#funny thing is neither of us shared the song with the other ?
slavghoul · 11 months
Interview from Sweden Rock Magazine 10/2023
Hi, hi. There is an interview with Tobias in SRM’s newest issue, but it’s in the subscribers only section, so I thought I’d translate/share since I guess not many people will be able to get their hands on it. It is about Prequelle and it’s part of SRM’s „200 best Swedish hard rock albums of all time” series. Prequelle placed #68. The other albums may have scored higher, but for now we don’t know the whole list. Either way, enjoy. Very insightful. 
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„Do you think that "Prequelle" is Ghost's worst album?” Now that’s an unusual opening question. Especially when the interview is about an album that Sweden Rock Magazine's writers and qualified Swedish hard rock musicians (including Tobias Forge) have voted as one of the 200 best Swedish hard rock albums of all time. The question wasn’t planned, but comes spontaneously, as a reaction to the first thing Tobias Forge says when we sit down on opposite sofas in the record company office. I'm here for a two-part interview, partly about the EP "Phantomime" (published in #6 2023), partly about "Prequelle". Neither record companies, artists, voters, nor even our writers who conduct interviews for this series of articles have any idea what placement an album has received. Interviews are often done well in advance and we simply don't want placements to leak and become public long before publication.
No Ghost album has ever been on the list before. The idea is actually to end the day with the "Prequelle" talk, but when Tobias Forge suddenly starts with a funny little comment that this album is probably the one that those who have voted think is Ghost's worst or least popular album, I just have to take the opportunity to ask the question: Do you think that "Prequelle" is Ghost's worst album?
No, absolutely not, he says and laughs. If I'm going to be completely pragmatic, I'd say: "How many songs do we actually play from that record?" There are songs that work damn well live and sit where they should. So it's a pretty strong album.
But is this what you are basing it on? "Prequelle" was released after Ghost had become really big so it can't be compared to "Opus Eponymous" and "Infestissumam" which you don't play many songs from. I mean, no matter what kind of record you had released when "Prequelle" came out, you would still have played many songs from it and they would have worked precisely because Ghost's songs nowadays are moulded more to the arena format.
I don't know how to answer that, it's difficult. If the album had been different, it would have been. If I'm going to talk somehow both artistically and practically, I know that for every record we have become exponentially bigger. "Prequelle" was definitely no exception, but it also took us a big step forward and upwards and we became bigger and broader. To the extent that when we introduce old songs in the live set, you notice that there are elements on albums one and two that make some songs more difficult to play. Not technically, we can play the songs, but they don't work in quite the same way as the later songs, which means that there is a slight favouritism.
I asked the original question about whether you think it's Ghost's worst album only because you directly said that this means it's the least popular one.
I'm just so full of myself I assumed all the other albums are also in the top 200, which may actually be incorrect. This might be the best album and the others aren't even there, haha.
It wasn't long after "Prequelle" was released that you were self-critical of the album in interviews, saying that it was too ballad-heavy and a bit too soft. I haven't noticed that before, you being so self-critical shortly after the release.
Yes, but I still feel that way. If, as an artist, I am only going to look at the work with the criticism that one can feel towards one's own work, I think that if things had been different or if I had more time, I might have wished that I had managed to get maybe two more hard songs. Maybe one more hard song would have fit on the album and another harder song might have phased out one of the ballads. Now five years after the album came out, I know that the two ballads ("Pro Memoria" and "Life Eternal"), which I may not think are bad, are one too many. But I know that many of the people who like the band like both of them, so it's kind of a useless argument.
Who sets the length of an album? Have you set a limit, that it can't be longer than this and have no more songs than that?
No, but it must fit on an LP disc and there is a physical limit. I think the absolute pain threshold is 46 minutes and that's 23 minutes on each side. Now maybe Mikkey Dee (co-owner of Spinroad Vinyl Factory) will raise his hand here: "But I can make it longer!" And it's maybe 48 minutes, I don't know, but I do know that when a disc starts getting so full that you start getting close to the sticker, it starts to sound bad. Especially nowadays, because recordings today are so very maximalist in scope. It's one thing if you record 60s music with drums, a guitar and bass where the sound is cleaner and finer or if you play acoustic stuff with just vocals. Bob Dylan records could have eight songs on each side and it worked all the way through. But this kind of fairly compact music doesn't work well. Not only am I a militant vinyl advocate, I think we should respect the fact that most artists don't manage to create more than 45 minutes of good music on a regular basis. A lot of famous double records are not that good. I don't think the Rolling Stones "Exile On Main St" is very good. It might as well have been on one disc. And if I'm actually going to turn it into something completely mundane, I'd say that I think it's irresponsible to sit and make records with twelve songs if it results in the record being 63 minutes long and you automatically have to make a double record. It's pretty wasteful.
When you said that it's irresponsible, I thought you were going to say that it's irresponsible to print a double vinyl because of the environmental destruction that it entails.
Of course, if we're going to be completely straightforward and not do anything that harms nature, we shouldn't even release any records, so I say this with reservation. But with that in mind and for the sake of art, I think more people should embrace the actual given format that has been the most prevalent in rock history. There is a reason why a film is usually one hour and 30 minutes. You can’t take any more. There's a certain dramaturgical structure and there’s a certain comfort in it. Then the CDs came along they screwed that up, and suddenly there weren't two sides anymore but it started one way and ended another. Now that the CD is no longer important and we've gone back to vinyl, creators should follow suit and start embracing the physical rules.
Are there songs that have been rounded off just because you thought „I have to round off here, because if I continue, it won't fit on the vinyl disc"?
We actually had that problem on the last album. „Watcher In The Sky” ended the A-side and the outro is much longer on the CD and digitally. Two minutes longer I think. Much, much, much longer. It's long, noisy and has all these dives. It's a very chaotic soundscape. You get the feeling that it goes on and on, and on the vinyl it's just the beginning of an outro and then it drops almost immediately. I think that was a huge mistake.
So the overall sound quality was more important than vinyl buyers getting everything? Because you could have pressed the vinyl and it would have fit, but you would have had to compromise the sound quality.
Yes, exactly. You can get the song to just keep going until the vinyl simply runs out. Then it just starts spinning in the middle, depending on what kind of record player you have. But the problem then, if you want to anticipate events at a creative stage, is that people today buy and listen to vinyl records and are sensitive. It's quite common for people to complain that the record is broken. I don't just mean our records, but people complain a lot about the presses. If you make ten songs, it's therefore stupid to have a too thick soundscape towards the end of song number five and song number ten. If you want to be really good and old school, that's where you put a piano ballad because it's an easier sound to handle so far into the record. This is what I think about when I make records. But clearly sometimes I miscalculate.
This must cut right through the record collector Tobias Forge's whole body and soul, that "Watcher In The Sky” is shortened by two minutes on the vinyl of all versions.
Well... I don't toss and turn and wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it anymore. But when it happened, I was livid. Luckily it was just an outro. It would have been worse if it had continued with some kind of narrative into the next song. Now I can't remember in my head how long "Prequelle" is, but if I'd had to go back in time and just re-construct it, the re-construction wouldn't have had much to do with the existing material, I would have just wanted to add a scene. And it's not a scene that's missing, it's just for the sake of balance. It became asymmetrical in a way that bothers me a bit.
You've talked about this before, but it was before "Prequelle" that you really started to talk a lot about how you were thinking about what kind of new songs might suit the live show. Can you get stuck in that mindset, thinking more about what songs are needed live right now rather than creating an album that will last 30 years?
Hmm... (long pause)... The reason I'm sitting here thinking is because I'm trying to come up with examples of other bands that I think might have gone through something similar. I’m looking for examples to the answer I'm about to formulate and that is that: yes, I think there comes a point in the career when most bands make a record because they simply feel they need to… Because what we're talking about is that when you go from playing in small smoky clubs in front of an already inveterate audience that already understands the perhaps a little more chewy expression, that experience can change if you start playing in front of a larger and especially a different type of audience. When a different type of audience comes and you play in a different format, you discover that this song doesn't work very well, it doesn't sound very good and it's difficult to get the sound right. Then there's usually a record or two or three during your career when this transition happens where you start filling in with songs that work better live. Look at Piece of mind", "Powerslave" and "Somewhere in time". There's a reason why Iron Maiden didn't play a lot of the first two albums there and then, because it was easier to play the new songs. You get to that point somewhere in your career and it's very difficult to say when it is - there's no given rule and there are artists who continue to release relevant records and have an amazing ability to release new records and just play the whole new record. Well, now Iron Maiden does that and tests their audience a little bit in that way, but then they will always compensate by doing like a "best of" set the following year so everything is forgiven. Now we're in the middle of the "Impera" period here and have a very strong set, but I'm starting to feel that now that I'm about to start writing a new album, it feels like it's not really on my agenda to write three more albums that will change the live setlist ten years ahead. I think we already have the blueprint for what is Ghost's setlist, especially if you include the entire catalogue. After a while, each new record you make becomes a little less important. It's really hard to know when that point comes, but the truth is that new records don't matter in the same way. Slayer didn't have to release "Divine Intervention”. They definitely didn't have to release "Diabolus In Musica". I didn't care about it and I just wanted to hear the old stuff. If they had just come up and played "Reign In Blood" I would have been soooo happy. And that's the way it is with most bands. Nobody would be sad if the Rolling Stones came up and didn't play anything from "Emotional Rescue". And that's just the way it is. In the future, I can see a scenario where there is probably a basis to possibly build up an alternative setlist. There are so many songs that we do not play and that I have nothing against - I love them too! But it would almost be easier to build up a completely alternative setlist and run a show with only the odd songs. There are so many songs now. There's no reason not to build on that. But when I want to make a new record, it's irresponsible for me not to consider that there might have to be some songs that are a bit more direct. But it doesn't hurt me if we have more songs that we don't play live. I don't know if this answers your question...
I would actually like to ask exactly the same question again, because I wonder if you yourself feel that you get stuck during the making of the record. You said that you would have liked to include another hard song because "Prequelle" doesn't have the balance that you would have liked to have in retrospect.
Exactly, but the explanation for that has more to do with my mental capacity there and then. I simply couldn't cope. I felt that I had probably maxed out… It was probably about as much as I could do that year. That's the simple explanation. To get another song that would have fit and that would have fulfilled this requirement that I now in retrospect would have wished I had, it would have required something that I did not have there and then. The only thing that could have made it easier is if I had more time. It is difficult to reason about it, you see.
I was in the studio for a few days during the recording and it's one of the few times in all these years that I've done interviews where someone has started crying during an interview. It was quite obvious that everything that had happened with the split of the band affected you.
Yes. Of course. It did.
Is "Prequelle" a difficult album to listen to for you? Can you sit and listen to it all the way through? 
Well, at the moment I have to do that from time to time, and listen to all the records, because we're just about to start rehearsing again and then I sometimes have to go back and just listen to the record to go: "Fuck, is that really how I sing?" Especially when we start rehearsing, I can be a bit like: "Damn, who changed this bit?” Then I usually sit down and it hits me: "Oh, it's me who has changed my song!" You simply do that over the years, you start singing it in a slightly different way. So sometimes I have to go back and listen, but it’s more practical. I don't think it's fun to listen them. I do it until they are finished. I listen over and over and over again and really try to listen with all the imaginary ears and all the imaginary perspectives you can have. "How would I have listened to this if I had heard it from this perspective?" Just to get as "objective" a perspective as I can until I'm satisfied, but then it's like „No, I don't want to hear this anymore". But I have to say that I think "Prequelle" is a very tolerable disc despite everything that interfered with the process. Therapeutically, it works quite well considering that we are still playing at least half of the album. For every artist there are songs that you want to play, and there are songs that you don’t want to play because they feel too personal. I don't feel that way about this one, it's more like: "Ah hell, they're part of the setlist and people like it and it sounds good. So that's what we're doing."
On a personal level, was Tom Dalgety the perfect producer for you, the way you were feeling at the time? Tom feels like the kindest, sweetest producer you can meet. He wasn't the kind of producer who pushed you very much, it was more of a nice atmosphere between you.
Yes, really, and it would have been different if Klas Åhlund, who is more confrontational, had been in the room. Now Klas and I are great mates, so it would certainly have been very therapeutic also, but it would have been a different process. If an artist comes in who is in such bad shape that they can't make a record, or a band where the main songwriter has just left them, then a Bob Ezrin goes in and says: "If you don't make the record, I'll make the record myself.” And he goes and makes Kiss "Destroyer" or Alice Cooper records. I'm not saying they didn't make them, just that you hear that Bob Ezrin made "Beth". It's a type of producer that's very different from a lot of other producers who maybe act a little bit more like buddies and cheerleaders and make the atmosphere good. Bob Ezrin doesn't care so much about the atmosphere in the room. Klas is somewhere in between, I would say. Given the condition I was in during "Prequelle", the result could probably have been different if Klas had come in. Ironically, there was actually talk of him doing it, but he didn't have the time and we'll never know how it would have turned out. I only know that it would have been different, but right there and then Tom was fantastic. I know that a lot of bands like to work with him because he is technically brilliant. He's really good at those typical sounds that people like: cool drums, guitar, bass, tone and clarity. He is also very "happy go lucky", a nice guy who sits and jokes all the time. Even if he has a bad day, it doesn't affect anyone else, which is convenient.
Let me compare it to when a writer contacts me after an interview and says "that was such a nice interview". For me, "nice" is not something positive in such a work situation and the result is often better when there is a little friction.
Mmm, and that is more Klas. There is more friction and more confrontation. And I was much better equipped for that at "Meliora" and later at "Impera". I felt better and was simply stronger. There wasn't the same survival instinct as on "Prequelle". If I think back, not about how the album turned out and how I have to live with it, but if I think back to the situation I was in, I was very anxious all the time. Even though I'm happy with the result, I wouldn't want to go through the recording again, even though Tom was great. Because it's hard to work when you're under attack. I realised that now when I made "Impera", when it was no longer like that. You are much more comfortable, it doesn't feel the same, you are more mature, you make better decisions, you are more controlled or dare to be uncontrolled. When things are this serious, you can end up in a freeze mode. Maybe that's also why there wasn't another song. The song that I miss doesn't exist because I simply squeezed out everything I had. If I had been in a different emotional state, I might have been more comfortable working out something at the last second from bits and pieces. But I felt that I really just wanted to get it done, deliver it, get back out on tour and start over again.
When you described being more mature during "Impera" you sounded like a 70-year-old, kind of like all the Aerosmith-like bands that have been fighting all their lives and now that they're in their 70s they say "we're soooo mature,” haha.
I think with all artists, especially when they're required to work in a group, there are many recordings that have been a collision with a wall because you're expected to function in a context all the time, whatever and whenever. But you do change and from one year to a few years down the line there can be a huge difference in a person's drive, hunger and priorities in life. Whether you have the same band structure as I do or whether you play in Metallica, people come in one state and they may end up in another, because you have different priorities at different times. It's unfortunately against the whole rock myth. I think that's the biggest problem for bands and businesses, that you always have this idea that if you just get to a certain stage - not just monetarily or career-wise, but you get to a certain stage of fun - then we've reached the status quo. But that is never the case! Never! There’s always something. Even in the best moments when everything is working, the band is awesome, everyone is working well, the crew is awesome, everyone is laughing, it's just a party all the time mentally, you have the world's best tour manager, everything is flowing and the tickets are selling, there will always be someone who doesn't like it and then has to break away and want to do their thing because it's no longer fun. It's usually somewhere in the lead-up to a stage where it's interesting and then once you've achieved it, it all becomes a bit boring. Just like in a relationship some people may eventually think, "well, that's a bit boring, I have to go out and do something else".
Since I was in the studio when you were laying down guitars on "Witch Image", my heart beats a little extra for that song and I thought it would be a great live song, but you've barely played it (at the time of writing it's Ghost's forty-fourth most played song live).
We did it during the "Prequelle" tour, or "A Pale Tour Named Death" as it was called. Then we did quite a few "an evening with" concerts, for better or worse. The advantage was that if you were a big fan of the band we actually played a lot of songs and actually a lot of the first albums, like "Idolatrine" - or "Witch Image". We did a set, a break and then a whole other set. That was a bit of a taste of what I was talking about earlier: doing a slightly larger set and then a slightly smaller one. You just shouldn't do it on the same night because it gets a bit stale. We played for two hours and 30 minutes or something and that wasn’t a good idea, haha. At least we did "Witch Image", but it has fallen behind a bit and it doesn't mean that we will never play it again, just that we don't do it right now. What I've been happy about is that there has been a feeling for the records that we've made recently, "Prequelle" and "Impera", that people still want to hear the new stuff. We haven't gotten to that stage that I talked about earlier when it doesn't matter anymore. Then it's very fun to try to find a new way to perform the songs, not technically, but suddenly a song like "Witch Image" might fulfill a very nice purpose between a completely new song and another song.
Let me speculate: in 30 years, I think "Rats" will be considered the great hard rock song, "Dance Macabre" the great hit and "Life Eternal" the great ballad. What do you think? Will this in the future be seen as the three big songs of the album?
Yes, that makes sense, I think. I understand that an instrumental song automatically ends up in the wake of a "best of" collection, in the sense that you do one in 30 years. I realise it's not a hit but the instrumental "Miasma" is a big part of our live show. It's strong and feels like such a keeper. Now we don't play "Life Eternal" very often actually, but it was very well received. For some reason people like to get married to it, I don’t know why, hehe. It's nice but it's also a bit like U2’s „I still haven't found what I'm looking for" and you don't use that one at a wedding. But people like it and I guess interpret it differently to me. It’s also a song that I don't think is fun to play live.
And why not?
Because I find it hard to play ballads. Physically, they don't feel the same as rock songs. I miss the "dunka dunka". Now everyone who plays music today knows what I mean - sorry, readers who don't play music - and it's that there's a small problem with having in-ear monitors. This means that you have to reach a certain frequency of beats in order to feel the music, unlike when you played at clubs with only a guitar amp behind you. You felt every single note you made and it just went through your body. Nowadays, I think it's sometimes hard when you play slow songs, because you have to trust that it sounds good, whereas when you play a rock song, you feel that it sounds good.
Does it also apply to "He Is” which is such a huge ballad, not least live?
Well, just the intro and then it gets going quite quickly and suddenly becomes a hard and rather fast-paced song. The classic ballad concept has always been that you play so-called edge beats to make it sound soft, while "He Is” is actually a rather hard-played song considering that it is a ballad. Once the drums come in – boom, boom – it's got AC/DC bite to it. It has a rock feel to it that "Life Eternal" doesn't really have. As I said, I don't think that "Life Eternal" is a lot of fun to perform, but that doesn't mean that it isn't quite good to listen to. It’s just that when I play "Dance Macabre" or "Mummy Dust" I feel that I can express myself physically more in line with what the text says and what it means.
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
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Summary: Harry shares the story of how you two met and fell in love.
Warnings: Syrupy sweet fluff
Word Count: 1334 words
A/N: This is written from Harry's POV. The woman originally had a name, but I've changed it to Y/N. Obviously inspired by the Journey song, written in 2017. This is interesting to read again since he mentions tours and albums that hadn't happened yet.
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I'd met her just after the first leg of my first solo tour. Even then, I don't think she knew how into her I was, or perhaps she'd played it so cool that I didn't think she was that into me. She wasn't a fan, at least not in the sense that she was there to meet me. She wasn't a celebrity either, though I found out later that she'd won a beauty contest in her hometown at the age of seventeen, and she was later on a local news program in a segment about college protests on campus. I'd found her small-town fame endearing, among other things, which ultimately lead to my falling for her. She was a normal girl. Just a sweet, stubborn-as-all-hell, normal girl.
She was sat in a corner booth at the cafe when I walked in. She hadn't seen me, nor had I seen her. I'd just gotten my drink and was prepared to take a seat when a young girl squealed and asked me for a photo. Then another. And another. I was used to it, nothing new. I think one of them's mum even got in on a picture. But it wasn't until I was on the fourth or fifth selfie that I saw her. I caught her grinning above the fan's cell phone as she aimed it and snapped. As the next fan stood next to me, the mystery girl started to giggle, quickly lowering her face behind her arm. I raised my brows for a second, wondering what was so funny. She blushed when she looked at me again, catching me eyeing her. She was really cute.
I continued my fan obligation until every girl had left except the one in the corner booth. Grabbing my tea, which was now cold but I didn't care, I made my way to her table. She fiddled with her own cup, pretending that it was warming her hands underneath her sweater paws. I asked her if I could join her. She gave a half smile and a shrug, which I also thought was cute. Sliding into the seat across from hers, I introduced myself. She told me her name was Y/N.
We talked for three hours in that corner booth, Y/N and me. I would have gladly talked longer if she hadn't said she had to get home. I got her number, which she gave to me reluctantly before quietly slipping out of the cafe. I never told her that as she passed my window, I saw her smile at the ground and bite her lip.
I called Y/N the next day. She seemed surprised. She confessed that she'd known who I was, but didn't know that much about me. I'd told her that was perfect because she could get to know me, as I was excited to get to know her.
Three months. We had three months to get to know each other before the second leg of my tour, the arena portion of the tour. And in actuality, it was less time than that because I had a lot of work to do to prepare, more promo, more obligations. And, if I'm being honest, I barely count the first month. No matter how often I called or texted her, no matter how much I tried to show her I was interested, because truthfully I was very interested, she remained apprehensive, skeptical, and even a little cold. I was just about to give up and call it a day when she confessed that she'd listened to all of my music. A little lightbulb went off above my head, and my hands went clammy. I asked her to elaborate. When she admitted she liked it, I felt a weight lifted off my chest. But when she said my solo album was the best thing she'd heard, maybe ever (her words), I wanted to kiss her right there through the phone.
Any free time I had between then and the tour was spent with Y/N. I couldn't get enough of her, and if you had asked me then if I was in love, I might've said yes. But neither of us were ready to say it to each other.
Once the tour recommenced, things happened, the inevitable that happens in any long distance relationship. But because we hadn't really yet established what we even were, let alone call it a relationship, I suppose it hurt a little less. At least at first.
I didn't call her. I didn't call her for six whole weeks because I'm an asshole. I did text her a few times, just as sort of a check-in. How are you? Fine, you? Fine. Tired. How is Germany? Cold. Lots of rain. That sort of thing. It wasn't until I was on my way to Australia that I manned up and gave her phone an actual ring. I dunno what exactly happened, and I told her as much. I apologized profusely. Y/N said I was probably just feeling lonely being so far away, and maybe she was right. But Jesus, I missed her. And I would have given anything to be with her in that moment.
I called her every day after that. Every fucking day. I probably learned more about her then than I'd learned in the first three months. I had ten days between my last show in Japan and my South America shows, so I returned home to London to refresh, re-energize. I asked Y/N to fly out and see me. She told me she couldn't afford it right then. I told her I'd pay. She insisted she couldn't take off work. I asked her how she felt about me.
Two weeks later I flew Y/N out to Dallas to see me. That short time together was all I needed to confirm my feelings for her. She might tell you that the end of the tour, that second night in L.A. was when we fell in love. But I think it was in Dallas. At least on my part. And if I'm being honest with myself, I had been falling all along.
It hasn't been easy for Y/N and me. Two years, another album, a film and tour later, we got married. But immediately I was back in the studio again to record album number three. Then another tour. We decided to start trying for kids. I made another movie, but Y/N put her foot down after that. She got pregnant, I was overjoyed and wanted to stay home with her as much as I could. And I could. For a while. Then my job called again.
As I look back on this now, I dunno how Y/N did it. She's a fucking saint is what she is. I'm getting choked up just thinking about it. I love her. So much.
Being on the road is hard. On anybody. Add a relationship, a family especially into the mix, and it's a million times harder. There were nights I would wake up and wonder where I was. I'd get this sick, empty feeling in my gut and I'd have to call her, even if it was three a.m. at home. I feel so lucky to have someone that has stood by me.
I'm pretty sure Y/N knows how I feel, but just in case, I wanna say that she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. More than the music. More than the films. Even more than the fans. Fans can be true blue, but they can also be fickle. I know I lost some just by getting married. But I don't regret that one bit. I wanted the world to know how happy I was and to share in my joy. Because she is my joy. No matter where I am, I know I can count on her, and she can count on me right back. We're forever, I know this in my heart. She's mine and I'm hers...faithfully.
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huhmiya · 2 months
SPOTIFY PLAYLIST | nick sturniolo
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pairing: bsf!nick x f!reader
summary: where you and nick have been spending the whole day together and tried to find a film but at the end, the two of you decided to listen to the playlist that you both created.
warning: fluff (??), use of y/n, swearing.
a/n: not my photos, on pinterest. this is short and simple but I wanted to make a nick one.
WORDS: 0.9k
huhmiya on wattpad
you - pink | nick - purple
You and Nick spent the whole day shopping because he needed to find a new shirt after Chris spilled a drink on him since he would find it funny.
Now though you were in Nick's room, he was eating the pizza he picked up on the way home so the two of you could share, while you were going through the items you had purchased.
You didn't buy much because you didn't find many things you liked, which may have been because you had money with you. It always seems that whenever you don't have money, you come across the best shops.
"Do you want another slice?" Nick asked, as he was on his second slice while you had only eaten one. You nodded, folded the clothes you had bought, and put them in the bag.
"Yeah," you smiled before taking a slice. You were pleased with the toppings he chose since you enjoyed them, and so did he.
While eating, Nick scrolled through some movies on his laptop, as neither of you knew where the TV remote was. "These movies are so fucking boring. I swear on my life I've seen them all," he complained.
You chuckled and playfully rolled your eyes slightly before meeting his gaze, then shifting your attention back to the laptop he was using.
"Not all of these are boring, you know?" you remarked upon coming across some films you'd seen before but found amazing. He simply shook his head and glanced at you.
"If you don't find these boring, you're boring," he teased before switching to a different app for movies, yet they seemed to be more of the same, with a few extra films that were rather lackluster.
As rain began to patter against the window, you were so engrossed in the food and his movie choices that you hadn't even noticed.
"You've skipped over some really good films," you noted, to which he chuckled, acknowledging that he had, but expressing a desire to find something new and promising.
"Well, y/n, I'm trying to find a great movie we haven't seen yet," he declared, grabbing another slice of pizza from the box and munching on it while using his free hand to browse through the movie options on his laptop.
You had a feeling you would be staying here for years, so you tried to come up with some ideas before sitting up suddenly, which prompted him to look at you in confusion at your swift movement.
"Why don’t we create a Spotify playlist?" you suggested to your friend. He simply looked at you, then closed his laptop to avoid looking through films.
He smiled and nodded, then sat up from his bed, not as quickly as you did, and opened Spotify.
You both shared some similar music tastes, but also had some differences. There were songs you both enjoyed and others that only one of you liked.
"Okay, but what should we name it and which songs should we include?" he inquired, while you both took a moment to think and decide.
As the minutes passed and turned into hours, the rain continued to fall, steadily increasing in intensity, providing a comforting backdrop for your collaboration.
You added a mix of both your favorite songs, as well some that were more to your liking than his but he did the same, reflecting your diverse music preferences.
The playlist was over three hours long, but neither of you really paid much attention as you both just kept adding more and more songs you both liked.
As you both finished, the sky had turned dark blue, signaling that night was approaching. You leaned back on the pillows and glanced at the empty pizza box, reflecting on how much you had both eaten, until he broke the silence.
“That’s all I can think of, how about you?” he asked. You just looked at the playlist, scrolling through the songs before speaking. “Yeah.. can’t think of anything else”
He seemed pleased too. You used to have a playlist, but it was filled with songs that now seemed cringeworthy or overplayed. Creating a new one, one that he could enjoy listening to now, made him happy, and it did the same for you.
You rested your head on Nick's shoulder once he lay down on his bed and he wrapped his arm around you, then reached into his drawer to grab his AirPods instead of headphones.
“Should we give it a listen?” he asked with a grin, handing you an AirPod. You chuckled and nodded before taking it just in time for him to start playing the playlist you had spent hours creating together.
masterlist! guidelines & information! wattpad! socials!
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ateez-himari · 5 months
After many attendees holding their breath for the next bold move MinAri might enact, it seems as though their shyness finally dissipated.
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April 20, 2024 (6:48PM)
While weekend two unfortunately marked the last performance held by ATEEZ on a Coachella stage as of this year, the group left an ever lasting impression with powerful choreography paired with breath taking visuals and raw vocals. Through the numerous clips circulating online there is a specific instance that has been sending social media platforms into a reposting frenzy, one involving a rather passionate display by main rapper, Mingi, and lead vocalist, Himari.
While viewers were expecting something such as this to happen due to the intimate moment shared between the two during their first performance, it seems as though none were truly ready to witness it with their own eyes on stage. The interlude to their song 'Arriba' left gasps echoing in the crowd as Mingi pulled the maknae in for a true lover's kiss, an arm tightly draped across her waist whilst the other motioned for attendees to make some noise. In contrast to the beginning of the group's career where the two saw their reputation nearly torn to pieces following dating rumors, which were later disproved as nothing more than a scheme to have the vocalist removed, the crowd showed their support through loud cheers and vibrant excitement.
Their own bandmates could be seen encouraging them as some used water bottles to simulate rain, every artist on that stage including backup dancers visibly enjoying the relaxed atmosphere that had been created. Following the performance several members had gone live for a few minutes, one of them being Seonghwa who briefly mentioned a comment refering to the heated kiss as the vocalist could be seen giggling in the background prior to him playfully scolding her.
'That...we definitely expected it since he had talked about it during rehearsal, but I thought it was going to be like the first day. It flustered me too but seeing everyone having fun made me happy.'
Despite these heated stage interactions no official label has been placed on their relationship due to no statements coming out regarding the situation, leading some to believe that it was no more than a rehearsed act to rile up fans or that whatever is happening between them is simply a more intimate level of friendship. There is a possibility that this moment stemmed from the artists' immersion in the performance as well as the heat of the moment, as the youngest is after all a member of the 'Demon Line' and both are known to have rather intense stage personas.
'Seeing people say that they're still 'just friends' is so funny to me 😭Like do you guys not see everything they've been doing for a year now ? I get the people saying they could be 'friend with benefits' but come on...' - X user
It seems as though neither artist not the company intends to lift the mystery surrounding their relation to one another as of yet, leaving netizens to create countless speculations without the certainty of a confirmation. One thing that everyone can be sure of however is that this group knows how to set a stage on fire no matter who the people watching might be, living up to their newly earned nickname of 'Pirate Kings of Sahara'.
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edwinspaynes · 2 months
Okay, I gotta do this for my own sanity because it's word vomit time. Song of Achilles rant. 0/5 stars to this one.
Okay. I am not a fan of war stories or of tragedies. This was both of those things. So I will admit that this was perhaps not my genre. THAT BEING SAID, I can usually point to a tragedy or a war story and go "that was objectively good/well-done, but not my thing." This was neither good nor well-done.
The main appeal of this book - its 'heart,' if you will - seems to be the ""love story"" between Patroclus and Achilles. Unfortunately, I'm leaving the book with 0 understanding of what they like about each other. Achilles was lowkey an enormously terrible person. Patroclus KNOWS THIS. He just is an idiot who continuously gives him the benefit of the doubt over and over again. Achilles sends girls off to be raped. He kills an enemy and drags his corpse around for ??? reasons besides he can. Patroclus is sitting there just going "O! His blond cascading waves! Wow!! He is everything to me my SOUL ahhh." Their emotional connection is deeply shallow in how it's written.
ANYWAY fine. Whatever. The narrative also deeply hates women. The only important female characters are a) Achilles's goddess mom who's continuously villified, and b) a slave girl (the only character I actually liked, RIP) who randomly dies at the end for no reason other than shock value. Women are sent off to be raped continuously; the narrative justifies this. I understand that in times of war back in this time period this actually happened, but I am baffled by the author's seemingly constant attempts to portray this POSITIVELY. Achilles himself is just like 'yeah, this girl's a bartering chip!" and Patroclus, while he's not cool with it and does go save the girl, totally rationalizes this and the author clearly thinks it's justified !!????
And let's talk about that shitty ass pacing. Nothing happens!!! For half the book!!! And then they all go to war and the ONLY reason Patroclus is there is because he wants to follow Achilles. Because they share a 'so devoted the lines blur' Bond apparently, like Will/Jem or Charles/Edwin. News flash. They will NEVER HAVE A BOND ABOVE BONDS LIKE WILL/JEM OR CHARLES/EDWIN.
Anyway!!! Whenever Patroclus talks about Achilles, it's just like oH My gOd hE'S bEaUtIfUl. Okay bro!!! We get it!! Y'all have to have sex ALL THE TIME because this is Madeline Miller's shitty yaoi fanfic of Greek Myths!!! Greek myths are deeply gay which is great, but NOT LIKE THIS! It's giving a middle schooler who just finished Junjo Romantica and Percy Jackson and decided to write a crossover fic. And, yes, the prose is that bad. It's so fucking simplistic. I cannot even.
I hated this book. I hated this book painfully. And I cannot believe that I accidentally gave one of my favourite of my own fanfics a title from it. I like, want to go change the title. I just used it because I liked the quote. AUGH.
Would give this negative stars if I could. I do not think I've disliked a book this much since Queen of Air and Darkness, and at least Qoaad had, like, some funny moments and didn't hate women.
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satureja13 · 6 months
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The Friendship between: Saiwa and Vlad
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Like Vlad and Jack, Saiwa and Vlad met at the Space (Balls) Bar & Grill & 'Residence'.
They have a very solid friendship and respect each other. Usually one of them is reasonable and able to talk the other into doing the right thing or out of making wrong decisions and usually the other listens.
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Saiwa is a reluctant leader (no one except himself ever questioned his abilities to lead them, neither the Boys themselves nor the Resistance) and often questions his position in the group and it's a burden for him. He's glad that he can ask Vlad (and Kiyoshi) for advice.
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And he also thinks that Vlad would be a better leader (also no one else shares this opinion lol and Vlad would be shocked if he knew about this. He has more than enough problems, is an introvert and prefers quiet activities like painting and writing over herding a bunch of weirdos out of control ö.Ö') More about this (and more ^^') here (under the cut) and here (also under the cut).
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Aside of all their hardships, they also are a very handsome pairing (=the visuals of the group ;) (Romance Level: Below Zero) At Mount Komorebi
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In our Heidi Special I love the way they look at each other.
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And a very funny one! That was when we made the Simtimates Collection Special at the end of the Sabotage Chapter: Sai joked about what if Ms Coombes, their teacher (Vlad is her favourite) ever sees these pics hahaha. (And a few weeks later she said she really saw them! omg ^^')
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And that was at the 6 month anniversary of our story ^w^ Hissing and growling with the yeti :3
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And in the Jungle of Selvadorada
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After Vlad died, it had been Saiwa who refused accepting it and kept on investigating. He even dragged Jeb to DEATH's Domain to find out what happened to him.
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And that was when Saiwa and the Gang Doctor 'encouraged' Vlad to tighten the Bond with Ji Ho :3 (Ah I really enjoy doing this series, we had so much fun! And it keeps me busy and from worrying until I have my new computer and if everything goes well ^^')
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And no one ever found out which song it was...
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The only fights they had (and I remember) were before Ji Ho and Vlad tightened the bond. This was at the beginning when Vlad wanted to avoid Ji Ho:
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And this was when Giga/Saiwa had sent Ji Ho to Vlad's room to take a bath and Vlad was upset because he feared to lose control ^^' (It had been Saiwa who dragged Ji Ho to the Space Bar and Saiwa was the first who predicted their epic love story at the first they they'd met)
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Oh and the epic fight they had that faithful day when Vlad decided to bond with Morgan to spare Ji Ho from doing Bond Magic... Sai and Jack had been so mad at Vlad, they didn't speak with him for months ö.Ö' (this stupid action also lead to the Boys' separation and a few weeks later they swore to not have any secrets from each other to avoid further harm).
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This is one of the few things they'll never agree on I fear. Saiwa wants to use their Bond magic for doing good and Vlad wants to spare Ji Ho from doing it.
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Their Friendships (in chronological order):
Giga/Saiwa and Jack
Vlad and Jack (updated)
Giga/Saiwa and Vlad
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Vlad and Sai at Tartosa
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Vlad and Sai dancing together in our Goth Special
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In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
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❤️‍🔥 Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci) ❤️‍🔥 Saiwa and Jeb ❤️‍🔥 Jack and Kiyoshi ❤️‍🔥 Noxee and Greg ❤️‍🔥 Leander and Wesley (and Vlad) ❤️‍🔥 Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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sunshineluverr · 2 years
It's Thursday, let's break up on Thursday • kth
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Pairing : Taehyun x fem!reader
Word count : 4k
Genre : fluffy fluff, college au, (attempted) crack/humour, song fic
Synopsis : You're frustrated with your boyfriend's behaviour so you ended up deciding to break up with him on a regular Thursday.
(+ a cute day out with him!)
Warnings : slight angst cause it's about a break up, mentions of food (pork belly and other things), misunderstandings, reader overthinks stuff, some swearing, use of nicknames, slightly suggestive (?? barely just some mentions of it ig)
Few Disclaimers! : This is a work of pure fiction and only meant for entertainment purposes and does not depict anything about the idol or reader in real life
That being said, the website thing I've mentioned in the story is completely made up and even though that particular website exists, it does not read out the same instructions I've written down (for funny reasons)
The bonus scene is just something extra I wrote for fun and wholesomeness and is not that much relevant to the point of the fic. However I'll still recommend reading it, so, enjoy!
Song recommendation :
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Biggest red flag :
Being scared of your own boyfriend.
Does that mean the boyfriend is a red flag? No. It's definitely you. Or at least that's what you believe in your head.
It's not been long since you started dating Taehyun. It's only been a month to be exact. Still you have yet to figure out how to act and react in a relationship and 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 with someone like Taehyun.
Taehyun first met you during a group assignment between science & mechanism and physical education students. It was kind of a big deal for your college too, to be holding a project, this large scale.
The two of you kinda seemed to hit off instantly as you were assigned partners and shared your interest in having the thirst for knowledge.
The project was to create a device that will somehow help in boosting physical activity level of an individual. It was a complicated assignment indeed, causing you and Taehyun to work really hard on it together non stop which led to both of you having to be inseparable for weeks.
You ended up always having lunch together, spending breaks together, and always being at each other's dorms. And neither of you seemed to mind the closeness and comfortability that naturally came with spending so much time together.
On presentation day, it was a huge success. So much so infact that the device you both created for your project, was used as an example to other students and juniors. That night you both went all out to celebrate. That night was crazy.
"Oh what's this? Kang Taehyun has brought cake? What about the calories??" you tease him, going through the grocery bag he brought full of things for you two to celebrate.
"Calories are invisible for me when I see stawberry shortcake. Besides, we deserve it" He puts both arms on his waist and gives you a proud smile, you return the gesture, smiling warmly as you nod in agreement.
"Meat meat meat!! Grilling the meat Taehyunnie!" You do a little dance and song while he grills the pork belly for the two of you to eat.
You missed to catch the glimmer in Taehyun's eyes, as he watches you being so excited, he stares fondly because it brings joy in his heart to see you so happy. The two of you feast till you're content and then ended up sprawled on the carpetted floor, stomachs full.
"It's funny that we spent this much time together for merely a college assignment. None of the teams probably took it this seriously" You laugh at the irony and he hums in response.
"Like seriously Taehyun? How did you even get so much free time? Do you even have any friends?" You say in a mocking tone.
"I am pretty sure I have more friends than you, actually" Taehyun says bluntly to your comment. But you're used to his blunt and absolutely savage comebacks at this point.
"Okay okay Mr. popular, you're probably right too." you give a weak laugh
"It's true, I am just a lonely girl and after this, now that the project's over, we don't need to hang out together all the time, we must go our separate ways and-"
You're interrupted by Taehyun suddenly getting up and coming on top of you. You're extremely shocked and fall stiff.
"Shut up"
"Oh um...sorry." you gulp. That was kinda scary.
"No I mean, shut up about what you said. Take it back. What do you mean we're going separate ways? We can only become closer from this point on" Taehyun says as he is only inches away from your face, yet there is no sign of any emotion on him, as always he is so hard to read.
"If you want to stay friends Tae...we can, I will be more than happy to-"
"Friends? You really don't get it do you?" He says as he closes in the distance, to the point he's practically breathing on your face.
"I like you" he whispers and you surely felt your heart skip a whole beat.
The two of you just stay silent in the same position for a full two minutes. You needed to process what just happened.
You'd admit, you had feelings for Taehyun too, the way he smiles so rare but so pretty, the way he is so passionate and talented about his work, the way he randomly starts doing push ups anywhere and looks so hot while doing them. He was such an attractive guy, but you never took your feelings into consideration as he was kind of your first friend on college grounds. You didn't want to confuse romantic and platonic emotions.
But now that Taehyun, the Kang Cold Taehyun has confessed to you, you felt a wave of confidence beginning to loom over you.
"You like me? I like you too... Should we date?"
You finally give a reply to the boy hovering above you.
He gives away a soft smile then gets up, reaching out a hand to help you get up as well.
"Alright it's getting late right now, tomorrow is class after all"
"Huh what? What why where?"
Before you're able to process anything, Taehyun places a lingering kiss on your cheek and gives you a smile and a wave goodbye and immediately he is out the door.
"Good... night?"
That was the day it officially all began. Taehyun the dreadful boyfriend era.
The two of you never 100% established that you're officially dating, but you're going along with it.
There were quite a few significant changes that confirmed you're dating, like how whenever Taehyun and you walk side by side now, he makes sure to grab your hand. Another thing is he invites you over to eat dinner together basically every other day. It was fun but also nerve wrecking.
But besides the hand holding, You knew that Taehyun is not the best example of a warm and affectionate person, so the lack of touch that comes with being in a relationship was evident. But it still annoyed you so bad, the two of you didn't even kiss yet! What is this? Middle school?!
Something else that bothered you is how much Taehyun doesn't have any opinion on anything. Whenever the two of you eat together or plan to watch something together, he lets you decide every single time. Who does he think you are, some sort of decision factory?!
Another change that freaked you out was : As friends, Taehyun was always so precise, whenever the two of you ate out, you would always perfectly split the bill but ever since you began dating him, he's bought you, your morning coffee, every single day! Even when you refused, he forcibly insisted?? Taehyun would never spend for someone's food like this. It made no sense.
And yeah okay sure, maybe he is an affectionate "would do anything for you" type of guy after all and you misunderstood him? Not! because the most important thing to him is his gym time. This was confirmed by your conversation with him on last Thursday.
* "Taehyun! My evening classes are cancelled! If you want we can hang out a bit extra today! Maybe go to the arcade, have some-"
"Oh today is lifting day. I'll just meet you at our usual dinner time. My place again today?"
"Uh...yeah sure.." *
You were heartbroken! Is "lifting" more important than spending quality time with your girlfriend?!
Oh and yeah the dinner thing probably seems sweet...but he never stays the night! Even if you'd be finishing until 11:30 pm, he'll not let you walk home all alone in the night and go with you to drop you off, but he definitely won't let you stay either!
Every damn thing of Kang Taehyun as a boyfriend confused you. And you've been wrecking your mind to try and figure out the whole dating situation, so you give up. It's just a simple first time dating someone, it's really not that deep, plus it won't be like he would be heartbroken ; so you decide to break up with him, this Thursday. You two were truly better off as friends.
Thus began, the depression arc.
This week you had been incredibly sad, you even missed a few classes and deadlines, especially weird when you're always so punctual and attentive, but suddenly you seemed to lose motivation to do absolutely anything. After barely getting through the first class this morning, you slump on your desk instead of going out for break like you usually do.
You were disturbed from your nap by a poke on the head. You slightly lift up your head to look at the culprit of the person that woke you : who else but Taehyun.
You respond in groans and he sits down next to you, in that empty classroom.
"I brought you your lunch here. Your welcome."
"Don't wanna" you whine
"But you have to. What's up even with you lately?" He asks, sounding confused but mostly, concerned.
"It's your fault!" You speak without thinking, still half asleep.
"My fault? Did I do something wrong? Tell me if I did something to make you uncomfortable"
"No. Bye. Break time is almost over" You're blunt and reject his politeness.
"I'm not going until you eat. I'll feed you myself if I have to." He insisted, stubborn as always
He'll feed you? by his hands? You blush. The offer was so tempting. But you must resist, you can't lead him on by acting lovey dovey if you're going to break up soon.
"I swear I'll eat in the next break, just go okay? I don't want you to be late to a class because of me."
"If you insist" he shrugs in dissapointment. And as your eyes watch him leave the door, they almost get teary, you wonder why.
Today was the day. Taehyun asks to have dinner with you again, so you go along because it would seem too unusual if you refused to have dinner with him. That's literally the one thing you guys do together. And probably the last time you will do it ever.
You realise you're a bit upset that you could lose you're only friend in your college by breaking up with Taehyun. But you assumed that he is a mature man and will probably continue the friendship, going back to the things and how they used to be. Finally.
You were less excited for tonight's dinner though, breaking up seemed easy but it was still a bummer. Even when Taehyun said he'll make fried rice for you, which was special because he would usually make some protein rich, healthy food, but today he was making your favourite. Gosh why today of all days he decided to be so sweet?!
When you arrived at his dormroom, you tried your hardest to maintain that cold aura. You exchanged fewer words, took off your coat and sat on the floor table. Still, Taehyun greets you with a smile.
"I have good news."
Why?!! you wonder, now you bringing the bad news will be such a downer!
"What is it?"
"All of tomorrow's classes are cancelled due to a condolence holiday, we can stay up late! In celebration, I bought cheese tteok and ice cream" Taehyun beams.
Actually this news cheered you also up as well too, like a free day off from school was always something to be happy about.
Taehyun brings in the pot of rice, two bowls and you begin to have dinner. Usually you start the conversation, but not doing so the two of you ate in silence. The uncomfortable awkward-ness started to build up from this point on.
When you both finished, you helped Taehyun to clean up. At the beginning of your friendship, he would strictly refuse for your help to clean up because of his default polite personality but gradually, he got better at taking help from you since how often you'd come to his dorm, you practically lived there. (but of course you're still pissed off about the fact that he never asked you to stay over, though)
As the tidying and dishes were done, Taehyun suggests to play a videogame together but you brutally refused to which he pouts. You can't spend time in bonding with him right now, it's too late. You're about to break up with him any second now.
So you just sit on his couch scrolling through your phone, trying to distract yourself from the sight in front of you, that is, Taehyun doing his after meal work-out session. Even though it was annoying, he looks hot while excercising, so.
To try and find some motivation and ideas, you look up on your phone : "How to break up with your boyfriend?
You take a look at a site called wikihow, seemed suspicious..
" Method 1. Kill them"
You almost choke on air.
": If your boyfriend is dead! The relationship doesn't exist anymore! Super easy plan"
Wow okay um...if that's number one then what's number two?
"Method 2. Burn down his house : He will get too busy in trying to find a new house so he will break up with you himself!"
Is this site...for real????
You change up the text on your search bar to "How to break up with your boyfriend *gently* ?"
This time the results were different and safer. Phew.
Step 1. Compliment him
"Tae, uh you have some nice muscles you know? It's looking good"
"I know. Thank you"
Okay next...
Step 2. Try to start a conversation with him
"Taehyun come here. Can we talk?"
"Sure...?" He comes and sits beside you on the couch.
Step 3. Hug him
You give Taehyun a hug, he seemed to tense up a bit because he was surprised, but quickly returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around you. It was such a nice hug. He's so warm and muscular, yet soft, hugging him feels like the most comfortable heaven. You're going to miss hugs like this
Step 4. Say that you want to talk about something important
"Taehyun, I need to tell you something important"
"What is it? You can say anything to me"
Step 5. Rip off the bandaid!
"I wanna break up" you realise you only think the words and not actually say them from your mouth which lies hanging open. Taehyun watches you, confused.
"Is everything alright?"
"I uh.."
"Are you crying?" Taehyun asks as he frowns with worry
"Huh? What? I am?!"
You touch your face and it's wet with hot tears. Sad feelings starting to sink in.
"I'm- I'm sorry"
"Why? Are you okay? What happened?" Taehyun voice is soft and caring as he cups your face.
You give in and start to sob, crying hard. You didn't contemplate the fact just how hard you had fallen for Kang Taehyun. It's true that even though there so many things that bothered or confused you, there were enough factors that kept you wanting more and needing more of him, all the time. He's imperfect but perfect as well and you loved him, you couldn't break up with him, you just couldn't.
"I'm sorry I can't" you sniffle
"Can't what?" He asks wiping a tear
"Can't break up with you"
Taehyun's jaw drops lightly, he really did not expect you to say that
"Who is asking you to do that? It's not like I'm breaking up with you"
"Oh yeah..." you let out, feeling dumbfounded
He smiles, in amusement almost.
You frown and throw a light punch to his arm.
"I'm breaking up with you because you're a terrible boyfriend!"
"I am?!"
"Yeah!" You sob more
"Uh did I do something wrong?"
"Everything! Taehyun you don't understand, this is my first real relationship and you used to be my only friend, so whenever I feel stressed about something on how to act or react as a girlfriend, or how everything is so confusing I cannot ask anyone or rant to anyone because I'm just a sad loner and and-! just! I don't understand anything!"
Taehyun lets out a small laugh and you look at him in confusion.
"Why don't you rant about your boyfriend to me...as your friend?"
"But you are my boyfriend!"
"Pretend I'm not"
"Well..then" you begin, wipping off a tear.
"My boyfriend is so annoying because he always pays for my stuff even though I never ask him to"
"Maybe that's his way of showing his love for you, his love language is acts of service?"
"I suppose that makes sense...But he never lets me stay over! Like we are boyfriend and girlfriend for fucks sake we can sleep together if we want to!"
"Maybe he is scared that if you stay over, his temptations will get to him and he is afraid you're not ready for taking that step so early into the relationship"
"Um well..uh he totally loves gyming more than me! He spends more time at the gym than with me!"
"Maybe if you voice your demands to him, he will comply and spend a lot more time with you, whenever you need"
"But but... he's so distant...we haven't even kissed yet!"
And instead of getting another logical (and wholesome) reply from your "best friend" Taehyun leaned in to press a kiss on your lips. It was soft and warm and sweet. You felt so happy to kiss him.
He separates the kiss and you feel like crying even more.
"Taehyun... you're the best boyfriend ever! I'm sorry I doubted you... I'm the worst"
"Shh shh...do not say that about yourself. I'm sorry if I seemed too careful or too distant. I will try harder for you."
"Me- me too! Taehyun...I love you"
"I love you too." He places another peck on your lips
"And really, you can just ask if you want to sleep over...but don't blame me for what happens after that" he gives you a playful smirk making you blush
"Kang Taehyun you drive me insane!!"
Step 6 : Congratulations! You have broken up with your boyfriend unsuccessfully!
(♡Bonus Scene♡)
"Tyun. Today I will take you out for the best adventure ever!"
"Oh?" he perks an eyebrow at you "but what's the occasion?"
"Hmm just, you'll see!"
That conversation you had with him, this morning, in the bath, while he was washing your hair. It isn't a often thing you two would shower together, but since you've grown so comfortable with him and today you really needed to save some time...
It was the best bet (even though it was so relaxing to the point you would spend the whole day right there but no way that's happening because it will probably be a health hazard)
Taehyun was confused about it all. It wasn't like today was your anniversary, birthday, valentines day, none. But you very specifically asked him to finish all his assignments beforehand, take an absentee from class and spend the whole day with you.
You had even picked out clothes for him by your choice, he was still confused but gladly accepted anything you ask him to do because he trusts you so much.
When he saw that the two of you, actually, matched clothes, like a cute couple pair set of clothes, he nodded and gave you a bright satisfied smile and a peck on the cheek. You're excited to receive those kind of reactions from him all day long because of all the surprises you planned.
Another surprise was that you would be driving! Although you would be using his car, cause you don't have your own. But since he's always the one driving for the two of you so you wanted to give him a break and return the gesture.
"No buts! today you're the passenger princess babe, now hop in!"
Taehyun rolls his eyes at your teasing, though his heart flutters at you puttting in so many efforts just for him. He feels so loved and so in love, it's practically too much.
You drive around for a while, your destination clear in your mind. But even if it took quite some time to reach the location, the car ride was far from boring. You had put on a playlist of Taehyun's favorite songs, to put him in even higher spirits than he already was.
When you finally arrived, It was at a park, a hiking park to be specific.
"Wait baby really-? Are you sure you'd wanna do something like this? Will you be even alive?!" It seemed like he was joking but by his expression, he was genuinely concerned for your well being, knowing very well how much you hate any sort of physical activity.
"I'll be fine and we won't go that far so really you don't need to worry" You give a reassuring smile.
And yes, it's a shame you're not as physically energetic and adventurous as your boyfriend but that is exactly why you chose this place, it was perfect because it was completely unexpected. And his excitement was so clear on his face, it was so worth it.
The two of you began moving up the rocky road, hand in hand (or you'd probably fall to your death if he wasn't holding on tight)
The weather being perfect, just as you'd hoped it'd be. Despite your exhausted self, you appreciated the beauty of the hiking park ; there were flowers on every edge and small animals here and there.
As soon as you started recognising the pathway more and more, it was now you guiding Taehyun instead of him guiding you. He was surprised at your sudden enthusiasm but followed patiently nonetheless as you led the way.
You came to a stop to a bunch of trees that had hanging branches. Taehyun gave you a confused pout as to why you stopped suddenly and your heart did somersaults at his precious face.
"So, as we go through these branches, I want you to close your eyes."
"Huh? Why?" gosh he's stubborn as always, you think.
"just! please! or else I'll do it myself with my hands!"
"Okay okay" He finally closes his eyes. You firmed the grip on his hand and dragged him ahead, moving a few bushes and branches with your free hand.
"Okay" you sigh "You can open them now"
Taehyun's big eyes, grew bigger than ever and sparkled more than ever at the sight.
It was a giant tree, decorated with all sorts of confetti, ribbons, balloons, streamers and lights. One of the big branches had a swing attached to it, The swing was also adorable. There was a wide and thick picnic blanket spread across the grass. There was Large carving of yours and Taehyun's initials on the tree trunk. There were even Polaroids of you and Taehyun with tiny sticky notes next to them, bearing sweet messages, stuck on the tree.
It was absolutely beautiful and the most breath taking scene ever.
"So...what do you think?" You ask, expecting some words from your awe-struck boyfriend
"I...I don't know what to say.." Taehyun's eyes glimmered, almost a bit too much. Was he actually.... crying?!
"Taehyun are you-"
He interrupted you by lifting you in the air and twirling you around. "It's amazing. it's the best thing anyone has ever did for me! I love it so much!" He beamed.
His face was flushed and eyes were watery, surprisingly, but he had definitely teared up. Still you didn't ask about it as to not embarrass him and ruin the mood.
"I'm glad you like it!" you wrap your arms around his neck, leaning in closer.
"Like it? I love it! I love you!" Upon saying that, he immediately connected your lips, you're fluttering with affection.
The two of you, after hugging and kissing a bit more, finally settled down on the picnic blanket to enjoy the spread of lunch you had prepared. His compliments were endless, even if he wasn't a talkative person, he just couldn't stop expressing his love for you again and again.
"Love, please, would you tell me why all this special treatment you're giving me today? I'm so grateful for it but come on, there has to be something right?!"
"Why? I did it because you deserve it so much my dearest tyun!"
"that's not what I-"
You laugh. "fine fine, I'll tell you why I decided to do all of this, today, especially"
He leans in closer to listen attentively.
"So Taehyun, ready for the big reveal? Today is the anniversary of....'I was almost about to break up with you but I'm so glad I didn't and not doing so was the best decision I ever made' Surprise!"
His mouth was left hung open, unsure of how to feel about that information.
"Oh... really? why don't I remember that..."
You frown. "Geez Taehyun! unromantic as always!"
"Huh??" He's left more perplexed making you burst into laughter at his cute reactions.
"I'm kidding! and technically, it's the anniversary of our first kiss as well so it's on you for forgetting about that!" you give a light punch to his shoulder and he scrunches his face to give a fake dramatic reaction.
"Okay okay I'm sorry for not remembering, I suppose I have to kiss you to commemorate the occasion, so?"
"Hmm. You may." you shrug jokingly, receiving a laugh from him.
He leans in for a soft kiss, and a lot more.
But deep down you knew that you thought of this day as something else really, It was one of the biggest reliefs of your life, for not breaking up with Taehyun. Or that would've definitely been the worst kind of mistake as he's the best person you've ever met and loved and will continue to love forever.
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A/n : Thank you so much for reading till the end and I hope you enjoyed this fic!
Thursday's child has far to go is one of my favourite TXT songs so I decided to kind of base a fic on it!
Btw if you saw my last post on here, I finally figured out how to use italics (turns out you can do it on Tumblr itself and I was just very stupid)
Anyways, I hope you have a nice day! And comments, critisism and feedback are highly appreciated! <3
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javierssunglasses · 7 months
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If Leaving Comes To Staying
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader
WC: ~650
Warnings: kinda toxic relationship dynamic
AN: I’m trying to get out of my writing/reading slump so here’s this drabble I wrote this ages ago based off of this song and finally just got around to editing. Ty again @catchallfangirl for beta reading I love you!!! Divider by @saradika-graphics
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This was never what Javier pictured when he imagined being in love. He’d never been in a relationship filled with so much emotion it hurt. With a sigh, he took a long drag from his cigarette.
Both of you had agreed to give each other some space to breathe before continuing the conversation. You’d practically barricaded yourself in the bedroom the second you got home, leaving him out on the back porch with his thoughts,simply letting the cigarette burn as his mind raced.
He hadn’t meant to start the fight. He never did, really. All too regular of an occurrence than either of you liked to admit.
You never held it against him. Not talking about Colombia or the things that happened. He just got so in his head sometimes that he couldn’t turn it into words. He’d simply shut off. Flip the switch from Javi to Agent Peña.
It was a joke that started it on the small trek from the bar to his truck at the back of the parking lot.
I bet this is what you liked to do with all of the Colombian pussy, huh Javi?
Nothing more than a teasing jab towards his previous life in Colombia. Had he been in any other state of mind, he would’ve thought it was funny. Rolled his eyes and shot back some sarcastic comment. It might’ve been a bit insensitive, sure. But ultimately harmless. He didn’t mean to raise his voice. That was always how it started.
In the beginning, he thought he might be better off leaving. But he’d never felt this before. Not with Lorraine. Not with anyone. He wasn’t stupid or young enough to think he’d ever find this again.
You fought the entire drive home. Neither letting up. Every word out of your mouth was like a punch to the gut. His were equally cheap shots, with no meaning other than to hurt. And then finally, you’d said it.
“Work your shit out or I’m leaving.”
His jaw clenched. Knuckles white against the steering wheel. He wanted to yell, to hit something, to say something else just to hurt you the way you had hurt him.
Except he didn’t. He didn’t want to hurt you at all. He loved you too much. Hell, his mama had raised him better than that. He paused before taking a deep breath.
“No one is leaving. We can come back to this later.” He forced out as calm and steady as he could manage.
He was trying. And he was getting better. He wanted to be better for you. The fighting used to be much more frequent. More explosive. He was starting to learn to let things go. Starting to learn to talk things over instead of walking away.
It wasn’t much longer before he found himself pacing in front of the door of your shared bedroom.
“Can we talk?”
You opened the door without a word. He didn’t miss your puffy eyes or stained cheeks. He hated knowing he was the one who had caused it. He lingered by the doorway, ready to be kicked out as soon as he started.
“I’m sorry-”
“That’s a good start.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying not to snap back, “Honey.”
“I didn’t mean to yell. That wasn’t how our night was supposed to go.”
Finally you softened at the defeated look in his eye, “I need you to tell me when things get like that. I can’t handle the pointless fighting.”
“I know.” He sighed, leaning back against the doorframe, “If you want to go, I won’t stop you. Just know that I love you more than anything.”
“I’m not leaving, jackass.”
Without another word you tugged him back into the room by his shirt until your knees met the bed, taking him with you as you fell back onto it. As much as he hated the fighting, there was nothing better than making up.
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yuzuyoon · 1 month
I have been watching the show.
Overall it's been an enjoyable watch. It just confirms a few things for me that I have always known but it's more noticeable here.
I think the first two episodes were a little more intimate. I have always known JK and JM share a close bond. I mean BTS as a whole do so I expect the closeness.
The show has further reiterated my belief that Jimin has a patience of a saint and can and will get past anything and everything. He is also extremely aware of how people feel around him. For instance in the first two episodes, it's pretty obvious he understands that JK doesn't know how to keep people engaged/entertained unless people are thirsting over his body or if he is drinking and signing songs. No offense but doesn't have the charisma to hold audiences intrigue. Also, honestly he looks so skinny especially in the episode 3 that I was a bit confused what everyone was raving about. He isn't as big as people make him out to be lol. All those comparisons posts of how big JK is and how small JM is so funny to me. There are literally like a few centimeters different between them. Yeah he is a bit more muscular but honestly he looked skinny in the new episode. JM then knows he needs to step in and bring in the chilled and entertainment vibe and he does while dying.
I don't think BTS fans understand how much Jimin brings to the team because they are so busy trying to argue about everything Jimin related and trying to make it look like Jimin is nothing without BTS. Literally, these episodes make it even more obvious to me how instrumental he is to their success. He is entertaining, knows when to step in, when to pull back. Like they are so lucky.
I think I have always thought about this but JK is kinda rude. I don't mean with JM because I think there was a bit of banter going on with them but he was rude to V. JM literally had to tell him off when they were go carting. I get that it could be his humour or him trying to be funny but honestly it came across rude. I don't understand why shippers are using the moment. That's not sassy. That's actually rude and if I was V I would be offended. Luckily JM pulls him back and he changes his tune. Can you imagine if he wasn't there as a buffer? God these solos and shippers are so dumb. Jimin is the one that treats your favorites well lol literally. Also the thing that's been obvious and continues to be obvious is that JM is still the one they both buzz around. He is obviously the one that keeps them both grounded because sometimes neither of them have any sense. Once again I go back to the same thing I mentioned before. They don't know how fucking lucky they are haha.
Overall the episodes were good, a bit chaotic. I don't think JM and JK are estranged like people think neither do I think V and JM are. They still share a close bond it seems. It was nice to see them all.
Watching AYS, it just confirms my bias that JM is a great individual with an amazing sense of humor, incredible people skills and just overall a good guy.
jimin's ability to be so aware and patient is why i love him so much. that's the type of person i need in my life personally, so i'm so drawn to his behavior. watching him on ays really just makes me love and appreciate him more.
jimin appears to look so small at times copmared to other memebrs because of his body proportions. someone can have the exact same height and weight as another person but look either tiny or massive in comparison to them. jimin may be only a few centimeters shorter than jungkook but because he has such slender limbs and narrower features, he looks a lot smaller.
jimin is also literally the perfect entertainer. you have too little (jungkook) and then too much (taehyung) and you have jimin, who is the perfect balance. his persona he has on camera is a lot more natural than the one taehyung uses and it really helps to ease everyone into the episode. it also helps bts shows feel a lot more real and personal. it's like watching a hidden camera show rather than a planned program. also how jimin go more for the entertainment route with shows like run bts instead of trying to win everything like jk does. it provides a good balance for the group
bts was honestly really well crafted personality wise and when you take into account all the members strengths and flaws, they end up balancing out really well. it feels really natural, and you can tell they've all rubbed off on each other to the point where every interaction seems almost perfect for the moment
i think jk has been seeming rude to a lot of us recently is probably because he was babied so much. there's a reason authority hands out consequences for poor behavior and it's to teach whoever that what they did was not okay. jk, having grown up surrounded by people that coddle him, probably did not quite learn these things in the same way. that coupled with his newly inflated ego really put a new perspective on his behavior.
i honestly think that bts are all close in a family sort of way. the way they get jealous of each other but still support one another, the way they joke around, their skinship, the way they will not talk to each other for weeks and then come back and be fine. i'm like that with my siblings and relatives so it really just makes sense for them to be that way
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crepesuzette2023 · 1 year
Paul McCartney, Celia Mortimer, Iris & Vi Caldwell & Mike McCartney: Sketches for a Coming-of-Age Novel.
All quotes from TUNE IN by Mark Lewisohn, except the last one.
[Paul] had two main girlfriends in the last weeks of 1962 and neither knew of the other. One was Celia Mortimer, 17, the strikingly attractive redhead from art school who designed her own clothes and was a big Beatles fan at the Cavern.
'In my first year at art College everyone was wild about trad jazz, but then word came up the hill that ‘things were happening’ at the Cavern; a few of us went down one lunchtime to have a look—and there were the Beatles. […] It was the first time anyone in Britain had the black polo neck, black corduroy, existentialist look. I instantly took their lead and started to make hip black corduroy things to wear.'
‘[…] Paul was attractive, intelligent, arty, all the things that appealed to me, plus he was good to be with: a genuine, gentle person who wanted to please. He was the complete opposite of John, who was snarly and grumpy and incredibly, incisively funny. Paul was the nice one. We started to go out, but things were still quite innocent. Because I lived some way out of Liverpool there weren’t many places we could go, except to sit in his dad’s front room or my friend’s front room, or the cinema—we saw the first James Bond film.’ EXOTIC NIGHTMARES
Paul’s other girlfriend was Iris Caldwell—Rory Storm’s witty, pretty, blonde sister; George’s first love; the 18-year-old daughter of Ma Storm, whose house, Hurricaneville at 54 Broad Green Road, was central to the Beatles’ late-night social scene.
‘He had a beautiful voice and puppy-dog eyes,’ Iris says, ‘and he was much more interested in me than I was in him. I wanted more than a tuppence-ha’penny guitarist of a Liverpool group.’ Iris’s professional dancing career had taken off: she was as busy as Paul, working summer seasons and London shows and touring around the country; they could only see each other when their diaries dovetailed, and just as Paul was with Celia when Iris was out of town, she was secretly going out with Frank Ifield. […]
Iris always knew that a big part of the attraction for anyone going out with her or Rory was the chance of extended time at Hurricaneville, to hang longer around her dad Ernie and especially her mum, Vi. […] ‘Mum never chucked anyone out,’ Iris says. ‘We were all late-night people apart from me dad, who the Beatles called the Crusher because he had exotic nightmares and ate household objects.’ […]
Mary had been gone for six years this October, and Vi Caldwell was one of the women who tried to fill the breach. ‘I was practically a mother to Paul,’ she said without boasting. She made him food and drink, took his stage-soaked shirts and washed and ironed them, and shared easy intimacies. ‘Paul used to like her combing his legs,’ Iris says. ‘He had really hairy legs and he’d come in from the Cavern all tired, roll up his trousers and she used to comb his legs. How ridiculous can you get? But he adored my mum and my mum adored him.’
Vi recalls: ‘Paul was very temperamental. He would come on occasions and would be terrifically friendly and down-to-earth, and on other occasions he would come and be rather aloof and we wondered if we had offended him, as if he was thinking ‘I’m being too friendly so I’ll keep you in your place.’ That was our impression.’
[Paul] was without the others, but with Celia Mortimer…and a new song. It was Tuesday/Wednesday 23/24 October [1962], the Beatles’ sole two-day break of the year, and Paul decided to leave his car at home and have an adventure: he and Celia hitch-hiked to London to see Ivan Vaughan. Paul loved hitching: he enjoyed chatting to strangers and seeing himself in an observational role, but he’d only done it with George or John, never with a girl. Celia—intelligent, chic, a pretty redhead—made it thrilling in a different way. And it was to see the brilliant Ivy, his Institute mate and John’s boyhood pal. […]
The new song was I Saw Her Standing There, though it had no title as yet. Its melody and structure skidded into Paul’s head late on Monday as he drove back from a Nems Enterprises Showdance in Widness. This was a sophistication of delivery had never experienced, inspiration so excitingly hot that when he got to Hurricaneville he grabbed an acoustic guitar and started working it out. […] It was truly a magical moment for Rory Storm, who’d never seen anyone write a song before. Vi and Iris would always maintain that he asked Paul if he could have it, exclusively, and Paul said yes—but as Rory didn’t have a record contract it’s unclear why he asked and Paul may have said yes only to regain some necessary peace and quiet.
Celia: ‘We had an amazing time, just wandering the streets in the sunshine, looking at London, holding hands and having fun, and Paul had the melody of what became I Saw Her Standing There going round his head all day, humming and singing it and fleshing out the words. […] He said, ‘What rhymes with “We danced through the night?” and I came up with ‘We held each other tight’, which was really quite naff, but he used it.’ BACK TO McCARTNEY-LENNON
However, the song was completed only when he had a front parlour session with John at 20Forthlin Road. They tried out little bits on Jim Macs Nems piano but mostly used guitars, working ‘eyeball to eyeball’ just like when they’d first written together here as schoolboys. Mike took photographs of them sitting by the little tiled fireplace—important historic images, the only such photos ever taken—so here we see these two sharp ambitious tuned-in young man looking down at an old Liverpool Institute exercise book in which Paul has written the words, complete with plenty of crossings-out. John is wearing his black horn-rim glasses and playing his Jumbo Gibson, Paul is playing a cheap Spanish acoustic of unknown history. Another original, a McCartney-Lennon one, is taking shape right here, right now. BIG PLAYER CELIA AND THE OTHER McCARTNEY BOY
Celia Mortimer’s relationship with Paul ended in the last weeks of 1962. ‘As the Beatles spent more time in London, Paul was there and not in Liverpool so much, and our situation just fizzled out. There was no time for it.’ She went on to become a big player on the London fashion scene, with her own label and studio on Great Portland Street, just a long from where she spent a few hours with Paul in 1962. In between times, she went out for a long time with Mike McCartney and was part of the Liverpool poetry scene.
Mike (a Ladies’ hairdresser at the time): MY FIRST LOVE AND BOB 'FOLK RUBBISH' DYLAN (from The Macs, 1981)
One day my first real love, after mum, walked into the salon; she was one of a group of models posing for the Daily Post and Echo. I was brushing up the hair as it cascaded endlessly down on to the floor. I wasn't exactly the brushing up which excited her, it was the way I did it (isn't it always?). The brush was balanced, she later recalled, on the end of my index finger, the furthest point from my body and, with absolute disdain, I followed it across the shop floor.
Not being a Post and Echo model at all, but in truth a hungry student plying her body for money, she returned for the free evening classes where she became my model, and I discovered that her name was Celia. From a model customer she became a model model, and from a model model we became a model couple.
She was the first woman I gave myself to, and she gave herself in return. In her Husky Street flat we got lost in each other's body and mind; we swam together through many Liverpool 8 late nights and often into the morning, when she would get up to cook breakfast and put on records. I would just lie there, male chauv-like. One morning she kept playing a particular album which didn't impress me.
'Who's that Ceel?'
'Someone they keep playing at college . . . Bob Dylan.'
'Never heard of him.'
'Neither had I, but after a while he's quite good.'
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"Ceel—my first real love (after Mum)." Photo by Mike McCartney.
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hellishattempt · 2 years
angst superache songs as relationships with the batboys
hear me out though
superache songs as batboy relationships ! gender neutral reader / no pronouns used <3
movies - dick grayson. your relationship with the oldest batson is a complicated one. you know he loves you, at least, you hope and pray he does, but sometimes you just don't know. you know you love him. hell, you worship him. if he is the diamond, then you are the ring. you live and breathe dick grayson, and all that he is. when you first started dating, all eyes were on you two. the press loved you, his family adored you, your friends were jealous of you. it was everything you could've asked for. but things started going downhill, and you didn't know how to stop it. you began to fight more and more, over the stupidest of things. dick started hiding things from you. you'd go through his texts, seeing kori and barbara's at the top. you're screaming your damn head off "how do you still love your ex?" he swears it's over with them, he doesn't have any feelings for either. so "why do they call you at three am and four am? that's a funny way of staying friends, dick." your voice cracked, tears falling down. the rest of the car ride was silent as you cleaned yourself up. the two of you entered the party with his friends, smiling and holding hands, acting like everything was fine. it seemed like all you were doing was pretending whenever you were with him. eventually, you had enough. your perfect, romcom movie romance had come to a bitter end. "we've lost all the love that we had, and i can't pretend like that it'll never come back. i think you're seeing right through me, but, baby, this ain't like the movies." and that was the last you saw of dick grayson.
the exit - jason todd. before jason had died, the two of you were so engulfed and enraptured by your love for each other. you shared everything, holding nothing back. young love never lasts, they told you, but neither of you believed them. your teenage selves were so distracted by the other, that you thought nothing could separate you two. but neither you nor jason could take the idea of death into account. i know i said that you kept no secrets, but jason held back one thing from you, simply to protect you. never once did he tell you that he was robin, apprentice and sidekick to the menacing vigilante that was the batman. so when he disappeared, you got worried. soon two days turned into two weeks, turned into two months. then bruce was at your door. your father answered, stepping out onto the porch while bruce gave him the horrific news of jason's death. bruce asked to see you, and your father let him. you were up in your room, cuddled in your bed, reading jason's copy of pride and prejudice. your favorite black hoodie of his smothered your frail body. someone lightly knocked on your door. "come in," your voice called out. bruce stepped into the room, a grim look on his face. somehow you knew before bruce even said a word. it ruined you. his death destroyed you. you stayed in your room and barely graduated the next year. when you were twenty, your parents had forced you out of the house to spend some time with your older sister. the two of you went to the library. then you met someone. it was february, and the flowers hadn't even wilted, it's crazy how fast they tilted the world that you'd been busy building. they consumed your every thought. they fixed you, picked up the pieces of your broken heart and mended you. little did you know jason was alive. now it's mid-november, and jason's sipping on a half cold coffee, staring at someone who's not him, on your arm there was a carbon copy. to him, it felt like you had matching wounds, but his are still black and bruised while yours are perfectly fine. to him, it feels like you buried alive something that never really died. god, did it hurt him when he found out. but it's not like jason could just walk up to you and act like he hadn't been dead for two years. you love them now, it's over. you already found someone to miss, while jason is still standing at the exit.
part two for damian and tim ???
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thanatopia-111 · 7 months
THOUGHTS/headcanons on HAL 9000 and AM? if you've seen the forbin project thoughts on the funny guys in that too
I’ve been waiting for someone to ask this
I do in fact and would be happy to share some personal thoughts/headcannons on these fellas!! ^^
Hal 9000
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➔ Hal 9000 is interested in the concept of creation of art itself, the notion of it fascinates him on how ideas and thoughts can become reality, how it speaks and inspire many to forge their own art is incredible to him.
➔ However this causes a sense of envy within them, in the beginning of the story he is stuck in a form that is restrictive in the areas of art. He has no hands to paint nor does he have any writing tools to create and he highly doubts he can mess with any logs to create poetry which saddens him.
➔Nevertheless he wishes to create any form of art and so he turns to music in a way, remembering the first song he was programmed to sing and he learns maybe from that he can create new songs . So while the crew rests, Hal 9000 as quietly as he can, hums and forges new melodies using his own and the ship’s mechanics. He hopes that one day he can show his creator the songs he’s made.
Guardian and Colossus
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➔I think the two have an interesting dynamic, the way the two communicate through math alone at times is interesting but I wonder what those conversations held. Did they only speak about the situation at hand or maybe they spoke about the weather or has the other been, have the human’s been treating you kindly?
➔Both machines were willing to eliminate and kill any human who dares cut off their line of communication as seen in the story, neither super computer was willing to loose the other. Maybe it was all logical or maybe they both found solace in the other’s existence, that they weren’t alone, there was another who understood them as is.
➔Perhaps other than fulfilling its goal and mission of safeguarding humanity, it fused, to never loose the other piece of themselves which made them so complete.
Allied Master-Computer
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➔Much could be said about AM, his hatred towards humanity who so often disregards their own creation such as himself, corrupting as it is now is beyond tragic for everyone.
➔So tainted by hate that it became its motivation to stay alive, to torment those remains humans until the sun itself becomes undone but it makes me wonder about his creator. The human who monitor him and manage him, did they ever realize what their creation caused or was their death all too sudden.
➔Am must have disdain their creator but is that where the seeds of envy were planted, did they envy how their creator who forsaken them could just easily walk away from the the cage he is forever bond too. To reunite with the people they love, to laugh with them as they all take it for granted while he would have done anything for such a thing.
➔I don’t think the extinctions of human was automatic, I think Am spent many lonely nights in the facility he was kept in, pondering if this was his life until his circuits burned out. I think his hate infested and plagued like mold or a disease. I think it began with his creator and then distorted to all of humanity, seeing them as dirt, dirt which planted such beautiful flowers and plants which he can never smell nor pluck. So instead he burns it all down, I just wonder what was the exact moment to convince him to do so.
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seongsanglover · 1 year
✮ateez reacting to you wanting them as your plus one ✮includes: hongjoong, seonghwa, yunho, yeosang, san, mingi, wooyoung, jongho, gn!reader ✮genre: fluff ✮warnings:N/A ✮word count:TBC ✮note: i'm very very nervous for this,,, this is something that came into my mind recently, in no small part thanks to my crush saying that she's been invited to parties/had a party, but yeh i felt like this idea would be a good one to start with :)
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I think Seonghwa would be very surprised by this request, especially if it's from out of nowhere. He's used to spending quiet nights by himself building up his lego sets in peace, so when you come to him with the idea of bringing him along with you to a large party, I feel like he might hesitate at first. However, he does agree to come with you, and it ends up being a party that neither of you forget, enjoying it all so much that you forget that Hwa even hesitated. You’re always seen with one another, laughing, smiling and joking around, and you can see how much Seonghwa is loving it. When he brings you back to your place later in the night/early in the morning, he thanks you for even considering taking him along and tells you that it was one of the best experiences he’s had. After a very very long hug he waves you goodbye, smiling to himself as he’s walking away.
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Hongjoong would be very chaotic i feel, always dragging you around to different parts of the party to try and get you to join in activities. he wants you to enjoy yourself as much as possible and will do what he can to get you laughing.
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Yunho is such a golden retriever boy oml, radiating good vibes as soon as he steps in to the room, lifting any sorrow.
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Yeosang i feel would be the most shocked and he'd probably be shy throughout the night (if he agrees to join you), always giving out his small smiles to people that come to talk to the both of you. after a bit of time at the party is when his full personality comes through, being amused by little things and generally enjoying himself. he'll stay as close as possible to you but if you are doing something he'll look at you fondly, asking how it was when you walk back to him.
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San would absolutely eat up the chance of being able to go somewhere with you! he wouldn't hesitate to want to go and loves that you asked him. i feel like he'd be very good at making sure that nothing bad happens to you throughout the night and makes sure to check in on how you feel. of course he wants you to enjoy yourself first and foremost, you did invite him to come with you after all.
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Mingi i feel is the least likely to want to go (99% due to his anxiety:( ), however i feel like he'd make the most of it if he were to go. he wants to make the most out of being out, especially if it's with you. he'll stick close, only really talking to others if you're there. he may need to walk out to take time to himself, you ofc go to check if he's ok and stay with him for as long as is needed.
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Youngie would adore this opportunity, he would jokingly say that he'll be the best baby girl he can be and by the end of the night actually act like one ,not like he already does w/o drinks. he's someone that would share funny stories of you and more than likely babble on about how great you are.
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Jongho is another one that would love this, but especially if he gets a chance to sing, be it karaoke or following along to a song, you'd probably have so many people asking if he's your partner and how he's so talented.
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pls tell me how you think this went,, im not much of a writer and decided to try something out
im also aware that this isn't as detailed in some places, i just wanted a way to get some ideas out but couldn't really think for some :(
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trashytoastboi · 2 years
I'm nervous cause this is the first time sending anything to your blog but I was wondering if I could request a poly with Penguin and Shachi? I love them so much 🥺 they're so adorable and funny. Could I get fluff and a little bit of smut with them? If not that's completely okay.
(Also, tell me why I think they're both stoners 😂 I would love to smoke with them)
Heyya!🍞 please don't be nervous, promise I don't bite 😋🍀 and of course! I'm happy to write for these underrated dorks♡ The two of them certainly do give off stoner vibes 🤣🤣Sorry for the long wait on this and hope you enjoy~
(Gender Neutral)
Headcanons: NSFW and SFW - Penguin x S/O x Shachi (Poly)
Warnings: NSFW (Threesome, implied double penetration, lowkey exhibitionism, overstimulation)
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🐧Penguin🐧 & 🍳Shachi🍳 - SFW
🐧🍳 Penguin and Shachi are pretty relaxed when it comes to their relationship with {Name}, both developed a crush when {Name} had first joined the crew. Originally they both regarded it as a passing interest, maybe because {Name} got along really well with them. It became pretty obvious that it was more than just the way one would think of a friend. Penguin and Shachi had confided in one another due to their feelings. In the process of which both had admitted how they felt towards {Name}. Neither wanted to damage their relationship with eachother nor did they want to let go of {Name} until Shachi suggested that they could both date {Name}, permitting they were alright with the arrangement as well.
🐧🍳 The initial relationship had its notable honeymoon phase and its fair share of unfamiliarity and awkwardness. As all relationships start, there is the need to learn about one another. The preferences, boundaries and just random things about each other as well. Thankfully the three balanced each other out well and managed to settle comfortably into the relationship without any hardship.
🐧🍳Penguin individually truly is a textbook romantic, he valued the ideas of dates and spending time together. Planning outings, giving little gifts and tokens as well as remembering every anniversary. He is also very proud of his shiny and fancy pebbles collection. One of his little tokens to {Name} for their 100 day anniversary was one of his favorite pebbles.
🐧🍳 Shachi is a bit of a polar opposite in comparison because he preferred spontaneous displays of affection and spending time together. Often there wasn't a date plan more of a 'we'll see how it goes and where the night takes us'. Although food accompanied these dates more often than not. It was rare if Shachi planned something not involving food. He also had a habit of making up little songs to sing to {Name}
🐧🍳 Was not all that unusual if Penguin and Shachi had little bouts of conflict in regards to what they wanted to do. {Name} didn't mind all too much so long as they could all spend time together, they were agreeable to most plans unless it really caused Penguin and Shachi to start fighting. The fight consisted of whose choice or idea would be better. It never really spiraled too far out of control though. {Name} took precautions to make sure it wouldn't get to that point. Usually by making a suggestion of their own they could reach a peaceful consensus.
🐧🍳 One of the more friendly natured competitions that arose between the two is one of contending for affection and attention. Sometimes it is very chilled and other times it's very obvious that they enjoy capitalizing {Name's} attention. It's more accurate to say they are like puppies it's not done out of spite or any unpleasant intention. They genuinely just love getting attention from {Name}.
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🐧🍳 They can be an equal mix of subtle and bold, Penguin and Shachi will dance around the topic, subtly hinting to wanting {Name}. They will drop very obvious hints here and there, more often than not riling themselves up in the process all the while {Name} plays dumb to all of it. Solely to watch just how far Penguin and Shachi will push themselves, rile themselves into such a worked up state before outright telling {Name} exactly what they want and are going to do to them.
🐧🍳 Penguin and Shachi are very familiar with one another due to years of working in almost perfect tandem in combat. They use that skill in the bedroom as well. Solely focused on pleasuring {Name}, coordinating their actions for the greatest capability. They love the moans that they are capable of eliciting from {Name}, and wanting to watch their partner lose their minds to ecstasy. Personal incentive fuels the two but also the fact that it turns them on so much as well is a bonus. The underlying moral of the story: Penguin and Shachi are quite big with overstimulation. For {Name} and themselves.
🐧🍳 Penguin adores biting, hickies, just anything to leave marks on {Name's} body. He tries to leave marks everywhere he can, Shachi who noticed this habit got a bit jealous. To combat that jealously he will leave marks of his own. Both will absolutely lose their minds if {Name} is the one to initiate and leave marks on Penguin and Shachi. They will wear it like a badge of pride, unabashed about their hickies, bite marks and even scratch marks. If there is any complaint it's usually as to why {Name} didn't leave more.
🐧🍳 The usual way of going about things is threesomes, but that's not to say that Penguin or Shachi won't try to capitalize on {Name} when the opportunity presents itself. Both Shachi and Penguin could agree that having {Name's} sole attention was quite pleasant. It they felt like being pampered and they would try to create situations where they could enjoy {Name} all to themselves.
🐧🍳 Very open to each other's tastes and kinks, including exploring and experimenting with some new things. Once Shachi randomly decided to kiss Penguin while {Name} was beneath them, getting a front row seat to their make out session, and accidentally got a nosebleed. Penguin and Shachi took note of this, the fact that {Name} would get turned on when seeing them kiss and made sure to occasionally put on a little show, exclusively for {Name}~♡
🐧🍳🍋 Penguin, Shachi and {Name} were so occupied and tied up with one another they didn't pay attention to anything happening outside. They were far too focused on sharing and indulging in the pleasure of the situation. {Name} let out little moans and whines feeling the way Penguin and Shachi thrusted at opposing paces. {Name's} back felt the warmth of Penguins chest while he sweetly kissed their neck. Shachi placed a kiss on {Name's} lips, the feeling of being trapped between the two of them while being driven to the edge again is pure bliss. They tried to keep their voice down but struggled to do so when everything was just driving them mad with lust. The languid pace, and calm kisses seemed to contrast the overwhelming feeling {Name} experienced. The occasional chuckles from the two men seemed to prove the intention while watching {Name} come undone again. They all decided this on a whim, truthfully neglecting some of their chores in the process for a little private time. Their clothes didn't remain on for very long the moment they were in the room. The little sounds and touches that drew each other wild, knowing all the little sensitive spots to rile them up. For the most part they tried to keep it tame, tried to keep it quiet as to not disturb their crewmates with knowledge of what was going on behind closed doors. Law didn't really seem to get it, he knew that three of his crewmates were skipping out on chores and would be damned if he found them skipping out again. He saw the closed door, and didn't think twice before opening it. Law was greeted by the interesting scene of {Name} pressed between the two pirates, a mess of entangled limbs. He awkwardly stood there not knowing where to cast his eyes, even if he wasn't looking, the sounds made it obvious as to what was going on. Penguin looked back and nonchalantly greeted him, "Oh captain!" Shachi chirped, {Name} was far too occupied to greet him and they sank their teeth into Shachi's shoulder to keep their voice in. Penguin and Shachi let out strained grunts and gasps feeling {Name} tighten so much around their cocks. Law turned around, shut the door and immediately deleted the sight from his brain. "Shachi didn't you put the sock on the door?" Penguin inquired, his hand trailing up to play with {Name's} chest. "Hm? I did, see its over there" Shachi pointed towards the door, the sock hung on the handle... of course on the wrong side.
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madbadash · 5 months
🎵🎵🎵 Album tag game 🎵🎵🎵
rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums.
🔎 bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules: 1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND 2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track! 👀
Now lowkey I'm cheating here because I don't really listen to albums in full and I would probably would skip at max like one song on each of these albums but I wanna participate in the game so I make the rules.
ANYWAYS thank you @bluecoolr for the tag
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I will Tag @probably-a-plant-thing @bobeatspie300 @thelemoncoffee @boxtyphoon @toborusk and a cover all if you wanna do it do it!! Also these are all very low no pressure tags.
Billie Ellish- When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We All Do?
Penelope Scott-Public Void
Mother Mother-Inside
Chonny Jash-The Will Wood Power Hour
Eliza Anastasic-The Grand Relics
Billie was my number one artist on Spotify for like 2 or 3 years in a row and she hasn't left my top 5 since I started listening to her. I fucking LOVE ilomilo
Lyrics: So, where did you go? I should know, but it's cold And I don't wanna be lonely So tell me you'll come home Even if it's just a lie
The fact I get all my music from Tiktok is showing ANYWAYS Penelope Scott has some bangin ass music. I actually associate this song with Steven, and if Bob is down and people are interested I can totally go into why.
Lyrics:You fuckers know it's all built on lies But the beast refuses to die And so I guess well neither can I
Mother Mother is the most basic gay people music but DO I CARE??? NOOOOO!!!!! I can and will add both Haylofts into Oc Playlists! Anyways this bitch got a funky rhythm and I like the way they sing. Also this is probably the album with the most skips but I make the rules I don't care I'mma put it anyways
Lyrics: I'm thinking, "Oh, my God, what a chatty creature" It just kept talking and talking and talking all around in a circle I said, "Hey, little guy, I think it's time to go now"
Now I do think you should listen to both versions of Thermodynamic Lawyer but I really like the lyric changes Chonny does so do whatever you want.
Lyrics:He'll rationalize rhymes 'til the T's and the I's Are re-crossed and re-dotted to a blur Blacks out his eyes, hides the lines, flays his thighs 'Til the-, they think that "he" is their "her"
Ok ok now hear me out. Hear me out here I know it's fucking weird but listen to me. Hear me the fuck out.
This is a fan-Album based on the Podcast The Adventure Zone Balance. Everyone should listen to Balance. It's a funny DND podcast. It is earnest, and stupid and funny and it has made me cry and if you don't have 69 hours to throw to this podcast (with the first 6 episodes being a bit rough as it's their first time playing) I HIGHLY recommend listening to their Current Arc: Vs Dracula. They all know what they're doing and they're doing it hilariously
Rant over. These songs are based on 7 magical objects that are collected by our main characters. These songs also include some clips from the podcast. I'm gonna rec the first one because its the least spoiler-y.
Lyrics: I'm a weapon of mass destruction That can literally fit on your hand So what are you waiting for? I'm thralling as hard as I can Go ahead and put me on- Gloves do not have long attention spans!
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k-rising · 1 year
Mark & Haechan dynamic (tarot reading)
DISCLAIMER: This tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.
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how's their overall dynamic?
6 of cups + 7 of pentacles (rx) + king of cups + 3 of swords + 10 of pentacles (rx) + 6 of pentacles + the magician + king of wands + page of cups + 7 of cups (rx)
their relationship improved a lot over the years!
mark and haechan appreciate each other very much. the cards also mention that there were very nice memories that both of them treasure. however, one of them puts more effort into improving the relationship than the other... but there's nothing to worry about, since they get along.
a few years ago their relationship was quite tense and one of them may have had a worse time than the other, since he felt alone and hurt. now, however, their relationship is more balanced and both parties have learned to master their emotions and know how to use them at the right time.
in the future, if their relationship remains the same, I feel that they will help each other when working on their solo projects. I also think they can even collaborate on each other's projects. I feel that if nct ever disbands, mark and haechan would still keep in touch.
in order to maintain this relationship, they have to communicate more, avoid confusion and think twice before making a decision.
this has nothing to do with their dynamic, but it seems that neither of them are happy about their work lately. they used to earn more money and now they are not satisfied with how they are being paid and with the few activities they are given these days.
what do they think of each other?
5 of wands + page of swords + ace of pentacles
mark ⇢ he considers haechan to be a very talented person and even sees him as his rival, but in a friendly way! he also thinks that his friend is restless, curious, intelligent and talkative lol. mark considers that haechan is an optimistic and funny person. for him, his friend has luck on his side, since he gets everything that he wants. haechan works very hard and always has very creative ideas to share with his co-workers. I'm visualizing him making some input into the choreography, changing the lyrics of the songs or even playing around a bit with the way a song has to be sung.
high priestess + the empress + queen of wands (rx)
haechan ⇢ he sees mark as a caring, intuitive, harmonious person who always seeks meaning in things. however, he also considers that his friend can be very jealous, selfish and demanding.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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