#furthering the weird girls agenda
heartbeatbookclub · 4 months
I already established Monika snorts when she laughs really hard. She has a gentler little giggle she uses as a social courtesy, but when she finds something really funny, you'll know. She's got a real strong cackle you wouldn't expect to come out of her.
Sayori has a wheezy sort of laugh. The kind of laugh which ends in a coughing fit, to which you jokingly respond "don't die on me!" She laughs when she's nervous, or in any other situation, really, it's near impossible for her to keep a straight face.
Yuri tends to keep herself more restrained, though her gentler giggle is genuine. She's just too shy most of the time to really get into the joke...and she doesn't really get a lot of them. Sometimes though, she finds something unbelievably funny. Oftentimes, it's something pretty odd, which makes her feel self-conscious about laughing, but she can't help herself. She's the kind of person where all the air in her lungs just escapes immediately when she really laughs, and the sound is her breathing in. Yknow, that kind of really weird laugh that sounds funny in itself. Usually she tries to contain the sound, which results in the visual of her shoulders silently shaking. The first time they all saw it they thought she was crying, which made it doubly funny when they realized she was laughing.
Natsuki's laugh is fucking adorable. Twinkles like a goddamn bell, most of the time. The rest of the time she's got her own mischievous little cackle which, nonetheless, is absolutely adorable. Like you were expecting anything else.
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a-concert-just-for-me · 10 months
This county office I’m shadowing at for the week is fucking awful I feel like a freak every second and I keep getting made fun of and infantilized and can’t wait to go back to my home office where there’s at least one other ND person Jesus fucking Christ
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skipper1331 · 3 months
Spider // Alexia Putellas
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a/n: inspired by a tik tok I saw, but sadly can’t find anymore!
Early on in your relationship, you learned that Alexia wasn‘t afraid of anything - the complete opposite of you.
It was you who hid in the crook of her neck when you watched horror movies,
it was you who sent her downstairs when you heard some weird noises,
and it was you who had a night light on when she was away.
Seeing Alexia scared or frightened had never been on your agenda as you had tried to scare her multiple times already, her reaction always the same, "I know you‘re there" or "don‘t even try it, mi amor, I heard you"
But the one time you did see her scared was in a way you never expected it to be.
You stood in the kitchen as you debated on what to cook tonight.
You weren't the biggest fan of cooking nor the best at it, but since it was an unspoken rule that one night you would cook and the following day Alexia, you naturally stuck to it, especially when you knew that she had training until the evening.
So, as you leaf through the cooking book, you stopped at every recipe you knew Alexia enjoyed, checking if you had the ingredients.
With the music playing softly in the background and your daydreaming, you didn‘t realize that your girlfriend had entered the room. Silently, she walked up behind you, resting her chin on your shoulder while her arms looped around your midsection as she pulled you against her front, "what got you so distracted, mi amor?"
Your body tensed and froze - being frightened before you quickly melted into her embrace.
"I don‘t know what to cook" closing your eyes, you rested your hands over hers.
"What about some simple pasta?" she proposed as she started to press featherlight kisses along your neck, making you melt even further in her touch. In responds you nodded, turning in her grasp, "how was training?" you asked, putting your arms around her neck, the two of you swaying to the music.
Tiredly, she smiled "good but exhausting. I scored some goals"
"Something new" you teased, pinching her cheeks, grinning widely at her expression.
Biting your lip, "Hm? I‘m not doing anything. All I was saying was-"
Leaning in, the Catalonian locked your lips, preventing you from finishing your sentence. Immediately, butterflies erupted in your stomaches while your minds went blank, only focusing on each other.
"If it was always that easy to shut you up, hm?" the girl grumbled jokingly, pulling you back in. Kissing you would always be her favourite activity.
That girl was obsessed with and addicted to you - she could never get enough of you.
She loved kissing you,
she loved hugging and holding you,
she loved talking and listening to you,
she loved protecting and claiming you as hers,
she simply loved you.
After a few kisses, the midfielder excused herself to change into more comfortable clothes when all of sudden a hair-raising, terrifying and horrific scream came from upstairs - Alexia.
"Ale?!" you shouted, grabbing the nearest weapon - a fork.
Running to your bedroom with adrenaline pumping through your body, you prayed that she was alright.
Please let her be okay.
As you threw the door open - ready to fight whatever was behind it - your girlfriend stood on your shared bed, gripping the sleep shirt in her hand and screaming.
"Are you okay?! What‘s wrong?! Are you hurt?! Why are you screaming?!"
Alexia had a look of disgust and fear displayed in her features, "araña!"
At this point, you really should have continued your duolingo strike because you didn‘t understand what she was talking about at all.
She pointed to the wall, her body tense and slightly shaking.
Sighing in relief that it was nothing dramatic, you walked to the wall where she was pointing at, the spider not visible until you were one step in front of it.
"la araña is huge!"
"It‘s tiny" you laughed, shaking your head, putting down your 'weapon' "baby, I thought someone was in here"
"She is!"
"yes but she probably lives here" walking towards the bed, you held out one hand for her to take, leaving your guest alone "she does not pay any bills! She‘s not allowed to live here! Kill it" your girlfriend demanded, crossing her arms yet her eyes not leaving the gigantic monster, "I will not leave this bed until it‘s out of my house"
"Okay" you stated, walking towards the door, intending to get an item that would help you remove the spider.
"Where are you going?!" Alexia‘s voice shrilled, more fear appearing in her eyes.
"Getting a glass" your voice was calm and gentle, not wanting to stress out the footballer even more.
Which didn‘t seem to help.
"Why do you need to drink something now?! Kill the monster!" she panicked, "don‘t leave me alone in here"
"I want to-" you cut yourself off, there was no point in explaining what your plan was as everything seemed to freak out the Barcelona player. So instead of walking out of the bedroom, you walked towards her, offering your hand once again.
She clinged onto you, her legs wrapping tightly around your waist, arms holding you around your neck as she hid in the crook of your neck - something that had never happened before.
Roles were reserved - you were the protector and she was the one to be protected because the 'I’m never scared'- girl was in fact scared and very so.
Gently, you sat her down on the couch, pressing a kiss to her forehead before you got a glass and a piece of paper, heading back to your bedroom. You felt Alexia‘s eyes burning holes into back of your head until you were out of sight.
The tough girl was seriously afraid of a tiny tiny spider, somehow ironic.
When you arrived in the room, you walked towards the spot were the spider was - it wasn‘t there anymore.
Slightly in panic, (not afraid of the missing spider but your girlfriends reaction) you thought about what to do. Telling Alexia was definitely not an option and neither was searching for it. The spider was tiny and compared to your bedroom, it would take hours to find it, so there was only one option left: leaving the spider wherever it was and acting like you removed it.
And even though, you were the worst liar and you hated lying, was this an acceptable lie - after all, it was about her safety and peace of mind.
With a plan in mind, you headed to the bathroom. You knew Alexia would hear the flushing toilet and assume you killed the spider, exactly what you needed - for her to think the spider was gone forever.
All you could do now was to hope and pray that you would eventually find it and not her.
Making your way downstairs, Alexia waited patiently at the edge of the couch, "is it gone?" she asked.
"Yes, baby"
"Gracias amor" she got up, keeping her distance as the items the spider had touched were still in your hands.
She followed you in the kitchen where you threw away the paper, about to put the glass in the dishwasher, "what are you doing?!" the midfielder‘s eyes wide, voice high-pitched, "put the glass in the trash!"
"What? Baby, it’s perfectly fine"
"No no no, this will not stay in my house!"
You admitted defeat as you also threw away the glass. The lady needed her inner peace back.
"Maybe we should get some takeout tonight?" you proposed, taking her hand and walking in the living room.
"Sí, that‘s good"
The midfielder collapsed on top of you, hugging your figure as she pressed soft kisses along your jaw, "my hero" she smiled, finally interlocking your lips, showing her appreciation of protecting her. She purred every inch of love and affection into that kiss, thanking you yet also shutting you up as she knew you had a teasing comment resting on the tip of your tongue.
After puling away to catch some air, it left your mouth anyways, "never scared, hm?" you giggled, her cheeks turning red.
In responds, she just kissed you once again, the spider long forgotten as the touch of your lips made her forget everything in the world.
If the spider had still been there, you would have gotten rid of it to protect your girl and though, the plan had changed, the intention stayed the same, so you happily accepted the thank you and love you were getting at the moment.
next day
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munivrse · 11 days
✧.* Been Away
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c/w: gp! bada. light edging (bada receiving), bada gets the sloppy toppy. degradation, cursing, little to no praise tbh idk i just want bada to be mean to me so i assume you all would want that too. pushing the bada head pusher agenda.
a/n: im not taking requests rn :/ im just writing for funsies again so do not expect consistent fics either 😭😭 enjoy!! love u!! send me some feedback!! missed u guys!!
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you just could not get over how fine your girlfriend looked today. she wasnt wearing anything special, but something about the white shirt, black pant combo along with the way she sat, legs spread and arms resting along the back of the couch… it was really getting to you. so naturally, as you two are lounging on the couch and your head lays in her lap, your hand just so happens to glide over the crotch of her pants-
“stop.” bada doesn’t spare one look.
you roll your eyes and huff. how dare she look this good and not want to fuck immediately right here on this couch?
“because i’m a normal human being. with normal hormones.” bada coos at you, glancing down at you this time. her hand moves to pet your hair, “you are just batshit crazy.”
you stay silent and continue to move your hand along the zipper of her pants. her hand comes down to grasp at your own as she whispers out what she might consider a threat, but you take as a challenge.
“don’t start some shit you can’t finish.”
and baby that’s all you had to hear. your hand flies out of hers and swiftly unzips her jeans. you hear her sigh behind you and all caution is thrown to the wind. you pull yourself up and swing a leg over her lap. almost instinctively her arm wraps around your waist. you lean down and kiss your pretty girlfriend. she kisses back, tongue licking into your own mouth. you gently close your teeth, bada hisses and then grins at you, “fucking brat.”
you giggle and remove yourself from her lap. her eyes never leave you as you position yourself on the floor between her spread legs. your hand glides along outline of her hardening length. you watch as she takes her lip between her teeth. you fully unzip her pants and mouth over her hardening cock and you hear her take a deep breath.
“stop teasing me sweetheart.”
you giggle and pull down the waistband of her underwear to unsheath what was hiding underneath. bada was hung. your mouth waters as you take her in your hand.
“spit on it.”
your eyes meet bada’s as she waits expectantly.
your eyes flick back to her cock. you press small kisses along the length. bada’s letting out small huffs as she feels your lips travel along her. despite being a pain in the ass, you truly knew how to make her feel good.
you kiss back up her length and take the tip into your mouth. bada gathers your hair out of your face with her hand, keeping the grip on your hair while you swirl your tongue to gather the beading precum on her tip. her hips buck up into your mouth,
“stop fucking teasing y/n. you said you wanted this- fuck-” her stomach tenses as you’re hand grabs the base of her cock, “you’re usually so eager- shit- why are you taking your time today?”
you pull your mouth off of her, stroking her in the meantime, “just wanted to admire you,”
your eyes look over her length and glimmer, “its so pretty.”
bada’s cheek redden and she rolls her eyes in response, “you’re so fucking weird. why are we talking about how pretty my dick is?? girl get to-”
bada abruptly lurches forward, grip tightening on your hair as you take most of her length down your throat. a moan rips its way out of her throat as she relaxes back into the couch. the next time she opens her eyes, theyre unfocused and hooded.
your hand strokes what your mouth cant reach and bada swears in that moment that you’re made for her. that angels brought you down and placed you on her fucking doorstep.
“more y/n,” she slurs out, hand pushing your head further down her length, “take more.”
she feels you choke around the girth of her cock and it only spurs her on further, her hips fucking up into your mouth.
you let her fuck your mouth until you were lightheaded. with two taps to her thigh she lets you up. you shake as you take in quick breaths. bada releases the hold on your hair and gets ready to splutter apologies but when she looks down at you, you’re grinning. you’re grinning at her while theres spit running down your chin.
“god you’re fucking nasty.”
she leans down and presses her lips against your own, cleaning up the mess you made on your face. she pulls away, places a soft kiss on your forehead, and proceeds to gather your hair in her hand to get your warm, wet mouth on her cock once more.
she guides your mouth up the side of her shaft and once you reach her tip, shes pushing your head back down again. she feels the head of her length hit the back of your throat and her eyes roll. she loved you. in moments like this, she remembers how you trapped her into a relationship.
“mouth feels so goddamn good around me baby.”
bada lets out a couple strangled moans as you let her guide your head the way she wanted. her hand grabs yours and places it against the base of her cock. you get the message and squeeze.
bada fucking loved being edged. she loved when youve gotten her so close so many times that her balls fucking ache at the thought of emptying herself inside of your mouth.
“fuckfuckfuck feels so good doll, keep squeezing me like that- please baby”
you moan around her length, tears threatening to fall as she relentlessly fucks your mouth. she chases a release that she’s purposely denying herself.
the closer bada gets to an orgasm, the filthier her mouth gets.
“you like when i use you like this sweetheart?”
“my good little fleshlight, hmm?”
“fuckin’ whore- shit- letting me fuck your mouth like this.”
finally she feels her balls tighten up and her cock twitch. she pushes your head down to the very base of her length and fucks whatever is left into your mouth.
“gonna cum. fuck i’m gonna cum in this filthy fucking mouth.”
and when she does cum, she lets out a long, high pitched whine. groans and curses follow as she tells you to let it spill out of your mouth back onto her cock. she loves the feeling of the warm liquid spilling over her length.
she slurs out how good you’ve been for her, how much she loves you.
when she releases you, you’re chest rises and falls at an erratic pace. she truly did not give a fuck how you were doing— what mattered most to her is shooting her spunk down your throat.
she smoothes down your hair as you lay your head on her thigh, catching your breath.
“you okay? i know i got a little rough at the end…”
you take a deep breath,
“it was fine.”
bada feels anxiety rise up her spine as she watches you trace shapes onto her other thigh. was it bad? was it too much? did she hurt you? she opens her mouth to voice her concerns when you lift your head up,
“you wanna do it again?”
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zerokurokawa · 12 days
Hanma falling inlove with a girl who beat him up at first meeting because he messed with her brother lmao then after a while they become friends because he doesn’t stop bothering her. He throws rocks at her window and loudly sings for her and stuff lol. And reader being more of herself around him (she’s actually really sweet but just don’t mess with her people lmao).. maybe a little bit of nsfw? Thank u in advance 🫶🏼
Falling For You | Hanma x Reader (Slight NSFW, MDNI) <3
Getting beat up by a girl was not on Hanma's agenda when it came to fighting and being one of the top delinquents of his time, however, when you found out that he had messed with your younger brother, you took matters into your own hands. You beat the total shit out of him with one kick, knocking his tall self to the ground and leaving him to practically drown in a puddle during the pouring rain. 
You had caught him off guard in the back of an alleyway and confronted him about picking fights with your younger brother who was in Toman at the time. With you beating him to the ground, you'd expect him to stay away, right? You were wrong. Hanma then became intrigued by you and wouldn't leave you alone after that. 
He would catch you out and about, offering to buy you things such as food or even steal you jewelry from the local shops. He'd follow you home and make it seem as if you were the one that needed protection. After a while of him doing this, you decided you kind of liked his presence and kept him around. After all, you were getting something out of it. 
Once you began to notice his weird antics and the way he would subconsciously flirt with you, you began to flirt back, teasing him about his height and build and would always joke about how easy it was to of taken him down, especially since you were a girl, after all. 
You had grown fond of him, wanting him around more often and even calling him a few times just to hangout. This only brought his interest back towards you even further as he began to increase his obsession with you. 
It wasn't long before you started hearing him play music and sing really loudly outside of your window at night, begging you to come outside and take a ride on his bike. He would even throw pebbles on some nights or call you back to back just to get your attention. Eventually, you gave in and went on that bike ride that led you further into his grasp. 
One night, he took you back to his apartment and you were cozied up to him, lying on the couch while a movie played in the background. He moved slightly, looking down at you seemingly wanting to do something more than just cuddle on the couch. 
"What? What are you staring at?" You asked, while he was staring into your eyes, 
"I just thought maybe we could... have a little fun." He smirked. 
"Fun how?" You smirked back, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Before you knew it, he had you pinned to the couch, tugging at your clothes, and kissing all of your sweet spots. 
"You know what I mean," He started, "I want you, and I know you want me too." 
You giggled as he began to tease you, tickling you and touching all of your turn on spots. You knew what he was after, and you were going to let him. One thing led to another and both of you had ended up half naked, lying on the couch, in each other's arms. 
"I need to confess something... before we go any further." He said, beginning to unbuckle his belt. 
"And what is what?" You asked, shifting yourself underneath him. 
"I think... I know... I'm falling for you." He smirked, leaning down to give you a very long, passionate kiss. You broke away from the kiss, breathless, as you thought to yourself about how this might be wrong. You were fraternizing with someone who was against everything you stood for. You were meant to hate him due to what he did to your brother, but here you were, in his arms and down to your underwear. 
"I think I'm falling for you too... Shuji." You said with a slight hesitant tone to your voice. You knew what would happen if the others found out. You knew they would be upset and you knew for a fact that your brother would never approve. But, before you knew it, he was all over you and you were all over him. Something about it felt wrong but at the same time, it felt right. You wanted him and there was no turning back now. 
You had fallen for the enemy. 
(A/N: I hope you like it, all the love to you <3)
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kcyars99 · 1 month
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[Verse 1]
Dear Adonis
I'm sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest
It takes a man to be a man, your dad is not responsive
I look at him and wish your grandpa woulda wore a condom
I'm sorry that you gotta grow up and then stand behind him
Life is hard, I know, the challenge is always gon' beat us home
Sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown
And you're a good kid that need good leadership
Let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit
Never let a man piss on your leg, son
Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son
Never fall in the escort business, that's bad religion
Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches
Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a Black man
Even if it don't benefit your goals, do some push-ups, get some discipline
Don't cut them corners like your daddy did, fuck what Ozempic did
Don't pay to play with them Brazilians, get a gym membership
Understand, no throwin' rocks and hidin' hands, that's law
Don't be ashamed 'bout who you wit', that's how he treat your moms
Don't have a kid to hide a kid to hide again, be sure
Five percent will comprehend, but ninety-five is lost
Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within
Lotta superstars that's real, but your daddy ain't one of them
And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king
Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you eighteen
[Verse 2]
Dear Sandra
Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them
Especially with all the girls that's hurt inside this climate
You a woman, so you know how it feels to be in alignment
With emotion, hopin' a man can see you and not be blinded
Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator
Even usin' you to prove who he is is a huge favor
I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper
And more, uh, more paper
I'm blamin' you for all his gamblin' addictions
Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim
You raised a horrible fuckin' person, the nerve of you, Dennis
Sandra, sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
Mm-mm, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die
Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life
He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish
Grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on ho-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance
A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'
Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry twelve years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret
It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em Tinder
Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister
Or better, you're sellin' your niece, to the weirdos, not the good ones
Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth," so I'ma get mines
The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time
Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away
To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away
They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away
I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe
[Verse 3]
Dear baby girl
I'm sorry that your father not active inside your world
He don't commit to much but his music, yeah, that's for sure
He a narcissist, misogynist, livin' inside his songs
Try destroy families rather than takin' care of his own
Should be teachin' you time tables or watchin' Frozen with you
Or at your eleventh birthday, singin' poems with you
Instead, he be in Turks, payin' for sex and poppin' Percs, examples that you don't deserve
I wanna tell you that you're loved, you're brave, you're kind
You got a gift to change the world, and could change your father's mind
'Cause our children is the future, but he lives inside confusion
Money's always been illusion, but that's the life he's used to
His father prolly didn't claim him neither
History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason
But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another child
Give him grace, this the reason I made Mr. Morale
So our babies like you can cope later
Give you some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later
I never wanna hear you chase a man 'cause his failed behavior
Sittin' in the club with sugar daddies for validation
You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain
I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains
Yes, he's a hitmaker, songwriter, superstar, right
And a fuckin' deadbeat that should never say "more life"
Meet the Grahams
[Verse 4]
Dear Aubrey
I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party
But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body
This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game
But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name
Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people?
Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you
And I like to understand 'cause your house was never a home
Thirty-seven, but you showin' up as a seven-year-old
You got gamblin' problems, drinkin' problems, pill-poppin' and spendin' problems
Bad with money, whorehouse
Solicitin' women problems, therapy's a lovely start
But I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom
I try to empathize with you 'cause I know that you ain't been through nothin'
Crave entitlement, but wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin'
No dominance, let's recap moments when you didn't fit in
No secret handshakes with your friend
No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother
Identity's on the fence, don't know which family will love ya
The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas
Can't channel your masculine even when standin' next to a woman
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya?
You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us
Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements
Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery
You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury
You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members
They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em
You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh
You lied about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come
You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help
Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself
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Yeah Drake is done ATP just hang it up dude you’re better off doing mainstream pop rap or something
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gotta give it to asteroid city for furthering the weird little girl agenda
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Rating Taylor Swift songs based on how they would be perceived by medieval peasants*: Debut
*context: I'm imagining showing medieval peasants how awesome the future is by playing them the greatest music of our day and age (Taylor obviously). I am also trying to have them not go insane nor have me be accused of witchcraft.
Tim McGraw: Jeans? Chevy truck? Radio? Georgia??? There hasn't even been a king named George let alone a state or country.... but that moon really DOES shine like a light on the lake and provide light to dance to all night. The vibes of the song are still there. 5/10
Picture to Burn: redneck? pickup truck? The relationship status is VERY confusing here because she is telling his friends he's gay (jolly) and then striking a match with someone (in a romantic sense?) and then admits to adultery ("goin' out with all of your best friends"). Fairly unsettling. 3/10
Teardrops on my Guitar: what's a guitar and why are you crying on it? Also a car? You have his picture and yet he's in love with another girl??? This is scandalous and tragic. 7/10 for relatability.
A Place In This World: a girl traveling down a road not knowing where she is headed? She must be a traveling performer! Maybe a jester! Good for her! How freeing life must be without a master. Although who knows what a radio or blue jeans are? 9/10
Cold as You: She was in love with an an artist (he painted his walls gray) and he rejected her? I wonder if it was social class differences or something else? This song hits hard regardless of the age. 10/10
The Outside: So has she been shunned or does she simply not have a master? Is this the traveling performer from a couple songs ago? Tbh it all makes sense but its pretty unrelatable. 4/10
Tied Together With a Smile: the waters high and you're jumping into it and letting go😳 and no one knows 💀 I knew serfdom was bad but wow it's BAD bad. That's depressing but relatable 8/10
Stay Beautiful: jungle and radio? Weird start but Cory seems highly sought after. I wonder who will pay the highest dowry for marriage? He seems like a wonderful muse. 7/10
Should've Said No: So I don't know the situation... your class will greatly affect this... but you know women may legally divorce their husbands for adultery, right? I do reccomend it. 3/10 because the vibes are NOT like the normal medieval music
Mary's Song: Brava!!! An arranged marriage that's also a love match? Unheard of! After the marriage, the property is even inherited!!! What a lovely start for family life. There was one confusing word? Truck? Idk the romance was so perfect I didn't even notice it. 10/10!!!!
Our Song: Half those words don't exist and the ones that do don't really make sense. Good job respecting the sanctity of God. The Church ™️ would approve. Still it's a 2/10
I'm Only Me When I'm With You: What does crazy mean? What do you mean you're flying? We're missing context but this could be a lower class marriage? :/ 6/10
Invisible: There's a fire inside him? She is invisible spying on him? This SCREAMS of witchcraft. Please do not play this song for a medieval peasant. You will be collateral damage in the trial and will likely also be burned at the stake. 1/10
A Perfectly Good Heart: First loves! What a luxury! You know very few people marry for love as relationships are to further the agenda of God🙏 apologies for the betrayal but hopefully your parents can pay the dowry for a better man. 5/10 just because this song isn't pleasing to the ears of the time
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neonscandal · 8 days
Okay, if you were asked who are in JJK & BNHA that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they?
For me satoaugu and bakudeku are definitely not straight (yes, I ship them but I don't think they "must be into women only" like a post I just saw). Also, kaminari, jirou, toga, nobara, megumi, kenjaku....
Ah yes, a person with discerning tastes. ✨ While this feels like a sure fire way to get me into some hot water, let's dive right in.
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✨🌈 Happy pride to the queer people in my phone 🌈✨
But especially these
Megumi "Only Interested in Compassion" Fushiguro - pansexual (very much choosing to overlook very subtle implications of siscon as a red herring to, of course, further contextualize ItaFushi). See also Gojo and the uncharacteristic Miwa agenda.
Satoru Gojo - Let's be so for real. Man is down astronomical for Suguru but I think there's still evidence/reason to believe he could be ace or demisexual. Can strength be conflated with love?
Kinji Hakari - waving the white flag on this one considering I'm 4 weeks behind and I don't know if there's been further clarification that might swing this verdict one way or another but support Hikari's love regardless of Kirara's gender expression/identity. Also, given current events, it'd be pretty weird if Gege slipped that in out of nowhere.
Kenjaku - 🗣️ IF GIVEN ENOUGH TIME, DO WE NOT ALL BECOME A LIL GAY!? I understand straight people probably don't have such realizations so I'm just going to sit with that reflection.
Nobara Kugisaki - be so for real. I think she had a misplaced crush in her idolization of Saori that made more sense when she left the bumble fuck countryside and could live her best life, out and proud with her muscle mommy girlfriend, Maki. Also explains, a bit, why Saori was ostracized where Nobara may have lacked understanding/context.
Maki - Plenty of gay icons without last names, queen. This one just happens to also be gay.
Eijirou Kirishima is almost so straight that he unintentionally makes a hard U-turn into flirting with queerness. His phrasing is baffling as he tends to pop up in those threads frequently with assumingly unintended innuendos but it is also reminiscent about how no one third wheels harder than a dude's girlfriend when he's with his best friend? I don't know if that makes sense but I'm throwing him in the mix as someone who maybe just needs some time ✨ regardless of the BakuDeku to KiriMina parallels.
Denki Kaminari - This kid has eyes and he uses them, gender be damned. A bi-disaster if I've ever seen one.
Minoru Mineta - IDK if his Deku confession was a translation faux pas or if Mineta, too, has fallen for the male lead's quintessential charm that wins over hearts and minds. While the Council on Bisexuality would fight me on this one... his membership is still pending.
Izuku Midoriya - I have it on good authority that Izuku is Bakusexual. Flustered by girls in the same way that any awkward and bullied kid might when encountering the opposite sex but his heart has always had its allegiance to one person. Whether that makes him gay, demi or even bi, I think it tracks.
Katsuki Bakugo - bi, pan or gay, the consensus is he is Not Straight.
Kyoka Jiro - in Smash, Jiro is a total fujoshi (she just like us fr). If you'll allow submitting MHA Smash into evidence, coupled with the canon main story, I say bi. A girl who knows Momo is stacked but also reasonably wants the attention and company of a Class 1A boy as a girl would at that age.
Himiko Toga - one thing about Toga. She is going to know and live her truth. Confidently bi ✨
Ochaco Uraraka - SPEAKING OF LIVING TRUTHS. She a little late but she has the right spirit.
Bonus, if including Kirishima didn't some how get me booed, I was going to add Yuta Okkotsu too but I thought better of it. 👉🏾👈🏾
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oririexcinere · 1 month
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"i must not tell lies" -The Boy Who Lived
Verse 1
Dear Delphini, I’m sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest I look at him and wish your grandpa woulda wore a condom I’m sorry that you gotta grow up and then stand behind his shadow Life is hard, I know, the challenges always gon’ be this home Sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown And you a good kid that need good leadership Let me be your mentor, since your daddy don’t teach you shit Never let yourself depend on a 'leader' Either must die right there or expeliarmus that man, child Never fall in the pureblood bullshit, that’s bad religion Please remember, you could be dead even if you got horcruxes Never twist your morality, whether right or wrong, youre not just a Black too Get some discipline, don’t cut them corners like your daddy did, fuck what Slughorn did Understand, no throwin’ Killing Curses and hidin’ wands, that’s law Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within Lotta Dark Lords, that’s real, but your daddy ain’t one of them no more And you nothin’ like him, you’ll carry yourself as queen Can’t understand me right now, just play this when you 18
Verse 2
Dear Tom Sr, your son got some achivements, I hope you undermine them Especially with all the muggles that’s hurt inside this climate You one of 'em, so you know how it feels to be in alignment Dear Merope, you look for a future with emotion and hopin’ a man can see you and not be running you gave birth to a master manipulator Even usin’ you to prove who he is a huge favor I’m blamin’ the Gaunts for all his crazy believes Psychopath intuition, the man who like to play victim You created a horrible fuckin’ person, the nerve of you, Merope Girl, sit down, what I’m about to say is heavy, now listen Mhm, your son’s a sick man with sick thoughts I think wizards like him should die Him and Grindelward should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life He hates Mixedbloods, enslaves them, with legislations of a selfharming fetish Cut his nose and hair off ‘cause he understand bein’ a monster just fit him better He got sorry excuses of wizards in his Death Eaters that pay him on a monthly allowance A child should never be compromised and he keepin’ their children around him And we gotta raise our kind knowin’ there’s purists like them lurkin’ Fuck a Department of Mysteries battle he should die so all of these wizards can live with a purpose I been in this world 7 years, I’ma tell y’all one lil’ secret It’s some weird shit goin’ on and some of these politicians be here to police it They be blamin' victims all inside of they home and feedin’ em to The Daily Prophet Then leak articles of themselves to further push their agendas To any wizard that be stayin’ neutral, know that you’re playin’ your children Or better, you’re sellin’ your grandkids, to the weirdos, not the good ones Rita Skeeter said, “Get you the truths,” so I’ma get mines The Ministry ‘bout to get raided, too, it’s only a matter of time Ayy, Longbottom, keep the family away, hey, Greengrass, will you keep the family away? To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away They lookin’ at you too if you standin’ by him, keep the family away I’m lookin’ to hex through any purist that lives, keep the family safe
Verse 3
Dear Bella, I’m sorry that your father wasnt active inside your world He didn’t commit to much but his career, yeah, that’s for sure He a narcissist, misogynist, livin’ inside his head Try destroy families rather than takin’ care of his own Shoulda bene teachin’ you spells or readin’ bedtime stories to you Or at your 11th birthday, opening the Hogwarts letter with you Instead, he be in France, payin’ for sex and poppin’ Potions Examples that you don’t deserve I wanna tell you that you’re loved, you’re brave, you’re kind but id be lyin' You got a gift to change the world and could change your baby daddy’s mind ‘Cause our children is the future, but he lives inside confusion Money’s always been illusion, but that’s the life he’s used to His father didn’t claim him neither History do repeat itself, sometimes it don’t need a reason But how I like to say it’s not your fault that he’s hidin’ another child Give ‘em grace, it’s the reason I respect Mr. Weasley So our babies like you can cope later Its a hopeless world but i wish for the better I never wanna hear you chase that man ‘cause his fell behavior Sittin’ at his feet with his other puppets for validation You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain I’ll tell you who your Lord is just play this song when it rains Yes, he’s a horcrux maker, torturer, dictator, right And a fuckin’ deadbeat that should never say “more life” Meet the Riddles
Verse 4
Dear Death Eaters, Take those masks off, I wanna see what’s under them achievements Why believe you? You never gave us nothin’ to believe in ‘Cause you lied about blood views, you lied about your legacies You lied about your family tree and your past tense all is perjury You lied about your superiority, you lied about your loyalty Hey Malfoys, Yall pussies, you lied on him, I know they all got you in ‘em You lied about your Imperios, you lied about your Lord, huh You lied about them other criminals that’s out there hopin’ that you come You lied about the only leader that can offer you some help, a greater good solution for yall
Verse 5
Dear Tom, I know you probably thinkin’ I wanted to crash your party But truthfully, I don’t have a hatin’ bone in my body This supposed to be a good exhibition within the Order But you fucked up the moment you showed up at my family’s house Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some selfulfilling prophecy? just for the lore? Guess intelligence is lost when the metaphors don’t reach you And I like to understand ‘cause your house was never a home 70, but you showin’ up as a 11-year-old You got mental problems, integrity problems rituals-coping’ and body problems, bad with money, Gringotts Solicitin’ wizardkind problems, therapy’s a lovely start I try to empathize with you ‘cause I know that you ain’t been through nothin’ Crave entitlement, but wanna be loved so bad that it’s puzzlin’ No dominance, let’s recap moments when you didn’t fit in No secret handshakes with your 'friends' No praise words from your Matron No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother Identities on the fence, don’t know which family will love ya, its back at the orphanage The skin that you’re livin’ in is compromised in souls Can’t channel your power even when holdin’ a Hallow You a blood shamer, you gon’ hide your own papa, ain’t ya? You embarrassed of him, that ain’t right, ain’t no mama to love you either Fuck a battle, this a long-life war with yourself.
mic drop.
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alitgblog · 23 days
litg characters I'd cast in romcoms
When Harry Met Sally: Seb as Harry!! Then Genevieve as his ex, Tom as MC's (Sally's) ex, Nicky as Seb's best friend, Elladine as MC's best friend
I actually have this all sorted how this would work out but my post got deleted 😭
Notting Hill: Jin as Hugh Grant's character (forgot his name lol) because in my head he's history nerd so like just imagine him in cozy sweaters okay. He's got that wacky roommate whose name I have also forgotten and naturally if we had to pick from S8, Liam, but I also think Jamal would be a fun pick (make the roommate less wacky and more just fun and wild though). The other version of this is Jake as as the main character with his roommate Tim.
Legally Blonde (and I'm going based off the musical): Literally only here because I know I can cast the lawyers, like clearly Suresh as Warner (and oh lean heavily on the implication that he cheated on MC while they were dating) and Blake or Marisol as Vivienne (I like her being cut throat but still looking for love). I'd really like Hari as Emmett because they have a backstory of working hard for their dream and would have a fun banter with the main character without being overly cheery and also is very competitive when needs to be although may be an underdog, but lowkey could also be anyone that has the very grounded boy next door vibe so like Tyler, Rohan, Jake, James, and Lewie are also good picks imo. The other sorority girls needs to include Chelsea, Thabi, basically any of MC's besties (...minus Amelia). It's hard to think of anyone as Paulette because she's an older character and everyone in the game is pretty young but we can further my Angie x Cora agenda and have it be Angie talking about her lost love and then in comes the hot deliverywoman, Cora. She also has like sage advice vibes when she's in the villa sometimes so I think that works.
She's All That: Gary as the main guy. Eddie as his shitty best friend. I don't know why but this came so quickly to me I'm not sure I'd even have to explain but like Gary gives off cool guy / player vibes but I'd also see him absolutely get into or at least support whatever weird artsy stuff his girlfriend is into and have a character arc and all that.
While You Were Sleeping: the OG "I fell in love with your brother while you were away" story, so clearly Ozzy as Peter, Marshall as the brother, Grace as the girl Ozzy's actually dating
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days: Because I've already said Gary for a different romcom, I'm inclined to have the suave ladies man esque character be Will or Youcef. I also think an evolved Suresh or Finn or Mason or Levi could work. Often I forget about her but I think Lulu would be a fun whatever Kathryn Hahn's character's name is.
A Cinderella Story (the Hilary Duff version): I think the fandom's go to "I don't wanna do what my dad says" character may be Lucas but I want to give Oliver a chance as the sweet lead even though I remember nothing about his backstory in game. MC's best friend can be someone a little dorky and the only person coming to mind right now is Felix.
Ten Things I Hate About You: Again, a reformed Finn could've been so good. Instead, we're going for mysterious and brooding so I think Joyo is a good choice for Patrick. Then to continue the streak of me remembering S7 characters, I think Raf could be a good Cameron because he's got that innocence and silliness that works. Then we need the friend that gives Raf an explanation of how things work and I could see that going to Andy because he's a little silly and dorky but mostly pretty confident (slightly different vibe from the character but that's fine). Other option, Bruno. In the movie, I believe he also ends up with Kat's best friend, who I just remember being very confident and alternative vibes so I think Najuma, Cora, Bella, or Lottie for her. We also need Kat's sister Bianca, and that could be easy and I say it's Amelia, or we could pick a tolerable option like Bea. There's also the guy Bianca initially has a crush on, and dare I say we pick Toby?? Just a character that's full of nothing. Or it could just be someone pretty like Levi or someone rich and an asshole like Miles or Jasper. All I remember about Bianca's bestie is that she backstabs her at the end and since fusebox hates women that could be a number of characters but my pick is Sophie or Erikah.
I could go on forever so I must I choose to stop now before I get carried away 🤣
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mitsukiwa · 5 months
Baby, love me cause I'm playing on the radio.
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Previous I Pt 6 I My wattpad user is 6arelyhuman_ if u want the outfits visuals u should read it there.
WARNING!!! There will include: angst, fluff, smut, love triangle Summary: You love bill and there’s no doubt in your heart, unbeknownst to you he feels the same way. You both have to overcome challenging events that leads the both of you to grow apart, what happens when his twin brother feels for you? Will you be able to crush his heart? What will you do to prevent hurting them both?
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You stumbled to the front door of your apartment, clumsily pulling out your keys from your bag.
Tom stood beside you, with his arms crossed over his chest.
He stepped forward taking the keys from you, gently pushing you aside to insert the key into the knob.
"You don't know which one it is" you say.
Just when that was said the door had clicked open with the key he had inserted.
"What did you say?" He had a teasing smirk.
"Oh shut up" was your remark.
He pushed the door open; stepping back to let you in. You step forward, though you tripped on your heel, Tom was quick to catch you before you collided to the ground.
"Thanks" you mumbled.
"No problem"
You step into your home, he hands the keys to you, you take them placing them on the table by the front door.
He leans on the frame, with his arms crossed.
"Well, uh drive home safe" I say awkwardly. He nods his head at my words.
"Will do" he turns around to leave but before he can leave, I call out his name. He freezes the second my voice hits his ears.
He turns his body to face me.
"Can you, um," I clear my throat "stay tonight?" I ask weakly.
The second those words left my mouth I instantly regretted saying them.
The corners of his lips tug upwards. That stupid smirk of his appearing on his features.
"I'll have to check my agenda, there's probably a girl I have to come home to, I'm not sure" there's a teasing tone in his voice.
I roll my eyes at him.
"You know what, pretend I never asked"
I was about to close the door, but he prevented me.
His eyes widened at my words.
"I was just kidding" he quickly said.
I cross my arms over my chest.
"No, you probably do have to get home to someone."
He shakes his head, "there's no one else, I promise."
I eyed for a few minutes more before moving aside to let him in.
He hurries in, closing shut the door behind him.
I walk to my room, Tom followed close behind.
I push open my door walking over to my bed. I sit down on the edge; I work on taking off the heels I had I on.
Tom was kneeled near the bed, playing with my dog cookie.
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(She's a miniature pinscher)
I smiled at their interaction. She began growling up at him. He chuckled, growling back at her.
I thought it was weird. Him growling at a dog.
I stand up from the bed, grabbing a large comfy sweater from the closet and a pair of sport shorts.
I look back at Tom, who was already staring up at me from his spot on the floor.
"Do you mind?" I speak.
He smirks, "nothing I haven't seen before."
"Tom, I'm serious stop being a weirdo."
He sighs at me, finally turning around.
I quickly pull the shirt I was wearing over my head, dropping it somewhere near my feet. I pull down the mini Demin skirt I was wearing, stepping out of it.
I grab the sweater, putting it over my head, along with the sport shorts.
"Okay, done" I call out.
He turns around, eyeing me up and down.
I try and ignore him, so I walk over to the basin in the corner of the room. I put the dirty clothes in there, walking over to the bed.
I pull my covers up, sliding in them.
"Hey, what about me?" Tom says.
He stands up, walking over to the bed.
"Sleep on the floor" I say, letting out a yawn.
He yanks the covers off my body, pushing me further into the center of the bed.
"Tom, what're you doing?"
He quickly kicks off his shoes, sliding into the bed with me.
"I am not sleeping on the floor like some dog."
"Okay, fine, but you're sleeping on your side."
I grab a spare pillow and place it between us.
I know this may seem childish, but I just didn't trust him with me being drunk.
I cover myself with the blanket, snuggling my head into my pillow.
My eyes flutter close, they felt heavy as leather.
From behind me I feel the pillow being pulled away and my eyes shot open.
Tom's body scoots closer to me, I feel his chest press into my back.
"Tom, I said to stay on your side, pervert."
He throws a heavy arm around my middle, bringing me closer to him.
"I won't do anything, I swear" he mumbles by my ear.
I squeeze my eyes shut, that familiar chill running down my spine.
I let out a sigh through my mouth.
"Fine but don't you dare put your leg over mine-"
I was cut off by him throwing his leg over mine. At this point he was using me as a life-sized body pillow.
I let out a frustrated groan.
God, I was literally dealing with a big child right now.
"I feel comfortable" he rasped out.
I turn my body around, now our chests were pressed against each other.
I crane my neck up to look at his face.
He resembled so much like bill (no dur their literally twins😭) it hurt all over again, but he wasn't bill. And somehow that felt so much worse.
He was already peering down at me; his eyes wore slits.
He had a slight smile.
He looked happy, though I felt the complete opposite.
"He doesn't deserve you."
Those words angered me, I mean how can he say that?
"It's the other way around" I say.
He shakes his head against the pillow. Bringing his hand to rest on the side of my cheek.
"Anyone would be lucky to have you."
My breath hitches at his words, and I feel my heart pounding in my ears.
He starts closing the space between our faces.
I squeeze my eyes shut.
oh no, not this again!
I feel his lips make contact on my cheek.
I'm flabbergasted, he didn't do it.
"Not yet I want to take things slow" he mumbles.
Tom wanting to take things slow? Almost seemed unbelievable really.
I was beyond glad he didn't do it.
I snuggle up against him.
No, it wasn't bill, but I can pretend it is.
His arms wrap tightly around me. I imagine bill's warm embrace.
The only thing keeping me from completely thinking it was him was his smell.
Bill smelt better.
The alcohol I had drank began to ware off leaving me feeling drowsy.
"I love you, bill" I mumble.
I finally let my eyes shut close.
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© Mitsukiwa 2023-Do not copy,post or translate my work anywhere.
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ae-neon · 1 month
Ngl I can't get invested in this beef because I (don't care about celebs) but also because
TL, DR: I feel like it's a lose-lose situation. But more so for Kendrick, or rather what I thought about him
Drake has never not been a creepy cringe chameleon assimilating himself into diff cultural spaces to make music so Kendrick saying these things about him is like... Well, yes
On the other hand, it's a bit weird to see my image of Kendrick crumble one brick at a time. He's bringing an overwhelming amount of energy, like obsessively so, to focus in on Drake - who's relevancy is being renewed and legitimised by it
Kendrick is being accused of mistreating and even assaulting his fiance, apparently doesn't live with her or his kids, but wants to bring up drakes son and apparently fake daughter. He's bashing Drake for being a deadbeat dad but working with Future.
He's talking about Drake fetishizing black women when Kendrick's fiance is mixed and he cheats on her with white women but uses black women for his songs and videos (which is fine except he's literally thrived of this pro-black image and his "authenticity")
He's talking about predators in Drake's camp but put Kodak Black on his prev album. (Also like I understand rap being adjacent to gang life but both Kendrick and Drake are not gangsters, Kendrick grew up in poverty and around gangs yes but at the end of the day is a civilian, if he had proof of serious shit like this and only used it for agenda, he's gross and weird.)
He's taken shots at Drake not really being religious but 1) Drake's Jewishness is as much an ethnicity as it a religion. Most Jewish people are atheist but considered Jewish regardless.
2) not being religious is not a bad thing and I would go further to argue that as someone alligned with black consciousness Kendrick should be aware of the spectrum of black religious experiences from Islam to ancestry based practices. Kendrick himself is close to Black Isealites, a group that has problematic connotations surrounding their beliefs.
Like none of this makes what he's saying about Drake illegitimate, don't get me wrong, but like it's clear Kendrick only cares about these things as they serve as ammunition for his hatred of Drake.
Again it's the realisation that Kendrick's issue is not with "broken homes", SA and abuse of underage girls, fetishizing black women and black culture, in-authenticity etc it's with Drake calling himself a rapper while wearing clips in his hair or whatever
Idk, its just so lame to me now. Like both of yall need to shut up and get off my TL
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aronlewes · 1 year
Diversity in my books
I've been reluctant to make this post, because I feel like my intentions could be easily misconstrued. People might think I'm trying to make myself look a certain way or support some kind of agenda, but no. I've just ALWAYS written diverse books. Simply put, I think there should be all types of characters, for all sorts of people to enjoy. So I feature ALL KINDS of characters -- white, black, abled, disabled, straight, LBGT, pretty, plain, old, young, etc, etc. Writing the same character over and over again just isn't fun to me! (I've also had people personally thank me for Asian and disability representation, which is another reason I'm compiling this list)
So, without further ado, here is a (mostly) comprehensive list of my stories that emphasize diversity (these are major characters and plotlines, btw, not unimportant side plots or characters)
(P.S. - this includes a few books written under my other pen name, Caylen McQueen)
Books with diverse lead characters:
The Darker Ages: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077HVG9YW (Alfred du Bois is black and I love him and I will take that love to the grave with me!!! He's my guy for life. I'm putting him first because I think he might be my favorite character of all time.)
School for Spirits: A Dead Girl and a Samurai https://www.amazon.com/School-Spirits-Dead-Samurai-Spirit-ebook/dp/B078YNFD4F/ (Taishi is Japanese)
School for Spirits: Rebel Archangel https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GCXT6WV (Chris Pho is Asian-American)
School for Spirits: Angel of Death https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07K5ZF89N (Luciana is Hispanic)
A Crew of Criminals and Cutthroats: https://www.amazon.com/Crew-Criminals-Cutthroats-Aron-Lewes-ebook/dp/B0BTS5MJLW (Jean-Rene is black... also, I like that Davin is 70+ and kicking ass)
School for Spirits: Almost an Archangel https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SQW9NN4 (Kaylene is African-American)
The Fourth Dragon: https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Dragon-Aron-Lewes-ebook/dp/B096QB3MBP (Esmay is black)
An Elven Debutante: https://www.amazon.com/Elven-Debutante-Airships-Dragons-Book-ebook/dp/B0BGJLSMZP/ (Julian is Asian; so is Himiko in book 2)
School for Spirits: Pretty Dead Girl https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09HN5ZYK2 (Vineet is Indian-American... I SUPER love Vineet, he's one of my favorites of all time)
Vixen's Chosen https://www.amazon.com/Vixens-Chosen-Fox-Assassin-Book-ebook/dp/B08ZD63ZXQ/ (Kylin is a kitsune, and it's strongly hinted that she is Japanese)
Angels & Outlaws: https://www.amazon.com/Angels-Outlaws-Aron-Lewes-ebook/dp/B0BDGBK95Y/ (Bo Lightfoot is Native American)
A Family of Wizards: https://www.amazon.com/Wizard-80s-Family-Wizards-Book-ebook/dp/B0B478DMNP/ (the titular magical family is Chinese)
Pride & Prejudice & Airships: https://www.amazon.com/Pride-Prejudice-Airships-Steampunk-Book-ebook/dp/B07G38N7FF/ (Bin Li is Asian)
Whispers of Steam: https://www.amazon.com/Caged-Princess-Whispers-Steam-Book-ebook/dp/B088PF6K36 (leads in this book are a pair of brown-skinned mercenaries, an Asian hero-turned-villain-turned-hero, and a bisexual woman)
Ghost of Redemption: https://www.amazon.com/Ghost-Redemption-School-Spirits-Story-ebook/dp/B096Q9Q5ZY/ (Johnny Wong is biracial)
Little Alien on the Prairie: https://www.amazon.com/Little-Alien-Prairie-First-Contact-ebook/dp/B08PDGS9PC/ (Rain is Native American)
The Wishing Princess: https://www.amazon.com/Wishing-Princess-Magic-Dreams-Book-ebook/dp/B09ZVL578X/ (the MC's eventual love interest, Nils, is a dark-skinned elf)
Palace of Maids: https://www.amazon.com/Palace-Maids-Weird-Portal-Fantasy-ebook/dp/B098TNW5K5 (Dustin is indigenous)
Books with disability representation:
School for Spirits: Rebel Archangel https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GCXT6WV (Anna uses a wheelchair)
The Darker Ages: https://www.amazon.com/Darker-Ages-Aron-Lewes-ebook/dp/B077HVG9YW/ (Alice has quadriplegia)
Vixen's Challenge: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08ZD26H6H (Sara uses a wheelchair)
A Sheriff's Redemption: https://www.amazon.com/Sheriffs-Redemption-Lady-Robin-Hood-ebook/dp/B0784QFSKX (the Sheriff of Nottingham's younger brother, Kinlay, is disabled)
Cinderella & Dragons: https://www.amazon.com/Cinderella-Dragons-Complete-Aron-Lewes-ebook/dp/B07D3GLSPW (Terra uses crutches)
Books with LBGT+ characters:
My Lady Robin Hood series https://www.amazon.com/Lady-Locksley-Robin-Hood-Book-ebook/dp/B077LJ9G8N/ (there are many diverse characters in this series, but my trans Little John is most prominent, imo)
The Darker Ages: https://www.amazon.com/Darker-Ages-Aron-Lewes-ebook/dp/B077HVG9YW/ (Jalen/Jai is trans)(Jonathan is bisexual and ends up in a relationship with a man)
The Darkest Knight: https://www.amazon.com/Darkest-Knight-Black-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B07HFTSNDD (Daniul is asexual... and autistic, for that matter... he's another one of my all-time favorite characters)
The Barefoot Barmaid: https://www.amazon.com/Barefoot-Barmaid-Belles-Bullets-Book-ebook (there are a ton of diverse characters throughout the series, but there is a gay couple, and Vee is a lesbian)
(I could have more LGBT+ characters, imo, but there are other authors do it better... actually, I'm thinking of one author friend in particular, and if she's reading this... DO write that gay historical, please! I want it!!)
I've probably forgotten some, but I'd say this is a pretty decent (and growing!) list. Also, many of my series starters are free, so they should be easy to get into!
Whoever you are out there, I hope you check out my work! <3
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chrisgates · 7 months
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TIMING: September LOCATION: Wilks Mill Farm PARTIES: @honeysmokedham & @chrisgates SUMMARY: Chris thinks his interaction with the weird, bear girl is just a dream and Nora thinks the sad, werewolf man is delusional. She tries to help him out anyway. CONTENT WARNINGS: None
Today was a day of exploration. Normally Nora spent her days split between terrorizing townsfolk and hanging out in the forest. Today she was tired of those activities. She wanted to discover something new. As a bear. A Bear because it was funny when people saw a polar bear walking around town. They made faces, called 911, some of them even screamed. Nora lived for that shit. 
Nora vaguely wondered if people thought she might be an albino black bear. Her fur was all white, but her eyes were red. Wasn’t that a sign of albinism? She wasn’t sure. She never got through reading the Wikipedia article on the account of the writing being so boring. Only nerds could read wikipedia articles. Anyway, the albino black bear ended up in the farmlands of the area. It was very idyllic. Just like something out of a hallmark movie and postcard. She was going to need to come out here more often to ruin that.
The sight of a beautifully abandoned mill was what she started walking towards. She stopped walking when a pond caught her eye. She could go for a dip, Nora thought to herself, shuffling towards the water. The water looked beautifully undisturbed, and for a moment Nora thought she might like to just enjoy the moment. Staring deep within the flowing waters. She stood there for a while, thinking to herself exactly how she would draw each and every ripple of the water. She was so lost in the moment that she almost didn’t notice something. Was there someone down there looking at her? Nora blinked. It blinked. But it wasn’t her reflection blinking. Nora lifted a paw, trying to rub her eyes to see if she was making it up. She wasn’t. For some odd reason, Nora thought the face looked hungry. She could quite put her paw on it, but it was like staring at a kindred spirit. Ravenous with hunger. She was going to need to bring ham to this lake. Could she afford to waste a ham?
Through the viewfinder, a tall, thin stalk with wide ribbon-like leaves swayed lazily. Atop the organic tower sat a brilliant, blue bulb. Though it hadn’t bloomed, it was still beautiful. Sitting on one of the pairs of leaves was what looked like a ladybug, but it was... Different. The shutter clicked. It was a weird little insect without a doubt, but Chris didn’t think too deeply into it. Variations within a species happened often, maybe not to this extent, but he wasn’t worried — it and the flower photographed well. He was glad he made the decision to wander further from the safety of the Pines; the expansive farmland was beautiful even if the locals’ warnings were a bit odd. Still, he followed them to the letter — getting into trouble was not on the agenda. 
And yet trouble seemed to incessantly find him.
Just at the other end of the pond, a good distance from where Chris lay belly down among the tall wild flowers, was a bear. That would have been alarming enough given how open the field was — there really wasn’t anywhere to hide — but what made it so much worse, confusingly so, was that it looked like a polar bear. A polar bear. “What the..,” he whispered to himself and to the tiny yellow flower that lay beneath his chin. With his attention glued to the large creature, Chris tried to press himself further into the grass and blend in; he couldn’t have been luckier to have such a neutral color palette in his wardrobe. While the green was definitely a good few shades darker than the grass and the brown of his jacket didn’t seem to fit with the foliage, it was better than something loud and patterned. Maybe he could get out of this unscathed.
Chris’ heart pounded against the inside of his chest; he could hear it in his ears. How was he going to get out of this? There wasn’t anywhere to hide, there wasn’t anywhere to really run, nowhere close by. The bear would surely catch up with him if he tried to escape. It looked like he needed to lay low for now — but he couldn’t shake the rippling anxiety that crawled up his spine. Not now, he thought, please... not now.
Whatever stared back at Nora within that lake could have held her attention for eternity. The only thing that caught her attention was her own hunger being satiated. The scent of cedarwood mixed with blood and anger drifted toward her on the gentle breeze. A fear scent. A tasty little surprise snack. She took a deep breath, enjoying the meal being offered to her without question. What was there to question? She was a bear in human territory. Humans are always scared of what they don't understand. Now that her concentration on the lake’s surface was broken, the face she’d been staring at disappeared. Nora looked back for a bit, trying to determine what happened to it, but after no movement within the lake, she gave up on it. There was something more interesting to hunt down now anyhow. 
Nose to the ground, like every cartoon of hunting dogs Nora had ever seen, she began the hunt. It wasn’t that hard. The scent of fear was flowing from one singular location. However, Nora is nothing if not a true showman. She wanted to put on a show for the lone scared human hiding in the grass. Leaving humans with paralyzing questions running through their minds was pure comedy. Would they be safe laying there? Should they run? Would the bear discover them and kill them? These were all the possibilities that she knew were making their fear double in this situation. Nora made slow lazy circles around the position she knew the human to be in. She was trying to play it off as if she knew he was in the area but she couldn’t quite pinpoint it. After all, hope was a powerful drug for humans. They did stupid things like remaining still when they hoped they wouldn’t be discovered.
Each game needed to come to an end. And just like that, Nora was standing over a human male, nose pressed to the ground in front of him, eyes staring right at him. Nora stood there for a second, before lifting up her head and letting out a yodeling bear scream. That, Nora thought to herself, should be the real killer. The war cry of a bear right before the attack. She hoped he would pee himself. It was always funnier when humans peed themselves. 
This wasn’t Chris’ first run-in with a bear given his career as a nature photographer, but this was the first time he actually felt like he was in danger. Distance and a really good zoom were essential in capturing bears safely; he’d be the biggest idiot, otherwise. Even though this definitely wasn’t a fault of his own — he would always check his surroundings before disappearing behind his camera’s viewfinder — he still felt like an idiot. He wasn’t even out there for bears anyway, so the fact that he was now face to face with one really cemented his fear. 
What added to the terror of the situation was confusion. Where had the bear even come from? Wouldn’t he have seen it, considering how large and stark white its fur was. Was it a polar bear? If it was, what the hell was it doing in Maine? Did it escape from a zoo? Or was this an albino bear? The creature drew close enough that Chris could make out the flickering of red pigment in the animals’ eyes through the foliage he hid within. It could be albino, and that made a lot more sense to him, so he chose to stick with it. The assumption was safer than the idea of a polar bear loose in New England, even though he wasn’t physically safe in the slightest.
As the bear drew nearer still, clearly intent on finding whatever scent it picked up on, he had half a mind to just get up now and make a beeline for the nearest — well, for the nearest anything. Anything to get away from the sniffling and searching. Instead he sat and waited. Sat and listened. Sat and began to panic more and more as the bear continued to circle and enclose. His ears rang, his throat dried, his skin felt prickly, itchy and generally uncomfortable. It felt like a too wiry wool sweater he needed to rip off.
The moment would’ve been comical if it wasn’t paralyzing. He watched as the bear snuffled closer in a direct line that headed straight for him. He watched its large, white shoulders over the swaying tops of the grass until he could see nothing but its face in his face. This was what cartoons were made of, but Chris couldn’t appreciate the humor. He was too far inside his own head to really tell what was happening, but then he heard the roar and disappeared completely. 
The chances of getting out of this unharmed were astronomically small — they knew. 
They knew the moment they’d picked up on the bear and now they needed to protect themselves. That was the only way. So they tore through flesh and rearranged their bones, painful still but urgent, desperate. This needed to be quick. They needed to get out. Clothing ripped, giving way to fur and claws. It felt good to be out, but this bear — it would be a problem.
A defensive growl was returned in kind. A warning.
If Nora had a dime for every time someone turned into a wolf after she turned into a bear to scare them she would have two dimes. Which wasn't a lot of dimes, but it was strange that it kept happening. Nora watched as the photographer in the grass, overwhelmed with fear, shifted. It was fascinating to watch his bones distort, twisting, elongating into something new. The animal within him. Nora took notes. Was this how she looked when she turned into the bear? The cracking of the bones, the growth of the fur, the teeth jutting out and becoming sharp points. God, it was cool as fuck. As Nora watched the transformation she felt pride in what she was. It was heavy metal to force your body into a gross transformation process that left you different. And they did it often. Humans could never. They would piss themselves or scream or something. Nora wasn't sure what exactly. She had never shifted in front of a human because the people she kept shifting in front of ended up being wolves. 
A growl trickled from the wolf as the fear she'd been feasting on dissolved. Shame. Nora had been enjoying her meal, but this new oddity made up for it. Another wolf! She wondered if he would know the rich man who had broken into her crypt and stolen her sleeping bag. Nora backed away from the growling wolf, giving space and adapting to a non-threatening stance. It occurred to her that this was a fear response. People did desperate things while they were scared. The man in front of her had transformed into a wolf because he'd thought she was going to eat him. Well she was, and had been, just not in the conventional way.
Would being attacked by a wolf hurt? The bear tilted its head as it considered the question. Nora had never gotten in a fight as a bear before, so she was unsure if she would be able to keep up. She also didn't have a desire to fight. Fighting was cheap. Scaring people was the fun part. Plus, Nora considered, she didn't have health care. If she ended up at the hospital because of wolf injuries people would ask questions. Those questions would sound like "Who are you?" and "How did you get those wolf injuries?" When she didn't answer those it would lead to other things. Those things could include being turned in. Being in hiding meant a strict no-hospital rule. 
Nora was unsure what it said about her that she was willing to tussle with a wolf as long as it meant no hospital. That was a question for later Nora. Right now Nora was shifting back into a human. Hair disappearing into her flesh, flesh shifting around bones, bones shortening and stacking. Then there was Nora. Just Nora. Standing naked in an open field, hands raised up staring down a wolf. "What giant teeth you have Grandma." Nora's voice was filled with a light chatter as the loss of fur reminded her just how cold it was. "How long have you been a werewolf?" Nora had no doubt this would work. It worked with the last wolf. When this werewolf saw another human standing in front of him he'd chill down and they'd become best friends. Maybe Nora could grab him and the other werewolf she met and start a pack. That was a thing, right? Bugbears were welcome in wolfpacks, right? Probably. Nora wasn't going to question it. 
Just as quickly as the bear appeared, it vanished. That was weird. A human woman stood in its place, exposed completely. She didn’t look bothered by that fact or the snarling teeth in her face — or by anything, really. It took him completely by surprise. The wolf backed away slightly, startled; its ears fell back, though it remained on the defensive. Was this a trick? An illusion? What was she playing at? Would the bear return? Where did it even go? The wolf’s attention darted to the surrounding area, then back to the girl, then to the area again. No, there was no sign of it and there certainly wasn’t a hole to fall into…
How could a bear turn into a person? They supposed it could be the same as for them. It certainly looked the same but there was no screaming, no painful cries that danced on the cusp of animal and human as the body twisted and changed. It looked easy for her. Envy sprouted quickly, but curiosity held the reins.
Her voice came in softly, questioning. It was a far cry from the usual responses to the wolf — sounds of terror rang loudly through their recalled scattered memories. How long have you been a werewolf? The question was something they were wholly familiar with — Chris? Not so much. The nasty father knew, the hunter who tormented them knew, but he, the one they were stuck with, tethered to forever more, did not and that frustrated the wolf to no end. How stupid! He refused and refused even with the blood in his mouth, he still refused! Even now, he would refuse if the wolf pushed him out.
That could be dangerous. But this meeting already felt different — she smelled different. There was no fear there. Nothing but her question and outstretched hands. They supposed they could always come back for protection if she did indeed turn violent…
No. No! NO! No no no no no no no! Soft words were lies, they had to be. This was a trick. It had to be. They would just be drawn in and trapped again, wouldn’t they? The animal smell could be a trick, too. They couldn’t do it again, couldn’t let it happen. They didn’t want to be in a cage!! The wolf started to back away more. Its mouth was part way open, teeth still exposed, though their snarls were softer and filled with confusion. It shook its head as it did so, curious and wanting, but still fearful of what might happen.
This wasn’t the same as the encounter in the crypt. As Nora shifted back into a human, the wolf didn’t calm down. A snarl kept his lips pulled tight, eyes fixed on her as if she was a threat. Well. Nora was a threat. Nora knew she was always a threat. The biggest monster in the room. Was her bear bigger than the wolf in front of her? Nora’s eyes swept over the wolf a few times as she tried to decide. Slowly, so the wolf could see her moving slowly, Nora raised her hands up, palms facing him. That was the universal sign of I’m not a threat right? “My bad for scaring you earlier.” Nora’s voice was its normal monotone. Despite staring down a giant wolf in front of her, there wasn’t an ounce of fear licking at her emotion. Self preservation who? Nora knew without a doubt that she would be fine. 
“I thought you were a human.” Nora explained, hands still in the air. “I just learned recently, I’m a bugbear.” This was a lot of words, but Nora was proud. Nora was proud to know what she was, and proud to be part of a community. She hoped that the wolf in front of her was also proud of that community. “I feed off of fear. That’s why I was fucking with you. I thought you were a human that I could scare.” Nora got tired of holding her hands up, she let them drop back to her side. “We’re chill right? Like I said, my b on scaring you. I just thought you’d be a tasty meal. Now that I know we’re basically pack mates it won’t happen again…” Nora let the statement trail off. “Maybe.” 
It was a big ask to have her promise not to scare someone. Nora had already promised not to scare one person, she didn’t want to see her pool of people she could scare dwindling. The thought was confining. 
Nora looked down at the discarded camera in front of the wolf, then back at the wolf’s big paws. “Careful where you step.” She said while pointing down. “What are you taking pictures of out here?” Nora turned her back to the wolf, looking around at the beautiful landscape. Picturesque. Probably the kind of thing you could put on a postcard. “Can I see your photos? Did you get any good ones of me?” 
She just kept talking.
It was unusual and confusing — they didn’t know what to do. She was completely nonplussed by the situation. This had never happened before, at least not with the wolf. Chris was better received whenever people came across him after shifting, but the wolf? They either tried to kill it or they ran away and got someone else to kill it. Both were terrible options, neither of which seemed to be present with this supposed ‘bugbear’. A what? What on earth was that? They knew what they were and that was it, nothing else. They didn’t know what this ‘bugbear’ was, but if it was that white bear they’d encountered moments ago, where does the ‘bug’ part come in? It looked like a normal bear to them, albeit a different color. Better for Chris to ask all of these questions.
I feed off fear… I just thought… a tasty meal… pack mates…
What did she think they were? ‘Werewolf’; that was it. They’ve heard that term thrown around and taped to their back, but Chris kept peeling it right off. He kept ignoring it, like it didn’t happen to him - like it wasn’t happening to him. She knew what they were just by looking at them. 
She’d turned her back to them, then, her words continuing to flow. Her injury was apparent; maybe she wasn’t in much of a fighting condition? Their safety potential went up, but they were still wary. It was now or never. The pain would be excruciating if the wolf came back so soon after shifting back - unfortunately, they were Chris’ only defensive. This potential ‘pack mate’ situation and answers was worth the gamble.
Transforming from wolf to man or vice versa left them uncomfortably vulnerable. They couldn’t defend themselves while their bones and muscles contorted and stretched. They couldn’t do anything but try to get through the entire process in one piece. It was quite the struggle, and the snapping of bones and blend of creature sounds was a stark contrast to the serene beauty of the nature around them. 
Did you get any good ones of me?
That was the last thing the wolf heard and that was the first thing to follow when Chris came to. His clothing lay in torn tatters around him; the cuffs from his flannel remained around his wrists. The first thing he noticed was the pounding in his head - and then the young woman, who looked like she was also nude. His cheeks flushed before he realized how sore his entire body felt. Chris pressed the butt of his palm to his forehead as he tried to sit up. His other hand fumbled with any piece of torn clothing large enough to cover his lap. He blinked at his company, vision still blurry and shivered.
“... Wh..What just happened..? Who are.. you?” Why did you do this to me?, he thought.
When Nora turned around again the wolf was gone, replaced by the mans he’d seen before. This time naked. Scars covered his rightside, coverging around his shoulder and neck. Nora was about to complement them, ask him how he got such sick scars when he spoke. The man’s voice sounded weak, pathetic even. It was a shaky mess with no confidence. Worst of all it appeared he had no memory of his transformation and decided to put all the blame on Nora. This was new behavior. Alan had known who he was after shifting. The two of them had had talks about their various shifting side. How did Nora deal with someone who appeared to not believe her?
“What did I do to you?” Nora gestured down at herself. Naked. Five foot one. An wound still healing on her right side that pained her when she did too much. A knife cut down her left arm also still healing. As a human she was a decoy. The picture of complete innocence. How could someone small and sweet looking be a terrible apex predator such as herself. That was the fun in the illusion. But today she wasn’t using this a trap. Just a tool to calm. Fear radiated off of him at extreme levels. She wasn’t even trying to scare him anymore. She wanted to be part of his pack. 
Then they could talk about more scaring.
“You don’t remember turning into a wolf?” Nora asked. Nora bent over picking up his camera. It took a moment to figure out how to work it, but she was a zoomer. Technology was in their blood. Nora pulled up the gallery, instantly finding a photo she was looking for. The polar bear in the field, looking into the lake. Nora handed it to the sad shaking little man. “That’s me. When I’m not human.” She told him. At no times she was human. That was still weird to come to terms with. At all times she was bugbear, but at no times was she human. Even though she looked like them, lived with them and was always among them.
“I scared you, remember?” Nora took a seat on the grass, easing into the position to keep her wound from screaming too much. “You turned into a wolf. I didn’t do that. You did.” Nora wished she’d taken a picture of the wolf. Maybe the guy would believe her. Why else would they both be sitting naked in the field if not for a sudden transformation? “Do you always forget when you transform?”
Chris knew very well that he couldn’t put any of the blame on her — not all of it, anyway. He’d been dealing with some version of this shit for years, whatever it was. Wolf. There it was again, that word. Was that what it was? Too many people found him associated with it, like an invisible target painted brightly on his back where he couldn’t see but he felt the thick, sticky paint dry into his skin. It became him. It was him. 
And she could see it plainly, like a neon sign flashing in her face. Chris didn’t know whether to feel relieved or even more worried. He settled on the usual blanket of confusion instead and its partner in crime, embarrassment, was not too far behind. Even if he wanted to believe her (the evidence was overwhelming, not to mention the eye witnesses), he didn’t know where to start (or even if he could). He took things one day at a time — sometimes to the hour, sometimes to the minute. He couldn’t think that far ahead.
Her questioning continued, which did help to keep his attention on her rather than his own discomfort. You don’t remember turning into a wolf? Chris shook his head automatically — he didn’t even know he could (could he?), in all honesty, not before Wicked’s Rest. It would make sense, if it were true. The missing nights, the irritability, the hunger. Chris felt his stomach somersault.
Despite the situation and ever swirling uncertainty, Chris turned his gaze to his camera’s viewfinder. A white bear. A white bear. Its large, pale silhouette stood stark against the green field. There was no mistaking it. And she said that was her? When she’s not human? What the fuck? Was he high? Was this some sort of chemical warfare? Did he eat something poisonous? Maybe he was dreaming — that had to be it, right?
Chris covered his face with one of his hands and squeezed the bridge of his nose. He shook his head in the hopes that this would go away like one would clear an Etch A Sketch, but there they sat, naked and in the grass, with talks of bears and wolves. 
“This isn’t happening…” He mumbled into his hand and shook his head again. “This is a dream or I’m.. I’m fucking hallucinating.. Am I on something??” The grass felt real. The air smelled real. She looked real. Chris wiped at his eyes and gave a cursory glance around him again — same field, same farm, same girl.
Do you always forget when you transform? Chris had to wonder if he was being Punk’d. “Wha-just.. What are you talking about?”
This was sad. Nora tilted her head to the side as she watched this strange adult man sit and wallow in his own confusion. The only words coming out of his mouth were ones of denial. Nora bit her lip, doing her best to remain civil. The feral beast inside her wanted to rear its head. It smelled the blood of the weak and it longed to bare its teeth and sink deep into the man's flesh, using words to hurt him. But she couldn't do that. There had been a time in her life where she was the reflection of this sad, confused man. A time where she had to work it out herself. Sure, she was born that way, but Alan had told her wolves weren't born. They were made. 
"When were you bit?" Nora asked. She tried to make her voice gentle and caring, instead it came out as a softer monotone. The trained bite of indifference lingering in the edge of her tone, a constant companion to her demeanor. "I was born like this." Nora tapped a hand to her chest. "I'm sure it's a shock. To be human and then not human. But who wants to be human?" Nora was trying her hardest to be kind and compassionate. This was not her natural state of being. "You're not hallucinating or dreaming. I'll prove it. Don't get scared." Don't get scared, as if it was easy as that. To Nora, who was never scared, it was. Which made it impossible to comprehend how to this man, it probably wasn't that easy.
Nora took a step back, ensuring there was enough space between them. "Don't get scared." Nora repeated. The transformation rippled over her body, ripping her skin, breaking her bones, twisting her muscles. As quickly as her body broke into pieces, it repaired itself. Flesh stretching across the bones as they elongated and grew. White fur around. Her nose elongating and turning into a muzzle with sharp teeth. Hands forming into paws ending in sharp claws. Nora let out a loud yodel of a roar at the end of the transformation. 
The polar bear turned around in a circle, being sure to take its time. Look at me, it seemed to say. Every now and then she would stop and strike a pose. She was putting on a whole performance. At the end of her prance around, Nora got closer, dropping down onto the ground next to the man. Her head lowered in passiveness. The polar bear was close enough to touch. And she would let him touch her cute bear ears, once. Any more would be too much. After all, all her power was stored in those cute little ears. This should be just enough to convince him this is all real. 
When were you bit? The question immediately brought forward a memory he wanted so desperately to forget. There had been a handful of animal attacks in Chris’ life. Most, if not all, of them, he managed to get out with a few scrapes and bruises. They were more scared of him, after all. But there was one, all those years before, that nearly took his life — and part of him wished that it had. Flashes of that day buried itself. Teeth, blood, fur, those eyes. He was bit then. He was bitten everywhere. He couldn’t recall the pain — it all happened too fast. The ripping of his skin was the main attraction and the scars along his right side were a constant reminder. But the pain eluded him.
Is that what she meant? Did he get bitten and effectively cursed like the fictitious wolfman? The wolf who had so graciously and permanently marred him all those years ago didn’t look questionable — at least, not in a fantasy type of way. It was big, scary, especially to a teenage boy, but he couldn’t remember much else. He didn’t want to. He didn’t believe in werewolves (or anything else that went bump in the night), but could there be something to it? His life had been abundantly shitty before that wolf attacked him thanks to dear old dad, but there was no recollection of sleepwalking or memory lapse or waking up covered in blood and scratches before the attack. He couldn’t recall the memories of body aches and dislocations — because there were none.
There were a few movies that played with the idea that being a werewolf was a curse, something generational. Magic, even. And there were others that suggested it was more like an infection or parasite. Now, Chris didn’t believe in magic or fairy tales, but an infection was much more plausible. It made sense for something body ravaging to be passed on through blood — or by saliva through a bite. Right? It was too much for him to think about right now, especially as she continued on, calm and easy as she could. He did appreciate that — the situation was an unusual one, but he was certain there would have been much more confusion and irritation if she would have been anyone else. He valued her for not making this worse.
“I don’t…? I am human…” came his next words, but they held a strong uncertainty that started to creep in the longer he sat out there with her. “I… How? I can’t be anything else…” If he was, then maybe his dad was right. Don’t get scared. Chris felt his heart start to thump harder. Prove it? “Wh…What are you going to do?” Prove that she really was a giant bear and that he really was some kind of wolf monster? Sure. His disbelief superseded any thought that may have favored the idea, thinking instead that she would only prove that they were indeed hallucinating (or maybe even dreaming!).
Don’t get scared, came her mantra again, but it did little to prepare him for what he would see. While coming face to face with an immense bear, a near perfect killing machine, would be enough to bridle him with absolute terror, seeing a human woman transform into one was a whole other story. Was it fear that he felt? Horror? Disgust? All of the above? Chris did his best to back away without actually getting up; he didn’t think he could. Her body breaking and shuffling into a new arrangement was like watching disaster unfold — he couldn’t look away despite the sheer fright that welled up within him.
Chris had lowered himself closer to the tall grass, as if that would help to hide him in case this went south. An instinct, one that stretched out and prohibited him from running. If the bear — if she — were aggressive, he didn’t stand a chance anyway. Freezing was probably the best thing he could do. He watched tensely as the immense creature turned about, as if she were showing off her new form. That funny little thought, paired with the gentle behavior, helped to ease some of his anxiety. He sat worried and unmoving as the bear lowered itself closer but that slight spike of fear waned when she didn’t do anything. Nothing but sit there and look expectant. It would have been comical if Chris wasn’t still confused — and scared shitless.
He did look around, one last time, hoping that this was somehow a prank. No hidden camera crew, no enthusiastic host, no one pointing and laughing at his misery — nothing. Chris’ throat was so dry. “What the fuck…” he whispered more to himself, though he was pretty sure the bear could hear it anyway. How was any of this real? Despite everything in him telling him that it would be a really bad idea — the Animal Planet had receipts, after all — he needed to know. He ignored everything else about their weird ass situation and hesitantly reached towards the bear’s head. Honestly, if this was some long con just to eat him, he could at least cross ‘pet a bear’ off of his bucket list. 
A single finger found its way to the soft fur along the top of one of her ears; he didn’t move anything but his breath and that finger. Chris drew back stiffly and whispered again, “what… how..?” This had to be a dream, right? It felt real. 
The man was a wealth of fear. It dripped off him with every moment. It was a cloud of emotion that wrapped tightly around him. How did it not consume him? Nora took a deep breath, allowing herself the joy of his offered feast. Humans were scared, Nora knew, but she’d thought werewolves would be braver. Except, this werewolf had no clue he was a werewolf. “Human?” Nora repeated the word, chewing on it as if it was a curiosity and not a norm. There was an unfamiliar feeling deep in the pit of Nora’s stomach. It twisted itself around. Was this, Nora bit her lip. Was it pity? No. Nora had pitied people before. People were not her; they were scared little creatures. This was kind of like pity, but it was sadder. It was more understanding. There was a word for it, and she hunted for it. Going through years of vocabulary worksheets that she knew she should remember. Compassion. Compassion?
A few moments of thought. Nora let herself mull over this sensation of compassion. Was it because there was a reality where this could have been Nora? Refusing to accept the bear inside her, never finding out she was a bugbear, always living in fear and confusion? Probably not as much fear. But she had feared herself that first day. How could she not. Her first transformation had been a shock. Nora studied the man a bit longer. Compassion. She could work with compassion. “You can be something else.” Nora answered. It wasn’t unkind, but her monotone never allowed for much emotion. He would have to interpret it the way he wanted to. “I’m something else.” Nora added that last bit as if it was an after-thought. It was never an after-thought. These past few months had made her difference clear. She had been forced to confront herself in ways she’d imagined before. Her tremulous identity was always at her forethoughts.
After the transformation, Nora was treated to a fresh wave of delicious new fear. She devoured it hungrily, as if she’d never eaten before. Because to Nora, all fear was a delicious treat that she relished. Even if it came from the sad man who Nora genuinely felt bad for. She could attempt to help him, while helping herself. Right? There was nothing against that in the rule book. If there was, well, no one had ever given her the rule book so they could fuck off with it anyway.
Nora let the man get adjusted to her new form. She let him fall back, panic, then eventually come over. She felt the soft brush of a finger against her ear. Honestly? That was a good choice. All bear ears held a magical appeal that Nora couldn’t deny. Nora was even kind enough to keep her mouth closed. Normally, she’d think it would be so funny to let out a startling yell. Bear yells sounded like yodels. And Nora could yodel so loud. But that would wreck an already broken man. Where was the fun in that? Nora maintained the bear for a bit. She wanted him to have enough time to come to terms with its realness. Then she shifted back into her human.
Her human was often mistaken as less scary than her bear. But Nora knew the truth. The human was a murderer, and the bear was just a bear. But she figured it would soothe the man into calming down again. Besides, bears were not good at talking to humans. “How.” Nora repeated the word so that he would remember he’d said that before answering. “I…” Nora bit her lip, working it in her teeth as she tried to come up with the answer. “I want to be a bear. Or. I just think about being the bear. It's just.” Nora shrugged. “It just happens. I’m a bugbear. I was born like this.” Nora was forthcoming with information, because she always wished that others had been forthcoming with information when it came to her. Nora wrapped an arm around herself as she kept trying to talk. It wasn’t the nudity of the situation that felt weird, despite the two of them standing naked as the day they were born. It was an open conversation about the bear. A conversation where she was trying to be helpful and open. It made her feel vulnerable in a way that was unfamiliar to her.
“I’ve never been anything else.” Nora added. “I don’t know if werewolves are born, all the werewolves I’ve met were made. It must be jarring. To be one thing, and then another.” Nora’s fingers tapped awkwardly against her arm. This was the place where she was supposed to say it gets better. And maybe try her hand at some comforting words. But Nora was barely proficient at conversation. Comforting words were hard to find. She didn’t know if it got better. The werewolves she had met had complicated relationships to their wolves. Nora had a complicated relationship with her bear, but her bear had never taken away her humanity. Her humanity just hadn’t existed.
“Isn’t it hard?” Nora asked, pausing for a second before continuing. “To pretend you’re someone you’re not? Human. I mean. I don’t know when you got bit. Maybe recently. But isn’t it hard to pretend you’re human? Lying to other people is one thing, you know. But lying to yourself?” Nora shrugged a shoulder, a habit she’d picked up recently. “That seems harder.” 
No, this couldn’t be real. 
People couldn’t change into animals. They just — they couldn’t. If they could, then what did that mean? That there really was a bear just a breath away from his palm. That her words and observations were true. That he too could turn into something, into an animal, like her. A wolf, in generality. Werewolf, to be specific. A creature, a monster, forced to turn in the moonlight, bloodthirsty and hungry. It seemed like a horrible way to live. Chris couldn’t see himself in that way, living like that. He ran, sure, but that was for completely unrelated circumstances. He wasn’t a werewolf. He couldn’t be. He failed to see the hammer hit the nail on the head.
So this had to be a dream. If he wasn’t a werewolf and she wasn’t a bugbear and there were no cameras or crowds to be seen, then this wasn’t real. That was the only logical solution left, the only thing that saved him from having to face his life and the horrors he’d both endured and unleashed. His heart felt so heavy in his chest and the baby soft fur that lined the tippy tops of the bear’s ear felt so real — the brain was amazing, wasn’t it? One moment, he was surrounded by absolute fear from meeting a bear face to face and the next? He was having a conversation with a young woman, who just so happened to also be that same bear. Yep. This definitely had to be a dream. How did he not see it sooner?
Normally it was a nightmare that took hold. Chris lost count of how many times he’d woken in a cold sweat, debilitated by the terror that gripped him. While this had started sort of the same, very unassuming in nature, it turned into something different. It wanted to follow the same nightmare path that they all took, but then the woman appeared and everything changed. Her words, though to the point, were soothing. Knowing that he wouldn’t be harmed did help, whether by her admission or assuming that this was nothing but a figment of his sleep deprived imagination. That made it easier to at least answer her thought provoking questions and take in everything she gave him. It made it easier to sit still instead of wanting to run.
He wondered if her admission and willingness to answer came from himself, or maybe he just mentally reiterated some movie he watched a few nights back. The brain was a sponge after all. He had to wonder if he’d watched this scene play out before. “You…” Regardless of the dream, Chris’ throat still felt incredibly dry. The way his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth as he opened felt palpable. This was only a dream. “So you’ve always been able to just… be a bear? Whenever you want?” She seemed like she liked it, like she was proud of what she was. He wished he could feel the same. Or maybe he did but he wasn’t aware. That’s what therapists were for, but the last one he had, well — he’d rather forget it.
It must be jarring. To be one thing, and then another. Chris instantly thought back to his childhood, having to be both child and a regret. It was exhausting. He felt a pang of familiarity in her words, and a pang of sadness. They hit him hard, truths too painful for him to even think about, let alone to utter out loud. He closed himself off more from her, both for modesty and protection. This was only a dream. Of course the target was hit; of course his brain knew him better than anyone else did, including himself. Lying to other people is one thing, you know. But lying to yourself? That seems harder. He felt that familiar heaviness that settled thickly in his chest and throat, threatening to choke him of his words and push forward tears. He forced them back, but knowing they were there, even in dream land, made it harder to respond.
“I don’t know what else to do….” Chris admitted, finally. “I don’t… I can’t face the truth.” He didn’t want to. It was too terrible, even for a metaphor. Even for a dream.
This man was delusional. Nora had been able to work that out pretty fast. Denial ran deeper than him then it did across Egypt. Still Nora found her heart bursting as she watched a parade of emotions dance over the man’s face as he struggled with whatever realizations Nora was forcing him to confront. Doubt began filling her. Maybe she should have let it be. As a bear, she should have walked away the moment he’d turn into a wolf. Or after when they were human again, she should have let it be. Who was she to force someone to confront their truth? Not the person who could help fix it. Not when she could only see a sad broken man shutting down in front of her, naked and afraid.
Nora let out a heavy breath, sprawling out on the grass and staring up at the sky above them. They both needed a moment. A moment to breathe and relax and embrace the moment. Nora didn’t know what this man was thinking, other than it was a lot. An all consuming a lot of thinking that appeared to be ravaging his internal monologue. Was it too late now to back down? Nora didn’t know the answer. What she knew is that she wished someone in her life had told her the truth sooner. That there had been someone in her life that knew and helped, instead of having to deal with the bugbear of it all by herself. Honesty was the only thing she could offer him, even if it hurt.
“I am a bear and a human.” Nora answered. The bright blue sky of day shone down at them, hurting her eyes. “I don’t think I understand werewolves.” Nora admitted. “I don’t know if it’s the same for you, but I was born like this. I can be human or I can be a bear but at all times I am both. And no matter which form I am in, it's still me.”Nora was slowly learning that it wasn’t the same for werewolves. That their wolves and their humans were separate entities. It must be confusing, two minds sharing one personage. They didn’t even share the same form. What could they have in common to hold them together?
A silence drifted between them again. Nora did her best to let him go through it by himself. To let him have the privacy to face the inner demons she's released upon him until he spoke again. A fresh wave of sadness rippled over Nora with the words. I can’t face the truth. “Okay.” Nora moved into a sitting position, looking carefully at the man in front of her, naked and exposed more than physically. She had inadvertently ripped open his biggest wound, it would appear, she wasn’t going to ask him to face it too. “I think that’s your choice.” Nora got to her feet, stretching out her limbs. “When you’re ready, feel free to find me. I’m on that website this town is obsessed with. Honeysmokedham.” Nora looked away, eyes surveying the empty field. “You’re not alone, and you never will be alone. Not if you don’t want to be. I don’t know much, but when you’re ready, find me. I’ll help you anyway I can.” Because really, that was the only thing she’d ever wished for. Someone who could help her understand. She could do this for him. She wanted to do this for him.
“I’ll see you around. When you’re ready.” Her body broke. It shattered. It folded. It grew. It reformed. The polar bear walked away from the delusional wolf, without glancing back. The polar bear wouldn’t go far, it would walk as far away as it could, before coming back as a human. The human would watch over the sad broken man and make sure he got home safe before going her own way. It just seemed easier this way. Better to help silently, then keeping herself in his line of sight, and shattering her world views repeatedly. Nora thought it was the least she could do. 
I can be human or I can be a bear but at all times I am both. And no matter which form I am in, it's still me.
He didn’t want this pep talk or inner therapy session or whatever it was — whatever his mind was trying to do, he didn’t want it. But maybe he needed it. No. No, there was no maybe. He knew he needed this and yet he continued to fight it, fight against it. And he knew why. He was scared. He was chicken shit, a worm too low in the dirt to see the light. He was safer in the dirt, so he thought, despite the plagues of nightmares and constant upheaval of life and home. Outside of the dirt, he was gross, weird and destructive. He was an animal, a disease and annoyance and a thorn in the side.
How much easier would it be if he just gave in to it? To absorb her words and to live by them? Would he learn to live with the monster inside, the one that was fabricated — his ‘werewolf’? He was too cowardly for that. All his years of running and lying was evidence of that. But he could change, couldn’t he? He could try. But trying got people hurt. Chris hugged his knees. What was he supposed to do?
“I don’t know, either..” he started, entirely uncertain if he even wanted to run down that hypothetical route. He thought maybe he’d been born like that — a monster. Metaphorically, it would make sense if he thought about his father’s words. But the scarring he touched absently in thought made him doubt. Werewolves. Were not. Real. Hypertrichosis, sure. Being raised by wolves, maybe. But a full blooded turn into a wolf-human hybrid by moonlight kind of werewolf? Chris didn’t think so. Because then it meant that is what attacked him all those years ago in the woods, what had almost killed him if it hadn’t been for his sister. It didn’t explain his father’s hatred for him, but it would explain everything else.
Was that the answer? Was that it, given so freely to him by a rather strange figment of his dream? Why a younger woman? And why did she look the way she did? Why a bear, and why a polar bear of all things? What was wrong with him? Maybe if he posted his dream online, someone might be able to decipher it — but he was also scared of what they might say. Photographs were so much easier to deal with, and people weren’t as scary through a lens.
I think that’s your choice. His choice to suffer, but she was right. He chose to remain in the dark rather than deal with this head on, like she so easily could do. But she was born with it, isn’t that what she said? She had always been a bear. Was that supposed to mean something? If she were a figment, then his inner self had always been what it was. And it was fine with that, happy even. They didn’t know anything else. And then there was Chris, or his dream version (he was still convinced he was dreaming) who still seemed to have trouble — the werewolf, unable to change when he wanted to, a slave to the moon, to his feelings…
Oh what the fuck?
Her words tore him from the spiral that threatened to pull him down, grounding him back to their bare picnic in the field. This was such a weird dream. Website? Honeysmoked.. Ham? His look of confusion didn’t last long, not when she kept going, offering her help further. Her kindness and hell, even her patience, was enough to sting his eyes with emotion. There had been a handful of people that had helped him throughout his years, only a few who had shown the kind of compassion this… hallucination showed him. Whether it was real or not, he was touched. The back of one of his hands went to press against his now running nose as he mumbled out a ‘thank you’; a genuine expression, one that was muddled with tears he urged to keep from falling.
And then she was off to leave him in the little divot in the field. Well, the bear did — the transformation was just as startling as it had been before, but at least he knew she wasn’t going to hurt him, as weird as a bugbear might be; or rather, as weird as his imagination might be. Regardless, he was left feeling loved in some strange and unusual way. With a sniffle, Chris sat there for a moment longer, and picked up the remnants of his clothes and his camera. He did what he could to be decent, in both action and his physical form, as he traversed the field to head back to the small, motel room. He didn’t see his dream angel, didn't see where she went off to or how she kept an eye on him, to make sure he was safe. But he felt hopeful, regardless.
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teabookgremlin · 1 year
hello lesbians and also others who follow me. you all know what fucking time it is lets fucking do a yellowjackets 02x06 recap
- first of all taivan in the sex ed scene hehe my girlies more pre crash moments of them PLEASE, i’d love a flashback to like their friendship/start of relationship
- lottie being horrified at misty showing up at the cult so real. imagine you’re just trying to vibe w/ your homoerotic friend then said friend’s other homoerotic friend shows up? a rough day
- “it honestly would’ve been better if she just had sex with him” SHAUNA MY BITCH WORST MOTHER OF THE YEAR
- mari saying she hopes shauna doesn’t die top five things not to say when your friend is about to give birth with no medical care in the middle of fucking no where
- nat was wounding me this episode, she has so much guilt and hates herself for having survived its just awful
- van rightly pissed about tai’s sleepwalking (especially kiss). she clearly does not want to be dragged into this and honestly valid but bc she’s van she’s gonna let herself be dragged in
- “you’re married taissa there’s no us anymore” everything van says to tai just leads me to want to know more about how their relationship ended bc clearly she’s not happy that it did
- misty being unable to focus on the birth bc of crystal was so sad, the bit where she saw the blood on her hands that was intercut with crystal’s death was great very nice scene
- lottie’s psychiatrist is so sketchy. like the encouragement of the visions is so bizarre and just bad vibes
- thinking that “it” influenced travis, nat, and misty to return to lottie’s life
- “it was part of us” “the god of that place, we did terrible things in it’s name” WHAT DID THEY FUCKING DO also furthering my agenda that the antler queen is it’s own spirit/entity rather than one of the girls
- TAI PUTTING THE DEER BONE NECKLACE IN SHAUNA’S HAND YEAH THAT’S THE GOOD STUFF like it saved van maybe it will save shauna and i mean hey she didn’t die so
- jackie’s voice, i knew she’d have some sort of presence during birth and definitely liked this especially given it was in the dream
- “yeah the past where we thought being happy was something that was possible not what happened” OW?????
- van having given up on love </3 her relationship with tai really did a number on her huh. representation for the girlies that never get over anything ever
- lisa giving nat the fish and that whole conversation was so good their friendship is important to me
- jeff just fucking jamming to “fuck the police” was hilarious. yes they need to tune down the jeff this season but i did enjoy this bit
- this is not plot related but honestly so glad the baby did not survive bc those few minutes of baby crying were making me insane i cannot handle the sound of babies crying (one of many reasons i will never have children lol)
- loved loved loved shauna’s monologue to creepy cop man, just saying out loud that literally her whole life is how it is because of guilt just UGH melanie did amazingly (as always)
- dream lottie being weird with the baby so fun so good “we need to feed” —> “he needs to feed”
- callie continuing to be so proud of herself about lying to the cops this is her season for real
- i should’ve known the baby was doomed the second it started to nurse like that and shauna being so loving to it were my real red flags that something was weird
- “if you see any barrels of kool aid powder in there consider me on call for an extraction” van i love you. also her being like lets leave and just go to ihop or something
- misty asking if taivan is back together she’s so real for that
- the moment of van seeing lottie and lottie seeing that they’re all there ugh i cannot wait to see the interactions between them all next week
- OK dream baby eating time: my favorite part was nat, the way she was wiping the blood from her mouth when she saw shauna, the guilt in her eyes, just perfect. also ben being the only other one who looked fully human/guilty in the scene. and then the rest of them being so animalistic i just loved it. bummed we didn’t get real baby eating but this is a good compromise i think
- shauna saying “why can’t you hear him crying” was so fucking heartbreaking sophie nelisse needs all the awards. i did not think i would be satisfied with the baby being stillborn but i loved the way they did it. i do hope that next episode we do see the body, specifically for one reason and that is i want shauna to keep seeing jackie in the baby. like she looks at it once and sees jackie’s eyes, next look it has her nose, etc. maybe even give it some sort of animal features at some point. i just want her to not be able to look at the corpse and see a baby. i want her to look at it and see jackie and her own guilt. next week’s episode is called “burial” so i’m assuming they will be disposing of the body and i want shauna to look at it as it’s being dispose of and just see jackie laying there instead. do you see my vision? i think it would be very fun. either that or they actually eat the baby. also we better get some placenta eating next episode bc not eating it would be a huge waste
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