#fuck!!!!! maybe this is normal to u but its insane to me!!!!! tell me everything about it please!!!!! about everything :]
intertexts · 5 months
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DAILY LE TADPOLE UPDATE. THEY GROW UP SO FAST. ohhhh hims tail. its so small. hes almost ready to move to the daycare (other mini exhibit more suitable for froglets) ft. one of the other ones Sitting On Him. fuckign crazy how they Get Smaller after they grow their legs.... 🥺
OUUUUUGHHHH HIM!!!!!!!!! hiiii buddy.. how's it goin.... i hope ur enjoyin the legs... hes got a tiny little tail!!! also genuinely this was SUCH a confusing image to parse with the two of them bc like, only Frog Experience ive had is some little guys hanging out in my backyard & shit.. so fucking wild that they Do That thats literally a different creature??? so fucking cool!!! thabk u for le tadpole update i care him :(((
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emotsper · 20 days
You’re like the szai person on tumblr, and even tho I’ve been playing proseka for like two years, I still don’t read a lot of the stories………
So as the certified szai tumblr person, since you kinda own the tag, would you like to explain to me why szai is such a popular ship? I really didn’t read much of anything…
Have fun!!
let me be brief (1/350) (no bc its actually gonna be a long ramble. apolocheese.) (also sorry if formatting is awful im a mobile user and I literally just type whatever)
FOR REAL THOUGH. PLEASE JUST DO ME A FAVOR AND READ MMJ MAINSTORY...... not only its a good source of szai cocaina you get to experience the entire mmj mainstory. i was normal before mmj mainstory and i was less normaler after mmj mainstory.
it simply went even more downhill when i read tenshi no clover. genuinely the one event story that first made me cry (second one was ice drop event but thats a bit biased)
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okay now lets get to the main meat of it. szai.
admittedly i was kind of normaler early on but one of my tipping point was Chasing the radiance event especially chapter 7. please read/watch it. please. this specific chapter sent me into my trip of insanity when it comes to szai. it also opened my eye to specific scenes in their side stories/mmj mainsto that i skimmed early on especially bc im a jp only player so fan tls may not be super accurate back then 💔
to start off, airi was a girl that was often made fun of for being tomboyish, and seeing idols for the first time made her feel a glimmer of hope that maybe she can also bring hope to other people. she finally manages to reach her goal and became an idol after several of failed auditions (very deserved especially after her hard work) while shizuku became an idol purely out of luck from the idol grand prix context her friends convinced her to join 😭😭 From the start their relationship feels a little bit doomed with how jealousy is kind of unavoidable from airis side. but against all odds, you get to see airi go to shizuku and cheering her up by giving shizuku her towel and telling her to wipe those tears especially with such a pretty face like hers (MACHINE CLANG CLANG RACK SFX) they are so crazy for this. especially when you realize that shizuku kept the towel until now. (the towel is her area upgrade item)
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from this point, airi thought nothing much of shizuku yet other than her being her new rival (and that shes rly pretty) but shizuku sees airi as her main reason to keep going in this idol stuff at that time, and that was enough.
(okay purely for this next part im forgetting a bit so do remember it may not be fully accurate 🙏)
after training minori for awhile, szai went thru a mini divorce arc where airi was telling minori that being an idol isnt all fun and games and that minori should consider quitting, continuing on with how she flopped in the industry bc she was more popular as a reality show figure. but shizuku disagreed and kept saying how airi was an idol through and through and that she shouldn't have quit, but that just tipped airi off and she shouted at shizuku, unloading all her pent up jealousy that she had for awhile now. iconic as hell scene in the most angsty way possible.
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u can easily tell this wasn't received well by shizuku. at all. airi you done fucked up. shizuku left her idol group the next day.
(addendum i forgot to add. shizuku truly believed that airi was the first and if not, the only person who sees shizuku as shizuku hinomori herself, without all the idol filter that people plastered on her. so when airi admitted that she was jealous w shizuku getting everything good in the industry, that basically broke shizuku. (color of myself is a nice one to read when it comes to this 🙏 also the i am we are event is a crazy good conclusion to shizukus current arc))
at this point airi realizes just how much shizuku was influenced by her past actions without her fully knowing about it. girl you done fucked up.
this scene is still one of the biggest and strongest kryptonite for szai fans. especially with what happens after.
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after confronting shizuku about her choice knowing full well its airis fault, airi, angry at herself, goes immediately to cheerful*days training place (she knows the place since theyve kinda shared the spot iirc) while the rest of mmj follows. she started threatening arisa and almost threw punches but she held back and told the rest of cheerful*days that shizuku is more of an idol than everyone in the room (i may be hallucinating this one. do lmk)
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they finally leave the place, and both apologies to each other. at the same time, they both admitted that they were each others idol
and then shizuku goes to tackle hug airi. what the queer
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that only concludes the mainstory section btw. upon realizing it may be too much of a recap instead of actual explanation ill be brief w the rest of it (keep in mind i dont read EVERY szai story, just ones i was made aware of bc im playing on jp and story content is a bit harder to see/consume)
Main szai crazies for szai fans
1. chasing the radiance ch7. airi yet talks again about how shizukus hands are slender and elegant while hers are short and chubby (she compared her hands to a manju) and shizuku was mad at her about this and went on a long tangent about how airis gentle hands were the ones who pushes minori and shizuku forward when they think they couldn't.
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this is probably the fifth time ive read this story and it still gets me. i hate these fruitsssss. please read the full chapter ive linked it near the start this chapter is so special to me.
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2. my ideal idol (airi 5, jp only event for now)
Bro i Dont Even Know What Else To Say. Just Look At This Card
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but if we're being serious . lets talk about this one specific card and the story shall we.
this card was a blast to the past; pre-mmj szai again.
we start off with present mmj getting ready for their turn in the joint performance with a new junior idol group that they were paired with. airi was a bit nervous and shizuku noticed it. so she offered to do something that would hopefully lessen the nervousness for both of them. shizuku softly puts her head on airis back and whispered several word of encouragements. shizuku reminisces to the past.
pre-mmj szai. shizuku was very nervous as she was waiting for her first performance ever as an idol. airi was also there, and it was going to be her first too. airi shows up to say hi to shizuku but she noticed that shizuku was really nervous and at the verge of crying. airi knew she had to do something and told shizuku to turn around, shizuku did. shizuku lets out a little surprised yelp as she feels airis hands and head pressing against her back. she could hear airi muttering some encouragement but we never get to hear what the words were, only that shizuku thought about how warm airis hands were. (i need to be euthanized)
back to the present, shizuku says that she hopes that this gesture can somehow "repay" for what airi did to her back then. i think im losing it. sorry
OKAY IM DONE IM DONE ITS ALMOST 1 AM MY BRAIN IS NOT GOING TO WORK ANYMORE IF I KEEP TYPING..... my brain can handle so little. anyways i hope this wall of text ramble can convince u to read mmj mainsto and consume more mmj stories........ i admit its not perfect or whatsoever bc i haven't read the mmj mainstory for awhile and i have a wee memory issue thats paired with my deafness so. yeah. enjoy. haha.
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Marco brainrot :( he's so kind and handsome and strong I WANT TO BITE HIM
Im sorry if hes ooc im still getting used to writing.
Marco the phoenix x reader
You presume your downfall can be attributed to a Mr. Portagus D Ace.
You don't know what he said but considering how drunk he was last night when you caught him whispering to Marco and the way he's now avoiding you, it must've been something. And the way Marco is staring at you right now is a pretty big indicator of the topic(your big fat crush).
Seriously though, it's really distracting.
You think that if you don't acknowledge it, maybe he won't either and then everything can be normal and fine and the same.
This is what you tell yourself as you retie the same knot you've been trying to tie for the last 3 minutes, Marco's gaze burning on the back of your neck. The sweltering heat of this islands climate doesn't really help the anxiety tummy ache you have but it's not like you can go visit the ship's doctor because he's- oh right behind you apparently.
"I'm sure I taught you better than this"
And then he's right in your space, strong arms curling around you, caging you in and he hooks his head over your shoulder. He starts pulling the knot apart.
His voice is lilted, you think he's teasing you but you can barely hear what he's saying with how the blood is rushing to your head. You do a half hearted little nod as you watch his hands move, muscles and tendons flexing, you wonder how strong they are and how they would feel holding you and you really hope also that you aren't drooling.
When he's finished, he doesn't step away like you expect. Instead his hands come to rest on your waist, gentle but firm, and you feel like you're going insane.
He hums lightly behind u, tightens his grip ever so slightly and then presses a barely-there-kiss to your shoulder before moving away. By the time your brain comes back online and you turn around he's nowhere to be found on deck.
"What the fuck"
Your whispering feels very loud now that you're alone.
With how distracted you are, you end up getting sent to your room by one of the assistant doctors to 'cool down'. You proceed to spend the next 2 hours before dinner alternating between frantic pacing and staring at the wall.
How are you actually supposed to proceed from here? Does this mean he reciprocates your feelings? Did he just think it would be funny- no he's not like that and pops wouldn't allow someone to do that. But how the hell are you supposed to bring that up??
The chaotic stream of thoughts are interrupted by a light tap tap tap on your door.
"Heyy... can i come in"
Its Ace. He sounds scared like he's worried you might hurt him for his little slip up.
He's right. Murder is on the to-do list.
"Sure but you waive your right to safety" Your tone is bitey but not cold because even though he snitched, you did get a kiss out of it.
His sigh of relief is loud as the door swings open,
"I really thought you weren't gonna let me in after-"
"Don't remind me."
"Yep right sorry" He looks pale and you decide to give him some grace.
"...He kissed me"
You look at each other. He's grinning at you and you finally let yourself feel just the giddy butterflies.
"He kissed me"
"I knew it was gonna work out"
"No you didn't"
"No I didn't"
"I don't know what to do now though"
His brow furrows, "What do you mean, he kissed you so that's like a confession right? you're like dating now"
"Well it was like- he kissed my shoulder"
"If anything that sounds more intimate, I'm not seeing the issue"
"Well he didn't say anything about it"
"So you say something"
"But seriously what would I even say, 'oh hi, you know when you basically cradled me against you on the deck and kissed me did that like mean anything or were you just trying something different?' No way, I'll sound stupid"
His face softens and his tone is a lot more reassuring when he says, "I'm sure it did mean something"
"How can you know" Your voice wobbles and this is so embarrassing.
"Just- why don't you sit next to him now at dinner?"
"But that's your usual spot?"
"I'll move up a bit"
"No I don't want to cause you problems too- AND people will definitely point it out"
"No they won't"
"Yes they will"
"No come on just- hey slow down" You're speedwalking out of the room like you can't hear him.
Nobody does point it out but you still wish you weren't pressed side to side with your division commander right now.
Ace had somehow managed to distract you enough that you didn't even notice Marco was the one moving to sit by you. It had ended up with Ace in Marco's usual place, you in Ace's and Marco in yours. What's worse is that Ace is now stuffing his face, paying no mind to conversation, so you have no distraction from the heavy, warm hand that's settled on your knee.
It's so hard to eat when you feel likr you heart is about to burst out of your chest. Still you manage to choke down a fair amount, 1. because it's your favourite and 2. because if your mouth is full then you don't have to talk to Marco.
You tilt your head to look at him and lock eyes, his mouth lifts a bit at the corners and he squeezes your knee gently before turning back to whatever conversation he was having. His calm demeanor is not at all helping.
By the time you've eaten your fill, you feel like you're vibrating. You're quick to stand up from the table and rush to put your plate in the pile before practically sprinting out of the hall. You know he's watching you go but you honestly think your blood pressure is hitting a new all time high.
The next few days or so go pretty much the same. Marco doing something that is heart attack worthy and you running away but trying to make it seem like you're not.
In this timeframe he has; caught you bridal style after the ship rocked too harshly, given you his shirt after a wardrobe mishap on an island(not mentioning the way he covered you up with his wings to protect your privacy), licked some spare icing off the corner of your mouth- which nearly made you faint- and that's only the half of it.
Coincidentally, you are now also dealing with another problem. A new recruit seems to have taken quite a liking to you and is apparently making it their mission to bother you every spare second of the day.
"Ah your sweet voice is such a good mood booster...though I would like to hear it even earlier"
Their tone is- well it's attempting to be sultry and the smirk on their face tells you that was definitely an innuedo but before you can reply with something in the realm of 'thats inappropriate', a strong, stern voice cuts through the air.
"Then how about you take the second late shift tonight."
You nearly laugh.
"W-well I don't uhm- I didn't- yes sir"
Their voice is defeated as they return to their duties but you won't lie, you don't even feel a twinge of empathy because thank god you don't have to deal with that anymore.
You turn slowly, because despite the rookies comment it's still barely daylight, and you are tired.
"Thank you. I could've dealt with it though" You can't help the way you smile when you look at him god you must look so silly.
"I know"
He's grinning lazily at you, posture relaxed and open.
"But you're important to me, I can't risk losing you to someone else-yoi"
You feel a rush of butterflies in your stomach and you cant help the giggle that escapes your mouth. You cringe, slapping a hand over your mouth because you don't giggle, you're not a giggler, how are you always embarrassing yourself. His grin widens more and he steps close to you,
"Cute...but let me see your pretty face hm?"
His hand is gentle in the way it grabs your wrist and tugs but you still didn't expect the strength there so you stumble forwards slightly. He seems to use this as an opportunity and his other arm curls tight around your waist and pulls you flush.
He clicks his tongue at you,
He somehow pulls you even closer together, your chests are touching and his thigh is brushing the inside of your own. He's so close to your face and he's leaning in and your lips brush and-
You can see the way Marco's mouth twists in displeasure and to be honest you feel just as disappointed.
You feel dazed as he steps away from you to talk to whoever had decided to interrupt. You just keep replaying the moment in your head, the way he held you like you were everything. You don't even notice his conversation is finished until a warm hand brushes your cheek.
"Lost in thought again-yoi?"
He looks slightly less irritated now but the lines of frustration are still noticeable in his face.
"I have to go back to the med bay now"
You still feel hazy to be honest, the fact that he was so close is just melting your brain. But you're cognizant enough to recognise the way his face drops ever so slightly and then you make up your mind.
Before you can chicken out or throw up, your hand comes up and grips the front of Marco's shirt and you yank him towards you. He doesn't have time to react before you're sliding your mouth over his, sweet and smooth.
You pull back,
"I'll see you later then yeah?"
He looks like he's been struck dumb.
But by the time he's responded you're already bouncing off inside to continue with your chores.
Welp okay that's the end because im not sure where else to go with it but i hope its good. I just get so sad there's not that much Marco fics😔. If you want a part two i can see what i can think of, but if you have ideas feel free to share also! I will write nsfw but I don't know if it'll be good so fair warning :)
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romsabombs · 4 months
GUYS the new malevolent is insane so i just thought i'd drop my notes in here✍️ ENJOY it's a lot
freaky ahh cavern
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
the man is bathed in darkness👹 john thats racist
mf literally been crucified this is so arthurs religious trauma
that is not what bones sound like i think
shes so me awful posture
me at 4am in the kitchen looking for a snack
WAIT oh yuck :/
car accident thats so season 1
this is kind of like a hat in time maybe
omgg a witch :3
arthur survives the wildest shit but i think a mcdonalds sprite would kill him
cant we only do allat to corpses
omg spit it out john
omggg thats so janey :33
hes bein puppeted by the maggots thats crazy
omgg kaynes dagger <33
how can this mf be helpful
this is so tmp a bit
rotten flesh mentioned minecraft ref
the maggots be like i have your fucking eyes👹👹👹👹
OMG WHAT THE HELL zombie arc
claustrophobia again
imagine harlan recording this
omg that's so sexy 🔥🔥 decapitated his ass
LMAO john stop saying things
YES JOHN it WOULD have been helpful to know this guy didnt have any eyes
"this isnt new york anymore" thank god amiright
his head between our legs🤨
its so funny how he calls it a pinky. didnt someone on tumblr say john wouldnt know finger names
im surprised arthur still has a shirt
the flesh feels stiff😟
this guy is still alive😦 or. dead. i guess
arthur is like weirdly normal about this guy being a zombie. i know hes seen shit (no he hasnt) but come on
faroes song ☹️
oh what😐 the prince🙄
what did he sayy
oh gross come on guys😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 at this point just put it in your own mouth
"id like to think this is the most insane thing we've ever done" 💀
teehee they dont wanna seperate :3
"everyone we've ever loved" weak. also john doesnt care about anyone but you
"we cant afford to not use every resource anymore" HAHA this is so funny because didnt you throw away everything youve ever owned last episode
yippee welcome back vanguard :3
nothing😟 WAIT YIPPEE :3
omg names mentioned
wait. yorick? llorick? thats the thing arthur said
its not lorick that was the guy from the dreamlands
hey what the fuck did that mean😀
omg what. rumpelstiltskin
HAHA hes so loser
OMG wait they said stanzyck right
ofcourse anna is dead bruh we were never gonna meet her
arthur and john both being "kings"😟
this tooth is so silly🥰
everyones walking over arthur today💀
they're so miscommunication <3
hey😀 hey whats that sound
DONT SAY IT ugh the prince
"ahh yes :3"
this guy is so kayne. and a bit autistic
wait r we just carrying around this skull
bro arthur sounds so tired
ooo this would go hard as a cosplay
i cant believe he has a belt
ooo the black stone perchance?
ok i guess not
omg god forbid a girl has hobbies🙄
"im not saying its not risky. what im saying is, it might be worth the risk" that line goes hard
arthur agreeing to this is like a dad saying "okay fine we'll go to mcdonalds🙄"
no reward without risk✊💥
"we're in the lion's den already" "it is a hag's womb👹" HEHEHE
oooohh johnn 😶‍🌫️
OH 😦 ohhh 😀 u have his memories
clever girl
"thanks yorick😐" "you too my king🤗" "shut up🙄👹"
yorick is so me absolutely no sense of social cues
ofcourse we'd encounter a witch here it was so obvious
"try to keep straight" pff
did john say im serving
hey yeah maybe dont go towards the light😀
when is the jumpscare happening
i have no idea what he's saying
"too much to make out" MAKE OUT?🤭
LMAO he doesnt know
pregnant meat☹️⁉️
hey i thought asking the vanguard questions would have a price🤨😀
imagine if he just crushed that zombies skull like its a good thing we just decapitated him
hes literally describing my room
you're my eyes☹️
they're acting as if the lighter would give us much light
omgg shes a little interior decorator
tapestry lore!!💪
five minutes left whats gonna happen
wuh ohhh somethings gonna happen
ur literally in her home leave her alone
his ass is panicking
this is so part 18 the madness
we're trapped :( :(
"ingenious decision king🤓" "SHUT UP👹"
SPRINT!!!!!! 🏃🏃🏃🏃
OH???? 😦😦😦😦 WHAT
omggg he got marcy'd
i saw fanart of this but i lowkey couldnt tell if it was a spoiler or not💀
hot take but if he got bitten by that zombie he could prolly survive this
HUHHH bro this is like part 27 the roots. he was less dramatic about it this time tho
bro yorick finally shut up💀
sooo where did he get impaled. like if in the heart hes cooked😬
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spikes-left-eyebrow · 5 months
Just watched the episode Angel last night and I'm so insane and not normal about it. Its so bad. Its so good. Its everything to me. Buffy asks Angel if he's been following her and why he would keep an eye on her. He says "Maybe I like you." She smiles and says "Maybe?" And girl I cant even blame her. If a person I was vaguely attracted to came into my home when I was 16 and told me they were watching me bc they like me i would have immediately been dtf. But can you tell me why at at 240!!!! Angel is saying insane shit like this?????? Image being an adult and some GUY is like "I was watching u bc i like you teehee" restraining order. IMMEDIATELY!!!
Angel also has so many goofy ass lines in this script I genuinely feel a little bad for David bc we all know hes a bad actor especially at the beginning but him saving Buffy from The Three with the line "Good dogs dont bite" ?????? what r u talking about bestie. what is that. I will however fault him for the fact that he will just smirk at the most inappropriate times. what the fuck is that. "No buffy I didnt read ur diary 😏 ok why tf would u say it like that?? or when he grins after saying the slur for romani?? like hello??
Also just the way that they intro his history is SO funny. Buffy shows up to kill him and he's like "why wouldn't I kill your mother I'm just a creature, right?" my brother in christ you are literally. the only single vampire in the entire goddamn world that has a soul. why would she. the vampire SLAYER. have any reason to believe that ur just a normal dude??? And the way he talks about the curse like so nonchalant with his little smirks.... personally I would have simply killed him based on the attitude. the vibes alone.
Then we have the absolute genius of this ep!! Darla with the guns?? *chefs kiss* are you kidding me thats SO funny. So effective. She clocked Buffy as being a bad ass slayer and despite 400 years of wrecking havoc consequence free she said hmm ok I cant take her but two (2) guns probably could. Thats why shes been alive so goddamn long. I love her.
And Willow's bravery?? Literally the shyest girl in school seeing Darla with the GUNS and still shouting to Buffy, to protect her from not only physical but emotional harm?? Obsessed!!
And finally, the last scene with the Bangel kiss. Listen. I am not a Bangel lover and we know this!!! But the way my man pressed into Buffy the whole time despite the cross burning into his chest??? I have been obsessed with that scene since day one. Whoever wrote that ate and left no crumbs I fear. Delicious.
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menalez · 3 months
In regards to ppl jumping down your throat about that post (TM). 1) you're right. But 2) Like... I can see how discussing participating in sex acts with a trans woman is no different from having them with any other male is something that has merit.... But thats not RADICAL FEMINIST content. Like, is it gender critical content? Probably? Thats where it fits better. It would be more appropriate to tag it as such. But radical feminism isnt JUST gender criticality!!! Like, being gender critical is a part of radical feminism but They! Are! Not! The! Same! Thing!
And yeah, people instantly assuming that you asking "how is talking about giving a male person oral sex so explicitly (and in a way that would immediately alienate a lesbian reader... who the post is supposedly for????) is in any way relevant to radical feminism?" Meant that you were saying "female heterosexuality is unsightly and i dont want to see it and also het women need to shut up forever".
(And also the comparison of lesbians being like... I dont want posts about sucking dick to abound in the radfem tag is in ANY WAY AT ALL similar to homophobic people not wanting to see women kiss.... Like???? Thanks for being so bald-faced about your homophobia. Its not the same actually but its interesting to see that you think a minority asking an innocuous question is the same as oppression)
Dear. God. Some people on this site just fucking love to assume the worst from you and needlessly attack you about it. They bring all their lesbophobic assumptions into ANY discussion that you happen to have.
I'll tell you what a rational response could have been to the question you posed. "I think this is relevant based on gender critical beliefs that radfems hold and i wanted to share my experience with that audience"
That doesnt mean that anyone has to agree about whether or not it was a relevant post for a FEMINIST TAG based on FEMINIST CONTENT. But the way ppl responded to you was ABSOLUTELY DERANGED. Words in your mouth. Baseless assumptions. Critique based on things you didnt say. Like..... ????? HUH???
If ppl were normal the convo could have ended with you saying "actually i dont think this is relevant to radical feminist analysis. I think you should have used a different tag for this". Instead you had to have paragraphs long responses where you had to pick apart the lesbophobic rhetoric that is being tossed your way and defend yourself FOR LICHERALLY JUST ASKING A QUESTION.
You didnt even ask an inflammatory question! You didnt even ask it with intent to attack the original OP.
Not only is gender critical and radfem tumblr just.... Fucking radioactive with lesbophobia, but people *specifically* attack you with SO MUCH hostility and treat everything you say with so much bad faith. Like???? Its fucking exhausting to just read, i cannot imagine how fucking irritating it must be to experience it constantly. I wonder if perhaps... Hmmm.. there might be a specific form of oppression you face that might make you more likely to face these attacks.... Hmmm... i think it starts with "race" and ends with "ism". I have not seen white lesbians with similar politics to you facing the same backlash on EVERYTHING they say.
And accusing you of faking anons???????? HUH????? Yeah no, you -- a blog with thousands of followers who regularly gets anons -- MUST OBVIOUSLY have to send urself messages to show ppl agree with you and your opinions 🙄 maddening.
u said it all perfectly anon 😭 and yeah funnily enough it’s very clear people treat me differently, like even if ppl want to argue i’m an obnoxious drama queen or whatever, women who are that & worse still don’t get treated the same way. but if i point out maybe there’s some sort of prejudice underlying ppl treating me differently then i get mocked and belittled further 🤭 oh well. that whole interaction was just insane bc she straight up just lashed out at me & put a bunch of words in my mouth simply bc she saw that i’m a lesbian. funnily enough these things happen even when i word things in the mildest least confrontational way possible so i don’t even know what to do to to get ppl to chill out
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
ok ok first of all Really Really love your harutakas and your shinayas and your kidomomos and since im pretty sure you've been asked abt your hrtk and shinaya headcanons already i just wanna ask you about any kdmm headcanons you may have 🧐
i love kidomomo so fucking much ilove them
i think theyre stuck in a situationship for a long time. bc useless lesbians in silly harmless drama is always funny. thing is momo WANTS to say something but kido gets so flustered everytime she brings it up they fucking disappear. kido hearing momos confession after theyve faded wawawa and momo thinks kido maybe didnt hear and just sighs but KIDO HEARD bro... they heard u....
momo isnt sure if kido likes her back but she still wants to say it bc momo rly isnt the kind to stress abt waaaa but what if they dont like me back. shes like this is what i feel and im gonna tell everyone 💗 which also means everyone in the dan knows not only bc its fucking obvious but like momo told everyone😭 the only one surprised is shintaro. but for like a second bc hes like YOURE GAY??wait i just fucking heard myself of course youre gay
kido is like super fucking embarrassing abt the way they run from momo like kano and seto who know them rly well think they look like a clown bc of how flustered momo makes them but momo always receives it like wow kido is SOOOOO cool all cold and calculating :3 something something kidos self steem issues, cant believe someone would like them, especially someone so bubbly who could probably get anyone they want
if it goes for long enough momo would notice shes being avoided lol and shes like i just dont know what to do yknow and hibiyas like why are u telling Me this.
kano seto and mary. tease kido to hell and back. they are the most insufferable people ever. kano is annoying on purpose but seto and mary are more like omg u gotta be honest💗 omg let urself be happy 💗 kano and kido probably have a nasty fight abt kano telling kido theyre self sabotaging and kido being like looks whos fucking talking LOLLLL also momomary best friends forever bffs necklaces and matching phone backgrounds etc etc mary keeps accidentally creating tension and situations bc she keeps accidentally slipping up telling kido and momo something one said about the other.
its very much...a cute thing like a friend group where 2 friends like each other and everyone knows and is rooting for them but they keep prolonging it and its at most frustrating and at best entertaining. its cute, its rly one of those very normal teenage things they get to do after everything they go through. they end up together tho and in the future are the no kids double income aunts with the best presents etc etc u know how it goes
i think the only ones out of the loop who thought they were already together are haruka and shintaro. yuukei quartet is kinda out of it bc theyre a bit older and kinda didnt care for the little silly drama and have problems of their own LOL but ayano and takane were filled in bc as a big sister!!! ayano has to know whats going on!! (insane abt the idea of her and shintaros siblings dating. probably gives kido a lot of actually useful advice abt being honest and not run away from feelings) (sort of a takane talk 2.0) and takanes like.... gossip central this bitch knows everything about everyone not that they do anything with that info to help anyone.
once dating theyd have a lot of discussions about pda. momo is pda inc and kido wants to die whenever momo even presses their shoulders together in public. they make it work tho also once together the dan nearly throws a fucking party like FINALLY
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bugcatcherwill · 17 days
love love love Kobb and Rezek [and maybe Sledge] being extra fruity this chapter but like IN ALL SERIOUSNESS the potential for them goes CRAZY. I can't even fucking IMAGINE how fucking scary it would be to even consider being romantically involved with someone when you're Rezek and your last romantic involvement ended with that partner's death and the being who killed it attempting to execute you VARIOUS TIMES afterward and JUDGING BY THIS I'M GUESSING YOU CONSIDERED THAT TOO
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god I'm so normal about whatever the trope is where someone with a dead lover starts experiencing romantic feelings again and has to get over that guilt and that feeling that they're "cheating" on their dead lover or something by having feelings for someone else after losing them it's so gut wrenching and I swear to god if that's the direction this is going in my heart is going to SHATTER [in a good way]
god these fucking stupid monster idiots [affectionate] have my endless affection I'm so not normal about them I think about them every day and this scene in specific made me start doing backflips plus Zayl just being happy to be with its friends is everything to me too I swear to god I spent half of last night ranting to my qpp about how much I love ZAYL. THEY'RE SO FUN AND THEY'RE VERY SPECIAL TO ME. FUCK.
ANYWAYS I'm going to scruff Ire and shake the shit out of it boy gender neutral you need to calm the fuck down holy shit. and Ganondorf being a cheeky bitch was silly as fuck I'm gonna boil him. this chapter fucked so hard I'm insane
It's like....Rezek absolutely needs that connection with others but you can tell that it's still holding back (even if subconsciously) because it both doesn't think it can still let go despite everything AND is afraid of a repeat incident. EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN TELL IT SO DESPERATELY WANTS THAT CONNECTION. The way I write Rezek to specifically use the tips of its fingers or barely brushing because it knows if it tries to go further it won't be able to stop AUUUUGH
But that craving to connect again is why it joined the group in the first place. ESPECIALLY WHEN (excerpt included) IT FINALLY CHOOSE TO ABANDON GUARANTEED SAFETY OVER HELPING MONSTERS IT HAD NEVER KNOWN IN ITS LIFE UNTIL THAT DAY
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LIKE GODDDD out of all the Rezek moments, this is still such a good one for me. It didn't want to make the same mistake it made with Frifer, in shuttering itself off from the world for its own safety at the expense of those who care about it.
It's such a good message about how opening up can leave you vulnerable, but that's the entire point FUCKKKKKKK
And oh, I have plans for Ire. It's gonna take a bit, but I'm so excited >:3
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oxooxxoooxxx · 6 months
like when u zoom out and actually take a look at the bigger picture rofl . the fact that i wasn’t even talking to this man at all really recently . and he messages me saying he’s watching me even after i had changed my camera password . im thinking im just alone in my house w my friend . im like no you’re not . there’s absolutely no way that’s possible . then he literally repeats to me in a message something i said out loud . literally watches me do hard drugs and fuck a random drug dealer in my bed . i feel sick thinking about it . i feel like i got raped . or let myself get raped . i let someone rape me for him so he could watch . he said "its my favorite thing youve ever done for me." he said "you have no idea the level of obsession youve unlocked from me." like i can’t even talk about how bad it was coming off of it . i was sobbing in the fetal position in the bathtub for 20 hours straight . whispering it’s ok to myself . im literally audibly and visually hallucinating for like three days afterwards . and so much stuff i still don’t know if it was real . i heard my cameras in the living room and the kitchen clicking on and off over and over for like 10 minutes straight while i was sitting at my desk. but then i thought later maybe it was just the fucking crackling noise on some rain and fireplace sound i had on the tv . i hallucinated for days straight that the discord icon for someone offline was subtly changing . rotating through variants of slightly different gray dots on an icon . that would subtly change when someone was actually off the app vs just invisible with discord open . which would subtly change to a different one when someone came back actually online . which seemed like it actually was kind of accurate because when it would “change” you’d usually start typing soon after . so this person takes this opportunity to like rekindle talking to me a lot bc im absolutely having a psychotic break and he stays with me to “take care of me” . but during that time also starts telling me ab all his problems w his real life girlfriend . like i don’t want to hear this fuckin shit . like get male friends u fucking disgustingly filthy jersey trash bisexual gutter whore . then on like the third day after when my brain is like 1% more stable just circles back and tells me he’s logged into all of my shit. he tells me he’s only doing it because he loves me too much . so that even when i try to leave him i can’t . so he can still see me . so he can still see inside of me . then he’s referencing things in my texts . like in my imessage . making little fucking references . i know he is . it doesn’t matter how crazy it sounds . that’s what these kind of ppl do to u . they make u sound crazy . they make u feel crazy . then once im more sober just goes back to his cycle of fucking his gf every weekend and only talking to me during the week . and leaving half the weeknights anyway . like it’s so far beyond gone bro . what power do i even have . to delete someone off discord. while they can still see everything . it’s fucking insane . it’s violating . i wanted him to fucking love me normally . not love bomb me and then gradually pull away while doing whatever the fuck he wants and compulsive lying about it but trying to manipulate me to still get whatever the fuck he wants out of me . why couldn’t i just have what i want just ONE time ? why would someone do this to someone ? i cant physically imagine what the fuck i could’ve ever done to attract that level of psychopathy other than literally being raised and horrifically abused by two psychotics . it’s just sick . and there’s no way out . because that’s what i attract . and worse, that’s what im atttacted to . that’s how i knew he loved me . that’s the ONLY way i knew . that level of devotion , obsession , addiction . i never wanted the pain . he pretended i wanted him to put me in pain . i wanted him to LOVE ME . i wanted you to fucking love me . and this is what you did . i just can’t take any more pain .
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imnotreal-png · 6 months
>:) -- Entry 1
OK i just smoked a joint after i wrote the date and now im kinda chillin but imma still yap on dis hoe.
I am a loser. Like a huge loser, okay? Like im not dumb or wtv, i may have reached a weird and insane level of self awareness, but im just as much of a loser as anyone else.
I keep catching myself trying to people please and overstepping my boundaries and justifying it with "oh everyone else does it, so what, its normal" like ok dumb bitch that doesn't make it okay, get a grip.
But i will be yapping away abt alot of stupid bullshit i deal with and stupid things make me sad. I am very well aware that I am irrational, but these are things i feel in those moments that i always hold in because i don't want people 2 see that weak side of me. It's embarrassing and it's not me.
In truth, i have nooo idea what i'm doing. I have 0 clue on where i'll be in the future. I didn't think i'd make it this far and not on some suicidal shit (idk if u can say that word here, oops.), i just genuinely thought that i'd somehow perish?? Like i wasn't really real in some weird way. I just didn't exist. Even though i was always the center of drama or the cause of all things chaotic, i was always misunderstood. god that's so fucking cringe but hear me out.
I always said shit that i believed was clear enough to be understood and yet it wasn't. Even my tone apparently has been rude this entire time. But no one would actually tell me how i come off, they just ate it up in silence and then spaz on me. Even now i don't really understand because i truly believe i am very clear on what im saying. Yet it's still...not seen the way im trying to show it? Idk if im making any sense bruh but whatever. Maybe im narcissistic but no one understands my brain the way i attempt to express it...or i guess how i see it. Idk i guess im just frustrated that no one understands me or gets my brain.
Also it's super cringe when people tell me im mature for my age. Literally eat my shit. actual ick. get away from me.
I hate my mom. She hates me too but she hates me bc I'm not the pussy she wishes she was when she was my age. She's the most childish person i know. I genuinely do not care what she thinks of me whatsoever. She's just power hungry and immature. Actually, I don't even hate her, i just hate that she gets to have all this power over me. I just want my freedom, thats it. She can hate my lifestyle or whatever the fuck, as long as im not living with her. At the end of the day, im truly content with who i am as a person and my moral compass etc, she cant affect that. I just need to have my own space and leave her household to finally be free and actually experience life in a comfortable and more peaceful way. I guess that's all i can say rn. I just wish she would respect my boundaries and stop treating me like im her competition and she'll always be superior. She won't and i cannot wait for the day she finally see's that lol.
!! super irrational moment alert !!
LMAO this is super cringe but like when i started music i put "listen 2 my moozik" in my bio bc we say muzik in albanian but americans wud have 2 read it as moozik to get it right + its funny? Ever since i started rlly getting exposure and performing out there, all these NON SLAVS/BALKANS have started putting it in their bio's 🙄 like be fr, its sooo obvious (at least to me). And now some of these mfs i've interacted w startes stealing my lingo and the way i type [this isn't how i type when i txt friends. its worse and i shorten everything in a miserable way cuz its funny] and it's cute at first but now mfs on social media posting the way i do and talking the way i do. [insert side eye bc yeah] and it's kinda cringe cuz they're actually rlly shallow and mainstream people, they just look like they trying 2 hard to be quirky. lol.
im probably tweakin tho idk.
i wish i grew up with art. i wish my parents had that and were able to introduce it to me. I feel like a fraud when i try to be creative and do things. Even with making music. As much as i enjoy it and love it and it really does make me happy, it feels fake. I can't play any instruments, i can't sing, im far from a good writer, fuck if know anything abt music theory...i literally just click buttons and make sounds on my computer lol. I didn't grow up indulging in art and creativity, i was actually always super bad at it. I wish i had a deeper connection with it. I wish i understood it better. I wish i expressed it better. I wish my ideas were my own. I want to be able to create something that is truly mine without feeling like im a fake.
UHHHH so imma just come on here and vent whenever i feel like i have something i need 2 say. This is intended for the void, if u come across it...cringe.
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
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breaking down this fic for no reason other than im bored - i stopped at chapter 24 i cant do this in one go so maybe a part 1
its such a white perspective clearly because malik doesnt come home from a party and after panicking that his mums gonna kill him she doesnt say anything and ??? idk the fact that they drink they’re not religious in any way shape or form despite the fact that religions especially islam have a heavy cultural impact so theres no excuse as to why hes a complete atheist. ik this fic was made in 2014 but damn these ppl hate muslims fr we never get rep in fics??? anyways altaïr is a complete homophobe and has a little flirty banter with des but thats his cousin ? uhm. des is like ‘no dont be homophobic’ and then says ‘nvm ur not relevant enough to be cancelled’ thats just chapter 1 btw
malik has a blog where he shits on altaïr and he made it after accidentally sleeping with him because uhm he has nothing better to do… this is so OOC even if altaïr is a complete homophobe and misogynist i cant see malik make an anonymous blog and everything to call out his immorality… PURELY for his immorality its not like a tumblr blog he made sassbadgers just to shit on altaïr… and then he has a moment where he responds to an altaïr stan, she says hey women are made for men and malik was like i dont believe in any religions so im not responding to that but thats an L for you anyways cuz wtf
ok but islam literally says that women are humans and shouldnt be treated like sexual objects wtf do u mean ? this is a basic principle? youre mum is muslim? hello.?
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then he continues to laugh at said delusion fan for thinking shes married to altaïr… i know ppl like that are real… but this adds nothing to the story and given 2014 the whole ‘women getting involved in my gay ship’ drives me insane
this series does not have to be 75 chapters btw its full of fillers and irrelevant shit like why do i need to read about malik getting on the bus texting kadar for giggles idgaf
altaïr likes christmas but hes not religious my man ur dad was muslim and ur family did nothing to uphold that? huh? are they all islamophobes?
why does malik keep referring to altaïr as Mr Ibn-La’Ahad if he has no respect for him why is he addressing this guy appropriately just call him a bitch and get it over with
malik in this fic is a pretentious bitch. stop using big words just cuss him out and go taking so much time just to tell me kadar cant read big words - chapter 6 btw
leonardo and malik being roommates is cute tho i’ll give them that - at some point leo has a crush on malik i think to stir the tea but it doesnt work because… they’re too alike in this fic? they finish each other’s sentences type of alike not every gay man needs to date each other fuck sake
WHY IS MALIK TELLING KADAR ABOUT HIS SEX LIFE IS THAT NORMAL… I DONT TELL NAT ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT I DO EW and why does kadar keep asking ‘when are u gonna tell mum’ this really really really fucking annoys me as someone with a religious mum can kadar stfu shit like coming out to someone who doesnt seem alright with it is practically dangerous?????
yk how ppl said altaïr was aloof for not catching on al mualims evil plans - yeah they seemed to really fucking run with this trope good god hes so dumb its pissing me off this isnt altaïr - he says hes not bothered to take care of his stock shares or whatever ??? the source of their grandmas wealth HUH… tf do u mean ik its pre development altaïr but he wasnt neglecting responsibilities he was just a huge fucking asshole that fucked up cuz of his ego so what is going on here
im not reading this shit theres SOOOOOO many convos and NOOOOOOTTHIIINNGGG HAPPPEENNNIIIIINNGGGG
so altaïr thinks the writer behind sassbadger is a woman and is tryna flirt with ‘her’ its funny and i like it tbh but shit drags so slowly ffs
ig they’re falling in love but altaïr and malik message eachother about how maliks being nicer to him… but the reason is so dumb ‘because u purposefully make videos for ppl to laugh at u how can u be okay with that?’ what. isnt he homophobic and misogynistic what are u talking about. how is that a reason to be nicer either shit on him or stfu
also it doesnt make sense if u dont like someone esp because of their morals then… u wouldn’t interact with them on a happy social level i dont like that maliks already like bantering with him
Malik: Hey
Leo: Hey!
Malik: Sex?
Leo: Weren’t u meant to be studying
Malik: Well Im not
maybe im nitpicking rn but man the sex is so awkward like no foreplay? no setting the mood? the little convos dont make sense like if hes asking for sex hes clearly not… gonna study…? like what this author is so OOC with everyone
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DES EZIO MALIK AND INTERNET PPL KEEP TELLING HIM TO STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE AND HIS RESPONSE IS ‘im not gay! i dont like gays! keep ur dick away from me!’ wheres the critical altaïr gone this isn’t fun to read the writing itself isnt bad its just like… so much and so little happening at the same time why dont you tell me how hes so afraid of being gay instead of telling me ezio is an ‘ally’
why did they make maria thorpe… posh? is it cuz shes british?
if altaïr and malik are falling in love in chapter 15 wtf is gonna happen for the other 60 chapters ???
altaïr slept with claudias friends ? that feels weird uhm
also i forgot to say malik ended up moving in with leo or smth and then he was like no im going home i didnt quite pick up why maybe i was scrolling too fast but do u see what i mean? so much stalling that adds nothing to the story
the world building was going well it was really interesting seeing how the family works idk why they villanised giovanni but yk whatever william miles was a shit dad and des ran away to his grandma who cut william out of the will and giovanni took williams side cuz des was ‘being a lazy boy’ so he got cut out too and despite the auditores being rich and having 4 production companies to their name they’re still assholes who treat des like shit except for ezio and claudia now altaïr wants justice
see? going well interesting story so why tf are they making altaïr exotic and saying he knows 10 languages ffs - ‘English, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Russian, enough Finnish to ask directions and very little Korean.’ i wonder why they’re all (but two) european languages… what does he need to do with all those languages tf how exotic
ok so uhm altaïr fought ezio cuz of the whole des thing uhm very counterproductive but now they have matching lips scars. this is so silly thats the only word i can think ezio wasnt even involved with des’ situation even ezios like wtf are u attacking me for i… is this the only way altaïr could get a scar? tf
again kadar doesnt need to tell his brother hes gonna masturbate tf is wrong with this author
kadar liking a muslim girl is nice tho
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??? ITS RAMADAN? YOU CANT HAVE SEX IT BREAKS THE FAST… if it was during the night it’d be fine just have a shower asap but i mean. COME ON.
ik altaïrs not religious but he eats ham…
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how does the author know all these words… wdym ‘surah’ dont tell me the authors muslim
whys altaïr fighting ezio AGAIN weve established it doesnt help anything
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I come here for words of wisdom. Every time I read a fanfic about Bakugou being a fuckboy I normally laugh it off because it sounds ridiculous in my mind, although sharing this thought with other people made me realize that some actually think he might be in the future???? So, I want your honest opinion. Not just about that, but I'd genuinely love to know your input on how Bakugou would be in his late-teens, early adulthood, before (for the sake of it) meeting X and settling. Would he sleep around? Would he try for a relationship and fail? What would fail? What would make him settle? Would he really just focus on hero work and that's it? So. Many. Questions.
Hope everything is going great for you. I haven't been on tumblr much (am I the only one noticing the insane wave of wattpad writing here??? p.o.v. and all??????) but I've been following your stuff, and as always, it's incredible. 💞💕
PLS - okay this is so nice to see bc i’ve actually been taking a break from tumblr/writing for the past month. (mental refresh u kno?) aND YESTERDAY I CAME BACK AND SCROLLED THRU MY DASH AND SAW WATTPAD STUFF JUST LIKE YOU SAID.
i was shocked. aghast. completely bewildered. pls i even caved and searched up bakugou fics just to see if everyone else is treating him like that,, and like i dont even know why i did that, because ofc i knew the answer was gonna be yes!! the answer is always yes !!! like i just saw so many fics of him as such a “ooo daddy dom badboy bakugou 🥴🥴” and like why???? bakugou is such a frickin nerd?? and thats sooooooo funny?? whY STRIP HIM OF HIS COMEDIC POTENTIAL ???
but yes yes specifically about bakugou being a fuckboy..... yeah i have no idea where the fuck they get that from. like- did we watch the same show???? sex and especially being naked are such vulnerable things at their core, and they rlly think Mr. Anti-Vulnerability is gonna be the one to sleep around??? to willingly put himself into a vulnerable situation time and time again?? no. pls. c’mon y’all. sometimes i think even todoroki would be more likely.
and just- to sleep around you have to be very comfortable showing interest in other people, over and over and over again. and i just- bakugou doesn’t even admit that his friends are his friends???? and somehow they think that suddenly he’s gonna go around telling people “hey. i like you. and by admitting that to you, i am therefore giving you a slight bit of power over me.”
i- no. he’d never. period, end of story. he would rather be fuckin’ dead. so the answer is no, as he currently is, i cannot for the life of me see why he’d ever become a fuckboy. he just doesn’t have it in him lmaoooooo
ooo but about the what makes him settle question- THANK YOU IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT IT.
okay so how i see it, is bakugou is probably totally and completely fine being alone up until his like mid 20’s. sure he thinks maybe it’d be nice to have somebody, but he works so hard that it’s always a fleeting feeling. but then he gets a little older, settles into his spot on the rankings (#3 btw, im soRRY kats but its the truth!!) and watches all his friends get into meaningful relationships. and then, a few more years down the line (think late 20’s/ early 30’s) he’ll be sitting back and being like “shit. i don’t have anybody like that. somebody who’s just for me. who’d pick me first always.”
and i think that is what he wants most of all. i mean, he’s clearly chock-full of insecurities related to that idea, and i cant imagine him ever settling without that need being fufilled. like, i think eventually he’ll probably abandon the idea of being #1 hero, but he’ll still keep that dream of being #1 somehow. so once he finds somebody that always has his back, always puts up with his shit and still loves him at the end of it?? still looks at him with stars in their eyes day after day??? pls. mans is putty and will never even dream of leaving
but that being said- i dont think he’s gonna find The One on first try. i think he’ll be aiming for that, but i cant see it working out. even when he starts seriously dating around his mid 20s, i think he’ll still be too caught up with his hero work. it’ll take him a good few years and one/two failed relationships to finally find a balance that works for him and whoever he ends up with
@i-need-air tysm for asking,,,, clearly i have a lot of thoughts and i love him sm so this was so fun!!!!!! i loved this ask ty!!!!
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twopoppies · 3 years
Firstly No pressure to read any of the below it’s just a lil rant after I ended up on the wrong side of tumblr!! ( + I have ADHD and i forgot my meds lol so its a bit disoriented and all over the place) and no response necessary unless you want to!
Oh god I accidentally ended up on the wrong side of tumblr....never ever ever ever again, I went back so fastttt lol im laughing at myself rn for how quickly i clicked away from disgust
i ended up on a blog that stalks u and some other larries and says absolutely atrocious things abt louis (I can send u their @ if u'd like so u can block them) and fully bought the stunt bs happening rn and it was horrible obvs but like i just do not understand like it was so creepy gina and im just so disgusted bc why? yk?
like u were not joking abt anti's actually being obsessed with larries - like half this person's blog was talking abt you and amy and i was just so shocked cause why??? like mate come on what the actual f? get a life please?? (im quite new so im like just now realising how insanely weird and obsessed these anti's are)
Also it was just an overall eye opener for multiple things:
Starting with that 1. the way 1DHQ and 1D Management managed to alienate larries actually worked and i like knew but truly doing a proper deep dive and seeing multiple blogs hate on larries and like obsessively stalk us was insane?? Like they truly believe everything they’re being fed???
Side Note: Lowkey feeling very lucky to have had the education i have because even before i even joined this fandom i believed partially none of the relationships in the news bc like i knew abt this industry and how it worked yk? i mean its logic? i have so many mates that arent even in the fandom that know i am in the fandom and texted me when the articles started rolling out calling it out for what it was: A PR stunt
Hell someone i know whom i had never even talked abt fandom stuff/stunt stuff fully texted me making a joke out of it!!! like people who aren’t even in our fandom can see it and its just insanely surprising that if they can why cant the antis?? im just a bit shocked rn
both from 1. finding someone who actually believes in this stunt and 2. multiple blogs that fully commit their time to stalking u and other larries and once again i knew but fully seeing it
It made me realise that 1DHQ knew what the fuck they were doing when they were trying to alienate larries from the rest of the fandom, once again i am feeling extraordinarily grateful to have grown up with an education where i was literally taught to never trust anything and to always think things thru using logic - “does it makes sense to you? if not find out why, there usually a reason behind everything” my yr 9 english teacher used to say smth like that all the time and it just never left me bc she was always teaching us to judge everything and to take every piece of news we read entertainment or otherwise with a grain of salt and to always if we’re gonna give someone else our opinion or spread this information do our research (its what i am when i say i feel lucky to have had the education i have had)
Eye Opener 2: Anti’s are fully standing y’all u were 100% correct this is some next level stan behaviour if i’ve ever seen some, you’re famous gina!!
It is while surprisingly to realise that anti’s fully believe these things, more surprising to see how they treat larries bc why on earth would u treat any other human being this way??? like dont get me wrong they’re horrible ppl and i fully felt like sending them a message telling them exactly that but i would never bc i just dont want to make another person feel bad abt themselves even if they are that shitty of a person and it was very tempting
I just would like to understand why they feel the need to do this? like why hate on a whole other person? for what believing smth diff to u? having a difference of opinion? how tf are they gonna make it when they get a job??? like??? do u know how often i run into a person with a different opinion then me? it shouldn’t be that big of a deal! we should still be able to be friends with antis! but we’re not - not for lack of trying btw!! they’re just so mean and rude??? when i was in other fandoms when someone believed different things there was never this much hatred at someone for it!! hell there was barely any bc it was understood that it was normal to have diff opinions abt things and i just am truly fascinated by these ppl i swear they remind how stupid the human race can sometimes be not for what they believe (altho ngl a lil of that too) but for how they treat other ACTUAL human beings with different opinions to them
Eye Opener 2.5: Some people need lives, man like they proper do need lives and something to do maybe a hobby or smth? just like a life they need to get one of those and actual live it
and Eye Opener 3: I already felt this way but like even god damn stronger now you deserve a formal apology from both 1DHQ and the universe
and until we get that u deserve amazing things coming from the boys on your bdays to make up for it
Lastly Gina I hope you didn't read thru all that bc I couldn’t even read it over and thus sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes and I would also like to say that I love your blog and everything about you! you’re an absolute angel and one of the kindest ppl I have ever had the pleasure of well not meeting but stumbling across, you truly make this fandom a much much much better place with your presence (I shudder to think of it without u) that said if you ever need to take breaks or leave Im sure you already know but you should 100%
You first!!! Always! :)
Have a good day Gina, I hope its an absolutely amazing one!
Hi darling. LOL! Reading this was like talking with my kids when they don't take their ADHD meds. Lots of excited thoughts!! I loved it.
And yeah, that blog and their 4 followers are really... not well. But you're very right. 1DHQ made this fandom a breeding ground for people to hate larries and to think it's something Harry and Louis would both approve of. It's gross.
The gaslighting here is powerful, so thank goodness for fans like you who know to question what they're told and to look at things with logic and to do their best to see through their own biases.
Thank you for all the sweet words and your offer to kick butt (in your other message). I really appreciate it!
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headbangergf · 2 years
heavy trigger warning ; run while u can lmao
im so fucking done i just want to kill myself. i hate school. i cant stand having to wake up so early every day and talk to people i dont like and have to do and worry about so many things. im so tired of putting my fullest effort into my classes and still getting average grades compared to what i used to get. i know that doesnt seem bad , but im literally never going to get into my dream college at this rate and its fucking disheartening. going to that college is the only thing keeping me going , keeping me from just ending it all. and the fact that someone is probably going to beat me and im not going to be in first place when i graduate makes me want to die. thats so fucking embarrassing for me. i used to be number one in and at everything and now im just merging in with everyone else. i want to be at the top. i want to be the best. i want to get the best grades and beat everyone. not for the satisfaction, just so i can finally calm the fuck down and not have to worry about it anymore. i hate seeing people above me. its so upsetting. how did i downgrade this bad? what in the actual fuck happened to me.
and on top of this the only person i truly love doesnt even talk to me anymore. doesnt even look my way in the halls. im so heartbroken over him and i cant even talk about it to ANYONE because no one fucking cares. no one cares. and no one has to , but it just hurts that everyone makes fun of me for liking him or just discards what im saying without even listening. especially when you guys make fun of him. i have to go along with that shit but it really breaks my heart cuz you all KNOW he NEVER did me wrong. and he never did yall wrong either. i dont care that none of you like him because he actually loved me. he did. i know he did. hes the first person ive ever been with that didnt make me violently cry myself to sleep. he didnt make me relapse constantly. he made me so happy , and even if he doesnt see me as a boy , at least he respected me. i dont even care about that at this point. i really dont. because he loved me and he made me feel handsome. i could show him the most masculine photo of me and he’d still compliment me in a neutral or masculine way even if i was presenting feminine. he never feminized me like the rest of you do. i didnt have to hide myself around him. i always felt comfortable with him. so fuck you guys for talking shit about him every chance you get cuz he never wronged me or any of you. i hate having to be fake cuz i dont want to be made fun of for sticking up for him. but you know why we split. he couldnt prioritize me. thats fine. even though that shit literally broke me and im STILL fucked up about it , it doesnt mean he was in the wrong. he was putting himself first and honestly i respect him for it. but i wish he would just tell me if he doesnt want me talking to him anymore. all i want is a conversation with him. i really miss him so much. i miss how i felt when i was with him. but i dont think he cares about me anymore man. i fucking ruined it because i let myself say too much. i talk too much about how i feel if you let me and im so sorry to everyone who has to deal with it. i dont know why i do that. it just feels like nobody wants to hear about how im doing anymore so idk what to do man. i cant talk to anybody without feeling guilty. bad combination of him being a good listener and me being a big talker. honestly hes probably so sick of me. that thought makes tears form so fast in my eyes but i just have to accept it i guess. i wish i was normal. if i was just a normal girl and not a demented fucking tranny he would probably like me. im probably not even ftm im just insanely stupid. maybe i just got sick of being a girl idk. either way , thats not an invite to refer to me as a girl so fucking dont if anyone is reading this. probably no one. lol. anyways. im abt to rb this and continue cuz i was typing and then i reached the limit so part two incoming i guess lmao.
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Slapped By Legal (Matt Murdock x Reader)
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@locke-writes​ S u f f e r
‘Twas four weeks before Christmas, in a Hell’s Kitchen home, where you sat in the kitchen, feeling downtrodden and boned. Your laptop was open, the window filled with tabs Of all the potential gifts you could feasibly nab. But this was three hours into searching and nary a perfect gift could be found As your brain began contemplating just burning the building to the ground —
Okay, maybe don’t do that. But you would’ve been lying if you’d claimed you weren’t tempted to at least fling your laptop out the window. Buying gifts for one’s boyfriend was usually a point if glee for most couples. You had coworkers who would gush about what they’d gotten their partners, eagerly asking you if you wanted to see it. Even without you courteously saying yes, they would shove their phone into your face, forcing you to not only pretend to be interested, but also to remember that the clock was ticking — and you still didn’t have anything for your own partner.
At face value, Matt would presumably be a relatively easy man to but for. He lived well within his means, both to regard his disability but also because he was just simply a humble person. Most people like that would’ve been satisfied with, like, a bottle of wine.
But not your Matt: Your Matt was Matthew Michael Murdock, a man both blessed and cursed with sensitivities that made his tastes particular — literally. You had to sit on the side of caution when it came to nearly everything: Certain materials felt scratchy on his skin; certain foods and drinks tasted like every step of the factory that had contributed to their production; cologne bothered his nose; and he didn’t much listen to music anyway, so a radio or stereo would’ve been mostly pointless.
You released a loud, aggravated groan as you flopped in your seat. You were pretty positive that no matter where Matt was at this point in time, he probably heard you. Even if it was from Queens.
Fuck this, you thought as you grumpily scrolled further along your current tab. That bastard is getting a gift card. Or a wine-stopper. Or —
And that’s when you saw it. In an instant, your posture turned upright alongside your sense of hope.
— Or that!
Everything about it was perfect: The price, the content, the opportunity -- you simply had to have Matt have it!
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Christmas tended to be a rather small affair for the Nelson & Murdock crew. With nobody having any real family to speak of (or, at the very least, any family worth visiting), the four of you were more than happy to make do with your own little traditions: Ordering Thai from down the street, drinking yourselves silly without the guilt, and just plain enjoying one another’s company. Oh, and opening presents together, of course.
And the entire while Foggy and Karen expressed excitement over their gifts, you sat there with a slight hint of smugness just barely nestled inside of you. When they gave Matt his own gift, you couldn’t help but feel some relief: A mug and a paperweight in the shape of an apple. Sure signs that even after all this time, they, too, struggled with what the hell to give the guy who generally wants for nothing.
You didn’t want to silently toot your own horn, but you already knew you had them beat. Hence why you saved the best for last. And although you weren’t quite certain as to how his innate lie detection worked, you couldn’t help but suspect that he was on to you. It was subtle, but it was like it was hidden in the crook of his brow every time he happened to face your direction. Not that he said anything, of course. He wasn’t new to your breed of mischief, after all.
Two could play at this game. All he needed to do was wait patiently until your dramatic self became too overwhelmed with eagerness to bear it.
The gusto with which you presented the parcel was met with further brow-cocking on Matt’s part.
“Matthew,” you spoke, enforcing an exaggeratory accent befitting of an American’s idea of a British butler, “your Yuletide endowment.”
Matt huffed with amusement. “‘Endowment’? What, are we living fancy now?” You made no response, perfectly content to simply watch him rip apart the colorful paper with anticipation. To be perfectly honest, Matt wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from you. Normally, he could tell what something was at a distance. But once boxes and further packaging got involved whatever his senses reported back to him got all fuzzy and muddled.
But surely whatever you’d gotten was something you were proud of. After all, he’d spent the entire gift-unwrapping listening to the small, telltale signs of your excitement.
“It’s a . . .” He lifted it from the ruins of tissue paper. “. . . T-shirt?”
“Uh-huuhhh!” you chriped. He could hear you practically vibrating. Matt wasn’t averse to t-shirts. But he had to admit, it was a bit of a strange thing for you to get so excited about. Though, feeling about the cotton, he could sense some roughness. Ink. Was there a design on this? Was it a graphic t-shirt?
“Put it on, put it on!” you cheered. He did so, not able to think of a reason why he shouldn’t. Besides, well, the fact that he knew you were being highly suspicious. The brief moment it took for him to pop his head through the neck hole, he could hear rustling coming from your part of the little circle. He also heard Foggy snort before weakly attempting to stifle his obvious laugh. He heard Karen’s breath hitch as well, though not in any way that denoted discomfort. In fact, he heard heartbeats quicken and lungs practically spasming.
What the hell had you done.
“Okay, I give up, what does it say?” Matt demanded.
“Nothing!” Foggy squeaked.
Matt’s lips pressed into a thing, unimpressed line. “Yeah, that’s bullshit. I don’t even need to hear for a lie, what is it? What does it say?”
“It, um,” Karen offered fruitlessly, “It says ‘World’s Best Boyfriend’, that’s all.”
“Seriously?” Matt sighed, though not without cracking a hint of a smile. “You’re going to lie to a blind guy? And to me of all blind guys?” He heard you shuffling towards him, walking on your knees. 
“Don’t worry about it, Babe,” you insisted, pressing a kiss to his scruffy cheek. In the moment you leaned towards him, he could smell a new smell on you: It wasn’t unlike the one that belonged to his brand-new shirt.
But before he could demand the truth any further, Foggy cut in with a giggle-wobbled, “Time for Christmas photos! Say cheese, Lovebirds!”
Matt could only give in; there was no point in trying to wedge the truth out of any of you. All he knew was that he knew you three were lying about . . . something.
Ah, well, he decided as he heard the click of Foggy’s camera phone going off. Perhaps there was a way to get the truth out of you . . .
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It didn’t work. In spite of his best efforts (and damn, were they his best), he couldn’t get it out of you. However, that wasn’t to say that he didn’t get anything he wanted out of you. And as he began to fall prey to his exhaustion, the events of the day finally catching up to him, he snuggled his naked form loser to yours. Perhaps the truth would have to wait for another day . . .
For your part, you were proud of yourself. Admittedly, part of the pride’s source came from the fact that you were able to hold your ground in the end (Matt was just too giving of a lover to be good at torturing you). But for the most part, it came from the fact that you were able to execute your plan as you intended it. In a way, it was also like a little bit of revenge: Revenge on Matt for being one of the absolute worst people to shop for. And for that, maybe you’d hold on to your not-so-secret secret. Just for a little while longer . . .
But first, one last relishing in your success before you succumbed to sleep.
You carefully and slowly made your way to your side of the bed. Not enough to properly wake up your sleeping boyfriend, but just so that you could reach your phone from its resting place on the nightstand. Once acquired, you pressed the home button and set your sights aglow with the image you had last had your phone on before your and Matt’s little session.
It was the picture Foggy had taken earlier of you and Matt, dressed in the matching T-shirts you had acquired for yourselves. You grinned cheekily at the camera, making sure that the bubbly white writing on the black fabric was perfectly legible: “My Ass Got Slapped By Legal.”
And next to you was Matt, a smile planted on his handsome face but altogether tainted with confusion and growing insanity over what the hell you had him wearing -- an equally black t-shirt with equally bubbly white writing: “I Am Legal.”
Oh, yeah, you decided as you smiled to yourself. This was going on the Christmas cards next year.
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
you are so gd talented and I would love love love to see your take on a possessive draco (like Harry when he gets territorial over Theo in TCL)
you are so kind pls.....thank u so much 😩 here’s a drabble for you, angel, hope you enjoy and sorry it took a hot minute! ❤️
He’d never have let Draco do this normally — it’s hard for him, and not in that work-through-it-and-you’ll-be-better-for-it kind of hard, all it does is make him tense and angry — but he can see the slight mania in Draco’s eyes and the fear and desperation, and it’s all of that plus the hectic flush on his cheeks that convinces Harry not to fight it when Draco shoves him down onto the bed and points his wand and suddenly Harry’s wrists are bound to the headboard.
“Better?” says Harry drily. Draco’s jaw clenches and his eyes blaze. If he’d known how obvious he was, how clearly Harry could read all of his emotions on his face, maybe he would have gone to some trouble to take it down a notch. He tugs lightly at his bonds, testing them though he doesn’t plan to break them. He simply wants to determine whether he could if he wanted to. To his fascination, he’s not totally sure he could. They’re incredibly strong, which means there had been significant emotion behind the spell. “D’you feel like telling me what the fuck this is about yet?”
Draco doesn’t answer. He points his wand again, and then Harry’s clothes are gone. He can’t imagine a more vulnerable position to be in: tied up and naked. At one point in his life, the idea of Draco Malfoy seeing him this way would have been second only to Voldemort himself seeing him this way. Not anymore, of course.
Now all this does is make his cock twitch and start filling with blood.
“What’s with you?” he asks. Draco doesn’t answer again; he disrobes himself without magic, then slips off his shirt and trousers and climbs onto the bed, a knee on either side of one of Harry’s legs. He looks quite mad, and lucky for him he’s just fucking perfect enough that he makes madness into something ethereal. His hair is free from its usual product, tempting Harry’s bound hands with how soft it looks. The combination of helplessness and arousal makes his breathing shallow and loud, his chest rising and falling too obviously for his taste.
“Something wrong, Potter?” Draco purrs, fingers curling around the base of Harry’s cock, slick with magicked lube. He closes his eyes and focuses on breathing through his nose, but Draco only squeezes and he has to clench his jaw to keep in a noise. “You know, you couldn’t look more appealing if you were a six-course meal and I was starving.”
“Is that right?” Harry says. It’s strained slightly, and he lets out a hoarse laugh. He opens his eyes and meets Draco’s, doing everything in his power not to lift his hips into the constant, torturous slide of that perfect hand. “Keeping in mind, of course, that you’ve always been a bit of a slut for it I do have to say you look more ravenous than usual.”
Now Draco laughs, mockingly, and he speeds up his hand. He starts twisting his wrist at the top, palming over the sensitive, engorged head, and dipping his thumb into the slit like he’s trying to coax out more pre-come. He looks like he’s barely restraining himself from leaning over and using his mouth instead; he’s got a good and proper fetish for Harry’s cock, an obsession that rivals only his love of riling Harry up on purpose just to monopolise his attention. It only makes it more impressive that he hasn’t done it yet.
“Keep talking, Potter, I have all night. And I’ve always wondered how you’d look all worked up and edged past endurance.”
Something flutters in Harry’s stomach, a heady combination of shock and arousal and nerves. The look on Draco’s face, the implications of his words, they’re making Harry deeply uneasy as much as they’re turning him on.
“Is that your plan?” he asks, trying to keep his voice level. “You wanna watch me struggle?”
“Well that’s only part of it,” says Draco. He lets go of Harry’s cock, curved up against his stomach, thick and heavy with blood, and crawls up his body to press a series of kitten-soft kisses onto his neck. Harry closes his eyes again and breathes through his nose. There’s an instinct to resist that’s kicking in which he’s desperately fighting. He wants to know what the fuck is going on first before he decides to shut this down. Draco’s lips drag maddeningly up to his ear. “The other part is reminding you what you’re gonna spend the rest of your life missing if I ever catch you fucking around on me, Potter.”
Another pulse of shock rocks him. He stares up at Draco with his lips parted, confused at first until understanding catches up with him and his face flushes. 
“I see you’ve figured it out,” Draco says silkily. His hand goes back to Harry’s cock, still hard and throbbing, and now he bends and puts his lips to the head. He sucks lightly at it like a particularly good lolly, making Harry’s toes curl, ripping a half-mad groan from his throat.
“I dunno what you thought you saw,” Harry bites out, tugging unconsciously at his ties, “but I wasn’t planning on fucking Jenkins. But it’s good to know you’re keeping a jealous eye on me at work, love.”
Draco sits up and swipes his thumb over the wet and sensitive glans again. Harry loses himself for a moment and bucks his hips.
“Maybe you weren’t planning on it,” says Draco mildly. He traces his fingertips along the underside of Harry’s straining prick, dancing along the nerves, every vein engorged with blood, leading him along a knife’s edge towards a feeling of frighteningly unfamiliar vulnerability and desperation. “But you were thinking about it,” he coos. “Did you picture it, Harry? Pushing him against the wall face-first and filling him up with your cock?”
Harry’s head falls back against a pillow and he lifts his hips again, searching for friction. He’s so hard it’s beginning to hurt now and he’s slightly lightheaded from the loss of blood to his brain.
Draco’s hot, wet mouth engulfs him then, taking him down to the root so he can feel the throbbing head press just slightly into the tight channel past his uvula. His mouth falls open and he lifts his arse off the bed, trying to fuck Draco’s perfect throat, but he makes it difficult by always pulling back just enough to make it impossible. He’s actually shaking, muscles straining, as Draco works him at his own deliberately slow pace.
“Draco,” he rasps. His fists clench in their bonds. He can come this way, it’s building with a terrible force in his stomach. But it’s building slowly, as if his body itself has allied itself with Draco in an effort to make him struggle and suffer, all for the harmless glances he’d been shooting Jenkins lately. “Fuck. I —”
“You what?” Draco goads him. He replaces his mouth with his hand again, sliding it leisurely through lube and his own spit and Harry’s pre-come, little spurts of it continuously dribbling down its turgid length. “Sounded suspiciously like you were about to say please …”
Harry grits his teeth and swallows back the begging noises threatening to burst out of him. More blood rushes to his prick, turning the head a worrying purple. He wonders in a slightly hysterical, half-insane way whether he could die from this. From needing to come this badly and not being allowed to. From refusing to beg for it, even when it hurts.
“Well,” says Draco as he releases him and climbs up to straddle his waist, positioning himself above Harry’s cock. It rubs against the cleft of Draco’s arse, teasing him with the possibility of all that tight, gripping heat, and Harry lets out a low moan just thinking about sinking inside of him, of all that friction that’s so close but so fucking far. “At least the Wizarding world can sleep soundly knowing their hero doesn’t easily give into torture.”
“Bully for them,” Harry says through gritted teeth. “Now sit on my fucking cock before I decide to hex you.”
Draco laughs. His pink lips part tantalisingly; the long line of his throat glimmers with sweat and drives Harry to the very brink of fucking madness.
“Are empty threats usually effective in your experience?” Draco asks. He grinds himself along the length of Harry’s prick and lets the head catch on his hole, which he can tell is only loosely stretched. Which also means Draco’d been fingering himself before. 
Harry flicks his bound hand and Draco jumps, looking satisfyingly surprised for a moment. Even in spite of his predicament Harry manages a shit-eating grin. Hexes and jinxes are hardly effective done wandlessly but Harry’s rather adept at pulling off a decent Stinging Jinx.
“D’you think that’s a good idea?” Draco asks when he’s gathered himself. There’s a new flush on his cheeks, though, and it’s gorgeous. “Hexing me when I could easily leave you here hard and wanting?”
Harry opens his mouth to make another sarcastic remark (because he can’t fucking help it, even with his libido screaming out in agony for him to fucking leave it, just let Draco have this power trip) but before he can say anything Draco’s lining up and bares down until the head pushes through the ring of muscle — and he stops there. And Harry’s always been good at biting back vocalisations, an ability to stay quiet no matter what is a highly useful skill for an Auror, but when Draco stops and merely squeezes around the head of his cock he lets out an utterly tormented groan, bucking his hips only for Draco to lift up and away. 
“Fuck you!” Harry yells, tugging again at his ties and shouting at the futility of it. Draco’s watching this with glazed eyes and wet lips. “Fucking just — god, just sit on my cock, you fucking inbred little cocksucker!”
And Draco laughs, loudly. He bends and touches his lips to Harry’s sweaty forehead, then to his mouth, then his damp and heaving chest and over his stomach and finally delivers a few more chaste kisses to the skin above his pubic hair. Harry’s cock bobs next to his face, pulsing and throbbing and aching. Draco drags his tongue up the side of it and then presses his lips to the head, suckling gently, torturing Harry on purpose. And Harry, he’s not actually sure how much more of this he can take. His arms are aching now. His cock feels too engorged with blood, tight and hard and painful. He physically can’t stop himself from bucking up against Draco’s mouth.
He groans in frustration when Draco pulls off again but then he’s sliding Harry’s cock back into his arse, and not just the head this time. He sinks all the way down, enveloping Harry in all that throbbing, gorgeous heat, and he squeezes so perfectly around him, and Harry cries out and lifts his hips and tries to fight his restraints.
“Not thinking about Jenkins, are you?” Draco says lightly. He rocks his hips a little and Harry whimpers. He can’t remember if he’s ever heard himself whimper like that before.
“Fuck no,” he gasps out. “Just you.”
“Just me,” Draco repeats. He lifts himself up, pauses, and then sinks back down. He hands go to Harry’s chest and he does it again, again, again, fucking himself properly now and Harry can see he’s beginning to lose himself to the sensations finally. That glazed look is back in his eyes and there’s sweat beading at his hairline. “Nobody else could do this to you, Potter.”
Harry would have agreed to anything at this point but he still means it when he nods frantically, beyond caring now that he’s at a major disadvantage, that Draco has successfully taken him apart the way he’s so used to doing.
He’s about to come when Draco stops moving again, seated fully on his lap. Harry lets out a string of curses and creates bruises on his wrists where he strains and wrenches madly against the silky material binding them. 
“Draco, please,” he hears himself say. It hardly even sounds like him. “Please, fuck, please, I need — I need to come …”
“I know,” Draco coos. He bends forwards again and kisses him, soft and languid and a little mocking, and Harry’s cock twitches inside of him. “And I’ll let you. But you have to do the rest yourself.”
“What?” Harry asks deliriously. Draco lifts up until just the head is still being squeezed inside his tight heat, and Harry gets the message. “God,” he breathes, even as he bends his knees and plants his feet flat on the mattress, his hand trying of their own accord to reach for Draco’s hips, but they can’t. “You’re so fucking obnoxious.”
Draco laughs until Harry thrust brutally up into him, and then he’s moaning instead, fingers curling against Harry’s chest. Harry has no way of changing angles, of trying to hit Draco’s prostate or make him scream, so instead he focuses on his own pleasure, because really, at this point, it’s what he deserves. He slams up into him over and over, shaking the bed, making his thighs scream with the effort, and by the time he feels his orgasm approaching his dripping with sweat and his shoulders are killing him and he knows there must be terrible bruises on his wrists.
“That’s it,” Draco goads him. His own cock is bobbing precariously above Harry’s stomach, red and swollen and dribbling pre-come out of the slit. “Put your fucking back into it, Potter, fuck me like you mean it.”
Harry lets out a tortured moan and puts his fucking back into it. He feels Draco’s body tense up and clench around him and then release, nails digging into Harry’s skin, and come covers both their chests and hits Harry’s chin.
The soft, exquisite noises Draco makes push Harry past the edge himself and he comes inside of Draco with his veins thrumming; he fucks madly up into him until his come is leaking out around his cock and still he keeps going, sliding through all that slick, working himself until his shaking and weak and can hardly move. Draco takes over again, rocking on top of him, milking him of every last shudder and shiver and moan. 
He lies there panting and limbless, and when Draco releases his bonds, his arms fall to his sides and he groans at the soreness of his muscles.
Draco’s kissing him then, drawing his lips apart and ravaging his mouth with his tongue. Eventually Harry lifts one of his aching arms and puts a hand on his cheek, thumb grazing smooth skin.
After a minute and then two and then three, Harry finally mutters, “You didn’t really think I’d sleep with Jenkins, did you?”
Draco draws back and pushes some of his hair out of his face, considering Harry from his place straddling his hips.
“I’m still figuring you out,” he says after some consideration. Harry lifts both eyebrows.
“We’ve been together two and a half years.”
“Yeah,” Draco says. He lifts up and off of Harry, making him hiss. “And I’m still figuring you out, Potter.”
“Right back at you,” Harry says drily. He loves the way it makes Draco grin.
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