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a-kort1914 · 5 months
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bombz-n-bluntz · 2 years
Still hilarious that I looked twice my age till I joined ow
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mellumarkie · 3 months
grow thicker & fuller hair with THIS (all-natural)
If you suffer from hair loss or thinning… chances are the cells in your hair follicle are BROKEN.
You see, these tiny cells deliver vital nutrients to your hair and scalp…
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It’s not an expensive treatment, it’s 100% safe…
And it has already worked for over 23.970 women of all ages.
grow thicker & fuller hair with THIS (all-natural)
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corruptedcaps · 13 days
Maid for it
“Another day, another mess.” Issy muttered, pushing the door open and stepping into the dim, stale air of the nightclub. Sammy followed close behind, tying her graying hair into a loose bun.
“I don’t know how they do it.” Sammy said, squinting at the leftover chaos. Empty glasses, glittering confetti, and half-crushed cans scattered across the sleek floors. “Every weekend, they come in here acting like they own the place. No respect for anything but themselves.”
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Issy snorted, picking up a crumpled cocktail napkin. “The youth of today. They think the world revolves around them. Everything’s a selfie, a status update.”
“Right? Did you see that girl last week when we were on the night shift, the one in the sparkly dress? Spent more time filming herself than dancing.” Sammy shook her head, grabbing the mop.
“Remember when we used to go out? Actually had fun without needing an audience.” Issy said grabbing a trash bag.
Sammy smiled. “Good times, Issy. Good times.”
Issy looked around the club, hands on her hips. “So, where should we start?”
Sammy, already eyeing the far end of the room, groaned. “We should flip for the bathrooms. You know they’re always the worst. I swear, they must turn into animals in there after midnight.”
Issy pulled a coin from her pocket, holding it up with a smirk. “Heads, you do the bathrooms. Tails, I’ll take the hit.”
Issy flicked the coin into the air. It spun, catching the dim light, before landing in her palm. She peeked and grimaced. “Tails. Dammit.”
Sammy chuckled. “Good luck in there. I’ll take the bar.”
With a sigh, Issy grabbed her cleaning supplies and headed toward the bathrooms. The door to the ladies’ restroom creaked open, revealing the usual chaos. Loose makeup smeared across the countertops, lipsticks rolling about, and a few forgotten articles of clothing thrown haphazardly on the floor.
“Same old, same old.” She muttered, shaking her head. As she wiped down the counter, something caught her eye. There, lying next to an abandoned sequined purse, was a black wig.
Issy barely had time to blink before the black wig sprang to life, leaping from her hands and onto her face. “What the hell—!” She gasped, stumbling backward as it crawled across her skin like a living thing.
The wig slithered up her cheeks and over her eyes, settling firmly on top of her head. She reached up to tear it off, but just as her fingers touched the strands, a sharp, sudden pain pierced her scalp, like dozens of tiny needles burrowing in.
“Ow!” Issy yelped, frantically tugging at the wig, but it was on tight, as if fused to her head. Her hands shook, and as the seconds passed, a strange warmth spread through her body. Subtle at first but soon, it grew into an intense heat, like something was shifting beneath her skin.
She stumbled toward the mirror and froze. Her wrinkled skin, the creases she had grown accustomed to over the years, began to smooth out. The sagging around her chin and eyes lifted, disappearing before her eyes. Her body shrank, her waist narrowing, her arms slimming.
Her breath caught in her throat. “What... what’s happening to me?” She whispered, her voice sounding younger, sharper.
Issy stood frozen in front of the mirror as the transformation continued. Her chest began to swell, her old bra straining as her tits grew larger, fuller, and perkier. The sight made her gasp, her hands instinctively moving to her chest, feeling the unfamiliar weight.
“Oh my god.” She groaned as her hands grasped her new sensitive boobs.
Her lips plumped next, slowly puffing out until they were full and glossy, as if she'd just had an expensive treatment. Her fingers twitched as her nails elongated into perfectly manicured, polished claws, no longer the brittle, chipped things she had grown used to. Every detail, every change, unfolded right before her eyes in the bathroom mirror.
At first, her mind raced in panic. “This isn’t right! What’s happening to me?” She could barely recognize herself. Her body was no longer that of a middle-aged woman, but something else entirely. A younger version of herself, but not even that. This version of her was more idealized, almost like one of the women she’d see strutting around the nightclub, basking in attention.
“This... feels kind of... good.” She murmured, a smile creeping across her face.
Issy’s smile widened into a full, self-satisfied smirk as she admired her reflection. She couldn’t stop staring and why would she? She was perfect. Her body was flawless, every curve exactly where it should be, her skin glowing like it had been airbrushed. Her lips curled as she traced a finger along her jawline.
“God, I’m gorgeous.” She purred, the words tasting sweet on her tongue. She tilted her head, catching the light just right, and let out a soft laugh. “No wonder those girls spend all night taking photos. If I looked like this every day, I’d never stop looking at myself.”
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Her eyes gleamed as she adjusted her stance, taking on a more bratty posture. “How could anyone not be obsessed with me?” She purred, running her hands over her hips, admiring the perfect hourglass figure staring back at her. She turned, posing, admiring herself from every angle.
Now, she felt invincible, untouchable. No one could match her. Not even the sluts she cleaned up after. “I’m better than them. Better than everyone.”
Issy’s breath caught in her throat as the words echoed in her mind. “Better than everyone.” She repeated slower, taking in the gravity of the statement, the condescension of the words. She blinked, suddenly horrified by the vanity consuming her.
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“What am I saying?” She whispered, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts. This wasn’t her. She wasn’t like those girls, shallow and self-absorbed. She was… a good person, wasn’t she?
“No!” She muttered, forcing herself to look away from the mirror. Her hands shot up to her head, fingers gripping the wig. She tugged, trying to pull it off, but it wouldn’t budge. Instead, a tingling sensation crept across her skin as the hair started to defend itself by hitting her with more changes.
Her maid’s uniform tightened around her body, the fabric hugging every new curve as it shrank higher and higher, separating at the middle. The bottom part morphed into a slick, black leather skirt, clinging to her like a second skin.
The top part relaxed and in fact became bigger, becoming a luxurious and decadent, fur coat draping over her shoulders. Her sensible work bra followed in her new skirts footsteps by turning into a tight leather tube top.
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Issy’s hands dropped from her head and ran over the leather, feeling the smooth texture, her fingers grazing the fur. “It’s perfect.” She said, her bratty tone returning and a smirk creeping back onto her face despite herself. She twirled, watching the coat flare out.
She looked better than any girl she had seen walk in or out of that club and the feeling was intoxicating. She knew could any wan eating out of the palm of her hand with just a look. As a maid she was invisible, but looking the way she did now who could ignore her?
And yet there was still a voice in the back of her head urging her, begging her to rip the hair off. The hair was giving her a body to die for but it was also making her more conceited and vain.
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“No! This isn’t right! Ohhhh fuck but it feels sooo good! No I have to end it before it’s too late.@ she groaned.
Using what resistance she still had in her, she reached up and grabbed the hair in her hands. Her pretty nailed fingers wrapping around as many strands as possible. With one big tug she hoped it could at least come a little loose but the hair had one last card to play.
All at once Issy felt a surge of heat flow to her pussy and she felt it tighten to an extreme she didn’t know was possible. The very act was making her cum like never before, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.
“Ohhhhh goddddd yessss!” She moaned loudly. Images of hot guys railing her in the very bathroom she was in filled her mind and made her cum again. She pictures herself strutting through the club like it was a buffet, choosing any man she wanted. She would be the best sec they ever had and she would make sure they spoilt her as rotten as her soul.
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“Why fight it?” The thought slithered into her mind like an invader she couldn’t argue with. “I deserve this.”
Issy’s eyes rolled back to normal but there was a change instantly in them. They were no longer soft and caring eyes, instead they sparkled with spoilt narcissism. She stared at her reflection, the smirk growing wider, her eyes gleaming with pride. “Of course I fucking deserve this.” She said, the words slipping out effortlessly. She felt a surge of power, a thrill that coursed through her veins.
“I’m never going back to being some fucking loser maid again.” She declared, her voice full of conviction. The memory of her old self, ordinary and invisible, was pathetic. She sneered at the thought.
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The bathroom door creaked open, and Sammy’s voice echoed off the tiles. “Issy, are you ok in here? I heard a moan of pain.” She called, her tone impatient. But as she stepped inside, she froze, her eyes going wide. “What the hell…?”
Standing in front of the mirror was a woman Sammy barely recognized. Issy, or at least what was left of her, turned slowly with a bored expression. “Relax loser, haven't you ever seen perfection before. Of course you haven’t just look at you.” She drawled, rolling her eyes.
Sammy’s jaw dropped as Issy picked up a glittering sequin bag from the counter. Unzipping it, she pulled out a thick wad of cash, a grin spreading across her face. “Look at this, my day just keeps getting better.” Issy purred.
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Sammy stepped forward, her voice shaking. “Issy I don't know what happened to you, but you can't keep that cash and we need to get you help to reverse whatever the hell happened to you!”
Issy scoffed, flipping through the cash. She playfully put it up to her face like it was a telephone. “Hello police? Yes my friend put on a sexy black wig and turned in to the hottest bitch I've ever seen. Get real loser, even if there was a way to reverse this why the fuck would I want to go back to that pathetic loser I was?”
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Sammy grabbed her by the arm. “Because this isn't you, Issy.”
Issy yanked her arm free, her eyes flashing. “You're right, I'm not Issy anymore. That weak, invisible woman is dead. I’m Bella now. And Bella gets everything she wants.”
Sammy’s heart raced as she backed away, her eyes darting between Bella and the door. “I’m going to find help. We’ll figure out how to take that wig off, Issy, I swear.” she said, her voice firm but shaking.
Just as Sammy reached for the door, Bella moved with lightning speed, slamming it shut with a loud bang. Sammy froze, staring at her in disbelief. “What are you doing?” She asked, fear creeping into her voice.
Bella leaned in, her eyes gleaming with a dark, twisted delight. “I can’t have anyone knowing about my wonderfully evil hair now can I? So, you’re just going to have to join me… Samantha.” She said slowly, her voice dripping with malice.
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Sammy flinched at the sound of her full name, her body tensing as Bella ran her hands through her long luxurious hair, pulling thick chunks from her head that seemed to instantly regenerate. Without effort she twisted the clumps it into a sleek ponytail. Before Sammy could react, Bella flung it at her.
“No!” Sammy shrieked, trying to duck away, but the hair came to life midair, writhing and twisting like a serpent. It latched onto her arm, tightening with terrifying strength. Sammy gasped, frantically tugging at it, but the hair slithered up her arm, relentless, heading straight for her head.
“Get it off me!” She cried, her voice desperate. But Bella only smiled, cold and sinister.
“Don’t fight it, Samantha. You’ll love being a hawt bitch.” Bella purred.
Bella stood back, her arms crossed, watching with gleeful anticipation as the living hair slithered up Sammy’s arm and latched onto her head. Sammy let out a muffled scream, clawing at the strands as they dug into her scalp, but it was no use. The transformation had already begun.
Bella’s grin widened as she saw Sammy’s body start to change. Her chest swelled, her boobs growing fuller and rounder, the fabric of her cleaning uniform tightening around her frame. Sammy’s lips plumped next, growing into a pouty, perfect shape as if they had been touched by a masterful surgeon, designed to be prefect for dick sucking. Her wrinkles faded before Bella's eyes, years melting off her face as her skin smoothed into a flawless, youthful complexion.
Sammy’s body slimmed and reshaped, her figure becoming athletic and toned, curves in all the right places. Her old exhausted, middle-aged self was disappearing by the second. Bella felt a surge of satisfaction and pride watching the transformation unfold, seeing Sammy’s resistance fade.
Sammy’s eyes, once wide with panic, began to dull, her expression shifting from fear to something colder, more detached. Her lips, once trembling, now settled into a perfect, pouty smirk.
Sammy’s maid outfit began to shift, the fabric tightening and shrinking against her changing body. Her uniform morphed, the dull cloth replaced by sleek black leather that hugged her hips, forming a short, revealing skirt. Her top dissolved into a thin black string bra that left little to the imagination, her big tits barely being held by it.
A shiny black puffer coat materialized around her shoulders, draping loosely and adding a seductive edge to the ensemble.
Bella grinned in approval. “Now that’s more like it. Doesn’t that feel better, Samantha?”
Samantha turned to the mirror, her new reflection staring back with cold confidence. She ran her hands over her curves, admiring how her new clothes showed off her perfectly tight new body.
She turned to Bella, her eyes gleaming with approval. She took the cash from her friend’s hand and held it up to her face, mirroring the fake phone call Bella had done earlier. "Hello police? I want to report a crime. The crime of looking oh being a bad bitch." She said sticking her tongue out playfully.
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“Thanks babe. You were right, I do love being a hawt bitch. I was meant to be this beautiful.” Samantha said, handing the cash back to Bella she turned back to her reflection. Bella sadled up next to her and the two beauties primped and admired themselves. Samantha grinned pushing her tits out at her reflection.
“We’re going to have so much fun. Imagine the broken hearts we’ll leave behind, the envious bitches watching us, desperate to keep up. We’ll show all those poser girls what it really means to be spoiled brats.” Bella said, her voice dripping with satisfaction.
Samantha chuckled, tossing her hair back. “They’ll hate us, but they’ll wish they were us.”
Bella nodded. "Of course but they never will be because we were maid for this."
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dr-hairblog · 1 year
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Understanding The Process and Benefits of Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant attention due to the impressive results it provides in the field of hair restoration. Individuals suffering from hair loss are now turning to this option for hair regrowth, seeking a solution that not only restores hair growth but also improves hair density.
Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors such as male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, hair thinning, alopecia, or other underlying hair loss causes. Understanding these causes can be the first step towards seeking the right treatment. However, the advances in medical technology have made it possible for individuals to treat these conditions and regain their natural hair.
A hair transplant is a procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body to another. It provides a solution for permanent hair growth, addressing the problem of baldness in both men and women. The process involves creating a new hairline, which is designed to match the natural growth pattern of the individual's hair.
The hair transplant procedure in Turkey has been praised for its ability to provide a natural look. This is achieved by ensuring the transplanted hair follicles mimic the natural hair growth pattern, leading to a hairline that blends seamlessly with the existing hair.
For individuals suffering from extensive hair loss, hair restoration through best hair transplant in Turkey can be an effective baldness treatment. It not only stimulates hair growth but also improves hair density, providing a fuller and healthier look.
One of the key benefits of the hair transplant procedure is the potential for hair regrowth. Unlike other hair loss treatments that may provide temporary results, a hair transplant provides a permanent solution. The transplanted hair follicles are resistant to DHT, the hormone responsible for hair thinning and loss, which means the results of the transplant are long-lasting.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a proven solution for those seeking to address their hair loss and baldness issues. It provides a natural look, stimulates hair regrowth, and improves hair density. Despite the cause of your hair loss, whether it's male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness or alopecia, this procedure can provide a lasting solution.
A Comprehensive Guide to Hair Transplant in Turkey: Quality, Success Rate, and Patient Satisfaction
Turkey has emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism. Known for its high-quality healthcare services, it attracts numerous international patients seeking various treatments, including hair transplants. This rise in medical travel to Turkey can be attributed to several factors, such as the country's impressive hair transplant success rate, its commitment to patient satisfaction, and the affordable hair transplant costs in Turkey offered.
When it comes to the quality of hair transplant procedures, Turkey has a reputation for offering excellent services. The country boasts an impressive success rate, with a significant number of patients reporting satisfactory outcomes. Various hair transplant reviews reflect this success, with patients praising the skill and professionalism of the medical teams involved.
The benefits of a hair transplant in Turkey are numerous. One of the primary advantages is the cost. Given the high costs of hair transplant procedures in many other countries, Turkey offers a more affordable alternative without compromising on quality or success rate. This factor alone has led many people to choose medical travel to Turkey for their hair transplant procedures.
Moreover, the level of patient satisfaction in Turkey is high. This satisfaction can be attributed to the professional and personalized care provided by the medical teams, as well as the country's commitment to maintaining high standards in healthcare.
However, like any medical procedure, hair transplants also come with their own drawbacks and alternatives. It's essential for anyone considering this treatment to conduct thorough research and understand the potential risks and maintenance requirements involved. For example, hair transplant maintenance can be a lengthy process that requires commitment from the patient to ensure the best results.
While hair transplant reviews generally paint a positive picture, some patients might find the recovery process challenging or might not achieve the desired results. Hence, exploring hair transplant alternatives can be a prudent step for those who might not be suitable candidates for the procedure or those who prefer a less invasive approach.
In conclusion, Turkey stands out in the field of medical tourism, offering quality hair transplant procedures at affordable costs. With its high success rate and patient satisfaction, it proves to be an excellent choice for those seeking overseas treatment for hair loss. However, it's crucial to consider the potential drawbacks and maintenance requirements associated with hair transplants, and explore alternatives if necessary, to ensure an informed decision.
Unveiling the Intricacies of Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
The hair transplant industry in Turkey has grown exponentially over the past decade, making it one of the top destinations worldwide for this sought-after procedure. Two of the most common methods utilized are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both transplant techniques have proven to be highly efficient, each with its unique advantages tailored to the patient's individual needs.
Follicular Unit Extraction is a meticulous method that involves harvesting individual hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into the balding or thinning sections. On the other hand, Follicular Unit Transplantation involves removing a thin strip of hair-bearing skin from the back of the scalp, which is then divided into individual follicular units via microscopic dissection before being transplanted into the recipient area.
Anesthesia is a crucial part of the hair transplant procedure in Turkey, ensuring that patients experience minimal discomfort during the operation. The surgical team, equipped with state-of-the-art surgical instruments, prioritizes patient comfort and safety, making the procedure as painless as possible.
The advent of the robotic hair transplant has revolutionized the industry, enhancing precision and reducing the time taken for each transplant session. This advanced technology ensures that the patient's natural hair growth pattern is maintained, offering an undeniably realistic and satisfying result.
The transplant cost in Turkey varies depending on the complexity of the hair transplant surgery, the number of grafts required, and the specific technique employed. Despite these variables, Turkey remains a cost-effective choice for hair transplant procedures given the high standard of care and postoperative services offered.
To sum up, a hair transplant procedure in Turkey, whether FUE, FUT, or a robotic hair transplant, is a comprehensive process that involves a skilled surgical team, advanced surgical instruments, and a patient-centric approach. The focus is always on ensuring the best possible outcome for the patient, making Turkey a preferred destination for those seeking to address hair loss effectively and efficiently.
The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained worldwide recognition for its high-quality services, affordable costs, and impressive results. One critical aspect of this procedure involves the use of donor hair, which is typically taken from a donor site at the back of the patient's head, where hair growth is most abundant. The donor hair is then transplanted to the recipient site, usually the balding or thinning areas on the scalp.
During the surgical procedure, a hair surgeon meticulously extracts hair grafts from the donor site and plants them onto the recipient site. The objective is to achieve a natural look that complements the patient's hair growth pattern. It's a delicate process that requires precision, expertise, and a deep understanding of aesthetic hair patterns.
Preparing for a hair transplant involves several steps. The hair transplant preparation phase generally includes a thorough consultation with a hair surgeon. During this time, the doctor will provide detailed hair transplant advice, discuss the patient's hair transplant expectations, and explain the entire process, including potential hair transplant side effects.
Once the procedure is complete, the patient's journey towards a fuller head of hair is not over. Post-surgical care, or hair transplant recovery, is a crucial phase of the process. The patient should follow a specific hair transplant follow up regimen to ensure optimal healing and growth. This may include taking prescribed medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and following a recommended hair care routine.
Seeing is believing, and nothing proves the effectiveness of hair transplant in Turkey better than hair transplant before and after pictures. These images showcase the remarkable transformation that patients can achieve with this procedure. However, it's important to remember that results may vary based on the individual's hair characteristics, the extent of their hair loss, and their adherence to post-surgical care guidelines.
The journey to reclaiming a full head of hair may seem daunting, but with the right advice and guidance, it becomes a journey worth embarking on. Hair transplant in Turkey offers individuals battling hair loss a chance to regain their confidence and enjoy a renewed sense of self.
Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery: Understanding Hair Transplant Safety and Efficiency in Turkey
The field of dermatology has seen significant advancements in recent years, particularly in the area of cosmetic surgery. One such procedure that has gained popularity worldwide is hair transplantation. In Turkey, this procedure has become a sought-after solution for many individuals suffering from hair loss. This piece aims to provide you with comprehensive hair transplant information, including pre-operative evaluation, post-operative care, and more vital aspects.
Hair transplantation is a healthcare service that requires careful consultation and planning. The process begins with a thorough pre-operative evaluation. During this phase, the patient's overall health is assessed, their hair loss pattern is evaluated, and a suitable treatment plan is crafted. A dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon specializing in hair transplant will guide the patient through this process.
Post-operative care is crucial to the success and efficiency of the hair transplant. Patients are given post-transplant instructions that they must adhere to strictly. These may include guidelines on washing the scalp, taking prescribed medications, and avoiding certain activities that could jeopardize the results of the surgery.
The recovery time from a hair transplant can vary depending on several factors, including the patient's overall health and the extent of the transplant. However, it is essential for patients to understand that this is not an overnight process, and patience is needed to see the full results of the procedure.
While hair transplant risks and hair transplant complications are minimal, it is crucial to be aware of them. Some potential risks include infection, scarring, unnatural-looking hair, and the possibility of the transplanted hair not growing as expected. It is important to discuss these risks in detail with the surgeon during the consultation phase.
Hair transplant safety is of utmost importance. Precautions are taken to ensure the patient's well-being during and after the procedure. These may include sterilization of surgical instruments, use of local anesthesia, and close monitoring of the patient's vital signs throughout the procedure.
Lastly, the efficiency of hair transplant procedures in Turkey is noteworthy. Many individuals have seen significant improvement in their hair density and appearance post-procedure. However, it is worth mentioning that results may vary from person to person based on factors like their overall health, age, and the extent of hair loss.
In conclusion, understanding hair transplant procedures, from pre-operative evaluation to post-operative care, is crucial for anyone considering this option. The more informed you are, the better you can navigate your hair transplant journey in Turkey.
Unveiling the Authenticity and Reliability of Hair Transplant Methods in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has been a subject of global interest due to the impressive hair transplant results obtained by numerous individuals. The country is renowned for its innovative approaches and technological advancements in this field, which contribute to the high success rates in achieving desirable hair transplant results.
A crucial part of the hair transplant strategy in Turkey is the careful selection of the most suitable hair transplant options for each individual. One of the key factors determining the success of a hair transplant is the accuracy of this selection process. The variety of hair transplant methods available in Turkey ensures that every individual can find a technique that best suits their specific needs and expectations.
The duration of a hair transplant procedure is another important aspect to consider when planning for a hair transplant in Turkey. The time taken for the procedure can vary significantly depending on the chosen hair transplant methods. However, the advanced hair transplant technology used in Turkey enables surgeons to perform the procedures efficiently without compromising on the quality of the transplant results.
Innovation plays a vital role in the hair transplant strategy adopted in Turkey. Continuous research and development efforts are directed towards improving existing hair transplant methods and developing new ones. The use of cutting-edge hair transplant technology is a testament to the commitment of Turkish specialists to innovation in this field.
The reliability of hair transplant procedures in Turkey is reinforced by the authenticity of the methods used. The techniques employed are scientifically proven and have been successfully utilized in numerous procedures. This authenticity provides reassurance to individuals seeking hair transplant in Turkey, as they can trust in the reliability of the procedures and the results they can achieve.
In conclusion, the hair transplant strategy in Turkey is characterized by a strong emphasis on innovation, use of advanced technology, and selection of the most appropriate hair transplant options for individuals. This approach, along with the authenticity and reliability of the hair transplant methods used, contributes to the impressive hair transplant results obtained in Turkey.
Unveiling the Realities of Hair Transplant in Turkey: Facts, Statistics, and Insights
Turkey has become a popular destination for individuals seeking a hair transplant. But before you book your flight, it is important to understand the realities of getting a hair transplant in Turkey.
One of the main reasons people opt for hair transplant in Turkey is the painless procedure. With advanced technologies and techniques, the procedure has been made incredibly comfortable for patients. However, it's crucial to have a hair transplant consultation before making any decisions. The consultation allows you to gather hair transplant details, understand what the procedure entails, and learn about the possible outcomes.
Hair transplant statistics indicate a high success rate in Turkey. These statistics are a reflection of the skilled specialists and advanced technologies used in these procedures. But keep in mind, every individual is unique and results can vary. That's where hair transplant counselling comes into play. Counselling helps you develop a comprehensive understanding of the procedure and manage your expectations.
The decision to undergo a hair transplant should not be taken lightly. It should be based on a thorough hair transplant understanding. This includes knowing about the procedure, the potential risks, and the expected results. To make an informed hair transplant decision, it is advisable to carry out extensive research and seek advice from experts.
Hair transplant prediction is another crucial aspect to consider. It helps you visualize the potential results and prepare for the post-procedure phase. Remember, a hair transplant is not just a physical transformation, but also a psychological one. Therefore, understanding the realities of the procedure can help ease the process.
When it comes to hair transplant facts, it's important to differentiate between myths and realities. Misconceptions can often cloud our judgment, making it essential to seek accurate information. Hair transplant perspectives vary, but the end goal is always the same - to restore confidence and enhance appearance.
Lastly, gaining hair transplant insights is a vital part of the journey. These insights can be gained from previous patients, reputable sources, and medical experts. They can shed light on the realities of a hair transplant, helping you make a well-informed decision.
In conclusion, getting a hair transplant in Turkey involves more than just booking a flight and making an appointment. It requires a deep understanding of the procedure, its outcomes, and the realities involved. By gaining insights, you can make an informed decision and embark on your hair transplant journey with confidence.
Building Trust and Transparency: The Importance of Assurance and Support in Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, several factors come into play. It's not just about the procedure itself, but the support and assurance offered by the professionals involved. It's essential to have a hair transplant team that emphasizes trust, empathy, and commitment to ensure you feel comfortable and confident throughout the process.
Hair transplant assurance is a key factor in choosing the right provider. This assurance comes from the knowledge and expertise of the professionals involved. The more experience and understanding they have of the hair transplant process, the more assured you can feel about the outcome. This assurance is also bolstered by the transparency of the clinic, providing clear and honest information about what you can expect from the procedure.
Hair transplant support is another crucial aspect of the process. It involves the care and guidance provided throughout your hair transplant journey, from the initial consultation to the aftercare support. It's the empathy and commitment shown by the team, which can make all the difference in your overall experience. This support is integral in building a strong hair transplant trust between you and the team.
The hair transplant guarantee is an important part of the package. This guarantee shows the integrity of the provider, ensuring that they stand by their work and are committed to delivering the best possible results. This guarantee is also a reflection of the clinic's commitment to you, their patient.
Furthermore, hair transplant confidentiality is vital. Your privacy should always be respected and protected during this personal journey. A strong emphasis on confidentiality reflects the clinic's integrity and respect for their patients, further building the hair transplant trust that is so important in this process.
In conclusion, when considering a hair transplant in Turkey, look for a provider that offers assurance, support, guarantee, and emphasizes on knowledge, transparency, commitment, trust, empathy, integrity, and confidentiality. These factors together will ensure a positive experience and a successful outcome for your hair transplant journey.
Evaluating Your Hair Transplant Experience in Turkey: Suitability, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Key Considerations
Hair transplantation has become a prevalent solution for individuals facing hair loss problems worldwide. Among the many global destinations for this procedure, Turkey stands out due to its hair transplant expertise and renowned excellence in the field. This article seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of the hair transplant experience in Turkey, delving into the suitability, advantages, disadvantages, and key considerations.
Hair transplant suitability is the first aspect to consider. Not everyone is a suitable candidate for hair transplantation. Factors such as the extent of your hair loss, the availability of donor hair, and your overall health condition play a critical role in determining your suitability. Hair transplantation requires a sufficient amount of healthy hair follicles that can be moved to the balding areas. Therefore, a consultation with a professional is necessary to assess your hair transplant suitability.
When it comes to hair transplant advantages, Turkey offers a range of benefits. The country is known for its highly skilled professionals with significant hair transplant expertise. Additionally, the cost of the procedure in Turkey is more affordable compared to other countries, without compromising the quality of care and service. The country also offers a unique blend of tourism and healthcare, allowing patients to combine their medical journey with a vacation.
However, as with any medical procedure, hair transplantation also comes with its own set of disadvantages. Potential risks and complications include infection, scarring, unnatural-looking new hair growth, and the possibility that the transplanted hair doesn't grow as expected. It's essential to discuss these potential hair transplant disadvantages with your specialist to make an informed decision.
Moreover, there are several important hair transplant considerations to keep in mind. These include ensuring you have realistic expectations about the results, understanding the post-operative care requirements, and being prepared for the recovery period. You should also consider the need for potential additional sessions in the future.
Finally, achieving hair transplant excellence requires choosing the right professionals and the best possible care. Turkey's medical tourism industry is regulated by stringent standards, ensuring you receive top-quality treatment. However, it's vital to do your own research, read patient reviews, and ask the right questions to ensure your hair transplant experience in Turkey meets your expectations.
In conclusion, understanding your hair transplant experience in Turkey involves assessing your suitability, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, and considering key factors before making a decision. With the right approach, you can ensure your journey towards hair transplant excellence is a successful one.
Understanding the Costs, Benefits, Drawbacks, and Aftercare of Hair Transplants in Turkey
Hair transplants in Turkey are becoming increasingly popular due to their high success rate and affordability. However, it's essential to have a comprehensive understanding of all aspects involved including the hair transplant costs, benefits, drawbacks, aftercare, and alternatives before making a decision.
The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure and the number of grafts needed. However, it is generally considered more affordable compared to other countries. Despite the cost, the benefits of hair transplantation are numerous. This technique can provide a permanent solution for those dealing with hair loss, offering them the chance to regain a full head of natural-looking hair and improve their self-confidence.
However, like any medical procedure, hair transplants also come with potential drawbacks. Some individuals might experience minor side effects such as scarring, infections, or unnatural-looking hair growth. Therefore, it's essential to understand these possibilities and discuss them with a medical professional before going ahead with the procedure.
After the hair transplant, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the success of the procedure and minimize any potential side effects. This can include avoiding strenuous activities, following a specific hair care routine, and taking prescribed medications.
Moreover, there are also alternatives to hair transplants that one might consider. Non-surgical solutions such as medications, laser therapy, and scalp micropigmentation can also help combat hair loss. These alternatives might be a good fit for those who are not suitable candidates for a hair transplant or those who prefer a less invasive approach.
To sum up, deciding whether to undergo a hair transplant in Turkey involves considering various factors such as the costs, benefits, and potential drawbacks. It's also essential to have a clear understanding of the aftercare process and to explore all available alternatives. Through careful consideration and consultation with a medical professional, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and desires.
Unlocking the Potential of Hair Transplant in Turkey: A Comprehensive Look at Scalp Health, Hair Growth, and Baldness Treatment
Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for hair transplant procedures, providing solutions for a myriad of issues such as hair thinning, hair loss, and male and female pattern baldness. The country's medical practitioners are renowned for their expertise in enhancing hair density and restoring natural-looking hairlines, resulting in remarkable hair transplant results that have garnered international acclaim.
One of the critical factors that influence the outcome of a hair transplant is the health of the scalp. A healthy scalp, nourished with the right nutrients, provides an ideal environment for hair growth, making it a crucial component in achieving successful transplant results. The hair transplant procedure in Turkey focuses on ensuring the scalp is in the best possible condition to accept the transplanted hair follicles, leading to a significant increase in hair density.
Hair thinning and hair loss, common issues experienced by both men and women, can have a significant impact on self-esteem and confidence. Male pattern baldness, characterized by a receding hairline and thinning hair on the crown, is a common concern among men. On the other hand, female pattern baldness, which usually results in thinning hair across the scalp, is a common issue among women.
Hair transplant in Turkey offers an effective baldness treatment for both conditions, providing individuals with the opportunity to regain their lost hair and restore their confidence. The procedure involves transplanting healthy hair follicles to areas experiencing thinning or loss, consequently promoting new hair growth and a fuller, healthier-looking hairline.
The hair transplant results in Turkey are impressive, with a high success rate in treating both male and female pattern baldness. Patients have reported significant improvements in hair density and hairline, thus boosting their self-confidence and overall well-being.
In conclusion, the hair transplant procedure in Turkey offers a reliable solution for those grappling with hair thinning, hair loss, and pattern baldness. With a focus on scalp health and hair growth, the country continues to deliver exceptional hair transplant results, making it an ideal destination for individuals seeking to regain their hair's natural density and beauty.
Understanding the Process and Outcomes of Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey
Hair transplant surgery has become a popular solution for people experiencing hair loss across the globe. Turkey, in particular, has become a go-to destination for this procedure due to its advanced medical techniques and experienced professionals. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on the hair transplant procedure in Turkey, from preparation to recovery and everything in between.
Before undergoing the hair transplant surgery, there's a series of steps involved in the hair transplant preparation. It is essential to have a thorough consultation with the experts to understand your hair condition and the expected outcomes. The preparation phase is crucial as it sets the ground for a successful surgical procedure and ensures that you know what to expect.
Hair transplant surgery itself involves carefully moving hair follicles from one part of the scalp (known as the 'donor site') to the balding or thinning areas (the 'recipient site'). The surgical procedure is meticulously done to ensure that the transplanted hair follicles will grow in the right direction and look as natural as possible.
Once the surgery is completed, the hair transplant recovery process begins. This phase is extremely important as it dictates the overall success of the surgery. Patients are given specific guidelines to follow to ensure that the transplanted hair follicles heal properly and start to grow. The recovery period may vary from person to person, but typically, visible growth can be observed after a few months.
Like any other medical procedure, there can be hair transplant side effects. Some common ones include swelling, numbness, itching, or infection. However, these are usually temporary and manageable with the right care and medications. It's important to remember that any medical procedure comes with potential risks and benefits, so a detailed discussion with the healthcare provider is essential prior to the procedure.
One of the most exciting parts of the entire process is seeing the hair transplant before and after results. These are often showcased to potential patients to give them an idea of what they can expect. It's important to note that results can vary depending on individual circumstances, and the full effects of the transplant may not be visible until a year after the procedure.
In conclusion, setting realistic hair transplant expectations is crucial. While this procedure can significantly improve one's appearance and confidence, it's important to consider all aspects - from preparation to recovery and potential side effects. Consulting with a professional and understanding the process thoroughly can help ensure a successful hair transplant experience in Turkey.
Post-Surgical Care and Alternatives: Essential Aspects of a Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has rapidly earned a reputation as a sought-after destination due to the high-quality services provided. But beyond the actual transplant procedure, there are several other factors that potential patients should consider. These factors include the hair transplant follow-up, post-surgical care, hair transplant advice, and the cost of hair transplant.
The hair transplant follow-up process is a crucial factor that often goes unnoticed. Once the procedure is completed, it's important to have a consistent follow-up schedule with your surgeon. This ensures that the healing process is going smoothly, and any potential issues can be swiftly addressed. Most patients are keen on viewing hair transplant reviews to get a sense of what the follow-up process looks like, and to gauge the level of post-surgical care provided.
Post-surgical care after a hair transplant is another significant aspect that potential patients must understand. This involves understanding how to take care of the transplanted area to avoid infection and ensure optimal growth of the transplanted hair. It's advisable to seek hair transplant advice from professionals to gain a comprehensive understanding of the post-surgical care process.
While hair transplant reviews provide an insight into the experiences of previous patients, they also offer a glimpse into the procedure's effectiveness. The reviews can help potential patients make an informed decision by considering the experiences of others who have undergone the same process.
As much as hair transplants are popular, there are also hair transplant alternatives that individuals can consider. These alternatives may include medications, low-level laser therapy, or even lifestyle changes. It's important to explore these alternatives, discuss them with professionals, and consider their pros and cons before deciding on a hair transplant.
Hair transplant maintenance is also a key aspect to keep in mind when considering this procedure. This involves routine care of the transplanted hair to maintain its health and appearance. Regular washing, avoiding harsh chemical treatments, and maintaining a healthy diet are all part of this maintenance process.
Lastly, the hair transplant costs are a significant factor for most individuals considering this procedure. Turkey is known for providing high-quality services at competitive prices. However, it’s important to factor in all the costs involved, from the procedure to post-surgical care and follow-up visits.
In conclusion, while a hair transplant in Turkey may seem like an attractive option, it's essential to consider all these factors before making a decision. Knowledge about the procedure, post-surgical care, maintenance, and cost can help individuals make an informed decision that suits their needs and expectations.
The Pros and Cons of Undergoing Hair Transplant in Turkey: Suitability, Quality, and Expertise
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained considerable acclaim worldwide due to its high-quality services and expertise in the field. The continuous advancements and innovations have made it a popular choice among individuals seeking solutions for baldness or hair thinning issues.
One of the significant hair transplant benefits in Turkey is the superior quality offered. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and highly skilled professionals, Turkey has been able to deliver remarkable results consistently. A successful hair transplant can provide a natural-looking, fuller hairline, significantly improving one's appearance and boosting self-confidence.
Another advantage of hair transplant in Turkey lies in its suitability for a wide range of individuals. Regardless of the cause or degree of hair loss, there are various procedures available that cater to different needs and expectations. The hair transplant expertise in Turkey is reflected in their ability to assess each case accurately and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.
Despite the many hair transplant advantages, it's essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks as well. One of the hair transplant disadvantages might be the cost. Although it is more affordable compared to many other countries, the procedure may still be a significant investment for some individuals.
Another downside to consider is the recovery time. After a hair transplant, the recovery period can last for a couple of weeks, during which certain activities might need to be limited. It's important to factor in this downtime when considering a hair transplant.
Lastly, while the hair transplant quality in Turkey is generally high, results can vary depending on individual factors such as the extent of hair loss and overall health. Therefore, it's vital to have realistic expectations and understand that while hair transplants can significantly improve hair volume and appearance, they may not fully restore the hair to its original density.
In summary, while there are many hair transplant benefits to anticipate, it's equally important to consider the possible drawbacks. A thorough understanding of the hair transplant advantages and disadvantages will help individuals make an informed decision. The suitability of the procedure, the quality of service, and the level of expertise in Turkey make it a strong contender for those contemplating a hair transplant.
Essential Considerations for a Successful Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained worldwide recognition for its excellence in providing natural-looking results. However, just like any other medical procedure, it comes with its own set of considerations and requirements. This article aims to shed light on some of the key aspects of the hair transplant experience, tips to ensure a successful procedure, and potential complications to be cautious of.
Firstly, it's crucial to understand the requirements for a hair transplant. These primarily revolve around the health and age of the potential candidate. It's necessary to have a comprehensive health check-up to ensure that the body is capable of undergoing such a procedure. It's also crucial to have realistic expectations from the surgery, as the results largely depend on the individual's hair type, hair color, and skin color.
One of the most significant hair transplant considerations is choosing the right procedure. There are various methods available, each with their own pros and cons. It's essential to do thorough research and consult with a medical professional who can provide the best advice based on your specific needs and circumstances.
Next, let's talk about the hair transplant experience itself. The process can be quite lengthy, requiring several hours to even a day, depending on the number of hair grafts being transplanted. You can expect some degree of discomfort during the process, but most patients report that the procedure is less painful than they anticipated.
Moving forward, let's delve into some hair transplant tips that can enhance the overall success of your procedure. One crucial tip is to follow all pre and post-operative instructions diligently. This includes avoiding certain medications before surgery, not smoking or drinking alcohol for a certain period, and following a specific hair care routine after the procedure.
Despite the excellence of hair transplant procedures in Turkey, potential complications cannot be completely ruled out. These can include infection, scarring, unnatural-looking hair, and in some cases, the transplanted hair not growing as expected. However, these complications can be significantly reduced by taking the necessary hair transplant precautions, such as choosing a reputable clinic and following all post-operative care instructions.
Lastly, it's important to remember that a hair transplant, while effective, is not a cure for hair loss. It can significantly improve the appearance, but underlying conditions causing hair loss need to be addressed separately.
In conclusion, while embarking on the journey of a hair transplant in Turkey, it's essential to keep these considerations in mind. This will not only help to ensure a successful procedure but also minimize any potential complications.
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getodrools · 8 months
okay we had priest nanami.. but what about priest higuruma? i feel like he fits it too 🤭🤭
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໒꒰ྀི。•̀ᴗ-꒱ྀི 🗞️ YUMM ! nonnieee my head is FULL and i might explode ! he definitely fits this role so well – his ominous aura just gives me the creeps ! ! alsooo, this is gonna be in the same universe with priest nanami — i couldn't help myself ! they'd work sooo well together D;
+ here is that priest nanami fic – that's about the same concept if you enjoyed this one ! <3
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ f! reader. church au. sacrilege. blasphemy. public sex/church sex (confessional box). religion talk. manipulation. cervix fucking (cause quite guys have big —-!). subtle (m) masturbation if you wink. dacryphilia. use of father. glory hole. oral sex (m). spit as lube. cum shot. | WC –> est 1.3k+
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he knew what you did.
hiromi wasn't around as much. not from what you could see. you knew they both worked together, but never more…
he'd sulk with deep eyes, pupils wide and dilated behind hooded robes – his nose would peak out from the shaggy cloth like one with a medieval beak when he'd watch at the corner… unlike father nanami’s robes; heavenly and bright with hints of baby blue beneath, gold accents to hang, and the dusty blonde hair pulled it together too.
hiromi was the contrary.
he'd allow himself to be swallowed up by the dark corners in the church, and still. stiff with no movement, he'd watch. keep himself hidden almost as if he's locked in the confessional box with no say... hiromi was another priest, everyone knew of him, but ignored him – or acknowledge him as much as father nanami. nothing close to the praise he gets, even though everyone goes to him daily… you'd assume because he knew the darkest secrets your friends have, or all the lies they've told and they'd rather not speak upon it again, holding a slight worry towards a faded man that knows of every unknown.
people around town only heard him speak once or twice. they did all the talking, of course, he was one you could confess to. you never heard him speak. maybe a hum before but you couldn't even tell that was him either. he'd carry a small bible and a fist full of rosemaries.
they'd jingle when he sauntered.
“father, hiromi… i only come to you… because i have a confession…” that day was overwhelming.
it felt right – it felt amazing! you felt your whole body through and through, exploring it with the holy father of this church. you never felt closer to god, but it felt like the wrong way to take such a comfortable seat.
“y/n…” you had a voice he's heard echo down these halls and it was ringing. louder than the church bells itself, but his… it was dauntingly deep tearing. a deep rasp that made you flinch even with a thick wall between you both.
“i remember. once… three years ago you confessed to lying about the bible you stole.”
your bottom lip catches between clattering teeth. you still feel terrible to this day.
you never visited the conffensianl box often. the last time was intimidating, as if you knew you deserved that unnerving treatment for what you caused… even walking by it licked goosebumps up your spine, sometimes catching his eyes between the peeking wood; the whites of them becoming fuller as they'd follow every move…
“yes, you are right. but i was forgiven.” your thighs shift awkwardly.
silence and a small tap of the rosemaries moving was all you could hear. the heavy air pressuring at your lungs he created in such a small space was forcing words to spill out – easily, “i confess that i have sinned… and i repent from my… sexual sin, and i beg for your forgiveness.” you stumble quickly over that keyword.
god already knows of the details. so sparring yourself with a quick confession was your route.
“i want to obey your ways lord, and i want to honor you with my chaste… please..?”
your begging was cute.
“you've been fucked in the cunt before marriage. no man would want you now.” his vulgar spew made you gasp, eyes wide but heart sinking at the truth, “honor your words and show the lord you speak nothing but the truth.” hiromi’s voice dropped an octave rolling with a hard hiss as a small hole etching through panels filled with light that peers from father hiromi’s side.
you honored the sacred father through and through. the whole town knew too, the priests, of course, and sisters knowing your name so much you wanted to become one yourself… honoring the holy spirits angels in the church felt just as good and the priests only wanted your love for god no matter and always beside to direct you. you took nanami’s words once and he guided you, and another priest as close to him – you'd take that chance again to touch the clouds of heaven.
like it was destined.
like it was planned.
too stupid to notice anyway – and too trapped in this lope of always wanting to be forgiven…
. . .
the priest behind the wall dragged a middle knuckle up the slit of your pussy.
your eyes clench.
squeezing ever so tight, fine lines wrinkled into your features. it was cold as he slipped between the seeping pool of wet slick… your ass was pressed plush against the mahogany wood, nothing but fat folds pucker out the small hole as your hands held dear to the chair ahead, waiting.
he takes two digits and wrecked your sodden hole; spreading you wide with a quick scissoring – his middle finger dipping between with ease. with haste. no need to hear the small squeaks you babble out… the priest hooked in deep, cramming the hilt into you. hooking at your softest spots before popping his finger out; short-lived, a stringing trail of glistening still webbed between his digits.
he dammned, ‘flthy...’
the meat of his cock was freed sometime, or had it been jostled with earlier; edging to the wreck you cried out in, hearing your not-so-secrets spill out on the other side stiffen him up…
hiromi pressed the bulbous crown eagerly against your puffy folds. and with a sharp application of pressure, he squished the wetness of your chaste down; treating it to a haze of heat that left you gasping. your sodden silt wept in a vigorous stretch, full pentration and a wad of spit to your little hole made room for the invasive fill.
hiromi groaned at the tightness of your walls hugging him, and the warmth of your cunt sucking him in made the man instinctively hammer strong hips forward; deep, languid strokes left your cunt rippling and stretching – sensitive walls swelling in blossoming bruises, feeling hiromi barrel himself between the sweet heat of your legs in all focus to hurry and empty his balls…
your nothing but a church girl.
-- the church's girl.
your fingers uselessly clench down on whatever was in reach to fight off the awkward strain of hiromi ramming into your sopping depths. it was all over again, heavinly bliss jackharrming you out – just how father nanami stretched and fucked you over the stages pulpit, now bent in front of the hole in a confessional box with his holy brother…
all inches of tan, thick cockmeat stuffed you over the hilt. stiff pole pressing in deep until the leaking crown prodded at your cervix – your jaw tightening around prayers… webbing around his cockhead, he rammed himself into your perk cervix ‘till it hardened in bruises as your ass bounced against the wall and tight cunt fluttering full of cockmeat that stretched everything at once mercilessly.
hiromi‘s balls cradle up, tightening at your onslaught. the priest's cock throbbed, and burbled with cum.
“on your knees.”
it was quick, the empty gape clenched around nothing in need and you couldn't help but whine. twisting fast at his command – to fill another hole, your mouth instinctively aah’s in welcome.
wrapped in shadow only with arms delving out from the darkness gripped you close…
you never caught his face much when you visited, but you knew of the deep clover eyes above heavy bags and sunken skin were beneath his robes. but now you can only imagine how deep settled his features laid – possibly brows furrowed, his nose scrunching, eyes widening… but only his sacred dick flashed around your face…
he could see all of you and your pitiful shame. the small peaks he created over the years helped him watch your pretty eyes ogling upwards; and the carved wood you caught displayed mother mary herself.
nowhere's to blink.
you flinch.
at the time the embarrassment was immense, you could have hidden as a child may have – the vulnerability at mark to your naked frame crawled with a cold shiver; a rise of goosebumps layering cross naked flesh, face even running cold with sunken gape.
hiromi guided you – and your weeping mouth closer to the sleazy hole in his confession box. the small room with thin walls began to feel more squeezed in than usual – his towering body filling half the space on his side began to crowd yours… it was a nimble carved gap; only enough for a single pair of hands wrapped in the chains of roses with mary herself dangling off the side to crawl up your throat. father hiromi gave the supple skin a squeeze before tugging at your scalp.
your mouth panted out a wet ‘o’ in return.
“accept the lords offering.” the priest dipped his tip back into your mouth, “and the lord will forgive you.” old mahogany wood almost splinters at your forhead. the raw slip of his cock filled your throat and made you bubble with spit – words even foaming into webbed slick. it began to squelch when you tried to pray, speaking around a block full of dick meat was messy, and incoherent… but the soft hum vibrating around the thick of his bulbous cap was close enough. he could hear the rhythm of your prayers droning a longing chant and it was beautiful. the puffing of your cheeks before retching and spit stringing from tip to puffy lips was glorious...
you harmonize prayers around him – some syllables dropping or skipping words entirely, but no faster than the bubbling tears welting down your cheeks. your face was left ridden and stained, and the father was twitching as tears began mixing with sappy drool.
he could almost taste the shame thickening in the air.
hiromi was face fucking the truth out of you; the crown of his cock shoveling out spews of confessions each time his hips rocked out, only to crowd that small space again to the hilt… seeking and discovering secrets.
your eyes twitched and rolled back.
it didn't take much.
he kept himself in there for years.
the priest's thumb swipes at your tears, soothing at the burning skin but he wasn't here for empathy; this is a confession box, he curses and pinches at the taut flesh until you opened wider.
your tongue straddles his capped tip. tasting a tangy salt and fresh cum pooling at the soft ‘bowl’ you keep open for him. hiromi twitches and jerks the rest of himself out; a spunk of batter thickly ropes out onto your buds.
you look up, eyes watering with a banter – the carving of the holy figure looked back down at you...
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thealexchen · 3 months
who the fUCK is that in the new LIS trailer bc thats not the max i know 😭 why does she look so different help
maybe its bc arcadia bay was known for its warm hues and this just feels completely different but even the art style was changed to look more generic :((
The main reason: they made Double Exposure Max more conventionally attractive. Ironically, while Max's redesign in Double Exposure tries to make her face more unique, it winds up making her more generically pretty.
LiS1 Max was deliberately designed to look like a young, plain and mousy teenage girl. She dressed simply and safely so as to not stand out. It conveyed her shyness, awkwardness, and indecisive nature and was an example of Dontnod's eye for character design.
This Max is... I dunno. Her design doesn't say anything. I'm not even that bothered that her hairstyle changed, but it's literally Steph's hairstyle on Max's head and doesn't communicate much about Max's personality as an adult. Same goes for her clothing-- as a teen, her graphic tees and plain gray hoodie immediately depicted her as a shy, youthful wallflower in an eclectic private art school. In Double Exposure, her wardrobe is indistinguishable from any other young working professional her age: a yellow beanie, a green peacoat, blue jeans, red and blue cardigans with feminine necklines.
As for the rest of her appearance, somehow her face shape has completely changed to become more slender, especially her jawline.
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LiS1 Max, with her square jaw, distinct from her chin, and dark circles.
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DE Max, who suddenly has filled out cheeks, with a softer jaw that blends into her chin.
In LiS1, Max had asymmetrical lips, with the bottom lip fuller than the top lip. In Double Exposure, her lips are fuller, rounder, and perfectly symmetrical. Her nose is also more symmetrical: wider, rounder, softer, and less pointed (especially between her nostrils) than her nose in LiS1. All of this serves to soften and feminize her appearance.
While freckles can fade naturally with age, in Double Exposure, Max's freckles are barely visible in most shots. She has flawless skin with an even more realistic skin texture than the models in True Colors (which looks uncanny to me, in my opinion).
But the main thing is her eye color. In LiS1, Max had medium blue eyes that did not particularly stand out against her skintone and hair color. During the warmly lit scenes like golden hour, her eyes are desaturated even further.
But in Double Exposure, Max's eyes are suddenly ice blue, unnaturally bright and piercing. Even in dark scenes, her eyes have a sparkle to them. Unfortunately, her eye design seems to be carried over from the "anime-fied" eyes in the remaster, which were larger, shinier, and brighter than the original game. The difference is truly astounding:
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LiS1 Max's eyes, which had the same texture as the rest of her model. Her irises appear dark blue with little depth.
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And now, DE Max's eyes, which have a distinct "glassy" texture compared to her skin and hair. Her irises are suddenly ice blue and the pupil is larger with a very bright reflection.
I know that D9 wants to show off a new "grown up Max" who has grown into her confidence and femininity with a more cleaned-up appearance. But Max was already done with puberty in the first game, so she wouldn't suddenly be sporting a softer jawline and filled out cheeks at 28 years old. This was a huge missed opportunity to instead depict the effects of accelerated aging due to stress and trauma on Max's face: sunken cheeks, dark circles, acne, skin discoloration, and forehead wrinkles. Instead, Max Caulfield got the Hollywood beauty treatment.
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shardsofmarxx · 7 months
Lost | Spencer Reid x GN! Reader
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Criminal Minds Songfic based on/inspired by the song Lost by Dennis Van Aarssen. (This is a cover of the song "Lost" by Michael Bublé)
Summary: After a long case, Spencer decides to surprise you with a visit to your apartment. Once he arrives, he realizes that you've been struggling, and he does his best to comfort you.
Warnings: Talk of medication, and bipolar II. Reader is clearly going through a depressive episode.
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: So sorry for the delay in getting a new fic out!! Between my busy college schedule, my mental health, and writers block, it took me wayyy too long to come up with a solid idea for a fic. I was randomly listening to this song one day and was suddenly hit with the inspiration for this, so I ran with it! I really hope you guys enjoy this one :)
Spencer rushed to his car, excited to see you after dealing with a long case in Florida for the past two weeks. He didn't tell you that the team finished the case because you two just hadn't talked much today. Now that he was thinking about it, he realized you two hadn't talked much at all these past two weeks, aside from casual good morning and goodnight messages. Regardless, he was sure you'd be happy to see him.
Spencer drove out of the parking garage, whistling some tunes and tapping his fingers as he winded down the road to your apartment. He got there relatively quickly, seeing as you only lived a 5 minute drive away from the BAU. He parked his car, got out, and eagerly headed up the stairs to your apartment.
Once he got to the door, he fished out the spare key you had given him when you two first started dating and unlocked the door, opening it very slowly so as not to startle you awake. He walked in, quietly taking his shoes off and placing his messenger bag by the door. He carefully walked through the hall and saw light coming from the living room, accompanied by the low sound of the TV. He stood in the doorway and found you asleep on the couch, watching Friends reruns. As he walked towards the couch, he noticed miscellaneous wrappers and bottles strewn around the floor. He furrowed his brows and diverted his path over to the kitchen, only to find the sink full of dishes and the trash slightly overflowing, along with takeout containers spread across the counter. He walked back into the living room and over to the couch, kneeling on the floor beside you. He looked over at you and moved some stray hair strands out of your face, being careful not to wake you. He saw your eyes were puffy and your cheeks were still a bit wet, which he deduced was from crying.
Spencer’s profiler brain quickly began putting everything together. He knew you had been struggling with bipolar II for a while, but things had been getting better. He made sure that you were seeing the best people in the field for your treatment. Your therapy sessions, along with the current medication you were on, seemed to be working fine, so he didn’t understand why this was happening. There was no way you would have hidden your symptoms that well from him; after all, he was a profiler. He sat there, racking his brain, trying to figure out what could’ve gone wrong.
Suddenly, it hit him.
Spencer quickly, but quietly, got up and walked to the bedroom. As he walked in, he turned on the lights and went straight to the nightstand on the right side of your bed. He quietly looked through the cabinets until he finally found your medication. He picked up the bottle and saw it was much fuller than it should be, confirming his suspicion.
You hadn’t been taking your medication since he left.
Spencer knew this feeling all too well from all the times his mother would refuse her medication. He felt a wave of guilt rush through him as he sighed and returned the bottle to the nightstand. He slowly trudged back to the couch and sat on the floor so that he was right by your face, completely enthralled by your beauty as you slept soundly.
As Spencer stared at you, his mind began to wander. He felt guilty for not realizing the implications of your distance from him over the past two weeks. Although he loved his job, he hated how busy it could get and how it could cause him to neglect the things he cared most about, like you. Most importantly, he felt guilty that he couldn't be there for you. He did his best to push all these thoughts out just as quickly as they came, telling himself that he should just focus on the present. He was here now, and he was going to do anything and everything he could for you. He sat by your side, gently caressing you until you finally awoke, stirring for a few moments until your eyes fluttered open.
“Spencer?” You croaked, your voice slightly raspy from sleep, “What are you doing here?”
“We landed a while ago, and I figured I’d come surprise you,” he replied softly, accompanied by a warm smile.
You sat up and rubbed your eyes for a few moments in an effort to wake yourself up. As you looked around, you realized the mess that was your apartment, and memories of how you'd been spending the past two weeks began to flood your brain. As this was happening, you came to the realization that Spencer has seen all this too, which means he’s definitely figured out that you’re off your meds. You immediately stand up, and Spencer does the same, a look of concern forming on his face as you lead him to the door.
"Well, Spence, this was a lovely surprise, but I have a busy day ahead of me. You really should get going,” I said, handing him his messenger bag. As you reached to open the door, he grabbed your wrist, his warm touch causing you to turn back around.
“Unfortunately for you, I can't be fooled that easily.” His voice trailed. “I'm not leaving you, darling.”
He grabbed the messenger bag from my hand and kneeled down to place it back by the door. He stood back up and placed his hands in yours, giving you a soft look with his warm, hazel eyes.
You couldn't bring yourself to meet his gaze. All you could do was stare at the floor and mumble. “Nothing's going on, Spencer, really.”
“I doubt you would go off of your medication for nothing,” he replied matter-of-factly, taking a deep breath before speaking again. “Listen, I understand that dealing with this kind of stuff is hard, really hard, but you can't keep me in the dark forever. I'm your boyfriend, and I'm always going to be by your side, no matter how hard things get. We're a team, remember?” He paused for a moment and cupped my face, making sure you were looking him in the eyes for his next sentence. "You're not alone, honey. I promise.”
As his words echoed in the room, you felt tears form in your eyes. It had been so long since you had heard those words— so long since you had someone express such genuine care and concern. You were so used to the shame, disgust, and scolding from others in moments like these, yet he displayed none of that. It wasn't long before sobs began to creep out of your mouth, and you stuffed your face into Spencer’s chest. He just held you tightly in response, rubbing his open palm on my backside and whispering words of love and care in your ear as you wept.
Eventually, you lifted my face and met his eyes once more. He gave you a small smile as he gently wiped the tears off your cheek.
“I say we go over to the bedroom and talk; does that sound good?” He asked softly.
“I think that's a good idea,” you answered.
He held your hand tightly as he led you to the bedroom. When he entered, he lay down on the bed first, motioning with his hand to the empty space beside him. You laid down, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in and completely enveloping you in his warmth. You both laid there silently for a few minutes, basking in each other's company. You lost yourself in the sound of his gentle heartbeat for a bit before you remembered what you two were here to do. You took a small breath, lifted your head from his chest, and began to speak.
“I didn't like the way I felt when I was on my medication; nothing felt right once I started taking it. I felt like I was a robot or something.” you began. “One morning I woke up and had enough, so I stopped taking them, and I felt great; I felt alive... Well, at least I did for a bit. After a day or two, it felt like reality just came crashing down and-” You paused, feeling a sob creep up your throat once more. "Suddenly, any trace of happiness was gone, and I crashed. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, leave the house, or talk to anyone, especially you. I just felt empty.” You stopped for a couple more moments, glancing over at Spencer, before speaking again. “I was lost and didn’t know what to do, Spence, I’m so sorry…” You finished, your voice trailing.
Spencer never stopped comforting you as you spoke, raking his fingers through your hair and kissing your forehead. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for him to speak up once you had finished.
“Unfortunately, that happens a lot to people when they're on medication. I’m really sorry I couldn’t be there for you, honey,” he said, holding you tightly. “We can make an appointment with your psychiatrist to discuss changing your medication as well as looking for other treatments that might benefit you.” Spencer began rambling about various treatments for bipolar II that he had recently read about. Once he got word of your diagnosis, he poured countless hours of research into learning everything there was to know about it. He wanted to make sure that you received the best treatment possible, and, most importantly, he wanted to make you feel as understood as he could. After all, he knew all too well what it was like to not be understood by anyone around you.
He began rambling about things he had found in his most recent research on bipolar II, and you felt your heart swell with joy. Even though all you could really do was nod your head every once in a while and let out a few “mhms'' and “hmms” to assure him that you were listening, mainly because you didn't understand what he was talking about half of the time, you appreciated this more than he would ever know. After all, it was his way of making you feel loved and understood. Eventually, Spencer ran out of things to say and stopped talking. He turned his head down to look at yours, moving some stray strands of hair out of your face before he spoke once more.
“Y’know, because this case took so long, we got a 3-day weekend from Hotch,” he said softly. “I could help you clean up the apartment and keep you company these next few days, if you’d like.”
You met his gaze and smiled warmly at him. “I would love that, darling.”
Spencer smiled back at you and jumped up from the bed. You were barely able to get a word out before he bent over and picked you up, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding you securely against his chest.
“Spence, what’s gotten into you?!” you said, trying to stifle a giggle.
“C’mon, let’s go get breakfast,” he said, wearing a wide grin on his face as he carried you out of the bedroom.
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any ideas for fics you want me to write in the future, feel free to send them in my ask box!
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beraberblog · 6 months
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Esthetic Hair Mexico: Your Premier Destination for Advanced Hair Transplant Solutions
Are you considering a hair transplant procedure to address your hair loss concerns? Esthetic Hair Mexico offers top-quality hair transplant services, including FUE and DHI procedures, with exceptional results that enhance your appearance and boost your confidence.
Hair Transplant Mexico vs. Turkey: When it comes to choosing a destination for your hair transplant procedure, Hair transplant Mexico vs Turkeyare two popular options. While both countries offer high-quality treatment at affordable prices, there are some key differences to consider. Esthetic Hair Mexico stands out for its experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and personalized care that ensures optimal results and patient satisfaction.
FUE Hair Transplant Mexico: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique that involves harvesting individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting them to the recipient area. At Esthetic Hair Mexico, our skilled surgeons specialize in Fue hair transplant mexico, delivering natural-looking results with minimal scarring and downtime.
Hair Transplant Before and After: Seeing is believing, and at Esthetic Hair Mexico, we're proud to showcase the remarkable transformations our patients undergo with our hair transplant procedures. Hair transplant before and after gallery features real patients who have achieved natural-looking, life-changing results with our FUE and DHI procedures.
DHI Hair Transplant: Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is another advanced hair transplant technique offered at Esthetic Hair Mexico. With Dhi hair transplant and hair follicles are extracted and implanted directly into the recipient area using specialized tools, ensuring precise placement and optimal growth. The result is denser, fuller hair with minimal downtime and maximum satisfaction.
At Esthetic Hair Mexico, we understand the impact that hair loss can have on your confidence and self-esteem. That's why we're committed to providing personalized care and support throughout your hair restoration journey, from the initial consultation to post-operative care and beyond.
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blogwan · 1 year
Hairtransplanttr - Silver
Hair transplant surgery is a procedure used to treat hair loss and baldness. The process involves taking hair-bearing skin from areas of the scalp or body and grafting it onto the thinning or balding sections of the scalp. Various techniques are available for hair transplant surgery, including follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUT, a strip of scalp is removed from the back of the head, and the extracted hair follicles are transplanted onto the balding area. In FUE, individual hair follicles are removed from the scalp and transplanted onto the thinning or balding sections of the scalp. The procedure is typically performed in a doctor's office under local anesthesia. Hair transplant surgery offers numerous benefits, including improved appearance and confidence. Hair loss can have a significant impact on an individual's self-esteem and confidence. Hair transplant surgery can restore a fuller head of hair, improving the overall appearance and attractiveness of an individual. Additionally, hair transplant surgery is a cost-effective solution for hair loss, as it eliminates the need for expensive hair loss products and treatments. Hair transplant surgery can also eliminate baldness and improve styling capabilities. Furthermore, studies have shown that hair restoration can significantly increase self-esteem and satisfaction with appearance. In conclusion, hair transplant surgery is an effective solution for hair loss and baldness. The procedure involves taking hair-bearing skin from areas of the scalp or body and transplanting it onto the thinning or balding sections of the scalp. Hair transplant surgery offers numerous benefits, including improved appearance and confidence, and is a cost-effective solution for hair loss. The procedure can also eliminate baldness and improve styling capabilities. Overall, hair transplant surgery is a viable option for individuals looking to restore a fuller head of hair and improve their overall quality of life.
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howlingday · 9 months
D&D au jaune thought he didn't have talent for magic until one day he insulted a goblin so bad it just fucking died. walk us through the adventures of the blonde bard jaune arc and his best spell vicious mockery
I wish I was more familiar with Bards, and I also wish I answered this with Tom Cardy's "Perception Check". Sadly, I've played a bard once in a now long dead campaign and two mini-campaigns, and I already gave the Tom Cardy treatment to Nora. That said, here's Bard!Jaune
"Fellas, fellas, please." Jaune waved his hands defensively as thugs pressed closer to bring harm to him. It wasn't his fault all the girls were giving him all the unwanted attention. It was an occupational hazard, just like pissing off a bunch of drunken bullies. Like right now. "Come now, can't we settle this without violence?"
"No chance, cheese-hair!"
"Cheese-hair?!" Jaune jumped back. "At least I have hair that looks like cheese, where ass your head is as bald as a newborn elephant's asshole!"
The bald foe reeled back, covering his head. In the far back corner, another bald patron left the tavern in tears. The others, heads much fuller of flowing locks, pressed further. One of them grabbed Jaune by his collar, foul miasma spilling through stained teeth.
"Ugh!" Jaune held a hand over his nose. "You do realize urinal cakes AREN'T real cakes, don't you? What goes into the lavatory is supposed to stay in the lavatory, not go back inside you!"
Jaune landed on his feet as he was dropped, and thick hands clasped shut the port hole of the offending odor. Light chuckles that started filling the room were now building into light rumbles of laughter. The third and final foe stepped forward, tossing a fist without warning. Jaune caught the strike with his face and flew across the stage and into the back wall. It was time to break out the big guns.
"You call that a punch?" Jaune stood from the floor, fire in his eyes. "Your mother hit me harder than that, and that was after I already tired her out with my TRUE bardic skills. But she wasn't the only one, of course, because both your sister AND your father wanted a piece of the action, too!"
The tavern nearly exploded, roaring with laughter as Jaune roasted this man's entire family with his vicious sling of insults. People were in tears, but not nearly as much as this man who had fallen to the floor in a blubbering mess. Taking his instrument in hand, Jaune left the stage, holding his hat out to anyone who wanted to give him his due of gold and silver and coppers.
However, one person had been watching him the entire time and made an important decision. There was an important mission that required people of as many skills as possible in order to get the sweetest score of all. And it would need a bit of sweet talking to help grease the wheels to get there.
That's why Roman Torchwick decided to snag Jaune as soon as he could to get the job done.
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pure-ablution · 28 days
How would you go about planning a glow up if you were starting from scratch?
Step 0: getting ready to start
If you’re starting from scratch, then before you do anything else, you need to be at a point of physical and mental fitness to proceed. There’s no point in diving into a makeover head-first if you have crippling agoraphobia or can’t walk 5m without ending up breathless. You need to get yourself to a very basic level of physical fitness; by this, I mean able to keep up on a short hike without needing a break, able to run for a bus, and able to dance with friends or at a nightclub. You need to be drinking enough liquids, and eating relatively healthy; not necessarily daily green juices and salads or whatever, but just not daily takeaways and oven pizza. Some people use this point to detox, and if you want to try that, then I personally recommend the 3-day cleanse from R’s Koso, but it’s not all that necessary at this point. You need to be free of addiction—whether that’s smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling, social media, sugar, whatever—and taking your medication for whatever conditions you might have; you can take this opportunity to have a medical checkup, if you like, and get diagnoses for problems that were concerning you. I’d also suggest getting a full blood and hormone panel done at this point, and taking your measurements for weight, height, body fat percentage, cholesterol, etc. You need to be sleeping a good 6–8+ hours every night, and your mental health needs to be at a point at which it doesn’t seriously hinder you from participating in life; so book an appointment with a psychiatrist, therapist, or pull out your journal, whatever works for you, but by the end of this stage, you can’t still be at the point where you don’t leave the house and just rot in bed. In order to execute a sustainable glowup, you have to be at a point of physical and mental health to keep up with it.
Step 1: making major changes
This is the point at which most people would benefit from weight loss, weight gain, or just general body recomposition. A change in body composition will drastically change your face—I’ve known obese girls lose weight only to find that they had an absolutely gorgeous bone structure lurking under there! My own face changed when I lost weight and gained muscle; my face shape changed from an oval to a heart, my cheekbones and eyes became more prominent, and the creases of my face around my mouth and nose totally disappeared. For this reason, I highly recommend working on attaining your dream body before you even start thinking about surgery or procedures such as filler. You have no idea what you’ll look like at your goal weight and body composition, so wait a little while before you decide.
This step can take up to a few years, depending on your goals when it comes to your body. In the meantime, though it might feel as though you’re in limbo, you can actually do a lot to multitask. I highly recommend booking an appointment with a well-regarded orthodontist, and having your bite realigned and your smile adjusted, which can also take a few years but, in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects of a makeover. Most people’s teeth, even if they look ‘good’ from the perspective of a layman, are actually misaligned in some way, and undergoing orthodontic treatment can entirely change your face all over again; my upper lip suddenly appeared much fuller once my overbite was fixed, and my jaw seemed slimmer with a wider palate to fill out the empty space. I always recommend getting your teeth fixed before you try any kind of surgery, especially, because the last thing you want is to pay for an expensive nosejob or whatever, and then find that your braces have shifted it out of joint later down the line.
You can also use the time in this step to begin really taking care of your skin and hair. I strongly believe that clear skin is attainable for everyone with the right treatment and approach, so book a consultation with a good dermatologist—preferably one who specialises in your skin type and concern—and start taking your skin seriously, whether that’s using prescription topicals or undergoing regular clinic treatments. Hair is another one, everyone can take care of their hair and I suggest doing some research to find a routine which works for your unique hair type. My method for improving my hair is detailed here, but your hair might require a different approach, since nobody’s hair is the same as another’s. In any case, consistency is the most important thing, and if you can stick to massaging and oiling your scalp 2–3 times a week, oiling your hair’s ends, sleeping on silk satin, and so on, you’ll find that the health of your hair will drastically improve. This step can also go for fake hair; if you want to invest in extensions or a wig, then go for it! Healthy-looking hair is healthy-looking hair regardless of whether it’s growing out of your own head, but do try to invest in the best possible extensions/wig/weave you can afford, or make it yourself if you can.
Lastly, I suggest taking this time to improve your skills, habits, and lifestyle overall. If you want to make that move to the big city, figure out a way to do it, and do it. If you want to start journalling, then start. I recommend using this time to improve your makeup and hair skills, gain qualifications which will open more doors for you—go back to school or enroll into university if that’s what you need to do!—improve your posture (book an appointment at a podiatrist!) and physical fitness, and begin understanding what you want in life, and where you want to go. You don’t have to wait until the ‘end’ of your glowup to begin mingling in a new social circle and making new friends; start now, so that you have time to figure people out and settle on what makes you happiest whilst you’re continuing your journey.
Step 2: refining what God gave you
At the end of the last step, if you’ve done it right, then you’ll have hopefully come out with clear skin, healthy hair, straight teeth, and a body to die for—as well as some truly excellent lifestyle habits! With all of the basics out of the way, you’re now able to see the wood from the trees, and properly analyse what God/nature/whatever gave you. Beforehand, you might well not have been able to see your face for acne, or been able to make out your features under a layer of fat, or just been too damn depressed to pick up a mirror, but now you can properly see what you naturally look like, and begin to make informed choices about what to do next.
This is the point when I’d suggest: getting your hair cut and dyed into a style that truly brings out the best in you; working out your style, investing in a high-quality (not necessarily expensive) wardrobe full of clothes that you love, and getting everything tailored—or altering it yourself—to fit you like a glove; finding a hair removal method that works for you, and keeping your brows in a dedicated style that suits your features; learning how to do your own nails, or finding a manicurist you love, and committing to regular (every 2–4 weeks) appointments; maintaining a consistent facial and bodily massage system.
This is also the point when you can begin to think about correcting any major deformities or asymmetries in your face. I’m not talking about “I’d love a slimmer neck” or “I really need bigger lips”—I’m talking about fixing a broken or disproportionately large nose, correcting strabismus, removing large birthmarks, undergoing jaw surgery if orthodontics didn’t quite cut it, and so on. This isn’t vanity, this is correcting something which may well impact heavily on your self-esteem and the way in which you’re perceived by those around you. Do your research, book a trusted surgeon or other highly-trained provider to carry out your treatment, and take the time you need to recover.
Step 3: smaller adjustments for a big impact
At this point, I can all but guarantee that you’re a gorgeous girl by anyone’s standards. You have a pretty face, good body, and silky, styled hair. Your mental health should be in tip-top shape by this point, and, with any luck, you’ll have found a social circle and an occupation in which you’re thriving. What next?
This is the time for vanity adjustments—very, very careful vanity adjustments. This is the stage when you risk going overboard, or getting botched. You’ve corrected what anyone would have agreed wasn’t doing you any favours, but now everything is much more subjective, and often, imperceptible. Tread very carefully, and try to find someone you trust to give it to you straight. The last thing you want now is to spoil all your hard work with overfilled cheeks or too much Botox! This stage is, basically, delicately refining what you already have—it’s not trying to turn yourself into a different person entirely, but rather, turning up the sharpness and brightness in tiny increments until you achieve what you want.
At this stage, I recommend almost universally: investing in laser/electrolysis hair removal for the areas you’ve consistently kept bare; using a serum on your brows and lashes; whitening your teeth with a safe and dentist-approved system; regularly going to a sauna or steam room.
You can also use this stage for less necessary, but nice to have, procedures. This could involve lash extensions, non-medical Botox, filler in your lips, cheeks, or anywhere else, or surgeries such as breast implants, fat transfers, liposuction to tackle stubborn areas of fat, etc. I’m going to say this, in case anyone takes this as a ‘list of procedures to book’—you do not need all of these. They are just some examples of what you might like to consider, in the context of your own appearance and personal goals. Most will likely be totally unnecessary and superfluous to your overall looks.
You might also want to consider some more unorthodox adjustments at this point. I know girls who have invested in elocution lessons, paid for custom-made perfumes, and changed location or religion in the name of their glowups. Identify whether there is something else, especially something separate from your physical appearance, which is holding you back, and look to fixing it at this stage.
Step 4: the finishing touches
This is about all I have to say on planning and executing a good makeover—if you’ve followed every one of these steps to the letter, I think it would be almost impossible for you not to be at the very best you can be. The important thing now is maintenance. There’s no point in paying hundreds to go blonde if you’re unable to pay for salon products and regular touch-ups, and equally, there’s no point in diligently undertaking all of these tasks if you’re unable to maintain your results at the end of it all. A makeover should be a sustainable lifestyle, not a temporary, drastic change. You need to figure out a way to consistently keep up with your workouts, your diet, your hair and skin, and so on; you can’t neglect your post-sugery aftercare, or your facial massage. Consistency is key, and I think it’s really the finishing touch to all of this. If you can keep it up long-term, then it’s no longer going to be a ‘glowup’—it’s the new you. That, in itself, can take some mental adjustment; it’s hard to look in the mirror and see a woman you don’t quite recognise! If you don’t properly adjust to your new look, there’s a chance you’ll relapse back into the old, familiar look you knew so well before. It’s crucial at this stage that you take the time you need to adjust and show yourself love and acceptance, and commit to maintaining yourself in this way.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
29 and choking/breath play <3 
Prompt: "Touch me there. Right there."
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: Explicit
Contents: Femdom!Shigaraki (quirk sex swap, he/him pronouns throughout), BDSM, feminization, lingerie, sex toys, objectification, masturbation, choking, PIV sex, oral sex (F!receiving), orgasm denial/delay, safeword use, multiple orgasms, humiliation, cum eating, degradation, dacryphilia, subspace, aftercare.
Read on AO3 if you'd prefer, here!
If Dabi ever meets AFO, he's going to light him on fire and watch his bones blacken for the way he treated his lover as a child. However, before that, he's going to beat him bloody and make him explain why he stole so many of the strangest quirks that Duster has slowly been unlocking over the past few months. A hair growing quirk? Octopus quirk? The ability to elongate noses? Fucking weird and stupid, and for every useful quirk that Tomura unlocks, he gets half a dozen other useless ones that he has to send dormant again. 
That being said, Dabi is usually able to roll with the punches when it comes to the All For One quirk. Duster has been getting his physical treatments and hasn't hurt himself unlocking the new quirks, and Dabi puts up with the occasional weirdness because he also gets the occasional quirk that makes him see fucking stars. It's a compromise. But he's not thrilled that his lover didn't get back in from training until about twenty minutes ago, Dabi not even seeing him from where he was getting dressed in their massive closet, before he'd gone to take a shower before their meeting in half an hour. Usually tries to bully Duster into actually sleeping after a training session, but they're not gonna have time for it this morning. Fine. Whatever, their schedules will be clear after this meeting so he can get railed and Tomura can sleep after, only ever sleeps normally if they work each other over thoroughly first. 
He pokes his head into the bathroom, absolutely blinded by steam from how insanely hot his lover likes to shower, "I'm gonna head downstairs, show me whatever you unlocked later?" Because if he was out all night that must mean that he's got a new one. 
"Alright, firefly." Duster calls back as he starts to shut the door again. His voice is... off. Wonders if that has something to do with the new quirk, but Dabi doesn't pay it any mind. At least he's not speaking backwards this time. 
Dabi gets downstairs and starts to set up for the meeting, the others trickling in slowly but surely. Toga is still in her pajamas, which, yeah, he wishes he still was too. But unfortunately, it's some big deadline for Detnerat this week, which means that the PLF check-in had to be at six in the morning to ensure that they could get it finished before half of the lieutenants won't be available for seven days. He's at least going to make it look like he's not going to take the rest of the week as a vacation as soon as they leave. Everyone is just about settled in when the doors open. 
Oh he is going to beat AFO to death and then burn his corpse. If he doesn't accidentally immolate himself first. 
Tomura walks into the room, and yeah, it's still very obviously his lover, but he'd have to be blind to not notice that his lover is currently a gorgeous woman. Still the same height, still the same long wavy white hair, but right now it's falling around softer features. Sharper cheekbones, the same cracked texture around his eyes and mouth, but his lips are a little pinker, fuller, a softer jaw. He's not wearing his suit, instead having stolen one of Dabi's loose tank tops he sometimes lounges around in. Probably had to because it was the only thing in their closet that would fit his much fuller chest, holy shit. Full chest, definitely bouncing but not as much as he probably should be which must mean he's wearing one of Dabi's-- He is going to overheat. Muscle still corded along his arms, waist a little more narrow, hips definitely fuller, holy fuck, his ass when he gets into the chair beside his own. He's staring. He's staring, and his brain is completely empty except for the vague thought that he's going to have to kill AFO for leaving Duster with a quirk that seemingly just turns him into an insanely hot woman. 
"You're smoking, firefly." His voice is higher, but throaty. Kind of effortlessly sultry and that is not helping. 
"You're a girl." 
Duster raises a not-brow. "I'm your Grand Commander right now. Focus." 
As if he didn't know this was going to knock him flat on his ass. Probably only didn't warn him in their room because he wanted him to be flustered. That, or he'd known that as soon as Dabi saw him, he'd want to take him to bed and they actually do need to be at this meeting, so. He forces his temperature lower and tries to focus as the meeting actually starts. It definitely says something about how used they're getting to Shigaraki unlocking new quirks that aside from his initial outburst, no one else brings it up throughout the rest of the meeting. 
And it's a long, tedious, frustrating meeting. Because nothing is finished, nothing is going to be finished for the rest of the week, and that means that no matter what other things they might get up to while they've got some free time, they're going to be overworked as soon as it ends again. But there's nothing for that. It is what it is and they can only do so much-- all that bullshit that Duster usually tells him when Dabi is about to start tearing staples from his skin when he feels like he's stalling out. He'll happily submit to those platitudes right now if it means that he gets to rail his lover as soon as the others leave. 
They have just barely closed out the meeting before Dabi turns to Duster, and that's still apparently too slow. 
Toga immediately launches herself at him, getting her arms around his neck and hanging on, "You look so pretty like this, Tomu!" 
"Do I?" And it's all amusement. He must know exactly how good he looks. Never had any problem with his confidence before now, and Dabi's sure this quirk won't have changed that. 
"Totally, but those clothes so aren't cute. We should go out and get you some new ones." 
"What?" Dabi interjects, wanting to get his lover in bed and get very familiar with the new quirk as soon as possible. "You're not stuck like this, are you?" Because if he's not then getting new clothes right now is not really super necessary. Could always order something for the next time he changes into this form. 
"I'm not stuck," Duster reassures him immediately. "And we can't go shopping, Toga." 
"Come on! I can transform and you look so different right now! If you put on your facemask and coat, no one will know." And then she goes for the fucking kill, big sad puppy eyes and, "I haven't gotten to go shopping with anyone since Magne..." 
And Dabi knows he's not getting laid any time soon. "That's a cheap fucking move, and you're a horrible manipulative little gremlin." He tells her. 
"Don't pout, firefly." Tomura tells him, hand reaching for his arm and pulling him closer. Close enough he can murmur in his ear, "I'll find something to make it worth the wait, baby." And then he presses those fuller lips against his cheek, overlapping his staples the same way he always does. 
As soon as he pulls away, Toga is grabbing Duster's other arm and tugging him out of his chair, already listing a string of shops that she wants to take him to. Ugh. She's so damn happy that Dabi can't do more than pout for a second as he watches them go. He does get to watch Duster walk away after all, and that's always a pretty solid consolation prize. 
He doesn't waste his day once they've headed out. He tries his best to be as productive as he can be, tries to get anything done that his lover might want to see to, just wants to make sure that when he comes back he can monopolize his time. Because holy fuck, he is always gagging for Tomura, but his lover is usually hellbent on spoiling or torturing him. But right now, well, his lover has a whole new body right now. Dabi's sure that he wants to try whatever he can while he's like this. Wants to have Duster under him, wants to make him feel as good as he always makes him feel. And he absolutely does not want any kind of work taking away Duster's attention. 
So he finishes what he can and he waits. 
And waits.
And waits.
It's sundown before he hears Toga's loud, cheerful voice ringing out from their common area. Dabi immediately heads in that direction towards louder chatter, definitely hearing Spinner and Twice's voices joining in. He rounds the corner and nearly turns right around again so he doesn't embarrass himself by starting to smoke again. But Jesus fucking Christ, Tomura must be trying to kill him. 
His lover has set a small array of bags onto the coffee table and has clearly changed since he saw him this morning. Has clothes of his own that fit his body like this now, and the pantsuit he's wearing now is white and black, high collar and decorated with two small moth charms connected by a silver chain, pants high-waisted and straight legged, shirt baggier, long-sleeved, and tucked in. His fur-lined red coat is draped over his shoulders and his long white hair is pulled up into a wild pony, with pieces still hanging around and across his face. Fucking hell, Toga must have also taken him to get his nails and makeup done, because his lips are painted deep burgundy and eyeliner or mascara or something must have been applied to his lover's normally pale lashes to make them look so dark and full, creating a beautiful frame for his vibrant red eyes. Wonders how he handled a nail tech painting his deadly hands, but his nails are long and shaped into perfect almonds with a gradient of black polish fading away closer to his cuticle. 
Toga immediately starts laughing, which must mean she can smell how badly he wants to take Tomura to bed, and when that sound catches his attention, he turns to find him. And fucking smirks. Oh, Dabi is going to have to kill them both. 
"What do you think?" Toga asks him, throwing out her hands as if she needs to direct his attention to his lover. 
He's honestly glad that he doesn't just grab Tomura and start to drag him back towards their bedroom, instead managing, "Why so many bags? I thought you weren't stuck?" 
"I'm not," Duster reassures him again, gathering them on one arm. "But Toga was right, this was an effective disguise. If Re-Destro ever needs me at Detnerat in the future, I wanted to have some appropriate clothes for it." And he, thankfully, does start to come towards him and the door. The others don't have to die because Spinner and Twice stop Toga before she can cockblock him again, and Duster breezes past him, expecting he'll follow. He does, eagerly. 
And in just a few minutes they are finally, finally behind the closed door of their room and Dabi can't wait any longer. He catches Tomura around his waist and pulls him closer. He's maybe another centimeter or two shorter in this form, but he still feels solid, muscle and softer curves in equal measure which is so fucking hot-- He presses in for a kiss and Tomura lets him. Soft full lips against his, slick with the lipstick, but still shattered the way he expects of his lover's mouth. He tries to pull Duster in tighter, wants to surround him with his body the way Shig always does for him-- only to get a firm four-fingered hand pressing against his sternum and a hard nip to his lips. 
He parts immediately, worried he's overstepped-- But Tomura's eyes are hot on him and he's not pulling away. Moving  closer instead, the press of his breasts against his chest now a foreign sensation, but certainly not an unwelcome one. "Now, now, firefly, don't be greedy. You know the rules." 
Dabi feels his face heat, "But--" 
Sharper eyes on him as Duster takes half a step away from him and Dabi wants to hold onto him tighter. "Did you really think that anything would be different just because I look like this, princess?" 
He has to bite his tongue. Has to because his whole body is going impossibly hot at hearing his lover call him that while looking like this. "I... I thought--" Definitely being glared at when he doesn't immediately fall in line. "I'm sorry...sir?" 
"We'll see." Duster tells him with the same haughtiness that his lover reaches for so casually when they're like this. When he knows that he can take Dabi apart with nothing more than a word. "Take off your clothes, baby girl." 
Dabi is still reeling a little, but this is familiar. Knows how to be good for his lover, and he's so hot already just seeing him like this that it's not difficult to fall into line, even if he thought that maybe tonight things would be different. Is Duster going to fuck him full on one of their toys and not even let him touch? Deny himself a whole array of new sensations just to make sure that Dabi knows exactly who owns him no matter what his body looks like? It's a dumb question, he knows his lover absolutely would. Willing to do almost anything to be certain that Dabi knows is place.
He strips away his clothes layer by layer under Duster's watchful eye, Sir having taken a seat on the edge of the couch to watch him as he does, legs crossed. His face heats as he strips away his boxers and his cock is already starting to harden just having his eyes on him while he does this, embarrassment hot under his skin. 
"Do you like it that much, princess?" Made so much worse when Tomura's voice goes so mean and mocking, as he trails a hand along his neck, down his collarbone, and then cups himself through his shirt, squeezing enough to make the fabric bunch and his lashes flutter. Dabi's mouth goes dry. Wants his hands there, at Tomura's waist, around his thighs, between them. Wants to lick and suck at his skin and see if he can coax any new sounds out of him while he's like this. Wants to know how many times his lover can cum while he's like this, how wet he'll be, what he tastes like--
"Sir, please," 
Begging already and they haven't even done anything. Tomura laughs, and it's higher, but just as mean as it normally is. Mean in a way that makes him hotter as Duster lets go of himself. "Already so needy, sweetheart? Can't have you misbehaving so soon. Go put on your ring, baby girl." 
Evil. But he knew that before they'd started sleeping together, and Dabi wants to earn his reward. He goes over to the nightstand and finds his ring in the sea of toys they keep close by and resigns himself to a night of torture instead of indulgence as he puts it on and the familiar pressure chokes away any possibility for release until Tomura gives him permission-- if he does. 
"Sit pretty, princess." Dabi's face burns, but he grabs a pillow from the bed, and puts it on the floor, moving to kneel on top of it, his hands clasped behind his back as he faces the bed. Hears the rustle of fabric being moved, being set aside before Tomura approaches. Cool metal fingers stroke over his cheek, trailing down his chin, neck, to his chest, and he cups his the same way, rolling a nipple between his fingers and stealing Dabi's building heat everywhere he touches. "Such a good girl." 
Always humiliating to be called that. More humiliating because he likes it so much, it turns him on so quickly to be made into this for Tomura's pleasure. But right now? When his lover actually is a girl for the time being? Dabi doesn't know if he's going to survive this encounter or if he'll boil his brain into soup when Duster does really start to use him in earnest. The hand trails over his clavicle as Tomura moves around to perch on the edge of the bed and Dabi evaporates all the moisture in his mouth. 
He sits, crossing his legs, leaning back so that Dabi can see every line and curve of his body. And how dark red lace is accentuating each one. Can't help staring at him like he's starving for the sight of his lover, the swell of his breasts, petal pink nipples hardened buds he can just see through the lace cupping them. The beautiful planes of muscle along his flat stomach, high straps of his thong dragging his gaze lower, his cunt hidden behind the fabric and the way his legs are crossed. Long pretty legs with thick thighs encased in sheer stockings edged in the same lace. His hair has been let down and he must have turned on the growing one while they were out because it's spilling down his back in a wild mane that frames his features, a cloud of white against pale skin and dark fabric and-- and he looks ethereal. Dabi is pretty sure if Duster ever wears this form while fighting, his victims will be certain they were killed by a Valkyrie before they crumble away into dust. 
"Oh, princess," he murmurs, leaning forward to cup his face in his hands, thumbs stroking his seams. "You're already smoking? Really miss having a woman so much?" 
No. He likes pussy, likes tits just fine, but he's more than happy to have his lover's cock in his throat, buried inside of him and making him see stars. He's never really missed having anything else as long as he's been with Tomura. That's not what's making him so hot. "No, sir," he manages after a second, can taste the smoke on the back of his tongue, "Just want you. Want to make you feel good." And then just because he can't help it, "You're beautiful." 
Duster's expression loses that mocking edge, that bit of meanness, and he leans in again. Kisses him sweet and deep, takes Dabi's breath away. "And if what makes me feel good is leaving you so needy?" 
His cock already hurts. Holy fuck, he is starving for his lover, has been since he saw him this morning, but, "Anything for you, sir." 
"Such pretty words for me today, let's see if you can live up to them." And he leans back, uncrossing his leg and pressing his toes to Dabi's chest. "Take off my stockings." Dabi unlocks his hands from behind him and starts to reach. "Behave yourself, princess." More warning in his tone. No touching anywhere he doesn't need to, no making any needy noises. Just be good and prove to Sir he can earn anything else. 
Dabi carefully hooks his fingers under the edge of lace and starts to work the clingy fabric down Tomura's leg. He wants to touch, to linger. Wants to wrap his hand around the back of his leg and press kisses along his thigh. He wants to know how that little sigh he sometimes gets out of his lover sounds out of feminine vocal chords. But he behaves himself. Takes off the first and sets it aside, and then starts to go to the next. A needy whine slips out of his throat before he can stop himself. 
Tomura has slipped his hand into his panties, his fingers toying with himself through the thin layer of fabric and he can see that it's getting darker at his center, wetter as he watches him with lazy, half-lidded eyes. Doesn't stop as he reprimands him, "You have something better to do than stare, kitten." 
Dabi tries to focus, goes to the next stocking and takes that one off with the same care as the first, then he forces himself to put his hands behind his back. Tomura doesn't even acknowledge him, instead continuing to play with his new anatomy through his undergarments, other hand moving to pinch at his nipple. Strokes his fingers along himself, the sound growing wetter as he keeps doing so, his panties getting darker, as his fingers dip inside before moving back up to rub and circle around his clit. Dabi's cock aches as he watches Duster's eyes flutter shut, a soft breath leaving him as his hand works. God, he wants to touch.  But he said he'd be good. Said he'd behave. So he sits and watches as his lover works himself up, as his fingers move faster, as he finds what he likes, as he has to knot four fingers in the sheets as he leans back a little further so that he can rock his hips into his touches as they build. His painted lips fall open, but no sound comes out as he keeps working himself up. Higher and higher, a pretty blush spreads over his cheeks. Oh, fuck. Never seen that before. It makes him look so vibrant. Alive. Always looks like he's got one foot in the grave because of his quirk. Never seen him so affected, and he's not even touching his lover. 
Dabi watches breathlessly as Tomura works himself up, over, and sees his orgasm wash through him. The muscles in his thighs jump as his back bows slightly and he lets out a pant, but no other sound. Some things are still the same then, but he wonders if enough of that pleasure, pleasure written into every line of his face, in a row would finally make his lover moan and scream the way Duster always makes him. Dabi feels half-crazed as he wonders if he could make Duster feel so good he cries in this form. 
But he won't get to. Not if Tomura doesn't let him. Not if he's never allowed to touch. Tomura shivers and lets out another little sigh before opening his eyes again, and Dabi can only imagine how desperate he looks. Sir pulls his hand from his panties and leans forward on the bed, using his other to tilt Dabi's chin up. "Always want something in your mouth. Are you still hungry for it, princess?" 
"Yes, sir." Wants to taste him. Opens his mouth eagerly when Tomura brings his wet fingers to his face. Isn't stopped from licking at his skin, sucking his juices from his deadly fingers, and the taste really isn't that different from what he's used to from his cock, but it's never about the taste. He doesn't care, he doesn't even have that great of a sense of taste since he had to have his tongue reattached. It's about knowing it's his lover's slick on his tongue, knowing that he's not letting him lick him where he wants to. That he's helpless to do anything but take what little scraps that he's being given because Tomura gets to choose what he deserves. He licks up everything he's given and keeps sucking at Sir's fingers until he finally pulls them away. Wipes away Dabi's spit against his cheek and that's so demeaning-- his cock aches as it gives a desperate little twitch, a pearl of pre barely managing to bead on his tip. 
Tomura sees it and laughs, cruel and perfect and making his whole body hum with pleasure-pain as his arousal spikes his quirk even higher. "Oh, baby girl." That just makes him tremble harder. Always makes him so hard when Tomura calls him that. Thinks that right now, with his lover like this, it's going to do catastrophic, irreversible things to his brain. 
"Tomura," barely a word the way Dabi is whimpering. He wants to touch so badly. He doesn't know if he's going to survive not being allowed to. His lover stands from the edge of the bed, reaching around to unhook his bra, and discards it as he moves to the side drawers, the ones filled with all of their other toys. 
"Okay princess, lay on the bed, on your back for me." Dabi scrambles to do so, hoping that means that Tomura is going to use him in some other way. He would take anything if that just means that he can touch. He lays down and after a minute Sir comes back over, setting something onto the mattress before he's leaning over him. His long hair falls around them in a curtain, blocking out the rest of the world, and Dabi's eyes greedily eat up the sight of his lover. He really is breathtaking like this. Still strong and imposing, still pretty, but the difference is novel and captivating. Can't help devouring the sight of his lover's new body completely naked now. The full curve of his breasts and the pebbled pink nipples, the flat v of his pelvis leading to his-- he can't really see as much as he wants because Tomura is catching his chin and dragging his head up. He wants a kiss, but instead he finds cool leather and chain being looped around his neck. "There, baby girl, how does that feel?" He curls the leash around one hand, only giving him a foot of slack.
"Good, sir," he says immediately. Chokes a second later when Tomura pulls it tight and the chains slide loudly through one another and constrict around his neck. It's not too hard, Tomura doesn't want to do real damage to his throat, but just being choked lightly has him moaning readily again, hips jumping, his cock throbbing with his need and helpless to get any kind of release. As soon as he gets breath back in his lungs he's begging, "Please, please, Tomura, please!" Misbehaving already, but he can't help it. "Please, sir, I need you."
"You need me, princess?" He purrs. His free hand moves down Dabi's body, sharp manicured nails scraping over his chest and seams, moving along his hip bone, over his thigh. Dabi whimpers when dry fingers rub against his hole. "You just want your pussy full, baby?"
"No, sir." He admits weakly, unsure if this is going to get him more or get him punished. 
Tomura's fingers leave his hole. "Oh? But you were begging for me just a moment ago. Are you having a hard time deciding what you really want, princess?" 
"No, sir," he still isn't being given much air, but he'd happily give it all up to say, "I want you, I want to make you feel good." 
"You already said that, baby. But you're still begging, so you must want something else." He waits and Dabi's throat is thick and even tighter when he manages to whimper, 
 "I-- I want to fuck you, sir." He admits, trembling. 
His lover's eyes shine with a cruel mirth. "There it is." Tomura rubs the back of his knuckles along the staples piercing his cheek and Dabi does his best to not melt into that touch like a puppet with his string cut. "Why do you think that having me like this makes things any different? You know you never get to put your naughty cock inside of me." 
He whimpers. He knows that. Knows he's Sir's sub, his bottom, made to have his greedy hole filled up with Sir's cock and cum until he's so full he can't tell up from down. But-- "Just once, please, Tomura? I-- I want you to feel what it's like." 
Tomura hums in the back of his throat, eyes moving from his, dragging down over his body and to his aching, flushed cock. His head tilts slightly, considering. "Alright, baby girl," Dabi opens his mouth to thank him, but the leash is tugged on sharply again, held taught this time until there are black spots blooming across his vision and he's having a hard time focusing on anything. 
When the air is finally allowed to rush back into his lungs, he finds that Tomura is perched over him now, his thick thighs spread, kneeling over him and Dabi can see him. See his pretty cunt, flushed even pinker than his nipples or cheeks, all smooth pretty skin, no hair able to grow still because of his quirk-- unless he and Toga got waxed on their little shopping day adventure too. He's still slick, the light glistening off of the moisture clinging to his folds, and he's perched right over him. Ready to sink down and fill himself up with his cock. 
"Listen to me, princess." Like Dabi isn't absolutely held captive by everything that Tomura is doing to him. "You are not going to fuck me." He whimpers, but doesn't protest outright. "You are going to lay there and hold still, and I am going to use your cute clit as a toy. And if you can be a good girl and behave until I'm finished, then I'll give you a reward, sweetheart. And if you can't..?" 
"I'll need to be punished, sir." He agrees through his aching throat. 
"That's my good girl. Now hold still." 
Dabi is helpless to do anything else as Tomura shifts his weight. The hand not occupied with his leash wraps around his cock and Dabi keens, which has him being choked again the next second as Tomura, completely undaunted, starts to sink onto him. It probably doesn't matter that he's being choked because he's pretty sure he would've stopped breathing anyway as he's surrounded by the tight, wet, cool press of Tomura's cunt enveloping his length. Oh fuck. Dabi moans through the pressure on his throat. Holy fuck, oh god. It feels so good. Hasn't ever been inside of his lover anywhere but occasionally his throat, and he's used to how low his body temperature feels in comparison to his own, but this is different. Hasn't ever felt a pussy like this before, hasn't had one in a year and a half now. He's suddenly very, very grateful to be wearing his ring because he has the sneaking suspicion that if he wasn't, he would have cum embarrassingly quickly from the way Tomura's eyes flutter shut, how his pretty lips open around a soft gasp, and how he feels as he trembles slightly in his lap as he seats himself fully onto Dabi's cock. 
"Oh, princess," Tomura rolls his hips, giving Dabi slack on his leash so he can suck in a few gasping breaths. He has to fist his hands in the sheets to stop himself from reaching to grab Tomura. Doesn't know if he wants to stop his lover or let him keep going, just knows that feeling his cunt squeezing his cock is sending pleasure through him so sharply he's bleeding smoke, dizzy from his heat and being choked both. "I can feel all of your cute accessories, baby girl." He purrs, pretty red eyes opening halfway, looking down at him through those long, lovely lashes. Fuck, 
"You're so beautiful," the words slip out of him. Tomura's lips curve into a soft smile before he rests both hands against Dabi's chest, toying with his seam and nipples. 
"Barely started and you're already so drunk on my pussy, baby?" Mocking again as he lifts himself halfway up his length before dropping back down hard. Dabi cries out, the movement making him see stars, his hips jumping-- Tomura chokes him again. Doesn't just do that, his hand cracks across his face, the sharp sting of his palm against his cheek has his staples scraping his gums and tears springing to his eyes. "What the fuck was that, you filthy little whore?" 
Dabi sobs, his cock throbs. The pain and humiliation are so sharp against his nerves and add a layer to his pleasure that makes him so desperate. When he's given slack on his leash again, he barely takes half of a breath before he's blubbering, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be good, I'm sorry--" 
"I told you not to move," Tomura hisses, but his voice is a little thinner than it usually is. The blush across his cheeks is darker than it was before he got on top of him.��
"I'm sorry, I won't, please, your toy, Tomura, please, I'll be good," He pleads. 
"Pathetic. Can't even follow the most simple orders." Rises so that he's barely inside of his soaked cunt and then drops back down much harder than before. Dabi sobs again, but he holds still, sinks his teeth hard into his lower lip to keep from begging for more. Tomura sets into that fast, rough rhythm, not stopping even as he continues speaking. "Said you were going to behave so many times already, and you haven't managed it once. I'm going to have to keep you locked up for a month and re-train you, princess. Going to stuff up your cunt and put you in your cute little lingerie, and then make you sit quiet and pretty until your pathetic little clit just dribbles through your cage." Tomura's hips shift slightly and he lets out a sharp breath, his spine going rigid. Dabi's knuckles ache from how hard he's clenching the sheets as his lover uses him like a dildo. As he angles his hips a little more on the next thrust and Dabi feels a spongier texture along his inner walls. Tomura's pussy gets even wetter as he lets out a low moan. 
Dabi is going to boil his fucking brain. His cock is throbbing, aching, his balls have never been this sore. But he keeps himself quiet except the hitching breaths of his sobs, even tries to keep those soft, because he wants to hear all of the tiny sounds that Tomura is letting out. He seems to have forgotten his anger, that Dabi needs to be reprimanded, because he's distracted fucking himself full on Dabi's cock. His sharp nails are biting into his chest as he uses him as leverage as he keeps moving. His eyes have slipped closed, his chest heaving with his breaths, and Dabi can feel the tremble of his thighs against him every time he brings their bodies completely flush to one another again. And he's so wet, and so tight, getting tighter on every thrust as his muscles clench down around his cock like they don't want to let him go every time he's fully inside. 
Tomura keeps going for ages it feels like, until the air between them is thick with the smoke pouring out of Dabi's seams. He thinks he really might be losing his mind with how badly he wants to cum, but he bites his lip hard and doesn't make a sound. He was so bad already tonight, he doesn't want Sir to punish him any worse and stop playing with him all together. When Tomura grabs one of his wrists, he whimpers, trying to pull back, scared that he's somehow done something else wrong. 
But lust-hazy red eyes open and lock on him, and all Dabi wants to do is-- Tomura guides his hand to just above where they're joined. "Touch me, there. Right there." Dabi sets to the task immediately. Hasn't wanted to do anything but touch his lover all day, and immediately rolls his thumb over his gorgeous, swollen clit. It earns him the best sound he's ever heard his lover make. A loud, unabashed, throaty moan that spills from his chest like it was torn out of him. Dabi rubs and circles, tries to do it at the same pace as Tomura's desperate, frantic thrusts. "Good-- Fuck, good girl, baby." The praise makes his already aching nerves sting sharply, but he can't focus on his need, not when Tomura is moving over him, is looking like a fucking goddess as he does so, as his back arches and he has to pull his hands sharply away from Dabi's body so that he doesn't activate his quirk as he cums on Dabi's cock. 
Dabi keens, his cock is being strangled in his lover's tight, soaked pussy, and he wants to cum so, so badly too as he watches him shudder and pant on top of him. He starts to ease his fingers off of his clit-- and red eyes snap to him in a sharp glare. "Did I say you could stop?" 
Oh fuck. Dabi doesn't, and after another few seconds as Tomura catches his breath, he starts to roll and rock his hips again. He doesn't know how long it takes before Tomura is working back up into that fast pace again. But it feels so good and Dabi keeps his fingers moving, his hips still, his whole body shaking like a leaf under the unrelenting sensation. He tries so, so hard to hold on. He said he just wanted to make Tomura feel good, he meant it, but it's too much. Dabi breaks with another sob, 
"Y-yellow, Tomu--" 
The thrusts slow immediately, his lover focusing on him, hand not tangled in his leash moving to wipe away some of his tears as he shushes him gently. "What's wrong, firefly? What don't you like, baby girl?" His chest is still heaving, his skin shining with sweat, can feel his thighs shaking against his. 
"M-my ring, too much-- I'm sorry--" Should be better, should be able to do whatever his lover wants after how badly he's misbehaved so far tonight. 
"Shh, sweetheart." Tomura leans in and kisses him gently. "You're being such a good girl telling me what you need. Do you want to keep playing, baby?" 
Doesn't know how long Tomura will stay like this, wants to make sure that he enjoys his new form as much as he wants before he goes back to normal. He gives a weak nod. 
"Okay, baby girl. Here's what we're going to do," Tomura sits up a little more and Dabi can't help keening as he feels his wet walls shifting against him again. His lover can't help the little sharper inhale that he sucks in at the sensation either. "I'm going to take off your ring. All you have to do is try to last until I'm finished, and if you can, then you won't be punished anymore tonight, understand, princess?" 
"Yes, sir." He breathes. He doesn't know if he can be good. He's so close already. But he'll try. He'd do anything for Tomura. 
His lover starts to move again, coaxes his fingers back against his soaked clit. Trying to work himself up again, to get close again so that Dabi doesn't have to hold on for as long. Easymode, because he loves him, because he doesn't want him to feel bad about being so ruined. Trying to soothe him and make sure he floats instead of drops when they stop. He tries to focus on those things, tries to pull himself back from the edge. Tomura reaches to undo the clasp around his balls. 
As soon as it's not restricting him anymore, his cock twitches. Tomura lifts until he's barely inside, slams back down with the sharp sound of skin against skin. And Dabi gives another sob, a moan, can't stop himself. He cums so hard inside of his lover's body. Tomura keens, a high, sharp sound that he's never heard his lover make before, that he is going to be replaying over and over in his head forever as his pleasure wracks his body. "H-hot!" Tomura moans, and then he's going so tight around his cock again, milking out the last drops of his cum as he shudders through another orgasm of his own. 
They're both gasping, panting messes as they take a minute to come down from the high. His lover sighs softly, "My toy broke." His voice equal parts mocking and disappointed. Tomura lifts himself off of his softening cock and gives a little tug on his leash. "On your hands and knees, princess." 
Dabi manages sluggishly, his brain feels like it definitely got boiled, but he gets into the position that Tomura wants as his lover swaps places with him on the bed. Settles with his back against the mattress and head on the pillows, spills his legs open and watches him with those gorgeous eyes. "I'm sorry, sir." He barely manages to whisper. 
Tomura hums and reaches between his legs, spreading his lips, letting Dabi see how flushed his cunt is letting him see-- He sinks two fingers carefully into his hole, making Dabi's cum spill out around his fingers. If he hadn't just trembled through such an intense orgasm, he's pretty sure that the sight alone would have made him ready for another. As is, his aching cock gives a little twitch, trying to fill again. "And it made such a mess," he says, amusement seeping into his tone. "But I'm not finished yet." Pulls his fingers out and pulls on his leash. Makes Dabi move closer, close enough. His dirty fingers rub over his lower lip, like they did before. "So you're going to clean up your mess, until I'm all done. This is your punishment, do you understand, princess?" 
Dabi's whole body goes hot. "Yes, sir," this isn't a punishment at all. Takes Tomura's fingers back between his lips and licks away the tangled mix of their juices without hesitation. He makes sure there's nothing on his skin before he's lowering himself to the bed, carefully, and hesitantly wrapping his hands around Tomura's thighs. His lover is watching him from the pillows, expression soft and indulgent now. That's all the permission that he needs. 
Dabi licks along his cunt eagerly. Flattens his tongue and lets his stud drag against him, cleaning away the cum that's already leaked out of him. Moves to his clit and gives a few long, slow licks, just wanting to taste him, just wanting to make sure that he's ready for more. Licks and sucks at his clit until it's flushed even darker and Tomura's free hand is in his hair, scratching his nails lightly across his scalp as he pets him. Rewards Dabi with soft, breathy little sounds as he lavishes his lover's cunt with his tongue. Only goes lower when that gentle hand pulls lightly at his hair. Licks out the mess of his own cum and Tomura's slick from his entrance, does it greedily, wanting to push his tongue inside and feel those soft walls tighten around his tongue the same way they had around his cock. Licks and swallows away his release until all he can taste is his lover, moves back up to his clit as he brings his fingers to his hole, sinks two inside and has them rubbing and crooking up, looking for that denser patch of tissue that will make everything better for his lover. Finds the spongy texture of his g-spot and keeps rubbing there as Tomura moans and grinds his cunt against him, trying to get more. Dabi gives it happily. Keeps his mouth working, his tongue and fingers flicking. Anything for his lover. Just wants to make Tomura feel good. 
Dabi has no idea how long he eats out his lover. Knows he gets Tomura off a few more times with his mouth and fingers, eventually even ends up on his back again, his lover riding his face as he clutches the headboard and moans so loudly and unabashedly. Knows that he liked that so much, that he'd cum all over himself without a hand anywhere near his cock. Hadn't even wanted to stop then, even though he re-split his lip again and his lover's fluids and his blood were dripping all over his face. 
He's floating so high, for so long, that Dabi is disoriented when he starts to come back. Confused because he's aching, but not the places he is usually aching after Tomura works him over so thoroughly that he loses hours to the heady fog of his subspace. Blinks as he feels hands petting along his back, through his hair again, but his head is pillowed on a soft, moving chest--Oh. He blinks and looks up. Tomura is staring off into space. Never really sees him do that. Still a woman for the time being. Dabi sits up a little more and that has his attention shifting again. That perfect, soft, warm smile that Dabi fucking lives for spreads over his features. 
"There you are, firefly." And he pulls him in for a sweet kiss. It's very light, but that doesn't stop Dabi from being immediately aware of how his lip hurts, how his jaw hurts the same way it does when Tomura lets him cockwarm him for a whole afternoon or evening. 
"Good?" Is the first thing he can think to say, his brain still syrupy and sluggish.
Tomura pulls him closer, letting their naked bodies tangle together, and it's different, but the same, and Dabi cuddles in as close as he's allowed. "Very good, baby girl. Did you like playing while I was like this?" 
"Yes, sir." 
"Good, we can talk about if we want this to be a reward going forward. But we made a mess, princess. Time to go get cleaned up, and you need to eat something--" Dabi's brain is starting to reboot enough to open his mouth to make a comment about that. "Substantial." Tomura cuts him off before he can say anything that's going to get him into more trouble. "And if you're a good girl, then maybe before bed, I'll change back and fill up your pretty cunt. How does that sound, precious?" 
Dabi's breathless. "Good, sir." 
"Good. Come on, let's go take a shower, sweetheart." 
They manage to get out of bed, but he's not the only one who's a little unstable. Dabi can't help but feel a curl of pride going through his gut. Normally Tomura just wants to make him cum so many times, or deny him until just one orgasm, shatters him into a million pieces. This is absolutely going to have to be a reward of some kind, because just knowing he could have helped to make Tomura feel so good that his perfect composure slipped, is enough to make him want to melt right back into his subspace. 
"What is it, firefly?" He asks as he pulls open the shower door. 
"...Can you use me like that again? When you're back to normal?" He asks, a flicker of nervousness going back through him. He's Tomura's toy, he decides how to play with him, but-- but he would like to know he can make his lover feel that good no matter what his body is like. 
Sir doesn't make him explain himself, catches him around his hips and pulls him close instead, pressing kisses to his eyelids, his forehead, his lips. "We can do that, baby." He agrees gently. "Would you want to try this quirk? Let me show you how good you made me feel?" 
Breathless when he agrees with another needy little, "Yes, sir."
Tomura kisses him again and hums, "Wonder if you'll like being my good girl even more when you really have a tight little pussy for me to fuck."
The sound he makes is aroused and miserable all in one breath. They don't have anything to do for the rest of the week, and Dabi already has a sneaking suspicion he knows exactly what they're going to be doing with the time off. Oh, he is going to die and die happy and completely blissed out of his mind if his lover has anything to say about it. 
God, AFO was a fucking creep and a bastard who hoarded a million stupid, useless quirks, but Dabi is glad he stole this one. He and Duster are definitely going to get plenty of use out of it. 
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Transmasc sanuso relationship I can are sanji feelings a little jealous of usopp's tradition and how fast he's developing. He started T around the same age he did and he already had fuller facial hair and muscles development . It took sanji years to properly grow a goatee and Usopp grew it in what one year? Tho he claims it just runs in the family to grow hair faster and thicker than normal and of course he's going to have big upper body He's a sniper. But that doesn't stop Sanji from feeling a certain way and guilt for feeling that way. He's happy that usopp's transition is going well I just wished it did the same for him. Even now he feels like he's not in the ideal place in his transition and watching usopp practically speed through it just irks him. He didn't even need a binder or surgery his chest was naturally small all he needed was to get buff and he was set how infuriating. He hates feeling this way especially towards someone he cares so deeply about and just wants to see happy
Trans femme sanuso tho usopp would be at a loss for words seeing her girl friend. She's gorgeous. Soft face, full chest, plump hips and long and luscious eyelashes. Not only is she beautiful she's happier brighter and Even more confident. She's everything she's not, she's just starting her transition and sanji is practically finished even tho they came out around the same time. She's happy for She looks amazing but she also feels hurt and a little betrayed. they were going to do this together that was their plan until sabaody happened. Sanji got the ivankov one in done treatment while she spent weeks extracting estrogen from plants that don't do that much. Even though sanji supports her and shows never ending affections she can't help but feel it's out of pity. Like wow the pretty girl is being nice to the ugly girl how sweet...fuck you. She feels terrible for thinking that way because she knows it's not true but dysphoria is bitch sometimes and it can warp how you see this
Idk No one ever talks about the negative aspects of gender envy
Honestly, this is so real. Besides the fact that nobody ever talks about the negative aspects of gender envy, I think jealousy and envy are things that people often never talk about within Sanuso. I think they both are very jealous of each other for lots of things. I think you captured perfectly how it'd be if they both transitioned :( <3 They'd talk things out, ofc, but it hurts anyway.
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deluxeclinicsblog · 5 months
Does PRP hair loss work and is it safe?
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beraberblog · 5 months
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