#but slowly came to the (not right but also not wrong) realization that humans would always hurt vampires and would nver let them live freely
puredoesnotmeankind · 11 months
Pre-BB!Gaius whenever a vampire does some shit: Listen, I put you in this world, and I can take you out of it
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valsdelulucorner · 3 months
your wish is my command lol
You are the only human they will allow anywhere near the island, this is not a exaggeration. The last time you came back you were almost drowned because Lucifer didn't realize it was you at first. They despise them for what they have done, mostly because humans had made them move hunting grounds because of the lack of fish. They dont know why Lucifer saved you at the start, neither did he but as they grew to know you, they became less hostile and began to see you weren't like how they saw other humans.
When MC first came to the island, the brothers thought they were being ungrateful due to them not eating the raw fish they were catching for mc. It wasn't until they saw MC making a fire that they started asking about their eating habits, not understanding why they were putting the fish they caught for them onto the heat. This is where they found out humans couldn't eat raw fish, and this is also where they found out that they would rather stick to raw fish (Mc gave them a cooked piece of fish and they didn't like it lol)
All of them like going swimming with MC, slowly building up MC's lung capacity with each dive. They all know humans cant survive long in the water so they all watch you like a hawk whenever you go diving with them, knowing all the signs your struggling to breath and when you need to go back up to the surface. It was when they all started doing this is when they all realized that they would be devistated if they saw this human get hurt, their human hurt.
Though asmo has the least sharpest teeth and claws out of the 7, he is really useful in hunting and tricking humans. Any human that comes too close to the island can expect to see very colourful fins down in the water, weather it be around the reef or right up close to the boat. Most humans have never seen it before so it distracts them, making them try to search for him in the depths while the others destroy the boat. By the times they realize what happened to the boat its to late, one of them gets dragged down then another, then another
If your vegetarian, unless they can find you kelp or seaweed or unless you can find edible food on the island, you are going to have to eat the fish they provide. This doesn't mean they wont try their hardest to try and find you non meat options, even if they find it abit weird at first. Don't humans eat meat? What's wrong with the fish they caught for you? They don't understand but will get used to it. If you have an allergy to seafood, they will be on the hunt for any boxes that wash up near the island, searching for any canned food that you could eat that wasn't fish
This was so fun to write, i forgot i did stuff with the mermaid au lol. Thank you anon for suggesting this, i missed the au. Its short but it I like it
This was alot of fun to write about, what should I do next?
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just-j-really · 9 months
While I'm on the subject of Dreamling-does-tropes-wrong:
Hanahaki au where Hob's the one with hanahaki. Because I think however you set it up Hob refuses to play by the rules of the genre and the potential there is like catnip to me.
"The cure is confessing your love" variant? Hob's just like "Well fuck this actually" and tells Dream he loves him the moment he starts coughing up flowers. And there's so much potential there!
-Poor Hob tries to confess to Dream every time they interact and something keeps getting in his way- he falls in love in 1689, in 1789 they get interrupted, in 1889 he gets halfway through a confession and Dream YOU DAREs him, in 1989 he gets stood up. In 2022 Dream shows up at his table in the New Inn and Hob just blurts out "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU" before Dream has the chance to actually say anything.
-Modern day, post-reunion, Dream doesn't want to intrude on Hob's life but he does want to see him more so he decides to go for the totally rational move of using his Dream-powers to spy on Hob- which means he gets a front-row seat to Hob slowly succumbing to hanahaki the second their meeting ends. All of Hob's friends/coworkers/acquaintances are REAL worried for him, but he's just like "it's seriously nbd I'll just tell him next time I see him." Dream is also REAL worried while spying from afar, but eventually goes to Hob in person to beg him to confess to whoever he's in love with. (Could be very serious and emotional, could play like that one "just tell them you love them" "alright. hey, I love you." "yes, like that!" meme.)
-Hob blurts out a love confession at... literally any of their canonical meetings, and the rest of the fic is dealing with the fallout. I think the simplest way to do this is 1889, with the confession standing in for "I think you're lonely." I think the most interesting way to do this is 1489, because so much would change. I think the FUNNIEST way to do this is 1589, yes Hob is still married.
But then you can also do the "the cure is having your love requited" variant, where Hob suffers through several centuries with an incurable lung disease. One of his most treasured dreams is that someone will come up with a cure (but for Plot reasons it keeps just not happening, like someone does come up with a cure but the side effects just aren't worth it if you can technically survive having flowers in your lungs. And/or he's never found a doctor he trusted not to freak out if he died and came back on the operating table).
And then you've got options such as:
-Dream falls in love in 1689, and either they start up a relationship right then, or they spend several centuries where Hob thinks they're in a relationship (his feelings were returned, of course they are!) and Dream thinks he's pining hopelessly for Hob, who could never love him
-Dream Does Not realize that Hob is in love with him (and in fact thinks Hob just keeps getting hanahaki, over and over, for different people, and wonders why Death saddled him with the world's Messiest human). And then he falls in love with Hob.
-Dream DOES realize Hob is in love with him. Unfortunately, he falls in love with Hob (or more realizes that what he was feeling WAS love) while fishbowled. Fortunately, Hob notices the lack of flowers, gets worried about what that means (because if his Stranger returns his feelings then why isn't he here? the flowers can't be gone because he's dead, Hob refuses to believe it). Cue a fishbowl rescue!
-Dream falls in love with Hob post-fishbowl, but is in denial about his ow feelings and assumes Hob found a workable cure sometime while he was fishbowled, or got over him. He's VERY SAD about this and can't figure out why. Hob is busy googling 'how to ask out a guy who i empirically know likes me back but only looks at me mournfully when i try to flirt'
Like I want to write this fic so bad but there are so many directions i want to go with it...
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headcanon of the boys seeing you cry for the first time? Thoma, Kaveh, Kaeya, and Chile
Yes my darling, I shall. Hehehehehe...I might be evil in this one, or I might not. Who knows. :)
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Thoma: ◤◢◣◥◤◢◣◥◤◢◣◥◤◢◣◥◤◢◣◥◤◢◣◥◤◢
You and Thoma were simply doing work together, handling the Kamisato household together. As you helped Thoma with chores, such as cooking and laundry, your mind was elsewhere.
Of course Thoma noticed this, however, he never got the time to check in on you about it, so he is rather weary behind in his head. Right now he was hanging the laundry outside, while you were inside cleaning the windows.
You were a little distracted today because a lot of things has been happening personally to you, you seemed to have had a bad day. A lot of things were getting to you lately.
You forgot things at home, you were late on paying your taxes and bills, you had to end a friendship with someone who was taking advantage of you, you misplaced your wallet so you can’t buy yourself some lunch, or even groceries. You also came in late, for the first time in your servitude career, you were late. However, since it was a first, you were never scolded.
All these things and misfortunes running through your head, all these overwhelming thoughts, and now overthinking misfortune in the future.
Without realizing, you were already crying, as you had a blank face. You didn’t even fell tears streaming down your cheek. All you felt was anxiety of your failures and your deliberate fuck ups. It hurts. It stings.
All of a sudden, you heard a panicked voice within the right side of you, along with a hand on your arm. "Hey Hey hey! What's going on?! Hey! Look at me!"
You felt a warm hand on your cheek, as you felt it guide you towards a brighter and worried face. It was Thoma's face. He had a panicked expression as he was hurriedly wiping your tears. "What's wrong?"
You heard Thoma whispered to you, as he wrapped his arms around you and rocked you slowly, side to side. "Talk to me, please. I can’t stand to see you like this..."
Kaveh: ─•~❉᯽❉~•──◥◤──•~❉᯽❉~•──◥◤──•~❉᯽❉~•─
You were helping Kaveh with his architect clients. As you were helping him with suggestions. You were holding a book, showing the functionality of buildings and giving ideas to Kaveh.
However, lately, Kaveh as been having a rough time with his works as he was going through an clog. Nothing was coming to him, however, how come you were having ideas, and good ones too? He was the architect, and was the top on in the Akademiya at that.
So, why do you have such good ideas, better than his? Kaveh was getting irritated, of course it's not your fault, it is his own insecurities after all.
Kaveh continued to include some suggestions, but slowly, he would harshly criticize and reject your other simple small suggestions, such as the shape of the windows, or the tiling of the roofing.
You didn’t take it personally, as you knew he was stressed, you know he never meant anything by it. You love Kaveh, he would never hurt you.
You then tried to cheer him up and made a silly suggestion to hopefully cheer him up. You suggested in a silly voice that you should make the whole building blue, a color the client hated.
"Ugh, that is the most stupidest suggestion I have ever heard, don't you read? The client hates blue, if you are going to waste my time with suggestions like these, then go home."
You were taken aback by his small outburst, as he seemed to take that suggestions quite seriously. However, that retaliation stung, it hurt a lot.
You looked at him and closed the book, as you already had tears streaming down your face. You tried your best to not make your voice sound shaken up but failed. "Fine." You said with your voice cracking.
Kaveh immediately turned around and shocked to see your tears. You were usually such a strong person, but that doesn’t excuse him forgetting that you are a human being with emotions just like him. "W-Wait, my love."
You got up and turned your back to him and left his side of the room. You took your jacket and put it on as it was raining outside in Sumeru Forest.
You felt Kaveh grab your hand and stepped in front of you to stop you. "W-Wait, my love, please, I am so sorry, I didn’t make to take my frustrations out on you."
He would pull you into a hug and give you a tight squeeze. He would apologize lovingly, and whisper praises to your ears of how good your suggestions were.
Later, you were on his lap, as he was taking your coat off of your shoulders, shoes and anything else to make you comfortable. He hugged you to him, as he rubbed your back.
You both decided, to drop work for the day, and get dinner together, his treat of course. He gained enough mora from his recent projects thanks to your suggestions so rightfully so, it deserved to be spent on you.
Kaeya ╔═══▣◎▣════╗╔════▣◎▣════╗╔════▣◎▣═══╗
Kaeya is known to often tease you, he just love seeing you blush and pout at him. He likes seeing you get stumbled with his teasing.
He would often tease you just about everything, how cute you are packing up your things, how you can be so clumsy, how you can make a mess while eating. He teases how you take the sheets at night when you guys sleep together.
You honestly didn’t mind it, of course, you had your moments where you teased him back, sometimes it backfired, and sometimes you succeeded. But it was all fun and games. It was all a playful banter.
You were coming back from a quest, as you just cashed in your rewards by Katherine. You were bruised and tired. You just wanted to go home and rest.
Your knees hurt, and your feet hurt more. Maybe a nice hug from Kaeya. You really need some comfort and maybe a space to feel safe enough to unwind from.
You smiled, as you caught up with Kaeya who was waiting for you by the small eating area in Mondstadt and joined him. You told him about your adventures and difficulties and he sat there and listened. "My My, you have had quite the time with those hilichurls huh?" He chuckled.
You smiled, but didn’t give your usual playful reactions, as you were tired to fully react or process his teasings.
Once you stood up, you walked with him, leaving the area, all of a sudden you tripped and fell. You face planted on the ground. You were very embarrassed.
You heard Kaeya chuckling behind you and did his usual tease for when you trip and fall, but this time you were too overwhelmed to take his teasings jokingly.
You began to cry as you were tired and overwhelmed.
Kaeya would immediately stop and looked shocked, as he immediately runs to your side and helped you up. You were crying as you were tired and didn’t want to deal with his teasing. You just wanted to be loved and comforted. Was that so much to ask?
Kaeya had a guilty look on his face, as he kissed your tears away. "My snowflake, I am dearly sorry for my insensitive, I shouldn’t have said that after a hard day..." He cupped your cheek and kissed your cheeks. "Here..let me make up for it, I'll take you home and we can do all your favorite things."
Childe ▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢
Childe is very affectionate and loving to you as per usual, he always takes care of you, and overall, he wants to have a big family with you.
Despite Childe having some issues you guys have found ways to manage in and be in a healthy relationship with routine. ( I know, shocking. )
However, of course he does have his urges to fight and get physical with anyone who he sees as strong and powerful.
However, beyond that, Childe comes home and will always welcome you with open arms, loving kisses, and happy affectionate whispers to your neck.
Childe is very dedicated to you as he is happy to prioritize you over anything, no matter how difficult it is for him to do so.
You were having a rough few months, as you kept it to yourself. Of course you didn’t want to worry your beloved, so you kept it a secret. You wanted him to live his happy fairy tail life with you. You wanted him to be happy, afterall, he deserves it.
However, one day, Childe came home early. You usually cry or try and ease your anxieties when he is out, so you can put on your best self when he is home.
You didn’t realize he came home early, as you were in the bedroom, sobbing quietly.
Childe is used to seeing you happy, and bright, but you crying. This was a whole other side to you that he hasn’t witness before.
You felt arms wrapped around you from behind, as you were now sitting in between his legs, on the edge of the bed. "What's the matter?" He said in a soft and gentle voice.
He took his sleeve and wiped your eyes gently.
You shook your head, not wanting to tell him. You didn’t want him to see your face, as you tried and hide it.
All of a sudden, you felt him move, as you felt him suddenly pinned you down against the bed. You looked at him surprised.
"Don't hide such a face from me. I am your lover, I should know all of you. Why are you hiding your troubles from me? You can talk to me, you know that right?"
Childe was above you, hand on your cheek, stroking your face. His knee was in between your legs, as he leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Look at me. Tell me what's going on." He took your chin to make you look at him and focus on him.
You sniffed as you slowly but surely, spilled out your months of troubles to him.
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silly-circus · 5 months
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★SillyString’s story/background★
(Way long overdue lmao and long I’m so sorry guys, also made some edits because I wanted to word some things better)
I want to start off by saying she is me, me is she(Im not sure if I made it clear or not so apologies I’m kinda dumb🫰). I say “her” in my posts instead of “me” because idk it feels right since I make her look differently than I actually do. Even so, we share the same name and I do the clown look all the time when I go out to places that I get an excuse to🧍‍♂️so really it is just me but anyway,,, time to begin! This is my first time actually writing this out so I’m sorry if it’s formatted and explained terribly
First off, Silly String is my persona’s clown name. She came up with it herself, everything else was Pennywise’s idea. She was originally a human, and still looks like one and has the appetite of one(when she changed Pennywise assumed she would want to eat people. He was wrong.) She lived in texas(yee-honk) before moving to Maine literally because she thought “why not?” and ended up in good old Derry. Her life growing up wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t the best. She was always into odd and strange things, or things that most would find creepy(clowns. Love clowns. They’re so cool) so she was kinda outcasted from others at a young age but soon people learned to just let her live in peace which of course she was happy about. She did manage to make some friends, solidarity. After moving, she continued pursuing freelance photography and painting, but her full time job is as a barista in a local coffee shop(wow, how interesting💀).
The way that she met Pennywise was kinda stupid. All she was doing was taking photos of the local wildlife and next thing you know a kid is running by before she notices a fucking weird ass clown creature from hell charging straight towards her(she still snapped a photo before running). He does catch up to her and jumps her. How she managed to not get away, but the kid did, don’t ask me. She survived, her camera unfortunately did not(he gets her a new one eventually guys trust).
since then, they kept bumping into each other. He does try to kill her again but she kept managing to escape him(pissed him off more and more each time) but soon enough he starts to chill out and basically decides to learn more about her. The more she realized he was going to not continuously try eat her every time he visited she would start asking him questions about who he was as an entity and where he came from. It does start out as a weird friendship where he would mess with her at work or appear out of literally no where to hang around. He does start to enjoy her company and watching her do normal, human things since her doing it made it seem entertaining. After a while of slowly getting closer and closer they become loving parters yay(she was still human at this time).
Fast forward and they get “married” which they really call their “eternal binding.” Basically what it means is that she became a part of him. As in if he dies, she dies. She unfortunately didn’t gain any cool shape shifting and such, she just gets to live and thrive as long as he does. When it first happened she was having a hard time with it simply because she’s going to outlive everyone she knows and will continue to, but over time she made her peace with it and saw it as a privilege to watch the world change around her and of course stay with her beloved.
Also the year they met was set in the 1980s, or honestly it could be any time after that or something I don’t know yall get creative I’m just going with the flow.
That is it :) sorry again this is long, and I hope every one has a good day/night(it’s 3 am why do I do this to myself). I also hope you guys continue to follow along with me on their lover clown journey :D
AND- little sneak peek of an upcoming piece I’m working on for Mermay 😙
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Love the new daughter buddy we have, I don’t know what you already have planned for her but I imagine she spends half her time helping Fowler on his duties, functioning as his car and as back up. Imagine those first few episodes when lazerbeak captured Fowler, he also captured her since she was driving him instead of him flying the helicopter.
Bulkhead hears he’s missing and is like “oh well, rip” the. Realizes his daughter is always missing and goes “oh no, my baby girl!”
The complete change in attitude with Bulkhead has been living rent free in my head for a while! Love it!
Hope you enjoy!
Iron bolt and Fowler get kidnapped by the Cons
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Iron bolt hadn’t been introduced to the kids yet, having been on a mission with Fowler.
Because of that, she had received most of the news through the comms.
Which was also how she received the news of Cliffjumper passing.
She made sure to tell Arcee her condolences and that she would be wrapping things up with Fowler as fast as they could to get to the base.
… Everyone seemed to have forgotten to tell Iron bolt that they now had children…and to mention the kids that there was another bot on the team.
Bulkhead and the kids hear the proximity alarm.
“Where is it coming from Bulkhead? It’s not from the rooftop alarm.”--Raf
Bulkhead reviews the scanners and spots a familiar looking car heading to the bases entrance.
“Oh, it’s just Iron bolt.”--Bulkhead
“Iron bolt? There’s another bot on the team and you didn’t tell me?!”--Miko
Bulkhead slowly dawns on him that he hadn’t told her about the kids and the chances of Fowler begin with her…
“Oh Primus, its Iron bolt!”--Bulkhead
The kids look at him curiously.
“Kids behind me now. Don’t come out until I say so.”--Bulkhead
The kids hide behind Bulkhead’s pede just as Iron bolt pulls up.
She opens the door for Fowler and transforms stretching a bit.
Iron bolt looks Bulkhead smiling.
Bulkhead smiles back.
“Took ya long enough Bolts.”--Bulkhead
Iron bolt smiles a bit.
“We came as fast as we could after the mission was done. Where are the others?”—Iron bolt
“Patrolling. How was everything on the mission?”--Bulkhead
Iron bolt looks at him seriously.
“No Cons… Is everything all right?”—Iron bolt
Bulkhead nervous sweats a bit.
“Nothing! Nope, nothing is wrong here.”--Bulkhead
Iron bolt and Fowler give each other a look.
Iron bolt knew something was up when Bulkhead didn’t crush her in a hug like he normally did after long missions.
Fowler also gets a feeling that Bulkhead is hiding something.
Then the wire comes in.
Three humans move from Bulkhead’s pede.
Fowler is furious.
Iron bolt is more surprised seeing the kids than anything.
She politely waves to them as Fowler and Bulkhead begin to argue.
She wants to get to know the kids more, but Fowler already wants to go.
Bulkhead gave her a pleading look.
She smiled a bit, telling him that she was going to do the best she could to talk to him about this new situation.
Bulkhead does sigh a bit with relief.
If there was one bot that could talk to Fowler from a bad mood it was his Iron bolt.
Iron bolt driving with Fowler.
“I’m sure there is a logical explanation for all of this—”—Iron bolt
“They brought more civilians into this! DO you have any idea—”--Fowler
“William! What did we talk about interrupting each other.”—Iron bolt
“You just did it!”--Fowler
“I’m the oldest, I have a pass.”—Iron bolt
“You still act like a kid.”--Fowler
“I Am a kid compared to everyone on the team, William. You do remember that we Cybertronains age much slower right?”—Iron bolt
Iron bolts scanners pick up a con signature.
“We’re going to have to put a pin in this. We got an airborne Con to worry about. Send the S.O.S to base.”—Iron bolt
Fowler looks out the window to see Lazerbeak trailing them.
“It’s just a minicon. What’s it gonna do?”--Fowler
“That minicon is one you don’t want to mess with William! Lazerbeak is never too far from Sound—”—Iron bolt
An explosion hits the side of Iron bolt causing her to transform midair.
“WILLIAM!”—Iron bolt
She quickly grabs Fowler as they tumble into an unkown groundbrigde.
Iron bolt gets grabbed by a couple of Vechicons and gets Fowler pried from her servos and pushed to the ground.
She looks up to see Starscream and Soundwave in front of her.
Glancing to the side she spots the Con with Fowler walking away.
“Let him—”—Iron bolt
Iron bolt gets hit in the back of the helm.
The last thing she sees is Starscream’s talons coming too close to her spark chamber.
Meanwhile at base…
“The S.O.S was incomplete. Oh well.”--Bulkhead
“But Bulk! What about that other bot that was with him?”--Miko
Bulkhead stops dead in his tracts.
Concern and scared car noises intensifies.
Iron bolt was tossed into one of the cells and chained to the floor.
She would have been chained from a higher place, but the cons had been called outside after spotting an Autobot.
Iron bolt wakes up hearing blaster fire outside the cell.
She was already fiddling around with her restraints when the doors opened and closed.
Iron bolt nearly has a stroke seeing the three humans from the base making their way into the cell.
“What in Primus’s name are you three doing here?! Don’t you know how dangerous it is?”—Iron bolt
The human girl perks up seeing the bot.
“We found ya!”--Miko
The humans look over at her restraints.
“How did you three even get here? There’s no way that Bulkhead would bring you with him.”—Iron bolt
The eldest human gives the girl a look.
Iron bolt sighed.
“I’m just going out on a limb and saying that Pinky here followed Bulkhead and you two followed.”—Iron bolt
“That’s… actually pretty accurate.”--Raf
“What gave it away?”—Miko
“Call it Wrecker’s instincts.”—Iron bolt
The blasting started to get louder as her optics hardened.
“Talk later. If any of you can get the key to the lock, I’ll have a better chance at protecting you and Fowler when we get out.”—Iron bolt
The doors burst open.
“Kids get behind me!”—Iron bolt
The three humans quickly hide behind the bot who was ready to give it her all to protect them.
“Beep? (Bolts?)”--Bumblebee
Iron bolt sighed in relief seeing her team.
She smiled even more seeing Bulkhead.
“Took you all long enough.”—Iron bolt
Once the rescue had been a success, Iron bolt made sure to get the human medics down to the base to look over Fowler’s injuries.
She does feel a bit guilty for not keeping him safe, but also understands the situation they were in.
There wasn’t much she could have done.
The kids are curious who this other bot is, and some want answers on the spot.
Miko looking up at Iron bolt.
“So, what’s your name anyway?”--Miko
“I am Iron bolt. Official, unofficial, weapon maker, engineer and repair bot.”—Iron bolt
“How come we didn’t meet you when we first met the other bots?”--Jack
“I was on a mission with Agent Fowler, and I didn’t know about you three until I was at the base.”—Iron bolt
Iron bolt gives Bulkhead a glance.
“You really need to work on letting me know on important things when I’m out.”—Iron bolt
“Sorry kiddo.”—Bulkhead
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miirohs · 11 months
your shadow [p.j.s]
pairing: Vampire!Park Jay x Human!Reader wc: 1.0k cw: n/a an: what if im just delusional.... also enha outros on top !
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The smell of roses was so strong.
For a moment, you wondered if you were dreaming, but no figment of your imagination could've- no, would've been able to conjure this up.
The figures around you danced, others laughing among their partners as they waltzed around you.
It felt like a fever dream.
You were sure the toxic mold you had been warned about was definitely getting to you now, and you were imaging things.
As you stood there squeezing your eyes shut, you hoped that a couple seconds would be enough to snap you out.
Yet, shoulders bumped into you and you were pushed back again into the sea of bodies. It was so cold.
If it weren't for the stares you were getting, you might have just not been there at all.
"Oh... this is real," you muttered nervously, "this is very real."
You let the air run through your teeth, looking around for an exit. As you stood there, the feeling of eyes watching your back seem to slowly trickle down your back, spooking you even further as a chill passed down your arm in the form of goosebumps.
The grand doors were right across the hall from you, almost teasing you as your vision swam in the dim lighting.
Holding your breath once more, you walked through the crowd, the smell of roses turning sickly at once.
You couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.
The figures around you continued their elegant waltz, their laughter now echoing eerily in your ears.
You lifted your head, daring to make eye contact with the group closest to you. Shock flooded your system as they looked at you with a hunger in their eyes that sent shivers down your spine. These weren't ordinary people; something was very wrong.
Panicking, you quickened your pace, your heart pounding in your chest. You could hear soft whispers as they got closer to you, predatory in their movements.
Just as you reached the middle of the ballroom, a hand reached out, grabbing the edge of your gown. You felt the cold, clammy touch that sent a jolt of fear through you.
"Are you lost sweetheart?"
The mans teeth glinted in the light, face far to pale and gaunt for a normal human. You resisted the urge to scream, simply throwing his hand off yours and running through the parted crowd.
Pausing in the middle of the ballroom, you had once again lost sight off the door, whirling around furiously.
As your eyes landed on the mezzanine, the room seemed to have tuned out, everything blurring as you watched them appear out of the shadows in slow motion.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away, watching as some strutted down the stairs and others watched from above. Something told you that they weren’t to be messed with and yet you still stared.
The black haired one let out a loud laugh, shoving the other with pink hair. His face seemed dangerous, sharp and defined with more than just his shiny jewelry.
He reminded you of a crow, and you almost couldn’t look away as he hopped around, teasing smile on his face.
Suddenly, he locked eyes with you and a strange sense Deja vu ran through your veins, nerves far too He flashed you a smirk, eyes glowing an eerie blood red.
As you traced his face, your eyes instantly landed on his lips, something poking the bottom.
He grinned, and the suddenly realization hit you like a ton of bricks, forcing you out of your spot.
Your senses finally seemed to have stopped working, lost to mayhem as you ran towards the door and threw it open, the darkness slowly ebbed at the corner of your eyes.
It wasn’t long until you came back, facing the blurry confines of your bed curtains.
It all felt like a nightmare, you were ready to go to sleep and not wake up for a while now.
As you tried to pull your arms from their uncomfortable position over your head, something shifted over you, an uncomfortable weight on your chest.
The smell of roses slowly invaded your nose, yet you had no idea where it was coming from. No matter what you did, it felt like you were trapped underneath a heavy weight.
“Nuh uh, none of that,” someone whispered , and you froze up.
The stranger moved away from your ear, yet his cold hands still held your hands together, too strong to be human.
“W-who even-“ You whimpered, writhing in his grasp.
He rose, face glinting slightly in the light of your open window with streaks of red running down the corner of his mouth.
Your blood ran cold as you saw his face, immediately recognizing it from what you thought was your lucid dream.
“Miss me?” You couldn’t even speak, vocal cords almost glued together as you watched him move closer. “C’mon speak to me. Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?”
He tsked, a frown forming on his face as he moved one of his hands from your wrists, using it to move your face around.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” You finally choked out, watching as he dipped closer.
“Me? You can call me Jay. Lets just say I have some unfinished business with you.”
”I didn’t-“
“You didn’t do anything,” he said, exasperated , “I’m just here to collect what’s mine.”
“And what would that be?” You dared to question, voice trembling slightly in fear of the answer he could give.
You stared at him, horror finally caving in as you realized what he meant.
“What even are you?”
He grinned.
“I think you’ve figured that out. After all, you’re plenty smart for a human, sneaking your way into places you shouldn’t be, sweetheart.”
“What does that even mean?” You begged, head turning as you realized what he was.
“Consider me your shadow. You’re mine now, whether you like it or not, that’s the only way to protect you baby.”
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midnightmayhem13 · 1 year
headcanon request where reader slowly realizes that their gf is stealing their clothes pls if you haven’t done this already
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it's a roller coaster kinda rush
this is so cute omg ❕ thanks babe (also i kinda switch the roles but only realized when i finished writing😩)
carol danvers
carol loves when you wear her clothes. she always lets you borrow her leather jacket, and you love it. she starts noticing it's in the laundry cycle quite often. she doesn't wear it all the time, bcs she either in her suit or pjs. she gets home and realizes it's either laid on your vanity chair, or the laundry bin. i haven't worn it in a while, coulda sworn it was on the hanger. she lets it be, she can be a messy person. but then she sees it out often. she definitely had put it back in the closet yesterday. when she wore it on a date she let you wear it. and said "it smells like you again" with a sweet smile. she's the only one who wears it. why wouldn't it? she brushes it off. then after laundry day she sees it in the bin again. you just washed it. she takes some fun in it. untill one night, after coming back from a week long mission. she sees you curled up her bed, wearing her jacket. you unconsciously wrap it around your body. that's why
sharon carter
ms carter is a distinguished women. she only wears the finest dress shirts. silks, cotton, you name it. she has power so she must dress like it. and since she has such a busy schedule so often, she has to have a fast variety of them. she doesn't have time to wash very often, and she'd hate to ask you such a thing. but as she goes through her weeks she starts noticing her collection starts diminishing quicker then usual. she shrugs it off, it's been a busy week. but when she sees a shirt that she was planning to wear the day before is gone, she starts to question it. no one that works at her main house is allowed to her private rooms. you're not her size, so it's 'definitely not you'. but oh was she wrong. she doesn't want to waste her time thinking of it so she just sits down and has a small glass of whiskey. are you embarrassed to ask to borrow one? she thinks it's cute that you'd wear her clothes but she doesn't want to assume. one day she comes home late to find you in her button up and underwear, cleaning that house. guess she caught the thief. and from them on she cannot stop looking at you when you wear her clothes.
darcy lewis
i feel like darcy is one of the girls that gets cold all the time. but it started out with once in a while, she'd ask for a hoodie, wash it when it lost your cent, and return it. but then you told her you didn't need to ask. she started taking them when she missed you and even swapped it out sometimes. it became that it wasn't even like to wear it to sleep when she missed you she'd wear them with her regular outfits. but you didn't know all that. sometimes she'd wear your socks just to feel giddy. but she's definitely borrow your hoodies and jackets the most. and one day on a chilly day you decided to wear your favorite sweater but came to find it was gone. that's weird. you sent darcy a quick text and she responded with a rather suspicious "uhmm nope sorry honey, maybe you left it at work" you let it slide and wore a different. but this turned into an ongoing thing. no way you left all your jackets and hoodies at work bc they were always "left" at work. untill one day you came home before darcy to find your missing sweaters in the laundry room. and when she walked in she was wear the exact hoodie we were gonna were that day. she smiled and you did too as you shared a sweet kiss.
now she doesn't have the most human comfortable clothes but she has this one t-shirt she wears often. it's cute and fits her just right to sleep at night. but since she's a giant it fits you long, almost as if it were a dress. so when she's not here or she wants to be alone you wear it. yk she would probably ask you not to wear it but you'd take that chance. one day she walked into your room and saw you covered your body rather quick "are you nude?" she asks with a confused expression. "uhm y-yup!" you say getting up with the blanket around your body and going to change. she stands there as you head into the washroom. while she waits she goes to lay on the bed. when you come out she sees you try to discreetly place her shirt in the laundry bin. she stays silent and hold her arms out to accept you. this happened again. but you were dead asleep. while she went to go join you in the bed. as she pulled the sheets up she saw you in her t-shirt. she didn't know how but she immediately fell more in love. she pulled you in by the waist and kissed your lips sweetly and gently. "i love you" she whispered.
maria hill
now maria usually comes home late so obviously you miss her a lot. and you like to wear her sweat pants. you dont know what it is but wearing the pants that go past you ankles and you have to tie tight around the waist makes you feel at home. and maria honestly doesn't mind. she'd lend you clothes all the time before you lived together. she just didn't know how often you still did it. but she's notice that her pants would go missing for ages. she had a thought that it was you but brushed it off thinking you were that obsessed with her. boy was she wrong. but one time after a long day at work she just wanted to hold her girl and get wine drunk and have a fun night. she walked in to you making her dinner and taking two bottles of wine from the fridge. she noticed you did your make up fancier and you did your hair that was more than a being at home look. then you would away from the counter to greet her with a kiss and hug and she noticed you had her pants and a long sleeve on. you looked so beautiful and she definitely showed you that night
kate bishop
now kate has a lot of fancy clothes but you have your favorite. her suit jacket. you'll always wear it when she's not around. either with just undergarments on or with your pjs but you always wear it. it's warm and cozy to you especially unbuttoned. plus the sleeves fit you long so can keep your hands warm. and kate isn't aware but she knows it's always steamed and hung up when she needs to wear it. and does she wear it often yes but she never really questions why it's always perfect and not slightly wrinkled like the other clothes. but she does love her but jackets so it's probably her unconsciously taking extra care of it. on a chilly saturday afternoon your doing laundry and she's just eating pizza and cuddling with lucky. lucky gets up to got lay somewhere else and she takes the advantage to go give you a kiss attack. she walks into you listening to music with booty shorts and her jacket on. she hugs you from behind the waist and tells you how good you look.
uhm hi loves so i'm back i just vanished for a little but HI SLUTS🩶🩶
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silversodas · 2 years
I wonder if Caleb really was there
It’s actually really hard to tell weather he was a hallucination or not, that was probably the point they did a really good job making it hard to tell. And I will be completely honest, I would actually really like it if it was really him, but here is my take.
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This feels like a super random place to just suddenly see him (eh, maybe if the season was longer we would get a more solid answer)
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But then we realize he was right at the entrance of his creepy build a boy factory, where his bones are kept.Technically, Caleb saw he came back and was, not necessarily greeting him, he was meeting him head on.
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This face, he is not only judging him, he is staring him down. There are many ghost stories of vengeful ghosts who haunt their murders. But sadly there are many more stories of ghosts who fear their murders, even in death. He is showing that he is not only disgusted and done with him, he is not afraid of him. And I think that’s supported in the next scene
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Caleb is the first to appear
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Then “slowly” the golden guards appear behind Caleb. The positions of the guards I feel is important
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You can tell they are all standing behind Caleb only two are close enough to almost be standing with him. Some are a little further back, some are way further back and there are a couple that appear to be lurking around the pillars. I don’t think they are lurking, I think they are hiding. They are hurt and betrayed, but they are also afraid of the man that murdered them.
Caleb’s presence may help remind them that Belos can’t hurt them anymore. Which is why they only appeared after Caleb did.
Side note, that rib cage on the table in the laboratory is probably what is left of Caleb, the adult human has 206 bones, he only has what looked like either 6 or 8 ribs left and from what I could tell his tail bone is missing, but the rest of the spine is there. So however many bones are still on that table, subtract that from 206 and that might be how many golden guards their were, including the failed grim walker that wasn’t done.
They could still be imaginary, but everything surrounding Caleb has been the darkest and the most disturbing thing I haven seen in I don’t know how long. Everytime we think they are gonna stop there with this tragic family they gleefully prove us wrong, that alone makes me believe they are tragic scared and trapped spirits
@stonesleeper pointed out that when Hunter saw Caleb in the mirror, he looked sad and tired in contrast to how he looked at Belos
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And again, we don’t know if it’s just in Hunters head, but it’s interesting that Hunter imagines him to look the exact same way Belos sees him in their encounter when Hunter never saw him like this, not even in the memory paintings. It’s part of ghost folk lore that they use mirrors as portals..so there is a chance that Caleb might have just been checking on Hunter and was concerned.
But that’s all just theories, but if I wanted to introduce ghost in the creepiest way possible, I would also want you to not be able to tell if they were real or if the characters were losing their minds
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space-mermaid-writing · 3 months
Nesting [IronStrange]
Summary: Tony had never shown tendencies to nesting - upon now.
Author's note: This is pure fluff. Beta by my mutual in crime for any vampire/werewolf related content: @harpywritesfic
 Masterlist | Werewolf Tony Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Word count: 0.8k
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Stephen entered the lab and noticed the lack of noise immediately. There wasn’t any music blasting at a deafening volume, no steady droning from the small torch Tony regularly used for soldering circuit boards. There wasn’t even the beeping of one of the bots, moving around and causing mayhem.
At the first glance Stephen thought Jarvis had been wrong and there was no one in the lab.
Jarvis was never wrong.
Looking around, the sorcerer noticed a pile of bed linen, that wasn’t usually down here, on the couch in the back of the room. The couch where Stephen normally sat when he was keeping Tony company; reading a book or meditating.
He strongly suspected Tony had bought the couch for Stephen specifically. One day, when Tony had invited him to come over, it had simply stood there.
No one else used the couch.
No one else spent as much time in Tony’s personal lab – besides Peter. But the boy was always working on some project; either alone or together with Tony.
Sometimes Bruce was here, but he and Tony were usually busy with some science talk.
So that left Stephen to be the only person that came here without actually using the lab for its purpose.
Since the couch was now occupied by the bed linen, that was where he went.
Maybe Tony crashed down here, passing out from too much work and not enough sleep. But why go to all the trouble going upstairs and getting the sheets, only to come back?
Stephen got his answer when he stepped closer and the pile suddenly started moving. The head of the werewolf poked out, letting out a small hum when he saw his mate.
By that sound alone Stephen knew something wasn’t right.
Getting closer, the sorcerer also saw that the pile also consisted of clothes. Mostly Stephen’s shirts from the past days and his night robe. There were also a few band shirts from Tony thrown in. But only those Stephen sometimes borrowed after leaving the bed and before he showered.
He took in the unusual scenery and slowly it dawned to him.
“Are you nesting?” he asked surprised.
It wasn’t a common behavior of Were’s; mostly done by younglings. Tony had never shown tendencies to that upon now.
Stephen sat down on what small space was left next to the big Werewolf and all that stuff on the couch. Tony whined, apparently not happy he was out of reach, and he moved and tossed until he had his head on Stephen’s lap.
The sorcerer buried his hand in the soft fur and massaged his head; especially the part around the ears, like he knew Tony liked.
That seemed to relax the Were, who closed his eyes and melted against his mate’s touch.
“Talk to me, Tony.” There was something wrong, but Stephen couldn’t put his finger on it. He needed Tony to use his words.
But the werewolf disagreed, huffing, and refused to shift back into a human.
Well, Stephen would not force him. So he did the next best thing: sit and wait; and continue to massage his head.
About an hour went by until Tony moved again – when he finally changed his form.
Judging his reaction it actually took him a moment until he realized he was back into his human skin. His body did this sometimes, when Tony was around Stephen and very relaxed.
It was mostly involuntary, which made him grumble softly, yet he made the best of the situation and used his hands to rearrange all the things he had dragged downstairs so that it surrounded him and Stephen.
The sorcerer watched him. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Missed you.” Tony sounded hoarse and Stephen doubted it came from being a wolf. Even if he had stayed in that form for the whole five days the sorcerer had been off-world.
He moved the back of his hand gently on Tony's forehead. The werewolf was radiating heat. Way more than usual.
“You have a fever,” he stated.
“Weres don’t get sick.”
That wasn’t true. They were still part human. And that part could get sick.
“I’m just warm, because I snuggled here,” Tony added. Maybe because he sensed that Stephen didn’t believe him.
“And why, pray tell, did you drag my stuff down here?” Stephen asked him.
“There’s also some of my stuff.” Tony pouted. “Because I was cold. And I missed you.”
Finally satisfied with the setting around them, he returned his head into Stephen’s lap, snuggling up to his mate.
Stephen had stopped messaging him when Tony had shifted. Tony took Stephen’s hand and moved it back onto his head, prompting him to continue.
“Mhm,” the sorcerer just hummed.
Not sick his ass. Good thing he was still a doctor.
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gracemain919 · 10 days
The Illusionist (oc) short story: (they are a butterfly human)
(The fungus universe)
Tw: Yandere, entrapment, non-human, delusional.
“Hmm… Your love is my remedy,” Albert hummed as they cleaned a cozy hole carved into a wall. With a medium size feather duster, he swiped down the corners.
“The control you have comes with no penalties”
“My heart beats to your melody”
They continued with the tune until they stopped tidying up. They eyed the bundle of brightly colored cocoons scattered through the small space and they soon came to realize a few were already hatching. A couple of butterflies flew throughout the air as Albert raised their hand forward letting one of their young rest on it. How… adorable.
The little thing couldn't even communicate yet. No matter, they will soon teach it like the others since the more the merrier!
The little creature flew off from their finger and they soon resumed cleaning each cavity with utmost care. Even to the highest gaps they could reach since they weren't human. They can simply dismiss their human form and appear someplace else. How convenient. All for the horde.
Maybe they should check on batch #23. The larva has been having problems getting into their cocoons-
“Hey! When can I have this rope removed?!”
You screamed tied up in a corner of the room. Some pillows were at your sides trying to make your position a bit more comfortable. At least you got their attention as the man quickly dispersed, butterflies covering the floor before quickly regrouping directly in front successfully startling you. “Why? Are you not comfortable dear?”. They asked while kneeling to get a better look at you. Their dumb, worried face always seemed so sweet yet being tied up twisted your opinion.
“I would be better without them. Humans don't enjoy captivity” you explained as Albert listened intently.
Their face showed some sadness as they pursed their lips. “Hm… sorry. We were informed of an attack occurring here,” they said as they fluffed the pillows around you, “I was tasked with keeping you secure and out of sight”.
Great, like if you couldn't hide perfectly fine on your own. No need to keep you in a corner. God, why were they always so extra?
As you came up with every possible logical reason on why the Leaders were wrong, Albert was too busy making sure you were fine. Checking the rope on your hands and feet while also observing your posture. “Your back is meant to look like that right?”
“No, it's not. Isn't it easier to let me sit in a chair? Normally?”
You thought you made a good point, but instead of actually taking the advice, Albert just pulled you out. Soft and absolutely freezing hands grabbed your own lifting you to a kneel. They had no intention of setting you free, not until they were told otherwise. They just observed the way you almost went limp into their grasp before slowly resting your back against the soft pillows they placed in the corner; again. “Like that? Is that better?”
Their voice almost melted into the background as you felt small gushes of wind throughout your body. Tiny feet traced your skin as you tried to relax yourself in your position. It got harder as some butterflies passed around the surface of your skin like nothing. Can you shoo them away? No. Do you care enough? No. It was better to save your brain cells and wait until the attack finalized itself. You can't lie and say it wasn't comfortable.
As you silently gave up Albert raised their hands and clasped them together with a bright smile. “Aww,” they cooed watching some of the young take a liking to you. Well, all their insects in the end became just like them but isn't it cute when they start to like you right after being born? Maybe you were just that special…
Oh well, they had to finish cleaning. A faint pat on your head and you were left alone as they quickly dispersed and reappeared back to the holes carved into the walls.
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May i request for daniel,gun and samuel having an albino s/o pls?
Thank you for your request!
[ Daniel Park, Park Jong Gun, Samuel Seo x Gn! Reader] - Daniel, Gun, and Samuel have an albino s/o pls?
(I'm so sorry if I get things wrong.)
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Daniel Park:
Being albino is cool! Wow, you’re one of the rarest humans in the world, look at that. But being rare wasn’t exactly what you wanted to have in your life, the moment you were born and have been diagnosed with albinism, it’s like a target sign was immediately put on your back: ‘I’m rare!’ Is what you can probably see if out of the blue you can see social connotations that were always left unsaid or purposely left alone in the dark.
You were quite used to people staring and ogling at you as if you were some type of celebrity in a tv show or an exotic animal that has never been seen before and it was the first time that you will ever be showcased. You are used to it, even the questions that have been frequently asked to you never change as the years pass.
You even have answers to all of the questions written on paper and seared into your mind like a kid genius, in short, you were used to it. Until you weren’t.
A lot of people ranging from kids, adults, to old people have gone and approached you in your eighteen years of life to ask about your albinism, ‘can you see properly?’, ‘what can you see?’ or something as ridiculous as asking if body parts of albino people can sell well in the market (you were asked once by a suspicious man at that time, and you were very, very tempted to call the police right then and there.)
But you weren’t mentally and socially prepared for a pretty boy who seem to be the same age as you and also adorns the same uniform to approach your vicinity with a shy smile, in the corner of your eye you can also spot him twiddling his thumbs, you nodded your head and let out a tight-lipped smile, he’s going to ask you something about your albinism, isn’t he?
You opened your mouth reading the memorized words in your mind and it all came crumbling down as you muttered a small – “why—what?” Bewildered, you fully face the guy, confusion seen on your face, and if it wasn’t the uncertainty boggling your mind you would have stared at his pretty face. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” You tilted your head to the side.
Daniel’s expression contorted to several different emotions in five seconds – you can vaguely see it as confusion? Bewilderment? Or was it shyness? Daniel stared straight into your eyes for a few seconds before finally mustering up the courage to repeat his question, “I ask if you’re, okay?”
Your eyes widen to a slight degree and for the first time in your life, you have been kicked out of normalcy just by a single question from a pretty boy you just met five minutes ago, “I—I am?” Daniel paid no mind to your lack of certainty as he tilted his head to the side and let out a smile, and for a second, you thought that you could see a pink background and flowers blooming behind him, “Why— why’d you ask?” You internally slap yourself for stuttering.
Daniel sighed and turned his gaze away from yours and looked toward his fingers instead which were comfortably placed on his lap, “I heard some students talk bad about you, they called you a weirdo, a freak. Why? They haven’t even had any form of conversation with you? How can they say that? So, I reprimanded them, but they said that this was normal and you were fine with it, that’s why I wanted to ask, are you okay?” Realizing that he may have been invading your privacy, Daniel gasps and flutters his hand around.
And in your mind, the cogs have started to move and finally, it has come to a decision. You smiled and held Daniel’s smooth and slender fingers that were clear of any calluses or blisters, “I have decided.” You said with such confidence, and Daniel just sputters more as he gazes upon your intense stare.
“De—decided what?” Daniel asks nervously.
“What’s your name?” You inquire, Daniel gulps before slowly muttering his name, “d—Daniel Park.” You nodded your head in satisfaction and the hold you had on Daniel’s hands tightened as you stared into his eyes with such intensity that Daniel turned even redder (is that even possible?)
“Are you in a relationship right now?”
You bob your head up and down and let out a smile so bright that Daniel felt that he was sitting beside the sun, “would you like to marry me?”
“Excuse me?” Daniel Park chokes.
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Park Jong Gun:
Park Jong Gun was bored, well since when wasn’t he bored? Ever since he had achieved things that weren’t normal for his age, days, months, and years passed by like a blurred image buried deep inside of his mind that stays there but will never resurface. It was all gray-scaled. Another sigh was ripped out of his mouth and Goo for the nth time (Gun never bothered to pay attention to Goo’s antics) stopped by scrolling down his phone and planted it roughly on the table and faced Gun.
His expression looks distorted, bordering between a smile and a grimace, “what is it?” Goo discarding all social cues and dos and don’ts asks Gun without any filter, the said man raises his eyebrows in confusion before opening his mouth in a eureka manner and nods to himself as he crosses his arms over his chest. “I’m bored.”
Goo scoffs and roughly bangs the wooden table of the café with an irritated expression, some customers looked their way but the two handsome men who are too engrossed in their antics paid no attention to the recognition that they were getting. “So, you’re telling me you’ve been bothering my awesome manga reading time with your sighing which I thought was a serious problem but it was actually that you’re bored? What do you want me to do huh?”
Gun shrugs and takes a sip of his extra dark coffee, Goo grimaces at the sight of the dark, putrid liquid that emitted a strong scent that can punch you awake. “Disgusting, why do you even drink black coffee?” Gun deadpans at the question as he places down the small porcelain cup on the plate it came with, with a small clink.
“So that I can stay awake. And be entertaining for once, not draining.” Goo gasps, his hands laying on his chest as he rubs it dramatically, but something flickers, in the corner of his eyes. A flicker of color was seen in his eyes and immediately his gaze tracked the new source of interest, and for a second, Gun’s mind shut down and his heartbeat rose to an unhealthy degree.
And Gun was ensnared in the webs of what people called love, before Gun could identify what he was feeling, his legs moved and beeline towards your direction. His ears paid no mind to Goo’s irritated shouts or to the people pointing fingers in your direction in which they didn’t even bother to hide, (Gun makes sure to remember all of the people’s faces who even dare to point fingers at you.) And he plops down on the seat opposite to yours with a smile that you can’t identify.
“Yes?” You inquired of the man who was sitting in front of you, the man stared for a few seconds before letting out another smile, “what’s your name?”
“And why would I tell a stranger that?” Sassy, he likes it.
“I’m Park Jong Gun but you can call me Gun.” He smoothly says, Gun can feel Goo’s bewildered stare but paid no mind to it and continued to give you his full attention.
You crossed your eyes in suspicion before getting up out of your seat and quickly made your way towards the door of the establishment, Gun sighed and Goo who was watching from the sidelines made his way towards Gun and elbowed him on the side. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Courting,” Gun said as a matter of fact and confidently stood up from his seat and went towards your direction without a care for the world, and for the first time in his life, Goo stumbled in his place and fell face flat on the ground.
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Samuel Seo:
When he first saw you as you wandered the streets of Big Deal with a heavy expression on your face, an expression entailing carrying a burden that no one can seem to solve or as if you were hiding all of the insecurities that you can find deep, deep, inside of your soul where no one can find. Samuel immediately thought We’re the same.
No, not the same as like ‘I-choke-my-father-with-my-own-darn-hands.’ But the same feeling as knowing that they both are different but entirely the same as well. So, he walks and walks and walks and finally reaches you, and with practiced ease, a smile adorns his face and he asks a question, “what’s your name?” And maybe that was the start of a new relationship between the two black sheep of the family.
Samuel’s fingers smoothly cascaded through the strands of your hair, and you let out a heavenly sigh at the sensation. Samuel surely knows how to use his fingers (figuratively and literally.) A smile made its way to your lips as you reminisced about the time the both of you met, “say, why did you even approach me that day?” You tilted your head to the side and you felt Samuel’s fingers gently guide your head to its original position.
“Because I thought we were the same.” You turn to face the man with a confused expression on your face, and Samuel smiles as a one-word flashes inside of his mind. Cute.
“What do you mean?”
“When I saw you, you looked like you were barely holding yourself together. I felt a sense of camaraderie.” You punch Samuel on his shoulder and he let out a boisterous laugh. “Kidding, kidding, but you do look like—” You glared.
“Finish that sentence, I dare you.” Samuel laughs and puts his hands up in a surrendering motion, and with a swift attack, he toppled over you as his hands quickly found their place and wrapped it around your waist. “Sorry, sorry. I just love teasing you.” You angrily huff and wrap your arms around the bulky man.
“I told you before, right? I wanted to be Gapryong Kim’s son, no want is an insult. More like I needed it, and maybe because of that need, I didn’t feel like I belonged with my family. I saw that in you too, so I went there and talked to you.” Silence filled the room and only your breaths were heard.
“I see.” You nod to yourself and ask the man another question, “did I have that expression on my face?” Samuel tilted his head to the side at your question, “what face?” You sigh and stare directly at Samuel’s black irises.
“The ‘I-have-family-issues-face.” Samuel blinks for a second and lets out a laugh as he nuzzles into the crook of your neck. Efficiently, muffling his laughter. “Why are you laughing?” You exasperatedly ask as Samuel let out another laugh that seems to shake his entire figure.
“No—nothing.” He let out a breath so short that he seems to be running for miles when really, he was just laughing his ass off, Samuel wipes the tears out of his face and look at you with his gaze, the gaze that you were so familiar with, the gaze that he had when he approaches you on the same fateful day, his gaze filled with so much love, fear, uncertainty. But you love it all the same.
“I’m Samuel Seo, what’s your name?”
“I love you.” He muttered it out with such breath that you almost didn’t manage to hear his declaration of love.
“[y/n] [l/n]?”
“I love you too, my little daddy issues.”
“You’re such a little shit.” Samuel sighs. You smiled a toothy grin and affectionately kissed the corner of his lip, “I learned from the best.”
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whatisthatmae · 2 years
Can you do a fluff with Lo’ak where they had just got done with the raid and after his dad had yelled at him that he went to the reader with comfort?? Also I hope you had a great day!!
Come to you
Come to you||Avatar
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Synopsis: After the raid that the warriors went on earlier that day, Lo’ak gets a scolding from his father & he comes to you in comfort.
Warnings:The slightest bit of angst, mostly fluff, kisses, ( no severe warnings! 😂)
A/n : this was shorter than expected! I wanted to make this longer but my attention span is little 😅. Thank you anon for the request 💛! I hope you have a great day too anon! My requests are open, so out anything you would like! I’m also shifting into the Wednesday Fandom aswell so request some for that too if possible. Enjoy!
Lo’ak x GN! Reader
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You and Mo’at are in her tent grinding and mixing plants to make ointments and new medicines for when the worriers come back home. You were in your own world when suddenly Tuk yelled out “They’re back! ____! Kiri! Spider! Hurry up!” You rushed to put your things down and hurriedly ran to the big crowd that surrounded them.
You pushed through the crowd saying ‘Excuse me’ & ‘Sorry’. Once you got to the fromt your eyes immediately went to the Sully’s. Currently Neteyam and Lo’ak were getting scolding from their father. Neytiri stepped in and was talking some sense into Jake while also trying to take Neteyam to his grandmother to heal him.
Lo’ak had to stay behind while still getting scolded by his father. You couldn’t stay long so you had to leave and go to your tent. Jake dismissed Lo’ak and he had a sad but also angry look in his eyes while he tended to his Ikran and stormed off to find you. While you were mixing new ingredients to make his new medicine you wanted to try, Lo’ak stormed into your tent and sat in front of you. You just sighed and set your stuff down...again.
“What is wrong Lo’ak?” You look at him in his eyes waiting for him to speak “I’m upset at my father. He always scolds me, it makes me feel like a big disappointment to everyone.” He has a sad look on his face and you held out your arms for him to take comfort into. He rushed into your arms quickly which you almost fell backwards on the floor but you caught yourself.
You held him close to you as you ran your fingers through his hair. He sighed calmly as you pressed a light kiss to his forehead “You know you’re not a disappointment to anyone Lo’ak, your father is just hard on you. I don’t think he has to be that hard on his sons but he has a reason for that.”
The atmosphere is calm inside your tent. You’d often find crystals in the forest to keep and collect. One of the humans has a collection too, they said that they use them to do something called ‘Manifestation’. You wanted to try it out, so it will hopefully give you more opportunities from Eywa to show you in the direction you desire.
You often manifested that Lo’ak and his fathers relationship will greaten sooner or later. Hoping that they will finally stop butting heads with each other. You’ve went to Great Mother as well, praying to her that they will finally get along.
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It has only been a few minutes of you continuing your work when you suddenly hear a light snore on your chest. You look down and there you see it, Lo’ak has fell asleep on you. You lightly chuckled and tried not to move as much to not wake him. Then an idea came into your mind. You leaned your face down and lightly kissed his fore head, this his left and right cheek, his chin, his cheekbones, his nose, and then his lips.
That’s when he started to stir a little in his slumber. You sighed lovingly down at him watching you lover sleep peacefully. He always looked so handsome when he was sleeping, you just now realized. After a few more minutes you decided to wake him, as it was eclipse and his family was probably worried about where their son was.
Then, another Idea came into your mind. You saw a bowl of water, over next to you. The you slowly looked back at Lo’ak whilst trying to get the bowl. You finally grabbed it and you counted down in your head ‘5,4,3,2,1!’. Then he woke up immediately and had an annoyed look on his face and he stood up, whilst you were laughing your ass off at him.
“You should’ve seen you face Lo’ak!” You held your hand over your mouth trying to hold back more laughter. “Oh yeah?” then he suddenly poured the rest of the water on you! You stood there shocked, while Lo’ak was across from you laughing. The you stood up aswell and then started laughing with him.
Your fun has to come to and end when you remember why you woke him up. “You have to go to your tent now Lo’ak, it is eclipse.” He groaned while you pushed him out of your tent. “It was fun spending time with you today love.” He turned around and gave you a passionate kiss on your lips as a goodbye and you watched him walk away to his tent with a smile on his face.
“Goodnight ____!” He yelled with a wink afterwards you just smirked in return “Goodbye Lo’ak.” You said with a smile and a wave, then you went back into your tent to wind down. You were happy with yourself that you could lift your boyfriends mood before he went back home today.
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© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!
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captain-mj · 1 year
Vampire Pt 5
CW: suicidal ideation, non typical self harm, smut, Ghost finally drinks from Soap
We're back!!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Ghost stared at the new people. His discomfort was immediate but subtle enough that only the people who knew him would pick up on it. He immediately sought out the places of exit and sunlight before finding Johnny. 
“Now. Why were you all scolding my familiar and why is there a werewolf in my home?”
Price stood up immediately. “Well, Simon-”
“Ghost.” He corrected, glaring down Farah. She shrank back from him, a healthy respect in her eyes. No fear despite here stance. When he noticed the shaking and unconscious woman in Alejandro’s hands, he realized why. She was protecting someone. He glanced at Johnny, partially for answers and partially to make sure he was there.. 
His little familiar stared at him and Ghost tried not to preen. It was just because he had never seen his face before. And judging by the dumbstruck look on his face, he was probably surprised by how much he was scarred. Soap definitely was wondering how great of a warrior he was. Unfortunately, those days were far behind him, though Soap’s reaction to him made him feel fearsome in a way he hadn’t in a long time. Later, he’d assure Soap that he never, ever had to be afraid of him. 
Ghost had to look away from him briefly when he heard Alex bursting in. 
“Ah. Damn. Nevermind, you’re on your own.” 
“Alex!” Farah growled at him, sneaking glances at all of them. The atmosphere felt tense and incredibly awkward. 
Ghost moved slowly. The floor creaked beneath him as he walked. He went closer to his Johnny and noticed how he was standing. Hands behind his back. Perfect posture like he only had when he had done something wrong. 
Rather than call him out in front of everyone, he circled him. 
His hands. 
They had ash. 
Ghost knew immediately something horrible had happened. But his friends were all here and very much alive. Whoever died… well. 
They could cross that bridge when they came to it. 
His own hands were ungloved. Now adorned with sharp nails. He wrapped his hand around Soap’s throat, careful not to squeeze. Ghost only wanted to feel his pulse beneath his fingers. 
Soap let out a breath and everyone else tensed. 
Farah immediately stepped forward. “Wait, I dragged him into everything. Alright? He didn’t even want to do it.” She had her hand up, eyes on Ghost. 
Ghost hated when people looked at his face. The only thing worse than being seen was retreating though. 
“I’m not going to kill him. You can all relax. I need him to make me a new mask anyway. My last one was ripped.” He twisted and leaned his head down to look at Soap and continued to speak only to him. “Shame. I really liked that one. You can replace it right?” His thumb rubbed gentle circles into his skin. The tan flesh of Soap’s throat made him feel warmer. Maybe there were multiple uses for humans. 
Soap must’ve noticed his pointed ears and nodded. “I’ll find a way to work around everything, sir.” 
Ghost moved so he was speaking directly in his ear. “Good boy. And later, we can talk about this, huh?” He grabbed Soap’s hands, discreetly dusting them off before turning to everyone else once again. 
Interviewer: So how you feeling?
Soap: I’d never be so fucking horny in my life. He called me a good boy. 
Interviewer notes that Soap is still flushed: Right. He didn’t even care that you murdered someone
Soap: He just covered it up for me! That’s so against Vampire Code but he just brushed my hands off. And did you see his face?? 
Interviewer: He’s prettier than I was expecting.
Soap: So pretty! I can finally draw him accurately. He’s a lot paler than I was expecting, but he is British. Also, he doesn’t have any scars. That also caught me off guard. He constantly mentions them but I didn’t see anything. 
Interviewer: Maybe they’re not on his face? Or he means mentally?
Soap: He’s so dreamy. And when he put his hands around my throat… What a man. 
Interviewer: You know what, I think we’ve covered everything for now. 
Everyone was squabbling. Ghost used Johnny as a stress ball, squeezing his arm carefully before letting go and repeating. The louds noises and the air on his face was… what was the word Soap used that one time? 
Overstimulating? That was it. Overstimulating. 
“What do we do about the lady?” Alejandro held up Malika. “If someone finds out we were part of a plot to steal a familiar, it could mean banishment or being forced into the sun.”
Ghost considered their options. With the vampire dead, he would have to convince them not to take Malika back. They could just cover all of this. 
Price nodded. “Well, obviously we have to take them back.”
“No. If we take them back, it implicates us. The best thing is to just get rid of her.” If she was gone, no witnesses. 
Farah snarled at him. “Absolutely not.”
They’d have to kill two werewolves too. And then Laswell. Ghost did not want to get rid of Laswell. Neither did he particularly think they would be capable of killing Laswell. 
Rodolfo hummed. “What if we just let them keep her? As long as everyone agrees to keep quiet, you can punish Soap and we can all move on.”
“Exactly!” Alejandro nodded. “No need to kill her for no reason. Clearly, Farah here went through a lot effort to get her back.”
“Wait, how do you guys know my name?”
“We’re good friends with Kate.” Price whispered to her, standing up. “Look, maybe I’m a little more traditional, but do you really think this is wise? Really?”
Ghost shrugged. “We knew nothing. It’s daylight. No vampire is going to be looking for her.” He rubbed the tips of his fingers together, feeling ash and bone dust. No vampire indeed. 
Price shook his head. “I understand you got your claws and all, but I’m the oldest here. If someone stole Soap, would you seriously be okay with it?” 
Ghost tightened his grip so fast Soap yelped in pain. “I’d never let my familiar get to such a state. I’d also never hold someone against their will.”
Price narrowed his eyes. “Implying something, Simon?” 
Rodolfo gently pushed their guests to sit down. “Don’t ruin this for me. I’ve been waiting for these two to fight for ages.” He settled in. “There’s coffee in the kitchen as well as soda.” 
Gaz materialized on the couch. “This is the perfect way to end a night fellows.”
Interviewer: What did you mean by that?
Rudy: They’ve been walking around each other for centuries. As long as I’ve known them, there’s been this… tension. I always assumed it was sexual ya know?
Interviewer: Uh, okay.
Rudy: But I’ve been waiting decades for them to just blow up at each other. 
Alejandro: Anytime they’re alone with each other, it’s especially bad. It’s mostly from Ghost. I’ve been dying to know too. I think Ghost is angry about being turned. 
Rudy: Why would Ghost hate being turned? Being a vampire is amazing. You don’t regret being turned, do you?
Alejandro: Mi noche, of course not. 
Interviewer makes a note that Alejandro looks a little sad when Rudy put his arms around him. 
Ghost hissed at him immediately. “Ghost. I told you my name is Ghost.”
“Will you let it go, Simon? You’re not human. I’m sorry that I was so selfish.” Price sounded so condescending. 
“You were!” Simon shouted. “You were selfish!! I was supposed to die on that field. I was fine with it. A hero’s end. Cut down by an enemies blade.”
“I didn’t want you to die.”
“Why? Why not? What made you decide to change my fate there? I was just a soldier! I wasn’t important!” 
Price shook his head. “I put so much time into you. Trying to make sure you were okay. Keeping you from dragging yourself into the sun. Do any of them know how many times I had to feed you because you ripped your own fangs out? Tore at yourself until you barely were able to heal? Why can’t you just be thankful you’re alive?”
“Because I don’t want to be!” 
The awkward silence that filled the room was suffocating. 
“I wanted you to let me die. Just give me a fucking reason. You told me it was because I was special and then that I was the only person alive which I know wasn’t true. Then it was that I respected you. Wasn’t afraid. What was the real fucking answer? What reason did you have from taking my humanity away from me?”
Price stared at him before sighing. “I didn’t have a reason. I saw you among the other dying men. And that was it.”
Ghost stared at him. He felt the pinch of his fangs. The agony of ripping them out by the root. Feeling cold blood fill up his mouth and gush out from between his lips. He was always careful not to swallow because of how horribly sick it would make him. Wouldn’t fucking kill him though. 
“You weren’t special, Simon. I just noticed you, lying on the ground, bleeding out. I thought you’d be appreciative.”
Ghost felt his ears ringing. “You thought wrong.”
“Clearly, Simon.”
“Ghost. Simon died a very long time ago.” 
Price had brought him people. Random victims. He remember being unable to control himself once the blood started flowing. Price had encouraged it. Had tried to teach him how to survive. Unfortunately for Ghost and fortunately for Price, survival instincts did eventually step in. A year of trying to kill oneself with no luck… it still does things to a person. 
“I didn’t kill you. You’re still right here.”
Ghost scowled. “You made sure of that. The girl leaves. They can have her. You’re not part of this coven or this household. Do any of them people who belong to this house have an objection?” 
Rodolfo, Alejandro and Gaz all shook their heads in sync. All five of them were enraptured. Malika had just started to wake up but even she showed some interest. 
Price frowned at him and he quickly stepped closer. “I’m sorry. I went too far there.”
Ghost yanked Soap along. “Tell Kate I said hi.” He was starving. The second hand blood from Rudy had already been ran through. He would’ve been fine until tonight if he hadn’t been woken up. But now, he couldn’t wait. 
Soap jogged to keep up with him. “Sir…” He sounded hesitant, hand gently coming up to clasp on to Ghost’s arm. “That was pretty… intense.”
Ghost grabbed him and yanked him into his room, lifting him off the ground like a marionette. He set him on his coffin. “Johnny. Take off your shirt.”
Interviewer: So what went through your mind in that moment?
Soap: God I hope I don’t cry during sex with him. 
Interviewer: Dios mio…
Soap slowly slipped his shirt off like he was unwrapping a present for Ghost. He looked shy, as if he didn’t regularly walk around shirtless during the summer. Before Ghost could even comment, he snapped the chain of his cross necklace and tossed it to the side. Big sign of trust dedicated to a person who planned on eating him. 
“I can’t wait until nightfall. I’m not going to take too much.” Ghost grabbed him by his hair and forced his head back. His nose pressed right against his neck, seeking out his jugular and each of the little veins. It wasn’t really a question, more of a courtesy heads up that he would be feeding from. While doing this, he pressed himself between Johnny’s legs, trying to close the gap between them. He was just stealing warmth and he could always blame it on being hungry and upset. Other people loved when Ghost talked about his feelings. 
Soap flushed impossibly bright. “Oh! Oh, yes, of course. Take what you need from me.” He buried his hands in Ghost’s hair. “Is this okay? I don’t want to touch you too much if you’re no-”
Ghost’s fangs slid into his throat. Just to the left of one of his jugular so he wouldn’t puncture it. He worried it would bleed too much and Soap may black out. Or worse. 
Blood was never sweet. It was always savory or salty. Diet was a big part of it too. Healthier diets tasted better. Salt filled diets meant saltier blood. So on. So forth. 
Soap was… Good. Really good. It made sense. He took good care of himself. But it surprised Ghost just how perfect he tasted. 
Ghost groaned and sank in deeper. A leech. Maybe a tick would be better. Clamping his jaws into Johnny. Holding him so tight and drinking him until there was nothing left. Stealing the warmth from his veins. 
Soap whimpered and Ghost slowly retracted his fangs. He closed his mouth over the wound and started to drink. His arms cradled Soap to his chest, enjoying how soft and hot he felt. The hands in his hair tightened their grip but they pulled him closer instead of pushing him away. 
“I got you, Ghost.” Soap muttered to him and Ghost melted into his grip. He pulled away slowly to lap at the wound instead. Blood dribbled down Soap’s chest and his head ducked to follow the droplets back up his chest with his tongue. 
Soap’s breath caught and Ghost felt him pressed against his hip. Humans get turned on by the strangest things. 
Ghost finished feeding and pulled away once he was sure there was no more blood coming from the wound. He thought of ignoring the little problem Soap was having, but he thought it would be more fun to bother him about it. 
“Into biting?”
Soap blushed. “I… I…”
“It’s a normal reaction, Love.” Ghost didn’t move. They were pressed against each other. “Do you need help?”
Soap just stared at him as Ghost undid his zipper. Maybe getting older came with personality changes. Maybe he was just more sadistic than he realized. Or he was looking for a distraction from earlier. 
Soap made real pretty noises when Ghost got his hand around his cock. He wiped his mouth to use the little bit of blood and spit still around it as lube. Ghost stared down at Soap as he slowly moved his hands up and down. When Soap tried to look away, he grabbed his chin and made him look at him. 
“Johnny. You killed someone today didn’t you?”
“It was on accident. I swear.”
“I know. I believe you. My little bodyguard huh. Protector of the innocent.” He sped up his hand and the way Soap’s thighs trembled wasn’t missed. Every time he reached the head, he’d play with his slit, using his precum to make the slide even better. “Never would’ve thought you’d have that in you. Bet you have a lot of secrets from me.”
“No. No, Ghost.” Soap grabbed his shoulders.
“You hid you were a perv. Getting off on being bitten.” Ghost spoke calmly to him, watching those ocean blue eyes fill up with tears. “Broke your necklace you were so desperate. So desperate for me.” He slowed his hand and Soap keened. “You were delicious by the way.”
Soap thrust up into his hand and nodded. “Thank you.”
“Maybe I should feed off you more often. Litter your neck with bites.” Ghost sank to his knees and deepthroated him. He forced Soap to be still since it had been a while since he had done this. He bobbed his head once he had adjusted and he purred around him when Soap finally came. 
Soap was mumbling something and suddenly Ghost’s skin burned. He yanked back with a snarl and sank his nails into Soap’s hips, making him cry out. 
“Do not bring up religion right now.”
“Sorry.” Soap squeaked out.
“You’re lucky you tasted good.” Ghost got up with a huff.
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sunvylovebug · 1 month
Hanahaki Disease [Part 3/3] 花吐き
↬ Warnings: there are some mentions of blood, the protagonist doesn't seem to have much self esteem but I'm sure we can work on that. This is mostly comfort content with Xiao because I really love this guy a lot, maybe some angst though? …⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
↬ Gender Neutral!Reader and first person narration (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
↬ Author Note: English is not my first language, I posted this in 2022, I've corrected some things so I decided to post it again. Likes and reblogs are welcome and appreciated <3
Last part! I hope you like it.
↬ Word Count: 1,292 Words
Part One
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It was the Hanahaki Disease, that's why for a few days I was feeling so much chest pain, why was it happening to me right now? I also thought about who had caused it and it didn't take me long to realize that those golden eyes had captivated me greatly.
I panicked, "the only cure is… love is reciprocated", Xiao was an Adeptus and I was a mere human belonging to a cursed clan, I didn't even have a vision or anything special outside of my job making clothes, it was impossible to notice me, I don't have anything special.
That night I cried a lot, I didn't go out to the balcony for the next four days and instead I looked out the window while my condition worsened, every day the petals that came out of my mouth were more, sometimes it was difficult for me to breathe and with enough effort I could feel the roots in my chest and some were even marked under my skin. I wanted to see him cause now that I had realized my feelings, this was more painful. However, I was afraid of rejection, Xiao didn't seem interested in such things at all, I would only make things awkward.
I felt something behind me, when I turned around I was surprised to see him, what was he doing here? I panicked.
"Xiao... y-you came... why? What's happening?"
".... you called."
"What? Oh... I... I'm sorry, it won't happen again..."
He shook his head slowly and moved closer. "What's wrong? You've been acting strange lately."
"I-I'm fine."
"Don't lie to me.'
Awkward silence. I wanted to cry, I was about to say something but I felt such a sharp pain in my chest that it completely stopped me, Xiao worriedly approached me "Are you okay? What's happening? You're hurt?" although he had the same voice tone as always, this time I knew that he was very worried.
I was gonna say something to him, but I started coughing, the petals came out of my mouth and ended up on the ground, it would have been "normal" if it weren't for the fact that this time they were covered in a thick layer of red blood. Xiao understood what was happening, I explained it to him days ago after all.
He looked at me. "So you found your soulmate huh. You must tell them immediately, come, I will take you where you need, who is your soulmate?"
I shook my head terrified, he came a little closer to me but I backed up until I was cornered against the wall, the blood didn't stop coming out of my mouth, would I die here?
"Tell me" he demanded, I noticed that he was worried again, of course, the scene was not pleasant after all.
I bit my lip in frustration, the taste of the blood was in my lips. "I-It's… you… it w-was always you… X-Xiao… I like y-you, a lot" I finally confessed with difficulty, my voice was breaking and tears starting to well up in my eyes.
Xiao stopped completely, I was afraid to look into his golden eyes and meet with a look of disgust, revulsion or rejection, the idea that it was like that made my chest ache more strongly, I felt like it was killing me.
"I like you too!" he declared alarmed "I like you... look, I don't understand human emotions, but I don't want you to die, you're special to me and I couldn't bear to lose you too... please... don't die."
I felt a great calm inside, but the pain did not go away from my chest, it was clear this was the last stage of Hanahaki and certain death awaited me, I wiped the blood from my mouth and Xiao helped me stand up again. "I'm sorry... Xiao..."
He took me by the cheeks, I could see that he was really scared and that broke my heart, he wiped my tears and with some fear he began to get closer slowly, then he kissed me, I noticed he was scared, he wasn't used to contact and it was difficult for him to show any emotion... but at that moment he didn't need much to make me understand his feelings.
The pain in my chest subsided even though I felt something twist in my ribcage, still, I felt like I was floating, it seemed like a dream, a story from a book. After a few moments, he separated from me and analyzed me with his beautiful eyes. "How you feel?"
"Like I'm dreaming" I whispered.
He gave me a slight smile, I was very surprised by that, that is, Xiao had smiled! I smiled too, but when we thought it was all over, the pain in my chest returned and everything went black.
The last thing I heard was Xiao calling me. It was the first time he had said my name.
[ • • • ]
"How is she?" I heard Verr asking, in other room.
"She must take some new medicines, she'll be better with it, fortunately the tree is already out of her body so it's just a matter of her wounds healing" now who was speaking was Baizhu.
I looked at the ceiling. "Thank you very much Baizhu, if she had died I don't know what I would do."
I thought Verr would be the first to see me, but instead Xiao appeared from the window.
"Xiao, what are you doing?"
"I'm coming for you. Let's go" he approached the bed where he was to carry me in his arms.
I blushed from his action "Wait wait! Xiao!" I chuckled.
The door opened and I could see Verr looking at us tenderly, she smiled and said goodbye to us, but not before asking Xiao to hold me carefully. A moment later we were in the mountains that I already knew, we had been here a while ago "What are we doing here?" I asked smiling.
"I like being with you in this place, on the balcony too, but I don't want anyone to bother us."
I took a flower and placed it in his hair. "Ah, I wish I had a daguerreotype with me, you look so cute like that, Xiao."
"Hey" he claimed, I noticed he was embarrassed so I laughed.
"Thank you for saving my life Xiao… it would have been horrible to die there."
"I had to do it. I won't let you die."
I lay down on the grass, soon Xiao did the same and we were there until nightfall, the stars seemed to be shining brighter tonight.
"I like looking at the stars with you" I admitted.
"We've already done it several times."
"It's true, but now it feels different…" I felt his hand intertwine with mine, so I looked at him "You good?"
"I just wanted to hold your hand, I've seen that human couples do it and… I... wanted to try."
I felt like I could melt with cuteness right there. He also looked at me and our gazes connected, his golden eyes seemed to be brighter, I could see the reflection of all the stars inside his eyes.
He moved a little closer, somewhat fearful like the first time he'd done it in my room.
"Can I kiss you?*
My cheeks turned red, I nodded nervously and then he joined his lips with mine again, I felt safe, I felt loved, I didn't care about many things in the world, however, I didn't want Xiao to be away, I wanted to make him happy and be happy by his side. After separating from me he left a kiss on my forehead. I smiled.
"I love you, Xiao."
"I love you too, Y/N."
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kadeeesworld · 1 year
Mc getting angry at Lucifer
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(Angst with a happy ending)
“This really is idiotic mc honestly”
“Idiotic!? Idiotic how, how are my feelings idiotic!”
“I am not saying that your feelings are idiotic mc I’m saying that the way your acting is, it’s idiotic and immature”
“I’ve had this planned out for weeks I even told you about almost every day I even told you this morning and what did you say “I know Mc I’ll be there.” That’s what you told me”
“And you know what, I waited, and I waited and waited and you never came I looked stupid Lucifer”
“I apologize mc truly allow me to make it up to you I can-“
“No I don’t want you to make it up to me because I don’t care anymore- LUCIFER I DON’T I’M TIRED!”
“Im tired of waiting, I’m tired of waiting for you to be ready for me- to make time for me I’m tired of waiting for you to realize that I’m here and I have feelings too.”
You hadn’t noticed but he did, your tears sliding slowly down your face falling beneath you.
Truth was you really loved him, but you were truly tired of being second to any and everything else.
“I’m going to walk out now Lucifer do not follow me I want to be by myself, please”
You went and sat in the library of the house no book in hand you just sat and stared at whatever your eye caught.
“He stood you up again?”
You looked up to see-
“Yes he did and it really sucks”
“Diavolo called a last minute meeting and he had to go”
“He couldn’t have called and told me that instead of having me sit there and think he was gonna come”
“I’m usually not one to run to his rescue or take his side but I know that Lucifer truly had planned to eat diner with you tonight”
“I usually also don’t take up for him and I know loving someone like Lucifer isn’t easy and maybe over time it will be and maybe not, but Rome wasn’t built in a day Mc and just like this love it wasn’t easy.”
“It burned in one…Rome I mean, it burned in a day”
“That it did”
“So what will you do, are you going to just let him go then?”
The truth was you didn’t really know what you wanted to do but you had hope for something that maybe this time he would do something different even just a little, even just this once.
“I don’t know Satan but I just want him to love me like I love him”
You got up and left, you went back to your room you closed your door, you sat on your bed and you cried, cried like a baby because this feeling this pain you have it really fucking sucks and you hate it.
You don’t know how long you laid there but after a while your tears dried up and it was quiet.
You hear a knock at your door.
“Mc, it’s me can we talk”
It’s the man of the hour.
“Hell no, go away”
“Mc I want to apologize properly please open the door”
Begging is not becoming of the mighty Lucifer.
Against your better judgement you opened to door, and he finally saw your face he felt like his heart broke right then and there, “𝐨𝐡 𝐌𝐜, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞“
“I was wrong for what I did to you today, I was well aware that we had dinner tonight and yet I stood you up without so much as a phone call, for that Mc I’m sorry”
For a moment you thought you’d died and came back to life because did Lucifer THEE LUCIFER just apologize and admit he was wrong? Had Jesus just come back?
“No Mc Jesus is not here”
“How’d you know I was thinking about Jesus are you reading my mind?”
He chuckled at that
“No Mc I’m not I just know things about you, I know how you think and most importantly I know how you feel especially in this moment and I also know I messed up and if you’d allow me I want to make it up to you”
Well how in the hell could you say no to that.
“Your apology better be epic”
“I don’t know about epic but it’s an apology nonetheless”
He holds out his hand to you and you take it.
He leads you down the hallway back to his room and inside you see a small round table with a white cloth over it, topped with a candle and two dinner plates with a human friendly cursed record playing in the background.
“Lucifer, when did you-
He grabbed your face with such delicate hands and kisses your lips
“Satan came to me a bit after you left and had a few choice words for me that he will definitely be hung from the ceiling for but above all else everything he said was true, I have been neglecting you Mc I was too caught up in my work to see it and it is unforgivable, I just hope you forgive me anyway”
Well after he did all this, pulled out all the stops just to make up for this super shitty night, how could you not?
“I’ll forgive you after this dinner”
You smiled for the first time tonight and it felt good and it was because of him.
You loved him after all and everybody makes mistakes.
“May I have this dance Mc”
He reaches out his hand to you once again
“You may”
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but after it was finished it was truly something beyond words, Rome like love takes time and you both had all the time in the world.
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