#frozen 3 theory
tiyasrocks · 1 year
A Random Frozen 3 Theory-
The Frozen movies are widely recognized for their exploration of self-discovery and personal growth, particularly in the context of young adulthood. In the first movie, Elsa embodies the struggles of a young adult who is grappling with her own identity and sense of self-worth. She experiences intense self-loathing and depression, which are common themes among those who are unable to control their emotions.
Meanwhile, Anna is portrayed as a sheltered and inexperienced teenager who is struggling to navigate the outside world. Her naivety and lack of experience make her vulnerable to manipulation, which is a common challenge for many young people who are learning to assert their independence.
By the end of the first movie, Elsa and Anna have both undergone significant personal growth. Elsa learns to accept herself, while Anna learns not to trust everyone she meets.
But, F1’s end comes with lot of questions like - “What happened to their parents ?” Or “Why does Elsa have power ?” 
 The unanswered questions from the first movie are addressed in the sequel, Frozen 2, which explores their characters even further.
Elsa's character development in F2 is particularly noteworthy, as she moves beyond self-acceptance to a deeper understanding of herself and her place in the world .She finally discovers herself (What comes after Self Acceptance ? Self-Discovery of course)
However, it is Anna's character development that truly shines in F2. In the previous film, she was often portrayed as a follower, constantly chasing after Elsa and putting her own needs aside. This dynamic is further explored in F2 as Anna continues to prioritize Elsa above all else, even leaving Kristoff behind at times. Yet, as the movie progresses, Anna begins to come into her own, paving her own path and becoming a leader in her own right.
This evolution is exemplified in the scene where Anna talks the Arendelle soldier into helping her break the dam instead of succumbing to grief over her sister's apparent demise. It is a powerful moment that shows just how far Anna has come from her naive beginnings. She has learned to prioritize herself and her own goals rather than simply following in Elsa's wake.
Overall, the character development in F2 is a testament to the power of self-discovery and self-awareness. Both Elsa and Anna have undergone significant changes since their introduction in F1, and their journeys continue to be a driving force behind the success of the Frozen franchise.
As the Frozen franchise moves into a potential third installment, it is natural to speculate on what the future may hold for the beloved characters of Anna and Elsa. While a wedding for Anna and Kristoff seems inevitable, there are also larger questions to be answered, particularly regarding Elsa's role as the fifth spirit. While the second movie provided some answers, there is still much to explore in this area.
In discussing the potential plot of a third movie, it is important to consider the character development that has occurred in the previous installments. Both Elsa and Anna have grown immensely throughout their journey, with Elsa moving from self-loathing to self-discovery and Anna learning to carve her own path and lead rather than simply following her sister.
The concept of self-actualization is particularly relevant here, as it represents the highest level of psychological development in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. As such, it is reasonable to expect that the third movie will focus on this theme, particularly in relation to Elsa's character. As she continues to save the forest, the question arises: what is her ultimate purpose? This is a question that the filmmakers may explore in depth, pushing Elsa's character to new heights of growth and development.
Meanwhile, Anna's journey has already seen her experience - failed love and heartbreak (kinda ? but it's more relevant for Kristoff - Lost in the Woods), and it is likely that the third movie will explore the challenges of marriage and the complexities of juggling work and love. Despite these difficulties, Anna and Kristoff are likely to learn to love and cherish each other all the more for the struggles they face.
Anyway. Let’s see what happens. (In my personal opinion I believe Disney should stop producing sequels of the same story over and over again, hoping to cash in on its previous successes. F2 didn’t meet upto my expectation and I don’t really think there can be any movie better than Frozen 1, cause it is just perfect and we don’t need another rushed, half assed movie just so Disney can make big billions while undermining artistic integrity.) 
Lemme know what you guys think !
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nokk-of-frozen · 1 year
I've been debating posting this and decided I should. I am genuinely curious about your thoughts on this. Here, have this mini Frozen analysis/theory.
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I've seen so many theories and so many analyses, and I cant decide on which is more likely to happen in Frozen 3.
I know that the Frozen community wants Disney to treat Anna better, so I think it's very likely that she will be treated better in Frozen 3.
I've also seen ideas where Anna does have magic, but not the kind most people would think. See, most people think she would have the power of fire, to contrast her sister.
But Bruni already has the power of fire. So that cant be it. Another I've seen is where she has the power of lava or other fiery powers.
But if we look at the elements, as in one video I've seen, we see that earth and wind are across from eachother, ice and fire are across from eachother, and water and energy are across from eachother.
It could be that Anna takes this power, or that the mysterious Samantha takes this power.
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Whilst wandering the woods, Olaf mentions a "Samantha," of whom he later says "I dont even know a Samantha."
Olaf also says that water remembers everything. Considering that Olaf is made of snow, frozen water, he might remember someone named Samantha.
This mysterious "Samantha" could be the energy spirit, contrasting to Nokk, the spirit of water.
Now, you may be wondering: Didnt Elsa tame Nokk?
Yes. She did. But she didnt balance him. Nokk wants balance, and since the other spirits have achieved it, he wants it too.
Think about this: fire and ice balance eachother; wind and earth balance eachother; water and energy balance eachother.
Now, this is just a theory. I wholeheartedly agree with this theory.
I'm curious as to what other theories you guys have, and if they make as much sense as this one.
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galaxygolfergirl · 7 months
What does Elsa want?
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Since I’ve been on a bit of a Frozen binge recently, I was having some thoughts:
If anyone’s been in the Frozen fandom for as long as I have, we’ve all wondered whether Elsa would ever become attached to someone. The early Jelsa shippers, Helsa (which I do ship, I have my reasons, don’t @ me), #giveelsaagirlfriend trending on twitter, the newer Elsamaren shippers, and so on. Ever since Disney realized the franchise potential of this story, that's been the big question brought up for the past decade.
I will say I can definitely understand the perception of Elsa being aromantic/asexual because honestly, think about it: considering her past struggles with controlling her powers and her fear of hurting those she loves, it’s probably very difficult for her to be vulnerable with other people, even platonically with her own family. If she was that uncomfortable being around others and trying to manage her issues, how uncomfortable is she with being in love? Being desired? Wanting to be with someone?
No matter what options they go with for her in the 3rd sequel, it might be an interesting perspective to see this more vulnerable side of Elsa, if they choose to give her a romantic partner, because for the past two movies we’ve only gotten the perspective of her focusing on herself. She wanted to learn the truth of who she was and to make her peace with it, no longer denying her magical abilities or trying to shove them down out of fear. She wanted to reconnect with her sister and try to have a family again. But what does Elsa want for herself beyond that? Who can really stand on her level and approach her?
In spite of her connections with her sister and the rest of her family, there is still a level of unapproachability to her because of the dissonance between her humanity and the almost mythic nature of her powers. Even though Anna loves her sister, we can observe that even she struggles sometimes to understand Elsa’s powers, especially her role as the Snow Queen/the 5th Spirit, and Anna falls back in awe of her like everyone else. It’s like this quote from the movie The Philadelphia Story (which is a great movie btw, highly recommend):
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“You're like some marvelous, distant, well, queen, I guess. You're so cool and fine and always so much your own. There's a kind of beautiful purity about you, Tracy, like a statue.”
To which Katharine Hepburn’s character replies:
“I don't want to be worshipped. I want to be loved.”
Does Elsa want that kind of love? So far, the answer’s been a tentative “no,” at least from the writers and cast. Whether it's because of the potential conservative outcry or disappointing the lgbtq community yet again is anyone's guess, but for now I can only assume that leaving her unattached has been the safest option for Disney so far.
But since we’ve already crossed the threshold of Elsa’s self-acceptance and self-realization of her powers, where do we go beyond that in terms of her character? It’s only natural to wonder what she wants beyond understanding herself, being comfortable with her powers, and being accepted. She has a supportive family, is making friendships with the Northuldra, and has a kingdom that loves her, but does she stand alone or can someone meet her at her level? Romantically or otherwise? Who can challenge her, really?
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Tracy Lord: "I don't seem to you made of bronze?"
Macaulay Connor: "No, you're made out of flesh and blood. That's the blank, unholy surprise of it. You're the golden girl, Tracy. Full of life and warmth and delight.”
Does she have to remain this mythic goddess that everyone admires, who has to have a dress transformation/inspiration anthem about self-actualization every movie? What if she had a moment where she was grounded and had to focus on something besides her powers? What if she lost them? How would that affect her character then?
Those are questions I hope might be answered in Frozen 3. I'm fine with whatever choices they make in terms of her sexuality, as precarious at that may be, but I just think it would be an interesting aspect of her character to explore whether or not she could have an equal, or whether or not she can finally come down to earth.
Tracy Lord: "How do I look?"
Seth Lord: "Like a queen. Like a goddess."
Tracy Lord: "And do you know how I feel?"
Seth Lord: "How?"
Tracy Lord: "Like a human. Like a human being.”
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ericmicael · 4 months
"Kristoff is the lost prince of another kingdom"
"Rapunzel and Flynn will appear as recurring characters and become a crossover film"
"Anna will reveal herself to have fire powers"
"All the dead characters in the franchise will turn out to be alive"
"The teenage ghost from the film that almost bankrupted the studio will become a couple with Elsa because someone like her is what she's looking for to be truly happy"
"The ten-year-old joke will return with redemption ignoring F2 and the film will be a romantic comedy with Elsa and the abusive man in the trope of unlikely allies"
"Harry Potter/magic duels"
Sometimes I wonder if I'm too picky or overly lucid because seriously, these "Frozen 3" and "Frozen 4" theories...
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Happy birthday Hans
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I remember having seen an old Frozen concept art in which the characters were asociated with the seasons of the year. We know Elsa`s birhtday is in winter solstice, and Anna's birthday in summer solstice.
Since Kristoff was asociated with spring and Hans with autumn, their birthday dates must be 21st of March (Kristoff) and 21st of September (Hans). Let's celebrate the men of Frozen.
Happy birthday my fixer upper prince. Hope to see you in Frozen 3.
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lelitachay · 6 months
I've been thinking about Frozen lately (big surprise, I know), more specifically about what Frozen 3 and 4 will bring.
I have no idea what the story could be about, nor the setting. However, something I'd like to see is Elsa losing her powers, just for a short time. It doesn't need to be the main plot point. But I think the idea of her losing them after she finally came to accept them could be truly interesting to see. After all, not having those powers was, for years, everything she wanted. And suddenly, now that she found a purpose for them a real reason, she loses them.
I can see her curious to explore life without ice, perhaps even enjoying it for a brief moment, until she realises what not having her powers truly mean. What having your essence striped from you means.
I'm the first to say Elsa deserves to be happy, over all things. But she's such an interesting and complex character, I'd love to see her struggling to come to terms with something like that.
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Honestly? I'm hyped for both, count me tf in
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frozenpolishfangirl · 8 months
So, the first two episodes of Frozen Forces od Nature podcast are available on Wondery, and These are my general thoughts about it :
Who IS THE YOUNG MAN that Matthias is telling the whole story to?
Kristoff is cute helping Sankerhus with a flood 😍
Anna x Disa crumbs?
I need more Elsa
Kinda annoying Olaf and magpies lol
I have literal chills while listening to the story
Matthias, my man
Wolfgang Has the same voice as Duke, since Alan Tudyk can't voice Duke, as long he is not in the podcast
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ifthesewings--couldfly · 10 months
Okay okay, after the mess that Frozen 2 was I’m the least person to be even remotely interested in how Disney is going to further maul the franchise with the next movie
Imagine what would happen if Frozen 3 was centered around Anna building resentment at Elsa for leaving her behind
Imagine her trying to keep it in the way Elsa did with her powers
And since she has the same genes as Elsa, her heart starts to freeze out
But not in a “I’m dying of a frozen heart” sort of way
But more in a “this hate is giving me power(s)” sort of way
What if Anna was the enemy Elsa had to protect the Enchanted Forest from all along
And she freaking CREATED IT
(What if Beware The Frozen Heart was about Anna all along)
Imagine Anna, now with some sort of power, unleashing her wrath at the Enchanted Forest
Imagine an epic, final battle between the two sisters
This would fit the Frozen theme SO NICELY
And wrap up the circle PERFECTLY
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mangaka-lanani · 11 months
My theory about Frozen 3
I think Prince Hans will return in Frozen 3 In Frozen 2, Prince Hans is spoken of 3 times 1* In the charades game, when Olaf mentions Hans' name in the villain's charade 2 * When Anna asked to accompany Elsa on the trip and told her that she had saved her from her ex-boyfriend, she meant Hans 3 * In the river of memories, when Hans's ice statue appeared while talking to Anna, Elsa got angry at what she saw and destroyed it. It seems that she has not forgiven Hans for what he did to Anna Disney touched on Prince Hans three times in Frozen 2 even though it wasn't needed But perhaps it is a hint of the future, as the presence of Hans is still necessary, as he was one of the reasons for the explosion of Elsa's strength and revealing her secret, and it was also the reason for the calmness of Elsa's strength when he told her that her sister died because of her.
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horrorartist23 · 9 months
Ok with Frozen 3 in the works alot of things can happen now and so many people theorize already.
I hope they dont pull a Httyd 3 on us. Let me explain.
Elsa lives in the enchanted forest and Athohallan and Anna lives in Arendell as Queen and they see each other on a regular bases. Wich is great!
But I kinda hope they wont get the idea to pull them apart for longer times just for story or because one thing happened.
It worked for Httyd 3. They were a bigger target and had to fear being attacked regularly. Not to mention with Hiccup bieng chief he has to protect his people aswell, not just the dragons. They cant protect them forever everyone gets older and even weaker over time.
I hope they wont do anything like this with Frozen it would ruin it a bit.
Yeah just a thought thanks for reading
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galaxygolfergirl · 4 months
As much as I've loved Helsa all these years, in canon I've acknowledged the possibility that at worst Anna would probably be horrified and driven to the verge of double counts of 1st degree murder if something like that were to happen lol.
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ericmicael · 6 months
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Fifth Spirit origin fanfic + retelling of Frozen 2
Just retelling of Frozen 2
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I don't deny that the other theory is easier to be possible than my fanfic, which has certain parts that even I can't explain 100% and I rely too much on elements told in other media like number 3, although this number 3 also be a theory.
And number 2 in my fanfic is maybe exaggerated and is just a couple, maybe even Agduna before they die and that's why the ground below them isn't flat, it's the boat.
Remembering: the position of the spirits is in accordance with the symbol that represents their element.
But if it's really just a retelling, I don't like that the position of the images (which are not the spirits) is apparently random, although it's possible to try to create some logic.
But regardless of the origin, I still want an official explanation of the Fifth Spirit in "Frozen 3" or/and "Frozen 4". Stop releasing enigmatic images.
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gqa-lite · 11 months
Ok, so as I said before, my first theory of who the new director is is that it could be Kristen Bell— she was always heavily involved with Anna’s character and story and her and Lee are very close. Also, as I mentioned before, Lee had joked that Bell would be the person to come up with a story idea.
My second theory is what if this new director is Sámi? Remember, Disney had signed an agreement that if they used Sámi influences in F2, then they would have to first translate the film into Sámi languages, then allow for Sámi writers and directors to be given a chance to work for them. What if one of these people they hired on was the person that came up with the new idea and Lee loved it? It would support the idea of why the Northuldra haven’t been more active in side content, because this new director could be writing an entire lore and backstory to the Northuldra.
My third theory is that it could be Trent Correy. Not only was he an animator on both films, but he wrote and directed Once Upon a Snowman, to which Lee commented that “you can never get away from Frozen!” (Something along those lines anyway). It would make sense that someone who added lore to the films and worked on the films previously could be given the chance to work on the newest film.
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lelitachay · 1 year
One random Frozen 3 theory
I’ve read a few theories about Frozen 3. And some of them talk about the recurring theme of Elsa being afraid of her powers, again. And I get where those are coming from. After all, most of Frozen has been about self love and self acceptance. But the more I think about it, and if the writers take advantage of the audience growing older, they could explore the opposite. They could explore the feelings of losing faith in someone you love or – what’s even more painful – starting to fear someone you love.
I know this most likely won’t happen because we know Anna’s love could hold up the world. But what if, for once in her life, Anna becomes aware of Elsa’s powers. I mean aware of the actual extent of her powers. What if Anna, for the first time, actually fears those powers. She can see the powers are taking over the sister she loves.
Elsa is finally okay and in harmony with her powers, but the more she accepts them, the more she uses them and the more she relies on them to solve her problems. Everything is okay as long as things are normal in their lives. But what about the day Anna or Arendelle are the target? What about Elsa finding out she may lose everyone she loves for good if she doesn’t intervene? What if the only option is using those powers to their full potential? And what if this time, Anna sees her sister as a person who is fully capable of going on a rampage to protect those she loves?
What if this time, Anna is the one that needs to convince herself that her sister is not dangerous. That her family and her kingdom are safe around her sister. All of this while she tries her best not to make her family or kingdom aware she’s losing faith in what she once believed to be an absolute truth. Elsa is not dangerous. This time, Anna is the one in her parents’ shoes.
Of course, Elsa manages to prove she’s as reliable as always. And maybe she isn’t aware this time Anna’s faith in her is faltering. But it would be interesting to see a character like Anna have her beliefs shaken to the core. Anna’s one of those characters that have so much strength that when she’s losing her strength, things feel hopeless.
Improvable theory? Of course. Interesting? 100%
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Frozen 3 trailer concept
(Arendelle town seen from above in bird view, slowly panning down to Anna and Elsa happily walking down a street. There are changes in buildings and town layouts showing that time has passed since Frozen 2, they are wearing new outfits, and they laugh and chat before the camera catches up to them. They keep walking)
Anna: So! What are the news since last friday? I love our little catch ups.
Elsa: You first.
Anna: Meh,
(shots of Anna in Queen attire helping people around, participating in events, leading political meetings) Anna's voice-over: you know, Queen stuff. How about you?
Elsa: Well,
(shots of Elsa helping Northuldra in the forest, gathering reindeer as she rides Nokk, running in panic after Bruni) Elsa's VO: the usual Fifth Spirit routine.
(back to Arendelle's streets; Elsa shrugs with humor. Then her smile vanishes, she frowns in concern)
Elsa: Though, there's this odd thing that happened the other day in Ahtohallan...
(shot of her widening her eyes in the dome of memories, staring in awe at something off screen)
(back to Elsa in Arendelle's streets, she stops walking and stares at Anna)
Elsa: I saw memories... Not from the past...
(same shot of Ahtohallan, reverse angle where Elsa lifts her hand to a group of ice statues to reach it in disbelief, the scene clearly has not happened before and features older versions of the main characters) Elsa's VO: ...but from the future.
(title screen that reads "IN 2025")
(Honeymaren and Ryder walking with a nervous Elsa in the Forest) Honeymaren: There must be an explanation.
(title screen that reads "JUMP FORWARD")
(Frohana characters walk around ice statues that Elsa crafted in the main hall of Arendelle in awe, looking at every detail)
Kristoff: So these come from... Our future?
Anna: This is incredible.
(close shot of Olaf walking to the statue of his future self, his admiration switches to a smirk, he wiggles his eyebrows, the trailer music stops) Olaf: I look good.
(trailer music resumes, title screen that reads "FOR A FINAL FROZEN ADVENTURE")
(close shot of Anna, looking very serious) Anna: You've got Arendelle's full support.
(shot of Northuldra tribe + Frohana staring up at something big off screen, Anna and Elsa have protective hand gestures towards each other) Anna's VO: Whatever we do... Elsa's VO: We do it together.
(trailer music blasts, new logo appears in 3D)
(boom with a title screen that reads "NOVEMBER 2025")
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