#garbage men puking
kyluff · 6 months
— ↺ Pregnancy Cravings
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✎ gojo + geto + nanami + toji + choso x reader !
✦ summary ➠ headcannons on how jjk men react to your cravings during pregnancy.
✦ warnings ➠ pregnancy, nausea, puking
✦ note ➠Hi! Can there be a part 2 of this like pregnancy cravings? - asked by erajoie07 under my ‘baby daddy’ post.
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✪ Satoru Gojo
— Pregnancy had brought both negative and positive aspects to your life; exhaustion and energy, tears and happy tears, hate and love. But a very prominent thing that you, and Gojo, noticed was that it brought many cravings. That’s what brought you to where you are now, walking down a street that was littered with food and trinket stands alike.
It all started when you said you wanted ice cream, but not just any ice cream that you get in a pail. No, you wanted to have it scooped by a worker and given out in a large waffle cone, it had to be a waffle cone, not a regular cone. If it wasn’t then you didn’t want to eat it anymore. So you loving husband brought you to a ice cream stand.
“Thank you.” You heard your husband thank the cashier, taking the cone and turning to bring it your way. You were sat on a bench, wishing to sit for a while and rest your swollen feet. To be honest, you started to feel a little queasy ever since you reached the farmers market and had taken in all the smells it produced. It was hard carrying around a almost eight month baby. “Here you go, your precious waffle cone and chocolate ice cream.”
“Actually, I think I’ll pass. I’m not feeling well.” You grimaced, scrunching your nose up and the sight of the dripping ice cream. “Thank you for getting for me though.” You kissed his cheek.
“That’s alright, I can have it for you.” He assured you. “Feeling sick? Want to go back home?” He asked, sitting down beside you and pulling you closer to lean onto his body. Sure, he did let you drag him all the way here just to get you your special treat, but he understood. Pregnancy did a lot of things to a woman.
“No! I think I just need something salty to eat, sweetness it totally throwing me off right now.” You nuzzled into his shoulder, letting all your weight fall onto him.
“Good idea, maybe a soft pretzel, how does that sound?” He bumped your shoulder and you nodded as a response, letting him hoist you up. He secured an arm around you, steadying you while you walked to the pretzel stand, his other hand still holding onto the cone.
Once you had the pretzel secured, you bit into it, smiling at the salty taste that melted into your tongue. Quickly though, your smile faded and your lips trembled in an attempt to hold in the puke that was inevitably rising up your throat. You rushed to the nearest garbage can and let it all out, Gojo followed behind you in worry.
“I think it’s about time we go home.” He had already finished your forgotten ice cream, using one of his hands to pull your hair out of your face while the other worked to rub comforting shapes onto you back.
“No, no. I need a drink, I heard that ginger ale was good for upset stomachs.” You tried to reason, straightening your posture to stand fully.
He breathed in once, shutting his eyes slowly. Why were you being so stubborn, you were clearly sick and needed rest, but you insisted on staying here. He’d go easy on you, you were carrying his child after all. He regained himself, nodding in agreement. “If you get sick again, we’re going home, that’s final.”
You frowned, feeling guilty about making him do all these things. Once you reach a stand that had what you needed, you took small sips of the bubbling liquid, hoping it would react ok.
Gojo was watching you intently, to see if you showed any signs of discomfort or distress.
You paused, feeling another wave of nausea wash over you again. You did your best to hide it from the man that was looking at you, smiling shyly and starting to walk back down the street. “Let’s go home, I’m tried.” It came out shakily.
You did go home, speed walking to the bathroom to relieve yourself of this yucky feeling. You hovered over the toilet, all of the contents of your day coming up. You sighed and wiped your lip, finishing washing your hands. You reached for the door, but Gojo beat you to it. He had a disappointed look on his face, swaying his head side to side.
His silence made you speak, caving into it. “Look, I felt bad, I made you run all over just to get me some food. And I barely ate any of it!”
He softened, bringing your face close to his. “I don’t care about that stuff, I care about you, alright? Your my wife, my pregnant wife that is going to be the mother of my future kid, so if you want me to run you errands then I don’t care. I’ll buy you ten ice creams if that’s what you want.”
✪ Suguru Geto
— You and Suguru have been married for some time now, four years to be exact. And you weren’t first time parents either, you had twin girls that were already three years old by now. You both thought it was the right time to bring another kid into the mix. That’s how you became pregnant now, with your third child.
Your toddlers were asleep finally after they did their toddler activities all around the house. Now it was your time to relax, maybe read a few chapters of the book you started. You entered your bed, turning off the ceiling light and sticking with the candles you had lit all around the bedroom.
As you make yourself comfortable on your bed, your stomach decided to let out a large gurgle, signalling you were hungry. Really? Right now, after you were just about to start reading. You sighed, struggling to lift yourself off the squishy bed. Everything was more difficult when you had a belly the size of a watermelon attached to you. You got to the point where you were sat up, about to slide on your slippers before your husband had barged through the door.
He smiled at you, holding up a brown paper grocery bag up in front of him. “Just swung by the store and saw that they were finally back in stock with the chocolate you’ve been wanting so bad lately.”
You almost cried at the words Geto spoke, he had perfect timing. You were brought back down when he pulled the chocolate bar out of the bag and passed it to you.
“I love you.” You couldn’t help but blurt out, pulling him down with you and you fell down against the bed, kissing him deeply.
“Love you too.” He laughed, you were very random sometimes but he would never dare decline saying a ‘I love you’, especially when it involved you.
✪ Kento Nanami
— It was fairly early in your pregnancy, but it had already affected your emotions greatly. It made you into such a grump, and when you weren’t grumpy you were a cry baby. You’d cry at the littlest things, like if you were watching tv and a sad commercial was shown. You couldn’t help it though, it’s just how your body decided to react to the growing babe in your stomach.
You were a very lucky woman to have such a loving and considerate husband. He understood what you were going through right now, not even batting an eye when you screamed at him in anger, or when you wailed into his embrace.
Right now you were doing the latter of the two, you had been sitting on the couch and had the tv playing when a commercial about elderly dogs came on. When Nanami saw what was on the screen, he quickly sprung into action, switching the channel and looking at you to see how’d you react to this. You were trying to keep it in, taking deep breaths in and out. He stared at you, waiting for something to happen, anything. Then it did, trails of tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Nanami, did you see that poor, old dog?!” You cried out, pointing at the tv even though he had already changed the channel. “He was grey all over, and he had crooked teeth, and his eyes had a shine to them like he was crying!”
You fell into his lap, curling into a sad ball of cries. “And he looked so tired and done with life!”
“Yes, I saw.” He was usually good at coming up with what to say, but what was he suppose to say about a random dog. He regained himself, testing the waters. “He looked quite cute didn’t he?”
Your cries slowed a little, only a little, before they became worse then before. That seemed to be the wrong thing to say. “Such a cute face that’s going to meet its doom, he’s probably going to die in a few years!”
He tried to calm you down with physical comfort instead of verbal. He brought his hand to lay flat against your red cheek, using his thumb to wipe away the constant fall of tears. This didn’t even work though, because you shoved his hand away and covered your face with your own hands. It’s never been this bad, or this long before. You’d usually go back to your normal self after he passed a few words of reassurance or held you close. He didn’t know what to do, but he did what he did best; communication.
“Look, honey, I’m not sure how to help you here. What would make you feel better? Tell me, please, and I’ll do it, anything.” He expressed his feelings forwardly, allowing you time to digest his words. His pointer finger begun to curl with the ends of your hair, waiting for your response.
You mumbled something out against the hands that covered your face, he couldn’t quite understand you. “Say it again, louder this time please, for me?”
“I said ‘a bag of sweet chilli heat Doritos’ would be nice.” You removed your hands this time, ensuring he would hear you.
“Thank you for telling me,” He lifted you gently off of him and placed you back down on the couch as he stood. “I’m going to the convenience store on the corner, I’ll be back soon.” He left you with a small peck on your forehead.
When he returned home to you, he had two white plastic bags with him. “I got you the chips, and I few other things you like.”
After you had your fill of the treats he had brought, you were back to your normal self like nothing ever happened. But this would happen plenty of more times during the 8 months you had left to go, but Nanami didn’t care much. As long as you were happy, and your baby healthy, he was content in life.
✪ Toji Fushiguro
— Toji has been busy with work lately, a particularly hard case was passed onto him to take care of. But now that was all over, he successfully captured the target and handed them off to whichever client has hired him.
He sent a text your way, informing you that he had finished early and was going to be home sooner then expected, which excited you. Your hand subconsciously went to rest on your baby bump, rubbing soothing circles on it. You found that you did this when you were feeling intense emotions, either that being when you were stressed or you were happy, like in this situation.
You decided that you were going to make a proper dinner upon Tojis arrival. That’s the least he deserved after working so hard, and besides, being able to sit down and eat with him would be romantic for both of you after all this time apart.
“M’home.” He mumbled out, kicking off his black shoes and discarding his bag at the entrance. His face shifted slightly when he entered the dinning area, only you could tell though, only you could read him.
“Welcome home,” You skipped up to him, draping your arms around his big shoulders. You pressed a wet kiss to his cheek, then his nose and then his scar. Lastly placing one onto his lips, his own pair of lips chased after yours when you parted from him. “I made your favourite for dinner.”
“Oh ya?” A smirk tugged at his mouth, his hand slipped down so low on your waist, boarder line groping your ass.
“Mhm,” You nodded in response, taking his hand to lead him to the table you set up. There were two plates laid out, filled with food. “Sit down, let’s eat.”
The night consisted of laughs and deep conversations, you could finally talk about what you have missed from each others lives. You picked up your fork, planning to stab into another piece of a side dish you had made, but you were met with nothing. You frowned, that was the one you looked forward to the most while cooking.
Toji picked up on this, he watched as you started mindlessly playing with whatever was left on your plate. Letting the moment play out for awhile, he smiled down at you.
You’ve had enough, standing up and walking to where your boyfriend sat. You kicked the chair leg, telepathically telling him to push back from the table. He listened, leaving enough room for you to squeeze your way onto his lap. Toji accepted the situation, placing his hands on your hips gently, letting you do your thing.
“What’s up?” He hummed in a teasing voice, anything he said came out in a teasing way really. You took his fork, using it to eat what you had wanted to earlier from your own.
“Your sons hungry,” You said before taking another bite. “And he really seems to like this.”
He only nodded his head, letting out a quiet groan as he rubbed up and down the sides of your body.
✪ Choso Kamo
— Choso has always been an obedient boyfriend, doing anything you asked of him with no complaint. This time you might’ve crossed a line though, tonight you asked him to spoon feed you the vanilla yogurt he had just got back from buying you. This just might be the most outrageous task you’ve ever thrown his way, but he agreed to it still, that’s just how much he loved you.
“Can you really not do this yourself?” He asked you as he sat in front of you, lining himself up so he could perform what you wanted to be done.
“I could, technically speaking. But I much rather my handsome boyfriend do it for me.” You passed him the spoon and opened yogurt container.
“Hmm,” he hummed out quietly, taking the two objects you happily gave him. “I still don’t understand why you would ever possibly want this, though.”
“Because it’s romantic, Choso,” You educated your the man. “It’s like you’re feeding our baby yourself.” You giggled, this was a joke of course, I mean the logic behind your words made no sense. But this awakened something in Choso, he felt sparks forming in his heart. He never thought of it in that way, but he sure was now. And he liked that idea.
He quickly scooped up a chunk of the white substance, bringing it to your lips. You smiled at his knew found sense of enthusiasm, opening your mouth to welcome the silverware. You shut your mouth closed, swallowing the yogurt and letting out a satisfied hum.
“Wasn’t that nice? Very intimate I’d say—”
Your boyfriend didn’t respond, only forming another spoonful for you to eat. You smiled as you watched him, to think he was considering saying no to this, now he was enjoying it so much.
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Always Attract (Logan Walker x Reader)
TW: Mentions of alcohol and intoxication, otherwise more unedited chaos :D
Blog HQ
Keegester: Bring your boyfriend home before someone else does
You felt your eyebrows shoot up at the text, wondering how much trouble your sweet boyfriend had gotten himself into during their night out.
Give me 10 minutes, I'm on my way. Don't let him leave with anyone, he'll be too shy to leave in the morning.
You walked in, smiling as you saw Logan sitting happily sandwiched between Keegan and Merrick. You realized as you approached that this seating arrangement was keeping your boyfriend in place as the other two enjoyed their beers and soft conversation.
"He's been making a killing tonight" Merrick joked, sliding you a small stack of dollar bills as Logan hummed. Eyes closed as his head was leaned against the older man's shoulder. "We made sure it remained PG though". You stifled a laugh as your boyfriend happily nodded, eyes still closed and head perched on Merrick's shoulder.
Walking around behind the men, you slipped your one arm over Logan's shoulder, pulling him slightly back into you. Pouting softly as he tensed up with a sour look on his face.
"No freebies" he mumbled. Pulling himself forward and leaning against the bar. Keegan and Merrick howling with laughter as you sighed to yourself and grabbed Logans shoulder. "No freebies. I know my worth" he mumbled again, jerking away from you.
"I know your worth too Logan, now let's go home" you sighed, running your hand along his arm.
"Ma'am." He gasped, turning around to look you in the eye "how forward, I'm flattered but no". You watched as he focused on you, as his features softened into a small smile. "Love. You're here" you felt hands on your waist as he leaned his head against your chest.
"To take you home babes. Before one of your spectators beats me to it" you hummed, pressing a loving kiss against his hair.
"One of them has been buying all my drinks tonight, I could get them to pay for yours too" he looked up at you, chin against your front as he wore a proud, lopsided smirk.
"As tempting as that sounds, we could also go home." You wagered, gauging Logans reaction before continuing. "Change into pj's, curl up in bed and watch a movie on Netflix. How's that sound?" You regretted your wording the moment you saw his eyes light up, not with passion. But with a fire started by arson.
"Netflix and chi-" you slapped your hand over his mouth, giving him a stern look as you heard his muffled giggles and hiccups. You chanced a look at Keegan and Merrick, who were clearly highly amused by his antics. You shot Keegan a pleading look, hoping that since Logan looked up to him that maybe he'd convince the boy to go home.
"You're cut off kid, go home." Keegan chuckled, patting Logan's shoulder a couple of times before shoving him forward off the stool and further into your embrace.
"Lame" Your boyfriend mumbled, mouth still covered. He shifted, standing up straight as he (begrudgingly) followed you out to the vehicle. "Don't tell them, but I'm really happy I'm finally going home" Logan attempted to whisper as the two of you left . Clearly not realizing he was speaking at his normal volume.
"I won't say anything, but let's go get some sleep" you nodded along.
"Are you sure we can't do anything? I love you, I want you" placing a bottle of water and painkillers on the nightstand you rolled your eyes.
"I said we could cuddle and watch Netflix. Not fuck and then watch the credits. Now take your clothes off and change into this" you threw the pair of sweatpants at your still very intoxicated, very dressed boyfriend.
"You're giving me mixed messages" he complained, but started fighting to get his shirt off, getting about halfway before stopping. "I might puke". You nudged the garbage can closer to his side of the bed -- planning this out before you left to pick him up. Strategically placed garbage cans and bucket throughout the house.
"Then it's clearly time for sleep Lo" you rubbed your hand lightly across his now exposed lower back. Smiling at how he leaned into the touch slightly, before standing up to finish changing. Once he managed himself into his sweatpants, you flipped the blanket back, ushering him into the bed.
"Don't leave me, I love you so much. You're too good to me" he pouted, watching as you pulled the blanket back over him.
"I'm not leaving, I'm going to brush my teeth really quick then be right back" You pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before walking into the bathroom, quickly getting ready for sleep and cuddles with your extra loving boyfriend.
As you expected, Logan was out cold when you returned. One arm sprawled over your side of the bed as he laid on his stomach. You quietly slipped in beside him, smiling wide as you felt yourself be pulled flush against his body.
" 'm gonna marry you someday" you heard a sleepy, drunken whisper from behind you, before feeling a kiss pressed to your hair and a face nuzzle into your neck.
Keegster: Is he alive?
Ha, barely. Currently curled up in the bathtub with a bucket and crackers.
Keegster: He forgot his tips from last night. Merrick said he can't have them until he comes back to base on Monday
Isn't that big training op on Monday? With everyone under mandatory attendance?
Merrick: Exactly.
Taglist: (thank you beautiful soul for wanting to be part of this ❤️), @bloodonmyhands-1221
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eclecticqueennerd · 11 months
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Y/N Ending
Staring at Homelander’s corpse, breathing ragged, you felt a hand touch your shoulder. You turn around and see Butcher standing next to you. How is this possible? Homelander beat him within an inch of his life, at the very least he should be comatose. You see the rolled-up sleeve and track marks.
“Come on, let’s leave before others find out what happened.” Butcher goes to grab your hand and you snatch them away.
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Y/n I aint fuckin around. You just dusted Vought’s pride and joy and they’re gonna be lookin for ya. We need to leave while we can.”
“I’m not going anywhere with a liar!”
“Your arm.” Butcher looks down, “You just shot up Temp-V after you promised you wouldn’t. How can I trust you if you can’t even keep your promises?”
“What else was I supposed to do y/n I was dying! We can talk about this later.”
“We’re not talking about anything later. Bye Butcher.” You begin to walk away from Butcher but then he grabs your arm.
“You don’t get to walk away from me.”
“Is there a problem here?” Ben now at your side. You step away from both men, Butchers eyes narrow.
“Mind your fucking business you supe cunt.”
“Anything with y/n is my business. How many times do I have to remind you, she’s, my girl.”
“She aint your girl she’s mine.”
“I’m no one’s girl!” The two men break the stare off and look at you. “This whole time I’ve been helping you fight Vought and fight Payback; I never got a chance to be what it’s like to be by myself. I never got to grieve for my poor husband.” You start crying. Butcher reaches out for you. “No! Don’t touch me. I’m done with this superhero shit.” You leave before the two of them get a chance to change your mind.
You find out that Grace was in the hospital, and you rushed to be by her side. Homelander never killed her but the attack left her paralyzed. In hopes to repay her for all her kindness, you become her caretaker. You helped her with daily activities, bathing, dressing, cooking, and cleaning.
“You know y/n you don’t have to do this.” Grace would always tell you in the beginning.
“I know I don’t have to do it; I want to. I want to repay all the kindness you showed me.” Grace helped you find a therapist to work out the shit you went through and how to develop copeing skills for when your PTSD arose its ugly head. Winding down one evening, the two of you were sitting in the living room watching the news when you got a strong urge to vomit. You ran to the bathroom did so. Confused, you walked back to the living room and Grace gave you a look.
“You, okay?”
“Yeah, something must not have agreed with my stomach, I just puked.” Graces attention fell back towards the tv.
The following morning, you felt like garbage. You made multiple trips to the bathroom, either to vomit or dry heave. You also noticed that your breasts were more tender than they have been, which isn’t normal. Weird…
“Y/n, have you thought about taking a pregnancy test?” Grace asked once you sat down at the breakfast table with a glass of tepid water.
“I don’t see the point in that, I can’t get pregnant after getting my tubes tied.”
“Theres always a small chance of getting pregnant y/n, the doctor explained that when you were still drugged, which I think he should’ve waited. Did you use protection when you shacked up with Butcher?” Oh shit. You made a doctor’s appointment.
“I’m afraid Grace is right y/n, test results came back positive, we tested both your blood and urine. We can perform an ultrasound to determine how far along you are, but basing off your symptoms and the timeline you gave us, we estimate you at approximately 6-8 weeks. We also feel like with your accelerated healing powers, it caused the tubes to grow back together. If it weren’t for you having the abilities you have, the surgery may have been more successful.”
Your heart sank into your stomach. You can’t be pregnant, it wasn’t possible. Reading your expression, the doctor adds,
“We can arrange for… a procedure to take place in a few days’ time if you didn’t want to keep it.” Several minutes of silence befell the room as you mulled over your thoughts.
“I’ll keep it.”
Grace’s family heard what happened to her and they arrived at her home to care for her. Even though Grace wanted you to stay, you felt unwelcome by her family. You decided to find an apartment in the city. Packing up the final boxes into the van, you give Grace a hug and bid farewell.
“Make sure you call me when you get there. Send me your schedule for your appointments and I’ll be there for you.”
“Thanks Grace.”
*Third trimester*
Arriving back to your apartment after a long day of being on your feet, you notice a small daisy on your doormat. This event occurred the same day every week since you moved back to the city. You always look around the hallway to see any figures and like usual, no one. You pick up the flower and make your way into the apartment and set it on the counter. Then, strong contractions began in your abdomen and lower back, water trickled down your legs. You pull out your phone,
“Grace, It’s time.”
*4 years later*
You moved to a small town just outside the city. The apartment complex wasn’t awful, it was close enough for you to make the trip into the city but far enough from all the stressors of city life. What prompted the move was the weekly flower delivery made you feel uneasy and watched. You and your daughter, who you named Lyla, always went out for ice cream on Wednesdays at the mom-and-pop ice cream parlor. Walking up to the second floor of the apartment building ice creams in hand, you reach your door and unlock it. The two of you enter the apartment and while you kicked off your shoes, you noticed a familiar pair of boots. Before you could react,
“Mommy? Who’s that?” you look up to where your daughter was pointing. There standing in front of you, was the man you left all those years ago in Vought’s lab. He still looked the same, beard maintained, brown hair a little longer now, his tall frame still holds the same confidence, face appeared more weathered than before.
“Hey.” He spoke. Lyla must’ve noticed the look on your face. She began tugging at your sleeve, showing her nerves. You break eye contact with him and look at your daughter, who serves as the daily reminder of the steamy nights you shared with the man in front of you.
“It’s okay honey. That’s your daddy.”
The end
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tysonfurybattlepass · 10 months
Heard you were looking for some anon hate, so here's some that I've thought about over the past few years 😉
Your art is pure garbage. Your shading is so basic and yet it looks worse than the drawings on wikihow articles, and your colors are an abhorrent mix that looks like neon puke. Literally one of the first tips beginner artists get is "don't use the airbrush". And what do you do? Airbrush the fuck out of your markings and shading! Your older anatomy and character designs were far more superior while the newer ones are a bastardized version of their former glory days. I'm younger than you and I can actually paint and pick good colors lmao
You haven't improved at all in 5 years. You actually got worse! You're drawing the same snarling cat 20 times a month instead of working on your backgrounds, shading, anatomy and compositions, and their jaws still look crooked with displaced teeth Every. Single. Time! I wonder how strong their bite force is when the lower jaw is at a 45° angle from the upper one?
All your characters look crazy and deranged and like absolute psychopaths. It's not a good look for your "brand" <3 And their torso takes up 90% of their body. How are they supposed to be strong beasts when their stumpy legs can barely hold the weight of your bad stylization? And you call that an improvement instead of godawful anatomy!
And then, and then!! Y're constantly making new characters, drawing them a bunch and forgetting about them! Algernon, Jarith, Lucia, Geneph, Xiaoya, Bailey, Jicama, Utah, Felin, Civen, Afryea, Thyodore,.Tyson (Aster's pet Inostrancevia), Donnie... And you have even more that you haven't even posted about? How does it feel to know that someone knows your characters more than YOU do? Talk about being an irresponsible artist
You're not even creative enough. "Here's a species that looks exactly like a cat but trust me guys it's not a cat, see? it has two extra arms!" "Here are 20 smilodons that are yellow-brown and have spots, but I love all of them and can differentiate between them!!" "Here's a leopard seal who's bigger than the natural ones and is a made-up species (who's supposed to be part bear and I definetely didnt forget about that) even though nothing is different between her and a regular anthro seal!!!"
I hope you give up on art. It won't take you anywhere in life, just like your autistic interest in paleontology won't help you. You didn't even get a superior education, so it's clear you'll live your life working minimum wage jobs because you're not qualified to do anything better. You’re lazy as fuck and you have no excuse for how weak you are.
You say you have 1000 followers but you barely pass 10 notes on your art and even less on your vents, and whenever you demand people to send you asks daily, nobody says anything. So not even your followers like you. They're just observing your every move and are laughing at your pain. The only thing you're good at is being daily entertainment for me and hundreds of others like me.
All your "female" characters loook like males regardless of what they identify as. It's as if you're incapable of drawing women.
Hooray for making all your best characters trans since you seem to be allergic to normal people. I'm glad you confessed that you support the mutilation of middle schoolers / transing gender non-comforming females (Azure).
You call yourself a "he/they" but you're still competing in the women's category cuz you know you wouldn't last in a fight against real men. You're such a failure that even your step father calls you his daughter publicly. (Your parents surely are disappointed in what you've become. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the reason for their divorce)
Only a few years back you were a proud tomboy girl, but I guess you hate yourself so much that you project your self-misogyny through self-identification and an atrocious art style.
You even chose the name “Tyson”, like that troon Chris Tyson. Considering the recent controversy, that’s what people will associate with your name, not whoever “Tyson Fury” is, and truthfully you deserve it.
You're so fragile being called a girl when you look, sound and act like one. Girl. Woman. Female. Dike. Lass. Lady. She. Wahine. Kaikamahine. Did this make you cry some pathetic manly tears? 100% sure you look like the soyjak in the soyjak vs chad meme right now. Can’t wait to read your breakdown on tumblr, if you’re not going to outright delete every account you have to escape me
Typical white girl starving for attention online behavior lmao.
You boast that you are "hot" but you are objectively ugly, not even mid. Your undercut is shit and your face is so damn bland. Your fursona is strong and beefy but you have a thin female body with stick arms and visible breasts. Talk about projection and an inflated ego. You're oozing with narcissism, and I wouldn't be surprised if you got diagnosed with it. It would 100% suit you.
Your "girlfriends" are still lesbian women, but you’re not one? “Transmasc butch lesbian” my ass, you absolute pooner. It’s not that hard to be a regular woman. Pretty sure you're not even dating them, you're just friends who haven't even held hands. And you’re still a virgin lmao. No bitches? 🥺 And you have not one, but two, because you're insecure in your feelings and can't commit to only one person since you need that external validation. I'm sure they're cheating behind your back because they know you wouldn't check on them.
I hope your sleep apnea kills you in your sleep. You deserve it.
L + ratio + you’re a loser + cope and seethe
Don't bother blocking and reporting me, I said all I had to say, I don't plan on interacting with you anymore and I don't have this level of hatred against anyone else.
Now, have I stalked your accounts until their beginning, or have I followed you for a really long time? Or a secret third thing (I stalked you for a really long time)?
the color thing is true but you should get a job
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inkmo · 8 months
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risingsouls · 1 year
[DragonBall fans really make me want to barf. In today's excursion, I saw a guy say that Vegebul makes perfect sense "statistically and scientifically" because women are "always attracted" to the "strongest men" and rattled off all this bs as to why of course Bulma fell in love with the man who treated her like a literal servant, never called her by name, and some shit about how convicts always get women because theyre convicts and just...really fucking gross, Andrew Tate-esque garbage. Basically, it was the "alpha male" bullshit and I thought I was going to puke 🤢🤢
I hate this fandom. Especially the nasty guys in it. Like it's really no wonder they think Toriyama's sexist writing is "goated." It fits right along with their own sexist notions of how relationships and women work. 🙄🙄]
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lauvra · 1 year
When younger I found solace in violent music and the frenzied crowds it bred. Sometimes at shows still this animal calls to be let out, itching to bear it’s teeth. I admit again I loved the empty streets. Chapel street the will-breaker, heart-breaker, mirror. A club and bar central populated by heinous acrylic-taloned animals falling all over each others liquor-sticky shoes. Animal tranquilised and delirious. Puking on main street, puking in cabs, drug rabid and puking into one another’s mouths. I was glad they were finally caged and confined again, as I suspected we all should be. Maybe covid was the nearest we’d all come to openly demonstrating our inherent disgust toward humankind. Righteous, we were. Someone standing too close became a justified opportunity to scoff and glare, revealing a distaste that was always there. Lurking. Just like forced distancing, forced closeness at shows creates just the same opportunity to become untethered. To sweat, bounce and grab, push and scratch orgiastic with rage at people you both need to feed off and regurgitate. I walk down that street some nights, stone cold sober and see it all. The torn hair from bar scuffs, shivering girls down alley-ways grinding their teeth staring into their phone for a more costly buzz, the men lining up at ATMS prepared to go home with an empty wallet and their cock in hand. The garbage overflowing into gutters, the people overflowing the sewers; there’s no cure for what we got. Repair the rubble, the ground rumbles again and out from the wreckage claws a manicured hand.
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gutsfics · 2 years
AO3 Link Fandom: Red Carpet Diaries Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Avalon (M!OC) Rating: General Audiences Length: 1,990 words Prompt: 2 - Person A being totally oblivious to the fact that they’re pregnant (bonus points if Person B has to make them aware of all the obvious signs) requested by @peonyblossom Notable Headcanons/Tropes: Trans!Thomas, Mpreg (by which I mean "pregnant trans man")
Summary: Did you know that testosterone doesn't make trans men infertile? Thomas didn't.
A/N: This takes place sometime in the middle of book 3. It's also an AU of my planned RCD rewrite, as the way I characterize Thomas and Avalon, I don't think that they would have kids. However I had already given them kids and gotten attached to them by the time I made that decision, so. AU. Also because this is an AU I can futz with my own canon for funzies! Baxter is the doctor mentioned in this fic despite them still being in their residency in Edenbrook in canon
They were supposed to be getting lunch.
Instead, they were still on set, watching Seth and Chadley run through a scene together.
Thomas tries to focus on the actors in front of him but his nausea was proving to be too much of a distraction to give them the attention they deserved.
When the scene ends, Macy turns expectantly to Thomas and Avalon. “Well?”
“You’re right on it not being quite where it needs to be…” Avalon begins. “I think… what the problem is… William’s been working for Ragnar his entire life, yeah? I don’t think he’d just be angry to find out what he’s been doing this whole time. He’d be hurt, he’d be upset, he’d be betrayed.”
Seth nods. “That makes sense.”
“What do you think?” Macy asks, turning to Thomas.
“I-” But before he can answer, a wave of nausea hits him. He launches himself at a garbage can set up near craft services, doing his best to drag the can away from the food while simultaneously vomiting into it.
“I didn’t think it was that bad,” Chadley says, and although Thomas can’t see his face with his head in the garbage, he can hear the hurt in Chadley’s voice.
“Damn, he beat me to the punch…” Seth complains.
“Don’t punch him! He might puke again!”
There’s a pause. 
“...No, Chadley.”
Thomas tunes out the conversation, trying to suppress the rest of his nausea. He feels a warm, familiar hand on his back.
“You alright, darlin?” Avalon asks, voice soft and full of concern.
Thomas nods. “I should be, I just-- uffh!” He lowers his head back into the can.
“Yeahhh… Macy, we’re gonna have to take a raincheck on lunch. I gotta get him home.”
“Right, of course, take all the time you need. Make sure he rests, and gets lots of fluids, and-”
Avalon raises a hand, stopping her. “I know how to take care of my own partner,” he states, a bit sourly. He gently scoops Thomas up, careful not to jostle him around too much. With a brisk nod to Seth and Chadley, he carries Thomas off the lot.
“You don’t have a fever, so it’s not the flu, I ain’t sick so it’s not food poisoning… Are you in any pain? Anywhere at all?”
“No, just a bit nauseous. It’s mostly gone now.”
Avalon rubs his chin, thinking. “This might be a long shot, but do you think maybe…” he trails off, shaking his head.
“Could you be pregnant?”
Thomas blinks. That was a possibility he had not considered, one he didn’t think was necessary to consider. “I’ve been on hormone therapy for over twenty years; I haven’t menstruated since I was a teenager. There is no possible way I could be pregnant.”
“You’re sure? Completely and 100 percent?”
“I-- yes! The doctor that gave me the prescription told me it would make me inf-- that it would work as a contraceptive!”
“Take a test? Please? Just to cover all our bases?”
Thomas scowls, looking away. “If it’ll give you peace of mind, fine. I’m telling you now that it’ll come up negative.”
“Thank you. I ain’t expecting- nor wanting, necessarily- any particular outcome, I just wanna know why you’re throwing up.”
“Okay.” Avalon kisses his forehead. “I’ll go down to CVS and get a test. You’ll be alright on your own til I get back?”
“I’m just a little sick, that’s all. I’m not dying.”
“I’m allowed to worry about you.”
Thomas sighs, closing his eyes. “...Please be quick.”
“Of course.” Avalon kisses him gently one last time, then leaves him alone with his thoughts.
They had talked about wanting to talk about the possibility of having kids, but it never seemed like the right time to bring it up. Thomas would never say it out loud, but the idea that the decision would be made for them terrified him. If they were going to have kids, he wanted it to be a deliberate choice, one thought through and talked about. He knew Avalon liked kids, and had, at some point in his life, wanted to be a father, but with everything going on in their lives, their life…
Thomas wasn’t even sure if he knew what he, himself, wanted.
But he did know one thing.
He loves Avalon, and Avalon loves him.
And they would always be there for each other.
Well. He knew three things, then.
Thomas stares down at the pink and white stick in his hands- at the red plus sign that had appeared on it.
“Well?” Avalon asks quietly.
Thomas knew he knew.
He tips his hand, showing Avalon the result.
Unable to speak.
“...Oh.” Avalon breathes. “Oh. I knew it was a possibility, but…” he leans against the bathroom counter, shocked. “I didn’t really think-- I mean I did, but…”
“Maybe it’s a false positive,” Thomas says finally, voice raspy.
“False positives ain’t as common as false negatives, but if you think…”
“I think.”
“Okay… okay… We’ll do another one. Just to be sure.”
“I cannot believe you bought this many.”
“I thought that if there was a positive you might wanna double check. I wasn’t wrong,” he adds quickly.
“No, but…” he trails off.
The timer on Avalon’s phone goes off, and they both hurry to look at the small collection of pregnancy tests on the counter.
“Oh,” says Thomas.
“Oh,” says Avalon. “All positives.”
“Not all of them.” Thomas picks up the one negative.
“I know.”
They stand together in silence for a few moments.
“I have heard that there are certain kinds of cancer that can cause a pregnancy test to be positive,” Thomas says.
“Oh? What kinds of cancer?”
Avalon stares at Thomas for a long time. “Baby… you don’t have testicles.”
“...Yeah.” Thomas sighs. After a beat, he asks, voice quiet, “What now?”
“I think… we confirm it with a gynecologist… and then… talk, I guess. It’s about time for it, anyway.”
They both look back down at the positive tests.
Thomas reaches out and gently touches Avalon’s hand. 
Avalon laces his fingers in Thomas’.
“-the looks of it, your baby is about seven weeks along-”
Thomas found it difficult to listen to what the doctor was saying, what Avalon was asking, to even breathe as he stares, dumbfounded, at the little… thing the doctor had pointed out, a lumpy round shape on the screen of the ultrasound machine.
His baby.
Emotion he couldn’t place wells up inside him, threatening to burst.
His baby.
A little blueberry, growing inside him. And he'd had no idea.
And then- he hears the heartbeat.
That was his baby.
A sudden calm washes over him.
He reaches for Avalon- his lover, his lifeline- and squeezes his hand.
Their baby, he realizes.
He shakes himself out of his stupor and pays closer attention to the doctor.
“If you decide to keep it, you will have to go off testosterone and start on an estrogen treatment to ensure the baby can grow properly. Although, I must warn you, it’s not entirely common for transmen of your age, who have been on testosterone for as long as you have, to carry a child. There may be some… unforeseen complications if you choose to keep it.”
“How long do we have until the choice is… made for us?” Thomas asks.
“Ah…” The doctor clears their throat. “Until the fetus is viable, about 16 to 17 weeks along. But the sooner you decide for yourself, the better.”
“I see.”
“Do you have any further questions?”
Thomas shakes his head.
“Alright. Well, everything looks and sounds about how it should. Let me finish up here and you’ll be free to go.”
Once the doctor gives them an all clear, Thomas follows Avalon quietly out of the clinic.
They’re almost home before Avalon clears his throat. “So…”
Thomas twists his hands together in his lap. “You… once told me that you wanted to be a father.”
Avalon glances over at him for a moment before returning his eyes to the road. “Well… yes. But it was sorta… what I mean to say is… if you don’t want it, it ain’t necessary for me. I don’t have to be a dad, if you don’t want-”
“I want it. I want to keep this, to have a child with you. I knew it from the moment I heard it’s heartbeat.”
“Are- are- are you sure? The doctor said you’d have to take estrogen, I don’t want you to go through something that might cause you the kinda hurt you’ve worked so hard to escape.”
Thomas places a hand on Avalon’s thigh. “I’ll admit, the idea of childbirth has, previously… well, it terrified me. But I think… I am at a point in my life where I know it’s something I can handle.”
“And you… want this, want this? It ain’t just… pregnancy hormones giving you some kind of… baby fever?” He parks the car in their driveway and turns to face Thomas.
“I want this, Avalon. More than anything. Just as long as you want it, too.”
“I-- I do, Thomas. I want it, too. I wanna be a parent with you. But I don’t want this decision made just because I accidentally knocked you up, or because I blurted something out after a near-death experience. Just the other day you said you’d rather have cancer.”
“That’s not what I said. I said that it could be cancer.”
“It really sounded like-”
“I know how it sounded. I was… unsure of what I wanted, and I didn’t know how I would handle this decision being made for us without us talking it over.”
“Well, we’re talking it over now.”
“And you’re absolutely sure that you want to?”
“How many times are you going to make me say it? …Are you hoping that I’ll change my mind? Do you want this?”
“Yes, of course! I just- I can’t believe-” he suddenly bursts out laughing. “We’re going to be fathers! Us! …Oh lord, there’s so much preparing we gotta do, so much stuff we gotta babyproof, we gotta-”
“Look at me.” Thomas takes Avalon’s face gently in his hands. We have eight months-”
“Seven and a half.”
"We have seven and a half months to get everything figured out. That is plenty of time to prepare."
"Are you sure we'll be able to do it?"
"Avalon, we've worked on movies with quicker turnaround than the time it will take for this baby to be born."
"But this isn't a movie, this is a baby. A person. Every decision we make will affect who our baby will become."
"Yes. And luckily for us, the most important choices we need to make right now are which room we should convert into a nursery and what books on parenting we should read. We don't need to jump in the deep end and decide what college our child will attend."
Avalon sighs, turning his head slightly to press a kiss against Thomas' palm. "You're right. I guess I'm just… worried. That we might screw up."
“That is a very real possibility, and an understandable worry. I’m not going to say that we won’t screw up, but-” he pauses, searching for the right words to say. “I don’t think it’s possible to not mess up when it comes to parenthood. No matter how hard you try, you can’t protect your child from the world, not in a way that’s healthy for them. All we can do is… our best. And hope that it’s enough.”
“Woah there. Our best? What happened to Mr Perfectionism?”
“Perfect doesn’t exist in people. Only the strive to be better today than you were yesterday.”
“You’re right…” Avalon smiles, visibly relaxing. “You have no idea how comforting it is to hear you say that.”
“I think I have some idea.” Thomas leans across the console and kisses Avalon tenderly. 
@choicesficwriterscreations - for Fic of the Week
Let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list, for this miniseries, these characters, or anything else!
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hannahsmusings · 3 months
*I couldn’t help the flush that appeared on my cheeks as he called me pretty, brushing it off, chalking it up to his inebriation, he had never complimented me like that before and when men got drunk they got horny and that was all it was, Ant didn’t think I was pretty and I wasn’t going to let myself believe that* You’re pretty too, Ant. *I watch as he nearly topples over once he stands up, swallowing thickly as he was leaning over me with his hand braced against the wall, this being similar to our position earlier, but any sexiness of the position was washed away when I saw his face, knowing that face all too well from my experience at hospitals and drunken roommates* Oh, god, please not on me! *I look around, seeing a garbage bin* Stay here, don’t move. *I knew trying to maneuver Ant through the crowd inside to a bathroom without him puking all over someone was a risk, plus the bathrooms could be full of other people being sick or people hooking up, so I knew it was best to keep him out here until he was done being sick* *I rush over and grab the bin, ignoring how gross this was as I carry it back over to where he was, setting it down in front of him, rubbing his back in one hand as he leaned over it, digging in my purse for some napkins* Better out than in. You’ll feel better once it’s out of your system. *I wasn’t grossed out by puke, not in the slightest, not anymore, and I knew he might not feel better tonight but he’d feel better overall in the morning, as long as I got plenty of water, food and electrolytes into his system tonight*
*a clumsy smile graces my lips as you call me pretty, grinning a little and shrugging* Not as pretty as you...*slurs under my breath as I’m braced over to be sick, eyes rolling a little and slumping against the wall as you leave me only making me feel further off balance, groaning and desperately trying to keep it down as I hated being sick more than anything, I was always so afraid of vomit as a kid* *as soon as your back and your hand begins to rub my back, it’s like all my instincts go in to over drive, letting out a groan of nausea before I was bending and clutching the bin as I throw up in it, coughing and spluttering as the large volume of vomit splatters the inside of the bin, feeling so embarrassed and acutely aware that you were here and just watching me* T-Turn away..*coughs out, not wanting you to see this as I felt totally miserable and entirely too vulnerable, never allowed to be ill as a child as it was ‘weak’* *the urge comes again as I vomit once more, immediately feeling the relief as some of it’s out of my system, not knowing whether I was out of the woods yet but needing to stand up straighter as the sight of my vomit made me want to be sick again* *scrambles for the napkins in your hand, wiping my mouth and throwing them in the bin before I lean against the wall panting, almost wanting to cry as I clutch my arms around my middle, needing to steady myself as I was panicking* I-I hate being sick..*whines quietly with my eyes closed and head tilted back against the wall, heaving deep breaths of cool air as I try and calm the nausea*
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heyimnotnew · 1 year
Original work; it doesn't deserve any title
As she walked through that street, there was lights penetrating the stiff stones of the road. She was late, according to her watch that is hanging from the inside of her jacket. Even though the midnight did not reach the top of the little glass yet, there was the smell of the cold and the sharp garbage that were dominant in the air. These combination with her faint regular cologne reminded her the shady mornings that were criminally early spent with her aunt on the biggest city of the country. She used to feel lost and unavailable in the backstreets of that city, hanging from the strong arms of her aunt and very little compared to the enormous jacket they put her on; and she used to feel even more unattainable when her aunt would drag her little light body along different houses that looked like eat people to talk to many different men whom looked like puke people. The very smoky memories made themselves forget again when she looked up to the sky and saw many colorful lights sparkling and reflecting from the grotesque buildings with hundred floors. When she was little, world was a place to make comparisons: biggest city, smallest labor used, most used phone, least used words for asking consent… But now everything was constantly being innovated and altered in every lasting second, no one even paid any attention to keep track of such things anymore.
There was a backdoor for the fancy hotel she has planned on entering, she looked like staff. She had appropriate attire to be passed on as a very young chef with bad fashion choices. She knew that red did not go with everything, however old habits are hard to diminish. He told her that the door was hidden behind a four feet tall trash can with a particular green color that disturbs the eye. And that the door has the digits 0202 on it. The journey wasn’t that long to find the appointed target, though it required some faith in god to made the garbage can to move away from the entrance to the prize. Once she saw the rusty little digits, she gripped the door handle firmly but gently. The door squealed ugly and like a baby cry, making her cringe her face, considering the possibilities of dying, bailing out, fighting, and catching up with the man she was supposed to meet twenty one minutes ago. There were no footsteps, no grunting, and also no angry men insight. She didn’t feel her legs moving but at some point she was facing a yellow wall with too many paper and receipts on it, the door was closed behind her.
She was heavily breathing and leaning all her body weight on the door that ugly cried just seconds ago, she wished that she could lean all her mental luggage onto the rusty door too. Her attention started to focus back on the dirty yellow wall which had squares of many white small papers on it. So many small words, all attached to each other in respect to be meaningful in union. It was evident that that part of the room was used as an accounting technique for the budget, though she wished in a quite desperate way that the poems would have been a vital choice for many words. The heady scent of the room, the pressing warmth, rotten moisture mixed with onion, and the scent of regret took her to the times when she felt the least enough and most insecure creature with two legs and one eye. She wasn’t that person anymore though; she grew one more eye and learnt to actually listen to people. Because of that feeling coming so out of nowhere, she didn’t hear the voices approaching first.
There was a sharp breath that didn't come out of her throat; she did not want to recognize the gasp and the following coughs; she was in denial that she was caught. There were almost no seconds for her to prepare or think of a move before the man with a heavy chest and the most giant belly appeared.
Because everything was so dimmed and dirty, the woman recognized the lifelessly light eyes colored with many red dots first; his clothes were also dimmed and dirty that parts of his body blended into the background.
“Who the hell you two-“
A knife also blended into the background; it was a pity because she remembered how shiny it looked in their garden slicing fresh apples and watermelons.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x7 almost famous
I’ve actually seen this one before! It was recorded on TV but I didn’t know it was season 3. This was one of the first ones I’d seen. 
nypd open up ; )
Too many pickles
Me: joining in on the vocal warmups RC: I had a dream I was floating on a lily pad & the swedish bikini team was whispering positive reviews of naked heat  MR: Oh that must have been lovely RC: Yeah... MR: Why are you telling us this RC: Well because of you my swedish paradise turned into a wailing cat shelter
MR: Besides, we’ll all have plenty of time to sleep when we’re dead. *phone rings for a murder* (probably won’t clip)
Alexis’s voice sounds like she’s going thru puberty or smth
RC: Maybe he’s old-school, didn’t want to give up the badge he’d made his career on? LP: Castle he’s mid 20s KB: [the gun is] fake! RC: *taps end & sniffs* that’s tequila *licks finger* that’s cheap tequila
LP: *rips open the guy’s pants* RC: *covers the view* man has a car?
RC: *runs over* shotgun KB: Castle you’re the only one here RC: Ugh this place reminds me of my first dorm room (I don’t think I’ll clip that)
They don’t have a warrant to come in tho
wow Wow WOW
RC: Ladies, I am not a stripper, though I understand how you can make that mistake
Poor gal, puking into their garbage bin. Poor esposito I didn’t know throwing up made him nauseous. (TRIVIA FOR THE SHOW) & the other detective back there too (won’t clip...) she’s still wearing the ring too Y’all tie back her hair. I’ve never had hair that long & now listen I have a mohawk but even I know that u need to tie back long hair if you’re vomiting
Aw castle, getting em coffee, I love him RC: It might interest you to know I’m an assistant volunteer homicide detective myself : ) Oh my goodness this is a great episode, plenty of witnesses but all too drunk to remember.  Ryan, always the phone sim camera record guy. 
JE: They’re treating him like a piece of meat RC: it’s ok, *pats him on the shoulder* Me: It’s his job & also I’ve heard the way YOU talk esposito.  Kathleen: It’s what he’s paid for
K but castle’s laughs & ryan’s face
Girl it’s a digital zoom, not enhancing.  (& why do you need to tap the keyboard? all u need to do is hit ctrl & zoom)
(I still can’t get over how he’s called officer mcnaughty)
SHE HAD TO WAITRESS WHILE HUNGOVER? or maybe she gets a discount there & wasn’t scheduled for work that day
KR: Mostly just of movie posters & a bunch of donald trump books about finance B’y this show is in 2010
Lol “looking up”
Weird timing. KB: You guys head off *ryan looks to esposito in confusion* mucho men *ryan mouths mucho men barely after beckett says it* that’s the place that booked him. Bud he would be saying that a moment later. Not before beckett even said “mucho men”
RC: He’s not even that handsome. 300 bucks an hour? Little steep. LP: As the one person in this room who has seen everything under the sheet? BARGAIN.
RC: Some women want officer mcnaughty, others want an older man with mutual funds. You know, daddy issues. It’s times like this I’m glad my relationship with my dad is actually surprisingly good & I’m queer. 
LS: Sorry, promoters are up my ass.  JE: Lloyd Sanders? LS: I’m already up to my ears in a-rods, *esposito looks at himself* but your friend here, I got women requesting that skinny twilight dude like crazy *Ryan now looks at himself* (Bro ryan isn’t even that skinny, he just looks skinny next to esposito who has muscle like a brickshithouse) LS, tossing a pair of underwear to Ryan: One size fits all. *ryan looks at the underwear trying to figure out what it is* Bathroom’s down the hall if you’re shy.  KR: :| >:| JE: NYPD KR: I can assure you, these would fit LS: That’s what they all say the package store XD (after the interview) KR: Thank you for your time. LS: Hey if you change your mind I can provide you with fangs & some hair gel KR: a??? JE: *just offended*
(Remember in a few seasons when ryan gets a job at men-hattan? as a security guard? Yeah anyway)
KR: Casually mentions twilight to make esposito jealous
KB: Well there’s only one way to find out. *singsong* Oh castle!
(I’m glad my gay older brother is not here) Except ryan & esposito DID NOT call not-it! (she brought him here!) Castle caught the frickin pants
Ooh this is going to be a good scene. Ryan making coffee, esposito taking off his long-sleeved collared sweater in the background. Ryan adding a bit of sugar to their coffees, esposito working out, speaking of which I should do my pushups today. Ryan turns around with an “aight here you go” but stops short when he sees esposito just doing dips on a chair. (Bestie you have a gym upstairs.) JR: Up to his ears in a-rods? I got an a-rod for that SOB. Three years Varsity Ball (talented sports team), *ryan lowkey checking him out,* two years Special Forces triathlon (military marathon), & NYPD calendar 2007. KR: *Looking up into the corner* JE: What? >:( KR: It was a group photo JE: I got letters KR: Yeah, three, two of them from your mom JE: One of them was from my mom KR: Sure JE, politely taking coffee: twilight my ass (clipping)
castle surrounded by women & not liking it? Wow. “Hey honey you found me!”
You know good for them. Firefighters are better than cops for sure. & it’s also a dance! Not just body, but entertainment!
Interesting, the deleted scene & the “woah woah whoa murder?” must be in a different order than initiall7 expected. Well no the deleted scene is similar to this but it’s just a different take. Different take, not deleted scene. 
Castle & his books KR: Did you go home & watch sunset boulevard before your trip to the package store? (esposito isn’t fed up with him this time)
I love martha.
This attorney is weird... 
KB: Ryan can you pull up derek’s acting reel? KR: Man, once was bad enough
Ryan is starting to wear vests & ties more, ties for sure. His colours are still dark tho. I like the evolution of their styles. Esposito just had a long sleeved sweater like thing over his t-shirt, now he is wearing a weird shirt with a lot of panels & a tie & i rly like it. 
Esposito had gang task force days. At least we’re getting backstory this episode. Sports, special forces, & gang task force.  (that’s probably how he knew detective slaughter...? & his interactions with Racine when he was with Ike probably)
Ooh I like the look of them (& I like beckett’s & castle’s outfits)
You know what good on her, & pookiebear that’s honestly kinda cute but a hilariously fake buttslap sound.
Castle you watch way too many infomercials. (He has probably seen Sticky Buddy & the OmniTool+)
KR: IDK how you missed that *slaps the receipt into esposito’s chest with another hilariously fake buttslap sound*
Ooh fake identity!!!
Poor gal. Louve he’r idenidy.  Poor guy contractor man...
KB: Do you have any brochures? I’m looking for a place. Mine blew up. My mom told me that tick tick tick was the last episode & I believed her because we only had four episodes of Castle & I thought it was as short-running show that went out with a bang. Then I saw this episode & made some assumptions. But I still hadn’t seen boom, the sequel episode so I wasn’t sure how beckett survived. The part that gets me is that this was halfway through season two & now it is season three. It has been an entire summer, where has beckett been staying? With her dad probably?
I like how sometimes ryan is wearing a soft, dress sweater, sometimes a funny little patterned shirt with a tie, sometimes a normal dress shirt tie & suit jacket (with a coat as well if he needs it), & sometimes a suit with a vest. I love a good waistcoat. Look at him. Every episode I can’t help but notice how pretty he is. I also notice everyone else & their costume choices are very good & purposefully made.
I knew the lawyer was sus. 
This man is already a lawyer you’re never going to get him all the way.
I like how martha calls herself an actress but also an actor & refers to the concept “actor” with he/him pronouns. It gives her bigender or genderfluid vibes even tho it really doesn’t. 
Rick is such a dad. He loves his daughter so much & no matter how childish or grossly adult he acts, when he is around his daughter he is full of love.  Also the little feeding the birds with her uwu.
(ok got all my clips)
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bezuss · 1 year
Terrance Fletcher deserves to have his throat slit like the pig that he is and have his filthy garbage blood drained all over the floor of that music room where he abused those kids. He deserves to have his blood all over the fucking floor like puke or spilled water, the fucking cocksucker deserves to have his life mopped up like a fucking mess on the floor. Fuck him and fuck all violent men, they all deserve to die in a bloody humiliating mess.
go off I guess
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infinityof6 · 3 years
My friend Suela is gradually uploading all the old Garbage Men Puking and Fuck Yr Body Up compilations to youtube. This is Garbageween, from around Hallowe’en 2014 https://www.discogs.com/Various-Garbageween/master/1427732
My tune Thunder Blade... Laurie Is As Follows starts at 08:29. It’s a flarfy poem text-to-speeched with some twiddled samples from Super Thunder Blade on the Mega Drive. Here are the lyrics:
Laurie Is As Follows
I think violent love is wanting to be moonlight. Lori with under... I think missing violent love moonlight. Laurie and below. I think violent love Moonlight are still missing. Raleigh below. Yet lack of intense love Moonlight I think. Raleigh below.
Lacks the intense love Moonlight I think, yet… Laurie is as follows: I are lacking in love Moonlight I think is still intense. Laurie is as follows. Gekko no tension still think my love is missing… Laurie is as follows. There is no I, think Moonlight tension and is still not my love. Laurie is as follows! There is no Moonlight tension I think and is still my love. Laurie is as follows. I think, I love don't Moonlight tension. Laurie is as follows. I think I do love tension moonlight. Laurie is as follows? I love Moonlight tension and Laurie is as follows.
Exposes the tension love Moonlight and Raleigh. Exposes the strained love Moonlight and Raleigh. I love tense public Moonlight and Raleigh.
I love Rory and strained public moonlight. I love Laurie, gets nervous public moonlight. Laurie loves getting edgy public moonlight. Laurie loves is getting edgy public moonlight.
Laurie a nervous public Moonlight, love has become. Laurie is a nervous public Moonlight love. Raleigh is a nervous public Moonlight love? Raleigh is a nervous public Moonlight love.
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victoriannarwhal · 3 years
Well, I wasn't thinking of millie when writing my earlier posts, but goddamn girlies DO NOT date innapproprietly aged men for your age group. I cannot express enough how it is NOT a good idea.
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So apparently if a girl breaks up with her boyfriend he has an ownership over her and only he can decide if she can go out with another guy (and she never can) or otherwise it is cheating. She's a whore. How could she do this? And he has the right to do anything to her because he is the man. He has the di*k. He is a woman's god. If she gets beaten up its her fault. Why did she go out and saw other men when he is still alive? Does she want to make him jealous? Such a tease.
The people who say this are the same people with daughters. Some of them will not accept anyone touching their daughters in a wrong way and others will teach them that this is how a man love and its the woman's fault and duty. The rest just doesn't care. In every case, they are monsters. Hypocrithes.
There are also people who raise monsters. There are mothers and fathers that when they see a man beating a woman they say to their sons "such a strong man", "this is how you treat a woman" or "it's ok, some men beat their woman when she is wrong".
We raise victims and monsters. We raise them only to be destroyed later on. The cycle will never end, not when people with such views and hatred and evil inside them have kids and educate them like this. I really see no solution and the fact that more girls are going to grow up believing they're worth nothing is ruining my soul. I just pray for all of them to find peace and happiness.
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mamamilki · 2 years
Empress of the sun
“Your empress will return”
(Warnings: Implied SA (never something to joke about) Harsh Language, terrible plot (On my part) shitty grammar (on my part) 18+  you’re a player :p) 
word count: 2.9k
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The cold wet concrete scent filled the air, light reflecting off the puddles from the lamps on the sidewalks guiding the wanderers who may have gotten lost on their journey. But not this case, heavy pants filled the almost silent night as a man was running down an alleyway, stepping on puddles disturbing the still pocket of water on the floor. Only a couple of light posts on the side of the buildings light the way to see the alley, barely. ‘Shit shit shit! I’m going to get killed!” trying to not trip on the crates and garbage cans next to the mucky walls. Multiple hurried footsteps were heard in front of the man, halting his steps he quickly changed his route to the other direction, he cowered in fear. Panicking he felt tears falling down his face he saw his breath escape his mouth into the cold air not realizing how cold it is. “There he is! Get him!” another voice was heard, he darted his head towards the source of the sound. His eyes widened before running the opposite way only to find it blocked by a big wall of muscle. “G-guys, I can e-explain!” “No. You stole from us multiple times, even after all the warnings I’ve given you. I have been lenient but you got too greedy.” The boss spoke behind his men.
The poor boy's wide glossy eyes shook his head whimpering “I-I swear! Only r-reason I stole f-from you are b-because of my mother! She-e is sick!” the boss didn’t budge as he held his gun out pointing towards the boy's head “PLEASE!” the boy shook heavily thinking that this was the end for him, he couldn't even say goodbye to his mother “Aw..you aren’t gonna give the poor kid a chance?” Your voice startled the men, they didn’t hear you approach them. The boss stared at you up and down like you were a piece of meat, and he hasn't eaten in weeks. You internally puke looking at him. He barely fits in the suit he is wearing, his toupee barely on right, his double chin sticking out rather prominently. “Well well well, what do we have here? You look lost, little girl. Come with me and we can have a good time cutie.” Shaking your head shocked the boss “I highly suggest you get your ass here before my men will have fun with you instead.” the way he spoke pissed you off. Completely ignoring the incompetent man you looked at the crying boy, he looks to be of age. “Are you alright sweetheart?” His glassy doe eyes met mine through his puffy curly hair, you smiled “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it” reassuring the boy.
 The boss and his men were furious “Go and have your way with the whore. I don’t care if you leave her bleeding or pregnant! Just show her how to respect men and not talk back to us that way.” The boss yells I can’t believe how this man is talking to me like that. It angered me to no extent, turning around back to the boy I smiled before telling him to look away and covering his ear, he nodded before doing what he was told. “You should learn how to respect women.” I cracked my neck before smirking, “I’ll fix that very soon.” the men pulled out their guns aiming them at me, this is going to be fun.
 You ran towards the group of men at an unbelievable speed, the men shot as many rounds as it would let them, you appeared in front of the boss. He fell on his ass as he was trying to say something, you rolled your eyes before you grabbed the man and got on top of a roof far away from the alleyway “I’m sorry, were you saying something?” you held your free hand near your ear, your other hand was holding onto the man's tie. Looking around you would be around 50 feet (15 meters) up in the air, with a gorgeous view of all the buildings and skyscrapers with lights. If you weren’t holding an overweight man dangling off the roof by his tie. “Please! Spare me! I did nothing wrong!” Leaning a little bit further the man almost falls off, he screams crying for mercy “You’ll give the boy enough money to financially support his family, and leave him alone.” He kept screaming and crying, ``You almost let him go only holding him by the tip of his tie “Say. It” Glaring down at him, your eyes glowing in the dark adding to the menacing vibe around you. Still, the man didn’t say anything “you men are always so stubborn” before letting him go, turning around and walking away, you hear his sweet scream. You walked towards the edge again before smiling sinisterly, you jumped over the building gaining speed to catch up to the man “You enjoying your flight??” Yelling at him he screams louder crying “HELP ME PLEASE I WILL DO IT” finally you sighed before grabbing him, golden wings appear behind you, and they shimmer in the night sky with the light reflecting off the buildings. The man’s eyes widen “what…are you?” I looked back it’s him before shrugging “I don’t know”
Flying back to the alleyway you saw the men surrounding the boy, “any of you lay a single dirty ass finger on that boy, I’ll kill your boss.” Threatening the men, they immediately stopped their action before putting their hands up in the sky. Shaking your head, you threw the boss in front of the men. “Now get out before I kill you all” all the men ran to wherever they came from, I groaned before making my way to the boy, he was still whimpering “Hey, you’re going to be ok now.” he looks at me again with those sad eyes “r-really?” I nod “mhm! Come on, you must be freezing, let's go get drinks!” he nods before standing to his full height ‘wow, this dude is tall’ 
We made our way to the closest cafe, entering the warmth quickly washed over us both, and the barista welcomed us in before we started to order our drinks. The boy who is name I recently found out Oscar ordered his drink “Can I p-please get a Hot lemon citron tea please..” then I ordered my drink. We walked to a table before sitting down. We both sat in silence before I decided to break it “So, how old are you Oscar?” He looked nervous, his pulse was rather fast “I just turned 18..h-how about you miss..” my eyes widen ‘he just called me miss. I'm going to kill myself’  “I’m not that old…I just turned 20” his eyes shot wide open “oh my god I'm so sorry for calling you miss, I swear I call everyone that” he kept on rambling making me smile before laughing he looked at me with a nervous smile, after my laughter died down I reassured him that it was alright, the barista made their way over to our table “Heres your order!” I smiled before thanking them. I heard a voice whisper to me looking to the corner of the room with a frown the boy looked in the same direction before looking back at me “Hey you alright?” he waves his hand in front of my face. I snap back to reality before I gave him a nod “I need to get going. Can you get home safe? Will you do that for me?” he nods as his cheeks flush into a pink color “y-yeah I can do that..” I smile before patting his head “Atta boy, see you around?” his cheeks darken before quickly nodding again. I chuckle before walking out the door leaving the boy staring at me flustered.
When you left Oscar quickly realized he didn’t ask for your number. He ran outside trying to find you but you were gone like the wind. Readjusting his hot drink he found a piece paper slipping off the cup, he leaned down to inspect it. His eyes widen seeing what's on the paper “Don’t be sad, let us keep in touch if you feel unsafe, I’m a call away. See ya <3
(696-696-6969) (Not a real #) ”
I was watching Oscar at a distance before smiling “You are outrageously cliche.” I rolled my eyes at the 9-foot-tall god “You wish you got some bitches.” I heard a small gasp from the sun god making me laugh “Watch your language Y/f/n (full name) after you became my avatar you have been slacking common decency.” I laughed more “I-I know hahaha I j-just can’t h-help ithahahahahah!” you spoke in between your laughs before calming down “what do we need to do now?” Ra looked at the artifact I took from a museum not that long ago “We need a couple more pieces before the ritual can be done.” I nod ‘oh the ritual. The one that involves a lot of blood’ “Yes that ritual.” I slapped the god’s arm “I told you to stop reading my mind” I looked up to the big golden armored bird, he chuckles lowly before patting my head, his hand clearly bigger than mine I shook him off clicking my tongue. I smiled at the memory of you and Ra first interacting.
“A-avatar??” the deity nods “what is that…like the show about that bald boy?” Ra groans “you fool, you have no idea do you?” I shook my head with my lips pursed. Ra explains to me how an avatar works and all of the quirks. (an excuse cause I forgot hehe) “even if I can, it sounds extremely dangerous!” I looked out at the window seeing a cat staring at me and the god hissing at him “This is why I am offering you: my armor of destruction.” my eyes widened before figurative smoke came out of my ears “I’m confused…” I giggled before the god grabs my arm lightly “I will show you what I mean.” within a blink of an eye I am on the highest building there was in London I grabbed onto the god screaming “What the hell is wrong with you!” the god ignored me as he opened his golden wings that were resting behind his back “You are gifted with the abilities of; flight, enhanced speed and strength, teleportation, you can make a weapon suited for you in any battle. There are more, but you are not ready for them.” I listened in shock as I looked down to see many cars driving by before my knees grow weak out of fear. The god left before I could say anything “wha–what the hell!?” I yelled at the sky thinking he’d be there “how am I supposed to get home?!” “fly back home. I’ll be awaiting for your arrival” the god’s voice boomed in my ear making me groan.
I finally made it back after a long ass time on the clock tower, it took a while before I grew a set of balls and jumped off the building, not before I knew how to summon wings no thanks to the sun god. Opening the door I saw the god standing there “Good job, you were quicker than any other of my avatars.” I looked at him with little tears prickling my eyes “I didn’t even agree!” I yelled at him “I’m just 16! I can’t do whatever you want me to do!” I don’t care if I’m overreacting it’s seriously messed up putting a child through all this. The sun god made his way to me, clearly, I was intimidated and stepped back “You, little one are special, unlike any other avatars I’ve ever had.” I looked back up at him doubtfully “No way…I’m just a nobody” “You have a good heart, and you follow your own rule, not anyone else’s.” I looked at him again before smiling softly.
It took me fully 2 months to finally give him an answer, but obviously, I said yes to his offer, not long after he made me his avatar and we were off. With whatever duties he needed me to fulfill, I did as I was told. I didn’t mind the missions either, I gained many skills throughout my missions now, three years passed, I turned 19 it’s 2018 and it has already been a couple of years since the blip has happened, it has impacted everyone’s lives during the past 5 years...
I walked in the busy streets of China, our last needed relic was last seen here making my way to the subway I pulled the hood of my hoodie down to cover my hair and face. I heard the relic was kept by a fearsome gang leader that goes by the name ‘Reaper’ . The name made me scoff due to how corny it was, ok so slip in get it, and get out, simple as that. I cracked my neck before quietly sneaking into the hideout, I felt the floor for vibrations closing my eyes. I silently count ‘1..5…14…..27.’ There were 27 people there. That'll be a hassle especially if they all carry guns. The more action the more fun it’ll be I suppose! 
I woke up suddenly taking a deep breath, where the hell am I again looking around everything suddenly came back to me I checked my phone for the time ‘6:45 am March 14th, 2022.’ I double-take at the year ‘what the fuck’ stumbling out of bed trying to recall the recent memories last time you checked it was 2018. Was it all just a weird dream? How old am I? Looking at the full body mirror in the hotel room I see my scar adorned body “yeesh, I thought your healing suit would heal my wounds, Ra” the god appears on my bed sitting down he shrugs while continuing to stare at me I dismissed him while I checked myself out, I have a rather toned body, wearing only a shirt and underwear I quickly change into better clothes. “Wanna go visit the museum?” I asked Ra, and he agreed before disappearing I grabbed my keys and left. 
London hasn't changed whatsoever I don’t even mean it in a bad way, I just missed it. I haven’t been home in forever so seeing it hasn’t changed made me happy. Arriving at the museum I smiled before quickly entering the building, apparently, they have more Egyptian artifacts than before so I’m really excited to see them “e-excuse me?” I felt someone lightly tap my shoulders turning around I see a rather cute guy with curly hair and a shy smile staring at me “are you lost? I couldn’t help but see you were looking at the Statue of Ra are you interested in that artifact?”
” he asks, I nod my head “no I’m not lost, and yes I am interested in the statue of ra, can you be my tour guide?” his eyes quickly widened before he hesitated “I-I’m sorry, I’m not the tour guide..I just work at the gift shop..” he looks at his feet while his hands were shoved deep in his pocket, he is wearing a greyish blue coat that fits his look really well, his soft brown eyes look around the museum “you seem like you know a lot about these artifacts.” I glanced at the statue next to me “can you tell me about this statue?” I point towards the Statue of Khufu before he quickly made his way to my side “oh Khufu, he is an ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the first dynasty and builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, he has ruled for 63 years from 2589BCE to 2566BCE. Pretty cool innit?” he smiles before looking towards me, something about him makes me feel warm I smile back before looking at his name tag ‘Steven’ I read “wow Steven! that is super cool!” I was about to say something before a woman came walking up to me and Steven “Stevey what are you doing? You aren’t the bloody tour guide” the women looked at him before smiling at me “I am so sorry if my employee was pestering you” I quickly shook my head “No no no! He isn’t pestering me at all! I was just looking around before he told me some awesome facts about the Statue of Khufu! You should make him a tour guide!” I see Steven blush before shaking his head.
You glanced at the clock before you looked back at Steven who was making his way to the gift shop, walking towards his place you could see him talking to himself ‘doesn’t he look crazy?’ Ra spoke in your head “shut up, don’t be rude” I got to Steven finally getting his attention “Steven!” He let out a small yelp before realizing who it was “woah woah woah, you alright mate? You seemed like you’re in a deep thought” I gave him a soft smile before he mimics the gesture “y-yeah no you’re alright, I was in a deep thought. Did…did you need something? Uh j-jelly?” He stutters as he is trying to make a conversation, it made me giggle before I stopped him from embarrassing himself more “it’s alright, I was actually wondering…if you wanted to hangout after work? I know it might seem sudden but I enjoy your company!” He looks absolutely adorable with his face pink and his eyes wide, it took him a second before he started to nod his head rapidly “s-sure! Uh I get o-off work at 7pm! So will you be f-free?” I nod before taking a couple steps back “yeah I’ll be free! I’ll see ya soon. So It’s a date?” 
Steven nods “y-yeah, a date!”
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