#gaius: you would not say that
puredoesnotmeankind · 11 months
Pre-BB!Gaius whenever a vampire does some shit: Listen, I put you in this world, and I can take you out of it
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brother-emperors · 9 months
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ANTONY cry 'havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war
earlier in my script (which is not Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar), Antony refers to Dolabella as one of his ‘dogs of war’ when talking to Cassius (which IS a reference to Shakespeare’s JC), and it comes back around after Cicero writes to Cassius and informs him of Trebonius’ fate
While these things were taking place at Rome, Cassius and Brutus were collecting troops and money, and Trebonius, governor of the province of Asia, was fortifying his towns for them. [...] Trebonius, who was captured in bed, told his captors to lead the way to Dolabella, saying that he was willing to follow them. One of the centurions answered him facetiously, "Go where you please, but you must leave your head behind here, for we are ordered to bring your head, not yourself." With these words the centurion immediately cut off his head, and early in the morning Dolabella ordered it to be displayed on the praetor's chair where Trebonius was accustomed to transact public business. Since Trebonius had participated in the murder of Caesar by detaining Antony in conversation at the door of the Senate-house while the others killed him, the soldiers and camp-followers fell upon the rest of his body with fury and treated it with every kind of indignity. They rolled his head from one to another in sport along the city pavements like a ball till it was completely crushed. This was the first of the murderers who received the meed of his crime, and thus vengeance overtook him.
App. Civil Wars III. 26
For Dolabella is in Syria, and, as you have foreseen in your prophetic soul and have foretold, Cassius will crush him while they are on their way. For Dolabella has had the gates of Antioch shut in his face and got a good beating in trying to storm it. Not trusting in any other city, he has betaken himself to Laodicea, on the sea-coast of Syria. There I hope he will speedily pay the penalty of his crime: for he has no place of refuge, nor will he much longer be able there to stand out against an army as large as that of Cassius. I even hope that Dolabella has by this time been overpowered and crushed.
Cic. Fam. 12.14
Place then before your eyes, O conscript fathers, that spectacle, miserable indeed, and tearful, but still indispensable to rouse your minds properly: the nocturnal attack upon the most beautiful city in Asia; the irruption of armed men into Trebonius’s house, when that unhappy man saw the swords of the robbers before he heard what was the matter; the entrance of Dolabella, raging,—his ill-omened voice, and infamous countenance,—the chains, the scourges, the rack, the armourer who was both torturer and executioner; all which they say that the unhappy Trebonius endured with great fortitude. A great praise, and in my opinion indeed the greatest of all, for it is the part of a wise man to resolve beforehand that whatever can happen to a brave man is to be endured with patience if it should happen.
Cicero, Philippic 11
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Philippi and Perusia, Ronald Syme
ko-fi⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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sneakyboymerlin · 6 months
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Actual monarchists in the Gwaine tag. Scary
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tsuchinokoroyale · 3 months
Was soooooo happy with this phase 1 which is what made it so much funnier that I was immediately clapped by his phase 2 😂
#romina is still my fave boss but messmer is a solid second#almost every other boss I would describe as “would’ve been good if their damage wasn’t so overtuned”#my stance if that if I’m consistently losing to a boss with 10/14 flasks left the damage is overtuned#vs me losing to sword saint isshin with no gourds or pellets left bc he was tough enough to whittle me down#fromsoft bros will say get good but think high numbers is big difficulty#an actually difficult boss doesn’t need big damage output if the mechanics are the challenge#I don’t actually mind how relentless the bosses are in ER but I mind how HARD they hit on top of that#dodging a 12 hit uninterruptible combo where each move does like 1/10th of your health? that’s fine.#if I properly time 3 of those dodges I can still make it and it’s honestly my bad if I’m getting killed by that#dodging a 12 hit uninterruptible combo where each hit takes out 1/2 of ur health bar & has a 50% chance for an additional retaliation combo?#I *can* do it but Jesus Christ what a waste of my time lmao#how am I supposed to learn a boss when I can’t get into a flow state bc a single mistake can end a run smh#I just beat gaius and I didn’t even feel accomplished I was just like ugh finally#I feel like 95% of his moves are fine once you work out the delays and positioning#but I kept getting clipped by his charge attack like I would dodge out of the way but once the i frames were finished I’d still get hit#bc I guess I wasn’t dodging a perfect 90 degrees to him and the hitbox for that attack is long as hell#which would be whatever if that move didn’t take out like 2/3 of my health and come out nigh instantly#I don’t even really know the tell for the move bc I beat him before I learned it bc I lucked out on a run where he didn’t charge me a lot#luckily the game is absolute DELIGHT to look at and explore that I can forgive the absolute bullshittery of the bosses#like I just got to the summit of dragon peak and I’m blown away by the design of that mountain#if we’re talking verisimilitude in games how about that whole shebang#no obvious well worn path up to the top of the mountain bc it’s just for dragons who’s gonna be walking up there?#having the player follow a trail of increasingly dense dragon corpses is SUCH a great tone setter#which means I’m probably going to hate bayle but whatever I’m already invested let’s gooooo#tsuchi plays games
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kateis-cakeis · 7 months
Okay okay thinking about it, really thinking about it. My post from the other day (here) I said "you see him slip into this version of himself that is hardly recognisable, even when you compare him to his characterisation in S4" talking about S5 Merlin.
And then I really thought about, okay but what if say S1 Merlin was put into S5 Merlin's shoes, would he do any different? Would he?
Honestly, think about it.
Let's take him at the end of S1, where he was ready to give up his life for Arthur completely to save him. I mean sure he did that in S1Ep4, and tried to do it in S1Ep11, but Ep13 is where it really hits. He said goodbye after all.
This is a Merlin that was ready to tell Arthur about his magic, but was locked out of the possibility after Will lied as he died to protect him.
This is a Merlin who already tried to kill Mordred. Or well, let him die really. Not so much kill.
So let's look at lines from S1EP8 about Mordred dying vs Arthur dying, shall we? ...
"Would you let something terrible happen if it meant you'd stop something even worse happening in the future?"
"One of them's bad, really bad. And the other, it's...unthinkable."
"For once, you don't have to worry. I'm going to do nothing."
I cut out Gaius's replies because Merlin's lines are more important here. The 'something terrible' and the one that's 'bad, really bad' refer to letting Mordred be executed.
Meanwhile the 'something even worse' and 'it's unthinkable' refer to Arthur's death in the future.
He decides to do nothing as we know, he decides to let Mordred die, right up until Mordred pleads with him through telepathy.
That's the S1 Merlin we're dealing with.
Maybe if you took him from Ep1 or pre-S1 yeah he'd act differently, but S1 Merlin is as much defined by Arthur's impending death as S5 Merlin is.
The only difference is between them, S1 Merlin has destiny propelling him forward just a little more than S5 Merlin does. Whether by love or sheer dedication, S5 Merlin is even prepared to push aside his own freedom to save Arthur's life, just to condemn Mordred to death.
Would S1 Merlin do any different?
No, no I don't think he would. Not if he saw the vision, not if he saw Arthur fall.
S5 Merlin is defined by what he saw in the pool, he's defined by seeing what he believes is Arthur's death (not yet knowing he would survive for days after acquiring that wound)
If S1 Merlin, or even S2, 3, or 4 saw that same vision? I don't think they would do any differently.
Maybe he had more hope earlier on, sure, but that would be missing the way that S5 Merlin hopes. He tells both Mordred and Finna that it "won't always be like this". He hopes for freedom as much as S1 Merlin does, he's just more prepared to prioritise Arthur.
But isn't that what he's always done? S2, when he struggles to lie, but still does lie to Arthur about Morgause and his mother - He's thanked for reminding Arthur that sorcerers are evil.
The way he acts just before telling the lie is so similar to his expressions when he's about say "There can be no place for magic in Camelot" in S5Ep5.
That's the thing. I know I bang on about how S5 Merlin is so much darker and he is, he grew up after all. But I truly think if S1 Merlin saw that vision, nothing would have changed.
Nothing. Not even his actions with the Disir. Why would he, if there's a chance to try and kill Mordred Merlin always took it. Or tried to as much as he could.
S2 Merlin, put in S5 Merlin's shoes, might even edge closer to murder, that man tripped that kid up in the hope that two guards would kill him, and instead watched as Mordred killed the guards instead.
What, Merlin was innocent back in earlier seasons? That boy, that man, he was never innocent, man was down to murder from his very first day in Camelot.
So yes, S5 Merlin has ten years give or take of saving Arthur and setting aside his freedom, and that did indeed darken him and change him and mould him, but S1 Merlin already had enough experience that nothing would change.
Merlin was always going to condemn Mordred, he barely knew him early on after all, and later, he already had the knowledge of the vision.
Let's not forget that in S5, Merlin says he likes Mordred, but that he can't ignore what he saw. That he can't save the life of a man destined to kill Arthur, that he can't ignore what the dragon said. That Finna was right, he cannot trust Mordred, not after all he's been told.
I don't think any Merlin could do any differently if he was told all that, and shown Camlann.
There's no such thing as an innocent Merlin, not when it comes to Arthur's life. We can say he became too blinded, but in S4 he killed Agravaine, used dark magic to lock away Morgana's magic for a time, and took away Arthur's free will. S3 is a little harder, but he did command Kilgharrah against his will. S2 Merlin is easy, he tried to kill Mordred, and morbidly held Morgana as she was dying to the water he poisoned. S1 Merls is just people dying left and bloody right. Nimueh, god should we ever forget about the way he killed Nimueh. She fucking exploded.
All this to say, S5 Merlin didn't abandon his values because he already did that when they all first met Mordred. He just became more and more set, darker and darker over time. But if any version of himself was given that vision by the Vates, it's over, it's so over, because that's all it took.
To see Arthur fall, that's all it took. It's all it would ever take.
#bbc merlin#merlin#look look just hear me out here#s5 merlin might go brrrr on the whole matter of Arthur#in a way that is different#but like i dont think if he was put in those shoes earlier on that it would be different#like really thinking about it - Merlin was always down to try and get Mordred killed#that's like his whole thing with Mordred#and I understand that#I don't blame him I cant because I understand the difficult position he was in#here's this kid and later older boy/man who is gonna kill someone who he's really close to#friends with soulmates with you know#like yeah he's gonna put Arthur above Mordred every day of the week#because Mordred is nothing in comparison - Arthur is everything to him#there's sometimes i feel like over the years i read things in this fandom about how it's all Merlin's fault for condemning Mordred but it's#like okay cool - but he was never gonna act differently that's just not in his character#He would never turn his back on destiny or prophecy visions and whatnot#in fact it's often Gaius saying there are many futures that steers Merlin wrong#silly Gaius not knowing of Arthur's fate - the never ending circle :P#still it's important to really look at Merlin and appreciate this is just how he is#from the very moment Kilgharrah implied that Mordred would be Arthur's death - Merlin was set to do everything he could#and the second Mordred came back into their lives - after he saw the vision - what could he do? what could he bloody do?#im still surprised to this day that he didnt just try directly - i mean i know why he still has morals but i think he was close#Merlin would have always done this that's the thing no matter at what stage - this was exactly who he was#someone prepared to do anything to protect the people he loves - not just Arthur - like again Nimueh Nimueh Nimueh#oh my god Nimueh - do you guys ever watch Merlin kill her from time to time - it's so brutal - I think that's the moment he's at his#scariest like even some of the darker S5 scenes dont match up to that
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randomnameless · 8 months
Are we ever going to get an in-universe explanation as to why Rhea sets a city with civilians still in it on fire at the end of CF, or is it forever going to remain the "devs wrote Rhea doing something evil so the audience wouldn't feel bad about killing the final boss who'd done nothing wrong up to that point, regardless of how grossly out-of-character it is for her to do that" excuse?
I was typing an answer, switched tabs, and what I already typed disappeared...
Watsonian wise, the game iirc tells us Rhea intends to use the "fiery tiles" as hazards to slow down the BESF's progression to rekt them - and I personally find nice how the devs picked peg knights to act as reinforcments - cementing the "strategy" aspect of the Berning, aka Rhea's own troops are immunte to tile hazards, but the BESF isn't.
Doylist wise, I feel like it was one of the moves the devs pulled out to illustrate how far Rhea fell from... well, what she once was.
It's the culmination of her breakdown, her point of no-return : we came from a Rhea who valued Fodlan and its people more than her own survival and who would refuse to sacrifice anyone to ensure her safety to... a Rhea who lost so much (her remaining family), is PTSD'ing hard and was betrayed by Billy and Humanity "again", she snaps and now will sacrifice Fodlan and its people to get a chance of surviving what she perceives as the second act of the genocide of her species.
Forget the "not feeling bad" aspect of this fight anon, because, at least with the Jp audio, every scene involving Rhea, before this fight when she lost Seteth'n'Flayn, is in Tailtean, or even in this fight laments in her battle quotes, conveys, kuddos to Inoue, anguish, desperation and anger.
The BESF pushes her - during the entire length of this short route - to her breaking point, she breaks (but it's not only a furious/angry breakdown!) and Firdhiad Berning is the consequence.
Imo, even if the gapmoe and the Supreme Court tries to act as if the BESF is "in the right" or wonder what's for dinner, the foes are much more humanised/developed/are mourning on screen that, save for some devoted people, I firmly believe Tru Piss wasn't supposed to be seen as a "Good Route", but more like the Tales games sometimes have a "Bad End" path.
The final close-up on Billy's dead eyes after they lost Nirvana is, imo, telling enough - even if gapmoe and the game mechanics + IS' obsession to sell you Supreme Leader as a S material waifu you can romance sort of killed this intent, since you can get your "and they lived happily ever after" ending and marry Supreme Leader.
Tl;Dr : Tru Piss is written in a way that would make anyone (even on a first PT!) feel bad about the people you're trouncing, from Judith crying about Ignatz'n'Leonie's loss of their future, to Hilda sacrifying herself to save someone against her former nature, aka when it comes to do the "right thing" Hilda will do it even if it costs her life, to Faerghus' desperation to defend themselves at the point of willingly make the ultimate sacrifice and turning into demonic beasts and Dimitri's tender scene with Dedue, or Felix and Rodrigue fighting side by side to defend their land (and dying together) - to ultimately, Rhea losing her mind, breaking down as she learns of her kin's fate and relieving her previous PTSD hard, ultimately telling the player that they betrayed the gremlin living in their head (even if game mechanics means that gremlin is the worst mother in the entire series) and ultimately, herself.
If you're not a first PT, but Tru Piss is your last PT and you know about Rhea'n'Billy's backstories... Well.
I don't like the "you made hit you" rhetoric because it fucking sucks and irl is used by scum, and while I don't think the Firdhiad Berning was made to make Rhea look "evil" so you wouldn't feel bad for rekting her... the game painfully reminds the player, each time, that they are the instigators of this war, they are the agressors attacking people who, in this last map, will do anything to defend themselves.
It's ugly but it's the War the BESF, aka the player in Tru Piss, started/supported.
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nazorneku · 10 months
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Otto reminisces memories with Void Archives featuring @saganarr
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bisexualgenderclown · 2 years
i’m so glad that John never got to see harrow’s AU hallucinations because I truly wouldnt have survived his smug grin watching the Harrow Nova fantasy and making a “Left Harrow None Gesimus” joke
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forgivenfolly · 3 months
i just hate when fiction slaps an insane body count on a character to be like he's The Most Evil. trust us. we promise. meanwhile they have like 3 other guys who are actually believable portrayals of the banality of it all who we're just supposed to shrug at
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eorzeansavagery · 1 year
I only ship Gaius van Baelsar with three specific people; My friend's elezen oc, Gaius' blonde wife ( found over at @gnbrkrs ) and Gaius' old cat husband ( found over at @forgetsrotation ). Does it say something about me? Probably. Will I sit down to do an introspection? Absolutely not.
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puredoesnotmeankind · 11 months
I have this very specific Noah and Gaius interaction in my mind where Gaius finds Noah whilst he's on the run and ends up giving him a lift to where he needs to go. Somehow they end up talking about having been the cause of someone you love dying and past misdeeds which caused hurt to the ones you love and Noah's just like 'Well it doesn't matter because whatever you did won't be able to compare with what I did, it's just different and you wouldn't get it', thinking back to all the supernatural elements, and Gaius is just thinking 'this teenager is so unserious, pls go back to school'.
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I’m struck by just how much the lyctors’ lives are permeated and shaped by grief. they committed a single atrocity (among many!) ten thousand years ago and they still haven’t been able to truly walk away from it.
and it’s just so much wilder with the prospect of perfect lyctorhood and the idea that maybe none of that needed to happen. all of that grief, and it’s only because john couldn’t stand to cede any real power or to make himself vulnerable by having anyone else understand his secrets.
it’s also like. when did he make that choice? before they all gathered in caanan house? after? did he ever even fucking waver on it?
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fore-seer · 2 years
did they seriously just copy gaius and cordelia’s supports over to fates for asugi and caeldori
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saturdays--sun · 1 year
i want owain to be my bestie which is genuinely hilarious considering that my insert has never really... had friends before? sure, she joins the shepherds and is close with them by the time the war is over, but that's not before a period where most of them distrusted her and, even then, she's still not close with them like that. and in the fates universe, she reverts to how she's always been, which is wholly closed off from everyone save for the people she already knew beforehand. so for her to go from having all of Not Really Any Friends to having One Friend And It's Owain "Odin Dark" is so fucking funny actually
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Wow. The Chosen season 3, episode 7 was so great!:D
Too many good moments to list.
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arthurslesbian · 2 years
i need a fic where arthur hears about morgana being kept and rescues her :(
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