#if you ever plan to make any more tell me so I can craft them!!!!!!!
bloodwrittenletters · 29 days
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pairing . . . jason grace x fem!reader
the cassette playing . . . so american! olivia rodrigo
the letter reads . . . some headcanons about you and your cute boyfriend: jason grace!
warnings . . . none!
a/n . . . i literally can't write anything to save my life these few days, so jason grace headcanons! this beautiful blonde boy deserves more love.
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✴ he's the type of guy who would ask "can i be your boyfriend?"
✴ even before you started dating, he would go OUT OF HIS WAY (and everyone else's) to give you what you wanted.
✴ learns an specific type of hair routine to help you.
⤷ would ask piper, hazel, or annabeth for hair care products or how to take care of your hair type.
✴ the moment you guys start dating, all of his closet is yours.
⤷ you eventually start to feel bad and tell him he can also wear your clothes if he wants, a week later you find him wearing your pink top.
⤷ "i got stuck, but i look way too hot in this... can you help me take this off?"
✴ everything he makes in arts and crafts, he shows it to you.
⤷ half of the time, it's jewelry for you. the other half is for percy and leo.
✴ if you ever get in a discussion with one of his bros, he looks like a sad puppy for having to pick a side. but he always picks yours.
✴ whenever he goes to new rome alone, he comes back with millions of gift for you.
⤷ that either made him think of you, or thought it would be something you like.
✴ has shared a playlist with you.
⤷ before he asked you out, he made three playlists. "songs that would be ours if we were dating. / songs that remind me of her. / songs about one-sided pinning."
✴ he was surprised when he found out you also had a crush on him.
✴ supports everything you do. (sports, hobbies, etc etc)
✴ this man will 100% have a shoe box of things you gifted him, going from a chocolate wrap to comfort him when he first came to chb to glasses with little lighting bolts.
✴ if someone hits on him / ask him out (didn't know / didn't care he has a girlfriend) jason has two options:
⤷ "no, thanks. although my girlfriend would love to be your friend, have you met her yet?"
⤷ "no. i'm deeply in love with my girlfriend, have you seen how pretty she is? i bought her this bookmark yesterday."
✴ never really liked valentines day or any other holiday since it wasn't celebrated in camp jupiter, but goes all out with you in each one.
⤷ dress up with you for halloween if it's something you want to do, fills every room with hearts and flowers and takes you out in special dates for valentines day, plans your chritsmas gifts months ahead.
✴ if you have herritage ( or are ) from a different culture, he would learn everything and more.
⤷ makes sure that he respects it and honors it. learning your home language, learning your favorite foods, learning your history etc etc.
✴ he burns an extra piece of food for your godly parent.
✴ helps you with homework / does it with you.
✴ loves doing double dating.
⤷ your favorite one has been hazel and frank. his favorite one has been percy and annabeth.
⤷ if the second one happens, you and annie feel like the third wheel of their bromance.
✴ he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad, and... his mom is dead, so he introduces you to thalia, apollo, and maybe hera. also with all of your other friends.
⤷ "guys, this is yn."
⤷ "are you forgetting that i've known half of them longer than you have? did your amnesia came back?
⤷ "the voices in your head are getting louder, my love."
✴ that man LOVES pet names. specifically the original ones he comes up with for you.
✴ he loves to gossip with you.
✴ he is SO FUNNY. we have to stop pretending he's not.
✴ for your anniversary he would probably make you a memory book of your whole relationship.
✴ "i love you, good night, dear."
⤷ "are you staying with me? isn't that against the rules?"
⤷ "screw the rules. good night, my love."
✴ you're one of the few ones allowed to use his sword.
✴ loves matching outfits with you.
✴ he said, 'i love you' first. it was an accident when the two of you were in the middle of fighting monsters, and it just slipped.
✴ has your initials in a chain around his neck.
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blues824 · 9 months
I believe you know what I'm requesting :)) anyways
Happy new year!!
Hell yes I do. A marriage proposal from Sebek.
Gender-neutral reader
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Sebek Zigvolt
What was the point of elaborate plans if you could ruin them so easily because of an impulse? An inescapable urge? An act that was done despite having such an elaborate plan.
He had an entire plan to ask you to be his for eternity. To ask you to grow old alongside him. To ask you to be the person he returns home to when he places down the mantle of guard and soldier to take up the mantle of ‘husband’.
Yes, he was going to propose.
A picnic in the woods, fairy-lights strung up to make the scene feel a bit more romantic. This was all with both Lilia, Silver, and even Waka-sama’s help. He would have wined and dined you, reciting a poem he had carefully crafted, before pulling out the ring at the end, getting on his knee, and asking if you would marry him.
Why did you have to be the way that you are?
It was so hard yet so easy to just coexist with you. He could be his true self around you. You’ve even picked up his favorite book so that conversation would never cease between the two of you. However, it made him nervous that he could mess it all up at any given point.
This was his first time in a relationship, and it was serious. I mean, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, if you would have him. He wanted to make sure that the moment was perfect, tailored to both you and him.
However, it was on the way there where he popped the question. He was leading you by your hand when you made a joke. It was a simple joke about how you’ve blindly trusted everyone since you came to Twisted Wonderland, and he opened his mouth before he could think about it.
“If you marry me, then you won’t be trusting blindly anymore. Not if I can help it,” He didn’t register what he said until you stopped in your tracks.
“Is that an official proposal, Sebek Zigvolt?” You asked quietly. That’s when it hit him like a punch to the face.
“W-Would you want it to be?” Since when did he start stuttering? He was really messing this up. However, as you looked into his eyes with nothing but pure love and adoration, he found himself losing the embarrassment.
“...Yes, I would,” You said, going to wrap your arms around him, but he pushed you away a little. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, kneeling down on the ground and looking up to you as he opened the box up to reveal a ring.
Tears welled up in your eyes, a few slipping down, a smile gracing your lips. You could tell that Sebek was nervous with how he had tears in his eyes as well.
“Y/N, I originally intended to serenade you with a poem that I had created for you, as well as lead you to a picnic date that I had assistance in assembling. However, it seems as though you know how to break me down and make me toss away any plans. Which is why I am asking you now. Will you marry me?”
A brief moment of silence took over… even the birds went quiet. Sebek’s heart was pounding against his ribcage, waiting for your answer. Then, you nodded your head, reaching your hand out to him as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
“I’m sorry I ruined your plans, darling,” You giggled through sobs, finally being able to wrap your arms around his neck as he stood up. His hands went to your waist.
“For you, I would gladly forsake every plan and itinerary just to be with you, for your presence is the most enchanting destination I could ever hope to reach,” The emotions were too much for you, so you just pulled him into a kiss, hoping to convey all those unsaid emotions. He seemed to get the message, leaning forward as he kissed you back to put you in a small dip.
Both of you were excited to see what fate had in store for you next.
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Also, it's very funny to me how seemingly every robot fucker who played New Vegas (me included) heard him mention that update at the end and thought "Well, House was a horndog, so I bet there's some freaky shit in those files..."
Obviously we don't fuck Yes Man before he has the ability to say 'no' to anyone...
Yes Man (Fallout: New Vegas) NSFW Headcanons
Prone to faking or exaggerating "injuries" or glitches that require repair jobs to get you to touch and baby him. He spends a lot of his own time and energy doing things for others, keeping them happy and taking care of them. I'd like to think he would really appreciate that same energy being turned towards him...but I don't think he would like the idea of being candid about it, so he may feel the need to "trick" you into giving him what he needs. Getting to feel your bare hands on his most delicate components, in the most intimate parts of his body (regardless of which form) is such a thrill for him, and it makes him feel so connected to you. Mysteriously only ever wants you to help him and doesn't believe anyone thinks anything of it. He's so embarrassed the first time you really call him out on it that he nearly reboots from the stress.
If you fucked Benny, he's actually pretty jealous about it. He doesn't fully grasp that that's what he's feeling, at least for a good while; all he really knows is that when he thinks about you being with the former Boot Rider, when he remembers the sounds you made and the way you talked to him, he gets Upset™️. Granted, he has no love for the man who only planned to push him around and use him as a tool from the very beginning, so he may mistake his jealousy for pure dislike of Benny. However, he feels the same gross feeling any time he sees you getting a little too close with anyone. You'll notice a sharp increase in him suddenly appearing to interrupt your conversations, popping in on screens and over speakers to call you away from anyone trying too hard to gain your attention.
Quite the little voyeur; there are cameras everywhere along The Strip, inside and outside, and he devotes a consistent amount of processing power to tracking your whereabouts and making sure you're okay. It starts out as a way to soothe his own worries (and curiosities) when you're out and about alone, but quickly the curiosity takes over and morphs into a sort of obsession. He really likes you, and he wants to know everything about you. How else is he supposed to make you happy? Tries his hardest to hide how often he watches you, but he's not good at not outing himself, and eventually the two of you will be due for a chat about what you find appropriate, even if you find the idea of him watching you in some places kinda sexy. He will agree to your terms...and largely go about watching you the way he was before, because how can he help if you just so happen to walk by the cameras? Gets quite a thrill from watching you bathe, sleep. Doesn't mention that he watches you in the bathroom because he doesn't want you to tell him that he can't anymore.
Securitrons don't have penises, of course, but that won't stop him from further modifying himself if doing so will make you happy. He's a little insecure about his physical "body", so anything that'll give him the feeling that he can satisfy you without being human is just grand to him. As in all things, he's eager to please. You want parts of him to vibrate more strongly so that you can grind yourself against him until you cum? Say no more. Wish he had an actual cock? He'll figure out how to jerryrig one...just make sure you clarify what your size limit is, because he'll rock up with a literal second leg crafted from metal and silicon and then be confused as to why you're terrified of it.
Finds it rather difficult to fuck you himself; his Securitron body's "hips" are tough to articulate, and he often feels like he's failing to penetrate you properly or like he's jackhammering you within an inch of your life. You insist that you like the jackhammering (most of the time), but he still develops quite the fondness for letting you climb in his lap and ride him. Granted, the only place he's really effectively able to "lay down" or "sit" is the floor, but the two of you make it work. He loves the way you cling to him and sigh his name as you come apart. If you want it from behind with Yes Man, you're either going to have to do reverse cowgirl or get on your hands and knees and just throw it back at him while he stands next to the bed. It makes him feel bad when you have to put in that much effort, but he'll do it if that's what makes you cum.
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l0cal-catb0y · 11 months
Hero!Ghoap x God!Reader brainrot
this is mainly about ghoap cuz i didnt focus on them in the first post and they deserve love too!! and i wanna add backstory :33 based off this post i made and i think i want them to be childhood friends!! (its one of my favorite tropes im sorry </3)
once again this is just word vomit !! not my best but it must be shared :DD but also!! let me know if you have any ideas for what reader should be the god of cuz i really have no ideas and i wanna add more details to them!!
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definingly have the vibe they would've meet by running into each other playing in a field when they were very young and just ended up sticking together. simon found comfort in johnny's presence and just sort of started following him everywhere he went with johnny just completely okay with dragging this boy around cuz!! he gets to have fun with his friend!! :DD sadly though they have to have reason to become fighters for plot reasons </33 their village gets destroyed, burnt and looted with few survivors left. theyre both distraught and angry with johnny openly wanting to track down the people behind the attack and fuck them up (simon too but hes silent about it) maybe johnny starts getting ready to start that hunt without telling anyone but simon can just read him perfectly and just pulls him aside to tell him that he's coming too.
I feel like along their hunt they would stop and take care of anyone that were causing issues, probably with just small trouble makers but as they become stronger and more experienced they deal with whole gangs of people (they end up getting the names ghost and soap along the way somehow) they become more renowned for their strength and victories that even cities far off know them!! im thinking the group that destroyed their village became an army and overconfident to the point of disrespecting the gods (probably not all but definitely some big ones) so when ghost and soap become bigger names they are given the upperhand with the backing of the gods who wish to put the group back into place. they basically get to the level of demigods !!
romance wise though,,, giggles,,, somewhere along their journey after a hard fight they would confess while patching each other up, the concern for each other far outweighing the fear of rejection <33 the gentle touch of making sure theyre still there and the whispers of love would be so soft after they know its a mutual love omg. their routines change a little afterwards too!! like simon giving johnny little trinkets to have in his pockets (probably something handmade when he cant sleep) and johnny braiding part of simon's hair before a fight (maybe he braids a piece of simon's hair into his own braid and his hair into simon's?)
I don't think they would actively worship one particular god? they would give offerings every so often as thanks for the blessing or in hope of getting some luck with something (finding info or just having good weather) but they are mainly on their own for the most part. yes they are favored more than others but it doesnt mean the gods really care about them yknow? they both know theyre just a means to an end for some of them :((
so when you start looking out for them theyre both just :OO you actually care about them outside of what they can do!! you help them with small things!! your watching eyes comfort simon when he cant sleep!! you guide johnny to peaceful areas for him to relax and draw at!! you send your associated animal to keep watch if they ever both crash after a fight!! they start to add stuff to their routines that relate to you in some way :33 making crafts of your symbols and having one with them for "good luck" or making a small spot for you at every camp they make or talking to you (aka the open air of your spot) about their plans and what they wanna do next!!
idk man brainrot and lack of sleep are getting to me!! im going to rotate these two in this au in my head for the next month ^-^
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lonely-north-star · 2 months
jewelry maker mammon x retail worker mc pt 2
hi guys, two people asked for part two and now I'm here. Did not expect people to find enjoyment in this.
Part one above, not sure how to shorten it on mobile. Once again, this is me projecting onto my MC because I'm not suffering alone. Anyway, more craft store silliness !!
-Mammon attends the hiring event, dressed in a button down shirt and his hair combed. It's his Lucky Interview Outfit™
-He's kinda nervous because he really would like to work here and doesn't want to blow his chance
-The store manager recognizes him, and Mammon can't tell if this is good or bad
-Good because he's already got him laughing, and it helps brush over the fact that there's a few gaps in his resume
-The manager admits he had hoped to see Mammon there and it's good to put a name to a face
-Asks Mammon what he wants to work as, which Mammon kinda shrugs at, saying he's pretty flexible, but reminds him he's already good with the beads
-Says they'll label him as a floor person and put him anywhere as needed
-His first day is filled with training which he finds extremely boring until MC comes in to the break room
-She stops in her tracks and is stunned to see him there, before she recovers and smiles at him
"You're gonna work here now?"
"Nah, they just gave me a vest and name badge for nothing."
-She huffs and side eyes him as she grabs her equipment, rolling her eyes when she puts her bag away. Turns around, handing him a yellow star sticker
"For your badge."
-Suddenly he's even more eager to finish training and get to work
-His first days, he works short shifts during her hours and trains on the register (because everyone needs to know they claim)
-MC falls short of shaking him, sternly telling him to ask questions, no, she will not get mad. Yes, she may look irritated but she always looks like that. She'd rather you ask.
-They let him take over on his third day and he has great interactions with every customer
-He gets two credit card applications immediately. Had to walkie for help because he knew the script, but not the process (because no one ever gets them)
-The manager group chat receives a single photo of his tally sheet from the store manager because "Five sign ups! Three protection plans! Where has this cashier been my whole career? 🔥"
-He quickly becomes a favorite because of how good his numbers are
-No one knows how he does it but as long as higher ups aren't breathing down their neck everyone is happy
-It's because he's extremely motivated by the sticker rewards MC gives out. They're scented
-He might be good at the register but he hates staying up there when it's slow because he feels trapped. He can only recover the queue line so much guys
-Will beg to go on the floor if he's met the goal for the week and there's another person scheduled. Or will work to make the goal first and then beg to switch places
-On Fridays he works mornings in order to do jewelry repacks (Repacks are boxes of mixed products that get sent to us that we have to sort into other boxes by department. These things are like 12 x 10 x 20 inches maybe?)
-They are PACKED with products. The strung beads specifically come wrapped in bubble wrap or sealed bags by the SKU. Same goes for other products like findings, wire, and string. You spend a lot of time ripping open the package, pulling it out, scanning it, and then putting it on the shelf
-But see, Mammon knows these aisles better than the back of his hand. He doesn't need the scanner
-He'll unwrap handfuls at a time of strung beads and immediately start putting them out. Anything that goes in the next aisle he doesn't touch because he will not be walking back and forth, he's going to gather it all up and do it at once
-He spends barely an hour on each box, and once he's done, he admires any of the new items that came in. As a treat.
-Replen manager comes to check on him and she's stunned to find him done. She buys him a pastry from across the street as a reward
-He does help out with other repacks, but it takes him longer since he's not as familiar with the aisles
-Despises craft paint with a burning passion. Do NOT put him in that aisle or he will throw a fit. Threatens to quit (wouldn't actually)
-Gets frustrated easily with that aisle because the paint tubes fall over too often. And his hands are too big to reach for the one that fell over, and he'll end up knocking more over because the shelves are too close together
-Has trouble folding T-shirts. MC has shown him multiple times but he can't stay consistent with it
-One time she found him kneeling on the floor trying to fold a shirt. Has not let him fold since
-Now if they're working together, she folds them and he puts them away. It's efficient.
-After three weeks, he's gotten pretty good with memorizing the store and product locations. He has come to this conclusion.
Hell: Craft paint, T-Shirts, Open Stock Paintbrushes
Heaven: Jewelry <3, Kids Beads, Seasonal, Yarn
Neutral: Fine Arts, Ribbon (Thin Ice), Stickers, Fabric, Floral, Baking (Hates the baking pans specifically though), Wood, Frames, the rest of the store basically
-He likes making things look neat (actually likes the way MC looks pleased when he drags her over to show it off)
-If they're working together, he might get slightly distracted and trail after her to chat. She only allows it if it's slow.
-If someone needs help she'll shoo him away/send him off. He'll come right back after he's done though
-Otherwise she's walking through the aisles recovering with him and doing returns, handing him stuff and pointing to where it goes as he rambles about a new commission he made. Or the newest beads they got in stock.
"Says B 23."
"And they said they we're gettin' it for their partner-"
"There. Next to the red gift bags."
"-but how do ya not know their favorite color?! C'mon! That's like the first thing ya learn!"
"What's yours?"
"Blue. Or gold. And yellow, when gold ain't an option, because yellow is a lot more common. But none of that neon crap! Nah, like.. like.. I'll show ya when we reach the bead aisle! Anyway, they came back all-"
-'Yellow.' She thinks. Fitting, for someone who brightens her day so much. She shakes the thought away.
-She won't admit it but she does enjoy it. It makes the time pass faster.
"Did you know the beads go on sale Sunday? And we get paid this Friday. Are you gonna buy any?"
"...Are ya messin' with me?"
"Why would I be?"
"I'm going to buy so many things."
-MC starts to dread Sunday, and knows she's gonna have to reign him in. Oh boy.
hahaha pt 3 is in the works, i think. Because I had more ideas, but this got long again. Rest of this is me rambling.
Anyway, today I worked on repacks for Research™. And because I didn't wanna hear people asking if things are in the back. NO. I DID IT ALL TODAY !! EVERY LAST BIT !! (for t shirts and jewelry at least)
Took me four hours to do three jewelry boxes, though I did stop multiple times to help customers and go fulfill online orders. And unlike Mammon, I did need a scanner for some of it.
T shirts I did five boxes and took ten minutes a box since I didn't need the scanner except a handful of times. So it definitely varies on what department you're doing how long you'll take and how familiar you are with the aisle. For reference, it took my coworker 3.5 hours to do two boxes of jewelry.
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afyrian · 3 months
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no. 8 - googly eyes masterlist
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    glue, glitter, and googly eyes, the three main components of any good craft time. you can supply kids with an array of supplies, but none will ever as integral as those three. which you learn rather quickly when you head down for your scheduled time. 
  the table is already covered in glitter and cut up pieces of paper. popsicle sticks are violated behind belief and little girls are destroying each other's creations. after seeing the sight that sits before you, you breath a sigh of relief knowing that your group will likely be a little more mature. however, you can't help but feel bad for yachi.
  she sits at the corner of the table, right besides the one your group will be sitting at. she has some bags under her eyes and is clearly regretting choosing one of the younger groups of kids. they're going crazy around the table and are occasionally spilling things on her and not caring. "you doing okay?" you sit next to her, pursing your lips. 
  "i'm so tired, please distract me with something that is adult related,” she grabs your shoulder with her hands, resting her forehead on them, sighing out loud. 
  you tap your chin, narrowing your eyes, “ooh yeah, i’m stuck with atsumu all week if you didn’t see the plans. like last night, we had a scary campfire night and like we laughed together.. it was wild.”
  she raises her head up with her mouth wide open and her eyes staring into yours. “oh my gosh, you were flirting with atsumu miya?!”
  the volume of her voice immediately makes you cringe, hands reaching to cover her mouth. the idea of ‘flirting’ with him makes you want to laugh and roll your eyes. “no! we were just laughing, nothing more! besides, for one, he doesn’t even remember me. and two, he was such an.. ass,” you try to whisper the last part, looking down at some modeling clay in front of you.
  “you totally were,” yachi shakes her head, grabbing a pencil and doodling on her paper, “and who cares! he could be this new person, i mean you wouldn’t be laughing with him if he is as he was years ago. like yes, you’re totally valid for how you feel about how he treated you. so talk to him about it or something! especially because i can totally tell you’re freaking out.”
  you shake your head slightly, pulling at the clay and squishing it back into a ball. “it’d just be awkward, i mean i acted like i didn’t know either.. just to save from the embarrassment,” you lean forward, resting your forehead on the table, letting out a short sigh.
  “oh my gosh, y/n, i can’t believe you. you’re so lucky i have to leave soon because i want to be hounding you so bad,” she leans against her hand, elbow resting on the wooden table. 
  you roll your eyes at her words, acting like they didn’t make you feel something. last night, even if it’s your worst nightmare come true, you did have fun. pretending to argue with him, proving him wrong and watching as he tries to hold back a truthful apology. something about it stirred a feeling within, and yachi certainly isn’t help you understand what it may be. 
  “well you’d be hounding about nothing.. we do have archery after this so i will let you know how it goes. but nothing is happening between us,” you lean over and bump her shoulder, trying to ignore that feeling in your gut.
  yachi looks over at you, shaking her head. she’s always known you a little better than you’ve known yourself. she’s intuitive like that, ignoring the activity just to give you advice, “ooh something will definitely happen, trust me. you just watch.”
  she gets up from her spot to bring her group with her to their next activity. looking back at you she points her finger at you, “you’ll see! especially if you tell the truth!”
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a/n: this is so short but i wanted to get something out!! it didn’t post last night this is fantastic D: taglist (open): @lemurzsquad, @froyaoya, @localgaytrainwreck, @guitarstringed-scars, @girlkissersco, @hyenagoated
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zsakuva · 6 months
How do you come up with so many intricate plots and characters? They seem so… human? I’m very surprised you don’t read much! I guess what I’m asking is, what’s your creative process? Do you take inspiration from aspects of yourself, or is it more of a form of escapism? When you write your plots, do you imagine yourself as the character, the audience, or both? 
Another thing that truly amazes me and makes your channel stand out a lot is the way you give the listener a voice. It feels like each listener is so different and unique, and *actually* interacts with the character. It also feels like you’re never spoon feeding us information? All the questions do get answered, but it’s different style imo. Usually, in most ASMR RPs I’ve heard, the speaker will repeat what you said verbatim, (eg. “You think XXX?”, or “You want me to XXX?”), and the frequency at which these types of phrases are used makes it *seem* like a RP. Of course, it’s a challenging medium - the audience needs to know whats going on somehow, but you manage to achieve the same in a much more subtle way. It makes me wonder how long you spend planning out your content haha.
Final question, do you prefer to type or handwrite your plans, scripts, etc? I’ve always preferred planning on paper, even though it’s a bit impractical haha. Also, would you mind showing us your handwriting? I think it says a lot about a person! There’s the stereotype that people usually have a certain handwriting that corresponds to their major/occupation, and if I remember correctly, I think you studied film? I’m just curious hehe. No pressure, of course!
Sorry for sending you an essay, I hope you have a restful and comfy Friday! 
Thank you!
Honestly, I don't know how I do it myself considering my memory is absolute shit! Though I don't read much, I learn about characters through other mediums such as television shows and movies. I'll try and break this down for ease of reading!
~My Creative Process~
When making a character or series, it all depends on where my initial inspiration began. For example, with Niall, I wanted to create an M4M series exploring a character who carries trauma of being forcibly outed, betrayed by someone he confided in, and how those events affected him through his adult life. The core of Niall's story was confronting fears that manifested due to the Listener's actions in school, and finding that there was a way to heal, albeit slowly, and a hope to love despite external animosity. Niall exists because I wanted to tell a particular story.
With Zaros, he first came about because of The Noble Trials plot. I knew that he would be different from other characters, so I'm using this series as a means of testing my skill with a new editing style, story format, and new world setting. Although it's more work, I have the most fun with The Noble Trials and making its lore (though I'm always a sucker for that)!
I go into creating characters with the belief that they are all extremely flawed. Whether that be by nature or nurture, there will inevitably be some slew of events in their pasts that shaped the way they act in the current timeline. This also extends to the Listeners so they aren't rigid, boring, and an empty shell. Characters can clash, but they can also change with and for each other. A good example is Isaac's story. He was scarred by his past, and was willing to confine Pickle in the house if it meant not losing someone he cared for again. Pickle was also scarred with abandonment and instability, wondering if they would ever find a home. Isaac gave them a place to belong, and Pickle gave him consolation and courage to face the unknown.
When I write, the character's actions must reflect the backstory in which they were crafted, so I always need to dive into their heads.
~Listener Dialogue~
This requires much more thought to make interactions seem authentic, but there's a fine line between repeating words verbatim and not alluding to any sort of context. I dislike repeating the Listener's words so I try to indirectly insinuate what they were saying whenever possible. If I can do so with SFX alone, that's a bonus! But when scenes contain heavy dialogue, it can be difficult to get the message across without being heavy-handed with repetition, unless that's the purpose of a specific moment.
~Handwriting vs Typing~
I always handwrite my outlines! On some occasions, I can start and finish a script without the help of one, but my workflow tends to include writing an outline of some kind, and it has to be done on paper! I feel like the ideas manifest quicker that way.
However, I always type my scripts. It's much easier to edit, share with other voice actors, and there's a level of professionalism in formatting that motivates me to write more!
Here is an example of my writing. This screenshot was part of a Twitch stream!
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love-toxin · 2 years
Me when I wanna be the one doing the baby trapping.
ok, but.....sticking with bully!Eddie here.....that is SO chef's kiss
(cws: bully!Eddie, babytrapping, nc, degradation, mentions of abortion, f!reader)
like......finally losing it because you're so sick of Eddie's taunting, his blackmail, his everything--so you poke holes in his condoms. you know he's broke, and you know he wants nothing more than to get out of Hawkins, so you craft a plan to ruin him from ever getting what he wants. you let him use you whenever he damn pleases, you try not to smirk when he's enjoying it so much--and you try not to let any feelings get to your head when he makes you cum, even when he uses his mouth to get you off after awhile despite calling you dirty and used and slutty more than half the time.
within a few weeks of that, the test comes up positive. even though it's what you wanted, it's got you so freaked when it's actually reality, you tell him in a panic and nearly spill your guts about what you did, too--you hoped to reveal it to him when it was too late to change, to watch his face fall and get to be the one laughing when he realizes his whole life is ruined. but you're lucky you don't blurt it all out.
"fuck," he pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing in what sounds like resignation, and not in the shock and fear you had initially been hoping for. "I'll...shit, I'll drive you to the clinic. I'll pay for it, too, I--listen, I'm really fucking sorry."
sorry. he's sorry. those words are the ones that shock you to your core, leaving you wide-eyed and open-mouthed as you stand there in his trailer. Eddie's....sheepish, almost, running his hand through his curls and rubbing the back of his neck as he tries not to look you in the eyes. "I didn't mean to....god, I'm sorry. this is my fault. I swear I'll leave you alone after this, I....didn't mean to go that far."
"....I-I wanna keep it."
you weren't even sure you were gonna say that, the words twisting up in your throat and spilling out your mouth before you can reel them back.
"you wanna....what? you're gonna keep my kid? are you fucking serious?" Eddie gapes, his tone biting you with fear for a moment--he looks scary, with that jacket on and all those chains and rings, with the tattoos and long hair and stony features. but it all drops when he lets out a long sigh, and looks you up and down while he shakes his head. "I don't....jesus, I don't get you. such a fucking freak."
"you're the freak." you spit back, and he steps forward with a languid swing to get close enough for you to smell him, cigarettes and weed and the slightest hint of spiced cologne.
"yeah, the freak that knocked you up." finally, a smirk breaks across his face, and he sidles up close to start rubbing his hand over your belly with a possessive look in his golden-brown eyes. "better be sure you don't wanna give it up, cause that baby's always gonna be mine."
"I'll make you pay child support if you're a shitty dad," you mutter back, and Eddie laughs in a snarky way, squeezing your stomach to feel for the slightest signs of a bump. he won't for a while, not from the baby at least, but you've got no idea how much he's gonna obsess over it once it starts showing. "or if you start fucking other girls."
"yeah, well, it'll have a stupid fucking whore of a mom, so we're even." he grins, tone dripping with mockery, and when you finally swat his hand away hard enough to sting he grabs you--both ringed hands squishing your cheeks, forcing your head back to take a kiss so messy and spit-filled you swear your tongues are on a first-name basis. "...you're actually cute when you're jealous, by the way." he huffs against your mouth when he finally breaks it off, wickedly licking the string of spit off your lips that he left behind. but he doesn't let you go--no, his grip just gets tighter, and he yanks you closer as he hums and murmurs something right before diving into another kiss. "mmh....gonna love being your baby daddy, brat. better gimme a boy, though--else I'm just gonna have to fuck another one into you til you get it right."
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starlightiing · 4 months
💜with galex? 😙
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss - GALEX
Stardew Valley AU for the win? Yes. YES. Galex Stardew Valley AU.
"I finished repairing the fences for the cows, by the way. The wood on the left side was nearly rotted through, and I swear if you had let Oodles of Moodles or Cowabunga escape--"
George scoffs and rolls his eyes, effectively cutting Alex off with a curt, "One plank was rotted through, Alex. One plank."
"And that's one plank too many, if you ask me. I saw the way Oodles of Moodles was eyeballing her escape." Alex says with a grin, one that betrays the nature of his words. "It's high time I teach you how to fix your own fences, I reckon."
"I reckon," George agrees, "Especially if it will put an end to your dramatics. Shakespeare would have loved you."
"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you very much. Now hand me that hammer." Alex points to the discarded tool at George's feet, before sliding a dirty arm across his forehead to wipe away the sweat that had built up there.
George bends down and grabs the hammer, though his gaze is completely deadlocked on Alex. It's a rather warm day and the thin white t-shirt that hugs Alex's chest is nearly soaked through with sweat. George would normally find reason to curl his nose up at this - but he can make out every curve and dip of Alex's chest through the now translucent material, and quite frankly he thinks he has had enough.
Enough of Alex coming to his rescue every time he calls. Enough of those bright, Earth-shattering smiles he flashes George's way every time he makes a ridiculous joke. Enough of his strong hands and his warm eyes, and that utterly infuriating sound he makes before he laughs. He's had enough of the teasing, enough of the ambiguous flirting, and the way Alex really sees him for who he is beyond the front of the rich, spoiled city boy that everyone else is so eager to accept at face value.
George is not an impulsive person. His words and actions are so carefully crafted in his mind, down to the finest detail. He thinks and he plans - that is his specialty. Funny, how one glance over at a man so beautiful it makes his knees weak could destroy everything he's ever known about himself and worked so hard to achieve.
He rushes forward, mind and heart tangled deeply in turmoil, and presses a kiss to Alex's lips. It's a soft thing, no more than a mere meeting of warm skin against warm skin, but it alights something in George that makes his heart beat faster and his hands tremble. The hammer slips from his grasp and hits the ground with a dull 'thunk', and neither of them pay it any mind.
"Well, well, city boy," Alex breathes, and George considers it a triumph that Alex's usual confidence is missing from his tone, "I didn't realize you felt this strongly about fence repair."
"Oh, come off it." George shoots back in response, but he's smiling so goddamn bright he can physically feel the shine radiating off of himself. "Tell me you wanted it, too. That's all I want to hear."
Something strange flashes across Alex's face at George's words. It's akin to surprise, perhaps, like George has said something so completely unexpected. Another triumph, he thinks, as he pulls down more and more of Alex's walls.
"It wasn't already obvious, George? Of course I wanted it. In fact, get back over here. I'm not through with you just yet."
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tossawary · 1 year
This @tossawary blog is and has always been a side-blog, where I post about fic updates and random fandom thoughts and art. I do think of it as my "main" blog.
My side-blog where I actually reblog cool art and crafts and animation and so on, for a variety of fandoms, is @nestofgreeneggs I've been working on filling up the queue with art and such from my likes again. I forget to fill it up sometimes or I'm too tired to tag properly, and I like to tag everything so that I can find things again, potentially for reference.
My primary blog (the not side-blog of this account), however, is now @tossawarytoo, so you may see me pop up in replies or likes as that blog (I don't seem to have that new "choose which blog to reply with" feature yet). I'm not posting anything to that blog at the moment and I currently have no plans to post anything to that blog.
People are welcome to go through both @tossawary and @nestofgreeneggs at any time, and "spam like" and "spam reblog" as they please. It doesn't annoy me. I'm not keeping track. Honestly, it makes me happy to know that people are actually making use of and enjoying all of the posts that I've made or collected over the years.
For example? My "#fic ideas" tag! I have to recognize that I can't possibly write every idea that I've ever posted here, and I can't exactly stop anyone who feels inspired wants to take a shot at them, so I say: "Go for it!" If we both end up taking a crack at the same premise, then the more, the merrier! (As they say: "Holy shit, two cakes!") My only request is maybe a shoutout if you make use of any specific or extensive ideas that I proposed, a link to the original post would be cool in that same case, and to have fun. You don't have to tell me or ask first. Though I would appreciate being told afterwards if you post!
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goodluckclove · 5 months
Hello, uh, I have a question. When you started out writing, what actually inspired you to write? And did you have to go to a writer's workshop for it?
I'm working on a fic right now that I'm planning to post on AO3. I'm currently working on its storyline, but the thing is is that I've never attended a writer's workshop before. Every little one shot and short story and essay I've written was purely self-taught and experience working together. Do I really have to take lessons in order to make a compelling story? Or can I teach myself all I need to know effectively?
Hey look, it's someone finally asking a question I've been too anxious to bring up unprompted! Lucky for you the answer is very simple, but I'm going to go ahead and make sure it's particularly visible for the sake of clarity.
So you're asking me, do you need lessons in order to write a compelling story? Well I'm not one for making any definitive answers when it comes to writing advice, but I'm just going to go ahead and
I've taken a grand total of three writing classes in my entire life, and the only use I got out of them was an excuse to write more. Any writing class that claims to give you the one true guide to writing a story people will want to read is run by little piss wizards whose only spells focus on shams and tom-fooleries.
i do not like writing classes. Writing workshops are different, as they're spaces where you bring things you've already written and discuss them with groups of other writers. They aren't always perfect depending on the workshop you attend, but it's usually a good place to get a variety of perspectives and to sort of test whether or not something might work. A writing workshop won't tell you how to write, they'll look at what you've already written and give you feedback.
So by that logic, did I teach myself how to write? Not really. I don't actually think that's possible. My writing is a culmination of every story that's ever touched me, mixed with the years and years that I spent just putting word to the proverbial paper. I read a lot of books, and I also saw a lot of plays and movies. I exposed myself to different stories and perspectives in order to give myself a sense of what spoke to me and what didn't.
And then I just wrote. A lot. I wrote a lot of things that I don't think anyone will ever read and that's fine because they were all my own personal jam-out session.
So yeah, write your story. Write it now and accept that your craft will be refined through time and practice. And remember, anyone who says you need to take a writing class to earn the write to create is a goddamned piss wizard who has no idea what they're talking about.
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fatratinatophat · 3 days
Promised you guys your Scraps and Goob headcanons since that poll won so here they are!
If someone wants to steal these, you're more than welcome to, I'd prefer getting credit if possible. If someone ends up using these for a comic or fanfic or something I'd love to see it so pls tag me or PM me I love reading my silly things :]
Scraps made Goob because she wanted a fellow Toon that would share her interests and hang out with her since the others weren’t really particularly crafty and didn’t share her interests
Goob just randomly showed up in Gardenview one day, both employees and other toons were extremely confused but the company decided to monetize on the free toon. His random appearance is also why he’s not on almost any posters
Goob was originally her height but he ended up growing a lot taller than her, Scraps is not happy about this development
His sharp teeth were also unintended, growing in randomly as he got bigger, Scraps was very confused
She originally planned to make his arms like the rest of his body, but underestimated the amount of fabric it would take to make him, so she improvised with long strips of rubber and red and blue felt to make his hands, which is why they look out of place
His arms are also filled with poly beads (pretty sure that’s the right name, it’s the beads put in things like weighted blankets and heavier plushies to weigh them down) because she ran out of stuffing too
Dog and cat coded, you can guess who’s who
Both get zoomies cause I said so
Scraps WILL sit in boxes and circles on the floor, you cannot stop her
Scraps purrs and kneads when they’re both just hanging out instinctively
Goob is tall, Scraps is short
Goob is extremely clumsy, and this causes him to get rips pretty frequently, Scraps usually sews him up, whenever a spot starts to look too strange cause of all the sewing, she will cover it with a custom patch
Scraps is made of construction paper with her hands being Pom poms, her parts have to get replaced quite frequently, Goob helps her with this
Goob is usually very calm and non confrontational however, if someone is bullying Scraps and ONLY Scraps, he gets slightly violent and will slap whoever was talking to her rudely, this hurts quite a bit because of the poly beads in his hands. Nobody dares to say anything rude to Scraps when her brother’s nearby (Except the rare Shrimpo insult when he forgets)
The two of them are basically attached at the hip, rarely ever apart for long periods of time, let alone at all
Neither of them can feel pain because they’re made of craft materials, they can feel what’s happening to them though it just doesn’t hurt
When either of them lose all their hearts in a round, they don’t die they just simply are incapable of moving anymore (Ripped off arms/legs, etc)
Phew alright I’m done, might edit this in the future if I get any better ideas to add but here they are, all the headcanons I have so far for these 2. Can you tell I think about them too much?
Below is ur promised doodles (They’re very low effort they’re not good also do me a favor and pretend I drew Scraps’ head right in the first image, ok?)
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
i was thinking about a concept for Waylon Jones/Killer croc with a Arkham Asylum intern who respects him and only wants to help him, even with his appearance. Could you do it?
I can try, kept it general. Darling acts as a psychologist.
Yandere! Waylon Jones/Killer Croc with Arkham Asylum Intern! Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Murder, Blood, Kidnapping implied, Trauma, Possessive behavior.
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His backstory fits this type of darling so well.
Waylon hasn't experienced much, if any at all, respect due to his appearance since he was young.
He never really expected that to change while he grew up.
He was seen as a monster, so he must be a monster.
He always treated others with aggression, giving into his role.
It was getting difficult to give him treatment in the asylum.
Even with the muzzle, cuffs, and other restraints... he still acted violent.
Waylon was unwilling to listen to reason.
Then they brought in a fresh face, a new intern trying to learn their craft.
Your first encounter started like all the others.
He glares at you from his restraints while you come in with that stupid clipboard.
He snarls, acts like how society sees him.
However... you're rather patient.
"I can't blame you for feeling this way. From what I heard... your history with people is poor due to their judgement."
He scoffs, playing it off like you didn't affect him.
"Are you mocking me?"
"Why would I mock you? I know how cruel people can be. They just don't understand you."
"What makes you think you understand me?"
"Maybe not yet... but I plan to."
Waylon acts like you don't connect with him.
Although it really is hard to hide the excitement that's visible when he sees you.
He perks up when the door opens, even more if he heard you behind it.
You can tell he's more relaxed when you talk with him.
He doesn't like talking about his past, but you encourage him.
You try not to be physical with him due to his strength and size.
One time out of habit you put your hand to his scaley skin, he then flinched back and snarled.
Last time you did that, unfortunately for him.
Your comforting touch really made him yearn.
It doesn't matter if he sees you romantically or just as someone to cling to, you become the best therapy he could ever have.
The downside was you made him want to break out more now-
Only with you did he feel some sort of tranquility.
It irks him that he can't properly delve into your care.
You see him as a patient... while he wishes he could hold you and take in your warmth.
Things become an issue when he's let out. (most likely by another inmate, like Joker)
Maybe you're in the building, maybe not, either way he's going to hunt you down.
He doesn't care who he has to tear apart to find you, he will.
You haven't convinced him he isn't a monster, no.
You've just made him believe you care for him, even as a monster.
Then you surely must know him being covered in blood while blocking you in a corner is expected, right?
You should've know what you were getting into.
"What's wrong, doctor? Expected the monster to change so fast?"
He may be gentle towards you, but others aren't so lucky.
Like an animal, he's possessive of you.
He appreciates you trying to help.
Now he doesn't want to let you go.
You're fearful, in tears, all while scaled arms hold you to his chest.
Blood seeps into your hair and clothing... deep growls rumbling against your back.
He never takes his eyes off you.
If anyone comes in and tries to take you from his claws, he roars.
You try to warn them;
Don't come any closer!
But you can't stop Waylon launching off you, ripping into the supposed threat.
Waylon, who you thought your treatment worked on, was now covered in blood and staring at you.
His stare holding such psychotic care.
He promises he'll treat you as well as you did him.
Sure... you may be living in the sewer with him, yet it doesn't matter.
He cares for you...
He'd kill for you...
He'd be a monster if it meant keeping you.
"Come on, doc... I thought you understood me?"
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You know, I was wondering this for months now. Considering Yosano’s painful backstory, how do you think she felt about dazai’s suicide mania. Seriously, it’s all he talks about.
This is really interesting anon. I'm not sure if they interact much to be honest. I'm trying hard to think of a moment they actually talk... well, we do know she's at the core of the plan to revive him if he ever does die, and she absolutely would've been a part of that discussion so I think it's a given that she's looking out for him at least a little, in her own way. I would say, given her reaction to Kajii's obsession with death and her typical blunt demeanor, she probably thinks Dazai's fixation on suicide is uh... pretty stupid. But at the same time, the life he's threatening there is his own, so I like to think there was some brief concern at the beginning.
See, I think for the very reasons I'd love to see them interact (history with Mori, unfortunate commonalities with Mori they probably don't like, similar defense mechanisms of projecting an image to avoid uncomfortable questions or people getting too close - one, mischievous and lazy, and the other, highly respected and slightly sadistic)... I think this is exactly why they probably don't.
See, I don't think Dazai knows Yosano's history. He doesn't have a way of knowing it, and it's kind of the Agency's best kept secret - Fukuzawa and Ranpo are the only ones who appear to know. However, Dazai's countenance is such that he immediately had Fukuzawa telling Kunikida to just shoot him if he proves to be a threat lmao, and given a lot else in the series, I just assume that to those who aren't Atsushi or random people who get the filter of dialed-up charm Dazai, that the man just gives off supremely bad vibes. I feel like, if anything, Yosano was probably on alert around him for a bit. Dazai operates a lot like Mori, after all, and I doubt that would've gotten past her.
Also their defense mechanisms are the same. Like. They actually have some really fascinating commonalities. I love the part where Yosano grabs Atsushi's leg to examine it in her first focal chapter. I know that sounds weird but, just look.
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Up until this point, all we know about Yosano is that she takes no crap from stupid people (especially stupid guys), is a doctor whose methods are... questionable, and apparently everyone in the Agency respects her but is also terrified of her. But this scene shows us something else: she's incredibly analytical. Her medical knowledge allows her to tell how Atsushi's ability is working in an instant, but when asked about it, she goes back to "shame I couldn't treat you", which is more in line with her "terrifying doctor" image she's built up. She deflects anything other than this image, is what I'm trying to say. It reminds me a lot of when Dazai gets serious then flips it so it seems like the moment was just him being silly and goofy.
Anyways, their defense mechanisms are similar in that they both build up carefully crafted images to avoid questions and vulnerability - Yosano by making herself more threatening and Dazai by making himself less threatening - so yeah, I don't think any interactions would have them being anything but being super roundabout and cordially pleasant with each other (much as I think there is some mutual respect there between them... I love the bit where Yosano is about to go full feral on the guy who hurt the cafe owner and Dazai's full-on smirking about it like "ohoho you screwed up big time lol").
As for the whole suicide thing, I know it can be uncomfortable the way the Agency brushes off his attempts, but I honestly think that Dazai's attempts are not actually serious (I firmly believe he is not actively trying to die anymore, even if he is still passively suicidal and genuinely depressed - he does it because it's a part of his nonthreatening yet disconcerting image, and also because it's likely a habit at this point), and that they probably have tried to speak with him about it at one point but it didn't go anywhere (because Dazai would never have an honest conversation about something like that...) so they settled for making a plan in case something did end up happening to him. From the wording in 55 Minutes, I thought it seemed pretty strongly implied that this plan was created less out of the potential for Dazai getting hurt on a mission than in the case of if he should ever hurt himself.
See, what I'd be interested to know is if Dazai made the terrible error in judgement of attempting to flirt with Yosano on introduction. ...I bet that went well.
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sugoi-and-spice · 4 months
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Answering the other part of this Q from @hunajan in a separate post rather than a reblog because...
Well, you'll see why lol.
This is SUCH a great question!
So yeah, when I was expanding this fic, and realized that I wanted it to be a story with deeper meaning, rather than just a straight up fetish-y dubcon/noncon fic (which there's nothing wrong with, it's just not the direction I wanted this story to go), and when I decided that I did indeed want Shigaraki and MC to be endgame - I knew that there was A LOT of work that was going to need to happen in the story, and from Shigaraki's end, to make that possible.
As a quick disclaimer, in real life, I do not think Shigaraki and MC's relationship would be salvageable. Dear readers, if your relationship with a person starts with a freaking sexual assault or a place of this deep of manipulation - fucking run, don't walk lol.
Buuuut, this is fiction, and I love writing about effed up characters trying to make each other's lives a bit less effed up, so yeah, this is a romance that I intend to give a happy ending.
Of course, I still don't want to make a happy ending easy for them. I fucking love me a character arc, and Shigaraki in this fic has one hell of a character arc to go through, one of the biggest steps of which is taking accountability and doing some serious fucking atoning.
So to answer the question, no, Shigaraki's realization and apology wasn't particularly difficult to write or plan out, but it was something I was very careful with and definitely put a lot of thought into. And so my first step in crafting this plot point was to look at one of my favorite atonement arcs in media:
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*nervously* Hahaha, I can hear the pitch forks sharpening already. A lot of people really hate this character and claim he has a shit redemption arc, but I couldn't disagree more tbh.
I think the most important aspect of atoning is accepting the fact that forgiveness must happen on the other person's terms - if it's granted at all. And if the person you've hurt doesn't ever forgive you, accepting that as well.
Endeavor's attempts for atonement are not perfect ones at first. He tries at first to mend his relationship with his kids, very much on his own terms:
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This is not a flaw with the arc mind you, imo, but an intentional flaw of the character. The rocky beginning on his road to atonement.
Because ultimately, mending the relationship, earning forgiveness, building a new life with his family - those are all things that he wants. They are things that would serve him, would make him happy. But that's not necessarily what's actually best for his family.
What's best for his family, is to free them. Separate himself from them so that if they decide to forgive and move forward with them, they can do it on their terms.
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^This right here is the scene that really brough My Hero Academia from good to great in my eyes. And made me realize how amazingly poignant Horikoshi was when it comes to telling stories about trauma and complicated family dynamics. It was such an amazing show of growth, maturity, and genuine care for his family, to want them all to just heal and be happy, even if that means he's not a part of it.
That's some damn good freaking atonement right there imo. And admittedly, it's probably due to some personal bias.
To be tmi for a sec, I have a lot of experience with abusive people, and abusive parents specifically. I am no contact with my father and very low contact with my mother. They are people who have done fucking terrible, awful things to me in my life and quite regularly, just expect me to forgive them without them putting any real work into changing things. They want me to forgive on their terms and their terms only, and they absolutely fucking expect forgiveness. Because that's what family does.
I can't tell you how much in my life I've wanted to hear them say:
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I think that is the pinnacle of an actual good apology honestly, and particularly when apologizing for doing truly horrendous things. It's to just reach out to people, say I'm sorry, you don't have to forgive me, but I am fucking sorry - I take full responsibility for your well-being and what I've put you through,. And then to work on making things better for others, and improving yourself going forward. No pushing, no love-bombing, no trying to make it up to them directly. To just lay it all out on the table and accept the consequences.
There's a reason that the 9th Step in AA is "making amends" and not "asking for forgiveness."
Sooooo, to bring it away from this Endeavor meta tangent, and back to your actual question - that's what I decided needed to be at the forefront of Shigraki's apology in Play Nice. Not the literal words "I'm sorry", but this part:
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His willingness to walk away if that's what she wanted and was best for her, even if doing so made his own life noticeably worse. The promise to not cause her anymore of that pain, no matter what it takes - that's what really needed to happen here I think to make their relationship salvageable honestly. That's what I really wanted to highlight.
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
[A3!] Event | A Postman Delivering Your Feelings | Episode 2
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Izumi: That’s it for sorting through the mail. I’ll have everyone else pick their’s up at dinner.
*Door opens*
Yuki: …You guys sure are a weird group to see together.
Izumi: Perfect timing, Yuki-kun. You got a postcard from your favorite craft store.
Yuki: Thanks. Probably a sales announcement or something.
Yuki: Anyway, what are you guys up to?
Masumi: We’re talking about the letter we all got.
Misumi: That reminds me, what were you guys talking about before I came?
Izumi: Actually, we just got a request from the local post office to do an event performance. I was just about to tell you guys about it.
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Misumi: Really!? We got a request from the post office!? That’s surprising~!
Yuki: A performance request from the post office… I never knew they wanted that sorta thing.
Tasuku: It is pretty weird. I’ve never really heard of that sorta thing before.
Masumi: I never knew they even did events like that.
Misumi: What kinda job is it~?
Izumi: Have you guys ever seen the post office holding an event at the shopping mall before? They hold one every couple of months.
Yuki: Oh, that thing they do at the plaza?
Misumi: I’ve seen them selling postcards before~!
Masumi: And I’ve seen them selling New Year’s cards.
Tasuku: I never knew they did that so often.
Izumi: We’ve been asked to look after visitors at the event and perform on stage and I’m planning on accepting their request.
Yuki: Hmm… But I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a stage at those post office events before.
Izumi: This time they wanted to do things a little differently for this special event.
Masumi: Special event? What is it?
Izumi: The person in charge of the post office event told me that the number of people sending postcards and letters has been decreasing every year due to the increase in smartphone use…
Izumi: They want people to know the importance of expressing their feelings and the joy of receiving handwritten letters by writing lettings themselves with the recipients in mind.
Izumi: But just doing their event as usual isn’t enough to get their point across…
Izumi: That’s why they’ve decided to hold an event with the theme of “To Your Loved Ones…”.
Izumi: And they want to appeal to a variety of people with the help of MANKAI Company at this event.
Tasuku: I mean, that’s fair, I hardly ever write letters.
Yuki: Me neither. LIME and other things are just way more convenient.
Misumi: But I’m always really happy when I get a letter~.
Masumi: I also feel like a letter conveys my feelings better than LIME or whatever does. That’s why I sometimes write letters to Director and give them to her.
Izumi: Yeah, I have gotten letters from Masumi-kun quite a few times.
Izumi: It really does make the recipient happy to think that the person who sent them the letter wrote each and every word with thought and care.
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Masumi: Director…
Masumi: I’ll write you 50 letters a day if it’ll make you happy.
Izumi: That sure is a lot…!
Misumi: ‘Kay, ‘kay! I wanna do this event!
Masumi: I’ll do it too.
Izumi: Yeah, based on what you two were saying about Respect-for-the-Aged Day before, I thought this would be the perfect event for you guys. I feel like I can trust you guys with this.
Izumi: Thank you, Misumi-kun and Masumi-kun.
Masumi: Yeah, leave it to me.
Misumi: We’ll do our best!
Izumi: What about you guys, Yuki-kun and Tasuku-san?
Yuki: Well… I don’t write letters anymore, but I used to write them. I guess I’ll do it.
Tasuku: I don’t really write letter either, but I get a lot of them from fans.
Tasuku: So doing it should be able to convey to them just how happy I was to get their letters.
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Tasuku: …People’s impressions of performances written out are kinda like letters, in a way.
Tasuku: I don’t have any guest performances coming up… I’ll do the performances too.
Izumi: Perfect, thank you so much! Alright, glad to have you on the team, you guys!
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