#full lid
robpegoraro · 9 months
CES pitches and invitations could really use a lid
It's crazy that CES PR types have been waiting until today to pitch me for the first time on their employers or clients. There's gotta be a cutoff date for those solicitations, and I'm saying it will be close of business Monday.
In less than three and a half weeks, I will fly to Las Vegas to cover CES. Because I’ve now done that 25 times, I know that I should have my schedule set by now–and yet I don’t, because I continue to get pitches and invitations for the gadget gathering. And many of the 61 e-mails I received Thursday alone (going by a search for “CES” in the subject line of messages that aren’t replies to my own…
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isbergillustration · 5 months
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(The purpose is using up all the paint I put on my palette*)
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killa-trav · 1 year
redbullgermany: Sebastian’s moving return to the Nürburgring Nordschleife and his world champion car, the RB7.
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
dp x dc prompt #37
danny has been wandering around this new universe for a while now trying to figure out where the corrupted ectoplasm smell was coming from. It’s really a nice place, and when you take in all the frequent rogue attacks, it’s just like home.
he’s really just confused as to why the protectors of this world keep giving him snacks when they run into each other. i mean, free food is free food and danny’s not going to question it since he’s long since figured out he can’t be poisoned, it’s not really a problem either way. it would just be nice if they would stop babying the centuries old king just because he looks like a child.
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kellysue · 1 day
FML is intensely confident, hilarious, and deeply compassionate. It’s a book about everyone doing their best, no one doing okay, and what happens when the stories we tell ourselves to cope with just how crazy shit is look us in the eyes and tell us what’s going to happen next.  You're going to love it.
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christakisbang · 1 year
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adspexi · 2 years
delighted and relieved to confirm the cherry magic movie understands the two core pillars of its canon, namely 1) communication is a skill you learn and a choice you make which improves the lives of everyone around you, and 2) kurosawa is the weirdest man who has ever lived
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notanotherinfjblog · 10 months
Ni thinking and remembering
ENTJ: It's always so strange how you hear your voice in your head when you're thinking, but it's not actually what your real voice sounds like.
INFJ: If you think in words, yes.
ENTJ: What do you mean if you think in words? Don't all people think in words?
INFJ: Well, I don't, most of the time. My mind is mostly just ... empty. Or not empty, but more like everything is happening somewhere below the surface where I can't reach. It's quite peaceful. Kinda zen-like.
ENTJ: Okay, but ... how do you know what you're thinking if you can't think it?
INFJ: I don't know. I don't start a thought and think it through to the end. It's more like a soap bubble popping in my mind and thus releasing an entire thought process as a whole. It's like, when I have to make a decision, I don't think about it all. The decision will just come to me from my subconscious.
ENTJ: Yes, officer, and then my subconscious told me that it had decided to stab that guy and I was like "Sure! Why not?"
INFJ: You know damn well that's not what I meant.
ENTJ: Yeah, I think I get what you mean. I do think a lot in words, but what you're saying reminds me a lot of my back burner, if that's what you want to call it. I always have one or two things that I'm thinking of somewhere in the background that I don't have conscious access to. Like right now, I'm talking to you and I'm listening and thinking about your words, but at the same time I know that in the back of my mind, I'm figuring out a problem from work, but I'm not consciously thinking about it. I just know that that's going on somewhere simultaneously.
INFJ: What about memories? Do you have conscious access to them? Like, can you replay them in your mind like a movie or are they more abstract?
ENTJ: They are more abstract, definitely not like a movie. I mean, let's say I want to remember what I did on the weekend, an image of my couch will be flashing up in my mind, but I won't see myself, I don't know, press a button on a remote or something. I know what I did, but I don't see myself doing it. But when I'm thinking of a moment that happened, it's like I see an image of the place and then I can kind of zoom in on a certain spot or a certain time frame and recapitulate that. But still, it won't be like a movie and more the knowledge of person XY said so and so, but I won't really see or hear them say it again. I'd be the worst person to ask for a description of a person for a police sketch artist. I'd just be like "... yeah, he looked ... like a person. He was wearing clothes."
INFJ: Same. Not the zoom thing, that's freaky, but all the other stuff. The funny thing is, I'm actually really good at recognising people. I see a random stranger walking in front of me and immediately know that I saw them on the bus a few weeks ago or something. But don't ask me to describe what they look like because I don't know.
ENTJ: Exactly, it's like the visual memory is locked away somewhere and you can't access it.
INFJ: Yes! I always describe my memory as a library that I'm not allowed to enter, so I have to make a request for a book at the counter, but I don't remember what the book is called, so the librarian has no idea where to even start looking.
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
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inyourbenevolence · 22 days
Launch weekend moodboard
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Featured in the @apollopods app, broke the Apple Podcasts UK Fiction Pods Top 150
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Shout-outs in Alasdair Stuart's THE FULL LID newsletter and The Podcast Host's FICTION PODCAST WEEKLY (both great places for podcast recs, if you're not subscribed already)
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mildmayfoxe · 13 days
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i saw this out of the corner of my eye and thought my little incense demon was spontaneously bleeding from the eye socket
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ghostsinthecellar · 3 months
made mom coffee + breakfast before her nap
took my meds
made myself a good big filling breakfast
set up the first of three? dish loads to soak in the sink
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asinglesock · 2 months
anybody want to get fake married so we can make a registry and get a lot of kitchenware?
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platypusisnotonfire · 2 months
I just had an aggravated battle with the vacuum at work and my clothes a a different color now than they were when I put them on
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stripesysheaven · 2 years
urge to put ben linus in a little jar like a bug
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lifesver · 10 months
u ever watch a horror movie like hmmm [adds another potential trauma to the character]
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