#fuck it they have both a cat and a dog
marragurl · 22 days
Not the first to say it, but damn can’t believe Galladay really went from toxic yaoi to doomed tragic yaoi.
Alright fellow Galladay trash, where’s the modern AU fix-it fics?
I need to see Gallagher single dad with Misha plus their dog/cat Sleepie falling for entertainment company CEO Sunday. Don’t ask me how they met, fuck it, throw in bodyguard AU Gallagher who works part-time at a bar, boom there that’s how they meet, idk I’m making this up on 3 hours of sleep.
You’ve heard of slow burns, now get ready for Galladay blaze it.
They’re speedrunning the relationship from hate -> annoyance -> mild disgruntlement -> weirdly vibing -> ok wow never knew I needed that in my life -> Sunday is way too ok with spoiling Misha -> ok so we got married -> alright we’re dismantling the government now -> Sunday went to jail for 5 minutes for attempting “peaceful” world domination, don’t worry we (Gallagher) forgave him -> Sunday’s stepping down as CEO to run a coffeeshop idk look someone get him some therapy -> Robin is president now while she still goes on tours -> Misha won an engineering competition while this was all going on
Bottom line: Robin is out living her best life while Sunday is in the back somehow having the most insane week of his life. I have no other notes for her here except that she is happy, and successful, and is Sunday’s last remaining brain cell. She and Misha are having some fun Aunt/Nephew bonding times while Galladay are accidentally-on-purpose committing multiple war crimes.
No, we don’t have time to unpack 2.2 and all its trauma, we cope with modern AU :)
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lotus-pear · 5 months
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these losers again
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actual-changeling · 1 year
Joel thought he would never hear her laugh like this again, light and melodic and laced with a childlike innocence he knows she lost long ago, but it's spring and the snow has melted and she is giggling.
She is playing with a puppy, watching it overestimate its own speed and tumble to the ground, holding it with the same gentleness he feels in his own hands when he touches her, basking in the pure expression of joy only animals are capable of. They're free of untainted memories, the air smells like roses and lilac, his fingertips have been numbed by his guitar strings, and Ellie turns to look at him with a smile, a memory that has carried him through winter.
The sun has yet to grow hot but it is already turning her hair into shimmering copper, her ends barely reaching past her shoulders, and when she remains unbothered by the breeze blowing through it, strands tickling the back of her neck, he knows he will get to watch it grow again, watch her grow.
After not being a father for twenty years, the thought of experiencing another childhood, no matter how broken, no matter how short, fills him with equal parts of fear and devotion. Her spark is still there, the twinkle in her eye when she asks can we keep her, the brightness illuminating her face when he says yes and doesn't bother to hide his smile. There are crocuses in the grass, bright specks of color among the morning dew, and Ellie's skin when she presses her cheek into his palm is softer than their petals.
Joel remembers the giraffe, the dog and her in the snow after his world had stopped, her laughter anchoring him back down, her tiny hands that should have never had to aim a gun softly holding their horses face so she can press a kiss to his nose.
All he can do is stretch out his arms and offer her a space to grow, the promise of an embrace whenever she needs it, a constant I love you he cannot quite say, not yet, but only the innocence preserved in the trusting eyes of an animal, the carefree joy of a toddler in her arms, can help her find her childhood again.
There is too much violence in the world, too many memories haunting them to ever escape the pain, but Ellie presses herself against his side, warm, alive, happy, and she is laughing again.
It's enough.
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malwarechips · 1 day
thinkging about me and my partner's rain world modern au
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torchstelechos · 1 year
God, I just want a fanfic about the absolute wild internet fandom and discourse of PIDW. Just full stop make it a chat/discord sever fic with both SQQ and SQH in it but neither know and they have another meltdown relationship on this server. Enough so that the fans make jokes that they’re just alts of SQQ and SQH (which is true but no one actually believes this). Make the final chapter present day them figuring it out and wailing on each other in anger. I need this more than I need air.
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elytrafemme · 6 months
i think i played sims 4 with my sister for six hours straight today?
#vixella + james turner's sale promo post convinced me#$33 dollars down the drain BUT it was for the two packs i'd most likely use anyway#we made ace attorney characters partly to captivate my sister's attention and also because it's funny as fuck#though i do have OCs in mind... yes it's 1:30 AM but i might just like...#write some more OCs. and watch more vixella :) i love her content sm#i also kind of wanted to figure out what sims traits my irl friends would have because i think it's funny#but i can't tell if that's the sort of thing i need to debrief them about#or to like never mention because who the fuck cares#ultimately i truly do not think any of them would give a shit but you know#(btw we got romantic garden stuff (free); city living ($16); and seasons ($16) + base game (free))#both city living & seasons would ordinarily be $30-40 so...#we also want to circle back to grab cats & dogs (~$30-40; $16 on this sale but it's only 24 hr)#but i thought that city living was more strategic at the moment#+ i would in the long run LOVE to have growing together or parenthood... and parenthood runs cheaper in general...#but i already have spent a lot of money this semester :/#mostly because Ooh Purchase Euphoria! and also because my college is located somewhere which. sigh.#has FAR higher prices than where i currently live#in a way that is truly horrifying but i do in fact go to college and need to get groceries somehow#so it's more of a desensitization thing because that does still need to occur#so like $33 dollars is very reasonable is my point
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pastafossa · 1 year
i can’t get over the fact that you have a PET SNAKE 😭 THAT RANDOMLY CRAWLS AROUND YOUR ROOM MAAM THAT IS A NIGHTMARE that is scarier than the man in the white coat 😭😭😭😭😭
If it helps I feel the same way about a friend's tarantulas, although she doesn't really let them out for exploratory/enrichment 'walks' like I do with Pepperoni. So from Camp Arachnophobia to you, I totally get it. 😂 I honestly have no idea why snakes don't bother me! I lose my shit instinctively if I see a bee or a spider, like I will absolutely pull an Old Cartoon lady thing and leap up onto a table (I once had a bee fly by and for some reason I flung my purse in the air like I was facing a bear and sprinted away across the parking lot, cue dad shouting 'IT'S NOT ROBBING YOU, WHY DID YOU THROW YOUR PURSE'), but I can happily chill with Pepperoni around my neck or slithering around whatever obstacle course in the room I put him on. Brain just sees a snake and goes 'hello boopy noodle, hello blepblep friend'. Roughly half my friends are in the same boat, like GREAT CAN I HOLD RONI and the other half are like PASTA CAN YOU... LIKE... PUT A BLANKET OVER HIM SO I DON'T SEE HIM AT YOUR HOUSE???
The good news is I am absolutely the person to call if you have one of those, '5 million behind this door made of snakes, what do you do???' things. Or if there are rats. I like rats, had one of THOSE as a pet too! And mice! !AND LIZARDS. OR BATS. But not bats cause I like them but they might have rabies.
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Mmm Augh *mental chewing* :]-
I understand ppl who dislike tables and like to keep things vague or just go with nothing and everything, and I can totally respect that 100%- however in my own case I collect lables like pokemon cards and chew on them when I feel upset.
Probably bcs I had very little of personal interests and shit when I was younger, but ad a result now the fact that I get to have concrete facts abt myself and things I like is just,,,, makes me wanna bite them and chew on them yk? Idk.
Sounds kinda stupid outlook ig but it's a comfort thing
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liazrad · 12 days
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lightspren · 2 months
Ok so I keep freaking out about if I can actually do this dog thing, if I’m actually enough. I love this dog dearly but i’m so exhausted all the time and that’s made worse this weekend by being sick. and I know that love is not enough to give a dog what she needs to be happy and healthy.
however. look. my big concerns are not being able to give her the exercise and stimulation she needs and wanting to be able to just Chill and cuddle my spouse and cats in calmness. and like. she’s almost certainly a great pyrenees mix. Relatively (as in, relative to other dogs I like, aka shepherds), she doesn’t need that much exercise. A good run in the yard a few times a day should do her, especially once she’s not so much of a puppy. And that’s the thing too— she’s a puppy. She’s excitable and chewy and a Lot because she’s 12mos old and still growing up. that takes time. and the cats are unhappy and won’t come cuddle— because she’s been here four days! they’re still adjusting!
i really need to take a step back and calm down. four days is not long enough to throw in the towel on this. she’s a puppy and we’re all adjusting but there is room in our lives for her. we can do this. i just need to fucking chill for maybe like five minutes and understand that this is an adjustment for the humans too, and that’s okay. I just need to chill.
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RATS are NOT your friends at night while you're reading a scary book
#so if you didnt know. rats are nocturnal#so its 2am where i am rn. my room is pitch dark because i have my blinds shut#and im reading a scary book. lots of spooky creatures and body horror and haunted shit#and my rats. are knocking shit over and chewing on things and generally being menaces#or theyll go silent for a minute abd i think theyre chilling and then all of a sudden theyll drop a toy or something#and scare the shit out of me#they use their spooky little hands to climb on the bars of their cage. and they use their spooky little teeth to aggressively eat kibble#and i gave them new toys today. these edible foraging toys that they love#but that means my room is full of the sound of pulling on bars. or the clicking of a water bottle. or chewing. so muvh chewing#and im reading about this dead body come back to life. with like all of her bones broken. killing a guy in the most grotesque way#and its altogether a very bad experience#i was bored for the first 70ish pages but then it got really fucking good and im hooked. but its also terrifying#the rats have gone silent but now my dog is shifting in his kennel outside my room#both are terrifying. why are my rats silent. why is my dog moving. when will he move next#these animals are harassing me. whats next. my sibling's rabbit is going to break in? in roommate's cat will start scratching at the door?#if my landlord is reading this then ignore all of these tags. we only have a dog sir. no rodents or felines or whatever tf a rabbit is here#ah the rats are making sounds again. terrible horrifying sounds#i have to piss but im scared to get out of bed. i think i live here now. in bed. i cant leave#on a somewhat related note i really want to make deviled eggs rn but i have roommates that are trying to sleep#on one hand i miss living alone. on the other it makes me feel safer to have two other people here with me#even if the threat is only my imagination#and my mischievous critters
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corvidexoskeleton · 9 months
Turning into the joker because both of my landlords keep threatening to kick me out every single time i have a slight disagreement with them or dont do exactly what they want
#text post tag#both of them keeo independently threatening me with homelessness for the stupidest fucking reasons#its honestly so fucking irritating and annoying and its pissing me off so much#but i cant even have a simple fucking conversation with either of them because they both think that i should just#roll over and do exactly what they say without protest and im fucking sick of it#reek will actively try to puff himself up and act like a big tough alpha male and tells me to get out if im not gonna ''respect'' him#and my sister will threaten to make me homeless just because i dont want to be the only fucking person the house who does dishes#and because she doesnt like that i have trouble keeping up with the dishes of three adults#two of which dont fucking rinse anything and just pile everything into nasty standing water#and shes mad that i have trouble getting down on my knees to clean the cat boxes out - esp since now theres a bunch bc pf the fosters#when i famously have knee problems and cant be on my knees for very long or often without it causing intense physical pain#and she never even fucking helped me clean any of them out even when it *was* just our own cats#not to mention that she keeps getting pissed off at me because i dont like thay she keeps throwing fits and being out of line with how#she reacts to every single fucking thing that stresses her out#like its my fucking fault that shes hitting her dog with a shoe or its my fault that shes screaming at her baby#reek doesnt even fucking do anything around the house when hes home#and hes almost never home#and he thinks he can lecture me about how i dont do anything and they have to do everything for me?#as if he has any right to think he has any authority over me whatsoever or as if he has any fucking right to treat me like a child#i fucking hate the both of them so goddamn much#im just constantly pissed the fuck off but i cant do a damn thing about it because everything i do is bad or wrong to them#to my sister i cant do anything right because the only thing i know how to do is escalate and make things worse#i am so fucking mad
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lee-blogs · 10 months
I'm so tired
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histskins · 11 months
pondering the logistics of getting a small terrier again when we move
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addictsitter · 1 year
is there a glee plot point i hate more than the weird cheating bullshit they pulled with jake and marley in s5? no, no there's not.
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hafwen · 7 months
Toni had a big adventure leaving her room
At first she didn't even wanna leave and we had to convince her that it was safe but once we did that she was walking up and down the hall not even running to hide under the bed in her room!
We try to bring Gigi upstairs but she was not feeling it so she didn't get to see her baby :( and Toni is nervous about the stairs
Timmy was hanging out with Mackie as he does so we closed the door to that room. Mackie would be too much on top of everything else today.
I brought Grayson into Toni’s room but he just ran back to the bed he and Lillie share.
Lillie was under said bed to start,I called her and she came out and I picked her up and snuggled her.
Toni came in their room and Grayson was afraid she was going to beat him up at first even though I'm pretty sure if he sat on her she couldn't move.
Lily just wanted my attention and watched Tony walk around but was just wanted me to pet her (she doesn’t get jealous either so that's really good)
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