#fruit's modern hc au
Unconventional Relationship + AU
Word Count: 613
So they were moving in together.
Okay, actually, no that was partially inaccurate. Zedaph and Tango had already been living together in a low rent apartment at the edge of the city. They'd been together for maybe two years now.
Wait, maybe ‘together’ was the wrong word…
They moved in together but that was it. Simply friends. Friends with a oddly close bond who occasionally—
Tango pulls himself straight out of that thought, pushing it to the side for later. All he needs to really worry about right now is fixing code and probably packing things in boxes, not how pretty he thinks Zedaph is.
Yet he flicks his tail almost anxiously at that thought, even as he tries to bury it.
He manages, just barely manages, to push it aside as we works on line after line of code. He doesn't even notice when day turns to evening until Zed is sitting down next to him with a curious expression and paper bag.
“I got tikka masala.” Zed says as they take a plastic container out of the bag, swiftly handing over to the netherborn.
“Oh, nice.” He hums. “Did you–”
There's another thing, this time a styrofoam box, placed on what little free space there is beside the coffee table.
All he really does is purr in response, placing the rice onto his plate after the faun hands one to him.
After a moment, Zed pulls lightly on the sleeve of Tango's hoodie. He doesn't even have to ask to know that his friend is asking for her wool to be combed.
He sighs, but laughs, before taking the comb out of his pocket.
It's steady work in-between mouthfuls of food, the little sheep humming happily as he untangles knots.
But all it really does is lead his thoughts back to one thing and—
Zed's looking at him, almost looking a bit confused.
“Tango, is something wrong?”
He blinked, flicking his tail from one side to the other. “No?”
“Your ears are falling.” She pointed out.
The netherborn moves the comb through the faun’s wool slowly, removing a leaf that has gotten stuck.
“I'm fine.” He says quietly. “I'm fine.”
Zedaph just pouts at that, looking sad at the non-response until Tango just sighs.
“Okay, fine.” He groans. “I've been thinking about the whole moving in together thing…”
She nods her head.
“I mean, we're moving in together. Who even does that?” Tango exclaimed, his tail flicking slightly.
Zedaph stares, before shrugging. “Married people? Maybe?”
“I guess?” The netherborn laughs lightly.
She hums slightly.
“Aren't Impulse and Skizz married?”
He pauses, blinking slowly. “No?”
“But they live together, don't they?”
“Yeah, but that's different.” He says quickly. “They're childhood best friends and Impulse is getting married to Bdubs–”
“Impulse isn't moving in with him.”
It's blunt, harsh as all Tango's thoughts come to a sudden halt.
“But– I thought…” He says quietly.
“Ce’s staying – for now – with cir platonic partner.” Then Zedaph laughs. “I don't think either is moving in with eachother.”
Tango slumps over, curling his tail around himself before laying it in his lap. “I… feel embarrassed that you always have to explain things to me.”
“I don't always mind it.” She laughs.
He moves from combing her wool to playing with his tail, undoing a handful of knots as he finds them.
“Uh… Zed.”
“You… what are we?”
She shrugs, not seeming to really know the answer.
“I wouldn't really mind doing something a little atypical.” He says slowly.
“Are you asking me out?”
“Maybe?!” Tango yelps.
And all either can really do with that is laugh.
“You've seen me naked!” Zedaph jokes.
“Yeah, and?” Tango laughs.
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abbysdruidess · 1 year
you ever see those tiktoks of ppl making to-go meals for their wives working at hospitals? i wanna do that for abby so badly 🥺 (i've seen some hcs of her being an orthopaedic surgeon and I think thats real af)
thank you for this anon<3 I was kind of in a writers block so this helped s a lot-send me more asks about my babygirl, my delightful wife.
l̳u̳n̳c̳h̳ ̳o̳f̳ ̳c̳h̳a̳m̳p̳i̳o̳n̳s̳ | modern au smut
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wc: 1.3k (my longest!!)
tags: fluff, smut, domesticity, reader gets head for cooking for her wife(not that she wasn't getting it anyway), Abby eats it the whole damn thing on the kitchen counter
a/n: this is in the form of headcanons with a smut drabble in the end-lmk what you guys think<33
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❦ I feel like in a modern au Abs would definitely choose a field that requires a lot of hard work(cause in the game also she overworked herself), so she's either a doctor or a construction worker(;)). I feel like she wouldn't want to choose to be a neurosurgeon like her father, bc as much as she admires his work, she doesn't want to be compared to him and she grew up with it, she wants something different. So her going into orthopaedics seems pretty reasonable.
❦ As for the lunch thing, I could totally see you making her lil lunches<3 She is careful about what she eats cause she wants maintain her muscled appearance, so she doesn't really go for the cafeteria food. Therefore, you make a habit of cooking food for the wife™️ every day. I imagine you getting one of these cute bento boxes and cook her some chicken, rice and salad the night before and set it up all cute<3
❦She'd always love it when you cook her food from your culture/country of origin also🥺because baby loved everything about you and wants to feel closer to you any chance she gets. In my country there's a lot of emphasis on fresh, unprocessed food so I imagine you growing a little garden outside your kitchen with fruits and vegetables, the works.
❦ Don't forget about dessert also-cooking a big tray of something like brownies or a batch of cookies on Sunday nights and put in on her lunch box with a note that goes like "finish your vegetables before you devour dessert!" or "eat lunch first, dear<3" . Bonus points if you kiss the note and get lipstick all over it.
❦ Maybe a coworker of hers notices one day(probably Manny cause he's the only one able to confront her about it) and goes up to her with a shit eating grin while she's eating it like "Damn doc, maybe that wife of yours can cook me up a lunch or too like yours sometime. She forgot to draw a heart on your brownies though." And normally if it was someone else she'd be pretty pissed off, because HOW DARE THEY mock the lunch her amazing, breathtaking wife worked so hard to make. But it's Manny so she knows he's just fucking around. SO Abby's like "Oh shut up Manny. You're just wish you had a girl who wants to make you lunch every day."
❦And truthfully she's extremely grateful for it, it's one of those things that reminds her why she married you, you care for her so much and cooking for her shows you look after her in one of the most vital, intimate ways possible. In the end of the week, once she comes home from work and sees you cleaning dishes in the sink, she walks up to you, leaving her little lunch box on the counter and wraps her big, beefy arms around you, while she whispers in your ear.
"I didn't thank you for lunch this week. I loved the cookies a lot.", and you can feel her breath slightly tickling your ear, the pads of her fingers toying with the hem of your shirt.
"It's alright Abs, I like making you food. You need to stay fit, big girl.", you respond, while you turn around and run your hands down her biceps.
"Hmm, thank you so much for caring about my health babe, or maybe you just like that your wife is packing such heavy guns under her shirt, huh?" she teases. You can't deny though, you love her figure. You can feel her hands on your hips as she tenderly lifts you on the counter, and you sigh happily.
"Yes Abby" you roll your eyes. "I'm soo thankful I have such a strong wife. It is quite beneficial at times.". Your hands ride up her shirt, cupping her firm, silken breasts. She exhales all wobbly, you know how sensitive her breasts are. But you know your little game won't last long.
She doesn't respond, just leans her face into yours so your noses bump and smiles. She quickly makes light work of your shirt, tossing it on the floor and goes for the button in your jeans next, as you help her by raising your hips off the counter. In one flawless motion, she has removed both your jeans and underwear, tossing them off with your shirt. Once the bare skin of your ass makes contact with the marble of the counter you shiver, and Abby brings her girthy palms to rest under your buttocks, warming up the skin there and slightly groping it.
"Lemme thank you for lunch. You are always so good to me. My pretty, little wife". She raises one of her hands and gently runs her pointer finger where your folds part, making you gasp. Your hands reach to her behind and cup her firm ass. "Alright." you whisper into her ear, as your eyes roll in the back of your head.
She then kisses a line from your jaw to your belly button, leaving sloppy, open mouth kisses where the drool from her mouth remains visible on your skin. You could only wish it would imprint on it, immortalising Abby's passionate mouth loving on your body. You shudder as you feel her delicately kissing your pussy, rubbing her tongue on your feminine lips as if she was making out with them. Her tongue teases the sensitive flesh, as the nerves in the most sensitive part of your body are abused by this wonderful, wonderful woman. You let out small, staccato moans, and your hands reach the flesh of your breasts, cupping them and toying with them deliciously. Abby continues the barrage on your cunt, licking up your clit as the room is filled with the sloppy sounds of sopping flesh.
You sit there, helpless but to take it, as you feel the coil inside you tightening up from the lovely tongue of your wife. You suddenly feels as though a band has snapped, and you are overcome with heavenly, internal bliss as your orgasm washes over you like a wave. Abby guides you through it, leaving soft kissing on your cunt and whispering "That's it baby, come like a good girl". Once it stops, you can feel her rising up to kiss you, her tongue rubbing yours in small circles as she lets you taste your salty tang.
"Mmm" you let out a soft giggle. "I'm so grateful I have such a caring attentive wife.", and she makes you gasp as she her fingers come up to your sensitive folds, dipping her hands into your hole and spreading your juices all over your inner thighs. You let out soft moans at the overstimulation but allow her to continue the assault on your cunt nonetheless, as she thumbs you clit gently, watching it twitch in between your legs.
"Damn right you are, baby. Wanna take this to the bedroom?" She leans into you and leaves a kiss on your ear lobe. "I'm not through with you yet." you don't reply just yet, because you know she still wants to have a go at you, and she will no matter what. You grumble a small yes at her as she picks you up bridal style and moves you to the bedroom, kicking your discarded clothes out of her way.
What could she say? Abby lives to please you, and you live to please her. And both of you are thankful for having each other to help whenever, whether that is with lunch and everything the other person needs.
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whoaah, who wrote that🤔anyways, lmk what you guys think of it and ofc send me more asks abt Abby<33
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yournightmary · 5 days
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Loser!Ellie HCs
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content warning:: fem!reader, modern!AU
AN:: first time writing, literally scared shitless🔥 english isn’t my native language🙏
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who made a pasta recipe once (probably from instagram reels), and became a self-appointed master chef. Forgot about the fact that it took her 3 tries to even cook the pasta.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who can’t stop saying flavor instead of scent. She just genuinely doesn’t see the difference.
“What flavor do you want?” she asks you while holding up two colorful packs of wax melts. She bought a wax burner and used it to melt chocolate so she can have chocolate covered fruit anytime she wants. Used it 2 times total.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who vapes. I’m sorry but that’s the truth. She just loves to puff on her cute little mixed berries disposable. Also, keeps saying she can quit anytime she wants, she can’t.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who uses axe body spray. If someone asks about it she just says it works better, but she actually likes the scent. Kind of her guilty pleasure.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who hated on the sims franchise her whole life only to find out you’re a fan. She pirated the whole series (DLCs and all) off of some russian website in one night. Got like 20 different viruses but at least her girl could play the sims 2 happily.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is terrible at foreign languages yet has a duolingo streak that over 500 days. She knows how to say ‘the apple is red’ in german and can barely pronounce her order in mexican restaurants.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is chronically online. Constantly posting shit to her insta stories, sending you tik toks 24/7 and all that stuff. One time she got so invested in a facebook group drama that she didn’t reply to your texts for the whole day.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who wears the most unfunny-funny shirts you can imagine. Stuff like ‘women want me, fish fear me’ and ‘eat, sleep, game, repeat’. And they’re always either way too big or way too small.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who always said she doesn’t want any pets, that it’s too much of a commitment for her… Then she found the ugliest kitten she’s ever seen on the street and took it home without thinking. Let you choose the name but calls him ‘stinky’ no matter what. Like mother, like daughter.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who couldn’t tie her shoes until she was 15. That’s it.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is so lovestruck for you that I can’t even explain it. She’ll always do the cheesiest things possible, like standing before your house with roses, a bluetooth speaker and a promposal poster or bringing you every little thing she found on her walk that ‘reminded her of you’.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who doesn’t like to go out on dates. She’d rather stay at home with you, watch a movie, make dinner together (you’ll be the only one actually cooking), maybe paint something or just spend time together doing nothing… Would really enjoy a date at the planetarium though.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loser!Ellie who is a total yapper. Can and will talk about anything and everything for hours on end. And if you mention an interest of hers? Oh god, get ready to see a powerpoint presentation about it. Literally the definition of ‘☝️🤓’ but in a good way.
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I’m so scared to post this it’s not even funny☠️ Hope you liked it <3
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xxoxobree · 1 year
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I’m Sorry
Neteyam x Fem!Human!Reader
You Liked Me,Too
Neteyam x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader
Neteyam x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader
Yovo Fruit
Neteyam x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader
Viral , Part 2
Apocalypse AU
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Me or Her? Part 1 , Part 2
Lo’ak x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Chosen Series , Part 1
Lo’ak x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader
Little troublemaker
Lo’ak x Mom Reader
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Lost to Love Again
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Intoxicating Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6
Text Between You And Hobie
Atsv Group Chat
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See You Again (My Personal Fav)
The Sequence
Text Between You And Miles G. Part 2. Part 3 Part 4. Part 5 Part 6
Shoot Your Shot
I Luv Your Girl
My + 2’s Pt.1
Best Friends?
Likkle Short Skirt
Atsv Group Chat
Morales Twins HC’s Pt.2
The Weekend. Pt.2
We’re Home?
Japanese Cherrry Blossom
Miles’ Room
Kill Bill?
Which One Mama?
Sex Ed
It’s Grandpa.
Meant to be
Proud Of You
Streamer Miles G Pt.2
Toxic Miles Text Pt.2
I ❤️ My Boyfriend
Mean Sometimes
Fix That Attitude
Hey Babe
Can’t Feel My Face
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Hey Spider-Man
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My + 2’s Pt.1
Text With Miles
Atsv Group Chat
Morales Twins HC’s Pt.2
We’re Home?
Water Please
Which One Mama?
Sex Ed
His Perfect Girl
The Boy Is Mine
I Can Do Both
They’ll Love You
Int’l Players Anthem
Late Nitez
Hey Babe
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Modern Zuko HC’s
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pix3lplays · 10 months
Masterlist V
Wow onto five already!! Thank you so much for your support!
-Honkai star rail-
Luocha’s son taking care of him when he gets sick
Teaching reader to swim
Wife reader dies while Jing Yuan is away at war
Dan Heng being susceptible to overstimulation
Blade’s daughter is getting bullied
Jing Yuan’s wife!reader looks very beautiful when using powers
Imbibitor Lunae x reader: exile
Blade is soft with reader
High School AU, student gov. President Dan Heng and Vice President reader who always flirts with him
wife!reader and IL Dan Heng when child tells classmates that their “dad’s a dragon!”
Blade and Luocha in dead reader universe when their kid gets into a toxic relationship
High school AU, HSR men get the role of Romeo, reader gets the role of Juliet
Dan Heng full SFW alphabet
Dan Heng x reader who wants to avenge him
Eating disorders
Luocha x reader: the Abundance Abomination
Dan Feng x reader
Luocha x reader: long distance
Luocha’s son is the one who revives reader
Cloud knight!reader x Luocha
Luocha x Phoenix!reader
Luocha x reader with an absurd personality
Reader was in a toxic relationship with Dan Feng
Jing Yuan x reader who works in the realm keeping commission
Reader’s eating disorder is flaring up
Dan Feng x reader: Festival Lanterns
Yanqing’s older sister x IL Dan Heng
Dan Heng x fem!reader: night crying
Dan Heng x reader: past sins
Reader says: trust me! I’ll catch you!
Reader who’s always trying to get Dan Heng to smile
Dan Heng x reader as grumpy x sunshine
High school au when you ask them out to prom in front of the whole school
Getting the spotlight at prom
Reader dies in their arms
Comforting reader who suddenly split off with a friend
Chronically ill Dan Heng
Phoenix!reader has feathers all over
Meeting their child for the first time
Dan Heng becomes flirty in his Vidyadhara form
Fem!reader is an opera singer
How long it takes Dan Heng to accept hugs from the astral express crew and reader
Dan Heng x reader: weighted blankets and hugs
Reader is a burnt out nurse
Reader is usually happy and energetic, goes quiet around family
Actor! Dan Heng x backstage!reader
Luka as a dad discussion
Walking in on reader singing
Workaholic!Dan Heng x reader who wants him to take a dang break
Dan Heng IL and reader are so in love
Hitting them with ‘ur mom’
Cooking skills and what they pack for their kids’ lunch
Barista absolutely botches their names
Reader likes to touch Dan Heng’s exposed skin
Dan Feng x reader: the outside world
Reader likes fashion and dresses them like a K-pop idol
Reader is out for revenge
Reader is pessimistic but loves them
Reader emotionally shuts down
Playing in a play centre with their child
Reader’s child keeps bringing home stray cats
Dan Heng and Luka when reader brings them a care package
When a child dies
Reader is Sampo’s little sister
Welt and Blade with a reader who wears a mask
-Dr. Stone-
Xeno SFW alphabet
Xeno with S/o who reminds him to take breaks
Modern AU Senku x reader: truth or dare
Reader comforting Senku while he misses his dad
Reader has sensory issues
Reader spends too much money x Senku
Reader falls asleep on Xeno’s lap
Reader is a gamer
Senku x smart reader: bad at feelings
Senku x reader: Childhood friends to lovers(kinda) feat.height difference
Senku x fem!reader: Protective
Least to most stressed about packing
-One Piece-
Mihawk x reader who only sings for him
Mihawk x clingy reader
Mihawk x wife!reader who’s loved by cats
Reader does instead of Ace
Sanji x reader who has a violin based devil fruit power
Ace is jealous of reader’s cat
Mihawk x strong s/o
Modern au!Ace x serious gamer!reader:Spend some time
Mihawk x reader who loves jellyfish
Zoro and Sanji x reader who loves jellyfish
Jealousy hcs
With a reader who’s like Dan Heng from Honkai Star Rail
Reader likes to warm up against Ace’s skin
Reader works for Baroque works x Sir Crocodile
Reader is sneaky
As college roommates
Mihawk x wife!reader who doesn’t let him pay
Sir Crocodile x reader who’s the opposite of him
Reader tries to leave Sir Crocodile
Sir Crocodile x fem!reader: the little shadow
Platonic Ace training young pirate reader
Mihawk x reader who’s shy around him
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talkshowboyluvr · 2 months
talk treechy to me 🤭 any modern au hcs you have for him?? he looks like the type to create playlists for his friends and for overly specific situations that are niche to him
okay modern au treech 🤩 channelling the four (4) modern au fics i have (even tho two are unreleased, leave me be 😭)
okay so starting w the foundations even if the au isn't based in britain, he has a thick english accent (never erasing hiroki's Londoner voice) but the reason's for it can get more and more ridiculous.
one of his favourite celebrities is english, so he's picked up the accent to be more like them. growing up his mom used to only put on english cartoons so he came into school the first day saying shit like "good morning fellas" and got Bullied so bad.
really close friends with lucy gray!!! (even tho most of the hc's come from the lucy gray/treemina fic im not gonna base the relationships on it or else i'll Rant abt coralbalism) i see their personalities as very similar, specifically their love for performing and such
they were roommates in the olive garden fic and im probably bringing that back for the band au, i think they're so good as best friends 😭
okay obviously emo king extraordinaire, but i doubt he ever dropped the phase. like, he stopped dyeing his hair purple (bc yes he would so do that) by the time he was seventeen, but i think he'd still wear the mcr band tee out and about.
goes all out for halloween. i personally imagine he wouldn't watch horror much, but he'd read it (except hereditary, he'd watch hereditary bc that's my favourite movie) and would really dress up for the occasion. he goes as book accurate dracula like five times bc he just Loves vampires (wink wink)
eats so much fruit its unhealthy. man is obsessed w strawberries.
really good at history in school. definitely a history major.
cannot fight to save his life. the one (1) time he tried to punch someone coral and tanner had to step in to save his Life.
brandy despises him. why? because i think it's really funny. (i usually say it's to even out tanner hating lamina but after songs i've decided tanner and lamina are actually best friends)
okay this one is genuinely just funny to me, but i imagine he has had a BUNCH of embarrassing crushes on his friends that Haunt him. (lamina, jessup, reaper, lucy gray) i really think he fell in 'love' constantly growing up and Coral was Sick of it.
oh and autism. i didn't write treech as autistic originally, but i realised half way through allies or enemies he read as Very autistic lmao.
i have. more. but im unsure how to word them, so!!!! here we are.
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
You know I might jsut make plus si,ex Wukong my norm, whether he's supposed to be pregnant or not. He's so cute!
I love chunky Wukong. Let this monkey be round and fluffy like a persian cat!
The minifig confirms this mf is using a corset to keep his chub in like William Shatner's girdle in Star Trek. The beach ending in S4 also shows he got some chunk on him.
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I hc that he's gotten a bit chubby over the centuries (or has been since forever), but doesn't want anyone to know that professionally cus people would be saying he "let himself go" - but he likes his body! He did dream of "getting fat off fruit" with Mac all those centuries ago.
In my TMKATI au he develops a distinct "dad bod" due to the mix of raising kids + loving modern food a little too much.
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wxnderernara · 1 year
may I take your order~
the menu for the order up! request box
vanilla - fluff
strawberry - crossover
chocolate - comfort
coffee - angst (more for insecurity & dysphoria aid)
red velvet - angst comfort (relationship angst)
funfetti - surprise me!
chocolate - rivals
vanilla - established relationship
hazelnut - fell first, fell harder
cream cheese - fake relationship
peanut butter - coworkers
nutella - assassination attempt
coconut - security guard
lemon - childhood friends
raspberry - arranged marriage
ganache - worker/customer dynamic
heart sprinkles - suggestive ending
marshmallows - hcs (state the scenario)
chocolate chips - scenario (tell the plot pls)
powdered sugar - modern au
glaze - coffeeshop au
filled cupcake - convenience store au
fruit - hybrid character (please mention if it’s the reader or the character)
nuts - bookstore au
chocolate - college au
mint - band au
edible flowers - streamer au
rainbow belts - sagau (self aware)
caramel sauce - mutual pining
rules of who to give them to
since i find my cupcakes too special to just give away to any one so i have rules on who to give them to. i hope u abide my rule for my cupcakes are too special &lt;3
so far i trust:
anyone in genshin impact but not qiqi, diona, klee, sayu, aloy and kusanali (can write her as platonic)
twisted wonderland
heartslabyul - riddle rosehearts
savanaclaw - leona kingscholar
octavinelle - azul ashengrotto, the tweels (can be separate or together)
scarabia - jamil viper
pomefiore - vil schoenheit, epel fermier
ignihyde - idia shroud
diasomnia - malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge
thank u for reading through this. heres a heart for the road &lt;3
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sobersonder · 20 days
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Animal Crossing AU
I was thinking to call this AU "Less of a Nook, Double the Crooks" where the main thing is Tom Nook and Redd's beef never happened and Tom eventually became just like Redd. The two owns a shop in the black market together. Nothing matters to them except for bells and their loyalty to eachother. And yes, the tanuki and the fox still fight like an old married couple.
Due to this, Tom never adopted Timmy and Tommy. The twins were adopted by the Able Sisters instead. (Will be explaining further down below.)
Lyle was still once an insurance scammer who worked with the kitsune and tanuki duo but now owns the Happy Home Academy by himself. Without Tom, there is now a deadline/due day of rent, everyday of each playthrough [the player] needs to pay 15k bells.
Additional Fun Facts:
⚜️ Sable didn't liked the idea of adopting the two tanukis since they remind her of Tom so much and she knows they'll struggle to feed more mouths in one roof, but Mable kept insisting.
⚜️ Timmy and Tommy would still have the shop called "Nukkling Junction". The spelling is changed because of not being adopted by Tom.
⚜️ Timmy and Tommy, fell asleep on a fruit truck when they were desperate to find food in the city that went into Tom's home town.
⚜️ Redd tried to scam Brewster, failed because of Blathers... And then Tom successfully scammed Blathers (The quote "If a kitsune has 7 tricks, a tanuki has 8" is very much prevalent.)
⚜️ Tom does sell furniture.
➥ The trick here is that occasionally you would receive fake furniture that would be just a pile of leaves. You'd only know if the item is fake by placing it in your house, leave the room where you put it, then go back to see the said pile of leaves.
➥ I still have a few ideas but those are still uncertain.
⚜️ I do headcanon that Joan is Tom's parental figure (I'm a Wild World user lmao). And when Joan saw what Tom had become she was devastated and disappointed! She very much blames Redd on this one
⚜️ Pugsly is the one who will replace Tom Nook in the Resident Services. He will be there along side his sister because I want to give him the love that he deserves.
⚜️ Timmy and Tommy are older than their classic counter parts, they're around their teen years so to say. Even though their ages were not specified, their appearance would have some differences like they would be more taller, a little more chubbier since modern depiction of the tanuki yokai are usually fat (but hey, this is my hc for them!), etc.
⚜️ Tom does not know for the life of him to remember which is which with Timmy and Tommy. He kept confusing one over the other.
⚜️ Though, the twins still crave to have a parent figure that's the same species as them, they're still overall grateful for the Able Sisters taking them in
⚜️ Redd and Tom have the biggest beef with Lyle and to me it would just be so funny. Iykyk
{Note: I don't really know if this AU has already been done with all of these concepts. This is just made for fun but if the name has been taken already, then I'm willing to change it :]]. If there's an AU similar to this, please send it to me because I wanna see it because I'm starving for more AC content. Again, this is just for fun I'd kill myself from cringe if I accidentally mischaracterized them 😭}
{I'll add more info if I remember or thought of!}
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1pcii · 5 months
what are some of your favorite one piece headcanons?
hello anon! sorry for taking so long. this list are just a few I could remember off the top of my head and so a little all over the place but I hope you enjoy em anyways!
luffy being zoro's 'true north' because "where he needs to be" will always be by Luffy's side, to the point that while he isn't the best at general directions/navigating, he has an uncanny ability/sixth sence of knowing where Luffy is/finding him.
i love the idea of nami gaining a little weight after being with the strawhats for a while, yknow the whole idea of 'weight gain to show character development in that they finally feel safe and happy enough to enjoy life and enjoy good good' esp with the way tangerines, a fruit, are a symbol of her freedom from arlong and happiness (aswell as having a cook who is obsessed with catering to her every whim)
zoro ship custom where they ADD an extra earring somewhere > zoro ship custom where he gives them one of his three pre-existing ones (zolu is the only exception because I see the 3 motif as symbolic of his dream and the people behind it. kuina being one and Luffy being another). also it's kinda like a wedding ring worn in an alternative way which I'm always a sucker for
maybe set in more of a modern au but I can see law as an avid Lego collector, oh and that Luffy would like ska music! also pokemon
this is more of a personal one but as an objectum person I really like the idea of zoro being POSIC+/objectum (note: objectum/osor while is primarily a sexual/romantic orientation, can be completely platonic too). I feel both a combination of him being seen talking to the merry
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and canonical perceived sentience of his swords can be attributes to that. the tags on this reblog of a post I think about,,, alot.
cyborg 'self made man' Franky should have tattoos, and nami should too. actually I'm a huge advocate for all the strawhats having tattoos of narratively significant moment in their journey (the 'x' from alabasta, tho I still also really like my hc that it's mehndi Vivi did for all of them. and '3d2y' for Luffy)
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fictionfordays · 3 months
Modern AU! Findekano HCs
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CW: insecurities mentioned, but no real warnings here!
WC: ~500
A/N: Findekano needs something active in his life that he can enjoy!
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❀ Works as a personal trainer, but really he wants to go into sports medicine. Specifically to work with a professional sports team. He knows every single muscle in the body - its scientific name, common name, and function, and also prides himself on how well he can put together a routine for literally ANYONE. Any body type, mobility range, and how to work around limitations like missing limbs, arthritis, paralysis, etc
❀ Really enjoys sports; watching, playing, it doesn’t matter bc he’s into it
❀ He’s an ambivert who absolutely loves spending time in the presence of others. He is so charming and outgoing and easy to talk to and be around. His puppy dog energy is REAL and he makes everyone feel excited about seeing him. BUT, being an ambivert, he does need quiet time on occasion, or a chance to unwind. He can find people to be draining at times, as well as specific people generally draining his energy more than others. In those moments he’s… much quieter, more stuck in his head than usual. This can be concerning for someone’s first time seeing him that way, but he’s quick to reassure them that he’ll be fine once he has some time alone<3
❀ His smile is so pretty !!! How are his teeth so white? His lips are pink and glossy? And the way it always seems so genuine and real, his pretty eyes crinkling as the corners of his lips turn up !!!
❀ I feel like this boy lives in athletic clothing. If he has to dress nice for something, like a date or a meeting, then he totally knows how to, but he truly thrives in athleisure
❀ His hair is usually worn down, or half up. If he’s active like working out at the gym or playing a game of soccer for example, then he’ll pull it all up into a perfect messy bun on the top of his head
❀ He’s very flirty, even without meaning to be. He’s just so kind and charming that it sometimes comes across a little different than he intends… He can’t help it
❀ Fingon is very handsome. Logically, he knows this, but bc his cousins and friends are also all very beautiful he often feels unattractive or at least insecure. He takes extra good care of himself due to this: twice a day skincare routine, nightly haircare routine with weekly hair masks, even a regular training/workout schedule
❀ I think he enjoys going to local farms to get fresh fruits and veggies. Poor boy tries so hard to start his own garden but he gets so busy and gets too excited about gardening and ends up either heavily over-watering or forgetting about the garden altogether. After the first five attempts at starting his own (he is determined!) he decides it’s better to let the pros do it and he enjoys supporting local farmers and businesses anyway
❀ Not a very good cook... but he tries! He can make one or two dishes really well. Knows his way around a grill though
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2024.
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Egg Cracking + Rarepair
Word count: 479
It was fine, she was fine, nothing bad would happen. At least that's what reverberated through Zedaph's head for the past month since she'd moved in with Tango.
The two had managed to find a half decent apartment, one that even allowed pets, which she was thankful for even if neither of them currently had any.
But there was something at the back of her mind, bothering her constantly; Tango wasn't happy.
Which could be simple, there could be many reasons for Tango's unhappiness, but Zedaph was (at least among close friends) sometimes notoriously bad at overthinking things.
So here they stood, the sheep busy taking on her part of the chores – Tango had forgotten to fold the laundry for a full week… again… – in the living room while the netherborn cleaned the dishes in the attached kitchenette.
“Hey, Zed… do you– do you ever feel like you don't belong in your skin?” Tango says cautiously.
“What do you mean?” Zedaph asks, though something pulls and sounds so familiar to her ears. A feeling not yet said or revealed in full.
“Just– I don't know, like your reflection isn't yours? Not like– well maybe…” They go on. “Like you don't fit. Your body is wrong but like in some ways it's right.”
And there it was, bright as day and now left out in the open on a hanging thread.
She stood from the couch, walking over to Tango. “What exactly do you mean, Tango?”
They threw their lip, placing a plate onto a rack to dry.
“I don't– I don't know… that's the problem…” They say shyly. “You– I've been thinking about when you first came out to me and it– it almost sounded right but– but I don't– being a ‘man’ doesn't feel right… but neither does being a women…”
Zedaph places a hand on Tango's back then moves the other to his chin, forcing the netherborn to look at her.
“Everyone's feelings about gender are different, Tango.” She says gently. “Sometimes– sometimes it isn't even one to the other. Sometimes it's both or neither or everything under the sun.”
Tango blinks, confusion then crosses their face slowly as the meaning digs deeper.
“Wait, that's an option? Those are options?”
She can't stop herself from laughing at that, it’s well meaning but–
“I don't have to be either and no one told me?!”
They back up, hands over their face and screaming like something's been released from their soul. A form of pain gone, replaced by confusion and some type of joy.
“Tango, Tango, are you okay?” Zedaph says through laughter.
“I'm just– I'm happy… I guess…”
“Good.” She tugs lightly on their hoodie. “Because I need you out of this.”
“Wow, at least take me to dinner first.”
“Tango, you’ve worn this for a year straight without washing it and it smells awful…”
“… fine…”
Our ko-fi
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nayru-wisdom · 1 year
For the  Purgatory Countdown here I have some of my favorite headcanons of my favorite flaming boy 🔥 ❤️  (It was impossible for me to choose only one)
1.- I love so much the idea of Kyo being a cat lover person. He would desire to own a kitten so much when he was a kid, that in a little act of bold rebellion, when he finds a tiny kitten while he’s training in the backyard, Kyo would oppose his father's wishes to not allow any animal on his house. 7 years old Kyo being so excited to show the cat to 2 year old Senjuro and both children loving so much playing with the kitten. They know it’s wrong, but they become attached to the cat in a few seconds Kyo put it in his room.  It’s the first time they have a secret that can’t say to their father and sadly they can’t tell Mother about it too. So, eventually Kyo’ll try to hide it inside the house. But it’s a shame how soon Shinjuro would find out about the cat and throw him out of the Estate in a rage. And it would be this time and the last one, Kyojurou would actually cry very loudly, because the kitten is gone. That taking even his own Father with shock, his son didn’t cry and don’t remember him making tantrums since he was a newborn baby. Senjuro will also cry along his Aniue, they loved the kitten so much with only a few days. Shinjuro couldn’t know what to do with the cries of both of their children, and Ruka is the one who will try to calm them down. Tellin’ them they did a good job taking care of the little kitten, so they don’t have to feel sad about the cat, it was very happy for sure thanks to them. But the decision of his father were more strict since then, and didn’t make another try again.  2.- Alike the first hc, I also see him being like almost a feline himself without notice it. Kyo’s random habits like waking up in the morning stretching and yawning widely like a cat. His eyes sometimes dilating the pupils a little, when something rlly he likes it and draws a lot of attention *cof*Tan*cof* and he would almost purr when he’s very comfy sleeping and his snoring sounds like the purring of a cat. 3.- In Modern Au, I can see Kyo being very active on his social media, but most of the things he publish on his instagram account would be about food and his training routine. The good stories, are in Senjuro’s best friends circle: Him doing goofy stuff with his brother and showing the awkward and adorable side Kyojuro actually has. 
4.- Also for Modern Au: I like to think of Kyo enjoying gardening. His house is so big and perfect to have a beautiful garden. He would love to see his mother loving to take care of the garden while she was alive and doing Ikebana as one of her favorite hobbies. And he would love spend his days off with his little brother growing their own fruits and vegetables (Now they made this real!! I wanna cry)
5.- This a funny, kinda NSFW hc, but I always love to see Baby Kyo cockblocking Shinjuro when he’s about to give his wife a kiss on the lips and he would turn his face on the side, because there’s Kyo’s big eyes looking very focused & curious, embarrasing the sh*t out of his father with his child eyes watching a cute love scene between his parents. Now, just imagine if maybe he wants to have a more..intimate moment, with Kyo interrumpting LMAO  6.- Yes, I’m on the side that Kyojurou is terrible at cooking. But it’s because he just doesn’t control well the heat and gets so impatient while he tries to do it, it makes a big mess in the kitchen, he only can do thinks that can be done in the microwave when he’s alone. But thanks to Tan’s help, eventually his abilities would turn more fun for him, bc he and Tanjiro can have very cute and loving moments together, his bf teaching him with all the patience in the world. Any time he holds his hands teaching how to mince garlic is like their love language moment for them. 7.- Kyo-sensei would be the type of teacher that loves so much to bring his students to see National Museums of Japan and he replace the actual guide that works on it (?. He gets so excited and his passion for History would be very stimulated with the visit, and made everyone of his class get a nice reward with a final quiz with what they’ve learn that day. It’s the best teacher of the entire world, honestly. And that’s all I can think for today!
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nerdynuala · 1 year
Hi!!! Your hcs are relaxing, could you ask for some of hange ofc about her normal daily life? Like... I once saw one about it being very canon that she would have an ipad with something like 10000 games.
Hello! Sorry I'm answering late to this, had a busy week.
Sooo I suppose this is about modern Hange's daily life! I haven't really thought of modern AU in general but this sounds fun, especially because now that you mention she would have loads of games on her iPad I have to mention the ONE headcanon I read about a while ago, that has stuck with me forever. That one headcanon is the absolute truth to me. I'm so sad I can't credit it properly because I don't remember who posted it, but that genius of a fellow Tumblr user pointed out Hange would have this song set as default tone for her mobile. And honestly, I can't unsee this lol
Anyway, this one wasn't mine, so have some of my own:
(using she/her pronouns since the ask uses these)
- Her laptop's desktop is a mess. She "loses" folders or documents once or twice a week. "Leviii I swear I did nothing! Nothing at all! They just keep disappearing, I didn't even click on anything"
- She goes to bed at ungodly hours, but despite the lack of sleep she does not have even the slightest hint of eyebags. Lucky one.
- Yes, iPad with 1000 games but only uses two or three. She still plays Fruit Ninja. One of her favorites is Among Us, especially when she gets impostor. She does get caught most of the times though, because she's too impatient and ends up being uhm not-so-stealthy.
- Oh and she definitely plays Pokemon Go. Opens it once a year really, but she never ever got rid of the app on her phone.
- Sings in the shower. She's definitely not a good singer, yells too much and is constantly out of tune.
- Do not ever look at her YouTube playlist. Most random videos on that. You can find silly songs such as Narwhal, Dewgong and Capibara, and then a bunch of random science videos. Has watched videos about how Romans pooped and Roman baths like a hundred times. Her favorite YouTube thing is still the llama Carl though.
- Has a lot of plants in the house but they're all dead or about to die. She has a little plant that somehow has managed to survive and sticks with her. She talks to the plant as if it was a pet.
- She will never admit it to Levi, but when she does not want to do the dishes, she eats straight out of the pan.
- Wouldn't be bad at cooking, but lacks the patience for elaborate dishes. Ends up cooking very quick things and eats a lot of pasta with different sauces because that's quick. She also has it al dente, not because she knows that's how it should be done, but because it's quicker.
- Can't stand when it's hot in summer and strolls around the house with just her panties on. The neighbors on the opposite building have seen her naked through the windows more than once. She just does not bother to pull the curtains.
- Sleeps on her back most of the times and snores a lot.
- Her natural time to wake up in the morning is around 11 am. Before that, she can wake up but feels extremely groggy.
- Owns plushies. But not teddy bears and common stuff. She has an axolotl plushie, a kiwi bird plushie, a dodo and a platypus.
- She has this thing to go the beach or the pool. She loves it.
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kolyameow007 · 9 months
diokira modern au hc
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They wake up together and get ready for work. kira irons their white shirts and dio makes tea, because they both can't stand coffee
Yoshikage asks Dio every time he forgets his important papers. He ties his tie (not because he doesn't know how, but they just like this little tradition)
Sometimes Dio can stay in his office for long periods of time because he's preparing for an important trial etc. and Kira always quietly walks in, puts some fruit slices and green tea on his desk and leaves (he does this quietly and without attracting attention as usual)
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in-flvx · 4 months
Make some choices (bonus internet points if you explain why):
Sudokus or crosswords? Remus or James? Bats or rats? Mountains or lakes? Stars or city lights? Muggle AUs: modern or canon time period? Bellatrix or Walburga? Ghosts or vampires? True crime or crime fiction? Would you rather learn Swedish or Greek? Days when you can just wing it or days with lots of fun plans?
Heyhey 💖 alright let's see, amazing collection
Sudokus. I love crosswords, but they're also more fun when you're in a group or do them with someone else. There's always something you don't know but someone else does. Sudokus you can do on your own
Look I know I like to shit on him, but it's gotta be Remus. He is so relatable. Easiest pov to write. And he's a main character for an entire book. I love both, but yea fav pov is Remus.
Bats, obviously. They're cool and spooky and love to eat fruits. And cute.
Mountains right now. Haven't been to any in a while and I need to be close to the clouds.
Stars no question. There's nothing like going to a place so far away from a city that you can see the milky way. But there is something comforting about seeing the glow of the city when driving in at night after having been away.
Well I mean I tried to write modern muggle aus like 3 times now but I keep up changing it back to Canon times. I have nothing against reading modern ones though.
Hm, depends on what you want. I think for meeting walburga would be better. I hc her as more collected, and more like these old money moms. Intimidating and such, but not as outright aggressive as bella. But I love both.
As story characters vampires, as real world concept ghosts.
True crime. For crime fiction I'm too easily annoyed by tropes lol.
Swedish. I mean I don't know a lot about either language. But for practical reasons the Nordic languages are more interesting to me.
Days with loads of fun plans!!! When I wing it there's usually not a lot happening lol
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