the officer sighed with disappointment and exhaustion after having worked days on your case without sleeping, knowing that it was Niragi who killed the boy and not you.
But despite all of his hard work, he couldn't find enough evidence to prove it.
His partner was skeptical of him and believed that it was you, just because your record wasn't clean while Niragi's was.
“It's crazy, I don't think anyone would take the death penalty for someone else,” he remembers her saying as he shut down his heated computer.
“A teenager would.”
And now he was here in front of the devastated boy, hesitated to tell him your cruel fate.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Niragi mumbled.
“Y/l/n got the death penalty,” at this revelation Niragi's eyes widened, and he abruptly appeared much more awake.
“You're lying!” Niragi angrily exclaimed while holding on to the door for support.
“No. Y/l/n lied to you. She turned eighteen last week, she isn't a minor anymore.”
Niragi's breath was knocked out of him as he fell down onto the floor. Tears flooded his vision and he couldn't recall what occurred next, only the endless pain that his heart was going through.
All the plans that he made for the two of you were gone. He wouldn't be there the day you'd get out of prison with a broad smile on his face as he engulfed you. He wouldn't be able to begin a life with you where you wouldn't have to protect him, one where you could live in serenity instead of having to fight to get money, and he won't be able to ever tell you again that he loves you more than life itself.
After having passed out on the floor the previous day Niragi surged to get up and get to the police station to confess, so you wouldn’t have to die, but when he got outside it seemed like he was the only person left in Tokyo.
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©cupidsheqrt , 2022.
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tiredlilguy · 11 months
You're Pretty, Suguru...
a/n: heyyyy >:D enjoy some fluff!!! i made this while thinking about how pretty geto is and i am a simp, so here we are :P thinking of doing some nanami hurt/comfort or domestic fluff later on... this is also just me being a simp because he is very pretty
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pairing: Geto Suguru X GN!Reader (Jujutsu High Era, and nothing bad happens :D /srs) cw: N/A, half-proofread (ty grammarly) desc: after a long day of doing hand-to-hand combat with your fellow classmates, you have a little cuddle session with your boyfriend and decide to appreciate his beauty
It was around late afternoon and the two of you were done with your training for the day. Today in particular was quite hard: having to go into hand-to-hand combat and no techniques with each other. You were taking turns with your under and upperclassmen (Shoko was cheering you all on the sidelines/taking care of sprains), and it was going fine up until someone was going on a little winning streak and started getting a little cocky.
Well.. that someone being Gojo of course.
You were actually supposed to be opposing your boyfriend, Geto, but your white-haired classmate didn’t want you both being flirty in front of your underclassmen (Haibara found it quite entertaining though). Before Suguru could even pick up a wooden stick, Gojo charged full speed at you, tackling you to the ground when you were still trying to catch your breath. You were quick to pull his hair, calling him a brat, and then it just started becoming a full-on fistfight. However, due to your skills, and Gojo’s fatigue beginning to set in, you happened to win him over this time. Leaving a butthurt Gojo and you with a lot of what looked like cat scratches, bruises, and bite marks… Shoko quickly stopped the bleeding from a couple of scrapes before sending you off back to the dorms.
You had showered off, and eventually snuck your way into Geto’s room as you always did, wanting to rest off the exhaustion from earlier before dinner was to be made. Upon opening the door, you found him lying in a sweatshirt and shorts, on the phone with Gojo (who was literally just next door). Once his eyes met yours, he sat up and pat the spot in between his legs for you to sit.
“ Hey, honey,” he said gently to you, before quickly wrapping up his phone call,” Hey, I’m hangin’ up, Satoru.”
“ Is that (Y/N)?! Tell them that I won that shit fair and squa-“
Geto only rolled his eyes, shutting his phone off and placing it on the side table. He looked up at you again, his gaze a little softer as he opened his arms for you. You were quick to shut his door and walked over to him before slumping yourself in his arms. You placed your ear over his chest, turning to your side as he wrapped his forearms around your waist.
You let out a soft sigh to yourself, sinking further into your lover's arms and fully relaxing your muscles. Geto’s gaze wasn’t particularly anywhere, but his hands were traveling around your waist, reaching a bit down to push up the sweater that you’d been wearing. As he pushed up the sweater slightly, his deep violet eyes traveled to the small bit of skin from your stomach. He scanned, noticing the bruise that was very visible.
“ Hm…,” he thought to himself before speaking up,” I’m sorry that you got all these bruises.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the vibrations from his chest as he spoke,” ’s ok, Su… You couldn’t do much, and you know who was on a lil’ win streak.”
Geto softly laughed,” He’s a bit of a cocky bastard, but you held him down well, babe. Though, I feel like I’ll have to talk to him. He’s egotistical…”
You moved up just a bit to place a kiss on his neck, burrowing yourself in the crane between his chin and collarbone,” I don’t think he’d be Satoru if he was humble… Though, a good hit in the head is good for him.”
“ Still…,” he shrugged, eyes moving back up to the ceiling,” He could be a little bit more reserved.”
You only hummed in response, a hand traveling up to play with the collar of his shirt. You tussled with the fabric, the way the ridges slid under your fingertips, feeling slightly rough. You eventually grew tired of it, letting go and relaxing into your lover.
Your eyes traveled up towards his jaw and eventually to his face. For some odd reason, even after having seen his face way more than once… you suddenly felt… flustered.
He was… pretty.
Even with just his eyes staring into the ceiling, counting the checks on the wooden rooftop. Your eyes traveled toward his soft lips. They were quite soft, you noticed. Perhaps it was the same lip gloss that Satoru uses… His hair was out of his usual bun, hair now splayed around his face, framing it as his usual bang fell slightly in front of his face. Soon enough, your thoughts were ripped away by a gentle voice.
“ Why are you staring, pretty?”
And god… his voice.
He always had a habit of calling out to the people he cared about with an affectionate tone. It was subtle, something that you wouldn’t catch onto unless you really paid attention. It was as deep as his usual voice, but… gentler. It never failed to make you blush either.
“ Hm?,” Geto’s head turned over to you with a thin smile. There wasn’t much effort behind it, considering that the two of you were actually quite tired, but it was genuine nonetheless.
“ You’re really pretty, Suguru,” you said, eyes looking up at him with a soft gaze.
What you said seemed to genuinely throw your sweet boyfriend off, but he quickly shook his head with a little smile. The small blush that dusted his cheeks didn’t miss your eyes though.
“ You’re pretty too, baby,” he shifted you both over so that you were now facing each other, legs entangled in each other. His arms were still around your waist, keeping you close to him.
You shook your head,” No no… Suguru, you’re like… really pretty.”
“… and I’m looking back at an angel,” his thumb caressed your side,” You want to fight over this?”
“ I don’t think you get it… also don’t you fucking da- AH!,” A giggle from you interrupted your speaking, as the hands around your waist moved to where you were most sensitive, tickling the area and making you jump.
Your laughs and giggles filled the room as you squirmed in his hold, unable to struggle your way out of his grasp. You kicked your feet, eventually kicking him away in the chest with your heel. Suguru let out a fake ‘ow’ making you sit up to apologize. However, before you could even speak, you were tackled back down on his arms: now squeezed into him as if you were a teddy bear or a pillow.
His lips moved to leave loud kisses from your neck up to your cheek.
“ You’re - my - pretty - baby,” he proceeded to say in between kisses before leaving multiple on your cheek, eventually relaxing again, no longer squeezing you, but keeping you close. You were finally free… well, maybe like 40% free.
You sighed once more, turning to you could placing a kiss on his jaw,” Let’s just say we’re both pretty.”
“ Heh-heh… I’m fine with that,” Geto replied with a smile.
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[also if you want, please consider getting me a coffee or commissioning me ;) no pressure ofc!!! i understand that we're all in different circumstances/situations, any support of any kind is appreciated <3]
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riverlikethelake · 2 years
A Long Way Home Pt.5 (2/2)
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Aonung x Omatikayan!Fem!Reader       
Summary – the fight with the demon ship takes a turn for the worse, you can only hold yourself high as the Great Mother holds you in her embrace. Grief strikes and all rational seems to be thrown out the window. 
Contains: Major character death, , complex parental relationships, heavy development on platonic/family relationships, fluff, ANGST, lol i liked writing this one, didn't proof read this.
word count: 4.3k
Pt.1 ... Pt.5 (1/2)
You sneak through the ceiling, watching soldiers and crew members walk around, you keep your eye out for Spider. You spot soldiers turning the corner, escorting Spider between them, you signal to Neteyam and Lo’ak. 
You wait till they were under you to drop down, knocking one of them to the ground and pulling off their oxygen mask, Neteyam and Lo’ak follow after you, fighting the recoms and other soldiers. Once Spider realizes what’s happening, he kicks at a soldier and pulls off their mask. 
You hear gunshots and grab Spider and Lo’ak, pulling them to a wall, hiding you from the bullets. Neteyam grabs the gun from Lo’ak and started shooting from around the corner. 
You picked up one of the guns that the soldiers dropped and pushed Neteyam behind you, “Go! Go! I got this!” You yell 
Spider and Lo’ak take the chance to turn and jump out of the ship, Neteyam tugs at your arm. “I’m not leaving you behind sister.” He states, you shake your head. The recom on the other side starts shooting again and Neteyam places his arm over you, keeping you to the wall. 
There was a split second of silence, you turn and started shooting, yelling for Neteyam to go. He looks at you, hesitation in his eyes, “Go!” you scream.  
You keep shooting until you run out of ammo, you hesitate before throwing the gun to the side and jumping over the rail into the water. You feel a numb sensation wash over your chest, freezing your mind, you hit the water and it becomes hot. You panic and try to resurface, gasping for air, you hear your brothers celebrating their escape but all you can focus on is the searing pain in your chest. 
Ao’nung and Tsireya swim up on their Ilu’s telling you all to get on. 
“Y/n c’mon” Lo’ak calls out, noticing that you had made no effort to swim to them. You gasp, struggling to stay afloat as you keep your hand to your chest. 
“Just-” you gasp “just go” you take deep breaths, pinching your eyes closed as the pain intensifies. Neteyam swims closer, eyes widening as he spots the streaks of blood seeping through your fingers. 
“She’s been shot!” Neteyam calls, panic and fear laced in his voice. 
A string of curses leave your brothers as they swim over, pulling you towards Ao’nung. “Y/n? Y/n!” He calls out as you pull yourself in front of him, facing him and wrapping your arms around his neck for stability.  
You listen to Ao’nun’g heart as it speeds up, complementing the way your slowed down, his breathing became rapid, you’re slowed. 
“Go go!” Lo’ak yells, Ao’nung wraps his arm around your waist, holding you close as his Ilu moves to the closest surface they could find. You feel nauseous, like bile is going to rise in yout throat. 
Water rushed around you; it feels like ice against the fire that spreads across your chest. Soon they approach a rock, Jake emerging from the other side, he rushes over, fear washing over him. 
“It’s Y/n! She’s hurt!” Lo’ak yells, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you off of the Ilu, Ao’nung held your other side as Spider carried your legs. 
“Careful! Watch her head up!” Jake barks, guiding them to set you down on the flattest part of the surface. Your head starts to spin, coughing as he rolls you to your side before laying you back down flat. “Put pressure on it” Jake grabs Lo’ak’s hands and presses them to your wound, causing you to wince. 
Your eyes dart from each face crowding around you, Ao’nung sat next to Jake, blood smeared on his chest from where he held you against him. His face covered in horror and misery; his hand still intertwined with yours from when he carried you out of the water. His eyebrows furrowed together, lips parted as they trembled, blinking away tears in his eyes. 
Neteyam couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, grabbing your hand in his and holding it to his lips. You watched as he trembled, fear dripping from his eyes in the form of tears. His eyes could only beg you to stay as your wheezing increased. 
Lo’ak kept his eyes trained on his hands pressing against your chest, just below your collarbone. His breath hitched every time he breathed in, tears streaking his cheeks like his brother. All you wanted was to reach up and wipe them away, but the weight of your bones was too much, the way your skin felt like it was welded to the rock below you. 
Your eyes fluttered to Spider, the look on his face taking you right back to when you were six years old laying on the ground after falling off the rock. You can almost feel the pain you felt that day as he stared at you, frozen and eyes wide open like he’s that little boy cradling you in a dark cave as you wheezed and cried. 
You hear Netriri’s ikran landing and she’s in front of you cradling your head as grief sets into her face “No no no..” she muttered under her breath. 
“Ma- mama-” You heave. “Dont-” you struggle to take in breathes “Don’t send me back” sucking in air as your head starts to feel light “please I love you” 
“No baby you’re gonna stay here” Jake’s voice was soft, desperate, looking for any sign that his words would be true, that you would stay here with them. 
“Dad I'm sorry I -” a thousand thoughts run through your head. There are so many things you want to say, pages and pages of words run through your mind, seldom the right one appearing. Your eyes dart to each person hovering over you, a million things you could say to each of them. 
You had accepted your death long ago, lying in that cave. All you wanted was to tell them how you loved them, the words escaping your lips. 
Funny how history repeats itself huh?  
Your eyes landed on Neytiri, her eyebrows knit together, tears brimming in her eyes. “Mom I-” you whisper, a hot sensation flooding your head, white searing into your eyes. 
You hold your hand up, blocking the sun, immediately relieving the pain in your eyes. A smile spreads across your face as you tilt your head back, letting your hair flow with the wind. You watch the world below you, the trees covering the land in lush green. 
You hold on tight to your ikran as you breathe in the air, the Great Mother’s embrace folding over you like a blanket, expanding your lungs like the oxygen mask you once used. You can’t help but yell, cheering into the wind as it nipped at your skin, diving up and down, grazing the top of the trees. 
You take deep breaths, relishing the sweet air you breathe. You fly down to the world beneath you, running your hands along the leaves as you land on the ground. 
Your feet touch the soil, and it feels like a new wave of relief. You can hear the Great Mother whispering in your ear, leading you across the land. You look around you as you walk, the flora had this aura you cannot explain, you close your eyes and listen, you feel the beating of the Great Mothers heart, how it’s in sync with your own. 
You walk along the path you saw unfolding in front of you, each step falling right where it needs to go. You don’t know how long you wander the forest, trusting the Great Mother and taking in the scenery around you.  
You come across a river, you look around and walk towards a bush growing from the bank, you graze your hand across it until you reach a flower. Carefully, you pick the flower from the bush, entranced by the layers, the white speckles that litter the petals, the stamen that swirled and glowed. You smile, closing your eyes and bringing it to your lips. 
The pain your family felt as they watched the light leave your eyes, your last words faltering on the tip of your tongue, was indescribable. Jake held Neytiri as she screamed, Lo’ak could only sit back, looking at the sky as he cried. Your blood on his hands going cold but feeling as if it was burning into his skin, he gasped, tears rushing down his face. 
Neteyam’s hands trembled, still holding yours, slowly he brought your hand up to his face and placed a kiss on your bent fingers, eyes never leaving you. His breathing started to sputter. You’re gone, he’s lost his twin, his baby sister by just a few minutes. He can’t stop the cries that escape him. 
Spider sits back, staring at you, his sister. He had almost lost you once, he was sure you had died in that cave hours before you were found, but you weren’t by some miracle. So he sat there, waiting for it to happen again. He'll sit there for hours just waiting like he’s that little boy in the cave again. 
To Ao’nung, it felt as if there was a deafening silence as he stared at your lifeless body, white noise drowning out any other sign of life. His grip on your hand tightened. He wanted to cry, scream, anything but have you lay there dead. He didn’t realize he was crying until a tear dripped down from his chin, more pooling there. Tsireya chocked out a sob, placing a hand on Ao’nung’s arm.  
Jake looked down at you, wanting to scream, but he had to stay strong for his family. You were his little girl, his baby, his beautiful daughter. You weren’t a warrior like his sons, you were a sensitive and caring soul, unprepared for the acceptance of death a warrior must embrace. If he had any say at all, you would have stayed far away from the danger, safe in their home with your baby sister. But now you just lay there, out of his arms and into the ones of the great mother.  
He watched as Neytiri screamed, reaching out and holding you in her arms. Neytiri was the last to warm up to you, but when she did, you were a mama’s girl through and through. You trailed behind her wherever she went, holding her hand as she showed you the forest and world around you. You always looked at her like she held the world in her hands, when you went through your Iknimaya, Neytiri was who you called out for when you fell and when you succeeded. 
A mother’s grief was something that cut deep, itching under your skin. Neytiri screamed, the last conversation she had with you replaying in her mind.  
“Can you hear me corporal?” Quaritch’s voice rang from Jake’s earpiece “Yeah... I think you can. I’ve got your daughters here with me, same deal as before, you for them.” Jake slowly looks up to the sinking ship, all too aware of the lack of Kiri and Tuk’s presence. “Your daughter didn’t have to die corporal, and they don’t have too either.” 
Ao’nung raises his head and listens to Jake’s conversation with his sons and wife. He stands up, telling Tsireya to stay before calling for his Ilu and diving in the water. He doesn’t know who shot you, but he’ll see to it that every last soldier on that boat is dead. He swims back to the ground entrance you escaped from, lifting himself up and over the railing, he sneaks through the halls, grabbing a gun from a fallen soldier. He’s never shot one, but you had briefly shown him how to use one a few weeks prior. 
He leaves the gun on his back, pulling out his knife as his first choice. He climbs into the ceiling, moving around until he spots a soldier, he swings down and slits their throat before they can make a noise. Two others round the corner, before they can pull a gun on his he kicks one to the ground, stabbing the other before ripping the mask off the one on the ground.  
He’s running on adrenaline and grief, tears pouring from his eyes as he breathes in heavily. He acts on auto pilot, sneaking around and taking down soldiers before he comes across Kiri and Tuk bound to a railing. He feels his breath hitching, he needed to do this, he knows how much you love your siblings. 
He creeps over, holding a finger to his lips when they notice his presence, he takes his knife and reaches for Tuk’s restraints when he’s yanked back by the gun strapped to him. They grab his arm and hold him up, taking a good look at his face. 
“Y’er not the one I'm lookin’ for” He grunts, throwing him to the ground. Ao’nung hisses, scrambling up and punching the avatar in the face, the man stumbles back before catching Ao’nung’s next punch in his hand.  
He grabs Ao’nung’s wrist, pushing him forward to throw him over the railing like he did Tsireya, but Ao’nung grasps his knife and swings it at the marine. He leaves a cut across the man's face before pushing him back and lunging for his throat, the marine grabs him by the wrists, pushing him to the ground and holding a gun at him.  
Ao’nung hisses, making another attempt to stab the marine before the shot goes off. The pain is hot, the ringing in his ears is louder than anything he’s ever heard. He places a hand on his lower rib, feeling blood coat his hand, a wave of nausea hits. He tries to regulate his breathing but after just a few minutes his head feels light. He runs his hand from his wound to his chest, keeping it right where your’s pressed against him.  
His vision starts to blur, but he manages to focus on the figure that appears above him. Neteyam looks down at him, eyes darting back and forth from his wound to his face.  
“Take care of Tsireya” He whispers “Please” Neteyam nods, sliding his hand under Ao’nung’s head. He watches as Neteyams face contorted, holding back all the emotions he’d been fighting. Slowly he closed his eyes, breathing in as the pain washes away. 
You stand there by the river, listening to the rushing water and the sounds of the forest, the flower in your hand tickling your nose. 
It’s not long before you turn around, tearing your gaze from the flower. He walks out from behind a tree, stopping several feet away, eyes trained on you. You close the gap, placing your hand on his bicep, he lowers his head so your foreheads can rest against each other. 
“I thought you’d be in the reef” you whisper, he fiddles with your hand, staring at the five fingers compared to his four. 
“It is as I said Y/n” He pulls away, cupping your cheek in his free hand “No matter where we are, I just want to belong with you” 
You take him in, you place a hand on his chest, on his lower rib cage, a frown forming on your face. He leans in and places a kiss on your forehead as he places his hand on your chest, just below your collarbone. 
You lean into him, resting your head against his shoulder “But surely we have to fine somewhere to go” you drawl, a smirk forming on your face “You will not thrive here reef boy” 
He rolls his eyes, flicking the side of your head with his finger. “If a clumsy foolish forest girl can learn to breathe in the water, surely it cannot be difficult for me to climb a tree” He retorts, wrapping an arm around your waist as you pull your head back to be face to face with him. 
“You’re on fishlips, we have all of eternity together, the time for relaxation can wait” You state as you push out of his arms and start scaling a nearby tree. 
“Oh, but you like kissing these fishlips don’t you?!” he teases, following you laughing. 
You could spend all of your eternity in his arms, and maybe after proving your superior skills, you would. 
The funeral was quiet, Ao’nung’s parents went first, lowering his body into the glowing plants, letting the Great Mother take him back. Tsireya could only cry as she watched her brother leave. They turned and acknowledged your parents, who pulled along the leaf that held your body. 
Neteyam placed a hand on your cheek, resisting the tears that welled in his eyes as Neytiri and Jake slid you off and into the water. They dove under, holding onto you until the last second, when the plants reached up, curling around you as you fell lower and lower. 
Kiri held Spiders hand as tears ran down his cheeks. Lo’ak could only stare, still reeling from the shock of losing his sister who had been looking into his eyes, alive and well only hours earlier.  
Neytiri held Jake’s hand as they watched you disappear, becoming one with Eywa. Soon after, they ventured out to the cove of the ancestors, holding each other’s hands as they connected their queue to the spirit tree. 
Neytiri walks into the hut back in the forest, finding you sitting in the corner fiddling with beads and string. She watches as your younger self perks up at her presence, a grin spreading across your face. 
“What are you making maite?” she asks, heart swelling at the way you smiled just as you always did. Wordlessly, you hold up the necklace you just finished, biting your lip in anticipation for her reaction. Slowly she bends down, inspecting the work.  
“It is beautiful” she says, her eyes darting back to you. You bite your lip and giggle, standing up and holding the necklace to your lips nervously. Neytiri leans in, knowing that you really want to say something anytime you do that face. 
Giggling, you whisper in her ear “I made it for you Sa’nu” She wraps her arms around you, hoisting you up to hold you. “Is that right yawne?” she asks, a smile spreading across her lips.  
You nod enthusiastically, bringing the necklace over her head and resting in on her shoulders. She looks down, placing a hand on it, smiling. “I will wear it all my life maite” she says proudly, the way her voice wavers and her eyes water not going unnoticed by you. 
You frown “Do you not like it” you ask, eyebrows furrowing. Neytiri shakes her head “No, I love it” she assures. 
You asses you, she was being honest but there was a layer of sadness, grief coating the air. “Then why are you crying?” you ask. 
Jake walks into the hut, watching from the entrance as you look at your mother confused. You’re standing tall, on your own, arms still wrapped around hers, not wanting to separate from your mother. 
“I just love you so much” She whispers, placing a hand on your cheek. It wasn’t a phrase she used much, but in times like these it felt appropriate. You lean into her touch and look past her to Jake. 
“Is that why dad looks sad too?” You ask, tilting your head. Neytiri glances back at Jake before turning back to you, rubbing her thumb along your cheekbone. 
“Yes” She looks you up and down, you’re now no longer a child, but the young woman she watched you grow into. “I am just happy to see you” 
You place your hand over the one she cups your cheek with, closing your eyes and smiling into her touch. “I am happy to see you too Sa’nok” 
She pulls you close in a hug, wrapping her arms around you. The warmth of her embrace seeping into your heart, your mother. 
“What did I tell you” You open your eyes, you are sitting on a rock staring out into the ocean, leaned against Ao’nung. “You are their daughter” he finishes. 
You look up at him and smile, cuddling closer to him. He wraps his arm around your waist, placing a kiss on your forehead. You feel the Great Mother, basking in her presence. You intertwine your fingers with Ao’nungs, staring out into the world ahead of you.  
“Where shall we go next reef boy?” You whisper. He hums, running hand up and down your side, “Let us fly, Eywa will guide us” He pulls you closer “As long as I am with you” he whispers. You roll your eyes at his excessive use of the phrase, but your heart blooms. 
You don’t know how long you traveled with Ao’nung, the Great Mother guiding you, showing the world you craved to see. You took your time with each plant, each step, feeling the Great Mother under and all around you, Ao’nung holding your hand. 
You were sitting in a river, feeling the water rush around you as your head fell back, eyes closed. You hummed as you felt fish ghost your limbs, rocks and algae grazing your skin. Ao’nung was sitting by a tree wildling a spear, watching your form. 
“Forest girl” he called, you hummed, keeping your eyes closed. “Yes coral kisser?” you call, a smirk teasing your lips. You can practically hear how he rolls his eyes. “says the one floating in the river” 
You chuckle as you hear the sound of someone entering the water, you splash water towards the source of the sound and sit up, ready to argue with Ao’nung, but you went silent when you opened your eyes. 
Standing before you was your brother, Neteyam. He looked at you, mouth agape, eyes straining to resist tears. You observed him, He was much older now, scars littered across his chest, his face matured. He bent down to be level with you, he reached out, hand grazing your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned into his palm, smiling as his palm warmed your face, cold from the river. Even though you were making contact, his touch still felt like nothing more than a ghost. 
After a moment, you spoke “You finally visit me tsmukan” you whispered. You hear his breath hitch, the water sloshes and you feel his arms wrap around you, pulling you close. “Y/n” his voice was quiet and hoarse. 
“Neteyam” you smile, opening your eyes. “How have you been my brother?” you ask as he pulls back, you rest your forehead against his.  
He breathed in “It has been hard tsmuke” placing his hands on the back of your head “we defeated the demons, they’re all gone now” 
You place your hands on his forearm, listening as he spoke. “Mother was a mess, she sang your songcord for months, father still keeps your bracelets woven into his armband to this day” He pulled back and you were no longer in the river, but sitting in the hallowed out part of the tree you’d sit in together back when you were kids. 
Your heart felt heavy, you knew your family would mourn you but didn’t want it to consume them. “Kiri and Tuk visit you often” he whispers, you smile, recalling the many visits you’ve had from your sisters, wether it be through a memory or meeting. 
“Lo’ak and Tsireya are mated now, he is to be the next Olo’eyktan, he tells your story at celebrations and to the children” he explains “How you died a mighty warrior, keeping your family safe from the sky people.” A long silence fills the space between you two. 
He stares at you, you haven’t aged a day since he last saw you. The way you smile boyishly, the intensity in your eyes. His sister.  
He sucks in a breath “you were only 15…” his voice is impossible to hear, cracking, breaking your heart. You cup his face in your hands, wiping away his tears with your thumb. 
“Mawey Nete, I am ok now” you whisper, you study his face, how the years aged him. “I am here” you place your hand his heart “and I am happy” 
He holds your gaze, placing his hand on your cheek. You just stare at each other, communicating through your eyes like you always did. After a moment he adverts his eyes, looking to the side, you follow his line of site and land on Ao’nung. 
He’s standing on the branch in front of the hole, smiling at the two of you. You reach your hand out and he comes closer, kneeling down to be level with your both. “Thank you Neteyam” he says, holding your hand. 
Neteyam thinks for a moment before pulling Ao’nung in for a hug. “She’s doing well” he whispers, Ao’nung nods, his grip on your hand tightening. 
The two pull away, Ao’nung sits next to you, placing a kiss on your cheek. You smile at your brother and take his hand in yours. He leans forward and placed a kiss on your hand. 
You sit there in Ao’nung’s arms, him fiddling with your fingers as you close your eyes. You hadn’t felt the time of it, but you knew it had been a long time since you died, and not just because of his age. You knew he’d visit you at some point, and knowing Neteyam he’d need to sit with his grief before seeing you.  
You smile knowing your family was going to be ok. 
“Ao’nung my love” you call, he hums, leaning his head against yours “I see you” you whisper, he pauses his movements for a second before continuing. He places a kiss on your lips, a smile spreading across his “I see you” 
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days-until-burnout · 3 months
Day 7 -
Characters - Jimmy/Tango Words - 1,416 Time - 60 mins Content - High School AU | teens | fluff
The sound of velcro filled the air, Tango setting up in his gear. Elbow and knee pads, a helmet with an ombréof reds and yellows like fire. Jimmy could only set his things down, sit on the edge of the bench as Tango propped up. Tango set the board on the ground, one foot on it, giving the area a quick look before finding Jimmy’s eyes, and smiling. 
He smiled right back. 
Then Tango was flying. It was instant, the way he impulsed himself forward, feet leaving the ground as he rolled. Tango hunched over as he rolled down the empty swimming pool (which he probably knew wasn’t), from one wall to the other, effortlessly like a pendulum. From side to side, and soon enough Tango was off the ground, board lifting off the edges. 
Tango was showing off, clearly. Maybe. From what he could see, Tango was still smiling, looked happy and at peace. It felt like freedom with every jump, every glide, the speed of it all. Jimmy wondered how it felt, to have that kind of freedom at his fingertips, burning just under his skin with every turn and move. 
With another kick, Tango flew out of the pool, feet landing near the edge and board falling back into his hand. It was swift, how the board was back on the ground, Tango on it, rolling in his direction. 
“Now, I don’t expect you to do any of that,” Tango laughed, a cheeky smirk on his lips when he hopped off his board, stepping on the back of it to lift it to a stop. “But we can start simple. On flat ground.”
Jimmy huffed, pushed himself up. He tried to loosen himself, though he was very much scare to fall on his fall (which he expected, it would be a miracle if he didn’t fall at least once). 
“I can hold my own,” he tried to bluff, but Tango didn’t seem to notice or maybe was too kind to point it out. Either way, he was hoping to not embarrass himself too much in front of Tango. 
At least the park was empty—just the two of them around. 
“Alright, alright, confident, I like that,” Tango hummed, then ripped the velcro of his elbow pad. He tossed it to Jimmy quickly, probably hoping to take him by surprise, but Jimmy (luckily) remained cool and caught it no problem. “Good reflexes. Good for ball games, hm?”
“Something like that,” Jimmy shrugged. 
Tango was quicker to take the pads off than Jimmy putting them on, fussing over tightness and such, so Tango playfully tossed the knee pads to his head with giggles. Jimmy found himself not minding, putting up an annoyed appearance but his scowling lips kept breaking into smiles. Something about Tango made everything easier, made the air around him lighter. 
“I’m not throwing this one,” Tango said just as Jimmy straightened, all pads secured. Tango raised the helmet, then walked over to put it in Jimmy’s hands. “Don’t worry about scratches. Better crack the helmet than your head!”
Jimmy would’ve joined Tango’s chuckles, had his heart not spiked when their fingers touched. They probably hadn’t and his brain was being overdramatic, but he felt warmth brushed the side of his fingers and it was like the world was brighter, lighter, everything was ten time more. He didn’t know how, but everything was just more—better.
The helmet was fine. The pads were fine. Everything was fine, and fit, and was probably as fitted as it could be without a detailed measurement. It was fine. It was fine.
“Okay, so basics, uh,” Tango mumbled on, unaware of the hurricane of feelings currently rendering Jimmy immobile. “Balance, that’s important. I think you’ll be fine on that? At least when standing on the board. All that hand-eye coordination you must do for sports will come in handy. Just gotta get all those skills translated into a mobile floor. No falling today, Jimmy. No falling!”
Then Tango was walking off after picking up the board, getting a couple steps away before Jimmy’s brain kicked back into gear. He jumped his first step, then tried to keep cool as he nonchalantly followed. Away from the pool to the flatter areas with more gradual ramps. 
“You've been skating long?” Jimmy asked as they reached a flat area without obstacles, the board falling to the ground before Tango could answer. 
He hummed, “Hm, dunno, really. Maybe twelve-thirteen years? That'd be most of my life, honestly.”
“You must be pretty good then! Not that you aren't, you are!” 
Both boys blushed for different reasons. Jimmy's heart was soothed with another kind smile from Tango. It was mesmerizing, fascinating how Tango could make everything better with something so small like a smile. Would it be weird if he mentioned it? Probably. Maybe he could save that for… Forever, actually. There was no one he could tell this to, and he definitely couldn't say it to Tango's face. 
He shouldn't risk it. 
Losing Tango so fast when he just met him. That'd wreck him. 
“What about you? Been doing sports for a while? Gotta start them young, y'know.”
Jimmy laughed at that. Tango seemed happy to have made him laugh. 
“Eh, something like that. Parents were busy with work, so I was allowed to pick whatever extracurricular I wanted. Been through other sports but I stuck to basketball for now. It's alright.”
“Was it the height?” Tango teased, and Jimmy only rolled his eyes, (dare he say) smitten. “Okay, here, try getting on the board. Must feel unsteady at first but you get used to it after a while.”
Jimmy breathed in deep and sighed, shaking some worry off. Tango was right there, and things would be alright with him near. He just needed to stand on the board. He could do that. 
And he did. 
In fact, he was pretty good at all the basics. Able to keep his balance, quickly learning to impulse forward, bending his knees for control, shifting his weight to turn and slow down. After a short demonstration, Jimmy dared to try to do kicks on the spot, soon able to kick up as he skated on the flat surface. 
The speed felt nice. The wind resistance against his body, the growing sweat on his skin, the way his body learnt and got used to the positions. There was a certain freedom about it, a certain sense of peace being able to speed up and see the world be a blur. 
He didn’t have to think about anything. Simply focus on the board, on the world in front of him. He didn’t have to think about anything other than now, all that mattered was now. 
All the while, Tango cheered so loud it matched the rolling wheels and his thundering heart. 
Jimmy wanted to hug him. So tight. He couldn’t really hug or thank the concept of skating, but he could use Tango as the stand-in. Tango would do, he decided as he headed towards Tango, slowed down and jumped off the board to walk the rest of the way. Tango stepped on the board to bring it to a stop, smirking and saying something he didn’t process, determination blinding him. 
And it was sudden, it was quick, only a second to look at Tango’s wide eyes before he wrapped his arms around his shoulders. He hugged him tight, and it was then that he felt like falling into pieces. Many pieces, but he didn’t mind, because he was so happy and he didn’t need to be whole for a moment. 
And Tango, dear Tango surprised him again, hugging him back, holding him whole. Not forcing the pieces together like everyone else needed him to do, but gently, tenderly holding them in place. All messed up and unorganized, but together, in his arms. Unquestioning, non-judgemental. 
Jimmy decided right then and there, even if he would never see Tango ever again in his life, that he would become better, he would be better. Stronger, more confident, he would believe in himself the way Tango did on him just a couple minutes ago. Because he wanted to give him the world, he wanted to be good enough to give this stranger the world and the stars and everything beautiful Tango could ever want. 
It was foolish, to put so much of himself into a stranger. 
But he was ready. 
Tango was special. Very special. 
Jimmy wanted to be someone Tango deserved.
continuation of day 6! i had a whole paragraph written but it glitched and didnt save so im not rewriting it. jk i am i like rambling soooo,,, there is like 2 more parts to this that i mentioned to some friends, which i may or may not end up writing. i dont want to plan ahead because thats no fun. so really want to not do much continuations but eh, inspiration be like that though i will def be side track for asks wink wink also also, thanks for likes and reblogs. i see yall<3
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Birthday Suit - Chapter 3.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 1616
Warnings Lots of fluff and some strong language.
So, this was supposed to be the final chapter but I'm enjoying this request so much, there will be one more after this! “Request!!!!! Travis and the reader meet on a club in Vegas they immediately hit it off, as the night continues the enjoy the Vegas strip having fun and once they get to his room travis really shows the reader how much he adores her. Fluff / smut”
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Your bare shoulders stung in the cool evening air as you bounded out of the casino, clutching at your stomach laughing.
""Woooh" Travis yelled, his fists raised high.
"But isn't the point of going to the casino to win money?" You giggled, "You lost!"
Travis shrugged his shoulders, "Who cares? We had fun, right?"
"You seem pretty relaxed for a guy who just lost $2000."
Travis raised his eyebrows, "Alright, alright, where next?"
Your hands ran along the top of your arms in an attempt to cover them from the cold. Travis noticed and immediately began removing his jacket.
"Here." He said as he draped it over your shoulder.
"Woah, hold up big guy. Is this not a bit too...emotional and romantic?"
His eyes sparkled with the city lights, "Maybe. Look, I know this whole thing was my idea but it's killing me. I think you're awesome, and what's crazy is, I don't even know anything about you."
You leaned slightly closer to him as you walked, "I know. I could be a murderer or something?"
"I'm prepared to take that risk."
You stomach fluttered and there was a comfortable silence, the only sound being your footsteps on the pavement and the sounds of the city.
Suddenly, Travis stopped and turned to you, "Okay. How about we play 20 questions?"
"Is that your idea of getting to know someone?"
"Is that your first question?"
You lowered your head and laughed under your breath.
Travis ghosted his hand over yours for a moment before gently intertwining his fingers with yours, "Come on, it'll be fun."
You looked up at him and exhaled, "Alright, let's do it."
Travis began walking, "Okay, what's your biggest fear?"
"Wow, we're getting straight in with the heavy stuff? Okay." Your skin tingled when you realised he was still holding your hand, "I'd say failure. I have a pretty serious job and I can't drop the ball, like, ever. It's a lot of pressure, but I suppose I thrive on that. I like those moments of all or nothing, you know, the difference between win or lose. But the feeling of the loss is not something I like to feel often. So, I put my all into my career, it comes first for me most of the time. I suppose that's why I never seem to have a stable relationship. No offence, but most guys can't handle it."
Travis smirked and looked down at his feet.
He snickered slightly, "No, nothing. Your question."
"If you could have one super-power, what would it be?"
"Oh easy. Either teleportation or super speed."
You playfully nudged his arm, "I said one! You can't have two, that's just greedy!"
"Alright, okay." He paused as he thought for a moment, "I'd have super speed. It would come in really handy."
"Handy with what?" You looked up at him.
Travis held out a finger and waved it in front of your face, "Ah ah, it's my question now. Favourite vacation spot?"
You rolled your eyes and pursed your lips together in thought, "I don't get to go on vacation often, but I went to Bali after college, and it was so beautiful. I've always wanted to go back, as an adult, you know, and appreciate it properly."
Travis nodded, "Okay, yeah. I get it. Good answer." He tightened his grip slightly, "Next question?"
You took a deep breath of evening air, "Why were you so determined to get my on my own tonight when you had dozens of girls crowding around you?"
Travis smiled wide, "Because you were so intriguing. You weren't pawing at me because of who I am or what I do. You genuinely seemed interested, and I like that. You were just out there, having a good time, dancing with your friends and honestly, I can't deal with girls who are only after me because of the fame. I like real connections, you seem real to me. Straight-up, you know?" He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in closer, his lips next to your ear, "And to top it off, you are so beautiful."
Your lips crept into a smile as you walked but you slowed down a little when his words repeated themselves in your head. Your eyebrows lowered in confusion, "Wait, what do you mean because of 'who you are'...what does fame have to do with it."
Travis pulled at your arm, "My question next. Favourite sex position."
Your mouth flew open with a laugh, "Wow, okay. We're going there? Alright, it sounds boring but I like the classics. Missionary is up there at the top for me. I like eye and body contact during sex." You stopped walking and turned to face him, "You know, the feeling of our bodies pressed together, my thighs wrapped around your waist, your mouth on my neck." As you spoke, you got closer to him, lowering your voice into a whisper, "Staring into each others eyes, deep and long kisses, dragging my nails down your back."
You stopped, only inches away from Travis' face as you watched his eyes glaze over and his lips quiver.
He cleared his throat and blinked a couple of times as he opened his mouth to speak, "Uh-"
You quickly turned and took a few steps away from him, "Or bent over with my ass in the air is pretty good too."
Travis' jaw dropped open, "Oh come on, girl. Don't tease me like that!" He jogged to catch up with you, hugging his arms around your waist from behind.
"My question now!" You said happily, "Okay, I gotta know. Who are you? You keep dropping hints about fame and the fact that you had people surrounding you in the club, I don't get it! Who are you?"
Travis chuckled, "So, my name is Travis Kelce." He paused for a reaction but continued when your face didn't change, "And I'm a Tight End for the Kansas City Chiefs."
You turned and stared at him, wide eyed, "I'm really sorry but you just said a lot of things that I don't understand."
He laughed again, "I play football, I'm a football player."
"Oh! Right, yeah. I get it now." You jumped a little as your voice raised, "Wow, okay. That's pretty big."
Travis rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah to be honest, people usually know who I am."
"Yeah, sorry about that! I'm not a big football watcher, I never have time!"
Travis swung his arm around your shoulder, "I like that. Really, it's kinda nice. It's...refreshing." His mouth moved into a smile. "When you said earlier about people expecting a lot from you, experiencing a lot of pressure and not liking to lose...I was laughing because that's exactly how I feel."
Your eyes creased into a smile, "So, you totally get it, then?"
He nodded, "What is it you do?"
You looked up at him, "Is that your next question?"
He narrowed his eyes a little, "Yes."
"I'm a lawyer."
Travis stepped back slightly, "Oh, shit."
"Let me guess, that's scared you off?"
He stroked his beard, pretending to be in deep thought, "This is some serious information. This means I'll never win an argument."
You laughed and grabbed his arms and pulled him back to his previous position, his head resting on your shoulder, "That's right! Okay, my turn. What do you look for in a woman?"
You felt his cheeks move into a smile against your own, "I find ambition very attractive. I love it when a woman knows what she wants, and works hard to get it. I don't know, there's just something so sexy about an independent woman with her shit together. But I don't want someone who takes themselves too seriously, you know? I'm a bit of a class clown so someone who I can laugh with is important."
You felt him tighten his grip and you almost felt yourself melt into his arms. Quickly, you spun in his arms so you were facing him.
"Eyes are a bit of a weak spot for me. If you got a good set of eyes on you, oh baby."
Giggling, you fluttered your eyelashes at him.
Travis bit down on his bottom lip and looked away from you, "Don't man, I'll be a mess."
You stopped walking and moved closer to him, your bodies almost touching, "It's your turn next. What's your next question?"
Travis took a slow breath in and his gaze flickered to your mouth, "I think I know enough."
"Enough for what?"
"For this."
Travis slowly moved in even closer, his eyes fixed on you. Your breath hitched as his lips connected with yours, an intense heat rising in your chest. Your eyes flickered shut and you tilted your head to the side, deepening the kiss. As your hands moved up his body, you teased his tongue with your own, dragging it along his bottom lip. His large hands took hold of your ass, giving it a gentle squeeze as you pushed your body against his. Travis groaned and the vibration on your mouth sent waves down your body. You swore you could feel something pressing against your hip and once you grazed against it, Travis' gentle moan confirmed for you. He quickly moved his kisses down to your neck, smiling against your skin when you threw your head back and gasped. Your hands found themselves at his head, dragging your nails along his buzzed hair. When he pulled away, his glazed eyes blinked in front of you.
"I think I have one more question." His voice was deep and gruff, "Will you come back to my hotel room with me?"
I love flirty Travis! The next chapter will be the final one, where all the smut happens so if you want to be added to my taglist, just let me know!
Taglist @kkrenae @keiva1000
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trulybetty · 7 months
14 x kisses - jack daniels x reader
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prompt: sky pairing: jack daniels x reader word count: 656 notes: fluff, heavy on the equine (which I know nothing about, don't come for me), au as we don't know the movie here, no y/n, no reader description, jack being jack, don't have to read them but these two are from the december prompts summary: valentines day on the ranch with one it's newest additions
x. masterlist
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The horses were something you still left for Jack to contend with. Almost two years now of the both of you taking over the running of Opal's ranch and yet you still were not a fan of them. The ranch had started with two older horses, but with Jack's guidance there had been several new additions, including a foal Blue, who had been abandoned at birth. Ever since his arrival, he'd taken to Jack instantly, and the feeling was mutual. 
That morning, as usual, Jack had gone out and done his rounds at the stables while you went to the office and handled the invoices and admin. A fair trade-off since you'd given up your job to move to the ranch full-time and still weren't up to speed with ranch life. 
After hours of dealing with payroll and trying to figure out the amount of hay that needed to be ordered, you pushed your chair back and stood up. Stretching your arms above your head, you rolled your neck from side to side, enjoying the sensation of loosening up your body after being hunched over for so long.
You sighed, grateful for the brief respite from paperwork, and made your way outside to find Jack. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the ranch. The place was truly night and day since Jack had taken his stake in the place. You walked past the rows of wooden fencing, hearing the soft nickers and whinnies of the horses.
Your hand up to your eyes, shielding them from the sun, you spotted Jack. He was in the open paddock with Blue, the foal stuck to Jack's side despite his attempts to get him to take the free run. No matter how many times he pushed him away, Blue came back and nuzzled into his chest.
Jack let out a laugh, a genuine one, one that had been rare lately due to the pressure from the Statesman Ranch. The ranch shared a border with yours, and they were disputing where the boundary lay. He brought his head down to meet Blue's and kissed the foal's forehead. Blue snorted and playfully nipped at Jack's shirt, causing him to chuckle once more. 
“You going to come any closer darlin'?” Jack called out, turning his head to tilt his hat at you, a wide smile on his face.
“Just admiring the view,” you shouted back, a smirk on your lips.
Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out an apple, tossing it to you without warning. You caught it, albeit clumsily, your hands fumbling before securing the fruit. 
“You should give Blue his Valentine's,” he said, his eyes shining with challenge and encouragement.
You hesitated, looking from the apple in your hand to Blue, who had now noticed you and was watching with curious eyes. “I don't think he's interested in anything I have to offer,” you said, trying to mask your nervousness with humour.
“Ah, come on. He's a little softie, aren't you, Blue?” Jack coaxed, patting Blue gently on the side. Encouraged by Jack's confidence, you took a hesitant step forward, extending the apple towards Blue.
The foal eyed you cautiously at first, but the allure of the apple was too much to resist. He took a step forward, his nose twitching as he caught the scent. Slowly, carefully, he took the apple from your hand, his lips tickling your palm as he did so, and you couldn't help but laugh.
“There, that wasn't so bad, was it?” Jack said, a proud smile on his face.
You shook your head, a smile spreading across your face. “No, it wasn't. Happy Valentine's, Blue.”
Jack wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “Happy Valentine's, darlin',” he murmured, kissing the top of your head. 
You leaned into him, cherishing the moment of peace as you took in the picturesque view of the ranch, “Happy Valentine’s Jack.”
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gyusfavlibra · 2 years
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Pairing: Beomgyu x afab! reader
Featurings: TXT, Chaewon, Yunjin (Le Sserafim)
Word count: +2K
Warnings: Fluff, one swear word. Friends to lovers! Skateboarding.
The sun sent heat over the city. Winds were very low, brightness casted through the trees. Against sidewalks and streets, creating the perfect visible shadows it always did.
It was the middle of summer. Students taking their few months off to relax and kick back. Do whatever it is they spent many many weeks waiting to do.
You, being a on that particular break, just finished up your senior year of high school, racing through your bedroom. Throwing on some clothes to get ready for your personal spaced trip.
You grabbed some baggy ripped jeans, a cropped black tank top, and a thin knitted green sweater. The wind was capable of power pushing through the material just enough to chill your chest.
Your well thought of plan was to go to the skating park in your neighborhood. You had always traveled there after school, or homework time, to roll around and jump tricks on your board. It was never crowded during the school year since people had plans to write essays, do algebra, etc.
But you knew, today would be a little more occupied than usual days that you've been there. However, you didn't care. As long as you got your skate time in, the amount of people didn't matter to you.
You say goodbye to your parent(s). Passing through the front door, your graphic designed skateboard clutched in hand on your side. Just as you stepped onto the sidewalk, you flicked your board down on the ground and rolled off. Heading in the direction of the skate park.
The ride was nice. Creating your own wind by riding down small hills and going at your own speed that satisfied your insides. Faster that a walking distance. It was peaceful.
The park wasn't packed like she had expected. Not a little amount of people, but not a huge amount either. To your shock, there were only two females besides yourself. And you just so happen to be good friends with those girls. Chaewon and Yunjin.
You had met them at this specific park many months ago when your city did a skate tournament. You didn't participate, but Chaewon did. And obviously being the good skater she is, took home the trophy.
"Yo, what's up, Y/n."
"Hey, Chae."
You hugged the dark headed girl before hugging your other friend who just got off a ramp. "Place isn't as packed as I thought it'd be."
"Yeah, well, most of these people are only here because of them," Yunjin, the one with lighter brunette hair spoke as she pointed down the cemented walkway you approached on.
Five guys, five guys that you knew all too well, stood against a the metal fence by a picnic table. Laughing away which echoed through the space. Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Huening Kai, and Taehyun.
These 5 boy were very well known to everyone at school. Girls would gawk over them like it was their first priority. Of course, it's because they were really hot, even you thought so, but you weren't one to waste your time hoping they would pull your hand and kiss it like some type of romance show. At least not for all of them.
But they could also sing which was cool in your eyes. Along with the fact that they all have really hot features was a good pro. Especially for him.
Okay okay, turns out there was a partial lie in the list of reasons why you go to this one park constantly.
Choi Beomgyu.
You two have had many conversations before. A couple ocurring at the park, but mostly in school. You did find him to be really admiring and super funny.
Over time a crush developed, but not one you would openly spread in school like other did.
You'd have to put down all your self pride just to fluster at him like every other person and you were NOT gonna do yourself like that.
"God, I'm female and even I want those dudes' bone structure," Yujin said while holding her hips.
You laughed at this while keeping your eyes on Beomgyu who was jumping around around on a picnic table. His friend watching him with wide smiles.
The way he smiled and always seemed to be in such a positive attitude was so intriguing and comforting to you. Fighting to urge to go over and kiss his smile as if it was your own.
You stares were like a call in the wind. Practically sensing sound waves to the whole group of guys, because next thing your girls knew, four of the five boys were looking your way. Chaewon and Yunjin quickly pull their eyes away to act like they weren't checking them out.
There was no hiding for you. You were caught. You probably have been caught more than you know by him or even just his friends.
Beomgyu's smile that was momentarily fading grew even bigger when he spotted you. The boy with mid length black hair and platinum blond streaks, held a arm up and waved largely at you.
You stomach filled with flutters.
You were in total awe. Making sure to send one back. "Man, he totally likes you."
"N- Chaewon, no. No he doesn't. He's just friendly."
"No, no, he totally does. That boy wants to have you wrapped around his finger here and now."
You rolled her eyes at the ridiculous comment. Sometimes you wondered if he did like you. He was always nice to you. Everyday even. But even then, you just think that's his personality, he's just treating you how he'd treat others as well.
"Oh my god, shut up."
Even though, you denied the accusation, it was very much true. Beomgyu did like you. You didn't know that though. But he told his friends that every second of every day because it was that hard to get you off his mind.
The boy watched as you strolled off with your friends to a ramp, taking turns to go down them. He watched in pure bliss as you rode so cautiously. You were a natural.
"Dude, just go talk to her."
Gyu turned to the know voice speaking. His friend Yeonjun was looking down at his boards purple wheels. Dusting them off with a rag he continuously brought along each time.
"No, I'd embarrass myself."
"No you won't. You've talked a million times before. Nothing can be that different."
Beomgyu kept his eyes on your figure. "You think she knows I like her?"
Soobin looked upwards at the whipped friend of his, still standing on the picnic table. "If she does, she's bad at trying not to like to you back."
"H- she said that?"
"No, but I've talked to her friend with the short before."
"W-what'd she say?"
"I guess- Y/n's not much of a head over heels person for guys. She doesn't act how she does with you, to anyone else."
He smiled slightly. Hearing that made him feel so special. So special. You only treat him so greatly and comfortably.
"He could just be tolerable," their red haired friend Taehyun spoke as he opened a package of fruit snacks. Soobin shook his head at the individual.
"Well, that's what I thought too, but Chaewon said that Y/n has a short tolerance, so, either Beomgyu is just testing us, or she likes him. Because he is annoying as hell."
Beomgyu felt a rush of excitement in his chest despite the minor teasing. If there are any chances that you liked him back, then he knew he needed to act on them. On something at least.
Huening Kai patted his shoes. "Go talk to her, tiger."
"Yes, now. Don't be such a cat," Yeonjun said deeply. Smacking his friend's leg. Beomgyu jumped down from his sitting position the table. His soul flipped.
"Someone come with me."
"B- dude-"
"I'm scared."
"I-okay I'll go with you," Soobin offered. Standing from his seat practically pushing Gyu to where they needed to be.
Yunjin noticed them approaching and snapped at the other two girls who just finished skating on a wide ramp.
"Beomgyu's coming!"
You were alerted. Looking up to the duo that were in fact walking over. Although, you didn't show the excitement to see him, it was definitely there. Your mind screaming to run away. You flipped around to look at your friends. "You guys better act normal."
The two gave an "ok" with their fingers before standing to act as told. Soobin was pushing Beomgyu by his shoulders. The closer they got, the more his heart started racing. But he had to quickly suck up that nervousness and be confident.
"Hello. How are you?" Chaewon waved. Bright smile plastered on her face.
"We're great! We just saw you guys skating. You're all really good!"
"Thank you."
"Yeah, I heard you won-"
All the talking had completely been zoned out of Beomgyu's mind as well as yours. Soobin and Chaewon were practically flirting in front of them and no one wanted to hear all of that. You grabbed Beomgyu's hand and pulled him to another pit.
"You can skate, right?" You asked.
"Why else would I be at a skate park?"
"To meet a girl, maybe. I don't know. You tell me, Gyu."
His nickname rolled off your tongue like magic. Like it was meant to only be spoken by you and you only. He loved the sound of you being the one to say it. His ears rang with romance.
"There is one girl."
His fingers pricked at the pebbles stuck on his shoes. "Really? Who?" You questioned. You set your board down on the cement. A huge wave of disappointment wipe out your happiness. When the words exit his mouth, you almost wanted to cry. Maybe there was a part of you that thought maybe you had a chance.
Did he really like someone else?
There goes any chance with him.
"Doesn't matter. She doesn't like me back."
You shrugged with a pursed mouth, choosing to support rather than talk down on his feelings. "Never know until you ask her."
And with that, you slid down the ramp. Staying in a steady position to keep yourself from falling off the board. Beomgyu watched carefully. Making sure he saw your every move. For many reasons. Just in case she fell or you wanted him to redo what you did.
It'd kill him to see you get hurt.
Seconds later you came back to the surface of the pit, kicking your board up and into your hand.
"Think you could do that?"
"I think...I can do better."
"Oh really," you rose an eyebrow. Almost shocked at the sudden confidence. "Then, show me what you got Gyu."
You handed the boy your board, realizing he didn't bring his over. A soft smile planted on your face. It was so memorizing to him that he almost forgot what you had wanted him to do.
"Here I go," he spoke with a shout as he slid down, moving to the other side. Scraping against the edge were quite good. Meant he held on quit well.
You weren't shocked. Not even near surprised. You knew he was good. You used to watch him skate before you even became "friends". One of things that brought you closer by the days.
"Alright, okay. I underestimated you, sir Beomgyu."
"Noo, I'm not anywhere as good as you."
"Yeah you are. Even better. I really like your form.
The compliment made his whole heart flutter. Cheeks burning to a crimson red. Gosh, too bad it was dark. You could definitely see he's blushing. Beomgyu typically took nice comments like a simple hello. But not from you. It was like a music box that he'd NEVER turn off. Ever.
"So, tell me about this girl you like. Is she pretty?" You interrogated as they now sat on their own boards, facing each other.
The thought that he did like someone still stuck in the back of your mind. Beomgyu smiled, trying to deeply hide it. But it was failing.
"She's breathtaking."
What did he think of you? Did you come close to breathtaking?
"Breathtaking? Hm. What's she like?"
"She is funny, nice, she is very very smart. In school, she passes every quiz, every test. It's mindblowing. Oh! And! And! She skateboards."
You felt your stomach drop. Getting the feeling that Beomgyu was for some reason describing one of her friends. There goes the arrow of pride your were so close to shooting into his back.
Your eyebrows rose as if you were waiting for him to continue. But you chose to speak instead. "Is it....Chaewon?"
Beomgyu couldn't help but burst into a loud fit of laughter. Catching the attention of each of his friends as well as yours. You just sat dumbfounded at the fact that you didn't understand what was funny.
It was almost as if, he knew you wanted it to be her and he thought it was dumb, but obviously that was NOT the case.
After many seconds, his laughter died down, feeling a large chunk of courage, he wiped his eyes from the happy tears. "So, Yunjin?"
"Not even close."
You gaze down to the cement and back up at him. If it wasn't either of your friends....then that could only mean...
You slowly raised your finger to your own chest. "Me?"
And with that, Beomgyu kneeled over and place his pink lips onto yours. Holding your jaw in one hand. His friends continuing their stalker viewing, cheering for the duo across the court. The girls squealing and the guys dropping chants of Gyu's name.
His eyes fell into the gaze of your own when you separated. Both carrying large smiles, but still being very close to each other's faces.
The connected conformation had you smiling CRAZILY. Your cheeks heat up. The burning sensation filling up your whole face. "You think I'm breathtaking?"
"Bodytaking," he chuckled. You hold his hand tightly in yours. Almost afraid to let ago. "Will you be mine, Y/n?"
"Don't have to ask me twice."
Hope you enjoyed this! I wrote it on Wattpadn but I'm gonna transfer them all to Tumblr since they're mostly oneshots and stuff! Thank you!
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niceboyeds · 2 years
yours (s.h.)
pairing: Steve Harrington x female reader
summary: after confessing your feelings for Steve, you’re worried you’ve ruined everything.
contains: 18+ minors DNI angst, language, smut: fingering, aftercare, fluff
word count: 2.9K
a/n: roughly based this one off of the songs Yours by Conan Gray because it hurt my feelings the other day. cheers to my fellow friends who’ve fallen for their situation-ship. i haven’t posted a Steve piece in a while so enjoy xx
your hands grip the edge of the porcelain sink, trying to steady your breathing while looking at your face in the mirror.
why can’t you be more like her?
she’s so pretty, so perfect.
no wonder Steve fell in love with her.
with tears staining down your face, you stand there for a while, watching your knuckles turn white as you try take deep breaths to compose yourself. 
a knock at the bathroom door startles you. had you been too loud? were you in there for too long? surely the laughter of the group you left in the other room would’ve covered the cries you let slip through.
“hey, are you okay?” of course it’s Steve.
“y-yeah. i’m fine!” you call out, cursing yourself for letting your voice crack. that wasn’t convincing in the slightest.
“can you let me in?”
“i’ll be out in a minute!” quickly splashing water on your face, you try to clean off the mascara residue underneath your eyes.
as you open the door to leave, Steve walks in while pushing you back into the small bathroom. a worried look on his face as he closes the door behind him.
“baby what’s happening?” his left hand cups your face as you fight to push the new tears back in.
baby, a nickname he’s only ever called you in private.
“nothing. i’m fine, just stubbed my toe.” you smile, trying to leave the bathroom.
“you’re such a shitty liar.” he rolls his eyes at you as he grabs your arm. it’s not rough, but it’s firm. you know he won’t let you go without the truth.
“i’m sorry, is Nancy better at lying too?” the words are bitter on your tongue as you rip your arm out of his hold.
“what are you talking about?”
“oh you know, just how you’re clearly still hooked up on ms. cool girl out there.” you’re angry now. you hate being the jealous girl but you know what you want, who you want.
“what? why are you mad at me?”
“you just don’t get it.”
“well then please explain because i’m completely fucking lost right now!” his voice raises slightly, clearly annoyed with you but you’re unable to control the volume of your own voice now.
“do you still love her? or is it me? because you seem to only want me for sex but that’s not who i am! and i tried, i tried so goddamn hard to give you what you wanted. but you never fucking noticed that i fell in love with you!!”
angry tears are slipping from your eyes and you hate that you’re letting him affect you like this, but there’s no going back now. 
“i won’t sit around forever waiting for you to decide if you’re in love with me or not. whatever we have going on is fucking cruel, and i can’t do it anymore.”
“what so you're giving me an ultimatum or something?” 
“call it whatever you want, Steve. but stop coming around if you just want to use me.” 
you push your way out of the bathroom, running past the now silent group of your friends and out of the house you jump into your car. speeding out of Steve’s driveway, you can’t remember the last time you’ve driven this fast, or if you ever have for that matter.
you can’t do anything but slam on the gas pedal and grip the steering wheel tightly. trying your best to not think of the scene you just caused.
not only did you just confess your love to Steve and he completely disregarded it, but you’ve also likely lost all the friendships that came with him. they were his first, you can’t blame them. you can’t show your face there again, too embarrassed to even think about what you just said.
you pull into the driveway of the little house you bought earlier this year, having been ready to move out of your parents place long before you graduated high school. you close the front door with a slam, immediately locking it.
deciding you need some air, you lay in the grass in your backyard. noticing the sun has set but the sky is still not black, rather a greyish shade, while you wait for the constellations to shine through.
thoughts of your evening still lingering in your mind, how unbelievably stupid of you to not only confess your feelings to Steve, but to allow yourself to catch any feelings at all. you’ll hate yourself for that for a long time.
settling your anger at yourself, you start to think about why you even loved him. he just called when he was bored or horny. never wanting to be with you, only wanting to use your body.
all you wanted was for him to like you back. but he was so clearly in love with someone. maybe it was Nancy, maybe you had never met the person, but it wasn’t you. and that hurt like a bitch.
it makes you wonder if you even know him at all. sure, everyone knows Steve Harrington the infamous “King of Hawkins High” but there was—there is, so much more to him.
you told yourself you wouldn’t get sucked into his game, that you were the one in charge and you could end things when you wanted to. that he wasn’t anything but a friend who helped you get off whenever you needed. hell, you initiated it first.
you sit on the bed next to him. both of you nervous and scared of any problems that might damage your friendship. both of you scared to make the first move after you made the decision to help each other out.
“are you sure we should do this?”
“do you find me attractive, Steve?”
“baby you’re gorgeous.”
“do you want to sleep with me?”
“of course i do.”
“then stop talking and kiss me, dammit.”
your lips meet halfway, his felt softer than you imagined in your mind. so gentle. you both move back on the bed toward the pillows. he was still not being as assertive as he always seemed to be, like he was scared.
but you knew he just needed something to light that fire under him. you take one of his hands and place it on your breast while you moan softly into his mouth.
he removes it, much to your dismay, and begins pulling the hem of your shirt. you help him take it off, along with his own, and he pushes you down against the pillows.
you could feel him through his jeans, his crotch grinding against you and his groans make you wetter by the second.
he breaks away from your lips, making you whimper slightly. he quickly brings his hands around your back, unclipping your bra before throwing it across the room.
“beautiful” was all he whispered before his lips attacked your neck, kissing and sucking down to the valley between your breasts. you moan loudly when he sucks on one of them, kneading the other with his hand.
you grind yourself against him, pushing your hips up to meet his hard dick. your hands tug at his shirt, urging him to take it off. moans leaving both of your mouths as you softly tug at his jeans, indicating to him you want them off too.
he doesn’t think about it for another second, pulling his pants down along with his boxers, freeing his hard cock. you can’t help but look at it hungrily, dripping in your panties. you wanted him so badly.
you quickly slide your own pants down, moaning when the cool air hits your wet pussy. you look at his face, letting him take you all in, before pulling him back down to kiss again.
you continue grinding against him, feeling his cock rub through your wet folds. “jesus, baby.” he moans against your lips.
he suddenly stops moving against you, making you whine in protest which makes him laugh. “don’t worry, baby. gonna make you feel so good.”
his fingers lightly brush over your needy clit, making you buck your hips slightly, needing more friction. he teases two of his large fingers through your folds, collecting the wetness you’re covered in. “please, Steve.”
“i’ll take care of you” is all he says before pushing a digit into you. he loves hearing how he’s making you feel, expertly curling it when he’s fully inside of you.
you rock yourself against him, needing more. it’s like he can read your mind as he shoves a second finger inside of you. “oh god, yes!” you cry out, throwing your head back against the pillows.
he moves them faster while using his thumb to rub circles on your throbbing clit. he smiles at how much of a needy puddle you are underneath him. “feels good, baby?” he asks, fully aware of the answer.
“y-yes! so close, don’t stop!” but he wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon, he wanted to see you do this everyday. a mess from just his fingers alone, definitely an ego boost for him.
“cum for me, baby.” he whispers in your ear as you’re approaching the edge. a couple thrusts of his magic fingers and you reach your climax, allowing him to work you through it. “that was so hot.” is all he says before removing his fingers from your pussy and putting them in his mouth to taste you.
that was all it took for you to pull him back down to you, kissing him again but quickly rolling him onto his back. you sit up on his lap, grinding against his dick as his hands grip your hips.
“you want me to ride you, baby?” he nods immediately, groaning at the thought.
“god yes.”
you were hooked on him from that day forward, never even thinking about someone else. only him.
there were always so many details about him that you remembered. like how he blows on the strands of hair that would fall in his face as he leans over you. or the way your name rolls off his tongue, so delicately as he moans. the way his lips feel pressed against yours. the nicknames he calls you when you’re alone.
but that’s the thing: he was only ever like that when you were alone together. maybe he was embarrassed of you. embarrassed of letting other people know you two had something going on.
but the only one embarrassed now is you.
you begin thinking back to the night you knew you had fallen for him. sure you had a crush on him and found him more than attractive, but something had been different. he seemed to be more caring, more in tune with your feelings and needs. something you’d never experienced before— even from past relationships.
he rolls off of you, sitting on the edge of the bed panting. his hair slightly sticking to his sweaty forehead. leaving you trying to catch your own breath he stands up and disappears into the bathroom.
this wasn’t out of the ordinary, he always liked to shower after sex and you usually made your exit while he was doing so. but tonight he had been more rough than usual, and you were exhausted to say the least. it’s not like you didn’t enjoy his roughness, you were excited about it, but it was fairly uncommon.
you talk yourself into getting up after hearing the water turn on, the fan humming from the cracked bathroom door. just as you were standing, searching for your clothes throughout the bedroom he came back, smiling softly while looking over you.
“shit, I'm sorry baby.” he spoke softly, walking over to you while examining your body. you felt a little self conscious, wrapping your arms over your breast and torso in an attempt to hide. you don't know why though, its not like he's never seen you naked before. 
“sorry for what?” you ask, locking eyes with him, worry washing over you.
“i gave you a couple bruises.” he sighs, brushing over the new marks on your hips that you hadn't even realized were there.
“huh, i didn't notice.” you laugh a little, trying to show him you were okay- that it didn't bother you. 
“do you... maybe wanna shower with me?” oh. he's never asked that before.
it takes you by surprise and your stomach turns with butterflies. the look on your face must worry him because he starts to back pedal. 
“unless you want to leave now, if you have plans or something. or if you just don't want to. its totally fine. i just thought maybe—” you smile at his rambling, you've never seen him so nervous before. it was pretty cute.
“okay.” you finally cut him off, seeing what seems to be a relief for him as he turns to follow you into the bathroom. a shower feels so intimate.
the soap washes off your body and the hot water feels soothing on your tense muscles. he’s being silly, lathering the shampoo on his head which he turns into a design with his hair, opting for a mohawk situation. but the hair on his head is too long, making it flop to one side. you can't help but laugh at him as you switch sides to allow him to rinse. 
“can i use your conditioner?” you ask as he leans his head back, freeing his face of soap. 
“of course, baby.” you never realized how often he called you that, but now that you’ve noticed you’ll be keeping track of it forever.
you try to comb the conditioner through your hair with your fingers, getting slightly frustrated by a rather large knot in a spot you can't quite reach. 
“let me help.” he leans over and kisses your shoulder, sending shivers down your spine as he removes the knot. what is happening to you?
“there. all gone.”
“thank you.” you whisper before he swap sides once again so you can finish rinsing and he steps out. once the water is shut off and you step out, he's waiting with a towel for you. 
what the fuck is this feeling?
but you already knew. you knew deep down that you were falling in love, and you knew he would break your heart.
so here you are, laying in your backyard, hiding from the problems you caused for yourself. wallowing in self-pity and resentment towards yourself.
“hey.” oh no... 
you don't need to look up to see who's standing in your backyard, the voice is too familiar. not only have you absolutely embarrassed yourself in front of him and your friends, but now he shows up at your house? 
“you uh... you didn't answer your phone. or the front door.” you sit up, still unable to look at him.
“yeah. i um, i guess i didn't hear it.” your voice is weak, almost pathetic.
“so i wanted to talk to you... about what you said...”
“it’s fine Steve, you don't have to explain yourself or anything. i understand.”
“but thats the thing, i do need to explain. because you don't understand.”
you finally get the courage to look at him, still looking the same as earlier but his hair looks like he's been running his hands through it. a habit you discovered that he does when he's overwhelmed or stressed. 
“what don't i understand? the fact that i just ruined our friendship? not to mention the friendships i have with all of your friends. because lets face it Steve, they don't want to be friends with someone who you hate. that just makes things awkward and uncomfortable for everyone.”
“woah woah woah, slow down. who said i hated you?”
“well... i just-” you can't find the words to say, and now you fear you've dug yourself a deeper grave. you look away from him again as he sits in the grass across from you, his legs bent at the knees and feet in front of him.
“i could never hate you.” his voice is soft and gentle, like the night he asked you to shower with him. this moment feeling just as intimate but you can't figure out why. 
“when you had told me earlier that you were in love with me, it caught me by surprise, and i didn't get the chance to be honest with you before you left.” 
“okay, but-” 
“shh let me finish.” and you do, no longer daring to speak. “you were right, i am in love with someone.”
you really sat there quietly just to listen to that? as if you didn't already know. you cannot bare it anymore, letting the tears slip from your eyes, turning your head away from him before he can see.
oh but he sees. and now you are wishing you had actually dug a physical grave to bury yourself in. “why did you come here to tell me that, Steve?” you hate that your voice is meek, so pitiful. 
“baby, if you would just let me finish i’d be able to tell you that i’m in love with you” his hands come up to your face and the pads of his thumbs wipe your tears away. 
“i’m sorry it took you walking away for me to admit it. but i’ve been in love with you for so long. i was just worried that you didn’t feel the same.”
“do you mean it?” 
“i swear i mean it. i know we set rules and boundaries, but i don’t want anyone except you. i want you to be mine. i want to be yours.”
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