#future med student
petalstudy · 2 years
Introduction 🌸
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Hi! I wanted to introduce myself to the community, so that I can hopefully make some moots and that you know roughly who I am. :>
Classes started today here! So I decided to start a studyblr to motivate me to actually study regularly and to keep me accounted. Feel free to interact, so that I can check out your studyblrs ;)
About Me ♡
Name: May (just a nickname~)
Age: 19
Pronouns: she/they
Grade: 13 (senior in high school)
I study AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP English, Math,
Religion, Politics, German and Japanese Culture~
Although I will only be taking the first 5 classes in my A-Levels (Abitur) :)
I love to read! Especially fantasy novels and queer novels~ Further, fan fictions are a guilty pleasure of mine. Feel free to recommend me either :) (even if my to-be-read pile is continuously growing)
Cozy video games help me unwind from my day. Currently, I mostly play Breath of the Wild or Stardew Valley (always open for more reccs)~
I also spend most of my days just listening to music! My taste ranges from songs from musicals to 50s rock. So very varied xD Again, feel free to recommend me more! I'm always open to expand my taste :>
Occasionally, I also turn into a grandma and crochet haha. Although, pretty sure I've only actually finished like 3 projects- Oops~
Goals and Dreams
I am preparing to study medicine at university. While my grades are good, they aren't good enough to get accepted. But I'm planning on taking the TMS (basically the German medicine test) after my A-Levels and also gaining experience through internships.
I also want to focus on improving my mental health and my relationship towards myself. I recently got diagnosed with depression after finally seeking help so I'm trying to adjust.
I hope to improve my grades this year especially in Chemistry and in written Biology.
I want to read more generally as it has always been a great help to me especially mentally.
What to expect
weekly study updates
occasional pictures
daily updates (might not be as regular?)
My favourite studyblrs ❤️
Now before I tell you about some of my favourite studyblrs that inspire me, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to get to know me:> Always feel welcome to slide into my messages and chat with me!
I've been on and off on Tumblr so most of these blrs are ones that I've only followed recently~
So beware of the @
@stillinthelibrary @medstudentblues @mal-studyblr @wecandoit @apoetsparacosm @ckmstudies @sub-at-omic-studying @live-musingly
I hope you have a great day and thanks again for reading~
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tekkiperson · 6 months
[Trigger Warning: Minor Gore]
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I don't know about his outfit yet, since I actually suck at character design and I just heavily reference pictures from Pinterest and put a little spin on it.
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studentbyday · 1 month
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Hey 👋🏻 it's been a while... It feels like a lot of things have been going on, irl and in my head, and I needed to get away from social media to collect my thoughts. I'm seriously considering transferring university. It will be a more rigorous program and further from home (longer commute 😭), but when I think of it objectively, it will broaden my future options, which is ultimately what I want. But based on past experience, there are two issues that are likely to crop up:
I'm really awful at juggling many responsibilities at once (and my current threshold for "many" is very low...e.g. i take the minimum number of courses needed to be considered a full-time student at my current uni). The juggling act consistently overwhelms me and the overwhelm scares me. So far, I've been fortunate enough to be able to organize my life around this, but it's just made my fear of potentially overwhelming situations greater and it has cost me many a good opportunity. So I really do want to get better at this since I can't continue on like this and live the life I want to. It seems that this ability to juggle many responsibilities at once without feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, or anxious, improves with practice (exposure therapy!) and good energy/time management, so that's what I'm going to attempt to do in the coming months before I actually apply 🙈
I'm quite the homebody, always have been, but lately it's been getting more severe, so I'm sure the lonelier/FOMO-filled, bigger university setting and culture will be quite an adjustment for me (and I already felt the frustration of FOMO and was quite lonely at my current uni, especially in my first year 😬). When the time comes, I'll need to expand my sources of comfort (e.g. settle into new favorite study spots and routine walks between classes) and hold onto current sources of comfort I can engage in or reasonably bring with me to uni (e.g. a homemade lunch, journal, perhaps a small stuffie for a study buddy, noticing and appreciating nature 🌿, wearing soft and cozy clothes/clothes that make me feel confident).
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emgoesmed · 5 months
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Residency interviews ✅
Pediatric pulmonology rotation ✅
Now onto finalizing my rank list, a brief rotation tutoring M1s, and going on vacation with my partner!
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bearsoriano · 1 year
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looking forward to it 🥼💉🩺
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eli-elien · 3 months
Me: I HAVE got to get back into ben 10
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ordinarytalk · 4 months
My initial student loan was $54,935.92.
I paid over $30,887.83*
My loan is currently at $51,756.93.
I thought I had made all 120 qualifying payments last year. I had to submit and resubmit the PSLF application multiple times, because it kept getting sent back because of problems with how my employers signed the form. It turned out some of the payments didn't qualify, so I had to stick with helljob for at least another year.
I definitely had made 120 qualifying payments this year, so I sent the application in December 2023.
Just got notified now that I have made all qualifying payments. I've made three extra payments, even.
"After we receive the approval, it may take up to 90 business days to process this information."
Three more months of helljob, because I still don't trust this is going to go through and I don't want to quit until I know my loans are gone. I do not have anything lined up after helljob, and I'm terrified of losing my helljob health insurance because I got medical complications. But I hate helljob. I hate helljob so much and my first emotion waking every workday is despair.
At least the loan payments have been paused until the reimbursement is processed. Theoretically I should get reimbursed for the extra payments, too.
* This was only my qualifying payments. The total amount I paid was higher. The website isn't showing me the non-qualifying payments and I have to submit a formal request to get my full payment history. I submitted the request, but it will take a few days to be sent to me.
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mysicklove · 10 months
I mean how far are you willing to go w sadism? I think douma is a fun candidate. Crazy healing means anything goes. Cut him open and squish around in his organs ❤
damn anon u crazy fucker okay okay. im not that sadistic, dont know if i could mess with his organs, thats lowkey crazy to me.
i also love that douma is put in all the craziest situations LMAOOO. we all just accept the fact he is a whore and would like anything
tbh i dont think im that big of a sadist. actually idk if i even consider myself one. i just got tendencies if u feel me
im just into crying faces and the sounds ppl make when they r in pain. furthest i would prob go is like small amounts of blood (like even cuting someone is a no go for me), idk if i could gen harm someone. scary to think about to me tbh. im into the surface level stuff: hitting, scratching, biting, etc
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rx-aysgl · 8 months
med student wendy testaburger is canon bc i say so
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tvlipsandbread · 23 days
To all my students out there, it's only a few weeks left, might as well just grind them out. It will be worth it <3.
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wsnic2023 · 11 months
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Neurosurgery has come a long way...
We invite you to the 1st-ever Student Neurosurgical International Conference to take place in Warsaw, Poland.
This year we dive into the exciting timeline of neurosurgery, from ancient skull drillings to a future with robotics and artificial intelligence.
We invite anyone- from neuro inthusiastics to curious students to participate and discover one of the most fascinating fields of medicine.
Wanna learn more? - Our website - Our Instagram - Our Linkedin
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Here's a little secret about me: despite recieving a medical education, I hate being a patient. There are a lot of reasons: medical trauma, the general assholery of the medical system, the fact that noone explains you shit, the fact that doctors mean time, and effort, and sometimes money, and every single time I feel like I shouldn't be taking their attention from patients that are more "worth it".
When I was seventeen, it took me throwing up 14 times, nearly blacking out and falling into an almost-crisis state before I agreed to be hospitalised. And, as I was lying in bed, a litre of saline solution being deposited into me asap because the dehydration was that bad and two ambulance personnel holding me down, I still tried to get up to pack my things to get to the hospital.
I spent five days there.
I don't remember much of the first two ones, constantly blacking in and out of consciousness.
This year, I had to face something even more uncomfortable than being the asap hospitalisation person - and it was... Planned medical care. A planned surgery, to be exact.
I wasn't nervous about the procedure itself - when you spent like, a year constantly talking about pre-op and post-op and assist in surgery during practicals and see people cut open and cut open some stuff by yourself, the idea of someone rummaging around inside of you with tiny knives looses the typical "oomph" it has. I mean, I was being put in a special facility that's specifically for situations like mine, with a team of surgeons who spent years honing their craft. I knew what was going to happen. There would be anaesthesia, for god's sake.
But everything around the whole thing was just... Ugh. Doctors, nurses, tests, more tests, even more tests, the lack of communication leading to a nervous breakdown happening due to me not knowing when to come in... And, to top it all off, the damn tumour, like it knew it's days were numbered, was causing more and more pain by the day. Life lost it's colours. I spent day after day stopping, freezing up when another pain wave hit, coming home exhausted after having to mask it, slowly slipping away from socialising.
I have to leave, I've got an appointment.
Sorry I skipped your class, I had to get some tests done.
I'd love to go with you, but I need to clean my apartment; I doubt it's gonna be on my mind when I get back with a cast.
The only thing that kept me going was a deep, grim understanding: this is miserable, but continuing to live with that... thing growing inside me is worse.
... It's all over now, of course: nearly a week of school missed, a hazy experience, - god, they really overdid it with the drugs, - stitches, and a cast on my hand.
And it doesn't hurt anymore.
...No, I mean, it does, but compared to before? Piece of cake.
Nearly a year of constant worry and pain, gone.
Soon, all I'll have to show for it is a neat little scar on my hand that'll show that one day in the past, little old me was scared enough - and brave enough - to take the first step.
And as time slowly marches on, the colours that bled from my life, taken over by increasing pain, slowly turn bright again.
I'm just.
I feel like the joy came back into my life.
Like things have purpose again.
Like I can live.
I can live.
I don't have to feel pain anymore.
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emgoesmed · 1 year
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I had such a relaxing weekend—I was in a great mood and I think it’s because I got 8+ hours of sleep 2 days in a row. 🤯
Enjoyed a cappuccino and studied at a local cafe yesterday morning, then spent the afternoon baking apple tarts and dancing around my apartment. All in all, a great day. 😌
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bethiniancorpuscle · 11 months
Causes of drug-induced lupus
Sulfasalazine & Sulfonamide Hydralazine Isoniazid Procainamide & Phenytoin
This is by no means a definitive list (they are many!) but these are some of the most common causes.
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dogtorari · 1 year
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In organic chemistry we learned how to melt certain substances using a vernier melting machine and lab quest app. It was cool!
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a-life-in-medicine · 1 year
What was even funnier than me letting my friends apply cast to my both arms simultaneously during our practicals and us having a photo session is me sharing a photo of me along with a made up scenario about how I broke my both arms (in a patient POV) and people sending me messages “are you okay?”, “this is not real, right?”
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