#fuck you ye olde toontowne
pyromania-princess · 4 months
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blows up yott with my sick ass skateboarding swag skills that i didn't steall the talent off my friend bat :-]
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lizbertmegafig · 9 months
“toontown is about capitalism why are you all ignoring its anti-capitalist message and supporting the cogs”
toontown is VERY blatantly a critique of capitalism yes we all fucking know this. most people above the age of like 12 know this. this is not a new or clever observation
but it is also a fucking light hearted video game originally made for like 7 year olds. it is not that serious. if you wanna post long thinkpieces on the world and the implications of the lore, go for it, but who the fuck cares how other people engage with the silly funny cartoon animal game. oh my god some of you are so deeply joyless it actually hurts to witness
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kittymanya · 9 months
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Stupid little idiot toontown bastards. do not mind the fact that the toons do not have the typical tan mouths im sorry i cannot draw them it never looks correct in my art anyway back to the topic at hand. my gay little freaks. i love them. Actual info under the cut
Sam (he/him) lives in Ye Olde but similarly to 'hysterical harry' he is just a Normal Fucking Guy. He doesn't like living there but also at the same time he refuses to move anywhere else because he grew up in Ye Olde and he's too used to it to leave now. Meeting new people is a hassle he is not willing to confront. He isn't really very 'toony' and tends to act a bit more cog-like, which gets weird reactions from some people even outside of Ye Olde but most ignore it besides a comment or two. Very good friends with Pink but in that sort of 'this is the insane extrovert that just decided to adopt me' way. He loves phones and technology in general and will give you a 30 minute ramble on why smartphones are awesome and how he's customized his own tech if you even slightly give him the chance to, it's the only time he's talkative. 100% gets in creddit moderator fights with Brian/The Prethinker online
Pink (he/they) lives in Daffodil Gardens, he loves art of all sorts and is generally a 'jack of all trades master of none' sort of artist, he just does whatever the hell comes to mind regardless of whether it actually turns out any good or not, he just loves the process of creating. Sort of one of those 'live laugh love' type people, they're very optimistic about everything, even for toon standards, and also likes to be a little flirty every now and then. Very neutral on cogs, they still dislike all the antics they've been up to but otherwise is..generally pretty willing to just chat with them if given an opportunity. Their being a huge social butterfly outweighs their dislike of cogs. Friends with Sam because they met through another friend and he just decided that Sam's his buddy now. Levy (any pronouns but uses he/him most often) lives in Mezzo Melodyland. Loves trying to do magic tricks (both practical effects and attempting 'actual magic') but he is, alas, super fucking unlucky. Nearly all of his tricks backfire in some way, but he continues doing it anyway because he still enjoys it and sees no downside. Either he succeeds and people are impressed, or he fails and he gets other toons to have a laugh. Both outcomes make him happy. (Though it's still frustrating sometimes for him). His bad luck does not apply just to his magic shows, his legs are also invisible because of a mishap with vanishing cream, where, despite applying it to his whole body, the bottle was partly defective and only the portion he put onto his legs actually worked. He was too embarrassed to ask anyone for help about it, and continued to just pass it off as intentional because it themed well with his name. After awhile he just started reapplying it that way willingly, since it also made him more recognizable to others.
Nyte (she/her) is a boardbot cog that was... not meant to exist in the form she does. She was a prototype model and wasn't supposed to be able to think, but she did anyway, and so now just, exists. Since she was supposed to be a test run, a lot of 'typical cog features' are missing or absent with her. Her health indicator is only visible if a compartment in her chest is opened up, her sentences get mixed up often (usually resulting in either repeating whole sentences twice, or using awful grammar/sentence structure). She's basically permanently level 1, nearly any toon off the street could win a fight against her, so she usually tries to avoid situations where a battle could happen. She works two jobs, one at the Mezzo cashbot hq for 3 days of the week (she just comes over and assists with whatever little things people request of her) and the other at Alton/The LAA's office in the boatyard for the other 4 days. She admires Alton very much and wants to be a manager herself one day, even though she knows it's very unlikely to ever happen, so she usually just follows him around like a lost puppy and offers help constantly. The color of her lights changes based on emotion the most often, but she can manually control it too, and usually sticks to light blue. She's very excitable, and acts a bit more toony than most cogs, especially in comparison to other boardbots, but she's also extremely loyal to COGS Inc and will often be overly performative about her 'distaste' for toons, sometimes to the point of making herself crash temporarily. She's based on a silly little cat nightlight i have in my room irl :)
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mocharaycookie · 1 year
How the Cogs of Toontown Online Are An Anti Capitalist Metaphor
autism be upon ye
foreword: this was written as a "fuck it, we ball, pick whatever topic you so desire" research paper for a creative writing class, with a pre-determined format to follow. as a result, my writing style may seem off here. hope you enjoy.
What I Knew and What I Want to Know
While I was both too young and didn’t have the money to fully play the game while it was still under a subscription service, Toontown Online has always been one of my more intense interests, mostly due to the charity that is several private servers that keep the game running, sticking to the original, or branching out into a modernized experience, but for now, sticking to the original game. Toontown Online was a kids’ aimed MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) started by Disney in 2003 and shutting down a decade later, with a pretty lively presence in the genre during this time. The plot was basically that you played as, well, a cartoon anthropomorphic animal, and kept the world cheery and fun against the ongoing invasion of “Cogs”, which are these businessmen robots, heavy emphasis on businessmen, with all the boredom and drab that comes with such. You fight against them using stereotyped cartoon gags, because, well, Cogs can’t take a joke. Rinse and repeat this basic basis with variations of the fighting format all throughout the game as you progress, as well as other stuff to do (grinding gets boring, and Toontown Online was notorious for grinding), and you have what remained successful until it was pushed off to the side for Club Penguin.
I’ve always been much more interested in the Cogs than the toons when it came to this game. Their origins, which elaborated on with a simple flash animation within older installers for the game, are mostly unexplained. And, of course, the unified designs of just average, uncanny office workers with little variation except for head design and suit color dependent on department, are a specific, stylized sort of cool. There’s also probably something to say about my own personal experiences with work and neurodivergency and the want to be one, but that’s not the point.
The point now will turn political – despite the game being aimed at kids who could afford ten dollars a month to play, there are some specifics parts that addle to my now an adult brain, that make it think of the further lore implications, and what it means in the greater scheme of things. What do the Cogs represent? What does the war between the Toons and them mean? Of course, it’s also very easy to compare such a thing to the workforce in our own daily lives, and how big corporations play a role, reaching in, making evil decisions, and yet, giving us no choice but to consume their product. And what would I use any of this information for, to look into the implications of Cogs as a symbolism for real-life capitalism and its evils? Probably just rewording this entire paper into an essay to be posted on my website, but also, for my own fan-writings for the game, because, well, making fan content is fun.
My Search Process
The main treasure chest of information when it comes to Toontown Online nowadays is the Toontown Preservation Project, a website hosting game design documents, concept art, and much more, donated from the developers of Toontown Online while it was still active, such as Bruce Woodside. There’s also, of course, the many still-standing videos and posts on old forums about Toontown Online, as well as the gameplay that remains in private servers (mostly relevant to Toontown Rewritten, which is actually the group that runs the Toontown Preservation Project as well). The documentation is vast, encompassing things never implemented into the game, removed early or in beta testing, but for almost all of the conception, there is no use of the word Cogs to describe the Cogs. Instead, they are called Suits, and no discussion into the robotics parts, either.
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However, these are not decisions that made it into the final game, and thus, could mean nothing at all in the long run. What was in the game, however, was Unites, a reward for completing a certain boss that replenished either your gags or your Laff (the toon equivilent of health), which were considered the most useful of boss rewards for obvious reasons. When a Unite was used, your Toon also shouts “Toons of the World,” and then a slightly varied prose based on the type of Unite. In addition, if you went a little bit out of your way, you could get a Speedchat (pre-picked) phrase of just “Toons of the world, Unite!”.
While if you had any clue of the book or the man behind it, you probably could’ve seen this coming, but there is something to be said of Toontown Online’s central themes and including a rip from “Workers of the world, unite” (Marx), which is straight from The Communist Manifesto. While it has never been confirmed, nor probably ever will, if the recycling from such a fundamental source of socialist theory was on purpose or merely a coincidence, it sure does work for my point here.
In addition, take into account the setting of the game, and how Toontown’s economy seems to hinge upon a plethora of small businesses, there is the obvious comparison one could make to themes of anti-monopolization. Toontown is defending itself against what the fate of plenty of smaller towns has become, which is depending on one or two companies to carry the entire area in terms of business, and while the Toon’s shops all serve all sorts of purposes (but being boiled down in gameplay to just throwing quests at you), the Cogs only have one overbearing one, so at least there’s one major reason to keep them out of sticking their stick into the ground.
What I Have Learned
What I can gather from all of this is actually pretty interesting into the accidental symbolism the Cogs have become over the years, as, in my own eyes, the unavoidable evils of a society that hinges on capitalism and the selfishness of product become more obvious. They are a stereotype, sure, but also a stripped-down truth to the place of most workers in the eyes of company – in the truest form of the word – just another cog in the machine. The robotism of Cogs can also be taken as a symbol of automation, as more of the bottom-line, repetitive work becomes shelved out by machinery and AI to replace humans, at the cost of jobs for those who do not have a specialization in anything at all, or who’s specialization has become the menial labor needed for these, such as factory work.
There’s little variation compared to the colorful forms of toonery you play as, having to fit into these molds, and perhaps, business stereotypes as the Cog types are most often named after. There is no deviation. You serve a purpose, serve it well, and that’s all there is to it. That’s your life purpose. Have fun doing that until you die.
I’m also not the only one who’s attempted to co-relate their own life to the satire situation of Cogs. During the research part, I was stumbling over some less than reliable sources of social media, and plenty of older Toontown Online players had ended up in office positions themselves, and mentioned how, in a way, they had become what they once fought against. Sometimes, this was more obviously aligned with the office positions shown in-game, with one user stating “When I was having an early 20s life crisis when the song Suit and Jacket by Judah and the Lion came out and I have a vivid memory of standing in the shower hating working at a bank and being pushed to ‘sell’ checking accounts and that’s when I had the sleeper memory of toontown cogs awaken in me” (goddessbotanic). In the system of modern life, where one has to almost kill themselves, emotionally or otherwise, just to be able to keep up with the frivalities of modern life, to keep a roof on their head, the best you can do is try and keep your tooniness alive, though only at the side.
What This Means to Me, and How I’ll Use It
I’ve always cared about little silly niche topics to try and explore like this. Though there is probably no true intention to any of the evidence brought upon the table except for really in-line coincidences, it all seems to add up to a more mature way of seeing a game I’ve cared about since my first years using a computer. I’m all too big on nostalgia – most of my best memories of technology were with the early 2010s net, which encompasses the later years of Toontown Online, as well as the earlier years of some of my other favorite games, as well as an era of content that wasn’t as dopamine-trapping and headache-causing as the modern internet feeds. Something like this is a bright, fresh light, and makes it all too easy to keep caring about Toontown Online.
Fortunately, I am not trying to embrace a grave. The spirit of Toontown Online still lives on in the form of private servers that keep the game running and available to play, and, in both spite of what made Toontown Online shut down in the first place and to avoid copyright troubles, entirely for free. The two most popular are Toontown Rewritten, which keeps to the base game for the most part for nostalgia reasons, and Toontown Corporate Clash, which adds new content and quality of life changes to change Toontown and modernize it into an all-new, exciting experience. I’ve invested a lot more hours than I would like to admit on a few renditions of these servers, but time having fun is not time wasted, despite what the Cogs think.
Works Cited
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883. The Communist Manifesto. London ; Chicago, Ill. :Pluto Press, 1996.
“r/Toontown - Ever Realise We Grew up to Be the Cogs?” Reddit, Dec. 2022, https://www.reddit.com/r/Toontown/comments/zmwjtm/ever_realise_we_grew_up_to_be_the_cogs/.
Luthin, Stefanie. “The Unique Anti-Capitalist Journey of Toontown Online.” VGA Gallery, VGA Gallery, 24 Mar. 2022, https://vgagallery.org/vga-zine/toontown-anti-capitalism.
Woodside, Bruce. “Toontown Preservation Project.” Finalized Suit Turnaround -- Toontown Preservation Project, Toontown Rewritten, 28 Aug. 2022, https://toontown.online/Finalized- Suit-Turnaround-4393ef3db89341638e8a55242b79ee0a
Toontown Preservation Project, Toontown Rewritten, https://toontown.online/
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theglizzardwizard · 1 month
Here's some Eve facts because I hate kudos tasks ❤️ and I'm procrastinating
💔🚬🐰: She's on the no ride list for the trolley in Boatyard for life.
💔🚬🐰: She's been banned from Ye Olde Toontown, also for life, and it caused a lot of issues when she had to go there for resistance work.
💔🚬🐰: The first time she got sent to jail was when she shot a stork out of the sky as it was attempting to deliver her younger sister's unwanted baby. (The charges were mostly related to the gun she used being banned in toontown because the stork survived. The baby survived too, and was delivered anyway.)
💔🚬🐰: She's a trans woman and came out of the closet during highschool. It made things awkward with the gang for a little, but they got used to her being her pretty quickly.
💔🚬🐰: She's religious in a really strange way. Fine with drug peddling, extortion, theft, and aggravated assault, but she'll get genuinely angry if you take the name of Disney in vain.
💔🚬🐰: Her oldest nephew (the one she tried to shoot out of the sky as an infant) stays over at her place a lot because he doesn't get along with his mom much anymore. Eve thinks it's just typical teenage toon angst. He'll get over it.
💔🚬🐰: She's only been in one relationship and has no idea how to start dating.
💔🚬🐰: Her older brother and partner in crime, Slim Chance, succumbed to depression when she was 17 and it fucked her up pretty badly. She still doesn't like to talk about it, she didn't even talk to Scott about it when they were married.
💔🚬🐰: Emotionally sadomasochistic. Doesn't acknowledge it, just assumes everyone from Sketchville is Like That. Will never talk about it openly enough for anyone to dispute that idea.
💔🚬🐰: She's terrified of hospitals and medical staff. When she was still married, she relied on Scott to keep her on track with her health. Now that she's divorced, she just takes her meds and hopes for the best.
💔🚬🐰: The toon memory game is her favorite game.
💔🚬🐰: The second time she was sent to jail it was for beating her father half to death. This happened maybe a week after she got let out from her first sentence. The circumstances are related.
💔🚬🐰: Eve was parentified as a kid, but was really shitty at it and now all her younger siblings have sincere older sister issues.
💔🚬🐰: Her addictions started when she was very young, the first thing she took up were cigarettes.
💔🚬🐰: Her least favorite place in Toontown is Melodyland, and for a few reasons. Her favorite is of course, the Boatyard.
💔🚬🐰: She's friends with Travis trash cat. He's like, the one toon she's actually nice to consistently and no one around her gets why. (It's because he was nice to her when she first moved to toontown as a kid)
💔🚬🐰: Eve does everything the council says not to all day every day (swearing/using slurs, being a dick, drinking and smoking in public, getting into fights) but gets away with it because she's Flippy's errand girl.
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Hello everyone, This isn't the kind of post that I normally make, but its a special day for me and I've been trying to parse what I've wanted to say for the better part of a week, so uh,,,, here goes.
@grahamnesspayser, happy almost one year anniversary <3
Okay. We are under the read more I get to ramble now /lh
I have a hard time making connections with people, but with you it was different. We bonded almost immediately when we met almost 3 and a half years ago. It's really been that long? It feels like I've known you all my life ... and in a way I have, all our kin timelines that intersect in familial and romantic ways prove that.
I loved you for way longer than this year, and I know you know that, but I just want it written out too. I've been by your side in the ugliest of times and the most energetic of times, through all the emotions known to man (and shrimp. I think you finally reached shrimp emotions at some point this last year). I think about the time I wanted to boycott my old college's community action committee for calling me from a number in your same area code while I was waiting for information on you and scaring me half to death thinking something happened to you.
I care for you so fucking much. I've seen you grow so fucking much since we met, seen you through your first T shot and every single crisis your mind spiraled up and there's nowhere I would rather be than by your side. My worry when you were on the plane was an unconscious worry I didn't even know I would have until I desperately sluthed out what flight you were on to calm me down.
It's not just you either. It's all of the system. I care so much for each and every one who talks with me. From me and cathals sandwich sharing and platonic-familial bond, to storm's friendship bucket i gave them, to ceecee and I separate relationship, which has an anniversary coming soon - but that isn't the point. The point I'm trying to make is that we as partner systems are so intertwined that it warms my heart. We have made a family between the two of our systems, whether we've noticed or not.
I'm getting tired of talking so I want to share some screenshots then I'll get into more mushy things. If people who aren't Graham are reading this, these are direct from our greatest hits google doc. For Graham, yes these are from the doc but they make me laugh so hard so I want to share them with the world.
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( ^ that one especially, I remember this so clearly like it was yesterday. we were in call when you sent that message and i couldn't stop laughing )
okay uhhhhh I promised that I was gonna be sappier now. I don't think I can get sappier actually. but,,,,
Graham, the other week you said something that I think is absolutely true. We often forget to explicitly say "I Love You" unless we are going through a crisis. Even if its true, we still say it without saying it. It's constantly checking in on each other, It's the sharing in each other's special interests and streaming them at the same time to each other. It's you listening to me ramble about genshin men and me listening to you ramble about the toontown cogs and finding joy in listening to it all. It's our stimming back and forth in an otherwise silent call.
We are both aro-slanted; it is difficult for us to say "I love you" and mean it a hundred percent of the time. Even so, what we can't say we make up for in our actions and time with each other. I can't wait to see you again and just lay together cuddling you, scratching your scalp until you fall asleep in my arms and knowing you are safe and calm.
I love you, my little pacesetter. I love you so fucking much.
Signed with the most sincerity,
Your Shining Aether
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firemama · 2 years
Coworker on the overnight shift: is it true that autistic people like to collect stuff?
Me, focused on sorting and stocking thread: yah. Or, often, anyway. Not everyone. Obviously.
Her: Huh. What do you collect?
Me, sweating, trying to thing of a normal answer that is also true: oh... you know. Things. Uhm... i collect uhhhh. Rocks? Like, crystals?
Her: oh cool, i like big colored rocks! Like the cut ones. The slabs.
Me, trying not to immedeatly infodump about how fucked up quartz classification is: yeah thats agate probably. Nice.
Her, so very unaware: do you collect anything else?
Me, thinking this is probably fine so far: uh. Uh. Nope.
So anyway heres the list of "collection habits i *have*":
Rocks (as stated), mainly trypes of crystal or gem
Round clear orbs NOT marbles with the little swirl inside ONLY clear ones with nothing inside.......
Miniature pieces. Like tiny things. Yes like tiny bread or tiny pots n pans. Yah those.
Pins. Like even bad ones that arent funny.
Scarves. I live in florida. I dont wear scarves. But i collect them. Its a mystery. I like them.
Littlest Pet Shop figures up until very very recently where i tooth and nail forced myself to give them up to give to my younger cousins who are actually young enough to, you know... play with them. Rather than just. Horde them.
Ink and colored inks. Crave more but expensive.
Acrylic Paints. Also expensive so i made myself stop buying it ezpecially since i dont actually paint all that often, but i continue to crave having enough paint to look like a fucking craft store in terms of paint hue options.
Plants. Specifically plants that produce edible product but pollinators are also welcome in my home. This has been a difficult thing to collect because every time we move they die and also it is very hard to keep plants in fucking florida sometimes.
Puzzles. The idle day dream the one day i will collect and put together every puzzle is not only impossible but yet still something i crave doing.
Game achivements. I soent two years tooth and nail trying to get a terrible awful achievement for minigolf perfect game in the fucking Dream Daddy game.
Notebooks. My favorite kind is grid paper notebooks. Spiral, bound, hard cover, sketch, lined....mm...delcious.
Qoutes. I have a notebook of favorite quotes.
My own art work. I have painted exactly 2 (two) ink canvases that i have willingly given away after painting them exclusively to be gifts. And i still fucking regret it.
Sharpies. I steal them if they are near me. I dont ever buy any. I only end up Taking. But i have MANY.
Old Toontown Cards. Im jot like a pricy collector but sometimes i find one at a yard sale and do not Hesitate to get it.
Board games. Want all.
Nail polish. I dont paint my nails: collect anyway.
Wrappers from werthers orginals caramel candies. I had to thrownmine away during the last move........ but i had like 3 boxes at some point.
G2 pilot pens (.7 mm)
(Edit: Dice. Lots of dice. Let the fact that i had to edit and add this prove that there are probably other things i collect that i also forgot to add lmao)
Things i WOULD collect if given free income and space for storage? Things i desperately want to collect?
A fucking craft stores worth of glitter.
Thread and yarn and string. All the colors. Just like acrylic paint. Just like glitter, too. I just want... ALL.
Books. Like the puzzle thing, it is absolutely impossible to collect them *all*. But my brain still wants to.
Food. Its an impulse thing. If one of every food existed in my possession i would be Happy.
Trees. Would need SO much space and land but t r e e s.
Thisbisba weird one, but... house styles? Want to slowly collect accents and designs from different types of archetecture into one house. Build and expand it over time.
Fragrance oil. All of them. Yaaaaa.
Broken glass. I do not collect this because i have common sense.... but i want to.
Ornate eastern hand fans. I do not know why, but it is a passive craving i have had since i was young.
Beads. Duct tape and decorative tape. Paper. Stickers. Whole collections if manga. Whole collections if novel series. Movies and dvds. Every single hard copy disk expansion for the sims 1, 2 and 3. Every single pet in wizard101 and every singly piece of clothing in loveNikki. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. IF I HAD UNLIMITED MONEY I WOULD JUST DEDICATE WHOLE ROOMS TO EACH COLLECTION OF THINGS. I would have all the things, ALL OF THEM.
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(Open Rp) Christmas Story in "Christmas in ToonTown"
On the Second Of November, The day of the dead Has arrives..Saphira's family and Hiragi's family was gathered here to celebrate The engagement In fiesta style. Saphira was So happy and pleased..She and Hiragi had been dating For 6 years..But Little Does she knows that Hiragi and Saphira's Buisness partner Name Helen Iron was Having an affair behind saphira's back for 3 years..and had a 2 year old baby boy that Saphira Did Not Know…But Luckily For Saphira, the servants kids collecting evidence to show..but then Hiragi and helen went into the bedroom and decided to make beast with two backs..thats the big oppertunity for the kids To Expose that 2 Horrible Monsters, So they told saphira to come to the bedroom and so does his parents and saphira's as well..And when She Got to the bedroom door…Saphira opens it and saw Hiragi and helen made beast in two backs and Saphira gasp and screams,
Hiragi heard her and turns and went pale, he saw a wrathful Fiance standing at the doorway..but not only her, His parents and saphira's was there and the rest of the family…they were shocked and appalled of what Hiragi and saphira's buisness partner was doing…Saphira was so furious..Hiragi said with a stutter.
Hiragi:"S-s-saphira, th-this isn't what it looks like!"
Saphira:"Oh! Not what it looks like huh!? It Looks like my "Fiance" Who I got engaged about 2 days ago made a Cuckhold out me with my Buisness partner! Oh whats Next!? Do you have a Love child!?"
Then The kids said yes and they shows her the baby boy who was only 2 years old..and she gives those two a cold look..His parents was furious and grabbed hiragi by the ear and Saphira told the kids and servants to go with the kids and close the Door…when they did..They heard was beating and Screaming and cussing out on helen..and She said,
Then Helen runs out crying and all beat up..Saphira comes out and panting in anger tone..Saphira comes to hiragi and slapped him and Said that her 6 years of this relationship is a shamble..she knew that he's a gold digger and all….and his parents punished him severely and hiragi said,"Damn it! I would've have saphira's money and gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those Meddling Kids! and the Damn Monkey too!" he said referring to the servant monkey…after that..Hiragi and helen pay the compensation and both fired for treason..and The little boy is now under care of his grandparents. As 1 year had passed, Saphira was pretty depressed about the broken engagement..but Now..She needs to start a new life..thats when the fliers came in and ready about toontown being welcome to the creatures that wasn't human..Saphira smiles and knowing what to do..She began to pack her stuff..her Parents bought a lovely manor near the lakes and hills in toontown, she thanked them and left..when she got there..her new life began and next month, Saphira Work as a Lovely singer until Someone saw her after her shifts done and He said…
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bearcina · 2 years
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Welcome to my page, I’m your host, Bear! I’m a 20yr old aspiring author and OOAK doll customizer!
Masterlist (Amazon wishlist)
My pronouns are they/them/he/she/dude
I’m always looking for new friends, I don’t bite! I just write kinky stuff!
My Ask Box is always open, feel free to ask any questions!
Presenting, under the cut!: Q&A!
I see you’re here for the rest of the post!
Where can I find you off of Tumblr?
You can find me on Discord, Bearcina#5637!
My Steam is the same, Bearcina!
My AO3 is Bearcina, and here’s a direct link!
My KakaotalkID is bearcina! My kakao name is Bear'ika (little bear)
I’m on Wizard101 as Maria Rainbowbreath, a level 50-something Balance wizard, I specialize in supports, hit me up for a True Friend code! I just finished Dragonspyre!
What do you use to draw?
I use an XP-PEN brand tablet for digital work!
I do doll face-ups with Arteza watercolor pencils, soft chalk pastels, mica powder, Mr. Super Clear UV Matte Flat, and LOTS of DuraClear in Matte, Gloss, and Ultra Glossy!
My sketchpads are off-white and textured for watercolor pencils! I use Pilot pens for inking, and these pencils for sketching!
Do you have a Masterlist of your fanfics and works?
Yes, and here’s the link to the Masterlist!
I’m into Astrology, what’s your birth chart?
I am a Gemini (sun), Sagittarius (Mars), Libra (Rising), Taurus (Venus), Ares (Moon) and a Gemini (Mercury)!
What the FUCK is wrong with you?
A LOT. I’m disabled and mentally ill from some serious childhood trauma! Here’s a nonexhaustive list of my problems!:
Generalized Anxiety
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Panic disorders
More Depression, but make it ~Seasonal~
Migraines (a LOT)
Herniated spinal discs
Chronic fatigue
And so many more!
I’m also autistic, I have ADHD, dyscalculia, and my brain is about as functional as a goldfish! (surprisingly smarter than expected but still dumb as a damn rock-)
What fandoms are you in? What interests you?
I currently enjoy: (current fixations are bold!)
Katamari Damacy
The Outer Worlds
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 3
Spyro the Dragon
Hades (game)
Pokemon! (Sinnoh, Alola, and Galar right now! I have one of every gen but Hoenn)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, and Explorers of Darkness/Sky (I don’t have time!)
The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Link’s Awakening (all three editions), and A Link Between Worlds and many others!)
Portal 2
Portal: Aperture Tag
Portal Stories: Mel 
Animal Crossing (Check above for my switch codes to play NH with me!!)
Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer
Star Wars, specifically The Mandalorian and things related to Mandalorians! (I’m learning Mando’a with help from the Oyu’baat!)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld 
Good Omens
Prospect (2018) (I love Ezra!)
SCP Foundation
The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel! (podcast)
The Magnus Archives (podcast)
Wolf 359 (podcast)
Elaines Cooking for the Soul (podcast)
MarsCorp (podcast)
Oz 9 (podcast)
StarTripper!! (podcast)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris (podcast)
Welcome to Night Vale 
Mars’ Best Brisket (Podcast)
EOS 10 (podcast)
Distractable Podcast (by markiplier)
The Sims
Sewing, I do mine by hand and machine! (ask me about my machines!)
Historical sewing
Cosmetology (I grew up in a salon, my mother is a beautician and I love dying and cutting hair!)
Acrylic nails (they’re so pretty!)
ToonTown ReWritten (Find me as Fancy Lolipop the bear or Deputy Biscuit the deer!)
Wizard101 (I like playing!)
YuGiOh (I collect the cute cards >w<)
Martial arts (I did karate for many years and i got my black belt! I also like playing with rope darts, though I’m not good!)
Tarot Cards and other such fortune telling things, I’m a pagan and a witch!
Any other questions? Send me an ask!
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thewitchqueen281 · 3 years
Animaniacs HC list
LIST TIME LIST TIME LIST TIME. On a serious note these are just my personal headcanons for both the world, toons, and our three favorite pubby children. And y’all are welcome to add whatever hcs you have!
General Toon HC’s
Toons don’t age. This is inspired by the scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit where we talk to Betty Boop she very clearly hasn't aged or changed in many years.
Toons also can’t be killed (but with the infamous Dip.) But they can be injured. This takes quite a bit of doing though.  
Toontown is courted off and ever since the Roger Rabbit Incident in the 80′s toons have slowly been entering the real world more and more. Pretty much the only people who live in Toontown now are old defunct cartoons who can’t get jobs anywhere else.
Toons do sometimes get other side gigs! In fact its extremely common for even full time employed toons to work second jobs. This is mostly because studios don’t have to pay them for quite a few reasons.
If a toon is drawn a minor (and thereby stays a minor because of course toons don’t age) they aren't technically people. They are instead owned by their studio as an IP (intelligent property (yes this is supposed to sound fucked up))
This was contested in court by the warners in the 90s after their show ended. It went all the way to the supreme court but they were unfortunately shut down and the three of them locked back up in the tower.
It is now once again being contested in court with many new young toons at the helm! Jessica Rabbit is leading the lawyers in this cause as well and the Warners are currently living with her and her husband till the case has been fully mitigated.
Thats all I can think of rn. will add more later!
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jas-michaud · 4 years
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may 29 - june 7 ( my house )
june 7 - 12 ( disneyland )
june 12 - 19 ( louis goes home & i visit @mariguinto )
june 19 - 26 ( i fly to dc to stay with louis & his dad )
they linger on campus a little after graduation ( jas insists on a room 207 + her breakfast together post ceremony and yeah she cried!! ) but don’t waste that much time before flying to montreal to visit jas’s family. thankfully for louis, it’s only a 2ish hour flight so he’s not that sweaty when jas’s older sister picks them up at the airport! her parents wanted to but her father is working and mila insisted she do it because that’s way less scary for a boyfriend though lbr louis is losing either way, he wants her whole fam to like him. surprisingly, mila decides to be chill the whole drive there and jas is thankful because she was positive her sister was gonna try to scare him just to be annoying!
they get to the michaud household and her little sister bee ( not that little, she’s nineteen lol ) runs out to hug jas and then she hugs louis and acts like she just got carried away but it’s because he’s cute and we all know it! jas’s mom doesn’t come out because she is in the kitchen making louis-friendly brownies and these pictures on the internet lead me to believe they taste better than they sound. louis is probs flustered by the attention but hello this is the family that produced jas, they are happy to do the most. a couple hours pass and her mother starts making dinner ( her mom is home because she’s a teacher so it’s summer vacation for her too obvs ) and her dad comes home and she hugs him and truly in that exact moment realizes she will not be there for father’s day and almost cries. and then realizes she will be with louis’s dad for father’s day? and she imagines louis still doesn’t rly know how to celebrate? do they ignore it every year?? she is determined to get him a present when she finds something for her own dad!
louis is nervy because dentists are scarier to him than spies but jas’s dad is nice and simply not scary and also i’m in love with him. bed time! jas is like it was a long day i won’t try to seduce you in my childhood bedroom this one time ❤️
they do canadian shit for the rest of the trip and jas continues to try teaching louis german. jas is so happy to be home, and to be home with louis specifically, and even if they both have to lie about their college and what louis is planning to do with his life it still feels like things are kind of amazing and on their last day in canada she finally starts thinking about the fact that they’re going to disneyland and!!!!!!!!
JAS BRINGS A PEN AND YES SHE IS MARKING UP THE PARK MAP THEY NEED TO DO THIS RIGHT OR WHY DO IT AT ALL!!! they only have four full days at disney. the day they get there is mostly just getting settled in the hotel and they watch a movie but jas falls asleep halfway through i hope they aren’t cursed to never successfully watch movies together. DAY ONE: a treat for the boyf, they’re gonna start with galaxy’s edge. then it’s frontierland, new orleans square & adventureland! it’s probably hard for louis to find stuff he can eat in the park so jas has made a list of restaurants in each area that might have at least one item she thinks is safe but also she has brought snacks!! meanwhile she is eating churro funnel cakes and mickey mouse ice cream bars and drinking mint juleps or whatever the fuck. she has a sugar high every damn day and then passes out every night which is why she initiates morning sex tmi? DAY TWO: gotta start with main street!!! then tomorrowland, fantasyland and toontown. they watch the fireworks, jas gets privately emo because she just l*ves her boyfriend, he probably almost says it then there’s a loud ass firework and he is stressed bc of loud noises ( lowkey i don’t like fireworks bc same ). DAY THREE: california adventure, baby! hollywood land, followed by grizzly peak and then cars land. they dip before it’s too late to hang out in the hotel and i am giving louis designated gaming time. DAY FOUR: the rest of california adventure which is just pixar pier, pacific wharf and paradise gardens park. they go out somewhere fancy because i say so. and because this is their last night together for a week. which is literally no time at all but jas cries a little when he leaves her at the gate to go catch his separate flight.
jas was originally supposed to go on vacation with the guintos, then the vacation was cancelled and she made plans with louis because she is very aware that she won’t see him that often next semester and she is...not okay but anyways! he said he wanted to go visit his dad alone for a week so she got to tell mari that she could visit after all and yay!!! because not seeing mari for a full month was wild! she facetimes louis every day which is unnecessary but it is what it is. and ofc she facetimed mari pretty much every day when she was with louis. they don’t do anything too wild, just hanging out in los angeles, but it’s still perfect and a lot of fun and she’s like bye see you in berlin love you miss you already.
louis picks her up at the airport in dc and she hugs him as if they haven’t seen each other in months and it’s generally a gross display but what else is new. she meets his dad and their dads are so different which is not surprising and his dad is so much unlike louis which is also not surprising but over the course of the week she finds certain mannerisms and expressions that they share and it’s amazing how genetics find a way despite everything! she likes his dad and hopes he likes her and when they leave for berlin a few days before the internship starts, it seems like?? he likes her and she?? is so happy. louis shows her as much of dc as he can in such a limited amount of time and even tho she’s a canadian she finds it all very interesting, probably more than most 21-year-old americans would! she also sometimes thinks about how georgetown is there but they don’t go to see the campus or anything, it’s just weird to think about.
they fly to berlin and louis tries to sleep through most of the flight and jas just likes having his head on her shoulder what is this the lizzie mcguire movie haha and when they arrive in berlin he is pretty well rested but she is dreaming of sleeping for the next five years.
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planetbass · 4 years
toons?? Toons?????? Pls tell me about ur toons
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heads up,, this boutta be long as fuck!
well,,, if you insist. first of all yes it is a kin thing and no i shan’t elaborate (unless you specifically want me to, then i shall).
so! i have 3. first up… mayhem mania!
mania is a toon that loves mischief and causing problems on purpose. just pure chaotic bastard. but they are very valid and have a big heart which they use to love their friends/found family so goddam much. until some shit happens later on, for a loooong time they don’t realize that like. they forgot an entire portion of their life. to their knowledge, they n the bros have existed for as long as they can remember. but actually ! there’s like. at Least a couple years of their life in toontown prior to that that they forgot about. basically they were pulled through a tv (by swing), dropped into toontown, and forgot their entire life prior to toonification and couldn’t properly retain memories, so they ended up forgetting a lot of their life without realizing it. whoopsie! they end up remembering, tho, after some series of events.
can’t forget the emotional angst, tho! their entire self worth relies on the approval/acceptance/love of others, so on their own they have no idea how to be happy. mania be like feels unwanted all the time! mania the funny talkative jokester not allowed to be sad so will stay in house for days when sad and mute! mania be like i will invite myself into situations and then feel bad about doing so but no it will not stop me from continuing to do that bc i have a desperate need to feel included so it is just a never ending cycle ! coinciding w some events previously mentioned, they get better tho :’)
but they love gags, tend to break the fourth wall a lot, gives everyone nicknames (ex. shortstop, buzzer, pinball, etc), and loves to be as irritating as possible. anvils are their favorite, and their trademark. arson’s also quite fun. think… spencer shay energy. 
well, that’s enough of that. now onto heartie! this one requires a lot of lore for context, so it’s gonna be long.
heartie is an artie. artie stands for uh *goes to look* “artificial replaceable toon-adjacent intelligent entity.” basically “artificial” toons that’re made for specific tasks and filler pieces (testing (possibly life threatening) gags, musical performances, janitor, selling stuff at disney kiosks, personal butler, etc) that have roles based on a poker chip in their neck! (kind of like a computer chip). they are all numbered and referred to only by “artie” or their numbers, unless given a nickname by their owner. they all have the same general appearance, but are slightly different depending on their roles and can be customized for specific look if wanted. arties are made in factories - and that’s where my heartie comes in! heartie is ARTIE#010, the Head Artie of the main artie factory. he runs the place! his nickname is originally hartie, bc h.artie (for head artie). he’s a little bigger than regular arties (who are in general quite small) bc 1. he’s Head Artie, and 2. he’s an earlier model, which are bigger in general. 
arties generally don’t have a lot of freedom. depending on who they’re ‘owned’ by, they have varying levels. heartie didn’t belong to any particular person, more that he belonged To The State. or the company itself, that is. so he had a lot of freedom - when the factory closed, he had his own house that he went home to (v unusual!). however, arties were starting to defect - as you. imagine they would eventually being what they are. this kind of Freaked Out the powerful toons, so what they did was limit them more! so arties couldn’t leave their required workspace. so heartie was stuck in the factory. eventually, when arties were still defecting en masse, they kicked heartie out. can’t trust one of ‘em to be making ‘em, can ya? since he didn’t actually do anything wrong they didn’t recycle him (which is a Whole Other Can Of Worms), but just. fired him? they didn’t really care what he did as long as he wasn’t in charge of the factory. so heartie was left without a purpose/job. eventually he became acquainted with other defected/abandoned arties and became the artie/toon repairman! and his name was changed to Heartie bc he was no longer head artie. someone also gifted him a heart patch that he put over the old company logo on his overalls. 
*exhale* OKAY. so for his ACTUAL PERSONALITY LMAO. he’s a very caring and lovely guy. he knows a lot about arties and is a great handyman! he’s friendly n charismatic but also just like A Normal Guy. he also sounds like fix it felix but with less of a southern twang. after being forcibly defected he becomes more impulsive/off the rails, but not in a bad way. just in a ‘no one can tell me what not to do anymore’ type of thing.
mkay. Finally we get to dawn. if the artie thing wasnt weird enough for ya, well, now we’re gonna talk about Gods. 
basically for some reason toontown has Gods. dawn is one of em, some sort of goddess of the sky. she has a light pink, rose-gold hair, long and wavy. she has freckles of stars across her face. and!! wings!! big white wings. i don’t have a drawing of her yet unfortunately. i tried to yesterday but was about to lose my mind bc it was hard lkdjfjd
i don’t really know yet what it was she Did (i’m thinking of like. similar to the role of Victory/Nike?) but i know for sure that she was Gay. her parter is iris, god of the rainbow. iris created the concepts for the toonbros and most of the toons i think, and also eventually gave color to toontown! 
but basically a. whole slew of things happened and dawn ended up sacrificing herself to save/heal iris, who was basically the god equivalent of bedridden and dying. another god (pinny, who took care of the garden, where each flower represented a soul in toontown and all the alternate universes), took what was Left of dawn after healing iris and put her into a flower and planted it. dawn was reincarnated as a mortal in toontown! her name is summer and i don’t remember much of what happens with her. but eventually iris found her and reminded her of everything, and iris gave up being a god to live as a mortal with summer/dawn. they get married and live out a wonderful gay life as toons.
i made that complicated as shit!!! so if u have any specific questions…………. feel free to ask jdfljdkf tho! probably send em to @mayhem-mania!! that’s m toon blog
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skeletonscribbles · 6 years
Wishes - Finale
it is....finished. thank you all for the love you’ve shown this little story. I love these Losers so much and I will miss the hell out of this AU, but...this is where I leave them, so, without further ado:
Title: “The Second Star To The Right” (Richie)
Warnings: I personally am sad because it’s over but otherwise I don’t think anything except Bad Star Wars Jokes
Rating: G
Read on Ao3
Tag List:  @roobarrtrashmouth @jem-carstairs-is-perfection@tozier-club @aizeninlefox @stanheartsbill@imrichie @softeds@pretzelstoday @melancholypurple@wheezygreens@ayyyymichele @loser-marsh Special Shoutout to Michele ( @ayyyymichele) for all the wonderful art she’s produced for this AU. she’s incredible and I am so fucking grateful <3
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“I have something to say.”
If any one of the five people trudging towards Tomorrowland that weren’t Eddie had spoken up, Richie would have kept on walking. Total cold shoulder, doneski. He was tired of hashing shit out with his friends in public places, and they’d all promised to be cool at Disneyland. They’d kept that promise so far. There was no reason to ruin everything with only two park hours left in the whole fucking trip.
But. It was Eddie, so he did what needed to be done.
He stopped in the dead center of the walkway, and let Stan, Bev, and Bill crash into him like demented human dominoes.
“Richard,” Stan said into his back. Richie hadn’t turned around to assess the damage - he couldn’t, given the fact that Stan’s face was firmly planted between his shoulder blades - but the violent whispered curses and smack of hands against pavement coming from behind him suggested that Bev and Bill had truly been knocked down and were getting back up again, Chumbawumba style.
“In my defense--” Richie began, but he knew before he even started the sentence that it was fruitless. There was a 100% chance that Stan was going to shove him towards the nearest trashcan (and there was always a nearest trashcan - good ol’ Walt with his ‘trashcans every 10 feet’ rule).
His only real mistake was trying to catch his fall with his hands rather than just crashing into the aluminum menace forthright. Putting his arms out in front of him meant that he pushed open the swinging trash cover just enough to be elbow-deep in someone’s discarded Dole Whip.
“Well,” Richie said, extracting his hands and assessing the damage. “At least we weren’t in Toontown. Dunno what I would have all over my hands if we were.”
“Yeah, at least coming out of Adventureland you know that if it’s yellow-orange, it’s Dole Whip,” Ben agreed. Bev, who was still glowering at Richie, smacked Ben on the arm as if to chastise him for even speaking to Richie, and Ben was forced to shrug apologetically.
“Oh, you idiot. You deserved that.” Richie heard Eddie’s disgruntled mumbling before he saw him, but even without the visual, Richie knew exactly what his boyfriend was doing: rushing towards Richie with Kleenex and maybe a wet wipe in his outstretched hands. Richie turned a little bit to look at Eddie’s frenzied fumbling, smiled softly at the sight, and decided that it probably wasn’t the right moment to tell him that he hadn’t zipped his fanny pack back up all the way. There’d be a funnier time to break that news - like right before they were strapped in at Space Mountain, for example.
Richie took the Kleenex and looked back at the rest of their friends. Bill was examining his hands - it looked like he’d taken the brunt of the fall, as further evidenced by the expression on Mike’s face as he looked conflictedly between Bill’s stinging red palms and Richie’s face. Stan was over leaning on the nearest lamppost, a satisfied smirk on his face, and Ben and Bev were right behind Eddie, trying and failing not to giggle to themselves over Eddie’s nursing tendencies.
Even with everything that had just gone down, the energy in the air felt really chill. The seven of them were zen with one another in a way that they hadn’t been since the previous fall, and Richie was totally into it.
He turned his eyes back down towards Eddie, who was muttering to himself as he meticulously sanitized and wiped down every inch of Richie’s hands, and allowed himself to feel a little bit surprised.
It was kind of a fucking miracle that their little orientation group of sorts had made it through the year.
More than that - it was definitely a fucking miracle that Mike was crossing over to Stan the way that he was, that their mock-exasperated nudges were still precursors to enclasped hands. It was a gigantic fucking miracle that Eddie was getting rid of the Kleenex, now, and attaching himself to Richie’s side like a sloth - a gigantic fucking miracle that Richie had to re-wrap his mind around every damn day.
Ben and Bev were...less of a miracle, but that was heterosexuals for you. Richie didn’t begrudge them their stability - in fact, he was pretty frigging impressed by it, especially given the shit Bev had gone through. (As the only two occasional smokers in the group and often the only two who had any taste in anything at all, they’d decided to suck it up and go all in on their individual friendship...and fuck, had that been a good decision. It was enough to make him almost regret heckling her at costuming before they’d really known each other, now. Almost.)
And then the biggest miracle of all was Bill fucking Denbrough, who had now crossed to lean against the offending trash can. Richie was no expert on maturity, but even he could tell that Bill was a different kind of dude now than he was six months ago (never mind the kid he’d been when he and Richie had first met). 25 years old, and Bill was finally getting somewhere.
And Richie...Richie was too. It was different, but also kind of the same, so he and Bill had a neat little solidarity that neither of them really understood going on. It was pretty fucking great.
“Eddie, did you want to say something?” Bill asked, steadfastly ignoring his phone buzzing in his pocket in favor of paying attention to his friends. Richie made eye contact with Stan upon noticing Bill’s lack of attachment to his device, because he knew Stan would notice too, and they shared an impressed eyebrow waggle before turning towards Eddie.
“Yes.” Richie couldn’t see Eddie’s face in the position that they were in, just the top of his head, but he could feel Eddie nodding against his arm. “And it’s important.”
“You’re leaving Richie for me,” Mike guessed, sliding his hand out from where it had been intertwined with Stan’s and planting it on his hip jauntily. Richie mirrored him with his own hand, bopping his hip a little to distract everyone from the fact that he really, really hated this joke.
Not that they didn’t know, anyway. Not that he hadn’t made it obvious every damn time that he was sensitive or insecure or whatever the fuck about this particular thing. But - what kind of funnyman was he if he couldn’t take a joke, right? Even if it was the same damn joke about one of Richie’s deepest fears made for a month straight .
But - there was still something different in the air tonight, and Richie could tell that Stan was in touch with it. He was less drawn back than usual; more comfortable in his own skin - if Richie was going to do an impression of the Stan in front of him in that very instant, he’d slump his shoulders a little bit instead of drawing them up to his ears like he usually did.
It was probably for that reason that Stan said “Say it, Eddie,” instead of his usual “No, you’re leaving Richie for ME,” and Richie let out a relieved guffaw.
“Hit it, Fer-gie,” he drawled, keeping Stan’s ‘say it, Eddie’ cadence, and Stan flipped him off with a sweet, sappy grin.
Eddie noticed absolutely none of the weirdness in the previous exchange, which Richie found to be equal parts adorable and concerning. He just plowed on ahead.
“I want to remind everyone that Bev and I have little legs,” Eddie said, taking a moment to glare at every single one of them individually, “and that we have been walking for four days, and when you have to jog to keep up--”
“Good point!” Bev chimed in. “You’re giants and monsters, all of you.”
“So,” Bill said, looking between Eddie and Bev in an attempt to figure out what was being asked of him. “You’re...tired?”
“And also I would like some ice cream,” Eddie finished, and immediately turned on Richie to give puppy-dog eyes.
God, the fucking puppy-dog eyes. He really needed to get better at resisting those, or he’d be at Eddie’s beck and call for the rest of his miserable--
...well, no. It wouldn’t be miserable if it were with Eddie - not by a long shot.
“I’ll buy you one,” Richie said resolutely, and then absolutely couldn’t help but lean down and kiss his smiling mouth.
(He still couldn’t really believe he got to do that whenever he wanted, when all was said and done. He wasn’t about to waste an opportunity.)
“We can afford to slow down, definitely.” Ben was smiling that soft, easy, reassuring Ben smile, and Richie kind of loved him for it. He was shutting down the ‘pack as much as you can into the last two hours’ counterargument before it had even begun. “Maybe we just do Star Tours and then head to the hub for the fireworks? If we get there early we’ll probably be closer to the castle.”
“Good deal,” Richie agreed, grinning at the thought of riding Star Tours again. He’d been making up new little incorrect facts about Star Wars throughout the trip and feeding them to Eddie, and he was hoping that by the time they finished their vacation, Eddie would have total confidence in a version of Star Wars that absolutely did not exist. He was sure that particular prank would pay off solidly someday. “Wanna walk?”
“Ice cream cart first,” Eddie insisted, grabbing Richie’s hand and leading him out towards Main Street. “I wanna bite Mickey’s ice cream ears off.”
“Bizarre and vaguely sexual of you, Eddie,” Stan commented, mirroring Eddie by taking Mike’s hand and pulling. “We’re in.”
“Same,” chorused Bev, sneaking up to push her way in the middle of Richie and Eddie. They allowed her into their sphere with matching smiles, slinging their arms over and around her. “Boys? You ready?”
Ben and Bill looked quickly at one another, and then back at Bev, and Richie inhaled sharply. There was a secret inherent in their interaction - Richie was kind of generally a dumbass, but he was good at reading a room, and what Ben and Bill had going seemed like kind of a big deal.
Was tonight going to be the night…?
Bev, for her part, didn’t suspect a thing. She waved an idle hand at them and carried on. “Hurry up, then.”
Richie bit his lip and allowed himself to be dragged along. His thoughts were racing, which meant he was uncharacteristically silent amidst his friends’ chatter.
If Ben was going to say his piece, Richie should probably follow suit, right? Not that Ben’s thing and Richie’s thing were even remotely similar, but...Richie was starting to learn that it was better to have everything out in the open.
It was funny, he thought, that wishes came with responsibilities - that he’d gotten exactly what he wanted with his friends and his relationships, and things were still sometimes hard. There was no way around having to fix his garbage communication skills anymore. Self-improvement had become a weird sort of necessity.
But. Maybe he had kind of wished for that, too.
“Eddie,” he said, willing himself to not chicken out.
They had arrived at the ice cream cart. Eddie disentangled himself from Bev, slid past Stan and Mike, and planted himself in front of Richie, eyes dark with concern.
“My whole name, huh?” Eddie asked softly, biting at his bottom lip. Behind him, Bill and Ben were finally approaching the group. They were talking in low voices, and Richie clenched his fists, wishing vaguely to have some of their strength; to be less terrified of telling the truth.
“Eds,” Richie corrected himself, pushing a hand back through his hair nervously. “I’ve been meaning...I was going to tell you something. Or ask. Maybe.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “Richie, if this is a proposal, why did you pick the least romantic spot in all of Disneyland--”
“No, no,” Richie said quickly, putting his hands in front of him to drive home the point. “No. Uh. I got a call right before we left from the theatre I’ve been performing at, and they have an opening for a full-time member of their production team…”
“You told me you applied,” Eddie reminded him, putting a reassuring hand on his forearm. “Are you trying to tell me you got the job?”
Richie stared at Eddie’s face, willing him to express some kind of emotion for Richie to gauge, but it wasn’t taking - Eddie’s features remained annoyingly blank.
“Yes,” Richie said, closing his eyes and hoping for the best. “And. I think...I think I really want it.”
Eddie didn’t respond out loud for a moment. Instead, he slid a hand up to Richie’s face, and traced his thumb over Richie’s cheekbone.
“I’m so proud of you,” Eddie whispered, and Richie felt all of the tension leave his body in one fell swoop. He fell down into Eddie’s arms bonelessly, and Eddie stumbled backwards a little bit.
“It means that I’d be leaving the company,” Richie reminded him, lips tight against Eddie’s ear.
“But it’s a permanent position,” Eddie replied, and Richie could all but see the smile on his cute little face. “You’re going to be in Orlando, still. We’re going to be together.”
“We are,” Richie confirmed, straightening up and smiling back down at Eddie. “I was just...I didn’t know if--”
Eddie laughed sweetly and took both of Richie’s hands in his own. “Idiot. Aren’t we past this? I love you.” He tilted his face up expectantly. “I’m glad you told me.”
Richie couldn’t help but oblige him with a kiss. “Sorry I’m stupid.”
“Don’t get in the habit of saying that or it’s all you’ll ever say from here on out.” Stan was walking towards them, holding out two Mickey ice cream bars. “You’re welcome for these, by the way. If you try to pay me back by sneaking money into my wallet when you think I’m not paying attention, Richie, I’ll release incriminating screenshots into the group chat.”
“If it’s the conversation where the two of you talk at length about High School Musical, I’ve already seen it,” Eddie said, taking an ice cream bar and tearing open the wrapper.
Stan sighed. “I’ll think of something else, then.”
“If we’re set with ice cream, then we should get moving,” Bill announced, checking his watch. “We don’t have as much time as we think. We should get in line for Star Tours as soon as possible.”
“We’re really gunning for good seats at the fireworks, huh?” Mike asked teasingly, clapping Bill on the shoulder. Bill smiled a little bit, but it was clear that his agreeing nod was serious - and his little glance at Ben after he finished nodding was, too.
God. It was really going to happen tonight.
“Let’s go, then,” Richie said, not wanting to begrudge Ben any last little detail. He unwrapped his ice cream bar and tried to insert as much of it into his mouth as he possibly could. “Strrrr Trrrrr awhrrrh!”
“He means Star Tours away,” Eddie translated, biting one of Mickey’s ears off neatly. “And let’s please not run. My legs are so little.”
“Walking fast?” Bill offered, smiling cheekily.
“Walking at a pace that is comfortable for everyone,” Mike said, moving to demonstrate said pace, and together they fell into an easy step.
The wait time for Star Tours was short - only 10 minutes - and they gathered at the mouth of the line for a quick moment before plunging ahead.
“We’re okay with this being our last ride?” Bev asked, leaning against the metal frame of the attraction with her hands in her pockets. “Ben, you didn’t want it to be Indiana Jones?”
Ben shook his head wistfully. “As great as that ride is, I’m good.”
She met Richie’s eyes, then, and he knew immediately what she was about to ask. “And Richie--”
“Mr. Toad and I are good for now,” Richie assured her with a wink. “No need to revisit that one. Let’s go into space, huh?”
No one agreed out loud, but Bill started moving into the queue and the rest of them were following suit, so Richie allowed himself a moment of feeling like his leadership skills had improved before wandering after them.
“Do you think that if we see the Ewoks again, Luke Skywalker will be with them? He’s their leader, right?” Eddie asked, turning towards Richie with wide eyes.
Richie slid his arm over Eddie’s shoulders in a practiced motion and made to respond, but Stan beat him to it.
“Luke Skywalker can’t be the leader of the Ewoks because his lightsaber is red and theirs are all green, Eddie,” Stan said matter-of-factly. “If you knew anything about Star Wars, you’d know that. Luke Skywalker’s only allowed to lead those guys in planes. Red Luke Leader and all that.”
Richie quickly pulled out his phone to set a reminder to thank Stan somehow for his genius addition to Richie’s newly invented Star Wars lore, and also to ask Stan how much of that he genuinely believed was true.
“Planes?” Eddie wrinkled his nose. “I thought the stereotype was that gays couldn’t drive.”
“I am very proud of the work that I’m doing on Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge,” Ben interjected loudly, “and I cannot wait to never show any of you what I’m doing, or go to that park with you when it opens, or talk to any of you about Star Wars ever again.”
Richie laughed out loud. “Ben, buddy, you’ve got to settle down. Your emotions are betraying you. Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise--”
Bill turned around from the front of the queue, forehead cinched up in either stress or amusement. “Wait, no, that can’t be a real thing.”
“That’s the only thing that’s been said this entire time that’s a real thing, actually,” Mike said through gritted teeth.
“Should we watch Star Wars on our next movie night?” Bev asked, smiling thinly. “Would that resolve a few things?”
The responses to that were chaotic and entirely mixed, and Richie reveled in the fact that the anarchy he’d caused lasted all the way up until they got on to the ride.
Their simulator went through the pod-racing section, and then Naboo with the Gungans, which meant that Stan was going to be speaking in incomprehensible memes for days. Richie would have complained loudly and obnoxiously about that, but it was almost time for the fireworks, which meant that it was almost time for Ben’s big moment.
Richie didn’t want to insert himself in the middle of whatever Ben and Bill were planning, but he couldn’t help feeling a little bit nervous about the whole thing….which was weird, because he usually didn’t feel nervous about things that weren’t his.
This thing was different, though. This thing had some gravity to it, and there were a bunch of different ways it could go wrong.
First of all, Bill didn’t have an amazing track record with plans like these. Granted, Ben and Bev weren’t Stan and Mike, but having Bill involved meant that everything was probably going to be a lot riskier than it would be otherwise, and Richie was tired of risk-taking where his friends were involved. They’d agreed on no drama for this trip. This could knock that whole agreement out of whack.
Second, if Ben pulled this off...well, everything would change, wouldn’t it? They’d just finally gotten their shit together well enough to be friends again. Would they be able to survive a change at this point?
Third...well, third was Eddie, and all of the things that he was going to have to start thinking about if Ben was successful.
Third could wait.
But. First and second were legitimate issues, and it was for that reason that Richie found himself slipping away from Eddie and Stan and sidling over to Bill.
“What’s the plan?” he asked, speaking quickly and quietly so as not to be overheard.
Bill raised his eyebrows, but otherwise didn’t seem surprised that Richie was asking. “Just getting as close as we can so that Ben can do his thing when it starts. Nothing elaborate.”
“Nothing risky?” Richie asked, doing his best Stan impression. “No personal pyrotechnics, no Goofy go-go dancers--”
“Just you,” Bill joked, eyes shiny with mischief. “You’re the only risk. Don’t fuck anything up, Richie.”
“Yeah, nah, I won’t,” Richie agreed. “But. It’s gonna be okay, right?”
Bill took a moment to look thoughtful, and Richie almost rolled his eyes. It was a yes or no question, and the correct answer was obvious, but when Bill responded, Richie found himself kind of grateful that Bill hadn’t taken the easy way out.
“You know how Bev thinks our friendship is destiny?” he asked, smiling a secret smile.
“Don’t fucking beat around the bush, Denbrough,” Richie complained, tugging at the hairband around his wrist irritably.
“I have a point,” Bill said, “which is that I agree with her, except that I think that the destiny part is more us destined to want to be around each other, which is different than just being destined to be friends. We have to work on it, but we will, because we want to.”
Richie sighed. “So what you’re saying is that it doesn’t matter what we do because we’re gonna work it out in the end no matter what?”
Bill shrugged. “Sure.”
Richie thought about pressing the issue, but ultimately decided against it. What Bill said had been comforting, in a way, and that was enough.
“Why are you helping with this, anyway?” he asked instead, adjusting his glasses idly. “Aren’t you sick of being around relationships at this point?”
Bill tapped at his phone in his pocket with another secret smile. “Don’t count me out yet, Rich. I’ve got someone to introduce you to when we get back. And so...no. I’m good.” He paused, looking over at Ben and Bev, who were talking excitedly to one another as they pushed through the crowd, looking for an optimal spot. “And they’re going to be so happy.”
“I guess that’s all we can ask for,” Richie said, smiling a little bit as he watched them laugh together.
“What is?” Eddie, Stan, and Mike had caught up to them - or maybe had come back to them, Richie had lost track of them completely for a moment.
“Being happy,” Bill replied, stopping just off to the side of the Disneyland Partners statue. “Is this a good spot?”
“Yes!” everyone chorused in unison. They’d have a perfect view of both the castle and the fireworks from where they were.
Richie turned to Eddie and proffered a hand, and Eddie took it, beaming widely up at him. Seized with a sweet impulse, Richie raised Eddie’s hand to his mouth, and Eddie laughed, rolling his eyes with a quiet sort of affection that made Richie’s heart stutter a little bit. He opened his mouth to speak, but Eddie shushed him before he could start.
“Don’t say a single thing about dreams coming true or whatever tacky Disney shit,” Eddie warned amidst giggles, trying and failing to narrow his eyes.
“No…” Richie started, willing the right words to come out of his mouth, “no, I was thinking, actually…”
Eddie tugged sharply at his arm, huffing out a shaky breath. “Is THIS a proposal?”
“No.” Richie turned his head to make solid eye contact with Eddie. “No, we’ve still...not yet, sweetheart, we’ve still got some shit to work out before that goes down, I think. But I was wondering...I was wondering if you were happy. That’s all.”
The music around them swelled, and the first firework lit from over Sleeping Beauty’s castle. Eddie gasped, eyes alight, and out of the corner of his eye, Richie saw Ben go down on one knee.
Richie knew Bev had said yes by the whoops and cheers that exploded around him, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of Eddie’s face.
“Eddie,” Richie said again, willing Eddie to smile.
Eddie’s responding grin was absolutely enormous.
“I’m happy, Richie,” he replied, “I am so fucking happy.”
When Richie closed his eyes, he could see reflections in front of his eyelids - of Ben kneeling down, of the fireworks going off over the castle, of Eddie’s blinding, beautiful smile.
He opened his eyes again.
“Me too, Eds,” he said, taking Eddie’s hand and soaking in the moment. “Me too.”
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offbrand-valk · 6 years
Read on AO3
Was this an economically sound idea? Not at all.
Where they going to Disneyland anyways? Abso-fucking-lutely, and Destiny was gonna meet Tiana or so help them.
Since their hail Mary attempt at a quiet and normal life had gone down the drain in Pittsburg, they had been living from paycheck to paycheck, with more than a few five-finger-discounts along the way. Nico and Karolina hated having their daughter see them steal, however it was that or having her go hungry (and that was no choice at all).
After Molly and Chase had made bank as last-minute bouncers for a very illegal poker game, the smart thing to do would have been to save it for a rainy day, maybe even start on that college fund for Destiny. That wasn't nearly as fun as Disneyland and living to survive wasn't living at all.
 Gert had stayed behind to watch the car with Old Lace, and to not support the Disney's corporate war machine in its ongoing quest to control all of mass-media. Chase being Chase had of course redecided after standing in line for 20 minutes, and rushed back to be with his girlfriend. Karolina and Nico had long ago given up on covering Destiny's ears whenever somebody cracked "when the vans-a-rockin'" joking.
Nico and Molly had immediately rushed off to find the biggest, fastest, rides and see how many times they could get on it before they started puking.
Which left Alex and Karolina, to take Destiny to Toontown.
Karolina didn't terribly mind, Nico would join them before they went looking for princesses, she just needed 10-15 rollercoaster rides out of her system first. Until then Alex was great company.
Alex wasn't a bigger part of raising Destiny than any of the other Runaways (except of course her mommies), but whenever strangers asked questions, their default response was to say she was Karolina and Alex's daughter. It was an easier explanation than "we rescued her from an evil pseudo-legal laboratory when she was 3 weeks old", and people believed it 9 times out of 10 no questions asked, they just assumed blonde wasn't Karolina's natural hair color.
 It turned out very quickly that Destiny did not take after Karolina when it came to amusement parks. Karolina could clearly remember needing to be physically dragged away from Donald's boat, after spending 30 minutes at the wheel pretending to sail, and spending the rest of the trip pouting angrily.
Destiny on the other hand, went straight for the railing and tried to climb it. When Karolina gently lifted her off it, she loudly declared that she was "bored now", and casually started walking off the boat on her own.
 So they tried Chip 'n Dale's treehouse with about the same result. Destiny headed right for the nearest railing and tried to climb it, then proceeded to pout when Karolina gently pulled her down from it.
As soon as Karolina looked away to check her phone, Destiny went back to trying to climb the railing. "Do you want to go up?" Alex asked, thinking maybe she just wanted to look over the railing. "Yes" she nodded aggressively, and as instructed Karolina lifted her up in her arms.
Destiny gazed out over Toontown with her little hand outstretched, as if she could reach out and touch the whole world. Karolina spotted Alex photographing the moment at the edge of her vision, leaving her to just savor it as best she could.
As soon as Karolina let her guards down, Destiny was trying to climb out of her hands and unto the railing. When Karolina for the third time pulled her down, Destiny finally admitted defeat and made to walk off on her own.
 Since her daughter was being such an exploreer, Karolina thought it best if they took her for a walk and waited for her to show interest in something on her own. Preferably to a place that wasn't elevated or had large bodies of water. In case Destiny decided to pick up her fight with the railings of Disneyland once more.
 It didn't take long for something to catch her eyes.
As soon as Destiny saw the train, she started giggling, and yelling "Train! Train!" which pretty clearly settled what the next ride they were going to try was. It did annoy Karolina that of the fifty-odd words her daughter knew, train, bus, and scam were all among them, but bath wasn't.
They got on at one of the rear most benches to avoid the other passengers, with Destiny seated squarely between them in case she tried to escape again.
As if summoned by Karolina and Alex's clear and obvious attempt to avoid associating with the other families on the train, an elderly couple with their grandson sat down on the bench in front of them. The couple turned their heads simultaneously towards them. "Wow, she sure is a cutie, how old is she?" The woman asked.
Karolina subtly rolled her eyes at Alex, and Alex rolled his eyes right back. "Here we go" they both thought and sighed inwardly. "Thank you She's almost 2 years old, and my greatest adventure." Karolina said, and plastered on her church of Gibborim smile. She had long since learned that the best way to get rid of people like that, was to just ride out the pleasantries.
The couple both smiled patronizingly at her, Karolina couldn't help notice that they had yet to even acknowledge Alex's existence. "Yes children at that age can be quite a handful, good thing there's always grandma and grandpa to help."
Why was there such a social stigma against blasting the elderly to smithereens? Karolina just wanted to enjoy a quiet train trip around Disneyland with her daughter and her friend. Was that so much to ask? her smile was already aching and they had barely left the station.
 Two stops later, and Karolina was ready to commit murder. The couple with their grandson had interrogated her about everything from her choice in babyfood to her sex life. All the while "subtly" suggesting she leave Alex for a nicer (whiter) boy.
When they neared the third stop, Alex began coughing dramatically, and feigning dizziness. "Oh no honey, is it your spleen again? We better get you somewhere quiet!" Karolina said laying on thick the fake worry to help in Alex's plan to get rid of the pair.
They rushed off as soon as the train stopped, slowing down for long enough to yell out a "No!" when the couple asked if they needed any help.
Soon as the train was out of view, they circled back around to get on the next train, where they were mercifully spared more nosy couples, wanting to play backseat driver in Destiny's upbringing.
 After a nice relaxing train ride through Disneyland, were Alex fell asleep, and Destiny stayed in Karolina's lap the whole time, they met up with Nico and Molly at an isolated sitting area.
When they met, Karolina pulled Nico into a kiss, realizing only when it was too late why Nico had hesitated to reciprocate. Mission impukesible had exceeded beyond all expectations.
"Ugh, it's warm." Nico groaned when Karolina forcefully stuck a water bottle in her hand.
"Buuut I wanna kiss you." Karolina said with a childish pout, part of them worried how their behavior around each other was going to rub off on Destiny.
"Can't I just feign a heatstroke within view of a vendor?" Nico said only half joking. It wouldn't be the first time they had pulled that stunt, but since this time they actually had water with them, it didn't feel right to use the kindness of strangers like that.
"Uhm guys, you do remember that we have a human ice pack with us right?" Molly said sleepily from her spot in the shadows.
If looks could kill, the glare Karolina and Nico send Molly for that comment would be equivalent to a thermonuclear device going off in Times Square. Alex was already running for cover, and Destiny was giggling happily. Molly however was already snoring contently, deaf to Karolina and Nico's combined roars of "You will not talk about our daughter like that!"
  "No Nico that's cheating!" Karolina said when Nico pulled out her phone as they were walking.
"How is it cheating? The app was literally made to help parents find the princess their kids wanted to meet." Nico fired back, and quietly wondered how long it would take for Karolina to realize she had cream cheese stuck on her cheek from lunch.
"Because half the fun is looking for them!" Had Destiny been a little older or less active, Karolina might have given in, but for the time being, they could just carry her when she got tired, since she would never want to miss out on adventures.
"Babe, I'm wearing my docs and the sun is at it's highest." Nico said, trying to plead mercy from her usually soft girlfriend.
"You should have thought of that before we left the car." Karolina was immovable, unfortunately for her, Nico hadn't stopped checking the app as they spoke.
"Tiana is in the royal hall, and Elsa is in the castle." Nico said with a smirk. Then, giving Karolina no time to respond, she kissed away the cream cheese stain, and while her wife was busy blushing, took their daughter out of her arms.
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mushbabe · 7 years
Mass Cartoon Crossover AU
heyyyyy its uhhhhhh another fucking au writing from me
ties into this comic i did here, which i am making a sequel to
so if you wanted to hear my explanation for how shit like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, CN City, and canon crossovers might possibly work, clicky that readmore friend it’s about to get deep and overly thought-out
so like. basically: when a creator creates something, the universe for this something exists on another plane. the characters are all real, just more or less materially inaccessible to people on our plane. there are points in the various planes of existence where our plane and their plane meet, be the points natural or artificial. these points of meeting were used to film things like Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Space Jam, where visceral, fleshy organisms like ourselves could stand alongside the 2-D manifestations of our own minds. both humans and cartoons could enter the opposing side’s realm, but by no means is it natural or healthy for the state of the worlds, not to mention for the individuals crossing dimensions. as such, the scenes in both WFRR and Space Jam where any one person was not in their respective domain were filmed in intervals...
so now we’ve got two planes: ours, and the plane of our creations. like previously stated, each creation has a universe in which it exists and lives, a place where it is given purpose, a story, stuff to do, etc.. compared to our universe, these worlds are all incredibly small.  though the sizes can vary wildly: from the universe of Ed Edd ‘n Eddy, which is more or less encompassed by the cul de sac that they live in, to the universe of Adventure Time (which feels expansive, but really is only made up of the places shown or mentioned in the show, and is by no means infinite like that of our own.) lets imagine that all of these universes are kind of tied together. think about wreck-it ralph when i say that there is a central location, a city probably, that they can all converge in and exist within. 
to keep things homogeneous and as easy to digest as possible, lets assume the only universes that are inherently tied together are the universes from the same kind of media. 2D televised cartoons would all be tied into one place. 3D televised cartoons would converge in a different place. Anime/Video Games/all that good shit would tie in somewhere else respectively. We could imagine that this is because these similar universes are close in proximity as a result of being similar. and because they’re all so close, they all have an established point where they all meet. contrasting this, the convergence of two different kinds of media would be extremely rare and hard to achieve, but is do-able, and has been exploited by characters before (cite the Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour). for the sake of keeping with the natural order, these ties are temporary and will break off easily. 
to illustrate this converging of similar universes, we could imagine this structure as a large central bubble with a bunch of other smaller bubbles surrounding it, each of them connected to the middle one by a thread. 
but !! these small, individual worlds can also be connected to each other directly! some of these connections are inherent, as they were part of their design upon their creation. a good example of this: the universe of Gravity Falls and Rick and Morty would have a natural thread connecting the two. 
some of these connections can also be forged. these connections are typically the result of a crossover episode, and would exist between the worlds of Futurama and The Simpsons, and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy and Codename: Kids Next Door since they all had crossover episodes with each other. In all likelihood, the lifespan of these connections is probably dependent on factors like the earnestness of the episode(s) in question (whether they were done for a cheap cash-in or because the writers were genuinely invested in these characters meeting) and how compatible these universes are (things like similar visual styles and how much sense the crossover makes. the crossover between The Jetsons and The Flintstones makes way more sense thematically than the crossover between Kim Possible and Lilo & Stitch. 
this is best understood when you think about the old Cartoon Network City bumpers that CN used to play in between commercials. They were large, semi-realistic urban environments where all of the characters from the programming of the time would interact with the world and with each other. CN City could be thought of as a district of this larger city where all these worlds converge. this is a place that, regardless of art-style or compatibility, everyone can just exist alongside each other. 
so not all of the cartoons live here. lots of them live in their respective worlds for their own reasons (their show may still be ongoing and they need to actually be there for it to happen, or maybe they just prefer their own world) but they may make trips into town to run errands, visit, attend university or even commute to their city jobs. however, after a character’s show has run its course, plenty of them make the decision to move permanently to the city. 
we know that each character can leave their original universe and travel to the central connecting one, but can they leave the central one to visit another person’s universe? i would say yes. probably not for extended periods though. unless there is an existing connector between the two character’s worlds, visiting wouldn’t feel comfortable, and the characters probably just wouldn’t want to. i imagine that, while it’s not exactly illegal or impossible to visit, staying for a long time is frowned upon. again, we can refer back to wreck-it ralph for comparison. visiting is fine, but eventually you need to go home.
a character’s role in the city and to others is determined by a lot of things. usually, one would find a job they can perform with their unique skills and/or powers. I’ve headcanon’d the roles of a lot of characters already. some ideas I’ve had:
The Powerpuff Girls are easily the ones in charge of protecting the city. They head Homeworld Security, the various police departments, and have a lot of people working under them. They can often be seen patrolling. 
the city is headed by a City Council and a Mayor (there is also a Head Judge in charge of the court system, but they don’t determine any legislation, they just enforce it.) The Mayor is kind of shadowy in the au at first, but it’s pretty obvious that it’s Mickey Mouse. He’s concerned with corporate interests for the most part.
the Council is made up of elected representatives, each coming from different big names in the cartoon world (Nick, WB, Disney, Hanna-Barbara, etc.) The Council Chairman tbh has to be Bugs Bunny. he’s iconic, charismatic, and experienced, and so has a lot of sway in how things operate; it only made sense that he go into politics. a crucial part of the “plot” of this au is that Bugs and Mickey are bitter rivals. It’s understood by most that Bugs should be the de facto mayor, but through underhanded means, Mickey stays one step ahead of him. while Bugs isn’t exactly innocent either, he certainly stands for different ideals. Bugs is definitely a man of the people. 
Professor Utonium is the dean of the university as well as the head of its robotics department, their most successful STEM department. he teaches a few robotics classes. Dexter, Edd, and Phineas would have all studied under him at one point
Without a doubt, Warden from SuperJail! is the warden of what’s probably the largest and craziest prison in existence. Only a mind like his could contain the biggest threats to the hubworld’s wellbeing. 
i’ve thought about the placement of a lot of other characters too, but i only wanted to list here the one’s integral to the structure of the city.
with that said, all of the villains original to the connected worlds are very much still real and still able to wreak havoc on this metropolis. some won’t have a reason to concern themselves with it, while others will certainly make it a target. this includes extradimensional entities like Bill Cipher, Him, and Aku, who wouldn’t exactly be contained in the city jail. a main concern of the city government is how to protect the town from these major antagonists. 
i was talking about districts of the city earlier. another district i was thinking about is Toontown, a space relegated to old fashioned, classic “toons”. Like, Animaniacs / Tom & Jerry / Merrie Melodies / Steamboat Willie / Roger Rabbit -esque toons. the one’s we all understand as the physics defying characters who can pull material from nothing (hammerspace) as well as take a shotgun shell to the face and live. The nigh-indestructible, goofy-ass, slapstick, foundational characters of animated comedy. this is gonna be one of the few districts that is actually somewhat segregational. I imagine that society views toons in a weird, kind of split way. on one hand, the Old Toons are to be respected. they forged a path and laid a foundation in entertainment and have helped bring all of this into existence. on the other hand, Toons are also considered outmoded. classic slapstick has largely reached the end of its run. the iconic white gloves, cigars, and dynamite have all come to represent a bygone golden era full of its own problematic ideals. their shows are analyzed now much like modern psychologists would analyze Freud: no one can doubt the significance of the impact they’ve had, but the faults are widely acknowledged. (for example, modern cartoons would probably criticize older toons’ shows’ lack of diverse protagonists, rampant themes of racism / antisemitism / blatant use of tobacco / objectification of female characters, for being unfunny or unchallenging to the viewer, or for just being visually unappealing as some newer cartoons might believe.) as a result of this mindset, older Toons are the target of some prejudice but also some high respect. it depends on which group you’re talking to. 
List of City Districts
New Townsville (the one filmed for the CN City Bumpers). town hall, banks, business hub.
Toontown (the one filmed in WFRR) - area reserved for Toons
Endsborough - slightly evil, run down part of town. bars, gambling, etc. hangout for the unsavory.
University District - the campus, dorms, student accommodations 
Hillwood Metropolitan Area - expansive, unspecific urban area, main marketplace, apartments, schools. underground cultural haven.
Jump District - upscale part of town, nice stores, ritzy condos. opposite of Endsborough. favorite hangout/residence of hero-types. 
Middleville - suburban residence area, lots of families living here.
Jellystone - large park
I am also going to list my ideas for these:
Mayor - Mickey Mouse
Chief Justice - MENTOK THE MIND-TAKER (he’s from Harvey Birdman and he’s a great judge ok google him)
City Councilmen:
Warner Brothers / Chairman - Bugs Bunny 
Cartoon Network - Grim
Metro Goldwyn-Mayer - Pink Panther
Nickelodeon - Phoebe Heyerdahl
Hanna Barbara - Top Cat
Disney -  Stanford Pines (not Stanley)
Adult Swim - Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
as one might imagine, the hubworld is going to be full of both heroes and villains. to manage the inevitable carnage, i thought i’d borrow an organization from The Venture Bros. the Guild of Calamitous Intent’s purpose (in this au anyway) is to fit villains with their arch-rivals and contain the amount of collateral damage their conflict creates. heroes and villains can only fight one villain/hero at a time, respectively. this is to prevent things like all-out fights between huge numbers of villains and heroes, which would destroy a good portion of the city. as well, there is a limit to how much destruction one pair of arch rivals can cause. charges are incurred otherwise. certain areas are entirely off-limits (schools, hospitals, etc. basically they follow the Geneva Convention here). the presence of the Guild would also be a good explanation for why villains only tend to target one hero most of the time. once one villain/hero is defeated, another one can take be fit to take their place. villains and heroes are both ranked in order of power and resources, and a villain is always paired with a hero of equal rank to allow for the fairest fight. arching outside of guild regulations is strictly forbidden and the Guild will hunt down a rogue villain/hero. groups of villains/heroes that are always together (the Teen Titans for example) will count as a single arch-able entity and will be ranked according to their combined power. So in this universe, Slade would be labeled as the Teen Titan’s arch-enemy. 
while the Guild is originally a service for evil characters run by evil characters, they generally play a neutral role in the struggle between good and evil. 
but there are bound to be evil doers who are too chaotic to follow guild regulations. these characters have to act in the utmost secrecy or simply be too powerful to be taken out normally; otherwise, the Guild will act upon them. the heads of the Guild are totally anonymous, and, while they’ve worked with the City before to impose certain regulations, they are independent of the government. All villains and heroes must be properly registered, but registered villains ARE NOT guaranteed safety from Homeworld Security. heroes and the police often work together to take down bad guys, and its a hero’s responsibility to keep their respective villain in check.
ANYWAY that’s what I’ve thought up so far for the overarching premise. I STILL NEED A NAME FOR THE CITY 
i could just call it Big City a la Sheep in the Big City, but thats.... kinda dumb. idk i’ll think on it.
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altimux · 7 years
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Apologies for this not being under a readmore, im on mobile.
There is cursing be warned. Im salty and this has been going on for far too long. Also these images are out of order and its bothering me.
I dont belong in this fandom i have nothing to lose. Besides im fucking sick of the problematic shit going unchecked in this fandom.
I WAS IN THAT TOONBLR CHAT NEARLY TWO YEARS AGO. You know, “church of toontown”? You know in skype?
I have more to say about it than either of you. All you are going on about is hearsay. I’m a motherfucking witness. So sit down and shut your asses up.
You know why im getting involved? This shit has happened before with at least 4 other people and im fucking tired of it. Being accused of something that the person didnt do, and getting bullied out of the fandom. And even if they did, who are they apologizing to? Most of the people in toonblr that were in the chat fucking left. The only people you can get ANY info from are people who hate Pong to begin with. Of course theyd be like “hey yeah theyre into fambly” because it opens them up to being punished.
I hate to get into kinkshaming culture but smth cut and dry. If y'alls wanna joke abt kinks (vore me daddy, etc) without being into them you know damn well its not fair to suddenly say “no even joking about it isnt ok youre disgusting” and then treating the person like they get off to it. Yes there are “kinks” that are illegal and arent ok to even jole about but of all things, fambly doesnt even hold a candle to it. Sure its not morally ok, but this attack on Pong isnt justified.
On top of that this shit was TWO YEARS AGO. How the everloving fuck do you hold someone accountable of blogging something so old ot would take eons to dig it up. People change in two years. Things they used to approve of they may be against in two years. To punish them continuously for something you heard about is VERY toxic.
I intervened because all that i can see happening is you get your apology and turn them into an example of what happens to toonblrs that are problematic at any point in their life. How much do they have to say “they dont approve of fambly” for you to believe them? That they have to apologize to people who only heard about it through others? Would you keep pushing them to bend over backwards? Or no matter what they do you’ll always see them as “a bad influence”
And if Pong were to ignore you,
That shit is manipulative. Thats why i intervened. The only people that have the right to request an apology are people who were in the chat. Or is someone using you as a puppet? ;)
In any case its you guys who should apologize to them. Theyre just trying to exist in the space like you are. Not only do you have no right to bring up old shit, you dont have the right to request an apology when all the information you have recieved is distorted by the biases of the people around you. Fuck off, @broom-service and @minglermail
Sincerely, the “king of not letting things go”, the former mun of toon-sirshade two years ago, and current mun of @toon-cream. PS: vague culture is cowardly bullshit. Either talk to them or call them out.
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