#fun fact i used to hate toast when i was little
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poetry, like bread, is for everyone
Phillip Lee Williams, “Cinnamon Toast” / Van Gogh / Richard Siken, “Litany in Which Certain Things Are Crossed Out” / Noah Verrier / Alden Nowlan, “Great Things Have Happened” / Vera Filatova / Lucy Spraggan, “Tea and Toast”
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AITA for not asking if anyone else wanted something I ruined for everyone else?
I (16m) am kind of the garbage disposal of the family. I eat stuff they don't like. Onions, pickles, olives and so on get tossed on my plate. I was also recently handed a bunch of raisins from my younger sister(13) and her friend's(13multiple) traillmix? They were all eating a little bowl of it then gave me the bowl of raisins. It was weird but I did eat them.
Basically my family and I do not agree on what constitues as gross and/or inediable.
Much like the fact that I am obsessed with Marmite. I could live off the stuff. I eat it more than I should but I can't eat it in front of my family. I typically have to hide in my room. The reason for that is that because they hate it so much the can't keep their comments to themselves on how disgusting it is that I eat it. It's to the point that I'm kind of insecure because even just us seeing it or hearing about it makes them go "Look it's that gross shit you like/how can you even eat that/Nasty/for some reason our son is obsessed with that stuff no idea how he even stomachs it he must be an alien" It's not fun. They are also not joking. They look at me with genuine disgust all over their faces and most of the time I have to buy it myself but my dad will sometimes buy it for me because while he does join in on calling it disgusting he doesn't think it's his buisness what I eat. It's actually recently gotten worse and I feel anxious eating in front of them at all. Which has lead to more comments about me not eating with the family, it's annoying but I'll live. That's not the issue here.
Four days ago I did something that while I will admit it was unsanitary and gross, even in the context that I am the only one who eats this, I did not think was a crime. I had a fresh jar of Marmate that my dad ordered for me and when I was putting it on my toast I got some on the rim of the jar and licked it off before closing the lid so it wouldn't get all over the lid. (It was also extra umph concentrated which was funny). My mother flew off the handle at me and asked why I would do something like that because now no one else can use it and called me selfish. I kind of stopped for a second and admittedly got a little smart and responded with something to the affect of "Now no one can use the stuff that I have to use in secret becauss no one in this house can shut up about how disgusting I am for even considering eating it?" She hesitated but then doubled down and said I needed to be considerate of others in the house who might have wanted to use it. I am beyond lost here so I'm asking Tumblr.
Am I the asshole? Willing to admit I'm the asshole and apologize if I'm deemed in the wrong. But I was honestly under the impression that I would never have to worry about my family wanting this stuff.
What are these acronyms?
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bvckleyydiaz · 1 year
so, in honor of father’s day, here is a scenario of aaron finding out that you’re pregnant!
content warning: pregnancy and mention of food
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So, you and Aaron have been together for a while at this point. You had brought up the topic to him about having a child together, and you both decided that while you were in a good place to have another kid, it would not disappoint either of you if it did not work out. It becomes a regular occurrence for you to not use protection when you have sex. You also talk to your doctor about stopping your birth control. You were prepared to get pregnant, but you also knew that it may take a while for it to actually happen.
You found that you’re pregnant a week before Father’s Day. It was supposed to be a routine physical at your doctor’s office, and you knew that part of the physical is a pregnancy test. Yes, you and Aaron had stopped using protection, but it did not cross your mind that you could be pregnant. You hate to admit that you are a little surprised when the doctor comes back and informs you that you are, in fact, pregnant. The doctor recommends all the vitamins you should take and the foods you should avoid during the first trimester, and she tells you to come back in about six weeks.
Now, you are going to have some fun telling Aaron that you’re pregnant. What better way to do that than to get Jack involved? You find him a shirt that has I’m Being Promoted to Big Brother written on it. You tell Jack that this is a big surprise for his dad, and he can’t spoil the surprise before Father’s Day.
The big day rolls around sooner than you expect it to. Jack is in his shirt, and the two of you treat Aaron to his favorite breakfast: strawberry French toast, bacon, and orange juice. The two of you go upstairs to the bedroom you share with Aaron with his breakfast tray. Unable to hold in his excitement any longer, Jack bursts into the room with the cutest, brightest grin on his face.
“Daddy, Daddy, wake up!” He shouts as he flings himself on top of Aaron. “It’s Father’s Day, Daddy!”
With a grin rivalling his little boy’s, Aaron holds Jack close to him. “It is, buddy. Thank you.”
He points to you holding the tray with his breakfast. “Y/N and I made you breakfast.” Aaron peeks at the contents of the tray, and his grin somehow gets wider.
“Strawberry French toast and bacon?” he asks. “That’s—”
“Your favorite,” you tell him. “That’s why we made it.”
Jack nods. “And Y/N got me a cool shirt! But she said that I couldn’t wear it until today.”
“Let me see it, buddy,” Aaron tells him, and Jack scoots back to let his dad read the shirt. “I’m being promoted to—” He looks up at you with so much love and adoration it almost makes you sob, “Big brother? You’re pregnant?”
You nod. “I went to the doctor last week for a physical, and they told me that I was about seven weeks.” You step forward and set the tray on his lap. “Happy Father’s Day, Daddy.”
He cups your face and kisses you so eagerly and so gently. “I love you.”
You lean up and kiss his head. “I love you, too.”
(Nine months later, when your little girl is born, Aaron is overjoyed. You’re laying in your hospital bed, and you watch Aaron hold your daughter with so much care. He looks at her like she is his whole world.
“Hi, sweet girl,” you hear him whisper to the sleeping newborn. “I’m so glad you’re here. Daddy loves you so much, and he’s going to make sure that he tells you every day.”)
tagging: @greg-montgomery @ssamorganhotchner @ssahotchnerr @moonlightspencie @montyfandomlove @ihavemanyhusbands @ssaspencerreidswife @criminalskies @strawbeerossi @mrs-ssa-hotch @hotchs-big-hands @hotchstanaccount @hotchs-babygirl @hotchsdoormat @hotchsdharma @spenciesprincess @hotchnerobsessed @hotchnerbau @spacecowboyhotch @darlingsfandom @luvehotch @canuck-eh @marvelsmistress @thenerdthatwrites @evansflowers
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diazsdimples · 9 months
Do you have any Buddie headcannons for when they are older and married?
YES okay I have a couple.
Buck always cooks. And I know this is lowkey canon too but, Buck will go out of his way to make sure Eddie doesn't get into the kitchen. It's not even because he thinks Eddie's a bad chef, it's just become such a thing now that Buck uses Christopher to distract Eddie at dinner time so he can make them something. Eddie obviously knows what he's doing but he's also figured out that Buck, much like Bobby, uses cooking as his way of showing his love for his family so he lets him do it. Plus, Eddie set fire to toast one time and doesn't want to have to explain that to the 118 if he ever does that again.
If they have kids, they will always read a story together before the kids go to sleep. Christopher is old enough that he doesn't want that anymore so Buck and Eddie give him some space (they still are allowed to tuck him into bed though) but with the little ones they cuddle them on the rocking chair in their nursey while the other reads the book. Buck hates putting them back in their bed at night because he loves holding them while they sleep but Eddie doesn't want them to be too dependent on them for when they have their 24/48 hour shifts
Buck sleeps on the left hand side of the bed and Eddie sleeps on the right. Idk why but that's how it works
Eddie realised how much of a black thumb he was and did a whole load of research into how to properly take care of plants. Him and Buck now have a beautiful backyard with immaculate grass that Eddie mows religiously, and has beds full of beautiful flowers and there's even a veggie garden that Christopher helps care for. Eddie tends to the plants on his days off and will hurt you if you scuff up his grass
At night, Eddie reads books while Buck scrolls through his phone, often interrupting Eddie to tell him fun facts he's learnt during his deep dives. Eddie usually lets him tell him around 10 things until he initiate his "no talking, brain needs to wind down" rule, which is as much for Buck as it is for him
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neverland93 · 2 years
Peter Pan imagine/ The Lost Boy’s
Tw/ sexual harassment/ cussing
Let me explain
You arrived on Neverland, scared but ready for whatever, whoever, but you never planned for this.
Peter and his boys were disgusting, dishonest, and disrespectful.
Did whatever, said whatever, and Peter would let it slide. Or would he?
The boys would always come to breakfast with black eyes or bruises, you never asked why, but you figured you better not ask questions
You tried to stay out of everyone’s way as much as possible, for they had not benefits for you , and you definitely did not benefit them.
Now that you’re all caught up you might be wondering how are they so bad? They can’t possibly be that bad can they?
Let me tell you, yes, yes they can.
“They’re all just a bunch of sluts waiting for us to have sex with them.” A lost boy says talking about the mermaids
Peter lays on a log listening as they go on
“That’s all they’re good for, that’s all they will ever be good for.” He goes on
Peter laughs finding what the lost boy says a little funny but also annoying. Yes all the lost boys and Peter can be misogynistic here and there, especially when they play together but Peter was one to never include himself in it
“Such a derogatory word there laddie.” Peter says he says
“What do you want me to call them whores instead?” He jokes
“Awe come on lad, let’s not do this today shall we?” Peter gets up and walks away
“What’s his deal?” A lost boy says
“Beats me!” An other says
Truth was, yes Peter would play along with the lost boys and sometimes have fun with the mermaids but he wasn’t really into them, not since you came, you ruined it, you ruined everything, that’s why he treated you so mean, he liked you, and he hated it.
He watched as you would do his and the lost boys chores, you’d make breakfast, lunch, and dinner, do the laundry, all of it, and never complained, and was never asked to do all those things.
That’s what got him, you did things out of the kindness of your heart, Peter saw that and it did something to him, something that he did not like.
Peter then looks at you as you walk past him he nods at you and you wave at him, he is king of the island after all.
The next day you’re eating with the lost boys and they start talking about provoking things once again.
“If pirates can capture treasure and keep it why can’t we find things like women and keep them?” A lost boy says
Peter rolls his eyes and looks at you
You just sat their reading your book , not paying attention or at least trying not to.
You look up and take a bite of your toast and see Peter staring at you so you smile this time, as he nods to you back , you continue to read your book trying to drown them out.
Peter looked at you and couldn’t stop staring. It was mind blowing to him, you had such class to you, such high standards, friendly, sweet, and beautiful.
The day was just a regular day, but the next was not.
The boys decided they were going to visit the mermaids once again.
“We’re going to the lagoon again?” Peter says as he leans on a tree
“Don’t you want some action Peter?” A lost boys says
“As a matter of fact I don’t.” He says with his arms folded
“I’m getting so sick of you and your fantasies don’t you want to play? Fight? Do what a lost boy is supposed to do?” He says , you could hear the annoyance and anger in his voice
“Listen if you don’t wanna go then fine but we’re going.” The lost boys says
“Says who?” Peter pushes himself off the tree and walks up to him face to face
“Why are you trying to ruin the fun?” The boy says
“I am trying to get you boys back to what Neverland was not a sex house for bratty little boys!” He yells
“Are you mad because they won’t have sex with you?” He jokes
“I don’t want to!” He yells back “Do whatever the fuck you want.” He walks off pissed as hell
The boys did in face that , having sex with the mermaids or doing who know what and coming back to their tents in the deep hours of the night.
You stayed in your tent and read your books.
Just then you heard a voice , a familiar one
“Are you up?” Peter asked
Your eyes grew wide
“Uhm yes yes I am.” You said nervously
“Do you want to sit next to the fire with me?” He asked you
You got up and opened your tent and nodded
Sitting next to the fire on a log that you two shared was nice .
“You read a lot .” He says as he stares in the fire
You look at him “Yeah that’s kinda all I can do.” You say
“What do you read?” He asked
“I like to read pride and prejudice. The great gasby. Books like that.” You say
“Ah, the romance novels.” He laughs
“They are not romantic they have action and thrill to them as well!” You laugh
“Same thing!” He smiles and laughs a little more
“Why don’t you ever join us ?” He asked
“Your guises activities aren’t really my kind of activities.” You say nicely
“May I ask a question.” You say
“You may.” He says
“Why do you let them talk to you like that? You’re king of the island.” You state
“They’re my brothers,my family, best mates, without them Neverland wouldn’t be Neverland.” He states
“I just hate seeing you get taken advantage of.” You confess
He turns and looks at you in a serious way, he didn’t know you cared that much.
“It’s getting late, I should get to bed.” You say getting bed
Peter watched you as you got up and went in your tent , he now was a 100% invested in you.
The next day breakfast went smooth because half the lost boys didn’t wake up for it, they were out all night.
Lunch however was a bit more rowdy
“Last night was crazy!” A lot boy yelled
Peter looked at him in disgust but kept eating his food
“Just thinking about it makes me hard” a lost boy says
“Can we fucking not do this right now?” Peter says
“Whaaaat?!” So he lost boys yells in annoyance
Peter just shakes his head and doesn’t say anything
“Maybe if you got some action you’d stop being so grouchy.” He says
“I wouldn’t say much more after that laddie.” Peter says putting down his plate
“Or what?!” He says
Peter gets up and starts walking towards him
The lost boy gets up as well and they don’t even exchange words they just start going at it and fighting one an other
Everyone got up in shock not knowing what to do
It wasn’t until you both started bleeding and wouldn’t stop the lost boys separated you both
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Peter yelled
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?!” The lost boy yells again
“You’re acting like a -like- like-a-“ Peter says before he was cut off
“Like a lost boy?! Remember when you were one?!” He says then walks away.
Peter was pissed, he had enough , he had to change a couple things around here before Neverland became a circus.
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randomstupidchaos · 5 months
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I finally got all the vivillon in my Pokemon Go pokedex! I had the medal a while ago, but foolishly did not save examples of all the scatterbug as I got them. After losing a Sun friend, I was stuck without that one for months. But I finally got it tonight and immediately evolved it. So here they all are! I name my pokemon after food-related things. Brief explanation of the names:
Plum - It's purple. *shrug* Pepsi: It reminded me of the blue cans. Chimichanga: 'Cause of the brown. This was my first one I evolved to Vivillon, then kept it as a buddy to get more scatterbug candy. Burrata: one of my favorite cheeses, which also happens to be white. Skittles: Idk, I think I was really reaching for this one, haha. Cherry Jello: Red. French Toast: Brown. Ciabatta: Brown, but like in a nice bread roll kind of way. Not toasted. Samosa: I really wanted samosas at the time. Arugula: Green, and it was one of the few leafy greens that wasn't already in use on other pokemon. Apron: Literally I was watching a cooking show at the time and there was a guy wearing an apron that color blue, haha. Artichoke: Green, but like not overwhelmingly green. Jelly Donut: Brown but with a splash of color. Like a donut filled with jelly. Obvs. Berry Sorbet: It's a nice fruity pink and I was feeling fancy. CircusPeanut: Had a conversation about these today so it was on my mind. Fun fact: my brother hates these 'cause when he was really little my dad chewed up a bunch then pretended to puke them up and it scarred my brother for life. GreenGoddess: One of my favorite salad dressings. Zero: It's a candy bar. I had to look this one up 'cause I was drawing a blank on white/blue foods. Taffy: It's ocean-y, which made me think of saltwater taffy.
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rainbowxocs · 5 months
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TW: Child Neglect.
Name: Meari Sutkina. (メアリー 素敵な)
Username: @puppetsbymeari
Nicknames: Mini Are (ミニアレ), Mob (モブ), Copycat (模倣者).
Age: 16.
Pronouns: She/Her. (In English.)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A neutral pronoun that is seen as formal and polite.)
Sexuality: Lily (Yuri,百合,Lesbian.)
Gender: Cis Girl.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Social Anxiety, Depression, CPTSD, Insomnia, Autism.
Religion: Cultist.
Club: Sewing Club. (Leader.)
Grade: Year 10, Highschool.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’2”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Yamanote.
Vehicle: Green Bicycle.
Weapons: Pepperspray.
Alignment: Neutral.
Text Color: Green.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Bunraku, Ventriloquism, Reading, Writing Fanfiction, Photography, Crochet.
Favorite Drink: Kombucha, Sunflower Tea.
Favorite Fruit: White Strawberries.
Favorite Meals: Melon Bread, Instant Ramen, Fruit Salad, Finger Sandwiches, Jam and Toast.
Favorite Desserts: Hanami Dango, Jello, Sugar Cookies, Scones, Finger Cakes, Macaroons, Strawberry Frozen Yogurt.
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossoms.
Scent: Green Apple Detangler.
Handedness: Left Handed.
Blood Color: Red.
Awareness: Aware (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: May 10th 2008. (Taurus, Rat, B.)
Fun Facts: She looks up to Are allot because she wants to restore the timeloop. Little does she know Are doesn’t.
Special Interests: Puppetry.
Stims: Uses her Puppets to Stim, also likes soft things and toys.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashion Board: LINK
Comfort Objects: Her collection of puppets, Her childhood toys, Calico Critters, Tea Set.
Kimiko Sutkina, Tetsuo Sutkina. (Parents.)
Hikari Sutkina (Sister.)
Friends: Baburu Gamu (BFF).
Romance: N/A.
Patrons: Are Yoru.
Brief Personality: Meari is very.. quirky.. ever since the time loop ended she has become more and more unhinged, she wants the sense of routine that she got back then, but unfortunately that time is long gone. She often talks about her devotion to the curse of okutama, which tends to push her classmates away. It makes you wonder why someone would want to go back to that kind of torturous existence in the first place.
Brief Backstory: Meari had a somewhat normal childhood, normal to her anyway. She was always overshadowed by her older sister, her parents heavily favored Hikari giving her all the latest clothes and gadgets and toys, while Meari was left with almost nothing.
Meari was one of the few people who enjoyed the time loop, the consistency of it calmed her when she was in her early years at school. No matter what it was always spring, and even if something bad happened that week nothing truly mattered.
Until, Are broke the timeloop and allowed everyone to be free. To age, to grow, and Meari hated that. Everyone’s body caught up with them and she was suddenly a teenager. Her sister moved out and away from Okutama as a whole, and her parents moved out as well, leaving their other daughter to fend for herself. Which broke Meari a little bit.
She wanted to save her “family”, and have everything go back to the way it was. If she was able to convince Are that the time loop was good, she could go back to normal. She could have her family back, even if they hated her it would all be worth it, of course Meari is a child and doesn’t quite understand that this wouldn’t work in practice.. But what’s the worst she could do..?
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south-sea · 1 year
Ayo another one cause why not? ☯️-likes/dislikes headcanon ♒️-cooking/food headcanon for your Metal and Shadow AU!
we're having fun here 😎
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
shadow does not like being wet. being actively-in-water is marginally less terrible, but the feeling of wet fur against air is a gross sensory thing for him. so like, he'll take baths and showers, sure, but he'll hate nearly every second of it. (what he really needs is a full-body hairdryer that works in under a minute, honestly. an alien-hog can dream!) on the other hand, hotsprings are tolerable and in fact a small mercy when he's fatigued-- gross wet fur and all.
other things he's generally not a fan of: having his quills messed with, being stared at for too long by strangers (makes him think they're judging him for all the pale scar spots), and large flocks of birds. get too specific about dislikes otherwise and you start to land in "it's because trauma" territory.
he likes the smell of rain more than the sound of it. in general, if canon shadow is a city-dweller, second chance shadow is more of a nature guy. i mean he definitely doesn't have favorite types of trees or anything. definitely not. (it's crimson king maples among several others.) other than that, he definitely prefers the green and light blue chaos emeralds the most. it's mutual.
metal is perfectly neutral about Most Things. he maintains he doesn't "like" things, similar to how he doesn't "want" or "need" anything, either. it's sort of a loophole: he doesn't have opinions about items, but when it comes to actions, he could name a million (if he could bring himself to admit it, anyway). headpats from people he already likes, for example, and generally any amount of personal attention given to him that falls outside of the typical "repairs" category. treating him the way Rivals 2 shadow treats him is a pretty surefire way to cement the person as one of his favorite people. but watch out
dislikes are another matter entirely, though. negative emotions are much easier to identify/acknowledge. he's grown to despise mr. tinker, recoils at being referred to as any of the other ex-badniks' sibling, and generally dismisses anything to do with everything that came "before". he claims he doesn't care about appearances, and that's usually true, but mess him up on purpose (such as hitting him with a paintball), he will hold a grudge. this is especially true once he gets his upgrades.
treat him like a person and gain a powerfully devoted ally. damage his pride/ego/ability to fulfill his purpose and gain a lifelong enemy ranging anywhere from "could be misconstrued as playing a little too hard" to "avoid and only engage if he has a use for you" to "attack on sight".
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
even if he's vaguely aware shadow likes to cook, metal's generally not involved in the process beyond holding things for him.
that aside, shadow's entirely too picky about food sometimes. his general rule of thumb is "it can't be boring". it can't be Just Sweet. it can't be Just Sour. he's not snobbish about it and won't turn down "cheap" food at face value, but atmosphere and presentation go a long way too. e.g., typically he's not a fan of sweets because they tend to be the most "boring", but give him a churro at a fair and suddenly it's the best thing in the world.
here's a guy who went from "food is just fuel, i don't and shouldn't have any preferences", to (very) slowly accepting and in fact embracing food as a social and enjoyable thing. since then, exploring new foods has become a major staple in his new life.
root vegetables are among one of his favorites in things like soups/stews/curry, but especially if they're "al dente" as he refers to it. tomatoes, especially roasted or regular cherry, are somewhat of a comfort food at this point. he unironically likes (fancy) avocado on toast, mostly because avocados are a good example of the sort of earthy flavor he likes the most. french press coffee and spiced chai are up there too as favored "complex drinks".
finally, one of the things he regularly makes at home is a particular recipe. imagine a chocolate bar, right. imagine spiced chai. now imagine spiced chai in the form of a chocolate bar. he keeps these and regular (fairly expensive) dark chocolate in his bag as "essentials", and that became an established thing well before he started keeping medical kits in there. second chance shadow definitely has his priorities in order.
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adarkrainbow · 2 years
A reaction to TV Tropes’ “Dead Unicorn Tropes”
TV Tropes and Idioms is a great site, and a bad website.
For dissecting fiction, identifying tropes, throwing little tidbits of cool info and fun trivia, it is a great site.
For actually teaching people real things about the world, or when it comes to its generalizations of genres and styles... it can be very bad. 
I have this love-dislike relationship (not hate though) with TV Tropes because this site was so useful for me so many times I can’t imagine not living without it ; BUT I also noticed so much wrong things posted or written in pages because TV Tropes is not kept by actual experts and anyone can actually write anything in there - hopefully people double-check and hold the website together, but a lot of false, incomplete or biased information just slips by as it lacks Wikipedia’s stern neutral position. 
And as I was scrolling through the pages I found the “Dead Unicorn Tropes” page. A page listing tropes that are basically “dead horse tropes” (that is to say over-used, over-parodied, over-played with, over-referenced tropes to the point they are seen as painfully cliche, greatly unfunny or dreadfully doll and boring owadays) - but with the twist that they are “unicorns”. Aka... while everyone treat these tropes as ancient, worn-out, over-used cliches, they never actually existed as “tropes” in the first place. They never were as popular and widespread as people believed - it is basically the Mandela Effect, but for popular culture. 
For example many people think that James Bond wears a tuxedo all the time - when in truth he always just wore tuxedos for a few crucial scenes. But given they were among the most iconic and well-known scenes, popular culture developped the belief that James Bond was ALWAYS in a tuxedo. Or a lot of people parody romance animes by having the main protagonist running late for school with a toast in their mouth only to bump into someone... despite this scenario never being widespread or really used in the first place in animes of this genre. 
Anyway... What caught my eye was a specific section of this page. A section dedicated to fairytales. And this being a fairytale blog... let’s react! 
Fairy tales' supposed idealism and inevitable happy endings are commonly mocked and "deconstructed", most people being unaware that the real stories were often violent, cynical, and depressing. It's something of a Cyclic Trope, since the original stories had such a grim tone, before being bowdlerized and Disneyfied because Children Are Innocent (which is in itself an example of this trope), causing the stories to end up in an Animation Age Ghetto, which left them filled with Fridge Logic and other ripe fodder for deconstruction. On the other end of the spectrum, the belief that all fairy tales were originally gory grimdark horror stories before their Disneyfication is similarly exaggerated; the most common gratuitously violent passages that modern adaptations tend to leave out involve the deaths of the villains at the story's end. Grimmification as a trope is a rather ironic appellation, as The Brothers Grimm were in fact the Ur-Example of Disneyfication, with many of their stories being even darker before the Grimms retold them (but still not the nightmare gorefest people like to think).
I don’t have much to add to this section. The complicated thing with TV Tropes is that it mixes all fairytales together, not separating their origins, genres, cultural context - but what you can be sure about is that when they generalize “fairytales”, they actually talk of the “Western fairytales”, the specific chain of fairytales that went Italian-French-German. 
It is true that the original Italian fairytales (well... they weren’t fairytales because the term fairytale was invented by the French, but these were proto-fairytales) were filled with sex, violence and grotesque elements - but that was because they were farcical humoristic stories, part of a long tradition of surreal bawdy slapstick tales inherited from medieval times, and they were entirely destined to adults. 
The French fairytales were a “Disneyification” as TV Tropes says : because they became courtly tales told by nobles, aristocrats and intellectuals - it was the introduction of traditional fairytale princesses, of virtues and beauty winning over vice and ugliness, of delicate dialogues and scenes out of pastoral romances, etc... Perrault was the one who removed from Little Red Riding Hood the most gruesome details (such as how the wolf, according to some versions, leaves a bit of the blood and flesh of the grandmother for Little Red to eat). BUT on the flipside, French fairytales were FAR away from being Disney fairytales. They were “dark” as while they removed obvious sexuality they kept all the violence, from Bluebeard killing his wives in a chamber of blood to ogres eating their own children while being drunk one night. And while happy endings were very common, they weren’t a standard of fairytales: Charles Perrault’s Little Red Riding Hood ends with the girl being eaten by the Wolf, and that’s it - because it is a warning tale ; while Madame d’Aulnoy’s The Yellow Dwarf ends with the two lovers dying and becoming a couple of trees - due to the story being inspired by ancient myths. 
As for the German fairytales, the work of the Brothers Grimm... On one side they do seem “darker” than the French fairytales due to trying to imitate/stay more faithful to the original folktales, and thus they include much less refinment, much less clear virtues and vices, much more bizarre, disturbing or murky elements... But nothing is too simple, as the Brothers Grimm also HEAVILY “Disneyified” fairytales - they cut down many tales from their book they deemed too “immoral” ; they added many happy endings (they invented the Woodsman saving Little Red Riding Hood) and they changed many dark elements (Snow-White’s stepmother was originally the girl’s mother). 
Overall it is impossible to pin-point a specific “culprit” for making fairytales “lighter” or “darker” because each new incarnation of them has its own part of darkness and lightness... But TV Tropes might also evoke “fairytales” as in “literary fairytales VS folkloric fairytales” - opposing the fairytales written down by authors who actually tried to create a work of literature (all the fairytales talked about above are part of this category) to the actual “fairytales” told by common people, part of folklore and which inspired the literary fairytales. That is another often overlooked simplification: the fairytales we know are all literary works - inspired by folktales yes, but the same way you can have television shows, movies or podcasts inspired by folktales. And under this angle - yes, definitively, all the literary works put a “lighter” twist on the original tales of the common folk. 
True Love's Kiss is not an original element to most fairy tales, but is rather a Disneyfication element. Many fairy tales' protagonists did indeed have The Big Damn Kiss, but it's not meant to be something especially powerful or magical, like a Deus ex Machina. Taking a survey of the most popular such kisses: in the Grimms' version of "Sleeping Beauty", the prince does awake the title character with a kiss, but that's just coincidence because he happened to be there when her hundred-year curse expired;note and in "Snow White", the prince never kisses Snow White, but instead drops her coffin and dislodged the chunk of poisoned apple stuck in her throat. The Ur-Example of the trope was in Norse Mythology, of the Valkyrie Brunhilda who was punished by Odin to sleep on a couch surrounded by fire and was awakened with a kiss from the hero Siegfried.
True! Well, almost... “true love kiss” was present in some French fairytales (as part of the “courtly love” angle - later taken back by the Grimms who wanted to make some tales “cleaner”), and fairytales do have magical kisses of various kinds, but 1) the term “true love kiss” was invented by Disney for its Snow-White movie and 2) the concept of a magical kiss has been taken out of proportions in fairytales. As the text points out: no versions of Snow-White, from the Grimms or from others, have the princess being woken up with a kiss - it was a Disney invention. But given Disney’s two most prominent and famous fairy-tale adaptations (Snow-White and Sleeping Beauty) used the “true love kiss” resolution, people learning of fairytales through Disney thought it was a traditional ending - and Disney’s capitalizing on it did ot help. 
I will also add that while the Grimms’ use of the “magical love kiss” might have been influenced by the Germanic myth of Siegfried (after all the Grimms heavily studied and reconstructed Germanic mythology) ; the “magical love kiss” of French fairytales was obviously taken rather from Greco-Roman sources, more precisely from the tale of “Psyche and Cupid”, THE first proto-fairytale. 
The Knight in Shining Armor rescuing the Damsel in Distress from a dragon is commonly associated with fairy tales, but this is rather rare; The Brothers Grimm only used it twice.
Kind-of-true too. Dragons are NOT typical or traditional fairytale villains - except maybe in folktales and rural legends. Similarly, male heroes in fairytales are rarely knights - they are mostly princes/nobles or peasants of some sort - sometimes a soldier, but that’s all. In fact, beyond the rare Brothers Grimm example cited above, the only other manifestations of this scenario appear in French fairytales, which loved to have a noble male hero save a damsel from some sort of monster - but dragons weren’t more popular than giants or wicked sorcerers, and the male hero rarely was a “knight” and rather a warrior-prince or fighting king. 
The Unicorn (natch) is even more rare. If you do catch one, it won't be the delicate and pure creature like the modern trope, but the fierce and dangerous version of actual medieval legend.
True, because unicorns do not belong to the world of fairytales, but to the world of legends! I never saw one “original” fairytale, literary or otherwise, using a unicorn. Unicorns were part of medieval bestiaries and legends, and as thus were then reused in works of the “fantasy” genre in modern days - and then fantasy “bled” and got a bit confused with fairytales, and unicorns hoped into the “modern fairytale” conception... But yeah, unicorns in fairytales are basically completely unseen.
The Fairy Godmother is extremely rare and appears to have been introduced from literary variants. Sleeping Beauty is often just the victim of a prophesied fate. Cinderella is generally helped by her dead mother in some way, or by some magical beings whose good will she's earned. Even when she appears, it's not that "fairy godmother" is a type of supernatural being akin to a "guardian angel", but rather that a character's godmother, someone everyone in medieval Christendom would have and would already know as a close family friend, is unexpectedly revealed to be a fairy in disguise.
Ah... “Literary variants”. Now that’s a very interesting thing. You know, for a very long time the critics, the teachers, the ones studying fairytales, had this approach: look for folklore, rural legends, the “folktales” first, then look at the literary fairytales later and compare the two, seeing literary fairytales as “reimaginations” of the “original” tales. Nowaday, people in universities, and experts of literature, and critics, recognize that this approach is false and outdated - thanks to the research proving that most of the “folktales” we claim were the “original” sources... actually are just rural twins or doubles of the literary fairytales, which became so popular they spread to the lower classes. And fairytale history nowadays begins with the literary fairytales first - heck, the very term “fairy tale” was invented to designate the literary tales. Fairytales was originally a literary genre - and the term was only later broadened to include “folktales” in it (resulting in many mythological legends or religious tales being often incoherently called “fairytales”). 
That being said... “The Fairy Godmother is very rare”. Oh boy... you feel whoever wrote this only knows of German fairytales, aka the Grimms’ work. Fairy godmothers are EVERYWHERE in the French fairytales. Why do you think the genre was called “fairy tale”? BECAUSE THERE WERE FRIGGIN FAIRIES EVERYWHERE!!! What’s even funnier is that the whole idea of “The Fairy Godmother protects the heroine” was invented by Grimms and Disney. A lot of fairytales in Madame d’Aulnoy’s books are actually persecuted by the fairy godmothers of the story’s villains, or of their rivals! Sometimes you even have battles of fairy godmothers! 
Fairies themselves. Almost any conversation involving them will bring up that in the original tales fairies weren't good or helpful but were supposedly all represented by the most sinister interpretations of The Fair Folk. In reality fairies in the old tales and mythology tend to run the whole gamut from being good and/or helpful to being downright vicious. In many tales the behaviour of the same fairy type or fairy character can vary wildly depending on how a human interacts with them (usually courteous and virtuous behaviour will be rewarded, while vanity and other character flaws will be punished)
On top of what I said above, the article of TV Tropes here also keeps practicing a big confusion between several types of fairytales. 
Fairies are actually pretty much absent from the fairytales of the Brother Grimms, who rather leave place for either magical dwarfs and imps, either witches, and sometimes supernatural ladies such as Frau Höle. The fairies REALLY come from the French fairytales - again, I have to insist, the very term “fairy tale” (conte de fées) was invented to talk about the works of Perrault and d’Aulnoy. And fairies in French fairytales were far from the “all good, kind and cute” fairies - again, this is Disney’s work (and actually it is also the work of Victorian literature, but that’s another subject). In French fairytales you have both good fairies and wicked fairies - though most of the time they are clearly divided by a manicheism of “good, kind, beautiful, benevolent fairies” VS “ugly, monstrous, old evil fairy”. However, some fairytales (such as those of Aulnoy) still blurred the line between the two as good fairies could be easily offended and thus do wicked things. 
But here TV Tropes again refers mostly to “folktales” VS “literary tales” - and of course in “folktales” fairies are wildly different from their literary counterpart... Though even there is yet again another layer of confusion (so many...), because the French “fées” are NOT the English “fairies” even though they do translate by the same word. In English “fairies” originally designates a lot of inhabitants of the Otherworld ranging from pixies to monsters: in French “une fée” is originally a supernatural lady of the Otherworld, a cross between a goddess and a druidess/priestess, halfway between a nymph and sorceress. 
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
The Family of Destruction- The Bone Street Krew
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Baby Leon? Yes please.
Also baby bloodline members. Timeline? Gone. None of their ages would match up with their current ages so I don't mention any age at all in this. Just either ignore the fact cassie should be born but obviously isn't and yeah. We love screwing up timelines just to get ideas outta head.
Leon shovels in another mouthful of cereals as the others rush around behind him. Everyone's in a rush, but Leon? Leon isn't. Leon is quite happy in his skeleton pj's eating his black and white cereal.
John looks over at his baby brother as he shovels another colourful mouthful of cereal into his mouth. "I thought he hated those sugary things?" John asks. Shawn pauses with a piece of toast hanging from his mouth as he looks over at the youngest boy. This causes taker to bump into him. "Jesus-shawn!" Taker huffs as he spills his coffee and shawn drops his toast. "He does.." Shawn whispers confused. "What?" Taker grumbles as he tugs his, what was a nice clean white t-shirt, off and uses it to dry his skin. "Leon's eating those cereals you both hate" Shawn states. It's takers turn to pause and look at the boy.
He frowns before moving into Leon's sight. "You alright?" Taker asks. Leon looks up at him confused. Taker watches as he lowers the spoon and brings his hands up. 'Yes, why?' His small fingers sign. "You told papa you hated those" Taker states, nodding at the nearly empty bowl. 'Wanted the energy for today' Leon signs. Taker smiles as Leon does his child version of rolling his eyes. The boy had seen Shawn doing it so many times at taker that he decided he also wanted to roll his eyes whenever taker did something worthy of it. Problem was, Leon was a kid and hadn't developed thr skill of rolling them yet, so instead he just moves his eyes all around. Taker chuckles and tickles the boy causing him to giggle.
"You need to hurry and get changed if you want to meet with daddy's friends" taker tells him as he throws his t-shirt into the laundry basket. Leon nods and finishes his last few spoons before running off. "So?" Shawn asks holding out another t-shirt. Taker kisses him in thanks and pulls it on. "Wants energy for today" taker states looking at John who's cleaning the floor. "Are you coming with?" Taker asks. "Can we spar?" He questions. "Of course, with us or the kliq" Shawn hums. "Okay" John smiles.
Leon rests his chin on top of takers head as they move through the arena. Papa and John went off to find the kliq. Leon closes his eyes as his dad hums a tune and taps his fingers gently against Leon's legs. "Hey hey hey!" A voice booms, causing Leon to jerk upright. He opens his eyes and smiles at the group of men. "If it isn't little Leon michaels" Rikishi smiles as taker lifts the boy off his shoulders. Leon rushes over and allows the man to lift him up. "I've got my twins with me today" Rikishi tells him. Leon frowns slightly. He didn't have a problem with the twins really, it's just when grouped up with their other family members they liked to single Leon out. Especially Roman. Leon always got on with Solo though, no matter if the others were around. Both were quiet aloof boys. It was easy maths to them.
"What is it? Bring your kids to work day?" Taker jokes. "Why? Shawn bring his boy too?" Paul mumbles. Leon frowns at his so called grandfather. "Oi, none of that now" godfather warns. "You damn well know John is as much my son as he is shawns" Taker snaps. "Look at you, stepping up when..well its a strange one isn't it? Normally you'd be stepping up in the fathers spot but he has a father. The mother ended up being a deadbeat" yokozuna comments. "Aye..none of this infront of Lee." Taker mutters. "Well, Romans also here too Lee, plenty of boys for you to play around with" Rikishi states lowering the boy. Leon's frown grows deeper. He would not be having a fun evening anymore.
John sticks close to shawn as they walk through the halls. He knew randy was around after the harts stopped to tease Shawn. Owen, he was always kind to John, stopped to let him know what other kids were running around. He couldn't wait to see randy. They got on great, but first he really wanted to meet with his uncles and go a few rounds before the show.
Leon tilts his head back and watches in awe as his daddy throws Mideon around. Fuji looks at the small boy with a slight smile. He was going to do great things for this business. "That could be you one day kid" godfather states. Leon looks at him with wide eyes. "Talk or not. Your daddy basically doesn't talk so it can be done." He adds as Rikishi, Godwin and crush get involved in the fight. "See the way he already has taker under his thumb? This kid will be the top of the company before any of us can even blink" yokozuna chuckles. Leon smiles and looks back at his father to see him handing out chokeslams.
He then spots his Papa with uncle Kevin and John. Leon pushes away from the table and runs towards them.
Kevin chuckles and picks the boy up. Leon hugs him tightly. "Always know just what I need don't ya?" Kev mumbles rubbing the boys back. "Cmon boys! We promised John a sparring match before the show" Shawn calls. Rikishi smiles at the blonde. "Your lucky you're takers boy" he tells him. "Aw and nothing to do with me being a pretty face?" Shawn teases with a pout. Taker smiles. "Yeah, you've gotta give him credit. His pretty face has been a gift to us since we adopted him" godfather teases. Taker groans and rolls out of the ring. "Stop making it sound like your his pimp" Taker huffs hugging shawns waist. "I wouldn't complain, he'd be a great pimp" Shawn admits. "You know it. I'd actually look after him unlike his current pimp" godfather states moving closer.
"Vinnie ain't all bad. Especially with the hell I give him" shawn smirks. "You need us to stick around and show John how to really fight?" Yokozuna asks. "Nah, me and kev have it covered. Besides like you said, we want him to learn how to really fight" Shawn smirks. "Cheeky" godfather huffs. "Just the way we like him" Rikishi chuckles climbing out of the ring. "I will be taking that though" godfather states pointing at Leon. "Yeah? Who you using him to scare off this time?" Kevin asks handing the boy over. "Paul. Love how he makes the big guy tremble" godfather smirks. Taker rolls his eyes and kisses shawns cheek. "Have fun and I'm warning you, stop teaching him your dirty tricks" Taker warns Shawn. Shawn smirks and kisses the tip of takers nose. "Never" he whispers before moving to the ring.
Taker chuckles and shakes his head as he moves up the ramp.
Leon tilts his head as he examines the cards. "Give me a little bit of luck Lee" Rikishi huffs. Leon smiles at the man and tilts his head to the side. "Oh really?" Rikishi asks. "Im all in baby" he adds. Taker looks down at Leon and groans. "Leon I swear if you don't quit giving me up" it's impossible to play cards when your own son enjoys watching you lose. "Go find some of the other kids to play with" Taker sighs dropping cards. Leon frowns and shakes his head. "Cmon, gotta teach them poker young" godfather states. "Ah, are my boys being shits again? I'll sort them Lee, just give me the look" Rikishi tells him. Leon just shakes his head again before jumping down.
"So where are you going?" Taker asks. Leon looks at him and raises his hands. 'Canteen. Water.' He signs. They've been working on full sentences with Leon. Both in speech and sign. Ones going a lot further than the other. "Alright, you know the rules. Grab me one too, okay?" Taker asks. Leon nods before moving to the door. Vega opens it for the small boy. Leon looks at him and smiles. 'Thanks' "Anytime squirt" he chuckles.
"Hes a smart kid" godfather states as Leon waddles off. "Too smart." Taker huffs leaning back as the boys start to light up now the kids gone. "How's child number three coming?" Rikishi asks. "Shawn's excited. Just have to arrange it all. He wants a girl, has a name and everything" Taker answers. "You know, a girl might be the missing piece you both need" Godfather tells him. "Yeah? You reckon?" Taker asks collecting the cards. "I do. Don't get me wrong, John and Leon? Great kids, I love them both to death, you are also amazing with them both. But I have a feeling you are made to be a girl dad" godfather explains. "You never know. Anything can happen" Taker shrugs. "You sent your boy off to get drinks and didn't offer us any? The disrespect" Rikishi suddenly speaks up. "Oh come off it, you have two running around, you expect my small boy to carry enough drinks back for us all?" Taker teases. Rikishi rolls his eyes at the other. "Them? Do anything I ask? Please, I have more chance winning the lottery" he huffs.
Leon stares at the fridge. He knows the others will want water but how is he supposed to carry basically eight bottle back? He frowns but begins to take the bottles out and group them up. He could atleast stick two in his short pockets. The shorts shouldn't fall down and if he walks carefully enough the bottles won't fall. He could fit one under each arm and hold two in his hands. He thinks about those in the room.
'Daddy, Rikishi, godfather, yokozuna, fuji and Vega. That makes seven I need. Eight if I count that John will be joining us soon.' Leon thinks to himself. John always ended up joining them as the show started. "You alright there Lee?" Goldust asks kneeling next to the small boy as he grabs another water bottle. Leon nods. "Would you like help carrying those?" Goldust questions. Leon shakes his head. "Alright, well, I'll be sat at the back table with manny if you do need help, okay?" Goldust asks. Leon just nods and smiles at the man before he walks away.
Leon can do this. He sticks two in his pockets. He sticks two under his arms and then looks at the remaining four. This shouldn't be difficult. He shuffles the bottles into a slight curve and leans down, carefully scooping them up into his arms before standing. As long as he's careful, he should be able to do this.
Goldust smiles at the small boy as he begins to make his journey back to the lockerooms.
Leon keeps his eyes focused on the bottles, especially when he feels the ones under his arms begin to slip. It's times like this he wishes he did wear a hoodie.
Leon's too focused elsewhere to spot trouble coming. A foot sticks out infront of him causing him to trip. He lets out a soft grunt as the bottle fly and he hits the floor face first. "Oops" a familiar voice laughs. Leon lifts himself up slightly to see the twins laughing at him. He can't fight the way his bottom lip wobbles as blood bubbles in his sore nose. "It was too good to resist!" Jey laughs tilting his head back. "What idiot would carry all those and not ask for help?" Jimmy questions, kicking one of the bottles. Leon lowers his head. He was doing so well. He can practically hear his father and uncles laughing from here.
A new pair of shoes appear infront of him and the twins laughter dies. Leon slowly looks up confused to see Roman stood with his hand out. Roman doesn't say anything as he leans forward, forcefully grabbing Leon's hand and pulling the smaller boy up. "Roman?" Jey asks confused. "Hes bleeding." Roman states. "So?" Jimmy asks. "You took it too far." Roman snaps. Leon feels confused. A emotion he'd find out he'd always attach to Roman reigns, even as they grow old. Leon watches as Roman picks up four of the bottles and holds them out to Leon. "Are these for your papa?" Roman asks. Leon slowly shakes his head. "Dad then? Cmon" Roman tells him.
It throws Leon off. There's not positive emotion towards Leon or the twins. It's almost like Romans being forced to do this. Leon remember last time Roman taught the twins how to do the old foot out thing, that's when Leon realises, the difference was Leon could lessen the fall as his hands were free. He couldn't do that this time. Leon accepts the bottles and watches as Roman picks up the rest. "Go annoy someone else." Roman barks at the twins. "Whatever" jey huffs before walking off. "Actin real weird today Roman" Jimmy mutters before following jey. Roman doesn't say anything as he turns and leads the way.
"Ah I don't know I think their just tryna impression either Roman or dwayne. You should both of them in the ring, it's good." Rikishi states. "I bet. Doesn't excuse the fact your twins can be real assholes sometimes" vega points out. "I know that. I've been speaking to them about it" Rikishi sighs. "Must be nice. I speak to Leon about anything and he just sends me a death stare" Taker mutters, and he quite literally means a death stare. Too many times his throat has tightened. Takers just glad Leon follows his rules about the powers.
Speaking of Leon.
The men look up as the door is pushed opened. In walks roman with water bottles and behind him Leon. "Jesus, what happened?" Taker asks standing and rushing to Leon. Roman looks back at Leon who begins to move his fingers. 'I tripped.' "You tripped?" Taker asks taking the water bottles off Leon and pinching his nose. Leon nods as best as he can. "Is that true roman?" Rikishi asks. Roman stares at Leon shocked. Why would he defend the twins? Leon just glances at him. "Yes. He was trying to carry all these bottles on his own when he tripped over a bunch of cables. He could protect himself and hit the floor face first." Roman states. "And here you were calling him smart" yokozuna teases. Godfather shakes his head.
"Why didn't you ask for help with the bottles?" Taker asks. 'Wanted to do on my own.' Leon signs. "You don't have to do everything on your own though Lee." Taker sighs. He's hoping Leon doesn't bruise. Shawn will kill them both. "What do you say to roman?" Taker asks. 'Thank you' Leon signs. "Than-" "I know." Roman mutters glancing down. Roman couldn't lie, he studied Leon like he was some freak show. Like he was big foot and he just needed to know more. He asked his Grandpa to teach him some basic sign after figuring out that's what the smaller boy used to speak.
Taker examines the taller boy before nodding. "Have you seen the twins?" Rikishi asks. "No sir" Roman mutters. "Can you go find them for me please?" Rikishi asks. "Of course" Roman nods before putting the bottles down and moving back to the door. He stops next to Leon and looks down at him. A act that would change as they got older. Leon would go from the runt of the litter to the biggest. Roman would only grow to 6'3 whilst Leon would get one up on him and be an inch taller at 6'4. Not that it mattered to roman. He would always have the years before when he was bigger than him.
Roman doesn't say anything as his gaze leaves Leon's and he leaves the room. "I mean, future enemies or what?" Yokozuna asks. "Will you quit it with your dream universe that our kids will all fight each other for top dog" Rikishi huffs. "Hes not wrong. They probably will" godfather huffs as he hands taker a tissue. Taker thanks him and places it against Leon's nose, tilting his head forward. "What are we gonna tell your papa.." Taker sighs. "What did you lot do to him?" John asks walking in. "You see Johnny, takes wasn't pay attention and opened the door straight on the runt" Rikishi jokes. "The least shocking thing, but papa will kill you if thats true" John admits kneeling next to Leon.
Leon frowns at them. "Its just teasing Lee." John tells him. "Thats what you think" Taker whispers as he checks Leon's face for swelling or broken bones. "Roman says he tripped." Rikishi answers John's question. "How? The least clumsiest kid you'll ever meet" John asks. "Trying to carry eight water bottles will do that" vega comments. John looks at Leon who's frowning. Taker lowers the tissue to see the bleeding stopped. "You good bud?" Taker asks. Leon nods. "Good" Taker huffs brushing Leon's hair from his face. "Thats good" Taker repeats causing Leon to roll his eyes. Taker chuckles and stands. "I've got a match, can i trust you lot with my kids?" Taker asks. John smiles slightly at the question. It always made him feel whole when taker referred to him as his kid.
"Of course we can" vega huffs as Rikishi picks Leon up. "Yeah, since when couldn't we look after them?" Godfather asks squeezing John's shoulder. "Last time I came back to a complete mess" Taker states. "Not our fault" yokozuna huffs. "Whos fault was it?" Taker asks. "Look, your kids are pretty convincing kids. They could tell us to Rob the big man and we'd do it" Rikishi admits. "Dont give them ideas" Taker warns. He kisses Leon's cheek and ruffles John's hair before walking out. Godfather smirks and looks at the boys. "So what shall we get up to first?"
Taker finally gets backstage and is greeted by a very unhappy looking Shawn. "Oh god what happened?" Taker groans. "We have a nice fine coming our way. That's what." Shawn snaps crossing his arms. Taker whines and tilts his head back. "Not only have they ruined the harts ring gear but they destroyed many things in the arena whilst playing their own version of go karts." Shawn tells him. Taker sighs and looks to see the bsk peaking at him around the corner with his sons tucked with them. They all look guilty but taker can't be mad when he sees the genuine smiles on the boys faces. The play glint in Leon and John's eyes. Taker smiles softly and looks at shawn. "Its worth a few fines if you ask me." Taker tells him softly as he takes shawns hands into his.
Shawns frown fades into a soft smile. "Im telling Kevin and Scott this information" Shawn whispers before kissing him softly. "Oh god I can already see the competition for the highest fines" Taker groans.
Leon looks at John with a smile. John nods and looks at Rikishi. "Leon has a idea" John whispers. "A good one?" Godfather asks. "A wicked one" John smirks. The boys look at each other before back at the two troubling boys. "Ah screw it, tell us" Rikishi smiles.
I think I focused too much on the children here but I've been writing a lot of adult family of destruction stuff and I've been focusing a lot on Leon and Roman. So obviously I remembered the fact the bsk and the bloodline are really connected so that means if taker brings his kids to work, so does Rikishi, sometimes even cousins and stuff. The rock eventually brings roman instead. But you get what I mean.
I just adore the idea of roman and Leon being childhood rivals and growing up to be adult rivals. Which I keep writing about and never posting. I apologise.
Enjoy :)
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
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thanks for enabling me <3
uhh major omori spoilers btw 👍 and also tw for suicide. i hope i can coherently explain my thoughts. my opinion btw. i’m gonna sound dumb i’m sorry i’m thinking about this too hard but please be nice to me <3
anyway my favorite area in terms of spook factor in omori is the red maze.
the red maze is a secretish area in omori, in black space 2 specifically. i think thats kinda notable. black space 1 and 2 are like repressed trauma headquarters.
the maze looks like this first going in. creepy ass fucking tree. (fun fact. the full area has a spot that looks like a noose hanging from a tree, and another spot that says “kill me”. fun.)
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in the area you can find little toasts floating around. toasts are what a party member becomes when they hit 0 hp.
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letting them touch you turns the screen black for a split second, then they become this:
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little pixel hanging maris following you around in the dark. how fun.
letting them touch you makes you take damage. you can’t die though, lowest you can get is 1 hp. continuing to let them touch you though after a while makes them turn into this:
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mari but worse. fun. 👍
these are referred to as manniquen mari in game. letting them touch you makes them scream and turn into the thing on the left:
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and theres a lot of them that chase you around in the dark. screaming. this area is super fun and not stressful at all. 
a bonus: continuing to run around in the dark like this with them chasing you prompts a text box. it keeps popping up randomly once you’ve been here a while. it says the following:
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(ignore the big face to the side. that is a glitch, it’s not supposed to happen. i had to get this from a different yt video since i can’t transfer videos/photos from my switch right now 💔)
the red maze makes me so fucking anxious this shit scares me so badly. i hated being here but also i really liked it cause i at least think its a really cool horror thing. its a part of this horror game that actually really scared me. got me really anxious. good job omori 👍
also unless you can find your way out or find a way to one of the ladders you’re stuck in the dark with the hellmaris and screaming and guilt. unless you decide to stab yourself. which you can of course do. 
 a side note, and tw for animal abuse/death and lots of mentions of suicide: the way this game can make you like. get used to and even prefer suicide as an option is something i think about sometimes. like the mewo room (i forgot what its actually called) where it gives you the option to either stab yourself or cut mewo open is so fucked up cause you can be almost RELIEVED to see that you can stab yourself instead of cutting open mewo. idk. its a thing i think about sometimes. (technically there isn’t really a choice cause cutting open mewo does nothing, and you still have to stab yourself anyway but like. this still applies to the red maze. you could go through the anxiety of trying to find a way out in this maze but its easier to die which is SUCH a fucking thing i think about. like. idk. yeah just a thought 👍)
this area is like. interesting to me. its such a heavily repressed area, since it’s a secretish area in repressed trauma headquarters part 2. this is on the hikkikomori route, where sunny never faces the truth and idk i like this area cause it genuinely gets me really anxious and i like the scary factor and also cause its like more of the game showing no matter what the truth will always haunt sunny. the guilt and trauma of what happened will always be there, heavily repressed but still there, in the very back of sunny’s mind. “look at what you’ve done.” idk i think that like really emphasizes the guilt. also to me it also makes the player feel kinda guilty especially if you’ve already done the sunny route/good ending. look at what you did, look at what your choice has led to. (i did another whole ramble on a similar note but about playing forever and what i think about it. i like playing forever a lot btw :3)
i think its pretty clear that what happened and mari’s death will always haunt sunny just from how the hikkikomori route ends (with sunny leaving the house, something still following him into the car to his new house), but idk i think its cool how much stuff in black space 2 really really emphasizes how much this will always haunt sunny no matter how much he tries to repress it. there’s more i wanna talk about but again i can’t get my screenshots rn 💔
anyway. bonus areas from the red maze i’d like to mention:
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^ these are in one area, down a really really REALLY long chain of ladders. the hellmari face is what you find at the very end. i wanna talk about the toy box (second photo, thats what the box is.) 
the toybox is where, in the route where you find the truth, you find sunny’s old violin. on this route though, its locked. you can’t open it. you can’t even interact with it. its just there. idk. its another detail i like. the violin that is so heavily tied with the truth is in this secret very repressed area, locked and completely unable to be interacted with. the key that sunny needed to face the truth and omori is in there, but he’ll never even touch that box. its buried under layers and layers of repression.
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^ this area is called faces of omori. if you can see in the background, a chart of omori’s expressions is there, it scrolls down quickly ingame. a thing i wanna note, iirc, it also has faces for omori’s scared emotion. it was cut and never used in game but i think thats a cool detail. anyway i have absolutely no fucking clue what this area is about. but i think it’s cool 👍
uh i feel like i was just repeating myself a lot. sorry. i am not great at analysis but i think about this game all the time and i wanted to unleash my thoughts at least semi coherently 👍
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 5: The Princess Joins Up
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Just from the episode title alone, I know my boy Sven is about to be tossed out like TRASH
I wonder what Zarkon wants with Allura, Lotor hasn't been introduced yet so maybe just a political prisoner or something
All the guards and prisoners are like ??? because haggar swears she'll upgrade the winner of this next gladiator fight so they can go against voltron if they didn't push the "all the soldiers were robots not people" narrative so much I'd agree but one of them asked how she could improve robots,, many ways sir and it's worse because she uses magic
Again some of these robeast and alien designs are so cool, very creative and reminds me biology is a suggestion when it comes to making a new species
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A look into haggar lab, interesting actually it's just being used as a torture chamber where she infuses magic into them while they're still awake to feel the pain, horrifying
On Arus again, now it's the team calling out to the remaining Arusians into the tunnel to give them safety in the castle AND LANCE ALMOST FALLS OFF A CLIFF, GREAT START It's ok Keith grabs him before he dies
Pidge and Hunk are also trying to convince some people to come by, too bad their main selling point is wanting their cooking because it doesn't work with them either
I couldn't find a gif of the team sitting on this brick wall which I thought was super cute, and I don't want to screenshot that rn, so now it's up to imagination but fr trust me the team are all cuties
"I hate to give [Allura] the bad news :(" to "Sorry! No one wants to help!" PIDGE A LITTLE MORE TACT PLEASE LMAO
Something interesting, Hunk points out that they can't use Voltron to outright attack Zarkon and Allura agrees because he's a defender Knowing that they defeat everyone at the end after outright attacking castle doom, it seems kind of ironic BUT ALSO in Voltron Force (2011) we get an episode that revisits this legit subject and answers why or why not that would change That'll be a fun episode to review when I get to it
Again why would he want Princess Allura so bad, political prisoner is my best idea here This is probably where the Keith/Allura shipping started because after Coran mentions that Keith is super quick to threaten violence against the guy if he tries to touch her I mean ignoring the fact that it's one of the more obvious pairings lol
An attack! And they destroyed that satellite dish thing that Sven and Allura just finished building, rip
They routinely call the lions "space lions" which I guess makes sense but if Earth or at least the GG have been in contact with aliens for god knows how long it feels like it's kind of redundant to specifically say they're from space
Again with the GoLion references, I don't remember it being this abundant it's just them saying the name GoLion btw, nothing subtle LMAO
This week's robeast is called the Dieklops! They named this one pretty well, so there's some hope for the future, This one is heavier than the last one at only 4100 short tons!
I like to think that the team fights in the lions first before forming Voltron because they're trying to see what it can do, and it's a lot easier to annoy a robeast into showing its cards when there's more of you
Activate interlocks, dynotherms connected, infracells up, mega thrusters are go! They finally did the chant this time! Maybe it's because I religiously rewatch Voltron Force (2011) but I expected them to say "Let's go voltron force!" but instead they just shouted Voltron that's ok too I guess
I didn't comment on the transformation sequence last time, but it's pretty cool because it reminds me of some frankenstein's monster type stuff especially because there are a lot of electricity crackles and zaps seen and heard when voltron forms
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Ok but actually though that's a really interesting landscape near the castle, pretty secure in case of ground attacks but what about when natural disasters hit? It probably isn't that safe
I know the show just pulls phrases out of its ass to sound futuristic but "nucleonic circut" is wild
Alfor CREATED voltron?? Again I'm twisting it to my own version because I can't trust them telling a linear story here, but my thinking is that after Voltron was officially split into five, Alfor later discovered them and had them slowly rebuilt as mechs which is why they form like this now
Man these guys suck at dodging
oh shit now the castle is getting taken apart I know what happens next but it's still wild
I think it's a nice touch that Voltron has expressions whenever he fights, kind of hints at his magical nature even though in this show they're just treated as machines and nothing more
Alfor ex machina returns and confirmation that Zarkon is the one who killed Alfor
Goodbye decrepit old castle of Arus, hellooo new futuristic version!
OH SHIT WATCH OUT ALLURA STAYS STRAPPED ok maybe I was wrong about this episode being the one where Sven gets nerfed
Robeast is defeated but as Allura monologues they show a slide show of all the lions with their pilots on top, except the first one we see is blue and Allura on top lol that must've been weird for kids who saw it air
Episode end! Another short one it feels like, or is it because it was such a simple premise This is the last one for tonight, and hopefully I'll be able to do one tomorrow, but it's my busiest day of the week :/
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krunchylegs · 28 days
vent :( (tw: 3d)
i feel so gross rn
i ate over 1000 calories and i tried making up for it a little bit by burning off calories (burned 402) but that left only a little over 1000 still, but it gets worse bc idek why i did this but i had some chocolate and even then i went back to the kitchen and ate toast with cream cheese and sliced ham, tomorrow im going to restrict more and try burn more calories by walking (my watch tracks it), on the upside tho tomorrow is a new day and i dont think i went over my limit (1500cals), but even so i try stick around 800cals per day bc its whats easy for me atm (planning to restrict bit by bit but im going easy on myself since ive gotten used to eating whenever i want bc of summer).
i will get over this and i will do better tomorrow, i have to, for myself this is what i need to do. its my choice and i need to stick with that
also the reason i ate so much was bc i made brownies for my family and i ate some, i was meaning not to, im going to bake again soon and my willpower will be stronger next time. i have my safe foods in my room (obvi ones that dont need the fridge) so there will be NO NEED for me to eat anything i bake. i do enjoy baking and guiltily i do enjoy the idea of feeding my family sweet treats while i nibble at my safe food, might take a bite or something so its not weird but i dont want to be the bigger sibling anymore i fucking hate it, i dont want to be the 'normal' sized one when compared to my sister whos skinnier than me. i wanna be the skinny one, idec if thats selfish its just the truth. its so confusing too, she (my sister) says she wants to put on weight, go the the gym and gain muscle or whatever but i just wanna be thin (trying to avoid being skinnyfat obviously :/) but genuinely its so frustrating it feels like ive been stuck in a body that isnt mine, even if im not described as fat im not described as being skinny and it literally upsets me, as childish as it sounds idrc, and this is literally the ONLY way i can even share these thoughts, if anyone knew how i felt theyd think im stupid or weird, probably try tell me i dont need to change how i look, but i NEED to take control, i am sick and tired of being the way i am, i miss having my child body, i miss it so fucking much, i dont know if its because im trans(ftm) or if its because i used to be super skinny as a kid, beautiful legs that i was complimented on and i enjoyed the fact my ribs were visible, but as soon as puberty hit it all went downhill, in locker rooms people would comment that i was skinny and i liked it but that seemed to happen less and less, like have i gotten fat now?? does everyone think im chubby???? maybe im fucking fat and i dont even see it im gonna cry, jesus christ i fucking hate everything.
it makes it so much worse when my sister calls me fat, ik i just said that no one calls me fat but its weird. my sister calls me fat to make me upset, she usually tells me that during arguments, its made me cry so much. like example: i was on holiday recently with my family (dad, mum, sister, me) we were unloading our stuff from the car and my dad told me to put away the food and during the drive my sister and i were arguing the whole time, and when my sister saw me sorting out the food she said "of course youre at the food, fucking fatass" and i literally had to point out to my parents that she was making fun of me literally in front of them, like yeah my mum was all like "dont say that" to her but that doesnt fucking do anything, and my sister just kept going, and my dad had to step in and tell her to stfu and said that if anything i was underweight, but it felt like such a fat lie, especially when my sister IS skinnier than me, it really drives me crazy but at the same time its almost motivating, like i just wanna be sick, i wanna be sickly thin and gross to look at, i miss how i felt when i was skinny, when my legs were so skinny, i miss the compliments i got on my skinny body, for a while i believed i could never get that back but now ik its possible to be skinny again i just need to keep it up, ik i can be super skinny again and i WILL BE, i HAVE to be, theres no other option for me i need it more than anything, i dont care about anything else atm i just want to be thin
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 year
What’s your fave fresh pizza topping and then your fave frozen pizza topping?(they can be the same thing, in my own case they just aren’t.)
I'm a real simple gal. Fresh, I pepperoni and bacon. Frozen? Purely pepperoni.
Fun fact, when I was a kid, I used to take everything off my pizza except the sauce. So the pepperoni, the cheese. My mom used to tell me she might as well just toast some bread and put spaghetti sauce/gravy on it and save a little money. 💀
Tbh tho, I kinda wanna try anchovies on pizza. It seems like I'd either love it or hate it, no in between.
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primalspice · 1 year
Faust - 💭 , 💍, 🩹, 💯, 🔺, 🌈, 🍃, 💔, 💚, 🥪, ☕️, 😊, 😞
💭 — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
He's an ENTJ and im not super well-versed in enneagram but i think either 3w2 or 3w4, leaning towards the prior. I hate him for his politician swag.
💍 — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
He doesn't have any piercings or necessarily want any but i think some fun earrings would spice up his look.
🩹 — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
He's quite normal apart from his Leukemia Affliction that he refuses to get cured. hes not really Tumorous (YET) so much as... severely immunocompromised. He also gets migraines semi frequently but not enough to be chronic. The pink glasses are for a reason he fucking prommies
💯 — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
He's had way too many jobs in his funny little life. I think the family restaurant is canon and he worked there waiting tables. I think he's worked in Sales several different times to account for his outgoing persuasive Nature. I think he's had a stint of trying to be a local politician in his suburb of canada that never worked out.
He only really started the always-wearing-pink thing in the past 5 years or so. It's his favorite color but he also just thinks it makes him memorable. And he's so right <3
Legit prog rock fan and probably fr the person responsible for introducing it to region zero before anyone else. I don't know if that actually fits into my timeline music-era-wise but this is an alt universe anyway. I think in addition to his funny little jobs listed above he shouldve also tried being in a band LOL.
🔺 — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
He can shoot a gun. And he's been learning about weapons of mass destruction for no particular reason <3
🌈 — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
Metrosexual he/him fr. hes heteroflexible.
🍃 — what is/was your oc's favorite subject in school?
Definitely an english/public speaking class guy. He's far from math-y or science-y. Second choice would probably be history or sociology.
💔 — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
💚 — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
He prefers being inside, he's prissy about temperature and too much sun and such (even before he became ill)
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🥪 — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch?
I think hes more of a brunch guy when he actually has an appetite (not very frequently). Everyone wants him to eat anyway tho so. Eggs and Toast and Oatmeal kinda guy.
☕️ — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
He's a coffee guy if he's making it himself, but would take pretty much anything offered to him out of Kindness. His coffee is pretty standard, just a little cream and/or sugar in it. He makes fancy stuff (secret canadian coffee press methods???) to be impressive but he doesn't actually care about the quality himself and is more in it for the caffeine. He canonically has a custom region zero mug.
😊 — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
it's Complicated. I think he's always wanted to be 'successful' but has had very little direction until recently and his cause is.....less than noble to pretty much everyone but himself LOL. He's always played the part, even before moving to region zero, but never really felt he'd done anything substantial enough just being his divorced, job hopping self. needless to say, hes very happy now that he's a politician and a well-known name to people who know not much else about the world LOL. i think ultimately he just wants to make a difference in the world and have his name be on it. he wants to be remembered.
😞 — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
He attracts others quite easily as long as they can bare his Extrovertedness. he really is quite charismatic and easy to get along with and hes very good at making people feel welcome/important around him. its only SOMEWHAT a facade, but he really is just friendly and unafraid of being the first to socialize.
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cksmart-world · 2 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
November 8, 2022
Hey Wilson, did you hear the joke about Paul Pelosi — the husband of Nancy Pelosi who got his head beat in by an intruder with a hammer at his San Francisco home. It's hilarious — if you can't laugh at that, you're not a Republican. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Kari Lake, the Arizona governor candidate and Donny Trump Jr. are among the comedians who had a good laugh when surgeons had to put Paul Pelosi's head back together. Donny's Daddy suggested the attack was staged. Then Republicans had some real fun: Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins said the assailant was a “nudist hippie male prostitute.” And his GOP colleagues just loved it and couldn't repeat it enough. Fox bloviators amplified it, too — and voilà it was a fact. You're not laughing, Wilson. The assailant had planned to kidnap the Speaker of the House, who was in D.C. The GOP has had fun with Nancy for 20 years. The RNC ran a TV ad in 2009 with her face framed by the barrel of a gun, the sound of a gun shot and blood streaming down the screen. Hoo-hah. These fusillades are now common place. But it's all in good fun. Sure, Donald Trump urges his supporters to be violent, but nobody listens. Anyway, it's too bad some people don't have a sense of humor. Did you hear the one about Liz Cheney. It's killer.
Ever get a new boss. It can be a total bummer. If they say, “Hey, everything is going to be bigger and better,” you're probably screwed. But if they say, “We're going to change this place and get rid of all the dead wood,” like Elon Musk did last week at Twitter, then you're toast. Sound familiar? Let's say you work at a widget factory. The old boss retires and a new man or woman (Smart Bomb seeks potty parity or something like it) comes in but he/she doesn't know a widget from third base. Nonetheless, they (gender neutral) believe they're brilliant and besides, they just have to change stuff, like it's a law of nature or something. First thing the new boss will do is “streamline” everything to make it “more efficient.” Of course that screws everything up — they do it to impress the owners (stock holders). Did you know the Saudis own a big chunk of Twitter. What if that prince guy was your new boss. Screw up and you not only lose your job, you could lose your head. It's hard to say what's in the future for Twitter, but Musk has made use of the platform for years, including when he tweeted that he would buy Coca-Cola and put cocaine back in it. Yes Wilson, he really tweeted that — but it's a joke, so tell the band to chill. Don't you just hate new bosses — they never share the coke, well, almost never.
“There's nothing we can do.” “Why did you wait to report this crime?” “What do you want me to do?” Those are the things University of Utah police officers should no longer say to victims of crime, according to interim Chief Jason Hinojosa, as reported in The Salt Lake Tribune. Back when, Wilson and the band had to be briefed on how not to lip-off to cops so as not to get hand-cuffed. It's yes, officer; no, officer; whatever you say officer; no I haven't been drinking, officer, it's a new cologne; my eyes are bloodshot officer 'cause I have allergies. How far we have come. There are two types of cops: nice cops and mean cops. But nice cops can be mean if they're having a bad day — they are human, after all. Of course, a university campus is a little different than, say, the area around Pioneer Park downtown. Salt Lake City cops have a lot of patience, even when dealing with people stoned out of their minds. That requires special communication skills they don't teach at the academy. Cops everywhere know not to say certain things, like, “How would you rate that dope?” But with new recruits on a college campus you can't be too careful. The chief should also instruct them not say things like, “Show me what you got,” or “What's in your pants.” Being a cop can get complicated fast.
Post script — That's a wrap for another bruising week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of the blood sport called politics so you don't have to. This election season we got a taste of the competition for God's blessing. Both Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis claim to be the Second Coming. “There is a man by the name of Donald,” said a booming voice at the ReAwaken America tour extravaganza. “God said, ‘You have been determined through your prayers to influence this nation … when it comes time for the election you will be elected.” It gives new meaning to “taking the Lord's name in vein.” Meanwhile, DeSantis' campaign released a video of him with this voice over: "God said, 'I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, kiss his family goodbye, travel thousands of miles for no other reason than to serve the people, to save their jobs, their livelihoods, their liberty, their happiness.'" Coincidence or not, Trump called DeSantis, Ron "DeSanctimonious." So clever. Since we're talking about righteousness, there is a new documentary out of the sordid drama of big time evangelical leader Jerry Falwell Jr. who coaxed a pool boy into sex with his wife so he could watch. When God is on your side, it opens all kinds of doors.
Well Wilson, you and the band probably don't know any churchy hymns, but you gotta come up with somethin' to go with all this religiosity, or whatever it is. These people throw the Lord's name around like he's Astros Coach Dusty Baker and Trump and DeSantis are designated hitters. Dig deep, Wilson, we need somethin' with a lot of soul:
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul and faith I was 'round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain Made damn sure that Pilate Washed his hands and sealed his fate Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game I stuck around St. Petersburg When I saw it was a time for a change Killed the Tzar and his ministers Anastasia screamed in vain I rode a tank Held a general's rank When the blitzkrieg raged And the bodies stank
Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal And all the sinners saints As heads is tails Just call me Lucifer Cause I'm in need of some restraint So if you meet me Have some courtesy Have some sympathy, and some taste Use all your well-learned politesse Or I'll lay your soul to waste
(Sympathy For the Devil — Rolling Stones)
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