#gay hockey coach dads
newyork-institute · 3 months
A hockey!au where its Coach John Price, goalie Simon Riley, Johnny MacTavish as a defensemen and Kyle Garrick as a forward. Kate Laswell would be there PR manager and Nikolai is in charge of making they get to each destination on time and (looking at you Garrick) one piece.
Coach Price had a couple of Stanley Cups under his belt from his day as a defensemen. He was known throughout the league as being the dad to his team.
(Kate was the mom).
Simon Riley had a skull painted on his helmet and from some of the PR videos Kate has posted on the teams TikTok page, he was given the nickname Ghost because of how he always seemed to come out of nowhere.
Johnny MacTavish is known as a beast on the ice, but all his hits were so clean, the refs never called a penalty. His opponents started calling him Soap on the ice as a deterrent, but Johnny was Johnny and took it as a compliment.
Kyle Garrick is recorded to be the fastest player in the entire league. He’s a smooth player and well liked in the league, so no wonder Coach Price made him Captain.
Kate Laswell loved her job and the boys she worked with. Price and her go way back to when they were teenagers, so it makes Kate’s job so much easier when the Coach cooperates with her. She also definitely babies the boys and will admit that with a smile on her face.
Nikolai was one of the most famous Russian goalies back in the day, having competed against Price in the past. They both lost a Stanley Cup to each other but after retiring from the game, they found they had a lot in common.
(Price is the first openly gay Coach in the league, and the boys couldn’t be any prouder.)
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Don’t mind me I thirst for these cod men and for hockey players leave me alone 💀
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rphunter · 24 days
25, she/her, eastern timezone looking for people 21+ to write over discord. ☀️ okay, now that that’s all sorted out, hear me out.
i am dying for a m/m hockey plot. quite literally would offer both of my arms and legs for it. it goes like this: both characters are big names in the nhl. insanely big. great players, chefs kiss. but that comes with a rivalry and a sense of hatred towards each other. i’m thinking that they maybe played on the same team in high school, so this rivalry and hating each other goes back a long time. the two characters i’d want to incorporate are as follows:
character a: he’s gay. he’s always known he’s gay. he’s in the closet, so to speak, to the public though. the nhl is not really the type of sport that guys can come out as gay, and he doesn’t want it to impact his reputation or his status in the nhl with his coaches, his fans, the league, or other players. he’s a little more put together. everyone loves him. his team knows he’s gay and it’s one of those things that everyone knows doesn’t leave the locker room. he’s a league favorite. his dad is a hockey legend, so he’s a “nepo baby” in the hockey world.
character b: he’s not gay. well, he’s never thought about it. not really. he’s a womanizer, a fuckboy, and has insane anger issues on the ice. oh, and he hates character a. they can’t be on the ice without a fight breaking out. they can’t even be in the same room. but he’s a damn good hockey player, and everyone loves him, if not for his skills then for the entertainment that he brings the watchers of his games. he’s not a nepo baby at all, he’s had to work hard for what he’s got and build his career from the ground up. oh, and he hates character a. did i mention that? i mean, shit, he’s got everything handed to him, doesn’t he?
what happens when character b gets traded to character a’s team and they have to be on the same team? what happens when the very same season that character b is traded onto his team, the captain is traded as well and that captain position is open? what happens when character a gets it over character b? what happens?!?!
please like if you’re interested!
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ocrpfinder · 26 days
25, she/her, eastern timezone looking for people 21+ to write over discord. ☀️ okay, now that that’s all sorted out, hear me out.
i am dying for a m/m hockey plot. quite literally would offer both of my arms and legs for it. it goes like this: both characters are big names in the nhl. insanely big. great players, chefs kiss. but that comes with a rivalry and a sense of hatred towards each other. i’m thinking that they maybe played on the same team in high school, so this rivalry and hating each other goes back a long time. the two characters i’d want to incorporate are as follows:
character a: he’s gay. he’s always known he’s gay. he’s in the closet, so to speak, to the public though. the nhl is not really the type of sport that guys can come out as gay, and he doesn’t want it to impact his reputation or his status in the nhl with his coaches, his fans, the league, or other players. he’s a little more put together. everyone loves him. his team knows he’s gay and it’s one of those things that everyone knows doesn’t leave the locker room. he’s a league favorite. his dad is a hockey legend, so he’s a “nepo baby” in the hockey world.
character b: he’s not gay. well, he’s never thought about it. not really. he’s a womanizer, a fuckboy, and has insane anger issues on the ice. oh, and he hates character a. they can’t be on the ice without a fight breaking out. they can’t even be in the same room. but he’s a damn good hockey player, and everyone loves him, if not for his skills then for the entertainment that he brings the watchers of his games. he’s not a nepo baby at all, he’s had to work hard for what he’s got and build his career from the ground up. oh, and he hates character a. did i mention that? i mean, shit, he’s got everything handed to him, doesn’t he?
what happens when character b gets traded to character a’s team and they have to be on the same team? what happens when the very same season that character b is traded onto his team, the captain is traded as well and that captain position is open? what happens when character a gets it over character b? what happens?!?!
please like if you’re interested!
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mlmshipbracket · 1 year
So propaganda for Zimbits! So they are from a web comic that got so popular it became a graphic novel! Which I thoroughly believe everyone should read is they like LGBT representation! So the main character Eric Bittle used to be a figure skater but his dad was a hockey coach I believe? (Is been a while since I read it) and either way, he goes to college he's on the hockey team! And I really love that he's in such an aggressive and masculine sport because many people think that there's no place for gay men in sports at all but just think of the sport it is! It's like one if the most masculine sports there is. So take that toxic masculinity! Jack is the son of like a hall of fame level hockey player, so yknow there's this expectation of greatness and all this pressure and Bitty is just like this totally adorable southern boy who just loves to bake and he loves his boyfriend and Jack loves him right back! They're such a great couple, attune to each other and their needs even when they have to be long distance! I just love how the series itself challenges some stereotypes and the idea of toxic masculinity while being super romantic and adorable. It has me in tears several times too! Hopefully I did the whole propaganda thing right? Basically I just think they're cute and very in love with each other! Such positive relationship models!
Thank you for your propaganda submission! Feel free to add these beneath the current Zimbits poll. I'll add the tags for locating this propaganda on this post.
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stupidratboii · 1 year
@slytherpuff4 @mysemantics
You guys said you wanted to know everything I've noticed about mighty ducks
Here are my thoughts and things I've noticed as of 4/24/23
When they first meet Jesse speaks to Bombay first and claims that "his domain" is a drug free zone
They all thought Bombay has a gun first
Goldberg said he wasn't the goalie for long, he was moving back to Philadelphia
Who dressed these kids.
Connie likes Madonna
The hawks (Adams og team) have the same chant that Orion makes the ducks have in the first half of his coaching
Goldberg hates being a goalie, so why does he do it
Even his team wants a new goalie
Banks is so gay "it'd make great bathroom reading" to a porn mag...c'mon now
Bombays a little funny guy he needs to be so fr
He struggles to say sorry LIKE BFFR 🙄🙄
The only reason the ducks are so good is because Gordon got ducks worth a jersey
Fulton has a lot of rumors going on with him
Goldbergs jewish
It's always Fulton and Charlie together
Adam has an older brother
Fulton has really nice handwriting (writing the principal thingy) like really really nice handwriting holy shit
Karp (Tommy) shoving Peter in his locker
ooo the Jessman
Jesse's dad and Charlie's moms friendship is so cute
Guy telling Fulton advice and then winking at connie
Tammy's real mean but she's so cool
Connie and guy holding hands while skating
Fulton and Adam sitting next to each
Adam gets nervous at the sight of his old team
Charlie and Coach cooking together
Charlie's mom used to sculpt and she paints now
She rambles when she's nervous
The driver stays with Bombay the whole season
The ducks in the standing line talking shit
Adam looking away from his old team during the line
Larson (from the hawks) stays with Banks until the paramedics get there
Fulton flips a guy into the box
"He barely touched em"
Gordon tries out for the minors
That's why he gets hurt in the beginning of d2
Avermans passive aggressive
Coach Orions actor is really good
Fultons actor actually plays more hockey then the rest
Linda is only there for Charlies relationship. She doesn't hold any significance to the story.
Julie's an A student
Dean's wayy nicer to the warriors in D3 than expected
Suddenly in D3, Averman can't stop??? Luis and him switched I guess
Dean's voice gets higher when upset.
Averman does a little dance when dean starts to get undressed in the penalty box
Fulton and Portman crushing Orion in a hug
Charlie and his mom just... casually talking next to Luis and some girl swapping spit..
Goldberg suddenly can't (roller) skate in d3 but in D1 they were all Rollin around the mall?
Tommy is never mentioned again
Neither is Tammy
What happened to them?
Did they leave?
What happened to banks?? (His injury)
Kenny's a pessimist
Dean points girls out for Fulton to flirt with?
Wtf happened to Peter?
Charlie tackle hugs Portman after the jv vs v game
Ken was in the Olympics
Russ has an older brother
In d2 Kenny's a fucking menace but in D3 he's all
👉👈🥺 how do I trash talk
Fultons from Stillwater
Goldbergs from Philadelphia, so I wonder who the goalie was before he was there.
Kenny was there helping Goldberg and Luis prank dwayne
Fulton sucks at flirting
Like literally he's so bad it's insane
Him and Dean laugh about it
It's actually so bad I love him
Why did they change averman and Luis
Why is dean like that.
I wonder why Tammy and Tommy's mom wouldn't be happy about hockey
Why was Tammy so mean?
Adam tells people what they can and can't do a lot.
Charlie thinks he'd be a better coach then a player
Goldberg was ab to rock Iceland's shit for calling him big boy and Dwayne and Kenny held him back
Iceland's mechanism is to go for the weak spots and play dirty
Charlie's a Leo
Fulton and Russ looking at each other when doing the team cheer thingy like THE QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK THINGY
Thanks for the breather AND THEN LINGERING EYES?
Dean threatening someone's life when he hurts Adams arm
Charlie wears vans?
Dwayne plays guitar!! (D2 end scene!)
When Bombay reads off the names when meeting the kids he says Averman, Dave; Conway, Charlie" was Avermans first name supposed to be Dave
The actor for the principal is the same teacher from d3 (Claudia Wilkens)
Dwayne and Fulton hang out a lot and are really affectionate friends? Like they always go for each other when hugging and stuff. ??? Maybe the actors were just close? Maybe there's more :O
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prpfz · 26 days
25, she/her, eastern timezone looking for people 21+ to write over discord. ☀️ okay, now that that’s all sorted out, hear me out.
i am dying for a m/m hockey plot. quite literally would offer both of my arms and legs for it. it goes like this: both characters are big names in the nhl. insanely big. great players, chefs kiss. but that comes with a rivalry and a sense of hatred towards each other. i’m thinking that they maybe played on the same team in high school, so this rivalry and hating each other goes back a long time. the two characters i’d want to incorporate are as follows:
character a: he’s gay. he’s always known he’s gay. he’s in the closet, so to speak, to the public though. the nhl is not really the type of sport that guys can come out as gay, and he doesn’t want it to impact his reputation or his status in the nhl with his coaches, his fans, the league, or other players. he’s a little more put together. everyone loves him. his team knows he’s gay and it’s one of those things that everyone knows doesn’t leave the locker room. he’s a league favorite. his dad is a hockey legend, so he’s a “nepo baby” in the hockey world.
character b: he’s not gay. well, he’s never thought about it. not really. he’s a womanizer, a fuckboy, and has insane anger issues on the ice. oh, and he hates character a. they can’t be on the ice without a fight breaking out. they can’t even be in the same room. but he’s a damn good hockey player, and everyone loves him, if not for his skills then for the entertainment that he brings the watchers of his games. he’s not a nepo baby at all, he’s had to work hard for what he’s got and build his career from the ground up. oh, and he hates character a. did i mention that? i mean, shit, he’s got everything handed to him, doesn’t he?
what happens when character b gets traded to character a’s team and they have to be on the same team? what happens when the very same season that character b is traded onto his team, the captain is traded as well and that captain position is open? what happens when character a gets it over character b? what happens?!?!
please like if you’re interested!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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teekays · 1 year
i was a rink rat bc my dad coached minor hockey when i was younger and all this pit talk is reminding me of the fact that as a kid my absolute fave smell was the classic rink combo of fake ice, wet rubber, fries, and just the most intense stench of sweat you can imagine. brings a nostalgic tear to mine eye when i get a whiff in public. anyways if we can't have fun warmup jersey designs this season the players should at least show pit for pride games. for solidarity and what not
YOURE SOOO REAL FOR THIS TRULY i've been learning to skate the past few months and Rink Smell is so delicious to me like i live for the moment when i walk in and it washes over me.... beautiful.... also YES we need pride night jerseys that don't have anything special about them except a pit window. just a little something for us guys!! either that or they should give us gay people free game work jerseys (UNWASHED) to really prove their solidarity
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okokimdesperatebynow · 3 months
i do not write in english very well but i'll try my best ->
i'ts embarassing how many days i have been missing and searching for that fic, not even my google search has it so it's out of myhands by now. and the search on ao3 is not helping me at all aither.
SO i will describe what i remember from the fic in case somebody knows it, it's my last chance :')
Park Jimin bottom and Jungkook Top.
Inside the fanfic is a question that i don't think even pops out, Jimin just rolls with beig a bottom and Junkook is there for it.
What happens? Junkook is mostly in his head and Jimin is so chill about everything, thats why we get to experience the fanfic from Jungkooks perspective (at least mostly if I remember correctly).
SO they were friends while teenagers, they went at a summer camp together to play a sport that I don't quite remember. It may have been soccer or maybe hockey. I think it was hockey.
So they both come back at this camp as adults, they are older than college graduates, so about 23 i guess. And now they both are there to coach these kids. Jimin is there every summer since almost always I think, and for Jungkook it's the first he come's back since he was a teenager.
The thing is; Jimin is straight. But that label is not glued to him, it's just that he has been only with girls so yeah straight. NOW, when Jungkook and him reunite their bond is diferent. Jungkook is gay and out of the closet, so now he nows himself and the world better, of course, now they are grown ups. So now that they have spent so much time apart can meet eachother again even if it's still feels that not that much time has passed, beacause they used to be very close.
And I think Jungkook always like Jimin but then Jimin was very straight. NOW they come back to be roomates (i think that theres a bit of bickering now that i remember). Yes I think that theres a discussion, one of them mad at the other not wanting to share rooms but the plot somehow works it to make it happen and they start to have sex together, and it goes with sexual tension, like escaleting each night, and each night they get closer, and penetration maybe happen the third or five night but it's not like "the ultimate thing". Like, what they do is find pleasure in each other and i guess that every night is different for them both. IDK i found the smut so steamy, and i think that it was so good beacause it's like a secret that only happens in the bedroom, they don't talk about it and that's why Jungkook's all in his head like, but Jimin is kinda straight so he would not date me. And Jimin is just having a great time not panicking at all. They get their mattreses on the floor at one time so they can sleep together. Their roles on action are pretty dom(Jungkook) and sub(Jimin) but just in actions, as people there is no power imbalance. And they don't use condoms (i know i know, i just tolerate that in fiction)
WA! I remember something important. One of the guys (a kid almost) they teach to says some homophobic shit and Jungkook puts an end to it. It's a boy that i'ts so passionate about the sport that latter we get to understand just a little bit more, it's in fact key to the story because the dad of this poor kid saw Jungkook and Jimin kissing (their first kiss on the cheek + hug in public! + junkook being so boyfriend material, new till now beacuse they were bros who had fun sex) and he went to the summer camp/club to say to their superior (who is an ally) that they were faggots and a danger for the kinds bla bla that kinda bulshit (thats the angstiests that it gets so tht's nice). And so the kid is sad because the dad takes him away and he loved Park Jimin being his coach because he taked so good care of him. The kid had a last name that started with a B and was kinda weird (at least for me, rymed whit Bluberry or smt like that)
That's been so long im so sorry.
I'll pray that maybe this gets somwere and maybe someday i get that fic back because i enjoyed so much the smut :')
a jimin bottom that still is his person and they are both their own persons and the roles in sex do not shape their personality yeah we need more of that <3
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nysocboy · 6 months
Steve Zahn: From 1990s golden boy to 2020s depressed dad, with nudity all the way down
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Steve Zahn started his career in theater Biloxi Blues, Bye, Bye, Birdie, and the off-Broadway Sopistry: "a beloved philosophy professor is charged with sexually assaulting a male student. Gay themes are starting early.  Both Steve and his costar Ethan Hawke were cast in Reality Bites (1994), about depressed Gen X-ers in Houston. Steve plays one of those endlessly depressed gay guys you see in movies of the era, who doesn't actually do anything gay except come out to his mother.
 More weird, experimental, and depressing bits followed, such as SubUrbia (1996): Steve plays Buff, one of a group of disillusioned teens in the bleak urban wastelands of the 1990s.  I didn't live in a bleak urban wasteland, and there were no gay characters, so I couldn't relate. 
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In a 1995 episode of Friends, we learn that Phoebe married a gay Canadian ice hockey player (Steve), so he can get his green card.  Except he decides that he's not gay after all.  Seems like a pattern developing. 
Next came The Object of My Affection (1998), which I didn't see because it seemed homophobic: a gay guy turns straight because women are so hot, but then goes back to gay again.  Steve plays the gay-straight-gay guy's brother.
I avoided Saving Silverman (2001), thinking that it was about a lesbian who changes to straight. That appears to be another movie: this Silverman is a guy about to make a disastrous marriage, so his friends try to reunite him with the Girl of His Dreams.  One of the friends, J.D. (Jack Black), comes out and marries his high school Coach (R. Lee Ermy), but I think it's played for homophobic laughs.  Steve plays one of the friends, who here is trying to become flexible enough to perform oral sex on himself.  Just ask JD to do it for you.
In the thriller Joy Ride (2001),  Lewis (Paul Walker), traveling cross-country to pursue the Girl of His Dreams, of course, stops to pick up his estranged brother (Steve).  
They run afoul of a road-rage driven trucker, but meet a girl for Steve to fade-out with.  Plus they have to walk into a gas station nude.
More Steve after the break
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We see some butt in Bandidas (2006), and maybe a flash of cock, but it goes by too quickly to know for sure.
In Sunshine Cleaning (2008), a responsible-goof-off pair of sisters start a crime scene cleanup service and have relationship problems.  Steve plays the married lover of the responsible one, who shows some butt.  The goof-off starts off straight, turns lesbian, and then turns back to straight again.  
During the 2000s, Steve starred in several short-lived tv series: Mind Games, Treme, The Crossing, Valley of the Boom.  None of them sound familiar, but I remember his voice work on the Roderick Rules series, and a four-episode story arc on Modern Family as Claire and Phil's obnoxious neighbor.
In  White Lotus, Steve plays a middle-aged father who faces a testicular cancer scare, and discovers that his own father was gay and died of AIDS.  I guess they're interconnected
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I think my favorite Steve Zahn role is that of Uncle Peter, the snake-handling-preacher turned militia leader on The Righteous Gemstones, Season 3.  He doesn't convert any lesbians, and he's in charge of a male-only group like Kelvin's God Squad.
The nude photos are on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
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solibrie · 8 months
bitty understands that his parents are SO quintessentially southern. he is so quintessentially southern. BUT - that's not true, is it? bitty isn't quintessentially southern. that's the entire problem!!! bitty was ostracized his entire childhood for being perceived as different and failing to uphold traditional masculinity!!! he doesn't play football - the hockey he DOES play doesn't even have the violent physicality that's half the sport - he misses figure skating - he bakes - he doesn't want to marry nice a girl. he'd much rather marry a nice boy.
bitty is a wrinkle in his hometown. it's why he leaves. he KNOWS he doesn't fit there the way he should.
and, if he's a wrinkle in his hometown... surely that means he's a wrinkle in his family, right? because suzanne and coach are a quintessential southern couple that surely can't love their wrinkle of a son.
i'm just so obsessed with bitty's issues and problems. because his parents LOVE HIM. and maybe they don't get the gay thing but they LOVE HIM!!! AND THEY WANT TO LEARN BECAUSE THEY LOVE HIM!
but he doesn't know that.
he knows they love the version they believe is straight - but the real bitty? the one who wishes he didn't have to give up figure skating, who would much rather bake all day, who faints at the implication of physical violence???
it's the scariest "what-if" in the world.
and the thing about jack is that jack's "what-if" actually happened to him. "would my parents [father] still love me if i didn't make the NHL draft?" jack was forced to figure out that answer! and the answer was yes!!!! his parents did still love him - DO still love him!!!!!!!
but bitty is so SCARED of learning the answer. because he's already been so unlucky all his life!!! he doesn't have friends in georgia, not really - his best friend is his mother - he can't fully believe the idea that this could go well for him.
and it makes me SAAAAD. but it also makes me really happy seeing how going to samwell and finding a community of friends who he loves and who love him FINALLY give him the courage to come out to shitty, eventually the rest of samwell as a whole -
and then the courage to come out to the world.
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transwicky · 1 year
The Guy/Scraps fic nobody wanted but me. Oh well 8)
on AO3
Guy used to play for the Aces. It was before Kent was drafted, and Guy had been strictly in the closet for his entire Aces career.
Well, for the most part. Until Scraps had joined the team, at least. The two had become friends fast, and Guy had felt himself forming a crush within the first week.
He’d always known he was gay, or he had since he was fourteen, and his first time having sex with anyone – his fourteen year old class mate who had been flirting and asked him out – had left him feeling… nothing.
He’d broken up with her, quietly telling her he was gay, and she had been furious over it, but her brother had rolled his eyes, and told her ‘you shouldn’t have fucked him then, he wouldn’t have known he was gay if you hadn’t’, and Guy was torn on being embarrassed, upset, or relieved, that he had someone in his corner – or at least in his corner enough to keep her from being a vindictive ex.
Several months later, his ex’s parents came around, dropped a baby in his arms, and said it’s either adoption or you, make the decision now.
Guy had chosen to keep the baby, and his parents were disappointed he had sex, and that it was clearly unprotected – he was fourteen, he knew nothing about sex other than his dick when into the vagina, okay!? – but also proud of him for taking responsibility.
He didn’t think he’d get into the NHL – he wasn’t entirely sure how he did, to be honest – but he did, and he was one of the only Aces with a kid, and he knew quickly to not mention he was gay to anyone on the team (though he knew, realistically, that Red would accept him, especially since Red’s daughter was trans, and Guy knew that because Red housed him and his son for two months, until Guy got an apartment of his own, so- Red would accept him, but Guy still wasn’t prepared to risk it).
But then Scraps joined the team, and that stupid crush formed.
And then a month later, Scraps had kissed him.
It’s been years since then, and they were still together, despite the fact Guy was traded to the Falconers across the country.
Video calls every week were done, and phone calls and texts were daily.
Guy’s son suffered the most, since Scraps was his father just as much as Guy was, and Vince was fourteen now, and god, Guy couldn’t imagine his son having a baby.
“Dad, when is Babbo coming to visit?” Vince asked, as he drove to the high school’s rink. Vince had joined the local hockey team for his age group when he was ten, and Guy had made sure his son knew he needed to sign up because he found hockey fun, and not because of some silly idea that he had to be a hockey player because of his parents.
Vince had rolled his eyes, said duh, and that had eased Guy’s fear that his son was putting too many expectations on himself, like Jack had (not that Guy blamed Jack at all for that).
“I don’t know.” Guy sighed softly. “You ready for hockey camp?”
“Yeah!” Vince grinned, and Guy smiled softly.
Yes, the perpetually frowning man did know how to smile – he just usually only smiled at his son, or boyfriend.
God, he couldn’t believe his lover proposed at a fucking falcon show at the fucking zoo, like a fucking nerd.
God, he loved that man.
He dropped Vince off, and spoke to the coach, before he headed for the local ice rink that had been affectionately nickname The Roost by most of Providence.
Walking into the nook, he froze, seeing George showing their new team mate around.
Except it was-
“Leo?” Guy asked, eyes wide, and George and Scraps turned around, and Scraps grinned.
“Surprise?” He offered, and Guy didn’t care that half the team was there, watching, as he understood why Jack had said fuck it on the ice a year ago.
He ran to his lover, and tugged him down into a kiss, and Marty and Thirdy laughed – they’ve known for years now, about Guy being with Scraps – as a few others cried out.
“So how come I didn’t get welcomed like that!?” Snowy joked, when Guy and Scraps pulled apart.
“Gross.” Jack said, and it distracted the team from Guy kissing Scraps, and Scraps laughed softly.
“Well, this is already a different team environment than I’m used to.” He said softly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It was a surprise.” Scraps said, smiling. “So… Surprise.”
“You’re a such a fucking nerd.” Guy laughed softly.
And then he tugged him into another a kiss.
There’d be hell to pay from the rest of the team later, for not telling them – especially after Jack came out – but it was worth it.
This was definitely a hell of a surprise.
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
once more, with feeling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FXrV5o1
by starboydjh
After a career-ending injury in the middle of his third season with the Bruins, Tyler returned to his hometown of Victoria, Canada to live a quiet life as a kindergarten teacher, a youth hockey coach, and in an insane turn of events he never expected, a single dad. That plan works well for a few years, until NHL superstar and Tyler’s former high school crush Jamie also returns to Victoria for Christmas and everything gets complicated.
Words: 4281, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jamie Benn, Tyler Seguin, Original Child Character(s), Benn Family (Hockey RPF), Seguin Family (Hockey RPF), Tyler Brown, Dallas Stars Ensemble, special guest appearance by the boston bruins, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
Additional Tags: Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, but make it gay, Tyler Seguin is Not a Hockey Player, Getting Back Together, Years Later, Childhood Friends, Second Chances, Ugly Holiday Sweaters, holiday parties, lots of hockey even still, abuse recovery, Past Abuse, paul seguin hate club
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/FXrV5o1
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out-and-aboot-eh · 22 days
Day 15 - Grouse Mountain
It’s a strange sensation waking up on a marshmallow after two weeks of gravel and grass! I actually felt a bit jet lagged, but poor G had nightmares that my family had turned into a cult that she had to join and live with us in a big house! (I haven’t spoken to them for a while, so who knows!) And worse still, in the dream she then received a phone call to say her old dog had died. So in summary, don’t smash a small Dairy Queen before bed! Our troubles were soon forgotten as we headed off for some brunch in the form of poached eggs on waffles with maple syrup (me) and poached eggs with smoked salmon and avocado on sourdough toast (G) boujee! This was to be our fuel to get us up Grouse Mountain. Or at least to the bus stop, for the bus to get us up there!
We grabbed a scone from a smaller ‘Pure Bread’ as an emergency snack and headed to Canada place to catch a free shuttle that runs every 20 minutes. Turns out the most aggressive Canadians aren’t the ice hockey players, but the Vancouver coach drivers! I heard more honks in one return trip than I did from Megan the entire time! Once at Grouse Mountain with just a handful of cyclists stuck under the wheel arch, we picked up a map and took the 6 minute cable car up to the half way point(ish) where the main action takes place. One of the prime reasons for coming here was to see some bears as thus far the only grizzly thing we’d encounted was the weather! There was still no guarantee we’d see them as they had a spot inside for sleeping and lots of trees and bushes to hide away for snoozes in their habitat.
There are two bears here and this is their story: Grinder was orphaned on June 5th, 2001 in Invermere, British Columbia. His mother's disappearance remains a mystery; he was found wandering alone on a logging road, dehydrated, thin, weak and weighing only 4.5 kg. He was taken to a local veterinarian where he was given supportive care until he could be delivered to the Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife.
Coola was discovered June 29th, 2001 at the side of a highway near Bella Coola, British Columbia. His mother had been Killed by a car. Her three cubs stayed with her until a Conservation Officer arrived Unfortunately, one cub did not survive; the second escaped and was never found again but the third cub, Coola, was rescued and brought to the Grouse Mountain Refuge where he thrives in the company of Grinder (a quite unfortunate name if he’s not a gay bear!)
Luck was on our side as the bears were out a strolling towards the spot where we were stood near the water, and they went for a splash around. They were comical to watch, moving around slowly and blowing bubbles in the water out of every orifice! G was quite surprised by just how big they were and not too disappointed that we didn’t come across any whilst on one of our romps as a two! It was a real highlight for me personally to see them, even if we did have to pay $80 for the privilege!
But we were going to get more bang for our buck than just the bears, as next up was the ‘world renowned’ lumberjack show! It was a cheesy affair with many a dad joke, but entertaining nonetheless as they demonstrated various skills including chopping with axes, axe throwing, chainsaw ‘art’, log climbing and log rolling. I dare say the lumberjacks were cringing more than us following the script, but the crowd cheered along all the same! Next up was a ‘birds in motion’, which is always a winner in my book! The last time we were at one for was for my birthday a mere 7 weeks prior and it rained the whole day, but today couldn’t have been more different, as the sun pounded down on us, feeling even hotter than ever due to the altitude.
Before the show started we spotted a few familiar faces including Mikhaela and Little Fingers, who I did fear for slightly as the first bird out was a rather peckish looking golden eagle! He was a young male, who didn’t yet have the distinct white plumage on top. After a few swoops and loops he returned home, making way for a peregrine falcon (mixed with a bigger falcon) that gave us a show of speed! The company that puts on the show has a few birds like this that they use for pest control at places like airports and beaches to reduce the number of pigeons and sea gulls as the smaller birds think that there’s a predator in the area and move on, bird brains! Next up was a hawk that not only flies, but runs along the ground and covers its dead prey with their wings to hide it from other predators. And rounding off the show was a grey owl who can hear the heart beat of a mouse from far away and fly without making a sound. What was as impressive as watching the birds in motion, was the back drop behind them. From fields, to woodland to mountains, like something out of a painting!
As brunch had sunk to our boots, it was time for a snack, a Canadian classic that I thought we might have missed the chance to try, a Beaver Tail! It’s a chain of places, that aren’t as common as we first thought, but there was a little shack on Grouse Mountain that had a couple of spotty teenagers serving up the works! A beaver tail is pretty much a battered donut in the shape of a beaver tail topped with something naughty. I opted for a white chocolate and toffee tail (and made a right mess whilst eating it) and G went for Oreo and vanilla. They were good, but I must admit I was expecting more. It’s possible that the quality wasn’t the best, as it sounded like the slightly older teenager was advising the other on what to do, but it didn’t stop us from wolfing ‘em down!
We went for a little stroll around the rest of the mountain, including the lake, which compared to most we’ve seen wasn’t all that impressive, but we could imagine how pretty it would be in winter as there were lots of fairy lights and statues dotted around the paths through out the forest. After a quick drinks break and a sticker purchase, our final activity was also included in our ticket, a ski lift up to the top of the mountain, which on a clear day you can see up to 800km away (I think) it was either 80 or 800! On our way up we caught another glimpse of the bears, taking a stroll around their enclosure, which was lucky as by the time we returned they were snoozing in the bushes. As it was a clear day we could see for miles and miles, from the city and its tall buildings and bridges, to the surrounding mountains and forests. We really did feel on top of the world and spent a bit of time just looking out, after our efforts to try and capture the grandeur on camera were futile!
Our plan was to finish Grouse Mountain with a spot of early dinner, but alas they didn’t have half the things on offer, including the beer for happy hour (I’ve not seen G so perplexed this whole trip!) so instead we took the shuttle back (complete with an equally erratic driver) showered up and headed out to another Jen recommended spot, Steamworks in Gastown, about a 15 minute walk from our hotel. It didn’t disappoint! We both had a burger and fries and probably could have had another (they were that good!) washed down with a couple pints of lager/cider. Instead of looking completely gluttonous and ordering a second burger, I risked a stout and chocolate tiramisu type thing, which G helped me out with as it was bloody huge! A few members of our G Adventures group had gone to a bar not too far from us, which 10 years ago we’d have probably made it to, but in the words of Ian Beale, Georgie had nothing left, except enough in the tank to stroll home and get in to that lovely soft big old bed!
Georgie’s highlight of the day: The bears of course!
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twochicksobsessed · 4 months
Thin Ice: MM Small Town/Hockey Romance (The Elmwood Stories Book 4) by Lane Hayes: Release Day Review and IG Giveaway
Thin Ice: MM Small Town/Hockey Romance (The Elmwood Stories Book 4) by @LaneHayesAuthor: #ReleaseDay #BookReview and IG #Giveaway #gay #lgbtq #mmromance #gayromance #contemporary #bisexual #hockey #4stars
The hunky dad, the hockey coach, and a new start… Bryson Elmwood isn’t good for my love life. Hey, I’m a positive person and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about small-town living, but I haven’t had a date in years. That’s fine—my son is and always has been my number one focus. Except now he’s grown and gone. And it’s lonely. Okay, yes, the new hockey coach is hot and single, but he’s…
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kiltparty-a · 1 year
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒑𝒂���𝒕𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 !
( more appropriately titled, a list of interactions that could work for our muses in case you can't think of anything )
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 —
The Spider-Man meme where someone from Hawkins High looks across the gay club and sees Scottie behind the bar, they have a brief moment of 'oh shit' before spending a while hashing out that the other person is cool enough and they hang out once Scott finishes his shift. Someone from the Post or the Weakly Streak comes to talk anonymously to someone from the infamously gay club just outside of Hawkins and gets sent Scott, who — when he's at work — goes by Marc to keep his identity a little quieter. A plot where the Hideout and the gay bar are either right next door or the same place and so whenever anyone goes to see live music that isn't just pop, they end up seeing Scott working serving drinks. Side job for Scott in the summer where he helps coach the middle school hockey team and ends up interacting with the party. More party plots! The only time we see Scott in canon is at Tina's Halloween Party. Scott who turns up and breaks up fights and mixes fucked up drinks and wears the kilt his dad passed down to him and nothing else if he's trying to impress someone. Friends with benefits plots, coked-out plots, letting anyone with a tattoo gun ink him up when he's in his self-destructive era.
𝐻𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑦 —
Interactions with other hockey players or withing your muse's hockey verse ( rivals, friends, teammates, secret partners ). Scott brings your muse onto the ice after hours, takes them to parties, helps them meet their favourite players.
Your muse interviews Scott and his teammates for a newspaper/video/feature and they hit it off.
Assistant coach at a summer camp for selected kids and your muse being a kid who he helps, a parent/sibling/guardian who he meets, or is also a coach and coordinator for the camp.
𝑀𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑦 —
Scott meets Dionysius and tells the God about his sister and how often he leaves offerings for him in the hopes that it means Cameryn is safe and happy in the underworld. Your muse and Scott in a bitter rivalry because Scott keeps accidentally making his team win at capture the flag when people forget to make him a referee instead. An AU where Scott is the deciding factor, almost in the place of Pandora's box in the fifth book, and helps sway his Godly parent to the side that makes the most sense to him — him meeting your muse before either of them realise that this is the case. Powerful but dark Scott who goes crazy with the loss of Cameryn and sets out on a mission to bring down the Gods for not protecting her when she was so good.
𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑙 —
Give Scott the opportunity to befriend your muse — he has golden retriever energy and truly feels bad for accidentally making people tell him their secrets all the time so woos them with NHL tickets and baked goods. Vigilante Scott getting in trouble and needing help because you can't use the power of truth to get out of a chokehold.
𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙 —
Werewolf Scott being trapped by a hunter and begging for his life Scott who's gay bar slowly also turns into a safespace for the truly good creatures like him. All alone in Indiana, Scott being super excited to meet other werewolves or vampires or any other creature like him.
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backwardscapsmh · 4 years
HI TESS I DIDNT JNOW YOU WERE TAKING PROMPTS maybaps some gay hockey dads + smh not knowing theyre together or something along those lines🥰
yep!! and i love writing gay hockey dad fic (this one is not going to be angsty i swear) so thanks annie! i hope u like it! 🥰💕
Samwell was known to be a welcoming and safe environment for LGBT students. The “1 in 4″ rule didn’t exist for no reason. Still, it was hard to change decades of homophobic and toxic hockey culture in the locker room. But Hall and Murray try anyway.
After all, they were young queer athletes once. The constant, lips sealed, eyes down, don’t touch, don’t stare, don’t draw attention was their mantra. Keep your mouth shut because no one can know. Any hope of NHL stardom and acceptance from other players would disintegrate as soon as any rumors started and you didn’t say “God no! Gross!” fast enough.  So they try. Try to make sure they never even hear a whisper of anything homophobic. Try to make sure players feel safe at the rink. Try to make sure that players know they can be who they are without fear. Try to let them know they can breathe and just exist. They try to protect their students in a way that they needed when they played.  But it’s still hockey, and they live in a heteronormative society so none of the boys actually notice the small pride flag in their office. None of them see the matching wedding rings (which to be fair are pretty small but still). None of them seem to realize that they’re together, in love, married.  So it becomes a game: how many times can we be gay in front of our students (while remaining professional) without them realizing? As it turns out, a lot.
_/ \_
The game itself started when they ran into Bitty at the Whole Foods a whole 25 minute drive from Samwell, which usually doesn’t have blond baking hockey players who can’t drive. Lord knows how Bitty got there to begin with.  They’re not being very subtle if they’re being completely honest. Murray is definitely wearing Hall’s shirt (not that Bitty would know that) and they’re standing way too close for professional colleagues to be standing. Never mind the fact that they are clearly grocery shopping together, which implies a certain living situation. But in their defense, they usually don’t see any students from Samwell at a Whole Foods that is a 25 minute drive from campus.
“Oh goodness!” Bitty says cheerfully upon seeing them in the flour isle. “Hello!”
“Hello Eric,” Hall replies smoothly, as if him and Murray were not internally freaking out about seeing Eric Bittle at Whole Foods on 7 pm on a Saturday night.
“Hey Bittle,” Murray adds, raising a hand in greeting. “No big plans this Saturday?”  “Oh no. I’m here to find a specific type of flour for a new project I’m trying out!” Bitty says absentmindedly, scanning labels on the shelf before them. “Ah! Here it is! Well, I’d better get going. See you at practice!”
And then he’s gone.  “Do you think he noticed?” Hall asks turning to Murray.
“Nah, he still hasn’t figured out that Jack’s into him yet,” Murray laughs, taking a package of flour from the shelf. “And we’re getting whole wheat flour this week Haller, you can’t argue with me.”
And thus, the game begins.
They run into Dex and Nursey at Annie’s one day and they’re definitely holding hands at the time. Dex and Nursey seem too busy trying to not make it look like they’re on a date themselves to notice the fact that their coaches are on one.
Jack walks in on them having an argument on whose turn it is to make dinner that night in their office once. He doesn’t seem to notice the topic of discussion because he’s too busy pulling out his play book from his bag.
Shitty completely misses it when Murray accidentally lets it slip that he has a husband when Shitty starts complaining about playing Harvard and their “homophobic douche-ery.”  Ransom and Holster witness Hall slide an arm around Murray’s waist when they walk towards the Dartmouth locker room. Ransom simply comments that “it’s nice that their coaches are best friends” before running ahead to catch up with Holster. Hall and Murray just laugh. 
Lardo and Chowder run into them picking up pizza one Friday night. Lardo nods in acknowledgement and Chowder enthusiastically says “hello.” Both of them miss Hall wearing a coaching jacket with “Murray” stitched on the chest. 
As it turns out, no one on the Samwell Men’s Hockey team is remotely aware of their relationship. But the secret comes out eventually.
_/ \_
It’s after a particularly rough game against Boston. Everyone is tired and a little sad because of the loss. There were a few rough hits too, so a few people have bruises.
As everyone gets off of the bus, Hall and Murray open the doors to the compartments holding the luggage below the bus.
“Can you handle making sure everyone gets their luggage out? Because if so I can grab Larissa and go get keys for everyone,” Murray says after the doors are completely opened.  “For sure. Thanks honey,” Hall says grabbing their shared bag and handing it to Murray, absentmindedly kissing Murray on the cheek as he does so.
“What the fuck?!”
Both coaches turn, met with the shocked faces of the entire Samwell Men’s Hockey team.
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