#fuck lesser ajax
nekropsii · 9 months
I’m curious which M/M alpha troll ships you’d put in the case study tier - who is in the Petri dish?
These aren’t ships to me, just dynamics I think are interesting for narrative reasons, but… Putting this under the cut since it's a little long. I got into some detail.
Content Warning: Long, Discussions of Abuse.
These are the top three things that come to mind on the subject. They're in no particular order, though!!
Cronus and Kankri’s… I can’t earnestly call this a friendship, that implies some kind of mutual genuine attachment, trust, and respect. This is more of an… Alliance, if anything. Their relationship is solely grounded in Kankri’s bootlicking, hemoloyalist pick-me horseshit, and Cronus gravitating to anything that can give his pathetic, sad, over-inflated ego a boost, whether it be through him tearing them down for no reason or, in Kankri’s case, enabling him for no reason. It’s worth pointing out that Kankri was outright against Cronus taking any steps towards any self improvement, so Kankri is absolutely partially at fault for Cronus being as brazen about his abuse and manipulation of others as he is. Kankri is at fault for Cronus’s manipulation tactic of adopting random minority identities, and faking suicide for pity points. We literally see Kankri backing Cronus up about these things. They are in the worst cahoots I’ve ever seen. Hitting people who “ship” them with a rock because none of them have ever read anything in their lives and it’s honest to god one of the most consistently, disgustingly out of character things I’ve ever seen. Zero understanding of the source material. Kankri’s always made into a Catholic Whore, Cronus is always wildly defanged and woobified. Completely unrecognizable. Jail.
Rufioh and Horuss’s… Already failed relationship. This thing started as a tryst while Rufioh was dating Damara before the game even fucking happened, so this thing has been going on FOREVER. Rufioh had been cheating on that poor girl for YEARS before she finally snapped, and Rufioh has the fucking audacity to call her crazy and paranoid?! I’m sending him to The Hague. Anyway, Horuss has that Zahhakian quirk of being very violently stuck in his ways as far as the caste system goes, and it’s interesting watching how smitten he is with Rufioh despite this (and, I’d argue, because of this, to an extent,) and how not into it Rufioh is. It’s interesting watching how Horuss clearly knows what Rufioh is getting at, he knows that Rufioh is trying to break up with him, he’s just incapable of letting go. And Rufioh is incapable of growing a fucking spine and communicating with people normally, instead of just immediately giving up and then turning around and talking major shit about people he presumably cares about behind their backs. As if that’s a normal thing to do. Asshole.
Cronus and Mituna’s… This isn’t a friendship, this isn’t a relationship, for the love of fucking god this is NOT a Kismesissitude, this is just undeniable extreme abuse we see on screen, constantly. Above everything else, if you ship this, I’m going to kill you with hammers and then shoot you with a gun. The thing is, though, you cannot separate these characters from each other’s writing. You cannot write a Mituna that has never been abused by Cronus and a Cronus that has never abused Mituna, because that dynamic there is so important to both setting up and understanding these characters as both characters and as people that they’d be completely unrecognizable without that element. You need to understand that you can make this shit become symbolic. Mituna is Cassandra. Cronus is both Apollo and Ajax the Lesser. Please understand the vision. It’s right there. It’s so easy.
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yinmndragon · 28 days
One thing I'm fucking sick in the epic fandom is that little Ajax is after shown as a kid
He wasn't a kid he was simply called that cause his brother Ajax the greater was simply a huge meat wall of a human
Little Ajax also known as Ajax the lesser was only called that cause his brother was humongous
He was a great warrior but compared to his brother he just didn't seem as impressive
To add to that he wasn't even that short he was about average height but Ajax the greater was a giant
Edit: I would like to apologise for I have made a goof and have been made aware of it they weren't brothers they just had the same names (tbh it'd be pretty fucked if they were brothers with the same name) and they were only compared because they had the same name but my point still stands
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weissaddams · 1 year
Wenclair Fic Idea No. 3
Trauma Surgeon Wednesday and Pediatric Surgeon Enid
Okay hear me out. They met at the hospital when Wednesday was brought in by Weems as a trauma surgeon. 
Nevermore Medical was a top tier trauma and innovation facility. Anyone hired was well-respected if not the most respected in their field. Weems was the chief-of-surgery.
Enid was a pediatric surgeon. Yoko was a cardio surgeon. Bianca was a neuro surgeon. Divina and Eugene were general surgery. Ajax was the orthopedic surgeon and Tyler was the plastics guy.
Wednesday locked horns with all of them at some point because she prioritized saving the patient’s life (a direct result of military training and all the tours in war zones where she barely had any equipment to open someone up, let alone sew them back together) over almost anything else.
Yoko and Bianca always fought for the option that presented the patient with better quality of life. Ajax would fight to save a dying limb as opposed to Wednesday’s plan to cut it off entirely to avoid infection. Divina and Eugene also argued for organs they could save had Wednesday not been in such a hurry to do this and that.
She locked horns with everyone but Enid who she always worked together with because the blonde was adamant that children were precious and should be shielded from this horrible world as long as possible.
Wednesday thought that was stupid at first, but observing the blonde work herself to the bone to save child after child had her growing soft in no time. 
Enid once saw Wendesday eat her meal at one of the lesser crowded hallways and has since then decided to join her there when she can. To befriend her.
Fast forward to them flirting with each other without knowing they were. Everyone else thought it was so fucking obvious. They should get a freakin room already.
They spent their free time together. Wednesday was kinda mean but still professional with everyone but Enid after a few months. They’d worked well together in the operating room, saving kids side by side.
Some days, the nurses would find Wednesday going on late night rounds with Enid. Telling the kids stories to help them sleep or playing card games with them to pass the time.
A rude patient once grabbed Enid’s arm too hard and Wednesday was on her side in a second, subduing the patient in a heartbeat by grabbing his arm and yanking it off Enid, eyes cold and sharp.
“Get your hands off her.”
The whole ER went quiet except for the rude patient who tried to retaliate but was wailing in pain due to Wednesday’s tightening grip. Bianca was pretty sure the trauma surgeon would be shooting lasers out of her eyes if she could.
Security eventually comes and drags the man away.
Wednesday is still visibly fuming after that so Enid pulls her into a private room to calm her down and thank her for. Wednesday only started to relax when Enid assured her that she would have done about the same as Wednesday had she not beaten her to it first.
18 months later, a bus gets totaled outside the hospital because of a slippery road caused by a snow storm, people are injured and Wednesday was one of the people on duty who immediately ran to the bus that was now upside down.
They were pulling everyone out and Enid had just gotten down from a surgery only to find out Wednesday was still in the bus. The burning bus that was about to blow at any second.
She ran outside, getting drenched in the snow, only to make it a few meters outside before Yoko holds her back and the bus explodes.
Enid screams for Wednesday at the top of her lungs. No! She had to save her! She had to get to Wednesday but Divina and Yoko kept holding her back.
Then, someone comes out from behind the bus, carrying an injured child.
Wednesday fucking Addams. Drenched, bruises here and there but fine.
Eugene ran out to her to take the child and the next thing Wednesday feels is the wind being forcibly taken from her lungs as Enid engulfs her in a tight but warm embrace.
Then Wednesday returns the hug with one arm tightly around Enid’s waist as she gently pats the blonde’s head.
Enid hugs her tighter and everyone gives them some peace before going back inside to tend to the wounded.
It’s a few minutes before Wednesday is content with how much Enid had calmed down. She draws back from the still tight hug to look at the blonde. She wipes away a few tears and brushes her hair away from her eyes.
“Did something happen?"
Enid wanted to laugh at Wednesday's audacity to ask that question.
“I was so scared when they said you were still in the bus.”
“I apologize. I did not think anyone would be so worried.”
“Don’t say that. Of course I’d worry! I’m always worried! Stop running into burning buses and jumping into sinkholes! I need you to come back to me alive!”
Wednesday is not sure of the gravity of Enid’s words. She’s pretty sure not even Enid realizes what her words could mean but she nods anyway.
“I will always come back to you, Enid.”
Enid nuzzles into the crook of Wednesday’s neck.
“You fucking better, Addams.”
Hi! I’m having a lot of fun with these fic ideas. They're really just excuses to write dialogue and setups without all the needed embellishments.
Let me know if you have ideas for them, too! I’d love to hear them.
Quick sidenote, if any of this sounds familiar, it’s because I’ve watched Grey’s anatomy a lot haha so a lot of medical stuff and even the bus scene is drawn from there. Watch it! Just look up on youtube the Jackson and April bus scene.
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athena-rocks · 8 months
I hate Percy Jackson.
I hate the plot that is, and many MANY parts of it. Now that’s not to say the actors are bad or anything, in fact I think they’re incredible. I haven’t watched the show or read the books but from the clips I’ve seen those actors are amazing and deserve respect and praise. But I am going to go over everything I have against the show in this mini essay of mine.
Like the show and want to counter my points? Feel free to! Leave a comment, reblog with your response, send an ask, all is welcome! I may think very strongly on my points but that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to hear others out, but please welcome my response as well (also anon is on so if you have thoughts but don’t really feel confident sharing them on your account you can send by anon instead, still gonna get answered and no judgement passed :) )
First of all, Athena. As someone whose name is literally ‘athena-rocks’ I’m sure you can guess that I feel very passionately about this and have a lot to say.
The first thing I want to bring up is the whole child thing. Athena is a virgin goddess why does she have a child? From what I understand Annabeth is born from her mind, as in thought. Which is immensely stupid. The only account of asexual reproduction I can think of is Hera and the birth of Hephaestus, but even then she had a pregnancy and he was born, he didn’t just show up?? The only being I can think of that just pop up is Chaos, who is seen as both a God and a thing, it is, it’s primordial, so are Athena’s children in this also primordial? No they’re demigods.
Also the idea that Athena just abandons her children? No! There’s literally a myth that directly opposes it! Erichthonius!
Erichthonius is the first king of Athens, before Athens got super amazing and awesome and totally cool and really popular and thus got the totally cool founding myth of Athena vs Poseidon. He was born after Hephaestus tried to assault Athena, he’s autochthonous meaning born of the earth. Some of Hephaestus’s… seed, got onto Athena’s thigh, she wiped it off and threw it to the earth as she ran away and Erichthonius is born.
Now Athena has no obligation to this child, it’s not hers in any form, it came from the man who tried to assault her, yet she still chooses to look after and raise the child! There! She has no reason to do this but does, so why she would abandon the children that she does have an obligation to?
And by all accounts I can find Erichthonius had a good childhood, he’s half snake creature thing and when the daughters of Cecrops (who Athena had given Erichthonius to with him in a basket and told them not to open it while she did something) saw him and were horrified Athena either drove them mad so they killed themselves or dropped a mountain she was carrying in rage. So she cares about him.
Now, the Medusa thing.
Medusa was a monster, the original Greek myth she was always a monster. I understand the appeal of a woman who can defend herself from any man who would dare harm her by just glaring at them, but can’t she just have always been that? Can’t she have just always been a powerful monster who can always protect herself? I’m mostly upset at the Medusa thing in this context because I’ve seen people shipping her with Athena, which is weird as Athena is not only a virgin goddess but a mythological figure who was and in some sense still is worshipped to this day.
There are myths that also actively oppose this, when Cassandra was raped Athena was so furious she drive lesser Ajax mad so he killed himself and for 1000 years they had to send maidens to become Athena’s priestesses to appease her. But Medusa being raped by Poseidon, someone who she’s been known to have beef with? No. Fuck her.
Ares who killed someone for harassing his daughter, A BAD FATHER?? A CRUEL MAN??? Anger issues? Sure! I can accept that! But bad father? No.
I think the PJO series just hates the idea of war God’s being good parents and it shows.
I’ll end here, but if anyone would like to add on to this post or argue against me please feel free to. Just don’t be an asshole, I’m fine to discuss peacefully I’m not fine with just being flat out attacked.
Thank you for reading!
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littlesparklight · 2 months
(different anon, responding to that last anon)
ah, yes, i know if someone cursed me, i'd absolutely love it if someone got "retributive justice" for me by...murdering my little sibling! (heavy, heavy sarcasm if it wasn't obvious)
Right, of course, of course, that's what we would all want! /s
I have seen many strange statements around Greek myth in general and the Trojan war participants in particular (especially the Trojans), but this is... definitely among the most out there weirdest ones.
There's absolutely no connection between Kassandra being cursed and Troilos being murdered - neither in whatever scraps that have survived textually, nor among scholiasts. You can't just up and decide a couple thousand years later that "this unconnected event is not just connected to another event, but is retributive justice for this other unconnected event!"*. Like, on what grounds??? (*You know what event is sometimes connected to Troilos' murder in the visual representations? The murder of Priam! (Also sacrilegious!) Priam is in a few paintings shown sitting on an altar when receiving news of Troilos being attacked/killed, and sometimes Troilos' death is juxtaposed with that of Priam's. Guy Hedreen in his Capturing Troy talks about this, pointing out that the later prophecy/Troilos' death being made one of the conditions of Troy's fall does in a way connect it directly to the death of Priam.)
And if there would be any "retributive justice" it should come through, or because Kassandra wants it, shouldn't it? By someone connected to her, if not she herself. And Achilles is not at all connected to her. He wouldn't even know anything's happened to her!
Never mind that, exactly, Troilos is her little brother. We don't even have sources until late that says he was the son of Apollo! It doesn't mean he wasn't always Apollo's son, or that it wasn't a variant that was early, but Troilos definitely have more sources stating him as Priam's son than Apollo's. Apollo being the biological father (sharing the role with Priam) adds more pathos, certainly, to the murder of Troilos. But Apollo can be exactly as rightfully vindictive if Achilles has murdered a Trojan prince unrelated to him on his altar. Because regardless of if Troilos is his son, Troilos is a suppliant, and even just pulling the suppliant away from the altar (like sometimes is the only thing Ajax the lesser does to Kassandra) is still a crime against the god! Never mind murdering the suppliant on the altar/within the temple/sacred precinct.
Kassandra would know Troilos as her little brother, her full little brother even if Apollo is the biological father. And compared to the probable negative feelings Kassandra might always have had about Paris, even when he hasn't done anything wrong yet, Troilos has nothing such attached to him. Why the hell, indeed, would she ever want him to suffer for some so-supposed "retributive justice" for her sake?
Where is the justice in that, anyway?
It's not just Apollo losing something or being injured, after all. The Trojan royal family are losing a child, in a very cruel manner (Achilles is shown on several paintings using Troilos' head as a distraction to the rescue team for fuck's sake), and, what, this is in any way "justice" for Kassandra?
The only thing even vaguely "defensible" in Achilles killing Troilos is the potential of his death being a condition/necessity for the fall of Troy, that he otherwise would've become the next Hektor if he got old enough and forever blocked any chance to Troy falling. But sorry, I don't exactly consider that any defense, and even if it was, the way Achilles goes out of his way to kill Troilos in Apollo's temple/on the altar, and then beheading/dismembering him... Yeah no.
And Troilos is, again, not armed and armoured. Even if he'd be midteens (which he could be, that is probably as old as he would be at most, since his murder happens somewhere earlier in the war and if we use the "end point" of his age, twenty, he'd have to be killed sometime before that), he's still not a warrior, or on the battlefield.
Achilles ambushes him, and then runs him down. And if Troilos takes refuge in the temple, Achilles certainly doesn't attempt to remove him from there (of course, as noted earlier, even that would be a crime against a suppliant, but even so).
And again, this hasn't even taken into account Achilles' potential desire for Troilos, where his brutal murder (if not the murder itself), is in response to being rejected*. Again, where is the ~retributive justice~ in that? Would Kassandra want that? Be real now. (*Another bit from Capturing Troy; there's a fragment survival from a tragedy about Troilos, mentioning being violently mounted like an animal... I mean we don't know it's necessarily about what Achilles wants or attempted to do, but that it's there at all...)
But no, of course it's so wrong to defend Apollo aiding Paris in killing an enemy combatant, on the goddamn battlefield, in defense of the city he's guarding and in response to a sacrilegious murder of a child of his.
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bruderlieben · 6 months
You have both "women dni" and "non-men dni" in different areas of your blog, where do non-binary folk stand in regards to your blog? (Love your blog, but don't want to make you uncomfortable)
It's a slippery slope. Someone started a whole discussion on our old blog about "why do you not want people to interact with you just because they like a certain pronoun?"
I really don't want to return to that discussion, I'll be honest.
The reason we never give a clear answer is because it changes according to each alter.
We are queer in many different fashions. Most of us are aromantic, some of us fluctuate between hypersexuality and asexuality, some have a slight interest in women while most of us are gay men. The body is AFAB and we are currently transitioning (we started T before we knew we were a system), and 9/10 of our alters are queer men.
One of us might say "I'm fine with trans people of all genders interacting, even trans women, I don't mind sharing kink with trans people of all identities",
while another might say "ONLY TRANS MEN. NO CIS MEN, ONLY TRANS.",
while yet another might say "as long as they don't present femininely, even butch/masc lesbians would be fine".
What I'm trying to say is: the answer depends on who's fronting. We have a hard time agreeing on this ourselves. As a compromise, we just figured "non-men DNI", because we are mostly attracted to men. Masculinity.
We are in no position to judge how another person identifies. It's none of our business.
However, I (Ajax 🤍) am uncomfortable with the thought of women or fem-presenting people interacting with our very MLM homoerotic posts. I am not comfortable with being fetishized. I am not comfortable with women intruding in our sexual space. This content is not made for them, it's made for mascs and men. Women are allowed to say "men dni". We are, too.
This is not about misogyny; it's not about hating women or thinking lesser of them. This is about sexual and romantic preference. I don't want to see she/her users interacting with our sexual MLM content.
A quick guide by Ajax:
He/him: Fuck yeah, come in!
He/they: Yes! Go ahead!
They/them: Generally alright.
Neo pronouns: Generally alright.
She/him/they: Thin ice, might get blocked if we don't vibe with your blog.
She/they: No.
She/her: Absolutely not.
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adreamingofguns · 10 months
Seeing a post talking about no one being sucks in the Iliad because they're all tragic and I'm like no no wrong
Agamemnon fuckin sucked I would also lure him into a false sense of security and kill him. stop! fucking! taking war brides!! holy shit!!! #cassandra deserved better #iphigenia deserved better (I would also kill Clytemnestra because she's also so sucks to her kids so it's equality but she was justified in taking out Agamemnon if my shitass loser bitch husband was out collecting war brides like Pokemon cards (and then bragging about them!?!) and secretly killing my daughter for a war that was bullshit to begin with? Oh he would be so fucking dead.)
Ajax the lesser? Fucking sucks so bad. Throw his ass into the sea.
Ajax the greater? Kinda dumb to khs like that. He's the only one on thin ice. Wanted to kill Agamemnon. #slay I respect him. He's tragic I'll accept it.
Odysseus? Kind of a milf. Redeems himself only because he suffers later.
Paris? Beats him up and takes his lunch money.
Helen gets a pass. (Menelaus sucks I get it that entire family line is awful)
Hector: also gets a pass. Menelaus wishes he was as cool as Hector.
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And I would absolutely hunt Achilles down Terminator style prior to the trojan war to prevent him from spawning Neoptolemus, who also FUCKING SUCKS. I would kill Achilles with hammers. I would take a razor scooter and whack him in the heel with it to kill him. Id be like "this is partially for Hector and this is partially because the future will idolize you to the point where you have no features besides gay and sad and I can't have that happen" his one redeeming quality is hating Agamemnon and that's IT.
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desertedvault · 9 months
my favourite punk records of my late teens / early 20s (released roughly 2010 to 2015)
no particular order, some much better than others
Dawn of Humans - 2010 s/t EP (intense, frightening, deeply weird, and somehow oddly uplifting hardcore) The Love Triangle - Clever Clever (cheery yet cynical 77-79-sounding punk - brilliant lyrics and melodies) Ceremony - Rohnert Park (art school surf-hardcore - their trend-hopping means people are less likely to admit how brilliant this record is) Good Throb - Fuck Off (took a while to fully appreciate; sounds like Gang of Four but funnier and also 300 times angrier) Hank Wood and the Hammerheads - Go Home (60s garage rock played at a hardcore pace with lyrics about fighting and wanting to die) Creem - Discography LP (the thinking man's stompy tough guy hardcore) RAD - Loud and Fast (the most fun record on this list; thrashcore gone silly-style; so funny, so fast, so loud, so rad) Criaturas - Espiritu de Libertad ('burning spirits' hardcore aka d-beat with insane guitar leads) Ajax - 2014 s/t EP (the ultimate d-beat meets stompy hybrid; with smart lyrics to boot) Triage - Power Beat EP (raw metallic d-beat with great songwriting and riffs. this and Ajax are my go-to EPs if I need a quick shot of rage and riffs) Sonic Avenues - Mistakes (poppy garage punk, but with real ambition and experimentation, and deep emotion) Radioactivity - Silent Kill (driving, laser-focused, mechanically precise garage punk, from veterans of the style) Kriegshog - s/t LP (nightmarishly noisy Japanese d-beat; a genuinely scary record; 'Burn' is possibly the best hardcore punk song ever written.) Sheer Mag - first three EPs (the power! the passion! yes, they sound very like Thin Lizzy and the like, but is that such a crime? I'm a stickler for this shit, but this band are punk) Uranium Club - first two releases (sneering garage rock-y post-punk, with absolutely twisted and often jawdroppingly brilliant lyrics) Suburbanite - Suburbanite EP (seriously feral, blindingly fast and disturbingly vitriolic and violent hardcore - right near the top of the pile) Rats Blood - Punks is Mutants (more d-beat with high quality songwriting - the title track is an anthem, and 'Heroin' and 'No More Fukushima' are chilling) Primetime - s/t EP (joyfully amateurish and snarky punk-pop about lady sex (!) among other things) This Routine is Hell - Howl (interdisciplinary hardcore with a passionate beatnik heart) G.L.O.S.S. - both releases (This band had lesser songs, but damn, they really knew how to do an opening track...) Dead Hero - demo (many oi! bands now appreciate the genius of Blitz's 'New Age', perhaps none more so than this Colombian crew)
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
UPDATE: The Uncleaner Complaint Process Continues
 Asshole Agency now says they will file a ticket and investigate.  I trust nothing they say, as they've lied to me before, most recently Saturday, when they claimed there was nothing to be done except blocking her from coming here.  Today's guy says they weren't supposed to blow be off like that and their is a system.  There is no way to tell which of them is lying.  I hope the ticket system is not fictional like half of their cancellation calls and I hope there is an investigation system that is not made of bullshit and rubber stamps.  That would be nice.
It really does scare me should could accidentally kill someone or their pets and it worries me she's out their in the homes of vulnerable elderly people who may not have a support system to handle the devastation.  I'm still having trouble turning my head and lifting a full glass of liquid with my dominant arm above my shoulder.  I don't know what long term health effects the Ajax will have on the cats.  Livia's on a special diet for her urinary system.  I did not fall and I could hide in my bed until all the water dried.  The stuff she stole was small and that big a deal.  I have Goth Millennial and to a lesser extent the others to help me clean up, but this is exhausting them.  None of them have to do that and I appreciate that so much.
If I were older though?  I could have broken a hip or had a serious head injury with no one to help.
It still freaks me out she was driving like that the previous time.
I've done a whole lot of shit jobs out of poverty.  I have never harmed someone like she harmed me.  I never would.  I hate that I am harming her now, by reporting, but I had to try to protect whoever next after me.  I hate the Asshole Agency.  I hate them for the terrible way they treat the cleaners and whole fucking gig economy, and the predatory capitalism that makes this the business model now, and the shiftiness of it all.  I wonder how many people before me tried to report her and how many gave up trying to get the asshole agency to care and just blocked her.  Did she trash anyone's home before mine?
This was supposed to be extra help, but this is so much harm, so much extra pain, so much extra stress.  Medicare pays them money to send untrained, unvetted people into the homes of vulnerable adults run by an agency who's first recourse is to lie to you if you complain about anything, and only calls you half the time to tell you the cleaner cancelled.
I am tired of being upset about all this.  It will hard to be not upset about it until my apartment is clean and smells normal again.  The chemicals give me a headache, which does not help either.  See also: worried about cat health.
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hurricanes-art · 2 years
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tfw you join the army and someone else has the same name as you, then the next day everyone starts calling you "Lesser Ajax"
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nekropsii · 2 years
hey so ive been seeing a lot of this and one conflicted on the matter so id like to hear your thoughts on the matter. i think ie already have an idea of what you think about cronus and mituna, but what about cronus and kankri? i don't know what to think about it and stuff so
To reinforce what I think about Cronus and Mituna: Cronus is an awful fucking person who horribly abuses Mituna just because he knows he can get away with it. If I see one more person say they’re in a Kismesissitude, I will explode. There’s also a Cassandra-Apollo/Ajax the Lesser dynamic going on that’s genuinely interesting, but the only person I’ve ever seen talk about that is me.
Cronus and Kankri have a “nothing” relationship to me. I genuinely do not understand the hype behind the prospect of them being romantically involved with each other… Not only does it not make any sense, but I literally only see content of it where they’re either horrifically mischaracterized, and/or they’re actively sucking and fucking each other. It’s very… Yaoified, it always has been, and so deeply entrenched in gross fanon mischaracterizations that I physically cannot bring myself to enjoy it at all. Do not try to recruit me into “seeing the light.”
To me, they’re just friends- you know, something that two male characters can, in fact, be!- but they make each other worse, and not in a fun way. Kankri in particular would be very, very badly affected by the relationship. Cronus is absolutely the person with the most power here, and he’d take advantage of that. Kankri is so focused on his own Savior Complex and his need to be friends with everyone that I don’t think he’d be completely cognizant of the dynamic. I fully believe Kankri deserves better friends than people like Cronus. He’s very easy to take advantage of.
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weatherman667 · 3 years
here's one i think you'll really enjoy, pyrrha finally shows the rage of achillies after weiss insults jaune one too many times! only this time instead of killing someone and dragging them arround a city, she dresses weiss in lingerie and parrads her around the school with a leash to humiliate her. when ozpin points out that she's not allowed to do that and takes weiss away pyrrha pouts in her room for several weeks and refuses to come out. weiss: **grabs ozpin by the front of his suit** "DON'T YOU FUCKING RUIN THIS FOR ME!" oh what dashing blonde hero can help with this situation?
Hmm: Jaune is Briseis. Yang is Ajax the greater. Blake is Ajax the Lesser. Ruby is Menelaus and Weiss is Agamemnon. Nora is Patroclus. Ren is Odysseus.
Cardin is Hector. Ozpin is Priam.
Achilles still punishes Agamemnon as you described.
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
Really enjoying Homer getting to Book II in his recitation and hamming it the fuck up for the crowd based on where he was that night.
"Let me hear it from the Locrians! Your man Ajax was the lesser only in size, but if you're from Cynos or Opoeis, you KNOW he was unmatched in the spear. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Let's hear it for his forty black ships!"
"What my man Nerius lacked in ships he more than made up for in sexiness, am I right? They don't make them like they do on Symi. Whew. I mean like literally they did not make enough ships. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, with a face like that did he even need them, though?"
"Do I see some Abantians in the crowd? Oh, I can tell you're from Euboeia with that long hair. Is it true you have the best grapes west of Argos? He said it, not me, folks. Forty ships from Euboea! Give it up!"
"Fuck Salamis, tho. Twelve ships. Next."
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1990danieljohnston · 3 years
just found out about ajax the lesser. pretty fucked up little man if u ask me. hope he's dead
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i cant believe i woke up for this
but it makes me so sad that the entire sequel to the oresteia trilogy - proteus only has 2 lines preserved by athenaeus. aeschylus was SUCH A FUCKING GOOD PLAYWRIGHT AND THIS IS ALL WE HAVE.
THE PREMISE OF THIS IS SO INTERESTING AS WELL. like  enelaus, attempts to return home from Troy and finds himself on an island off Egypt, AND PROTEUS (aka the Old Man of the Sea - TAKE NOTES ERNEST HEMINGWAY) tells Menelaus of the death of Agamemnon bc of Clytemnestra Aegisthus (and like what’s happenign with odyssues my boy & ajax the lesser)  and also tells Menelaus how to go home.
idk im just very upset very early in the morning. this is upsetting
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littlesparklight · 4 years
I can’t let go of the fact that for all the divine punishments of various acts of hubris and sacrilege in Greek myth, Neoptolemus gets to go home apparently scot free, after murdering an old man taking refuge at Zeus’ altar (in at least one version apparently using Astyanax’s body to club him to death??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS BOY????)
Athena gets to punish both Ajax the lesser and the whole rest of the Greek fleet for Cassandra’s rape at her altar, but Neoptolemus can’t even get a fucking spanking or something?? Just because he’s at most 15-18 doesn’t mean he can just get away with this!
This is an outrage and I demand answers.
(unrelated but related; Cassandra herself isn’t specifically punished, so for Ovid’s version of Medusa’s myth you either have a misogynistic asshole, and/or have to remember that the rapist in that case is Poseidon, Athena’s uncle and the ruler of one third of the world - not someone she can punish for the sacrilege and thus only Medusa is left. I am so tired of Ovid’s version of the myth and everyone beating their chests raw over it, but there you go.)
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