#fuck Caramelinda actually
waterisntreal · 2 years
There’s no way this goes well
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alphadogmp3 · 5 months
at episode 14 of a crown of candy rn and i am just dumbfounded and kinda disappointed by how little they bring up caramelinda, aka theee most tragic and important and fun character PC or otherwise. like she is present for most of the events for a big chunk of time and we never ever get any reactions from her AT ALL. like she is the ex-wife of the motherfucking archmage, she is such a powerful sorcerer and yet she never gets any say in anything that happens. we hear more from the fucking gingerbread maniac than we do from caramelinda!!! the party keeps asking shit about lazuli to randos and i just wanna scream at the screen like LAZULI'S BELOVED IS RIGHT THERE!!!!!! AND SHES ALSO A POWERFUL MAGE!!!!! ASK HER!!! like if i was caramelinda i'd straight up become evil wdymmmmm she is wed to the self-professed idiot little brother of the love of her life who tragically died in battle (who we later learn was actually assassinated by someone she trusts), she was betrayed by the aforementioned idiot little brother who just straight up had another wife who he never told her about, which doubly hurt her bc her beloved at the time knew and didnt tell her, one of her daughters is dead and her other daughter hates her for things that her father is also guilty of, the new queen of candia is the product of her shitty husband's actual church-recognized marriage, AND she is a brilliant ruler and politician and did aaallll the fucking ruling in candia for 20 years while amethar goofed about BUT no one even consults her on ANY military or tactical move ever?? i feel like im going crazy every time some plot thickening happens and then the PCs, instead of turning to caramelinda who is arguably the only competent person with experience in the room turn to like. mantaray jack. and then they joke about piss for 15 minutes. i just cannot believe how brennan would give us the most interesting character you could come up in a GoT setting and never ever utilize her. wild.
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My Favourite Tags / Reblogs of Round Two
Yeah sorry this one's long
#the yogurt man deserves this
Loose Duke did NOT hide for nearly an entire season in a spaceship’s vents, personally haunting Emily Axford the real person’s mind, to lose. - inkytrinket-irii
#loose duke is the only npc that gets better the less you see him
#hell yes! BIM SWEEP!#all the calroy girlies see his canon artwork and run for the hills. pathetic.#that man is a slice of cake and he’s sexier than any pink​​​-haired twink you could possibly draw
#chose calroy bc of that one monologue that out of context makes a crown of Candy sound like the most intense historical war period piece#to ever exist#also bc I did not watch sophmore year
#calroy sweep are you kidding#the gayest slice of cake to ever live
#hardest decision of my life 5ever#shit in your mouth vs watch me shit? how could i ever decide between those two?#(it was calroy easily)
#voted ox just so it's not a complete wipe. he's a Good Boy and i'm love him#but he doesn't stand a chance against the unhinged all-consuming-devotion dykery that is wuvvy
#i love garthy but Aelwyn has been giving me brainrot for the padt few months#the kind of character you want to snap in half and then cry about it
#it’s tough because aelwyns whole deal makes me cry#but on the other hand garthy is hot as hell
#ough this is hard#on one hand aelwyn is v complex and is central to adaines development in fhsy#on the other hand... garthy's voice is hot as hell and they are chill as hell#i GUESS ill pick aelwyn. im just saying i hate asmr but if it was garthy i think all my stress would melt away
#GUYS COME ON I KNOW GARTHY IS HOT BUT.#LOOK AT HER#SOPPING WET CAT OF A GIRL ALSO REMEMBER WHEN SHE WALKED INTO A LUDICROUS PARTY#OF HER OWN MAKING#SMASHED TWO BOTTLE OF LIQUOR AND MAGICED THAT SHIT STRAIGHT DOWN HER THROAT???#she is so everything to me Adaine in the first minutes of the campaign immediately tries to murder her#she shut down her mind to survive torture and kept her personality in a black box only her sister could open#sibling relationship of all time guys
#i love them both#but it has to be john feathers#most guy of all time despite literally being a bird
#if you're not gonna beat up a bunch of angels to give your wife tax advice don't even look at dale
#WHY is esther losing!!!#justice for my girl#my girl has the only braincell in NYC#released from her curse and immediately jumps the hot firefighter#nothing but respect
#one of the very few acoc characters i'll vote against without hesitation#ESPECIALLY for baron my god i love that little freak
#baron you funky creation from aroace fear
#i love dr lugash so fucking much#but you really put him up against annabelle cheddar? the most dyke 5ever?#i love her sm
#lugash would want you to vote annabell#because he is lgbt ally
#why does raghs art have him dressed as a dad at a barbecue#actually you know what he IS gay and it makes sense for him to be that flavor of gay
#plug's gonna lose a poll the same day he's gonna die- tomorrow
#Wilma!!!#or did y'all forget our education on docking
#vote caramelinda my god she deserves this win#also she's canonically lesbian. dyke rights.
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willowcrowned · 2 years
willow hi!!! please rank the d20 campaigns you've watched from most to least liked <33 it's for science
1) A Crown of Candy - funnily enough, though acoc commits one of my cardinal sins of storytelling (forcing a resolution in the final episode without creating the context necessary for it to have true emotional depth), I absolutely ADORE acoc and cannot stop thinking about it. For me I think it boils down to the way the fatality allows them to move into deeper and more complex character relationships and arcs in a way that a series where nobody dies doesn’t let them do. Ruby mourning Jet, Caramelinda post-episode 9 and Amethar, and Amethar and Saccharina are so chewy and interesting for me, and of course I think episode nine is just a BRILLIANT piece of storytelling
2) Neverafter (tentatively) - one of the big factors for me in how much I like a campaign is how they manage to end it. since we’re still waiting on that, it could go either way. that said, I think this is one of the funniest seasons I’ve seen yet, and I think that’s due in large part to the fact that they’re able to riff off of well-known fairytales (jokes are built on context!). I think the darker tone of the show has also given Brennan to play with realism in NPCs in a way he hasn’t been able to before—specifically, I’m thinking of the theological divides between the fairies and the princesses. The fact that Brennan has very deliberately set up the princesses as rescuers and heroes by having the princesses themselves convey that to the characters, and then went—hey, why don’t we ask why someone would set themself up as a hero in an unwinnable fight to begin with? Is SO fun for me.
3) Fantasy High (season 2) - I think what season 1 lacks in scope and thoughtful, interesting character arcs, season 2 completely makes up for. Adaine in particular is a high point of the season of me (though Riz is easily a close second), but I also really enjoy the way the widened cast of side characters grounds the worldbuilding (that would already be fun on its own) in a way that deepens the realism of the story without sacrificing tone. also, Ayda, Garthy O’Brien, and Kalina are just GENIUS characters
4) Fantasy High (Season 1) - the first d20 campaign I ever watched. SO fun, I totally loved it, but looking back on it having watched their other campaigns, it’s clear they were still trying to figure out how their actual play show would work here. In later seasons they start playing not just with genre but with the narrative and mechanics in interesting ways that make season one of FH a little less exciting.
5) The Unsleeping City (Season 1) - this is a campaign for people who are wild about New York. I am not wild about New York. Kugrash was my high point. Slutty old woman Siobhan comes in at a close second. Everything else was fine, I guess. Just not my cup of tea (technically I still have part 2 of the finale to go, but it’s slow going. I don’t like the battle episodes at the best of times. this is not one of them)
6) A Court of Fey and Flowers - for a show that was billed as regency and social intrigue it sure was neither of those things, which for me (as a regency and social intrigue fanatic) was. IMMENSELY irritating. that coupled with the fact that time-limited player-directed stories do not lend themselves well to coherent, cohesive, and consistent narratives (my favorite kind of narrative) puts it at the bottom of my list, though the Emily/Lou duo and whatever the fuck Brennan was doing with Hob did nearly redeem it
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kindlespark · 3 years
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queen’s champion // king’s right-hand
[ID: Two images of A Crown of Candy fanart, both landscape digital paintings with a clean white border. The first is of Caramelinda Rocks sitting on her throne in a pink dress and unbuckled cape, as Amanda Maillard leans down from the right to cup her face as if to kiss her. The painting is cut off at Caramelinda’s neck, her head tilted up, before the kiss is depicted. Amanda is holding her spear in front of Caramelinda, and Caramelinda is reaching to unbuckle Amanda’s armour. The second image is of a humanised Calroy Cruller, with dark skin, pink hair, and vitiligo, sitting on a bench at the sparring grounds, relaxed and leaning back on the table as Amethar Rocks moves to sit next to him and leans down as if to kiss him. The painting cuts off at Calroy’s neck in the same way the first image was, without depicting the kiss. Amethar has his hand resting on Calroy’s thigh, and the other on the table. Both images have a pink and orange colour scheme and are half in shadow. End ID.]
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distraughtlesbian · 2 years
so we all just have to live with the knowledge that in some impossible universe where saccharina could be a part of the plot without jet’s death, both jet and ruby would have loved saccharina immediately and fiercely. she actually wants to take the throne! she’s cool! she’s tall! she has magic swords! she has a dyed undercut! she’s travelled the world! they would have been absolutely fucking ENAMOURED! amethar would have been overjoyed to have finally found her! he literally sent envoys searching for catherine after the war ended because she was the love of his life, and saccharina is the living, breathing embodiment of the love they shared!!! even caramelinda, who has zero stake in saccharina’s life or wellbeing, would have in all likelihood respected and might’ve even come to like her, maybe could have bonded with her over their shared love for lazuli!! we all just have to go to work and do our homework and buy groceries and feed our pets knowing we could have had all that, that saccharina COULD HAVE had a family the moment she found them after spending her whole life longing for them, but instead ended her story with her father across the continent, her stepmother coolly neutral towards her, jet dead in the ground, her relationship with ruby forever coloured by their first meeting and the fact that it will be years before saccharina is anything to her but a poor man’s jet, and burdened with the leadership of an entire nation at the age of 23! we all just have to pretend like that’s not completely devastating
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rat-apologist · 4 years
i’m finally watching dimension 20 and i’m about 75% done with ACOC and can i just say: I am getting So Frustrated by the way Saccharina and Ruby’s relationship is going.
like this is nothing against the players or the story telling at large, or even the characters (tho tbh I’m not a huge fan of Saccharina yet, I’ll explain why later), but in a game where they literally explained to Liam how to give a proper compliment you’d think they’d at least try to explain to Saccharina what just happened to them.
like they keep on alluding to what happened, and Ruby did say she had a sister who died, but they didn’t really explain that #1: her sister was her literal twin whom she had grown up with since birth, had her own fucking language with, and was above all the most important person in her life. and that #2: her sister died like less than two weeks ago.
Saccharina clearly is having some issues with not feeling loved/not feeling wanted, but I am fairly sure that if she had the context that these people just lost a sister and daughter merely days ago and then were suddenly kidnapped and then surprised introduced to a secret new sister she’d might start to act a little differently. for instance, maybe if she knew that Ruby had just lost the most important person in her life that also happened to be her sister she’d stop insisting on calling her “little sister”- an endearment which never fails to set Ruby off. Like yes, Ruby, Amethar, and Caramelinda need to be way nicer to her, she also needs context and to understand that these people need WAY more time.
also also also i feel like Saccharina is kinda... entitled? i guess, for lack of a better word. like she just expects Ruby to both love and follow her when like two days ago Ruby didn’t even KNOW Saccharina existed! Like when she was said “You know Ruby, you can just walk away” it wasn’t actually a justified response to a real slight, because (at least from my understanding) Ruby was displaying actual confusion and concern about something. yes, Ruby might’ve been argumentative, but she was looking for answers which, all things considered, i think is pretty reasonable. Idk I’m having a hard time sympathizing for Saccharina when it comes to how she’s handling Ruby. With Amethar and Caramelinda and Liam and everyone else i do sorta feel for her, but the way she’s going about stuff with Ruby feels just. gross, i guess
but, keep in mind, i still have like four episodes to go and am only half way through episode 13, so stuff might get better, these are just some thoughts i had
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dangerousyako · 3 years
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53 notes • Posted 2021-12-09 22:17:27 GMT
Im fucking crying at Lucien finding the M9's tent and making affable assholeish veiled threats and the M9 point-blank refusing to engage with their current antagonist because they want to sleep
So Lucien does the magic equivalent of ripping away their tent "Oh no :) :) :) it looks like you're going to have to go with us :) :) :) "
60 notes • Posted 2021-01-27 13:34:23 GMT
A Crown of Candy ep1
Queen Caramelinda, to her daughters, her husband, various court members and warriors: Alright, listen up, you irresponsible buffoons
Queen Caramelinda: Not you, Liam, you're an angel and we're thrilled you're here.
Liam, holding his pet pig: :o
73 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 00:22:10 GMT
i love the ExU Campaign 3 characters so much because you've got Dorian, who looks very cool and suave and exudes confidence but is actually a ball of tightly-wound anxiety, Fearne, who looks and talks like a Disney princess but just wants to commit crimes, and then Orym, who was sent on a mystical quest by his tribe leader, but also ends up being the only reasonable adult in the entire bunch despite being the size of a medium dog
142 notes • Posted 2021-10-29 23:04:51 GMT
Murderbot 2.0 in Network Effect:
It is a beautiful day on a lost colony contaminated by alien remains and you are a horrible killware
325 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 01:33:13 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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vriskadyke · 4 years
thinking about lgbt hcs for the fantasy high and acoc characters
fantasy high:
fig- bisexual trans girl
adaine- asexual grayro, sapphic (though she doubts she'll ever be romantically attracted 2 anyone). nonbinary transfem
riz- demiromantic demisexual gay, nonbinary transmasc 
fabian- either gay or bi, definitely a trans man
gorgug- agender (tma) bisexual
kristen- nonbinary lesbian (gender projection hours)
tracker- trans lesbian
zelda- ace trans bisexual girl
a crown of candy:
amethar- bisexual man who never thought about gender ever until jet came out as nonbinary and now he's like wait fuck but feels like its too late for him to actually think about it
jet- nonbinary aromantic bisexual
ruby- trans lesbian
theo- gay nonbinary man (tma)
liam- trans ace bisexual
lapin- trans gay
annabelle- nonbinary aro-spectrum lesbian (also gender projection hours)
lazuli rocks: trans lesbian. actually i think all amethars sisters are lesbians except for sapphria who is bi
caramelinda: bisexual and nonbinary
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Theobald: I’m not in love with Lazuli. I just believe in her dreams.
Cumulous: (is Lazulis actual cousin)
Everyone for some fucking reason still: WOW can’t believe that Caramelinda, Theo, and Cumulous are all hot for Lazuli
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I have time now. A day before the last episode. Anyway this is long as hell sorry.
I’m gonna start with Swifty because fuck that little gingerbread man.
Swifty had been tasked to follow Ruby and heard the entire conversation that the immediate Rocks Family had. He heard how Ruby thought Saccharina had the capacity for good and Amethar immediately recoiled at the mere mention of Saccharina having an ‘accident’ (“that’s my daughter!”) on the battlefield. Swifty intentionally left those bits out likely because of the chaos it would cause. He knows Saccharina is very emotional around these people and even since they came into the picture, she’s been changing. Less murdery and more restrained. That gels with literally nothing we know about Swifty.
As for the conversation they had, I’m really happy with how Ruby handled it. She got what she wanted with Caramelinda finally treating her like an adult and she behaved that way. She didn’t jump to conclusions and she thought about Caramelinda’s question. She probably thought about their interactions with Saccharina carefully before saying that she could be good if she was surrounded by better people. And that’s honestly just it! Saccharina clearly amassed followers and kept them somehow without them all killing each other and has done it for years, which means that she is both charismatic enough to solve problems amicably and powerful enough to keep them together. She thinks about what she does before doing them and looks to others to make sure she isn’t going overboard or being risky. Ruby can see that Saccharina is doing these things, but her problem is that she has murdering marauders as her council. That interaction also didn’t completely put her on level with her parents despite what Caramelinda said. Ruby could voice her opinion and they would take them into consideration, but at that end of the day Ruby would still defer to her parents because they’re more experience than she is.
Amethar, like most things, decided it was best not to talk about it at the moment while they were about to go into battle. While there’s a method to his madness, Caramelinda said it best with “The delay of conversation has been, perhaps, your most cardinal sin,” though not quite in the context I’m talking about. And it’s understandable. Amethar is a war guy and delicate conversations never came easy to him. It’s better to just do what needs to be done right at the moment (storming Castle Candy) and leaving it until after. When Saccharina would fully expect to take the throne. And when she would figure out that they knew and didn’t tell her right away when it clearly involved her.
With Caramlinda, I have to admit while I have been the number one advocate of Caramelinda (and, believe me, I still love and understand her), I can’t even fathom what she was thinking suggesting Saccharina have an accident was really going to solve. Caramelinda has lost everything she ever worked for along with her daughter and Lapin and is frantically trying to regain her footing after the one thing she’d been making sure didn’t happen, happens all around her without ever once slowing down. However, just because Saccharina is dangerous doesn’t mean she’s a threat. Saccharina, as far as they had interacted with her, has been very amicable. She’s nice and lends her time and power and energy very generously. Saccharina can be very good, but Caramelinda can’t see that past her own idea of what is best for Candia.
Saccharina’s reaction to what Swifty said is incredicly understandable. From her perspective, Amethar, Caramelinda, and Ruby had found out that Amethar was still rightfully king and plan to kill her so the throne never goes to her. There wasn’t much else she could get from that. And still—still!—she wanted to please them and give them the benefit of the doubt because Swifty is the one who told her. She wanted to make sure that that was their intentions because if not then a fight could be avoided.
And Theo (whose heartfelt agreement with Saccharina about trying so hard and giving so much to people who just don’t appreciate them killed me on the spot!), was coming to their defense at first because he knows these people. He’s known Amethar for a long time and fought together with him and Ruby’s been under his protection literally since she was born. He knows them. At least he thought he did. He thought he knew that Amethar wouldn’t hurt her because family is everything to him. He thought he knew that Ruby was too kind to suggest something so cruel. But when he sees Saccharina standing in front of him, telling her entire truth to him, he has to rethink that. He has to come to terms with that while he serves them, maybe he doesn’t actually know them. Maybe he can’t be sure that family is everything to Amethar because look at how he treats Saccharina. Look at how dismissive and distant he is to her. Maybe he can’t be sure that Ruby isn’t capable of something like that because look at how she seemed to agree with taking out Saccharina. Look at how she kept secrets from the one who protected her through everything. And as he thinks that, he has to come to terms with these facts now laid out before him—a woman telling him nothing but her entire truth and his resurfacing feelings of resentment and Lazuli’s first order to him—and pick a side. And so, he picked a side.
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anne-intrepid-hero · 4 years
I’ll have to go back and watch the early episodes of this season but I wonder how often the twins asked a question about why they had to do stuff and got the answer of ‘because you’re princesses,’ ‘because one day Jet will be queen,’ or ‘because that’s the way the world works.’ What terrible non-answers that doesn’t teach the girls anything except to stop asking questions.
I bet you growing up all of their lessons were explained by you need to know this bc you’re princesses and one day you’ll rule which is a good enough explanation for something when you’re young, but ruling comes with consequences and at the start of the campaign the princesses are generally unaware of what those are. And that’s terrible. It’s highly possible that Lapin started giving them complex answers but they’d already stopped listening after too many years of ‘because you need to know this’ but even then that’s not an excuse. When there are bad monarchs it’s not the ruling class that suffers its the peasants and working class that suffers.
The princesses are guilty of deliberately skipping lessons and not paying attention to what has turned out to be life or death politics, but who can blame them? At the start of the campaign they had no good role model that they would actually listen to. Amethar couldn’t tell them anything about ruling because he’s a bad ruler who does everything he can to not rule. Their mom didn’t tell them much because ‘she was waiting for them to be older and more mature.’ Also, for the girls to actually listen to her would require them to have a conversation on equal footing, and I’m not sure Caramelinda knows how to do that. To have a conversation about what it means to rule and what those responsibilities entail would require her to see her daughters as people able to hold a conversation with her and would require her to have the patience to answer their questions, and she doesn’t. She has fondness for her daughters, probably even love, but she doesn’t have any patience for them, and any soft feelings are hidden behind her strict parent persona. It’s not until Jet is dead and she’s forced to re-evaluate every conversation she has or hasn’t had with them up to this point that she starts to see her daughters as adults. The princesses didn’t listen to Lapin or Theo until they could back up their authority with skill and violence after the campaign had already started. There was the one flashback scene with Jet and Calroy but that relationship never got developed so who knows what their relationship was actually like. There were no role models in these girls’ lives that they trusted to give them straight answers about the whole situation and that’s fucking terrible.
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gideonthefirst · 4 years
i've been thinking about what caramelinda must feel, seeing that it took jet dying for amethar to finally realize he needs to better
I’d actually disagree with this! I think it took LAPIN dying for Amethar to finally realize he needs to be better; I think it’s what taking fighter levels symbolizes. He promises Caramelinda that he’s going to be better before Jet dies, and I think he means it! He just doesn’t get any chance to demonstrate it.
The fucked up thing is that it took Jet dying for Amethar and Caramelinda to even take the first step towards each other across the tightrope over the canyon between them
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lyravellas · 4 years
Some Dimension 20 predictions below the cut, with spoilers for the most recent episode of A Crown of Candy:
I went through the trailer frame by frame because I desperately need a distraction from final exams.  Also, because the last episode fucked me up.  Here are some screenshots from Sir Keradin Deeproot’s wiki page that summarize my emotions very well
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I stake my  happiness on the potential future death of a fictional vegetable, which is a wild situation to be in.  Anyway, onto the trailer:
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There are carrot knights of the Bulbian church in this image, who I’ve helpfully circled in a disgusting shade of green because the screenshot quality on my laptop is bad.  At first I thought this encounter might take place in Comida, as the Rocks, Liam, and Theobald try to escape the repercussions of this week’s episode, but on second glance the architecture looks pretty Candian to me.
Prediction 1: After the events of this week’s episode, the Rocks, Theobald, and Liam retreat back to Candia.  However, as they’re discussing how to best move against the Pontifex and her conspirators, representatives of the Bulbian Church — and now likely also representatives of the empire, since it seems like the Church will seize power after taking Amethar out of the running for the throne—invade the town square of Dulcington, proclaiming that they have arrived to place Candia back under the control of the Concordant Empire.
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The boat in this picture is sinking, which seems about right.  Also: Annabelle Cheddar stans rejoice, because it looks like that’s her at the wheel.  It doesn’t seem like Liam and Ruby are attacking her, so let’s all keep our gay little fingers crossed that she’s on their side.
You can’t see them in this image, but Theobald and Amethar are on the ship in addition to Liam and Ruby. Unfortunately, I don’t see Jet anywhere (she might be in the bottom right hand corner of a different shot, but I am but a humble village idiot with limited time to examine screenshots).
Prediction 2: By the time this encounter happens, Jet is either 1. staying behind in Candia to protect Caramelinda from danger, 2. kidnapped by the Church and Empire to be used as leverage in the war, or 3. dead.
Not a prediction, more like a complete shot in the dark: If Catherine Ghee is  still legally Amethar’s wife then it’s possible that, in the event that she’d had a kid with him before he left, some random kid in the Dairy Islands might be the legally recognized heir to the Candian crown.  Maybe the gang is headed to the Dairy Islands to find the potential heir and therefore restore legitimacy to the kingdom?  They very well might just be going there to find more allies to help them fight a shitty piece of broccoli.  I don’t know, I just like drama.
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I’ve heard some people say that this freezer fight is from an encounter near the end of the campaign, although I can’t back that claim up in any way.  The last screenshot suggests that they’re headed north though, since the map of Calorum puts the Dairy Islands north of Candia, so maybe it’s an accurate guess.
There are four potential new characters in this image.  The mini for the person on the far right looks way too detailed to just be an NPC (plus it’s got a colored base, which seems important?), so I’m assuming they’re a new PC.
Prediction 3: The sick design plus the fact that they’re out in front of the party screams Emily to me, which means that things don’t look especially good for Jet.
One of these NPCs is also probably Liam’s new beastmaster partner (RIP Peppermint Preston), and I’m leaning toward that unhinged-looking little gingerbread, since the other two options look way too humanoid to be beastmaster companions.
Prediction 4: Liam’s new beastmaster partner is a gingerbread creature.
Prediction 5: Of the other two PC options, only one appears in both images, which makes me think that the person on the far left is probably Zac’s new character (RIP Lapin).
Amethar, Ruby, Liam, and Theobald are all here!  On one hand, if Amethar actually makes it to the end/near to the end of this campaign, it means that Lapin’s sacrifice to protect the House of Rocks was successful, which is very heartwarming.  On the other hand it’s hysterical, because Brennan has been trying to Ned Stark this guy since day one but Amethar is just absolutely not having it.  First of His Name and the Unfallen indeed, bitch.
Not a prediction, more like a complete shot in the dark: Honestly, who knows why they’re in a freezer.  Maybe they’re trying to get some of the Meatlanders onto their side?  Maybe there’s a group of cool elite frozen food warriors hiding up there?  Maybe they’re trying to kill god.  I have no idea, but I’m sure it’ll make me bite all of my nails off whenever it happens
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I thought Amethar is ready to fuck shit up. Turns out it's actually Caramelinda who's done with everybody's bullshit.
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banrions · 4 years
fic exchanges i participated in reccently have all now been revealed, so i can say hey! i’ve actually written something in the last... (check’s stats) year?
for the multi fandom horror exchange i wrote an elena/katherine tvd what if the salvatore brothers never came back to mystic falls, but katherine did, and it was all still sad and tragic but it was now all petrova dopplegangers all the time feelings au. bc... i’m still on that bullshit from rewatching it all last summer.
my fingers curl; they’re talons now | elena/katherine | 6k
for the just married fic exchange, i wrote keyleth/vex, bc of course i fucking did. bc i have vexleth feelings all the goddamn time, and my prompt was them falling in love later in life and BOY HOWDY do i apparently have feelings abt that!! so!!
been talking ‘bout the way things change | vex/keyleth (background, also percy/vex) | 3k
and! for the dimension 20 fic exchange i got a prompt for caramelinda/lazuli and thought, i have a ton of tragic wlw feelings abt candy ppl and magic and death!! and now tbh all i want to write is more dimension 20 fic and i’ve signed up for the big bang and as of right now at (5pm?) i’ve already got 6k written of rocks sisters feelings so !!!!! i may not have a job, and covid is terrifying, and things are not great but i have motivation to write again for the first time in forever!! so!!! i’m feeling KINDA GOOD YALL!
love is a losing game | caramelinda/lazuli | 3k
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