#gaining clarity
astoldbykmh · 1 year
Clarity in Stepping Away
I always find clarity is stepping away. When you think about it when you’re up close to looking at something you see all these little details. However, when you take a step back you are able to see the big or overall picture. When it comes to life too often we obsess over the little details and ignore the big picture. I am no stranger to taking a step back to gain some clarity; sometimes though…
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thecoachingdirectory · 8 months
Do you want to have clarity for your career, life, and personal identity and free yourself from fears, insecurities, and the negative self-talk that holds you back? Join our upcoming event Your Path to Unwavering Confidence: 6-week mini-course this coming 02/11/2023, 10:00 am-07/12/2023, 6:00 pm. Grab this opportunity! Reserve your spot now!
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2lovepoetry · 2 years
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linkronicity · 2 years
For ultimate balance, forgiveness and health, we wrap up the finale of the INNER HEALING SERIES 2.0 Part 4- https://youtu.be/ES9ORGMM0Qw Here we examine how it all LINKS together with everything we discussed in Part 1, 2, 3.  Understanding this means we come into expanded awareness to gain insights on our knowledge, wisdom and how we’re applying it in order to prepare where where going in 2023
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rexbalistidae · 1 month
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I said in that one long text post that I would draw something based around a specific event. This is that. Also so so sorry if you read the whole thing.
Believe it or not I did most of this today. I think somewhere recently I suffered a traumatic brain injury that makes me draw weird shit.
@lesbiansupavillain thanks for signing the unbreakable“rexbalistidae can use any of your cosplays in drawings” contract. You will never regret it.
@autistic-haven I have no reason to be tagging you but I am. You started it.
This will be a detrimental nuclear bomb to my tumblr page.
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
so many people have said that as you approach your 30’s things start to fall into place but I don’t feel that at all. the closer I get the more it feels that everything is dissolving and falling apart
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soulmvtes · 7 months
thinking a lot these days about how our bodies work to protect us from things and how we don't even realise that things + people that used to be so big to us can seem like specks now but that doesn't mean it wasn't once something big and important. things don't always work out and that is okay, it isn't necessarily good or bad sometimes it just is. life and relationships are just very strange but vulnerability and connection are the only thing that really means anything 💌
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kazz-brekker · 5 months
frederick chilton is both kind of a terrible person and also kind of an idiot but i do have to give him credit for being the first person on this show to be like "hey isn't it weird that hannibal makes lots of cannibalism jokes while hosting meat-heavy dinner parties?" and also being the first to say the phrase "hannibal the cannibal"
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non-un-topo · 10 months
It's the having to reassure cis people that you're not going to crucify them for getting your pronouns wrong that fucks me up so bad. The persuasion to make a distinction between yourself and the "other" queers, as if getting upset when someone misgenders you (even by accident) is totally irrational. It feels like being allowed into the cis person's circle as "one of the good ones", like being rewarded with kindness and respect that is entirely conditional and can be revoked the moment your face twitches.
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vilevexedvixen · 2 months
Bad Grief & The Inquisitor's 'little chat'
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This interaction had me feeling like I walked into the middle of something ^^' I generally don't do shipping, but the kinkster in me sees the pendulum in the Cathedral, the Cathedral's ticking ambience, Aglaya being aware she's in a videogame and somewhat implied to either be the game personified or otherwise exercise some control over the game and my mind immediately goes to OwO 'She tranced him!'
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Hence why it reminds me of "All the things she said". The reverence he speaks about Aglaya with afterwards and how Aglaya essentially says she's replaced Artemy with Grief (baring in mind there's a considerable romantic subplot between Artemy and Aglaya that persists even if, as I did, you go out of your way to pick every aromantic dialogue choice possible) has me shipping them just a little.
*I cut out the middle part where Aglaya essentially mocks the player for following quest markers instead of actually thinking about leads in the case to figure out where to go yourself, and about how she's protected by plot armour (an "invisible guard").*
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idlenight · 11 months
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"Hope. A stupid thing to have, but if he is right, maybe... just maybe. His fingers still tingle."
(HG epilogue, w/ a Step who met HG in person and dove into their mind to root around and find out about their resemblance)
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etherati · 8 months
Friends, I'm so confused.
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If you read my fic (Taproot specifically), you will understand why this feels like a fucking Twilight zone moment for me. This is an uncanny goddamned coincidence to the point that I can barely believe that it is one. Millions of possible names? And these are the two they land on for this pair? In a game where almost no one has "real world" names, to boot? The odds are ridiculously, VANISHINGLY low.
What the ever-shitting FUCK.
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stuckinapril · 3 months
loving the therapy vibes u have planned and i have 1 single piece of advice for u: the things you truly, sincerely, DONT want to say out loud, are the most important to say ❤️
got it, thank u so much my divine angel <3 i do have an issue w obscuring the ugliest things out of fear of judgment or being misunderstood, but if she's as good as my friend says she is she'll hopefully see through that and help me navigate it. i'm rly excited :)
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rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months
[personal and vaguely unnecessary whining underneath, just a bunch of undigisted and personal thoughts about my problems with Creation and Art that mostly just concern myself, but here they are anyway woooo!!!!]
feeling some kind of way about having to concede my artistic calling truly is in fanwork, but, yeah. all of my creative energy really tends towards fanwork, and like. not even the popular kind really, but the long, cerebral, pretentious kind of fanwork that is impossibly costly to produce yet comes with an inherently very limited audience at the end of the road. but every time I try to do something else, something "original", I get frustrated and I feel like I have nothing to say, or that what I have to say isn't really worth saying/that I'm only kind of doing this out of fear of being perceived as illegitimate rather than because of actual passion. I have original ideas, but I don't even really like most of them. it's weird, to have your inner creative fire being so intricately connected to something you will never have legal control over, something you can't really show off/take actual pride in, and something that is, by and large, decried as a waste of talent or time or proper artistic merit.
but yeah, it's the shape of my brain. it's what it is. I'm just not sure how to connect this reality to the rest of my creative/career frustrations. weird place to be, don't love that my brain chose to be like this honestly.
#thoughts#personal#I have spent my entire youth being criticized because of my enthusiasm for fanwork instead of proper creation you could gain accolades for#granted I shouldn't have gotten that kind of pressure before I was even age 10#but#yeah I know having a brain made for original work doesnt automatically mean you gain recognition and respect#but fanwork is just. not the way to go.#there's a ton of people I know who have a latent condescencion towards me because I write fanwork#in a given style that is pretty hard to parse through#I indeed do refuse to prioritize digestibility and clarity#but I do that in fandom instead of in lit fic!!! because I'm stupid!! my brain is dumb!!!#but yeah I don't know what to tell you all my best and most audacious work is fanwork#it is what it is and I don't think it will change#and I don't think fanwork is shameful or should be considered lesser#why should it be???#it holds the potential of sitting at the crossroad of deep-cut critique + admiration and love + creative experimentation#in a medium that is deeply entranched within our current era of media consumption and therefore I would argue is inherent commentary#also I wrote for IPs for work and what I did there was much dumber than what I might have written on my own#anyway weird thoughts and weird question marks for my future as the industry is slowly falling apart around me#might delete later but I just. mood post. feeling weird.#deflated professionnally and endlessly energized outside of that even though both are two sides of the same kind of work#a mood for weird and uncertain times I guess
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seventh-fantasy · 3 months
remembering tonight "变得不适应因为它们原本来自江河大海 世上本不应该有池塘" (said by a monk character) and thinking about the sea being repeatedly suggested to be the place with the last traces of lxy - and llh - in this world
#rough tl: 'they found themselves out of place bc they came from the rivers and sea. there ought not to be ponds in the world to begin with'#(it's just going home)#lz 1994 is not a perfect film to me but it's got some banger lines that GET IT.#once again this is not anything new i'm saying about lhl/llh but everyday i ruminate and think. oh they understand OKAY.#they know what they're doing. it's all in the narrative and the motifs#mainstream cnet reading of lhl/llh has always taken a buddhist lens. and thinking about that one cfan who specifically said chan/zen:#the journey of liberating yourself is. smth you can attain in ordinary mortal life but it's also smth that warrants continuous reiteration#it rings so true to lxy's life. you think you've shed pretensions of your old life and indeed you have gained new perspective and clarity#until it stops serving you and you realise it's not enough and it's time to move again#if the idea of llh is built on the denial of the idea of lxy#then towards the end of the show lxy realises this distinction is one-sided and imagined#if what 'llh' had offered to him is the taste of liberation and freedom then clearly it had run its course. face it. it's time to move#he experiments with his identities like he experiments with his cooking. the last one's alr good enough. why stick to it#anw there's no coherence in this post. just tacking thoughts all to this like a board so that i'll eventually write a proper post. maybe#lhlmeta#lhl#my posts#GOOD NIGHT IT'S 2AM jfc not again
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beskar33 · 10 days
sorry I'm talkative today but you ever see your f/o's neck and feel a 10th circle of hell being created just for you as you're utterly possessed by the primal urge to lick and bite it and shake em around like a dog with a chew toy and. hello [tapping mic] is this thing on
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