#they LOVE to be thrown around and 100% can and will do tricks
absurd-ash · 9 months
Sun Wukong and macaque x reader that can manhandle them?
{Wukong & Macaque x Reader}
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To say he finds it attractive is somewhat of an understatement
The fact that you, a mortal, can make him, the great sage equal to heaven, question his own strength? Oh boy
Although, lets be honest, if you two were actually fighting physically fighting each other and he actually wanted to hurt you, he could 100% win, he's the Monkey King, what did you expect?
But that doesn't change the fact that you can absolutely give him a few bruises here and there
He definitely uses your strength as an excuse to train with you, aka, hang out with you
Whenever your working out or training, you can bet your life on the fact that this man is checking you out
respectfully of course
Even though your strength makes him question his own, he has a big enough ego to tell himself he's just as strong as ever
Although, some nights he lays awake worrying that he's growing more weak, but luckily he soon realizes that thats not the case and your just oddly super strong
he also uses your strength as an excuse to make you train Mk instead
Obviously not with the Monkey King and staff powers, but more with just plain old strength
Dont blame him! He needs a break once in a while, at least thats what he says
But in all reality, he just loves watching his two favorite people bond, even though its over fighting/training with each other
If you ever just decide that you just want to pick him up, feel free to do so, he won't fight against it, he'll just smugly smirk
This especially works if you want to cuddle or spend time with him, who was he to say no to you?
Besides, it doesnt look like he has a choice, you know, with being thrown over your shoulder and everything
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Does he find it attractive? Absolutely, 100%. Will he ever tell you that? Hell no!
Although, it does make him question his won strength and worry that he's growing weak...
Can you blame him? Almost his whole life he's been comparing himself to Wukong, so the fact that you, can easily hold your own in a fight with him, makes him worry that he's growing weak, weaker than Wukong...
But all you need to do to dispose of these thoughts is to ask him to train with you
Why would you ask him if he was an easy fight to you, right?
At least this means he's a challenging fight to you, challenging enough to want to train with him
He trains a lot, so having you there, training with him makes it 100% better
He can also gives you a few tips and tricks if you ever workout with him or in front of him, he just wants you to be able to protect yourself
If you ever pick him up, either it be for cuddles, quality time, to put him to bed, or because he's in trouble, his whole face will be red
He'll sputter out shit like "I can walk on my own you know", but in all reality, he really does find it attractive
So if you make it a habit, just carrying him around almost everywhere you go, he'll just quickly become quiet, not trusting his own words to not expose him on how much he actually likes being carried by you
Hi! Sorry this is so short! I didn't really know what to do with this prompt so I was just trying my best! Hope you enjoy! :D
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bruciemilf · 1 year
knowing that bruce keeps people who hurt his kids alive so they can suffer- what about his kids? did they learn anything from him? how would they respond to him being hurt.
Of course. What's the equivalent of a mama bear for kids? Because that's exactly what they are.
Sometimes, it's trivial. It's an interesting thing, -- like watching an insect be dissected. There's 100 ways to do it, and it's a gamble on Bruce.
Sometimes it's being reprimanded at a stuffy Gala by an elderly couple whose children are on 10 different watch lists, because Damian was sleepy and couldn't finish some whatever desert,
" Why is he even here? Parents today are so scared of discipling their children."
And Bruce, -- Bruce who's tired, who's bled almost dry of energy, still trying to walk off the brutality of Gotham, nods. Batman fights, not him.
Bruce kisses Damian on his cheek instead, to reign him back more than not, " I'm doing my best,"
" People like you shouldn't have children. You should have your carer be here and be done with it."
" Oh wow," Jason looks at Tim, " Carer. Really. I'm about to monologue, son. Get the cameras ready."
Other times, its Bruce being slammed and crashed and thrown around like a plaything you don't love enough to be gentle with. Bane really doesn't like being off his juice.
And here's the trick. When that happens? They can simply take him back to arkham, when Bruce is healing in his alaskan king sized bed, reading Russian literurate to Cass and Damian and Jason.
They can.
Dick just wants some blood first.
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crownedghostprince · 1 year
Peter Maximoff x Goth!Reader Headcanons
Peter Maximoff x Goth!Reader Headcanons
Fandom: X-Men.
Some fun headcanons of what I think it'd be like to date Peter/Quicksilver, being a goth person.
Requests: Closed. Requested: no.
Warning(s): None! <3
Note: Enjoy! If I've written anything inaccurately, please correct me! Also reader's gender is unspecified but I do talk about 'Feminine' and 'Masculine' clothing styles.
Word Count: 1,017
[Second Person Perspective]
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(Picture reposted by " Four Alignments " tumblr from 2021 and original poster deactivated their account).
♡ Peter loves your style so much. All the layers of clothing, the matching colours, how any colour you add matches the black you often prefer to wear.
♡ He loves all of your accessories and will watch you create your own and sometimes even steal you some materials for you to use.
♡ If you make pop-tab chains, necklaces, button pins, bottle cap pins, etc; he'll gift you pop-tabs from the cans of soda he drinks during his free time and bottle caps he finds laying around the place.
♡ It's always fun to see him speed around a corner, put a pop-tab or bottle cap in your hand with a smile and then zoom off again.
♡ A bit like 'Penguin Pebbling'.
♡ If you make him any jewelry or accessories, or button pins, he'll absolutely wear them.
♡ You once made him a 'Bauhaus' button pin and he's never taken it off his jacket unless he has to wash the jacket.
♡ He also borrows some of your spiked belts (basically belts you added the spikes to yourself) and wears them.
♡ You borrow his band tees, belts and occasionally his jackets when he lends you them.
♡ If you love making your own clothes and fixing them, when his clothes get old and raggedy (like about to be thrown out) he'll give them to you first so you can take the threads and use it to fix other clothes. (Or so you can cut out any patterns on it you like).
♡ Speaking of clothes, you fix any tears and rips in his shirts or pants that he often gets when speeding around bushes or exposed nails.
♡ As a date you both painted a pair of your sneakers to your liking and then coated them in paint protector until they were finished and safe from being weather ruined.
♡ If you love going to goth concerts and parties he'll 100% go with you to some of them and bop with a drink in hand.
♡ He carries hair ties on his right wrist in case yours break, safety pins attached to his jackets in case your button pins come undone and eyeliner in his pocket in case your makeup messes up.
♡ He'll paint his nails black with you and adopt any black kittens you find on the streets.
♡ If you find a stray dog he'll definitely raise the dog with you and name it something incredible like "Trucker".
♡ He'll tie your shoelaces when they come loose, hold your hair back when you're doing your makeup, help you put your necklaces on and help pin any slightly too big skirts.
♡ You and him have constant dance sessions together in his room and your playlist is a strange mix of his music and your music.
♡ It'll jump from 'Us and Them' by Pink Floyd straight into 'Spellbound' by Siouxsie and The Banshees.
♡ Going to skateparks together and having a lot of fun just messing around and trying new tricks. He loves when you pull off a kickflip or cross-over turn (depending on what you skate).
♡ You'll both celebrate Halloween by watching spooky movies and setting up fun decorations and treats. You both go candy shopping and leave them outside for trick-or-treators.
♡ Once you matched outfits as two vampires in love and another time you both dressed up like super fancy 1920s villains.
♡ Another time you both went as Morticia and Gomez Addams.
♡ He took you to see 'Scream' when it first came out in the cinemas. You two also saw 'Halloween' at a drive-in cinema.
♡ If you play in a band he'll help you practice and be your biggest fan and supporter.
♡ If you struggle to get a note when singing or learning a song on an instrument, he'll pull down one of his guitars and practice the song beside you.
♡ He loves getting drunk with you near a beach and just dancing under the stars as a radio plays beside you both.
♡ Speaking of beaches, he always carries sunscreen for you if you burn really easily. If you surf or swim professionally he'll practice beside you and you'll teach him some things you know.
♡ You taught Pete quite a few surfing tricks and he's never forgotten since. He's a naturally fast learner and surfs really well.
♡ If your favourite band has a concert and you don't hear about it he'll sneak a couple tickets behind your back and give them to you as a surprise.
♡ Also, it's certainly strange to see a goth at a Pink Floyd concert, but you still attend. They're a very welcoming community that don't mind your appearance, they're just enjoying the performance.
♡ You definitely feel less out of place at a Nirvana concert with Pete though.
♡ When he first got his license y'all immediately drove through many different cities just to listen to smaller goth bands play in bars as you both got food and soda.
♡ If you can ride a motorcycle, you definitely take him on long sunset drives through safe and beautiful back roads right beside the forests and small creeks.
♡ If y'all shoplift or graffiti because someone was horrible and y'all are getting your revenge? He'll 100% speed you both out of there the minute you grab an item or finish some graffiti art.
♡ Whilst on graffiti art, if you love it then you'll both take long walks under bridges, through alleyways and abandoned buildings and skateparks to admire the graffiti art and take photographs.
♡ If you need a model for your photography he'll pose in photos for you. During sunsets, concerts, beach days or when in a new state, you take a picture to remember the date with.
♡ You have a small scrapbook with little bats decorating the spaces between the photos as well as some press-dried roses.
♡ If you have any 'unusual' hyperfixations, or special interests, (or hobbies), he'll love to listen and learn about them with you.
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weaselle · 4 months
i love captain america -- grew up reading the comics, though i had forgotten enough that i had to go back and look at them again. In the comics, his shield makes sense. In the movies, it is dumb
in the movies, they say the shield is vibranium (in the comics it's a vibranium alloy, the only item successfully made of a mix of vibranium and other metal, in a fluke process by the scientist who was trying to create adamantium which is what truly makes it one-of-a-kind. There is nothing like it, even in Wakanda, and no way to replicate the crazy accident that created it.)
Anyway, they describe it as "completely vibration absorbent" which is super dumb to me and pulled me completely out of the story until i went back to the comics for an explanation.
Now I'm not one of those people who needs everything to be super accurate or whatever, these stories are, essentially, epic fantasy, and I can suspend a fair amount of disbelief. But you can't just tell me physics lies. Like, you can't tell me "this alien weapon freezes things by lighting them on fire" right, you have give me a CHANCE to believe it.
If the shield was truly 100% "vibration absorbent" nothing would bounce off it and it wouldn't bounce off anything. It's absorbing all the force. All the motion. There's none left to send it bouncing away. It wouldn't even make any noise when something hit it, only the object striking it would make any noise, and this noise would only come from the parts of the object that weren't touching the shield, because noises are just vibrations.
It certainly wouldn't bounce off a tree, a rock, and a wall to fly back to his hand. If it was completely vibration absorbent, when it was thrown and struck something it would absorb all the energy of the strike and fall straight to the ground (and for the same reasons, it wouldn't really hurt much to get hit with it, the shield would be absorbing the force of the blow). This is what pulled me out of the story in the Cap Am First Avenger movie.
In the comics, it is explained that what the shield does (and it's one of the most important properties of vibranium in general) is ABSORB, STORE, and RELEASE energy. Like Black Panther's suit. This is how the shield can bounce off six things and fly back to Steve's hand, it has been absorbing and storing energy, and releases it to cause big damage and/or bounce around so much.
(incidentally this must also be how Thor and Cap do their hammer and shield trick to create a shock-wave attack in whatever movie that was)
That is enough for me to go back to suspending my disbelief. I don't need the exact mechanisms by which it does those things, i can just trust that Steve understands how it works enough to do it on purpose and i'm good to go. I wish they had included some amount of this in the movies, though, because it gives us a "freezes things by lighting them on fire" explanation, and i hate that.
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
First time watching Voltron: Legendary Defender and documenting my thoughts
This is Season 4
S1-2 | S3 | S5 | S6 | S7 | S8 |
<this one is going to be shorter, as I have only recently finished this season, and the grief is still fresh (lol), so the thoughts are only just starting to simmer. strap your asses in>
Pre-Season 4 Thoughts
-> Keith joining the blades is going to be a huge plot device, I feel
-> PLEASE for the love of CHRIST let that poor little girl find her brother and father. If they are dead dreamworks better be ready to catch these hands
->I’ve heard people claim this is the “last good season”, but i stay strong 💪 and will watch till the end
->wouldn’t the paladin switch not make sense now? Cus shiro is back as the black paladin and it makes no sense for Lance to be red like it originally had? If anything, he should’ve gone back to blue, and Allura to red, because Allura is very accepting/encouraging of shiro’s role as leader. I guess they didn’t wanna do it all over again. But I digress 🤷‍♀️
->im gonna miss my Pookie (🤍❤️🤍)
->do they do this every two seasons?? Have an epic battle where they have a big preparation and say it’ll 100% end the war but it doesn’t and something crazy happens after they win and it sets up the next season??
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->^genuinely cried so hard during this scene. would’ve cried more if I wasn’t recovering from the initial shock.
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->^cried during this one too, but it was happy tears. I could actually just do a whole reaction post to this episode alone. (if you want me to js say so in the rbs/replies)
->the callback to s1! “color-coded of course, because what are we? animals?” AHHH! I’m going insane I love these siblings sooooo much
->okay I’ll stop gushing over them now
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->^only valid reaction to meeting Allura. Homegirl is beauty incarnate
->okay. ive calmed down. i am normal and can be trusted to simply watch a show.
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->^Get his ass, Zarkon. I needed his smug ass to be humbled so bad. Only time I will agree w Zarkon fr.
->i do NOT like Lotor. Can you guys tell already??
->bro I SWEAR shiro looks different. there’s just something about him. the hair gets a pass cus how good of a haircut can you give yourself in space, yk? but that nose scar is definitely a different shade #notmyrodrickshiro
->^Just. That entire episode. It’s getting a whole post actually I need to yap about it.
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->^her armor is colored in a way which makes it look both pink and red while making it look like a trick of the light in a way to symbolize that she is acting as keith yet while being a paladin herself and that being unknown in the public eye and showing how they have to cover that up, any suspicion being thrown as a trick of the light. Oh vld animators ily 🫶
->on another note tho why do they always draw lance and shiro to have 30 pounds of ass. what.
->loved when those lesbians decided to take down lotor. Queen shit 💋 we stan 🙇‍♀️🙏
->Lotor is so stupid and pathetic and annoyingly smug and sus and admiral-zhao-y and I hate him but he’s SOOO FREAKING HOT and I can’t hate him completely because he’s so attractive but that just makes me wanna hate him more. He’s a walking red flag but the flag is heart-shaped and honestly idk what to do w that.
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->^WHAT. stop. honestly that’s the real reason he was banned from the empire my ass would not want that fucking FREAK within a 30 light year radius of me either
-> while s3 was the klance season, s4 is apparently the allurance season, they have a lot of sweet moments. (granted all started by lance but still, you can almost see allura swooning)
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->^pookie. what are you doing… pookie.. no. stop. i don’t like where this is going…
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->^oh thank fuck for Lotor.
->^^wait what. why Lotor.
->^^^heartbreaking: worst person you know doesn’t something good for once.
->he definitely wants something out of this. I don’t trust him.
These are thoughts I’ve had compiled for some time now. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “laura’s first vld”
I finished this season on 06/30/24. I am on S5E3 as of today (07/06/24)
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knickynoo · 4 months
Got any thoughts/headcanons for what Doc and Marty are like when they’re ill?
Doc's approach to illness is very "do as I say, not as I do." He pushes through it, especially if it's something he deems mild, and goes about his day in an attempt to essentially trick his body into thinking he's well. Of course, Doc knows deep down how foolish this method is; it's just that he can't stand to slow down when he's got so much Science Stuff to do. Lying around is unbearable when his brain is constantly churning out new ideas and thinking through the next steps of whatever projects he's working on. So, he simply decides to not be sick.
However, this all flies out the window the moment Marty (or, post-trilogy, any of his family) is sick. He gets very stern about how important it is to listen to your body and get plenty of rest. He does not appreciate when his advice is then thrown back in his face the next time he falls ill. He'll rest if forced, but he does it very begrudgingly.
I was kind of on the fence in regards to Marty and couldn't decide if he'd also put on a tough guy act and try to overcome sickness through the power of ignoring it. There's part of me that can see Marty (the insecure, pre-character arc version) equating illness with weakness and not wanting to seem like he can't handle it.
However, I pondered it for a while and you know what? I think Marty loves to be doted on. He wants to be taken care of and catered to and treated like the specialist boy. While he never outright fakes illness, he will 100% milk any existing ailments for all they're worth. In fact, he does it especially in the Twin Pines timeline, as it gives him the rare gift of one-on-one time with a gentler version of his mother whose main focus is taking care of her "baby." There's no criticism or lecturing—just Lorraine frequently checking in and nursing him back to health.
(I think the "Mom, is that you?" scenes actually support this headcanon nicely. Marty doesn't question at all that his mom is there when he wakes up disoriented. He immediately just leans into it like it's normal and expected.)
And while he wouldn't purposely go to the garage or Doc's house while sick and risk spreading it, in the moments he does end up not feeling well while there, he doesn't mind having the attention turn to him for a while. Doc and Clara take turns mother-henning, and it makes him feel very loved.
Thanks for the ask!
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disasterpenguin · 6 months
@angelkissesdean gave me permission to be a little bit unhinged and wants to hear about my 16 plot for spn
So in my version of supernatural s16 it's going to involve Claire a little bit more than spn ever has before (because i love her and they can try to take my funky lil lesbian from my cold dead hands)
Claire helps Sam bring Dean back, and then informs them that she has a plan to bring back Cas since she has some of his grace and somehow she and Sam fuck up the spell and get thrown back in time and instead of trying to figure out how to get back home right away she convinces Sam to stay so they can both learn to be MOL and have better ingredients for spell work
A few months go by for Sam & Clair (in the span of just a few episodes, maybe like 3 or 4?) and they learn that since Claire was Cas's vessel for such a short period of time that she doesn’t actually have enough grace to trick the Empty into thinking a vail of the Grace to replace Cas but Sam remembers that Cas had another vessel about 100 years ago and they go time hopping again which catches the attention of Jack, who is informed of Claire's plan to bring Cas back & says he'll help if he can but he doesn’t wanna interfere too much ((Dean is just stress cleaning in the future, for him it's only been a few hours, Jack pops up to tell Dean what's going on and to hangout because he misses his dad and he has to tell Dean how cool he thinks Claire is)) once Sam and Claire get back with a vail of Grace they have to figure out how to get into the Empty, Jack informs them it would be easier if they had Death to open a portal
An argument breaks out about summoning a reaper just to kill them and "haven't they done enough fucking around with the cosmos" before Claire has enough and sneaks away (Jack follows) and she summons a reaper and informs them about how if they die they'll become the next Death and the reaper agrees because "it's difficult job without a boss and Jesus please just do it and I'll open that portal free of charge for a full 24 hours when you're ready" and bada bing bada boom they have a deal and Claire goes back to tell Sam and Dean and then has to deal with their disappointed dad & uncle faces
Claire and Sam make a tracking spell/potion/ compass thing that'll lead someone to Cas's body in the Empty they just need to decide who's going and Dean declares it's going to be him or no-ones going at all, he was already dead so if he gets caught it's not like anyone will lose something that wasn't already lost, Claire's too young, Jack is god, Eileen is pregnant (because obviously she and Sam are endgame 😤😤) and Dean just "has to be the one to do this, he couldn't save Cas before but he has a chance to try now" and Claire calls the new death who opens the portal for Dean and says "you have 24 hours before the portal closes for good so make it snappy"
Dean steps through the portal and is wearing the Grace vail compass that'll lead him to cas (it gets brighter the closer to Cas he gets) and it's a few hours before he finds him and now he has to figure a way to wake Cas up, so he sits down and puts Cas's head in his lap & starts to pray to him, about how he's sorry he couldn't save him, how he regrets that he couldn't speak to Cas once he realized Cas was planning on sacrificing himself- how he felt like he couldn't breathe, how much he missed him and hearing the words "I'll watch over you" & the Grace compass starts to heat up and Dean takes it off only to realize Cas has opened his eyes and is looking at Dean in pure wonder and they just stare intensely into each others eyes before the Empty starts to shake because "why is this bitch awake again" and Dean is like "Cas we gotta go we can talk about this once we're back home but we gotta go now" and Dean grabs Cas's hand and they start running (leaving behind the Grace and Dean hopes that that'll be enough to trick the Empty) and they get back with time to spare and Jack shuts the portal and everyone gets a hug because "holy shit it worked! We did it"
Once everyone is done having celebratory hugs, instead of talking about their feelings Dean grabs Cas's face and kisses him and says "i love you never fucking do that to me again i mean it Cas you can't keep doing this to me, if this didn’t work I don't know what I would've done" and Sam who's been expecting this for fucking ages goes "you would've stayed in the empty." And they invite everyone over for a back from the dead party and Sam & Cas & Dean & Claire start up the Men of Letters and start creating a better network for all the new & old hunters and everyone gets their happily ever after
((Ps idk how to get Crowley back but like. I'll figure that out eventually))
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npwd hours. have some fun facts
(this will definitely be added to/updated later)
Raph (Red) (he/she)
literally the only one who doesn't wear clothes (outside of his shorts/mask)
still does the Red Angel of Preventing Harm thing
splinter... wasn't doing great for a good while after the mutation happened (esp since on top of everything in canon he ALSO lost three of his kids)
when raph was around eight or so though he got very very sick and almost died. she tried to take care of herself because she assumed splinter wouldn't, but could only do so much. thankfully splinter found out before it was too late and was able to save her. it was a pretty good wakeup call and while he's still super depressed he's been much more present since then
Leo (Leon) (he/him)
growing up with hypno (and eventually warren) did nothing but increase his flair for the dramatic and love of magic
he was 100% hypno's assistant for shows a lot of the time. the turtle thing was passed off as a 'costume'
knows ALL the best magic tricks
warren came along when leo was around five or six
when hypno and warren got mutated they (obviously) couldn't keep their jobs so they took to doing crimes to get money. small crimes because they don't want to be a bad influence on leo but they also do need the money to put a roof over his head
they do try to hide the fact that they do crimes from leo. he absolutely knows but he lets them think he doesn't
they have thrown hands with raph on more than one occasion. raph did start going a bit easier on them after one of them mentioned at some point they had a kid at home. raph Does Not Know that said kid is leo
Donnie (Othello) (he/they)
lives in an apartment. No Space for a lab. he wants one SO BAD.
still tinkers a lot and fixes things around the house with what he can find
the o'neils have the best wifi in the state of new york
they did create shelldon! he's stuck in donnie's computer though - not enough resources to build a body
likes fashion and dresses up for fun sometimes but wears the hoodie most of the time bc it's familiar/safe
no battle shell really... they do have a fake shell but it's more for storage than anything else since they don't get in fights. like a backpack basically
no gauntlet thingy, no magic goggles - he does have noise cancelling headphones he keeps in his shellpack
they do have goggles for work (for eye protection) just not the 3d glasses lookin goggles they have in canon
Mikey (Mike) (he/she/they)
VERY in tune with his mystics (trained by draxum)
LOVES skateboarding. badgered draxum into having a skate ramp installed for them
doesn't hate humanity (and has even managed to soften draxum up a bit. not much but a bit) and actually thinks a lot of their stuff is super cool
mutating the humans was the compromise she and draxum came to rather than killing them. she doesn't see a problem with it bc 'it's better than killing all of them'
morals are a bit... looser than canon mikey's due to draxum's influence
take your kid to work day more like [draxum voice] someone will die. [mikey voice] of fun!
But Also: aww little guy - oh he's a bit fucked up actually
sneaks up to the surface sometimes to do graffiti. has ABSOLUTELY been seen more than once but thinks she's so sneaky
draxum wasn't the best at first (treated mikey like a warrior rather than a kid) but he got better. he's a good dad now
hugin and munin would both kill for her without question
mikey talks about their internet friends enough that draxum is eventually like. ok i will make an exception for three (3) humans because my child likes them
they got their colors bc lou jitsu tied scraps of fabric onto them to be able to tell them apart
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sayuricorner · 2 years
ROTTMNT x Monkie Kid crossover prompt idea: Teenage Mutant Ninja Monkey - EXTRA 2 - Snippets dialogues
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
Here’s a bunch of snippets for my  ROTTMNT x Monkie Kid  prompt! ^^
The first one is a rewrite of a dialogue from the first ROTTMNT episode while others are 100% made by your truly! ^^
From the episode “Mystic Mayhem”
Raphael: "We just defeated a boss villain! We're heroes! We deserve a name like "Mad Dogs"!"
(The turtles, Sandro, April, and Mayhem look to the side in dramatic poses as the name "Mad Dogs" flashes across the screen and a dramatic music sting plays.)
Leonardo: "Mad Dogs? You don't think something like "Ninja Mutant Turtle Teens" or - I don't know. Maybe -”
Sandro: “Hum-hum!”(Sandro interrupt Leo with a fake cough and stared at his brother with a deadpan expression while his tail is pointing at April and Mayhem.)
Leonardo: “Riiiiigggghhhhttt... We'll keep brainstorming."
Raphael: “Okay guys! We had to infiltrate this building without getting caugh! All we need is a distraction!”
Sandro: “Oh! Me! Me!Me!Me!Me! Pick me Raph please! Please!Pleeaaasssseeee!”
Raphael: “Okay! Okay! But please try to be subtle Sandie! We can’t create too much of a commotion!”
(Spongebob voice off)
*A few minutes later*
(Poeple are screaming in confusion as they fall through shadow holes and are thrown out of the building, from inside the vents the Mad dogs are looking at the scene with wide eyes.)
Raphael(whisper loudly at Sandro): “You call that ‘subtle”?!”
Sandro: “Well, the panic “subtly” keep those people from noticing us!”
Leonardo: “Come on Sandie, you know I’m right!”
Sandro: “Uh, na-ha! Absolutly not!”
Leonardo: “Yes, you do!”
Sandro: “There’s no way that hawaiian pizza is the best pizza existing!”
Leonardo: “How?! You love pinapples! You love pizzas! I’ts the best of both worlds how can’t you like it?”
Sandro: “Just because I like both doesn’t mean I like them mixed together! I mean pinapple with margarita sauce and cheese? blerg!”
Donatello: “Sorry to interrupt this "interresting discussion" but we're litteraly in the middle of a fight so can you PLEASE report this debate to later?”
(In the background a giant plant monster is rampaging around, it holding in its tentacules Raphael and Mikey who are screaming for their lives)
Leonardo : “Don't worry hermanos! I'll do the talk with Big Mamma, I'm the face man after all!”
Raphael : “Yeeeaaaahh... Maybe take Sandro with you for the talk? You know just to be sure!”
Michelangelo : “Yeah dude! Sandie is like a master manipulator! He could help to avoid any trick!”
Sandro(Fake shocked gasp): “A manipulator? Me? Honestly, this is very exagerated!(smirk) I prefer the word "negociator".
Donatello: “Like the time you "negociate" with this pizzaiolo to give us free pizzas by telling him that the foot clan ninjas we were fighting in his pizzaria were send by a rival pizzaiolo who wanted to sabotage him?”
Sandro: “Hey! It was a thank you gift, it would have be rude to refuse! And I didn't see you complain about the free pizzas!”
Donatello : “... Touché! “
Donatello(looking through his binocular) : “So, looks like Hypno had decided to crash this Magic show and is now making a mess!”
Raphael : “Well if he want messy he's gonna get it! Okay, here's how we're gonna do this-”
Leonardo : “Uh, Raph? Mikey and Sandie already beat you to it!”
Michelangelo and Sandro(Jumping from the bulding roof while telling excited): “COWABUNGA !!!”
Sun Wukong and Macaque (When seeing Draxum): “YOU!!!”
Draxum (Deadpan): “And here we go... (Get tackled by the two angry monkies) Gha!”
Sun Wukong (Furious): “Give us ONE good reason why we shouldn’t pound your head in the ground repeatetly?”
Draxum (Speak with difficulty): “Well, maybe I could think of something if I hadn’t two staffs pressed against my throat!”
(Raph, Leo, Mikey and Sandro look deadpanned and confused at Donnie and Red Son showing off their tech to each other, beackering and wierdly taunting each other) 
Mikey: “Am I the only the only one who is wondering is they’re taunting each other or flirting?”
Sandro: “I... Don’t know...”
Leonardo: “Is there really a difference?”
Better than me (warning: angst and sad fluff, rottmnt movie spoilers)
(Sandro is sitting on a cliff on Flowers Fruits Mountain, looking sadly at the horizon, Sun Wukong appeared from behind him and sit by his side)
Sun Wukong: “Heyyyyyyy... There you are bud! I knew I would find you there!”
Sandro: “...”
Sun Wukong: “You know, you ran off rather spontaneously! Your family and the others were worried!”
Sandro: “...”
Sun Wukong (Sigh): “If this is about today’s training, honestly you shouldn’t think too much about it! You were-”
Sandro: “I was bad at this!”
Sun Wukong: “Hey! Don’t be like that! Sure you still had a lot to learn, but I wouldn’t say you were bad!”
Sandro: “But I was! During the whole session I made a fool  of myself and I didn’t made any progress!”
Sun Wukon: “Come on bud! It’s okay! It’s just the begening, you will end up progressing!”
Sandro (frustrated): “You don’t understand! In my family I’m the Sneaky Guy! I’m the one who’s supposed to be on the look out for possible ennemies, traps and dangers! I’m supposed to see things coming and anticipate any threat and to be fast and strong enough to face them to help my family to protect themself, to protect them! But too many times I’m taken short and end up need to be saved! Even when the Kraangs attacked, I got caugh and used as a living batery before I could warn the others and I was the one who needed to be saved! All this because I wasn’t fast and strong enough! And I’m supposed to be the clone of two of the most powerful monkies existing and I’m not even able to control my powers! I even get stuck in my own shadows! If I can’t do any of that! If I can’t even help to protect the ones I love... What am I? What good am I for? I’m... (sigh and curled himself) I’m really a disappointment!”
Sun Wukong: “Kid... Don’t say that about yourself! I know it can be frustrating but that doesn’t mean you’ll not manage to control your habilities! You’re young and still had a lot to learn! MK also had difficulties when he forst became my successor! Heck when I was your age I was still learning! Sure, I was a first learner but that doesn’t mean you must be one too! Everyone had their own pace and you just need to go at your own! So don’t beat yourself about it! You’re not a disappointment, no one think this of you! Not me, not Macaque not MK and the others and certainly not your family! And you know what? There’s even one thing you are WAY better at than me! A very important one!”
Sandro (Confused): “How could I be better than you in something?”
Sun Wukong (Smile sadly): “... You keep your ties with your loved ones strong!”
@alexglitches , @princlingofthecrastle
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
pls spare some more mha and bsd crossover stuff 🙏🧎
been seeing old fics on ao3 abt dazai and eri and ur post kinda created a snowball abt it 💅
So like with MHA n BSD crossover I feel like my hc of Dazai hating kids is included here so for them to get Dazai near this random kid from a mission would be a battle and a half,, id say in this au Dazai would be around the kids age and likely at this point on living with Aizawa because he is a goddamn menace (affectionate) and cannot be trusted in the dorms on a daily basis, only visits.
So Aizawa bringing Eri home would be a big change for Dazai also the fact this kid realizes that he is just like her, right out the window Dazai goes, Aizawa is freaking the fuck out and a manhunt begins for Aizawa's mini clone. They have to look everywhere for him as he has gone full run away mode in their eyes and Aizawa doesn't know what triggered this full fight or flight response at seeing a child for 2 seconds.
Turns out he went to Kunikida's dorm and forced the blond to let him stay, they were found snuggling when Kunikida was not down for breakfast (as per his ideals) and they came to check on him, the kids had to call and reassure Aizawa that Dazai was safe and sound just asleep.
In general Aizawa 100% would have his hands full with Dazai thrown in but he is ready for a challenge, this child is insanely smart and talented just horrifically traumatized and mentally ill. Aizawa would have to fight for weeks to convince the kid not to sleep in Kunikida's room and at least try to meet Eri.
It was painfully awkward and both kids had no idea what to do but stand there while Aizawa was praying for a miracle, Dazai would be especially helpful in keeping a handle on Eri's quirk but if he was running from her there would be no chance of it happening. This new arrangement made a few more things known as Dazai was strangely defensive of Aizawa being his adult and his alone, he didn't want to share the teacher with some gross kid! He was a little mean to Eri for a while as the Heroes tried to learn more about Dazai, apparently he was territorial as he refused to let Eri see Kunikida, touch his stuff and would completely ignore her if he felt she was taking too much of Aizawa's attention from him....he also one time kicked her off the couch when she tried to insert herself into Dazai and Aizawa's bonding on the couch as the younger boy soaked up his mentor's reluctant affection...The couch incident as it was dubbed left a scolded Dazai curled up in Kunikida's bed and Aizawa covered in scratches and bandaids the next day...
From then on they had to work on slowly getting the two to a stable living condition and as others took Eri for sleepovers and days out Dazai perked up, he would reluctantly share stuff with her on the rare occasion but he liked Aizawa and didn't want to be replaced as his favourite kid even if he denied seeing Aizawa as a father figure.
Aka Aizawa becomes Dazai's filling for the void Oda left behind so he lashes out at a child to try and protect what he has.
As for the class? They are relentless in teasing Kunikida for Dazai sleeping in his room and the two cuddling, they think its adorable but Kunikida disagrees (he does agree but he is in deep denial) Dazai and Kunikida make an excellent team in the training and classes but the bandaged boy has a knack for trying to off-himself in training and Kunikida has to save him constantly, its also tough to get Dazai to do practically any normal kid things, he just doesn't get it and sometimes feels left out but the others try to include him all the time they can.
Kunikida also notices Dazai's unhealthy behaviours and tries to help when he can, he sneakily tricks Dazai into eating food in the cafeteria, forces him to wash up after gym and when Dazai stays in his room he drags the shorter boy into the sheets to snuggle up so he has to sleep.
Grr i love mha bsd crossover,,, i could think up ideas for days
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thinking about htf au where fliqpy is the demon entity creature thing of all time except he was such a menace that he got sealed up into dogtags and those got thrown deep into the jungle in a huge lake within it so hes basically trapped there forever. and flippys just a regular ass private and he knows the tiger bomb mission was just a massive setup to kill him and his friends but he cant do anything about it so the night before the mission he goes outside to look at the stars and the water all emo-like and miserably one last time because hes accepted hes gonna die and the spot he chose is literally the lake fliqpy was imprisoned and when flippy looks at his reflection in the water it distorts to fliq since he's looking back and starts talking to him and. flippys super sleep deprived and insane and its the dead of night so he doesnt even fucking care that his own distorted reflection is talking to him in the lake now and thinks hes probably just dreaming. and fliq asks him whats wrong and flippys like "im gonna die tomorrow :( cant do anything about it" and fliqpys like "yeah that sounds unfortunate. i bet youd like not-dying over dying right" and flippys like yeahi guess, and then fliqs like "i can do that for you! stick ur hand in the pond" and flippys like "what" and fliqs like "do it. Put Your Hand In The Pond" and flippys like fine, and puts his arm in the pond and has to dig around for a bit in the water to find the dogtags and when he lifts it out hes like "what is this gonna do" and fliqpys like "yeah that. that thing :) dont worry about it just replace that with your regular dogtags and everything will be sorted out. lol. lmao" and flippys like ok fuck it i have nothing to lose and does as he says and fliqs reflection is gone at this point so he heads back to his camp and falls asleep. he wakes up and literally nothing has changed and hes convinced its just a dream so he goes out 100% sure hes about to die today. and the tiger bomb mission happens the same with his friends dying and fliq appearing and flippys like Ohhhh. u WERENT just a figment of my imagination. and fliqpys like "yeah im here to take over your body as my own so i can properly free myself" and flippys like "oh. dont do that please" but fliqpys a massive asshole and kind of only tricked flippy into the events of last night bc when he saw flippy he realized he could switch out his physical inhabitance from the dogtags to him so now flippys fucking stuck with this murderous incomprehensible entity and fliqpy is originally only using flippy as a temporary host until he can create his OWN body and inhabit that (which will also probably kill flippy in the process once he leaves him) but theyre also in the middle of a war so hes like ok, i have to keep flippy alive until this war is over so he can keep being my host, and then when its done and we leave i can get to making my own form freely. but his plan goes south because. he falls in love with flippy and then is stuck between striving for the freedom hes been wanting and calculating for since the day he was imprisoned and staying and caring for this silly green bear whos shown him kindness hes never had before even in the face of betrayal and its not like he can do both because again itll probably fucking kill flippy so hes just so torn up over it and he doesnt recognize these feelings he has for someone seemingly so insignificant and. yeah
im going to die
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echantedtoon · 11 months
April Fools
Midnight x Present Mic
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So. April Fools. It's not really something well known outside of America and definitely not something well known in a place like Japan. Especially when a serious place like the prestigious UA academy of Heros. Many fine young men and women walked through it's very halls and went on to become inspiring heros and sidekicks, and many who didn't pass still went on to make themselves very respectful inspiring careers as doctors, police, scientists, and many more the like. So many opportunities and choices fir the betterment of the world we lived in-
Which is why an exchange student program was the perfect way to show new students new techniques and the ways other heros work from different aspects of life. It'd bring the countries closer as a whole! Almight was the one who suggested including other things as well like different foods and holidays from other parts of the world as well to help accommodate the new transfer students and help them feel more welcomed to the school as a whole. It seemed a good idea at first. Many students loved the idea of Valentine's Day. A lot of platonic and family love was celebrated among the teachers and couples and heaven's knows Midnight loved all the chocolate and attention. Christmas and Kwanza was a pretty good hit too. Giving to others was a good way to teach the young students the value of giving someone the joy of happiness and receiving hope from the new heroes. But not all the holidays were 100% gaurenteed. Halloween was ok-ish. The heroes passed out treats and encouragement to the young children but some took the 'tricks' a little too seriously. A bath bomb exploded in the girls bathroom and someone snuck hot sauce into the principle's tea. Poor fella had his fur on end all night after that. But most teachers and students wanted to keep April Fool's on the down low for obvious reasons- Too bad Almight wanted to share more of his American background.
Mostly among the students. In the middle of the night one girl from class B-2 woke up to a fake rubber snake wrapped around her neck which caused a mild panic and everyone to miss hours of sleep. The second incident was when a toilet exploded by the teacher's lounge, you can imagine the mess that made. Luckily the culptrites were caught and were forced to clean the mess, but everyone seemed on edge after that. It was like the whole school turned into a ticking time bomb and the sun hadn't even barely risen. Everyone on edge, checking desks before they sat down. Tapping books to see if they'd explode, looking over their shoulder. Teacher's weren't given much ease either. Almight seemed to be enjoying himself the ass. It "Reminds me of my old college days with David. Those were the times. To be young and free again." in his words. Suspicious looks were thrown his way when all the lunches in the teacher's lounge mysterious were all eaten. But he brushed it off and pointed out his own lunch was taken too, though he seemed a little TOO happy if you asked some of them-
WAIT! No time to talk! Deku just found a firecracker louged into his locker. I'll give you three guesses on who that genious might've been.
BUT being the school announcer had his perks. All he had to do was lounge about in his office for today and make announcements over the speakers. He 'bravely' also volunteered to go over some of the paperwork and student files for the other teachers.
"Like yo! You guys are gonna be busy trying to chase down all these young deliqents anyways! Why don't I lend you a hand and help catch all up! Keep the bad vibes from them off your back, ya dig?"
Well, paperwork wasn't really his strong point, but he's had enough experience to do a decent job at it. So no one really complained about him doing it since they were obviously a (LOT) little busy at the moment. Plus what could go wrong with just doing some boring old paperwork? He could just chillax back and listen to some of his favorite mixtapes and remixes, plus who would want to try and prank someone who could scream loud enough to melt their brain to mush? .....Well? Maaaaayybe not a student. Maybe someone who could stand a chance against his vocal cords and be a bit of a trickster herself?....
Yeah, Midnight was loving this chance to use her flirting to her advantage and trick students and such for free lunch n stuff. Wasn't like the pranks and tricks a lot of other students were doing but was wasn't April Fools about all types of fooling and trickery?....Ok OK! The real reason she came here was because she wanted a break from running after these students and wanted a chance to touch up her make up and hair from all this work out. Mic would probably understand. Plus who could deny her luxorious looks and say no?
Which is why when a knock first came at the door and he didn't answer, she opened it up and struck a beautiful pose against the slowly opening door. "Oh, Miccy~ I could use some relaxation." Sighing, she put a hand to her forhead and tilted her head back, her eyes closed. "It's been so hard running after these...these...ruffians!" She turned to look at him with the most sad but sexy look she knew. "I need to reat could you please.....help me-
He wasn't even looking at her! He was busy humming to himself and doing a strange standing dance as he glanced down to papers in his hands. So wait a minute.....Those whole carefully acted out and moving seconds she did- FOR FREE MIND YOU- was wasted?! ....The fool hadn't even noticed she was standing right behind his ass! Just made some weird 'dadada' sounds while swinging his hips around....Admittedly it was a rather funny and dare say cute scene to watch, and COULD'VE been good blackmail if he already didn't care that people saw him do this on a daily bases but she was still annoyed right now.
"MIC!!" He didn't react. Her temper flaired! "MIC!!"
"Hmm?" He finally turned around and upon seeing the angry looking teacher there he smiled. "Ey! Midnight! Whaddup my fellow hero?" He tilted the headphones off and loud music blasted from the exposed speakers. "Wow. You look mad. Students dishin out bad vibes today?"
She stared angrey but took a deep breath to recompose herself and gave a giant smile. "Oh Miccy~ You don't know how hard it's been to keep up with them all."
"Oh yeah. I know the feeling. Which is why I took the common sense route." He lightly shook the papers he was holding to make his point. "This is the good stuff ya dig?"
"Oh yes, and that's why I came to ask you something."
"Shoot girl!"
"I was wondering if it's not asking too much could you-" She twirled a strand of hair around her finger and bit her bottom lip, making him raise a brow. "Trade responibilities with me?"
"Sorry sweetcheeks. But I gotta wrap this up with a no-"
His smile remained. "No offense but I don't take you for the type to know how this stuff exactly works." He shook the papers again. "Plus I don't wanna get stuck fixing any messes that could've been avoided ya dig?"
Her temper flaired again but all that came of it was her eye lid twitching. "Really now?"
"Yep! Sorry to put a damper on those vibes, but I gotta get back to looking busy." With a wink from under his glasses he turned back to the papers in hand. "Also why don't you close the door before one of those little mischief makers finds their way in?"
She let how a huff and her cheeks puffed out. Well this wasn't something that usually happened, but something she might have expected. After all he could be just as big as a drama queen as she was, but there was one thing she learnt from training practice he had failed to notice. Everyone already knew the guy was absolutely deathly scared of creepy crawlers and anything of that sort. He acted like a big baby even towards a harmless cute little butterfly. So naturally on this fine holiday she decided to do just one little trick. Plus he passed out the last time, what could go wrong?
She chuckled and pulled her little friend from her pocket. A harmless little toy beetle. You could buy them from any toystore in japan, they felt exactly like plastic and you had to wind it up a bit, but otherwise it looked exactly like a real beetle.She gave an evil smirk, the fool wasn't even paying attention to her having gone back to his headphones. Giggling evilly, she took the tips of her fingers and pulled the little lever almost invisible on the back. In a few seconds the legs started moving around like a real beetles. Gotta hand it to those designers. They did a really good job miming the actual movements of the real beetle. Giggling to herself, he ever so gently reached over and placed the thing on his shoulder.
The thing is he didn't notice at first. The guy was too into his music she guessed, or maybe his jacket was too bulky? Whatever it was he didn't even notice the fake little plastic bug starting to crawl it's way down his arm until it maybe got close to his elbow. Which he finally glanced at it and kinda froze at the sight of the plastic bug waltzing down his arm-... He froze stiff. His glasses tilted off his face revealing his nervous looking eyes and the lopesided smile planted on his face. She giggled micheviously at her little trick.
"Oh no. What ever shall we do? Do you want some help Miccy?~" He didn't respond. Only dropping the papers when the thing crawled down closer to his hands. "Um....Mic. Are you going to say something or not?"
You bet your behinds he said something-
The building shook as shockwaves from the vocal attack wracked through the structure itself. Students and teachers clutched at their ears in pain the glass of the windows shook violently before shattering into tiny dangerously into tiny peices raining down onto the unsuspecting victims. As soon as it came it stopped and everyone was left with ringing ears or massive headaches throbbing through their skulls. But most certainly a state of mild shock and panic.
"What the HELL was that?!" One hotheaded student looked to another as the shock of the attack started to wear off.
"Uuuh..It's safe to conclude-" He shakily straightened his glasses which were also cracked n damaged. "-s-something happened to Mr. Hizashi"
"That was a stupid move Midnight."
"Oh come on! How was I supposed to know he'd freak out that much? Didn't he pass out last time?"
"N-Not cool dude. A real low blow."
Poor Hizashi had freaked right out from the surprise of having his arm invaded by the bug, but managed to get a hold of himself when Misnight had spoken up about it being fake. But that didn't mean the two weren't in trouble. Luckily one of the hero support students had invented a machine to restore broken materials back to their previous forms so most of the windows would be fixed, but Remedy Girl would have lots of patients with headaches, bloody ears, and a few needing replacement glasses. Not to mention the mild panic it caused. Poor guy was reasting on the teacher's lounge's couch next to the angry diva, and across from the Eraserhead. Mic's grove would be off for a little while.
"Oh come on. It wasn't that bad." She gave him a pouty look which he flinched at, "Oh, Could you ever forgive me?" Her arms enveleoped him in a head squishing him against her in a hug. "Please?~"
He sputtered . "Uh...Yeah. No sweat bout it girl!"
Eraser rolled his eyes away from them. "Such immaturity."
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miaumeiw · 1 year
heeheeeheeeee Silas character sheet
● Often says that he is fine (OBVIOUSLY ISNT) or that the blood on his hands is just "forbidden ketchup"
● Very unserious, immature, and stupid when he wants to be (most of the time)
● Only gets serious when his loved ones are in danger or himself
● Pretends to be fine around others just to collapse the moment they leave
● Finds comfort in items from his loved ones, (clothes, pins, etc.)
● Used to play a bit of guitar but forgot how
● He can kind of cry on command, he just has to think about how his loved ones felt when he left them
● His favorite thing is probably some stupid mobile game that he keeps to himself
● Responds to "Bird Boy" or "shithead" on occasion (silly old oc design refrence)
● Absolutely hates Kenny but doesn't mind him much because he keeps Milo safe
● Only says "I love you" to the people he feels actually deserve it
● A total bitch to most other people and only allows certain people to touch him
● One moment he'll be listening to Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence and then the next he'll be listening to Castaways by The Backyardigans
● LOVES to rant about his special interests (dinosaurs, bugs, sharks, and ESPECIALLY space)
● If some random person was pretending to be him, just ask what his favorite thing about his boyfriend is. He WILL start ranting about how wonderful and amazing his boyfriend is
● As stated earlier, he is VERY immature. Laughs anytime someone says penis.
● Very good at hiding his emotions. VERY.
● He's a bit scared of fire so he'll just blow on a candle aggressively and go hide.
● He's a very lively person around others but when he's alone he recoils into his mind and just thinks. Best to snap him out of it before he goes on a murderous rampage.
● Likes to talk about the silly "brainworms" that he has. (Secretly just him splitting up his personalities in his head.)
● Often wonders things about the vessel he got thrown in (lore, will explain later) since it
has most of his old features.
● Absolutely LOVES his boyfriend 100%. Dude will do anything for that mf. Even if it means murder.
● At any given chance they will fight with Kenny. Doesn't matter where.
● Messiest eater you will ever meet.
● Feels guilty about hurting Milo a few times even tho he (Milo) doesn't remember
● He LOVES white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
● He knows a lot of those random facts that you just remember sometimes. Most commonly related to his interests.
● Would probably break down if he was fired, even though his boss wouldn't fire him. (She's too nice)
● Once gifted a blade of grass by Axel (his not really friend friend) and ate it.
● Usually gets things he wants through being persuaded or he'll get it by force.
● If you don't believe him, he'll probably shrug it off. Can't do much to change what you think.
● Doesn't feel bad about doing anything regarded to his work but does get a bit sad when
he accidentally hurts people he's close to.
● Almost got caught stealing from a candy store once.
● If he doesn't like you he would most likely be passive aggressive and when nobody is looking he'd call you insults.
● Very affectionate if he likes you. (hugs, handshakes, highfives, fistbumps, etc.)
● Once put cheese in a toaster. Never again.
● Definitely doesn't watch Milo while he sleeps. (he does)
● Really good at random tricks alone but when he tries to show someone he fails miserably. (stopped when someone got a concussion)
● Prefers to stay inside and not at social gatherings.
● If you shake his hand loosely and he barely likes you, he'll grip your hand and shake it tighter. If he likes you enough to be friends, he'll ask if you're alright.
● Picked up random mannerisms of animals. (He watched too much discovery channel as a kid)
● Definitely would hold a TED Talk about "Why it's okay to break into Milo's house"
● Doesn't get things like "Its raining cats and dogs" because idioms are scary.
● Could probably learn French if he wanted to.
● Talks a lot but if you have something more important to say he will gladly listen.
● Forgot about Erin but Erin remembers him well. (With or without the new vessel)
● Down to do anything (except follow the law)
● Immediate response to anything is to fight. Used to be flight.
● Epic music taste??? But it's all over the place.
● Bird person. No cats. No dogs. No lizards. BIRDS.
• Didn't enjoy killing people, but A, he got used to it, and B, his boss pays big bucks >:3
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noblehcart · 2 years
hc dump: nina's six horses
bucephalus (arabian thoroughbred) is one of nina's FAVORITE horses and second favored partner when she goes to competitions (he's a jumper). he's absolutely her best friend and always feels 100% safe with him. his nickname is 'ceph'. he's a bit full of himself, but when he's around nina or in sight of her more often than not he's right at her side trying to chew on her hair or nuzzling her head. he's absolutely her first pick for when she just wants to ride fast and free as he just absolutely shoots off like an arrow. he does not like being handled by most people however and nina doesn't let most people ride him for that reason.
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artemisia (dutch warmblood) is undoubtedly Nina's heart horse. Her horse soul mate if you will. She feels an unbelievable connection to Artemis and trusts this horse with her everything as they are very good at anticipating each other. They absolutely kill it at competitions together (a hunter discipline)and are ridiculously in tune. Artemisia is playful and brave, probably the least skittish of all Nina's horses after Black Pearl and is incredibly easy going with Nina after they got to know one another. Artemisia is always the first horse to neigh at Nina in greeting whenever she walks into the stables. nina named her 'artemisia' after the goddess artemis for her speed and excellent handling for when nina goes on hunting trips on horseback; as well as the fact that nina admires what the goddesses artemis (& diana) stand for. artemis is very affectionate, but does like to nip and does often try to do so to nina who just laughs it off.
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celestial rain (irish sport horse ) celeste (affectionately nicknamed) is trained for showjumping (jumper discipline, but does spectacular with cross country) and comes neck-in-neck with (sometimes better than) bucephalous, but nina finds that she and celeste have much more fun together in the hillside . bucephalus is much more of a stoic horse while celestial rain tends to be a bit more playful however nina always takes her to competitions in case bucephalus is having an off day. she's named 'celestial rain' because of her grey-white-ish coloring that fades to dark grey-black that reminded nina of wet concrete on a rainy night. if nina has friends that go riding with her then she'd definitely recommend they use celeste as she's the most reliable and consistent one of all the horses.
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scheherazade (arabian thoroughbred) is nina's trickster amongst her small herd of horses. she's insanely smart and is always getting out of her stable at every opportunity. nina named her after the arabian story '1001 Nights' titular character who escaped death nightly and because of the fact that she's an arabian horse. her nickname is 'sade' or 'sadie'. scheherazade does very well with competitions (jumper discipline) as it keeps her engaged and active, but nina doesn't use her often as she can be a bit too spirited for nina to trust her in competition some weeks. only experienced riders are allowed to ride scheherazade as she sometimes likes to be a bit mischievous with her riders, but she adores her grooms because she loves being pampered.
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bright star (hanoverian) is nina's most PICKY and difficult horse. he gives his grooms and handlers fits with how picky he is about what he wants to eat and how he's cared for. if nina tries to do some kind of mane bows or accessories he rips them off. he also gets very nervous with plastic bags and puddles at times, nina adores babying him, but sometimes even she gets frustrated with him. but because of how fussy 'opiniated' he is she decided to name him after empress sisi's horse as the empress was very difficult about what she liked/didn't like. however he is excellent with tricks, footwork and jumping, but far too temperamental for competitions (but he is best at the hunter discipline) and has thrown nina off far more than any of her horses. for as picky as he is though he LOVES attention, but is selective about who HE lets ride him. he will ignore you if he doesn't want to be ridden and he will bug you if he wants your attention right then and there.
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black pearl (trakehner ) is one of her oldest horses and one that was passed down from her great uncle aleksander. pearl however tends to think that nina is her foal as she tends to be very protective of nina and often puts herself between nina and the other horses when they're loose. pearl is definitely the most calm of the horses and always nina's first pick when she wants an early morning quiet ride without worrying much about anything as pearl is so well trained and knows the trails very very well. pearl was also nina's first showjumping horse (hunter discipline) when she was young before nina decided to retire her from competitions due to her age. if nina has any friends who are absolute newbies to riding then she has them ride pearl as she is the calmest and sweetest of the horses.
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NOTE: Nina's next horse that she wants is a Friesian for obvious reasons.
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crystalelemental · 28 days
I have finished Digimon Hacker's Memory now as well. Full thoughts below, but the short is I liked this one better than Cyber Sleuth.
I won't spend much time on mechanics because nothing's changed. I still feel like the game is largely too heavy on back and forth fetch-quest style events, and its intended path is not always clear. This game is at least a lot better about notifying you when it's open-ended who to talk to about it, but I don't love the constant running around over nothing. There's a specific Mirei quest where she has you gather various random ingredients around the real world and I thought I was going to lose my shit. This is compounded by a lot of optional quests that are...frustrating and pointless? I think my biggest issue really is the pacing of it. The gameplay can be fun, but exploration segments are short and broken up by a ton of scenes as each side-quest ends, and so many wind up being relatively unimportant. Even main quests can sometimes overstay their welcome, sharing way too much background information that isn't necessary. I think the game could've been parsed down on its overall dialogue, expanded for direct gameplay through the major sections, and come out better for it. And no, the Domination Battles addition is not expanding the gameplay. That grid system is wholly pointless, there's never an instance where you don't want to use maximum range and just attack things to claim their spots, it's overcomplicating a simple affair.
I'm mostly complaining, but I did say I liked this game better. Part of that is my own fault. I spent a lot of time in Cyber Sleuth filling out the field guide, and yes, I did 100% the Digimon roster across these two games. I was also able to optimize more efficiently, having a better understanding of the systems and what's good to use, and was able to run Lillymon and Lilamon this time to great effect. Lilamon in particular has earned my respect for a huge bulk of the game. Turns out poison does work sometimes, and the times it does work are divine. That said, the process of acquiring more optimized skills is...frustrating, to put it mildly. It still takes way too long to get the back and forth effects of building ABI and getting to needed levels for evolution and getting to needed levels for skills. Even with significantly simplified chains, it still took me like 8 hours to get my full team in order.
That is, however, a me problem. My wife does not do any of this and beat these games just fine, getting stuck only once. It's the Hosaka fight at the end of Chapter 9, which is an absurd fight. She got stuck badly enough I had to show her the Tactician USB trick on the farm, and after some level grinding and upgrading to Hououmon, she was able to clear it without too much fuss. So I am definitely overshooting the mark on what's sane. In fact, to really emphasize that point: I went out of my way to get Acceleration Boost on Lillithmon, and all it did was result in one-shotting the final boss in each of its forms. It is. Wildly more than necessary.
I do think Hacker's Memory is a harder game, though. It seems to use a lot more status effects, has generally bulkier enemies that like to buff their whole team's stats, and most damning of all, cast Aura. This game loves giving you fights where one of the components is a healer for the enemy team, and will heal for something like all the damage you dealt. Honestly, this was the problem with the Hosaka fight for my wife. She didn't get stuck on anything like his damage output or getting blasted by buffs. She got stuck because she couldn't out-DPS the healing of his LadyDevimon, who was spamming that shit like every turn. It's a frustrating way to go about things, especially knowing that you, the player, could not do the same. It's just the occasional moment where you can get completely progress blocked because you're not high level enough to seriously bypass the amount of healing being thrown around. Also I did actually try to work with elevated speed, and outside of UlforceVeedramon, who one time took two actions in a row, nothing ever seriously doubled up, and bosses still too multiple turns in our rotation.
But the bigger reason I liked this game better is, remarkably, story and character related.
At the outset, watching my wife play...I geared up to not like this one. They removed the ability to play as a female protagonist, and your main crew is three guys with one girl, and the one girl is sick and dying. Which is. Not an appealing setup. But credit where it's due, the game does a lot of good stuff with the dynamic. My wife could probably talk at length about themes of masculinity and what it means to be a man, but I am of course focused on Erika.
Erika, our sick and dying girl, is actually pretty great. She's snappy and violent and exceptionally talented, and functions as the heart of the group. Not as strictly an emotional center, she's as constipated as the others in that regard, but as a central focus. Ryuji, her brother, acts entirely to her whims, because he is fixated on being a good brother and trying to avoid losing her too after the death of their parents and the dissolution of his previous hacker team. Chitose is Ryuji's brofriend, and acts as levity within the group. Your protagonist is there. I mean he helps I guess, but it's whatever, I do not think he's fleshed out enough to be important, but there are bits I think are more interesting given the mandated male thing.
Things like Yu. The protagonist's best friend, Yu, has an interesting little arc. He's constantly trying to inject himself into events, and to get Keisuke (protagonist boy) to attend to him or rely on him, but it fails basically every time and you continue to press on with the Hudie group. This culminates in the realization that Yu is the one who stole your account, kicking off the events that led to you joining the current hacker group. Yu wanted to get you to rely on him, so he manufactured a problem he'd help you solve, but when Keisuke continues to rely more on Hudie, Yu's goals shift into becoming Keisuke as he wants him to be, and in his own words, ensuring that they would always be together. Now because my wife also pinged it, I am comfortable saying that Yu's feelings on this matter are extremely romantic in nature, which is why the conclusion is so frustrating. See, the mask he wears takes on the persona of a Digimon that has been manipulating Yu for whatever reason, and keeps talking about how "I have become me" in a Persona-esque focus on personal identity. But when defeated, and when you try to comfort Yu, they give you the option to say "I love you." This is then followed up with a beat before "Just kidding." You No Homo'd that boy.
Anyway, I bring up Yu partially because I think it's an interesting segment that ends really stupid, I'm kinda pissed at the game over it. But I also bring it up because that sense of personal identity is also a big theme for Erika. As mentioned, she's sick. She was in a car accident, because it is always cars that kill, and her parents died. She apparently lost control of her brain or something, don't ask about specifics, but the treatment is uploading memories and some thought process to a server in Eden, to minimize the strain on her flesh brain. As a result, there's some push and pull of the "real you," and whether the flesh and blood person is real, or if the memories aggregated in cyberspace is more real. This is complete with other instances of characters commenting on the cyber world feeling more real, because they feel like they can be their true selves there. And it's here where things started to connect narratively for me, both for this game and for Cyber Sleuth.
There's a mission in Hacker's Memory where you are tasked with solving a theft case from an aquarium. Bear with me, I promise this all connects. The event itself involves someone stealing exhibits, but then they're returned with no changes and no harm done. The revelation is that there is a woman who adored this aquarium, had some of her best memories here, but the aquarium is about to undergo renovations, complete with a huge change in tone from a quiet place of observation to something more bombastic with live performances and such. She hates this. She hates that this place that meant so much is changing, and decided the solution was to preserve it within the digital world exactly as she remembers, so she can always see it as it should be. Ryuji still turns her in to the police for the theft, in part because she still did a crime even if its victimless and Ryuji (and the cast at large) are a little bit bootlicker, but he also kinda gets on this woman's case, arguing that memories aren't something to preserve outside of yourself, they're things you carry in your heart all your life. Which...raises some interesting questions about Ryuji's stance on pictures, but that's not important.
In Cyber Sleuth, your main group were all involved in a traumatic event as children, as Yuugo was the first victim of the Eaters. Everyone was traumatized and had trouble moving past, so Suedou, in an act of compassion, deletes those memories from you. He also does so for his partner in the research, who was devastated over what happened. A later event involves this partner starting to vaguely recall that something happened, and it eats at him until he can recall that Suedou removed those memories. He asks you to unlock them, to bring them back to his conscious awareness, and this is how you learn about the first victim of Eden Syndrome. As a resolution, the man comments that "Even if my mind forgets, the body remembers." It's an interesting presentation as part of that sense of your true self. Yes, your memories and the thoughts within you make up who you are. But some memories, those traumas, are imprinted deeper. The body recalls what the mind may not, and there are still involuntary mechanisms that make up "you."
The final resolution of this quest is that the man asks you to re-seal those memories. They were a burden, and without them, he's been able to improve his life significantly. You comply, but Yuuko asks you if you think what you did was truly the right thing, and your options are largely non-commital and unsure. The way the rest of the game resolves, however, implies it was not. Suedou's goals are to erase all sadness by remaking the world, Cyrus PokemonGen4 style but sincere this time, and in the specific seems to be about removing the sense of trauma. Nothing will make people sad, no one will have to recall anything sad, and they can live happy lives this way. Ultimately your conflict with him and decision to try and tear him out from the Eaters is a statement of facing that reality directly, with your connections with friends being what helps to overcome a shared grief.
In both games, reliance on others plays a big role. Arata's final takeaway is that all of this likely could've been fine if he'd trusted and relied on his friends from the outset. Ryuji falls into a nihilistic rage when Rie's true motives are revealed and tries to handle everything himself to the end. There's a constant pressure on the need to be a little selfish, and to ask others for what you need. This is the entire resolution of Erika's arc, getting her to own up to her true desires and what she really wants. She's initially portrayed as bratty and spoiled enough to refuse a basic apology until Ryuji buys her a new computer, but what she really wants to ask is something she feels she can't, because of how much he gives for her sake due to her illness. In particular, there are several moments where characters comment that Erika doesn't have any real childhood memories playing with others, or things you would expect, and the optimistic takeaway is that she can start building those now with you and the rest of Hudie. Building those memories form the basis of who you are, and who you become.
*sigh* Which is, again, why the final scene is so frustrating. The end of the game, Erika fuses with Wormmon to become a new entity, Hudiemon, and decides to follow her desire to go to the Digital World. Which is about to be sealed off from the human world. Meaning she will never see you or the others again. It's a sad, but fairly poignant scene. We've established that following your needs and desires is important, and there's an earlier bit where Erika talks about how she wants to go off somewhere new and see things but return to where she feels comfortable afterwards, but knows this comes from a place of internal inertia; and unwillingness to meet change. This final decision makes sense and follows everything about her, even as it's sad. It lands well.
But they sneak in an extra scene after the credits. In it, we learn that the world has stabilized after everything with the eaters, and you still work with Hudie, alongside Chitose and Ryuji. But also Yu is here. And also Ryuji's parents are alive. And also Ryuji is referred to as an only child, and no one remembers Erika at all. Except for you, protagonist-kun. You remember her and are very sad. Not her brother, though. He forgor.
This? Drives me insane. Ryuji goes off on the aquarium quest about how memories stick with you and that it's important to hold on to them internally above all else, and the game hammers in this point so viciously that the resolution of that quest? It turns out she planted fucking bombs under the exhibits and planned to blow that place to hell, with Ryuji catching it on a hunch, because anyone that obsessed with preserving their memory of something externally that way obviously just wanted it all to themselves. Which is an insane takeaway to have. Especially consider, at the resolution of this, he just fucking forgets his sister.
It reads similarly to Cyber Sleuth's ending. In spite of all the focus on working through trauma rather than pretending it didn't happen, and the recognition that there's some mark on you as a person even if the specifics aren't consciously recalled, the ending...resolves everything neatly. Everyone just kinda forgets and moves on and Yuuko's dad is alive and I guess Rie is in love with him so she's not evil now and it's all packaged perfectly and we can just forget any of that happened. This feels similar, but more sinister. Because it kinda implies that Ryuji's temper tantrum was right. He is happier without his sick sister. Just fucking forget her, bro, you're better off. Who wants to live a life filled with bittersweet memories of a loved one taken too soon? Just fucking forget them entirely and do whatever, it's great!
We're two for two on the resolution of these games feeling wildly discordant with their thematic purpose. And moreover, feeling slightly out of touch with their own ethics. I feel like the game doesn't handle that particular aspect well. There's another case, around chapter 8 or something, where you're given two options: preserve the Digimon Market, or destroy it. It's framed as "Digimon are mistreated" vs "Hackers rely on Digimon and this is a means of ensuring they have access to those tools." It's backed by a deeper debate over "Are Digimon living things, or just programs?" Which is a neat idea to play with, since not everyone would know or agree with. However:
This comes way too late. We are introduced to this market by getting our starter from it, while it's shaking terrified in a cage. We're given a quest to find an Airdramon that escaped, and can verbally tell you the cages are small and painful to be stuck in all the time (that quest resolves with it going back to slavery because it's about to be sold and won't be in the cage much longer, by the way). Erika has Wormmon who talks about the world they all came from, your protagonist has now at multiple points taken the ethical stance on treating Digimon with care, and I'm pretty sure we had met Nokia by then. So this ethical dilemma is easily solved. You destroy the market. I'm sorry, but "some hackers rely on it" is not a justification for slavery.
But at the end, Erika will wax philosophical about how neither side was truly right, because Digimon are just programs. And it's like...girl, you have Wormmon. How are you still on this? It's wildly disconnected from the reality we've experienced to this point, and wants to try so hard to make an interesting dilemma at a point it cannot possibly work.
I think these games have good ideas, and on a dramatic level, most of the major scenes work. I think it's a bit bloated with unnecessary cases and padding (seriously, what is the point of the Mr Navit quests?), but on the whole, the games miss some marks. Particularly endings. Which is always a bit of a rough one to miss.
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firaknight · 4 years
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@kirbyofthestars good morning!!!! The frogs are complete!!!!
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