#gay and single
loserandiknowit · 1 month
You Just Never Know
I had this job 20 years ago (different than my current job) that entailed me working with different types of people as clients. One such case involved a fair amount of travel for part time work. This was my first job out of college, so I wanted to gain the experience for my resume, so I took the assignment. This individual had issues that I won't disclose however none of that matters now.
I joined a Facebook group today about LGBTQ+ people in my state and this evening I saw a post from this individual looking for love. I had given this person zero thought until I saw the post. I also had no idea that he's gay. I find it interesting, because in some cases young people tend to act differently while there in the closet and their irrational behavior in some cases is masking the feeling of being in the closet. It should be noted that back then I was too in the closet however I never did anything irrational to mask it. I hope this individual finds what he seeks however I'm glad it won't be with me.
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napping-sapphic · 7 days
Fun pride month activities to do this june☺️❤️🌹✨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️:
hold hands with ME
kiss ME
get ice cream with ME
cuddle with ME
fall in love with ME
get married to ME
grow old and happy and be in love forever with ME
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when nimona first shapeshifted in front of gloreth, gloreth was a little freaked out, but more just shocked, and then they went on being friends. it was only once gloreth’s parents told her that nimona is a horrible monster that she finally turned on her. this movie isn’t subtle in the least with its themes, but i like this part of the movie because it really shows just how imaginary and baseless (for lack of a better way to phrase this) the fear of monsters (i.e. trans people) in society is. children, like gloreth, when left alone without any societal influences, will be faced with this Other, Different thing and accept it, just go with it. befriend them.
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fizpup · 4 months
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valentine, you're a horse ❤️
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die-auster · 1 month
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You can order a commission and follow me on my Ko-fi.
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glassgob · 7 months
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[Image ID: Full-body digital illustration of Adaire Ducarte and Hella Varal circa Winter in Hieron. They are bodily facing each other but looking toward the camera. End ID.]
part 1 of my mini series of drawing hieron guys. i still have c/w art in the works but i have GOT to get these guys out of my head and onto paper before i explode
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
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just a lil conversation that doesnt go anywhere cause sometimes I think up random dialogue 💅
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thickumms93 · 6 months
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You’re welcome…
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loserandiknowit · 2 months
Fake Profiles
I have profiles on several different sites and on one of the sites the number of fake profiles is beyond comprehension. On that site I specifically have things mentioned that I wouldn't put elsewhere, such as "Read my profile". I know how to identify fake profiles. It's easy to do. Looking at when the profile was created, the use of stock photos, the race/ethnicity listed doesn't match the profile pic, etc. My favorite is when one of these profiles is younger than I am and would like to be my sugar daddy. This one right here is a complete scam. To answer yes would mean handing over certain information that I just won't give to a total stranger. The same goes for when the profile is of an older person. I'm openly gay and I do want to find true love however I'm not that gullible.
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gunsatthaphan · 18 days
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kluen: *breathes* phum: so you've chosen death.
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chropyl · 7 months
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
tomken as a ship is so funny to me. i don't even particularly like it, but you can't help observing it. like ken why are you so obsessed with him
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inkclover · 5 months
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They are battling for child custody I think - 🙄
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lotus-pear · 7 months
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"thank you for showing me the world outside the walls.."
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also quick bonus doodle bc if this wasn't so tragic it would've been hilarious
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emacrow · 17 days
For the longest time Danny did not want the crown nor did he want to be king. The floating eyeballs where somewhat overjoyed at that but knew they would need to find a reason to make him take up the crown.
Just so they could hopefully challenge him for the right to rule. That halfia did not realize what kind of power he had and yet did not seem to want.
Till one day he not only took up The Crown but The Ring to. Why one might ask.
Jazz his lovely sister and world renowned was asked to have a talk with The Joker. If he was king he had diplomatic immunity and he knew how to prevent people from becoming ghost too thanks to collecting most of John Constantine soul contracts
Only reason he will take the crown that day just to spector the talk.
Only he and Jazz can see how messed up Joker's soul was, not because the crimes he committed but much worse and deeper then anyone in gotham had known yet.
It was like someone had mold play-doe with this guy's cracked up soul, mixed up names of previous and present lives and past personalities like Jack Oswald White, Arthur Fleck, and Jack Napier and more others being a mismatched into each other into some sort of abomination Frankenstein and physical glued together into a single soul with raw glowing green chemicals in a shape of a smile. Obsessions mixed up with uncontrollable laughter, the color green and purple, very creepy stalker borderline level standard with Batman/Brucie and trying to get him to laugh, he hatred for the robin for getting batman to laugh at his joke instead of his jokes, and pure insane mayhem with life as a joke.
This was unnatural even to most fucked up Soul standards, yet pretty fascinating in a way that would explained why he survived so many life ending attempts on his life.
Jazz couldn't even psychoanalysis him without having a major migraines after 5 minutee with the pure amount of information that just keep going like a broken Dam bursting at the seam.seams..
The questions burns deeply with the both of them though...
How did this happen to him? Who done this to him? Was it even fixable at this point? And whom is the person messing with someone's Soul to turn someone into this..?
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missmetus · 1 month
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