#frozen littles
violetrains · 1 year
Instead of telling men to repress their emotions to appear stronger we should encourage them to sing incredibly dramatic ballads to process their emotions like in fictional movies. Maybe the world would heal faster. And also it would be very funny.
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These are my personal favorites.
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romancemedia · 2 months
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Inside Look into the Disney Princess Castles
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linterteatime · 11 months
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Like a deer caught in headlights
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shushmal · 3 months
Eddie shakes the foundations of Steve's world on a Sunday evening, at 6:44 p.m.
Steve knows the exact moment because he's standing at the stove, stirring pasta sauce and watching the time to make sure the garlic bread in the oven doesn't burn. It's June and it's hot, and they've got all the windows thrown open to let in a cool breeze. Eddie's sitting at the little kitchen table, probably messing with his D&D game notes, Steve would guess because he's focused on making dinner so it's ready when Wayne gets back from his shift. The three of them will eat together tonight, like they have Sundays past since April, a new little tradition that Steve's always craved to be a part of.
Except, when he turns, after Eddie speaks, he finds Eddie leaned back in his chair, like he's been watching Steve the entire time.
But before that, Eddie says, "I'm in love with you."
Steve stops stirring. The numbers on the stove tell him that it's 6:44 p.m. If he looks, the calendar would tell him it's a Sunday in June. And Eddie just told Steve that he was in love with him.
The numbers change—6:45 p.m.
Slowly, like he's moving through water, Steve turns, looks at Eddie over his shoulder, finds him leaned back, watching, smiling soft and wistful. Steve turns a little more, looking closer.
Has anyone ever looked at Steve like that before?
Eddie's eyes are bright, round and relaxed, as he gazes at Steve, those pretty lips curled up just right, a happy little smile. He doesn't say anything, even though there's only silence between them now. The sauce on the stove simmers, bubbles rising through the thickness to pop in shushed bursts. Steve drops his spoon.
"What?" he asks, turning further now. Steve's bread is going to burn under the broiler and his sauce is going to be scorched if he doesn't focus. He doesn't know what time it is anymore.
"I'm in love with you," Eddie says, again. That smile grows a little more. "I'm so in love with you, Steve Harrington."
And Steve is good at moving on instinct, good at chasing the ball down, good at finding himself in the right spot to make the right decision. He moves now, floats across the little kitchen, until he's in front of Eddie, leaning down, breathing his air, tasting his lips—
Their dinner burns.
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fizzy-elf · 1 year
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dcxdpdabbles · 5 months
Hello! Will there be more of Phantom's Number 1 fan? I love these dabbles, Tim and Danny both fail at the "ask a single question about what's happening" test 😅. Also if Tim's spleen was removed he'd likely walk around holding his stomach or at least the Yetis would mention the "delicate condition" of Phantom's love which only leads to more rumors and misunderstandings.
Tim doesn't know how long he's been in the Far Frozen. Time seemed to move differently here, and while he liked to imagine Ra's didn't have a magical time shield, he knew that the madman probably did.
He was worried about his current location. He had no idea where he was, where he would go if he got out, or what kind of tech the Yetis would use to track him down.
Tim attempted to gather information for his escape, but the technology here was far different from what he was used to. He would need months of uninterrupted study to make sense of it; unfortunately, that was impossible with the yetis constantly about.
They rarely let him alone, even in his private chambers. A guard was stationed at every entrance, and even a few servants carried weapons. Whenever Tim was allowed outside his room- there was still some healing his body needed- a scout would go ahead first to ensure the area was safe for him.
That's a word they used a lot. Safe.
Apparently, the Great One wanted to keep Tim as safe as possible for the children who were sure to follow him's return. Until then, Tim was pretty much locked down in an obvious lie of safety. They assured him multiple times that nothing would pass their security.
Tim thought it was cute that they thought they could intimidate him. Yes, he didn't have many options, but with every passing day, he noticed more details that he could use to break this fortress apart.
"My Consort, I hope you have time this evening for a check-up?" FrostBite calls, bowing his head slightly. Behind him, his servants bow at the waist, almost until they are parallel to the ground. Tim turns away from the wall he is staring at, mentally mapping out the fortress and their possible weakness.
It would be better to stare out a window, but they had placed him in the tallest tower without windows to better ensure his "safety."
"Of course I have time. What else would I do?" Tim doesn't bother to keep his biting tone out of his speech. He snaps the blanket he took to draping over himself around his shoulder. It is not meant to keep him warm since whatever magic they have going on allows him to dismiss the cold, but it's a comforting action to have a cape-like cloth around his shoulders.
His frustration makes the snap of his blanket nearly a whip.
A soldier on the right flinches slightly, and Tim quickly springs up. If they had noticed that flinch, then that soldier would be dead come morning.
The Al Ghuls were not known to accept any signs of weakness.
"I take it my soon-to-be husband has not returned?" He asks, dreading the answer even as he impassively struts to the group. Tim was raised to work the elites of Gotham's ballroom floors.
Convincing the Yetis of his cold accception of his new role in life is child's play.
"No. The Great One has not answered any of our messages. I fear he will not be back before the little ones arrive. They say the portal was destroyed." Frostbite tells him gravely.
Portal? Did that mean Ra's would have difficulty getting to him now? That was great! If he wanted to escape, he needed to do it while Ra could not come to the Yetis's aid.
"I see." He says, attempting not to show any of his thoughts.
"Do not fret, Consort, for our best minds and most important allies are attempting to locate natural portals. We shall be sending aid to His Majesty soon. Magic users have been forced to close a few portals, but they can not get to them all. That's where we shall strike." One of the Yetis says, "In the meantime, we will begin your move to a specialist who can treat your delicate condition better. It best to focus on your health instead of worrying over the Great One's quest to protect his family."
Tim looks up at him, for he is still tiny compared to everyone else, keeping his face carefully impassive as he questions, "My condition?"
"My people pride ourselves in our knowledge of care for many creatures across the realms," Frostbite tells him, stepping forward. "But humans are scarce. Our knowledge of pregnancy and reproduction of your kind is severely lacking. We have a specialist who has volunteered to house you while we head to war."
"War!?" Tim snaps his eyes to the King, finding the usually friendly face of the yeti clouded over in grim determination.
"Yes. The Humans' Justice League has declared war. In the last few days, ghosts crossed over and said the Justice League has placed a bounty on your head. I'm sorry, Consort, but war is no longer avoidable."
The Leauge.....was trying to recuse him? Did that mean they finally believed him? Tim didn't have time to ask. He needed to get out and stop the League from kick-starting a war with Ras Al Ghul. Who knew what else he had if he had Yeti's hidden away in some time shield?
The league will not be prepared.
"Pack the Consort's belongings." Frostbite commands, waving a claw to the servants, who quickly burst into the room. The yeti does not notice Tim move until it's far too late.
The guards all shout as Tim launches himself at Frostbite, yanking the hunting knife at his waist to fling it at the guard carrying a spear. When Frostbite makes the mistake of looking at Tim, he is met with a roundhouse kick that knocks the yeti off his feet.
"Consort!? What are you doing!?"
"King Frostbite!"
Tim ignores Frostbite's words and brings his leg down as hard as he can between the Far Frozen's horns. He's out like a light from the blow.
The guard with the spear had dropped his weapon as the knife sank into one of his hands, and Tim cartwheeled towards it. The two guards rush to Frostbite's crumbled form, while he does so.
It takes a second to kick up the spear and swing it in a large arch, taking out the two remaining guards. They crash on the ground, groaning in pain when Tim smacks them again for good measure.
The servants all watching are frozen in terror.
Tim points at them. "It's nothing personal."
One of them screams for help, but Tim has already launched the spear. It bounces off the bedpost, flinging into one of the servants, who is also knocked unconscious.
It would be more effective to kill them, but something about doing so to these creatures feels wrong. Tim had blown up hundreds of Ras's assassins, but those had treated him like an object, while the Far Frozen had at least acknowledged his humanity.
It takes more work and causes spikes of pain to burst around his stomach, but he eventually knocks everyone else out with well-placed kicks and punches. Thank goodness his suspicion that the side of the heads were weak points was correct.
He had noticed that the far-frozen chose to have more coverage there than around their horns, so he took a guess on where to strike. His waiting and information gathering were finally paying off.
Tim looted everyone of anything he thought was helpful before sprinting up the tower. He doesn't know what time the guards change, but he knows that his tower is the highest point, which means that if he timed it right, he could jump over to freedom.
Tim had built a makeshift paraglider while he was pretending to sleep. It wouldn't be a soft landing, but it would get the job done. He made it to the roof as the fortress went into distress below him. Yetis poured out of their huts or castles, searching but not looking up.
That is until the young servant, who mocked his lack of core, spots him.
"My Consort! No! Think of the children!" The boy screams, gathering everyone's attention. Tim doesn't waste a second leaping off the roof to the sounds of screams, and he spreads his paraglider open, aiming for the large wall.
He barely passed it when a strong wind picked up, and Tim hauled off course. Instead of the soft snow of the surrounding ice mountains, Tim dropped into a giant green void.
He spins out of control until his paraglider snaps in half, and he falls. His screams echo as his vision is overtaken by swirling green. A portal of some kind had opened up on him, sucking him into who knows where.
At least he has escaped.
"The Bats!" the young yeti, a child known as Iceberg, cries. "The Bats have taken the consort."
"Are you certain?" Frostbite demands. He had awakened to find his people in disarray. No one could have predicted that the Great One's Beloved would attack and attempt to run away.
He initially believed them to be betrayed until one of his scholars found a record of human pregnancy. It was from Earth in the 1800s, a few years ago, but it is valuable in its information.
Human women were known to develop hysteria the closer it got to the child's birth. The Consort was likely suffering the same, but at a much slower rate as a male and they had not noticed the signs until its full manifestation.
They had to find him before he hurt himself or his babies.
"Yes, there was a light in the sky behind the Consort just as he disappeared. It was in the shape of a bat."
"This means our mission has become harder but not unachievable." A voice cuts, making everyone turn to a ghost who just arrived—the one who had agreed to house Consort Timothy.
"Fright Knight, thank the Ice you've come." King FrostBite says, nodding his head to the spirit of Halloween.
"I shall always come to the aid of those who sit on the King's throne." The knight dismounts. "Now explain how the enemy got so far into your domain."
"I fear the Consort may have unwillingly helped them. He is not sound of mind-"
"He?" Fright Knight tilts his head. "I was not aware the consort was male."
"What do you mean?"
"Human males can not carry their young. Only females can birth children."
"But how else could he be pregnant?"
"I am unsure. Maybe the power of the King? He has done feats no one thought possible." The Fright Knight grows quiet for a moment before he asks. "Are we certain that the Consort is pregnant?"
"Nothing appeared on our tests...but we just assumed it was due to our lack of proper equipment to test a human."
"I see. Are you even sure he and the King are to be wed?"
The Yetis all draw up short until one carefully mumbles. "He claimed they were."
"And you all took his word at face value without even confirming with the King?"
No one dares move, and the Knight sighs. "I shall travel the mortal plane. Surely we can confirm with the King on what exactly is going on."
"What of the war?"
"Postpone until the King, in person, commands us to battle. That does not mean stopping to prepare for it. It would be unwise to be caught unaware."
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miyakuli · 6 months
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : errablo
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justrandompolls · 4 months
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kroosluvr · 5 months
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don't wanna talk, baby i just wanna dance
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princington · 6 months
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in the aftermath
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reputayswift · 5 months
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avpdpossum · 1 month
can we talk more about avpd being a (proposed) schizospec disorder? because i almost never see that theory talked about but i wish it was. like…
avpd makes me censor my thoughts because i think someone might hear what i’m thinking and see what a horrible person i am on the inside or judge me for thinking embarrassing things.
avpd makes me so afraid of someone walking in on me doing something i Shouldn’t Be Doing that my brain twists background noise into the sounds of whispers and footsteps behind me.
avpd makes me so worried about people staring at me that in my peripheral vision, anyone near me looks like they’re already staring at me, and it’s only when i look at them directly that i realize they’ve been looking in a totally different direction the whole time.
avpd makes me so convinced of how much everyone must secretly hate me that i often start thinking everyone secretly wants to hurt me too, to the point where i’ve had panic attacks from a person walking too close behind me because i feel like they’re getting ready to attack me (when i haven’t had any kind of trauma that would create that fear), and the paranoia just serves to reinforce my need to avoid people.
avpd makes me lose my ability to speak or reduces it to nothing more than one word answers only when spoken to, turning the thoughts i wanted to express into a jumble that’s impossible to turn into words or just throwing them away completely and making my mind go blank, so i end up just staring at people silently or even acting like i don’t see them standing there at all (not on purpose but because my brain won’t let me engage with them).
avpd makes me look damn near emotionless around everyone but my safe person (and sometimes even around my safe person) because showing my emotions would be far too vulnerable for its liking, so it completely takes away my ability to express them.
and i could keep going! there are so many things i experience because of avpd that i’ve seen really closely reflected in the experiences of schizospec people. i don’t know how common these kinds of things are in avpd overall, but they’re a really prominent part of my experience with it, so when i found out that some research suggested it could be considered a schizospec disorder itself, that made so much sense to me! and i’d be so curious to see how many other avoidants have dealt with this stuff but haven’t talked about it because it’s never mentioned as being part of avpd.
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haunted-xander · 6 months
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lovewillthaw-j · 2 months
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Mother and daughters
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minijenn · 2 months
Me and my friends did another powerpoint night, so in a spiritual sequel to my Hyrule Warriors presentation, have my carefully crafted dissortation on all the Disney sequels
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30 photo limit? Fuck that, here's more.
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frozen-seagrass · 1 month
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Was that the chomp of '86?!
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