#fun facts! they are dragons that have taken a human form
reneesbooks · 8 months
snippet sunday
uhh not a thing but i'm making it one. post a recent snippet and tag ur morbos I guess @serenanymph @lyssa-ink @oh-no-another-idea @akindofmagictoo <3
working on an intro post for the raedoran cycle. until then here's fabin again and his sister emilia, meeting birdie for the first time.
They look exactly as they always did in her visions. The woman's thick red hair is tied back into a neat bun, an apron tied over her skirt as if she is going to start cooking right there in the field. The young man's black hair is tied in a ponytail at the nape of his neck and his hand is resting on the sword at his hip. Birdie's fingers shake as she laces them in front of herself.
The woman smiles at her, pausing a few feet away from the gate. “Hello.”
“Hello,” Birdie says, proud when her voice doesn't shake. “You're early.”
The man raises an eyebrow. “You were expecting us?”
“I was.” She opens the gate. “Would you like to come inside? I've a kettle on for tea.”
“That sounds lovely,” the woman says. The man doesn't argue, but he eyes Birdie warily as they follow her into the cottage. She sits in her chair at the table and pours the tea.
“My name is Birdie,” she says. “I'm a witch, but I'm guessing that's why you came here in the first place.”
“We're looking for safe passage out of Raedora,” the woman says. Birdie turns her gaze on the man.
“That's not what you want,” she says. He bares his teeth.
“The hell do you know about what I want?” he snarls.
Birdie shrugs. “I dream of you.”
He blinks, his mouth opening and closing with shock. The woman leans forward in her chair. “I had dreams about this place before,” she says. “Was that because of you?”
“No.” Birdie passes each of them a cup of tea. The man doesn't touch it; the woman sips politely. “The moons grant us our dreams.”
“Who the hell are you?” the man demands. His irises are so dark they look black and his eyes pierce through her. Birdie meets that burning gaze, a shiver running down her spine.
“Just Birdie.”
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sena-shi · 2 years
Protector of Teyvat (a troll hell-bent on reviving everyone just for fun) P—1
Isekai’d reader who is hell-bent on reviving everyone using your cheat code as the protector of Teyvat. With great power comes great benefits! Teyvat population stonks
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Note: asmoday is the unknown god, reader also grants gnosis and visions, isekai, slight sagau, op reader
Summary: You are just a regular human being living your best life on Earth, collecting husbandos and waifus in Genshin Impact when all of a sudden you were isekai'd to Teyvat, but not as a traveler, a creator, or an NPC. You were a very close friend of both Celestia and the Unknown God, who is known as the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. You too, hold a very important position of the highest order because unbeknownst to the general populace, you are the Protector of Teyvat from the outside forces. And so imagine the Archon's faces when their dead friend suddenly came back to life just so they can accompany you together with Aether and Paimon on a journey to spit on the Celestia's face
Timeline in Teyvat when you got transmigrated: Before any wars happened. Zhongli is probably sucking on a dragon pacifier or something if that even exists.
Warning: curse words, slight ooc, lore flying over the ocean and going for a swim, author removed the lore from the irminsul so act like you know nothing of it, i'm putting the lore in the cheese grater
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Teyvat is at last protected from the hostile forces of the outside world; however, you cannot be certain that Teyvat is safe from the inside due to the fact that those petty Gods have a tendency for wreaking even more havoc. Who the hell told them to compete with each other by trying to kill one another just so they could get a position?
Ah, yes. There's no way out of this one except to blame Celestia! The people you consider to be your closest friends are actually the embodiment of headaches.
However, despite the fact that it is your job to prevent travelers from entering Teyvat so as not to upset the balance of fate, one of your other best friends has in fact literally trapped the twin travelers inside Teyvat!
Just what the hell is Asmoday thinking!
And now, one of the twins is dead set on eradicating your other best friend, who is a professional for wreaking havoc within the world that the three of you have taken an oath to defend.
You would have annihilated the world a long time ago if it weren't for the fact that you made a pledge to safeguard it so that you could continue to observe your characters.
It's unfortunate that you only get to see Venti once in his adorable little form before the two headaches call you to join them in observing the people like the creepy stalkers they are. It would have been better if you can see more of Venti in that little elemental spirit form of his.
But hey, at least you made it possible for Venti to grab a position as a form of repayment for the times you would drop an apple right above his head.
If only the gods knew that developing a close relationship with you would also result in them gaining a gnosis, it would make everything so much easier for them.
No war, no killing, but they would probably need to act cute right in front of you to get one.
Though, you’ll be going against the Celestia if you did that. But what are they going to do? Hit you with an Anemo vision?
“...you can't just go ahead and do that.” The Celestia grunted and slapped themselves in the face.
“But I just did.” A lazy smile crept across your face while your chin relaxed on the palms of your hands as you watched the newly formed seven rule over their respective nations.
If you hadn't been smiling in such a devious way, the two individuals would have complimented your beauty on the spot.
“Oh my god—” Celestia bemoaned.
“You’re a god…”
“So, to put it simply, the battle hasn't even begun yet, but somebody has already won a seat. You called him a little floatie, didn't you? What sparked your interest in them in the first place?” Asmoday or the Unknown God, spoke to you as she continued to look at you with a curious expression on her face and a raised brow.
“Haha— you should've seen how Vent— little floatie bit into an apple that was way bigger than him. Quite adorable if you’d ask me.”
“…you granted him a seat just because you found them cute?”
“Oh my god—” Celestia lamented once again, “So it wasn’t a fair fight for the seat?”
“Never was.”
“Oh my g—” You couldn't help but chuckle darkly as you stuffed an apple in her mouth in an effort to silence her.
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You jotted down a long list of things that need to be done, and you intend to get to them after you've finished taking care of everything else.
Resurrecting the pitiful gods that perished as a result of the archon war; perhaps rebuilding Khaenri'ah as a means of spitting in Celestia's face; perhaps as an act of retaliation for giving you more work all the time; or perhaps guiding the traveler yourself.
The sooner they reach their final destination, the sooner they will leave this world.
Once they leave the world, you are going to take a break and drink one of Asmoday's best wines until you drop dead.
But there's no doubt that those two will irritate you to death faster than you can get drunk.
You devoted your entire life to protecting the world from those pesky travelers who never stopped making a nuisance of themselves within Teyvat.
Because there are so many of them, you can actually see Asmoday rolling her eyes and simply wrapping people in her cube-thingy before sending them off to some unknown location in the vast universe.
And standing before you right now is the traveler that Asmoday entrapped in this world.
You only blinked in amazement when Aether pulled a flying fairy out of the waters in a literal way.
“Ugh…” The winged fairy in flight coughed several times before rising back into the air and floating once more with a slight swaying motion, as if she were feeling dizzy. “Paimon was terrified that she was going to pass away...”
"Well, if you're feeling like you're going to die, why don't you come over here? I'll make you feel better."
While you were laying on your side on top of the flat stone, you spoke with a joyful tone in your voice.
Aether turned around and looked up at you as he saw a hint of a smile on your face while you were looking down at him. Even though you were only dressed in plain white clothing and had flowers the color of the sky adorning your hair, he couldn't help but be taken aback by your otherworldly beauty. He found himself blinking multiple times.
Paimon, who was still not acting like her normal self, floated towards you without consciously trying to do so.
"Quite an obedient one, I see." You laughed as you poked the flying fairy in the forehead, and something glowing within her.  Paimon's eyes widened in an expression that suggested she was startled, and she began looking around in a frantic manner.
“Oh— oh, you saved Paimon!”
You gave a slow shake of your head while pointing at Aether, who was still standing there, and said, "It was he who saved you."
“Oh! Thank you very much, you are my savior!" Paimon flew towards Aether and smiled at him with a broad grin, to which Aether responded with a friendly one of his own.
Aether scratched the back of his neck and said, "It's nothing," giving the impression that he was embarrassed to have been caught by the mysterious woman who has the presence of a Goddess. "The only reason I was able to save you was because of sheer good fortune."
"Well then, why don't we all go around and say a few words about ourselves?" You spoke as you sat up from the stone and descended down to their level.
The two people looked at you with their mouths hanging open as they watched you walked in the air.
“Hey! You are also capable of floating!” Paimon exclaimed, her eyes glistening with happiness at the sheer joy she felt.
When Aether opened his mouth to speak, you quickly silenced him by placing your finger over his mouth and pressing down lightly.
"How about we start by introducing ourselves to one another, shall we?"
After both of them nodded, it was clear that they were ready to start introducing themselves.
“And just like that, the god took away my sister. Some kind of seal was cast upon me, and I lost my power. So, while we used to travel from world to world, we are now trapped here.”
In response, you hummed to express yourself. Naturally, you were already aware of this information; however, this is not only due to the fact that you are now the Protector of Teyvat and are familiar with the God who trapped the twins in this world; rather, this is also due to the fact that you were once a player in the game.
“So… you are not familiar with this world?”
Aether heaved a sigh and gave the disappointing response, “Unfortunately, no.”
"As a gesture of gratitude, Paimon promises to do everything in her power to be an excellent guide!"
“How about you, Y/N? Are you like Aether too?” Paimon cocked her head to the side and scanned your entire body from head to toe while keeping a close eye on you.
You let out a chuckle as she looked at you with an inquisitive expression while speaking in a very assured manner. “I know Teyvat very well that I can practically see it with my eyes closed.”
“Oh! Then you can rely on us to steer you in the right direction, Aether! We will definitely help find your sister!”
Aether's grin was sincere, and it seemed to him that a weight had been lifted off of his chest. "Thank you."
You replied, "It's not a problem at all," while twirling a strand of your hair and acting as if you were unaware of Aether's gaze on you.
"Then, why don't we begin by trying to get in touch with the seven?" You offered an idea.
Paimon started explaining about the archons and the nations that they would have to travel through before Aether even had a chance to ask what the seven is.
As Paimon went into extensive detail describing the location where the three of you will begin your journey, you softly hummed a lullaby, your voice gently caressing the ears of your two traveling companions like wind chimes.
"Mondstadt, hm? Stunning decision, if I do say so myself. Do you know that the archon is just around the next corner?" You made them both laugh by making a joke. Ha, if only they know you weren't kidding around.
"Where?" Paimon sputtered in shock. “Are you familiar with the archons? Do you know the archons?"
"Haha, well, of course it goes without saying that I do. After all, I did grant him that position." You smiled at them in a careless manner, and in return, they flashed a blank expression in your direction.
You never had any intention of concealing your true identity, and now it is up to them to decide whether or not they will believe you. A person who is able to grant a Gnosis is considered to be on par with the Celestia, or possibly even on a higher level than them. This fact alone makes it seem impossible that you are saying the truth.
Therefore, they may believe that it is impossible for someone like you to be wandering the lands of Teyvat instead of keeping an eye on them from a higher vantage point.
“Uhh… Paimon is unsure of whether Y/N is teasing us or whether they are actually being serious…”
Aether gave it some thought before finally agreeing with the statement.
"Enough with the small talk, let's make our way over to the statue."
The two remained silent as you led the way, and your lullabies are the only sound that they are able to hear presently. It was a very relaxing stroll to get to the statue, and the two of them couldn't have been more happier to be in your calming presence the whole way there.
You have finally arrived at your destination after what seemed like an endless amount of time spent walking there.
You made the decision to step back, but not too far away from them as you watched the blond hair traveler put his hand on the statue, and the power of anemo swirled around before touching him.
“Ooh! Did you just feel the elements of the world?”
“Seems like all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo!”
“Quite handy, don’t you think? At least you won’t have to rely on visions.” You said as you sat down on the grass.
“Y/N is correct! As much as they may want it, people in this world can never get a hold of powers as easily as you...” Paimon explained as she crosses her arms.
Aether frowned slightly. “I think I know why, it's because...”
“Ah-ha, it's because you're not from this world to begin with.” Paimon replied nodding in agreement.
“Well, if you’re done, it’s time to go to the city.” You said before yawning boredly as you heard Paimon explaining things to Aether again. Spoken like a true floating compass indeed!
Aether paid close attention, making sure he understood all of the new information that he had just been given.
During the length of time that Paimon spent slowly explaining the details, you did not speak, and you did not interrupt her. You were only going along for the ride because you thought it would be fun, Paimon can be the guide for all you care.
The three of you had just made the decision to leave once more in order to travel to the city of Mondstadt when all of a sudden, a large dragon appeared in the skies above and began flying in the direction of the center of the forest.
“There’s something huge in the sky!" Paimon let out an exclamation as Aether, who was protecting his eyes from the brisk wind by covering them with his arm, hummed in response. 
"I'll take a look at it. Please, bring Aether to Mondstadt first, Paimon," You only gave them a quick look, but just seeing the concentration on your face was enough for them to agree and nod their heads.
You kept an eye on their rear ends as they moved further and further away from you, and it wasn't until you were no longer able to see them that you started to make your way towards the center of the forest, stopping to pick an apple from a tree along the way.
You approached the archon and the dragon stealthily, being careful not to make any noise with your steps and moving as quietly as possible. You used your flying abilities to get to the branch of the tree where Aether had been hiding during the cutscene, and then you sat there and watched the anemo archon take his sweet time trying to communicate with Dvalin.
"He's poisoned, it's pointless," You spoke but there were no sounds that came out of your mouth. The only thing that carried your message to the ears of the anemo archon was a light breeze.
Venti jerked his head in response to the recognizable voice that he heard in his head, which resulted in Dvalin being startled. The dragon let out a deafening roar, and the wind whipped around erratically in the areas surrounding it.
“Who’s there!?” While Dvalin was behaving erratically, Venti looked around. He would not continue to stay if he hadn't just heard a voice that sounded familiar just now; otherwise, he would have vanished at that very moment.
Dvalin let out one final roar before spreading his wings and making the decision to flee the area, leaving you and Venti behind in complete silence.
You heaved a sigh as you took another bite out of the apple that you had earlier plucked from the tree. Venti turned his head in the direction of the sound of the crunch to look in your position, and all you did in response to his keen observation was raise an eyebrow.
"Well, how are you doing today, Barbatos?" You said while giving him a friendly smile as you threw the apple with the bite taken out of it, which he caught with the right hand.
A puzzled expression appeared on Venti's face as he pondered how you are familiar with his name. You do not give the impression of being an enemy in any way, but you were not also an archon. Therefore, how are you able to know his name?
“Hum…” You hummed while resting your cheeks in your palm and tapping the side of your face lightly with your fingers, "When I first saw you, you were just a little elemental spirit. Quite adorable, if I may say so."
You found it very funny when Venti's face started to flush and he turned his head to the side to hide it; cute, you say?
“Do we know each other, my lady?”
“We haven’t really met formally but…” You stood up on the branch, smiling down at him with your bright expression. “Perhaps the wind will tell you of my identity, or is that even a thing? Haha!”
"I'll bring more apples next time, and maybe your bard friend and the other archons to accompany us!"
Venti gaped openly, "Bard friend? But he's..."
Your lively laughter was the last thing he had heard before you had vanished from your place, and now all that is left in his hand is an apple that has been munched on.
Venti stared at it for a moment before bringing the fruit up to his lips and biting it in the same spot on the apple that you had previously bit.
As Venti held the apple gently in his hands and licked his lips, he was aware that butterflies were fluttering around in the pit of his stomach.
He recalled how, back in those days, apples would all of a sudden appear in the sky and fall on top of his head. Due to the fact that he is only a small elemental spirit, he would fall to the ground along with the apple.
The fact that somebody is spending their time playing with him is another source of happiness for him, despite the fact that there were times when he would tumble right into the water.
He can't help but show a grin that tugs at his lips. It's possible that the two of you have been connected for an even longer period of time than the first friend he's made. Perhaps there was someone else there with him after all.
‘Sweet’ was the only word that came out of his mouth as he chewed slowly.
If you had stayed and watched the act, you would have been so horrified by it that you would have wanted to cringe. Hygiene is important!
Meanwhile on the other side, Amber screamed in surprise when you suddenly appeared in the sky and revived all of the hilichurls that they had just bombed. The most shocking of all is that the hilichurls suddenly turned into humans.
Somehow, you can feel that Lumine will chase you down soon.
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honestly, because hoyo has a knack for killing npcs, I just want to go mad-rage and revive them like a madman. i kinda want to slap a fried egg on signora's ashes hehe. i also want makoto to come back to life and adopt my precious scara umu
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The king's toy - Thranduil x fem!reader
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warning : smutish, use of wine, possesive, some degradation, obsession
Summary : The Elven King Thranduil, ruler of Mirkwood and his pretty toy. A human woman, no more than a second of beauty in the king's infinite life. But with every second they spend together, he consumes her more and more. In the end, she had no choice but to obey her king.
Info : So Thranduil or the Hobbit mini phase you could say has taken hold of me after I saw some scenes with my mother this morning. So have this little slightly more dark thing for the elven king
°,,From this day forward, you are nin múl," said the king of the mirkwood. He looked down at her from the high throne made of deer antlers and wood. She was his beautiful human wife, actually a traveling singer in a group from different parts of the world. But with money, precious stones and the command of a king, her "companions" were worth more than her. Now she knelt before him, her gaze undecided and fearful, knowing that she belonged to him. But this fact, this absurdity, frightened her even more. His gaze let her know that he would bring her to so much more.
°He had not called her my slave for nothing. She quickly learned not to disobey his orders. His guards, his own son, had recaptured her from the forest within a few hours. No matter how many times she was carried away, the ropes closed around her body, precisely encircling and yet holding her tight. Her pleas were met with a pitying look from the prince. ,,Don't struggle...it makes it easier," he said to her as he brought her into the throne room. The rope on her hands was loosened slightly by Legolas, but she would not get out of the hall.
°,,Again and again! Understand at last that you belong to me," he demanded, gesturing to his son. She did not see the hesitant look as he knew what this would mean. But another look was not necessary as he gave his father his well-formed staff and disappeared with a dismissive look. The footsteps faded and it seemed dead silent between them. ,,Please, Your Majesty, let me-just let me go," she tried, wincing as the wood of the staff settled under her chin. He forced her to look at him and she flinched as his cold fingers laid on her cheeks.
°In the time she had been here, she had quickly learned that he was not purely interested in the physical. No, there was the night when he lost himself in her, wanted to hear the sounds she made, wanted to let everyone hear them. He took her body as he wanted, used her as he wanted and yet his eyes flashed in the mirror again and again when he took her. But just when their eyes met in the mirror, she saw his obsession as he pulled her close, his hands exploring her crown. He saw her beauty, the thought of holding her in his hands and having her for himself.
°Another thing besides the punishments from the blows with his staff, sword or hand was his emotionality. When he looked at her he was calm and almost happy, but when she used her talent to play the harp she was better than the elves. She was Thranduil's personal songbird, playing for him while the king looked at her, read a book or hummed along. It was the only time she blossomed and felt at ease when she played the harp. But it was then that she felt the pitying gaze of Legolas. But her father saw it too.
°He saw his son looking at the pretty creature. He imagined that he also wanted to give her something. Love and devotion. Something the king could not allow. Under other circumstances, he would have let his son have fun with it. But those would have been different circumstances. Now it was different and perhaps it was the rise of evil, the dwarves, the dragon and the ring. Maybe it was the loss of his wife, the emotions or it was all together that made him become so obsessive.
°She only became even more his perfect favorite, his pretty star in matching clothes. Initially white hip dresses with bright gemstones, robes and blouses that hid her body underneath. Only visible to the king in his bedroom when the wine flowed over her, wetting her skin and turning the white a dark red. It was a favorite of the king to kiss and lick the sweetly tart wine from her bed with the finest steel. Forged to leave her in place. Until at some point it went so far that her body was covered with the most necessary. Silver threads threaded with diamonds barely covered her nipples, a simple crown of wood with white roses on her head and a white, almost transparent fabric wrapped around her midriff. Her fingers were adorned with precious rings, gifts from her king.
°Whenever she saw him, she was nestled against his leg on the throne. Playing the harp, her gaze blank and evasive, resigning herself to her life was the harp that kept her alive. Before he pulled her onto his throne whether there were guests in the room or not. Who was to stop him for he was the king of mirkwood and his actions were right and proper. His son would not have the opportunity to mess with his diamond and everyone else would be honored to be in his presence.
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kazisgirlfriend · 8 months
Snake Girl Rayla?
The TDP fandom has always had headcanons that didn't really work out (such as Soren rather than Claudia staying loyal to his father), but the idea of Callum being some sort of "Snake Boi" seems to have stuck around despite having basically no support in canon.
This isn't to discourage people who like the aesthetic. People who think it would be cool if Callum was That Way. By all means, keep writing those stories, making those fanarts! Many of them are downright inspired, and represents a really interesting direction the story could have taken.
But "could have taken" is the operative term here. The traits that are associated with "Snake Boi" Callum (listed below) barely represent what his defining traits really are:
Selective Loyalty
There are, of course, shades of the above that ring true with Callum, as they ring true for most of the main cast. But it seems odd to single out Callum as the one who most exhibits these traits. Other characters who better exhibit, say, selective loyalty (such as Sarai taking a stance against hunting the Titan but ultimately sides with Harrow), are never recognized as such, let alone singled out to the extent Callum is.
Or they're based on interpretations that are dubious at best (Callum "turning against" Viren, a man he's never shown a particular liking to), or false at worst (Callum being the only one to actually want to kill Aaravos, despite the fact that killing him was originally Rayla's idea). So given all this, it's curious as to why "Snake Boi" Callum as an actual theory of who Callum is stuck around for as long as it did.
Then it hit me: much of this is really a projection, because there is a character who does exhibit these traits far better than Callum - Rayla.
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Rayla's obsession brings out the best and worst in her. She would obsess over what the right thing to do is ("I hesitate, think too much, get confused about the right thing to do"), but then also become obsessed over specific goals, first over killing Viren, then over the coins.
All of the main character display some forms of ambition from time to time, but Rayla seems to have dispalyed hers at a much younger age:
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At an age when most of the other main characters were just having fun and getting to be children, Rayla already chose her path. She wanted to be trained day and night by her mentor, despite her parents wishing that she have fun and grow up. To set aside a normal childhood and deciding on a career at that age, that takes ambition.
It should go without saying that it doesn't take much to set Rayla off:
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So whether it's being mistrusted, being lied to, being rejected, being called weak, or just plain hungry, Rayla has a history of getting pretty angry.
I mean, c'mon, look at that smirk...
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Or that death glare...
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If that's not enough, here is what Rayla was planning to do with Claudia and Soren at the Cursed Caldera according to the novelization:
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Selective Loyalty
Last but not least - selective loyalty. I think this is best exhibited by Rayla being willing to scuttle a two-year mission to kill Viren by saving her family instead:
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But also by her insistence that "we can't save anyone," typically hinting at the belief they have to look out for themselves and their in-group before others:
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But this is also hinted at throughout the series. She goes to save Pyrrah from Soren and Claudia, but doesn't express similar empathy for the humans in the nearby town that the dragon burnt down. Evidently, the bonds of loyalty are a strong influence on her actions.
So much so that in ToX this is Rayla's defining trait:
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So on the one hand it's curious that Rayla's "most important value" is often assigned to Callum in some headcanons, but on the other I do get it. People want Callum to be selectively loyal, because that would mean he is selecting Rayla. That he's more loyal to her than he is to any pesky moral principles, that she's his ultimate value. What's more romantic than that?
But this does have the uncomfortable nature of being wrong: the truth is Rayla is the more selectively loyal one. She ultimately chose Callum over her quest to find Viren - doesn't get more loyal than that.
I don't write this to disparage anyone's theories or beliefs, but merely to point out what I think should be clear by this point: every single trait Callum is thought of having - temper, obsession, ambition, and especially ruthlessness - better describe Rayla. I'm sure people don't mean to project Rayla's traits onto Callum. It does seem to be done so in order to let Rayla be an uncomplicated hero with no moral issues, but in doing so I think people unintentionally ignore Rayla's best side.
Her obsession lets her stay on task. Her ambition shaped her into a great warrior. Her temper means no one can run roughshod on her. Her ruthlessness means she has what it takes to get the job done. And her selective loyalty means that when she says...
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...she means it.
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thecomfywriter · 3 months
Welcome to my Writing Corner!
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2024 updated edition:
⋆.˚ ♡⋆࿐ 🦢 ⋆.˚ ⋆.˚🦢⋆࿐♡⋆.˚
Hey! Welcome to my writing corner. My name is (not) Naveena, though I more commonly go by @thecomfywriter. This blog is dedicated to sharing tips and tricks pertaining to writing. Occasionally, I'll also share artwork relating to my ocs or details about my own WIP, but I tend to gear most of my content towards helping other writers tackle the messier parts of writing and make the entire process easier for all of us. Here are some fun fact about me, and then some about my WIP.
Follow my socials! You can find my book on wattpad and tapas :)
instagram: thecomfyywriter wattpad: thecomfywriter tiktok: thecomfywriter pinterest: thecomfywriter tapas: thecomfywriter
When did I get into writing?
I actually got into storytelling first in the form of my doll games, believe it or not. When those stories all started layering and becoming more complex, I decided to take my stories to paper. I think my sister's need for a bedtime story every night is what initially inspired my brain to start weaving stories, but I started creating stories and orating them at the age of 5 (my audience was my sister) and I started writing when I was 6.
What genres do I like writing the most?
Over the years, I have experimented with a bunch of different genres, from horror to paranormal to mystery to romance to action... literally everything. But, the one my heart settles in the most is high fantasy, mainly because it engages every part of my brain and really makes me think. I think it has to do with the worldbuilding part of it. If you've seen my previous posts, worldbuilding is my favourite aspect of writing, and when you're writing high fantasy, the entire world and all its lore is made from scratch. I absolutely ADORE the creative process of forging politics or economic systems; trade routes and cultural history; mythology and language. Every part of worldbuilding makes me devote myself to high fantasy like no other genre. It's also the reason why I become so invested in my own writing.
What are my favourite books?
RECOMMENDATION ALERT. Read all of these books please because I promise you, if for nothing else, it will give you a fresh taste of different styles of literature. I'll keep my essays as to why I love each novel short, but I literally have an entire shelf in my room dedicated to all my favourites. In terms of my top two, The Iliad by Homer and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte have to tie. They're both classics and they both hold a special place in my heart. Wuthering Heights for its depiction of different types of love and the complexities of falling and maintaining love, even through maladaptive and obsessive ways like revenge, grief, and resentment. The Iliad for the sheer theatrics of Achilles LMAO. He's so goofy I love him. Such a drama king, but also so lethal? I love the dichotomy. I love that you can feel his wrath, feel his indignation, and feel the consequences of his retreat through its impact on the war. It speaks volumes about how powerful his character is long before his 3 bellows on the top of the wall after a certain someone-someone dies. I'm not going to say who, but also... Zeus listing off all his affairs while trying to tell Hera how much he lusts for her will always make me laugh. Like, damn bro is really dense, huh?
In terms of non-classics: The Giver by Lois Lowry for how it has changed my perspective of the world. It has made me more appreciative of all the aspects of being human and all the small sensational things I had previously taken for granted. The Last Dragon by Silvana De Mari for the adventure aspect of the tale and getting me so emotionally attached to the characters. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro for the reflective aspects of the tale and how the story tends to hold more meaning after it simmers in the conscious and lingers behind with endless thoughts. I cannot tell you how many times I've reflected on that book. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini for how RAW and emotionally impactful that story is. GOD the ending gutted me. I've never had a book make me sob before this one. And then, goofily enough, The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith because I love how iconic it is, especially with og Elena.
What's the name and genre of the story?
Throne of Vengeance! It's a high fantasy action adventure.
Is it completed?
As of April 2024, yes! I am going through to edit it a second time since I'm pretty sure my brain was slightly fried the first time, but also starting the querying process right now.
How long did it take to complete?
In terms of the entire concept? I originally drafted the idea for this book when I was 7 years old. Finished it when I was 9 because I took a year long hiatus where I forgot about it. Then, I decided to revisit and rewrite it when I was 11ish? And it took me until now, at the ripe age of 21, to have it done and dusted.
A long journey indeed.
⋆.˚ ♡⋆࿐ 🦢 ⋆.˚ ⋆.˚🦢⋆࿐♡⋆.˚
Alrighty! So, I'll keep the WIP questions short, but I hope you guys enjoy my blog. If you have any questions or post requests, do let me know. My asks are always open :)
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thealphavoidofficial · 9 months
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So decided to share some Lore about my main Oc, Void:
So basic backstory:
They are one of the creations of the Creator before Sun and Moon, however unlike the past attempts the Creator used Void as more of an experiment, using a power Core composed of Anti-matter (what a WitherStorm is made of) and implanting it into the bots chest as a power source, and of course these had certain effects, such as making them partly organic, such as resulting in them having a fully organic rib cage, a tongue and saliva, and with some nano-machines, an artificial stomach able to process any and all Materials.
When Void first activated they were put into the care of their handler, Cathryn, a young women who had only recently started working at the Pizzaplex. Void was assigned to the Daycare theatre and left to adapt.
Cathryn showed them all the ropes, and soon Void caught on to the routine and was soon doing their job like it was already programmed into their code. Soon they grew so fond of Cathryn they had registered them as ‘Mother’, which she did not mind in the slightest.
Although, once Void has properly assimilated into their Job at the Theatre entertaining the kids, the Creator put his real plan into action. While Void and Cathryn were preparing for the next rush if kids the Creator activated a dormant administration code inside of Void, cause them to become a brain dead robot, Cathryn walked over to see what was wrong, and with just a click of a button on the Creators end, Cathryn was dead by Voids hands. And once Void came to they were horrified to have seen what they had done, looking at their bloodied hands in shock and horror.
Security soon rushed in and shut them down, soon awakening again in parts and services where they were violently dismantled and used for parts while still active, after the many hours of agony they were dumped into an alleyway and left to die. Void unfortunately died on that stormy night, however a relatively large size changing Water Dragon animatronic, named Angler, had found them and taken them into a secret factory sized room hidden in the maintenance tunnels of the pizzaplex, where he had been taking in and hiding all the discarded and scrapped animatronics thrown out by the Pizzaplex, and Void was brought back to life from a strong infusion of Nano-machines.
Void soon settled in with their now adoptive father and siblings, however still lived in fear of being controlled again.
One day they went to far with their anxiety and snuck into parts and services while the Staff were on break, and used the computer to enter their own systems and forcefully delete any access codes the creator put in them along with their factory reset, this resulted in their code becoming highly unstable, resulting in their Ai becoming corrupted, all safety protocols off and gone.
When Void returned Angler immediately knew what they had done, and he also knew that damage like this could never be fixed, but he supported them and did his best to comfort them the best he could, but one thing he couldn’t stop was Voids newfound hatred and bloodlust towards humans.
Fun facts:
- before Voids system corruption their eyes actually used to be green.
- Void hates all humans but tolerates curtain humans that have gotten on their good side………and children.
- the purple eyes mean they are either hunting, or have completely lost it and you need to run.
- the oval shaped power core in their chest is not only able to store a copy of their memories and personality, but also acts as a 3rd eye.
- their power core is made of the same stuff that Witherstorms are made of.
- like Sun and Moon, Voids nanites can regenerate them, but at a more advanced and quicker pace
- they CAN and WILL Eat anything.
- they can sprout 4 or more barbed black tendrils from their back if they want to.
- at some point they found out they can digitise their physical form and control technology
- they have a secondary jaw that can move independently like an eel
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pistachi0art · 1 year
Hlvrai x Pokémon Stuff?
Mainly just thoughts on what each type or special gimmick each character would use.
Gordon: Steel, Normal, or Ground
When I think of pre-handless gordon I think Normal but when I think of gun-hand I think Steel. I’m biased on Ground bc I think it would be very cool if Gordon had a Mudsdale. THEY EVEN HAVE THE SAME COLORS GOING ON AND JOSH WOULD LOVE IT-
On terms of a game gimmick I don’t see him using anything except maybe z-moves? He’d likely just brute everything though bc he doesn’t think he needs the “extra help” 🙄
Tommy: Electric
Fast and Yellow 👍 I wish I could give him more but it’s the most fitting for him next to possibly fairy.
From what I recall from Pokémon lore is that mega evolution is formed from strong bonds so I find it most fitting for him. (I think the mega stone would be on his hat or something skfhajajkakaka) I could also see him having one pseudo legendary on his team 🤷‍♀️ just one. Not a real legendary.
Dr. Coomer: Fighting!
Very fitting for the violent old guy! and there is a boxing Pokémon already so it feels like it’s meant to be. A possible second contender is Steel to go with the whole fact that most of his body is replaced by robotic parts but otherwise I feel fighting is most appropriate.
Z-Moves power up a Pokémon and that’s what I feel he would do just before fighting a strong opponent (similarly to how he becomes super beefy before fighting ben in the last act.)
Bubby: Fire AND Psychic
Mainly this has to do with his canonical pyrokinesis, but also with the “brain & brawn” double battle trainers (*cough cough* psychic and fighting = BOOMER)
He’d have psychic Pokémon with Fire-tera typing or the other way around. Double perks. Also maybe some man made Pokémon like Porygon.
Forzen: Dragon or Ghost
Dragon (bc he thinks they look cool) or Ghost (bc they help with quick getaways) either way he probably thinks they both look cool.
No gimmick but I’d see him using moves like protect a lot to piss ppl off.
Darnold: Fairy, Poison, or Flying
When I think of Darnold I think of powerful whimsy that isn’t taken seriously and to that I think Fairy. Poison is more so to the not-so-pleasant side effects of his potions. Flying is just for the gag of him rocketing the hell out of there. Otherwise I think Fairy is the most fitting.
Once again no gimmick bc he’s more like Arven where he wants to make fun things for his Pokémon than actually battling.
Benrey: Dark, Ghost, or Bug
I think you can all guess why Dark (ha ha dark=bad, evil, and everything awful ha ha haaaaa) but more so to the perception bc he has dark Pokémon makes ppl (specifically Gordon) perceive him as so. Ghost is more to the whole clipping and not-being-able-to-die-normally thing as well as the fact he’d definitely favor Gengar come on. Bug is bc I think he’d like bugs. Little creachers >:))
Gigantamax is so definitely his favorite (giant strong and a great cool- like him in the last act!) but I also think he’d pull a second team of ultra-beasts in a last ditch attempt bc, like him “not being human” ultra beasts aren’t really Pokémon. Some deep relatability.
G-Man: Psychic or Dark:
Once again that thing about perception. Maybe also ice? Cold exterior and all that.
Only character to whisk out actual mythical or legendary Pokémon for battle. How did he get them? Dw they’re good friends stop asking so many questions.
As for an extra Josh would only have baby Pokémon. Like- three bc technically they’re Gordon’s Pokémon and also he doesn’t want Josh running around with a whole team. (Maybe Rock types to match with Gordon if he has ground but I’d see him with Bug types too.)
If there’s anything anyone wants to add just throw it in my inbox bc Pokémon is my secondary focus in my brain for the month.
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pheita · 7 months
Flash Fic Friday: Soaring Above
Yay @flashfictionfridayofficial I managed in time. Sleepless nights are good for something
also tagging @cljordan-imperium because you said I shall tag you in everything lol
The prompt helped me with a part of my WIP "The Dragon's Warrior" so here we are.
Since Tumblr dabbles with AI now, and we can't be sure how well those opt-out functions works (we all know Tumblr) I put everything under a read more for a little more safety, hopefully.
"You still don't believe we're really dragons, do you?"
Arkin looked up into the sky. Emersyn sighed heavily.
What could she possibly reply to that? She had seen with her own eyes how he and Asterlayna came out of eggs, or at least what looked like huge eggs, and it didn't explain why they looked the way they did, and the horns and tails couldn't be misunderstood, but it was still hard to understand that they were supposed to be dragons.
Dragons that should have been extinct for centuries.
"Don't be such a dummy," Asterlayna scolded him, and stomped ahead out of the forest.
There was an open space in front of them, which soon led them to the road and thus to the village. What they should do then was the other question. The two of them stood out so clearly.
While Emersyn was still thinking about how to cover up their origin, Arkin ran past her with a grin, straight into the open space. A moment later, he leapt up and transformed into a real dragon.
Abruptly, she stopped at the edge of the forest. Arkin soared above, his laughter filtering down to her and mingling with Asterlayna's giggles, as Emersyn tried to understand how this could be. A heartbeat before, this pain in the ass was still standing on two legs, and now he looked just like in the stories: A long almost snake-like body, two pairs of large powerful wings, the horns mighty on the head, a crest of scales running from the back of the head over half the back, long claws on several legs, and a long powerful tail at the end of which a crest of scales spread out again and looked like a huge feather. The mixture of gold and white coloring of the scales made him almost disappear against the sky, and only the fact that the sun was already slowly setting made it possible for her to actually see him.
As quickly as he had taken to the air, he landed in front of her again. He did a somersault in the air before landing directly in front of her, transforming back into the human form she knew as he moved. Only this time the horns and tail were missing.
Breathing heavily and grinning broadly, he stood in front of her.
"What are you saying now?"
"Anande wake me up…"
Asterlayna laughed beside her and nudged her gently.
"I think the Golden One is having some special fun with you."
With an annoyed look, Emersyn turned to her, only to realize that Asterlayna was also missing her horns and tail. She shook her head briefly.
"If you could make your horns and tail disappear all this time, why didn't you do it sooner?" Emersyn asked in a sharp tone.
"Because we've been alone so far. We'll meet strangers soon," Arkin explained.
He was the tense big brother again, pushing himself in front of Asterlayna and looking alertly to the left.
"How do you know?"
In response, Asterlayna just tapped her ear. Emersyn immediately understood. Of course dragons had better ears, every child knew that.
"Then let's move on and find a good place for the night. If I'm not mistaken about where we are, we should soon reach an area where there is a small rocky outcrop."
"That sounds like a good place to camp."
Grimly, Arkin nodded and waited for her to pass him with Asterlayna until he started moving as well. His gaze was still directed in the direction from where he said other people had come. They adjusted their bags and set off. If Emersyn was honest, she could do without meeting others until they were in the city and had time to get used to each other and make up a plausible story.
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thecookiefoster · 1 year
recently, I found a pitaya dragon cookie in my backyard, they dont seem to have any sort of injury or an original owner but ive never taken care of a cookie before.do you have any advice by chance?
I’ll form a whole care log for you hehe
Cookie Caring Log: Pitaya Dragon Cookie
Class: Ovenbreak + Kingdom hybrid
Rarity: Legendary, Dragon
Breeds: N/A
Breed behavior changes?: N/A
Best cookies to pair with: Ananas Dragon, Lotus Dragon, Hollyberry, Snapdragon, Royal Margarine, Tarte Tatin (may be hostile at first depending on if they are already acquainted with/used to Pitayas), Wildberry (may be hostile at first, recommended to have a Hollyberry accompanied), Mala Sauce, Gingerbrave, Purple Yam, Milk, Dino Sour, Peperoncino, Cauliflower
Worst cookies to pair with: Lychee, Longan, any Cookie of Darkness, Knight, Fire Spirit, Snake Fruit, Millennial Tree
Behavior: Pitaya Dragons, while sometimes violent, mean it in good intention, as they like to spar with others for fun. They are also very chaotic and energetic, which means you need to keep an eye on them if they aren’t already domesticated. If not, then they may spontaneously start fires. It is recommended to keep another cookie with them to keep them entertained to prevent fires. However, if you do have other cookies, they may try to spar with them for fun. These fights are typically harmless, but if you hear any hissing coming from them during the fight, you may have to interfere. Also, as an extra note, keep your home warm. Pitaya Dragons prefer warmer temperatures!
Fun fact: It is highly speculated that the seeds in a Pitaya Dragon’s hair can be planted into soil. While it is yet to be examined, many have theorized that the seeds can grow actual Pitaya fruits.
⚠️WARNING⚠️: As a dragon, Pitaya Dragon has the ability to transform into a larger dragon form. Typically, their dragon form is the size of an average fully grown dog. They can be dangerous while in this form, ESPECIALLY if not domesticated! They will usually trigger this form if they are in danger or having an intense fight with another cookie or human. If your Pitaya Dragon transforms and shows hostile behavior towards you or another human being, GET TO SAFETY AND CALL 911.
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Before we begin as always: This is all for fun and is not meant to be taken to seriously everyone please be nice or at least civil. Okay? Awesome read on!
Alrighty I'm feeling a little irritated after a not so lovely comment on one of my fics (that has literally NOTHING to do with Jay) about how I don't often write about him if at all. Now I just kinda ignored the comment cause this was the same person who said I couldn't I took what they said with a grain of salt so yeahhhhhh (like seriously I had to mention that cause it's just such a weird thing to say since Ninjago has said multiple times that Zane is just as human as the others so???)
But anyways I want to start by saying yeah that's true I don't write about Jay very often, in fact I have never written a fic centered around him BUT I will never go out of my way to vilify him outside of the actions he takes IN CANNON because I try to stay in character when writing unless it's an AU that might shift their personalities a bit but not by much. But this brings me to an issue I've come across more than once and it sort of bothers me and its: the erasure of Jay's more negative qualities.
Now I'm not saying that Jay is an irredeemable villain here I'm just saying that he has said/done things that aren't good that a lot of people seem very keen on just ignoring or in some cases outright denying, and I get it it sucks when our favorite characters are flawed trust me my favorite character is GARMADON so I have plenty of experience in liking characters with flaws lol. BUT just because we like them doesn't mean they don't HAVE those flaws.
Like Jay (since he's who we're suppose to be focusing on rn) is kind of an ass multiple times especially early in the series. Now I hate the love triangle because it fucked up literally all people involved and I found it super annoying but I think Jay was painted in a particularly bad light. For example Jay straight up attacking Cole even though Cole had ZERO clue about the whole perfect match thing, like imagine if out of no where your best friend ATTACKED YOU saying you were trying to "steal" (I hate that phrase btw so dumb cause Nya's a person) the person they liked? Probably would feel really crummy.
Now I do understand that Jay probably has some form of anxiety but that doesn't mitigate the fact throughout the series Jay has a tendency to get freaked out and then lose his temper, in more recent seasons it's happened less frequently which I'm going to chose to interpret as him growing up but is likely just because in later season the writing tends to muddy the waters on most characters (we don't even talk about crystalized because it doesn't exist, like seriously Lloyd talks about Harumi in Dragons Rising like Crystalized never happened which I'm a big fan of) but yeah. I've never been a huge Jay fan myself but his cannon character is interesting and I'd understand why people would like him since again he's not an irredeemable monster he's a person.
But yeah, I love Ninjago and I love being a part of the fandom but I don't love how sometimes people overlook the charcters negative traits and that really bothers me since more than one of the characters go through arcs (some more subtle than others) to become better people. Like I also think people underplay Nya's anger issues, Kai's can be as well but to a lesser extent SOMETIMES, which is unfortunate because that's part of their arcs of growing into new more mature people. All of the characters have their problems it's what makes them interesting to follow, I'm a huge fan of Garmadon and he is EXTREMLY flawed but that's what makes him an interesting character especially since he's trying to be better (again lol).
In conclusion I love over analyzing this Lego show cause even if its shit sometimes the characters it created are super fun to play with much like actual Legos! I don't hate any characters (except for Nadakahn and The Mechanic fuck those two they're creepy as shit) I love getting to talk about them and am totally open for conversations about them because as you can tell from this post I am a natural born yapper and I love to hear other peoples thoughts/views so feel free to say something as long as you're willing to keep it civil!
I hope y'all have a great day/night PEACE OUT!
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cresvalkyrie · 5 months
3, 9, 25, 32 and most importantly... 11!
9 has already been answered!
3 - Favourite moment? That exact scene when Erin remembers who she is at the climax of the Diamond Route and activates her Demoness Form for the first time. It was awesome when I first saw it on my blind v13 playthrough, and it still is just as awesome when I saw it again during my v13.5 replays.
11 - Do you have ocs? If so, feel free to ramble about them! Some fun facts about my Paragon and Renegade OCs, since I think I covered their backstories already lmao
She detests spicy foods and refuses to even touch one, but loves her sweets. Her favourite sweet is chocolate.
Her favourite drink is jasmine tea.
For some reason, alcoholic drinks have no effect on her whatsoever, so to her they're just fermented drinks. Coffee, however, will get her intoxicated the same way most alcohol would to a normal human being.
Her starter is a Rockruff, which evolved into a Dusk Lycanroc back when she was still a student in Phoenix Academy. It didn't survive Storm-9, unfortunately.
The only two Pokemon she has that made it out of Storm-9 are her Zeraora and Aegislash. Both of them were taken in by Crescent, but they both went back to their original trainer after she was revived.
While she doesn't specialise in any type in particular, most of her Pokemon are dragon types.
Her Delphox, Altissia, was originally a normal Delphox. They first met as a Fennekin in Gearen Labs, but she was permanently altered into the Augmented (aka Delpha) form after Hauyne dreamt about battling and capturing Delpha in the Nightmare Realm.
She and Crescent were qpr partners before Storm-9 happened. Keyword: were. That relationship kind of got strained during the events of rejuv, but they've reconciled and are starting on a clean slate in .karma files.
Being an aura wielder, she naturally can understand Pokemon and even speak their language.
Adding to the above point, she has an insatiable appetite due to being an aura wielder. She can and will devour an entire buffet's worth of food in a blink, but as a Black Box this appetite has been curbed and she only eats for pleasure or for self-care.
She'd rather die than admit this, but she secretly loves being held. Would absolutely melt in a cuddle pile, or when given any form of physical affection as long as it's someone she knows and trusts.
Oh, and she purrs. Purrs.
Has a fierce competitive streak. Once you triggered that, she's not going to stop until she finally defeats you.
Her eyes glow in the dark. And it's because of this she has near-perfect night vision.
Is partially blind on her left scarred eye. She mostly relies on her aura sensing abilities to correct her depth perception, but will struggle to read anything from afar unless it's brought to mere inches away from her face.
Her starter is a Empoleon, but her ace is a Metagross.
In her past life, Electra isn't actually very fond of battling. In fact, she wasn't even a trainer, and had never desired to be one. Her having amnesia changed her stance, however.
She is very fond of dry flavoured foods, and hates bitter foods.
Her favourite drink is iced coffee.
Her original eye colour is a deep indigo, almost seeming like purple. After she got Genesis Syndrome, her eyes turned golden, and it stayed that way for the rest of her life.
Being a failed Dialga vessel, she can use metal-based magicks and even use Steel-type moves. And to some extent, she can manipulate time, but it's too inconsistent and took too much energy to even be reliable. Absorbing the Diamond Core changed that fact, however.
She once had a crush on Aelita... until she crossed the Despair Event Horizon.
She's severely acrophobic, due to a near-death experience where she almost fell into a fault line caused by an earthquake during the war in the Old World.
Very skilled with machines, so she hit it off with Saki really well because of their shared fondness for tinkering.
25 - Most frustrating/hardest battle you've ever faced? The Admin battle. Especially the Admin battle. I get its supposed to be a scripted loss and therefore bullshit, but it does not stop me from getting pissed off at it. Fuck Admin. All my homies hate Admin.
32 - What are you looking forward to in next versions? Lore reveals! And finding out what happens in the Xen Raid, for both the Paragon and Renegade routes. And hopefully we get more sidequests like the Xenogene Movie, I'd love for the main gang to just chill and relax and have a bonding moment with each other. Like, let them be normal teenagers for once, you know?
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icharchivist · 8 months
some detailed thoughts about the Relink's ending (a whole post will be dedicated to coming back to the whole game)
where did i stop. ah yeah. Rolan our Princess in distress. Ouh boy.
-first of all, big hype for the game to have this many fake endings. always keeping in on my toes like "what do you mean it's not over"
-The last official island was so fucking scary. The ambiance was really top notch but at what cost. Truly "there's no reason for the skies to be blue" call back.
-Having to fight dark versions of all the big boss primals we fought so far was really cool, it's fun also to see how much more used we are to them now.
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Io is so funny.
-ID IS MY BEST FRIEND I WANT TO KISS HIS FACE IM SO AAAAAAAAH. When he came to join us i was crying i'm so happy.
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-The reveal about what he is was great though. I did wonder about it before but i thought connecting him directly to Bahamut would have been maybe a little too big. But in the end, that was what the game was going for anyway lmao. But that does explain why Id found a bit of his humanity back by being around Lyria. She probably pulled him out of the mind-restrainer that way.
(speaking of which i mentioned as soon as Lyria appeared with that collar that Id had the same around his neck but no one was bringing it up in game so i thought i was insane about it. So glad i was right. So not glad of how it was confirmed.)
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Like honestly Lilith was a great mix of multiple Granblue antagonists: she has a bit of all the astrals in her like i mentioned earlier, the fact her final boss battle was her fusing with a primal in desperation is really like Freesia, stuff like that....... but her relationship with Id in particular was REALLY a lot like Ferdinand and Ragazzo it was chilling to see.
she "adopted him" and immediately put a mind control collar on his neck, in order to lock a god inside of him because the god thwarted her plans, but she taught Id how to use this power, and have him be her son. so when he betrayed her, she played the whole ":) mom is so sad for your betrayal" which is exactly how Ferdinand played off Ragazzo's betrayal.
So like "grooming children into becoming her pawns and not telling them that in her greater plan there is only pain" is sooo Ferdinand coded--
but it's Id's way of, after realizing the abuse and horrors, still loving his mother so much, but in a way where he understands she needs to be taken down, so it's his responsibility as a son at least to take her down for all the horrors..... this is soooo Ragazzo coded.
also the way Id turns into a dragon form reminds me of Ragazzo's harmonized form which adds to the whole thing. + Lilith actually harming him in order to turn him into a weapon she intends to use, only for him to throw her off the island. again, very Ferdinand&Ragazzo coded.
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the way they all immediately adopted him is making me cry though, always
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Id we have a few people in our crew that started off by kidnapping Lyria and now are our besties. you'll fit right in.
-the two others generals also coming to help us with the bosses + against Lilith waas SO FUCKING COOOOL . I think they're so neat. I love Granblue's insistance on redeeming about everyone.
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-amazing line from Vyrn.
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-Literally would kill for Id.
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-always loving a good power of friendship.
-The boss fight against Lilith was really cool. had a lot of brainworms about astrals' mentality and the way they basically are so self reliant they just see how they get to use others for their own gain, not how they can be helped
-which now makes me think is probably why Rolan felt so ashamed that he did start out "using us" against Lilith instead of just relying on us, knowing that this would be the same result anyway. Like i think it's fine and all but it explains the guilt he felt so much.
-Anyway final fight with Lilith, and she breaks the mindcontrol collar from Id, and if it's manually broken it drives people insane, which, linked to his bond with Bahamut, just unleashes a rampaging Bahamut on the skies. huh oh.
but ofc determined to save Id and all, we go on:
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-This made me chuckle and cry at once. Eugen knows so well the suffering he brought his daughter by being such a shitty father and he knows she doesn't want him to fix it and everything, that now he sees any kid with a failure of a parent and he's like "it's okay i can be your parent now too.". What a guy.
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-btw next ticket went to Ferry
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-cried during this part so took screenshot. Pure quintessential granblue experience.
then we have to fight a rampaging Id and just.
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-Id is a good boy and i love him so much
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-^this was so funny to me. so real.
-We really need to do something about Danchou's habit of just, jumping into danger without a back up plan.
-Id and Danchou jumped in an alternative dimension trying to repeal the Bahamut inside of Id, and Rolan came to save us out of it...... but was locked behind in the dimension.
-which is horrible.
-he made sure we knew he's alive though so there's still hope we'll get him back
-here's how Lucifer coming back can still win--
so we're adding Rolan to the list of our alternate besties we need to get back. LUCIO COME BACK HERE AND OPEN THOSE FUCKING DOORS.
-Id, of course, has survivor guilt and feels terrible about it. and since he was our enemy he doesn't get why we're so chill with him.
and this was adorable:
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-crying in the club:
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-The ending song was fucking heartbreaking i was just crying through it.
-Anyway post game campaign is basically, we're going back to Folca and people are lost now that Rolan is gone, and Id feels so guilty he wants to take over what Rolan used to do, so we decide to help him out, and tadaa. The more we play the game and sidequests to help Id build his reputation as Mister Fix It the more we'll get some plots about Id reclaiming his own life now and everything.
-All in all the game was just perfect and i cried a lot
-the battles were all so, so damn amazing and it was a blast to play through every time
-what a game.
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ficwritingnerd · 6 months
An upside-down kiss | Mwarch prompt
Mwarch prompt chosen by DevvieDevDraws on Twitter
Tags: Fantasy AU, Fluff, Dragon Shifter Kirishima, Barbarian Bakugo, Rescue, Mild Violence Against Giant Creature
Bakugo and Kirishima had been traveling together ever since Bakugo had saved the dragon shifter from being captured by poachers.
The Barbarian had always hated the damn poachers who did nothing more than hunt beautiful creatures and try to make a quick buck of them, so he hadn’t thought too much about it.
Bakugo had never seen a dragon shifter before, but he’d heard of the legends of them and how loyal they were. He was still, however, very surprised to see the shifter follow on after him after being saved.
When he questioned the redhead on why he was following him, the dragon shifter responded with a genuine smile. “I owe you my life. I’ll never be able to repay you, so I’ll be at your service.”
Bakugo assured him that it wasn’t necessary. That he didn’t save him to earn a favor but Kirishima didn’t budge and so their bond had begun.
With that, they had become an inseparable pair. Going on adventures together had been fun but sometimes trouble couldn’t be avoided... 
“Katsuki!” Kirishima yelled as the giant spider-like creature sprayed the blonde in their web. The creature then scurried deeper into the giant cave.
“Shit!” Kirishima followed on foot in his half-shifted form. He had heard that these creatures could consume human flesh on occasion. He needed to find Bakugo and he needed to do it quickly.
He couldn’t fully shift inside the cave but at least he had his wings and the bow and arrow Bakugo had taught him to use.
The best part was that the tips of the arrows were infused with an anesthetic potion which would knock out the beast in seconds. All he had to do was get to where the spider had taken Bakugo and shoot at its body.
With this in mind, Kirishima silently made his way deeper and deeper into the cave. After about 15 minutes he finally reached what seemed like the creature’s main hideout. Everything was covered in webs with random web bunches dangling from the cave’s roof.
He could see the creature sticking something to the roof and then heard Bakugo cursing at the creature, little explosions going off but none having an effect since his body was completely wrapped in the fire-resistant material.
Their web was fire-resistant which is why the material was so rare and sought after. He then saw Bakugo hanging upside down, only able to peek at his face and hair.
Silently he situated himself where he could get a clear shot at the creature’s weak point. Even though they hadn’t been looking for it he knew they had no way out other than knocking it out for a bit. At least they could use the web to trade in the future. All he needed to do was shoot his arrow right into the red part of his back.
Taking a deep breath he steadied his bow, drew back the string, and sent it flying. A giant screech from the beast was heard as it turned toward Kirishima and started making its way toward him before it toppled over itself and fell to the cave floor.
As soon as the creature was down Kirishima flew up to Bakugo and cradled his cheeks and in an impulsive action filled with relief at seeing his favorite grumpy barbarian now safe, he kissed him.
It was only a peck on the lips. Still, Kirishima’s actions caught up to him as he after the fact at Bakugo’s soft hum at the contact.
Realizing what he had done he backed away and started rambling in a panic. “Katsuki, I’m so sorry. I didn’t ask! That is so not manly.”
“Kirishima.” Bakugo tried to interrupt.
“ Please don’t hate me. I was just so relieved that you’re okay and I-”
“Eijirou” Bakugo said more firmly which finally shut the panicking redhead up. “I’m not mad. Although I would have appreciated it if our first kiss didn’t involve me dangling upside down about to pass out I’m not mad that you kissed me... Could you let me down before we talk about this? I’m seriously about to pass out.”
“Crap, yeah sorry. Let me just...” Kirishima used one of his claws to cut the thread holding him to the roof and then quickly grabbed Bakugo, turned him, and softly laid him on the ground before continuing to free him with his claw carefully to prevent hurting the blonde.
Once he was free. Bakugo stood up, wiped his hands on his garments then walked up to Kirishima grabbed his cheeks, and kissed him softly.
Kirishima’s eyes fluttered closed lost in the moment as their lips brushed softly against each other’s and his hands reached for Bakugo’s waist to pull him closer.
Not even a minute later, Bakugo was the first to pull back earning a whine from the dragon shifter. “Don’t be a baby” Bakugo said with a chuckle. “We still have to get out of here before that thing decides to have us for dinner.”
“Ugh, fine. I hate that you’re right.” They picked up as much of the web as they could comfortably carry and left the cave.
“Ei?” Bakugo asked as they walked through the forest-
“How long have you seen me as a mate?” The blonde asked while his eyes stayed looking straight ahead.
The redhead blushed. “Since a very long time... why?”
“I wasn’t sure if dragon shifters mated with regular humans is all... that’s why I hadn’t made a move at all...”
The thought of Bakugo being mindful of his traditions and views had his heart melt.
“A mate has to be someone who is worthy... you proved your worth the moment you saved me and expected nothing in return. The fact that you’re beautiful is just a bonus.” Kirishima said with a shrug.
“Oi, you can’t just say stuff like that!” He said as he sped up trying to hide his blush.
In the end, he had immediately known Kirishima was special too. Guess fate was on their side after all.
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cerenemuxse · 8 months
this is more messy post than usual but its basically Edward and Emily in EoSR x Hazbin Hotel :p (feeling tired but that's not stopping me from rambling when i feel like it >:3)
I didn't mention this so I'll mention it now. I was thinking about how when sinners die, they initially appear in their human forms. However, as time goes on, they start to mutate into their regular demon forms. It takes a bit more for them to develop their feral demon forms.
Just know that the feral demon forms do appear in the nude because 1) I can't make the clothes work out, and 2) they look cooler ok? (everyone is over the age of 18 because the feral demon forms do look human-like. Bill and Ben, the youngest in the AU, were 19 years old when they died)
I did give them accessories, specifically jewelry because I feel like it would put a bigger emphasize on the hiearchy. Overlords and those associated with them have jewelry.
OK now onto Edward and Emily
So both actually died within the span of year from one another. Emily died in 1895 while Edward died in 1896 (fun fact: these dates are taken from an old AU of mine where the engines were possessed by spirits, hence why they were alive but I got rid of it)
Oh, and Emily is either a snake or dragon. Still figuring it out.
Instead of competing against each other, they actually teamed up as overlords, upcoming or old, were repeatedly putting them down. This puts them ahead of everyone as they claimed more territory quickly and more efficiently. They were becoming the most feared, even more when Edward won against James, another competitive sinner, and established his weapon business. I'm not entirely sure what
Emily is more efficient in far range battle than Edward is. A lot of the weapons she owns are of Edward's earliest designs, before adding angelic steel to them. Still trying to figure out what industry she owns. :v Maybe something to do with sports? Yeah, I have no idea. 🧍‍♀️
anyways, um- i might put them together and actually have James be killed off. I might. Still thinking about it.
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mywitchcultblr · 10 months
i literally just said that zhongli has taken the form of a woman before. learn to read and again. just because a character is shown to tae the form of another gender, dress in clothes usually worn by another gender or what have you DOES NOT mean they are genderfluid or nonbinary. it isnt some magical proof someone doesnt care about their gender being comfortable with your gender and/or being willing to present yourself as another gender is normal and healthy. being insecure about your gender and getting defensive and afraid to appear as the opposite gender is not healthy. for either trans or cis people. and you are right zhongli isnt human, but that does not mean you have any right to apply human gender-fluidity to him. genderfluid is also a human concept. but you are wrong about him not caring about human rules. considering thats a major part of his character. he is literally described to be knowlegdeable in all many of topics "Zhongli has expertise in all manner of things, from fashion to daily essentials, to fine wines and delicacies, to teas and spices, and to flora and fauna. He is also more than capable of participating in discussions on commerce, politics, and international relations." to say he wouldn't care about or now human rules is just plain wrong and blatantly goes against canon and the writers intention for his character. and considering for most of his known history he has been shown as male with literally one mention of him going incognito as a woman. it is actually more clear he at LEAST prefers to be a man. this and the fact that he isnt bound by any other human rules yet he follows them anyway. his entire reason for retiring was because humans can care for themselves now and he wanted to live as a human. he literally has a job you cant argue he isnt bound by human rules when he imposes them upon himself for fun. and even when he hasnt appeared as a human he still identifies as a male. the game describes him as male, even in his dragon form, again, hes male. and you can scream transphobia all you like because i really dont care. i was trans once, realized it actually wasnt for me, sometimes i do feel like i wish i had a penis but yknow im am still comfortable as a female. i dress how i want and i view myself how i want and im not uncomfortable exploring myself or presenting myself differently. im not self conscious of how others will view me and my gender. you however do sound very insecure considering your first thought about me was some kind of bigot because i told you your gender head cannons arent actually canon and its rude of you to try and force/guilt trip people into agreeing with you. and im not being aggressive. I am telling you that this "I think people often deliberately forgetting or not acknowledged that Zhongli is gender fluid/gender queer and doesn't care about gender in general :/" is not canon. i am telling you that you have mischaracterized zhongli and are trying to push your head cannons as canon and onto other people. Again i am not telling you that you cannot have these head cannons or enjoy them. im telling you that they arent canon like you believe them to be, and that its rude of you to try to push it onto others. because thats what you're trying to do with that post.
im not saying you have to adhere to canon or even enjoy it. go ahead and head cannon him as genderfluid thats not the point. The point is you need to realize your head cannons and what you personally prefer do not dictate what the source material is or should be. The point is that no one else in fandom has to acknowledge your head cannons as canon. no one is "forgetting zhongli is genderfluid" because thats not canon or intended for his character by the writers.
Good novel, Zhongli is still genderqueer tho
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theonemarvelousness · 2 years
A Wild Camp Opening [Has not read Camp Vargas II]
[Seriously, this is a funny idea. Has not read Camp Vargas II, just seen the cards/knows it's the not-sport clubs people]
"Is there any way to get out of this camp?" It's Azul Ashengrotto that raises his hand to ask. He looks less then enthused, despite being dressed quite well for the event.
Coach Vargas wastes no time with a bellow of a laugh. "BRILLIANT QUESTION! YES! If you can defeat ME in a contest of MUSCLES! THEN! Then you can do as you like and your club is safe!"
There is dead silence.
Now, there isn't really any surprise that someone foolhardy steps forward, but, it's in fact: Malleus Draconia.
"I accept." The dragon inclines his head politely. The gaggle of students have taken many, many steps back to give the two room.
Even Headmaster Crowley is with the throng.
"Oh?" The coach regards the willowy student with a grin. "Yes! I accept your challenge, Draconia! Come at me!" He takes a grappling stance, ready and eager.
There is a swell of oppressive magic in the air.
The bright, sunny skies darken.
A flash of lightning comes down, blinding all for a moment--but as it clears, while still dark, the unmistakable figure of a dragon stands, tall, noble, and proud.
The noble dragon possesses gorgeous black scales, bright, burning green eyes--a large, long form that sits there, eyeing with interest the only target that matters: Coach Vargas. Carefully, he stands. Pressing forward a few steps. The glint of his purple belly might be considered a vulnerability--but it's clear there's no care at all.
The dragon rears back, and presses down with a clawed hand, meeting the raising arms of the now small, but still muscular coach.
There's a grunt of struggle, feet digging in, but being pressed back into the dirt. "It'll--take--more!" The human struggles.
The full weight of the dragon comes forward in a decisive press. The red-shirted coach ends up pressed into the earth, before the claw withdraws. The dragon has made his point abundantly clear.
"DRACONIA!" The Headmaster finally comes to take his role as an authority figure. "YOUR POINT IS PROVEN!"
The dragon turns, regarding the crow a moment--another flash, and he returns to his form proper.
Vargas slowly gets out of his dirt hole, laughing. "WELL! What a display of muscles, Draconia! A deal's a deal! Have fun this weekend! But you should still participate--at least in gathering your own food and shelter."
But the student has already wandered off.
"Admittedly, I forgot about that dragon part." The Coach admits with a big, bellowing laugh. "Now--come on, it's time to set up your tents!"
Lilia approaches, as they head toward the camp site. "So, could I take such a challenge?"
The coach falters. "Let's try after the tents... I'm a bit sore from that great work out! I wonder if he'll do that for class..."
Oh boy.
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