#fun fact; i was going to call these headcanons 'cooking companions'
shipwreck-letters · 2 years
Cooking with Casimir 🍰🥘
A really fun prompt, it includes two of my favorite topics; Food, and history. And Casimir <3 Please enjoy!
Reblogs/Comments appreciated! 💌
-Casimir, as we all know, did not grow up in the kitchen. Maybe raiding the kitchen and sneaking things out when no one was looking, but definitely not the arduous process of preparing the food. 
-But after 250 years of eating whatever the House gave him, he's eager to be able to try something better. Maybe he will get tiny flowers with dinner, after all.
-He doesn't remember everything he ate back then, but considering his social stance, it was definitely luxurious by my standards. Plates stacked up, and from a child/teenager’s point of view, it was expansive. It was also France in King Louis XIV’s time, so- It was kind of expansive.
-That's kind of what he misses most when cooking, is the food of his time. So, what do you do? You roll up your sleeves and put your apron on, and drag Casimir with you into the kitchen!
-The House has thankfully given you everything you'll need this time, but there's no solid recipe. That's the fun part; Casimir goes a little pale when the House decides he's gonna remember how a pheasant and the pile of uncooked vegetables should look.
-If you're not good at cooking, good luck. The both of you will be peeling vegetables the best you can, and scrolling through your phone to look at recipes on how to cook this damn bird without setting a fire. 
-Casimir does well as he does in any other task. He follows your lead, focusing very hard on getting it right, and not getting messy. 
-He jumps when a carrot flies at him, and your giggles make him blush madly. He splashes a little water back at you, and gives a little grin as he feigns innocence. 
-"Dear, do be careful with the water. The House would hate it if it spilled. Trust me."
-If you're good at cooking, thank god! Casimir still helps in any way he can, but he watches very closely, listening to every piece of advice he can get. 
-He injures himself a few times with the knife, it's slippery- And trying so hard to remember his past, impress you, and focus on the dish, leads him to chopping the onion too hard. 
-You kiss his cheek anyway, taking the vegetables away to the pot. 
-It's like when Tiana is teaching Navine how to dice the mushrooms. Casimir is half chopping, and half talking about how much he can remember. It's quite a lot, but he's reluctant to think about too much. He laments about the taste, obviously, but also the feeling of being with loved ones, and familiar people again.
-But bit by bit, the aromas of the food start to build up, making him feel nostalgia he hasn't felt in a long time. He also has you; You’re doing something with him, and having genuine fun. You’re smiling, and he can’t help but do the same.
-When you take the pan out, charred or golden brown, he smiles, chuckling. 
-"Look at that..."
-"Does it look the same?"
-He kisses your cheek this time, helping you set up the table. "Even better, I would say."
-His favorite food is fougasse, a cute, fancy bread cut into the shape of wheat. Like this! 🌿🌾 This would be easier to make, and a really tasty meal. He shares every piece with you, and always gives you the first and last. Always.
-He also likes wine, which makes sense! Wine would (probably, I don't drink wine. I drink rum) pair well with most dishes you'll make, and he'll always ask you before pouring a glass for you.
-Eventually, he'd start cooking his own meals! Starting with Rainier, to avoid embarrassment if he messes it up. These two dorks in the kitchen trying to knead bread, as finicky as it can be, hoping it'll be pretty (tasty) enough to present to you after your work.
-He tries very hard to get it right, and you can see the satisfaction radiating from him when you sit down to eat. He likes the praise, the affirmations, too. 
-And now, more incredibly niche interests of mine; Dishes that I think Casimir would enjoy making and tasting! This is by Max Miller, a really entertaining creator that makes historic dishes with interesting backstories and origins!
-Roasted Rouen Duck and Many Many Other Foods!
-Soul Cakes 
These are just some French and other European dishes I found interesting and historically fun, but if you’re from a different culture and nationality, Casimir would be so interested in cooking with you! 
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vesperione · 4 months
As of today, the 15th of February 2024, I have been running Vesperione for five years, and it is finally time for me to reintroduce myself to the fandom because I get told time and time again in a “big name” here still??! Anyway I am aware I'm perceived at face value so here we go:
Hi, hey, hello, and welcome to my resume. I'm Jay, I'm 18 and I have been in charge of Team Vesperione for half a decade. despite my blunt sometimes borderline bitchy attitude, I am GENUINELY very grateful for the people I’ve met within this fandom and the welcoming community. Like. I love most of you 🫶. I started this account when I was in Year Nine and I am now a university drop out (don't ask me on that). what the actual freak. I also started this account with the username of robertstanion which, luckily, I changed to vesperione (vuh-spare-ee-own) April 2021 before he outed himself as a sexual harasser which was a lucky escape on my behalf, and now I'm a multifandom menace!
Other fandoms I tend to post about most often are Cooking Companions/Dread Weight, Criminal Case (the 2012 facebook game actually), Miraculous Ladybug (it's 2024, cringe does not exist) and Julie And The Phantoms. Following me for Hatchetfield content also means following me for those fandom posts reblogged as well.
I am your worst nightmare when it comes to Hatchetfield Trivia. My (personal) Hatchetfield Timeline goes as such:
Jan 7th 2019: I watched TGWDLM for the first time , April 1st 2019: I watched the Starkid10 announcement, and watched as Black Friday got announced before my very eyes. October 11th 2019: I watched Nick Lang announce NPMD on the IT'S ALIVEstream, November 6th 2019: I watched the Black Friday digiticket (which really changed the perspective of my life, if I'm being honest) and from that point forward, I watched every Hatchetfield project debut in real time.
Because of the above timeline, I am a walking, talking Hatchetfield dictionary and there are some specific tags I use to navigate my way around starkid tumblr being:
consjderthecoconut:;- generic Hatchetfield posts
whatsshakjnbanana:- my Black Friday posts
aljteralmonster:- my NPMD posts
MEOW:- hey melissa tag. look at my pfp and guess my fave nmt story (it's abstinence camp actually)
kickstarter perks:- my workin boys tag
lcverlosses:- my lautski tag
track 14 on fift:- this was originally named the "angel emoji" tag but I changed it. This tag I use when I am Bluntly Correct People On Lore when it comes down to stupid takes for those who can't be bothered to do a Google. (for those curious, Track 14 on Faith In The Future (which is Louis Tomlinson’s second album) is Angels Fly)
Team Vesperione as a collective regards my entire social media presence including my instagram, tumblr, ao3 and tiktok. All socmeds are under the same name as this blog, aside from my cosplay tiktok, which is still a part of Team Vesperione, despite not having the same name. All of my vesperione accounts have (officially) been running for five years now, including my ao3 profile, which is exactly one day older than my insta and tumblr.
For whatever reason, if you want some fun little trivia facts about me, here you go:
As an ex digital media production student, for my final project, I made a Beginners Guide To Hatchetfield Podcast called Hatchetfield Action News so if anyone is Dan Reynolds, it's me. You can find that link here: https://linktr.ee/dothncx.
I’m the person who willed the “Paul is Richie’s uncle” headcanon into existence. The origin was This Aint For The Best chapter,, nine. So youre welcome!
The name Vesperione came from Vesperia + Viperion from Miraculous Ladybug. I chose this name when I became a multifandom blog
My favourite Hatchetfield musical is NPMD but my fave starkid musical overall is VHSCCS
My fave Hatchetfield character of all time is Wiggly. He makes me genuinely feral.
My overall ranking of the HF series goes NPMD, Workin Boys! (proud backer 2019 baby!), Abstinence Camp, TGWDLM, Hey Melissa!, Honey Queen, Yellow Jacket, Killer Track, Watcher World, Time Bastard, Forever And Always, Hatchetfield Ape Man, Black Friday, Jane's A Car, Witch In The Web, Daddy, Perky's Buds.
I have absolutely no intentions of leaving this blog any time soon you'd better prepare to be Sick of me and my angel emoji tag because i am going nowhere.
And if you need more info abt me, check my pinned xoxo
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Fallout 4 Random Companion Headcanons
Wrote these a few years ago, too nervous then to share them.
-Ada was built in 2268. She's about 21 years old.
-Her first memory is of seeing The Mechanist in front of her. Then she watched as The Mechanist removed their head and smiled.
-She's Isabel's first project. 
-Her voice was originally supposed to be more synthesized and robotic, but the more human sound was easier for Isabel to work with.
-Ada prefers to travels in groups with 3-4 people, knowing fully well a robot is a higher target for scavvers.
- Her base body was constructed from many different trial runs of the "ADA" project.
-She's programmed to remain indifferent but the nagging voice in her programming says to do good things in order to to aid other people.
-Ada appreciates the effort Sole goes through to upgrade her body. She doesn't think it's necessary and she's somewhat sentimental about her original form.
-She finds Codsworth's attachment to Sole strange. Almost too human, those Mr. Handy's.
-Cait loves baths. Bubble baths with bath bombs and even a little rubber ducky. Only Sole knows this.
-The rubber ducky's name is Codsworth. Will not explain why.
-Can fire a rifle over her shoulder behind her. (Annie Oakley style)
-Hates Jazz music. Says it's too slow and calm. Really dislikes it because she's uncomfortable slow dancing with anyone.
-Allergic to feathers. Rad chickens make her sick to be around.
-But once the feathers are removed, the chicken has been cut up, and cooked with some veggies and a loaf of bread, loves it.
-Chicken soup is her favourite dish. Only likes Sole's chicken soup though. Will not eat anyone else’s.
-Shot put would be her favourite sport. Throwing a heavy metal sphere a very long distance is goals.
-Codsworth can speak 8 languages. Including: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Polish, and Swedish.
-Can recognize almost every written language and translate but lacks the programming to speak every one.
-Nate/Nora got him two years before Shaun was born.
-Sole did minimal repair work on him, and offered to polish him every time he got a dent or scratch.
-He always accepted the polish offer. Very wary of Sole doing factory repairs on him. Would prefer professionals doing the delicate work.
-Always celebrated Nate/Nora and Sole’s respective birthdays. For 200 years.
-When Sole called him "Family", he felt an odd electric pulse through his core processor. He decided to call it a skipped heart beat.
-Calls synth Shaun "Sonny", and "Young Master Shaun".
-Makes Sole's favourite meal when they come back home from Vault 111.
-Will ask to take over if he catches Sole doing chores.
-Hesitates when he has to bring up Sole's spouse knowing it's a touchy subject.
-His favourite friend of Sole's is Nick. Thinks Nick is a good role model for synth Shaun.
-Curie, like Codsworth can speak 8 languages. However, after becoming a synth, she can only speak about 4.
-Curie loves the feeling of velvet. Collects pieces of velvet clothing. 
-Once wore a velvet cape around because she loved the way it draped over her shoulders and fluttered when she walked.
-Has sensory phases. Music, nice noises, soft materials, different foods, perfumes, etc. Collects whatever makes her senses happy.
-During the "feeling phase" her favourite feeling was holding Sole's hand. Loved running her hand over the surface of water. And velvet.
-Talks out what her feelings are with Piper. Piper explains to her what the "spin spin spin" in her head meant.
-Favourite smell is fresh baked bread. Bakes bread with Mama Murphy every weekend.
-Favourite sweet food is mutfruit pie. Will badger Piper to make it with her.
-Curie's motor functions are still new. Sometimes she misses what she was trying to grab and fumbles.
-Danse is a horrid mechanic. You'd think spending time in the BoS and dedicating time to auto repair with Ingram. Can't put a toaster together.
-But Power Armor is a piece of cake. Can't do much with pre-war tech, yet fixing power armor is as easy as making breakfast.
-Like all gen 3 synths, he loves Fancy Lad snack cakes. He'd share whatever box he'd find with the squires around the Prydwen.
-Scribe Haylen would volunteer to work alongside Danse on all his scouting missions.
-Danse found out Deacon was the one who stuck the dildo to his power armor. He made sure Deacon's wigs were the same bright purple color the very next day.
-Loves country music. When a traveling courier stops by and shares their western/country music, he actually dances. 
-Has a heart for kids. Even Billy. 
-Leg bouncing habit. Can't bounce his leg in power armor but as soon as he's out, his leg's jittering.
-Deacon is in his late 40's. 
-Did not lie about his wife and the University Point Deathclaws.
-Enjoys learning about Pre-war culture, spends free time with ghouls asking them about the past.
-Sole can fool him easily about prewar facts though. 
-Has incredible luck with the pie claw game. Has won 8 times while traveling with Sole.
-Loves making silly bets. "I bet I can skip this plate across the lake at least 1 time." Proceeds to throw the plate at the water horizontally. 
-Doesn't hate Danse. He will pull pranks on him though. Once stuck a dildo on the back of Danse's power armour. 
-His hair grows quickly so he has to shave every day.
-Shaves his head, isn't bald. Shaved head works better with his pompadour wig. 
-Doesn't like mutfruit. Says it's too acidic and hurts his gums.
-Has a rifle-shaped scar on his forearm. Will tell a different story for it every time.
-Once drank a dozen Nuka Cola Quantums on a dare. His pee glowed for a week.
-Tried going vegetarian once. ONCE. Found out being vegetarian means eating no meat or dairy products. Had to have Sole explain that, while gross, radroach could technically be  considered meat.
-Is kinda clumsy. Always bumps into counter edges and stubs his toes on bits of debris.
-Doesn't lie about his family. And when Sole calls him family, promises to never lie about family again.
-Gage juggled skii balls to entertain the last Overboss, Colter.
-He enjoys small shooting competitions with MacCready, Sole, and X6. All four are sharp shooters.
-Fastest learner. Spent an entire week learning how to cook Sole's old recipes. He can cook them better than anyone with the exception of Codsworth.
-Hums when he works. 
-Had a one night stand with Nisha. Ended so bad, he avoids that area of the park at all costs.
-Hates cats. Had an awful run in with a rad lion. Radiated Mountain Lion that tore a scar deep down his back. 
-Does routine maintenance on the rides in the park. He knows how everything works there. From social hierarchy - to the intricacies of the Vault Tec: Among the Stars ride.
-His favourite flavour of Nuka Cola is Nuka Cola Victory. Rare to find but easily the best.
-Record farthest shot is a bean can from 410 meters. 
-He's a lightweight. Only two beers and he's buzzed enough to sing along with Red-Eye.
-Will tell a different story every time if anyone asks about the eye patch.
-Hancock is a history buff. Loves learning about colonial era civilization. 
-Has spent days with Kent Connolly researching Silver Shroud information. He knows more about the Silver Shroud than any other companion.
-Has had a fling with every person in Goodneighbor at least once. Even Kleo. 
-At least in a sexual way, he is extremely open minded. Welcomes new experiences and new information given anywhere anytime.
-Had a decent childhood with his brother. He remembers tending to the mutfruit trees with him and eating every other piece they picked.
-Adores pickles. Would sit and eat an entire jar of pickles just because he loves the cronch so much.
-All time favourite chem is Mentats. Loves making intellectual jokes while high as a kite.
-Does not know what a lot of pre-war expressions mean, but enjoys saying them and hearing them from Sole.
-Is a master at repairing clothing. How else does the frock stay in such good condition? He tends to it every night.
-As far as euphemisms for ghouls go, he likes "beef jerky".
-Longfellow met Hannah while out hunting. She blasted a trapper's head clean off, and he fell harder than the trapper's body.
-He spent his youth training, hoping to become a Brotherhood soldier one day.
-And then he met a vertibird full of them. They called Far Harbor a dump while gathering supplies there. Officially decided to cease all training.
-Managed to take down 17 Mirelurks in 3 minutes. 
-Holds the record in Acadia for alcohol consumption. All records involving alcohol consumption.
-He's really fit? Longfellow could and has bench pressed Sole. 
-He only did so because Hancock and MacCready wouldn't shut up about it.
-Loves singing old shanty songs and dancing with Sole. Only when no one else is around though.
-After the events at Far Harbor, he decides to go sailing along the coast. Wants to see the world more.
-MacCready does brush his teeth. He brushes his teeth regularly. He started brushing after he left Little Lamplight. By that point the damage was already done.
-Lucy was the one to convince him to brush his teeth.
-He can't stand the smell of lavender. Lavender candles, lavender lotion, etc...makes him feel  nauseous.
-He named his sniper rifle, "Lucy"
-Won't drink brahmin milk with cereal even to Sole's encouragement.
-Is very well read. Vault 87 had many educational textbooks hidden among the super mutants.
-MacCready was the longest lasting mayor in L.L. He was mayor for 6 years.
-He has no idea what television is and is afraid to ask any pre-wars about it.
-Wary of all ghouls, both feral and normal. He's not bias to non-ferals, but he is a little uncomfortable.
-Had a crush on Lone Wanderer when they first visited L.L. Mac told Joseph and he made fun of him.
-Nick has an oral fixation. Smokes out of habit and having the familiar feeling of a cigarette between his lips feeds into human nostalgia.
-His right hand is missing skin because he fidgets only his right. Whether it was picking at the fraying plastic or rubbing the fake skin raw.
-He lost the chunk of neck skin after Myrna accused him of working for the Institute. Tore off a chunk to prove he wasn't a perfect person or an infiltrator synth.
-Ellie was the first person in Diamond City to wholly accept Nick as he is. She asked to work with him as soon as he decided to stay.
-Piper and Nick have jam sessions where they have heavy debates about Diamond City law enforcement and criminal misuse of power in the capitalistic society of pre-war USA.
-Met Dogmeat under an overpass. He handed the dog a snack cake and scratched his head. They've been close pals ever since.
-Will "sleep" around Sole. He'll lay down and manually put himself into "sleep mode". Any unnecessary functions will shut down. He lets his thoughts take over. All Sole hears is the faintest fan whir.
-Piper plans Sole's 211th birthday. She goes all out, collects balloons, bakes several cakes with Codsworth, makes everyone attend and threatens anyone who would act up. "It's Blue's first birthday out here, you WILL behave!"
-Knows how to make mutfruit preserves, mutfruit pie, mutfruit jam and jelly. Makes it for Nat constantly.
-Has a notebook dedicated to little tidbits of info about Sole.
-Nat is exactly 8 years, 5 months, and 25 days younger than Piper. 
-Piper has interviewed every person in Diamond City. Made a game of it with Nat at first, then she just kept going with it.
-Piper has awful shorthand. Almost as bad as Curie's shorthand. Still illegible. 
-Piper's handwriting is so bad, Nat does the writing for the paper. Piper writes the final draft and Nat copies it, and sends it through the printing press.
-Despite bad handwriting, Piper is very eloquent. Can make a super mutant sound like good date idea or convince anyone how the mayor might actually be a synth.
-Her favourite of Sole's friends is Kent Connolly. Would gladly dress up and act out Silver Shroud episodes with him and Sole.
-Preston has insomnia. Cannot sleep well. Has had insomnia since Quincy. 
-Can sleep well if he's sleeping beside someone.
-Has a box under his bed of little knick-knacks children have given him over the years. Can't bear to get rid of the kid's gifts.
-He actually likes all of Sole's friends. Even Strong.
-Hates coconut. Once found an Almond-Joy while scaving and couldn't finish it to save his life.
-All time favourite candy is Peanut Brittle. Hard to find but gnawing on the hard chunks is somewhat soothing to him.
-Loves back rubs. Giving and receiving but only from close friends or lovers.
-Once accidently drank a bottle of perfume. MacCready told him it was a bottle of fancy expensive wine. 
-Sturges and Preston are the closest of friends, no less maybe more.
-Strong knows how to jump rope.
-But double dutch is a mystery.
-Before Sole, he only ate meat raw. Sole taught him how to cook it.
-Also lacks patience to cook, but slowly learning.
-Strong was created in Vault 87 after the bombs dropped but remembers nothing from being human.
-Doesn't understand bubblegum. Will always swallow it after a few seconds of chewing.
-Likes having poetry and plays read to him. 
-Sleeps holding Sole or having Sole laying across his stomach. 
-Loves fire. The smell, the feeling of heat against his hardened skin, the taste of charred meat, and watching the embers fly up and turn to ash.
-Strong can read, but chooses not to because super mutants discourage any educational behavior. 
-Likes the sound of clacking keys on a terminal. He'll turn one on and mess around with the keyboard just to hear the different sounds each key makes.
-He can't decide if hand-to-hand combat is better than using guns.
-X6 doesn't like using plasma. He thinks the plasma is less accurate. 
-But laser weapons are his jam.
-Spends excessive amount of time augmenting his weapon. 
-If Sole helped, he would be "happy". Would never say it, but a tiny smirk would pop up on his face for half a second.
-Will collect Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. Hoards them in his bedroom in Sanctuary and in the Institute. 
-Sole found his stash and X6 blushed for the first time when they confronted him. 
-He called Sole "Mom" instead of Ma'am once. She won't let him live it down.
-He called Sole "Dad" after hearing Shaun call him "Dad" all day. He won't let him live it down.
-Actually likes kids. Won't show emotions, get down to their level, or speak to kids. But he doesn't hate children. 
-Especially likes synth Shaun. He taught synth Shaun how to use a laser pistol. Shaun found out and put X6 on probation for a month.
Bonus Vault Tec Rep and Kent Connolly under the cut.
Vault Tec Rep
-Rep spent a couple decades learning how to draw. Loves drawing from life. Mostly draws people. Occasionally draws ferals, mutants, and various animals.
-Was engaged before the war, lasted about 2 years before she died of cancer.
-His favorite food was and still is a well grilled medium rare steak.
-A total neat freak. Every space he uses as a homestead has to be thoroughly cleaned of any bacteria, ticks, dust, dirt, radiation residue, etc
-Teased in school for his red hair. "Rusty" was his least favorite nickname.
-He's extremely susceptible to pet names. Doesn't have to be anything sexual or romantic, just pet names. He blushes like a starstruck starlet.
-Loves love. Romance and old-timey corny love stories. He like to woo his partner. Flowers, chocolate, dancing, movie dates, hand written poems, you name it. 
-He misses his old red hair. Years of being a brunette and he's a little bitter about his hair.
-Least favourite part of The Wasteland is amount of bodies he sees on a daily basis. He saw about zero bodies a day on average before the war. Even in Goodneighbor, the average has risen to about 4 bodies a week. 
-Favourite part of The Wasteland is the ability to just go anywhere. After realizing he didn't have any obligation to stay any specific place, he just traveled around for a few decades.
-His father worked for Vault-Tec, and when he graduated high school, he was given a job immediately. 
-Didn't hate it. Didn't love it at first, but he had a real knack for selling.
-He never had an office in Boston HQ. He got the van, and got a sweet bonus for being top salesman, but never his own office. 
-Despite being top salesman, he was only allowed on the first and second floors. He didn't find out till after the bombs dropped that the basement and third floor up had the plans for the various vaults in the area.
-He can't apologize enough to Sole. After thinking on it and checking out vault 111 by himself, he truly feels sorry for what happened.
-Sole gets him a set of steak knives for Christmas. They're homemade by Sole. They tell him he's earned far more than a knife set, but if that's what he's pining for...
-He treasures it so much, he rarely uses them. Just before he leaves for work in the morning, he checks them over and admires them.
-He and Sole have spent days just telling each other pre war stories. He almost knows more about Sole than Piper does. And he's a little proud of that fact.
-He gets along best with, of all people, Deacon. Good sense of humour and always interested in pre-war info.
-Second best is Piper. A nice lady who snoops too much, but does treat everyone with respect and tries to remain unbiased.
Kent Connolly
-Kent was 23 when the bombs dropped.
-He was sleeping in on the Saturday morning when he heard the air raid sirens.
-Hid in his house's basement till the sirens stopped. 
-And then the radiation sickness took over. 
-It took him about 3 months to turn ghoulish. Quicker than most. 
-He dislikes Goodneighbor - the town as a whole. The people are fine, the resources are serviceable, and the safety assured is nice. But he hates how back alley it feels.
-Misses his family the most. They weren't the best, but they made him feel loved and important.
-Speaking of which, Kent had a huge family. I'm talking brothers, sisters, cousins for days, aunts, uncles...he remembers family reunions as huge gatherings chock full of food and kids running amuck.
-Maybe, just maybe, he enjoys seeing Sole all dressed like Shroud a little too much. He's a big fan.
-Once spent 4 grand on a mint condition Issue no. 3 Silver Shroud comic just to find out it was a forgery. Never got that refund. :(
-Writes really well. But only writes Silver Shroud fanfiction. Piper almost convinced him to help write an article about how crime differed before the war and after the war. But he turned her down.
-Nick has agreed to dress up as Shroud if Sole dresses up like Grognak or Mistress of Mystery. But only if Sole dresses up too.
-Irma refers to him as her son. Amari will not say the same, but she also doesn't protest.
-He used to work in comic book shop. (Of course he did.) 
-He writes self insert Silver Shroud fanfiction all the time. After the events at the hospital with Sinjin, the Shroud in his fanfictions suddenly start using Sole's pronouns and is described as physically similar as Sole.
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twilightpoison · 3 years
It’s been brought up to me that a lot of my content is Isekai based. However I didn’t want this to be a Ieskai HC post. Instead let me tell you all about a stupid thing I came up with as a kid that I’ve been meaning to make into a fic for so long.:
What if the characters you play actually can feel your presence and/or can hear your commentary when playing?
Fair warning I never play Hyrule Warriors and Twilight Princess so let me know if I got things wrong.
Head canons under cut!
General head canons (These are all platonic headcanons btw.):
- Let’s say that the simple reason that you are here was to help the chain. Think of it like you’re the groups companion on this journey. Who better then someone that knows about each hyrule?
- The people who dealt with a lot of magic recognize you at first. The others need a bit of a push to connect the dots but everyone gets there.
- The connection wasn’t as strong at times during their original adventures, so its not like they could always hear you or sense you.
- You saw him and it was clear he has another sibling now.
- Time knew you where telling the true, that you followed both of his adventures however he wasn’t going to be fully open to you.
- Guess who isn’t scared of Time? You.
- Literally at one point you’ve pointed at Time and with a straight face says “thats a child”.
- This is also how the chain found out that Time actually fought the moon technically.
- “You fought Majora on the moon while it was falling. That’s not the same thing.”
- You meet Malon and it was an awkward first meeting since how do you explain this in the first place.
- Yet the two of you got along amazingly.
- When you and time are alone you instantly ask Time if he knew how she got the cow in his house. He kinda just… stares at you? Like you just met his wife and thats what your asking about?!
- The answer was that he wasn’t sure how she did that but the cow isn’t in his old house anymore. Since different timelines and all.
- It’s honestly weird for him to have someone remember both of his adventures in confidence.
- All be a little awkward hearing someone go, “oh yeah! Time had to do something similar.”
- Early on Time did go over boundaries since he really doesn’t like to talk about his adventures to much.
- So instead you both agree to be as cryptic as possible or at least there is an attempt on your part. Since your the only other person that can confirm or deny his claims.
- And no. You also don’t know his true age. But your guess is the closest.
- Since he is one of the Link’s that is drenched in magic, he recognizes your aura instantly.
- Chaotic sibling energy.
- If he is giving Wild or any of the other Link’s a hard time you are by his side calling Twilight out. Unless if the person in question did something truly idiotic then you let him go off.
- Speaking of, you call this man out as much as you possibly can. Like hell if you’re going to let the others think he isn’t a gremlin.
- He did try to stop you by covering your mouth but you licked his hand. So…. guess what he isn’t trying again unless it’s necessary.
- Somethings are kept a secret though. Since he did live through it and even if it was stupid he still could of gotten really hurt.
- You both play good cop, bad cop to the younger Links all the time.
- Twi is surprisingly very open with you about his adventure, to finally talk to someone about it with out having it sound crazy is nice.
- He also has some questions about you and your life. Since before this adventure started you just disappeared.
- The two of you honestly get along like two best friends who haven’t seen each other in years but still can banter like its the good old days.
- Knowing only small amounts about what they all been through it’s nice to know that you’re looking after the others as well.
- That feeling makes him really push himself to protect the family he has here and luckily you are here can smack him upside the head before lecturing him.
- heeeeey… you know what happen the last time he met someone that was suppose to be watching over the hero’s spirit?
- Yeah, so….War’s isn’t so keen on trusting you like some of these Heroes.
- You seem nice and not obsessively crazy. If anything what makes him decide to give you a chance. It’s seeing you get along with the other Heroes post battle or around the campfire when you think no one is watching.
- The moment that he recognizes you. You were cursing out some monsters and calling Dink every name under the sun. Which he actually remembers hearing your panicked voice briefly when fighting Cia.
- Anyway, you guys are a sass duo and even a trio when you get Leg involved.
- You steal his scarf sometimes with Time and Wind’s help
- He finds you and Wind wrapped inside of it leaning on time and his heart just- clenches, he has more siblings now!
- Then Warriors realizes he has another sibling… another sibling that will prank him…
- You two can be found discussing tactical strategies. Mostly him teaching you though since depending on the person not many people will know how to lead an army. Yet he is a good teacher and you catch on pretty quickly.
- Same with Twi, Warrior’s needs someone to pull him back sometimes it seems. Who better then to remind him then the person that already saw his lowest moment when his ego got the better of him?
- Seriously speaking. He wouldn’t come to you to talk. If anything he will try to avoid you if he wasn’t his best. In his head he has a reputation to uphold. Which will lead to a heart to heart. No sass. No banter. Just you and him sitting down to remind him that he is human.
- He needs a hug. Please give him a hug.
- Sky actually didn’t recognize you at first!
- Yes he felt your presence and hear your voice in his adventure, but that was a while ago at this point. Also he isn’t as connected to magic as the others are.
- He does slowly befriend you despite everything.
- It wasn’t until you referred to a certain demon lord as a ‘B*tch A** Clown’ and a flood gate of memories open up for him. Memories of you cursing out Ghirahim, calling the imprisoned an ‘avocado with feet’ and so on.
- Nothing really changes between you two honestly, he just accepts it.
- If anything he becomes more open to you about everything, setting clear boundaries on what he doesn’t want to bring up. He will tell everyone about the curse eventually, but just hasn’t found a good opportunity too. Things like that.
- You do have to argue with Sky that the curse wasn’t his fault since you were also there when it was put on him, also the fact that he didn’t asked to be cursed in the first place.
- Most of the time you two are together its to get away from the chaos that the group of nine heroes could bring.
- Walking or sitting in silence is how you two end up most of the time together. It may not look like you two are bonding. There are some days while Sky is wood carving you would work on your small hobby as well. Then there are days he plays the harp and your reading.
- Despite it all he really enjoys the peace you bring. There is a sense of comfort that you have.
- When you and Sun finally meet. The first thing you ask him is to be invited to the wedding and it may or may not been in front of her too…
- The recognition was really slow for him like Sky. Since Wild just got off of his first adventure he didn’t actually notice you were gone.
- It was until he realized that he couldn’t hear your panicked voice or snarky remarks when fighting in his head. That he finally realized you where outside of his head. He was quick to connects the dots after that.
- There was a moment where he didn’t know how to react since he just figured that you were just from his imagination.
- He now has another adventuring buddy with Hyurle! Though luckily you do keep the both of them from harm. Mostly because if something happens to them you will get in trouble with like Twi and Leg and thats never fun.
- Though you have your moments. Shield surfing and paragliding are on top of that list and Wild is all up for teaching you the ropes.
- The topic of the history of hyrule gets brought up a lot with the two of you. Since his era has a lot of connections to the past era’s. He is all up for learning about what came from where. Soon theories start to fly about.
- When You, Him and Flora are finally all together. There is nothing stopping you all from bouncing off theories. With your outside knowledge mixing with what they know. Things start to fall into place.
- The answer to why the timeline is like this doesn’t get answer. But hey! At least you all are having fun!
- If you can’t cook he will teach you that too! If you can! Well buckle up your going to share your knowledge with him whether you want to or not.
- Once you know how or get used to cooking while camping, you help him out a lot and its these moments where you both talk the most.
- It’s comforting to him to know he wasn’t alone this whole time.
- As soon as you two locked eyes he felt instant dread. Yes he knew. No he isn’t going to opening up to you.
- Playful Insults to bond? Yeah that’s literally how he talks to everyone so no special treatment.
- He keeps you at a distance but its not actually working.
- You talk about his adventures so casually like it happened a few days ago. You avoid Link’s Awakening though. If you got hurt with the plot twist then you could only imagine the pain Leg went through.
- “I’m still trying to process the fact you married a tree.” “Hey remember that one time with Yuga, you slammed face first into a wall so hard you knocked yourself out?” “God do you not wear pants because of the fish thing?”
- This relationship is literally: Only I can bully this one.
- He fears the moment you meet Ravio and Fable knowing full well you all will bond over teasing him.
- Overall though he knows you got his back no matter what, to the point he finds himself confining in you slowly.
- Guess who is also teaming up with Hyrule to get Legend to sleep. It you.
- Once you probably have forced him to sleep by getting wolfie to lay on him. It was the wolf or yourself. In the end it was both of you and he was trapped.
- A sign that he was becoming soft towards you was when he started sharing his items with you. He trusts that you know how to use them and if you don’t he is actually willing to show you.
- He regrets giving the bee badge to you.
- Another person that is drenched in magic. It only took one look at you for him to realize who you were.
- The two of you were awkward as anything at first. Since to you he never really spoken in his adventure so you didn’t know how to picture his personality.
- There’s a lot of mystery in your mind about him since again there isn’t much to go off of with what your given in game. It’s weird for him to hear about how you interpret his personality from that perspective.
- Hyrule didn’t honestly expect you to try and befriend him tbh. It mostly him over thinking it.
- You do follow him sometimes when he wants to wander around and explore. Mostly because you claim he finds the coolest things when he does.
- But its just a excuse to actually get to know him.
- The two of you trade stories and questions about each of your lives. There might be things you know that he might not know of about his adventure and his hyrule.
- Of course never going into to much details since there are things you couldn’t tell him.
- Hyrule honestly was dreading the day you all would land in his Era. He loves his home but is also very aware of it not being the most…welcoming place.
- So it’s more then surprising to him that there is even more then the glint of familiarity and excitement on your face. Knowing full well what dangers where a head of you, you still were open to exploring his world to the fullest.
- It’s honestly refreshing to see someone love his era as much as he does.
- Another boy that needs hugs, please give him a hug.
- You both cheer each other on though.
- This relationship is just aggressive support between you two and the others.
Four: (I’m actively mixing the Four Sword game and manga just to be clear.)
- Not sure if he would know exactly who you where since during the second adventure your voice and presence bounce between the four of them.
- Yet I also feel like he took after you because he was a child in his first adventure, which worries you a lot. Since you did have choice words for Vaati.
- The first to realize was Vio then it went Blue, Red and Green. Despite being in the same head it was just a theory they had over all. They all had their own ways of confirming it.
- Vio noticed the small things you do around Four. Like not stepping on their shadow, and covering Four when things got chaotic in their head. Small references here and there. When the two of you are alone he almost quizzes you about things. Just to see how much you know and to see if your telling the true or not.
- Blue recognize your mannerisms being something he picked up on during the first and second adventure. Only vaguely since again he was a child / there was only a small part only with him. Your fighting banter when your in battle made you see where Blue got his colorful language from…
- Your comfort was what clued Red in. He remembers your presence more clearly then the others from the first and second adventure. It was a comforting (yet chaotic) presence in their adventures that he latched on to. More so from his first adventure since as a kid he made an imaginary friend to process the fact he could sense and hear your presence. When you came back in the second time around it felt so natural for Red to have you there and really helped make him go forward through his small journey.
- For Green? It was a lot of things but when he see’s you treating each color differently when they are in charged. It’s a refreshing sight to be honest. He just enjoys hearing and seeing that his brothers had someone to confide in. Even when they switch who is in control you some how could tell and spoke to them accordingly.
- They were all some what surprise that none of the others picked up on your treatment of him swapping so much. Yet their also glad because their not ready to reveal themselves quiet yet.
- As Four or as you nicknamed him ‘Rainbow’ the two of you tend to sick together when the world’s shift around. Since his body needs more time to recover.
- You two are another pair that cheers each other on when the moral is low.
- He introduces you to the Minish! Getting you a jabber nut so you can speak to them too. You can’t shrink down to properly talk to them so this was the next best thing.
- The four of them makes you a dagger to bring home to remember him by, there’s a kin stone imbedded where the blade meets the hilt.
Wind: (hello self projection my dear friend)
- Wind didn’t recognize you ether at first, yet he didn’t even blink when you join everyone. He was fully on board with getting a new member and is easiest the most opened.
- It was when you two are alone together that something clicked in his head. You see during the Wind Waker he was alone most of the time when he was on land. So he had to face a lot by himself.
- Having you was reassuring to him when facing some of the monsters alone, especially with the puppet ganon fight. The two of you both agree that it was creepy.
- Wind is a lot more mature then you realized but you two still have those moments.
- You, Aryll and Grandma get along too! So he and his family basically sees you and the chain as family.
- Pranking buddies! You’re targets would never know. Mostly because your covering up for him. You two team up with Four and Wild so the pranks can get chaotic at times.
- No matter what age you are compare to him and if your ok with it he does like platonic physical affection. Your going to be trading off with Warriors a lot of the time for cuddles or it’s the three of you together.
- You teaching him our worlds sea shanties and him teaching you his? Heck yeah! Even making up songs with the others is something on the table and in the works which is nice.
- It’s another thing to bring back home thats personalized!
Honestly since I’ve written all of this down I want to write the fic more. Though I’ll probably not only because idk if people would even read it lol. So it will just be a bunch of head canons. Anyway rambling is done.
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lovestruckay · 3 years
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Request: "Hi there! Loveeee your writing for Fire Force and was wondering if you could do headcanons (SFW and NSFW if that's ok!) for Akitaru and a fem s/o for celebrating birthdays or holidays?"
Pairing: Akitaru Obi x Fem!Reader
A/N: Happy birthday, Obi! I’m a little late but I made up for it by making this 2.5k words, haha. NSFW content is below the cut, it’s mixed in throughout instead of separate! I used these HC as a way to talk about some of the days I celebrate personally from the Wheel of the Year - eight holidays that celebrate the spring equinox, the summer solstice, the autumnal equinox, the winter solstice, and the four cross-quarter days between them.
Akitaru loves the holidays. He’s the kind of person who plans celebrations a month in advance, sometimes even longer depending on what the special occasion is. He’ll put out decorations, bake pastries, cook whole meals, and even throw parties where he’ll give mushy speeches.
You think he leans into celebrating even more for the sake of the rest of Company 8. Nearly all of his companions had come from troubled backgrounds or had lost their loved ones and he was always clear that the Eighth was their family too. Akitaru is the father figure of their ragtag company and he takes that role seriously. Not just in protecting them and guiding them but in doing the little things that family did - like celebrating holidays.
So, when these special occasions roll around, you better get ready because this man is not just celebrating for the fun of it but because it’s a way to bond with you and the rest of Company 8. 
The Holy Sol Temple has generic, catch-all versions of all the seasonal holidays. With the Temple worshiping a Sun God, their holidays are centered around solar events like the solstices, the equinoxes, and the cross-quarter days between. December celebrations are all bundled up into the Winter Solstice, Ostara and Easter became the Spring Equinox, Samhain and Halloween became the Autumnal Cross-Quarter Day, and so on.
Even though these combined holidays are the most frequently celebrated, the pre-Cataclysm holidays still exist and are still celebrated. It is on a much smaller scale though so this makes celebrating these holidays a much more meaningful affair. If you celebrate a particular day, whether it’s because of tradition or your heritage or something else entirely, Akitaru is excited to learn and be a part of something so important to you.
Valentine’s Day is one of his favorite holidays because it’s a celebration he gets to spend with the woman he had fallen madly in love with - you. He likes that there’s a holiday dedicated to your love for each other and he tends to go overboard with making sure you know how much he cherishes you.
Akitaru is really cheesy about showing you how much he loves you. He always starts the day by waking up before you and sneaking into the kitchen so he can make you breakfast in bed. He’ll cook your pancakes in the shape of wobbly hearts and there will be a protein shake there with your orange juice. He has covered your entire bathroom with sticky notes, each note containing sweet messages he had written throughout the year about how much he loves you. You have a hand bound book on your shelf filled with pressed flowers and love notes that he had made for you one year.
He once hired a skywriter plane to write your initials in a heart in the sky. He loves you so much that it turns him into the corniest, sappiest man on the face of the planet.
He takes the Firefighter Calendar very seriously and he’s absolutely playful and confident enough to wear something sexy for you as a surprise. If you surprise him by wearing some revealing lingerie, he will spend the rest of the night absolutely worshiping you and showing you how beautiful you were.
Akitaru is such a big man but he can be so delicate that the tenderness he touches you with makes your breath catch. But sometimes he forgets his own strength, especially when you’re wrapped up like a present, and he tears the wrapping paper. You know better now than to expect whatever pretty lingerie you buy to survive the night.
He makes sure that you can’t get out of bed when he’s done with you and that works out great for him because, guess what - dinner in bed is on the way.
The Spring Equinox mornings are always spent outside basking in the nice weather and the warm sun as you plant new flowers in the cathedral garden. You spend the afternoon spring cleaning your home, sweeping behind all the furniture and packing up winter clothes. The afternoons are spent painting eggs and hiding little gifts of candy and sweets around the cathedral for the rest of the company to find.
Every year, the Autumnal Cross-Quarter Day (or Halloween as most call it outside the church) is a day-long affair. Mornings are spent carving Jack-o’-lanterns and baking cookies decorated with icing in the shapes of skulls, bats, and spiderwebs. During the afternoon, you’re putting out last minute decorations and filling bowls with king-sized candy bars for the trick-or-treating children that stop by the Fire Force cathedral.
Somehow, Akitaru is always able to convince everyone at the Eighth to dress up in costumes. He especially loves doing coordinated outfits with you, like Frakenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein or a werewolf and a vampire. One year, he was able to convince the entire company to dress up as zombies and you all spent the day making zombie noises at each other and giggling.
If you like getting a little scared for Halloween, he'll take you to a haunted house or a haunted trail where he will inevitably be clinging to you by the end of the experience. If you get chased by the workers wielding fake chainsaws at a trail, he will get so scared that he will literally scoop you up into his arms and run away.
If you’re more interested in staying home and spending time together, you’ll nestle up on the couch together with a bowl of candy and some of the pastries you had baked earlier and binge watch horror movies. He has absolutely no talent whatsoever for video games - you swear the man can’t even figure out how to hold the controller half the time - but he will happily cuddle you and cheer you on if you wanted to play some scary video games instead.
Once you two are alone, Akitaru can’t seem to get his hands off of you. He thinks you are so beautiful every single day but there is something so alluring to him about you dressed up. If you’re wearing one of those revealing costumes, his eyes are glued to you the entire day and, once he can finally get you away from everyone, he’s tearing it off to get to the sweets underneath.
He is very sensitive to the fact that winter holidays can be very personal to a person depending on their background. Most people in Tokyo celebrate the Winter Solstice but there are people who still celebrate the pre-Cataclysm holidays. Whichever holiday you want to observe, Akitaru wants to support you and celebrate with you.
You want to build an altar for Yuletide? He’s bringing home pretty rocks and little trinkets he found that he thought you might like to give as offerings.
You want to light a menorah for Hanukkah? He’s cleaned off a special spot in the kitchen window for the candelabrum.
You want to decorate a tree for Christmas? He’s driving around looking for a pine tree he can cut down for you.
You want to decorate the house for Kwanzaa? He’s singing with you as you both hang brightly colored kente and he’s memorized all seven core principles to talk to you about during the week.
You want to host a dinner for Las Posadas? He’s in the kitchen helping you make tamales and he even stuffed and hung two piñatas - one for the new recruits and the other for you both and the rest of the company.
When it comes to gifts, Akitaru is really good at picking out presents for you. He always listens when you talk and he makes sure to remember when you talk about things that you like. He’s the kind of guy who will buy small presents throughout the year and stow them away in the back of his closet until the winter holidays roll around.
He’s extremely easy to buy gifts for, he loves the traditional “dad” gifts. Get this man some brand new winter socks, a new jacket to replace the coat he got too muscular for, and some new underwear and he is happy. If you give him something a little more exciting in addition to his gifts, like taking off your robe to reveal you’re wrapped up in a bow, he will gladly unwrap you and give you a present of his own.
For New Years, he likes to host a little get together with Company 8 to celebrate. You all make a big dinner and maybe even get a little tipsy before going up to the roof to watch the fireworks. You sit in chairs you had set out earlier, Akitaru settling you into his warm lap instead, and watch in amazement as Company 1 puts on their yearly fireworks show in the sky over Tokyo.
When the show reaches its climax and the clock rolls over to midnight, he kisses you.
Whether you’re drunk on a little alcohol or just the excitement of the night, sex on New Years Eve is always fun. It’s so easy to be yourself and to feel beautiful with him - he is such a light hearted and openly loving man - but tipsy sex is always full of smiles and laughter interspersed with little gasps and moans. There’s no shame and it just feels good to be complete with the man you love.
On Lunar New Year, he is taking you out to shop for new clothes and he’s helping you give out cards and gifts. He makes sure to buy a bag of sweets to leave as an offering once you clean the altar at home later that day. In the evening, he’s once again in the kitchen, helping cook eight different dishes for the reunion dinner with a communal hot pot always being the centerpiece of the meal.
Akitaru loves the holidays but his favorite celebrations are the ones for you two specifically: your birthdays and your anniversary.
For his birthday, he just wants a small get together with the rest of the company and maybe a couple friends. He is still as ridiculously easy as ever to shop for, just buy him new exercise equipment and he’ll love it. He works out so much that he wears down and breaks his equipment and he’s always excited to try a new machine.
He especially loves it when you surprise him in the bedroom with something new. If you teach yourself how to deep throat his impressive size, he’ll be wrapped around your little finger for a week straight. If you give him the remote to your vibrating panties while you’re out getting dinner, he’ll break down halfway through your meal and pull you into the bathroom to make you see stars. You never need an excuse to experiment in bed but it’s always fun surprising him with something every year.
For your birthday, Akitaru will always ask you what you want instead of trying to surprise you. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you with a party if you don’t want it and he doesn’t want you to be craving more if he plans for a day at home.
If you want to go out, he'll take you to the amusement park for games and roller coasters (one of which he couldn’t even ride because the safety harness didn’t fit over his muscular body). If you like the outdoors, he’ll take you on a hike through one of the nature preserves and lead you to a picnic he prepared for you. If you like to dance, he’s taking you out and trying his best not to step on your toes.
If you want to stay in, Akitaru will buy you a copy of the newest video game you had your eye on and will order pizza so he can watch you try to beat it in one sitting. He’ll spend the morning baking and decorating a cake from scratch and it comes out incredible. He’ll give you a massage and his almost too strong grip feels so good it sends shivers up your spine.
On your birthday, he is in the palm of your hand. Whatever you want to do, anything you want to try, he is so eager to please. He’s an open-minded man and there really aren’t many things that are hard passes for him in bed. He isn’t particularly well versed in the kinky stuff so he’ll need a bit of an explanation sometimes but, once he understands what you want, he will gladly give it to you.
Without a doubt, your anniversary is Akitaru’s favorite holiday of the year. He loves that your anniversary is a celebration of your bond and a reaffirming of your love for each other. He’s honestly just as dramatic on this day as he is on Valentine’s Day - if not more so - and he will come up with the most cheesy, romantic ways of telling you he loves you.
Sticking to tradition, he took you out to a fancy dinner one year to a restaurant with a dress code and no prices on the menu. Even with the overly formal atmosphere, he was still his usual boisterous self throughout the dinner and his sunshine smile puts you at ease. The dinner was spectacular and, even if you normally hated stuffy environments like that, his happiness is contagious and you feel comfortable.
On your anniversary, he makes it his Sol given duty to fuck you until you scream when you cum. He makes it a point to give you the best orgasm of the year, making you finish over and over until your pleasure climbs to a high that has moans shamelessly spilling from your lips. You absolutely cannot walk the day after your anniversary so, every year, you take not only your anniversary off but the day following as well.
Akitaru pays such close attention to your moods and your likes and dislikes when it comes to the holidays throughout the year and tries his best to make you happy. At the end of the day, he just wants to be with you and for you to have a good time.
After all, he loves you so much he wants to spend the rest of his life making happy memories like these together.
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
kuroo bringing his son with him to work headcanons
warning: slight time skip spoilers
a/n: this takes place in the same universe as the secretary and can be thought of as a companion piece. i don’t think anything like this would ever happen in japan, but please suspend your disbelief for the sake of fluff
you had come down with a pretty bad fever and were unable to take care of tatsuya for the day
kuroo, being the wonderful husband and father that he was, decided to take tatsuya with him to work so that you could rest at home
“tetsu, noooo. what will your boss say?” “i called him and he said that he doesn’t mind as long as i get my work done. besides, i don’t have any meetings today, so it’ll be fine”
after much convincing, kuroo finally had his briefcase and tatsuya’s bag all packed up and was ready to leave for work. tatsuya was giggling away in his baby carrier as kuroo checked his watch one last time
“ready to go to work, buddy?” “work!” “all right, let’s go”
upon arriving at the japan volleyball association, people greeted kuroo and tatsuya with a polite smile and “hello”
women were swooning because kuroo was well-known as the local hottie a friendly and charming person. he was fairly popular among the workplace, and his superiors liked him because he was a competent employee, while those who worked under him thought that he was a kind and caring boss
so to see the attractive and funny kuroo tetsurou carry around his absolutely adorable son? double kill
when kuroo finally reached his office, he greeted his new secretary, a young man by the name of yamazaki arata. he was hired a few months ago following ‘the incident’ with kuroo’s previous secretary
yamazaki reminded kuroo of kenma, as they were both always 110% done with kuroo’s antics
yamazaki was totally unfazed as two pairs of identical eyes stared back at him
“good morning, sir. i’m not even going to ask” “awww, really? you’re not going to inquire about this adorable, little human bean?” “no, sir” “...you’re no fun” “please just go and do your work, sir” “fine...”
the majority of kuroo’s morning was spent at his desk. while he was busy reading some reports, tatsuya was sitting on his lap and drawing pictures
“what are you drawing, tatsu?” “mama” “hmm, yes. i can see it. you really captured her beauty”
kuroo nodded, seeing the potential in his son’s future as an artist, even if his pictures were nothing but scribbles
lunchtime consisted of kuroo and tatsuya eating whatever leftovers kuroo could find from the fridge, as you were too sick to properly cook them a new meal
“what do you mean you won’t eat the curry? you were scarfing it down yesterday!” “no!” “then what do you want?”
tatsuya made a grabbing motion towards kuroo’s simple lunch of rice, fish, and pickled vegetables
kuroo felt a single tear run down his cheek
“just like your old man...tatsu, remember to always eat your docosahexaenoic acid! don’t be like yakkun!”
(somewhere in russia, yaku felt a disturbance in the force)
nearing the end of day, tatsuya was playing with his blocks on the blanket that kuroo had placed down for him
meanwhile, kuroo was situated on the office couch as he tried to quickly finish up the remainder of his paperwork
feeling one of tatsuya’s blocks hit his leg, kuroo was about to get up and return it to him, only to stop in tracks when he saw little tatsuya wobbly standing up on his feet and making his way over to the couch
unfortunately, tatsuya was only able to take a few steps before he fell back down onto the blanket with a happy giggle
kuroo only stared in shock before excitedly rushing over to pick up his son
“your mom is going to be so upset when she finds out that she missed this”
and indeed, when kuroo and tatsuya returned home to show you tatsu’s newly acquired ability to walk, you nearly broke out into tears
kuroo was left having to deal with your emotional, fever-fuelled delirium, while tatsuya simply stared at his parents in confusion
in conclusion: eat your docosahexaenoic acid, guys
fun fact: this was never mentioned previously, but tatsuya’s name is written with the characters for ‘master/accomplished, to be’
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
What about domestic headcanons for our best captains, Daichi, Kuroo, Bokuto and Oikawa? Just lie how they’d be as a husband and dad and stuff...
thank you for this request! on with the HCs :) hope you enjoy!
fun fact: i actually worked in backwards order for these so i started with oikawa and i tried to match the same amount for everyone else hehe (i also put this in a perspective of a female reader!)
Sawamura Daichi
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Daichi—model citizen, model son, but when it comes to you, y’all might as well call him a goner because he doesn’t really know what the heck to do with his feelings.
Don’t get me wrong, he’s an awesome boyfriend, but that’s after you get over the hump of mutual crushes and “what do we call ourselves?” talk.
He definitely took his time in proposing to you. After like, what, six years of dating? He seems like the type. He knew that you were the end game for him, but he wanted to make sure you knew he was the end game for you. (If you catch my drift.)
He doesn’t like to attract attention, so he proposes to you in a really lax way, which you prefer actually.
You’re probably cooking breakfast one day, and this man has had this ring in his immediate vicinity for weeks, but this is the moment he wanted.
You turn around and he’s on one knee and you start crying before he can even say anything.
“(Y/N), I haven’t said anything yet.”
“I know.”
“Will you marry me?”
It’s a beautiful ceremony and a beautiful reception held at a small park. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
He is, of course, the textbook companion. If you had to nitpick, you’d say that you wish you had your honeymoon at a destination, but hanging out in your new home, something just for yourselves, is pretty special.
Well, your home didn’t stay for just two people and you purchased it for that specific intention. You both are the type that knew you wanted children. It takes you a while to conceive, but it’s not a big deal because eventually, your daughter is born!
Again, literally the best dad from the get go. Your daughter is such a daddy’s girl, but hey, she loves him just as much as you do and you couldn’t ask for anything more. She’s a little spoiled, but she gets it from you. You’ve been spoiled by the best.
“(Y/N), can we get a dog?”
“Who’s asking, you or your daughter?”
With the largest eyes ever, “Both of us.”
How could you say no?
He’ll do anything for his children (assuming you’ll have more in the future).
The Karasuno boys come over often, with their own kids or without. Their lives aren’t complete without the other crows and their kiddos.
Kuroo Tetsurou
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Kuroo and you meet in college. Although you are in the same year, he already places in courses meant for third year college students.
You probably swooned the first time you met him. Like c'mon, a guy who is tall, hot, athletic, and has a brain? Signing you up since yesterday.
You found your ways to him and he eventually brought you on a date!
One date turned into hanging out, being there for his intramural volleyball games (because let’s face it, he’d probably want to focus more on school rather than playing professional college volleyball), and definitely study sessions where you don’t necessarily talk, but you like to keep each other company!
He wants the proposal to be more private, so he’ll do it at a family party! He picks this mostly because your parents are a large part of your life and he wouldn’t want them to miss this for the world! (To be honest, you don’t quite realize that this party is technically for you. Your parents suggested that he hold it on an important date, so that you wouldn’t have any suspicions. I’d probably do the same thing.)
Kuroo literally chooses the moment to surprise you with his proposal right as you’re about to dip into some chips lololol
“You can finish your chips later, but can I ask now if you’ll marry me?”
Probably a really shit way of asking you to marry him but it’s endearing, you know? Of course you say yes, how could you not? You’re so in love with the dude that even the dumbest things that come out of his mouth are adorable.
It’s also a small wedding because how will you be paying for a 100+ reception in Tokyo? No thank you! The list is cut down to about 50 people and it’s a lot more intimate and your style.
Your honeymoon…let’s not talk about it right now. Let’s just say that even though the two of you planned for kids down the road, you had one nine months after those days of the two of you by your lonesome.
It’s a girl! Kuroo hoped for a boy, but he literally falls in love with her from the moment she’s born.
“(Y/N), she’s so beautiful. You did that, you gave birth to her.”
Two years later, a son comes along. He treats his children the same and he has a lot to teach them about everything! Of course, volleyball is an important thing in your household, so don’t be surprised if you hear the three of them yelling over a volleyball match on the TV. (One of them has a different favorite team than the others and it is not the boys.)
“Are you kidding me? How is that out?!”
“Dad, what do you mean, that was out by a long shot!”
“Yeah, dad, you know I don’t like this team as much as you guys, but that was out for sure.”
He’s domestic by the definition and he loves to take care of you and his family.
Bokuto Koutarou
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Bokuto’s plans for proposing to you are simple: dinner at your favorite restaurant and propose at the end.
Most of his schemes are sweat-proof, but he couldn’t shake the idea of you potentially declining his proposal.
“Akaashi, I love her so much—”
“She’ll say yes, you don’t have to worry.”
When he arrived to pick you up, the sun is beginning to set so you are literally shimmering as you step outside.
“(Y/N)…you look so beautiful. Like a goddess! I look so, agh, I don’t know—”
“Don’t finish that, you look handsome, Koutarou,” you seal his lips with a kiss.
As the dinner progresses, his fidgeting is more prominent.
“Koutarou, are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m doing just fine! Maybe you’re the one that’s a little off!”
Dessert has you living in bliss and when he rattles off things he loves about you, you can’t help but to grin at your love.
This all makes you more surprised when he gets down on one knee and proclaims, “I love you, (Y/N)! I want to be your husband and the father to all of your babies. Please let me be that to you, so will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
An eventful wedding and honeymoon go by and you’re back home, living your lives together.
He actually wants to wait to have children until he establishes a career after his professional volleyball days are over. He just doesn’t want to spend all of his time away and have that hurt the family dynamic.
It’s rough when he’s away for long periods of time, but your alone time is something you cherish, as well as a clean house, because once he takes one step in, the house is dirty.
You two raise three children: a boy and a set of twins, a boy and a girl.
While Bokuto attempts to raise the boys on volleyball, it is actually the girl who gets hooked on the game.
“I can’t believe my little princess is playing the game I love so much!”
Bokuto tries to defend his daughter from the boys of the guys he used to play against. (In other words, Oikawa and Kuroo’s sons.)
Oikawa Tooru
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To me, Oikawa is the type to propose after an important college game of theirs, after you’ve been dating since high school.
“We’ve been together for the longest time, so will you do me the honors of being mine for the rest of our lives?”
This is the one moment you’ve seen him at his most vulnerable.
Your wedding day is a big production, and after you are off to the honeymoon, it’s just a good time to relax and be in each other’s arms and company.
Even though he’s gone for some business trips, he likes to make the most of the days he’s with you—breakfast in bed, beach days (with volleyballs in stow), candlelit dinners.
Scratch only one moment. His second was when your son is born two years after you are married. It is a brutal birth, but you two came out healthy and happy.
With the birth scare, he is nowhere to be found because he’s off crying at the prospect of losing his wife and his son in one go.
“Iwa-chan, w-what if they both die?!”
“They won’t.”
When your son becomes old enough, Oikawa definitely teaches him how to play volleyball.
Oikawa also brings back little souvenirs from every business trip he returns from.
Upon looking back on old photos, “Dad, where is this one from?”
“This one is from our high school volleyball games. See, that’s your uncle, Iwa-chan, but don’t call him that. He’ll be upset at me.”
“And that one?”
“A business trip! That’s where me and mom went for our honeymoon too, but we don’t have any photos for you to look at from that.”
“How come?”
Oikawa chuckles and pats his son on the back. “Secret!” He exclaims as he winks at you.
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woodstockbtswriter · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff/Headcanon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Female)
Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join BTS on a Bon Voyage adventure leads to once-in-a-lifetime love.
Author’s Note: As penance for the long wait for an update, this part is extra long. Please note that my drabble Warmth fits into this chapter, and I’ve added a link where it should be read. I hope this humble bit of fluff brightens your day!
Part Seven
Grocery Shopping, Take Two
On the way to the grocery store, you asked Yoongi what he planned to make for dinner
He answered kimchi jjigae, and you typed up a shopping list on your phone while he told you the necessary ingredients
At the store, Jin went directly to the candy aisle for more gummies
Taehyung tried to block him, telling him to finish what he already had before buying more
Amused, you snuck behind them as they bantered and grabbed a big bag of Jin’s favorite 
“Don’t worry, oppa,” You said to Jin, showing him the candy, “I’ll share mine with you.”
Jin broke out into his signature laugh while Taehyung frowned in mock disapproval and you grinned
Yoongi came around the corner at that moment talking about buying meat, so you followed him to the refrigerated section
Together, you picked out a pile of lamb and pork cuts, asking each other’s opinions
You worked companionably, finding everything on your list together
When you were finished shopping and after you had stuffed the groceries into every little crevice of the SUV, Jin noticed a small zip-line across the lot from the store
You and Taehyung decided to join Jin to check it out while Yoongi returned the cart inside 
Jin and Taehyung took turns sliding down the line, shouting in delight
As you stood watching, Yoongi walked up beside you and called to his brothers, saying it was time to go
A little disappointed, you told him you were just about to try the zip-line and asked if there was time
He thought for a moment, then nodded
“For you, we’ll make time,” He said, “Go ahead.”
You smiled brightly at him, thanking him, and the corner of his mouth lifted
You asked him if he wanted to try too, but he declined, so as soon as the line was free, you ran over to take your turn
The ride wasn’t very fast and your feet skimmed the ground, but it was still fun to zip through the air
You waved at the boys, laughing happily as you flew by, and they waved back
Jogging up to them after your ride, you told Yoongi that he should reconsider and assured him that it was fun and not scary at all
He just shook his head, “Watching you have fun is enough fun for me.”
It was exactly the kind of thing you’d expect him to say, but the fact that he actually said it caused you to smile even wider
To the Observatory
As you headed back to the car, Yoongi asked Taehyung if he was driving 
Taehyung seemed surprised, so you volunteered instead, insisting you didn’t mind
He thanked you as you got behind the steering wheel and he and Jin squeezed into the back while Yoongi sat up front
After some quick adjustments to the seat, mirrors, and wheel, you turned the engine over and pulled away
A few miles down the highway, Yoongi remarked that you were a good driver
You were pleased that you impressed him, but admitted you were being extra careful because you were hauling some very precious cargo
Yoongi and Taehyung laughed, and Jin agreed that chauffeuring World Wide Handsome was a big responsibility
Not much later, you reached the road up to the observatory that was your next destination and the producers asked you to wait for the camper van team to catch up
So you pulled over to the side of the road and parked
While you waited, Jin opened a bag of mandarin oranges and shared them around
And you ended up peeling them for everyone as you had the longest fingernails
Soon enough, the camper drove up behind you, and you started up toward the observatory
The view along the drive was beautiful, and Yoongi observed that it was so perfect that it looked like computer-generated scenery from a movie
You agreed, and wondered if this was a filming location for The Lord of the Rings, telling the boys how you watched it on your plane ride
As you drove higher and higher, Yoongi asked if anyone else felt a little breathless and like they were getting a headache 
Thankfully, you didn’t, but Jin said he did
Not missing an opportunity to tease his hyung, Yoongi called the boys in the camper over the walkie-talkie and told them that Jin had fainted
They laughed appreciatively at Yoongi’s joke and understood his implied warning about altitude sickness
You climbed higher still, curving back and forth, until you finally reached the top, pulling into a gravel parking lot at the peak of the mountain
The sun was just starting to set, and not wanting to miss the sight, you all rushed to exit the vehicles
You hurried across the lot after the boys, pulling out your phone to get some pictures and, in your haste, you didn’t think to grab your coat
The shutter click of Hoseok’s phone as he snuck a picture of you and Yoongi woke you from your reverie, and your fingers quickly slipped apart
For a brief moment, you had forgotten about the other boys, about the cameras, and about everything in the world except how it felt to have Yoongi hold your hand
Being abruptly brought back to reality made you a little self-conscious, and your cheeks suddenly felt hot
But before you could notice how Yoongi felt, Jimin called to him, asking him to climb up next to him on one of the boulders lining the bluff
With a subtle glance back at you as he walked away, Yoongi complied, leaving your side
So you let go of a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding, and laughed as Jimin wrapped Yoongi’s arms around his waist, recreating the Titanic pose
Waiting for Nightfall
After several minutes of admiring the sunset and taking plenty of pictures, you finally fetched your coat from the SUV and regrettably returned Yoongi’s to him
Then you and the boys decided to head up the path to the observatory 
When darkness fell, you would be able to observe the stars, but until then, you had some time to kill
Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook hung out outside, dancing energetically to “Chicken Noodle Soup”
But you, Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon wanted to wait somewhere warm, so you went inside the lounge, ordered some hot drinks, and settled around a table
As you sipped your cocoa, you expressed your excitement to the boys
You’ve always loved star-gazing, you told them
You had glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling of your childhood bedroom and read books about constellations
You even once considered a career in astronomy - until you found out it was more math and science than actually looking at the stars
Yoongi listened attentively while you spoke, seeming interested in everything you had to say
Then Namjoon asked how you made the leap from astronomy to interior design 
You shrugged, saying you grew up and your interests changed
Yoongi nodded thoughtfully, then speculated that both professions require an eye for beauty, so maybe it wasn’t such a stretch
You smiled at his logic as he met your gaze, and you wondered if he knew that you thought his face was one of the most beautiful things you’d ever seen
Eventually, Namjoon wandered outside to herd the other boys into the lounge
They joined you at the table, and all eight of you enjoyed your drinks together as night fell
Starry Night
When it was finally dark enough, you and the boys made your way outside and were immediately amazed by the abundance of stars
The film crew turned off their lights, increasing the darkness to give you a better view, and your stunned faces shone dimly in the starlight
The millions of twinkling stars were so clear and felt so close that you decided the sky must hang lower in this corner of the world
Looking through a telescope brought the radiance of the stars into even sharper relief, and you couldn’t help but gasp at the sight
Yoongi chuckled at your excited reaction, but when he peered through the viewpiece, his exclamations were even more enthusiastic than yours 
After taking your turns with the telescope, you joined Namjoon and Jungkook, sitting on the ground and marveling together at the grandeur of nature
Jungkook was again attempting to take a good picture of the sky, and when he laid back in the grass to get a better angle, you, Yoongi, and Namjoon laid down too
Gazing up at the stars had a way of putting things into perspective, making you feel tiny and insignificant, and special and lucky at the same time
You voiced your thoughts to Yoongi, your voice barely above a whisper, your shoulders pressed together 
“I still can’t believe I’m here,” You told him, “I still can’t believe I’m actually here... with you.”
He didn’t say anything in response and you couldn’t make out his expression in the dark, but you heard him shift, then felt his hand find yours
He wove your fingers together, holding your hand between his side and yours, and you felt like you could fly up into the heavens from his touch alone
But before you could soar away, an observatory guide called for your group to gather around
Reluctantly, you sat up, and Yoongi helped pull you to your feet, dropping your hand as soon as you were standing
But he stood close by you, your sides often brushing, as the guide pointed out the Milky Way and various constellations
A Home-Cooked Meal
At the conclusion of your star tour, you all graciously thanked your guide, and you headed for your vehicles
Yoongi volunteered to drive this time, and you happily relaxed in the passenger’s seat as he wound the SUV back down the mountain road
Your accommodation for the night was another cabin, though this one was much smaller
There were two rooms of bunks and one private room with a large bed
It was unanimously decided that the private room was yours, though the boys all seemed envious
They drew ladders on a piece of paper to decide bunks, and Jimin and Jungkook ended up in the smaller of the two rooms, while the rest of the boys shared the other
Once rooms were divided, everyone pitched in to bring in the luggage and groceries, and you helped Yoongi organize the food spread out across the table
You then assumed the role of sous chef, chopping vegetables and handing ingredients and tools to Chef Min as he began cooking dinner
Jungkook lingered in the tiny kitchen too, offering his help to you and Yoongi at every opportunity
The limited space in the kitchen meant the three of you had to work together closely, bumping elbows and reaching around each other often, but no one seemed to mind
There existed between all of the boys a synergy born of comfort and familiarity, and though it was only the second night, in this moment you felt seamlessly included in it
And it was feeling you greatly appreciated
While Yoongi stirred the meat in a pot on the stove, you watched over his shoulder as he explained his recipe, but you were only half listening
The other half of your mind was buzzing, preoccupied with enjoying being close to him - and fantasizing about the two of you cooking together every night
When dinner was ready, everyone sat down at the table and dug in, thanking you, Yoongi, and Jungkook for cooking, and praising the delicious food
As you enjoyed your own bowl of Yoongi’s kimchi jjigae, you took an added measure of secret pleasure in that fact that you were eating his food for the very first time
You’d seen him cook in enough videos to be intensely curious to try something he made, and the experience did not disappoint
The savory taste warmed you from your head to your toes, and you immediately knew that Yoongi’s cooking was definitely something you could get used to
Another Night in NZ
After dinner, Taehyung took charge of doing the dishes, Hoseok started loading things back into the camper, Yoongi and Jungkook wanted to wash up, and you decided to assist Hoseok while you waited for your turn to shower
Hoseok was as animated as usual as you helped him organize supplies in the camper, making his own sound effects while putting everything away
“Hobi?” You asked him, stuffing a stack of paper napkins into one of the numerous cubbies, “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” he replied automatically, still humming
You hesitated
You wanted to ask him about Yoongi, to confess your feelings for him and ask Hoseok if he thought he liked you too, or if he was just being nice
But you suddenly remembered the cameraman crammed in the camper with you
Were it not for your every word and move being recorded, you would have no reservations sharing your feelings with Hoseok
You needed someone to confide in, and he had already made it clear that he was your unspoken ally
Even your subtlest interactions with his hyung had not escaped his notice, and in your gut you knew you could trust him
But as it was, you couldn’t be completely open with him
At least, not yet
So instead, you asked him to send you the picture he took, the one of the sunset
He paused, finally looking at you, clearly understanding which picture you meant, and gave you a conspiring smile
Both of you then finished your task and reentered the cabin, hopefully leaving the production crew none the wiser
It was late and you were tired and the bathroom was finally free when you returned, so you took a quick shower and prepared for bed
After drying your hair and dressing in your pajamas, you opened your bedroom door to say goodnight to the boys and found Yoongi standing there
He had one hand raised, about to knock, and the other held a steaming mug
“Jimin made tea,” he explained, holding the cup out to you
You accepted it with a grateful smile, taking a small sip, and he nodded, clearing his throat
He then thanked you for your help that day, with shopping, driving, and cooking
You let him know it was your pleasure, and thanked him for another unbelievable day
His eyes met yours, a small smile pulling at his lips
“My pleasure.” He repeated back to you, and your heart did the thing
Hoping you weren’t blushing, you bid him and the others goodnight, then settled into your room for the evening
You drank your tea in bed, snuggled under the covers, and as soon as you finished, you sank deeper into the blankets, attempting to sleep with thoughts of Min Yoongi filling your head
You weren’t sure how he was feeling
Maybe he was just being nice because he knew he was your bias
Maybe he genuinely liked you, but just as a friend
Or maybe - just maybe - he felt the same as you
You hoped so
You really hoped so
Because you…
You were already falling for him
And you were falling fast and hard
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horrorstreet · 4 years
Hi may I ask for some brahms heelshire x doll customiser!reader headcanons where reader sees the doll and is like "awe it must be lonely." and puts a customized raggedy Ann doll that looks like the reader next to the Brahms doll
Brahms Heelshire X Reader
Warning: None
Content: ...
You had recently moved out of your old family home in the city to start your own life and start your own business. Things were going fairly well when you lived with your parents, bringing in money by selling the dolls you would make for children whose parents would have made for a gift and thought that it would be a great idea to start a business in doing so but severely underestimated the cost of living on your own and desperately needed a place to stay since you no longer could live with your parents anymore. They had kicked you out after you so confidently said you could make it on your own and that your business was not just some silly idea, telling them that there was, in fact, someone who would appreciate your work. With nothing but a two cases for your materials and the other for clothing, you set out to find a nice place to stay and for cheap as well, slowly running out of cash to spend on basic necessities.
You finally found some hope out of the difficult situation when you were offered a babysitting job at a large manor somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. The job stated that you would be able to stay in the house while babysitting and all you had to do was follow the rules and keep the place in good condition. You weren't complaining. A roof over your head and all you had to do was take care of a kid, cook, and clean. Should be easy enough!
“What the hell…” You stated, staring up at the large house you would be staying in. You thought it was beautiful but never imagined anything like this. While on your journey there, you had spent the last of your money and was glad you had used the rest to get to the manor. You had basic training on how to take care of a kid, went to school, and had past experience taking care of your siblings so you were confident you could do this job but nothing could prepare you for what you were about to walk into. You looked through the small window on the door, knocking as loud as you could since the door was made of thick wood. The door clicked open and you looked up with a smile on your face so greet whoever was on the other side. "Hi, my name’s matt.” A young man said, holding his hand out for you to shake. “Hello! Nice to meet you, my name’s (y/n).” He gave you a smile and you stepped inside when he moved to the side. “I don't own the house but I do bring the groceries. The owners left me a list to give you for the kid if you would follow me.” He said to you, waiting for you to follow once you picked your things up. “Uhm, so how long have you been working here?” You asked him, looking into the open rooms of the house, trying to get familiar with the place while following close behind him. "Only a few months. Kind of weird that I haven't ever seen the owners but the food always does get eaten, so.” He chuckled. You nodded your head nervously and left you bags next to a couch on the way to the kitchen, laying them right next to the table and running after Matt to catch up.
“Here is the list for you. It has all these rules you are supposed to follow every night. I don’t know where the kid is probably playing around.” He said, throwing a few reusable bags in a closet. “Well, I will be on my way. I wish you good luck.” He told you, giving you a wave before leaving. You took in a deep breath and thought over everything that has happened so far and looked down at the list. “I can do this.” You muttered to yourself, walking out of the kitchen and running your hand against the hallway wall on your way back to your bags. You noticed thatthey were nowhere to be found and sighed. “Brahms? Where did you put my things?” You called out with a smile. When you were answered with nothing but complete silence, you smile dropped and you walked towards the steps to go to your room and try to find his room.
You found your room wide open and a candle lit, the small flame and window illuminating the room you would be staying in and heard a thud hit the wall on the other side of your room and you jumped, startled by the loud sound. “Brahms?” You called out, walking out into the hallway. You found the next room over to be full of toys and a boys bed, your bag open and all of your clothes scattered all across the room. A small doll sat next to your bag, its hand holding a shirt of yours. An old crumbled list sat in front of the doll as well, the name Brahms written on the top of the tattered paper and another set of rules below the large name. ‘This is Brahms?’ You thought to yourself, inspecting the doll. It was beautifully made though its face was chipped and put back together with glue. “”What a handsome doll …” You smiled, holding the doll out by the arms like you would an actual child. “I have the perfect way to fix those cracks in your face and a friend waiting for you.” You told the doll, resting the “boy” on your hip and walking over to your room after collecting your things. You sat the doll in a chair across for your bed and opened your bag full of materials needed to fix any broken parts of his face. You walked over to the desk in your room and gently laid him out before you and carefully took his face apart with a substance that would weaken the glu he was put back together with. The glu became weak and you worked from there, repairing the beautifully made doll and making any blemish disappear.
Once you finished, you held him out in front of you once more to admire your work and gave the doll a hug. “With some love.” You stated, finishing your thoughts. “Everything should be made and fixed with love.” You told the doll, walking him back to the room you found him in and walking back into your to retrieve his companion. “(Y/n).” You heard a child's voice come out, letting out a gasp and turning around with a doll of your own in your hands. “Yes, hello? Brahms?” You answered, your hands now shaking and hugging your own doll close to your chest. “(Y/n)?” The voice repeated. “Come back.” You nodded walked back to the room, peeking your head in, expecting to find a child sitting there waiting for you but it was just the doll where you had put him last. “Brahms?” You called out again and received no response. You walked over to the doll and sat down at the foot of the bed and looked at him. “So, you talk. Thats fun.” You talked to the doll, your mind racing. “Here,” You smiled, setting the doll you had made to look like yourself next to him and cover them both up for the night. “Its me but, smaller, I guess.” You chuckled. You kissed both dolls on the forehead and walked out of the room after blowing out the candle and smiled, closing the door and getting yourself ready for bed.
Unbeknownst to you, some did, in fact, appreciate your work and slowly became infatuated with you and your handy work from there on out.
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iamdeltas · 4 years
X, T and K?
X - top 5-10 characters who are yoUR PRECIOUS BABIES AND YOU WILL DIE DEFENDING THEM This depends a lot on what I’m focused on at the moment (also, not all my faves count. Generally if I feel like a fave character has enough fans to defend them or whatever, I’m not gonna feel like I need to defend them. For instance, Elsa. Does Elsa have her haters? Sure. But she’s also crazy popular, so who cares if a few people hate her? That’s why she’s not on this list, even if I do like her.) but here goes, not in order tbh, just off the top of my head: Kamala Khan, always my girl, I adore her so much and I saw a post one day talking shit about her and I wanted to throttle OP. Anyway. Kamala is the best. I cannot wait for her MCU debut. Cassandra, from Tangled: the Series. I adored Cass right from the start, and of course, right from the start, I saw people shitting on her for, IDK, daring to *gasp* not like Eugene, I guess? Wow. So yeah, I’ll die defending Cass, she’s the best, even if she made some bad choices in s3 but hey. Who hasn’t stolen an ancient powerful artifact and gotten manipulated by a demonic Eldritch being, amirite? Della Duck, from Ducktales. I adore Della, she’s such an interesting and complex character who has made her fair share of mistakes but is also trying her best. The whole discourse post-”Timephoon” really showed me that she’s a character I’d die defending as well because holy shit were people shitting all over her for... daring to ground Louie, her son, for literally causing a spacetime disaster because he wanted to make money. Sigh. Anyway. I adore Della. Anna of Arendelle, from Frozen. Oh, Anna. So many people just flat out ignore you in favor of your sister, which is so unfair. Anna is wonderful and determined and optimistic and honestly such a badass? Like that (sadly deleted) scene said, her love could hold up the world. (Fun fact, part of the reason I desperately wanted my brain to get off the Frozen traintrack it was, ah, frozen on from June 2019 to January 2020 was because it resulted in me fixating on how much people flat out do not care about Anna, which wasn’t a fun time!) I am very glad she gets to be part of the bridge with Elsa but am sadly unsurprised that people continue to ignore that and just insist that it’s only Elsa who’s the Powerful, Wonderful, Most Amazing Fifth Spirit. Anna who? Granted, the movie could have emphasized that it’s Elsa and Anna who are the Fifth Spirit, together, but still. 
Alex Danvers, from Supergirl. Still my favorite character on the show! I don’t think she gets bashed as much as mostly just ignored? (I’d say poor Kara gets the brunt of the bashing. It’s very sad.) Unless Lena stans get confronted with the fact that their fave is doing some highly Unethical Things, then they start pointing to Alex for some reason and start saying, Yeah Well, Alex Works For A Shady Government Organization, So Who’s The *Real* Bad Guy Here? (Me: ....it’s still Lena, but go off, I guess.) I guess I just generally relate to her overwhelming Big Sister-ness and the high pressure she puts on herself because what a Mood, amirite? I feel that whole, anxiety that your parents will be disappointed in you because I feel that every day! I also adore how dedicated she is and how smart she is (something the fandom and the show often seem to ignore...) Connie Maheswaran, from Steven Universe. She’s the best! And she was totally the MVP of Steven Universe: Future, telling off all the Gems for making Steven’s problems about them because that was the last thing Steven needed! She’s practical and smart but at the same time so adventurous and brave and willing to stand up to protect the Earth! It’s very admirable. Steven Universe, from... you know. I’ve always liked Steven but I think Future gave me a greater appreciation for this kid. This poor kid has had to grow up so fast and basically play therapist for his Gem moms as well as for Gems who literally tried to kill him multiple times. His compassion is so admirable but wow did it result in him putting himself last! I have a soft spot for these types of characters, the characters who care so much about other people that they forget to care about themselves. (Alex Danvers is in this category also.) I know some people got mad about his downward spiral in Future, but honestly the complaints just strike me as being mad that Steven dares to have his own problems as opposed to being the Happy Boy Therapist Who Fixes Everyone Else’s Problems And Has Zero Problems Of His Own. Martha Jones, from Doctor Who. Oh, Martha Jones, you’re a star. I had a group of college friends who I watched Doctor Who with back in the day, and they hated Martha. (Most notable exchange: one of said friends saying that she thought Martha was just “too smart” to be relatable. Said friend was a physics major.) I hope the Martha hate has cooled down now because Martha always deserves so much appreciation. She had to put up with so much in s3 (incidentally, I think about s3 sometimes and I wonder why the fuck 10 is my favorite Doctor. Honestly, he’s such a dick in s3. Martha Deserved Better.), and I’m so glad she was able to be one of the few companions in NuWho with a nontraumatic exit. I hope she’s living her best life, wherever she might be now. Ninth Doctor, from Doctor Who. Gosh I love Nine. Those same college friends who hated Martha also told me to skip s1, and I’m very glad I did not listen to them. I’ve always liked Jerks with Hearts of Gold, and Nine definitely is that! I just adore how while he had such a gruff and battle-scarred demeanor, he was so sweet and genuinely kind. He’s a puppy in a leather jacket! And not only can he be genuinely soft and sweet, but he’s also just so silly sometimes? Absolutely not what you’d expect from his general appearance but he can be quite a goofball! I love that for him! And while I may not like Doctor/Rose as a ship (honestly I just don’t tend to like Doctor/companion ships at all), his relationship with Rose was so sweet. I also just enjoy that, underneath all the weariness and the surface-level cynicism, he is actually very optimistic.  Twelfth Doctor, honestly, same deal as Nine. I’m very annoyed with people who dismiss him as being the Grumpy Doctor because he’s just so genuinely kind and compassionate? He might genuinely be one of the most compassionate Doctors I’ve ever seen. He even extends kindness to his worst enemies. There’s something really beautiful about that. Being kind, even when it might ultimately backfire on you and might not even work, because why not try? He’s just a punk rock grandpa trying his best, how can you hate that? He’s got some sick guitaring skills btw. He should join a band. (I know Peter Capaldi is in a band, so that just makes me want 12 to be in a band even more.) Sometimes I think there should be a band in the Whoniverse made up of some of the Doctor’s regens but then I get stuck on who’d be in it besides 12. Maybe 2 can be in it, with his weird flute thing. Anyway. His relationship with Clara was great (mostly because of how destructive and codependent it was lmao) but I just genuinely adore his connection with Bill. I’m always here for found family, and Bill being 12′s Earth granddaughter just warms my heart so much! Thirteenth Doctor, but actually the opposite deal of Nine and Twelve. I once saw a post saying that most Doctors can be split into one of two categories: grump with a heart of gold or charming goofball with a dark side. And, despite the two characters I just listed being in the former category, I think I tend to prefer the latter? Mostly because I see plenty of Jerks With Hearts of Gold but I feel like I don’t see as many heroic charming goofballs with a dark side. Anyway, that’s absolutely what 13 is, and I appreciate the layers that she has and am constantly annoyed at people who only see her surface level cheeriness and think that’s all there is to her. I really love it when characters Aren’t What They Seem and 13 exemplifies that. To borrow a phrase from a post I saw a very long time ago, 13 is so facile. She’s so physical, taking up so much space and constantly moving, but is so touch-averse. She talks so much and is very friendly, but is incredibly emotionally constipated and keeps even her so-called best friends at an arms length. She talks a lot about hope and compassion, but boy can she be hella violent and feral! Love That For Her. T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything) Oh absolutely. Off the top of my head: Cassandra is a lesbian. And that’s that on that. 13 is touch-averse! (Also stop yelling that she needs a hug! She doesn’t want one! It’s okay to not want hugs, that’s not a crime!) Alex can cook. Cooking isn’t even that hard?  K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms Ooh, this is hard cuz there are a lot of people in any of my fandoms that I feel like I can say nice things about! Let’s go with Supergirl since I’ve been neglecting that fandom a lot. Uh. I adore @wizardofahz ‘s fics about the Superfam! I’m always craving more gen fic and she delivers! I love her characterizations of everyone, especially her characterizations of Alex and Kara. 
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incorporval · 4 years
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          hi  hi  everyone  !  i’m  kacchan  ,  ya  know  ,  like  the  insufferable  gremlin  from  bnha  !  i  try  not  to  be  as  insufferable  &  i  cry  a  lot  easier  than  the  other  kacchan  !  n  e  way  ,  i’m  twenty - three  &  am  from  canada  so that  puts  me  in  the  cst  timezone  !  i  go  by  they  /  them  pronouns  !  fun  fact  about  me :  i  am  the  oldest  out  of  twelve  siblings  !  now  ,  onto  ruuska  ,  who’s  like  a  lil  spooky  fae  creature  where  i  intended  a  creepy  lil  ghost  person  so  ...  n e  way  !  i  would  luv  to  plot  &  u  can  reach  me  on  d*scord  @  shounen anime protagonist#7316  !
☾ — ◦ ❈「  never  leave  any  stone  unturned  when  venturing  into  the wild  area  !  poke  your  head  in  every  nook  &  cranny  ,  there’s  all  sorts  of  treasures  that  you  could  find  !  always  check  the  den  in  the  watchtower  ruins  !  you  never  know  what  will  be  in  that  nest  !  yes  ,  nest  !  you  see  ...  years  ago  ,  a  child  was  found  in  that  den  !  the  child  has  since  called  it  their  nest  !  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  the  story  goes  a  little  something  like  this  ...  don’t  worry  ,  it’s  not  that  scary  at  all  !  a  gym  challenger  was  training  in  the  wild  area  .  she  had  a  knack  for  ghost - type  pokemon  so  she  would  often  camp  near  the  watchtower  ruins  .  it  was  a  rainy  day  ,  but  you  know  how  that  doesn’t  stop  gym  trainers  in  the  slightest  .  she  checked  in  the  den  to  see  if  there  were  any  treasures  &  instead  found  a  child  !  they  were eating  a  pile  of  berries  as  though  they  were  a  pokemon  themself  !  before  she  could  get  too  close  ,  a  wild  gastly  challenged  her  &  drove  her  away  !  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  when  the  gym  challenger  nursed  all  her  pokemon  back  to  health  ,  she  went  back  to  the  den  but  the  child  &  the  gastly  were  gone  .  instead  ,  an  antidote  was  left  .  i  think  it  was  an  apology  .  because  ,  the  gastly  was  actually  the  child’s  companion  ,  you  see  .  the  gastly  was  just  protecting  its  master  .  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  the  gym  challenger  always  checked  the  den  every  time  she  went  back  to  the  wild  area  .  but  the  child  was  never  there  .  she’s  found  all  sorts  of  different  treasures  inside  ,  though  .   it  wasn’t  until  she  camped  in  the  nearby  woods  months  later  &  was  cooking  something  real  sweet  that  she  saw  the  child  again  !  the  child  was  attracted  to  the  scent  of  her  cinnamon  rolls  .  they  ate  with  their  hands  &  pulled  with  their  teeth  .  when  they  had  their  fill  ,  they  pulled  out  an  antidote  from  the  folds  of  their  rags  to  give  to  the  gym  challenger  .  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  the  gym  challenger  managed  to  coax  the  child  back  to  motostoke  .  the  gym  challenger  fell  in  love  with  such  a  strange  little  child  who  always  had  a  gastly  following  them  .  once  in  the  city  ,  the  gym  challenger  washed  them  &  clothed  them,  fed  them  &  taught  them  .  however  ,  she  heard  other  gym  challengers  mention  that  the  little  creature  who  would  give  antidotes  in  exchange  for  berries  left  the  wild  area  .  it  helped  out  other  gym  trainers  as  much  as  it  helped  her  ,  see  .  she  went  &  captured  one  of  the  wild  area’s  treasures  &  everyone  was  the  lesser  for  it. 」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  the  last  gift  that  the  gym  challenger  gave  the  child  was  a  name  .  ruuska  .  yes  ,  that  ruuska  !  the  gym  trainer  at  the  stow - on  - side  gym  !  ruuska  was  found  at  the  watchtower  ruins  &  taken  in  by  one  of  the  gym  challengers  who  lived  there  !  with  her  ,  they  learned  how  to  read  &  speak  !  for  years  ,  even  after  they  found  a  home  ,  they  would  travel  &  leave  antidotes  on  window  sills  in  exchange  for  sweet  berries  &  cinnamon  rolls  .  they  would  climb  trees  &  howl  in  the  middle  of  the  night  just  like  when  they  were  a  child  .  i  heard  that  if  you  don’t  show  your  resolve  as  a  pokemon  trainer  &  they’re  out  ,  they’ll  find  you  &  spook  you  so  bad  that  you’ll  jump  out  of  your  skin  !  ruuska’s  as  quiet  as  a  ghost  when  they  want  to  be  .  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  oh  dear  ...  am  i  hearing  that  right  ?  ruuska  is  leaving  for  crystelia  ?  i’m  glad  for  them  but  ...  i  am  going  to  miss  hearing  the  stories  of  ruuska  ,  the  little  keeper  of  watchtower  ruins  .  i  hope  they  adjust  well  to  life  there  .  they  aren’t  all  that  adept  at  city  life.  even  though  they’re  eighteen  now  ,  they  still  don’t  have  a  very  good  grasp  of  money  or  courtesy  .  it’s  no  wild  area  ,  that’s  for  sure  .  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  ruuska  roh  is  a  ghost - type  gym  trainer  who  was  raised  by  ghost  pokemon  until  they  were  about  six  or  seven  &  was  found  by  a  gym  challenger  when  she  was  training  !  the  gym  challenger  at  the  time  only  was  about  15  or  16  but  ruuska  hails  her  as  a  sort  of  parent  ! 」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  ruuska  was  allowed  to  come  &  go  with  the  gym  challenger  ,  as  she  was  often  travelling  ,  too  !  it’s  not  like  ruuska  couldn’t  survive  on  their  own  but  the  gym  challenger  really  wanted  them  to  have  a  home  !  thus  ,  the  stories  of  ruuska  coming  during  twilight  to  leave  antidotes  as  tokens  of  kindness  spread  across  galar  ! 」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  ruuska  speaks  in  third  person  &  often  in  very  simple  language  .  big  words  confuse  them  &  they  aren’t  all  that  adept  in  media  &  technology  .  when  crystelia  sent  out  their  plea  for  help  ,  ruuska  was  quick  to  volunteer  because  they  knew  what  it  was  like  to  feel  helpless  .  they  didn’t  want  anyone  to  feel  the  same  . 」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  they  are  extremely  curious  &  love  to  learn  ,  though  it  takes  incredible  patience  to  teach  them  anything  .  they  have  no  manners  nor  any  concept  of  personal  space  ,  though  it  can  seem  endearing  from  their  constant  apologies  .  they  have  trouble  understanding  other  people’s  emotions  ,  as  survival  never  called  for  complexity  .  they  are  agile  &  quick  .  their  battle  style  is  feral  &  almost  cruel  ,  very  unlike  their  docile  appearance  otherwise  .  only  when  a  winner  is  declared  do  they  return  back  to  a  cheerful  although  rather  dim  person  .  they  hold  no  ill  will  towards  people  who  best  them  &  often  will  give  berries  to  their  victorious  opponents  as  a  sign  of  submission  .  those  who  lose  against  them  will  receive  antidotes  ,  no  matter  what  .  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  unrequited  crush :  not  on  ruuska  ,  i  luv  luv  luv  unrequited  crushes  on  my  muses’  part  .  i  THRIVE  on  that  shit  !  give  ruuska  someone  to  have  a  crush  on  &  they  don’t  understand  such  feelings  &  act  out  like  the  child  they  used  to  be  when  they’re  around  them  !   」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  friends / rivals  from  galar :  ruuska  was  quite  well  known  because  of  their  origin  story  &  their  fae - like  nature  .  they  like  the  concept  of  friends  but  not  everyone  can  be  .  a  classic  rival  plot  where  they  always  end  up  arguing  because  maybe  ruuska  scared  them  while  they  were  camping  or  they  didn’t  take  too  kindly  to  ruuska’s  brash  nature  in  taking  things  .  」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  master / tutor :  ruuska  is  not  the  smartest  in  very  well  anything  .  because  of  this  ,  they  need  a  lot  of  guidance  .  so  ,  people  who  can  help  them  by  teaching  them  about  technology  ,  finances  &  common  etiquette  would  be  most  appreciated  by  ruuska  ! 」
☾ — ◦ ❈「  i  am  always  down  to  BRAINSTORM  ideas  ,  too  !  i  luv  coming  up  w  headcanons  &  listening  to  ramblings  so  pleathe  ,  let’s  work  something  out  together  ! 」
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earthnashes · 5 years
fun random fact from either your Dragon Maid or mario cannon?
Dragon Maid headcanon funfacts:
-Kobayashi’s first name is Ren. Some of ya’ll may have seen that in a short paneled storyboard thingy I did of it HERE. But she prefers to go by her last name. But when she tells Tohru and her dragon calls her “Ren” for the first time, Kobayashi is stunned to find how much of a turn out it is to hear Tohru say it. Tohru doesn’t actually find that out until later.
-Shouta likes to paint his nails and play dress-up. The first time he tried it was for the play which he felt pretty embarrassed about, but when he, Kanna, and Riko have a sleepover and they convince him to allow them to paint his nails… he finds the experience surprisingly fun. He hides this from everyone else though.
-Tohru is terrified of horror games/horror movies, even bad ones. She can’t understand why that is, she’s seen shit worse than what the games present but for some reason she just can’t handle them. The only reason why she’d indulge them is if Kobayashi plays one (who very much enjoys horror games herself). It’s an excellent excuse to cling to her girlfriend. o3o
-Riko’s crush on Kanna never disappears. In fact, it grows stronger the older they get, but it takes them until they reach junior year of highschool for her to actually ask Kanna out. Mostly because Shouta prompts her to because she was too scared otherwise.
-Elma one day comes home to her apartment and finds a cat. But she doesn’t own one. Thus the story of how she became the owner of a pudgy little cat named Cookie begins.
-Each dragon in the group have a “human”: Tohru has Kobayashi, Kanna has Riko (Kobayashi too but still), Fafnir has Takiya, Lucoa has Shouta. Elma, at first, didn’t have a specific human companion, but one day she finds Riko’s older sister Georgie alone and crying in the park, and that is the day that kickstarts their surprise friendship.
-Tohru and Fafnir hate Skyrim. They claim it’s an offensive portrayal of dragons, specifically because they deem the Skyrim dragons very weak.
-Lucoa, for all her wisdom, usually comes to Kobayashi if she has troubles she doesn’t know how to face. The first time she does it is when her brother asks to come and see her: it had been several hundreds of years since the last time they actually saw one another.
-Lucoa’s a terrible cook. She’s so bad she can’t even make a simple cup of tea.
-Kobayashi and Takiya have an extended lifespan due to their connection to their respective dragon partner. They don’t actually know this until they begin noticing people around them aging, and then realize they aren’t.
Nintendo Headcanon funfacts:
-Mario is selectively mute. He can, and does, speak, but it’s often in stunted phrases or one word. Otherwise he just doesn’t talk. He does, however, know sign-language, which is how he communicates more often than not.
-Bowser Jr. looks every bit like his father in all but his eyes. Instead of red, his eyes are yellow, just like his mother.
-Jr. knows that Peach isn’t his mother but he can’t help but look to her as his mother figure.
-Wendy really enjoys hanging out with the princesses. She loves her brothers and Bowser, don’t get her wrong, but it’s often just her as the only girl in the castle when Bowsette is gone. Even then, Bowsette herself isn’t necessarily into “girly” things, like painting your nails or putting on makeup. Bowsette sure as hell indulges her niece when it comes to it, but she herself doesn’t really care for it. Daisy, Peace, Pauline, and Rosalina do, though, and they take the kid out to shopping sprees and such whenever they can.
She appreciates it far more than what they know.
-Wario is Mario and Luigi’s older cousin. They don’t really get along though even to this day
-The Super Smash Tournament is the hugest sporting event in the galaxy. After galactic-wide space travel is established, this originally Mushroom World based event becomes so vastly popular they have to move it to a remote planet to accommodate its growth. The planet is a symbol of the galaxy’s cooperation and alliance to one another, the physical representation of them being allies. Where better than to hold the biggest spectacle in their universe? The fighting tourney isn’t the only event though it’s the biggest: they also have other sports like golf, go-carting, tennis, soccer, baseball, and many others.
-An alliance between the Koopa Kingdom and the Mushroom Kingdom has since been formed. I’d imagine a friendly rivalry remains though, mainly because Bowser still “kidnaps” Peach and the Mario Bros always come to her “rescue” for old time’s sake.
Ahaha… maybe I put down more than what I should’ve but uh… yhuh. Here ya go
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patty-writes · 6 years
headcanon for Eldarya boys as kids pleaaase
Thank you for the first request, I hope you like those! 🌹
Ezarel was probably the most grumpy kid you could imagine, always complaining about everything and generally being difficult to be around. He often refused to go somewhere if the place didn’t seem safe and clean enough for him, which could be often understood as the result of being an only child in a noble family. The truth was, however, that he would much more prefer to stay inside and do some puzzles or solve the riddles.
When he was younger, he envied the kids who had siblings, considering his life to get lonely from time to time, but he has soon realized that the constant arguments between them weren’t worth some hours of fun together and therefore resigned from this dream and never came back to it. When the time passed, he has learned that it was even better to be an only child and started teasing the others about it just like they were teasing him before.
He liked to spend time alone and draw, gaining a truly good skill in it, especially when it came to nature and landscapes. He has never wanted to show his drawings to anyone, though, so he kept them private until this passion slowly faded away due to the other occupations.
He was a good, responsible kid who knew many things that the other boys didn’t, since he grew up with his younger sister. It made him more understanding for women and taught him how be more empathetic toward them, despite the fact that sometimes he couldn’t comprehend some behaviours of theirs.
Nevra, like a good older brother he was, had to save Karenn many times, mostly because of her nosy personality and the ability to get into trouble surprisingly quickly. He has lost the count of how many times it was his problem to appease someone after one of her countless incidents, though his natural charm and sweet smile always did their job. He was a truly adorable kid, after all, very sweet with those huge, grey eyes of his and he knew how to use them for his own advantage.
As a kid, he enjoyed spending time outside most of the time, looking for new adventures and wandering around with friends for the whole nights. The others were often naturally attracted to him, so he has never had to complain about the lack of eventual company and that was the main rason for getting grounded a lot. It wasn’t rare for him to lose the track of time and come back home many hours after the promised time.
Nobody knows how many companions did he brought home and asked if he could keep them all, because it was so cold/rainy/snowy/stormy outside. If he could, he would gladly protect them all, giving them warm shelter and food, even if it meant carrying an adult Sitourche all the way to the home. Valkyon was always loving and caring for all the children of nature, considering even the tiniest ones as important and dear to his heart.
He was also very helpful for everyone in need, never missing an opportunity to help someone carry the groceries and if he would be living on the Earth, he would surely be the type to help an eldery woman cross the street. His room was usually kept in neat order, things having their own places and remaining in them most of the time. One could say that all of this was a desperate attempt to catch up with his older brother but Valkyon has never felt it as such, but more as a positive push and motivation to be the best he could. His good heart was actually making him quite better than his brother, though he still kind of remained in his shadow — not that he minded.
One of his favourite activities was observing his mother cook and at some point he even started considering the career as a chef, although he has never tried it out in practice. The other one, was admiring his brother and aspiring to grow up to be like him one day.
Leiftan was the perfect example of this one, quiet kid who always has his homework done, gets the best grades, is adored by all the teachers and could participate in many optional classes just to prove everyone that he is the best without even trying too hard. Learning has always been a natural talent for him, new informations remembered quickly and for a long time, especially since he has always had a good memory.
He has never had the rebel phase while being a teenager, not really seeing the point of doing that, since his family was a loving a caring one, and hurting them in such way was completely unnecessary. He has never stolen a single thing from his parents and was usually trying to speak the truth to them, not wanting to lose their trust.
That is why, nobody would easily believe that one of his main hobbies as a child was catching little insects and tearing out their legs or wings just to watch them struggle.
Lance was an exemplary older brother. Skilled and handsome was bringing the great pride for his whole family, despite his somehow moody and obnoxious personality which everyone seemed to not pay attention to, due to his other advantages. He was never afraid to speak his mind out loud, not caring about making other kids cry because of his harmful words and considering it funny to bully the weaker ones.
He has believed that his intellect, talents and hard work are enough to make him better than every other child — and he was not necessarily wrong. Every bad thing he did was rarely punished by the adults as they were seeing a lot of potential in him, thinking about his behaviour as something which will pass with the time. Though, it never did and it even got worse.
He was breaking girl’s hearts since kindergarten age, mostly by accidentally breaking their toys and making fun of the hand-drawn cards with love confessions sent by them. Lance was always considering it as childish and took a great pride in showing what does he think about those foolish girly stuff — that is, until one girl of his age threw a wooden block surprisingly accurately at his head and called him a moron for that. It was the first time in his life that his heart started to beat faster in this particular way.
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biserker-kadan · 4 years
About the Character;
I was tagged by @goblin-deity @red-wardens and @occorner 💕 so I'm gonna do 3! (This might be pretty long)
This really is years late, whoops.
― your muse’s name:
Myrinah Alwyn Lavellan
Myrinah is actually just an edited version of Myrina which refers to Queen of the Amazons which I love! I wanted my first Elven warrior to have a strong name and it just really fit. Her middle name is Alwyn, which is her fathers first name and is Welsh in origin.
― one favourite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
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― two headcanons you have for your muse:
Long after Inquisition is over and Corypheus and Solas have been delt with, Myrinah kind of drops off the grid. Only a handful of people know what she's doing and have a vague idea of where she is. Cause she's wandering! She goes off, a grown ass dragon with her and a few essential items and just walks. She catches rides of boats, works as best she can, where she can - climbs the highest mountains and hikes through lush forests with Pup flying high above. She writes letters to her loves and her family but in her 'retirement', she goes and explores on her own.
In my 'Modern AU' Myrinah is always a detective, like always. I can't really see her doing anything else. She could also be a DA, mostly cause I really love the idea of Myrinah straight up wearing a boss ass pant-suit with like a lacy bralette thingy underneath a suit jacket and a pair of killer heels in court, just destroying the other lawyer and playing up to the jury.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Gardening! Myrinah, my little bitter baby absolutely loves gardening and planting little flowers and especially making daisy chains. It takes her back to her childhood, stopping for a quick lunch; Elders doing their own things and a handful of children running around, little babies and mothers laying in the grass, soaking up the sun and Myrinah, sitting calmly just making daisy chains.
Hunting, or specifically Dragon Hunting. She loves it, the thrill of a fight. A challenge that pushes her to her very own limits. Something that takes effort, both of which come from tracking and the actual fighting. She enjoys all of it. Plus it's a great way for her to work on her anger.
Sleeping. Let's be honest, everyone knows that the Inquisitior probably sleeps like shit. That's not a lie, it's a goddamn fact and Myrinah is no different. Which is why, when she has the time? She likes to settle beneath her covers (usually in Cullen's bed), light a few subtlety scented candles and close her eyes with the gentle breeze and fading sunlight on her face and pass. the fuck. out.
― seven people your muse loves / likes:
Iron Bull, Cullen, Vivienne, Riddick (OC), Dorian, Cole, Varric
Myrinah is close with her companions and appreciates them all, but she does have her favourites. She loves Iron Bull and Cullen, romantically, and Vivienne is her absolutely favourite person in the entire world. Riddick is her best friend (another OC of mine) and she treats Dorian like a kid brother, which annoys the shit out of him of course. Cole she treats as family, because he is in a way. He's someone Myrinah knows understands her and she does everything and all she can to make sure he's all good and Varric is probably the only normal person in the group who doesn't treat her like the be all or end all. She likes having a friend who simply wants to be a friend.
― a phobia your muse has:
Myrinah is afraid of nugs. She hates them, they terrify her and she would be happy if they weren't a real thing.
― your muse’s name:
Aliyah Hissera Adaar
Aliyah's first name means 'exalted or heavens' and was a gift from her Ma - a name outside the Qun, a representation that they really were free and able to own themselves. Of course, her middle name 'Hissera' is the Qunlat word for Hope and her Ma thought it was fitting considering little Aliyah was her hope.
― one favourite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
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― two headcanons you have for your muse:
She's actually the baby of one of my old Inquisitiors and her mother was Adaar. Her Father is more of an OC at this point, whereas her Mother died when she was very young. In an AU I have she was taken in by a Mercenary Captain and trained up from her teens until the Inquisition. She's probably a little younger in canon compared to that AU.
She's wicked strong, and not in the 'oh I can lift this much' but in the 'I can hold this bow and arrow, pulled back, for as long as I need without breaking a sweat or getting tired'. She's also got wicked aim and constantly pulls incredible moves out of her ass in battle. She and Sera like to have little arrow competitions in Skyhold when they're bored.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Waking up early to watch the sunrise. This one sounds stupid, but it was a tradition she had with her Ma. Whenever they could, they'd get up a little earlier, put some tea on and rug up before walking as far as they wanted before settling in to watch the sunrise. Whenever she doesn't have a pressing, urgent matter to attend to - that's what she likes to do now (except now she also writes letters to her Dad).
Baking. Aliyah has a massive sweet tooth, like it's a problem? So much so that the cook refuses to make her anything sweet so now she does it herself! Aliyah finds it oddly calming too, there's something really methodical and calming about baking that makes the payoff even more sweeter.
Archery? I feel like this one should be obvious cause she an Archer Rogue, but for reference, archery in general is something Aliyah absolutely loves. Especially when she's in her own zone, in the training yard at Skyhold just constantly hitting dead centre. It's beautiful.
― seven people your muse loves / likes:
Iron Bull, Josephine, Sera, Dorian, Leliana, Cole, Vivienne
Aliyah is like, basically married to Iron Bull so she likes him well enough, Josephine is like family - Aliyah adores her, and Sera is a good friend (they seem like unlikely friends but they're pretty well at balancing each other out). Dorian is her best friend, someone she trusts unconditionally, which is a little scary but he's smart and caring and her closest friend and she loves him. Leliana terrifies her and Aliyah thinks the world of her, she's scary smart and calculated but having one conversation was enough to convince her that Leliana is the sweetest. Aliyah thinks Cole is sweet, if a little confused and misguided. She likes talking with him. Vivienne reminds her of her first Merc Captain - Strong, firm but fair and always the smartest person in the room. They have wonderful talks.
― a phobia your muse has:
Aliyah isn't so much afraid as grossed out by purple foods? It's an odd 'phobia' but she will literally not eat anything purple or anything that's touched a purple food and will not sit at a table with purple food on it. She thinks it's just gross and unnatural.
― your muse’s name:
Frey - -
Frey technically does have a middle name and a last name but she doesn't really use it or mention it or acknowledge it even. If we're getting technical, Frey chose her own name as her Mama always calls her Kasaanda and her Pa calls her his little Elgara.
(Kasaanda = 'Sundew' - a carnivorous plant, and Elgara = 'Sun')
― one favourite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
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― two headcanons you have for your muse:
Frey speaks nearly 6 languages, is fluent in 3, can write in 2 and read in 4. She's fluent in the Common Tongue, Antivan and Orlesian but can also speak Qunlat, Rivaini and Tevene extremely well. Qunlat especially. She also knows a little Elvish, but growing up outside of a Clan or without an Elder (not including her father), it's mostly limited to phrases and specific words.
Frey is an expert Storm Mage, extremely dangerous when it comes to lightning and 'purple fire'. She trains in all the schools of magic, especially with Vivienne, Dorian and her Mama. Her Mama is especially hard on her when it comes to more primal based magic whereas Dorian handles the Inferno aspects and Vivienne helps her with Winter, Spirit and becoming a Knight Enchanter.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Climbing. Frey loves to climb and explore Skyhold and old ruins and castles. She loves to push herself to climb rocky mountain sides and faces, caves and the likes. She'll leave Skyhold in the morning with a few essential items and return at night with bruises and scrapes but feeling a lot less tense and antsy.
Painting/drawing. Frey loves to paint and draw, she really does. Even if it's just doodling on some paper with some ink whilst are the war table or if she's actually set up a canvas on her balcony and going ham at it. Painting is something she does to calm her mind and express whatever she's feeling.
Arguing. Ok, so maybe it's less of a hobby then the others but Frey will actively seek out people to 'argue' with when she's bored and it is 100% one of her favourite things to do. It's mostly just banter and petty quarrels and such but it's a lot of fun to argue with someone and Frey enjoys having arguments and debated shit.
― seven people your muse loves / likes:
Solas (debatable), Iron Bull, Vivienne, Leliana, Cole, Josephine, Dorian
Frey has odd relationships with both Solas and Iron Bull (doubled depending on whom she's romancing per Canon) but they also mean a lot to her regardless. Iron Bull kind of takes her under his wing, teaching her a bit more about her Qunari Heritage as well as making sure she can defend herself without magic whereas Solas speaks with her about Elves and has lengthy discussions about everything and anything. Vivienne is like a very sweet, very tough Aunt? Frey isn't quite sure where to place Vivienne to be quite frank, but she loves the older mage without a doubt. Leliana is the funniest and alongside Josephine they talk shit like it's nobodies business. Frey loves them like sisters. Cole is a mystery, but his brain is fascinating and when she gets over that - he's a very sweet, often misguided individual whom she appreciates dearly and Dorian? An absolute shit. Sometimes she likes to hide behind the bookshelves and throw books at him to make him jump. Other times they bounce magical theory off each other until the suns up for the next day. He's definitely family at this point.
― a phobia your muse has:
Frey is afraid of failure, that's the bottom line. She's constantly stressing herself out because she's terrified of slipping up and causing irrefutable damage and failing. She doesn't ever want to put people in horrible situations that could be avoided and she hates that she thinks like that.
0 notes
stephicness · 7 years
Fantasy Daddy Simulator -- Final Fantasy XV x Dream Daddy Headcanons (Part 2)
Heeey~ Making good progress on writing tonight. c: I think two parts is pretty good, though I wonder if I can power out one final part to finish off all them dere dads and all. These are all so fun to write, so I hope you guys are enjoying them too~ Speak of too, let’s move onto part two of the headcanons, introducing even more of those single dads. c;
Let’s add about 15-20 years on these boys. Give them time for the children to grow older.
Let’s also say they live in that cul-de-sac area just like from Dream Daddy.
And the children are just me throwing dumb thoughts your way. Because yay for thinking up of headcanons (and child characters unmentioned!).
Featuring: Ravus Nox Fleuret, Ardyn Izunia, Loqi Tummelt, and Cor Leonis
PART ONE -- Featuring Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio
Ravus Nox Fleuret – Widower, Father of One Girl and One Boy
Likes: Classical Music, Teaching His Children, Cake, Some Goddamn Peace and Quiet Dislikes: Socializing With People, Babysitting Other People’s Kids, The Screamo Death Metal That His Daughter Loves
Poor Ravus can’t catch a break, especially in terms of loss and tragedy in his life. His mother had died in an awful housefire that left he and his sister, Lunafreya, devastated. And then as time passed and he married to a beautiful woman and had two of the most darling children, she passed away during a car accident.
And worth of all for Ravus, he was the one who had been driving that night.
On the way home from a night out, their car was hit by another, Ravus swerving out of the way and unfortunately crashing head on with a tree. His wife was dead on arrival and Ravus was left with an injury that forced his arm to be amputated and left him going through months of extensive habilitation.
His children were left to stay with his sister until he was finally able to return home to recover, but things in the house were tense because of it all. Ravus was no stranger to grief, but the fact that his children lost their mother too was a heavy toll on them all.
But nevertheless, his kids did their best to be supportive of him, even if they were only nine and six years old at the time. And so, he pushed himself to make sure he was the best father to his kids. It’s what their mother would have wanted.
Despite his reputation as being the scary police commissioner, he’s really kind and compassionate towards his kids. Perhaps only his kids, but he shows them a side that very few get to see, especially because they bring out a sense of patience and kindness to them.
They’re his kids, after all. He doesn’t need to babysit anyone else besides his own children.
Unless, of course, he’s stuck babysitting the Caelum boys. Those little shitheads… But he and his eldest daughter do a good job in making sure that the boys stay in line and eat their goddamn vegetables for once. Ignis’s tips on making meals more ‘fun’ works wonders.
His son is the one that he usually has a hard time trying to figure out rather than his daughter, who is a splitting image of himself. His son took after his mother, a much more free-spirited soul. And one with a rather nasty vocabulary.
…Actually, he probably got that from his daughter. She REALLY needs to hold her tongue.
But despite his differing viewpoints with his son, he’s more than glad to support his son throughout whatever strange endeavor he’s pursuing. Painting or something, last Ravus recalled. Ravus could only sigh and curtly remind his son that they aren’t called ‘Starving Artists’ for nothing…
He loves his kids both to death, but he just wished that at least ONE OF THEM will give him grandchildren. Some way, somehow, considering that his daughter is exclusively a lesbian and his son eventually starts having a love-hate-bang relationship with both the Argentum boy.
Ravus just as to sigh and keep wishing to the Astrals that adoption is something one of his children will consider. 
Ardyn Izunia – Unmarried, One Known Daughter and One Known Son
Likes: Giving Sermons To People, Drinking, Gambling, Pretending He’s A Good Guy, Drinking More Dislikes: Responsibility, The Caelum Family – Especially That Runt Noctis, Being Called Old
Times change, time passes, and Ardyn had gone through quite a bit of mischief in his younger days. Well, not that he really looked that old to begin with even if he probably is old as dirt, but not everyone has been ‘blessed’ by the Astrals with eternally youthful skin.
In his time and prime, he’s had countless of lovers, men and women alike, but he always tried to forget them the next moment and move along with his life. C’est la vie, after all.
But it was high time his past decided to catch up to him and his antics to get back at the business that wrongly fired him for just trying to help make it better and causing Ardyn to go back to being a priest again. It had nothing to do with the business, he hoped.
So needless to say, when he continued his work as the local (crazy-ass) preacher of the Inferian church, he was surprised to see that after his sermon, a red-haired woman waited in the seats with her black-haired companion, as if anticipating getting Ardyn’s attention.
“Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Yeah. You’re our father.”
“Well, yes. I preach at the church you go to, after all.”
The two groans that came from the town adults only got Ardyn to laugh more at his stupid joke. But he was surprised to see that they weren’t actually kidding about the fact that he was a legitimate father. In fact, he was there dad for about thirty years now.
Well, thirty-two since the sister was older than her brother by two years.
Ardyn had to rub his temples before trying to play it off as if he made his choices and his kids were better off without him, but they did little to let up. Especially as they delivered the news that their mother had died, so they wanted to at least invite him to the funeral.
He let out a small sigh and looked away solemnly. It seemed like he outlived far too many people. He never really was a funeral type of man (liking to celebrate the death of assholes in private and, you know, cry over the ones that weren’t assholes), but he at least agreed to dinner with the two children of his.
He was able to catch up and hear a bit in amidst the awkward tension of realizing that his kids were so old now. His daughter was a rising star in the movie industry, and his son was working to one day start his own health clinic as a doctor. How admirable of them both. It was too late for Ardyn, but it was good to see that his kids were doing well without him.
They still wanted to see Ardyn more, however, and thus invited him to a family reunion with the usual gossipy folks. Ardyn did love gossip, so it was tempting. But the suggestion that there was going to be a lot of booze there got Ardyn to immediately sign up. 
Perhaps trying to reunite with his kids wouldn’t be too bad after all.
Loqi Tummelt – Guardian, Guardian of Two Boys
Likes: Going Out, Clubbing, Fancy Cars, Texting Dumb Memes to People Dislikes: Keeping Promises, Fun-Suckers, That Asshole Teacher That Keeps Failing His Boy for Spelling ‘Immortal’ Wrong
By the words of everyone Loqi knew – and Loqi had to admit, he asked himself this too – why the hell did he even agree to this? With issues going around about a familial friend of his supposedly ‘dying’ and other drama back in his hometown of Gralea, Loqi was a bit confused on just what everything meant.
Was he going to get money? He hoped he was going to get money. Or at least a nicer car than his beat-up pinto. Seriously.
Nope. Instead he got kids. Well, teenagers, but since they were younger than he was, they were, in fact, kids. Hardly what you called a gift.
But as part of the will, he would be granted two million gil to help with child support if Loqi was able to provide the kids with a nice home for about a year. Stupid lawyers and their stupid deals.
So, he sort of just sat there across from the two twin teenage boys, having a staring contest with the two of them as they negotiated just what it would take for all three of them to get the gil and never deal with each other again as they both go off to college.
“If I have a date that I’m going to bring back here, you’re either in your room or you’re walking out of here at midnight to go do something else for awhile. Got it?”
“But what if we get stopped by the cops for being out at midnight?
“Then jump the fence and run from him! Not like he can do much with one arm anyways!”
Loqi was honestly easy to please, and he was okay in just living around the boys than having to deal with them. But as time passed, the little things that the boys did made living a lot more fun. And, you know, a lot less lonely.
They would cook dinner and make sure that Loqi ate before he went out on one of his various dates, they’d clean the house, and when evening hit and Loqi brought back one of his many boyfriends to the house, he’d see the two boys passed out on the couch together. Both were waiting for Loqi to return home.
Loqi would just let out a heavy sigh as he shooed his boyfriend, smiling at the two boys that were taking more care of him than he was of them. He’d end up grabbing a blanket and laying up with the two of them as he fell asleep too.
He eventually grows a better bond with the boys and becomes a bit more responsible for their well-being over the year of the agreement with the lawyer. And as the lawyer asked Loqi if he still wanted to keep the boys, Loqi just sort of shrugged and went, “I mean… They’re such troublemakers. I think I’m the only one who can keep them in line!”
The boys only laugh before they shake hands with the lawyer and load up into the dinky little pinto to go out to celebrate Loqi’s surviving an entire year with them and to discuss the idea of potentially adopting the boys as his own sons. 
Cor Leonis – Adoptive/Foster Father, Father of Two Girls and ‘Father’ of Four Dumbass Boys
Likes: Cherry Blossoms, Lecturing People, Learning About/Collecting/Using Swords Dislikes: Being The Only Dad That Knows What He’s Doing, Stupid Questions, Snakes
Most people just sort of consider him to be their dad because, let’s be real, everyone goes to Cor for dad advice about anything – boys, girls, how to change a tire, how to be a dad. Literally if you have a question about it, Cor knows the answer.
Or he’ll just tell you to figure it out yourself. That’s the answer he loves telling his four adopted dumbass boys.
In case you were wondering, it’s Prompto, Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio he’s talking about.
Prompto was the first one that he really ‘adopted’ when his father had abandoned the poor child. Cor was a part of child services trying to locate baby Prompto to a new home, but Cor just plain had a soft spot for Prompto and his chubby face.
Because, despite Cor wanting to have a married life with picket fences and all, his crazy changes of careers really lead him to so many places that left him unable to really, you know, mingle with the ladies.
That, and when you’re a school teacher, you kind of devote your life more to the kids than you do to your wife. Husband. Whatever you really prefer.
But nevertheless, he still applied to become a foster parent to kids who are looking for a home after he had worked and studied the art of child care (and swordplay, but that’s a hobby). He eventually became the foster dad of two beautiful girls because of it.
They were a bit older than Prompto around the time they were taken in by Cor, luckily mature enough to be more independent so Cor wouldn’t have to parent them as much. But not like he needed to do much with them cooing over their cute little ‘brother,’ Prompto.
He loves his daughters a lot, but sometimes he finds himself apologizing to them because he has four other sons to cater to apparently. Whenever something goes wrong, it’s always Prompto, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis who calls him. In that order.
He just has to let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples as he asks one of his daughters to drop off some of her hand-me-down clothes to Gladio and the other daughter to help Noctis cook something other than frozen salmon for the fifth night in a row.
Kids… They’re all such a hassle and pain sometimes. Especially when he’s getting too old for this shit.
But nevertheless, they all love Cor as their father, foster dad, self-proclaimed adoptive dad, all of the like. Father’s day is always a treat because they really do shower Cor with random gifts of thanks that Cor never really turns down. About damn time he gets some appreciation.
At least he’ll never run out of coffee mugs that say ‘Best Dad’ on it, and he’ll never have to worry about losing his slippers because he’ll always have a back-up pair. 
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guacameowle · 7 years
RFA + Daddy!Jumin
Now that I have your attention, I literally mean Daddy, as in he’s fathered a child. In honor of Father’s Day where I am, I thought I’d like to continue to daydream about how my favorite Mystic Messenger character would be as a Daddy along with the various reactions & roles the other RFA members fall into for Baby!Han. 
Part one is only about Jumin & some headcanons I have about his interactions & tendencies -  Daddy!Jumin Part 1
Meowle Masterpost
Meowle MysMe Headcanons
Aside from wishing that they’re born healthy, he doesn’t care what their sex is but he finds himself silently hoping they will be born with your eyes, the eyes that captivated him at first sight.
First time he holds his baby he has a big teary-eyed grin on his face & whispers, “I’m very happy to finally meet you. *holds little baby hand & shakes it gently* I’m your father, Jumin Han.” (Formal introductions are important.)
Takes months off for paternity leave to be with you & Baby!Han.
At the beginning, Jumin is very nervous & hesitant about who he allows around his children, especially when they’re a newborn. He hardly trusts himself at first & insists that you’re there to make sure nothing goes wrong.
For the first few days, he has to be sitting if he’s holding the baby. What if he trips while walking & holding his baby & crushes them?!
Has watched tutorials on how to change diapers. It does not properly prepare him for what he encounters. You hear noises & words from him you’d never heard before.
During a morning feed one early early morning he sat in a plush chair, bottle feeding a baby with one hand & nursing a cup of black coffee occasionally with the other. He took a glance at the bottle he was holding & curiosity got the better of him so he quickly squirt a small portion of your breast milk from the bottle into his mug - if it was good enough for his child, it was good enough for him, yes? He shrugged at the taste.
Before he ever passes his child to be held by someone he brushes off said persons’ hands with his kerchief & spritzes them with an antibacterial. Have they been sick recently? Are they up to date on their vaccinations? Have they been out of the country in the last 3 months? Have they gotten a tattoo within the last 2 weeks? (“Jumin, is that necessary?” “Possible infections are not to be taken lightly.”)
In the days before the first baby is born, he has a sit down with Elizabeth 3rd to explain to her the changes that will happen around their penthouse, but assure her he won’t care for her any less. After all, it wouldn’t do for his feline companion to grow jealous & possibly act out or run away again.
Once while feeding his first baby, he tasted a sampling of the baby food & grimaced at the flavor of a lot of the options. Soon after hired a chef to create homemade, nutritious, & tasty baby foods. Ensured that his chef worked closely with the hired pediatrician to make sure proper nutrition was being met.
After his child is born, he wishes that he slept in his ‘youth’ when he first met you (”Jumin, you’re in your 20s...”) because now it feels like he’ll never be able to sleep ever again.
Could easily watch his children sleep for hours & never be bored. 
Praises Elizabeth 3rd excessively for developing a bond with his children & being a ‘guard cat’. She’s so smart. 
He’s accepted that the members of the RFA are his family. As such, he expects them all to be involved in his child(ren)’s life. Family is very important & his child(ren) are going to be raised knowing that they have the best support & love system anyone could ask for.
It’s his most top secret mission yet - Uncle Agent 707! 
He’s not surprised when you & Jumin announce that you’re expecting. If anything, he’s surprised it took this long actually. He’s happy for you both & is already planning playdates & new toys he can create when Baby!Han is a little older.
When the child(ren) get older, he sneaks junk food to them. They’re familiar enough with commoner food because of you but junk food is hard to come back in the Han household. One more than one occasion his pants making a crinkling noise when he walks into the penthouse. He thinks Jumin doesn’t know he’s smuggling Honey Buddha Chips in... but he does.
Jumin commissions him for the creation of toys - provided they’re interactive, educational, non-hazardous, & resilient. Jumin’s thoroughly pleased by his work & offers him a robotics/toy line within C&R.
Jumin hires Seven to set, program, & adjust any & all parental controls set by you on electronics the children use. Sometimes Jumin forgets he’s asked Seven to make laptops & electronics for his kids & is confused as to why a sudden animatronic voice is talking to him from across the room...
Seven likes bringing & reading new books (space, dinosaurs, robotics) to the growing child(ren). Even though the Han child(ren) are well off & will have access to doors closed to so many others, he still believes a solid knowledge will help them advance.
He’s not a formal tutor by any means, but he’s taken it upon himself to show & teach a variety of subjects (maths, code, sciences).
Invents a language which only he & the children know. Takes great pleasure in watching Jumin’s frustration when they (children & Seven) have full conversations using it around him. 
Gushes about cats together often & their shared love of Elizabeth 3rd! 
Achievement Unlocked! Uncle Yoosung has joined your party!
He’s a mixture of shocked, jealous, excited, & scared when you & Jumin share the news you’re going to have a baby. 
Trims Elizabeth 3rd claws regularly to prevent any accidents when she’s around the baby.
Jumin quickly recognizes that Yoosung has nurturing tendencies. He doesn’t want strangers around his children more than family, so he’s comfortable with Yoosung taking on the roles of playmate & babysitter (After a thorough & detailed informal interview. “What was your last occupation” “I - I’m a student.” “And why have you left that position?” “I... haven’t?”). He trusts Yoosung to watch after his children when you & he are out. Yoosung is paid handsomely. He’s able to replace his ruined messenger bag. All the LOLOL rare items are more easily obtained.
He’s the best playmate children could ask for. For once, his competitiveness takes a backseat & he likes letting the children win while they’re amateurs. Once they’re older though & have honed their skills... game on.
Enjoys doing simple things when he babysits- reading, games, cooking together - he tries to keep them interacting often.
One of his favorite things is, in fact, cooking together. For once he’s the more knowledgeable one & has the chance to teach. He likes watching you & Jumin be the guinea pigs for their latest edible creations. 
Organizes outings that he wants everyone (RFA) to take together as family events - aquarium, zoo, observatory, picnic in the park, water parks.
The world will be jealous that a child has the most beautiful man as their uncle!
His first reaction to the announcement of you being pregnant is shock & slight anger. (“I TOLD YOU TO NOT TOUCH HER, YOU JERK!” “Zen, but they’re married...” “STAY OUT OF THIS YOOSUNG!”)
He has a soft spot for kids, so he warms to the idea quickly. He’s confident he can fall into any role the child needs him to be - uncle, brother, friend, confidant, protector.
He does get a little choked up the first time he holds Baby!Han. Though he’s typically loathe to praise Jumin about anything, he does admit that this is probably the best thing Jumin has ever done.
Gives Jumin a thorough speech - “Listen here! You have to be there for your wife & child. You can’t be off in your office all the time burying yourself in work & ridiculous cat *achew!* projects. You have a family now & that comes with expectations & responsibilities. So... don’t screw it up!”
He doesn’t do much for the child when they’re a baby aside from telling them how pretty/beautiful/handsome they are constantly. He’s happy to hold them & coo over them, but once they look like they’re about to be sick he’s happily passing the baby back to Jumin with a grin.
Zen loves fantasy & acting, once the child is old enough to play dress-up & pretend, he’s in his zone. He can be & commits to his designated role. Do they need a dashing prince? A pony? A wicked (but angelically beautiful) wizard come to cast a curse? A knight?
He loves playing. It’s fun, dramatic, & relaxed. It’s a performance for one, but he finds he gets immense satisfaction from hearing little giggles & small fists clapping at his antics.
Once Jumin caught Zen playing with the child(ren) at a small children sized piano. Despite the piano being off-key & disturbingly high-pitched, the skill behind the melody was obvious. The next day Zen showed up for a casual visit, a brand new full-sized piano was set up in a sitting room. (“I’d like to hire you to give piano lessons.” “You bought a piano before you even ask- whoa... is that a Steinway?”) Zen’s agreed before he knows it.
Plans & coordinates little talent shows, plays, recitals for all the members of RFA to watch.
She’s excited to be called Auntie Jaehee instead of Assistant Kang for once. 
Honestly, her role doesn’t change too much once Jumin has a child. She’s now tracking his developing ideas for baby/child themed products/advertising as well as his occasional cat themed ideas. 
Jumin’s schedule begins to fill with appointments, recitals, parent/teacher conferences, etc. that she’s easily woven around his busy work schedule.
She has found that since Jumin’s had a child, he’s working less, staying home more, which gives her more time to focus on other things outside of work... like Zen’s new projects.
She’s an active vocal advocate of praise & encouragement for the Han child(ren). She knows what it’s like to feel like you’re working alone, against the odds, & to hear the whispers of discouragement from those around you - she goes out of her way to offer praises (even if small) to brighten the child(ren)’s day.
When the children visit the office, she has toys/treats/distractions stashed away in her desk for them to play with. Eventually a whole drawer is dedicated for just that purpose.
Uncle V!
He’s beyond thrilled to hear the news that you & Jumin are going to be parents. He’s extremely happy for his best friend & can’t help but tease Jumin often during your pregnancy about micromanaging every little aspect.
His photography decorates the nursery & child(ren)’s room as they grow older.
Has one of his more soothing photographs printed onto a baby blanket that’s gifted to you prior to delivery. It’s the blanket the baby comes home in. 
Gifts a toy camera when the child is old enough to start playing with toys. He thinks he’s being clever.
Gifts the child’s first real camera and has the photographs taken made into a book. He finds it fascinating to see the perspective of a child - even if majority of the photos are blurry (“They really are Jumin’s child...”).
He’s holding a role akin to Godfather, of which he takes with the utmost seriousness.
Takes all the Han family portraits throughout the years.
He’s listened to Jumin’s fears about raising children, but he’s there to offer words of encouragement and assurances that you & Jumin will do a wonderful job raising kids together. 
He spoils the child(ren). Presents & money every time he visits. Sends them postcards & letters from his travels.
Encourages any & all forms of the arts for personal expression. Drawing, painting, music, dancing, etc. He offers to be the one to buy necessary equipment and goods for their hobbies. 
He’s there to capture each important event in the child’s life, memorializing it in a way to be shared for many years to come.
He’s excessively proud of how far Jumin has come & doesn’t hold back on his thoughts with regard to that. 
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