#Villain Anna
fangirl-332 · 4 months
Another Villain Anna - By Lydia The Bard
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ifthesewings--couldfly · 10 months
Okay okay, after the mess that Frozen 2 was I’m the least person to be even remotely interested in how Disney is going to further maul the franchise with the next movie
Imagine what would happen if Frozen 3 was centered around Anna building resentment at Elsa for leaving her behind
Imagine her trying to keep it in the way Elsa did with her powers
And since she has the same genes as Elsa, her heart starts to freeze out
But not in a “I’m dying of a frozen heart” sort of way
But more in a “this hate is giving me power(s)” sort of way
What if Anna was the enemy Elsa had to protect the Enchanted Forest from all along
And she freaking CREATED IT
(What if Beware The Frozen Heart was about Anna all along)
Imagine Anna, now with some sort of power, unleashing her wrath at the Enchanted Forest
Imagine an epic, final battle between the two sisters
This would fit the Frozen theme SO NICELY
And wrap up the circle PERFECTLY
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jennipond · 1 month
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the-casbah-way · 10 months
forgive the brief jesus chris superstar rant but. there is a very important difference between the pharisees being villains and the pharisees being antagonists. they're technically antagonists because they're actively working against the interests of our protagonist, but i don't believe they should ever be played as villains. they're not evil or bad or wrong. they're terrified just like literally everyone else in the show is, and their actions are completely justified. to me that's the entire point of the musical. it's not about christianity; it's about the impact the roman empire's brutal and violent imperialism had on everyone on all levels. including jesus and judas, but also including the pharisees, and even herod and pilate. when a powerful coloniser forces their presence on innocent people they are the only winners. everyone else suffers, even the puppet kings and high priests who look like they're reaping some sort of benefit from it all. that's roman propaganda. the romans kept native rulers like herod and caiaphas in power to maintain the illusion of provincial autonomy, and keep populations appeased and therefore under control. everyone in the show is acting out of fear of the romans. the one roman character we do see (pilate) is acting out of fear of his own emperor. it makes no sense to cast the pharisees as two dimensional Bad Guys, especially when the same productions that do that usually offer a sympathetic portrayal of pilate. it would be so easy to stage and direct a production in a way that makes it obvious that the pharisees are doing what they're doing because they truly have no choice, and not because they're pure evil and want to kill jesus for the sake of it. it's not only an antisemitic trope but also undermines a really important theme of the musical. if you can see the humanity in the violent roman governor installed forcefully on conquered land then you can afford some humanity for the pharisees too. they are victims of pilate and victims of rome just like everyone else
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x-mensirens · 2 months
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"Anna's Villain Song" - Lydia the Bard, 2023 Sonic Prime (2022) 1.16 "Ghost of a Chance" dir. Andrew Duncan and Kiran Sangherra
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 month
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Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #178 (1983) writer: Chris Claremont penciler: John Romita, Jr. inkers: Bob Wiacek & Brett Breeding
X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) writer: Si Spurrier artists: Wilton Santos (w/ Oren Junior, inks) & Marcus To color artist: Ceci De La Cruz
One thing that is canon in the 616 is the fact that Mystique took Rogue in and raised her as her daughter. The details on this have been vague, we have had different versions of their first meeting and we do not talk about the exact age of characters for various reasons.
Over the years Rogue and Mystique clashed a lot of times. Often depending on how far Mystique was on the villain scale and what twisted goal she was currently after. UXM #177 had her train in Murderworld against X-bots to kill them all, including Rogue herself, just to see if she could do it to get her daughter back. Because she was convinced that Professor Xavier had brainwashed her. Murder as means to an end is part of her charm.
Yet the confrontation in #178 makes it clear that Rogue chose to seek out help from the X-Men. It is her choice. For her own good. Because Mystique could not help her with the lack of control of her powers. But this is very much a mother-daughter conversation. "Mother knows best", well until she doesn't.
The thing I love about that moment from 40+ years ago - one of the earliest close-ups of this family relationship - is that Rogue never denies Mystique that role. She is her mother. And she was there to fight away nightmares. Once upon a time Rogue felt safe and protected. And it's so nice to see how the one-shot from 2023 runs with that. To give us a nice beginning.
"When Ah was a kid -- 'fore Ah developed mah power -- Ah remember you holdin' me, protectin' me from the badness an' nightmares."
Those panels from the Origin story make me believe in all of that. And oh the heartbreak from the moment Rogue's power did manifest and Mystique would no longer hold her like that. Afraid of her own daughter. Exquisite angst that was brushed off too often.
Also shown: Raven draws a gun on Irene. She is ready to shoot anybody, including people she loves. That's established. She does in fact shoot Rogue in the back at one point: in true Mystique fashion though it comes with the "for her own good"-thinking. Because Mystique has a plan that in the end does actually help Rogue. That's the best twisted part of it all. It's very important that from Mystique's POV her love for Rogue as her daughter is never in question. While for Rogue there are some complications in the mix (because Mystique absolutely did use her specifically for her power and pushed her into a life of crime and hate, the usual). So much to unpack and with the different writers going for different angles - often a bit too much abuse and not enough "it's complicated". But I really like putting these two moments - decades and decades apart - together for a little feeling of continuity.
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HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND ONE MATCH ELEVEN: Fox Mulder (The X Files) vs. Anna (Possession)
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"First name 'Fox' but everyone calls him by his last name. Bad posture. Baggy clothes (yeah it was the style in the 90s but work with me). Went to college in a different country, hostile relationship with his parents. Obsessed with the paranormal, i.e. things outside of acceptable norms. Very few romantic connections outside of sex workers. Only friends besides his partner can also easily be read as trans men."
"Anna's story is one of fighting, endlessly, to be un-possessed by the men in her life, including her husband, lover, and son. She finds her freedom in an apartment with an eldritch creature that begins as goo, and then becomes a tentacle monster, and finally becomes a doppelganger of her husband. She dies, but her own doppelganger takes her place. Is this her? What has she become? Has she escaped her confines? Is she still possessed? What happens to a transition deferred?"
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that-frozen-queen · 5 months
Hot take: Hans was a great villain, some of you cannot get over your crush on him to see that the villain twist not only makes sense, but is important for Anna’s character especially.
How oftentimes, growing up in sheltered environments makes people more susceptible to be manipulated… which Anna was. To show how her desperation of love could be used against her by people who don’t really give a shit about her.
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synergysilhouette · 3 months
"Love is an Open Door (Reprise)"
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I've been having this in my head for a while now. It would've been perfect for a reprise to be his villain song--though I heard something about Jennifer Lee being told that Disney musicals don't usually have songs in the final act (gonna fact check that; I know a couple that contradict this). I'm not sure if I matched the Anderson-Lopez quality, but hopefully you'll enjoy it! I also decided to add the voices of Hans' brothers here for a chorus, even if they aren't actually present, to show how much they affect Hans.
Color code:
Hans (singing)
Hans (talking)
Hans' Brothers
Hans singing with his brothers as backup
Love is an open
Love is an open
Love is an open
I know this sounds awful.
You ARE awful.
But my life has been a series of disappointments
And then suddenly I bump into you.
And I thought to myself,
"Here's someone who with whom I'll always be content"
But it wasn't for your desperation, or your eager "I Do"
'Cause of you
('Cause of you)
I've found my place
(You've seen his face)
The queen is gone, I'll forevermore!
Love is an open door!
Can't shut me out anymore!
I am the hero of this tale
I will succeed where you failed
I'll spare you the gruesome details!
Should love be an open door...?
The snow begins to settle,
And the summer will make it melt.
It's time to test my mettle
I'm freer than I ever felt!
Your sister served as your buffer,
It's 'cause of you she has to suffer
Because you can't take a hint
Or one or two or three.
That's why you're engaged to me!
Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!
Swing it on open for me
I'll pick the lock
No time to find the key
Your love was an open door
Your love was an open door!
Life has become so much more
It's time to settle the score,
Saving Arendelle while you die on the floor.
You won't get away with this.
Of course I will; I'm who you did this for.
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Lemme know what you think! I originally had a much more bubbly draft that came off as a petty, condescending parody, but this was me trying to fit the melody of the OG song. Needless to say, I made some changes. I may alter this later.
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its-to-the-death · 6 months
Villain Song Showdown Preliminary Round #15
Top two will make it into the bracket
Songs below the cut
Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now - Villain: Arthur Savage
Give Them a Show - Villain: Arthur Savage
A Stranger I Remain - Villain: Mistral
It's Our House Now - Villain: A bunch of Disney villains
You're Not One of Us - Villain: The Ducklings
The Merchants Song - Villain: The Merchants
Faust - Villain: Swan
Money Is Such a Beautiful Word - Villain: Aunt Pristine Figg (with backup from Lickboot)
I Want the Good Times Back - Villain: Ursula
Les Poissons - Villain: Chef Louis
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dinneratgrannys · 1 year
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ONCE UPON A TIME REWATCH: 4.12, HEROES & VILLAINS If you don’t think villains can’t get happy endings, just watch me take one. There’s no author of my fate, no storybook with my destiny. I’ve been a villain a thousand times over and yet I’m about to get everything I desire.
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billyrussoapologist · 6 months
So Ranker came out with their list of top most hated TV characters, that apparently 200k+ people voted on:
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And I’m just losing my mind that Ramsay Bolton and Skylar White are so close together on this list. Look at the villains wiki list of each of their crimes:
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People were really like, “hmm, I guess skinning people alive is a smidge worse than Skylar sleeping with Ted. I guess Ramsay feeding an infant to his dogs is like a little worse than fraud.” How are they even comparable you guys 😭😭😭
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tenshichan1013 · 11 months
frozen anna's villain song
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x-mensirens · 2 months
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Horror Villains and: What They Would Put in the Hat
(The 7 Minutes in Heaven hat)
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This was pretty much inspired by This post by @your-mxnd-is-mxne ! ^^
Warnings: Cursing and gore (As in limbs being put in the hat)
Animal the Cannibal: A potato peeler. BE CAREFUL.
Baby Firefly: A cute scrunchie. Put it in your hair!! She thinks you'll look so cute ^^ If you don't have hair/its too short, you can put it in hers! ^^ (So basically you win everything)
Billy Loomis: A folded up poster for the local cinema's horror night. They're playing Psycho, The Birds and then Psycho 2 Back-To-Back.
Bo Sinclair: Little plyers. he never leaves home without them, so you better give them back! Play nice and he may use them on you *cough*
Bubba Sawyer: A pig femur... its not clean...
Candyman: A little leather bound journal with his poetry in it. If he likes you, maybe he'll read you some!!
Captain Spaulding: A pamphlet for his shop! He'd just fucken love to show you around.
Carrie White: A pencil. She wasn't sure and she didn't have a whole lot on her! she hopes that's okay ^^
Chop Top Sawyer: His sunnies! Not his wig, that's special. But you got his glasses! He even wants to see you put them on.
Chucky Lee Ray: He put his whole damn shoe in there. I mean, he's a doll. Why not? // If he's in his human form, though, maybe... a... condom...
BONUS for @your-mxnd-is-mxne because its their idea in the first place ^^ Daddy Hall- *cough* I mean Doc Halloran!: Bullet casing. Its, oddly enough, the only thing that was in his pockets?? 😅 After all he is only here to hunt Leslie- see if you can distract him, though.
Dr Suave: A pack of tooth floss from his pocket. He's a dentist, what do you expect from him?
Drayton Sawyer: The keys to the chilly van (Its all he had on him). He's gonna want them back.
Freddy Krueger: A scrap oh his sweater and it turns to dirty brown dust as soon as you see what it is.
Granny Boone: Buckman's initialed handkerchief.
Harper Alexander: A twig that's been widdled a whole bunch. It may snap in your hand- don't you worry, he don't mind ^^
Inkubus: Ripped piece of paper with a backwards K scribbled into it. You get ink stains on your fingers.
Jack Dante: An action figure! Probably He-Man or something. You can play with it for now but you're gonna give it back when he goes home.
Jason Voorhees: A chunk of moss. Its squishy and fresh.
Jedidiah Sawyer: A tie! He's a well dressed man and always brings an extra XD
Jennifer Check: Cherry Coke Chapstick! You know she's that super cool person who had all the branded soda flavours. And she may even apply some to you~
Jerry Dandridge: His scarf. And its cold- why don't you wear it for a while?~ He's very charming. And this is the man you're gonna get stuck in a closet alone with for nearly 10 minutes! Goodluck-
Leslie Vernon: His mask. He's gotta spread the word!! Make sure people know who he is! This felt like a marketing opportunity.
Lester Sinclair: That grizzly lookin' knife of his. Listen to him chat about it and he'll love you forever.
Luda Mae Hewitt: Wooden spoon. Her logic? If she goes in there with someone iffy she can beat them with it.
Max Grief: Cassette tape out of his car. He wasnt sure what to really put in, so, *shrug*
Mayor Buckman: Boone's initialed handkerchief (Yeahhhh, they're cute like that XD).
Mental Manny: Straw twisted and bent into the shape of some satanic symbol. You feel uncomfortable holding it. But oh, he wants you to have it now~~ A gift.
Michael Myers: Someone's ear.
Mickey Altieri: A snack. Like a cookie from a vending machine or a pack of 2 minute noodles. You can have it, no worries.
Midnight Man: The page with the names on it. ... wanna play a game?
Miss Quinn: Her hand mirror. Come on now, sweetheart!!~ We'll make you look pretty.
Monty Hewitt: A screwdriver. You got anything he can fix up rela quick? He doesn't mind, if it means he can get away from Hoyt for a bit.
Otis B. Driftwood: You don't wanna know. I'm not telling you. Put it down.
Pamela Voorhees: Her drivers licence. She was looking in her wallet and thought it was logical- plus she sure as hell wasn't putting in her polaroid of Jason.
Patrick Bateman: His card, of course. Its so damn crisp- you get a paper cut.
Pennywise: A horn! Honk honk!
Rocco the Clown: Some poor bastard's kneecap. Yes. A kneecap. And I still won't tell you what Otis put in the hat.
Roman Bridger: A very fancy pen. The kind thats like 50 dollars for one. It's for signing contracts but he likes to show off that he has it.
Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt Jr: 'His' sheriff's badge! He wants you to comment on it, too- call him Sheriff Hoyt- stroke his ego. That's all he wants.
Stu Macher: A lollipop! You can have it, he's already sucking one. You two can have matching blue tongues!
Stuart Lloyd: Someone forced him to chuck in the USB that his little movie is on- he's terribly anxious about it and hope that you'll just give it right back and don't play it. Its not done...
DBD! The Clown: A little travel bottle with a suspicious liquid inside. He suggests that you drink it... I suggest you do not. Unless, you know, you're into it-
DBD! The Deathslinger: A wrench. He's a handy man and never leaves the house without his handy wrench!
The Djinn: ... the jewel...
DBD! The Huntress: A bunny ear from a bunny doll. She can do it herself but if you sew it back onto her dolly then you have a friend for life.
The Man (Hush): A switchblade. He's gonna want it back but (; you can keep it while you're in the closet with him if it makes you feel safer.
Taxidermist: Some kind taxidermists tool. Maybe a fleshing cone or a necker knife.
Thomas Hewitt: A pretty rock. 🪨
Vincent Sinclair: A notepad so he can talk to you if you don't know sign language ^^
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane: A crushed can of coke. He doesn't carry shit around with him and he sure as fuck is not handing over his knife.
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