#furby interview
notebook-enthusiast · 7 months
my interviewer: teach me something in these last two minutes
me: umm... black hare sea slugs are the largest species of sea slugs and can grow up to 39 inches. they're black because they eat brown algae and this makes them poisonous to potential predators.
my interviewer: ok then!
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thinkaboutkink · 6 months
I watched Interview with the vampire (2022) a week ago for, honestly, gay vampire sex but DAMN! I'm so obsessed about the geriatric sarcastic piece of meat and the cute dom twink with furby eyes dynamic with 15 minutes of total screen time. Like are you gonna fuck the old man? you did already? Why do I want to see the DEBAUCHERY of the gramdpa? IDK i just lust for it, old Daniel deserve it!!
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duckprintspress · 4 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributor ilgaksu
Wondering what Aether Beyond the Binary is and why you should care? It’s Duck Prints Press’s latest anthology, currently crowdfunding: 17 stories, modern aetherpunk settings, outside-the-binary main characters! Help us reach our funding goals by checking out the campaign now!
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About ilgaksu: Full-time fandom cryptid, Furby enthusiast, and the human embodiment of that one gif of Elmo on fire, ilgaksu was born and raised in an  undisclosed location, living in several others, and now currently residing in [REDACTED]. Their interests include collecting haunted toys, using their artistic practice as an excuse to forget to do their laundry, and playing with fictional men like Bratz dolls. They have not unclenched their jaw yet today, but they do remember to drink lots of water. 
Link: personal webpage
This is ilgaksu’s first publication with Duck Prints Press.
An Interview with ilgaksu
What is your “dream project” – the thing you’d see as the culmination of your work as a creator?
I have a list of dream projects – a big queer space opera trilogy, a series of detective serials, I want to pastiche all of the genres I adored growing up – but I think I’m never going to find the culmination of my work. I’m going to have to make do with whatever I do while I’m alive, and other people can argue about that for me or something. The work is the work. It has to speak for itself without me defending it.
When you look at your “career” as a creator, what  achievement would you most like to reach – what, if it happened or has  already happened, would/did make you go “now – now I’m a success!”?
Does any writer actually get to the point where they fully believe they’re a success, and the feeling lasts forever? This is a genuine question. Where are they hiding? I want their advice.
What are your favorite snacks and/or drinks to consume while creating?
I have to have at least three emotional support beverages, and one of those will always be a form of iced coffee, then usually bubble tea, and then usually water. These are because I clearly run on three separate hydration systems. Snack-wise, I don’t tend to eat while I’m actually making things, but I like churros and loaded fries and ramen and salmon on bagels and, listen, I just really love food.
Describe your ideal creation space.
I like writing somewhere near a window, ideally when it’s raining outside, with three emotional support beverages and my favourite headphones and the very specific song that works as white noise in that moment on repeat. Possibly for the next five hours.
Do you like having background noise when you create? What do you listen to? Does it vary depending on the project, and if so, how?
I have to have background noise or I can’t focus to write, and it’s usually music with lyrics. I tend to have a mix of current songs I’m fixated on in a huge Everything playlist, and then I often have a smaller playlist for the project itself. Like I said before, I can also easily listen to the same song on repeat for as long as it takes to finish the necessary section, even if it that takes hours, because after a while I stop hearing the music itself – it functions as white noise.
Share five of your favorite books. (You can include why, if you want!)
Wolf Hall Trilogy (Hilary Mantel, technically 3 but)
The Dream Thieves (Maggie Stiefvater) 
Evensong’s Heir (L. S. Baird)  
Daughter of Fortune (Isabel Allende)  
The Magpie Lord (KJ Charles)
Share five of your favorite (blanks). 
Five favourite current bubble tea flavours: Earl Grey, Snow White, Rose, Lavender, Honeydew
If you could give one piece of advice to a new creator who came to you for help, what would that advice be?
You don’t want to write like me. 
That probably sounds incredibly arrogant, but let me explain: the most common thing I’ve had said to me by a new creator, or a fan of my work, is “I want to write like you.” And I get where people are coming from, and I get it’s from a place of admiration – which is very very flattering, of course – because early on in my writing career that used to be a desire that consumed me to. But my point is this. I realised that it was futile to want something like that, because I would never be that creator, with their experiences in life and reading that had informed how they view the world and filter it into their own work. Even if I tried to mimic it, and maybe if I managed it on a superficial level, it wouldn’t be animated by the same mind moving through it, and so I’d be doing us both a disservice. So, I no longer want to write like other people. I want to write more and more like myself. And because of that, I try and advise people to redirect how they’re verbalising that desire. What is it about my work, or anyone’s work, that speaks to you? What parts of it don’t work for you? What is it you want that’s similar – the assurance of their authorial voice, their breadth of lexis or grammar, the themes they focus, how they make you feel as a reader in that relationship with them through the text? Identify those things. Start from there, and think about who you are and take these little ingredients from everyone you’ve read and loved, and everything you love in the world outside writing. Do that instead. Not only will it help you identify more concretely the goals you’re working towards in your craft, but you deserve a voice as a writer that’s solely your own.
What would you say to a demoralized creator to inspire them?
The same thing I said earlier but reappropriated: nobody can write like you.
ilgaksu’s Contribution to Aether Beyond the Binary
Title: chameleon trick
Tags: be gay do crimes, be gay solve crimes, established relationship, heist, manchester, non-binary, past tense, present tense, suicidal ideation (mentions of), united kingdom, third person limited pov, trans man
Sasha turns on him; gleeful, sparking with it. It’s less a dropping of a mask and more of a perfect, total illumination as they ask, “How did I do?”
You would think they were an amateur at this, looking at their borderline puppyish excitement. They even tilt their face up, less in expectation of a kiss and more in certainty of one. But they are both working. Martha has read the codes of conduct at this factory: no fraternisation during work hours. And so:
“I don’t have time for your praise kink right now,” Martha says, and sidesteps them.
End-of-post reminder: check out our campaign on Kickstarter! It ends January 25th – we’re about half-way done.
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furby-junkie · 19 days
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Some quotes from an interview with Richard Levy. 
Date: October, 2023
Source (archived)
High praise! And in other news, I was excited to hear about the return of Furby… What changes can we expect to see in the brand? Interesting question. You know, early on in Hasbro’s development of the current generation of Furby, I strongly recommended to the team going back to the DNA of the first generation which bowed in 1998 and was created by another partner, electronic whiz David Hampton. David’s vision was a “life form, not a toy.”
A life form, not a toy! Heck of a vision back then. Brilliant vision! And I believe three things endeared the creature to the world, and gave it the staying power to still be relevant today… Specifically, Furby’s brilliantly choreographed performance, amusing content and its eyes. I still describe Furby as I would a BFF: hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
Great! And why is now the right time for a resurgence? This year marks Furby’s 25th anniversary. Hats off to Hasbro, which is going all out on multiple fronts to bring it roaring back… The Hasbro team has been working on this launch for three years. Their goal is to establish Furby as a lifestyle brand with the slogan: ‘Letting out your inner Furb.’
25 years! So, let me ask you this, Richard… Technology has marched on relentlessly since the first wave generation. Has that proven advantageous? Or does it not help much, because kids are surrounded by sophisticated things all the time? Has the advance of technology made Furby life easier, or helped lower production costs, for example? The idea with Furby was always to have the technology invisible. Technology alone is not enough to sustain a product such as Furby. The bond Furby has with people of different nationalities and ages around the world has been built on a combination of factors that go way beyond technology. Furby made a deep and irreplaceable bond with people that has never flagged.
And that lives on? Exactly. Furby continues to give people enduring affection, intimacy, trust, and good cheer. Furby makes people feel good when they feel low. Furby is a non-judgmental companion. But, at the end of the day, the toy gods continue to smile on Furby!
1998 must’ve been a remarkable year for you. It was, Deej; it was very special year. I had Furby out with Tiger – the number-one toy; the number-one game was Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus with Mattel. As you know, that was the social-interactive game I co-invented with John Gray, author of the blockbuster book by the same name.
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 months
Amused that the hannibal fandom can feed itself for decades while this fandom is turning hungry after a mere months. We are all armand. Demented furbies
Mhhh. I mean, we should have gotten a lot of cons, interviews, trailers, etc by now if it weren’t bc of circumstances (and I support the strikes, as said!). IWTV would have finished filming just about now.
So I guess we’re all in a bit of a hole right now… trying to see the light.
And I mean, the Hannibal fandom mostly tried/tries for a fourth season. With years of content, and conventions etc.
The IWTV show fandom is gnawing on one season, and on a vastly revamped (pun! HAHAHA 😬) season which will be only complete with said upcoming one… And, while Hannibal was also very artsy, beautiful and laced with meaning… the meta level of this show is on a whole different level imho. (And also, we got some floaty gay sex and the performances of Jam Reiderson and are in WITHDRAWAL!!1!1!1!1)
At least we have the kitchen blenders to look forward to.
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(I do love the demented furbie notion though 😎)
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97-liners · 4 months
I imagine jaehyun performing fighting would go a lot like that jungwoo interview clip of him singing worlds saddest rendition of boss, just those large unblinking furby eyes telling us not to give up
nooooo every time i think about jungwoo sad boss i want to burst out into sympathy tears
i think jaehyun performing fighting would have the same energy as vernon performing poppy, it's like a robot programmed to do the dance but the light doesn't quite reach the eyes
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rnisa · 2 years
Yesss okay for Near x reader, can I ask for some really sweet fluffy headcanon style stuff. Stuff like physical affection, comforting each other, domesticity, kissing and cuddling. (If you want to, add in some nsfw ish stuff too, I don’t mind but it’s your choice). That’s all, thanks!
Hi, my favorite Anon!~ Of course you can, I really like what you're asking! I'm sorry, this is reaaaally long-winded but I kinda split this up. I wanted the chance to talk about a potential scenerio where Near and the reader first meet, so I threw that in as some build-up, for those who like that! If not, please scroll down to the next title in big letters to jump to what you actually asked for <3 Sorry, got carried away, but I hope you enjoy!
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Fluffy Near x Reader Headcanons: Pt. 1
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★ To be dating Near, means you have maxed out friendship points with him. Sorry too much Sims lately. Anyways...
★ It's safe to assume the two of you are stuck with eachother for life at this point. There is no formal, "Will you be my partner?" from him. It's to his understanding that the two of you are just...on the same page.
★ It's mutual, between you both; first it starts with you being hired as company for him. Halle and Rester have lives of their own, after all. They have their own dreams and goals that lay beyond being Near's babysitter. I know I've mentioned it before, but it's not at all unreasonable to believe that he would have hired some new people to keep him company in their stead.
★ You were first hired after a series of interviews. The pay was good - really good, though the job description was a bit...vague. You were handed a card by, (to you), a stranger (Rester likely) with a number, and a place to be. Sounded fishy - but you couldn't pass up the offer. You wouldn't get hired, right? Still, you'd be foolish not to go to the interview. A live-in caretaker and emotional support person. "Is it some kind of weirdo, needing to pay people to be their friend? Or maybe a really...old, lonely person.?" You had no idea.
★ Halle was the one to interview you. Her questions fluctuated between vague and confusing to invasive. These questions were really just to see your honesty, though - Near already knew everything about you. As she grilled you, he watched, and listened...through cameras. He paid very close attention to your body language and by the time the interview was over and Halle had sent you on your way, Near had already told them to hire you. Still, they waited a few days to...'tidy' up the place.
★ You'd forgotten about the very weird interview until you received a call to return. You didn't remember giving them your phone number, but... Just like that, you got the job!
★ After signing many NDA's and even a waiver, it was then you understood how serious this job was going to be. They explained - even threatened - that if you discussed your job from that moment on, you would have serious repercussions in your life that you just couldn't come out of. That was your last chance to really walk away.
★ When you made the decision to go through with it, it was then explained to you that your job would be the personal assistant of no one other than L. Your mind went nuts on the inside, you weren't expecting this. You stammered and stuttered, before Halle continued to explain it was not the "original", but the third. Third. "There's been THREE L's?!"
★ Meeting L was...not at all what you expected. It wasn't exactly unexpected either. Your first meeting was no doubt awkward and...quiet. This 'L' sat on the floor like a fluffy white cloud, playing with some sort of.... wait is that a furby?
★ You stood still for what felt like hours, just staring at him. You waited for him to stand up, to look at you, address you,...anything. Instead he acted like no one new had entered the room, and fiddled with the robot.
★ "Um..." after a minute had passed, you felt awkward. The white haired guy had abandoned the furby, to begin setting up jenga. Looking from Halle to Rester, you then took a step toward him. You said nothing until you knelt to the floor (keeping your distance...you were afraid to get too close to him, he looked so fragile.) "...Can I play?"
★ He doesn't look at you, he looks focused. "Sure." is all he says. Several years later, you had no idea this would be the start of a lifelong relationship.
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Fluffy Near x Reader Headcanons: Pt. 2
★ There was no formal, "Will you be my partner?" from him. It was just assumed, that, after spending several years together as his companion, you genuinely enjoyed one another. There was no asking for a date.
★ You invited him to the rooftop of his headquarters to see Jupiter. It was a romantic thing, though you didn't really think of it that way, you just thought it would be cool to look at the planets together with him. Near, as you now knew him, was used to you trying to get him to go outside. You were honestly and truly successful on many occasions, but 9 times out of 10, the offer was declined. But to see the planets? In the dark, where no one else could be? That sounded pleasant to him.
★ "Am I to assume this is a date," he says - not asking.
★ That's how it started.
★ Since then, your relationship evolved. Near always felt like he could open up to you. He didn't often. When the two of you would have deeper conversations, it was usually after the two of you had split by the end of the night; you'd still message eachother despite having spent time with eachother all day. He found it easier to...confide in you through text. You mistook his aloof personality for being a natural flirt; he'd tease you, and you'd tease back. You did have to be gentle with him, though. He always liked talking with you because you always had a response to him that was totally out of left field. Halle and Rester just talked to him differently than you did. You didn't take any attitude from Near, you didn't suck up to him...you were honest with him, and he liked that. Albeit easy to read, you still surprised him. It was never a boring day when you were around.
★ There was no asking to do anything couple-like, it just happened naturally. Passing him one of his legos made the moments your hands touched special. Eventually they began to linger.
★ The times your hand would accidentally graze his head and grab a strand of his hair turned into you combing it with your fingers. The two of you didn't really speak about these things. I think Near would've been too embarrassed if you did. All he knew is he liked when you scratched his ears or ran your hand down his back. And you liked when he'd hold your hand, picking at your nails, and staring at you when you 'weren't' looking.
★ Before you knew it, you were staying with Near fulltime. You could go outside at any point, he trusted you this much now. Years had passed, and he 100% believed there was no scenario in which you would leave him forever. He falls for you but also feels a bit sad for you at first. He wonders if he caused you to develop a Stockholm syndrome - like effect. He expresses this to you before, and you assure him that you do genuinely love being around him. He needs that, a lot of reassurance.
★ The two of you spend your days with eachother, more often than not. Even if neither one of you so much as speaks for hours, your shared presence is more than enough. Around you, Near feels safe. Every so often he will move whatever he's working on closer to you, as close as he possibly can. Other days you'll be busy moving around, but still make time to hop over and kiss him.
★ You mostly do everything first. You did the first kiss, but after around 50, he's comfortable enough to be the first one to do it. He's surprisingly clingy. When he needs a break from what he's doing, he will go next to you and snuggle. He might have a small game with him, or something to fidget with while he does, but he loves resting his head in your shoulders.
★ Once he's more comfy he gets more bold. Grabbing your face and pulling you into a deep kiss. He just loves holding you, and loves when he can take the time to enjoy your attention. He'll eventually ask you straight up, "I would like some attention," when he wants it. Once he realizes he can be himself, he overcomes some shyness.
★ When you want attention, it's another story. If you want to be more playful and surprise him, all you need to do is give him that look, and you have his attention. Nothing but love in his face.
★ He wouldn't be the first one to say "I love you" as he's a bit afraid of rejection. He'd have a feeling you felt that way, but wouldn't say it without you saying so before. "Well, that's good," he'd say - honestly, it takes a few "I love you's" on your part. Near will surprise you one day by saying it back.
★ Loves nothing more than cuddling with you while he plays with a toy. Sometimes he'll take a small car and run it over your curves. Your relationship is unorthodox, but you have him for life. You bring out the best in him, and even encourage him to feel safe outside. As long as he has you by his side, he feels confident.
★ Halle and Lidner aren't gone forever, of course. Though they have a slightly more personal time to themselves, they still work for Near, after all. Though you are an amazing addition to the team, even if all you are is emotionally available and supportive to Near. Nobody was expecting you two to fall in love. Despite Near's insecurities, the more you two learn about eachother, the stronger your love grows.
★ He gets pretty clingy but he internalizes it. He won't vocalize how much he misses you; he'll only cuddle the Build-A-Bear you made for him, and not letting go of it for as long as you're away. He's afraid if he acts too clingy to you and doesn't give you enough personal space away from him, you'll feel suffocated, trapped, and leave. Of course he gets jealous when you leave to visit family for the holidays, and you get sad when he refuses to come with you. "I can't. You knew this when we got closer..." he never said the word "relationship" - again, he understood that you just knew.
★ He feels sadness in those moments, but the two of you agreed when you confessed your feelings to him. This was not going to be an average relationship, and sacrifices (mostly on your end) would have to be met.
★ Though it's not perfect, you wouldn't trade a typical person for Near - the love he showed you was boundless, even if in his own, unique way.
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disaster-vampires · 9 months
The recent trailer for Interview With The Vampire season 2 got me wondering… just how many men is Armand going to kiss? We’re all thinking it. Like yeah, we’re definitely getting Loumand, that’s not a question. They’re going to cry-fuck on screen and that’s a given. But what about Lestat? Will they bring him back just for that sloppy makeout/breakup/whatever the hell that was church scene in TVL? What about Santiago??? They looked like they could have some shit going on. And are they going to let that demented furby fuck oldmaniel???
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haikyuuidolzine · 5 months
#ハイキュー 'TO THE STARS'
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“It takes me completely by surprise when I fully step into room and see an unexpected display of colorful furbies...”
Read this special interview, hosted by @lavendori, of the all-famous and beloved Karasuno eclipse trio!
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lostnfounder · 10 months
The following is a transcript of the interview that took place between Lostfield Gazette journalist Ruth Shirbon and Lostfield resident, Chad Ellis “Fuckface” Ollaman.
R: Alright, let’s just get this over with. 
C: Rooroo! It’s been soooo long!
R: Are- Are you drunk?!
C: [made this exact expression at me: ‘:D’. I hate this guy]
R: Ughhhh. Profoundly professional, Chad. I expect nothing less. 
C: Awwwweee. Thank youuuu. I was hoping that since highschool you would have matured to my level, and whaddya know!
R: Wh- Says the guy that thought Showfall was harboring sci-fi robots and cassette tape monsters. You made all of that up while you were high, didn’t you?
C: Ohhhh, my god, don’t bring that up. I’m over the STS, Rooroo. Why haven’t you moved on yet? Showfall’s cool. They, like, gave a bunch of toys to homeless kids- [belch]- last year.
R: Likely possessed toys! They were all those creepyass Squiggles Furby crossover horrowshows. And I am over the Showfall Theorist Society, alright? That club only ever had three members--I’m not a highschooler anymore. 
C: Right. ‘Cause you dropped out.
R: Shut up.
C: [smirking] My parents are sending me to NYU.
R: Oh, profoundly mature-
C: Hey, calm dowwwwn, bro, it’s a joke, chill. God. I just think, hey, maybe it’s time Detective Gal gets her life in order, stops chasing the biggest multi-media company in the world and, I dunno. Maybe tries leaving town for onc-
C: Okay, yeesh! Touching nerves, I guess.
R: What you’re touching are live wires. Don’t pry into my personal life, and you won’t get shocked.
C: Yooooo. That was a sick one-liner- [belch]- bro! Can I, like, write that down, actually?
R: That’s it. I’m done.
C: Wh- Wait, what?
R: I’m leaving. It was nice talking to you, Chad, no, really.
C: Wait, you- Weren’t you supposed to ask me about the fucking racoon that got in here? It stole my dad’s limited edition Russian caviar! Dude! Dude!
[door slam]
R: God, I hate that guy. Wait, shoot, this is still-
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
I want to take Agnes's class on death SO bad I think we would be like two Furbies doing weird interpretive dance at each other until they establish some sort of unintelligible uncanny rapport. This is not entirely projection; she's said some things I've written almost verbatim in interviews lol
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spriteadjacent · 1 year
found out the reason my job interview took so much longer than anyone elses since is because my boss wanted to really impress me so i'd choose his department
had nice interactions with TWO separate cute girls at the store (fish girl AND flower girl)
got a nice note with a second hand furby and thanked the girl who sent it and complimented her small collection of furbies (based on what she was selling) only to be hit with pictures of shelves upon shelves of rare furbies and also compliments about MY collection
also bought 3 shrimp
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rav3nston3 · 1 year
hi, i have polls
thank you for your time, if you'd like to reblog this, that'd be great
(and if you'd like at least a little more context: link to post where i talk about my tag map a little, it's just a fun project i've been working on for months that i haven't really been able to experience with folks in a while, and tag's kinda impossible without other players, you can see why i'm making this post)
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fs-askblog-archive · 1 year
Martin, are you as soft as you look?
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"Yes. My QPP ruffles my hair constantly."
"Now then."
Martin presses record on a tape player before turning to Axel.
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"This is Detective Martin Luna, interviewing Axel Sinneslöschen and...
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"...A talking long furby."
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"About missing person Polly Arcadia."
"Axel, care to tell me about your relationship to Mx. Arcadia?"
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furby-junkie · 1 year
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An extract from page 79 in Toy World’s March 2023 magazine. 
Uploaded to Issuu on Feb 20, 2023. Incase the PDF doesn’t load, you can find the extract here instead.
“The majority of BargainMax's offering is made up of branded toys and licences, and Alex forecasts this will continue to be the case in 2023. He is forecasting top sellers for the year ahead to include Mattel's Monster High range, Hasbro's Furby and Disney100 lines, celebrating Disney's centenary. Moose Toys will also remain strong with its Bluey line, he adds.”
The article features information from an interview with BargainMax’s CEO about things like marketing and sales.
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narrie · 1 year
This is random but do you or any of the other besties have that picture that niall drew of a furby or whatever haunting thing it was? For a magazine interview in the 1D days. lmao been thinking about her
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