#gas gender female
ioveaether · 4 months
cw: gn!reader; reader has anger issues; char and reader are best friends, but is implied that they're crushing on each other
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It wasn't the first time of you ending up in cries and hiccups, just because you got angry at someone. And definitely it won't be the last as well.
This time it was with your parents. You just wanted to have a normal conversation with them, but ended up getting way too emotional and walking away angry, with tears running down your cheeks.
"Why are you crying now? We didn't even say anything mean."
"We didn't mean to make you cry..."
It wasn't people's fault that you get angry so easily. You always try to control yourself, to explain to people what you mean, but always end up yelling in frustration and then regret it at the end. Sometimes this anger even comes out in tears, making people think that they made you cry...
You hated it. You hated yourself for that. You hated how you lose your temper so easily. You hated how some people even think that you're not trying to control yourself. You just hated it.
"Hey, is everything okay?" A familiar voice said from behind.
You froze in place, before you sniffed slightly and wiped away your tears. "I'm fine." You answered, still not turning to face your best friend.
"It doesn't sound like that." He said back, concern obvious in his voice. "What happened?"
You stood quiet, not even daring to utter a word out, thinking that it'll come out in a shaky voice. You were even trying to hold back your hiccups, but failing miserably.
"C'mon, at least let me see your face." He said in a calm tone, now slowly approaching your form, before he sat down next to you.
"Did you get into another fight with someone?" He asked softly, his eyes finally seeing how red your face was from all the crying. His heart basically shattered at the view in front of him.
"I didn't fight anyone." You answered back, sniffing slightly. "I just..." Tears threatened to come out again, but you quickly wiped them away. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down your nerves, before you spoke. "I just got angry at my parents again.... For nothing."
"I-i didn't want to get angry at them. I just... wanted to have a normal chat with them about something, a-and i don't know what happened-" And the hiccups came back, the tears already falling down your cheeks. "I-i got super emotional at some point. I got angry, i started crying from anger and just walked away, so i can calm my nerves down."
He listened to your shaky voice, his hand slowly reaching to hold yours, to comfort you in some way.
He knew how easily you lose your temper. And he knew how you always try to control yourself, even if sometimes it was just too much. He was proud of you for at least trying, and he always told you that he'll be there to help with whatever he can.
"I hate myself. I hate how easily i get angry at people. I want that anger to be gone in some way." You confessed, squeezing his hand tightly. "I don't want to make people think they're at fault for me losing my temper. Especially people i care about."
"I even think that some people hate me, because of-"
"Okay, i'll stop you right here." He said suddenly, cutting you off. You looked up at him with a confused look, waiting for him to continue.
"No one hates you, because of your short temper, that's just your negative thoughts getting to you. And if there are people who actually hate you because of that, well fuck them! They don't know what you're going though, just to throw disrespectful comments towards you." He said in a serious tone. His hand squeezed yours, as he continued. "And i'm sure you're trying your hardest to control yourself. I've seen you. How you always clench your fists, bite your lips, pick on your nails and so many other things, holding yourself back to not explode in frustration... And i'm proud of you."
He gave you a soft smile, his free hand coming and ruffling your hair.
"Hey!" You let out a small whine, and soon giggles came out of your mouth. "Thank you..." You smiled up at him, before you plopped your head against his shoulder. "It means a lot coming from you."
"Of course. And like i said before, i'm always here to help however i can." He answered, his arms wrapping around you in a soft embrace.
You wrapped your arms around his form, burying yourself closer in the warm hug. He always had such an effect on you. Making you smile and laugh in just mere seconds. You didn't know why he was the one to make you feel like that, but you hoped it'll stay like that forever. Him being your comfort person till the end.
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© ioveaether
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sad-endings-suck · 6 months
Blue Eye Samurai: regarding Mizu’s “plot armour” or her “ridiculously over-powered” abilities.
“Mizu is way too overpowered, it doesn’t make sense.”
I feel like a lot of people don’t realize just how much the mind over matter mentality plays a roll in Mizu’s “abilities”. Mizu isn’t the best because she’s physically the strongest, or had the best training, or the most experience, or whatever. Mizu is the best because she has single-minded focus and immense tenacity that borders on psychotic due to how intensely dedicated to revenge she has been for almost all of her life. All the years she spent training, all the time she spends taking out enemies, she is being driven by single minded focus and iron willed determination that never wavers. She has been sharpening and honing not just her body, but her mind, for exactly this. She has dedicated her entire life to her quest for vengeance, and in her own words, there is no room in it for anything else.
People also seem to be making a lot of assumptions about what kind of training and how much training Mizu has or has not had. As the audience, we’ve only been shown bits and pieces of Mizu’s past, which includes her experience learning martial arts. Asking shit like “how is she so good with a sword if she’s only self taught?” is like asking “how can she read and write if Master Eiji is blind?”. The answer is that Mizu has obviously learnt these things from more than one source, but documenting her entire education in detail doesn’t exactly serve a purpose to the narrative. We are explicitly shown in one of Mizu’s flashbacks that she’s been practicing with a wooden sparring sword since she was very young. It’s actually her child self that we see in that brief particular flashback. Not her teen/tween self, her child self. She’s also following the movements and instructions of an older man that is clearly a skilled samurai or warrior of some kind based on context (which y’all love to ignore). Besides, who else would want/need a sword from a master sword-maker besides an expert swordsman? How many skilled fighters from all over Japan have come to Master Eiji’s forge hoping for a blade, and wait with nothing better to do but train while their blade is being made? How many of them have divulged information about certain fighting styles (like Shindo-Ryu, which Mizu was familiar with despite never having been to the dojo before). Or practiced around her and with her? We are clearly shown through Mizu’s flashbacks that receiving training from a visiting client has not been unusual for her throughout her apprenticeship with Master Eiji, and her little spar with Blood Soaked Chiaki was no one time event. Yet Mizu is never given the benefit of the doubt by the audience, despite context clues indicating that she should be.
“Taigen has way more training in an actual dojo, so why is Mizu better?”
Whereas Taigen, while he was determined to become more than just a fisherman’s son and was driven to rise through the ranks of the Dojo and become a skilled samurai, did not have that same desire or determination to hone every part of himself to be the most deadly weapon he could possibly be, like Mizu did. Taigen believes in the samurai code of honor and upholds it in his own way (preventing him from learning how to “fight dirty” so to speak) and he also had a life outside of his training (he had a social life, he drank, he partied, he snuck around a lot to see Akemi presumably, etc). In fact, we actually never see Taigen practice, train, learn, hone his skills, or anything (to my recollection) throughout the whole season, until he’s bested by Mizu in combat. I’m assuming Taigen had to work quite hard for several years to become as good as he is, but I get the sense that ever since he has been regarded as a prodigy he has allowed himself to get cocky and maybe a bit too comfortable. He has always been the best and always thought himself to be the best, so he never needed to give 150% effort when he fought. In fact, as he got older and more practiced, and it became more and more apparent how much better he was than everyone else, he probably stopped giving his 110% and allowed himself to get a bit comfortable putting in 100% effort, and then eventually 80% effort (which is part of the reason why I think he’s so pissed he lost to Mizu in their first fight, because he knows he could have done better: been less cocky, been more tactical, more driven, etc).
We also never see Taigen meditate or mentally or physically prepare himself the way we do with Mizu. Mizu will pray before a major upcoming battle, not because she’s religious, but because she’s mentally, emotionally, and spiritually preparing herself. We even see Mizu submerge herself in very cold ocean water (during the winter mind you) as a ritual/practice of sorts that serves to center herself and prepare mentally and physically for what’s ahead when she feels herself getting “too emotional” or too stressed or unfocused or even just slightly off kilter. Mizu sacrifices every part of her life, so that she can be the deadliest version of herself possible. She has no social life. She has no friends, or significant others (Mikio aside). She has no other activities to participate in, because she’s been completely alienated and thus being anything but the best is not an option in her mind because she has no options. She tried married life. She had the best possible life that she could have had as a biracial woman in Edo era Japan. She did as she was told by her “mother”. She showed her true self to Mikio, just as he desired. Yet the blood and vengeance still caught up with her. She has no other options anymore. Pursuing revenge is the only thing she knows how to do, because every other avenue in life has been cut off from her. So she has to be single-mindedly focused on her vengeance, which means being as skilled and as dangerous as she can possibly be. She has no hobbies or jobs or responsibilities beyond sword-making (which allows her to become as familiar with the blade as possible) and training herself. If she has extra time, she uses it to practice, to train, to improve, to simply maintain peak performance. Such as when she was hacking through those trees in episode 2. Afterwards, we see Taigen attempt to replicate her training (by cutting down trees with his sword). Though even then, it was more about curiosity and trying to suss out Mizu so he could gauge her skill level, then it was about actually honing his own abilities (until episode 3 when he practices with Chiaki’s broken blade). Which does count as training in its own way (assessing your enemy), but my point still stands. Taigen does not have the same unwavering focus and force of will that Mizu does (partially because he does not actually want to kill Mizu, as we do see Taigen go cold blooded with focus when he kills Heiji Shindo, but those are whole other discussions).
“Mizu just has ridiculous plot armour, that’s the real reason she survives every encounter.”
I feel like people that think Mizu has ridiculous plot armour are just not at all familiar with the Samurai or Western/Cowboy sub-genres at all, or even action as an overarching genre on its own. I don’t believe I have ever engaged in a single piece of action media in which the protagonist didn’t have “plot armour” in some way. Basically half of all male protagonists from any and all modern western action movies ever, have been way too over-powered and been able to take a ridiculous amount of damage that should have killed them multiple times over. These action heroes (who in western media are almost always cis-het white men) have ridiculous plot armour in the most classic sense. Yet no one complains when it’s a white man. Only when it’s a queer-coded biracial woman of colour. Shocking.
In fact, you could argue that every main character in every fictional story ever told has plot armour to a certain degree, because having an entire narrative revolve around one character is inherently “unrealistic” and therefore the main character has plot armour, yes? No? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Oh, and on the topic of the samurai genre specifically (and many martial arts based action media) there are certain genre specific tropes that are nearly integral to the genre. One of the most prominent being the samurai/ronin/warrior/martial arts master that is “ridiculously over powered”. It’s literally part of the genre. In fact, the western/cowboy genre is quite similar to the classic samurai genre. Now, how many westerns have you watched in which Clint Eastwood or John Wayne shoot 5+ guys with one pistol before any of the guys they shoot even get a shot off? A lot I bet. Is that not the definition of “over-powered” and “unrealistic”? Or is it just a genre trope, or even perhaps, a genre staple? No one thinks Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2) is over-powered. No one thinks that Joel (The Last of Us) is over-powered. In fact, when the TLOU show came out, people actually complained that Joel, the fifty-something year old man that has been living in a post apocalyptic wasteland for 20 years, was not badass or strong enough (he kills dozens of humans and super zombies and he’s legally a senior). So, who is the “judge” of what is and is not realistic in action media that borders on sci-fi/fantasy based on how “over-powered” the protagonists “realistically” are?
“It’s just weird that Mizu is so powerful when other characters within the story are not. It makes Mizu such a Mary Sue.”
Okay… so, with all that in mind, let’s circle back to where I started when referring to Mizu as someone driven by unwavering determination, and how that affects her “abilities”. That facet of her personality and motivation is nothing new when it comes to the action genre, especially for protagonists of revenge storylines. Think of Kill Bill or John Wick. Why does John or the Bride keep going and keep winning even when they are constantly getting injured and always fighting. Is it because they are simply that much better than everyone else? Yes and no. No, because they are not superheroes (technically), but also yes. Because their single minded determination and need for revenge drives them to push that much harder than anyone else on their skill level. They are the best, but they win against everyone else that is also “the best” because they want it more. They need it more. Mind over matter. They are willing to endure what others are not through sheer will and pure cold rage. Mizu, Beatrice Kiddo, John Wick, and so many more similar protagonists in action-revenge narratives don’t keep winning and keep getting back up no matter how inured they get because they are just “that much stronger and more talented than everyone else”. Yes, they are extremely skilled and would probably be one of the strongest and most deadly combatants/killers in their respective universes regardless… but their refined skill and raw talent and power are not the only reason they win. Their unwavering force of will, extreme determination, ice cold fury, and single-minded focus on revenge is what drive them to be that much tougher. Their tenacity is their superpower. They want to win more than their opponent does. They need to win, because this is their one and only goal in life as of now. Mizu (Blue Eye Samurai) Beatrice (Kill Bill), John (John Wick), they all share a philosophy in life when it comes to their revenge, which basically boils down to “Either I kill you, or I die trying. There is no middle ground, there is no negotiating, no other choice, no path of least resistance, no other goal or motivation. You will die, because I ain’t fucking dying until you do.”
Mizu doesn’t have plot armour and she’s not over-powered. She is an archetypical protagonist of the action-revenge narrative and the samurai/western genre as well. She arguably even has better reason to be completing the feats that she does than John Wick or The Bride, because the medium of Blue Eye Samurai is animation and not live action, and the genre borders on magical realism far more than Kill Bill or John Wick. Now, how many anime protagonists (probably almost all male) can you think of that are “ridiculously over-powered” especially compared to any live action counterparts, but no one complains about it? Why does no one complain about it (aside from misogyny)? Because the medium of animation inherently has different “rules”, expectations, and set standards for suspension of disbelief, than the medium of live action film or television. For example, is it ridiculous and unrealistic when you’re watching a Looney Tunes cartoon and Bugs Bunny’s legs pinwheel in super-speed for 3 seconds straight before he starts running, or when he runs off a ledge and gravity just lets him hang there for a sec so he can look straight at the camera before he falls? No, it’s not “unrealistic” or emersion breaking, not even a little, but why? Is it because any of those things seem even remotely probable or “realistic”? Of course not! It’s perfectly acceptable because the medium, genre, target audience, atmosphere, art/animation style, narrative choice, storytelling style, and more, have all established that Bugs Bunny defying physics is normal in Looney Tunes, and therefore not a “plot-hole” or “unrealistic”. In fact, if Bugs Bunny or Tom and Jerry didn’t defy physics in ridiculous ways all the time, then it feels far stranger and off-beat than if they did. Same goes for pretty much all action anime. If the characters in those stories were strictly limited to what is 100% humanly possible in real life, most of those animes wouldn’t even have storylines anymore. They’d be turned into completely different content that may be unrecognizable from the original source material. Or wouldn’t even have any material anymore because all the characters would be dead after their first fight scene. So why is Blue Eye Samurai being held to a different standard?
Now, do y’all get it yet?
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darkbracelets · 2 years
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Alex, Alter Alex, Fem Alex & Alex (Sequel)
Algunas de las variantes de Alex <3
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KorTac members are WHORES, you’re only safe because you’re Colonel’s favorite.
You never talk, always have your mask on and the clothes and gear you have to wear daily doesn’t give too much information about what you could be. Male? Female? Only you know, and only you’ll decide when and how you’ll tell others (at least that’s what you thought).
When women from the base hit on you, hugging, tugging on your arms, pressing their tits all over you, you definitely get flustered, but you don’t know how to break it to them, that you’re actually a female and pretty much enjoy yourself every night by watching big muscled men jerking off on the unholy sites, with their hairy torsos and their angry looking cocks.
One day, some rookies (too fed up with your mysteriousness) drag you to the communal showers, laughing and calling you out on never joining them for one. Making silly jokes as ‘you’re afraid of us or our dicks?’ ‘What’s it big boy? Your cocks too big to grant us the pleasure of its presence in the same room as us?’ Or ‘no I bet it’s actually small, he just doesn’t want us to see it!’ Or ‘guys leave him alone, you’re gonna get in trouble with colonel’
As you are being dragged, you arrive inside the showers, everything is on display and you know it, there’s no curtains, no privacy, of course, that’s why you shower always at night and ALONE. But when you’re thrown inside and all you can see are huge junks, wet muscles, tensed abs and men moaning, you truly understand how much you actually fucked up for wanting to cover up your identity so bad and leaving people just assume your gender.
Your colonel suddenly facing your way with his hard dick pointed directly at you it’s not making it easier for you. But the rookies starting to trash you around, throwing you from ones arms to another, while starting to jokingly remove your clothes it’s not of help either.
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Hlep I have some big ideas w this one c:
I just wanna say that the rookies will definitely not be playing with us in that sense, and this will probably be a KorTac x some other members probably from taskforce141. Probably an orgy thingie or idk, still have to decide.
Under here a poll with the characters I have in mind, just vote and the most rated ones are getting it. I thing of making it with at least 5 men x reader :3
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
Yuri (Japanese: 百合, lit. "lily"), also known by the wasei-eigo construction girls' love (ガールズラブ, gāruzu rabu), is a genre of Japanese media focusing on intimate relationships between female characters. While lesbianism is a commonly associated theme, the genre is also inclusive of works depicting emotional and spiritual relationships between women that are not necessarily romantic or sexual in nature. Yuri is most commonly associated with anime and manga, though the term has also been used to describe video games, light novels, and literature.
Themes associated with yuri originate from Japanese lesbian fiction of the early twentieth century, notably the writings of Nobuko Yoshiya and literature in the Class S genre. Manga depicting female homoeroticism began to appear in the 1970s in the works of artists associated with the Year 24 Group, notably Ryoko Yamagishi and Riyoko Ikeda. The genre gained wider popularity beginning in the 1990s; the founding of Yuri Shimai in 2003 as the first manga magazine devoted exclusively to yuri, followed by its successor Comic Yuri Hime in 2005, led to the establishment of yuri as a discrete publishing genre and the creation of a yuri fan culture.
As a genre, yuri does not inherently target a single gender demographic, unlike its male homoerotic counterparts yaoi (marketed towards a female audience) and gay manga (marketed towards a gay male audience). Although yuri originated as a genre targeted towards a female audience, yuri works have been produced that target a male audience, as in manga from Comic Yuri Hime's male-targeted sister magazine Comic Yuri Hime S.
String identified:
(aa: 百合, t. ""), a t a-g ctct g' (ガールズラブ, gā a), a g aa a cg tat at t a caact. a a c acat t, t g a c ctg ta a ta at t tat a t ca atc a at. t c acat t a a aga, tg t t a a t c ga, gt , a tat.
T acat t gat aa a ct t a ttt ct, ta t tg a a tat t Ca g. aga ctg a tc ga t aa t 1970 t att acat t t a 24 G, ta aag a a. T g ga at gg t 1990; t g a 2003 a t t aga aga t c t , t cc Cc 2005, t t tat a a ct g g a t cat a a ct.
A a g, t t tagt a g g gac, t a tc ctat a (at ta a a ac) a ga aga (at ta a ga a ac). Atg gat a a g tagt ta a a ac, a c tat tagt a a ac, a aga Cc ' a-tagt t aga Cc .
Closest match: Branchellion lobata genome assembly, chromosome: 11 Common name: Marine leech
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aretheyqueer · 10 days
List of Canonically Trans/gnc Characters
My own list in this post is anime, manga, games mostly but in the spreadsheet you can add anything.
Following my tierlist of them, I realized I should make a public list so theyre not just kept in my head, since I spent quite a while finding these characters. If you want to watch/play anything with trans or gnc characters, you can use this list.
They range from good rep to bad, characters viewed as "traps" or not taken seriously to ones that the whole fandom understands is trans. I've added trigger warnings to the characters and fandoms I know can be triggering. I've also put certain names in bold to show that they're a main character, but i've only watched a few on this list so some are missing.
I would add trigger warnings for "bury your gays" and similar tropes, but I want to avoid spoilers. Maybe you can look it up first if you're worried. I've tried to exclude characters that are referred to as hermaphrodites.
The "crossdressers" section obviously includes some spoilers.
Enjoy :D
Alice Arisuin from Chivalry of a Failed Knight (Prefers feminine name and terms but doesn't care too much).
Arachne from Angel Sanctuary
Arashi Narukami from Ensemble Stars
Astolfo from the Fate/Grand series
Leonardo Da Vinci from the Fate/Grand series (unsure)
Cassandra Igarashi from The Wicked + The Divine
Dahlia Carpenter from Carole & Tuesday
Victoria October from Batman
Elendira the Crimsonnail from Trigun Stampede
Giselle Gewelle from Bleach (The fandom is very transphobic)
Grell from Black Butler (Unnecessarily debated)
Hana from Tokyo Godfathers
Okasan from Tokyo Godfathers (Could be a drag queen)
Hibari Oozora from Stop!! Hibari-kun!
Isabella Yamamoto from Paradise Kiss
Kanamori from Heaven's Design Team
Kano Ienaga from Golden Kamuy
Kaoru Anesagi from IDOLiSH7
Kaoru Hanase from Tamako Market (Speculated to be a trans woman)
Kenji Hikiishi from My Hero Academia
Kikinojo from One Piece
Mariandale/Marian from Ixion Saga DT
Mizuki Akiyama from Project Sekai (Heavily implied)
Momoko from Shangri-La
Kikyou Motoki from Itazura Na Kiss
Nao from Skip and Loafer
Nathan Seymour from Tiger & Bunny
Perfuma from She-Ra and the Princesses of power
Petrichor from Saga
Ruka Urushibara from Steins;Gate (Transphobic fandom)
Saber from the Fate/Grand series
Stephanie from Majutsushi Orphen
Ushiyama from All Worlds Alliance
Hiroyuki Yoshida from Wandering Son
Shuuichi Nitori from Wandering Son
Yuujirou Shiratori from The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi
Hachiro from Gintama
Kite from Japan Sinks: 2020
Kusuo Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (Turned himself into a boy when he was in the womb, otherwise never mentioned)
Ryo Watari from Boys Run the Riot
Shou Fujita from Stars Align (Very minor character)
Tooru Mutsuki from Tokyo Ghoul:re
Yamato from One Piece
Yawara Chatora from My Hero Academia
Yoshino Takatsuki from Wandering Son
Anne Faulkner from Paradox Live
Asra from The Arcana
Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate (genderfluid)
Chaos from Hades
Berg Katze from Gatchaman Crowds (androgynous)
O. D. from Gatchaman Crowds
Daishikyou from Gintama
Chevalier D'Eon from Fate/Grand series
Enkidu/Lancer from Fate/Grand series (Inherently no gender/sex)
Double Trouble from She-Ra and the Princesses of power
Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist (can transform into any gender)
Francois from Dr. Stone
Halara Nightmare from Master Detective Archives: Rain Code
Hange from Attack on titan (Fandom mostly refers to them as female)
Ivankov Emporio from One Piece (i'm not sure what they identify as)
Juniper from Xenoblade Chronicles
Kaoruko Someya from Okane ga Nai (Okama)
Kimera from Kimera (nb or transfem)
Kyuubei Yagyuu (Born female, raised male so has an unconventional relationship with gender)
Vanitas of the Blue Moon from The Case Study of Vanitas
Milo Belladonna from Monster Prom
Mogumo from Love Me For Who I Am
Najimi Osana from Komi can't communicate (Unknown gender)
Nakuru Akizuki from Cardcaptor Sakura (Sexless, identifies as female)
Nico from Tokyo Ghoul (Okama)
Opera from Marimashita! Iruma-kun
Orochimaru from Naruto
Ryuuji Ayukawa from Blue Period (Unsure, can be gnc/transfem/nonbinary)
Satan from Devilman
Shion Zaiden from RWBY
Someone (yes thats their name) from Shimanami Tasogare
Xanthe Zhou from Prime Earth
Yuuta Asuka from Stars Align
Asuka Ran from Devilman Lady
Luca Esposito from Asra Lost in Space (identifies as male)
Desmond from Carole & Tuesday (Became intersex due to universe stuff but is at peace with this)
Megumi Yoshikawa from Princess Princess (Raised male before she found out she was genetically female, decides to live as a girl)
Richard III from Requiem of the Rose King (Struggles with his intersexuality, feels his body and him are unloveable)
Yoite from Nabari no Ou (Lives as male but they're unsure of their gender)
Aki from Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Azumi Agonoske from Gintama
Buzam A. Calessa from Vandread
Ferris from Re:Zero (I've heard that the novel version is transfem)
Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran high school host club (Nonbinary coded)
Ranka/Ryouji Fujioka from Ouran high school host club (Drag queen)
Hatsuka Suzushiro from Call of the Night
Hazumu Osaragi from Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
Kurako from Kuragehime
Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 (The reveal can be triggering)
Chihiro Fujisaki from Danganronpa (The reveal can be very triggering - I recommend looking it up first if you're worried.)
Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi (Unsure)
Rui Ninomiya from Gatchaman (May be transfem)
Cis characters that are gnc
Haruka Tenou from Sailor Moon
Kaoru Orihara from Oniisama e... (not sure what gender)
Kashima Yuu from Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun
Angela from Black Butler (Changes form)
Berg Katse from Gatchaman (Changes form)
Fushi from To Your Eternity (Can change into female but presents masc)
Ginshu from Amatsuki (Raised male, turned genderless, dressed feminine. Idk their gender identity)
Inazuma from One Piece (Can present as both male and female, okama)
Izana Shinatose from Knights of Sidonia (Genderless to female due to universe rules)
Kou Seiya from Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars (Has a male and female form, I think)
Mahiro Oyama from Onimai: I'm Now Your Sister! (Was turned into a girl against his will)
Mermaid Sisters from Carole & Tuesday (I don't know, man...)
Natsuru Senou from Kämpfer (Transformed into a woman)
Shi Qingxuan from Heaven Officials Blessing (Can transform)
Ranma Saotome from Ranma (Changes between them)
Hinata Tachibana from Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout (Gets transformed into a girl, goes on a quest to get their original body back)
If you see anyone missing, feel free to let me know if I should add them. Input on who is a main character, triggering themes and offensive characters can be commented or sent to me.
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toa-arania · 4 months
Gender is such a fascinating thing in Bionicle because objectively why is it there? Why do the biomechanical maintenance nanobots of a giant robot have gender? Or, more accurately, why do they have a gender binary? The gender binary as we understand it is (unfortunately) heavily linked to biological sex, something that MU bionicles don't have. The logical answer is that the Great Beings gave them gender to be reflective of their own society, where there are biological beings that reproduce biologically and have a gender binary that presumably sprouted from that, at least initially. However, despite giving them gender, they didn't give them any kind of sexual dimorphism, and for this we want to look at some of the non-matoran species and how they interact with gender.
The Vortixx are a society heavily stratified by gender - being 'male' or 'female' is more like a class system, with females as the upper class and males as the lower, working class. It's very reminiscent of the Orions from Star Trek. Additionally, we know that the species is not sexually dimorphic. Yes, the species that produced Dommy Mommy Roodaka, with her heels, ass, tits, and ponytail, is not sexually dimorphic. We see in one of the comics that a Vortixx confirmed to be male also just looks like that, and honestly we love that for him. He even has the rhotuka ripcord that kinda looks like a riding crop. We know that the Vortixx were created by Mata Nui rather than the Great Beings directly, so is it perhaps possible that because their perception of gender made no sense to apply to the MU inhabitants, Mata Nui compensated by having gender present itself in other ways?
Consider also the Skakdi, where the only thing we know (at least as far as I'm aware) about their relationship with gender is that there are female Skakdi, and that they are more violent and destructive than the males. We have never seen one, and we know so little to the point where I actually thought for a while that the Skakdi were a single-gender species. Like the non-GSR characters in Bionicle, they were given their elemental associations separately from their genders, and we've seen nothing to suggest that gender has any bearing on their society aside from disposition.
Then we come to the Matoran. For Matoran, gender is quite frankly fucking bizarre. The Av-Matoran were the first type to be made, and they are also the only type that can be more than one gender. The doylist explanation for that is so that they can blend into other Matoran types better, but that doesn't make any sense because those other types didn't exist yet. We do have a quote from Greg about gender in the Matoran, where it's stated to be a psychological difference rather than a physiological one, where the 'feminine' elements are calmer peacemakers, which is an absolutely fascinating quote because it's completely untrue. It might be true about the Ga-Matoran (with notable exceptions like Hahli), but it sure ain't true of the Vo-Matoran and Ce-Matoran, where our two primary examples are Chiara (electrocutes a lizard to make the point that females aren't gentle) and Varian (tortures Norik with nightmares for fun). There's also Orde but I genuinely have no idea what to do about him. He claims that he got all Ce-Matoran made into women to make them chiller and it clearly didn't fucking work so other than I guess the pitch of their voice there just isn't any observable difference.
What is demonstrably true is how general disposition does seem to vary between individual elements, and since Greg has confirmed that gender in Bionicle is a psychological variation that affects outlook and disposition, I honestly do not think it's a stretch to say that, at least for the Matoran, each of the fifteen elements is a separate gender. Honestly this even makes the elemental prefixes neopronouns, from a certain perspective. The Shadow Matoran are also fascinating to look at from this angle because they don't ordinarily exist; they're made from other kinds of matoran - the fifteen 'standard' genders if you will. They don't call themselves Kra-Matoran because they aren't a defined group, and they never think of themselves as one. They go back to what they were beforehand perfectly fine and at least act better off for it - with one exception. Gavla (the only female Av-Matoran we actually meet, who feels ostracised from her community) wanted to stay a Shadow Matoran, a kind of Matoran outside the standard concept of what elements they could be because she felt wrong as an Av-Matoran, and as a Shadow Matoran she felt more like herself. All this is to say:
Gavla Bionicle is Transgender and Non-Binary, have a nice day.
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bnhaobservation · 5 months
How the Todorokis call each other (Part 1)
So since I researched for it for my fic here are a bit of the words the Todorokis use to call/talk about themselves and each other in the Japanese manga (occasionally comparing it with the English translation).
Note that I won’t report names that are too general (when one of the children talks of them as his father ('chichi' 父) or his mother ('haha' 母) or when they refers to their family ('kazoku' 家族) and that sometimes, in English, the characters seemed to call someone in a certain way but the same didn’t apply in Japanese.
In order to make things simple I’ll group the characters when a Japanese term is used multiple times, so as to explain what it means only once. In part 2, as well as ending with the list of ways they call each others, I’ll put a summary for each character, so that if you want to know what a specific character use, you can do it more quickly.
Just remember the Todorokis, being a family, tend to use casual speech to talk among them, so they use many words which would be rude if they were to use them with other people but which are perfectly okay between family members. Also in the Japanese family hierarchy, Enji is above his children and wife, Rei is above her children and, in regard to the children, older siblings are above younger siblings.
It's worrth to say I’m not Japanese. The explanations of Japanese terms come from me reading plenty of Japanese dictionaries and grammars but I might have done mistakes or missed something... or missed some way the Todorokis used to refer to each other (as there's actually plenty of quotes). Consider yourself warned and feel welcome to write me if you think I missed something.
Ore (俺/おれ Lit. “Oneself”)
In normal situations all the Todoroki males use ‘ore’.
This term is the most casual form of self-address used by men, which establishes a sense of masculinity. It can be seen as rude, depending on the context, as it’s suitable for conversations among close friends or relatives but not in polite conversation. It emphasizes one’s own status when used with peers and with those who are younger or of lesser status. Among close friends or family, its use conveys familiarity rather than masculinity or superiority. It was used by both genders until the late Edo period and still is in some dialects.
It’s notable how Tōya used ‘ore’ even before Natsuo’s birth so when he was 4 or younger (Natsuo was born after he turned 4). Very likely, despite being so young, he was copying his father’s speech pattern.
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Watashi (私/わたし Lit. “One own person”)
If the male Todorokis use ‘ore’, the female Todorokis use ‘watashi’.
Don’t mistake ‘watashi’ for a female only way to say “I”. Only in casual speech, it is typically only used by women because if used by men in casual context it may be perceived as either stiff or feminine however, in formal or polite contexts, this is gender neutral (for example All Might uses it, his catchphrase “I am here” in Japanese is ‘watashi ga kita’ 私が来た lit. “I have arrived”).
That’s also why in chap 306, when speaking with the press, Enji switches to ‘watashi’ so as to sound as polite/formal as possible (before switching to ‘ore’ again when he tells them to watch him) and, in the anime, they also had him use ‘watashi’ in episode 46 when he answered to the phone so as to convey he was being formal/polite.
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Boku (僕/ぼく Lit. “Servant”)
Used by males of all ages and very often used by boys (for example Midoriya uses ‘boku’ hence the title ‘Boku no Hero Academia’… but All for One also uses it so it’s not just for boys), ‘boku’ is perceived as humble and therefore polite, but can also carry an undertone of feeling young when used by males of older age. In addition to this it’s also used when casually giving deference.
Why I included ‘boku’ in this list if I said all the Todoroki males use ‘ore’?
Well, we actually have some exceptions in which they used ‘boku’.
Differently from Tōya who used ‘ore’ from a very young age, Shōto as a child of 5, used ‘boku’, likely not having the wish to emulate his father’s speech pattern. Interesting enough we know however that Tōya, as an adult, used ‘boku’ when he made his whole speech to the nation which was transmitted during the final stage of the Paranormal Liberation War Arc as, during it, he changed his normally rude speech pattern for one much more polite and humble.
Lastly, although not really a Todoroki but still related to them in a fashion (he’s probably a cousin from Rei’s side since he’s also an Himura), Geten regularly uses ‘boku’.
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Their own name
Normally used by small children it’s however also a very feminine and kind of childish way to refer to oneself.
Fuyumi, before Natsuo’s birth therefore when she was 3 or younger, used not ‘watashi’ but ‘Fuyumi’ to refer to herself.
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Kono (この “This”) + their own name or personal pronoun
In chap 55 when Enji tells to Gran Torino he will be enough to beat the Nōmu, Enji uses ‘kono Endeavor’ (このエンデヴァー “This Endeavor”). In English this comes out odd and, considering what was said before, you might think it’s either childish or girlish but in this case, with the addition of ‘kono’ the sentence actually remarks the name in a “no one else but Endeavor can do it” way. In the same way in chap 154, when Enji uses this time ‘kono ore’ to tell Hawks if he really believed he was in troubles,  it remarks ‘me’ although this time is in the opposite way as to imply “everyone else but him would be in troubles”.
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There are various ways in Japanese to say “father” and “mother” that vary for levels of politeness.
Okā-san (お母さん/おかあさん “Mother”)
The addition of the initial ‘o’ (お) and the ‘–san’ (さん) at the end tell us this is a polite way to refer to her, although, since it’s the most common way to call your mother in Japan, even though technically it’s closer to “mother”, it’s perfectly fine to translate it as “mom”, which is currently the most common way to call your mother in English. Note that ‘okā-san’ can also be used to talk about someone else’s mother or for your mother-in-law. Rei is referred as such by all her children, regardless of their age, and even calls herself as such when talking with a young Tōya. Plus this is also how she calls her mother. In the English manga occasionally you also see her called as “mommy” but in Japanese she’s always called ‘okā-san’ only and not in a less formal way (kā-san, okā-chan, kā-chan, mama) and the choice to occasionally translate ‘okā-san’ as “mommy” is likely because the translator felt it would be more fitting for a young child to use it.
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Kā-san (お母さん/おかあさん “Mother”)
Same as before but the lack of the initial ‘o’ makes it slightly less polite/formal. It's how Enji calls Rei when talking with Fuyumi. Natsuo will also call Rei as such when telling Enji not to stay close to her and the others or he'll only heat them up further in chap 421. Interesting enough, it's also how Īda calls his mother, even though the English version goes for a more formal "mother".
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Otō-san (お父さん/おとうさん “Father”)
This is the equivalent to ‘okā-san’ for fathers … but it’s not equally popular as ‘okā-san’ in the Todoroki house. Like ‘okā-san’, 'otō-san' would be closer to "father" but it's okay to translate it "dad" and the English translator occasionally decided to translate it as "daddy" when it was a small child using it. Notably, of all of Enji’s children, only Tōya and Fuyumi still use it, while Shōto, as a child of 5, used it but now doesn’t anymore. Also Rei called Enji as such when talking with a young Tōya.
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Oyaji (親父/おやじ “Father” or “Old man” lit. “parent father”)
This is a rather nuanced word. Let’s say it’s a more colloquial-sounding way to say “father” which can also used to refer to middle-aged or elderly men. It’s not exactly rude (though some Japanese people consider it as such) but it’s definitely very informal, similar to saying “my old man” in English but (often) without an affection. Again, it's nuanced and depends on the contest. Within one’s own family, teenage and older children, especially males, tend to start using the term to address their fathers at home. In public though, older children will typically call their own fathers ‘otō-san’. Using such word in many cases gives a ‘rough guy’ vibe. Teenager Shōto uses it to talk with or about Enji, regardless he's at home or not, and he’s clearly doing it because he refuse to show him respect, opposite to how he still call Rei ‘Okā-san’ instead than the ‘oyaji’ equivalent, ‘ofukuro’ (お袋). This contrasts sharply with Tōya, who instead regularly uses ‘otō-san’ (though if he does so in a mocking way or as a call back to the past since the past never dies it’s up to speculation) and uses ‘oyaji’ only in a couple of circumstances (chap 301 and 390). In chap 301 he’s clearly trying to keep distance from him as he speaks to himself since he calls him ‘oyaji’ and ‘Todoroki Enji’ instead than his usual ‘otō-san’. In chap 390 he’s being deliberately as rude as possible as he tells him to die. More about it later. It's possible Natsuo would also use 'oyaji' to call Enji, though so far we only saw him either calling him by his Hero name or using 'anta' (あんた) to call him. More about it later.
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Same as with “father” and “mother” there are various ways in Japanese to say “big brother” and “big sister” that vary for levels of politeness. Note that in theory in a Japanese family the children aren’t all equal but older siblings are hierarchically higher than younger siblings and younger siblings own them respect.
Nē-chan (姉ちゃん)/Nē-san (姉さん)/Onē-chan (お姉ちゃん)
‘Nē’ (姉) is the word used for “big sister”. It can be used alone or after the name of the person in question and the level of politeness changes according to the suffixes and prefixes used. ‘O’ (お “honorable”) gives an extra layer of politeness, '-san' (さん) is your standard polite suffix (when added to a name is generally translated as “Mr.”, “Mrs.”) while –chan (ちゃん) is generally affectionate and expresses closeness and endearment.
Natsuo calls Fuyumi ‘nē-chan’, which is clearly familiar and affectionate, but Shōto calls her ‘nē-san’, therefore sounding more polite and distant. This can reflect the fact that Natsuo grew up closer to Fuyumi and is also closer in age compared to Shōto but might also be a reflection of how they were raised. When Rei told Natsuo to protect his big sister in chap 388, she told him to protect his ‘onē-chan’ (the ‘o’ adds a tone of politeness, but likely Rei always uses it as a way for Rei to remind Natsuo to be polite with his older sister), therefore she might have encouraged him to use a more endearing and close term for his sister, something she might not have done with Shōto merely because he wasn’t allowed to interact with Fuyumi (and the rest of his siblings) when Rei was living with them. In chap 192 Fuyumi calls herself his ‘nē-san’ when talking with Shōto, likely because after Rei left she took up a mother role to him and Shōto might have ended up calling her as such in response. Enji also, when talking with Natsuo, used ‘nē-san’ to talk about Fuyumi and he might have done the same with Shōto so that he ended up doing the same.
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Nī (兄)/Nī-chan (兄ちゃん)/Nī-san (兄さん)/Aniki (兄貴)
‘Nī’ (兄) is the word used for “big brother”. The level of politeness changes according to the suffixes and prefixes used, same as ‘Nē’. Now… Tōya is called just ‘Tōya Nī’ by all his siblings and Shōto calls Natsuo ‘Natsu Nī’ as well, no suffixes or prefixes attached. Using just ‘Nī’ it’s very informal and childish but it started likely due to Fuyumi and Tōya being very close in age (11 months of difference) and therefore being allowed to a lower level of formality. Since Shōto was kept apart from his siblings and this lead Rei to stay away from her other children to take care of him as well, Natsuo likely copied Fuyumi’s way to call Tōya and, eventually, Shōto ended up doing the same with both his older brothers despite not being close to them, probably merely because he mimicked the way they talked. Note that when talking to Shōto in chap 34, Enji referred to Tōya as his big brother, he called Tōya his ‘nī-san’. Tōya instead referred to himself as his ‘nī-chan’ twice when talking with Shōto, which could have been mocking but could have also been the way he used to refer to himself with his siblings as a kid. In chap 388 and in chap 244/350 Natsuo and Shōto, when arguing with Tōya drops the childish and familiar ‘nī’, which would be unfitting of the situation, and switch to ‘aniki’ (兄貴). ‘Aniki’ is still a way you can use to call your older brother (‘ani’ is another way to read the kanji for “big brother” (兄) and '-ki' (貴), when added after nouns related to people expresses love and respect) but it’s considered less formal than ‘onī-san’/‘nī-san’, yet not endearing or childish like ‘nī’/‘nī-chan’/‘onī-chan’ as it has a rough note (kind of like ‘oyaji’). It’s notable they don’t use just ‘aniki’ but add a pejorative. Natsuo goes for a ‘KUSO aniki’ (クソ兄貴 “shitty/damn big brother”) while Shōto, who is less close to his big brother, goes for a tamer ‘baka aniki’ (馬鹿兄貴 “stupid older brother”). More about this though, later on.
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Normally they’re referred just by name, however in Fuyumi and Natsuo’s case they actually have the equivalent of ‘pet names’ of some sort.
Tōya calls Fuyumi ‘Fuyumi-chan’ (冬美ちゃん) and Natsuo ‘Natsu-kun’ (夏くん). As said before ‘-chan’ is generally affectionate and expresses closeness and endearment and, in case it’s attached to the name, is used from older person to younger person. You might want to translate it something like “little Fuyumi” or “dear Fuyumi”. As for Natsuo… ‘-kun’ (君/くん) is usually used for addressing males younger than the speaker. Boys in the same age group can call each other with ‘-kun’ (Midoriya, for example, adds ‘–kun’ to the surname of all his male classmates… while Shōto instead calls them simply by surname). Sometimes male office workers call their younger female colleagues with it. This is not rude but a sign of familiarity. You might want to translate it something like “young Natsu” but just "Natsu" would be fine as well. Interesting enough while Fuyumi calls Natsuo just ‘Natsu’, Rei also calls him ‘Natsu-kun’, Natsuo being the only one among her kids she doesn’t call just with his full name. Shōto is the only one of the younger Todoroki kids who didn't have a suffix attached when called by his older siblings. As said before, being called something different by just your name is not mandatory but it's possible in Shōto's case this is not happening due to him being kept away from them or due to Tōya having been the one who decided the 'pet names' for his younger siblings.
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Again, there are various ways for a husband to call his wife and vice versa.
In Enji’s case though he commonly refers to/calls his wife as just ‘Rei’ and calls her ‘tsuma’ (妻 “wife”) only once, when talking about her and his children in chap 248.
Another common Japanese way to refer to your husband/wife is by calling them "you" (the wife would use ‘anata’ (あなた), the husband would use 'omae' (おまえ)). This often gets translated as "dear" in English manga.
In Rei’s case she usually calls Enji ‘anata’ (あなた), although, for obvious reasons, in the English manga in this case it doesn't get translated as "dear". In Enji's case he occasionally uses 'omae' for her, but since 'Rei' is his default way to call her and 'omae' is his default "you" pronoun for all his family, very likely his 'omae' with her isn't more meaningful than an ordinary "you". More about "you" later on.
Interesting enough in some houses once children are born, the parents start calling each other ‘Otō-san’ and ‘Okā-san’ and when talking with a young Tōya about Enji, Rei called Enji ‘Otō-san’ while Enji, when talking with Fuyumi, calls Rei ‘Kā-san’ but here it was likely done because they were talking with their children about the other parent and not because they are used to call each other in such way.
Interesting enough Nao didn’t use ‘anata’ for her husband but ‘Kotarō-san’.
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Enji refers to all his children by first name, while Rei does the same for all her children except Natsuo whom she calls ‘Natsu-kun’.
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Both parents, when wanting to talk about their children without saying their name call them either ‘ko’ (子) or ‘kodomo’ (子ども). Both mean child (and can be pluralized) but 'ko’ (子) is a more general term for a child, which is often used in a neutral or formal context (even when the child is actually an adult) while ‘kodomo’ (子ども) is a more specific and inclusive term commonly used to refer to children in a more affectionate or informal way or to emphasize the innocence and vulnerability of children, often used in educational or parenting contexts (and, in the manga, generally used to refer to the Todoroki kids when they were… well, kids). I know I said I wouldn't mention nouns that are too general but, in this case, I’m mentioning all this because, although Enji has no problems in referring to his children as 'ko’ (子) in chap 31, while talking with All Might, Enji referred to Shōto as ‘ko’ (仔) which sounds the same as “child” (子 'ko’) but the kanji he uses is not the usual one for “child” (子) but this one (仔) which means “offspring” and, normally, is used for “young animals/cubs” or “young plants/seedlings”. It’s possible Enji is using it because, when he does, Horikoshi wants us to get the idea Enji is basically talking of how Shōto was breed and raised for the purpose of defeating All Might, as if he were some sort of racehorse, the full sentence being the following:
‘Kore dake oboe toke. ARE ha… izure kisama wo mo koeru HERO ni suru. Sō surubeku… tsukutta ko da’ 「これだけ覚えとけ。アレは…いずれ貴様をも越えるヒーローにする。そうするべく………つくった仔だ」 “Just remember this. That one we’re talking about… I’ll make him a hero that will surpass you someday. In order to do that… I had/trained/created that child.”
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In chap 31, when talking about his grandparents Shōto called them ‘haha no shinzoku’ (母の親族 “mother’s relatives”).
'Haha' is the word you use with people outside your group to talk about your mother.
'Shinzoku' (親族) is, under Japanese law, a term that refers to people who we are related to by blood or marriage (you can translate it also as "clan") so yes, it might not necessarily means Rei's parents. It's worth to remember the Himura were an important family with a family head who might not have necessarily be Rei's father (it could have been her grandfather or even her father's male heir), though, due to Geten's story and the scene we saw in chap 301 that in the Himura family the "family head" (当主 ‘tōshu’) was Rei's father.
By the way, the Todorokis instead mention often the 'kazoku' (家族 "family") which is the family unit formed by a married couple and their children.
Shōto might refer in such a formal way to his grandparents either because he's not close to them or because he's talking with Midoriya.
In chap 302 when he refers to his grandparents Tōya called them ‘Obā-chan-tachi’ (おばあちゃん達 “grandma and the others”).
The ‘o’ (お “honorable”) in 'obā-chan' gives an extra layer of politeness while '–chan' (ちゃん) is generally affectionate and expresses closeness and endearment. By using '-chan' and singling out his grandmother (who unlikely was the family head) instead than his grandfather Tōya sounds close to her.
It's possible though his grandfather died when he was younger, hence he referred to his grandmother.
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For more about the Himura you might want to read my post about the Himura family.
In chap 302 Enji says he’ll hire more ‘shiyōnin’ (使用人 “servant/employee”).
In chap 249 Natsuo calls the person who used to cook for them ‘otetsuta’ (お手伝 “helper/maid”).
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Enji, in his role as Hero, has also an 'untenshu' (運転手 "driver"), Kurumada Untenmaru, but we don't know how Enji or the other Todorokis call him, just that Kurumada calls Enji 'Endeavor' (and 'No.1' in the OAV) and uses 'anta' (あんた) with him (more about 'anta' later on), while he calls 'jarinko' (ジャリンコ) Shōto, Midoriya and Bakugō.
'Jarinko' (ジャリンコ/じゃりんこ/じゃりん子/砂利子) is an old fashioned word used to call a "student who can't keep up in school" but it's also used to say just "brat".
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In theory, more than to the Todoroki family, Kurumada is connected to the Hero world, but since, according to his profile, he knows Enji by a looong time (and is one year older than him) I thought to include him as well.
In Enji, Tōya and Shōto’s case, in addition to their own name they also have their Hero/Villain monikers, 'Endeavor' (エンデヴァー), 'Dabi' (荼毘 "cremation") and 'Shōto' (ショート yes, same as his name but written in katakana instead than kanji)… plus Enji also is defined by his ranking (‘No.2’ first, ‘No.1’ after). In some circumstances the family uses such names instead than the usual way they call them.
Interesting enough though, when Shōto interns under Enji, Enji calls him with his Hero name (which is still 'Shōto' but written in katakana so you can’t really notice it in the anime but it’s visible in the manga) and of course he called Tōya 'Dabi' until he discovered he was his son. After that moment he always called him just Tōya and I couldn’t find an instance in which he called him ‘Dabi’ again.
In fact, even after waking up in the hospital, Enji wants to say Endeavor is dead since he can’t kill a ‘Tairyō satsujin-sha’ (大量殺人者 “mass murderer”) (aka Tōya) but what he voices is instead he can’t kill his ‘musuko’ (むすこ) which means “son” (息子) and, when he finally fights Tōya, he ends up seeing him as the kid he was... making him unable to make a distinction between Tōya and Dabi. Once he acknowledges that Dabi IS indeed Tōya, he won't be able to go back see him as Dabi or call him as such, differently from others of his family members.
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We never see Rei calling Enji 'Endeavor' but we see her calling Tōya 'Dabi' once, when she tells her husband he must fight him (during the rest of the discussion she called him 'Tōya' or 'ano ko' (あの子 “that child”))... as calling him 'Dabi' probably helps her to distance herself from how she's asking Enji to fight their son (Chap 302).
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Natsuo called his father 'Endeavor' in chap 249, during the dinner at which Midoriya and Bakugō were invited. This seems to remark his wish not to acknowledge Enji as his father but as a stranger.
Natsuo also refers to his brother as 'Dabi' in chap 302, but more as something that was created more than as his brother, as he's also likely trying to distance himself from the idea Tōya and Dabi are one and the same.
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At the same time Shōto called his father 'Endeavor' during the Stain case when asking to other Heroes about him (chap 55) and during his internship (chap 249), in short when he needed to acknowledge him as a Hero.
As for Tōya, of course Shōto called him 'Dabi' before the reveal. After the reveal, in chap 349 Shōto, before fighting Tōya, starts calling his brother just ‘Tōya’ (without the ‘nī’ (兄) which is kind of rude) then decides to switch to ‘Dabi’, either to acknowledge him as a Villain or to keep emotional distance from him. We know also that in the flashback in chap 352 called 'Dabi' his family's sin.
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Tōya isn’t really prone to call Enji 'Endeavor' and does so only in few notable situations:
- prior to becoming Dabi, solely when telling Enji to look at him before attacking Shōto as a child (chap 301);
- when facing Enji as Dabi after Enji’s fight with the Nōmu (chap 190);
- when denouncing Enji on tv (Chap 290);
- during the Paranormal Liberation War when he attacked him (chap 292)... although during the battle he alternated calling him 'Endeavor' and 'otō-san';
- when he repeated what Skeptic told him, that Endeavor was at Gunga... but what's meaningful here is that the reading for 'Endeavor' is given as 'otō-san' (chap 374).
This seems to imply Tōya uses 'Endeavor' solely when he's talking to/about/him in his role as a Hero.
On the other side Tōya never calls Shōto with his Hero name… even though, of course, since it matches with his normal name, no one can realize it.
Now... I said the family tries to distance the idea that Tōya IS Dabi by calling him Dabi... but credits when it's due, Tōya himself said that Tōya died and Dabi was born so he too is keeping the two identities parted in a way... albeith he has no problems to refer himself as 'Tōya' and be called as such, both by his family and by Himeko, who switches on calling him from 'Dabi-kun' to 'Tōya-kun', so more than identities, we should probably say he means the person he once was 'died', as he started aiming for different things and behaving differently.
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Not quite Todorokis but still related to them, in chap 301 the Himura family head who’s likely Rei’s father, called Enji ‘Endeavor-sama’ (エンデヴァー様) and ‘Top Hero-Sama’ (トップヒーロー様) instead than using his civilian name.
'-sama' (様/さま) is much more formal and polite than just '-san', to the point it’s sometimes translated as “lord”/”lady”.
The fact that the Himura family head is using it underlines how high he thinks of Endeavor, for being such an important Hero.
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Enji also gets called 'No.2' and then 'No. 1' after he rises to the position. Shōto in chap 31, calls him 'mannen No. 2 no HERO' (万年No.2のヒーロー "eternal No. 2 Hero"). Then after he becomes No.1 Natsuo refers to him as such in chap 192, Shōto does so in chap 247, and Tōya does so in chap 191 and 231. In chap 191 Tōya also called him ‘No. 1 hero-san’ (No.1ヒーローさん), when telling him goodbye and that they’ll have a chance to talk again... though the politeness here is probably an attempt at sarcasm.
In chap 290 Enji himself defined himself ‘kono kuni no Top Hero’ (この国のトップヒーロー “this country Top Hero”).
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Also I’m placing it here, though I doubt Rei is referring to his Hero role but to how Shōto managed to positively react to all he went through (differently from the rest of the family so he's kind of like a role model to them)… still in chap 302 Rei says Shōto is the ‘Todoroki-ke no HERO’ (轟家のヒーロー “Todoroki’s family Hero”) but the reading given is ‘Uchi no HERO’ (ウチ のヒーロー “our own family’s hero”).
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Polite Japanese speech requires not the use of “you” but the use of a person’s name. However the Todorokis are a family, they talk to each other in an informal way and so they do use also “you” to talk with each other.
Anata (あなた,貴方, 貴男, 貴女 Lit. “precious toward”)
This is the only second person pronoun comparable to English “you”, yet still not used as often in this universal way by native speakers, as it can be considered having a condescending undertone, especially towards superiors. For expressing “you” in formal contexts, using the person’s name with an honorific is more typical (Hawks tends to use 'Endeavor-san' when talking with Enji and switches to 'anata' only when he doesn't want to repeat 'Endeavor-san'.... and while she uses just 'Endeavor' or 'Hawks', when she has to say "you" the Chairman of the Hero Public Safety Committee uses 'anata' as well). More commonly, ‘anata’ may be used when having no information about the addressed person; also often used as “you” in commercials, when not referring to a particular person. Furthermore, commonly used by women to address their husband or lover, in a way roughly equivalent to the English “dear”. Rei uses always ‘anata’ to talk with Enji but, of course, due to their (poor) relation, we never see it as being translated as “dear” in the English manga.
Omae (おまえ/お前/御前 Lit. “polite front”)
This is the “you” everyone in the Todoroki family uses. Of course it comes with a nuance. If used to talk with people outside the family it’s used by men with more frequency and expresses the speaker’s higher status or age, or a very casual relationship among peers. Often used with ‘ore’ it can be very rude if said to elders. Commonly used by men to address their wife or lover, paralleling the female use of ‘anata’. Of course, since the Todorokis are a family, they use it with each other and it’s not meant to be rude (and yes, occasionally Enji used it with Rei though it’s not as recurring as she uses ‘anata’ so it might not have the same nuance)… and since the male Todorokis are rough, tough males who use ‘ore’ they also use it with people that’s outside the family but in this case it’s actually kind of rude (notable how Geten for example uses it with Dabi during their fight).
Anta (あんた/アンタ)
Contraction of ‘anata’ is also generally not used as it’s considered too direct. Can express contempt, anger or familiarity towards a person. Sometimes it can be felt as more rude than ‘omae’ sometimes it’s the opposite. Generally seen as rude or uneducated when used in formal contexts. ‘Anta’ is often used among girls who want to act leading the guy a little bit forcely and scoldishly. There are a bunch of time in which ‘anta’ is used among the Todoroki family members and they’re all when a character is scolding another. We start with Fuyumi who, when scolding Natsuo in chap 187, calls him ‘anta’ (あんた), we continue with Natsuo who, when arguing/scolding Enji in chap 192 and 302 calls him ‘anta’ (あんた) and we finish with Shōto who, when arguing with Enji in chap 351 about who of them has to face Tōya calls him ‘anta’ (アンタ) to tell him he’s the only one who can face All for One. Yes, Shōto uses katakana which generally are used to underline the word, so it's possible it's done to remark how only Enji can do it but also to underline how Shōto, who's angry, is not using his usual ‘TemeE’ (てめエ) with his father but a tamer word. Interesting enough Tōya, or probably I should say in this case Dabi, uses ‘anta’ too, but not with his family member but with Ujiko in chap 350 both to refer just to him and to him and All for One ‘anta-ra’ (あんたら “you” (plural)). Dabi is an ‘omae’ guy who’s generally not polite but calls Ujiko ‘Ujiko-san’, so the fact for him he uses ‘anta’ and not ‘omae’ is probably meant to feel less rude that if he were to use ‘omae’. Another character connected to the Todoroki family who uses ‘anta’ is, as I've already said, Kurumada with Endeavor.
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Temē/TemeE (てめえ/てめエ/手前 Lit. “the one in front of my hand”)
'Temē', a reduction of 'temae', is, according to some, the rudest way to say “you” even more rude than ‘Kisama’ (we’ll talk about it in a while) and it’s used when the speaker is very angry. It’s the sort of thing you might translate with “son of a b*tch” or some other insult along the line. Originally used for a humble first person, it’s an ateji, which means either the readings of the individual kanji do not match the reading of the word, or the meanings of the individual kanji do not match the meaning of the word. Shōto uses ‘temeE’ (てめエ) in chap 34 when arguing with Enji (which makes notable how he’ll only use ‘anta’ much later on when arguing with him in chap 351) and again uses ‘temeE’ (てめエ) in chap 292 when fighting with Tōya and Tōya also uses ‘temeE’ (てめエ) in chap 351 when fighting with Shōto (in their previous fight he used ‘omae’ with him). The fact that the last ‘e’ is written in katakana instead than hiragana is often done to put emphasis on it.
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For completeness sake I’ll report two other ways to say ‘you’ which some of the Todorokis use but not, as far as we know, with their family members.
Kimi (君/きみ Lit. “lord” (archaic))
It’s the kanji also used to write '-kun'. Informal to subordinates; can also be affectionate; formerly very polite. Among peers typically used with ‘boku’ (僕) (so, as you can easily guess it’s Midoriya’s “you” when he’s not using someone’s name). Often seen as rude or assuming when used with superiors, elders or strangers. Enji uses it when talking with Midoriya at the sport festival and when he observes how Midoriya too was one of them because he should have suffered for his Quirk, showing him some degree of politeness… but he will eventually switch on using ‘omae’ for him during the Dark Hero arc, which likely his meant to imply they gotten more familiar, not that he's being disrespectful.
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Kisama (貴様/きさま Lit. "precious lord")
Historically very formal, but has developed in an ironic sense to show the speaker’s extreme hostility/outrage towards the addressee. It’s basically so rude/aggressive it often gets translated into “bastard/you bastard”. Enji uses it when talking with All Might, sometimes outright saying ‘kisama’, sometimes the furigana say ‘All Might’ but the kanji below say ‘kisama’ just to drive home the way Enji is saying ‘All Might’ is all but polite and all this is very rude as All Might isn’t just ranked above him but he’s older than him and a Hero by longer time so he definitely deserves more respect. Enji also calls ‘kisama-ra’ (it’s a plural form of ‘kisama’) Midoriya and Bakugō when they intern under him. This is actually interesting. He starts with ‘omae-tachi’ (it’s a plural form of ‘omae’) when he says he’ll supervise them, then switches to ‘kisama-ra’ when he tells Bakugō and Midoriya to tell him about themselves, then he moves to ‘kimi’ when he says since Midoriya too suffered for his Quirk he’s one of them… to go back to ‘kisama’ when he address Bakugō only… to switch again to ‘omae-tachi’ when he’s addressing the three of them… to go back to ‘kisama-ra’ when he tells them they’ve to gain experience working under him and uses ‘kisama-ra’ again when he tells Bakugō and Shōto he’ll give them the same assignment and also uses it to tell the three of them won’t impact on his work. Long story short, very likely that ‘kisama’ is solely meant to remark how they’re working under him. He also uses ‘kisama’ when he begins interacting with Hawks (who instead, as said before, uses 'Endeavor–san' and when he has to use “you” with him goes for ‘anata’ despite Hawks being an ‘ore’ guy), only to switch to ‘omae’ later on.
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Hello! Greetings, it's me again! 🌙! Idk if I sent this request because I think I didn't finished it and accidentally deleted all my questions so I'm redoing them rn.
1. What about Rosaria, ga-ming, Dehya, Candace, Cyno, Tighnari, collei, Chevreuse, Diona, cloud retainer, Charlotte, beidou, Noelle, mika, and Xiao? What do they think ABT reader? Btw idk if I saw Tighnari or Cyno in your posts so-
2. Was there ever a time where the genshin impact wasn't self aware at first? Or did they already knew about creator before fake creator was there?
3. Who is more powerful? Fake creator or Reader creator?
4. What powers do the creators have?
5. Are there any more other reincarnations besides, fake creator, and reader creator?
Questions about your works:
6. how many requests do you have rn- if you don't mind me asking that is
7. Do you allow gore, self-harm, dark topics? (Not talking ABT nsfw, incest or any other than that
8.Which do you prefer for readers gender? Male reader, female reader, other reader genders?
Well that is all! Do take some breaks, btw you got lots of motivations I see. Also good job!
Hi, 🌙 anon!
Thanks, I am taking breaks from time to time.
She is on Fake Creator's side.
Rosaria didn't like, that Fake Creator returned. For Rosaria, it means more work. Yet, she remains loyal to Fake Creator.
Fake Creator gave Rosaria a permission to punish anyone, who is a Danger to Mondstadt.
Reader arrived.
Fake Creator ordered to capture them.
Rosaria was the one, who chased Reader to an abandoned cottage.
Venti and Knights of Favonius almost burned Reader alive in this cottage.
And Rosaria, knights and Venti looked delighted, when they saw flames.
The same day, it was discovered, that Reader escaped.
After that, Rosaria was searching for Reader. She couldn't find them. Barbara treat Reader's burns, Bennett, Razor and Fischl get Reader to Dragonspine and Albedo got Reader to Liyue.
Diona (+ Klee)
Diona is on Reader's side.
At first, she wasn't planning on joining anyone, but Klee told her a 'super-duper secret' about Reader, that Klee heard from Alice. That Reader are a good person who was being treated unfairly.
Diona is a kid, and she can't do much to help. Fake Creator insisted on keeping kids close. Diona can't be really active.
But, she and Klee can keep Fake Creator's attention occupied by pulling little pranks and behaving like kids.
Noelle is very hesitant.
The scene of a burning house and Knights' grins horrified her.
She believes in Fake Creator. But, when she saw Reader, scared, with some burns, she can't bring herself to attack.
She let Reader go.
Noelle doesn't know what to do next. The whole situation became too awful, too unreal for her.
Mika is another one, who was scared of the burning cottage situation.
The cruelty in Knights' gazes... It's not how it should be.
Mika secretly helped Reader escape the burning cottage. After that, he gifted Reader his best maps, so they could find a way in a wilderness.
Gaming is on Reader's side.
Yunjin was the one, who made him see, how horrible the whole situation was.
Gaming helped Yunjin with the destruction performance, that helped Reader to get to a ship to Inazuma.
She was on Fake Creator's side, at first
But change side after Kazuha ran into Reader and realized, that Reader are Real Creator.
Beidou and her crew were the ones, who secretly get Reader from Inazuma back to Liyue and hide them with Baizhu again.
He is on Reader's side.
He immediately knew what kind of monster Fake Creator were. Xiao can't stand near them, his karma goes awry.
But, when he saw Reader, he knew, they were the Real Creator.
He and Adepti were with Morax, when Reader were trying to escape Liyue.
When Zhongli was ready to strike Reader's boat, Xiao plunge his spear right into Zhongli's side.
Xiao gave Reader the chance to escape.
Zhongli survived.
Xiao is captured.
But, he feels content. He saved Reader.
Cloud Retainer (and adepti)
She and all adepti (minus Madame Ping) were on Fake Creator's side.
But, after Xiao's betrayal, and talk with Madame Ping, Yaoyao and Xiangling, adepti realized, what kind of monster they were listening to.
Unfortunately, Zhongli is still blind to that fact. After Xiao's betrayal, Zhongli became paranoid. He started loosing trust in others.
When Reader returned to Liyue, Cloud Retainer, Moon Carver, Madame Ping, Mountain Shaper and Ganyu protected Reader during their journey to Sumeru.
She is on Reader's side.
When Nahida was captured for helping Reader, Dunyarzad was devastated. She asked Dehya to help Reader. Dehya agreed.
She helped Alhaitham and Kaveh in getting Reader to Fontaine through the desert.
She is neutral, but not friendly.
She asked Dehya and Reader to leave Aaru Village when they reached it.
Don't get me wrong, she feels sorry about Reader's situation. But, after Nahida was arrested, everyone from Sumeru, who dared to help Reader, will be in even more trouble, than before. She doesn't want to risk villagers lives.
Still, she let Dehya and Reader get water and food.
He is on Fake Creator's side.
During it, he attacked Reader, and if it weren't for Aranaras, Reader would be dead or captured.
And Nahida's imprisonment made him even more loyal to Fake Creator. Cyno will think, that Reader bewitched an archon.
He will follow Dehya and Reader, making sure, that their trip will be safe. And observing Reader's behavior.
During his observations, he noticed, that Reader didn't do anything wrong. They were a normal, tired person. Cyno heard, how Reader cry themselves to sleep, missing their home and friends.
Cyno is conflicted.
He helped Dehya fight with a group of eremites, who tried to capture Reader.
He left Dehya and Reader without the word. He has many things to think about.
He is on Fake Creator's side.
Fake Creator gave Forest Rangers a good sum of mora, arranged lectures about forest. They also gave Tighnari permission to arrange any sort of research and publish results.
So, Tighnari is loyal to Fake Creator. He arranged patrols. He tried his best to capture Reader.
But, somehow, Reader managed to avoid every patrol.
She is on Reader's side.
She was so devastated, when Fake Creator gave Dottore a title of Personal Physician. She can't understand, why someone like him wasn't punished.
So, she wasn't sure, that Reader did something wrong. Maybe, it's an opposite, and Reader are a good person.
Nahida gave Collei instructions on where to take Reader, when she met them.
Collei managed to get Reader away from Forest Rangers patrols. Thanks to Collei, Reader's 'trip' to Vanarana went almost peacefully, except a run in Cyno.
She is on Reader's side.
She, out of curiosity, talked to some Fontaine citizens, after Fake Creator got to Teyvat. And she learned, that not everyone are happy for having Creator back.
Charlotte even managed to talk to Furina about Fake Creator. And, let's just say, even commas in Furina's speech were swear words.
When Charlotte met Reader, she almost interrogates them for an interview. Charlotte learned everything about Reader's journey so far. She decided to keep the information for now. If time comes, she will use it.
She is also on Reader's side.
She does observe Reader's behavior. So far, Reader didn't break any of Fontaine's laws.
When Neuvillette became more restless is searching for Reader, some people from Fleuve Cendre wanted to hang Reader. This way they would escape Neuvillette's wrath and Reader won't suffer through torture. Chevreuse stopped them, saved Reader and started a meeting with everyone, who lived in Fleuve Cendre. The same meeting, that end in Navia and Spina di Rosula (and Furina) took Reader to Melusines' village.
Genshin Impact was always Self-Aware and knew about Creator. Their self-awareness are different from BSD Cast's self-awareness.
BSD Cast are characters, that one day became self-aware and connected to a random reader.
Genshin Impact Game was a virtual window to another world.
Right now, Fake Creator. But Reader reached half of Fake Creator's powers when they were captured. If Reader spent more time in Teyvat, they will become stronger.
From basic to advanced
- Longlivety
- Stopping Monsters from attacking. Not working on smarter monsters. (Abyss Order)
- Dragon Whisper (described here) In a nutshell, making any dragon 'imprint'on anyone, who have Creator's powers. Because of that, Dvalin, Azdaha, Apep, Neuvillette and, at some extent, Zhongli, are on Fake Creator's side. Vishaps are on Reader's side.
- Plant manipulation (can make plants grew and cover their tracks).
- Water manipulation (can get water from anywhere they wish).
- Stronger bodies (it will take many efforts to kill Creator) [Reader gained this right before they were captured by Tsaritsa. The last power they got before returning home].
- Regeneration.
- Destruction (can turn anything to dust) and Creation (can make anything, even the most bizarre plant and animal combination).
- Mind manipulation
- Bringing dead to life (lost ability, current Creator's powers aren't enough to do it)
No, for now, only two.
There is a possibility of third reincarnation being born, but, they won't have even echoes of Creator's powers and, will probably only have a similar voice or physics to Creator.
Good question, I wish I could answer it.
I am currently looking through my inbox, searching for purely question asks I missed.
Soon, I will post another list of requests I have. Maybe, will open requests for a few days.
Yes, I allow dark topics.
Note! I won't describe it in too many details, will try to keep at "T", or PG rated.
I don't have any preference.
But, most of my requests are about Gender Neutral Reader. There are some Male and Female Reader requests.
All requests are equally interesting for me.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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floatingcatacombs · 9 months
Go Nagai was insane for this one
12 Days of Aniblogging 2023, Day 8
I like to always have manga of dubious quality on tap for when I’m having trouble sleeping. Ideally, reading a few chapters will distract me, but I won’t want to stay up late shotgunning volumes. Devilman Lady was the ideal manga for this, and this is maybe the last time anyone will ever describe Devilman Lady as "ideal".
An extremely brief introduction is in order. If Osamu Tezuka is the godfather of manga, then Go Nagai is manga’s weird horny uncle. He’s arguably just as influential, the two of them just moved in different circles, each reifying entire genres. Nagai is more or less responsible for magical girls, super robot, and ecchi, and also spent a lot of time in the sphere of supernatural and post-apocalyptic manga. These are fundamentally genres of extremity and ridiculousness, and Nagai dials every one of his works up to 11 by the end, one way or another. Devilman is probably his most famous work over here, and it’s a stone-cold classic for a reason. Nagai has kept revisiting it over the years, with side stories, alternate universes, manga cameos, and even entirely new series that function as stealth sequels such as Violence Jack. But his most notable attempt is Devilman Lady, which is far more than a simple gender-swap of the original.
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Devilman Lady is about swimming deep in filth. It’s easily the most disgust-provoking manga I’ve read, with pretty much every content warning under the sun applicable. This is a truly rotten and conspiratorial world that Nagai is depicting. Societal decay manifests in countless forms, including rape, child abuse, homophobia, militarism, and hatred towards immigrants. Anything that could be potentially understood as fanservice is placed right next to or directly within the atrocities at hand, and it's genuinely unclear how much Nagai intended that as commentary. His intentions throughout this whole manga are a bit of an enigma, but what's clear that he is firing on all cylinders.
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This is an extremely zeitgeisty 90’s work, with intelligent design debates, the mapping of the human genome, new age paranoia, religious zealotry, and anxiety over pollution all playing out on the pages. Where it breaks from many of its contemporaries is a decisive rejection of the end of history. This is the kind of thing you write when you’re still reeling from the subway sarin gas attacks and your country's role in the Gulf War and subsequent militarization. It’s the perfect manga for capturing a time period when ten to twenty percent of Japan’s population were estimated to have belonged to a new religious movement.
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The punchline to all of this is that he doesn’t know how to draw women.
By the back half of Devilman Lady, Nagai’s depictions of hellscapes and grotesque monsters reach near-Berserk levels of detail and technical competency. And yet his female protagonists are still drawn in a drastically simpler 70's style, only now with giant spheres grafted to their chests. Either humans and the infernal are two completely different skillsets, or this was a deliberate artistic decision, and both are difficult to swallow. Either way, we just have to accept the juxtapositions.
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one of my favorite pages to show people devoid of context
The finale is just nuts. Go Nagai makes textual the homoeroticism and gender deviance of the original Devilman manga, as the world burns in both nuclear warfare and demonic hellfire. The story starts accelerating at an unfathomable pace, the most inscrutable double mobius reacharound yaoiyuri occurs, and the universe resets once or twice. It makes the endings of Jojo Part 6 and 7 look tame by comparison. There is no way to parse this like a normal manga with a plot and narrative. It is raw id.
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This has been a year where I’ve tried to deliberately broaden my comfort zone by engaging with more potentially upsetting works if I think they'll have something interesting to say. This was like jumping into the deep end. Devilman Lady may very well be Go Nagai’s magnum opus. It’s not nearly as tight as the original manga, but it’s a glorious mess, just as radical to its own time as Devilman must have been in the 70s. It made for spectacular insomnia reading. And there’s no way in hell I can ever recommend it.
At age 19, Nagai went through a bout of diarrhea so bad that he convinced himself it was colon cancer, and that he was at death's door. He vowed to leave something behind for the world to remember him by, and began laboring away on manga. And for the last 60 years of his career, he’s written and drawn with the fervor of a man who’s about to shit himself to death. Maybe that’s the real secret.
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themummersfolly · 3 months
Third time seeing Furiosa! Thoughts, in no particular order:
(Spoilers below)
I like how gender sort of evaporated in the wasteland. Like yeah, if you're healthy and female in the Citadel your career options are predetermined and pretty limited, and the Wasteland across the board is hypermasculine. But that masculinity doesn't appear limited to cis men: for example, the History Man offers to help Furiosa become not a History Woman or a History Person, but a History Man specifically. Also, Mr. Norton is female-presenting the entire movie, but after she wins her bike she is referred to by the make of her bike and a masculine honorific, almost as if to drive home a point to her new hordemates. Idk if there's an underlying message in all this, I just think it's cool that gender in the wasteland seems to be inherently fluid and situational.
What language were the Vuvalini speaking? You know, when the Vuvalini general tells Mary Jabassa that no one can know of the Green Place.
I paid attention to Mr. Harley this time, he does appear to have a soft spot for Furiosa. Now I want more fics of him and Mr. Davidson interacting with little Furiosa, being the cool uncles or even springing her and bailing from the Horde to go raise her as a bandit.
Did anyone else notice during the first attempt on the Citadel when Dementus is giving his "surrender or I will burn down your village" speech, the Octoboss is leaning back with his feet propped up on his gas tank? 1) Kleut is one lanky mfer. 2) This is clearly not the first time the Octoboss has heard this speech and he's expecting to get to hang out and enjoy the spectacle.
I love how the final act mirrors the first act. A handful of bikers pursued through dunes by an implacable Vuvalini who snipes them one by one. The pursuer has to commandeer a tire to keep going; a bike is crippled by the removal of a tire. The attempt to use a sandstorm for cover. Use of a rifle scope to watch the fleeing bikers. Attempted flight on foot. A slow death involving a tree as the result of failed escape. The first shot of Furiosa's Odyssey is of her picking peaches and offering one to a friend; the final shot, before it becomes Fury Road, is of her picking peaches and offering them to the wives. Visual poetry, man. I will take the weird pacing if that is what it takes to get us that thematic mirroring.
The Organic Mechanic was definitely cooking one of Dementus' dogs when Furiosa commandeered Scrotus' car.
When we first see the House of Holy Motors, the Head Blackthumb is assisted by a little old man with a tricked-out rolator. Later, when Furiosa has lost her arm, we see someone pulling what appears to be the tricked-out rolator out of storage and her building her prosthetic from one of the grabby arms on it.
From the first moment we see him, Smeg is low-key mimicking Dementus' look and actions. I think his function in the Horde is as Dementus' fool or jester.
Furiosa is wearing Dementus' cape when she first corners him. By the time she drags him back to the Citadel, it's gone. His mantle of hate and grief falls on her and she ultimately rejects it.
The Lone Warboy survived all the way through the 40 Day War! During the first attempt on the Citadel, he hooks a chain to the trailer with Furiosa and the History Man; Dementus and co manage to get it back and drive off, but the Warboy is pulled back up. We see him periodically in the background right up until Furiosa commandeers the Cranky Black, you can tell it's him because his build is so distinctive and he's got a scar from the arrow.
I really liked that one brakeman with the red beard, his face was covered during half his scenes but he seemed like a very normal person living in the Citadel, occasionally sticking up for Furiosa. I like how his humanity showed past even the Pyramid Head-looking costume. My headcanon is that he was friendly towards Furiosa from the time she became a dogman and recognized her all the way through; he's got a soft spot for his mute friend who occasionally wanders off and comes back a different gender.
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dogesterone · 1 year
Small brain Bionicle take: the blue ones are the girls and the rest are boys :)
Galaxy brain Bionicle take: Each elemental type is actually its own gender, and this ought to be reflected in the in-universe Matoran language. Ga-matoran, Ce-matoran, and Vo-matoran (and their corresponding Toa and Turaga) are just the closest to what the human audience would consider to be "female," and, when interpreted through a lens that is biased by gender binaries, the other elements seem "male" in comparison. Because Av-matoran are the most versatile in their presentation, this is why they seem to be both "male" and "female." (Of course, this only really applies to Matoran, Toa, and Turaga. Vortixx, Skakdi, Glatorian, etc. are going to have their own relevant gender theories.)
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y0ur-l0c4l-sc3n13 · 1 month
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Age (mentally): 23
Gender: Male
Serial Number: 447-722-100
🔥Was the first Mech AJ chose when he got his license
🔥Always calm and level-headed
🔥 Probably the only sane person of the group
🔥 Tries his best to take care of AJ (oh yeah he’s a bit of a menace in this AU lol)
🔥 Loves going outside when he can, but is fine with racing too
🔥 Tolerates Crusher, but tries to get him to stop being a bitch
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Age (mentally): 23
Gender: Male
Serial Number: 800-832-1355
🐯 Used to roam in the wild by himself, but was brought in by the Sanchez’s family
🐯 Is now kind of a part-time park ranger (and that’s the reason he loves taking care of animals)
🐯 Him and Darington would be besties and do the stupidest shit together argue with the wall /pos
🐯 Can see in night vision and Heat vision
🐯 Definetely has ADHD
🐯 His “claws” are blades, but don’t worry, they’re dull enough to not cut through your skin
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Age (mentally): 22
Gender: Male
Serial Number: 236-780-994
🌟 Was handed down to Rick from his dad (a former Stuntsman)
🌟 His right “eye” was broken due to accidentally landing face-first onto a sharp pole during a biking performance
🌟 Would die on an island first in 1 minute if you left him there lol
🌟 Would be the type of mf to say "chat"
🌟 Wears the weirdest clothes even if no-one likes it
🌟 A bit more popular than Blaze since he’s been there the longest (and has a decent stunt record)
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Age (mentally): 24
Gender: Female
Serial Number: 563-030-899
👒 Is the mom friend in the group 
👒 (Based on a fact in the official wiki) Is VERY hardworking, do much so that she overworks herself until her fuel is 1% and will be VERY upset if she can’t work hard enough
👒 Was handed down from Mr. Jackson to his Granddaughter
👒 Used to be a Bull-rider, but has now retired since her former owner is now in his senior years (But she still enjoys some bull-riding when she has the time to!)
👒 Can and WILL be the embarrassing mom type at times
👒 Loves to cook and take care of the animals at the barn
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Age (mentally): 25
Gender: Male
Serial Number: 457-334-008
🍏 (Canon?) Space nerd lol, will ramble about some randoms things about space anytime he can
🍏 Guys he’s learned to toughen up a bit!
🍏 Likes to take Hugo to meet his other dinosaur friends
🍏 Is the tallest of the group, and the oldest
🍏 Yes, his hugs might potentially crush you, but he means well 
🍏 Drinks oil from gas stations sometimes
🍏 Goes to Stripes’ place occasionally and chat about taking care of animals/dinos and exchange tips
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Age (mentally): 23
Gender: Female
Serial Number: 269-120-130
🌩️ Is a Mech that needs to charge (y’know, cable and all that jazz)
🌩️ Electric energy can be VERY unstable when mad, but lessen if she’s sad
🌩️ wheels and "pods" on her arms show how much electricity she is currently has
🌩️ VERY easily excitable, so much so even a fire might start if the sparks from her electricity could start a fire
🌩️ Very curious about Axle City
🌩️ Sometimes plays around with Gabby’s tools when she gets bored
-Credit me when you use these designs (ex: Design(s) by [my user!])
-Change their clothes/ hairstyle (as long as you don't change their hair type)
-Get inspired by my designs!
-Whitewash/racebend them
-Change hair types/change their body shape
(Inspos: @darkland-blood , @ril-sillyart1st , and @sarinefcyid (for Blaze's head thing))
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Yandere hybrid twins? Would they be conjoined since their both part Zippleback. . . But them x reader :>
I suppose this AU didn't have enough body horror, huh? Sorry for the long wait... here's some HCs. It's mostly just me playing around with the idea.
Yandere! Zippleback Hybrid! Twins Concept
(Ruffnut and Tuffnut)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Body horror, Manipulation, Possessive/Protective behavior, Stalking, Violence, Murder implied (On accident), Kidnapping, Mentions of hermaphroditism, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Honestly, no matter how I look at this, they would have to be conjoined, wouldn’t they?
Both of them share a body due to being a Zippleback hybrid.
I don't really have an official design in mind... but it's probably disturbing.
They no doubt have the abilities of a normal Zippleback.
They have the sparking ability, they have the gas ability, and they're volatile in ability and emotions.
Like normal Zipplebacks they often fight with one another.
I also imagine taming them would be similar to the original dragon, too.
Perhaps like the Hiccup hybrid fic... you save them from being hunted?
Which you know what that means... life debt.
Until they can return the favor... they'd both be obsessive about you, even as a hybrid.
They'd be loyal towards you.
Even more so if you provide them with attention and/or they view you as a mate.
I imagine the twins are an interesting case.
Their heads retain their genders.
So I imagine they as a hybrid are... what's the word... a hermaphrodite?
Do with that info as you will.
They are probably the oddest hybrid I can think of in this AU.
Well... any Zippleback hybrid would be, actually....
You probably came across them injured, the two bickering bitterly with one another as they try to fly again.
When you reveal yourself, a normal human... they panic.
Are you going to hunt them!?
They can easily nuke this area, don't come any closer!
Yet... you don't harm them.
Instead you offer food and try to get close enough to offer supplies.
Well... after that the two can't seem to leave their new human alone.
Honestly... conversation is a bit weird at first, but you begin to see them as an ally of some sort.
You learn the female head is named Ruffnut and the male head is named Tuffnut.
They are a unique Zippleback hybrid with mischievous tendencies.
They see you as a friend since you helped them.
In fact, it's in their nature to be loyal towards you... all due to what you've done for them.
Despite them being classified as "intersex", they can still see you as a mate if you want.
I find it funny if both head have two different opinions of you.
Maybe one views you as a friend while the other wants to court you?
Awkward, isn't it?
Even funnier if only one of them wags their tail.
I imagine they'd be fiercely protective and possessive of you, often squabbling with one another on what to do for you to show they care.
You're given fish as a gift... often.
That and they stare down other hybrids, humans, and dragons....
They're like (sometimes stupid) bodyguards.
You can never have a,conversation with one head, the other is always there.
For example, maybe one of them is courting you... and the other just likes to sabotage them.
It's... all a chaotic mess, really.
Since they hate leaving your side, even if you ordered it, they'd stalk you.
They're big too, so it isn't like they're going to hide very well.
The two may kidnap you... but it's very dysfunctional.
Eventually they may trap you in a cave, alone from others, but they're still bickering.
It's luck they even succeeded.
They fight over your attention but can sometimes work with one another.
The whole hybrid is a chaotic mess... just like them normally.
In terms of would they kill? They could.
Their abilities are explosive... set them off and someone's in trouble.
They'd attack to protect you... but may accidentally cause someone's demise in the process.
Overall, these Ruffnut and Tuffnut would bicker but be as loyal as any other Zippleback...
Which soon proves to be problematic to you and your freedom.
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kokushibosbestie · 15 days
Meet 紬直美, the Raven Hashira ☆
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So I finally decided to make another Kimestu No Yaiba OC that has been on my mind for a while. Here's what she looks like and some basic information about her! <3
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• Full name: Naomi Tsumugi / 紬直美
• Gender Identity: Cis Female - Pronouns: She / Her • Romantic Preferences / Sexuality: Asexual / Aroace (before meeting Mui, straight after) - Ship / Romantic Interest: Muichiro Tokito - Species: Human -------------------- • Age: 14 y/o -------------------- • Personality Traits: Quiet // observant // soft-spoken // understanding // brave // caring // introvert -------------------- Appearance: Albino, very light colored skin, white eyelashes / eyebrows / hair • Height: 5'3" - Weight: 101 lbs. (45.8128 kgs) • Body Type: short, small, thin -------------------- • Hair Color: White || #e3e2de - Hair Length: Shoulder-length, side part, tucked behind ears - Hair Condition: cloud-like hair, fluffy, soft, curly -------------------- • Ocular Color ( Eye Hue ): Red || #FF0000 || Dark red || #540202 ——------------------ • Usual Style / Outfit: Work - Hashira Uniform // (She doesn't usually wear a cloak, only on missions) || The standard female Hashira uniform top, semi- transparent flared dark red sleeves? + the short dark red semi-transparent skirt + black shorts under it + large bow tied in back + thick white leather belt with pouch on side || one upper-thigh length sock, one above the knee black and red checkered sock + white string around the socks, one with vibrant red flowers + vibrant red flower choker + deep red mouth gas mask + black geta sandals with vibrant red straps || wears a deep red hat with black bow Ranking: Hashira -------------------- - Activity / Hobbies: Hanging out with / talking to Obanai & Muichiro. Letting Mitsuri do different hairstyles and makeup looks on her. Pet(s): Red Panda named "Kumo" and Kasugai crow named "Sora" Extra Information: She uses a sickle instead of a sword.
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Taisho Era Secret: Obanai was the first Hashira Naomi met and she sees him as a big brother. Obanai and her bonded over the fact that they both wear masks. They talk after every Hashira Meeting.
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And that's her! My beloved Naomi, who stayed locked away in my head for 6 months is finally out now! Yay! I wish Larzie could see this, but it's okay. Anyways, I'm gonna tag my moots now.
@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @stellapuffs @kitkat-moon @giyuuswifey @giyuus-little-helper
I love you guys! <3
This is NOT proofread, please forgive any grammatical errors I may have. DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THE ART / PICTURES USED ARE MINE. ALL CREDITS GO TO RIGHTFUL OWNERS.
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kakitysax · 6 months
"Project Sekai characters are mostly female and all of them are incredibly powerful and well-written regardless of their gender. Therefore if I go into Ao3 there will surely be a proportional number of yuri to yaoi ships as there are female to male characters in the ga-"
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