#gaang + adjacents
yikes-kachowski · 3 months
Some more about my steambaby, Sakari. She and Bumi are love interests for each other. They have that "rivals to I-thought-you-died to lovers" storyline that's so hot these days.
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So here's some sketches of them in their awkward teenage rivalry years. Honestly, it's kind of one-sided beef. Bumi's just, like, on one as a teen. But Sakari still thinks he's cute and smart, she just learned her flirting from her mother (fighting with him).
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bouncybongfairy · 6 months
First off, I love your writing and I can’t get enough really. I’ve been obsessed with your atla stuff and I was wondering if you’d be down to write for Sokka. Any smut really but like something like, you’re traveling with the gaang and there’s tons of tension with him. If not no hard feelings whatsoever, just a suggestion.
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Do You?
Sokka x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: There's been a lot of tension between you and Sokka for the past couple of weeks. After and heated argument, Anng send both of you to get some air. Sokka finds you in a tavern after a couple of drinks and both your feelings come to the surface.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Smut
Appa had been sick for the past couple days, meaning you guys were basically stranded until he was better. It didn’t help that you and Sokka had been going at it lately. You weren’t really sure why but everything he did drove you crazy. Anng paired the two of you up to skin the fish for tonight's dinner. The entire time he was criticizing you about how you were descaling it. Bragging about back home he could prepare a fish faster than anyone.
“Oh so since you’re the best and can do it ‘fAsTeR tHaN aNyOnE’ you can do this on your own,” you said, standing up and wiping your hands. 
“Sloppy help is better than no help,” he huffed. 
“Whatever, I'll go help Katara,” you said. 
“Wait no- okay I’ll chill with the critiques. Let me teach you,” he said, reaching his hand out. 
Without saying anything, you walked back over and sat on your knees. He sat behind you, his knees on the outside of your hips and thighs. Giving you the knife and securing your grip with his own. Holding onto the outsides of your hands as he instructed. As he talked, you could feel his breath against the back of your neck. Due to him being so close to your ear, he lowered his voice. Speaking with a soft and gentle tone, making your ears burn slightly. You began unknowingly letting yourself enjoy this. The way you could feel his chest rising and falling against your back. Liking the feeling of his body against yours and his smell engulfing your nose. 
“See,even you can do it!” he said in an extremely patronizing way. 
“Fuck off,” you said, feeling overwhelmed by how much you were enjoying his touch. Also not appreciating his poking fun at you even more. 
“Ugh you’re exhausting, even when I try being nice you push me away. Can't you see that I like -ahem- that I’m like, trying to make an effort!” he said, cheeks flushing red. 
“That’s it! I’m tired of hearing the two bickering none stop. Both of you need space from each other! Sokka you go that way, y/n you go that way. I don’t care what you do, but don’t come back until you figure out why both of you are so insufferable!” Anng yelled, slamming his glider onto the ground. 
The two of you made intense eye contact before walking away. Luckily for you, he sent you in the direction of a local market in the village. The walk gave you a lot of time to think; when he was helping you skin the fish, it felt like he had underlying feelings. Like he was purposely finding an excuse to be close to you. The tone in his voice was different, you never heard him talk like that to anyone else.​​ The way he slid his hands along your arms before grabbing your hands. It was becoming evident that the frustration and tension you’ve been feeling wasn’t caused by anger. 
You finally reached a tavern, it wasn’t much but it was cozy. Drunk men singing and goofing off with each other. A group of women gossiping with each other adjacent to a group of men playing Pai Sho. Immediately feeling out of place, you walk up to the barmaid and ask for whatever she recommended. Which ended up being some type of fermented wine. One of the young men comes up to you, trying to engage in conversation. 
“Are you new to town? I’ve been coming here for a couple years but I've never seen you,” he says, smiling while holding his drink. 
“Oh um, yeah I’m just staying in town for a couple days,” you explain, finishing off your drink and ordering another one. 
“Aww that’s a shame, I bet I could convince you to stay for a little longer,” he said, which made you giggle. 
You were now polishing off your third drink, watching the game. Enjoying the music, making conversation with the other patrons. Dancing with the group of young women from earlier. You didn’t realize Sokka was watching you from the wooden doors. Eventually the young gentlemen who you were speaking with earlier, starts to dance with you. Sokka was visibly getting more irritated, watching his hand travel down your back. Once the guy wrapped his arms around you, pressing himself against you from behind, he couldn’t control himself. Stomping over and pulling you out of the dude's grip. Your heart sank once your eyes fell onto him. Like you’d been caught doing something wrong, looking you up and down with such disappointment.
“We're leaving,” Sokka growled, grabbing you by the upper arm gently. 
“Does she want to leave with you,” the guy asked. 
“Do you?” Sokka asked, looking down at you. Feeling quite tipsy it made you nervous to speak. Like if you opened your mouth, only stupidness would come out. He was looking at you with such intensity and jealousy, you nodded your head in agreement. Leading you out of the building, into an alley behind the building. Giving you two some privacy while waiting for him to talk. 
“Are you mad?” you asked. 
“I feel like I've dropped all the hits I can. I don’t know if this is like… your way of making me just admit it but I like you. If you keep pushing me away every time I come onto you then I just won’t anymore. I can’t take it,” he said, walking over to the river bank. Letting his hair free from its pony tail out of frustration. Falling onto his knees and splashing some cool water onto his face. Seeing how disappointed he was in your actions made you feel stupid. Like you were blind to all his advances and playful teasing and it was too late to let your feelings known. However, you were drunk enough to at least give it a shot. Walking over to him and joining where he sat in the grass. 
“I think I was just nervous -hiccup- to tell you how I felt. Then because I was holding all my feelings inside, I became standoffish. I’m sorry,” you said, brushing the partially wet hair off his face before continuing, “Please don’t think I’m only saying this because I drank. Drunk thoughts are sober words… or is it sober words are drunk thoughts,” you begin making him laugh. 
“Are you gonna make me ask for a kiss?” you asked, he took your offer and smashed his lips against yours. 
Lips melting together as you straddle his lap. He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, running his tongue over it. Moaning as you started grinding down on his dick print. The alcohol in your system was making you more ballsy, desperately grinding yourself against him. Enjoying the friction against your clit. Sokka’s mouth hung open as bucked his hips up. Gripping your hips tightly, helping work you on him. He was sitting up, back against the back wall of the tavern. You were holding his face in your hands, moaning and panting against his lips. Pressing his forehead against your chest as he started to cum. His hips spasming from underneath, you could feel his length spasm against your core, sending you into climax. Time slowed while fire was pooling in your lower abdomen and you frantically rubbed yourself against him. Letting your head fall towards, letting him support your weight while cooling down. Both of you walking hand and hand, his giving you a piggy back ride once you became too tired. 
“Great, see sometimes a little space does people good. Glad you guys worked it out,” Anng said as the two of you walked to separate tents. 
“Oh trust me, we really worked through our problems,” Sokka remarked before everyone turned in.
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avrelia · 3 months
"Aang is not mature enough for romantic relationships..."
Nobody of the Gaang and adjacent characters of AtLA are mature enough for romantic relationships. There are days I am not sure Uncle Iroh is mature enough for a romantic relationship.
That doesn’t mean nobody should engage in any kind of romantic relationships without passing a maturity test first. Or even reaching a set age. In the morning of the eighteenth birthday humans don’t get all the adult knowledge downloaded in their brains.
Relationships – romantic, familial, friendly and everything in between are a part of the human experience. They happen not because we are mature enough, but because we are human. We just deal with them differently and often better when we mature enough.
And yes, I remember that they are fictional characters, and nothing “just happens” to them. But they are not in a morality play that’s supposed to give viewers pre-chewed, easily digestible answers to all the problems in a sweet wholesome wrapper.
Inside their world they are alive, and that’s why we love them so much. Writers throw problems and feelings, and people, and accidents at them and we watch how they deal with them, mature or not.
They are not mature enough to fight in a war, let alone be responsible for stopping it, yet they do, and we cheer them up and feel heartbroken for them. They are not mature enough to have romantic relationships, yet they fall in love and try to figure out their way about it.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I'm pretty sure Atla being Aang's story and never about Zutara is just.......kinda what Atla about instead of making it a bad story lol!Like it's called 'Avatar:The Last Airbender' and the 2nd part refers to Aang being the sole survivor of a genocide which like the characters is based on the real genocide that happens to Tibet,Aang's people,by China.The Water Tribe gang are also genocide survivors because they're native-coded and the Fire Nation is an imperialist empire because it's based on Japan when it was
So Aang's the protagonist because it's about poc trauma and potraying etchnic cleansing survivors as the victims they are but also humanizing them and showing them as heroes and capable of saving the world that tried to wipe them all out!Aang is the good guy because he goes out of way to help everybody,with activism AND direct action and in the comics,he kickstarted decolonization and arguably counts as the inventor of in his world.Atla was created to radicalize the kids watching it and while it's not perfect(see the demonization of Jet and Hama and asskissing of Iroh),Aang is undoubtedly a great role model and relatable to kids of color as well as asian people who come from lesser known asian cultures that're happy to finally get some rep that's not just easian characters
On the topic of Katara,not sorry at all but she's never been meant to be 'the universal female experience' or some other radf.em-adjacent caricature.Yes,she's a girl and it's really important to her she's a girl but she wants to be a girl HER way,not what's expected of her by society.Katara is a brown native american-Inuk girl who was parentified despite having an older brother due to sexism and fell for Aang because he helped her feel like a real kid instead of a mini mom and he fell for her at first sight because he found her indigenous features to be angelic and princess-y and all around perfect and Katara is a punk girl,she refuses to follow the rules or conform to standards or hold herself back for ANYONE and never shuts up about it or refuses to stop acting on it so she's canonically an anarchist,she was Aang's righthand in The Gaang and did her own solo anti-imperalist activity on her own too and provided resources and aid and even emotional comfort for oppressed groups all throught the show so she's canonically an activist and she hates the Fire Nation and ALL bigots and abusers,no expections,so she's canonically anti-authority and anti-establishment too.Katara is a feminist character in the sense she's nothing like women are expected to be and does the heroism and has the personality traits which are said to be reserved for men by the patriachy,ESPECIALLY at the time.And yes,Zutaras,you too to this fuckin' day
Zuko's redemption arc was Zuko's redemption arc.Not an arc about finding a way to make it okay for him to date Katara!ZUKO'S REDEMPTION ARC IS ABOUT ZUKO!Not even Mai had a huge hand in that despite being Zuko's canon girlfriend but that's not because 'she wasn't important to him',it's because he didn't do anything he had to redeem himself for to her except breaking up with her in a petty way so he could work on healing and free himself from Ozai and she understood that by connecting the dots so she forgave him as she gets what it's like to have your parents abuse you because it's 'normal' in their culture-easian culture.Zuko is fundamentally a japanese man,his name,his design,his backstory,his personality,his powers/fighting style,his tastes,his generational trauma.Ozai abused Zuko using techniques created by abusive easian parents specifically since sadly the normalization of child abuse is so wide,different cultures each have their own unique tactics for it and Zuko thought nothing of it until he left the Fire Nation and learned it's not normal at all and that he deserves better.That's how it works for a lot of kids of color,if not most of us
In addition to the giving reperations aspect,Zuko becoming Aang's big brother figure and pseudo-dad is him healing his inner child and breaking the cycle of abuse.Dadko symbolizes peace with their dynamic too,peace for Zuko's lineage because now he gets to be the good dad to Aang Ozai never was to him and grew up to be a good biodad to Izumi largely realistically thanks to Aang giving him experience with raising kids.Zuko's dad friend behavior is a positive trait,'Mom'tara is silencing Katara for your male fave so she can be realize she's not a real kid actually,Aang was wrong and she's not actually beautiful,kind,cool,funny,charming,badass,a hero and deserving of a soft love with someone who's patient with her because he's just happy to her in silence until he thought he'd have to die to save the world and couldn't bear the thought of parting with her because she's his whole world just as he gave her hope she could grow up to save it.And y'all call him a r*pist because they were mutually unspokenly flirting for months and she got angry at him for implying they shouldn't kiss followed up by an implied almost kiss and multiple cheek kisses from her to him so he thought to make up for it out of misreading the room and immediately regretted it and berated himself for making her uncomfortable at the same time an EXPLICITLY non-consensual on her side episode where Zuko kidnaps her,talks badly to/of her,threatens her condesendingly and even steals Kya's necklace is what gave Zutara popularity
Atla is one of the best pg show's of all time because it's not about Zutara but about Aang.Not about cishet romance where the oppressed girl falls for her boy oppressor as it has the 'undesirable' race boy the villain.Then it would've been propaganda and glamorization of Japan's darker history as during Japan's imperialist era,women were treated pretty similarly to black people in the slavery/segregations and i'm making that comparison because as a black woman 1.It's pretty accurate and 2.Zutradras have a misogynoir problem and an antiblackness problem towards black men too by treating black girls as the same white girls like how they do Katara as a brown indigenous girl and moc Atla fans are targeted by the white Z/K suckers on the basis of being 'males' when white women inherently have privilege over moc,black and brown men most of all.They got a transmisogyny problem too since as i stated,their 'feminism' in regards to Katara is ciscentric only and carry r.adfem-like rethoric to how she should be written,plus their hatred of Aang for 'not being a real man' since they see him as amab and he's canonically very feminine and then there's all the anti-trans Zuko headcanons sentiments that only come from them with literally every other Atla ship group being supportive of trans readings of him,as well as for the Avatarverse cast in general.Atla is a love letter to misfits,not a love story for the normies.Aang was right to keep the Air Nomads alive by not killing Ozai because poc shouldn't have to give up our culture to be 'real punks' when punk is black made and whites and westerners are very much the biggest reasons we and other poc we even need revolutions
Kataang is a ship between two punk kids of color and Zutara robs countless abused japanese/asian-american kids of the narrative they needed and still need.The Atla fandom is extremely anti Zutara because it's a papable replacement for a very powerful story that only caters to the very people the series was saying are bad for correct and proven reasons.You can say 'interracial relathionships are so important and that's why should've Zutara happened!!!' but as a black/white biracial woman you're no different than people who only like interracial ships if they have a white person and get mad at poc4poc interracial rep seeing as you whitewash Zuko's writing and you can also say 'No girl would choose Aang over Zuko' but i had a huge crush on Aang and i was told i wasn't a real girl despite being afab because i was an autistic black tomboy and a huge part of his appeal was that he's not the fantasy,he was like me and plenty of girls weren't attracted to Zuko and it's enforcing cisheteronormative to act like we all did just because we're women.Hell,i'm convinced Katara is trans because of her relathionship with girlhood and canon punkhood and bi with a preference for gnc partners because of Kataang and the Katoph subtext and curiously enough NO Zutara shipper who's anti Kataang headcanons her as transfem while most Kataangers nowadays follow the t4t take on it and almost every lesbian i've met in the fandom stans it too and mocks Zutara
Avatar:The Last Airbender is about a tibetan boy who saves himself and everyone else from the system that tried to wipe his people out entierly with the help of a parentified brown native femme punk girl he's in love with and her in love with him back for his own unconventionality and the reason the mc even survived properly was she didn't stand for her older brother's misogyny and the tritagonist is a japanese disabled abuse survivor who's redemptic arc and joining of the good guys is a healing arc that involves holding himself accountable and unlearning propaganda and ACTING on it instead of infantalizing him because he may have been 16 at the the time but literally everyone he'd hurt is younger than him and coddling and refusing to progress isn't actual healing.'Aang is an ugly loser because he shaves his head for cultural reasons and is kind and positive and boys aren't supposed to be if they wanna get girls and Katara should've ended up with Zuko to fix the nation that colonized hers by becoming it's leader and living there and Zuko's arc was ruined because he didn't become a good person for romance but for himself and to make friends' is NOT the hot take you think it is
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serialadoptersbracket · 5 months
Round 3, Match 32: Iroh vs. Splinter
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Submitted kids:
Iroh: Gaang
Splinter: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelango and, depending on the version: April O'Neil, Casey Jones and others
Propaganda under the cut!
No propaganda has been submitted for Iroh
“Splinter, seeing four baby turtles in some ooze: is anyone gonna adopt them or?
Splinter also starts off either as a human or a rat before turning into a rat mutant depending on the adaption, so in some versions this random street rat has paternal instincts so strong he adopts these four random turtles and raises them to teenagehood and in the process teaches himself how to talk, the skills needed to raise human-adjacent kids and also teach them ninjutsu. Also has a tendency to adopt any and all friends his sons collect along the way, which often includes former enemies. Dad Of All Time.”
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Oh, also idea! This isn’t "Canon!AtLa" that Enji got isekai'd to. It’s closer to "Canon adjacent" like things mostly still happened as in the show, but certain details are different, certain things happen that the show never depicted. There's very much a flavour of "that was a cartoon, this is a real place". Like, I don’t want to say it’s more brutal than the cartoon, but like. War crimes aren’t PG. So while knowledge of the show IS helpful, it’s only really good at broad strokes.
I mean.
to be fair, canon!atla barely shied away from awful things. Like it had to for the pg rating ofc, so you didn't get blood and you had minor on-screen deaths. But one of the many reasons the show is so beloved is that it did go pretty damn dark.
That said. Yeah I'm upping the rating as I'm not bound by the ratings system.
But also like!
Yeah with this being a whole ass world, even if the on-screen characters follow the stuff we saw, the rest of the world goes on even when the 'cameras' are off so to speak.
Also the Gaang are allowed to say fuck.
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gasmeros · 2 months
Regarding the ask game what’s the S1 solstice to boat au about???
hi foamyyyy! i talked about it a bit in this post
it's basically a winter solstice au where. it's like. im ficjign struggling how do i explain this quickly. fucjing. fuck it, my snippet is half the fic notes, i dont have much of any proper writing to share for this one anyway
content warnings include mindless rambling, zhao, and threats of violence/execution
s1 winter solstice episode au, very much adjacent to that tumblr post (linked) about zuko getting locked up with sokka and katara and them figuring out about Zuko's fucked up family life.
similar but we bypass the actual verbal conversation by having zhao do taunting stuff cuz he be like that. he says stuff like episode 3 about ozai not wanting zuko back, about him failing his 2ish year long search, about how when they drag him back home, there might even be a public execution for his crimes, wouldn't that be nice? nothing but the best for the prince. and maybe zhao will even get to watch. ("he wouldn't." "can you really be certain, my prince? after what he did to your face? and just for mouthing off, too. how would he punish a real crime?")
then zuko showing how desperate he is to not get dragged back to the fire nation by doing some fucked up dangerus type of fighting back. like, wiggling, screaming, biting, full on child in a grocery store who has learned how to glue themselves to the floor type of reaction to being arrested, except this child has fire and no limits. good chance for that idea where zuko superheats a metal gag and bites through it, burning himself in the process. would be neat to have zuko spit a shard of almost molten metal at zhao cuz fuck him. maybe keep the whole scene chained to the pillar instead in some other room like these fics usually go?
so water siblings realize that something is most definitely Up based on zhao's words and Zuko's reactions, and when roku starts to tear the temple apart, they hit a wall where they realize that zuko's been trapped by the lava flow like them, and while they have appa to hop onto, he doesn't have an escape. so cue these kids being Kind and promptly yanking him along cuz the alternative is zuko burning alive
so we get Bison Time, wherein zuko's still not a fan of anything that's happening, but compared to how he was acting with zhao, he's downright pleasant. which is not to say that he's actually pleasant, he is very much being an angry brat who's like one second away from trying to fight them while still on the bison. the siblings have a lot of questions, because what zhao said about banishment and two years searching and public executions was fucking wack and they need to know why he said that, why zuko fought so hard that he thought burning his mouth as bad as he did was an acceptable trade off. they know why, but they need to hear it.
zuko does not let them hear it. he yells and doesn't answer any questions and demands they put him down or else. bits about the mouth burns obviously bothering him, just cuz im me and im predictable
they end up going to drop him off at his ship cuz his crew wont attack without a command, and zuko's not so dumb to make them attack the bison he's on. they end up making him swear to not do anything until after they fly away
potential bit where they fly over to Zuko's ship, still in fire nation waters, and find its got a zhao shadow. so zuko, while not at all wanting to actually say it out loud, does not want to go back to his ship until the shadow leaves or they're out of fire nation waters, cuz he will absolutely be arrested. cue more gaang being concerned about the arresting thing, and zuko basically pulling his own teeth to ask if he can wait on the bison until it's safe.
Eventually theyre able to land on zuko's ship without risk of zuko being arrested. zuko keeps his word and doesn't let anyone attack until after they leave, and THEN. aang is a smartass and takes advantage of that by just. not flying away :) so zuko can't do anything, cuz then he'd break his word!! that's pretty fuckin dishonorable!! zuko would like to murder aang.
(really aang needs a moment to talk with the siblings because if what he gleaned from the conversation is true, he can't in good conscience just leave zuko to his fool's errand for an abusive father. they need more information, and they have to do something, cuz this is not ok. the siblings agree, though with much more caution because that's been forced into them by growing up in a war)
cue s1 gaang and zuko tea party
and so the whole fuckin fic takes place on zuko's ship cuz aang is be a pedantic little snot and zuko's autism sense of honor wont let him break a promise
i have maybe 300 words of actual writing for this, and im not sure how i feel about those words. this is like one of the first fics i tried to write for atla, which, like most of my atla fics, has dug itself a very comfy hole to sleep in. i'd love to get anywhere with it, if only i had the motivation
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juniperhillpatient · 7 months
I want to hear your opinion on natla jet.
So I mean I assume we’ll see Jet again & more & I’ll have new & spicy opinions but I absolutely loved the Jet we saw in “Omashu.” His introduction helping the Gaang into the city & being kinda a dick to an annoyed Sokka & flirting with Katara, acting like just a biiit of a sleazebag - the canon adjacent depressing backstory - the FREEDOM FIGHTERS - the Jet & Katara team up??? I’m so beyond here for it.
I really enjoyed the way the Omashu setting was used & the way the mechanist fit in as a betrayer & Jet’s use of violence in unethical but well meaning ways might’ve almost been (so far) better written than the original. So far! Don’t anybody shoot me 😅
***edit: it’s been pointed out to me how this erases jets view of the fire nation as a monolith & that he’s now willing to put earth kingdom people in danger which isn’t great. I totally get that critique even if I overall still enjoy la Jet’s characterization & think his plan having a clear purpose is still nice. please understand I’m literally live reacting meaning you’re getting my raw first reactions not thought out meta.**
I’m sure I’ll have more opinions but I (overall) really enjoyed episode 3 & Jet’s introduction honestly. Thanks for asking!
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
Aya realizing the entire gang are children 😭😭😭 I can imagine her sticking around the palace for a while because Zuko asks her to be an “advisor” (aka I want to pay you to hang out with me) but now her son’s back because the war is over and I think it would be really funny if Zuko and aya’s son have this weird rivalry going on where they’re both jealous of each other but also both trying to keep their tempers under control now (work in progress). They’re like cats that have to be put in adjacent rooms before meeting each other so they get used to each others smells.
But soon:
Zuko: so you were on Zhao’s crew?
Son: yeah he sucks I hate him
Son: are you gonna disbar him or something? You’re the fire lord😳
Zuko: I am now that you reminded me to :)
(The cats have been successfully acclimated to each other)
Zuko would definitely ask her to stay in the palace. Much to his real advisors criticism because she’s doing nothing. He has threatened to fire anyone who says such a thing about Aya again.
My whole idea (obvious correct me if this could be different) is that Aya has three kids, but ya her oldest son is the one Zuko would have the most problems with. They both have just finished battle and want to spend some time with family. They would have little petty fights especially if they’re both firebenders. I can see them trying to set the other on fire when Aya isn’t looking.😂
This is the point when Zuko remembers Zhao is a tad dead.
Son: That’s a shame. How’d he die?
Zuko: Giant ocean spirit dragged him under the waves.
Son: I’m sorry. What?!?!
Zuko: That’s not even the craziest thing that happened that night.
I gotta wonder what everyone else’s reaction would be to Aya though? How would Ursa feel about her? The Gaang? Azula?🤔
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flameohotwife · 2 years
Prompt Requests!
I haven't written anything in over a month and need some motivation to get going again, so... send me some drabble prompts! Topic, dialogue, scenario... I'll take anything.
The only rule is it has to be kataang (or kataang adjacent... AtLA gaang is fine too or postwar or katara- or aang-centric) and I won't write cheating or anything along those lines. If you're following me you probably know that I will write any rating. I promise to write at least a drabble for every prompt I get, no matter how long it takes me. Just need to get the juices flowing again--it's been too long!
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
the gaang + “what are your pronouns?”
katara: she/her/hers :) and you?
aang: he/him pls :D
ty lee: she/her! girl power 🥰❣️💕💞💖
sokka: um uh. they/them. if that's okay with you. he/him is fine too hahahah
suki: she/they ty for asking! :)
mai: she... she/they.
toph: don't talk about me behind my back.
azula: i'm not gay.
zuko: um.. the boy ones? —oh katara says it's he/him
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what are your thoughts on zukka for the meta analysis? (and congrats on 1000 !!!)
I’m ride and die on Zukka. 
Here’s the deal: Zukka works because Zuko and Sokka share the same fundamental values, but because of how they were raised they have different approaches to how they’re able to approach those values. (bear with me, this is going to be an incoherent mess of an analysis but it basically boils down to me just loving these nerds so much and wanting them to be happy together because that’s what they deserve) 
1. Zuko and Sokka having similar arcs: both of them were raised adjacent to powerful bender younger sisters, both lost their mothers, and both have fathers they want to prove their worth to. The difference is that Sokka was met with love and support and Zuko was conditioned to hate himself for not being as good as the people around him. They both have insecurities about their combat abilities in comparison to others (Sokka: “I’m just the guy who’s regular” & Zuko: “it just keeps blowing up in my face, like everything always does”). And as a result, they push themselves to be better until they feel like they’ve proven themselves. They’re both fiercely loyal to their families (Zuko was loyal to his father up until season 3 and shifts his loyalty to his uncle) and just want to do right by them. The difference, again, is that Zuko was treated as a failure for most of his life and Sokka was trusted to protect his people and sister. They understand each other and are aligned with each other in so many ways. Zuko feels the need to be self sufficient and struggle through things on his own because he was raised to feel like needing support made him weak. Then he joins the gaang and meets the radical concept of Loving and Supporting Your Friends. And Sokka can meet him with the idea that it’s okay to not be technically perfect and it’s okay to make jokes about things and self care is important. He recognizes Zuko’s actions and appreciates them for what they are: “leaving your home to come help us, that’s hard” “to Zuko, who knew after all those time he tried to snuff us out, today he’d be our hero”. (Zuko also recognizes Sokka’s accomplishments for what they are and appreciates him for his creativity and intelligence, see this post for a better analysis). They’re able to support each other because they both get it, they’re coming from the same place.
2. Sokka is fiercely protective of the people he cares about and Zuko needs more of that in his life. Every time someone tries to hurt or threatens someone he cares about, Sokka just goes into Extreme Protection Mode no matter who it is. When Aang accidentally set off that fire nation ship? When Aang accidentally burned Katara? When Azula was taunting him about Suki? Kid goes ballistic and he just cares so gd much. He was about to just go to the Boiling Rock on his own and die for his dad if he had to. Zuko’s had two people in his entire life really go to bat for him before he joins the group and just NEEDS SOME OF THAT GOOD OLD FASHION SOKKA PROTECTION IN HIS LIFE. Our boy deserves to feel safe and loved and Sokka wants the people he cares about to be safe over anything else. 
So yeah, Sokka and Zuko are fundamentally similar in so many ways that allows them to understand and support each other through the series and would in a relationship. They have the same values and the same drives and it’s really special for Sokka to meet Zuko with love and support he didn’t have in his life and for Zuko to meet Sokka with praise for his skills that he’s insecure about. It really is the best enemies to friends to lovers pair because they’re able to bring out the best in each other. 
Great fucking ship, my favorite nerds on the planet. I’m currently in the process of writing a slow burn college AU fic where they’re roommates and fall in love. 
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ao3feed-zukka · 3 years
If You Call, Help Will Come
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tBidRFvPo
by ambersagen
Sokka is alone, horny, annoyed, bored, and would like a better now adventure please and thank you.
Zuko is sneaking, tripping, horny, and willing to lend a hand to a bored and similarly horny omega if asked.
Omegas and alphas will do as they do, with good results for all.
Words: 4575, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), The Gaang (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Canon adjacent alternate universe, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Sokka (Avatar), Alpha Zuko (Avatar), Sokka tops from the bottom, Sex Positive, open sex society, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Consensual Underage Sex, Omegas need touch and people are cool with that, no shame no angst about it, Fluff, Cuddling, Awkward Zuko (Avatar), Porn Without Plot, PWP, smut for funsies, 69 (Sex Position), fluffy smut really, Zuko Joins The Gaang Early (Avatar), zukka - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/tBidRFvPo
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fandomtrashcanfire · 4 years
Chapters: 1/7 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Iroh & Zuko (Avatar), The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Toph Beifong, The Gaang (Avatar) Additional Tags: Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Psychological Trauma, Starvation, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Post-Season/Series 01 AU, canon adjacent, Canon-Typical Violence, Fire Lily!AU, Eating Disorders, Magical Realism, Firebending & Firebenders, Canonical Child Abuse, Propaganda, Ents, fatphobia Summary: 
Zuko suddenly realized with bone-deep certainty that he was going to die out here on this spirits-cursed raft in the middle of the ocean. 
Or… Zuko stops eating on the raft he was on with Uncle Iroh after the failed Invasion of the North, and no one notices because intuitive master firebenders can supplement a carnivorous diet with photosynthesis almost exclusively.
It has begun! @muffinlance @younggayanddoingokay @justanothermaltesegirl
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Red and Blue dragon siblings
Imagine during Zuko confronting his father during the invasion that Azula appears during the moments Zuko redirects Ozai's lightning. When he is about to make a break for it. Ozai threatens to kill Azula with lightning, who can produce lightning herself but does not know how to redirect it. Azula now getting a glimpse of how her father has been manipulating her and cares more about getting his way than her life. Zuko offers himself up to save her. Causing confusion for Azula. She in that moment makes a rash decision and shoots lightning at her father, giving her and her brother enough time to run for it. Zuko telling her he needs to help to avatar once there are safely in the war balloon following the gaang. So confused she obliges till they are at the western air temple, and she falls sick over the events that just happened. Zuko setting up camp notices the sickness as what Uncle Iroh put it as "a metamorphosis." Her critical decision in the underground caves to help her brother being so adjacent to her self view. Azula getting more ill than Zuko had previous, begins to concern him so much that he decides to go to team avatar to ask for their help in healing his sister. And that's when "hello Zuko here" happens.
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kataraswave · 3 years
it just so happens that katara ty lee and azula are the three atla characters i think the most about and also maybe the three least likely to hang out in the entire crowd of gaang-adjacent young people. now accepting thoughts and prayers xx
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