#garcy fan fiction
Chapters: 11
Lucy has some strange conversations and some big decisions to make.
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patientlibrarian · 1 month
Friday August 23
shades: pics of the day:
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From Voyage fan site on YouTube
I confess I did/do have quite a thing for the actor playing Robert Todd Lincoln (Neal Bledsoe) in this episode and I think quite a lot is said in the scene (from 1.44) where he walks directly to Lucy to say that his father is dead. Her reaction and reaching for his hand rather hint to some feelings that have been addressed well in fan fiction. I love all their scenes together.
And now with us, Chapter 26 of TRLT!!!!!
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The Road Less Traveled
Chapter 26: Quite The Team
Word count = 14,799
Lucy looks forward to returning to the safe house to finally reunite with her sister, but she and Garcia run into some complications on the way.
The Road Less Traveled - Chapter 26 - BattleshipGarcy - Timeless (TV 2016) [Archive of Our Own]
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
archiveofourown.org|Organization for Transformative Works
It's been since last November since a new chapter was published. If you'd like to read a "Previously on TRLT" recap, click here.
As always, kudos are wonderful, and comments bring me so much joy. I thank you in advance, and will reply to your comments on AO3 as soon as I can 😊
I keep the tentative "publish to AO3" dates up-to-date on TRLT's AO3 page, on battleshipgarcy.com, as well as in this pinned post on Tumblr. The plan is to publish a new chapter in October, November, and December. Then (🤞) one chapter every couple of weeks starting in February 2025 until the story's final chapter.
All remaining chapters are written, and only need to go through the editing process. And I so cannot wait to bring them to you ❤
#battleshipgarcy#trlt#trlt new chapter#timeless#garcy#garcia flynn#lucy preston#carol preston#maria thompkins flynn#amy preston#karl#jiya marri#rufus carlin#stanley fisher#noah#garcy fanfic#timeless fanfic#fanfic#goran višnjić#goran visnjic#tree huggers#abigail spencer
Hello everyone, everywhere, it's a bit cooler here in my part of the UK today and a welcome relief. Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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nevada-b-1780 · 4 years
Posting some of my favourite Flynn fanfics in my next few posts - as I seem to have some issues posting links to A03, I will have to do them one by one and I'm not sure if I can tag or add any extra text, but they are all fantastic and well worth a read 🥰
Edit: as I can't share the fics mentioned below, I'll mention them in here, but you'll have to search for them if you fancy reading them!
Whispers Like Poetry by Extasiswings and Letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - Explicit - Garcy
The series: I Carry Your Heart With Me (I Carry It In My Heart) by Letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - Explicit - Garcyatt
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bluebonnet72 · 6 years
Times I want the Time Team to visit
1) Northern Oklahoma during the Osage murders.  50 years after the “Murder of Jesse James” and the Osage are the richest people in the world.  Someone has to address Rufus comment about “hostile Indian territory” and Lucy’s idea that Bass Reeves was the only person who would care the Native Americans were being murdered when they actually lived in communities with their own governments.  
2) Tennessee during the time of Georgia Tann.  Georgia Tann was truly evil, maybe worse than Emma.
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savetimeless · 7 years
so. i have part of this fic written and i just don’t know what to do with it. if someone has any ideas let me know, or maybe you can even write something with it? tag me if you do! 
Garcia Flynn knows, subjectively, that he doesn’t actually know Lucy Preston.
Garcia Flynn knows, objectively, that the Lucy he’d met once was from 30 years in the future, and so this Lucy is not that Lucy.
What he hadn’t realized, was that the Lucy he met and the Lucy in the journal were two very different people from the Lucy in 2017, who knew nothing of Rittenhouse, of Mason Industries, of Wyatt Logan.
The journal spans years. Decades. While it doesn’t have any entries pertaining to her personal life, her personality leeches through, in the words, in the writing, in the pictures she occasionally adds.
He comes to know the people she writes about: her teammates, Jiya and Denise Christopher. Connor Mason, the sometimes Rittenhouse operative, the sometimes double agent. He learns about Amy, the sister she never sees again, Benjamin Cahill, the father she discovers practically runs Rittenhouse, Carol Preston, the mother that she inadvertently saved and by which she feels betrayed.
Most of all, though, he learns about Rufus and Wyatt. Her early entries of them are interesting. She hadn’t started to write about anything until about a year after she first starts time travelling. Her first entry is pages long, almost a quarter of the journals pages. She detailed so many trips, so many things, so many people. The rest of the journal is more spread out, more paced, not so fact, fact, fact.
What changes the most is her writing on Wyatt.
The first time she writes about him, its on his obsession with his wife’s death. As the first entry continues, it becomes clear his priorities change, as do Rufus’ and her own.
It’s not as if she writes detailed paragraphs on the two, on her self, but the Rittenhouse story is so intertwined with their own development that he learns so much about them just by the choices they make.
There are several times when there are time jumps. Obviously, there is no movement on the Rittenhouse front or she stops going back in time (and, well, she knows what the journal will be used for eventually. She’s very particular about what she does and does not include). The first time, he’s surprised at the date changing from 2017 to 2020. Then it changed from 2022 to 2025. There is only one entry that year. Then it jumps to 2030, goes through until 2039, and then there aren’t any entries until 2048, the year from which Lucy travelled back to give him the journal.
There is so much pain, so much heartache that he doesn’t know how he will be able to not tell her everything the moment he see’s her again – no, meets her.
It gets harder and harder to keep the secrets from her the more she chases him through time.
It gets harder and harder to look at Rufus, who he knows will die before he even gets to marry Jiya. To see Wyatt standing behind Lucy in a professional manner, when he knows that the only happiness these two will ever find again will be in each other. Even their child, their daughter, will only bring them sadness, the daughter they send away at only four months old to never see again.
Flynn loves her, in his own way. If he’s honest with himself (which he rarely is), he’ll admit that that doesn’t mean much. There wasn’t, isn’t, enough left of him to truly love her. 
Still. He doesn’t want her in harms way, to get hurt. He wants to protect her.
anyway so thats it. suggestions? 
send me some fic prompts to fill! i’m keen to get writing again. 
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The bane of many writers is that once you have birthed a story, taken the time to write, erase, rewrite, edit, scream at, and finally accept the words that you have written… you have to name it. 
Like people, or businesses, the name is everything. It’s one of the first things people see. It’s what they will use to communicate the story to others. So picking a good title is vital, which makes it all the more daunting. But like most things in life, once you break it down and examine its parts, see how it works, it becomes a lot less scary and a lot more manageable.
This is how I got pretty good at making titles, not only for my own works, but for others. And I want to share with you what I learned, and hopefully make the task of titling your stories a lot less terrifying.
To create a good title, you have to focus on two things: Structure and Meaning.
Quick, think of all your favorite books, shows, and movies. Now think of popular franchises that are household names. What do they have in common, title wise? They are short and to the point.
On average, these titles are one to two words long. This does not include articles or connecting words like “the,” “of,” “or,” etc, because they pretty much disappear.
The titles also average few syllables, about two or three. You don’t really want to go above four. English is a very lazy language and we like to keep things short. This is why a lot of titles get shortened anyway.
Examples of Titles (remember, articles/connectors don’t count):
Friends – One word, one syllable.
Cheers – One word, one syllable.
Lost – One word, one syllable.
Dune – One word, one syllable.
Timeless – One word, two syllables.
ER – One word, two syllables.
Twilight – One word, two syllables. Can refer to the entire series.
The Mummy (1999) – One word, three syllables.
The Simpsons – One word, three syllables.
Parasite – One word, three syllables.
Titanic – One word, three syllables.
Hamilton – One word, three syllables.
The X-Files – One word, three syllables. Though it’s debatable if X-Files is one word or two.
CSI – One word (standing in for three), three syllables (standing in for seven).
Star Wars – Two words, two syllables.
Good Omens – Two words, three syllables.
Game of Thrones – Two words, three syllables. Often verbally shortened to Thrones.
Lord of the Rings – Two words, four syllables.
I can keep going, but you see the trend.
But what about titles like the Harry Potter books? The answer is in the question. Each book/movie title starts with Harry Potter and then has a modifier. Harry Potter itself is only two words and four syllables. Then if someone talks about a specific novel, they typically would not say the whole title, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, they would simply say Azkaban. The same is done in other series. Percy Jackson for example.
There are, of course, exceptions.
Elementary is a one word, but five syllables. It’s also a very common phrase in both the genre and in everyday life. Use of common phrases is a way to get around the above formula because we’re already used to saying them, thinking them, etc. One Day at a Time is another good example. Three words, five syllables, but doesn’t feel any longer than Lord of the Rings. 
But the longer the title, the more likely it will somehow get shortened. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was changed to three syllable Blade Runner. My favorite book, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, has a very long title. Technically it’s three words when you remove articles/connectors, but the syllable count is a whopping ten. It gets away with it because for one, it’s a rift on an already common phrase, and two, fans can call it Hitchhiker’s Guide which is only four syllables. 
Now, once you know the structure of a title, you can work on choosing one.
The title of your story has to give the reader an idea about what they’re getting into. It does this by focusing on one of the following:
A literal Person/Place/Thing –  Percy Jackson, Cheers, The X-Files
The Subject Matter – Friends, Law & Order, The Sixth Sense, CSI
The Genre – Twilight, Star Wars, Friday the 13th, Altered Carbon
The Overall Metaphor/Concept – Game of Thrones, Parasite, Pride and Prejudice
Many of these cross over. The Sixth Sense and CSI could also be considered a literal thing as well as a genre marker. If your title fulfills more than one slot, that is neat, but not a necessity. You might feel like you have to come up with some complex title, but sometimes it’s really just as simple as it’s a show about friends and their relationships with each other.
Take the title Catch-22. The term Catch-22 is a major metaphor and concept that is universally known today. But when Joseph Heller wrote Catch-22, no one called that concept a Catch-22. The title was simply naming the military rule (a thing), which created the situation and therefore drove the narrative. People later co-opted the title to quickly express the concept that the book so masterfully discusses.
Whatever you chose, the title should match the feel of the story you’re trying to tell. It’s part of your promise to the reader, and must make sense by the time they get to the end of the story.  
But how to pick a title when you have persons, places, things, subject matter, genre, and metaphors in your story? You simply work backwards. Ask yourself what your story is really about.
What is the driving force of the narrative?
What do you want your readers to get out of the story?
Is it a story about a person?
Or about the people of a specific group?
Is the story a one-shot or the beginning of a trilogy/series?
Is there a specific name or line of text that sums up your story neatly?
Somewhere in the answers to those questions is your title.
Now, I can make guesses on how some of the above mentioned titles came to be. Cheers takes place in the bar of the same name, and it’s about the patrons of said bar, so it’s the story about a place named Cheers. But I can’t speak for the creators and what thought processes they might have went through in order to choose their titles. So, instead, I am going to give you some of the titles I have come up with and explain how I got there.
Copper and Gold Two words, four syllables. Genre: Urban Fantasy This is the first book of a series based around a singular character, Minni Masterson, whose motif is copper, which plays a large role in the story. Since it’s a series, I need a title that could be formulaic across each one. In the first novel, the “guest character” is a gold dragon (Aiden Drake). So when I say Copper and Gold, I’m really saying Minni and Drake. And in the second book, when I say Copper and Cobalt, I am saying Minni and the Kobolds. Copper and Mercury is Minni and the Werewolves. Etc.
Emperor’s Shadow Two words, five syllables. Genre: Star Wars fan fiction/Mystery/Character Study The story is about Mara Jade who was an Emperor’s Hand. It’s about her coming to terms with the shadow that looms over her from her past and what Palpatine did to her. Instead of going with something much bulkier like In the Shadow of the Empire, I merged her past (Emperor’s Hand) with her current conflict.
The Serpent and the Liar Two words, seven syllables. (This format of “The X and the X” is one that is an exception to the rule, so long as the syllables belonging to X remain low) Genre: Marvel!Loki fan fiction/Pre-Movies Canon Compliant The story is about Loki and the events leading up to the first Thor movie. It also brings in Sigyn to explore that ship, along with some Norse myths, and to explain why she isn’t in the movie. Loki, of course, is known for his serpent motif and as the god of lies. I play on this, giving Sigyn a serpent motif, something to match her with Loki. But on several occasions, I raise the question of who is actually the serpent, and who is the liar? Because the best way to lie, is to tell the truth. So, like Copper and Gold, I’m really just calling the story Loki and Sigyn, I mean, Sigyn and Loki?
Amehrana One word, four syllables. Genre: Timeless Food Truck AU/Garcy Slow Burn The story is about Flynn and Lucy, and the rest of the team, in an AU setting. I named Flynn’s food truck Amehrana because it’s a mix of the word American and Hrana, which is Croatian for food. So the title is both a thing (the food truck) but also another word for Flynn and Lucy because he’s Croat and she’s American. But unlike Copper and Gold and The Serpent and the Liar, there is the added symbolism here of Flynn and Lucy coming together.
Frankenstein’s Monster Two words, five syllables Genre: Timeless Mission Fic for Proposed Season 3 (non-movie compliant) The mission is Mary Shelley, but that doesn’t mean there *has* to be a Frankenstein reference. But you have Flynn who thinks he’s a monster, one created by Rittenhouse. I also go deeper and hint at Lucy herself being a Frankenstein Monster, i.e. created by Rittenhouse for a purpose she doesn’t want any part of. Once again, my title is basically just another name for my main characters.
I want to interject for a moment and point out that we all have our preferences in our writing styles, and titles are no different. If you realized you tend to do most of your titles a specific way, then own it. It’s part of what makes you unique as an artist. And if you occasionally decide you want to go a completely opposite direction for one story, then go for it.
Case in point.
No Accounting for Heroes Three words, seven syllables Genre: Canon Compliant account of the Fall of SHIELD and its aftermath This fic really takes a hard look at what happens to those living in a world with superheroes. The main character, an accountant named Rani, is giving an account of events. My cowriter suggested putting “accounting” in the title which made me think of the common phrase, “no accounting for taste,” which is a concept about how different people like/need different things, and applied it to the story. No Accounting for Heroes means that we all need a hero, but maybe not the heroes we think we do, and we can all be heroes in some way, to someone in need. But also, there is that underlying current that heroes are not held accountable for the destruction that follows in their wake. 
Never be afraid to ask for help with titles. And don’t be afraid to reject titles if they don’t fit. And definitely don’t be afraid to take the suggestion, turn it over, season it, put it in a waffle iron, and see if what comes out is edible.
I have helped others name their stories, and here are three examples:
Remember, Remember Two words, six syllables. Genre: Timeless Garcy Canon Divergent/Angst/Mission Fic The story is about Lucy trying to save Flynn after he goes back to 2012. Emma saves him instead. Eventually Lucy runs into him and she discovers he doesn’t remember her and only knows what Emma has told him. At the end of the story, they have a final confrontation during the Gunpowder Plot. When the author asked my thoughts on a title, well, the Gunpowder Plot has the very famous saying “Remember, Remember, the 5th of November” and the whole story is Lucy trying to get Flynn to remember…
Disavowed One word, three syllables. Genre: Timeless Luciana Canon Divergent/Angst In this Twitter story, Flynn is blocked from returning to the US from Canada because they still think he’s a terrorist. Basically, his own country, whom he helped save, rejected him. When asked for a title, I focused on the idea that this story is about Flynn being rejected/denied entry/etc. I basically flipped through synonyms for rejected until I came across disavowed which is a term often used in spy craft. It’s a heavy word which paired well with the angst of the story.
Only Our Stories Three words, five syllables. Genre: Timeless Movie Canon Compliant-adjacent/Angst/Mission Fic The phrase “only our stories” is said in the fic itself. Future-Lucy writes it down towards the beginning, once she’s returned from dropping off the journal post-Chinatown. All that she has left of Flynn is only their stories, which she writes in the journal. She is eventually able to change things to get Flynn back, but he doesn’t remember her. There is still a connection though… their stories.
Never be afraid to take a line from your story to use as your title, so long as you follow the structure guidelines from the first section. 
At the end of the day, coming up with titles is just as much a skill as any other part of writing. We suck at first, then we figure out what's good, what's bad, and look at the world around us to figure out how to make it better. And don’t be afraid to edit it as much as you edit your novel. Until you publish, no title is set in stone, so it doesn’t have be right the first time.
And now here is where I close out this reference guide by saying something inspirational. Instead, I’m going to name this piece. While I wrote it, the temp file name was “Creating a Title” which is technically accurate but has no umph or style. This guide is meant to be helpful so the title should inspire confidence that I know what I’m talking about. But I don’t want it to sound too clinical either. 
A synonym for “name” is designation which I like but too many syllables because I’ll have to add to it. Synonym’s for “title” don’t give me much either. Instead, I should focus on the concept of the guide rather than its direct contents. Using something like “What’s in a Name?” would be too cliché. “I Suck at Titles” is funny, at first, with it being the exact opposite, but my genre is more educational than satire.
Wait, if I’m not going to reveal the title until the end, as a way to show you the thought process in creating a title, then to the reader, the title both does and doesn’t exist at the same time. It’s what you might call a…
Schrodinger’s Title: A Guide to Naming
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Timeless (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston Characters: Garcia Flynn, Lucy Preston, Rufus Carlin, Jiya (Timeless), Connor Mason, Wyatt Logan Additional Tags: Christmas in the heat, Things are heating up in the bunker, It's not quite smut, but its close, garcy, Timless secret santa, Garcy secret santa, 2022 Summary:
When the heat goes up in the bunker the team begin to melt down. The effect on Lucy is electric. Throw in a Christmas dinner and hey presto!
Merry Christmas Garcy Family.
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To  @ununpredictableme  Merry Christmas from your secret santa. <3
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As someone who's followed your blog for a while and noticed you are a Timeless fan, I'm curious: What are your thoughts on the finale? (the real finale, not the abomination that never happened)
Ooh, I’m very glad you asked! I loved it! (Well, most of it.) 
Seriously. It was a wholesome, happy ending for the Time Team - and that was really all I wanted. Structurally, I think it’s fantastic that the first half was the climax of the series, and the second half was the falling action. Part 1 was all action, part 2 was a character piece for all the leads. “Amadeus” was a history piece, and “Homecoming” had the team literally in limbo. It combined science fiction, a historical story, and the amazing cast. It did what “Timeless” does best. Most of the gripes I had weren’t really the fault of the finale, since they came from things established in earlier episodes. (Mainly bringing back Emma.) But almost every scene had me absolutely immersed. I’ll admit, they basically gave up on having the time travel rules be consistent or make sense, but it’s not like the show was ever that iron-cast about the rules, even in the early seasons. It made the story better, so bring it on. 
Some disconnected thoughts and notes. 
I had almost forgotten about the phone call from S4E1, and I was really worried even when I first read it that it would never be explained, especially as the Amy mystery fell by the wayside more and more. But this was like...a perfect conclusion to that phone call? An amazing bookend? They not only remembered it, but they actually gave it an explanation that makes sense, and I really liked it - how did they manage that? 
I kinda love that Rufus was the one to activate the Recursion? That at the end of it all, he was the one to basically blow up the universe. No idea why he did it but somehow, Malcom Barrett’s performance made it compelling anyway. And he wasn’t even giving a performance. Just, the one he gave in my head made it work. I dunno. I suppose he was spiraling after he thought Jiya died? I could follow it. Speaking of...
Okay, the destruction of the Lifeboat was the stupidest moment, period. Sorry, but it spontaneously combusts because it carried an extra passenger? I don’t remember it doing that at the end of Season 1? It was just a way to get rid of the lifeboat. Which wasn’t necessary, when all is said and done. Rufus would have just destroyed it later anyway. Loved seeing him blow up the Mothership, by the way. 
Wyatt. And Jessica. Having a conversation. This is all I have wanted for two seasons and it’s wonderful. The point they’re at with each other is so wistful and sad, but there’s a kind of realism to it. I’m not the biggest fan of what this continuation has done with Wyatt, but I’m so glad he got to have this closure. And I’ll admit, “You always loved me more when I was gone.” was some cold, hard truth. I’m just glad Wyatt got reunited with Sarah. But um...what happened to Jessica? 
Rufus and Connor’s reunion actually made me cry. Don’t even get me started. With Rufus trying to bring him back, I just can’t even. Also, you made it the entire season without a Harry Potter reference...and you just had to bring them back now, huh? For old time’s sake? Ah well, they bash Harry’s naming skills, so I’ll let it slide. 
Flynn and Lorena’s break up. Amicable and mature and beautiful, and at this point I’m just going to break down because why couldn’t Lorena come back? It wouldn’t have disrupted Garcy, and Iris deserves to get her mother back after everything she’s been through. Iris has lost both of her mother figures. I guess Jessica made the choice not to turn back her clock, and that’s why she’s not here? Who knows. Maybe Lorena returning would have been too happy. 
Emma’s chapter of the Recursion actually broke my heart for her. It was perfect how she was the only one who refused to engage with the other people who were present, insisted they weren’t real - but we know from the other visions that they were. Her setting her house on fire was fitting, and I actually expected her to turn up dead in the real world. Not gonna lie, really didn’t like how she ended up trapped in the Recursion and how cavalier Rufus was about it. Dude, this season brought her back from the dead just to trap her in a permanent hell? I know she’s evil, but why was that necessary? 
I’m so happy we got to meet Jiya’s dad, after learning about him in Season 2. That and Denise’s father accepting her just made me very happy. I live for the wholesome moments like that. But so long as everyone’s parents are here, and even Connor is here...I have to ask: Where the hell is Carol? Seriously, that’s a reunion that could have been interesting, and with everyone else’s parents returning, Carol’s absence is very noticeable. Sure, she was awful, but maybe she could have undergone post-death character development? I mean, Emma is awful too, and she came back. 
Iris and Sarah are just. So amazing as a duo. Any time we get to see their friendship, I just get smiley. Iris is just wonderful as a character in general if I’m being honest. Her being so ready to sacrifice her own life to kill Emma. Her awkwardly wondering if she’s welcome and Rufus and Jiya’s wedding (Thank you for showing it, and thank you for having Wyatt as Best Man. I would have thrown many hands if he wasn’t.) 
Amy is such a wildcard and I’m not sure what to make of her. She apparently “let go” of Valkyrie which allowed her to return to being young. But I guess Jessica didn’t want to let go? So is she just dead? Again? I like Amy though. I much prefer her and Flynn living happily ever after with Lucy to some stupid babies ever after ending where she goes full Harry Potter and names her children after them. 
In the end, I have a lot more to say about Homecoming than Amadeus, but don’t misunderstand - I definitely loved both episodes. Unsinkable is still the best episode of the season, however.
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desperate-entwives · 6 years
For drabble prompts, picking one of each because I'm your biggest fan right now. :D Garcy and fluff #2, angst #14, and smut #18 (because Flynn is a trashfire already, it's a suitable line).
Excellent! And thank you so much! 
I’m doing a short fic for each (I occasionally remember that drabbles are supposed to be 100-ish words. Then I laugh and prompty forget). Fluff is first, and I’ll get to the other two soon and tag you in them. 
Fluff: 2 - “I bought this because I thought you’d like it.”
The house was silent when Lucy returned from her shopping trip with Amy. On the fridge, a note in small, chaotic handwriting: out for an ice cream with Iris.
It was a Saturday tradition, now that their respective families were back; Lucy spending time with Amy, Garcia taking the day for his daughter.
Iris, nearly ten now, was still getting used to the idea that this version of her father was different from the version of him who had, in her timeline, divorced her mother two years previous. Lucy knew these things could be fragile and had made the decision to stay out of their way for the time being when they had their Saturdays together. She’d ease slowly into Iris’s life.
Lucy spread her purchases out on the coffee table almost guiltily, still unused to excess spending. A quiet, jumpy part of her still felt like she should keep her personal items to a minimum, lest the undead corpse of Rittenhouse rise from the grave, leading to more hiding in bunkers and leaping through time. It was illogical, but she’d seen weirder things happen. But Amy had insisted that she needed a good, old-fashioned mall day, and far be it from Lucy to deny her anything.  
The haul: four books (three history books– Lucy was still getting used to some changes in the timeline– and one piece of historical fiction), a brick-red lipstick Amy had convinced her to buy, and a sweater for Garcia because he sometimes got cold at night. Tall people had tragically poor circulation.
She was apparently not that jumpy, because when a pair of arms suddenly slipped around her waist from the back, she realized she hadn’t even heard the door opening.
“Don’t you sneak up on me, mister,” she murmured, leaning against Garcia’s chest.
She felt more than heard his soft chuckle and turned around, stretching to give him a quick peck on the cheek. “Where’s Iris?” 
“I dropped her off at her mom’s,” he said, leaning in to… sniff her hair? “You smell good.”
“Amy dragged me to Bath and Body Works,” Lucy explained. “It was, ah… a hurricane of smells. All at once.”  
“Sounds violent,” Garcia said, slipping past her to sit on the couch and tugging her down beside him. Curling up and leaning her head on his shoulder, she was struck, as she often was, by how solid he was beside her.
“It was horrible. So. How’s Lorena?” Lucy asked carefully.
The glorious angles of his face were relaxed. “Good. She’s very good,” he said, and turned to give Lucy a small smile. “She’s happy.”
Lorena had re-married in her own timeline, and she and Garcia were now cultivating a tentative friendship. It could have been more, probably, if Garcia had fought for it. But, as much as he would always love his first wife, and as ecstatic as he was to have her alive and well, he… hadn’t.
Almost instinctively, Lucy traced the smile lines etched into his face. “I bought you something,” she said.
“What more could I need?” he asked, looking at her that way he always did, vulnerable and intense all at once. Well. She couldn’t not lean in for a kiss, savoring the way he leaned into her with equal parts reverence and roughness, the way his hand gently touched the curve of her neck, the span of his back when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
She broke away. “I don’t suppose you’ll stop distracting me.”
“Never,” he said, the slight growl of his voice doing something to her, and she grinned, swatting his shoulder with one of the couch’s throw pillows. He laughed, almost surprised, and grabbed the pillow away from her. “No fair,” he said. “You have a weapon.”
“You are a weapon,” she pointed out and he snorted, wrapping his arms around her and positioning them so that they were spooning on the couch, lazy and still. 
“You’d better not fall asleep at eight o’clock at night,” she warned him eventually, snuggling into his chest.
“I’m an old, old man,” he said. “I can’t help it.”
“You’re forty-four. Stop being a drama queen.”
“I’m not a drama queen,” he said, sounding almost offended and she resisted another fit of giggles, pressing his hand to her mouth for a quick kiss.
“I did get you an old man sweater though,” she said. “I thought you’d like it.” Stretching from the couch, she reached into the bag and grabbed out a lump of knit blue fabric before reclining against him again.
“Mm. I don’t deserve you,” he said, shaking the sweater out thoughtfully. Still curled into him, she watched him unbutton it, the deft way his long fingers moved. Then he spread the garment over her like a blanket.
“That’s definitely not what I bought it for,” she said, shifting so that she was facing him.
In response, he kissed her lazily.
“Thank you,” he said after a languorous minute of this.
“I mean,” she said, “it was on sale…”
A soft laugh. “For everything.”
She smiled into another kiss, her eyes growing heavy. Hell, maybe it was okay to fall asleep at eight o’clock at night. Maybe they deserved the rest.  
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Hi, I'm the Anon that asked if its ok to be sad about flynn spoilers and mad about the Flynn-erasure/Goran-erasure that is happening with the movie stuff. I am writing positive posts now- you know reasons why Flynn/Goran is fan-f*ckin-tastic. Just a couple posts- so ppl know. Kill em with kindess, right? Sorry if I annoyed you- this is my first fandom and I didn't know that the stars get into shipping (that was hard to see)- and it really disappointed me. I learned a lot.
Hi there,
I’m actually not sure what ask you’re talking about? If you mean the one about the other part of the script, I answered that one earlier, but I didn’t get one explicitly about being sad re: Flynn erasure. So I can promise you didn’t annoy me, it’s just that tumblr ate it. So yes, please don’t worry on that front.
As for the fact that the writers seem unfortunately trying to cram in a forced L/W resolution/endgame, rather than leaving it open for a potential season 3 pickup… well, as ever, they can do what they want with that, but yes, it is disappointing, especially given as the Flynn/Garcy fandom is sizeable and would be hoping for a better result in a movie purportedly for all fans and to give the series a fitting sendoff. Again, we don’t have full context and don’t know what happens, but it’s obviously a human reaction to be upset or not be thrilled about what we have heard this far. I’m still waiting to form my full opinion, and there are some things that gave me feels for sure, but yeah, it’s not the way I would have chosen to end it. I don’t know if I would have come around to this development if it had been given time to unfold naturally over a proper season 3 (forever bitter at NBC for purposefully sabotaging this and in one sense, ensuring that the movie was always going to be a rushed and unsatisfactory ending), but as it stands, yeah, I’m not really a fan.
Fandom can be difficult when you get invested in a story and can’t control it, and when the behavior of other fans impacts on your ability to enjoy it. Unfortunately the Timeless fandom, after starting out lovely and respectful and chill, has pretty much self-destructed, and that does not help. Hence why I am very judicious about how I engage with it and what I want to consume, and I have been in fandom for a long time, so you have to work out how to do that for yourself. What I would like to say is that being a fan of something is not a binding contract to always like everything it does. I myself probably won’t watch the movie, or at least ask trusted folks in advance if it’s worth it, or just watch selected scenes or reblog gifsets. I did not sign an oath in blood to always be bound to the official output of anything (whether Timeless or whatever else) and that’s the fun of transformative works and independent fandom. You don’t like it, well, you always have the ability to change it, ignore it, not engage with it, etc. There is no obligation to consume media that is not going to make you happy. The world is shitty enough and most of us use this for escapism anyway. So yeah.
You certainly have every right to feel how you feel, and there can tend to be fan policing (again, in any fandom) that dictates that you should be universally positive or universally negative about something, which again.. isn’t true. My personal position is almost always to be neutral-positive-ish and to wait for full context and be willing to allow myself to be pleasantly surprised, and that goes for most things, since I too have had to go through the process of detaching myself from being totally emotionally dependent on a TV show or fictional characters. This was harder for me as a fandom newbie, so again, I do feel your pain. But again, either way, there is no obligation for you to feel one way or another, to watch the movie if it won’t make you happy (again, I myself am being very very noncommital on it and am not going to race to anything about it) or so on. Flynn is likewise my favorite character and if they totally shaft him, I’m going to be big mad. But I’ll also completely ignore it, write some vent posts/critiques, and basically pay 0% attention to it in future fic or headcanons. Because if you ruin him, you can’t have him.
So what I’m trying to say is… yeah, the movie promotion/filming is seemingly leaving a bad taste in the mouths of our part of the fandom, and if we don’t want to watch, we don’t have to, or only selectively. I had higher hopes for the movie when it seemed like it would just be about saving Rufus and leaving the door open for a possible season 3, but since they know they might not get picked up, they’re trying to cram in overall answers/resolutions. Again, this is entirely their right to do so, and I am sure some fans will enjoy it; I am happy for them if so. However, it would be a shame if a series I have otherwise enjoyed and gotten so much creative inspiration from went out on such a flat note, and there was a clear intent to crowd out Flynn’s character, his relationship with Lucy, and everything else that he has centrally been to the series, for the sake of a small but loud group of fans. It would not fit with everything thus far and again, we have no obligation to like it or support it.
Anyway… yes. I’m mostly trying not to think about it, and if it’s getting too much, I do advise stepping back or detoxing or so on. You’re not obliged to like everything, and you’re not obliged to react or remain engaged with it. Online drama is exhausting and frustrating, in my opinion, and I stay well away from it. At the end of the day, it still is fiction, and if it’s impacting badly on your mental health, at a time when we all need whatever scraps of it we can get, then by all means, do and react however you need.
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squidproquoclarice · 6 years
I was the anon who had mixed feelings about the movie I still feel the same way. All I see is talk about closure, to end the story right, conclusion and to do that in 90 something minutes will be a mess. Rufus would be back good, Lyatt will be together, Rittenhouse destroyed and Flynn could get his family back or worse be on the sidelines watching the great love of Lyatt. Hanging out on Tumblr and AO3 and I forget just how rapid and big Lyatt shippers are and how the show likes to cater to them
Still with you, Nonny.  As glad as I am to see more Timeless, period, and as much as I trust the cast to knock it out of the park, I’m more wary of the writing for the aforementioned reasons.I’m conflicted as I’m really not a fan, TBH, of getting Rufus back immediately.  There’s very good reason I didn’t plan for Chinatown redux  in 3x01 of MAWAMS/season 3.  YMMV, but I feel like we really needed some episodes to let his death have the proper weight and matter like it should.  We need to feel his loss and absence, and see the work the team has to put in on the Lifeboat, the Chinatown plan, and on regaining the trust and camaraderie they had before Wyatt’s bullheadedness screwed that up.  If there had been a full season order, to get him back immediately feels a little cheap and deus ex machina to me, but as we’ve got 90 minutes of screentime to get Rufus back now, that’s now become a necessity.  But it’s my hope that the Timeless movie is effectively the Save Rufus movie, and that’s really the sole focus.  And they might actually do a decent job of that if plotted correctly.
On the other storytelling angles, I’m cautiously allowing a little optimism given some indication from the writers they apparently want to leave a lot of material unresolved in hopes of a season 3 revival at some point.  If that’s really their mentality to just do the Save Rufus movie, and they’re not hurrying to tie everything off with a nice neat bow, the movie may actually be OK rather than realizing our worst fears by hastily slamming so many doors.   Flynn’s family, Amy, Jessica’s loyalties and eventual fate, Jiya’s visions and Rufus adjusting to a different Jiya than the one he knew, etc., should probably just be left as-is.  And they really can’t take down Emma or Rittenhouse, because then there’s nothing for a season 3 and beyond.Shipperwise, best option is to just steer a purely neutral course and not go there.  I’m voting for Single Lucy being wholly supported by both Garcia and Wyatt as friends, because honestly, putting aside my Give Me Garcy Or Give Me Death opinions, objectively, that’s the only outcome that makes sense.  Given where things were left in s2 with so much damage and mistrust between Lucy and Wyatt, and so little said clearly between Lucy and Garcia, neither Garcy nor Lyatt can be made believable in the 5-10 minutes of screentime they’d get.  Personally, I don’t want half-baked Garcy, given what a beautiful slow burn it’s been to this point.  And I’m really, really hoping the writers don’t pander to the handful of Lyatt shippers who are highly vocal and demanding by improbably shoving it in there, because it would basically require killing off Jessica (lame) plus that’s both bad storytelling and honestly sending a crappy message about relationships if Lucy just takes Wyatt back after calling him out so much in s2 for his obnoxious behavior, which was awesome and something we all sorely need to see more of depicted in fiction.  It screws Jessica over by making her yet another fridged female character killed (TWICE, no less) to serve a man’s storyline, it makes Lucy a weaker character by going back on taking a stand for herself, and it weakens Wyatt by once again glossing over his BS rather than challenging him to be that better man.  Which is…not good writing if you leave multiple characters worse than where you left them when your show was cancelled, to be honest.So yeah, I still share your mixed feelings, and I still am let down at not getting the season 3 we’ve all fought so damn hard to see.  But at least in terms of doing justice to the characters and leaving room for the future of Timeless, there’s maybe more cause for hope than there was this morning.  I’m wary, but I’m not totally cynical.  And I am excited for the cast and crew to get one last hurrah with a project they so clearly love.Still going ahead with MAWAMS season 3, though.  ;)  Hoping to finish off ch 12/3x03 before my life gets insane over the next couple of weeks so I can take a brief hiatus, but no promises.
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flynn-it-up · 6 years
(1) I'm brand new to this fandom and damn I forgot how batshit crazy ship wars are, accusations of buying views(wtf), crazy letters about how shipping Flynn is terrible and think of the children! About people discovering Timeless and shipping Lyatt, well I did, until the S2 then I was all about Garcy so don't give up on your friends lol
(2) and idk, I must be missing something but Garcy seems pretty damn popular, not as popular as Lyatt yet but they had S1 so idek why is surprising that the only Garcy video has that many views and more important, I think it has the second  amount of likes, on AO3 Lyatt has more fics but they had a head start but now it’s very even, here there are as many post in both tags, Garcy gifsets get as many likes, from someone who just got here, Garcy is a very solid ship.
It kinda feels like everything heated up a little as soon as I joined, lol.  Typical, amiright??  Honestly though, these are some pretty tame ship wars if I do say so myself.  The accusations of buying views/likes/social media related things I’ve dealt with before, and I’m already laughing at that one.  I’ve also dealt with ridiculous letters from fans who think that people take fiction as seriously and literally as they apparently do, so that’s nothing new either.  As for my shipmates, I hold out hope that they’ll ship Garcy come season 2, but if not it’s not that big a deal.  I was just poking fun, lol.  It would be nice to have some old friends to flail with about a new ship though, especially since OUAT is over now. 
I think that Garcy is very popular all things considered.  I just think that most of us aren’t all that loud and keep to ourselves, accepting the fact that we aren’t the most popular ship in the fandom and resigning to simply enjoying our ship in peace.  Lyatt did have a head start on Garcy, but I think things took a turn after season 2.  We had a lot of people jumping ship, or at least multishipping.  I think it’s a solid ship as well, which is why some people I think are starting to feel so threatened that they feel the need to write ridiculous letters and accuse us of “cheating” in order to make Garcy look popular.  It’s a sad reality, but the fact that people are giving us a such a hard time just proves how solid Garcy really is.  If they didn’t feel threatened, they wouldn’t be doing any of this.
At the end of the day, people just need to recognize that this is all supposed to be fun.  If you get so worked up by people enjoying their ship to the point that you feel the need to make them feel bad, or make them feel invalidated, then you need to take a step away. 
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linesforloving · 6 years
Any new fan fiction written? I am so in the mood for a Garcy ff. I have...run out☹️ I am sad. NBC have killed me...very badly.
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Chapter: 9
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Time for some conversations.
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chaosslibrarian · 6 years
so someone today accused me of using feminism to hate on a character to further my own ship bc I was pointing out how the actions of a character was misogynic when that character has been white washed to extreme levels where he can not do anything wrong per standards of the fans. I wouldn’t be pointing it out if people would just admit that “yeah, that’s not cool” and instead thinking destructive and controlling jealousy is romantic. 
First off, I would never attack a ship just to further my own. I consider myself fairly good at keeping my own personal bias in check and understanding what is my own feelings and what is actual facts. I take caution to, for example, avoid tropes in fic writing that misconstrues a character as worse simply for it being “in the way” of a ship or character I enjoy. I hate that ship.
Also, this was in reaction to offering a critique of how a character acted in a specific episode and how I found it ironic that it was ignored considering the theme of said episode. Never did I say this made the character irredeemable, that people should not like/love him (or are bad for doing so). At no point did I claim any moral superiority for “seeing” this misogynic action as misogynic. 
I knew that someone would get an attitude with me, because people generally do when you point out the more insidious misogynic actions that aren’t always that easy to spot. Very often you’re told you overreact or misunderstand, which essentially proves the point of it. Anyway, that’s exactly what happened. 
Though I initially answered respectfully, despite the ridiculing (condescending) tone of the person who responded. It delved into a heated discussion where it was not just implied that I didn’t know the definition of misogyny (ha!) but that everyone who’d agreed with me just didn’t think it through enough. I was over-saturating the definition of misogyny when I applied it to this fictional situation, since it of course was not misogyny. Definitely not. 
I was also told I was stupid and she was ashamed that I was part of the same fandom. Ditto, asshole, ditto. There’s a lot more to this (like I was explained to how women face misogyny as if I never have?), and more was said. I got furious with her and let’s just say it shows in my tweets. The disrespect was... wow.
What really got me going was the accusation that I was “accusing” this character of being misogynic to put down him and get him “out of the way” for my own ship. Boasting my own ship as better and morally superior. While I do think my ship is “better” (duh) I’m not deluded to think I’m better than anyone for it or that people who like this character or ship that ship are bad people, or whatever? It was a critique of the behavior of a character in an episode and that I was surprised it hadn’t been noted more.
It’s such a weird thing to accuse people who critique something as having an agenda. Yes, I’m biased (we all are!) That doesn’t mean I have some agenda? It’s so convoluted and insulting. 
So, dear; if you’re the Garcy shipper who did this on twitter I’m still real fucking pissed off with you and if you follow me here just don’t anymore. 
My point is: you can critique something without having a hidden agenda. It’s really not that rare. 
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I’m loving all the prompts and it’s sure making me happier about Garcy. You know what’s funny, I think I could have lived better if Flynn just had appeared in the first episode, killing him in that dumb way would still make me livid but the way they did São Paulo was the final straw, the final “fuck you” to all of us, and I know the guy in charge wanted that scene but good god, did he want like that I wonder, was everyone involved in this show a dick who thought everyone was a Lyatt shipper.
Nonny, oh my sweet nonny, I agree 100%.
São Paulo was the one thing, the one thing, that us Flynn fans were hoping for and they took it away by having Wyatt and Rufus there because how dare anything even possibly get in the way of Ly@tt for ten seconds, and having our compassionate heroine Lucy Preston turned into a manipulative pod person who implicated herself, Wyatt, and Rufus in all of Flynn’s “bad deeds” by literally telling him to go and do them and lying to him about how it would be and dangling false hope in front of a suicidal, desperate man.
Literally, WTF.
Now, we can’t speak for all the writers, because there are some who weren’t involved in writing this finale. So they get a pass although they’re still on thin fucking ice. But the two people who wrote the episode were clearly not only Ly@tt biased and shit writers who wouldn’t last a day in a community college Fiction Writing 101 class, but they listened to the 10% of the fandom that is the Ly@tt Echo Chamber on Twitter.
Personally, this showcases two important things to me about television and how it’s behind the 8 ball:
1. Writers need to start admitting that stories evolve and that they need to abandon their Original Plan. Dear God, I want to lock all TV writers in a room with Matthew Mercer and force them to play Dungeons and Dragons so that they learn that no matter how much you plan out a story, it will evolve in crazy ways and that’s a good thing. Television writing is a) long form storytelling and b) collaborative storytelling, because you have the directors and the crew and the actors and the fans all throwing in their input and thoughts. This is like the ending of How I Met Your Mother times a hundred, in that they shoehorned in their original pairing ending by literally shitting on everyone’s character development, ignoring the characters of color (to which I can only say, wow), and setting feminism in media back about ten years. When instead, they should have been fair and balanced to all characters, and dared to leave things a bit more open-ended and honored where the story had evolved to. Your stories evolve and change, god fucking dammit, and if TV writers don’t accept that, they’re going to keep writing utter horseshit and pissing off all their fans.
2. Writers need to start actually understanding how fandom works. Twitter is an echo chamber and honestly dangerous for your health as a fan. I have had at least two people whose mental health took a dangerous, and I mean dangerous, dive because they were on Twitter in the Timeless fandom. Writers can’t just look at the 10% who are screaming on Twitter about Ly@tt or whatever the shit. If they really want to do something for ‘all fans’, they need to assign someone to go onto Tumblr, to look at ALL the hashtags on Twitter, to read all the blogs and articles, to actually go into the fandom and see what everyone is saying. Because the loudest fans aren’t always the majority and sometimes they’re the crackpots. Writers need to respect fans, yes, but they clearly don’t understand fandom and are scared of it, and so just threw this shit at us thinking it was what we wanted instead of actually a) holding onto their artistic integrity b) honoring how the story had evolved c) being fair and unbiased towards all characters and d) actually doing their homework on what fans wanted.
Until these two issues are resolved in television, we’re going to keep getting shit on.
As for the guy in charge… I mean, I shouldn’t have had so much faith in Kripke seeing what’s happened with Supernatural, but given that the two main characters on that show are morally gray tragic heroes I at least thought he’d let Flynn, a BETTER WRITTEN AND ACTED morally gray tragic hero, have the kind of respectful treatment he deserved.
But y’know fuck that I guess.
I think honestly it was a combination of things. A combination of rushing the story, a combination of not honoring how the story had evolved and listening to the Twitter Echo Chamber instead of actually doing their homework, a combination of picking the wrong (crappy) writers to pen the finale and not looking at their own damn canon for context and inspiration on character development.
But at the end of the day, does it really matter why? Or what anyone was thinking? No. When we’re with kids, it’s important that we help them understand why they knocked the milk off the counter or why they threw a fit because we’re teaching them self-awareness and how to better handle a situation. But if you’re an adult, I don’t give a single flying fuck why you knocked the milk off the counter, just apologize and clean up the mess.
Seeing as the writers are telling us (and roping actual ray of sunshine and No. 1 Flynn fan Goran into it, GOD I want to hug that poor man) that the milk didn’t spill at all and we’ve got no reason to be upset since there’s no mess in the first place… yeah.
It really is just a ‘fuck you’ to their characters, their story, and 90% of their fanbase, isn’t it nonny?
*sigh* I’m sorry. As you can see I have a lot of anger and it’s not going away quickly. *hugs you* I’m glad that my stories can in any way help you. I highly recommend that you get into @timeless-season-three and proceed to ignore the movie, like we all ignore that Last Airbender film that definitely was never made, shame about that.
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