#fruit roll up wrapped chocolate bar
crystaldecay · 1 year
Internet Archive has failed me
Why is the movie I wanna watch only in Spanish dub 😭
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coffeeghoulie · 5 months
forbidden fruit
or Swiss takes Aeon out to the orchard for an impromptu date.
heavily inspired by this post by @crimsonclergy (I have been thinking about that post nonstop for a month and a half lmao)
Contains they/them for Aeon, t4t ghouls (dick, folds, and pussy used to describe what Aeon's working with), outdoor sex, and just 3.6k of two ghouls being sappy as shit for each other (seriously, it got way sappier than I intended)
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Aeon stumbles into the kitchen well into the morning, the sun almost at its zenith. Their mismatched eyes are heavy with sleep, their stomach growling. Swiss is already there, leaning back against the counter in his sleep clothes, a black tanktop and a pair of sweats that sit low on his hips, exposing the softness of his stomach, the trail of coarse dark hair leading down. The sight makes Aeon's heart flutter like a trapped rabbit's, mouth watering a little.
"Morning, stickbug. What's on your docket today?" Swiss asks, hands wrapped around a mug of something steaming that smells of coffee and cinnamon.
"Morning," Aeon stretches, groaning and eyelids fluttering as they grab a granola bar, one of the batch that Mountain made with dried fruit and chunks of dark chocolate. "Polishing the silver in the chapel," they say, garbled through a mouthful. "Boring."
Swiss hums thoughtfully, taking a long drink from his mug. Aeon watches unashamedly as his throat works when he swallows. "How do you feel about playing hooky, then?"
"Play hickey?" Aeon makes a questioning noise, finishing chewing. "I've never heard that before," they say, raising an eyebrow at the turn of phrase. "Explain that one to me?"
"Not hickey, bug, hooky," Swiss grins, and it's as bright as the first time Aeon saw the sun. "Though I wouldn't be opposed to that." He leans forward, mug set down on the counter next to him. "It means skipping chores to go do something a little more fun," he says easily. "I'm supposed to sweep and mop, but really, think about it. The silver gets polished and the floors get mopped every day. It'll be fine if we skip out for one day."
Aeon hums, swallowing the last of the granola bar. "You sure we won't get in trouble?" They ask.
"Bug," Swiss hums, setting one of his giant hands on their shoulder. "If you were scheduled for a shift in the infirmary, or kitchen duty, or practice, or something that needs to get done, I wouldn't have asked. Besides," he says with another bright grin, "If Papa actually gets angry for us skipping one day's worth of chores, I'll just tell him we were honoring the Old One with the sin of sloth."
Aeon laughs, leaning into Swiss's touch. "You can sweet talk your way out of anything, I swear."
Swiss waggles his eyebrows, leaning in and giving Aeon a peck on the lips. "You know it, buggy." Aeon leans into the kiss, tries to deepen it, wants nothing more than to taste the coffee he's been drinking, but Swiss pulls away teasingly. "Meet me in the gardens in, say, half an hour?"
They nod, leaning in for another quick kiss, rubbing their cheek happily against Swiss's stubble before darting back to their room. They change, throwing their pajamas into the ever-growing heap of their laundry (they swear they'll get it done, just not today) and change into a pair of black jeans and an oversized hoodie, one of Swiss's that smells like chai and spices.
The air is cool, a breeze rustling through the autumn leaves, yellow and orange and brown. Aeon meets Swiss outside, the multighoul flicking open and shut his utility knife, the metal making a soft noise as he plays with it. Aeon swallows hard, and Swiss glances up, gold gaze softening as he sees them approach.
"Hey, buggy, I like the hoodie," Swiss grins. Aeon rolls their eyes, even as a soft violet blush grows on their cheeks.
"Hi, Swiss," they say, leaning in for a kiss even though it's been less than an hour since they've seen the multighoul. "What's with the knife?"
"We're gonna need it," he says, his brow furrowing as Aeon's expression turns a little apprehensive. "I'm not planning on using it on you, not gonna shank my precious little quint in the gardens," he laughs.
Swiss tucks his utility knife into his pocket, reaching out to take Aeon's hand. They take it eagerly, delighted at how their hand seems to vanish in his. Their hand's not small by any means, but Swiss's are giant. He chuffs shakily at the younger ghoul, who leans in, rubbing their cheek against his tshirt, happily repeating the noise as they wind their tails together.
"Why am I still surprised you can chuff and purr?" Aeon asks as Swiss leads them through the gardens, surprisingly empty this time of day. The harvest is soon, and Aeon would imagine the place would be crawling with earth ghouls and Siblings.
Swiss grins, swinging their joined arms as he leads them to the orchards, the apple trees heavy with fruit. "I am a ghoul of many talents, my sweet little stickbug," he croons, taking them deeper and deeper into the rows of trees. "You know I'm a little quintessence too."
Aeon nods, still resting their head on Swiss's shoulder. "It's funny, though, you can do both. I just sound like a choked out squeaky toy if I try to purr."
Swiss laughs, the sound echoing around the empty orchard like the chapel bells. He lets go of Aeon's hand, just long enough to wrap his arm around their waist, squeezing them tight against his side. "My choked out squeaky toy," he laughs, pressing a kiss to Aeon's two toned hair before taking their hand again.
Eventually, Swiss hums, finding a tree he likes. He reaches up, snatching two shiny apples from the lower branches, and sits, back pressed against the trunk. He pats his left thigh, chittering under his breath as Aeon sits next to him. "Come on, buggy, get comfy," he says, coaxing the younger ghoul to lay down, using his thigh as a pillow.
Aeon hums happily, breathing in Swiss's smell, the fresh air, noticing with a twinge in their chest that he encouraged them to lay with their left side closest to him, their damaged eye shaded from the afternoon sun. Swiss ruffles their hair, cooing down at them, before polishing the apples with the hem of his shirt. "This is what we needed the knife for, bug," he says, brandishing the utility knife from his pocket. He selects one of the apples and methodically cuts a slice from the fruit, deft fingers working.
Even though they had eaten breakfast less than an hour before, the crisp sound of Swiss cutting the apple makes their mouth water, and they reach up, making grabby hands for the slice. Swiss clicks his tongue, batting Aeon's hand away. "Let me, bug," he says, feeding them the slice of fruit before cutting one for himself.
Aeon's eyes flutter close as the juice explodes with sweetness on their tongue, moaning softly as they chew, the apple perfectly ripe and crunchy. Swiss grins, trilling happily at Aeon's reaction. "Is it that good, sweetheart?"
"Mhm," Aeon moans affirmatively, nodding eagerly as they swallow, cracking their eyes open just in time to watch Swiss eat his own slice. They can't help themselves, their uninjured eye dilating as they watch Swiss's eyes grow half-lidded, a similar noise escaping his throat as he savors his slice. He cuts another slice off of the apple, pressing it to their lips. Aeon eagerly accepts it, chuffing gratefully as they take the slice from his fingers with their fangs.
Aeon can't take their eyes off of Swiss's hands, watching his deft, strong fingers work, Swiss cast in a gold light from the sun, splitting the apples between them both. "You look really pretty," they whisper, face relaxed and content as they eat. Their tail pads against the ground as they wag it.
"Not as pretty as you," Swiss snorts a laugh, popping another piece of apple into his mouth. "You flatter me, buggy."
"I mean it!" They protest, huffing and crossing their arms over their chest.
Swiss hums as he sets the cores aside, nose scrunching up as he seems to decide something. He licks the flat of his blade slowly, making sure to lock eyes with Aeon, staring up at him. His eyes flutter shut and he moans dramatically, but he's never been able to resist playing it up. He licks the juice off of the other side, smirking down at them as he watches the pupil of their undamaged eye grow, engulfing the violet iris in inky blackness. Aeon whines, hand reaching up to grab his wrist.
"What, buggy?" he asks, still smirking. "Can't put the knife away dirty."
"Swiss," Aeon breathes. Their cheeks flush as they feel their stomach flip, their dick kicking in their boxers. It's odd that a personification of sin itself feels things like shame, but Aeon feels it intensely as they get worked up over a little gesture meant to tease. They turn their face into Swiss's stomach, hiding, breathing in his scent. They're sure Swiss can smell them too, blackberry and ozone and need.
"Oh, buggy," Swiss coos, ruffling their hair. "Did I get you all worked up?"
"Yeah," they admit, muffled by the softness of his stomach.
"Hey, sweetheart, can you look at me?" Swiss asks, voice low as he bends down to get closer to them. Aeon whines, but rolls back onto their back to meet his eye. "There's my buggy," he says, trailing gentle fingers along their jaw, down their throat, tracing over a mostly-healed bite mark on the edge between patches of grey and lavender skin at the crook of their neck.
"Hi," they whisper, shivering as Swiss touches the bitemark. "Sorry I'm being needy. I've been Up Top for a while, I should be able to be in control of myself by now."
"Hi," Swiss snorts, leaning down further and kissing them sweetly. They both taste of apples. "Don't apologize for that, bug. I like how easily I can get you worked up. It's hot."
"Did you plan on this when you asked me to 'play hooky?'" Aeon asks, making air quotes. Their tail reaches over, wrapping itself around Swiss's shin.
Swiss shrugs, hand trailing up to cup Aeon's cheek. "Nah, just wanted to spend a nice afternoon with my sweetheart. But I'm more than happy to help you out with that little problem. You know me."
Aeon sighs, laughing a little as they nuzzle against Swiss's stomach, feeling his scent grow thicker as he reacts to Aeon's own. They sigh again, starting to clamber upright.
Swiss grabs their arm, gold eyes wide and scent tinged with distress. "Hey, hey, buggy, where you going?"
"Back to the Abbey? To one of our rooms?" They question, a surprised noise yanked from them as Swiss pulls them back down into his lap.
"What's wrong with out here?" Swiss teases, watching Aeon's good eye dilate further.
"People could see?" They whine, but it's really not convincing.
"No one's out here, bug," Swiss says, brushing their hair off of their forehead, pushing it behind a horn. "How about since it was my tongue that got you all worked up, I give it to you?"
Aeon bites their lip to stifle a moan, nodding eagerly, and Swiss laughs, sitting up and helping them rearrange until their back is pressed against the tree, Swiss laying on his stomach between their legs.
He unties Aeon's sneakers, setting them aside and pressing a kiss to their bare ankle. Swiss prowls closer, eyes dark and hungry, his big hands settling on the waistband of Aeon's jeans. "You want these off, baby?" he asks, voice low.
Aeon nods, throat working as they find their words. "Yes, please," they say, lifting their hips and helping Swiss pull their jeans and boxers down.
Swiss hums, shrugging before shucking his shirt, folding it and setting it under Aeon's ass as a makeshift pillow. "So chivalrous," Aeon giggles, honestly distracted by the miles of warm skin on display, covered in coarse, dark hair and only interrupted by the well-healed scars under his pecs. Aeon wants nothing more than to cuddle up with him, nuzzle against his chest, but then their dick throbs and they remember what exactly they're doing.
"Nothing but the best for my buggy," Swiss grins, locking eyes with them as he lays back down on his stomach.
Aeon whines, throwing their head back and wincing as they bonk their head on the tree behind them, and Swiss's hungry gaze turns worried. "Shit, 'm fine," Aeon laughs, blushing even deeper, rubbing the back of their head.
Swiss smiles warmly, grabbing their other hand and rubbing his thumb over their knuckles, leaning down and kissing the pudge of their stomach. "Don't want to have to take you to the infirmary, bug," he whispers. "You know Aether'll tear us a new one if he finds out we're shirking responsibilities."
Aeon snorts, stomach muscles tensing as Swiss kisses a ticklish spot. "Aether's told me all about the times he and Dew skipped out to go make out in some closet somewhere."
Swiss grins, trailing kisses down the line of Aeon's stomach, getting closer and closer to where Aeon's scent is the strongest, the dark curls there already damp and shining with slick. He scrapes his stubble against the sensitive skin inside of their thigh. "Sounds like the two of them, honestly," Swiss hums, burying his nose in the crease between Aeon's hip and thigh, taking a deep breath and groaning as their scent floods his senses. "Fuck, buggy, you smell so good."
They whine, reaching down and threading their fingers through Swiss's braids, not pulling or tugging, just grabbing on. "Shit, please, please don't make me wait," they beg.
"Of course, bug," Swiss whispers, locking eyes with them before licking a stripe up their folds the exact same way he licked his knife clean.
Aeon lets out a strangled little moan, fingers tightening in Swiss's hair as their eyes flutter shut on their own accord. "Fuck!" they yelp, hips jolting forward.
"Easy, baby," Swiss hums, groaning as their taste floods his mouth, stronger and sweeter than the apples they had shared. "Let me make you feel good."
Aeon nods, not easing the death grip they had in his hair. "Fuck, please," they whisper, trying to make eye contact with him, but Swiss's gaze is so attentive and hungry they have to look away.
He lowers his mouth down to Aeon's dick, jutting proudly from their folds. He sucks the nub gently between his teeth, fingers dimpling the softness of their thighs. Aeon's breath stutters, feeling more slick pool out from them.
"Gonna ruin your shirt," they huff, fingers moving from Swiss's hair to wrap around his horns, guiding him to where they need him. They yelp as his mustache scrapes against their sensitive folds, eyes rolling back into their head.
Swiss pulls off with a laugh, turning and nipping a little mark into their inner thigh, soothing it with his hot tongue. "You're not going to ruin it," he assures them. "I want it to smell like you."
Something deep in Aeon's stomach flutters, and they groan unashamedly. "Oh, fuck," they whisper. He chuckles and licks through their folds again, eyes flashing with delight as it draws another strangled noise from their throat.
Swiss laps at them like a man starved, like he hadn't just eaten, like he wanted to drown himself in Aeon's essence. Aeon tightens their grip around his horns, holding him against them as they lean back, groaning as their head makes contact with the tree again.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," they chant as Swiss moans against them, his eyes fluttering shut as he devours them. "Suck on it, please suck on it Swiss." They tug on his horns, drawing a moan from the multighoul's throat. He moves up obediently, desperate to please them, and wraps his lips around their dick.
"Shit, right there," they whine, hips jolting up as he laves his tongue over the sensitive nub. "Don't stop, Swiss, please don't stop."
And he doesn't, he keeps suckling and licking, eyelashes fluttering as he moans around them. "Fuck, buggy, you taste so fucking good," he groans, letting go of one of their thighs as he pants for breath. Something in Aeon's chest does a flip when they see just how shiny the lower half of his face is, slick coating his mustache and chin. "How do you feel about inside, sweetheart?"
Aeon swallows hard, nodding so enthusiastically they hit their head on the tree again, but they're so giddy it only draws a laugh from them. "Can I have your fingers, too? Couldn't stop watching them while you cut the fruit for us."
Swiss grins, fangs flashing bright in the afternoon sunlight, dappled through the leaves like Aeon's skin. "Anything for my squeaky toy," Swiss teases, laughing brightly as Aeon shoves at his forehead.
"Shut up," they whine, but they're grinning too. True to Swiss's newest nickname for them, Aeon lets out a strangled noise as he pushes his ring and middle finger inside of them, petting at their inner walls.
"That's it, bug, just feel it," he whispers, kissing their stomach again. They whine, yelping as he presses firmly against the spongy spot just behind their dick, drawing little circles there with the pads of his fingers.
"Fuck!" Aeon wails, legs falling open wider. They don't care if their voice carries, if someone hears them. It's too good, the pleasure rising in their body like the tides. "Swiss!"
"That's it, sweetheart," Swiss coos, licking his lips before kissing their dick, fingers working inside of them. "Taking it so good, such a good ghoul for me," he says, kissing the swollen nub into his mouth, rubbing his tongue over the head as Aeon wails.
Aeon pants and wails, chest heaving as Swiss's hoodie suddenly becomes too hot, even in the cool autumn air. They reluctantly release Swiss's horns, shoving his hoodie off over their head. They curse as it gets tangled against their horns, laughing as they finally get it off, leaving them in just a black binder. Once they get the hoodie off, they look down, realizing just how fondly Swiss is looking up at them.
"What're you looking at?" They try to tease, but their voice hitches as Swiss sucks a little harder at their dick.
Swiss pulls back, smiling warmly as he licks the slick from his lips. "I'm just looking at my buggy, thinkin' about how much I love hearing them laugh. Hearing them happy."
"You're a fucking sap," they whine, crossing their arms over their chest petulantly, turning away from him.
"I mean it," he says, the most sincere Aeon's ever heard him, thrusting his fingers slowly into their heat. "You don't know how happy it makes me to see you happy."
They huff a little laugh, reaching down and pulling him up to kiss him. It's heated, but not dirty, sweet and Aeon tries to put every ounce of their affection and gratitude into it. They moan loud into his lips as they taste themself on him. "Fuck, please make me cum, Swiss," they beg, and Swiss laughs, voice ringing like a bell, and even if Aeon were sent back to the Pit tomorrow, the noise would make them happy for the rest of their existence.
"Of course, bug," he coos, waggling his eyebrows as he dives back between their legs. He watches their expression as he doubles his efforts, drowning himself in them.
Aeon squeals, hands darting back down to his horns, to his hair, anything they can to hold on as the pleasure rocks through their body. "Fuck!" they shout, only the whites of their eyes visible.
Swiss groans into them, the vibration rattling something deep in their core. Aeon shouts, back arching as they hold his mouth against them, nearly gushing like a water ghoul when they cum. Swiss mumbles something unintelligible, clever tongue and fingers working them through it, drinking them down as they squeeze around him.
When their body stops shaking, their sensitive dick twitching against Swiss's tongue, Aeon pushes Swiss off of them. Normally, they like the overstimulation, how eager Swiss is to draw their pleasure out until they're screaming, but they're sated. "Fuck," they giggle, Swiss staring up at them with an almost goofy expression.
Aeon catches their breath, reaching for Swiss. "Lemme get you off now," they pant, and Swiss laughs again. He shuffles up, straddling their thighs as he presses his forehead against theirs.
"Bug," he says, voice full of so much love Aeon can almost taste it. His cheeks are warm, and Aeon takes a breath through their nose. Under the heavy scent of their own slick, they can smell.. shame? Not a lot, not overwhelming, but it's so odd to smell it coming from Swiss that their brow furrows, and they bring their hands up to cup his damp cheeks.
"Swiss? You okay?" They ask, genuinely worried.
Swiss laughs, eyes crinkling as he smiles. "I'm good, bug, but I don't need you to reciprocate. Came in my damn pants like a teenager."
Aeon's eyes widen in surprise and delight. "Shit," they giggle, kissing him again. "Pussy so good it made you cum in your pants."
Swiss pulls back, laughing. "We really need to get you off of the internet," he teases, wiping his face on his arm. Aeon rolls their eyes, but laughs along with him.
"Come here and cuddle me," they whine, making grabby hands at him.
He grins, laying down next to them and pulling them halfway onto his chest as they chuff happily, rubbing their face on his pecs. "Anything for my little squeaky toy."
Aeon smacks him playfully, and their combined laughter carries through the orchard, sweet like apples.
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fandomxpreferences · 2 years
Drink Up Chapter One
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x female!reader
TW: mentions of drinking
Summary: You're a new bartender at the Hard Deck and you're more than willing to fill a certain blonde pilot in on the newest drink on the menu.
Word Count:1k
A/N: part two maybe?? This has been rotting my brain for three weeks and I finally got it written
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It's Saturday night at the hard deck and you're slammed. You've only been in North Island for a month and it's your second week as a bartender here. You roll your eyes as you hear someone clear their throat loudly to get your attention and take your time finishing up the drink order you're working on before turning around to see who's so impatient. 
Your eyebrow quirks as you come face to face with a blonde man leaning over the bar with a commercial-worthy smile. Your eyes rake over him slowly and he smirks as you blatantly check him out. 
You'd be lying if you said the man isn't hot enough to lick chocolate sauce off of. You can tell through his service khakis that he's very fit but your admiration quickly turns to annoyance when he speaks.
"Like what you see darlin'?" He swirls a toothpick in his mouth and you notice a slight twang in his voice. You scoff and cross your arms with a bored expression. "Hardly. What can I get you?"
You watch his eyes twinkle at your attitude and your irritation only grows. You've already met plenty like him in your time here. The type to take your disinterest as a challenge and get a semi at the idea of a woman with a backbone. Usually, the women here are all over the sailors, so it's a game to them when they have to actually earn your attention. 
He ignores your question and leans in further. "What's your name? Haven't seen you around here before." He seems genuinely intrigued and your eyes narrow. You could easily tell him your name, it's not like it's a secret. But you'd rather have a little fun. 
You lean against the bar only keeping a few inches between the two of you and smile seductively. Your eyes shoot to his lapel and you notice the wings pinned neatly to the fabric. His eyes widen ever so slightly and he glances down at your lips. You have him just where you want him. "Doesn't matter. You won't be using it, flyboy." 
You retreat just as quickly as you had advanced and you watch the realization that you played him set in on his face. Jake always wants what he can't have and right now, you're looking like forbidden fruit wrapped in a pretty little bow. 
"That was mean." He teases and you smirk. "Who said I was nice? Are you ordering or not? I'm busy." You say while gesturing to the chaos around you. He shakes his head slightly and stands up straight. "Three beers. Please and thank you."
You turn around without a word and grab the drinks, quickly popping the tops off. When you spin back around you see him frowning at the drink menu and set the beers down to get his attention. His eyes shoot up to you and he points at the laminated piece of paper. 
"What the hell is a hurricane shot?" He asks and you look at him amused. "Why don't you order it and find out?" You snark and he swears you might be his future wife. 
"Whatever you say, Red." You frown at the name and he nods toward your shirt. It's a crimson red cutoff tank top and you resist the urge to smirk. 
"Coming right up, Ken Doll." You feel butterflies in your stomach as excitement courses through you. He has no idea what he just signed up for and you're thrilled you get to be the one to fill him in. 
You pour him a shot of tequila and fill a glass with water before climbing up to sit on the counter in front of him. He's standing between your legs and he looks at you with a shit-eating grin.
A few of the other bar patrons have witnessed the new menu item over the past two weeks and gather around to watch. The small crowd grabs the attention of his friends and they look over confused.
You've already met the tall man, Rooster you think, and explained the drink to him. He turns to the rest of the pilots and almost squeals with glee. "You're gonna want to see this." He exclaims and leads them all over to where you're at.
You hand the pilot his shot and hold onto the cup of water. "Drink up G.I Joe." You smile and he winks at you before throwing the clear liquid back. What comes next takes him by surprise. As soon as he sets the shot glass down, you throw the water in his face and smack him across the cheek. 
His head jerks to the side at the force and he blinks a few times trying to process what the hell just happened. He slowly turns back to look at you and the look in your eyes almost makes him order another one despite the burning sensation slowly spreading across his face. 
The bar erupts in cheers and Rooster looks like he might pass out from laughing so hard. Neither of you says anything as you stare each other down and Jake feels electricity shoot through him. You have a mischievous glint in your eyes and your pupils are dilated looking at the man in front of you. 
You never break eye contact, even after the rest of the bar goes back to what they were doing before. Your eyebrow shoots up in a challenging manner and Jake feels his mouth go dry. 
"You good tinker bell?" You ask and he snaps out of his trance. "It's Hangman." He corrects you while plastering that annoyingly perfect grin back on his face. 
You pretend to be deep in thought for a second before tsking. "Nah. Don't like it." Jake stares at you for a second and shakes his head while leaning in slightly. 
"I think I love you." He blubbers and you throw your head back with a laugh before leaning down and grazing your lips against his ear. You hear his breath hitch and his body stiffens. You smile to yourself, proud of the reaction you've elicited. "That's what they all say, flyboy." 
Before he can react, you're back on the other side of the bar taking orders and ignoring him. He grabs his beers and heads back to the group with a shell-shocked expression. 
You're going to haunt his dreams until he can find out more about you. He sits down and ignores the taunts of his peers. He's going to find out everything he can from Penny as soon as she gets back.
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radioactivepeasant · 4 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
Belated Valentines because I had no time on Wednesday lol
(Adopted Dadmas au)
"Move it, junior!" barked a man from Longstump. He all but shouldered Jak aside in the market, headed for the vehicle pit.
Jak glowered at his retreating back and rubbed his arm. "You move it," he grumbled.
Daxter stretched to peer over Jak's head and whistled. "Is it me, or is it crowded in the pit today?"
"It's...pretty crowded," Jak agreed. "What's got them all rattled?"
"Hot sale on sand?" Daxter drawled.
"Yeah yeah, it's everywhere. But it is a hot sale, huh? Huh?"
"Bro." Jak grimaced in disgust.
The ottsel sighed. "No one appreciates my wit."
Rolling his eyes, Jak tossed a tomango from hand to hand before tucking it into his scarf. They passed the forges and the armor shops on Smithy Row, and turned towards the Arena. There weren't supposed to be any trials until later in the afternoon, yet the sounds of combat rang out beyond the steps. Jak took the stairs two at a time and, on a whim, headed for the ring.
Daxter grumbled about the sudden change from shade to blinding sunlight, and pulled the edge of Jak's scarf over his face for relief. Jak shrugged as he stepped onto the floating platform. Instead of letting it take him down to the Arena, he bent his knees, tensed, and sprang.
Fingers caught the edge of one of the support beams, and his momentum launched him up over it, kicking off for more height, to the stone forming the viewing box from which Damas presided over trials. His boot toes caught the most meager of ledges, but it was enough. Before gravity had a chance to wrap its greedy fingers around him, Jak hauled himself up to the next handhold. It was just enough for him to hook his wrist over the edge of the balcony and roll up and onto the platform.
As he'd halfway suspected, his father -- stars, it felt good to be able to say that, even in his head -- had "clocked in" to monitor the battles despite it being off schedule. Damas raised one brow as Jak casually arranged himself into a cross-legged position.
He lifted his tomango in Damas’s direction half in greeting and half in a playful toast.
"Hey," he said cheerfully. Then he bit into the fruit, causing Daxter to leap out of the way of spraying juice.
"Aw yuck!" Daxter shook his ears out and scurried into the shade. "Say it, don't spray it!"
"We have doors, son," Damas remarked, but there was an undercurrent of amusement in his voice.
"Eh." Jak took another bite of the red-orange fruit and spoke around a mouthful of tangy flesh under a surprising sweet peel. "It's too crowded. Same as the garages. What's the deal, Pá? Some kind of relic hunt going on? They get a tip on the stuff for the Forest Site?"
Damas looked at him for a moment as though he wasn't quite certain if Jak was being serious or not. The twitch of his left ear seemed to herald a thought, and he lifted a hand to tug at his upper lip.
"Ah," he said at last, "I sometimes forget that Haven doesn't celebrate Heart Day as Wastelanders do."
"Heart...day?" Jak repeated in confusion.
"It's a courtship ritual," Damas explained, a little awkwardly. "Forgive me if this is...less than detailed. I have not participated in one in an...undisclosed number of years, and I did not think I would need to explain it so soon."
Daxter's ears perked up. "Courtship, you say? Ah-ha! I knew you had to be big ol' softies at heart!"
He rubbed his paws together in anticipation.
"So, juicy details: let's have 'em! My bubbly bar-queen beauty is languishing in Haven without me, and I wanna make an impression when we come back!"
He hopped up onto the arm of the throne and leaned forward eagerly.
"So what is it? Flowers? Chocolates? Chocolate flowers?"
"Metalhead hearts, actually," Damas said bluntly. "The fresher the better. So if you want to do this right, you'll have to wait until you're at the city gates before you carve out the heart you want to give the young spy."
With an almighty squawk of disgust, Daxter tipped off the throne and hit the floor.
He lay there for a few seconds, winded, then raised an index finger.
"Methinks," he said, "this advice was meant for Jak. Not me."
Damas nodded sagely. "He's not wrong you know, Jak, this applies to you, too."
Jak wiped sticky fingers on his scarf and stared blankly at his father.
Don't say it, don't say it, please don't say it- he silently pleaded.
"You know-"
"The young mechanic could probably make use of a metalhead heart, don't you think, son?" Damas asked. Only the twinkle in his eye gave away his mischief. "The aorta makes for a very effective wire insulator."
Jak flushed as red as a tomango. "I-! It's, it's not like that, we're-! We're friends!"
A smirk spread across the king’s face, the smile of a hunter spotting weakness.
"Oh, of course. Friends. My mistake. Tell me, how goes her research?"
He leaned back and his smile grew as Jak launched into an animated description of Keira's search for the catacombs. As if he didn't know his boy was spending at least an hour every few nights talking with the sage's daughter -- poor girl -- on his talk-box.
"-gonna have to make more drones, of course, because that nutcase Veger's force fields fried some. If I could just find one of her old Scout Flies, I know that would work better, but I'd have to rob the museum to get one and we have a lifetime ban from it anyway and-"
"You have a lifetime ban," Daxter corrected, "I'm not the one who punched a tour guide for misattributing the origin of Scout Flies and keeping our a-grav zoomer behind glass-"
"It's not theirs!" Jak fumed, "Keira built that! It's hers! And maybe kind of mine, because I'm the one who drives!"
He looked up and caught the twinkle in his father's eyes.
Belatedly, he realized that he wasn't helping his case. Damas was grinning at him like the cabbit that got the canegret. Rot it all.
With a groan of defeat, Jak put his head into one hand. "....are there any whose parts you can use in anti-grav stuff?"
Damas tilted his head back and hummed thoughtfully. "Off the top of my head? Ginsus and Metalbats, but we don't have those out here. Their wings were never strong enough to carry them over the ocean. Metaljackets are an option -- in fact, we've been getting reports from Seem that there may be a hive of them in the sealed levels of the Temple. I can deal with that later."
Daxter cringed. "Least it's not spiders," he offered. "If there's metalhead spiders in there, you're gonna have to burn the place to the ground and fake your death. It's the only way to be sure."
"Dax really hates spiders," Jak agreed. He blinked and snapped his fingers. "Hey, what about those blue scout metalheads that hang around the forest? Y'know, I've seen them a lot, but they've never attacked us?"
Damas leaned forward with interest. "Grunt dragons! I haven't seen one in years! It's funny that they should have a name like "dragon" and yet be completely harmless. I actually rode on one as a boy once. My parents were furious."
Daxter looked quickly from Jak to Damas and back again. He saw the moment the idea took hold. Eyes narrowed, he turned back to Damas.
"Whatever happens now," he warned, "I just want you to know that you brought this on yourself."
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finkinthisfrew · 8 months
Anything (Pt.48)
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We finished our bath, which lasted much longer than necessary since we dragged the bath out as long as possible. As Matty gently washed my hair and the rest of my body, we took our time, savouring every touch, kissing each other tenderly on whatever skin we could reach from where we lay, over and over, allowing our hearts to slowly repair as they steeped in each other's presence. 
Afterwards, Matty dried us both off, clothing us in his comfiest sweatsuits, and then placed me on his couch before turning and walking out of the room. Moments later he reappeared with his duvet and several pillows from the bedroom, then began placing them around me, tucking me in tightly.
"Wait, wait, wait, stop," I said as he wrapped me up like a cocoon. He froze, looking up at me skeptically with a raised eyebrow.
"Why?" he asked dubiously.
"Because I want you under here with me," I answered innocently. When he didn't concede immediately, I made sure to pout slightly so he wouldn't turn down my request.
He bit his lip as he fought internally about what would be best for me, finally caving after a few moments.
"Fine," he said as he resumed tucking me in. I raised my eyebrow at him in question and he quickly finished before continuing. "But I'm getting you snacks first," he said as he stood up, wagging a finger at me, then promptly turned on his heel and walked out the door. I couldn't help but laugh, then reached for the remote and began to scroll through Netflix as I tried to decide on something to watch. I settled on a lighthearted rom-com and nestled myself deeper under the covers as I began to watch.
Only a few minutes later, my phone began to ring. I chuckled as I saw the smile of Matty's contact photo light up on my screen, rolling my eyes as I picked it up.
"You can't possibly be calling to check in on me- you've been gone all of five minutes, Matty," I said incredulously as I answered.
"I'm just walking to the shop- I'm grabbing you a bunch of things, but are you in the mood for anything specific? We'll order lunch in, but any snack cravings?" he asked earnestly.
"I'm okay, Matty, honestly. I'm fine with just lunch," I laughed.
"But what about after? Just tell me what to get," he insisted.
"I'm honestly not very hungry," I said. I listened to his silence on the line, then I realized he wasn't going to take no for an answer. I sighed.
"Some chocolate, I guess? That Milka one we both like with the biscuits? And maybe some juice?" I gave in.
"Perfect," he said, his smile audible. "Anything else?"
"Matty," I replied sternly.
"Oh, hush, or else I'm going to call Agatha- she'll take my side and we both know it," he said sassily as the familiar bustle and beeps of the grocery store buzzed in the background.
"Goodbyyye, Maaatty," I sang.
"See you soon, my love," he said sweetly into the phone before hanging up.
Some 15 minutes later, I heard Matty climbing up the stairs, then reappear in the doorway carrying what must have been at least five or six grocery bags stuffed to the brim. As he carried them to the kitchen counter, I stood up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind, earning a yelp from him.
"Anna-" he began to protest at my non-horizontal state.
"MATTY!" I yelled as my eyes landed on one of the bags which had tipped over, its entire contents spilling out of the bag and onto the counter. The bag was chock-full of Milka chocolate bars.
"I'm going to be gone for a couple more days! I didn't want you to run out!" he reasoned.
My eyes scanned the contents of the rest of the bags which were full to the brim with canned soups, heating pads, a variety of fruits including a dozen lemons, multiple bottles of honey, several different kinds of tea, various medicines, and every kind of juice you could imagine, including orange, apple, mango, pomegranate... I even saw a thermometer peeking out of one of the bags. He'd gone completely overboard, and while I found his overreaction entirely unnecessary, I was also so incredibly touched. I'd never had someone take care of me the way Matty did.
I tightened my grip around his waist as I nuzzled my head into his back.
"Thank you, babe," I whispered meaningfully into the hood of his sweatshirt.
"Hey," he said, raising his arms before turning around in my embrace so he could wrap his own arms around me. "Anything for you, my love. Anything," he said as his large palm cupped the back of my head tenderly.
Less than an hour later, once we were finally both settled under the covers on the couch with our bellies both full of takeout butter chicken, Matty turned to me, his eyes soft with care.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
"Tired," I answered honestly. "Kind of feel hungover, but different. I guess I feel a bit anxious too. Mostly just tired though," I said with a yawn as Matty nodded attentively. "I also feel pretty upset about... what happened... last night, but I don't really wanna talk about that now. I'm definitely too tired for that..."
"I'm sorry, darling-" he answered as he wove his fingers through my hair, running them down to my neck where he began to massage the tense muscles. "-for everything... Are you anxious about anything in particular?"
"I'm anxious about everything in particular," I sighed. "I think it's from the roofies though- the doctor warned me that I might feel some anxiety or depression from the leftover drugs in my system..." I said as I closed my eyes and let Matty work some of the stress out of my body. "But honestly I'm too tired to really think too much right now- I feel like I just ran 17 marathons back to back."
"You should get some sleep, darling," he said softly into my ear before kissing my earlobe gently, then reached for the remote to turn the movie off.
"No, I like this," I said, putting my hand on his. "This is keeping me relaxed, and I wanna enjoy your company as long as I can," she said, a tinge of sadness in my voice. We both knew he had to leave in the morning. "Please? Let's just do this a little longer."
Matty caved, moving both our hands to his chest. I smiled at him happily, and he smiled back before his eyes returned to the movie. It wasn't until now that I noticed the huge bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted.
"Maybe we should sleep, actually," I said.
He looked back at me quizzically. I placed my hand on his cheek, running my thumb along the purple crescents.
"When's the last time you slept, baby?" I asked him softly.
He averted his eyes, clearly uninterested in sharing this information with me.
"The other night," he said nonchalantly, his eyes staring at the TV but not following any of the movements.
"Which other night?" I pried.
He sighed before his eyes turned back to mine sadly.
"Two nights ago," he answered honestly. Before I could begin to fuss over him, he cut me off. "I'm totally fine," he assured me, "I promise. I don't even feel tired."
I didn't have the energy to bicker, so I gave up for now and decided I'd try again later.
As we settled back into the movie, I noticed he kept looking at his phone, reading text messages and sending off his own, his fingers fidgeting anxiously with the duvet between texts.
"What's wrong, Matty?" I said, turning to look up at him
"Oh nothing, darling," he said, smiling down at me sweetly, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes before they flitted back to the TV.
"Matty," I said with gentle sternness, taking his hand into mine and getting his attention again. "You don't have to tell me, but please don't lie to me," I said gently as I looked into his now saddened eyes.
"There's nothing I wouldn't share with you, darling," he said as he turned my hand over in his and opened my fingers. "But I don't want to worry you- you're meant to be taking it easy," he explained, rubbing my palm with his thumb.
"I'd feel a lot better if my boyfriend wasn't stressing out all alone," I offered.
"I know you want to help because you're such a selfless, giving angel, Anna," he said between the little kisses he planet on my forehead, "but it's too much to handle right now," he admitted earnestly. "I don't think I have it in me right now," added quietly, his eyes turning to look down at our fingers which now interlaced.
"Let me help. I have it in me," I said, giving his large hand a squeeze. "Let me take some of the weight off you."
"I'm afraid you don't have it in you either right now, Anna. You need to be resting," he said quietly, his eyes looking up at me, pleading. "Let me just deal with it on my own for now. I promise I'll tell you once you've rested up a bit."
"You don't have to do this alone, Matty," I said encouragingly.
His brow creased as his eyes turned pained with guilt, scanning my face for forgiveness. 
"You've already been through enough," he said so quietly, almost to himself. He turned away before mumbling, "You don't deserve this..."
"What do you mean, Matty? What happened?" I asked worriedly, sitting up straight.
Matty put his hand on my back and began to rub it soothingly. His eyes looked even guiltier now.
"There's been another article..." he admitted nervously with a look of worry. "It came out this morning. It's more of the same. My PR team is doing what they can and I've just been messaging with them about making sure your comments are turned off on your social media this time. I don't want to risk adding any more stress to your life right now..."
My stomach dropped. I couldn't lie, I was upset. But I was too tired to feel anything more than annoyed at this moment. 
"Fucking assholes..." I muttered to myself. I sighed audibly, then leaned back into Matty's chest, melting into his arms as they wrapped around me. 
We'd been lying like that in silence for a while before I noticed Matty's heart beating faster than normal against my back.
"I'm not too worried," I said quietly before I tilted my head back to look up at him. "We have our plan in motion, remember?" I said with a small smile.
"You're not upset?" he asked in confusion.
"Well yeah, a bit," I answered honestly, "but if the last few days have taught me anything, it's that none of it matters." I peered into his worried eyes as I readjusted myself to look at him better, and he watched my every move intently.
"Nothing's more important than us, Matty," I said firmly. "Nothing."
"But you've been through so much, Anna..." he breathed, his brow creased deeply with pain. 
"And I'll go through a lot more, I'm sure," I replied. I shrugged slightly. "But it's all worth it if it means that at the end of the day, I have you."
"I don't know if I agree with that..." he mumbled. He noticed my look of hurt and quickly corrected himself. "I just mean that my world has been bringing you nothing but pain and stress and hurt since we've met, and sometimes I worry you might be better off without me."
I frowned deeply at him.
"Saying something stupid like that again, I dare you," I threatened with a playful glint in my eye. "I know I'm weak right now, but that won't stop me from trying to smack the ridiculous out of you."
This earned a chuckle from Matty, and the sound made my heart skip a beat.
"But seriously, the pain of living life without you would far exceed anything either of us has gone through since we met by at least infinity," I reassured him as I leaned toward his face, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I promise."
"Well that I can agree with," he said with a small smile as he kissed the tip of my nose.
I settled back into my favourite spot, burrowing deeper against Matty's chest as I nestled myself into the crook of his arms. His arms wrapped around me snugly and we both sighed- a mixture of annoyance at our situation and happiness that we were together.
"We should go to bed if you're tired, I don't have to keep watching," I said as Matty kissed the top of my head.
"No, I want to keep hanging out. I love spending time with you too much," he said sweetly. "I promise, I'm not even tired."
I reached to grab a piece of the chocolate bar that lay unwrapped on the couch next to us, along with several other snacks Matty had picked up for us, and munched away quietly as I continued to watch the movie.
A few minutes later, I noticed something familiar in the next scene: the familiar rectangular box Matty's band used for their merch on the t-shirt of an extra walking far in the background.
"Oh look, Matty!" I said, tapping his chest gently with my finger. When he didn't respond, I peered up to find him fast asleep, his lips parted slightly as he breathed in and out slowly, his chest rising and falling with his breath. He looked so relaxed, finally asleep after such a whirlwind few days, yet his arms stayed tightly wrapped around me. I couldn't help but smile.
"I love you," I whispered quietly, almost to myself as I looked up at his angelic face, and he tilted his head to the side, nuzzling it into mine as he pulled me in closer against him, then smacked his lips lightly all while deep asleep before settling back into his still and deep slumber with a new little smile.
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Caring For You
Pairing - Arvin Russel x Pregnant Reader
Summary - Arvin love towards you, never burning out. Now that your pregnant, he is being a bit more protective over you as usual! Sweet reassure to him, calms him down.
Warnings - swearing, mentions of being naked in the bath but that’s all! It is fluffy!
A/N - Thank you for your request @justapurrcat such a sweet soul! Make sure you read their fanfiction as it is good! Love making this request, it was interesting. Hope you enjoy 🥰
Word count - 1K +
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The boy you grew to love and cherish was a bit quite and grumpy towards people, sometimes to yourself but you found something else too! That being a better soft side to him, you love how he loves and cherish you just the same way as you do to him!
Finding out that your pregnant with a little one, Arvin is over joyed with Grace for you and him. He is happy to start a little family of your own. Although, he can be quite over protective in some areas. None the less you find him quite endearing, even when you have to step in to reassure him that everything is ok!
You lay in bed with Arvin’s arms gently, wrapped around your baby bump. Soft snores come from you as Arvin kisses your cheek, “Sleep well, my love and you too! Little one,” he smiles, the baby must of heard him because your little munchkin kicked in your womb just a tad.
A few hours later, in the middle of the night. You stirred in your sleep, the baby in you now fully awake wanting attention as they kick. You sat up as you going to get out of bed to get a late night snack, Arvin seemed to be awake too.
“Where are you going, Darlin’?” Arvin softly questioned, he held your arm to stop you from moving.
“To get something to eat, the baby won’t stop kicking and I’m hungry,” you sigh as your tummy rumbled but you are also tired.
Arvin immediately, jumped up out of bed urging you to go back into bed. “No, no sweetheart! You stay right there, I’ll go get you some food,” Arvin kisses your forehead, “what would you like?”
Arvin grins as you couldn’t get a word in to do it yourself but you guess he’s showing that he cares, which is really sweet.
“Just a ham roll would do with some fruit,” you smile, “And also that chocolate bar you bought me, Thank you Arvin!”
“It be my pleasure, ma’am!” Arvin winking at you teasing as he walks downstairs to the kitchen.
You smile as you pull the cover back over you, of course you would get yourself food but you knew there was no point arguing with your husband.
Arvin didn’t like the idea that you got up in the middle of the night to go downstairs, he was protective like that.
Also, it was cold downstairs, Arvin didn’t want you to catch a cold to make you ill. you deserved a break at least at night, you cooked and clean while looking after the house and then you gave your love to Arvin.
Arvin loved you so god damn much, he would do anything for you! He made your food, then brought it back up to you. Talking to you while you eat so he can make sure your asleep before him.
Arvin will have his arm around you that much tighter, worried that you will wonder off in the night without him. You smile, grateful that he cares, it’s just he’s got a funny way in showing it.
After last night, Arvin got more protective starting from little things to bigger things.
Arvin hated that he had to leave you alone to go work but he had to work to make sure you live. That’s the only thing in life, he couldn’t change.
However, Arvin did make changes in the past week for the both of you in your little home.
“Arvin, Did you put that shower holder up on the wall?” You giggle, “we got that months ago and you didn’t put it up,”
“Oh well I decided that you didn’t want to bend down that much with your bump and all,” Arvin smiled, kissing your cheek.
“Oh ok, Thank you that’s great!” You smiled and kissed his cheek. You think nothing of it but him just being helpful around the house, which you are grateful for.
“Bye, Darlin’ love you!” Arvin kisses you on the lips gently, “love you, little one too!” He bends down kissing your growing bump.
“We love you too, Arvin bye,” you kiss back smiling, waving at him at the door step as he went off to work in his car.
You start to make breakfast for yourself and then after, just about to pick up his laundry but seeing it’s already in the basket.
That’s strange, you thought. Normally, he leaves it on the floor for you to pick up. You giggle as you place the laundry into the machine.
Arvin being at work today is nice because as much as you love him. You adore the peace as well while, doing the chores around house.
You look over to see the ironing board already set up? You swore you put it back last night, maybe you have forgotten? You thought.
You plugged in the iron to start on Arvin’s shirts, playing soft music in the background on the radio as you worked.
In Reality, it was actually Arvin placing the ironing board out for you. Just before he went to work, he loved to do the little things for you.
Arvin made sure he can do as much as he can for you, without you noticing too much because then you will worry. He can’t have you worrying, it’s not exactly good for you or your baby. 
You walk to the grocery store to get some fresh food such as meat and vegetables. you needed those ingredients to cook a good casserole dinner for tonight!
The shops were only 5 min walk, your lucky that you actually live near them or else you knew Arvin would try to take you there. You prefer to walk, getting exercise is good for yourself and your baby.
You get home to pack the shopping away, seeing that the frigid is clean? You swear that it was dirty yesterday, you was going to do it today. Did Arvin actually cleaned it? Or has your eyes not working, you giggle. 
You sweep the floors, dust through the rooms as much as you can. Make the beds with new sheets as you stripped the old, throwing them in the wash. Your about to have a shower, groaning how you need to clean the shower first but.
To your surprise, the shower is immaculate! Your eyes widen, Arvin must really put elbow grease into that one. You smiled as you can have a shower, you didn’t really like showers not that much but just a quick one will do until later. 
You had a shower, got dressed only seeing it was around 2-3pm. You had to have lunch after, you was talking to your baby as it kicked but fell asleep on the bed.
When Arvin got home, you was going to prepare and do dinner. Greeting him with a hug and a kiss seeing that sometimes, he’s grumpy after work. He lightens up after seeing you, which you adore.
You went into the kitchen to do the dishes as you left some from lunch and breakfast. You hear rustling around the living room, you went to see what it was. You immediately noticing that Arvin quickly, sat back down on the couch. 
“Arvin, what was you doing? And why are there extra pillows on the couch?” You asked, as you went in the living room just about to cook dinner but something else caught your eye.
“ oh I added them, so your comfortable when you sit down,” Arvin looked up from his newspaper, “Talking about sitting down, why don’t you sit down Darlin’?”
“Arv, awe Thank you but you know I’m making dinner! I can’t just sit down,” You rushed back in the kitchen but a certain someone following you, “Arvin! I can cook while I’m pregnant, it’s not going to effect anything,” you giggle, playfully.
“I know, I know but I just want you safe! Honey,” Arvin looks around the kitchen to see plugs in the sockets, taking them out, “why did you do that for?” You asked, just as you was going to bend down.
You saw Arvin get the pots and pants out for you to cook dinner, “You certainly didn’t need to do that! Mr,” you tutted, your arms now folded.
“The sockets could burn you and I’m just being helpful, don’t want you to bend too far to hurt yourself,” Arvin kisses your cheek, taking out an rag to clean the surface for you.
“I can do it myself, Arvin! I don’t need you to do that stuff for me, Baby,” You pout, taking the rag from him, “It is nice for you to do things for me but not every time,”
“But what if you hurt yourself?” Arvin whispers, lowly as he has his head down like a puppy, “I just want to protect you, I don’t mean to get in the way,”
You bring your arms closer to him, wrapping them around his waist. “I know, your not getting in the way sweetheart! Your just loving me and our baby,”
You laid your head on his chest as you snuggle further into his body, “I know you may be scared or worried as your mum, bless her passed away but don’t worry! I’ll be ok!”
You look up in his eyes smiling, his warm, brown eyes smiling back at yours. In a heart beat, Arvin kissed you passionately. “I understand your words, Darlin’,” he smiles, kissing you again, “I love you and our baby, so much!”
“Me and our baby loves you so much too! Arvin,” you grinned to him, “now, please go back in the room and let me cook,” you kiss his cheek as he nods, walking over to the room.
“And, also I know it was you, who did all those little thing for me ARVIN RUSSEL!” You laugh pretending to be angry, playfully waving your hand over your head with your wooden spoon.
Arvin just laughed as he ran out the kitchen into the living room, “Can’t help myself, Darlin’” he smirked, even thou you couldn’t see it. It was mostly to himself because he knew how to treat his woman!
You sigh in peace as you cook for yourself and him, you call him for dinner when it is ready. Arvin is more than grateful to have dinner with you everyday, your food is so delicious!
“Thank you, sweetheart!” Arvin pulls your chair out for to sit down, kissing your cheek.
“Your welcome, baby! And your such a gentleman,” you tease, smiling.
“Always, for you Doll!” He winks as he sits down himself, you kiss his cheek back smiling at his sweet gestures.
“It is delicious, Darlin’” Arvin takes his fork to put some in your mouth, “so fucking sexy, as always,”
You blush, “you want to feed me? Butter cup,” Arvin smiled, you nodding.
“Go ahead, ahh,” Arvin said, opening his mouth widely.
You place your fork into his mouth, laughing at his stupidity. Arvin never fails to make you smile.
“Yummy, sweetheart! Especially, by you,” Arvin licks his lips, continuing to eat with you.
You lay in the bathtub full of bubbles, Arvin’s idea of taking care of you. He made a bath for you to relax you.
“Arvin, please lay in the bath with me,” you give him your pouty lips and heart eyes.
“Fine, sweetheart!” He chuckles, how can he say no to you?” He strips as quick as he can.
“Yay, hurry up!” You playfully say, “alright, you demanding woman! Your going to be the death of me,” Arvin chuckles again, sliding in behind you.
Arvin wraps his arms around you in the bath with hot water and his touch tingling your skin, your finally relaxed.
“Does that feel good? Honey,” Arvin whispers, grabbing your sponge washing your neck and chest. He nibbles on your ear as he kisses it.
“Mm, so good! Arv,” You lean back more against his chest, as he washes and caresses you with all his love.
Arvin’s large hands going over your baby bump is so unreal, it feels heavenly! he pushes you a bit forward, gently washing your back too.
“So beautiful, Darlin’! All round with my child, so fucking grateful to love you! And our child!” Arvin kisses your shoulders as he presses you into himself again.
“No wonder why, baby! Your so good at loving us, your going to be a great daddy, Arv!” You smile, taking your hand to put it into his hair behind you.
“And you are going to be such a great momma, Y/N,” Arvin grins into your touch, loving your soft finger tips graze him.
“Arvin you are a good, handsome man, I love you so much and our baby will too! Nothing isn’t going to happen, and it’s going to be ok!” You smile reassuring him, knowing he is excited, happy for this baby to come but at the same time afraid and nervous too!
“You are gorgeous, precious woman, I love you so much too, Darlin’ as well as our baby! Thank you for being there to reassure me, I appreciate it,” He smiles as nozzles his head into your shoulder.
You giggle as his hair strands tickle you, he holds you closer. You both embrace into each other’s beautiful hold as you bath together.
You finally get out of the bath as it goes cold after about an hour. Arvin gets up first, of course telling you to stay.
“Here darlin’” Arvin brings you a fluffy, warm towel. He helps you get out the bath, to make sure you do not slip!
Arvin even, wraps the towel around you. He has a towel around himself, holding your hand as you walk to the bedroom to get dressed to sleep.
Arvin helps you get your pjs on since sometimes it is a bit of a struggle. You giggle as he puts the top the wrong way on you.
“It should be more, clear not my fault!” Arvin tryed to excuse himself as he laughed with you. Gosh he be pouting, but it is a luxury for only you to see this side of him.
You and him get in bed, he holds you as usual. Snuggling into one another, Arvin will definitely make sure you are not cold.
“Goodnight Darlin’, sweet dreams! Love you so much and you too little one,” Arvin whispers into your ear, very clearly smiling.
“Night, night love you so much too, Arvie,” You whisper back, “and you too little one,” you giggle.
Arvin blows the candle out, you and him snuggle back into each other drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
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The lost Princess of the ocean - six
Nami and Zoro were sitting at the table chatting.
“So what did you do?” Nami pressed. Zoro groaned.
“I kissed her.” He sighed.
Nami's hand flew to her mouth as she stifled a laugh. “What is wrong with you?”
“I don't…I've never…” he clenched his jaw tight.
“Is that why you saved her? Just to-” she raised her eyebrows.
“No, no I…I didn't think…”
“But it's happened, you like her. You know nothing about her.” Nami whispered.
“It doesn't matter, I overstepped, she won't even look at me now.” Zoro sighed, leaning his head back against the wall.
“I don't know, just give her some time.” She grins at him.
Across the mess hall the door opens revealing you. You pause your movements upon seeing them, then slowly shut the door so it makes no sound.
Zoro stood the moment you walked in. Without saying a word you pull a chocolate bar from the cupboard and move across to the table, Zoro slides back down to his position with one leg up on the bench. You sit down in front of him and lean back onto his chest, feeling Zoro release a breath behind you. Nami gives him a knowing eyebrow raise and you a friendly smile. Zoro's right hand drops to your waist, his thumb rubbing circles over the satin of your new dress.
Luffy came bounding, his happiness utterly bricking over. He was in love with his new home. He sat across from Nami and began chatting until Usopp came in.
“Check it out!” He holds up a newly painted Jolly Roger. He and Luffy quickly resolve into a squabble about who was captain, broken only by Nami laughing.
“See this is what it's all about. From here on out it'll be smooth sailing!” Luffy's words are echoes by a canon hitting the water outside the ship
“You had to say something.” Nami groaned.
You all run onto the deck and see the large metal ship coming toward you.
“Grandpa?” Luffy exclaims.
“Did he just say Grandpa?” Zoro asks.
Another canon ball flies through the air breaking the wood of the railing. You all drop to the floor, bits of wood flying around you all. Nami quickly takes control of the situation ordering people around. You drop down with Zoro to the lower deck when Usopp manages to fumble the cannon balls and they roll down to Zoro's feet.
Another cannon fires and the ball is hurtling toward you. Luffy does the only thing he can think of, drawing in air and blowing up his stomach until he is able to bounce the cannon ball back and took out the Marine’s main mast.
“Nami, get us out of here!” He shouts and Nami directs the ship into the mist .
Lost amongst it all your illustrious captain smells food in the air. As if searching out sustenance was his devil fruit power he directed the ship toward the smell. A giant fish comes into view and you all rush to the side of the ship.
“What's a baratie?” Usopp asks, confused.
“Everyone's going to that fish ship.” Zoro says, one hand in his pocket and the other slung over his swords. You feel that uneasy mess once more, fear stopped you from talking, from admitting you knew this place.
“That smell,” Nami breathes it in, "I think this place is a restaurant.”
“Then I know what we're gonna do next.” Luffy smiles.
“Disguise the ship so the Marines can't find us?” Nami asks.
“Sail back to Syrup Village where it's safe?” Usopp is hopeful.
“Nah. Let's eat!” Luffy slaps his hand on the railing before charging off to get changed.
“That fish better have a bar.” Zoro said following his captain.
You quickly changed into a simple black cotton dress with a red belt that wrapped around you just below your breasts.
“Welcome to Baratie. How can I help you?” The concierge greets you all. You're too busy looking around the decor to pay attention to the conversation. Eventually following the group down to a booth sliding in beside Nami, Zoro on your other side.
“Your waiter will be right with you.” The concierge bows his head and walks away.
There is a kerfuffle not too far away that you keep your eyes off.
“No cause for alarm, folks.” The voice pulls your attention. “Please enjoy your meals.” The blonde walks toward your table.
“Hi, welcome to our shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food. My name is Sanji. What can I get for you?” His eyes fall on you and you drop yours to the table.
“One of everything, please.” Luffy announced
“Any drinks? One of our signature cocktails
to help you choke down your meal?” Sanji can't help but flick his eyes to you every so often.
“Giving us the hard sell, huh?” Nami jokes.
“Apologies, madam, I didn't see you there.
Would you care for an apéritif to start? We have several rare Micqueot vintages in stock.
Or perhaps you'd like a glass of Umeshu?
You know, something sweet for someone sweet.” He grins.
Usopp interrupts asking for a beer, the others order, beer milk and water.
“And for the… madam?” Sanji looks at you. You glance up to him.
“Just water, please.” You ask quietly.
“It's nice to see you again, Miss.” He says, “and looking much lovelier than ever.” Zoro doesn't hear the hint of sorrow in the waiter’s voice, only the flirtation. He clears his throat and moves closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulders.
“I see, I'll be right back. with your drinks.”
“You know him?” Zoro asks. You gulp, and try to hold back your emotions.
“I…I didn't remember this place.” You whisper, your body tensing again. Zoro shakes his head and leans back against the booth, his arms folded over his chest. You dig your fingernails into the seat cushion. When food arrived you hardly touched your plate, eating just enough to keep you from starving.
“I can't eat another bite but it's so good.” Usopp groaned.
“Oh man, you said it.” Zoro agreed.
“I'm not gonna be hungry for a week.” Nami sighed happily.
“Should we order dessert?” Luffy asked.
“I already got mine.” Zoro said lifting his bottle, you rolled.your eyes.
“That reminds me,” Luffy began, "We should do a toast. Come on. Grab your glasses. To the best crew sailing on the sea and to our victory! Yeah!” He called out.
“No, I'm sorry. What victory exactly?” Nami asked.
“Against the Marines. Our very first battle and we crushed them.”
The argument began and you tried to ignore them all. A voice boomed across the dining hall.
“Who the hell is Monkey D. Luffy?” The forbidding man with a wooden leg growled.
“Here.” He replied too proudly. You braced yourself for what was coming. Luffy had tried to pay for dinner with an IOU which Zeff was not okay with. The head chef dragged Luffy into the kitchen.
“I need a drink.” Nami sighed.
“Now you're talking!” Zoro followed her and Usopp to the bar leaving you behind. You slowly slid out from the booth, smoothing out your dress.
“Are you okay, Miss?” The blonde man was back. You nod.
“I'm sorry if I made things harder for you earlier. I thought perhaps you were…” he sighs, not finishing his sentence. “You look very pretty this evening.” He finishes.
“Thank you.” You reply.
“It's nice to hear your voice at last.” Sanji smiles gently. You nod once more, your eyes darting around the room, hoping no one else recognised you. Darting from the dining hall you made your way out of the restaurant and sat on a bench on the jetties.
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daisychainsandbowties · 7 months
Ava hungry to taste all these new snacks and drinks, Bea noticing what flavors she likes best and getting more of those. Saving some to try for the first time with ava so they can experience new things together.
Bea rescuing pokemon but the line gets blurred until you don't know who truly saved who in the end. That s1 scene with ash shoving everyone in their pokeballs to keep them warm but them all coming out and wrapping themselves around him but with bea and her equally stubborn pokemon
Bea someone stealing a few pokeballs and potions before shes 10 and making her way into the world with nothing but the ghosts of her past
Gymleader!Lilith(?) Pushed only it by her family but equally trapped and unable to see the world joining bea along the way(????)
Ava and the ghost haunting her walls Ava and her ghost Ava and her G-
beatrice who only goes into the city with her binder on, her hair stuffed under a cap, telling anyone who asks that she’s ben (and yeah, she’s also ten)
finding that she likes it, sometimes; how it feels when someone calls her “young man” (she’s polite, occasionally) her face a scattering of bruises from training with rockruff. drifting through stores with a small handful of cash stuffing chocolate bars into her pockets, using rockruff as a distraction so she can sprint away with a 6-pack of sodas in hand.
at ava’s window mussing up her hair, binder tight around her chest as she tries to catch her breath, spraying herself with so much deodorant she starts coughing uncontrollably. rockruff sitting there doing the puppy head-tilt, nibbling at the loose threads dancing at the ends of her cutoff shorts.
getting different flavours of soda for ava. running away from everyone else but toward her. and ava saving her fruit, passing beatrice an apple with a stern expression and bea watching her, brow creased as she eats the apple, core and all.
“oh no bea did you just eat that entire thing?!”
“shouldn’t i? is the middle bit poisonous?”
“no, but it’s gross.”
bea, who has eaten garbage and chewed at uncooked mushrooms with her stomach like an animal trying to tear her apart, just shrugs. takes the banana ava offers her next, “bea, you definitely don’t eat all of that.”
rolling her eyes but bananas are imports so she’s not had once since home, when her mother used to cut them up into little disks for her.
“yeah bea?”
“why do you say my name so much?”
and ava shrugging, blushing but beatrice you idiot. it’s because she knows there’s noone else in the world who does.
beatrice who is so so loved but afraid to see it, like looking might scare the love away. but out in the cold, trapped in an ice storm trying to coax dratini into its pokeball, rockruff pressed into her ribs under her threadbare coat and both of them shivering.
skarmory with its wings tented around them, standing a little back because steel only gathers up the cold, but guiding the wind around them. charmander in her lap and bea with her hands cupped around its tail because that little light has to stay, has to be protected.
brows creased, “please. you need to go inside the pokeball. you’ll freeze out here… you’ll die.” and beatrice in the hills (not) alone, crying suddenly because she can’t lose them, would rather die alone than in company. but her pokemon staying with her, charmander huffing warm breaths into her face, rockruff solid at her side, dratini humming to itself (maybe the edge of a lullaby?)
the huddle of them waking together like ash and pikachu after the spearow attack. hazy, charmander having run out when the storm settled to collect twigs strewn loose by the storm. a small fire burning and beatrice waking up. her first thought is of her pokemon. hand on rockruff’s head.
her second thought is about ava
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Dates with the bachelors
Harvey - coffee shop on a Sunday, he brought you flowers in a mason jar. mugs of steaming coffee, organic cranberry muffins, doing the crossword together, enjoying quiet jazz in the background, stealing looks with little blushes, sharing random health facts and news bits and things about the weather, talking about meeting up for a workout sometime and realizing you might need to update your athletic wardrobe, but then remembering this man has seen you in ripped overalls and muddy boots and does not seem to care
Elliott - moonlight beach picnic with wine and fire roasted lobster (only the best for you, dear), rolling up pant legs to dip your toes in the water and playfully splash each other, snuggling with the picnic blanket, reading plays aloud as originally intended, feeding each other chocolates and pomegranate seeds for dessert, nestling your nose in his lovely hair as you lean against his shoulder, he kisses your hand as he shares his affection for you is growing
Sam - trip to rock and roll museum in Zuzu, laughing and holding hands, sharing random trivia about your favorite songs, him kissing you mid-sentence as you talk enthusiastically when he realizes you love the same stuff he does, smiling and folding the collar on his jean jacket and kissing him back as you wrap your arms around his neck, finding the best pizza shop and enjoying a slice while hanging out at the skate park to watch the sunset, realizing you missed the bus back to Stardew Valley, listening to street musicians, grabbing late night donuts from a hole-in-the-wall place (mmm... maple bars)
Sebastian - a semi-awkward dinner at an expensive sushi restaurant in Zuzu, then mutually realizing fancy dressup dinners aren't your thing, motorcycle ride to the overlook, making wishes on shooting stars, talking about his plans to create his own RPG and giving him feedback and ideas as he's excited you're interested, and when it starts to rain, you take shelter in an abandoned cabin, he lights a roaring fire (surprisingly reveals he was a Boy Scout... also his mom is the town carpenter), and you stay up all night talking about game mechanics, worldbuilding, and character creation, and in the morning, as you both prepare to leave after the storm, you stand on your tiptoes in the doorway and kiss him, thanking him for a lovely night.
Alex - meets you at the bus stop with his pickup and he smiles because you teasingly steal his ball cap and wear it backward, and he thinks it looks good on you, driving you to the city while listening to country tunes, windows down, fresh air blowing, singing off key, arriving at a gridball game and enjoying ballpark franks, cold brews, and garlic fries, cheering loudly for your team, impressing him with your pro knowledge, standing between his arms so you don't keep jumping up and annoying the people behind you, feeling his hands squeeze you gently, learning he's actually really great at massage as he's helped George with physical therapy, making out like teenagers in the truck after your team wins, remembering Evelyn packed you homemade cookies for the trip, taking the long route home so you have more time to talk and enjoy each other's company.
Shane - sneaking a couple of sandwiches, pieces of fruit, chips, and colas out of the back of JojaMart, sitting near the dumpsters and he lights a candle from the market to help with the scent, feeding the stray kittens who wander by, noticing how gentle this giant of a man is with the animals, feeling warmth and pride, interrupted by Morris who yells at Shane for breaking the rules, and after he returns inside, you decide to do something that would really irk Shane's boss - you sit on his lap facing him and kiss him passionately, fingers in his hair, legs wrapped around him, and after coming up for air a few minutes later, he asks when he can see you next.
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"What are La Squadra's fave things when they need some treat-yo-self? Like when they are sick or kinda bummed out? Stuff like comfort food, guilty pleasures, fave activities and such?"
Risotto: Stress-eats scaccia like nobody's business, but any other household staple will do. Will sometimes make himself invisible but sit in a common area, just observing others, being unavailable but not quite. Most of the time though he will either take a long walk, or hole himself up in his room and watch videos he normally thinks it is a weakness to indulge in (kittens and puppies, cute kids).
Formaggio: Emergency "lazy" tiramisu is a thing, though if he's feeling very miserable, he might ask Risotto to make him ragú and then just have a bowl of that with bread and nothing else. Sometimes drowns his sorrows in his favorite pinup magazines, and other times goes out to the street, finds himself some cats or other targets, and messes with them until he feels better.
Prosciutto: Ice cubes, or other beverage of choice frozen into small cubes by White Album; other times it's sliced steak or deli meat just by itself, savoring every bite. Hour long showers, then lounging around in a house robe with nothing underneath and his hair down. Sometimes visits high-end clothes stores, tries on clothes he cannot afford, and takes pictures of himself in them.
Pesci: Loves some cuoppo fresh from a favorite vendor, and will never say no to good ice cream (fruit flavors are his favorite). Rolls up some blankets until the result is about the size of a person, then wraps himself around the roll and spoons it like his life depends on it. Goes to the local comic shop to browse, and just as they are getting tired of him, he buys a comic book or two.
Ghiaccio: Hates himself for it, but he really loves chocolate, and will suck on a single piece for ages not to eat too much of it. Changes into his work out gear and improvises with his punching bag (he calls it interpretive training), like writing an angry letter to someone expect with your fists and feet. If it doesn't work, he skates out to some abandoned place and howls himself hoarse.
Melone: Splurges on something his body doesn't want him to have, and doesn't give a damn about the consequences (though sometimes he takes his Lactaid beforehand). Wraps himself in blankets and watches bad porn on Baby Face until his mood improves. If he's feeling well enough, he takes his motorcycle for a ride around town and browses his favorite shops for anything new.
Illuso: Makes a microwave mug cake or several, but sometimes, only someone else's leftovers will do, heated up in the common area microwave. Binges soap operas until dawn, sometimes switching over to the language they are speaking to vent his frustrations. Picks one of his many stashes and meticulously reorganizes it, admiring his belongings and dwelling on associated memories.
Sorbet: Rice pudding with his favorite spices, with or without a drink on the side, but he sometimes "peels" bread or other baked goods and eats only the crust. Puts on a nice dress, sits in front of his vanity, and applies the most flamboyant make-up possible, then washes it all off. Watches old black and white movies and acts out the most memorable parts to himself.
Gelato: Nothing quite like a steaming bowl of incredibly spicy pasta to soothe his nerves, and some quality bitters to wash it down. Sometimes goes on a small vandalism trip, carving his favorite slogans into public buildings or benches. Has often climbed onto the rooftop to stare at the bustling city below, and if that doesn't help, he'll drink himself silly at a bar while playing darts.
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
Trail Mix
It's elk season here, and was inspired by my family going hunting this past weekend. Fortunately, this is all just fluff!
Murdoch x GN!Reader, TW: mentions of killing, hunting Words: 612
He was supposed to go on this big hunting trip soon. Now which kind of hunting he was referring to, you weren’t entirely sure. He always packed the same for humans or animals, but he always brought back some kind of animal for you to stick in the freezer.
It’s currently elk season, and he was sighting in his rifles out in the back forty, getting ready for the weekend’s hunt. He said he was going with a couple of buddies this time, so you were a bit more hopeful that he planned on not actually working this weekend.
You tried to help by packing him some snacks: granola bars, dried fruit, pretzels, jerky, and trail mix. You knew he really enjoyed trail mix, because he’d always go through the big bag of it whenever you’d make some or buy some from the store. You found it endearing in a way, as it was the only thing he’d ever eat all of whenever he’d go on these hunting trips. You scribbled some love notes and doodles onto some sticky notes, sticking them in his lunch bag and cooler, getting coffee things all ready that way he’d just have to heat up the water and pour it over the grounds.
He walks in from outside, leaning in the doorframe of the kitchen as he watches you silently. He’s breathing a bit heavily, fixing the sleeves of his turtleneck sweater as he tries to warm up from the outside winter air. You glance up at him, putting on the coffee maker, before giving your killer a small kiss.
“Angel, are you really putting in all this effort for me?”
“I want to make sure you’re eating properly, Mur. And a little love note never hurt anyone~”
Murdoch takes off his sunglasses, resting them on the top of his head. He smiles down at you, soft, a drastic comparison to the usual devilish grin that he sports. He walks behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you make him his trail mix.
“You know I’m a grown man, angel. I don’t need you to add chocolate in there.”
“Yes, but I also love seeing you smile because I put m&ms in your favorite snack.”
He hides his face in your shoulder, grumbling a little bit. Admittedly, he’s very adorable like this, grumpy and pouty. But you’d never say that to his face, don’t want to possibly break your killer. You open up a big gallon sized ziploc, adding in peanuts, almonds, cashews, raisins, craisins, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and m&ms. He stole small amounts of the various ingredients as you put it together, still holding onto you tightly in a standing cuddle of sorts.
“You wanna mix it together, killer? Need someone big and strong to shake it all up~”
He grunts as he stands up, picking up the bag, grumbling that he can’t hold you and shake the bag simultaneously. He gives it a good hard shaking after closing it up, and soon it’s all mixed together. He opens it, stealing a handful with a chuckle as you take the bag back.
“You goof! You’re gonna eat it all before you even get in the car~!”
“Not my fault that my angel makes it best, had to do a little taste test~”
You roll your eyes at him as he gives you a kiss, a goofy grin on both of your faces. You stick the bag in his pack, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lifts you up, wiping the crumbs in his hand off on his sweater. Sure, you’d miss him, but your killer always comes back.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
This is just me being me....
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Soooo! Levi wants to go shopping at the local farmers market. He wants to pick up some tasty food and maybe stop by a place on the way home to grab some plants for the garden.
Which tasty stalls do you stop by and what plants will you guys grab for your garden?
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He's eyeing those deals.
CAT! My darling! I must apologize to you (and others) for letting things sit in my inbox.
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Part of me just gets distracted, or forces myself to finish my work (not often lol) before interacting. Another part literally feels like I can't do justice to things people send me.... I'll work on that.
(I have no excuse for being so late in tag games except, distractions lol)
Anyway! Let me promote myself LOL I'll take a little inspiration from the Farmers Market fic I wrote a while ago. (this is also slightly self indulgent)
I think you'd have similar tastes and your favorites of course... Am I about to go overboard?
As far as fruit, I stand by Levi liking apples (I have a fic for that too hehe), and cherries, and fresh navel oranges. He's always got an apple or orange for lunch, or snacks on a bowl of cherries when they're in season. And loving apples as well, you're known to make tasty treats like tarts or muffins or crisps, and Levi always has his share.
You can't pass up the pineapple as well, or the blueberries and strawberries in season. Your freezer is full for smoothie ingredients. (Imma make a HC about everyones favorite fruit sometime)
Moving on to veggies, you stock up for salads and quick snacks. Bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, yes! All of it! How can you pass up a 1.5 pound organic zucchini for $1? You can't!
You like winter squash as well like butternut for soups or acorn for stuffing...or both for muffins or casseroles! (I have recipes!)
Also potatoes for baking or mashing yourself. And they last forever.
Okay but the zucchini? You have to visit the cheese stall and get asiago or mozzarella to shred on the zucchini and pop it in the oven for 15 minutes. SO GOOD. Also feta for salads. Cheese is the bulk of your dairy as it's coconut or almond milk in your fridge.
The tea stall! Loose leaf, baggies, give us the usual black or green tea. Chamomile or sage tea, cinnamon and honey lemon, and fruity flavors once in a while like pomegranate or pear mango. :D
Oh and dried fruit and nuts! Levis a weirdo and likes dried beets and such. He can have those. The hazelnuts too. But you both like raw almonds and the nutty granola blend for days you have oatmeal and want a crunch. Sometimes you just use it as a cereal base and throw in the blueberries! Dried fruit like mango or papaya wind up in your bag too. And those apple slices!
We can't forget the bread! You have to watch it here more than anywhere. Rye or pumpernickel loafs, small rolls of sesame seed or garlic herb. Sometimes they're for breakfast and sometimes for lunch.
How about your honey and fresh jams and peanut/almond butters? Gotta have something to put between those sandwiches! Apricot preserves, orange marmalade, classic strawberry jam. (Jam spreads better then jelly!)
You know I don't know where you're going to put all this stuff LOL
Sometimes you also grab eggs, and look at the non food items like the crafty handmade woodwork or coasters (no more coasters!) or fresh bar soap like lavender!
BTW if anyone is waiting for me to throw meats in there, you're going to have to do it yourself haha sorry
Oh wait but maybe you splurge on pasta? There's so many varieties! Maybe you go for lemon garlic linguini, or sun dried tomato fettuccine. And pasta sauce made with organic tomatoes, garlic, onion, basil and olive oil. YUM!
And if you go early and don't eat breakfast, you'll get it there. Strawberry mango smoothies, waffles, guava or chocolate empanadas?? (You eat healthy all the time, it's okay to not once in a while!)
Maybe you get lunch to go like woodfire pizza, or veggie wraps and rice and beans. Yes, you have lots of food, but after lugging it around and putting it away who wants to cook? You need to take it easy for a minute!
As far as plants, more zucchini, you can never have enough. Tomatoes and whatever lettuce variety is your favorite, and fresh herbs like basil, rosemary and parsley.
Fruits are a little more tricky I think, but a fig plant can go indoors or outdoors, and fresh figs are a nice treat! Lemons and limes are a good option too, and you can use them for some flavored water or to keep cut apples fresh :D Maybe if there's room blueberries too, or plums. (and apples)
So, what do you think? You going to the market with Levi? What are YOU getting??
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desolateice · 2 years
Food of “Root Beer Floats and Green Tea” part 5 chapters 78- 110
Welcome to TKK3 arc
Fresh honey from Dutch’s Pizza at Mr. Miyagi’s Little Trees Early morning runs with wheat-grass protein smoothies with Dutch and Jessica Dutch’s tropical smoothie with spinach, kale, and protein powder. Daniel’s chocolate and peanut butter banana smoothie Johnny’s acai berry drink
Mr. Miyagi’s congratulations on the opening of your shop: champagne-style sake from the Lawrence's.
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Johnny’s breakfast at a old-fashioned diner and with his mom and she had gotten them both big breakfast platters with pancakes, eggs, bacon, fruit, and toast.
Babysitter Johnny’s mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs
After taekwondo tournament hole in the wall celebratory pizza tradition. Daniel’s brunch with Laura: her bloody mary, Daniel’s eggs
Green tea and Mrs. LaRusso’s pie made by Daniel Halloween at the Brown’s House: Bobby’s monster mash pancakes, skeleton cookies Ohio lemon shaker pie Bobby’s lemon pie Daniel’s Mom’s blueberry pie
ghost cookie Frankenstein's monster bar grave parfaits Candy lollipops shaped like different monsters and severed limbs gingerbread homes scale models of paris and story books “There were so many cupcakes under the domes on the cake plates. Ghost toppings, some that looked like they were bleeding, and one with little candy witch's feet sticking out of it. “ Laura’s housewarming Halloween party: She hired a bartender to work on bubbling punch and alcoholic cocktails out in the garden and got cupcakes and sweets from the Browns and a catering company had made themed finger food.  snacks, candied apples, and finger food, mocktails: Johnny had a dark purple almost black drink (made with juice and not vodka)
Mrs. Lawrence’s pumpkin muffins Trick or treats with the kids, no king size candy bars (though Mrs. Lawrence had those), Apples and mini bags of baby carrots. and raisins. The Browns give out: popcorn balls and king-sized candy bars.
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Scampagnata Eggplant Parmesan Melanzane alla parmigiana sandwiches croquettes pasta salad, and there are fruit and cherry tomatoes. wine torta rustica pajeon Fancy pancakes from the cafe for Jessica’s goodbye breakfast Beach ice cream for broken hearted Californian boys Birthday dinner part 1: A cold soup  was brought out on a bowl of dry ice so the whole thing smoked, crackled, and popped.  Tiny salad all wrapped up in a slice of cucumber like it was a bite-size salad, sorbet palate cleanser, eclairs, chocolate soufflé
Hotel breakfast: pancakes, eggs, sausage or bacon, and juice.
Ma’s birthday surprise mac and cheese
Mr. Miyagi’s chocolate cake Jessica’s Buckeyes Cobra make up birthday soccer lunch: Jimmy’s grilled hotdogs, Cookie dough birthday cake
After Daniel’s win celebration from the Browns:
 Lemon Blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting recipe    some tea cookie recipes Alcoholic rum and root beer floats
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Cobra’s break in breakfasts: Dutch’s omelets with lots of vegetables Dutch’s favorite coffee: add one pack of hot chocolate and 3  cups of Irish creamer. Bobby: Cinnamon Rolls Jimmy’s corned beef and hash Tommy’s waffles Dutch’s other eggs: frittatas and quiches Bobby was making pancakes filled with cinnamon and chocolate chips. Chozen’s breakfast: eggs Mr. Miyagi had made sometimes, rice, soup, grilled fish, a cucumber salad, and pickles and Nattō Dutch portrait sitting breakfast spread of: pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hashbrowns and muffins Mr. Miyagi’s Pork and taro leaves, cook for hours so becomes soft, smoked  from when he lived in Hawaii Lucille’s pre-flight to Newark breakfast: scrambled eggs and bacon and blueberry muffins Johnny’s coffee trip in Newark: ordered Daniel a cup of coffee with a dash of cream and one for himself that was a mocha Dinner at Nonnio and Nonnia’s: chicken and pesto penne, a pot roast with artichokes and sun-dried tomatoes, a salad with bread, tomato, cucumber, basil and onion, and focaccia.
Sandwiches with baby LaRusso’s and Johnny’s first attempt at mac and cheese. Ali’s brunch at the country club: egg with lobster and caviar. There were also raspberry pancakes (this recipe is for lemon raspberry pancakes) with gold leaf.
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The girls and Chozen go to In-N-Out: animal style burgers, fries and drinks S’mores made by Chozen on the leftover Cobra Kai pamphlets Lemonade from Laura for the guys + Chozen working on her garden and making a pond and Conchas Pizza and beer with Chozen and the ex cobras Mint chocolate chip ice cream on the beach
Part 1  | Part 2 | Part 3  | Part 4 |
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Snack Day
Today is dedicated to eating snacks! Snacks are usually smaller than a meal and often eaten between them. They are sometimes even eaten late at night and called midnight snacks. They can be bought processed or prepackaged, or made fresh at home. They may be unhealthy or healthy. The word “snack” derives from the Dutch word “snacken,” which means to bite. By 1402, the word had appeared in English as a noun.
The first snack food in the United States was the peanut. Peanuts first arrived from South America via slave ships and began being used in cooking in southern plantations. It wasn’t until after the Civil War that their popularity spread north, and they eventually became popular at baseball games and in vaudeville theaters. Snacks such as popcorn, pretzels, and peanuts were seen as being lower-class foods, and were sold from street vendors during the second half of the nineteenth century.
Many snack foods were sold or introduced at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904, leading to their popularity across the country. Examples include cotton candy, hot dogs, waffle cones, and hamburgers. Jell-O was also invented around the turn of century, and the 1910s brought us the Oreo cookie and individually-wrapped chocolate Tastycakes.
Snacking gained popularity during the Prohibition era. At this time, pretzels became more accepted. The era of Prohibition and the Great Depression brought us the Butterfinger, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Twinkies, Snickers, Fritos, Ritz Crackers, and Lay’s Potato Chips. Improved packaging made snack foods more popular—they had less of a contamination risk and could more easily be advertised with their visible logos.
During World War II, rationing of foodstuffs such as meat, butter, and sugar was part of the war effort, so not many new snacks were introduced. An exception was M&M’s, which began being produced in 1941 for soldiers overseas. Cheetos are an example of a snack that was introduced shortly after the end of the war. By the 1950s, snacking had become an American pastime. The rest of the century brought us many new snacks: Pop-Tarts, Pringles, Doritos, Hunt’s Snack Pack pudding, Gatorade, Combos, Reese’s Pieces, Fruit Roll-Ups, and Teddy Grahams.
Today, Americans buy 4.3 billion pounds of snack food a year, eating seventeen pounds a person. The most popular snack food in America is the potato chip, which Americans gobble over six pounds a person of each year. The other top snack foods include nuts, microwave popcorn, and corn chips. Today’s holiday was created by Jace Shoemaker-Galloway, the “Queen of Holidays.”
How to Observe National Snack Day
Celebrate the day by eating snacks. It’s not even necessary to eat any meals today; replace them with snacks and try as many as you can. Here are a few common snacks to get you started:
Popular Snacks:
Ice cream
Snack mix (such as Chex Mix or Gardetto’s)
Healthier Snacks:
Fruits and vegetables (may be dipped in healthy dips such as hummus and yogurt)
Nuts and seeds
Whole grain cereals, oats, and granola bars with few added sweeteners
Low-fat yogurt and cheeses
Popcorn without a large amount of salt or fat added
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antonyad3 · 4 months
Food items that often have UP ingredients
Sugary drinks - fizzy drinks, fruit juices with added sugar, energy drinks
Snacks - crisps, chocolate bars, crackers, cookies, jellies
Processed meat - sausages, ham, bacon, salami, pate, canned meat
Instant - noodles, soups, mash
Bakery - cakes, bread, rolls, cookies, crackers, bagels, etc.
Cereal, cake mix
Junk food - burgers, fries, pizza, fried chicken, wraps, kebabs
Frozen meals
Desserts - yoghurts, smoothies, milkshakes, ice-cream, pudding
Microwaveable meals
I have categorised the types of ultra-processed food (UPF) commonly found in average stores to narrow down the focus of my project. This approach will provide me with a clearer structure and understanding of the ingredients and production methods I will be addressing. It will also serve as a foundation for my research, concept generation, and idea execution.
I am particularly interested in exploring bakery products and packaged desserts, as these items are often filled with artificial ingredients. Finding a product in an average store that is completely free from synthetic additives can be quite challenging in these categories.
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tallulahchanel · 6 months
30 Day Writing Challenge Day 7
Prompt: Use the words: small town, bar, jukebox
Sarah walked to the group as they laughed and joked about whatever. She tapped the shoulder of the boy leaning against the car. “Yoohoo!”
He turned and smiled at her. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Sarah Blackwood. You finally decided to be the other half of our rich power couple.”
“No, I just came to see how you were.”
Brock tilted his head like he didn’t believe her. “You hate coming here, so I know you’re not making a wellness call.”
Sarah rolled her eyes playfully while waving Tasha over and wrapping an arm around her. “Brock, meet Tasha Davis. She’s the new student from Ettadella’s Corner.”
“Hi,” the hydrokinetic shyly greeted him.
“Ettadella’s Corner. Where have I heard that name before?” He furrowed his brows until it clicked. “It’s a small town a few miles outside of Sam City, where I’m from.”
“Seriously?” Tasha smiled. “I used to go to Sam City with my mom to run errands and drop off my assignments.”
“Really?” Brock returned her smile. “Have you heard of Uptown Fresh?”
Tasha gasped fondly. “Are you kidding me? I practically lived there. My mom would go there to buy tea while I got some dried fruit.”
Sarah giggled. “Look at you two hitting it off. Brock, you remember Becky.”
Daisy walked up and placed her hand on Mercedes’ shoulder, sapping her confidence. “We’re just extending a wish of good fortune. After all, the tournament can be stressful.” The belt on her skirt tightened, forcing her to double over while her hand fell from Mercedes’s shoulder. “I can’t breathe!”
Nicole smirked while releasing her hold on Daisy’s belt. “Looks like you need to lay off those protein bars you think will replace your chocolate addiction.”
Daisy glared and stood up straight to fix her hair.
Lauryn locked eyes with Neil. However, their moment ended when a familiar scent invaded her senses. “Poison,” she whispered while her eyes roamed to the door where a woman with golden-brown skin and long, crimson-red locs walked in towards a table near the jukebox. “What is she doing here?”
Neil’s eyes followed Lauryn’s. “Sade Parker. I haven’t seen her since she graduated from Whitedone, a year before we did.”
“Last I heard she was locked up in Smallcliff County after she raided the mayor’s mansion. You know just as well as I do, she wasn’t there to steal from the rich and give to the poor.”
“Even still, a prison couldn’t hold her.” Neil chuckled, but he raised a brow when he saw Lauryn stand up from her seat. “Where are you going?”
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