#fuck you no die I don’t like ur bf the way you do please god
oxygen537art · 28 days
istg I luv ur art style so much and also can I get mha smut recommendations (idrc wat ship but mainly bakudeku and dabihawks is wat I'm looking for. shiggydabi is cool too)
Thank you so much for your nice words, I'm glad you enjoy my art! ❤️
I've listed the authors and titles of their works that I once saved in my favorites. I hardly follow updates now, it's been a while since I reread the works listed here, so I rely purely on notes and bookmarks left by past me. Just a reminder that everyone's tastes are different, please read the tags. And check out the authors' other works!
18+, Minors Do Not Interact!
The Desk Job
Fight for You, Fighting for Me
how to 69 when both of you have fangs
In For A Penny
Mommy Milkers
Of Corset Is
A Slow Descent
Something New
can I kiss you?
full rack
hard boiled
"Come on baby bird, show me whose submissive”
“Lace and Feathers”
“Mated” series
“I got you a present birdie”
“I’ll Love you even when you don’t love you”
Self-care is the best care, but with you it’s just better
The sun that stole the moon
“Touya’s Fun Night In”
drowning in you
heart and soul
Maraschino Cherry Juice
The Real Deal
So Fucking Electric
Shut Up And Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Good Boy
If Only
Eyes On Me
The Other Way
Wait A Minute, Baby, Stay With Me A While
Turn you inside-out by dorothycanfly
As Above So Below
Before I Ever Met You
Begging for Thread
Days of Bloom
Drowning Gods
Good Vibrations
i hold you to my heart's desire
Waiting Game
Bad Behavior
I'll Do You Two Better
It's A Spring Thing
The One Percent
From flames to ashes by NekoRika (This is a collection of oneshots, but I save the chapters 3, 23, 36, 41, 43)
Change Of Pace
Learn To Breathe
Punk Gecko Boi watches Smexy Gaymer and his Goth bf fuck on webcam.mp4
4's a Party
Couch Troubles
After Dicking Cuddles by the_pursuit_of_happiness
I'll Make It Fit and Milk Me by paleserendipity
Good boy
I hope they have your eyes
Pretty Fingers on Slick Thighs
satan_copilots_my_tardis (I recommend all of their works. Some are only available on Tumblr (18+) @satancopilotsmytardis)
SoenNoAme (TsukkiNoNeko)
Blue Flames, Blue Passion
Captivated By Your Resonating Light
Close To You
Dancing Flames
Diplomatic Approach
Edge of Glory
Kiss Me Like It's Do Or Die
Play A Little Game
Satisfy the Undisclosed Desires in your Heart
sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie.
Stuck in Repeat
Tears That Drip Sore
until you learn to love yourself
White Camelia
Your Innocence Is Mine
Wind Down by frozenCinders
Primal Instincts and Pretty Things by truthinadvertising
fuck around and find out and End Racism in the OTW- All Dolled Up by unbalancedcentrifuge
Be Good For Me
The Cave
Eyes on Me
Good Little Whore
Hate Fuck
How Are You Alive?
How Do You Live Like This?
How the Mighty Fall
Spring Heat
SSD Day 3~Werebeasts~Claiming Bite/Knotting
SSD Day 6~Anthro~Collar
All Of Me
The Consequences of Nesting
Down By the Wexford Border
Save a Horse, Ride a Birdboy
Take Me Apart So Gently
Turn Off The Lights (We Don't Need Them To Dance)
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
not be a cunt but…. personally I really dislike people who make boys and boyfriends their entire personality. like I’m so sorry that I don’t want to constantly talk about subpar mediocre men and that I don’t respond enthusiastically to your 800th snapchat of your boyfriend. i am tired and stressed and the last thing on my mind is romance, let alone yours. like I am here if you need a shoulder or to celebrate but if you’re gonna send me a 6th consecutive Snapchat of your boyfriend asleep in bed then I will be forced to fucking kill you.
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ill-skillsgard · 3 years
Faust x Faith - No Looking Back
Warning: 18+ smut, public sex, violence, blood, arson, implied death, mentions of non-consensual touching (nothing explicit and no r-words used,) mentions of stalking, unconsciousness, anti-religious themes, strong language.
Note: Hey, hey. I’ve wanted to write this for a while, but haven’t had much time. This isn’t based on any requests—just something I feel needs to happen to move the universe along. After this, I’ll be basing future FxF stuff off drabble requests instead of going story-heavy for a bit. Likes, comments and reblogs are suuuper ‘ppreciated!
Summary: - Not based on Lords of Chaos. I use Faust!Valter’s likeness only as inspiration - 3.6K words -
Faust makes good on his word to protect Faith, taking drastic measures to assure her assailant never bothers her again.
Read more Faust x Faith here [x]
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Thin raindrops pattered the man's leather jacket as he walked through the streets with his hood drawn up and his eyes low. For two days, the drizzle persisted and melted the black snowbanks into slush. Though the dismal atmosphere kept most inside, Sven had good reason to travel across town on foot. The promise of a girl's company waited at the end of his route, and he put off his regular nightly routine of masturbating to fetish porn for—what he hoped was—the real thing.
He glanced at his cracked phone screen every few minutes to check in with her, making sure she hadn't changed her mind, that she was serious. From the earnestness of her messages and the speed at which she replied to his questions, he determined she meant what she said about wanting to meet. Finally, his luck was turning. He’d show that miserable bastard Faust who was the better man.
- What abt ur bf? Lol
- What about him? Not here, is he?
- Thought u were a good girl.
- Haha, not really. Are you close?
- Ya. Y r we meeting at this random place?
- I need you to promise you won't tell a soul. If you can prove that to me, maybe we can keep meeting up.
- Lol ok. I PROMISE I won't say a word😉
- Thank you. Hurry, please. It's cold out!
- Be there in 5. I'll let u wear my jacket altho idk might not need it😉
- Hehe omgosh. You're making me blush.
- I'll make u do way more then blush baby. Just wait.
Sven lengthened his strides and turned the corner onto a hill leading toward the industrial area of town. Down the slope, he walked past several warehouses and legions of trucks parked inside barbed-wire fencing. It was a peculiar site to meet up, but his rendezvous insisted on a place nobody would think to look.
Betting his night would take an erotic turn, Sven popped a piece of gum in his mouth and chewed away the cigarette taste. He was seconds away from the spot she chose to meet, and his chest constricted with excitement. His boots crunched over gravel and garbage as he walked down a narrow alley between two faceless buildings. There was an open lot at the end of the lane, where he assumed she was waiting. As he made his way through the dimly lit alley, he whistled to make his presence known. The shrill tune reverberated off an overflowing dumpster to his left, and as he stepped to clear the reeking trash receptacle, something hard and blunt swung out at eye-level and flattened him to the ground.
Dazed and blinded from the sudden strike, he tried moving his mouth, but only a bubble of blood popped from his lips. A piercing stream of sound filled his ears as the edges of his vision turned dark. A large black figure came into view above, haloed by the soggy grey sky in the deepening veil. The featureless shadow chuckled deeply before a heavy boot's tread put out his lights.
Several hours passed before Sven's eyelids shuddered. By then, his assailant had had plenty of time to tie him to a wooden chair and organize his instruments of punishment. A headache blistered through the man's skull, throbbing in his eye sockets until he gained enough consciousness to open them. When he saw the person who had knocked him out, his throat closed and the gasp ripping through came out high-pitched.
"Faust... Please... Don't—" Sven hiccoughed. "Don't do this. I'm sorry. I'm SORRY!"
Faust, who had been facing the doorway at the end of a long red runner, turned toward Sven, holding a hammer's handle in one hand while cradling the head in the other. A malicious smirk peeked out from a curtain of black hair. He took a step forward, the clomp of his leather boots echoing through the church. Each step made a menacing sound that bit down on Sven's nerves and rattled his sensitive skull.
"What are you apologizing for?"
"I know you hate me, but please, don't hurt me. I swear I'll never talk to her again!"
Faust approached, flashing the obsidian hammerhead. He tossed the tool in his grip and stuck his hand into his pocket, producing several five-inch nails.
"No! God, no, please! Faust! Don't do this!"
The black-haired giant stopped to admire the curve of the hammer’s prongs. Sven looked around the empty church and saw a jerrycan taking up space in a nearby pew. He immediately started struggling against the jute rope binding his wrists and ankles to the chair as Faust drew nearer, smile uncoiling.
"I already gave you the chance to never talk to her again. Remember?"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"Sorry means fuck all to me. You should know that. The only reason you left the campsite with your dick intact is because of the witnesses," Faust said, then spun around with his arms out, showcasing their solitude. "Now, it's just you and me."
"Please don't," Sven muttered through swollen lips. "Fuck, I'll do anything!"
"There's nothing you can do. Nothing a sorry sack of human waste can provide this world to make me change my mind."
Faust jingled the nails in his jacket, reminding Sven who held the weapon.
"Whatever she told you... It's not true! I was at the party, but I didn't do anything to her!" Sven's voice cracked.
"Oh... So you didn't follow her into my bedroom?"
"No! I talked to her for a minute, and that's all. That's all, I swear, Faust. Don't kill me."
The stomp of boots neared the altar where Sven struggled in the chair. He twisted to loosen the rope and slipped one hand out. Faust grabbed his wrist and pinned it to the arm of the chair, readying a nail between his lips as he gripped the hammer. Sven let out a scream, stifled instantly by the hammerhead. Faust wedged the metal between his teeth and hissed.
"Shut the fuck up, or I'll use this to smash your teeth out like a goddamn window. Understand me?"
Sven nodded and quaked as Faust placed the tip of the nail against the soft, flat part of his forearm.
"Stay still. If I fuck up and hit the Radial or Ulnar artery... You could bleed out before I'm done. Gotta get it right between the bones." Faust slapped the pale skin to reveal blue veins. He pressed the nail’s tip in place and rose the hammer above his head, bringing it down and stopping short of the head as Sven shrieked.
Faust cackled. "Jesus Christ, dude. Did you really think I was gonna nail you to a chair?"
Sven groaned, relieved and moist with cold sweat. "Faust, I'm serious. Please, man. You gotta believe me."
His dark laughter continued, bouncing off the high ceilings, the wooden pews and polished floors. As Sven let out his own nervous chuckle, Faust brought the hammer down in one swift pull, then slapped his hand over Sven's gaping mouth to stifle the screams. Howling, Sven rattled his head back and forth as a searing bolt of pain tore through his right arm, crackling in his shoulder where it burned and burned.
Faust tore his phone out of his back pocket and brought up a video, slamming the screen into Sven's face. The video of him grabbing Faith in his room while he was states away watching the live feed from the camera he'd set up on the desk.
"I knew these little cameras would come in handy. See? I know what you did, you stupid fuck. And you know what else? I would have just beat the shit out of you had I not stopped by your place before our little meeting."
Sven whined, tears pouring from his eyes in steady streams.
"Oh, yeah. That's right. I went into your room... Saw some interesting things on your computer. At first, I thought it was just standard fucking creep shit. Snuff porn, torture... Teen girls. None of that surprised me... Until I dug around and found your little stalker file buried in your folders. You didn't even encrypt it. How fucking stupid are you?"
"I'm sorry," Sven shook.
"Why are you apologizing to me?"
"I'm sorry for touching her. I should have left her alone."
"What'd you think was gonna happen? That she wouldn't tell me? Or that I wouldn't believe her? And now I know you've been following Faith around, taking pictures of her, you fucking predator. And what about those other women, huh? You sorry about them, too?"
"Yes! I'm sorry. I know I have problems! I'm trying to get help. Please, Faust. If you let me go, I promise I'll do it. I'll get better. I haven’t hurt anyone!"
Faust shook his head slowly, grunting in refusal. "No. I meant what I said when I told you I'd crucify you if you went near Faith again. I'm doing the world a favour."
Sven hung his head and bled from the grievous wound pinning him to the chair, shuddering weakly from his injuries. Faust would never relent. He'd witnessed the drummer's cold disdain, the malignant hatred living inside that made him turn to the dark with open arms. Faust wasn't an actor. He pledged himself to the darkness with unyielding conviction, never one to take such things lightly. This realization depleted Sven's will to reason with the man.
Faust gripped another thick nail and drove it through Sven's left arm, smiling as blood dripped from the wood onto the church altar. The violent yelps filled Faust with morbid delight as he pressed the bloodied hammer under his victim's chin and raised his face.
"You're gonna die tonight, Sven."
"What makes you better than me? You'll be a murderer," Sven stuttered. "You hurt people, too."
"You and I are not the same. Don't ever compare yourself to me. You're a coward, and I warned you. Tread on what's mine, and I'll destroy you. That's what I said."
"All this over a girl? Are you fucking crazy!?"
Faust stooped to one knee, looking up at Sven as though the insult had cut him. Faust's brows arched, bottom lip jutting outward as he studied Sven, who closed his eyes. Then, Faust rose to his feet, leather stretching from the motion. Faust tapped his chin, smiled, and leaned over to whisper, "yes... Totally fucking crazy."
With a powerful kick to the chest, Faust sent the chair and Sven toppling backward. He then unzipped his pants, pulled out his manhood and giggled as he emptied his bladder on the weeping man. While Sven cried and moaned, Faust closed his zipper, whistling merrily. He left Sven on his back and snatched the jerrycan from the pew, taking slow, calculated steps while twisting off the cap and dousing the altar in gasoline.
As the gas trickled, Sven's desperation mounted. He could not flail, so he screamed. Faust gently reminded him what he'd do to Sven's teeth if he carried on shouting. The pinned man blubbered and begged, but Faust ignored his pleas. Inside his head, all Faust heard was the sound of flames rushing into a circle around Sven, crackling over the carpet and up the old church's wooden beams. By the time the roof caught fire, Faust had planned on being long gone.
"Please, Faust... You'll regret this! I know you're a serious person, but this is too far. You won't be able to live with yourself!"
"Wrong. I couldn't live with myself knowing I let a vulture like you walk this planet freely." Faust poured a trail down the floor runner, far away from the altar. He tossed the can aside and looked up at the Catholic saints' stained-glass portrayals and Jesus at the center of it all, staring down with sad eyes. Faust took a book of matches from his pocket and ripped one from the bunch, running its tip across the ignitor strip until a small flame burst to life. Faust flicked the match to the ground without a second thought, and the flame ate up the gasoline trail swiftly. The church was illuminated, and the colourful glass windows came to life. Faust raised his eyes to the forlorn Jesus and leered while the fire spread.
He did not stay to admire his work or revel in the cries of a man burning alive. Faust fled before the fire consumed the church, not once looking back or wondering if his victim had somehow escaped. He trudged through puddles of slush, hair swinging in the wind, white shadows of breath leaving his mouth.
It was time to get back to finish the tour. But he had one more stop to make.
Faith left the mall after helping close the book store. She received small smiles and nods from the mall staff as they locked doors and unfolded security gates. Some of the people she had spoken to before, and some she had only seen in passing. Though she returned their pleasantries, inside Faith was fretting. She tried not to worry about her boyfriend or ask where he was under strict orders to go about her day as usual.
She stepped into the evening air as the sun sank, taking the blue from the sky along for the descent. Wisps of white cloud stretched across the pink and violet above. Faith took in a deep breath and walked to the bus stop situated between a movie theatre and a dollar store. She popped her earbuds in and turned on a song that reminded her of Faust; one he wouldn’t like. His music taste had no room for the upbeat indie rock she enjoyed. Still, she smiled when the lyrics reminded her of him.
The scent of cigarette smoke caught her attention, and she looked around, finding no culprit. She wondered where the smell came from if nobody was around but soon forgot when the city bus appeared in the distance. It had to make a long trek around the parking lot before it pulled up at the movie theatre. Faith readied her bus card to scan as another cloud of smoke enveloped her senses.
Faith whirled around, and there he was, all black and leather, white teeth clutching the filter of a cigarette. Faust smiled, his words bolting from his mouth as she clamped her arms around him and crushed her face into his chest. The leather and musk brought tears to her eyes. She ripped out her earbuds and tried not to weep.
He hushed her, lifted her off the ground and retreated into the shadowed alley between the theatre and the store. By the time the bus pulled up, Faust had pressed her against the brick wall behind the building.
"Faust. Oh my gosh, where have you been? I was so worried," Faith gasped.
"Sh, don't ask questions, baby." Faust smothered her mouth, holding her thighs around his waist.
"Mm—I love you. Oh my God. I can’t believe you’re here! I love you so freaking much."
"I know you do," Faust breathed against her lips. "I love you, too, babe."
"Tell me where you've been!"
Faust shook his head and kissed her neck instead. She raked her fingers through his hair, knocking his hood down so she could see him unobstructed.
"Told you... Don't ask... Mmkay?... Stop asking... Just let me... Mm—fuck!"
Faith pulled his pelvis inward with her thighs, rubbing against his crotch and the heavy bullet belt wrapped around his hips. In their cloud of lust, Faust pushed his black jeans down just enough to free his erection.
"Fuck, I love your little skirts. Makes it so easy," Faust murmured.
The thought of Faust showing up disquieted her, but his lips on her skin and his desire thwarted these anxieties for a while. She set aside her questions, happy to have him in her arms again and overcome by arousal. When he stretched her panties aside and pushed into her, they both froze in expressions of excruciating ecstasy. Faust tilted his head back and closed his eyes, and Faith clutched his shoulders, already writhing from the intense fulfillment between her legs.
Just as she thought Faust might drop her, he bent his knees and hoisted her higher up on the wall. In his arms, she weighed close to nothing. She missed feeling tiny against him.
"Miss my cock?" He growled in her ear.
"Yes, baby. Oh my gosh, of course, I missed it. I missed my big man."
"Yeah? Fuck, I miss my little pussy," Faust breathed. "Mm, show me those gorgeous tits."
Faith unbuttoned her work polo and stretched the collar down around her breasts for Faust to bury his face. Though there wasn't an abundance of flesh to lose himself in, Faust shivered from the first taste of her nipples. With muted groans of pleasure, he rammed into her until Faith could no longer contain her cries, unaccustomed to his girth. Faust absorbed her whimpers with his mouth, coaxing her tongue until she only hummed.
He felt ferocious from the last twenty-four hours. If he could make Faith scream without drawing attention, Faust would have slammed her into the wall and fucked her until she shredded her vocal cords. He had to keep a low profile. Even visiting Faith was a considerable risk, but one he relished taking as she clamped her thighs and rutted against him.
He supported her ass in both hands and shifted off the wall to fuck her standing up. While he took her this way, she wrapped her arms around his neck and whimpered, whispering, "yes, fuck my pussy hard, big boy. Oh, I love that big cock inside me."
Faust unhooked and held her out so he could watch her breasts jiggle with every bounce. "You still taking your birth control? I'm gonna fucking bust so hard inside you, baby."
"Yeah. Yeah, baby, do it. Fill my pussy, please. I want your cum."
Her dirty talk and sweet sobs for his cock pushed him over the edge. He cradled her head as he pushed her against the wall and throbbed between her legs until empty. Faust pulled out and immediately turned her around and bent her over to watch globs of fresh cum dripping from her wet slit. He used one finger to push some of it back inside and had her suck off the rest. Afterward, he pulled up his pants and compressed her against the wall, one hand over her mouth while the other worked her clit in gentle circles. Faust didn't stop until she squealed and shuddered against him, muffled in his jacket and writhing from the manual orgasm.
When Faith calmed down, he released her and stepped away, pulling a cigarette from the squished pack in his jacket pocket. The lighter's flame created an orange halo around his face and promptly died. He smoked like nothing had happened while she fixed her skirt, buttoned her polo and zipped up her coat.
Faith smiled up at her lover, the night blotting out most of his features.
"I'm so glad you're home," she said.
"Not for long," Faust exhaled.
Her heart quivered. "Wait, what?"
"I gotta go back."
"What? No! But... You just got back," said Faith.
Faust shrugged, his leather jacket speaking for him. The evening matured, consuming the details of her hurt expression until the streetlamps along the road came to life.
"Why did you come here?"
Faust took one last long haul off his cigarette and flicked it down the alleyway. "Listen to me, Faith... You need to quit asking questions. I'm serious. The more questions you ask, the worse it'll be. And you and I did not see each other tonight. As far as you know, I'm on tour. Understand?"
"Yes," Faith said to appease him.
"I want to stay, trust me. But I can't. You know why. All the answers you want, you already have. Don't keep bugging, don't mention it ever again."
"I want to go with you," she whispered.
"No. You stay. Go to your classes, go to work, go visit your parents. Everything normal. And I don't want you moping around either. You put on that pretty smile, and you pretend for me. I'll call you in a couple of weeks before the last show and arrange a way for you to get there."
"What do you mean you’ll call in couple of weeks?" Faith whined. “What about goodnights?”
"I don't have a phone anymore."
"Why—? Oh, um... Okay. I understand."
Faust gathered the girl up in his arms and kissed the top of her head. "Good girl. I love you, and I miss you."
"I love you, too."
He tipped her face up and sensed tears forming in her eyes. Faust shook his head. "No crying. We'll see each other very soon. Just a couple more weeks."
"I know," she sighed.
"I love you more than anything, Faith. Now, go catch your bus. Should be here in a few minutes."
"But what about you?"
"Don't worry about me. I'm on tour. I'm not even here," he explained.
Faust kissed her again, smoothed his hands over her shoulders and turned her to face the bus stop. He urged her along. "No looking back. Hop on the bus and go do your schoolwork."
"Okay," she said, determined to make him proud. Faith walked out of the shadows and into the lamplight hovering over the depot. Across the lot, the city bus pulled in, and though she longed to turn around to see Faust watching over her, she kept her eyes forward and waited. When the bus pulled up, and the doors drew back, she stepped onto the platform and smiled at the driver as she scanned her pass. Faith took a seat in the back and put in her earbuds. She searched through a list of bands and selected the only one whose logo was illegible. As she pressed play, she listened to the immediate assault of the drums, their constant and violent beat. Faith smiled—warm in her chest and between her legs.
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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cuddlecave · 3 years
is xiphoid
first: you *are* good
next: alright thingrey au
how bout an alternate 'the team finds out the shapeshifter is still alive, whoops!' but in an utterly disastrous way
it's been a while since antarctica! a long while, and gord and benr *meant* to tell the team about them ages ago, when benr became human shaped again, but there just never seemed to be a good time? and really, whats one more day, week, month...
anyway the team is utterly oblivious of benr, but being aware of gord, means that's they've noticed he's not been spending as much time with them! been spending, like, a lot of time at home, actually--or away from town. sometimes even avoiding them! they're worried, bc really, this is not the way to deal with trauma, gord! you don't pull away from your friends, you get help! just bc you can't see a therapist doesn't mean you shouldn't try to process it!
anyway, gords generally cagey about where he is, but on a rare team night where he had come to hang over...they very much on purpose get him drunk. now, drunk gord is still pretty fucking cagey (he loves his boyf and would never endanger him if possible), which is a shame, but tom is able to ask a question casually enough that gord doesn't think about it...and ends up telling them he goes out to the [insert desert area here] sometimes. when pressed on why he goes, he seems to realize he made a mistake, and bolts, cutting the night short.
now, credit to gord, him and benr don't go back to that particular desert area after that. but the team are damn smart, and figure that just bc he's not at that area anymore, doesn't mean he's not in *any* desert area anymore.
takes some trial and error--figuring out when gord seems to be out (he never answers his phone when he's out, his car is not at home), and then checking a desert area (didn't get anything but desert the first few times). but eventually...they find his car.
things paint...a worrying picture. there's camping/chilling gear in the car (chairs and a shitty tent, left from when gord tried camping several years ago and never bothered to remove from his car) but they're not set up and gords not there? the doors arent locked and the keys are in ignition? (gord doesn't want to drop his keys running from benr, he did that once and it sucked. also why he doesn't bring his phone! but he's out like 55 miles from the nearest town, who's gonna steal his car?) there's torn up foliage around, as if something big came through (benr may give gord a head start, but he still likes to be big enough to a) chase well, and b) nom gord after), and most worryingly--a set of human footprints in the sand, clearly running based on stride. and some strange larger footprint *next to them*.
their friend was ambushed by something big, and is going to get got. (this is not entirely untrue. not ambushed, but definitely going to get got, lol.) they set off quickly following the footprints.
meanwhile-gord and benr are having a *great* time! the exercise feels nice for both of them, it's a cloudy day so it's shady, they're gonna order pizza and play playstation after this--its gonna be a wonderful day. it already is!
gord, at this point, is beginning to tire out. benr is getting closer. he pushes himself a bit farther, to stretch out the chase just a touch longer, and makes a sharp turn around a rock formation, causing benr to briefly crash into it, giving him a few more steps. but he's tired, and well, benr has better stamina--and agility. benr bounds over the rock formation and uses it's height to gain just a bit of an extra boost, and tackle-hugs gord. they nearly crash into some sharp shrubs, but they're fine.
gord turns and looks up at benr and grins, and benr leans down to him, and gives him a long kiss. gord hums in contentment and relaxes. he's gonna get to doze, now, before driving. naptime, hell yeah.
benr picks him up to swallow him and he just remains basically limp, exhausted, letting benr manhandle him, gently maneuvering him into his jaws. he's swallowed with little fanfare, and happily settles in his tum, almost immediately starting to doze as benr starts to walk.
then he hears screaming, and benr sharply moves, and suddenly he's wide awake.
the team follow the tracks. it's a long walk, even moving at speed--gord must have really been booking it, which means hopefully he's still safe, got away some how. surely nothing would chase him for too long, when he was outrunning it this well. the trail goes on and on and on--its looking less like this thing gave up. and gords footsteps are shorter, he's not managing a hard run anymore. they're coming up on a rock formation--its still several hundred feet away. close enough to see a figure that can only be gord run from behind it, but far, far to far away to do anything about what happens next.
they see him turn sharply, and something big hits the rocks, clearly taken off guard. he makes it a few steps. and the team look on in absolute horror as what can only be the shapeshifter jumps off the top of the rocks, and tackles gord to the ground. they're partially obscured by the desert plants, but it's enough to see, even at this distance, the rippling body parts of the creature, pinning gord down.
the thing leans its head down toward gord, and they can't see what's happening with the plants and distance. and then.
it picks a completely unmoving gord up, and swallows him whole.
oh, god. it snapped his neck. it ate him. it's going to try to finish what it started in antarctica oh fuck does anyone have a flamethrower?!
a seeing it stand and start to leisurely walk in the direction they came from, they're finally broken from they're spell of silence and horror. somebody starts screaming angrily, and bubby has a lighter and big spray, making a makeshift flamethrower--and they run towards it in vengeance.
it notices them and sharply turns, booking it in the opposite direction.
continued under the read more!
(cont) oh fuck, thinks benr. this is not good. Not Good at all. gord frantically asks what's going on?! and goes cold when benr says 'ur friends saw us. and buby has fire.' the good thing is, benr is bigger and faster than humans. the bad thing is that he's been running all morning and now has over 200 pounds of boyf swaying in him, even if he's holding gord as tight as possible so he's not getting thrown everywhere. he's not gonna last long, and there's nowhere to hide. gord is furiously thinking. but he's also exhausted, and panicking. the thoughts in his brain are sticky like drying glue when he tries do something with them, and he can feel benr slowing. it's not by much, but his alien bf getting hurt *at all* is unacceptable, so. he decides to stop thinking and start doing. he tells benr to 'stop and let me out! as fast as you can!' and benr skids to a stop and turns half facing the approaching team, and splits his abdomen open and gord comes tumbling out into the light, getting immediately covered in dust and mud sticking to the saliva covering him. it's kinda gross, but at the moment it's not even registering, bc in those moments buby has nearly caught up. gord stands, pushes benr behind him, who let's himself be pushed purely out of surprise, and holds his hands out. 'its me! I'm fine it's ok it's me, please I can explain, just turn off the fire! it's ok!' but the thing is, as far as they're concerned...'you fucking imposter we saw gord die! get a better lie!' and buby is still running full tilt at them. gord has enough time to think, *aw fuck, this is gonna hurt*, before buby lights his makeshift flamethrower and gord is suddenly extremely hot, in pain, and knocked on his back. he can see the sky for a quick moment, before what can only be benr is standing over him, protecting him from further fire. a few limbs quickly use the dirt to put out the couple embers on his shirt (well, what's left of his shirt...) buby jerks back at the large being leaping in his direction, but it stops as it stands over the gord-imposter. which... is not moving. or writhing like the shapeshifter, or trying to split off from the damaged part. it's just...lying there. shallowly breathing as if in shock. buby gets a bit of a sinking feeling. - I got tired after writing this but basically benr tries to angle around enough to protect gord and also use teal green on him from another mouth. the team quickly figure out something is fucky, and that gord...might not be a Thing?? gord is in zero shape to have a real conversation--burns are serious business, and he basically passes out during teal-green. so why was the creature... protecting gord?? especially if it ate him?!?! there's an uneasy (extremely uneasy) truce, and benr carries gord back to the car, flamethrower pointed at them the whole way. they leave gords car and take them both back to toms place, in the car they drove in. it is supremely awkward. especially when gord wakes up for half a minute, kisses benr, and passes out again. not sure how it would go from there,, .... didn't mean to accidentally write a minific but here we are!! I really like the 'extreme misunderstanding vore' trope, lol.
ohhhh man this is like an angsty version of a regular not-a-game au idea i've thought up before o: thinking about what would happen next... the whole car ride home, benb was hitting gord with more healing (tho he gave the guys ample warning first about what he was doing so they wouldn't think he was attacking or something), and thanks to that, gord's burns are healed up to the point where he doesn't need hospitalization, just some burn cream and good rest to finish it off. (and a hair cut. benb is very sad that he couldn't repair gord's burned hair and beard. when gord's awake again he's just "Dude it'll grow back, don't worry." "i knooowwww but it still sucks. your hair was SO pretty. and you look like a sixteen-year-old without facial hair. kinda weird. babyfaceman." "WOW shut up."). when gord's awake and aware enough again, they all have a sit down and get an explanation from him and benb. benb goes on to basically give a summary of his whole backstory; explain what exactly he his and how he got to earth, and what he was trying to do both at the b'mesa base and that first norwegian base he first thawed out in. when he gets to the part about why he never wanted to hurt the sciteam, that does a pretty good job of warming them up to him. "the thing about that frzn guy is he was a total asshole. HUGE douche canoe. and i was like 'maaaan i don't wanna be this guy, he suuuuucks', but then i noticed that he'd hardly ever interacted with anybody else there. new guy on the base. nobody knew him, or knew what he was like. so i figured i could get away with acting like myself instead of him, and nobody would notice. i've never been able to just be me around other people, only when alone. i didn't really... know how it was gonna turn out. but you guys ended up liking me! you invited me to come hang out on breaks, and play video games, and watch movies, and talk about soda and photography and it was fun and nice and good! you were nice to my dog body, too. giving me a name and everything... you're all great cools. i got attached to you guys. like, super attached. didn't wanna hurt you, ever. 's the reason i never touched the sled dogs, too- i knew tommy would be sad if something happened to the dogs, and i didn't wanna make him sad." (bubs probably acts like he's not touched by that, but he is :B and also, like i've said in a post on my main, bubs feels some sympathy towards benb after hearing about his origins as an unethical science experiment. bubs wasn't grown in a lab in this au, but he was still subjected to some painful "knowledge tubes" experiments due to his contract with b'mesa. so he still knows that feel, bro. unwilling lab rat solidarity.) benb apologizes for everything in antarctica, and bubs apologizes for torching gord, but then the team asks what the fuck? happened in the desert?? and gord explains the "one-sided tag" game they do to help benb burn up energy, and that benb was just carrying gord to let him rest from the run on the way back to the car. ("Carrying you in his stomach, though?" "nah i don't put him where food goes. it's the uhhhh *lip smack* nap organ. custom made for sleeping in. bedry time.") (they also at one point explain "also we're dating" to which gord gets accused of being a monsterfucker ha ha. and then benb's like "ew no i'm ace" and harold goes on about how beautiful interracial young love is.)
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kae-karo · 6 years
Can you do an analysis on the last dan vs phil video?
hell yeah i can in the beginning…
nerds nerds nerds ‘in the beginning…..there was a tree…..’ cue phil’s lil laugh smh cowards release the footage of y’all recording this bit i would Die for it i wanna see y’all being cute-ass dorks together thanks
dan’s voice cracking tone when he’s trying to stop phil
‘n they didn’t tell anybody’ dumbasses u told three million people smh
the fucking dvp montage god this whole intro is just a testament to what dorks they are
‘emotional stability’ what the Fuck
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we’re the only ones fighting for emotional stability here jfc
‘after,,,,,d- after da long ass time’ dan u spork
they pulled up the first clip of the dvp board i’m not sobbing ur sobbing
phil recognizing he’s doing the same intro voice i’m Soft
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dan forgetting what he was gonna say after his big ol dramatic ‘that is right everybody’ we stan a mess
“bitch there’s no space” did u mean
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ahem anyway
phil ruining all dan’s dramatic storytelling gives me Life
how did i not know just dance 2 was one of their most popular vids???? it has 7.4m views??? (for anyone as curious as me, sims #1 has 8.2m and is the most popular, followed by just dance, then fnaf #1 with 7.2m then akinator of all things with 6.4m?)
phil liked yasuhati???? i stan immensely i loved yasuhati as y’all know
it’s a grand finale u spoons stop saying grand ‘final’ that just. sounds wrong lmao
dan spent an hour making that crown i’m crying he’s so cute as is phil’s reaction giggling at him 
they ran out of kitchen foil why did i need to know this
they literally fucking kept the present they crushed what’s wrong with them
‘look at what his ass did to this’ as if we don’t know what that ass do
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dan keeping up the ‘i’ll ebay this’ joke i think someone’s catching the capita£ester
i love their adorable editing making each other disappear n phil chopping dan’s head off it’s endearing
cereal eating contest at least dan knows he’s lost (dan is the Actual psychic)
‘y’all fricken want us touching each other??? do you????? here ya fuckin go u animals enjoy’
me when dan makes bad innuendo puns
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why does phil look so pleased with himself????
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hi i know i say it every video but there is nothing more beautiful than phil looking at dan while he’s talking it just makes me weak????
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he tongue
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also important dan eye roll content
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dnp each picking a game they think they can win and then they do win amazing
dan’s confused ‘should’ve put some in??? oh yeah i should’ve cheated’ immediately followed by his oh fuck yeah i probably should’ve
i would just like to point out that at this point we’re literally watching two dorks with their eyes shut psyching each other out for an entire thirty seconds
‘i’m getting so moist right now’ dan we already know ur kink is staring at phil okay we got it
phil looks like he knows he’s gonna win and i love him
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why are they such dorks phil trying to make dan lose i’m being thrown violently back to pinof 4
also ofc dan has a strategy to win this of course he does of course i expect nothing less
i think dan,,,,,,broke the sound barrier there ;)
oi hi there lil rosy patch welcome back
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caption this
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‘it was the longest i’ve ever had my eyes open in my entire life’ dan is such a dramatic gay i love him like babe,,,,,,,u don’t have to hyperbolize everything okay
‘i don’t know why but i stared at u for like a minute’ ‘yeah’ 
dan screaming when phil touched the crown dan,,,,,,,do u have even one (1) ounce of chill
look i’ve never seen dan fixate so much on anything except phil
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‘stop enjoying these rolling chairs so much’ hi daniel do u recall not a month ago when u wheeled ur bf around the flat bc i do recall u having a bit of fun there 
phil knowing he has noodly arms and dan immediately going ‘don’t u dare say that abt my husband’ is a mood
buster howell
dnp being terrified of snapping their arms in an arm wrestling contest is such a mood literally that’s like my reason for never ever wanting to arm wrestle
‘when i literally snap phil in half’ try not to look so pleased abt that dan
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‘i’m not very good at fighting talk am i’ why did this immediately translate in my head to dirty talk katie u need to Stop with the phanfiction
oh my god they put the board down and my first concern was all the stickers were gonna get moved off or fall off or w.e
disappearing chins
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sorry ik it’s been there but the cactus has fairy lights on it
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nerds fighting over who moved who’s limbs
dan u can’t call phil out for leaning when ur leaning urself okay 
he looks exactly like he did in the dk vid
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rosy patch, rosy patch, we love u lil rosy patch
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hi phil’s lips look particularly pretty here
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what’s wrong with them who gave them permission to be this cute n domestic
dan u can’t look that offended when u offered to play that game
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(offended but fond is dan’s only mood toward phil)
doesn’t count what bloody doesn’t count daniel u dork
hi why are u so giggly looking at phil okay that’s not Legal
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very dry eyes and an aching left arm, that’s how you know you’ve had a good time thanks dan thanks didn’t want that didn’t need it goodbye
the way he trails off into a laugh though that’s some good shit right there
“we said it at the same time” of course u did 
okay so pika @wlwphil​ said that dnp exist in a feedback loop of stupid bc they don’t talk to anyone but themselves i think this vid exemplifies that idea quite well tbh especially the rock paper scissors bit these nerds are so isolated in this lil loop that they massively psyche each other out over rock paper scissors i’m crying
“we know each other so well” hi yeah we know
i think it’s quite interesting that dan’s not interrupting phil like he usually would n talking over him? he’s letting phil talk? & waiting for a moment to interject?
dan puts in lil mind sneks does he phil does he really
dan having no plan which is his plan while phil’s got his first eight moves planned out 
dan’s lil shut up
okay okay okay hold up here i wanna talk abt this (hi anon who said i just like to talk abt everything u right son u right) these idiots are staring at each other n dan says ‘you should admit to them right now that i win most rock paper scissors’ and phil, whilst still staring at dan, says ‘he does’
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phil. phil ur talking to ur audience. but ur staring at ur man. i’m just. this shook me. this truly genuinely shook me and idk i don’t even have a good explanation it’s just so,,,,,,,unlike them???? i guess??
phil nobody consented to this stop
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i’m living for dan not realizing this
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phil wins: face #1
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face #2
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break for the weird heartbeat in the background
phil trying to psyche dan out i love him
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face #3:
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if u notice we have a careful progression of dan going from slightly fond to more fond (but offended) to horrified but fond. phil goes from victorious to massively victorious to ‘i think the universe is about to explode from how victorious he is’
dan shouldn’t be allowed to sound so fond abt losing that’s illegal people can’t do that
the return of cannot believe
bow to me biatch
jiggly camera
i’ve invited ur mum ‘no u haven’t’ i find it super cute that literally every time there’s a ur mum joke directed at kath phil has to deny it?
dan’s sweatpants n slippers
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dan pulling out the catti/bratty voices from undertale i love it
philip michael lester, with this…
oi don’t touch it!
now prance, king
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dan’s cheeky lil grin
this guy
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dan waiting patiently to be thanked
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excuse me daniel and philip what did u cut out we went from y’all’s hands being down below shot and then they’re up next to ur face???? excuse me
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hi we missed a lot that’s not allowed
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sorry i love when dan does this with his lips it cute
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phil has this incredible ability to deliver jokes with such seriousness i mean honestly it’s a genuine skill like???? when dan delivers jokes u Know it’s a joke but phil man,,,,,he could be completely serious if taken out of context
hi i just like that dnp called each other philip and daniel in this vid good content
yes phil all or nothings are valid
i’m here for them like indicating the other has to say some Significant thing at the end of the vids it’s real cute
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franeridart · 7 years
I honestly LOVE your bakushima kids, but did you have any ideas on what the rest of the bakusquad's kids would be like if the others did have kids? If you have thought of it, would the next gen of bakusquad be friends like their parents or not so much?
Thanks!!! And to be completely honest with you, the only other kid I have for that specific AU is the todo//deku one :0 not cause I haven’t thought about the bakusquad ones, but cause I still haven’t managed to decide which ships I wanna go with? Do I do kami//sero or kami//jiro or kami//mina? Do I do mina//jiro or momo//jiro? how about sero//mina? I like so many ships for the squad that I can’t manage picking just one haha but what I already have decided is that whoever Kaminari ended up with his kid is Tai’s best friend. I dunno who that kid is, but they’re best friends 👍
Anon said:Hy i have a fan account on ig it’s @o.urarakaa i want To know if i can repost one or your art thanks 🙏
Ahhhh sorry, but as it’s written more or less everywhere on my blog I don’t allow reposts of my stuff - thank you for asking, tho!
Anon said:Have you ever considered MomoJirou????
I have! Have also drawn it and posted it in the past, actually!
Anon said: FRAAAAAAAN! I love your art from the bottom of my heart and every little doodle makes me smile and gasp in awe because they’re beautiful. And since I love it so much, I often comment under it: Is it troublesome for you or I can continue? Idk, maybe it feels exaggerated or repetitive or annoying and I wouldn’t want to bother you :3 Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing your art! (Your KiriBaku give me life)
No no no it’s super totally okay don’t worry about it!!! Actually thank you so so so so much for always taking your time to let me know you liked my stuff!!!!
Anon said:legit crying at your latest comic. its too fucking soft and adorable i cannot handle it. you’re amazing. thank you for everything you share with us
;O; thank you so much???? oh my god!!!
Anon said:I’m always awkward w/ these BUT!!!!! I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART AND YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH!!!!! I always look forward to any new art you post (even if it’s outside my fandoms!!) and I always SMILE/GET MEGA EXCITED WHEN I SEE A NEW ONE!!!! I personally really love your Kiribaku ones though sO THAT NEW KAMIJIROU ONE ESPECIALLY SENT MY HEART SKYROCKETING!!!!!! I sincerely love you as an artist so please know that!!!! Thank you for drawing!!!!!! They make me so happy!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! this seriously means the world to me, I’m so happy I can make you enjoy even stuff out of your fandoms!!! Seriously thank you for sending this ask, it made my day ;O;
Anon said:What do you think of Bakugou/Shinsou? I stumbled across the pairing recently, and it’s a bit of a rairpair, but it’s so cute???
It’sssss not really my thing actually - well, generally I’m a picky shipper with Bakugou anyway, not gonna lie, but the only interaction Baku and Shinsou ever had made it pretty clear Shinsou can’t stand him and I usually don’t ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him ??? I’m more drawn to his canon happy relationships honestly haha
Anon said:Oh my goodness, you’ve opened my eyes on the similarities and contrasts of both kiribaku and kamijirou (also, Kamijirou is one of my otps, thank you so much)
Haha that’s cool to hear !! They aren’t exactly similar as ships, but they are fun ships to put next to each other cause they contrast in some pretty funny ways imho! :D
Anon said:That’s so cute fran, how do you even come up with these comics they’re perfection
Thank you!!!!!! And I’m gonna be honest with you, that kamijirou one came up mostly just cause I wanted to write the “you’re an asshole how do you have a bf”/ ”for one, I’m not an asshole to my bf” exchange lmao
Anon said:your comics (bakushima in particular) make me so happy, thank you so much!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I’m glad I can help you be a lil bit happier!!!!!!
Anon said:I love ur art!! I hope u had a nice day!!
THANK YOU! I hope you’ll have a great day too!!!!!!!
Anon said:R u a cat person or a dog person?
Generally a cat person, but just cause I have two cats and love them with my whole heart haha I love dogs a lot too, tho!! Always wanted one ;u;
Anon said:Hi! How was ur day?
Weirdly tiring, but generally good! I hope yours was a good one too!!!
Anon said:Okay but like… I am 100% a lesbian but your art of Tyki and Wisely is so gorgeous that it makes me feel just a little bit straight. Like, wow.
Holy heck, that’s high praise!!! Thank you so much???? :O
Anon said:Your krbk concert art makes me weep. It’s so beautifullll.
SOB thank you!!! This means a lot to me cause that AU means a lot to me, so really, thank you so much!!!! *hugs*
Anon said: I’m laughing, your Shinsou’s are both the most beautiful and the most relatable. I really love the colour scheme.
THANKS!!! Purple is one of my fav colors so I always have lotsa fun with its shades!!! :D
Anon said:i would love to see more bakucamies from you! their friendship is lit
I love and live for all Bakugou relationships, so more of that one will happen for sure! She made him laugh after all, she already owns my soul for that ;^;
Anon said:How do you feel about the other noahs?
Jasdevi means the whole world to me and I miss them more ever passing day, Neah and Mana are my kids whom I need to protect I really just wish for both of them to be happy though I know that’s probably not gonna happen ;;, Road!!!! is!!!!! My girl!!!!!!! Love her, like her better when she’s not hurting Lavi but generally I’m always happy to see her, I have conflicting feelings about Feedra, Sheryl is slimy and I can’t trust him, everyone else wasn’t around enough to know for sure how I feel about them honestly, I’m interested but not particularly invested :0
Anon said:You’re my favourite noah:)
This is??? A weirdly cute ask??? Thank you!!!! :D
Anon said:genuinely shrieking over your doodle of tyki. i love him so fucking much and aH,,
I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT he’s!!!! so great isn’t he ;O; *sigh*
Anon said:Fran, did you know that I’d die for you and your art?? And also I just really love the extra little things you put in the tags when you post things, idk it makes me really happy to read those little tidbits and for me it just really completes the art,, also your ocs are actually the cutest things I’ve seen in my entire life ((I may or may not be gay for like half of them))
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! the oc thing especially, that means the world to me oh my god ;O; still can’t believe people actually like them aaaaHHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said:A concept: someone getting flirty with Kirishima and a jealous Bakugou
A good concept which I’m always up for, but to be honest with you I’m more of a fan of the other way around :O like, Kiri is so good and bright and friend with everyone, jealousy might as well be something Bakugou’s used to by this point - but Bakugou, people tend to avoid him or think of him as rude and annoying, Kirishima wouldn’t be used to jealousy at all you know? So I like it that way around more haha
Anon said:Hi! as a fellow artist I just wanted to rant bc I thought you might understand how I feel. my art never comes out looking right and it’s just so frustrating ugh is this what you call artblock ;; I just want my art to look good sigh
I wouldn’t call it an artblock, it’s more like… like your mind is one step ahead of your skills, I’d say. If treated right, you can turn that feeling into improving your art! What is it that you don’t like? Can you break it down to smaller things? Is it the line work or the coloring style, or even just the way you draw eyes or hands or noses? If you can focus on the smaller parts of what you don’t like in your style you can then look up a way to do the same thing that you do like, and practice that till you’re satisfied with it! One small thing might not mean much by itself, but putting all these small things together is how you make improvement happen :D 
Anon said:Perdona se non scrivo in inglese, ma sono un totale disastro. Volevo solo dirti che ammiro tantissimo il tuo lavoro ed è un balsamo per l'anima quando appare in bacheca.
AHHHHHHHHH ;O; GRAZIE MILLE !!!!!!!!!! E non preoccuparti per la lingua !!! siamo italiani dopotutto, l’inglese non è necessario per comprenderci haha
Anon said:omg you and your all time low references, I love it so much (everytime I listen to afterglow I think in kiribaku bc of your drawing and now I’m going to do it with the last young renegade 💕)
Hahahaha they’re one of my favorite bands after all, I fall back on them a lot lol I’m glad you like that, tho!!!
Anon said:a concept: angry bakugo next to a smol duck
*me, crying* i-it’s beautiful ;o;
Anon said: *sobs* I LOVE YOUR YULMAS SO MUCH T-T
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE????? Happy yulma is what keeps me going honestly I love them so incredibly much ;O;
Anon said:I ship the squad x Sero’s hammock
So do I hahaha
I DID! Happy you were happy about that!!! haha
Anon said:What’s your opinion on bakucamie? Both as a friendship and a relationship
Absolutely not as a romantic thing, but I love it as a friendship! As I said, anyone who can make Bakugou laugh owns my soul forever hahaha
Anon said:your bakugous are so good!! also you drew my new fave girl camie i love her so much and i espicially love her in your style!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like how she came out, tho I admit I feel like I still don’t have her down properly… will have to draw her more :O
Anon said:Your art style is so amazing, and I love your different au’s and Bakushima comics!! Any plans to draw some BakuCamie brotp in the future?
Thank you!!! And I don’t ever have plans for what I draw until I actually sit down to draw it, but more Baku and Camie is totally possible!!
Anon said:hey fran! i adore your art, been here from the very first page of your tattoo au!!!! i just wanted to say 2 things: 1. when baku laughed this chapter i thought of you! and 2. every time i see your todoroki my heart explodes in my chest he’s so so pretty in your style :00 hope you’re having a wondeful day!
YO THAT’S SUCH A LONG TIME!!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around this long!!! ;O; and thank you for the compliment oh my god!! ;O; Todo is so damn fun to draw, I’m glad to hear he comes out well enough!!!
Anon said:OH MY GOSH LITERALLY ALL THE BAKUGOUS YOU DREW IN YOUR MOST RECENT POST ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND PRETTY AND IM DEAD. The colours look amazing! And his facial expressions are so soft and nice. My favourite is probably him with the dog cos his hair look so freakin fluffy and soFT. I also love him laughing because didn’t everyone just die at that manga panel and you make him look extra sweet! I also love him talking to camie cos he looks exciting and a little shocked to have a friend! /// I love the other ones too obviously they’re all amazing! But I just wanted to share my favourites and how much I love them!
SO MUCH LOVE IN JUST ONE ASK!!!! Thank you so much for sending it all this way aaahhhhhhh
Anon said:Hiii, I hope you are having a good day! I want to know if you sell posters of your art online because I would love to have one of your kiribakus hanging on my wall ���� idk why but your art makes me happy, like your style is so beautiful and your headcanons are so cute so it is like the perfect combination that always cheers me up when Im sad 💕 thank you
THANK YOU!!! And yeah I do, I have a redbubble shop!!! ;O;
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incorrect-astro · 7 years
Can you do 5 v. with your fave ship? I just really need to see someone write this it's amazing
YOU ASK FOR MY FAVORITE SHIP SO I GIVE YOU BINU this is got hella fucking long bc tbh i Loved this but this is 1,000+ words of pure bullshittery honestly but yes i hope u like it!!!!!
playlist i listened to while writing this ;)
5; v: “You live across from me in our apartments and we smile when we see each other but we don’t really know each other and oh you’re the stripper at my friend’s stag do/hen night fuck this is really uncomfortable”
he was cute. his eyes were sharp but turned soft when he aimed his gentle smile towards him
he was barely shorter than Dongmin, but seemed far more muscular than he had ever dreamed of being
he’s like a big puppy!!!
Dongmin is so WHIPPED for this boy and he doesn’t even know his name
cough cough fast forward to when they ran into each other while getting their mail and Dongmin very obviously sneakily peeks over at Cute Smile Neighbor’s mail to see his name
Moon Bin
THAT’S SO CUTE huh what a nice name
anyway fast forward AGAIN to Myungjun inviting him to his bachelor party
“Dongmin please come you’re so violently single we can find ur gay ass a hot stripper bf”
so anyway Dongmin ended going even though he Didn’t Want To
he didn’t want to bc strip clubs make him Uncomfortable of course not bc Cute Smile Neighbor Bin and Dongmin as well, of course (aka he found out and lowkey (Highkey) stalks him to their building’s gym every evening aha WHAT) works out every evening during the time of the party what of course not
so the day of the party exactly an hour before he’s supposed to get to the club Dongmin gets all dressed up
aka These Jeans and This Shirt And Jacket and This Hair
damn @ himself he looks Great
fast forward he’s at the strip club now and he meets up with Myungjun who promptly shows him his ring for the 992852635th time
“Dongmin look look at the ring Jinwoo gave me isn’t it so beautiful!!”
“yes Myungjun it’s just as beautiful as every other time you’ve shown me”
so okay it’s been like half an hour since Dongmin got to the club and now everyone’s here !! Dongmin leaves FOR LIKE A MINUTE to go to the bathroom and as he’s walking back-
“hey Dongmin we got your single ass a stripper!!”
N O Myungjun fuck of-
that’s the dude the GUY
what is his cute smile neighbor doing here??
why is he coming over??
o fuck
he’s going to die
he’s actually going to die?? oh my god
cute neighbor hasn’t noticed it’s him yet
“Dongmin, this is MB! MB this is Dongmin :))))))”
Myungjun what the fuck PLEASE STOP TALKING
o well MB (?? y’all i couldn’t think of another stage name for moon boy so??) looks fuckin stunned now he recognizes him now
“oh, hi!” CUTE SMILE
@ himself pls say SOMETHING more than um
“yes hello”
very fucking clever Dongmin u useless gay
well that was a short lived interaction bc MB ??? Bin???? is grabbing his hand now and pulling him towards one of the curtained off half-circle couches
he closes the curtain and
o shit he’s F I T
he’s stroking Dongmin’s thigh oh my god
Myungjun how much fucking money did this cost
Dongmin thinks he’s dying
he can’t feel his heartbeat but also he knows he still has blood left so? what is This
R18 R18 NO
well Myungjun sorry @ ur wallet but this Cannot Go On
“hi um, i’m sorry i can’t.. do… this”
Bin ?? MB??? stops and is just kinda Sitting on Dongmin’s legs now ??
why isn’t he??? saying anything????
Dongmin no
Dongmin, anxiously mumbling,
“i’m really sorry it’s just..  you’re really cute and i actually kind of know you i guess?? we don’t really talk but i know you recognize me and i just-i don’t feel like it’s right if we skip over like 8 steps and go straight into this”
Dongmin exactly 5 seconds later, blushing violently,
Bin, the stripper. also blushing violently because !!!!!! ANGEL NEIGHBOR (who’s apparently named Dongmin ?? thanks @ angel neighbor’s friend) THINKS HE’S CUTE!!!!!!!!!
Bin, screaming internally calmly,
“you think i’m cute?”
“very cute”
Bin internally: FUCK
Bin externally,
“you’re so beautiful”
Dongmin pull urself together goddamn
“do you really?”
Bin, almost in tears at how CUTE Angel Smile Neighbor Dongmin looks while he’s looking up through his eyelashes at Bin with this adorable confused look,
“how could i not? you’re like an angel”
Dongmin?? can’t fucking breathe
coughs so Bin is Still sitting on Dongmin’s lap btw so Dongmin WITH SOME RANDOM SWEEP OF CONFIDENCE
leans up and kisses Bin ???
Bin kisses back Obviously
28273 years like, a minute and a half later they pull away panting because they’re Disgusting
Bin: “so… should we like.. go on a date?? or something???”
Dongmin: YES OF COURSE “oh sure sounds nice”
these shits acting like they didn’t just make out for 1.5 minutes 14 years
so anyway idk how to end this but because Myungjun Paid for Bin’s time but neither of them really want to like…. do the Thing they end up just talking for the extra half an hour they have and it’s really nice because they actually have !!!!! a lot in common!!
Dongmin, the second he leaves Bin:
bonus ;))))) -
they go on a few dates and Bin asks Dongmin to be his bf and Dongmin is like !!!!! yes of course!!!! and they kiss it’s Pure
then like a year later Dongmin asks Bin to move in with him and Of Course Bin accepts and it takes like 2 days to move bin’s stuff across the fucking hall bc he has So Fucking Much Stuff
and obviously they share a bed
Bin, hanging his bi pride flag next to Dongmin’s pan pride flag: “hey babe which way do these look Most aesthetically pleasing together”
and Then okay y’all THEN it’s like 3 years since they first started dating
Bin asks Dongmin out on a date ad Dongmin gets all excited bc they’ve both been really busy that they haven’t been able to have a Proper Fancy Dinner Date in like 3 weeks so he gets all dressed up
in This
and so even though they live together they meet at the restaurant ???
but ye anyway Bin shows up in This
the best couples wear couple suits
and they hug and kiss a lil coughs and go to the hostess and Bin gives his name nd she sees their reservation n take them to their table
they have some Fancy Wine bc they are Fancy Boys
and it’s while Dongmin is in the MIDDLE of taking a bite of his chocolate cake that Bin stands up
Dongmin, mouth full of cake: ????????
Bin: gets down on one knee
Dongmin, low-key choking on cake: !!??!?!???!??!?!????!!!!!!!
Bin: pulls a ring box out of his pocket
Dongmin: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bin, already tearing up :”””) : “we met in a really unconventional way, and a slot of people said we weren’t going to make it a month, even less so 3 years, and for that i want to thank you for putting up with me for this. long. you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and i am so so happy i finally asked you out, and that you asked me to move in with you, and that we are here, now, together and happy and in love.. you are truly the most beautiful person i have ever met, both inside and out, so… Lee Dongmin, my angel, my love, will you marry me?”
Dongmin, crying loudly: ohmygod of course Bin, of course i’ll marry you”
Bin carefully slips the ring onto dongmin’s finger, both pairs of hands shaking as Dongmin pulls Bin up and hugs him hard enough for Bin to lose his ability to breathe
everyone else in the restaurant: CHEERING ND CLAPPING FOR THE HAPPY SOAP COUPLE!!!!!
send me more writing requests kiddos
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mysmeshc · 7 years
i really like the way you write your hcs ahh!! could you do one where the RFA get jealous over MC with another RFA member or a stranger? thank you so much!!
oh yeyeyeye mysme hc is back bbyYoosung:-Yoosungs jealousy can manifest itself in many ways- sometimes he gets sad, insecure, and whiny- but other times- oh l o r d other times- he gets pissed- like WHO in their right MIND would hit on you while he’s right there??- You and Yoosung has been walking around outside that afternoon bc you felt he needed a break from his studies. - Which he did NOT protest. - but what he DID protest was this random guy comin up to u as if you had a sign around your neck saying “Please flirt with me i’m single”.- “Excuse me Miss do you know the way to the nearest coffee shop?” - okay maybe it was innocent after all, just a guy asking directions-- “-and maybe after you show me I could buy you a cup?”- oh NO U DID N O T- “Well I can’t-“- No bby Yoosung’s got this. - Taking the hand that was currently intertwined with yours he pulled it up, nearly whacking the other guy in the face. - “Unless you plan on buying me one I. Don’t. Think. So.”- You were shooketh- Glancing up at the guy you shrugged and smiled. “I mean he’s right...”- He just huffed and walked away, shoving his hands into his pocket. - You smiled at your protective bf. - “Awe babe, you were so tough back there” you cooed, only earning a red face in response. Zen- ALL MEN ARE WOLVES, MC!!! W O L V E S- This guy gets jealous over everything. - I mean, e v e r y t h i n g. - “Excuse me ma’am, might I take your coat?”- “HEY BUDDY BACK OFF!”- “. . . Zen that’s his job.”- Most is the time Zen was good at keeping his cool. - Being an actor or what not. - But there was one man who, regardless of what he’s doing, will push his buttons. - Our beloved Mr. Trust Fund Kid- So when Zen found out you were going over to his place a l o n e to discuss the party he interjected immediately. - “Nope. No way MC. I’m not gonna sit here and watch that- that- ... corrupted guy corrupt you!!” - You gave your boy a “ur stupid and ya i still love u but wtf”- “Zen, first off, your insults are awful, and Second off, it’s Jumin. Unless I’m covered in fur and meowing when I get there he won’t be interested in me in the slightest-“- “ACHOO!! Don’t underestimate him, MC! He’s a Man!!! They only want one thing-“- “Fine. Come with me then. But be warned that I will make sure Elizabeth is on my lap at all times...”- “DEAL!”- “Ah, hello MC-. . . and company-“- “AAAACHOO! Hey Trust fu- fuhuhuhuuAACHOO!”- Jumin looked unimpressed but not shocked by any means. - “Ah, Zen, here to make sure I don’t steal MC for myself?” - “Shut the fuck up you Entitled Asshole...” Zen rubbed his nose before walking in. - The meeting went well, other than the every 2 minute interruption of Zen’s sneezing.- Jumin bid you off and you two returned home where Zen finally gained the ability to breathe through his nostrils again. - “See, MC? Wolves. All of them. Good thing I was there though!” Zen called as he walked off to the shower. - You loved him, but next time you go over to Jumin’s you’re just gonna lie about it...Jaehee- It is difficult to get Jaehee jealous bc she is so. oblivious. - literally everything you do goes straight over her head. - She’s incredibly book smart, but when it comes to romance, she’s a lil clueless. - That is until you two go out to dinner and a random guy starts hitting on the both of you because he thought the two of you were out as “just friends”.- “Hey ladies, you both are looking lovely tonight. Could I buy you a drink please?”- “No thank you.” Jaehee was quick to respond, but the guy didn’t get the hint. - “Okay, I get it, what about you, sweetheart?” - oh Jaehee was Salty. - “Can’t you see we’re on a date?!” Jaehee stood out of her chair, causing you to gasp and the man’s eyes to go wide. - “Like. . . Oh god. I’m so sorry. Please, enjoy the rest of your evening.” The man ran off with his tail tucked between his legs. - “Jaehee. . . I-I. . . Wow.”- You were shocked and amazed by your beautiful girlfriend. - “Now, how about I buy you a drink?”- omfg. Jumin- Despite Jumin’s confidence, he gets jealous relatively easily. - And how he handles it definitely depends on the person. - He knows to ignore Zen’s attempts at flirting because of his reputation and career. - Zen isn’t actually into MC. - The stranger at dinner, though, is a completely different story. - You two were at a nice restaurant, enjoying each other’s company, when Jumin excused himself to go use the restroom. - As soon as Jumin was out of eyesight, the waiter brought you a glass of wine. - Before you could protest, seeing as you hadn’t ordered it, the waiter explained it was from the older gentleman at the bar, pointing to wear a man with a nice tuxedo and cigar, unlit, resided. - You gave a thankful wave, which he misconstrued as an invitation to talk. - “Sorry if I’m intruding, sweetheart, but I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are, and me, being set in my old-ways, thought it only appropriate to buy you a drink.” He smiled, going to light his cigar. - “Oh, well, that’s very kind sir, and I do appreciate it, but I don’t think you’re allowed to smoke inside...” You cringed as he took a rather large inhale before blowing it above your head. -“Don’t worry, darling, I can do whatever I want in my restaurant.” He took it out of his mouth to tap off some of the excess ash onto a plate used for bread. - You began to cough, the smell making you gag slightly. - “So, whatdya say we get out of here and I show you the town, eh? I’ll buy you anything that precious lil’ heart of yours desires...” He reached for your hand, grabbing it and placing a gentle kiss on the knuckles. - “I very much appreciate the invite but my date will be back very soon and he won’t be happy to see you in his seat...” You warned, looking around to see where the hell your boyfriend had disappeared to-- “Sorry I made you wait MC, I ran into-“ Jumin had been messing with his cuff link but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the look of uncomfort on your face as you motioned towards the man sitting across from you. - Straightening his tie, he cleared his throat to get the man’s attention. - The intruder swiveled in his seat, “Can I help you-“- oh fuck- is that?- “M-Mr. Han? What a pleasure it is to meet you! Oh I’ve heard so much about you and- Oh gosh, how rude of me, Jumin, please meet my lovely plus-one! Isn’t she cute in that dress of hers? Can’t wait ‘till I give her the tour of my mansion if you know what I’m saying!” The man motioned to you and you froze. - You saw Jumin’s eyes go red as his eyebrow twitched and you knew you had to intervene soon before Jumin loses his cool. - “Jumin, wait-“- “Excuse me, young lady, but that is Mr. Han to you! I apologize, Mr. Han, you know how women can be.” he laughed as if Jumin were part of this inside joke. - “May I speak to you, in private?” Jumin smiled, grabbing the man’s shoulder just a bit too tight. The man smiled like a giddy 5 year old. “Of course, Mr. Han! Be right back darling, the men must talk now.” He pretended to be cool as he walked by. You looked up at Jumin and you saw him mouth ‘wait in the car’ as the two walked off. - After sitting there for 45 minutes and filling in Driver Kim on everything that has happened, he chuckled knowingly as Jumin stepped in. - “... So? What happened? Did you call him out? Get free dinner?” You immediately question your boyfriend as he wrapped his arm around you. - “Don’t worry, dear, I took care of everything.” Jumin wrapped his arm around you and asked Driver Kim to take you both home. - The next day you saw in the news “Owner of local 5-Star Restaurant, Mr. Wae, Arrested on charges of sexual assault, meanwhile, C&R Int. has bought the building and places it under new management.”- You’re eye twitched. - “. . . juMIN HAN I SWEAR TO GOD-“707- Your boyfriend was in a grumpy mood because he ran out of PHD Pepper and he refused to drink anything else. - “Seven can you please just drink some water??”- “No can do, MC. My body is a temple and I only fill it with the purest of ingredients...”- “.... sEVEN-“- So, in order to make sure he didn’t DIE, you took him to a local fast food restaurant that you called ahead and made sure they had both HBC and PHD. - “Seven will you please just come inside with me?” He parked the car and looked over at you, groaning. - “But MC~ I drove ALL the way here!!!” He whined abd you gave up. - “Fine, I’ll be right back out, but don’t blame me if I get you Diet PHD instead of regular.” You smirked.- “You wouldn’t....”- “You’re right... I wouldn’t without also getting you BAKED HBC!!” You laughed maniacally, Seven holding back tears. - “You monster...”- Needless to say, he went inside with you, but got you two a table while you ordered. - “Hi may I please have 2 orders of the Number 5, both large, and can I substitute all the fries for HBC?” you asked the guy working the counter. - He chuckled lightly and nodded, entering in your order. - “Are you the lady that called in earlier?” He asked, making you blush in embarrassment. - “Oh, ya, uh, I guess I just really like them?” You lied, knowing Seven would get salty if you brought him into this. - “Ah, I think it’s cute. Besides, I like a girl who can eat.” He winked. - Seven’s ears perked up at this, your awkward laugh making him chuckle. - “Ah, thank you, but I-“- “Your total is 13.48” He cut you off, and you reached into your pocket and handed him a $20. - “Actually, for you it’s free.” The guy smiled. - “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly-“- “Babe! You’re turning down free food?” Seven had popped up behind you, wrapping his arms around you.- “S-Seven, not now... I’m ordering food.” You laughed, knowing the exact reason your boyfriend all the sudden got affectionate. - “I-I... uh... here.” He shoved the bags of food forward, you grabbing the drink cups and filling them up with soda. - “Thank you! And by the way, you’re not really my girlfriends type, but you are mine.” Seven winked and handed the man his number. - You came back and noticed the guy blushing, and you groaned, dragging him out of the store. - “I swear to god were you being gay again??”- “As HELL lololol”
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 1X20 Dead Man’s Blood
this sounds vaguely like a plot episode, so uh let’s see how this goes
god i can’t believe this is only the second episode I’ve been able to watch this weekend, I am a Failure
So this Mr. Elkins guy looks like he might be a Hunter? maybe?
ooo lady in leather jacket
I don’t care if she’s evil, she’s pretty
Please don’t tell me Mr. Elkins is their “dinner plans”
Ah silver bullets, ok VAMPIRE TIME BABIEEEEEE
Listen, Vampires sexy and I can’t bring myself to watch Vampire Diaries, this is what I got
Dean is trying to get Sam to go back to Sarah ha
ok see the fact that Dean just knew he saw the name Elkins in his dad’s journal: how many times has he read that journal?? 
Also the way he just Knew it was a Colorado area code, that’s a cool skill, I want that skill
also I was right, hunter, but yeah he had the journal with the symbols and such, it was kinda obvious
the ~spooky figure~ is watching them
is it john? it’s john isn’t it
I like this “detective work outside the law” vibe, 
with the etching of the scratches and the paper and the blood on the other side? ah yes the Good Shit
oh look it’s John I did not miss him
The “Sam argues with dad while Dean gets quiet” is....I don’t know how to say it, but older siblings tend to do it
it’s familiar is my point
*cinema sins voice* “If you’re reading this I’m dead cliche” DING
yOu wOn’T knOw it’S a VampiRE these motherfuckers wear all leather and their eyes glint when the light catches them, it’s not that hard?
okok lore: thought to be extinct, cross or stake do nothing, real bloodlust and the fangs are more spiky dentures that grow in
I like the fact that the myth gets garbled and no one’s entirely sure what’s going on, that feels very realistic
Dean: vampires...gets funnier every time I hear it 
Boi wait till u meet ur angel bf
oOO John’s comments about ruining the car hit, you can tell, sibling thinks it’s nothing, fucking CHRIST 
I hate John
"treats us like children” flhasofa
“you’re ok with entirely surrendering to dad” “if that’s what it takes” SFDHAPSI DEAN OH MY GOD UR DAD SUCKS
vampire wears a cross as a “fuck you” I think? That’s pretty badass
“wait for Luther the Vampire” great that’s certainly a Name for the vampire king or whatever
The captive girl spit in his face, good for her
I mean she’s probably gonna die but whatever at least she’s got some kind of something
This luther vampire guy looks like an eboy
Dean is playing peacekeeper that’s Unfortunate and it SUCKS
force feeds her blood with a...lesbian kiss...I feel like as far as humanizing lgbt people this did not do a good job at that
I mean again, super mega hell, it’s not like I’m that surprised
oh yay beheading time 
is John gonna stick around the rest of the season? Noooo
At least he dies
oooo Old Hunter Lore from the 1830s and the pentacle insignia, that’s pretty cool
they’re really just...gonna walk in there....
why the fuck do they sleep in hammocks that’s like the weirdest shit I’ve ever heard
And of course, the vampire leader sleeps in a bed, what lore are they even drawing from here
The drinking vampire blood IS something from actual lore, from what I can tell, but it’s like....kinda jumbled? so they’re picking and choosing
although that is how most lore things work
oh god Sam and John 1 on 1 I don’t like this 
Ok so John did plan for college? then what was his Damage
“stopped being your father, became your drill sergeant” YEP YEP THAT’S IT THAT’S NOT HOW YOU PARENT
this sounds like Hargreeves. Or my dad sometimes, depending on his mood
god i hope no one ever sees this
Dean’s really the only one that hasn’t had a love interest die in a horrible way yet has he
Cas get in here
“whatever happened to that college fund” “Spent it on ammo” 
F U C K 
Are...they...using Dean as bait? is that the plan
dead man’s blood? oh that’s a COOL AS SHIT ELEMENT I LIKE THAT
vampires...mate for life? WHAT??
I feel like Sam also wants the family to be together but has no way to handle it like Dean might
poor older sibling syndrome
THE FUCKING VOICE QUIVERS WHEN HE SAYS “all due respect, that’s a bunch of crap...you sent us on these trips yourself....you can’t be that worried about us”
F U C K 
Ah fuck I’m either tearing up or there’s something stuck in my throat
This fucking vampire with the sideburns what the hell
“boo” Smacks with baseball bat
Have I mentioned how much I love Dean? I don’t think I have yet, I love him
at least the lady is wearing something nice
does the Rage Switch and Bloodlust and Sexiness just fucking happen? what the fuck?
Luther the Vampire has a nice jacket, that’s a nice blue jacket with accents
oh John’s getting pummeled? should i care
ah wait this is gonna hurt the characters I actually care about, I guess I’ll halfheartedly root for him
did sam just say sir? and Dean not?? CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT or SOMETHING??!!
ok listen, the “We’ll go together” Sam smile, Dean looking dead/dissociating as they say yes sir? hits DIFFERENT
Ok uh wrap up?
1. Vampire lore was HELLA interesting, with the eyes glowing, dead man’s blood, second set of fangs cool. The “mate for life” thing was WEIRD, and how garbled the myth got was kinda the point so I liked it right up until the end. The one strange thing is the woman acted INSTANTLY evil once she got turned, and then they framed like people trying to live their lives was a bad thing by reinforcing it both with the visuals and the story. So like 10/10 except for the last ten minutes(hell I’ll even take the hammocks, that was kinda funny), which were just...why
actually speaking of lore, the hunter network lore and stuff was also really fun, I liked that. Again, all good except for the ending bit as far as lore
2. John....fuck john....fuck him so much I hate him so much what the hell
3. In all honesty, we haven’t gotten a lot of Dean recently, and getting that again(with that killer performance holy SHIT) is just? Oh my god?? The way they both handle being with their dad in different ways? Dean playing peacekeeper and desperately trying not to rock the boat because the oldest tends to get more shit? the hardcore dissociation at the end????
Listen I’m an older sister, of course I’m gonna project at least a little bit, leave me alone he’s my favorite emotionally stunted character 
I guess we’re coming up on the end of the season, and tbh, the only good part about this is that it means john will die soon. That’s gonna be a Time. ok, till next time wheeeeee
0 notes
chelsanitys · 7 years
anon post
for all 3 of my fans
i live for ur wit and sass
thx n same
Dont fuck with the best! Kate works hard to get the craziest anons to post in her yard, and I've got nothing but respect. There's no fan in the fandom as genuine and earnest as she is. Wishing her and her cats a long and healthy life!
lmao yall need to quit
you've probably answered this already but what do you think will give vm the best shot at the OG?
a good short dance + a good free dance + gui missing the catch-foot on his twizzle again
Are you taking the bar exam this summer?
no i just finished my first yr
I will cry if T&S end up together, They would be a horrible match. Surely I'm not the only one who sees this??
i am ashamed that this is the level of trollin i get. step up ur game!!
"i hope tessa marries semple so i can see all the shippers cry tbh" Poor Alex! Marrying him would probably restore his self confidence and prompt a return to the cfl! Still holding out hope!
honestly alex was the hottest of all her bfs. fedor is balding, has a dad bod n is wearing khakis on the beach now. and semple was always fug. also rl talk i didnt know canada had its own football league until this guy came around. thats so cute for canada
"i hope tessa marries semple so i can see all the shippers cry tbh" I want her with the Bitove guy. His family looks like the type that will post tons about them on sm afterward.
lmao yall know his grandfather started the toronto raptors?? i knew this brodie’s last name sounded familiar. also apparenty he and his fam golf at trump’s resort @ mar-a-lago VOM. tessa is 500% going to end up with a smarmy, filthy rich trust fund kid like him like its not even a question
Hey now. I want shippers to get overthemselves, too, but Tessa marrying Semple, god no. Basically, Tessa, open your eyes and save yourself.
lol i actually wish she was still dating him so all this mindless speculation rn would stop
Bitter and hateful is what I come here for. Anons should just fuck off and go to the Disney website if that's what they want.
vm fans are so damn soft n sensitive about everything lol, i rly wish some of yall would stop taking everything i say so seriously
Please come back, without your snark the fandom is controlled by the most delusional shippers.
i’ll post more when there r actually things 2 talk about. being around here when nothing is happening and ur all screaming into a vacuum about the same things over and over is like being institutionalized in a loony bin
why are you always up so late?
nhf for this east coast bias, it is a perfectly reasonable time in california
Which of the current/rising juniors do you see making tbe most impact next quad?
carreira/ponomarenko are going to win a olympic medal in 2022. even if the shibs, h/d and bock don’t retire, i see them easily rising through the pack - they just have the Look and aren’t without talent. i’m iffy on the rest - mcnamara/carpenter are too creepy and weird, parsons have no height difference and are siblings, both are coached by an unproven staff, everyone else are varying levels of mediocre. hawayek/baker will go to worlds 2018 if they’re lucky and prob never again if no one else retires.
i wouldn't take h/d's music choices as an indicator of what vm will have. they are the c team and vm are the a team in that camp. look at last season... h/d got stuck with marie-france's lame ass idea of the evolution of music and vm got prince.
true..... altho i think personal taste is important too. tessa would die b4 she ever approved an ‘evolution of dance’ sd
I want Tessa to steal Fedor back from Meryl. All that drama would be hilarious. Fedor lost his looks and is butt ugly now so he is exactly Tessa's type, even more so than in 2009.
i nvr thought he was that cute but he literally looks like he goes door to door selling pool cleaner now
I noticed that when Tessa shakes hands or kisses someone on the cheek (like during medal ceremony or interviews) Scott often puts a hand on her lower back even though there had not been any physical contact between the two of them before said handshake or kiss. It just always surprises me and I'm not sure I understand why he'd do this. What's your take on it ?
lmao ik u want me 2 say its bc his subconscious is screaming out in jealousy and he wants to covertly claim her and show the world she still belongs to him but i rly think they r just touchy ppl who like to touch. or hes makin sure she doesnt lose balance and fall off the podium as she’s leanin over
moulin rouge would've been a much cooler choice in 11/12 for their musical fd instead of funny face, but i don't see them doing it for their olympic fd. it's a bit tacky and overdone. i figure they'd want to do something that's a little bit more special and unique then that.
ia it wouldnt have been a bad filler fd for an off year. i just dont see it doing it for their Last Ever and for the olympics. its such a warhorse - what could they possibly say with it thats original? and its such a character piece - they r such overly emo, earnest ppl, i dont think they’d want to do something that different from themselves for their Last Ever. 
huh what, vm don't stand a chance against moonlight sonata?? Pls... that would be a flop, such an overused piece of music everywhere, it's like Für Elise - hearing the first notes of it makes me vomit in my mouth a little
ya bc no one’s ever won a gold medal skating to a warhorse before
it sounds more believable to me than vm and moulin rouge tho
What interpretation? PC will just float around. They can do that in any key and judges will eat it up.
true, gui gui is a demon
No way. The judges will think they're watching Gordeeva/Grinkov again and just hand the gold to them immediately.
remember when pc said they didnt even know who torvill and dean and g/g were lmao
If scott doesn't cut his disgusting gutter frat boy hair I'm renouncing my Canadian citizenship and moving 2 Peru
was legit lookin @ pics from autumn classic n skate canada and i cant believe how short his hair was then, i can not believe i was complainin so much. i am honestly such a whiny bitch lmao this is my punishment
i have mixed feelings because Prince is the best short dance of VM's career so far but then Latch was one of the worst lol. It dragged in a lot of areas, especially the middle, and it never felt complete. I don't hate it by any means but considering we only had 2 free dances left and that was one of them... :| so I'm torn between trusting MF, and then thinking she's one misguided song choice away from ruining VM's swan song.
the thought of mf picking out the music for vm’s last ever fd makes me kind of sad. like yall have no ideas? at all?? ur relying on instagram suggestions and mf’s adult lite fm spotify playlists for inspiration? im surprised n disappointed tbh, like they arent kids anymore, i thought they would take more ownership of their careers. 
but idk we’ll see. whenever i complain a lot, i usually like their material later lol
why do i feel like vm are gonna come out in their sd with despacito... the justin bieber version...
ok who is this person who keeps sending me despacito questions?? you sound like you want it to happen more than anyone else and are trying to will it into existence
It's funny because Tessa is SO cautious about everything she/they say, that she comes off/is rehearsed--I don't understand why she cares so much. They are not politicians or even super famous. Plus most people who watch (excluding Tumblr fans bc they're all extra) watch during high times like Worlds and Olympics. Most people don't watch interviews and press conferences. If they do watch one, it's usually only the fun "game" interviews or the mainstream ones like etalk which they are not tons of
idk what this is in reference to but ok lol. it prob matters to her bc its her life and she cares bc its happening to her? just spitballin here
Oh no what has Max Trankov said I'm scared to know now. If he's a Trump fan I might have to #nopeout lol he’s russian and a male chauvinist pig. he once said he wouldnt do a quad with tati until she had a baby for him...”and then maybe we try”
still gonna stan his trash ass to the end of time tho
Speaking of bad music cuts I could not stand the way HD's music was cut this year. Like I like all the songs they used individually but it just felt so weirdly put together like the songs didn't flow well into the next. The only part I liked was the last part with earned it.
really? i thought earned it was the part that seemed completely out of step with the first 2 pieces of music. the transition was way off and the tempo was so much faster than the other 2
The Facebook q&a is the first time I felt vm are actually compatible enough to be a couple.
should’ve published this steaming hot take when u sent it a month ago bc i have no idea what this is in reference to now
what do you look like?
tired mostly
haha funny how we went from vm are in a relationship to they hate each other.
dont ‘we’ me bitch i have nothing to do with this fandom’s daily emotional yo-yo-ing
Can you explain the Tessa/Kaitlyn Weaver friendship? Are they really friends? Kaitlyn seems like the kind of girl Tessa would make fun of behind her back.
more like kaitlyn weaver is tracy flick and is trying to bring down everyone in her path tbh
I get a bit of a superiority, cold vibe with Tessa, don't you?
no but i dont have self esteem issues
I think people who find Tessa cold and snobby do not get her at all. Yes, she is far from perfect and her feminism is all (...) but to call her cold and unfeeling means you haven't been paying attention at all. Like get off her dick and/or stop following her career.
i dont think shes cold either. standoffish maybe, but i dont feel like thats from superiority or aloofness. some ppl just want to mind their own business and chill?? not everyone’s a chatty cathy like scott
Music stresses me out. The only thing I've gathered from all of the various discussions is they should be exciting but not too exciting because it's an Olympic season. But they shouldn't also be too safe. Like I know you have mentioned various choices that would be good but what would be in your mind the ideal program, both SD and FD. It's their third Olympics, so how do they build on the past while still being fresh but also them. Or do they just not and give the audience what they want?
something original thats not a warhorse but is also audience friendly and is instantly musically palatable to a lot of ppl
so basically mahler
Which songs from moulin rouge should they use?
if they were doing mr (which i doubt), the orchestral score is 500x better than the cheesy ass nonsense from the soundtrack. like come what may with nicole kidman’s tremulous bird vocals and ewan mcgregor literally straining not to pop a vein would almost be too dramatic and Too Much. i think that kind of thing only works for a v specific kitschy, performative kind of team (a la russians) and wouldnt vibe with vm’s super earnest approach at all. but the orchestral score is genuinely moving and effective in a less garish way
but i dont think they’re doing moulin rouge lol
"the movies honestly made it hard 4 me to interpret hermione’s undying loyalty and devotion to harry as anything other than latent sexual attraction tbh lmao" Hahaha, pretty much. Plus, the whole Harry and Ginny thing, even more so in the movies, seemed to come out of nowhere and was cliche as fuck.
is bonnie wright still acting? i’ve seen dead fish more alive than her on screen
LMAO someone posted a clip from VM's show when they were having dinner with WP and they were talking about how WP live together and they ask VM how they deal with one another and LOL I stg I started loling cause their reactions were #priceless. S literally just had a WTF look on his face while he said something hella awkward & T looked like she wanted to slap him. Her follow up that she doesn't think they could ever spend all their time together just cements why they'll never date for me.
lmao that whole scene is so stupid. kaitlyn n andrew r such good friends i swear
Thanks for setting that anon straight. Set some boundaries so that they don't egg on shippers?? WTF. They're fine with doing what they're doing, and if they're dating others, those others are obviously fine with it too. Besides, it's not like they're filming porn or something. If you can't handle it, stop watching them.
idek what these r in reference to anymore but it sounds dumb as hell lmao
Wow I cannot believe that people actually think VM owe fans any explanation for their relationship/partnership. Like we don't know them, we're never going to know them or be friends with them? Why the fuck do they owe fans a detailed explanation of their personal business? I stg these shippers have lost their damn minds. As long as VM continue to put out good programs and do well I couldn't care less what they're doing off ice. Whatever it is it's clearly working for them. You do you VM.
the entitlement of some fans is insane. its STILL happening now with tessa’s ig now too. why dont yall just let her live n let her white-girl post to her hearts content. she is literally doing nothing differently to what every other skater does, idg this absurd criticism
Fr tho both of them have such nice teeth and I've never seen pics of them with braces, like how??!?!
tessa’s r so nice i cant believe she’s never had braces. and they r such a natural white? like u can tell w most skaters that they get it professionally whitened but hers dont have that artificial look at all
Are you in college? Your bio says 23 but it said that last year too.
i actually turned 24 a while ago im just 2 lazy to change it. im in law school currently
I just read an ancient interview with vm where they said Mahler was about getting married or something... WHAT
ya i cant remember if it was them that said or marina that said it tho. i remember a story about a guy who wrote them saying he and his gf were watching mahler at the olympics and once it was over, he was so moved he got down on one knee and proposed to her and marina was like ‘thats what that program is meant to do’ lol
Do you think Zach is a good skater and partner? I keep changing my mind on him.....
he is such a bland, wet noodle - no taste, no flavor, just empty white carbs. its up to madi to add any spark to the team bc she’s the real star, he just stands there and is tall and can lift her
Why the fuck are so many people freaking out because Tessa did not attend a wedding with Scott. 1. They are not dating so there are no reason for Scott to bring her. 2. She has people visiting 3. I bet they don't even hang out off ice 4. I think Scott has a secret girl in Ilderton. 5. TS not dating. I wish people would claim down.
this is so far back in my inbox i have no idea whats happening
I love it that whenever Tessa posts an IG story the fandom goes crazy analyzing and speculating about Scott what there even when he is clearly not Then there there are talks about TS wedding. WTF Soon it will be TS having babies. I am wondering if maybe the fandom (new fans) are mixing reality with those fanfics.
honestly no clue
I know this has been discussed before but I don't get how Scott and Jess even communicated. Jess could barely seem to understand English back then and Scott couldn't speak French. I wonder if them not being able to speak to each other is part of why they lasted so long actually
lol bryce davison actually learned french so he could communicate w/ her. not scott tho lol
I don't think T cares too much about fs friendships the way other skaters do. Of course she's friendly with a lot of them but she's not really close with anyone except her partner, which doesn't really count lol. She has her own friend group outside of skating and that's what she seems to stick to. It's funny you mention Meryl, Brooke, Tanith, and Lauren because they're all still really good friends.
honestly i think skating stressed (stresses?) her out so much back then that she really hated being in that world for too long. i dont blame her for wanting to disconnect and not having to hang out with skaters who just talk about other skaters and skating 24/7
I don't mean this in a mean way. Watching Avatar.  If you paint Meryl's face blue she could be in the movie 
it kills me when ppl say she looks like a disney princess? ya the ant queen from a bugs life maybe
I think Tessa sometimes forget that Scott is a huge part of why they are successful and she wouldn't have all of these deals w amazing brands if they weren't so strong+didn't win everything. it's easy to put her on the pedestal bc she's gorg and can dance, but he should get/deserves just as much credit-- i mean he is the one lifting her and she could not do any of this by herself. sometimes i get the vibe that she thinks she's too good for him. maybe he's not as fancy, but he has a heart of gold
i’ve literally never gotten that she thinks she’s too good for him...? they go out of their way to pay each other compliments all the time and dont even jokingly diss on each other. its actually kind of weird that after knowing each other so long their relationship isnt just one long roast section where they talk shit about each other bc thats what my relationship w/ all my lifelong friends r like....but then again im a flinty bitch and they’re super earnest and emo like all the time. like i bet they both cry during sex
i find it kinda gross, disturbing and a bit pathetic that so many people feel the need to write erotic fan fiction about Tessa and Scott--like they are real people not characters, and it's kinda creepy that people spend so much time writing and reading them. Also, i would pay a million dollars to have someone show TS what people write about them--they would literally die and so would i--some fans are kinda extreme crazy
u know how on graham norton when he’s always showing celebs really erotic fanfic and fanart of themselves and they’re just dying of embarrassment?? i would literally pay everything in my bank account (so like....twenty dollars) for someone to do that to vm
omg it's gonna be so awk when tessa and scott have to see klawes...poor klawes, she just could not hold a candle to tessa. still don't know why klawes still follows tessa's insta--like i would unfollow and would not wanna see some of the pics t posts of TS giving each other lovey looks/touchy regardless of whether ts are together or not. also, it's never like t and klawes would actually be friends bc they're polar opposites
v disappointed that the olympic summit did not deliver on this #drama
tessa and kl were real friends tho, i think its sweet. and its nice they still keep in touch even tho scott is a dog
Are you a fan of tessa's style? She wears so much expensive yet ugly shit in my opinion.
lmao no. i think some of her casual wear is cute, but she wears some of the most hideous high fashion shit ever when she’s going out. like that blue carpet jumpsuit? yall know wht im talking about. those hideous trousers??? also she wears an unbelievable amount of boring black dresses
also gf needs to do smth with her hair. tired of her high bun and slick pony. she looks way cuter w/ her hair down imo
Do you think Tessa pays for all the Adidas stuff she wears?
no she def gets it for free. i was a walk-on my freshman yr of college for half a second and even i got a bunch of free shit from nike
How do u as an ed sheeran unstanner feel about ts doing these songs their obviously using him for the sd next season and i wouldnt be suprised if they use him for the fd as well
reading this made my cholesterol go up
really hope they're exhausting all the ed sheeran options now so they won't actually use it for comps lol
ngl i do kind of dig that embarrassing white boy rapping galway girl song but that cld prob just be my girl saorise ronan hypnotizing me like she always does
Minus the horrific man bun, do you think Scott's hot? Also, do you think Tessa finds him attractive?
no and probably yes now that hes so fug
Do you think Scott's attractive?? Also, do you think Tessa being told she's beautiful constantly on sm has made her get a big head--she often comes across as a bit cold and stuck up prancing around in her $1000 + outfits? Love her and she's gorgeous but...
some of yall need to stop projecting your shit onto tessa for real 
Power plays of the figure skating journalists. Inside Skating does a very literal interview and article with P/C which blows up and then they go to Jackie Wong so he can basically write up a damage control press release. Kind of fascinating to see both journalists doing their thing with the same content. Hard to believe Inside Skating didn't think their article would create a storm. Interesting.
speaking of jackie, skaters r really going to him for their exclusives now huh? dying that ashley gave him her big la la land fluff piece instead of tsl. pays 2 be nice and kiss ass
Doesn't look like KH/JLB will have much of a chance to advance cuzis so crowded with the current seniors not retiring and juniors moving up. KH/JLB needs to work on their twizzles, thier lines, skating skills, chemistry looks promising. Some of those junior and senior teams should consider representingif they want a chance at aCanada doesn't have any promising teams once VM-WP retire. I feel like CB, SS, HD ain't retiring till they win Wch or OG which may never with PC around.
hawayek/baker could prob skate for gb because jean-luc has citizenship and carreira/ponomarenko could prob skate for canada bc she’s from montreal but i doubt the us fed is letting either of them go. they’ve invested way too much at this point. i don’t think c/p need to move tho, i think they’re talented to rise organically through the ranks. i think they’re more likely to be us #1 instead of not tbh
I don't understand the whole David and Tessa affair; like some people say it happened after he was separated and others talk like it was a full blown affair. The only thing I do know is that her being called a "homewrecker" or anything else of that nature makes me want to punch something because it's disgusting, and it's society go-to response. Be cruel to the woman and basically give the man a free pass. But maybe he received shit, too? I just never heard about it.
i think he was basically separated but not divorced when it happened
Do you think if TS and Cappelini and Lanotte switched partners they would be a good team?
lol no. anna’s not a great skater and luca looks like he’s shorter than tessa
Wait is that Tessa's ex Semple in that photo you posted of her pre and post nose job? Cause if so damn does she lowball herself. Like she could have such better looking guys I do not understand. Girl is very pretty she needs someone to help her pick better guys.
~we accept the love we think we deserve~~
I think T is cringeworthy as a speaker bc she's sooo gd rehearsed. Not a things she says comes across like she didn't practice it in the bathroom mirror 75 times that morning. She would be pretty good if she could lose even half the pretension in her delivery and tossed out the eye rolly words she keeps littering the sentences with like privilege and journey.
they honestly both suck. she’s worse than he is, but they’re both super stiff. and they always do this forced banter bit at the start which just seems so awkward lol
That one anon pointing that some have denied the nose surgery - this is exactly what annoys me about those shipper blogs, not that they are shippers (you can want them two to be together- that by itself doesn't bother me), but their ways and how they always have to insist on vm's perfect image - they all get so upset and aggressive when you point some issue out, like why would you deny Tessa has done a nose job... so out of touch! vm are interesting exactly cause they're real people with flaws
i can not believe ppl r denying her nose job. like yo its right there. it does lend credence to my theory that all shipprs r just hallucinating n seeing things that arent there tho
If Tessa and Scott did hook up while officially with SOs I have a feeling they wouldn't consider it cheating.
ok lmao??? im sure something extremely profound i said provoked this
how rich do u think scott and tessa are???
prob millionaires by the time 2018 comes around if they get their sponsorships
i might do part 2 later if i can be bothered... but nothing really makes sense out of context lol, its like watching charlie kaufman do slam poetry
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zoenightstars · 8 years
Post-It Notes, ch9
on Ao3
ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 | ch7 | ch8 | ch9 
IT’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly posting this is making me super nervous because it’s been such a long wait? which im very sorry about? so i owe yall a really good chapter in return for u guys being so lovely and patient <333 
thank you to @sadrien and @reyxa for being the best cheerleaders ever, love you guys <3 also HUGE shoutout to sadrien for beta-ing (ish??) for me. god bless i lov u 
as always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!!! (please reblog omg i want 2 know what u guys think!!!) 
Adrien is drowning. The harsh blue of the memory of her eyes pull him in deeper and deeper, and Adrien doesn’t know if he wants to stay above water anymore. He now knows for sure that the post-it notes had been Marinette, but he still almost can’t believe it. It feels like a dream that is too good to be true, but Adrien hasn’t woken up yet.
Adrien is so in love. And he is so fucked.
Adrien sinks into his chair as he spins in it absentmindedly. The words “I love you” scrawl their way across his vision again and again and again. He hugs the note to his chest.
“I love you,” he murmurs, swooning a little as he says it.
“Aw, Adri-chou! I didn’t know you felt that way about me!” Plagg coos as he zips into view.
Adrien rolls his eyes. “Plagg, you know I hate it when Chloé calls me that.”
“Adri-fromage, is that fucking better?”
“I hate you.”
Plagg’s tail droops in mock disappointment. “You said you loved me! I thought we had something special, Adri-gruyére!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Whatever you say, Adri-parmesan.”
“That cheese isn’t even French, Plagg.”
“Hey! We don’t discriminate here.”
“Whatever. The point is, Marinette said she loves me!”
“Disgusting,” Plagg replies.
“I'm not sure you're understanding the gravity of this situation. She said that she loves me.”
“Mhm. Can I have cheese?”
“You're heartless. I'm calling Nino. Get your ass in my bookbag.”
“There'd better be cheese in there,” he grumbles and then disappears into its contents.
As the video call ringtone plays, Adrien stares into space, thinking of his near future with Marinette with equal parts hope, optimism, and abject horror. What the fuck do I do now?
“Hello? Hello? Dude. Bro. Lover boy? ADRIEN,” Nino screeches through the speakers, sending Adrien sprawling onto the floor due to an acute case of being startled shitless with the most notable symptom being falling out of chairs.
“Holy shit! You scared the hell out of me!” Adrien yells as he hauls himself back into a normal sitting position.
“Dude, you were staring off into space with the same facial expression as a lovesick puppy for an entire sixty seconds,” Nino scolds.
Adrien blushes, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Was I?”
“I’m pathetic,” he groans.
“I’m not gonna argue. Anyway, you called because…?”
“I repeat, you called because…?”
Adrien taps on the screen with a confused expression on his face. “Is something wrong with my audio? I heard you the first time…”
“God you’re dense,” Nino mutters. “Adrien. Buddy. Pal. I heard you loud and clear. But what about Marinette could you possibly have to talk about with me?”
Adrien scowls. “I don’t know, maybe she said she loves me and I don’t know what the hell I should do now?”
“Ask her out? I thought that was a no-brainer?”
“No. No. I can’t do that.”
Nino throws his hands up in frustration. “Why the fuck not?”
“Because… I… can’t?”
“You’re an idiot.”
“But think about it! What if she says no?”
“She won’t.”
“Nino, if she says no I will literally die of embarrassment.”
“Good thing she won’t say no, then!”
“Okay. Let’s just say she says yes—”
“—She will—”
Adrien glowers at him. “If she says yes, what will the kids at school think?”
“I promise you, other than me and Alya, nobody is going to give a shit.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one. But why do you give a shit about what she thinks? She sucks.”
“Fine. What about Rose?”
“Gay. Next?”
“I don’t fucking know, Juleka?”
“Gay. With Rose. Next?”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh my god. You haven’t noticed?”
“They’ve been dating for months. No wonder you didn’t notice Marinette was into you.”
Adrien ignores the jab. “Huh. Okay, but what about Nathanael?” Adrien crosses his arms with a sort of gotcha expression on his face.
“Who cares? Marinette isn’t into him, she’s into you!” Nino, clearly, is not got.
Adrien, the smooth lady killer that he is, hangs up on Nino at the suggestion that Marinette is in love with him. Good going.
Adrien’s phone buzzes, and he pushes off from the desk and rolls the chair over to his bed to pick it up.
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 bro did u just hang up on me
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf …
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 anyway do urself a favor just ask the girl out
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf i dont deserve her :/
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 maris a smart girl with standards if u didnt deserve her she wouldnt be in2 u love urself and date her pls
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf r u sure….
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 u have my blessing, marshmallow ~alya
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf hold on ur w alya rn? oh ym gd o has alya been listenign htis whole time hello??? ¿¿¿¿????? dude answe r me dud e
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 read 5:27 pm ✔
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf ARE U SHITTIGN ME THIS IS BETRAYAL nino blocked
Adrien chucks his phone back on the bed. I really need new friends, he thinks, feeling the heat rise in his face. But no sooner does he do this than his phone buzzes again.
From: unknown number To: marshmallow adrien?
From: marshmallow To: unknown number um...sry who is this ?
From: unknown number To: marshmallow ya girl alya B)
From: marshmallow To: queen alya oh
From: queen alya To: marshmallow r u mad @ me? :((
From: marshmallow To: queen alya a little :/ not if u dont tell mari what i said tho
From: queen alya To: marshmallow thank god ok and i wont dw u have my word marshmallow
From: marshmallow To: queen alya thx
From: queen alya To: marshmallow adrien?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya yeah ?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow u rlly like mari, right?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya um yes am i that obvious
From: queen alya To: marshmallow yeah u are but thats beside the point i really think u should ask her out i mean both so i can write that im 2 for 2 as a wingman on my resume but also because ur both my friends and i want 2 c both of u happy
From: marshmallow To: queen alya okay…? wait 2 for 2?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow i wingmanned myself and the boy thank u very much
From: marshmallow To: queen alya im not sure that counts?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow shut up let me finish >:( if u rly like mari which u clearly do dating her would make u happy, right?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya god yes
From: queen alya To: marshmallow ur a nerd anyway i know that if you ask her out, marinette will literally be the happiest girl in the world also i dont know how much longer she can take this post it thing shes like this 👌 close to imploding i worry for that girl anyway long soliloquy short date the heck out of my best friend pls and thank
Adrien puts down his phone and slowly exhales. Well, he thinks. I may not deserve Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but she deserves to be happy.
Adrien hopes he can at least give her that.
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halcyon-writings · 8 years
In that case, hello and thank you for the warm welcome. Could I please get some Vergil (DMC) headcannons on how he falls in love? Original and/or Reboot if that matters. I like them both.🙂
I’m gonna do both of them bc honestly who doesn’t want to have not one Vergil but two of Vergil?
Aight so this Vergil is probably really bad with any emotions that are not anger/annoyance.like bro you better be ready for hurt feelings bc this man is brash (but he still a gentleman tho so mean????)
You’re probably the most patient person ever bc dear god, is he very complex about his feelings. 
Sure he knows what love is (bc his parents ayy) but it seems like such an odd concept to him, who’s literally never experienced it for himself. (Lust is a whole nother thing so) and noah fence but like he could’ve HAD A GOOD LIFE WITH HIS FAMILY AND KNOW ABOUT LOVE IF MUNDUS HADN’T FUCKING RUINED EVERYTHING BC HE DECIDED TO BE AN ASSHOLE
Tumblr media
*side eyes @ mundus* I MEAN it’s not like ur bro was HAPPY or anything like that
But when it comes to falling in love, he’ll definitely be more tolerable of you and if you make any mistakes (he’ll still be an asshole tho). If it were anyone else then they’d probably get like killed or smth.
he’s also pretty bad at expressing his feelings towards you, like vergil,,, my dude,,, are you constipated or trying to let out some emotions pls decide thanks 
before you were around, he was all about having that power™ and now suddenly without any kind of warning, he thinks of you and is blushing like a school boy (i hc that he blushes all the way to his ears and bc it’s vergil I die), and he gets a weird feeling in his chest. (bro ur in love, ya not sick), lowkey he’s like really petty with you for some reason because of this, but you’re just confused af, like wth dude I’m trying to help you here, but when you try to end your “partnership” (bc you’re both probably working toward some goal that’s probably gonna end bad) he’s gonna be mad at you (even though you’re like: “Excuse you???? you’re the one being an ass here???)
but listen when all is said in done, if there’s a person that he has feelings for, you best know that he is protective of them. Anything or anyone that tries to harm you isn’t gonna live long enough to even say sorry, his excuse is that you’re valuable to his plans, and losing you would mess up everything that he worked for but nah man everybody and their grandmother knows the real reason why. 
But, even if his actions make you believe that you’re always second to his plans in importance, Vergil will always make you a priority, and he doesn’t want to lose you.
my dude, if we’re being honest here, this vergil will be much better in expressing himself like no offense to og vergil  (still love him tho) I’m pretty sure here he got adopted after Sparda erased his memories so at least he had a semblance of a kind of normal upbringing.(until we all realize he’s not that different from the original but that’s beside the point). 
This version of Vergil is a little less brash compared to his reboot counterpart, so you’re treated a little more nicely. But if this Vergil is falling in love with someone, he won’t let you know, and he’s naturally polite, so you think he’s being friendly with you, until you realize , hoo boy this guy likes you. It might not seem like at lot at first, but he’ll actually flirt with you a little, But it’s really low key, so you don’t actually notice.
For example, if you’re a part of the order, he’ll actually have you working close to him, and he actually values your work and intelligence, so that’s a bonus. But if you’re a regular civilian, if possible, he’ll always make time to visit you at your job (this is highkey because I’m a sucker for a coffee shop/bookstore au) and spend a good portion of your shift there before he has to go back and work. 
Also, if you’re okay with it, he’s a gentleman and won’t push his boundaries against your own comfort, he might be a little more touchy-feely (nothing too extreme though bc apparently he’s only being “friendly”). He’ll brush his shoulders against yours, maybe stand a little closer to you than usual. 
Expect small gifts or flowers here or there, since Vergil was adopted by a rich family, so he wants the best for you. You only know that these gifts are from a “friend” and they’re probably a bit more expensive than what you’re used too. But Vergil’s trying his best dear reader, so let him do it.
So when he makes his feelings a little more noticeable, expect him to shy away a little bit, because I feel like this would be the first relationship for a while, so he doesn’t wanna mess up (it’s really endearing)
Another thing I feel like he’ll do is trust you enough to tell you of his true intentions after he defeats Mundus, but like he has to be careful with that, because if it makes you thing the wrong things than he could possibly have ruined his chances with you. (But I feel like this would be a while after he has told you of his feelings and that the two of you are together for a while, love the possibilities for angst with this mmm yes :^))))) good) 
Now, who would I pick if given the choice?
Omg now that I think of it I don’t even know myself lmao but yeah pick your bf my dudes
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warwidowed-a · 7 years
here are my collective thoughts on my first listen at b.andstand on broadway. a lot of comparisons are gonna be made to papermill just because i’ve been listening to it for like six months straight waiting for this transfer, so it’s the version i’m used to. this post is NOT spoiler free, by the way. alright, let’s do it.
opening/just like it was before:
totally new arrangement from what it was at papermill, but i still really like the song
lyrical similarities right off the bat to ‘right this way’
“i’d like a good nights sleep, is that too much to ask?”
“the cream always rises” hmmmm, i see what y’all did there (see: donny novitski)
“you talk in your sleep” “i should have warned ya”
why is this score so lit
“if i can’t play, then what’s the point of making it back home?” have i mentioned today i love donald novitski because i feel like at this point i need to say that
that last harmonizing note fuck fuck fuck
donny novitski:
pretty much entirely the same as papermill
donny has some serious animosity at frank sinatra
i like hearing this song with the full orchestra though it’s lit
“donny needs something to block all the memories and break his insomnia spell” again, hello, i love donald novitski thanks
corey cott could kill someone with that last note his vibratto is killer
scene before i know a guy:
“we’re not open yet” “your back door is”
i still can’t believe they call michael ‘rubber’ through most of this show
i know a guy:
the “drivin’ me nuts’ joke is still hilarious
why is nick radel me
“how do you miss a b flat? it’s a b flat trumpet!”
why did they skim wayne and johnny shy though like we got full scenes with davy, nick, and jimmy why not them too??
ain’t we proud:
still a catchy song but not one of my favs
corey fucking cott teaching himself piano for this show and you wouldn’t have even guessed what a fucking champ
post-ain’t be proud, pre-who i was:
i love johnny simpson more than anything in this life i will choose his happiness over mine every time
“how much slower will you get, will they put you in reverse” FUCK
you can hear johnny mumbling “sunday.... sunday” before he asks what day of the week is sunday i swear to god i would die for him
“the high balls are on me” “i don’t get it” “well see, griaffes are really tall”
“how bad was it?” “friendly fire got him” “were you the friend?” what kind O F FUCKING FORESHADOWING
“aren’t you a little old for ding dong ditch” julia,,,,,, julia,,,,,,,
i don’t like that they have that interlude and have julia invite him over a different day instead of just inviting him in right away. i feel like that could be cut out honestly
“i just want to know what happened” “what will that get you?” “i don’t know, sleeping through the night? closing a chapter? maybe just getting out the door?” juliaaaaaaa i’m a fucking wreck it’s fine
who i was:
the dinner scene:
“you look pretty” “well, turns out there’s better cosmetics than cake flour” Me: Fucking Squints(tm)
“the top of the paprika shaker fell off” i’m
oh shit since they took donny’s parents out of the beginning number from papermill, his mom died when he was thirteen
julia crying while they go through the pictures i’m fine
“your daughter’s voice is beautiful, it’s really high” my god donny
just like it was before (reprise):
the chorus of “donny no” and “what are you doing?” from julia and wayne when he tells julia to come sing with them i’m shrieking
“wait, i gotta transpose” JOHNNY
first steps first:
it’s a bit different than what it was but gd i’d still die for laura osnes’ voice
“no need to be so shy, take reassurance i know how to guide you through the worst steps, first steps first” uh more foreshadowing re: donny
“why don’t you kick it up” “oh, thank god” DAVY
oooh yeah i like this new arrangement
“you want a drink?” “oh i hardly ever drink” “you wanna trade livers” davy please
“the best i could hope is to teach the kids choir at church” “DON’T. TEACH.” i love nick sm 
their names are emily and grady btw 
“as far as i’m concerned i’m one of the lucky ones” “yes you are, you made it home” “no, lucky i don’t remember” again, i would die for johnny simpson too
god damn julia’s voice is so soft and sweet i’m dying. the voice laura uses is even softer than her ella voice i just wanna hug her
heck they kept the “parents warn their kids about people like you” line god bless
“oh a wise cracker! you might be watching too many pictures” uh ya did you not get the “avid cinephile” line, donny?
“i don’t need to be rescued” ur goD DAMN RIGHT JULIA
“i’ll give it a thought but there are a lot of things i want to know about michael” “first steps first” oh fuck i see what y’all did there
“stop touching my stuff with your sweaty hands” this is literally a band full of five year olds
??? this song doesn’t really do anything ???
they could easily cut this song tbh
it’s pretty much just like them rehearsing for you deserve it
you deserve it:
this song didn’t change pretty much at all and it’s still a bop
post-you deserve it/pre-love will come and find me again:
donny and julia bonding over music i’m shook
“michael is buried in some place called manila, i'll never get to manila, i never got to say goodbye. a lot of things just vanish with not explanation and i wanna know. if-if he was in pain, i wanna know how his hands were folded in the casket and if-if his uniform was pressed and his hair was combed right and a million other things that keep me up at night” i’m sobbing 
julia takes no shit and i love her so much
“i survived mustard gas and pepper spray, i guess that makes me a seasoned veteran” davy’s jokes oh my god
awwww julia’s poem
“don’t stay up all night reading them, get some sleep” “eh, gave up on that a long time ago” :////
“when i lost him it broke my soul. who knew my voice could be one part of the whole? well... perhaps someone does” fuck
“gershwin’s got nothing on you” MRS ADAMS 
“i’ll stay up all night, i’m good at that” again i’m ://///////
love will come and find me again:
laura osnes could step on me and i’d thank her
nothing has changed with this song but fuck it’s so good
right this way:
holy fuck this song might just win corey cott a tony nomination
literally the same nothing changed it’s still a bop
i got a theory:
nothing much changed with this song either tbh
i said it probably like twice already but i love johnny simpson
julia still having her moment of trying to convince davy to stop drinking ://///
post-i got a theory:
“was it quick? did he suffer? was he trying to save someone?” “you don’t wanna know”  “for a year and a half it’s all i’ve wanted to know. was he scared? what was the last thing he said? were his eyes open?” AND D ONNY SNAPS AT HER IM “
“i’m still waiting”
oh myg od
they changed michael’s entire death 
donny had accidentally dropped a grenade while they were in a trench and couldn’t find it. he tried to tell michael to get out and he didn’t make it and fuck he’s crying telling this to julia what the fuck has this show done to me
everything happens:
i love mrs adams so much
what would julia have done without her
welcome home:
“you know the first thing he said to me? don’t sing because you need to get the lead, sing because you just need to sing. you know what he said next? the girl who got the lead stuffs her bra with so much kleneex, one cigarette act and she’ll go up” no wonder julia wrote poetry for this guy he was smooth as FUCK
“stop picking up my clothes, if i wanted them in the drawer, i’d put them in the drawer” nick relax
donny singing welcome home i’m in tears
“sometimes i just think, maybe the wrong guy came home” again, fuck this entire show
a band in new york city:
this song is still a bop too
this is life:
idk i like this song but i think i almost prefer “give me a reason”
this also hasn’t changed at all from when they sang it at broadwaycon
but holy fuck do corey and laura sound incredible together
welcome home (reprise):
jimmy campbell: the real hero
“we came, we saw, we said fuck it” DAVY IS ME
the lyrics changed a bit to welcome home and it still breaks my heart
awwwww sweet betsy oh my god
donny inviting her and her family backstage to meet her father who served i’m sobbing it’s fine
it’s literally just a reprise of nobody oh god
it could have been a little longer but !!!!!!
okay, so overall holy shit. a lot changed from papermill. dialogue, songs, you name it. i think the book needs a little re-writing and there are a lot of pointless interludes between scenes that could be cut but!!!!!!! holy fuck overall i love it so much. i can’t wait until we get a video boot i need to see this choreography and ESPECIALLY this is life and before welcome home
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stellarsquad · 7 years
ur turn to answer all of them, lets hear it
thanks michelle ur the binch best
1. Is a kiss considered cheating?
depends on the circumstance, but I’d say yes.
2. Have you ever faked orgasm?
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
shapeshifting, or the power to refill things bc lets be honest that one (1) post was actually quite logical
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?
mmmmmm, maybe. maybe not 7 - 9 yrs but maybe sometime
5. Tell us some funny drunk story.
i don’t drink, so none on that front. 
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex?
didn’t love her romantically, feelings didn’t go both ways. we’re g now though.
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? 
hmmmmm, probably drowning. 
8. What are your current goals?
ace my exams.
9. Do you like someone?
fuck yeah i do!!! 
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?
not sure, actually. generally if someone disappoints me they make up for it pretty quick. 
11. Do you like your body?
it does its job (mostly)
12. Can you keep a diet?
is that a joke??
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
let people live
14. Do you work?
yeah, i tutor beginner trumpet students.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
sushi, probably
16. Would you get a tattoo?
maybe, but probably not. not rlly my style. 
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
18. Can you drive?
i can,,, but am i a good driver?? up for debate.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
not sure
20. What was the last thing you cried for?
i’m playin the lead in a short film about a woman who’s husband dies in a crash and we filmed a scene at a graveyard for that this week, so i cried there about my ‘husband’ dying.
21. Do you keep a journal?
not anymore.
22. Is life fun?
honestly it’s looking up. so i’ll say yes.
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant?
i don’t,,, even know what this question is asking??? yes?? no?? maybe?? 
24. What’s your dream car?
mini cooper, teal. or red.
25. Are grades in school important?
mmmhmmm don’t fuck around in school kids.
26. Describe your crush.
literal angel honestly, the sweetest boy i’ve ever met. 
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?
fuckin baby driver!!! that was good shit!!!
28. What was your last lie?
“dont pull that shit again i stg i will rearrange ur spinal structure until u resemble a goldfish”. it’s a lie i don’t even know how to do that.
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? 
um,,, idk most of my lies are pretty stupid one likes that ^^^ and i don’t lie a lot nowadays anyway. i try to avoid it where i can.
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing?
this is kind of a double standard thing for me, like,, i don’t mind if other ppl cry in front of me and i certainly won’t shame anyone for crying in public / in front of other but i’m always embarrased crying in front of other people. sooooo, idk. 
31. Something you did and you are proud of?
topping 3 of my classes atm, i think. 
32. What’s your favourite cocktail?
once again, not a drinker.
33. Something you are good at?
i’m okay at singing, i think.
34. Do you like small kids?
mmmm, depends on how small. 
35. How are you feeling right now?
exhausted but i always am sooooo,
36. What would you name your daughter/son?
lmao me?? having kids?? is that a joke??
37. What do you need to be happy?
music, my best Friends and/or my boyfriend. preferably all of em.
38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?
mmm, not really?? myself mostly for not doing my work. 
39. What was the last gift you received?
um, idk. probably smnthn for my birthday?? that was at the beginning of the yr i don’t remember. 
40. What was the last gift you gave?
i gave a sloth enamel pin to one of my friends this thursday just gone.
41. What was the last concert you went to?
twenty one pilots!!
42. Favourite place to shop at?
h&m, or jay jays.
43. Who inspires you?
sebastian stan
44. How old were you when you first got drunk?
are there gonna be more of these drinking questions??
45. How old were you when you first got high?
i don’t even drink bruh,,,
46. How old were you when you first had sex?
umm, well i’m ace so,,, no.
47. When was your first kiss?
recently, actually. it was good but the second one was so. much. better.
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year?
stay in a relationship with my boyfriend, and beyond the end of this year, too.
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?
[pulls up 178 slide pptx] where the fuck do i start
50. Post a selfie.
how’s this: https://stellarsquad.tumblr.com/post/159788715857/flora-200417-artist-and-photographer
51. Who are you most comfortable around?
my two Best Friends ever nd my boyfriend.
52. Name one thing that terrifies you.
fuckin hell, spiders man.
53. What kind of books do you read?
fantasy and adventure
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self?
trust your damn instincts. don’t be blind.
55. What is your favourite flower?
orchids!! or roses. hmmm
56. Any bad habits you have?
i scratch nd pick at my face a lot
57. What kind of people are you attracted to?
i don’t,,,, know? i don’t rlly know if i have a type, but lookin back at the people i’ve loved, good sense of humour and good jawline. i guess.
58. What was the last thing you cried for?
fuckin,, cried in A Dogs Purpose in the cinemas i’m weak.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?
if u fuckin come at me with chicken liver,,, i will fight
60. Are you in love?
yeah, yeah i think so.
61. Something you find romantic?
i fuckin love,, holdin hands. like thats dumb but i love it.
62. How long was your longest relationship? 
abt 3 mnthn. 2 ½ i think. 
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
girls are catty sometimes, and some girls think they’re the Queens of Everything regardless of where they are / who they’re with like,, sit down please you don’t have any power here at all.
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? 
misogyny is one thing but that’s grouping all guys together a bit generally so based on one of my guy friends, who is pretty much the only guy i have any contact w besides my bf: if i get any more texts from u tryna argue abt religion when you’re high i’ll delete ur number and change your netflix password.
65. What are you saving money for?
a camera
66. How would you describe your bad side?
a ghost but i think she’s dead. 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why?
i try to be but,,,, hmm. 
68. What are you living for?
idk my friends i think.
69.Have you ever done anything illegal?
70. Do you like your body?
haven’t i already answered this??
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?
i try to avoid it but when i’m sometimes when i’m roasting all hell breaks loose.
72. Ever sent nudes?
73. Have you ever cheated on someone?
no and who the fuck would honestly.
74. Favourite candy?
mmmmm, milk bottles.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!
not rlly sorry. my own?? my sideblogs?? idek. 
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?
77. Favourite TV series?
The Checkout. yeah i’m a nerd!! come at me!!
78.Are you religious? Does God exist?
yeah, i’m Christian but im probably not a very good example of one. and God’s out there alright. He exists. 
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?
honestly,, Emma by Jane Austen can die
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?
props 2 anyone who can do it u are dedicated.
81. How long have you been on Tumblr?
since like,, 2014 i think??
82.Do you like Chineese food?
yeah boyyy
83. McDonalds or Subway?
84. Vodka or whiskey?
-  _-
85. Alcohol or drugs?
-     __-
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country?
heck yeah
87. Meaning behind your blog name?
space gang
88. What are you scared of?
being forgotten
89. Last time you were insulted?
My Best Friend (if she even is that,, MICHELLE) called me a preschooler yesterday nd she can choke
90. Most traumatic experience ?
nov2015 to like,, jan2017
91. Perfect date idea?
stargazing and makin out tbh.
92. Favourite app on your phone?
93. What colour are the walls in your room?
purple nd white
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
not rlly anymore?? probably still dan and phil.
95. Share your favourite quote.
“And just remember, bad times, are just times that are bad.” its from fuckin,,, animal crossing i love it so much it’s so dumb.
96. What is the meaning of life?
live for others, and others will live for you. its,,,, cyclical.
97. Do you like horror movies?
no no no nooooo
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
yeah, i went to state level in a public speaking competition and she cried bc she was proud.
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way?
i’m lucky to have an actual angel as a bf, my guy
100. Can you keep a secret?
yeah. i’m good at those.
and thats all of them!! sorry this is so long guys
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