#fuck Logan bro
b3achysurfer · 11 months
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bros about to tell us about how atoms are formed 🤦‍♀️ BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 🍅🍅🍅👎👎
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twilights-stuff · 15 days
Canon Logan, chilling in heaven, watching as Deadpool not only desecrated his grave, but also fucked an alternate version of himself inside a shitty Honda Odyssey, dated the said alternate version of himself and subsequently adopted his daughter:
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mayhasopinions · 2 months
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cinematic parallels or something
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deostyx · 5 months
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ovaryacted · 17 days
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God he looked too good in this movie bro. Top 2 Logan looks truly. And then when he gets teleported back to the past…
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I can’t do this lord…I CANT. The belt??? He’s fucking SICK!
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lycazart · 29 days
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Can we just let bro rest?? for a min rq???
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vampyr-x · 2 months
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Same, Wade. Same.
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rubbish78 · 2 months
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Wolverine and Sabretooth fighting in the American Civil War
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raisedbythetv89 · 7 months
I just started watching White Collar for the first time and a realization about most male written and directed media smacked me DIRECTLY in the face which is that SO MUCH media written by a for men is genuinely just male nerd self insert, non-canon compliant, AU fan fiction??????
Like them writing and creating stories is just “ok so these guys are soooo smooth and well dressed and women just flock to them at every turn and they can get away with anything and everyone believes and supports them when they do mess up and everyone thinks they’re sooooo brilliant”
This media isn’t just portraying women “for the male gaze” it’s EVERYTHING. Everything in these stories is supporting and uplifting mens’ delusions about who they are, how they’re perceived, and how they should expect to be treated. Which is incredibly ironic because anytime media portrays women or the world in the female gaze in a more “in my ideal world things would be like this” instead of portraying us as nothing but weak, broken, unloved, traumatized, victims OR one dimensional sex symbols with no needs or emotions they’re screaming, crying, throwing up about how stupid and unrealistic the story is….
This explains SO MUCH about how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy. Even though they’re shows staring women all the “good guys” get the delusional self insert, y/n, AU fan fic treatment (Buffy still wants Angel in season 3 and Riley in season 6 even after everything they did and Xander is CONSTANTLY forgiven for all the atrocious shit he says and does and is wanted by all women besides Buffy. Veronica forgiving Duncan and getting back together with him and even CONSIDERING Piz could truly only be born from men being delusional AS FUCK. Writing how they want men to be treated by women rather than being based in reality and the woman having even an ounce of self respect.)
Which is why the “bad boys”, Logan and Spike are such better characters. They’re so much more realistic, they get held accountable by the women in their lives, have better growth and are just way more appealing and attractive because they’re not the walking embodiment of what MEN want men to be treated and act like.
Oh god this feels like such cursed knowledge to have like it’s important to see this media for what it really is but now watching it feels that much yuckier like finding the porn of someone you DO NOT LIKE but like their emotional porn “this is what life would be like in my fantasies” and they’re the fantasies of the grossest men alive 😭😭😭😭😭
Also it shows their emotional maturity like all of these things are what 13 year old boys fantasize about not actual mature, grown men….
Also just realized this is why the Star Wars sequels were so hated. It wasn’t just Rey being powerful and loved by her found family and Kylo. It was that the movies showed the reality of men like Kylo. They destroyed the male fantasy Darth Vader created. They aren’t super cool, powerful badasses. They’re extremely sad, broken, temper tantrum throwing lost little boys who just want love and acceptance but have lost the ability to accept it because of the dark side (aka the patriarchy) which is the reality and that made me SOOOOO ANGRY lololololololol and this is why Joss Whedon THOUGHT making Spike into a sad pathetic mama’s boy of a poet would make the audience not like him because that DOES work on misogynistic men who enjoy the male gaze but does NOT work and only humanizes and makes Spike even more complex and lovable to the female gaze 💀💀💀💀 oh good lord
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rystiel · 24 days
the way logan didn’t even have metal in his body yet in days of future past and yet erik still found a way to lift him and fling him away once again
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ynbabe · 4 months
Okay, wtf is wrong with some f1 fans, and this is not only as a Logan fan but also someone who equally supports all the drivers.
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Comments like this can be found under almost all posts for drivers like Logan, lance, Esteban and even Carlos(the toxic tifosi, who worship Charles to an actual extreme and alarming degree)
Why aren’t ppl willing to accept the facts? Logan is the second driver in a team that is choosing to promote one driver over the other. We’ve seen this more than a dozen times! Why is it so hard to believe that a driver that doesn’t have full support of the team or fans is not going to do good? And it’s not like bros getting p13 in a Ferrari, it’s a fucking Williams for godsake.
(No hate to any person or driver just pointing out toxic fan behaviour within the community cause this how good sports are spoilt)
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tokillamockingbird427 · 5 months
"Brought back from the dead" trope with Logan and Hesh anyone?
They find the pit but it seems like they're too late. So they wrap him up, and take him with them, back to wherever they've (temporarily) set up shop.
Hesh is devastated of course. They worked so hard to find him for so long and Hesh had been holding on so hard just hoping that the last of his family was still alive and then they finally find him and... they're too late. You're telling him he's "too late"? No.
Logan is walking around like nothing happened the next day. Scares the everloving shit out of Keegan when he goes to make coffee for everyone the next morning and Logan is already up sipping on some.
Miracles happen all the time. People are regularly brought back from the dead in part due to modern advances in part due to simple pure luck but there is no way it would be earthly possible for Logan to be one of those people.
But he is.
So.... they just have to accept it. They assume they made a mistake somehow along the way. Maybe freaked themselves out and ignored signs that would otherwise point to Logan being not-dead.
Hesh is happier at least. Still very concerned with Logan's health, because he looks like hammered shit, but there's less for him to worry about.
They go home.
If Logan acts odd Hesh excuses it with some pretty solid reasoning, that being "He was a fucking POW they were actively torturing and trying to brainwash. Give him some fucking slack if he acts """WEIRD""" because he's been through hell. And if you don't I'll beat the dogshit out of you."
I don't think there'd be a fair way for Logan to beat the "Came back different" allegations because even if he acted like his Old Self after all he went through I'd see that as a GLARINGLY MASSIVE RED FLAG on par with a cishet man that calls himself "Alpha" and also even if he did have a big personality shift it can be put down to PTSD.
Hard to tell! Hard to decide! But he was definitely absolutely dead at some point and then somehow Hesh did Something and he is decidedly not dead in the present.
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reinoirr · 2 months
logan for da day
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poor mans deserved more time and now he's potentially getting kicked off ://
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platossoulmates · 2 months
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i make myself giggle i’m not going to lie
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ovaryacted · 2 months
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I wish y’all fucking knew just how much this picture has rewired my brain. The grays at the temples. The cigar. The suit. Yeah. I’m gonna explode.
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everythingne · 3 months
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