#funnily enough this was one of my favourite chapters
hannahssimblr · 8 months
Chapter Six
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I have Deja-vu when I return to the Tullamore stadium where I spent countless Sunday afternoons as a teenager, forced to sit at pitch side as Kelly roared her support for the players with a ferocity that always kind of pissed me off. She wasn’t into sports, not really, she just pretended that she was because she had this fantasy of one of the players spotting her by the barriers and coming over to ask for her number. Of course, none ever did, but eventually, when she was sixteen she talked her way into one of their after parties at the club house and kissed six of them one after the other with the same efficiency as a local politician handing out fliers at a shopping centre. She didn’t get any phone numbers either, just a crusty cold sore that hung around on her lip for two weeks.
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Today, for the first time there is no Kelly by my side, and I realise upon entry that it’s been almost four years since I’ve set foot in this place. I don’t know why I thought it’d look different, but everything is the same, from the sun bleached plastic seats to the mud, grass, and leather smell in the air. I’ve changed but all these old places, they stay exactly the same. Claire links her arm with mine and we head down the steps towards our seats near the front. She’s wearing a Tullamore jersey. Most people on our side are too, painting one whole side of the stadium in blue and white. I’m just wearing a grey jumper. I had a matching jersey years ago, in fact I even went to the trouble of digging it out of the bottom drawer of the chest in my childhood bedroom earlier, but it’s girls size 13-14. It won’t even go over my chest anymore. 
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“Are you excited?” I say to Claire, who I expect to be beaming, but isn’t. 
“Yeah I suppose.” She says. 
“It’s a bit mad to be here together, isn’t it? Like, how many of these matches would you say you go to?”
“Oh God, like, probably all of them, I’m always stuck in these seats watching him.”
“You’re very supportive.”
“I’m a saint.”
My smile falters a bit, she doesn’t seem excited in the least. When I imagined her coming to these games I always had a picture in my mind of her cheering him on with voracious enthusiasm, hanging over the railings, chanting his name, but by the rather stoic expression on her face today I’m starting to doubt my own assumptions. “Not pushed about the match, no?” 
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She sighs. “No, it’s fine, I just… this has been a touchy subject between us lately.”
“It’s how much he wants to play it.”
I frown. “But he’s made it onto the senior team, surely it’s normal that it’ll take up a lot of his time.”
“Yeah it’s just like,  he’s in fourth year in UCD now, I wish he’d just study or something, focus on his degree.”
“There’s no future in football, like, he’ll never get paid for it and I just don’t want him to throw away his science degree because he’s too caught up with an amateur sport. There’s good money in pharmaceuticals if he works hard enough, and then we could start saving for a mortgage or a wedding, or I don’t know, kids or something.”
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I nod, though it’s incredibly weird to hear her talk about such things now, at twenty one years old, when they seem lightyears away for me. A mortgage? I don’t even know how that works, never mind how I’d go about saving for one, but Claire has always been eager to settle. 
“Is he struggling to balance both things?”
“Well, he isn’t really trying to. He’s just not doing his college work.”
“At all?”
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She shakes her head. Her mouth becomes a thin line as she stares out over the pitch where the players have begun to filter out, shaking the hands of the other team, and I spot Shane for the first time, dressed in a blue jersey with stripes across his shoulders. He is powerful looking, even amongst all of the others. Two men in Helly Hansen fleeces and caps walk straight through my line of vision and settle into the seats directly in front of us, blocking out the view momentarily. By the time I regain my view of the pitch the players have all settled into their starting positions. 
“I assume you’ve talked about this with him.” I say to Claire. 
“Yeah of course, but I might as well be speaking to a brick wall. You know how he is with talking about things. At all. Ever.”
I hesitate. “He can be a bit withholding, for sure.” 
“Never go out with an Irish man.” She declares. “They’ll only wreck your head.” I want to tell her that men from other countries haven’t been much more straightforward in my experience, but then the whistle blows and the match begins. 
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It’s true what they say in the newspapers about Shane Healy. He’s like a bolt of lightning on that pitch. He’s big, he’s quick and he’s aggressive, and yet there is something about his style of play that I didn’t expect to see. He’s like a child out there. The way that he practically skips along with the ball, lobbing it up into his hands and kicking it up the pitch makes it seem like he’s mocking the players around him, the ones who can’t catch him, can’t stop him. 
I watch him possess the ball once again, drop it onto his right foot and neatly slot it through the goalposts for a perfect point. The crowd erupts into euphoric cheers, including me and Claire, who both laugh ourselves onto our feet and start yelling out for him. I’m not close enough to see him smiling, but I know he is, jogging around in a wide circle, clenching his fists in celebration. 
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The two men in front of us are muttering about something when we sit back down, and the only reason I tune in is because I hear them say his name. “Healy. Number fifteen. ” I nudge Claire and mutter “They’re talking about your boyfriend there.”
“What are they saying?”
We try to listen in, but the stadium is too loud to catch anything but the odd word. “I can’t hear.” I admit. “Are they Australian? Hardly.” The idea of a person coming all the way from the continent of Oceania to find themselves in a shabby Tullamore stadium, of all places, would be markedly strange. 
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“Oh, foreign men?” Claire drawls. “Maybe I should give one of them my number.” She slams her sunglasses onto her face, shielding her eyes from the sharp October sun, and we both put our focus back onto the pitch. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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liyrical · 8 months
Do you have any fushiita/itafushi fic recs
funnily enough despite my rot i dont really read a lot of jjk fics (mostly because i dont enjoy a lot of the en fandom's interpretations of characters)
i have a handful though (not in order of favourites or anything!):
here and where you are by cityboys (T, 17.2k words, memory loss.) 🌟 i like this one because it feels appropriately in line with gege's flavour of tragedy
shadow puppets by mustardleaf (T, 2.9k, shikigami nonsense~) 🌟 megumi's affection for yuuji trickles down into his shikigami too. comical and embarrassing! mamoritai (let me save you) by livelovelaughmikannie (800 words, angst) 🌟 doomed yaoi (chapter 212 spoilers)
My Love Mine All Mine by darlingscurse (gen, 8.1k, sopping wet jealous urchin) 🌟 teenage boy jealousy loser core ^__^ poor junpei
I can't stop you putting roots in my dreamland by stillifall (gen, 4.8k, shikigami nonsense pt.2) 🌟 once again this is incredibly embarrassing and comical (for megumi)
puts his lips on my neck (makes me wanna give him my body) by xiaoscribbles (E, 11.1k, aged up characters) 🌟 yuuji discovers that megumi knows how to drive a car manually. he is incredibly normal about this (hes lying!!!!!)
(honestly i have more pixiv/artist bookmark recommendations than i do fics LMAOOOOOOOOO)
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 2) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: Oh wow, thank you so much for all the love for the first chapter!!! It means a lot. Also, i have another fic called Happy (Sad) New Year if you’re interested in seeing. And another thing is that I might update this series weekly.
Summary: You might have a crush on Tommy’s cute tall friend with the glasses.
Pairing(s): CC!Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader, CC!Wilbur Soot x actor!reader.
Warning(s): None.
italics: streams
my masterlist :))
After your Twitter interaction with TommyInnit, The same thing happened again, funnily enough, was with a friend of Tommy’s and fellow streamer. You recognized him from the first vlog you’ve watched of Tommy’s, the cute tall one with the glasses. Wilbur Soot was his name or at least that was what people called him. Again, your fans tagged you in various posts, moments caught from his stream. In one of those clips, he jokingly banged his fist on his desk.
“That was suppose to be me, chat! I like them first! It’s not fair. Tommy keeps rubbing it on my face.”
There was another one where he talked about when he first liked you.
“I found this soundtrack, right, chat. And it was from this movie. I searched it up, watched it and just immediately it became one of my favourite films. They played one of the characters in it and I found out they wrote a song from the soundtrack that coincidentally is my favourite.”
The thing that got you though was when he complimented your singing and writing in the song that you wrote. You remembered being scared shitless for that particular role for two reasons. One, you never sang in front of that many people before and it made you nervous. Two, although you loved writing songs—you have a journal filled with unfinished songs—you didn’t think you had the ability to write one that was vital to your character’s arc.
“They have a very good voice in my opinion, no, a great voice actually. And that specific song was quite relatable for me—I’m pouring my heart out here, chat, and here you are calling me a simp. Fine, go ahead, call me a simp. I don’t care. Maybe I am a simp. What about it, chat?”
You thought it was really sweet how he thinks of you and you couldn’t help the slight fluttering in your heart and the butterflies in your stomach when his fans tell him that he has a crush. Also his cute smile didn’t help at all with the sensation growing inside you. Honestly, you could just watch a video of him smiling over and over again.
For days, you keep thinking about him which was frustrating and exciting in some way. You felt like a teenager again, crushing on a boy that smiled at you in passing. You haven’t told anyone about it, knowing that everyone was going to tease you if they knew and would try to convince you to reach out to him. You wanted to, badly even, but life in the spotlight has its ups and downs. You don’t want the paparazzi to be crowding and violating this man’s private life just for the sole reason of trying to find out who you might be dating next.
You were scrolling down YouTube again, filling the time as you sat down in the hair and makeup trailer, when you came across a band. From experience, artists you found on YouTube most of the time was your cup of tea so you clicked on the video titled ‘Taunt’ by Lovejoy. The already enjoyable song got more enjoyable when you saw the familiar face that had been invading your mind. You eyes grew wide, your head no longer bopping, and finally that feeling in your heart returned.
“Don’t smile too much. I’m doing your powder.” One of the makeup artist spoke, moving a brush across your cheeks.
“Oh shit, sorry Sloane.” Yet, you smiled again as the video plays out.
Sloane smirked, looking at your phone screen. “Know one of ‘em? Is that why you’re smiling all of the sudden?”
“I know that tone.” You glared at the older woman beside you. “And yes, I do know one of them if you must know.”
“Which one?”
“The one with the glasses and the hat. The tall one.”
Sloane leaned closer. “He’s cute.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I can see why you’re into him.”
“I did not say that I like him.”
“You didn’t have to.” Sloane pointed the brush she was holding at your face. “Your smile already did.”
When you realized Wilbur Soot have a band, the obvious choice was to go on a rabbit hole of listening to their entire discography. It took a few listens but their songs grew on you and eventually made their way into your various playlists—some grew annoyed listening to you repeating their songs. Now that you found a perfect opportunity to try and talk to Wilbur, the only thing that’s left was the execution. You didn’t want to make it too obvious that you’re trying to reach this guy. You could only imagine the article they would write about and you didn’t need to be ask about “a mystery guy” when doing press junkets later on.
“What are you scared of? You’re just posting about this band that you like. You’ve done it a million times.” You said, trying to calm yourself.
With one last inhale and exhale, you began typing. Your heart beating vigorously with each letter that you pressed. It was incredibly ridiculous how nervous you were. You kind of wished someone was there to give you some emotional support but alas you were alone in your trailer.
“Okay, that’s good enough, I think. Not too long, not too short. All that’s left to do is post it.”
Your thumb hovered over the button, still contemplating whether or not this was the right choice. Maybe you should’ve chosen the lowkey route. Just slide into his DM’s like many of your friends did. What if he doesn’t see it? What if he doesn’t interact with it the way his friend Tommy did? What if he turns out to be an absolute dick? The possibilities were endless.
When the waiting and the doing absolutely nothing began eating you out, you decided it’s now or never.
“Fuck it.” You closed your eyes, pressed the button and the deed was done.
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actuallykyogai · 2 months
for the character ask game: takaba!
Of course! I love Takaba!
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My first impression-
Funnily enough, I've always liked Takaba. When I first read the manga, his initial appearance in chapter 146 interested me. Y'know, just some random comedian taking part in the Culling Games. I wanted to know more about his character, and we actually got that in 241, which was great.
My impression now-
If it wasn't obvious enough, Takaba's my favourite character in the whole of Jujutsu Kaisen. Probably one of my top 3 in all media now that I think of it. I also refuse to believe that he's dead, although his conclusion at the end of 243 was awesome. Takaba genuinely has an emotional affect on me, I relate to him a lot.
Favourite thing about him-
I mean, I like everything about Takaba. From his design, to his personality, to his dynamics with other characters. But if I had to name one thing, it probably would be his personality. He's a breath of fresh air in what's typically a more serious manga.
Least favourite thing-
I don't necessarily have a least favourite thing about Takaba. I would've liked to see more of his interactions with Hazenoki, such as when Hazenoki finally caves in and gives him some of his points.
Favourite line/scene-
To be brief, his introduction in 168/169, and the Fantasy (fanta-sea) scene in 242. But it's mainly the Fanta-Sea scene because is portrays such a pivotal moment in Takaba's life. Kenjaku was able to give him something he wanted for so many years, and he was able to just enjoy himself and be genuinely happy doing comedy with someone he liked being around.
Favourite character interaction-
Another shocker, Takaba and Kenjaku's comedy routine was something I really enjoyed. I wasn't expecting to like them together as much as I did (I was- and still am- a diehard Hazenoki/Takaba fan) but they managed to become by favourite duo! Their dynamics are great, two lonely people making company out of the other, giving each other what the other wanted in return. It's beautiful, I would definitely not be opposed to more Pinchan content in the manga!
A character I wish he'd interact with more-
Hazenoki! I think they would be a good comedy duo if Hazenoki was willing to cooperate. But he absolutely wouldn't. I actually would like it if he interacted with Yuji more. He'd be a great father figure...
A character from another fandom that reminds me of him-
Monkey D. Luffy from One PIece! Specifically Gear 5: Takaba's cursed technique reminds me of it.
A headcanon about Takaba-
I think he's a huge anime fan, as well as being a comedy fanatic. I suppose it's already kinda canon, seeing how many references we've gotten. Anyway, he's definitely a JJBA fan.
A song that reminds me of him-
To be honest, I don't normally think of characters when I'm listening to music. A basic answer would be Baka-Survivor by Ulfus. I feel like being extra different though, so I'll say The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny by Lemon Demon. It's a pretty random and funny song, the unexpected events and references to characters in media remind me of Takaba vs Kenjaku.
Unpopular opinions-
I dunno if I have any really unpopular opinions about Takaba. He is fairly popular in the grand scheme of things. But most people don't have him in their Top 10 (power-scaling wise) so there's that '3'
Favourite picture-
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There's a lot, but I chose this one ☆
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runawaymun · 2 months
It says inbox on the game, but I'm just going to ask. When did you start writing?
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
What is your least favourite character to write about and why?
Do you read a lot of fanfiction?
Thank you, friend!
When did you start writing?
Basically as soon as I learned how, haha. I have always known I wanted to write books ever since I knew what books were.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Funnily enough, LOTR when I was like ten. It's all gone now and I think it was only one chapter because I was always abandoning projects as a kid. The first time I finished a project I think I was fifteen?
What is your least favourite character to write about and why?
Interesting. I'm racking my brain trying to think of one and I really can't? I don't write for characters that I'm not insane about. I used to get asked to write reader inserts for hobbits and that wasn't my jam. It's not that I don't love them as characters, I'm just not good at writing any of them.
Do you read a lot of fanfiction?
Yep! I think it's about a 50/50 split of fanfic to regular books. I am extremely picky about what I read, though.
ask game
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yumedoca · 4 months
"Manga Kosuke" shows up in the anime more than once, including several episodes and at least one of the ovas, I think once he even got dialogue albeit in a crowd and not important dialogue.
Similarly curly haired stormtrooper shows up several times too, like once the Stormtroopers are throwing a party for Lum and he's just there with them and Ataru. Maybe it was the storyline where Lum left the earth and gave Ataru a doll of herself.
I also believe one Urusei Yatsura video game for the original Gameboy featured Perm and Kosuke; humorously they were an edit of the same base sprite!
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Hai again, hope you're doing great!!
Since these were all sent by the same anon, I figured it was best to answer them all together..
Firstly, relating to the first two asks, I'm aware of Kosuke's cameos in the anime, the wiki has stated which all episodes it is and I very much know the most obvious cameo he made which would be in the 'Goat and Cheese' OVA, aka my favourite of the OVAs after 'Inaba the Dream maker'. I also do think I've seen Megane pop up sometimes in the manga, albeit it's very rarely and it's really hard to miss, but I do remember spotting him for at least one or two cameos (didn't know about Chibi though, I'll keep an eye out next time). The video game fact is really cool though!! Onto the next few asks...
Actually, I'm pretty sure that Megane was actually the one who got most of Kosuke's roles, funnily enough, in the last Kosuke ask I answered, @superamatista said this as well..
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..one example being in electric jungle, the one who joined AtaMenShino in saving Lum was Kosuke in the manga but in the anime it was Megane. The main and obvious reason for this is because in the manga, Kosuke is Ataru's closest friend, but in the anime, Megane is given that role instead (while still having the antagonistic side to him), so naturally a lot of his dialogue is given to Megane instead. It's been a while since I've binged the original anime all together, but I've watched a bunch of UY episodes from the original series a while back after reading the manga chapters for them since I was curious how the anime would've adapted those chapters and literally most (like around 80-90%) of the lines and role belonged to Megane, even if he has added original bits. Now that I think about it properly, I think the other three stormtroopers mostly get their lines from Hokuto and the other nameless boys in the class, mainly Chibi and Kakugari (but there might be a rare chance where they do get Kosuke's lines I don't really remember though). Perm's lines are a combo of the nameless boys and a little bit of Kosuke, while Megane's is mostly Kosuke. Of course, they have added original lines which would suit their character added to the dialogues as well. I feel like the cases where they don't give Megane Kosuke's role and give it to Perm instead, is either when Megane already had a large original role or when the role doesn't fit Megane's character. The best example of the latter is the double date AtaLum went with Kosuke and his girlfriend, while in the anime it was Perm and his (not really) girlfriend because Megane WOULD NOT ever go a date with another girl, he's too dedicated to Lum and I think they even lampshade this.
And yes, I am aware Kosuke (and Hokuto) were in the first chapter, and then they disappeared for a while and reappeared permanently in chapter 26 I think. As to why I think Perm and Kosuke are different (and why I like Kosuke more) is mostly based on opinion really. And I'll be honest now, I've never really cared much about the stormtroopers (so sorry anon but it's true), I don't hate them but I don't really love them all that much either, Megane is the only one I like and it's mostly because of Shigeru Chiba's performance (great guy). The stormtroopers to me is just 'Megane and the others' because it's literally mostly Megane and to me at least, the others are just the one dimensional members of his gang. Since they show them off as 'mostly Megane' because favouritism, it's only natural that I don't pay much attention to the others. The only thing I remember Perm doing is going on the double date and that's it. But it isn't like that for Kosuke! To me, Kosuke has a sort of charisma that all of Rumiko's characters have, even the nameless students of class 2-4. I feel like the stormtroopers don't have this specific charisma since they are mainly Oshii's characters, not Rumiko's. I get Kosuke may not be the most noticeable character, but once you start paying attention to him, you'll get to see what a great guy he is. He's silly and a goofball and a very friendly guy, a good friend to Ataru and even though he does simp over Lum a bit, he isn't stormtrooper level obsessed, he only really is against Ataru when he does or thinks he'll do something wrong (unless he's a part of his scheme lol). He's decently popular with girls, he has a girlfriend (which even Mendo and somewhat Ataru don't have) and has got chocolate from a junior on Valentine's Day and he seemed to be getting along well with the girls at Asuka's school as well. His horny level is on average since he has been shown to read porn mags and such but he doesn't disrespect or grope women in real like like Ataru does. On his date with his girlfriend, they wore matching clothing and he seems forgiving of the fact that she's a huge eater and that she's a burden on his wallet, showing he does really love her (I distinctly remember Perm in the anime version stating he'll throw his girl off a cliff or something for Lum but I'm not sure if it's a real scene or not, I can't remember). Kosuke is one of the biggest menaces in the class with Ataru and Mendo, and teams up with Ataru and on rarer cases Mendo too to take Onsen down. And Kosuke just have a lot of moments I remember, the time where he was indirectly the cause for AtaLum to fall for the other (Megane did this in the anime), the time when he and Ataru and Mendo got drunk at school late at night, the time he got kidnapped by Mendo's giant octopus, all the times Kosuke and Ataru whack the shit out of Onsen and his little comedic remarks which feel much funnier in the manga than when said in the anime cuz the anime exaggerates the bigger jokes causing the smaller ones to fall flat (the jokes in the manga remain in a good balance and most of the jokes are around the same level of funny) Kosuke just has a lot to him which Perm doesn't have because only some of these things were either mostly reserved for Megane or split among the other stormtroopers or if you are talking about friendship, the stormtroopers together are much worse friends to Ataru than Kosuke. And like that, I disagree with the Perm is much more complex than Kosuke bit too. The manga omakes literally have an entire huge analysis on Kosuke (which makes me love him even more) and that's says a lot.
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I think if I had paid more attention to Perm and the other two, maybe I can get more things to be interested about? But I feel like the average viewer would pay the most attention to Megane and just regard the others as extras. And I'm so sorry if any part made it sound as if I was insulting them cuz I didn't mean to and was only stating how they seemed to me personally. And it's cool if anon or anyone really, loves the stormtroopers or Perm over Kosuke, whatever it is, I know how it is to love small underrated characters and we're all different and have our own perspectives and that's what makes us unique, and in the end, we are fans of the same series.
Considering I've answered five asks at once, I am going to declare that this topic is closed (I'm sorry, I have other stuff to do). Microsoft Word says that this entire post is over a page long so do me a favor and reblog this if you love Kosuke :)
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sakuracoloring · 2 months
Cami's Commentary! #7 - I finished Tex!
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「ようこそ!」 。。。
Good morning/afternoon/night to whoever may be reading this! It's like midnight rn and I just finished reading Tex (yippeeee) :D so I wanna talk (write, but same difference) about it!!
Starting it off a tiny bit unrelated: Does anyone else have this problem with imagining characters off of their descriptions? Like, once I read the description, I can see it in my mind, but as I continue reading the story, that description just fades away and I don't really see anything inside my head. Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ To kinda help solve this, I usually search up fanart or pictures of the actors (if there's a movie adaptation to the story), but unfortunately that has led me to finding out spoilers (both for The Outsiders and Rumble Fish) so I'm trying avoid doing that as much as possible. For some reason as I was reading Tex, Lem Peters was simply Owen Wilson (??no idea why) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and Mason was Kevin from Ben 10 (his UAF version tho, not from classic). No idea why, but it didn't really shift my focus from the story so whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways, (sorry for the ramble) ^_^ I loved it :D It was very yummy to read: Interesting cast, flawless writing (S.E. Hinton eats and leaves no fucking crumbs), lots of details (very important), and every last page of a chapter left me wanting more (which is even more important!)
I'm not sure if I love it more than The Outsiders, but I definitely prefer it over Rumble Fish (book, though, not the movie). No hate to Rumble Fish, it's an amazing book, but I honestly thought the movie was better. Like, it gave the story a glow-up, yk? Not just the more mature elements they added, but also the overall cinematography and it being in black and white (while the fishes are in color) really gave the story the extra boost it needed (well, in my opinion at least, lol). Funnily enough, my opinion on The Outsiders is the contrary: The book was definitely better than the movie. Now don't get me wrong, the movie is awesome and one of my favourites of all time, but it felt a bit (understandably) lacking in details and I feel like the book has more to offer when it comes to that. Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's just how I feel. If I end up watching the Tex movie tomorrow (technically later today), I'll probably make a post talking about it :)
Also, I love the occasional use of language here :D It really fits into the story and makes it more realistic yk (I wish Rumble Fish had used a bit more, considering who the characters are and how they act)
Just an extra little thing before I go to sleep (sleep schedule? non existent 😍): “Thanks," I said. I was getting turned on just looking at her. I wondered if she could tell, but no, the blanket kept me covered up pretty good. (Page 203), & ''Boy, if he knew what I’d been thinking about Jamie!'' (Page 205) 🤨🤨🤨Sir, this is a McDonalds...
Thank you for making it this far :D it really means a lot to me <3
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oh no :( she's trapped
See you next time! ☆
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sarilolla · 8 months
Just came back from the second chapter of your hanahaki branch fic and I just gotta say you write so wonderfully fr, the chapters are the perfect length and nothing feels rushed or too slow, plus the premise of platonic hanahaki has always been my weakness LMAO 10/10 definitely one of my favourite trolls fics so far
Funnily enough, I read the first chapter right before going to bed and immediately had a vivid dream inspired by it which is crazy 😭 I thought I'd share it
It was the trolls band together scene where brozone's arguing (somehow Branch had managed to keep his consistently worsening condition a secret from them thus far) and it ends W JD saying theyre going separate ways after finding Floyd like in canon, and Branch did get to have his rant, but then when he was trying to go after Floyd on his own, he instead immediately collapsed outside Rhonda and quite literally started dying cuz of the late stage and massive buds,, to the point Poppy had to start performing cpr and barely managed to save him in time, and the last thing he said before I woke up was quietly to poppy that he thinks he's not going to survive the next attack
Basically tldr my brain on a random fuckin night completely angsted because I decided to read an epicly sad trolls fic (I love angst and pain and suffering of my favs tho best form of fanfics fr and I am correct)
Yesss, omg, thank you!! Being the writer of a favorite fic is such an honor fr :,D And platonic hanahaki is so good, just, the pain of loving a friend or family member so much it's killing you, it just hits in a different way than romantic, you know? To trust someone like that, like a friend, as family, it's just...
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Also, don't spoil yourself with that dream! (Jk, jk) (Or am I?)
I may or may not also have had a fandom dream after reading hard hitting fics, so I feel you fr (And you are so right about pain and suffering for the favorites)
Thanks again!
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
(not a request - just me sharing thoughts lol)
Abvdhabsb I just wanna scoop some of the lil guys from the pet AU into my hands and give them belly rubs or something. Just have them on their back, cupped in my hands, with my thumbs squishing their cheek or tickling them or whatever,,,, they're so cute lol
I bet the twins would try to nom me though. And Vil wouldn't want his appearance to be messed up (although he may be willing to put up with some pampering,,,) I think Ace and Deuce would be smug little menaces - teasing the other if they're the one to receive the affectionate treatment...
Abshshsb I love your AUs so much you have so many great ideas and the way you execute them are!!! Amazing!!! Pet AU is one of my favs - alongside the Janitor AU and your Eldritch one too (those rose bushes have remained in my brain lmao - junji Ito is one of my favourite mangakas for a reason. The reason is that the eldrich horror is fun.)
I hope you have a great day! Also make sure you stay hydrated!
Thank you thank you! I have a lot of pets so I have a lot of memories to pull from and use as inspiration for the little shenanigans that happen in the house pet au.
Oh, and because of the most recent chapters, specifically the knowledge that Malleus was born from an egg, I've been in the mood to write a what-if where the house pets are genuine babies. As in, they're not at all old enough to be away from their parents just yet. Basically, nursery au type thing. Vil doesn't have his eyes open, a pretty bald little thing with only the lightest of fuzz on his head. The plant nymphs are still in their hard shells, tripping and don't even have their colors yet. Soils needs constant changing. You get the deal.
Would any of you like that idea? An AU of an AU. A Nursery AU.
I'm having the slightest bit of trouble with the spirits in Savanaclaw but I have a few ideas as to how they would be as real youngsters.
Anyways, funnily enough, I actually haven't gotten into Junji Ito until waaaay after I got into university. But, I have been exposed so a lot of Juniji Ito inspired works, so I suppose my horror writing style was, in the end, influenced by him. I like strange horror. I like beautiful horror! Like in the manga Hell's Paradise. I'll try and make some more horror pieces, mostly because I haven't done so in a while.
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eastwindmlk · 2 months
Thank you for this fun game!
For titles:
11. Have you ever 'borrowed' a title? and 13. Do you have a favourite title from someone else?
For tags:
5. What is your favourite common tag? and 6. What is your go to No Beta tag?
Thank you for asking!
11. Have you ever 'borrowed' a title?
There are a few! So, other than the Galavant ones, since those are obvious there is a Shakespeare reference, a song or two. (Funnily enough Surface Pressure as completely subliminal and I only realized that way after posting.
But most notably is Home & Away, which both the fic and the chapter titles are all Australian TV shows.
13. Do you have a favourite title from someone else?
Okay, so I think this is pretty funny because @practicecourts asked this too and I actually thought of 'Head Over Handlebars' when writing this question. So, there is that!
I am also obsessed with @ohmygodshesinsane's 'haha, unless...' which is currently open on my phone.
What is your favourite common tag?
I am a big sucker for most AUs, so seeing those are always a delight. Other than that hi-jinx and shenanigans
What is your go to No Beta tag?
I either use No Beta we die like mne or No Beta just me and Grammarly Free.
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wearingaberetinparis · 5 months
20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thank you @ghostofbambifanfiction for the tag! 💕
1. How many works do you have on A03? A shocking 76!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,430,364
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter, the Marauders Era, exclusively Jily as far as pairings go. I used to write Gilmore Girls fanfiction when I was a very young teenager (between 12-15).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? A Game of Thrones, Call It What You Want, It Only Takes A Taste, Lily in the Sky with Diamonds, Knocked Up By Me Ex.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to as much as I can, but sometimes real life gets in the way or I just want to get the new chapter up and I want to write more than I want to reply to comments. Do know that I read every single one of them and that I love them and cherish them for eternity!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The angstiest ending? Pfft... I don't like angsty endings. I have angsty starts and middles, but I think endings should never be angsty. That's what canon is for in case of Jily.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmm... I think most of them have a happy ending (once they are complete). I like the way that Call It What You Want ended after all the drama.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really. I get the odd comment, but that's it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do. More so recently. I definitely do not feel comfortable writing it just yet. I try to make it good, but I usually cringe when I reread what I have written and just hope that you think it's sexy. I get in my head about it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not crossovers so much, but I definitely have works inspired by other works, such as Lily in the Sky with Diamonds, Happy Place, 10 Things I Hate About You, etc.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of! Fingers crossed this is not ever going to happen!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have received requests, but none that were actually published, I am sure. Someone once made a podfic of one of my works.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not really, but know that I am always open to it! @athenasparrow and I might work together at some point.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Jily. Until the very end.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I plan on finishing most. I have a schedule for finishing a couple of works this summer. But... yeah... I hope I can finish everything.
16. What are your writing strengths? Hmm... conveying emotions, I think? Maybe dialogue, too? I don't know. I would need to ask you, probably.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Hmm... perfectionism? I can really worry over the use of one word or the syntax of a phrase. I hate that, to be honest.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Why not?
19. First fandom you wrote for? Gilmore Girls, funnily enough, seeing as I was such a Harry Potter fan as a child and teenager first. But I very quickly switched to Jily and never left.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Oh, hmm... currently I think it's Call It What You Want. This may change! Hahahaha! I suppose I had never considered myself capable of writing anything so smutty.
Tagging @mppmaraudergirl and anyone else who would like to answer these!
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silentmoths · 1 year
As Fragile as a Brick wall
It's me, pulling my ass out of writers block hell to stress write a chapter because everything in my life is in boxes and I hate it.
Chapter 6: You really thought asking her out to dinner was a good idea, huh bud?
Zhongli x Afab (fem pronoun) Reader
NSFW elements in later chapters
Multi-chapter, Royal AU, angst, mentions of death, eventual fluff, eventual smut, hurt/comfort (Wonderful header image made by the wonderful @ainescribe)
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You had definitely cracked a rib.
The blooming bruise, the pain when you breathed in, moved too quickly, or gods help you, sneeze? It was a dead giveaway. 
You were no damsel though, funnily enough, your ex-fiance had once shown you how he went about bandaging himself up after a particularly rough tussle with the captain of his own guard. So with little time on your hands, that's what you do. Strapping your torso in a way that prevented too much movement, but was also easily enough hidden beneath your clothing for the evening.
Between your thigh and your rib, half of you didn’t particularly want to attend this dinner with the king…but there was a part of you, that scared, lonely teenager who had lost her rock to lean on, that needed to know.
You stubbornly hide your limp as you make your way to the dining room. When was the last time this room had even seen use? You weren’t too sure. Not since your mother had died… none of you could stomach being in the same room as one another lest insults begin to fly. 
Seems even Zhongli’s touch had blown away the dust and dreary that had long since settled here. Dingy greys are replaced with warm reds, rich golds and warm, soft velvets. The room was…inviting, for the first time in many years. The table is set for only two, it seems he wanted to speak with you in confidance, though you had somewhat hoped that your place would be at the opposite end of the table, no such luck. One place set at the head, and the other to the left. 
He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d ordered old favourites. Roasted duck and candied orange, root vegetables, stews, the kitchens freshest rolls and hand-churned butter, smells from your childhood that flood your senses and make you feel warm and soft. Zhongli looks up from the scroll he had been examining and smiles, warm, bright and hopeful. 
“I’ll admit…I’m surprised you came…” He murmurs as you slowly sink into your seat with a slow, quiet exhale from your nose; like hell you were about to show weakness, no matter how badly your torso throbbed beneath the bandages. “But I’m glad… You must have many questions.” 
“Well you’re certainly not wrong.” You grunt, occupying yourself by washing back a flagon of mead, hoping the drink would dull something, anything.
“Shall I start from the beginning?” He asks, his warm smile and kind gaze never once leaving you, even as he takes a bite of his dinner.
“Well, I’d assume that would be the logical option.” You know you’re being short with him…but considering, well, everything, you felt like you at least had that right.
Zhongli nods, taking another slow bite of his food.
“It was the day your father started torturing innocent civilians…” he begins, lacing his fingers together as he stares deeply into the cup of red wine before him, watching his reflection distort back at him. “I had known for many months at that point that your father had truly begun to lose himself…but that day…something in his eyes…any semblance of the man he used to be…gone.” “You say that as if my father was ever a good man.” you reply, trying to recall any fond memories you had of the man…scant after the birth of your twin brothers. “I never said he was…but there comes a point in one's life where you can learn to ignore some of the atrocities…but then he reached a point where I could no longer…” Zhongli sighs, “I began searching for ways to dethrone him peacefully…but anyone who could potentially hold such power was so afraid of his wrath…if not his, then his sons…even the archbishop proved useless; and I as one man could not overthrow him.” “So you left.” you spit “you abandoned your kingdom-” “I had not intended to.” He pushes, letting one hand fall to the table, lightly brushing against your own before you pull it away with a sharp look “An opportunity arose and I took it…but I had never intended to abandon the kingdom…abandon you like that, your highness.”
“Well you did.” You hiss quietly “you abandoned this kingdom and left us…all of us…to the hands of my father… Do you know how powerless I was? Once you left I was nothing but a bargaining chip!” You feel the way your ribs throb in your torso and you grit your teeth, taking no small amount of pleasure in the way his eyes widen, it was nice to see his facade crack now and then. 
“You left… and he got worse, because he didn’t have you here to keep any sort of lead on him.”
Zhongli’s gaze falls again, unable to look you in the face as he considers his response, clasping his fingers together and unclasping them again. 
“At the time…it seemed as if my presence was no longer doing anything to hold him back… He became…hungry for more power, hungry to show your brothers what they would inherit…What atrocities he would allow them to commit… But when he began declaring war on everyone who would even look his way..I knew things had gone too far… you should eat before your food goes cold.”
You blink at him, and then down at your food before shooting him a look, he smiles in return, but you can see a hint of sadness behind it, a change form the usual warmth…for the first time, Zhongli looks…tired. The longer you look at his face, the more you notice it, the faint bags beneath his eyes, the tired haze…had it always been there? 
“On the field during that battle…I came across Xiao…a young child who was never meant to be on the field…but his knight commander demanded it…he was beaten and abused…but he fought like a god… when I killed his previous commander…he immediately bent his knee to me… it wasn’t long after that I met Ganyu… Ganyu actually hails from the outskirts of Liyue, but she and a small group of people had already begun to band together to do something about the king…I saw this group as my chance…and so.. “
“So you left…” you mutter, pushing a roasted potato around your plate. Were you angry at him? Or at yourself for being angry at him? It was hard to tell.
Zhongli nods with a soft noise “I had…never intended to remain away as long as I did… but if I stood any chance at overthrowing him… I needed to make sure those who came with me could handle it…Xiao is an excellent fighter, but at the time he lacked control, he could lose himself easily… I am just…grateful that when the night of the siege came… my old guard still remembered me…and you were not here to witness it.”
“Oh, what? So you could have forced me to marry you then and there?” you scoff, stabbing at the potato you had been victimising. “Glad I was away playing dignitary in Sneznhaya with the Tsaritsa and her overbearing little prince?”
“I-I would not have forced you to marry-” Zhongli starts, but you interject, slamming both hands onto the table as you haul yourself from your seat to glare daggers down at him.
“So you would hold my twin brothers hostage and trade them for my hand instead!?” You holler, dignity and grace be damned. “You knew I never once cared for their existence and yet you somehow thought I cared enough to trade myself for their freedom when you know damn well they never would have done the same.”
“I…I know.” he sighs, he remains where he is, staring up at you with amber eyes swimming with so many different emotions it’s hard to read. Regret? Grief? Sadness? “I will admit…I had, as Ganyu called it…an inflated ego-”
You snort a howling laugh, it was all you could do to keep the tears of pain at bay, even if you couldn’t quite pinpoint if it was physical or emotional pain that was making your eyes sting. “I’ll say! I’m sure I made such a wonderful impression, slicing those traitors heads right there on your brand new carpet.”
“You are angry-” “Angry? …Angry!?” You devolve into full on shouting, shouting loud enough that any attendants manning the doors eyes widen and they quickly shuffle from the room. “You have some fucking gall, your majesty.” you spit at him “thinking you could manipulate me into marrying you after you take the kingdom by force.” 
“I never wanted to manipulate you.” Zhongli rasps, actually shrinking back at the sheer force of your rage. “That was never my intention…”
“Then what was Zhongli!?” You seethe “You got what you wanted, the kingdom was yours, I never needed to be a part of your ideal! So why!?”
His next words fall from his lips without hesitation, his resolve strong as stone as he looks into your fiery gaze.
“Because I had made peace with my feelings for you many years ago, because I wanted to share this victory with you.”
You blink and step back. It takes a moment to process, and when the words finally settle into your skin, they don't feel right. Too sincere, too honest.
Too true.
“Don't lie to me-” you rasp, but Zhongli shakes his head softly.
“I am not.” He tells you simply “Is it really all that surprising that after all the years I spent with you as your appointed knight did not culminate in my feelings towards you becoming more than just that? Your mother tried so very hard to keep you safe from the harsh hand of your father…and when she passed, I took that role without hesitation…because your smile was all I wanted.”
“S-stop it-” 
“If it were not for the fact your father already had plans, I would have asked him for your hand many years ago.”
“S-shut up!”
“You deserve to be a queen.” He presses, slowly rising to stand as you take a step back, emotionally? You had no idea where you were, why you were; but you needed to get away from him. “If anyone deserved to inherit this kingdom it was you.” 
No, nope, nuh-uh. You couldn’t take that…sincere look in his eyes. You hated him, you hated him for leaving, you somehow hated him even more for coming back. You hated his handsome face and his silky hair and his pretty eyes. You hated it.
Didn’t you?
“I know you do not trust me. Not after all I have done…but please…little love…let me earn it back from you…let me prove myself to you, like I did when I was assigned as your knight.”
Little love.
You hadn’t heard that name since your mother had died.
Words refuse to form on your tongue, you can’t think straight. Your ribs and leg are throbbing and he offers you his hand. You hated him.
You also happen to hate how the edges of your vision are beginning to blur, and how short your breath was becoming. Perhaps you had tied the bandages a little too tight, and only made them worse with your sudden movements.
You hate how Zhongli’s brow creases in concern. “Are you alright? You look whiter than a ghost-” his words are cut off when you take a step away and your knee buckles. Just like when you had fallen from the tree earlier in the day, he’s there to catch you, strong, but gentle arms wrap around you as you feel your world fading off for a short while, Zhongli’s wide, amber pools being the last thing you see.
At least he looked scared.
Serves him right.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @theheartshaker @rjssierjrie Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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active-mind-15 · 8 months
What is your favourite line from Accidental Siblings, if it's not terribly spoilery? 🫢
Hello, hello! Good to see your pfp again. 🤠
This one is a nice ask because I got to take another read through my old chapters. I managed to find an excerpt that made me laugh, so I've screenshotted it for your viewing pleasure.
For context, it's a text message that Aomine sends to Akashi in one of my chapters. The text itself doesn't spoil what exactly Aomine is talking about, but I thought it would be funny to get you guessing as to what made him text Akashi this. You know with their flip phones their text messages are formatted the way we format emails, so imagining this excerpt as an email someone would send to me made me laugh even harder.
Funnily enough, I checked the date of when I posted the chapter this excerpt is from, and 10 days ago was the 7-year anniversary, which is pretty neat 🤠. Anyway, enjoy the excerpt.
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hirukochan · 11 months
what scents do you associate your characters with (if you’re a fragrance expert perhaps you could share some specific perfumes😆) and what’d they smell in amortentia? question especially for freya and dove! for harrie and snape maybe this will counted as hcs? (even though we know harry’s in canon)
but i’m intrested on your thoughts on this! 🤍🤍🤍
Thanks for the ask Anon! I always love to ramble about my OCs and our favourite greasy boi.
This might be unnecessarily long-winded but I have the perpetual inability to be brief and to not overthink everything and your question touches on one of those tiny details™ you know nobody will really pick up on and they don’t exactly matter for the plot either but really help me as an author flesh out a character further and make them feel more alive.
Funnily enough I have Snape a tad obsessed with both Freya’s perfume in A Servant of Death and Dove’s in “Your tears are of no relevance to me”. I guess it goes back to my headcanon of Snape as someone very sensitive to scents so it’s only natural he would pick up on their perfumes.
Freya uses a cherry blossom perfume. It’s mentioned in Chapter 31 ‘Heaven’! 
Cherry blossoms stand for life and death, beauty and violence. They symbolise a time of renewal. If you’ve already finished Part I of A Servant of Death I’m sure you’ll get what it references in connection with Freya 😏.
I am by no means knowledgeable about fragrances but I picture it as a very light, sweet flowery scent.
Dove’s perfume would be something flowery as well, perhaps a bit more mature compared to Freya’s very sweet perfume. Very feminine. Maybe something like ‘Garden Party’ from Yves Rocher, a damask rose and mint scent (though I can’t pick out the mint, it’s like a tad more of a tangy rose scent) or going with the more mature scent I could see her choose something like ‘Sur La Lande’ (I’m really outing my love for Yves Rocher here lol). It’s a chamomile and jasmine scent.
Now to stray from your question a bit (please bear with me - it makes sense eventually (I think)):
Freya and Dove both grew up in a similar environment. Both are born into one of the Sacred Twenty-eight, those ‘truly pure’ wizarding families. Both have learnt the same old, misogynistic and rigid idea of what femininity is and how a woman has to behave, her role within the family and society.
They learnt to be pleasant and sweet, to not voice their opinions, to take on the burdens of men and make them feel better, to ignore their own needs and serve their families without asking questions but while Freya rejects those ideas, Dove is utterly at their mercy. She has very little outside influences that could even suggest to her that what she learnt is wrong. 
Freya is very open-minded in her own way. She is an internationally known activist, she is the head of her family, she is a girl who has repeatedly been told there is no spot for her on the table and instead of keeping her head down like Dove she kicked the door down and demanded they make space for her or they’ll regret it. Freya has opportunities and power and connections where Dove has been isolated and oppressed her entire life with no way of escaping until Snape. 
Freya has learnt through trial and error and through the women in her life (Clémentine, Luise, her grandmother, Narcissa, all the other wives of Death Eaters, Daphne), to weaponize that idea of femininity. Freya needs to keep her secret, that is her biggest objective throughout her life and it fuels most of her actions. She is not above breaking the law, causing harm to others or manipulating them to achieve that. 
Freya knows it is of advantage to be underestimated. She also knows she has to represent her family. It’s important to conceal the broken relationship with her father because her family has to appear strong. As head of the family she has to, in the public eye, fit into that picture of what a pureblood woman is. 
She is very conscious of what she wears around certain people. She spends a good amount of time on choosing the right clothes to convey what she wants to convey. She nurtures her connections on the many galas, functions and balls she attends.
Her perfume, sweet and innocent, might contradict her rather brisk personality, with her sarcasm and lies and her willingness to do whatever it takes. Part of it is intentional. Men underestimate her and that’s what she wants. She wants them to lower their guard around her and never look too closely at what she’s actually doing. Her perfume is just one more puzzle piece in the public persona ‘Freya Selwyn’ she has created.
Another part of it is, Freya longs for what she has lost and she is eternally doomed to mourn that loss. She can’t get back what she has lost, she can’t be a ‘normal’ girl, she has to be manipulative and calculated and she has to keep her distance from people without letting them notice.
An action as simple as her cherry blossom perfume, her lavender and vanilla soap - it’s a little piece of the life she has lost that she is reclaiming for herself.
Dove is indoctrinated. She is blind to the realities of Voldemort and the Death Eaters and the different ways women live around the world. A woman choosing a career to her father is a betrayal to all wizardkind. Women’s only job is to bring their husbands pleasure, birth children and to be easy on the eyes. Maybe act as a buffer in a difficult social situation. Smooth over the rough edges of a joke that offended or ease the uncomfortable atmosphere created by a man pushing too far during a casual negotiation over a glass of whisky and a cigar.
In one scene in your tears Snape criticises the sheer endless row of products in her shower, it’s another small detail™ but it shows how much focus has been put on her beauty throughout her life. So every dress she owns, every bit of cosmetic, her jewellery - it all has been chosen for her to represent the family in a way her father agrees with and makes her attractive to suitors.
Dove's perfume is an extension of that. While Freya’s perfume contradicts her and serves to help Freya, Dove’s is meant to tie the entire picture of her father’s perfect, desirable but chaste oldest daughter together, ultimately working against her as it further weighs her down into the life chosen for her.
Both have learned to weaponize their femininity in their own way, to wear make-up like armour and use sweet smiles and pretty scents to hide the dirty secrets of their families. Freya to save and protect herself and Dove by slowly destroying herself for everybody else's sake.
Harrie…well Harrie wouldn’t wear perfume. She has no meaningful relationships with any adult woman who could have been a role model to her due to her upbringing. She is exploring her feminine side a little in Carrying Atlas, but perfumes are just not something she would think about unless prompted to. Perhaps by Candy and Millie. 
She’d have some very fruity shower gel though. Raspberry-scented maybe. Or peach. Because she liked the packaging. Maybe it’s even one of those fun children’s 3 in 1 soaps with glitter and cute packaging, maybe even a foam bath soap because she’d always see them as a kid but would have never been allowed to have them.
If she was outside flying or tending the garden she’d smell of fresh earth and grass and whatever sweet treat she sneakily ate behind Snape’s back to avoid a lecture on healthy eating habits.
Snape in my fics smells like parchment, leather and something herbal, it’s a nod towards him probably always being bent over some cauldron. Sometimes bergamot or sandalwood. In general though: the man doesn’t do scents. 
As I said he’s sensitive to smells. Potioneers in my fics, at least those that Snape would consider worthy of the name, reject all scents in their labs. Scents of any kind, strong cleaning solutions, perfume, soap, it messes with your senses and could end up preventing you from smelling whether an ingredient is still usable or has suffered due to a poor preservation spell or if that bubbling cauldron is done or not. For the more complex and sensitive potions the slightest imbalance in the brewing enviornment could ruin the entire batch.
The man makes his own soap! Without scent. He is almost neurotic in his strict rules around all things brewing. Freya understands, Dove hasn’t seen that side of him yet and Harrie….Harrie would probably end up forever banned from his lab for criticising him jokingly and accidentally offending him with that. 
Snape would sneer at the bunch of teenagers flooding into his classroom, covered in the scents of deodorants and perfumes and sweat, wondering how they can expect to ever finish a potion successfully!
Lucius gifted him some very expensive aftershave for his birthday once. He hasn’t even taken it out of the box yet. He never uses it. With a bit of convincing he can be persuaded to use it when going out to dinner with his partner but more often than not they’d fail.
With Amortentia I always struggle. The things that they find most attractive is just very difficult for me to grasp. For Freya and Snape - that’ll come! It’s a future plot point in part II of A Servant of Death so I’m not going to spoil that here.
Snape and Dove…I think they’d smell pretty similar things. Parchment and leather, perhaps. They kinda bonded over Snape’s book collection and her passion for bookbinding. They both value knowledge and agree on the importance of books - both of them had very restricted access to books in their youth are now that they can indulge in them as much as possible. Dove would smell pancakes. Snape’s love for their chosen daughters is very attractive to her and she is always reminded of finding Snape with a sick Lilian on the sofa who gets up to make Amelia pancakes for breakfast despite not having slept all night.
Perhaps Snape would smell something flowery. Her perfume was the first he noticed about her, it’s the epitome of her beauty, innocence and strength in his eyes.
Harry smells canonally smells treacle tart, the woody scent of broomstick handle, and "something flowery”. For Harrie in Carrying Atlas I’d drop the ‘something flowery’ for either strawberry (😏) or leather. Something Snape. Maybe herbs. Something like that. Something she smelt at Prince Manor.
Harrie’s Snape would smell that earthy scent from the garden for sure, the smell of a quidditch game he’d call it perhaps. Honey. The inside of a toy shop or cotton candy. White chocolate! The man loves white chocolate.
That was a very long answer to a rather simple question 😅
I hope you found the answer you were looking for somewhere in there 😅 and against thank you so much for the ask!
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stormxpadme · 5 months
Fandom Ask Game
7 (Scott Summers and Logan), 14, 22 (Emma Frost), 24 (Scott Summers)
Fandom Ask Game
7 - Is there a piece of clothing you think Scott Summers/Logan is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
I think Logan is really attached to that leather jacket of his, mostly because it's one of the first things he's got after losing his memories. It's been with him in those 15 year of the streets and seen a lot of fights and bad weather. It also has lots of pockets for cigars and booze. Not to mention, since he's gotten together with a certain mutant guy with red shades, he carries a spare pair of those shades with him because Scott is an idiot and loses those damn things and/or his VISOR far too often in battle.
I think, for Scott it depends a lot on the situation. In school, he's got that whole proper attire going on, complete with the tie that's supposed to look respectable for the pupils, so he doesn't like leaving his apartment without it because routine and repeated patterns are extremely helpful when you gotta live a life depending on nonstop control. In private, he's not picky as long as it's tight and well-fitting, because loose clothing means accident hazard, and reducing every risk of even a small slip has become second nature to Scott early in his life. Especially because of all those functionality restrictions, I think he's very happy when he gets to just cuddle in on his damn sofa with a comfy sweater every now and then. Especially when it's one of Logan's.
14 - Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you’ve changed your mind?
As a non-comic reader, going only by panels and wikis, I have mad respect for writing every character we haven't seen in movieverse, but since I'm mostly a Scott and Logan writer, that goes especially for Logan's family. So I sure wasn't planning on including one of Logan's source material kiddos but what can I say. Zombie!Laura from my Halloween no-longer-oneshot really grew on me, and I can't wait to really get my hands on her in the current upcoming chapter of that story.
22 - Give us a headcanon for Emma Frost.
I firmly stand by my "Emma and Bruce Wayne fucked at least once" headcanon.
24 - What’s your favourite thing about Scott Summers?
Funnily enough, that post from just yesterday or so summarized it perfectly. Give me the "annoyingly endless self-control" paired with "absolutely unhinged and self-destructive at times" any time of the day.
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teamdilf · 5 months
Why not:
V I C T U and S 😂
Haha!! 😂
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Funnily enough, on several of my Victus works! I had a commenter who would write these lovely, long comments about how I write Victus and how Tullia Victus is basically canon to them, and the first time I got one of their comments, I read it and burst into tears because I felt like I'd made something beautiful that really made a difference to someone and that felt wonderful.
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
I've written for the following:
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Baldur's Gate
The latter two were for a short Barbenheimer fic I'd written last summer in the midst of a writing block while one of my cats was very sick. Mass Effect is my favourite, because I feel a lot of love and found an audience of people who enjoyed reading my work, and the series is really good about including captivating minor characters that offer fanfiction writers the freedom to expand on them, which is something I've... gone hard on, to put it mildly. 😂
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
Going to go with a recent fic of mine: Like Feral Waves to your Mind. It's from the song Sometime Around Midnight by The Airborne Toxic Event. Basically, the premise of the first chapter of this fic is Solas is standing outside the house that his lost love lives in, seeing Iris from afar for the first time in years. He sees that she's happy, and allows himself to imagine what it might be like to set duty aside and choose life by her side.
I'd been editing the fic and listening to music and Sometime Around Midnight came on, and it hit me like a damned train because the premise of this song is someone seeing their ex at a bar and the despair of it. I ended up bawling my eyes out and I had my title because the shuffle feature was a kind god that day.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I don't personally care for the alpha/omega trope so it's an instant no-go for me.
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
Gale/The Dark Urge! I'd had an idea for a one shot but ultimately decided to wade into writing Gale at length through my other works because he's a character I feel intimidated writing.
S: How do you feel about fan art inspired by your writing?
If I got fanart inspired by my writing I'd be the happiest person. I'd love it. Love it!
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