#gay little (kinda) cat dad
gaspriceboner · 4 months
Everyone shhhhhh listen……
Im admiral posting…
Isn’t she the babyest ever
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dadbodbuck · 18 days
big feelings about tommy kinard this morning.... just. god. you are raised by the kind of man you never hope to become. a violent, bigoted, temperamental asshole who lives in your house. who will always live in your house. so you leave, and even when you're in the army, thousands of miles away from home, he's there. in your drill sergeants, in your comrades who are more excited for the violence than the service. so you leave. and you become a firefighter. and he's still there in captain vincent gerrard. and as you grow and learn about yourself, you start to think - maybe part of the reason i'm so afraid is because they're right. i do want to kiss a man. i want to hold him and fuck him and breathe in the soft tenderness of sunday morning together. and it terrifies you, because you've always known, somewhere, but you kiss a man in a weho club where you know your coworkers can't find you, and your father is there. he's not there, not really, but he will always be there, standing over your shoulder, waiting for the chance to strike. so you spend several achingly lonely years coming to terms with this; with being gay, being too old for the kind of sappy forever-love everyone else gets, with your rescue cats who remind you of yourself a little too much to dwell upon. and then you meet him. this absolutely radiant, joyful, sensitive, kind, awkward man. and you start to fall in love, and it's terrifying, but you think he might be falling too. and you realize somewhere down the line that he doesn't feel worthy of being loved, doesn't feel certain that you'll stay, and you kinda want to tear his parents apart limb from limb, but that's not what's important. what's important is evan, who cooks you dinner, who kisses you like nobody's around to see, who makes you laugh so hard wine comes out your nose. you stay, and you stay, because every time he holds you, your dad fades from the room just a little bit more.
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dazednstoned · 9 months
Modern Rdr2 hcs:
-Abigail dresses like it's the 2000s (I'm talking miniskirts, low rise jeans, heeled flip flops w the fucking sparkles). She will never change too.
-Charles and Arthur go on dates to those adoption events to pet all the dogs and cats
-the whole gang frequently gathers for family bbqs. Every time someone ends up getting punched, passing out, or storming off
-Abigail puts Jack on one of those backpack leashes for kids (John too if we're being honest)
-Tilly, Karen, and Marybeth do full goodwill, garage sale, and vintage market days. They do not mess around either
-the only thing hosea knows how to do on his phone is play chess
-Sean still can't read in modern time
-john plays guitar and writes really horrible love songs for Abigail
-Javier and john r for sure in a band together, they're pretty good when they sing the songs Javier wrote
-Lenny and Sean co-parent an extremely neglected widgetable
-Arthur listens to facebook reels on full volume in public w no shame. Isaac is mortified every time
-john has various tattoos, half of them are god awful. He definitely got Abigail's name or initials tattooed somewhere and she was livid
-Karen gives herself piercings with a really shitty piercing gun
-arthur and John work together in construction, an auto shop, or in the equestrian field.
-Dutch has a very rigid and lengthy skincare routine
-john uses 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner, but he says it's 3 in 1 bc it also counts as bodywash
-Tilly is the only one of her family to graduate college (Arthur dropped out of hs when Eliza got pregnant and john never went)
-Hosea is one of those old people you just see walking around the neighborhood at like 8am
-john and Arthur don't wear sunscreen or put on lotion. Abigail sometimes manages to force some sunscreen on John's face before he goes to work tho
-bill refuses to go to gay bars but uses Grindr
-Abigail cuts John and Jack's hair bc she refuses to pay for something she thinks she can do herself (she cannot do it herself)
-Kieran is a hair braiding god. I'm talking French braids, fish tails, you name it.
-john owns a really shitty pick up truck. Jack was either conceived or birthed in the backseat of it (maybe both)
-Sean falls for those free iPhone scams every time
-the only videogame charles plays is stardew valley. He thought it would be relaxing, it wasn't.
-Tilly and Mary Beth are in a book club together
-Abigail is the type of parent to not let her kid play w nerf guns or watch pg13 movies (John is the exact opposite)
-Sadie spends her weekends at rage rooms
-everyone's fridges are covered in drawings Jack made for them
-John, Javier, and Sean game together. Violence always ensues
-dutch does not tip waiters
-john tried to play catch w Jack once and ended up getting hit in the groin by a baseball. He didn't know 4 yr olds could throw that hard
-Abigail and Karen (& sometimes Charles) drink cheap wine together every Sunday and discuss the dumb things their boyfriends did that week
-Lenny and Hosea do the wordle everyday
-Jack is in little league soccer. John sits back drinking a beer as Abigail shouts at the referee
-Abigail got a tramp stamp of a little bow when she was 17 (she regrets it)
-Hosea exclusively sends emails
-Abigail hides John's weed socks bc she doesn't want Jack to see and "fall into a life of drugs" when he's older
-Arthur is a hiking dad through and through. While John is a sit on the couch drinking a beer w his kid in his lap kinda dad
-uncle is the old drunk that lived in the same trailer park as Abigail and John did when Jack was a baby. He kinda just stuck around after
-Miss Molly O'Shea would be a makeup god and u cannot convince me otherwise
I might do a pt 2 late in the future!
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bwabys-scenarios · 10 months
Fixer Upper
Part 11
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 10
part 12
warning: reader is kinda in a bad place 😭 so if that seems like it could be triggering for you, you may not want to stick around for future chapters. because there are some sad reveals later on :(
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na
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If you like my writing, come join my discord!! we watch HXH, play games, and spend all night writing sometimes!! there’s also lots of content there that I may never post here!!
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(Name) pulled her cover off and placed her sock covered feet on the cold floor. It was another sleepy Tuesday morning, the sun shining onto her messy bed.
Her legs were still tired from her long walk from her campus yesterday. She yawned into her hand as she poured her coffee into the cat paw patterned cup her little brothers gave her for her birthday.
(Name) sipped slowly. The cheap store brand coffee wasn’t amazing, but it was better than nothing. She glanced at her phone to see a missed call from her mother.
‘She never calls. Must of heard of the news from school…’
She pressed call, waiting a few seconds before her mother picked up.
“You idiot, I can’t believe you dropped out! After all the money your dad and I-“
“I’ve already sent a check reimbursing you for the classes you paid for.”
Her mother gasped. “You disrespectful little… I hope you know we’ll be cutting you off for this. We already had low expectations for you, and you couldn’t even meet those. What a useless girl you are.”
(Name) sighed. ‘Cut me off? Not like you were supporting me much anyways.’
She looked around her crappy apartment with a sigh.
“And you’re taking the Hunter Exam. Well good for you. You gave up being a nurse to take the most dangerous test in the world. How smart of you.”
Sarcasm and hate dripped off of her voice like venom. (Name) didn’t respond. She was used to this by now, only sighing.
“Is that all you wanted to say?”
Her mother was quiet for a moment.
“No. In fact, I wanted to let you know that any further contact from you will be considered harassment. You will not be contacting any members of our family after this call.”
(Name)’s eyes widened, her cup slipping to the floor. “Wait, you don’t mean-“
“Yes. You will not be able to see your brothers. Ever again.”
She hung up the phone. (Name) stared down at the shattered cup before quickly trying to call her mother back.
“Please, pick up mom… not my brothers. You can’t take them from me!!”
But she didn’t answer, and soon she wasn’t able to call her at all.
‘Must of blocked me…’
She sat down, not caring about the coffee that had splashed on her legs and began to burn her skin. (Name) could only stare down at the shards of the only gift she had from her brothers.
(Name) glanced at the Hunter Exam application, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes.
‘Why not, not like I have anything to lose.’
The next few months (Name) went about life in a blur. She trained for the exam, slowly distancing herself from the small acquaintances she had from college, and breaking her lease.
She packed her backpack the night before the exam, placing several pairs of outfits, some canteens of water, food, other various items, and a dagger.
It was enough to be a good weight against her back, but not too heavy to make running or climbing difficult.
The last thing she packed into her bag was an envelope, carrying a letter.
She stared at the letter for a moment before stuffing it into the bottom of her bag, where it would be safe. It was the most important item in there, after all.
And she didn’t want anyone to read it until the time came.
The first few trials of the exam had been hard, but she’d managed to scrape through and finally arrive where the First Phase would be held.
(Name) held onto one strap of her backpack quietly. Her navigator had been a bit worried for her, asking if she was okay.
“Yes, I’m alright. Just nervous I guess.”
The navigator nodded slowly. “I see. I think you’ll do well, dear, and if you don’t there’s always next year! I’ll see you then, yeah?”
(Name) looked down at her feet, not answering the woman. The navigator sighed before smiling.
“Good luck, I hope you pass!”
(Name) gave her a small smile back, waving as the doors closed and she began to descend. Her heart began to race. So far, she’d only met a few other Hunter applicants, all of them unkind. She was beginning to lose hope that she’d be able to make any type of alliances.
Not that she cared all that much. She didn’t think she’d be passing anyways.
Or surviving.
She looked down at the badge the navigator had given her.
‘#406. That must mean there are over 400 other applicants. Great.’
The doors opened up and (Name) walked out. Heads turned to stare at her, a few whistles and nods of approval could he heard and seen.
It wasn’t unexpected to (Name). After all, she was wearing a short white tennis skirt, and a pink cardigan over a white undershirt. Out of everyone else in sight, she seemed to be the only one dressed in such a way.
(Name) sighed as she joined the crowd. She looked around, her eyes glancing between each applicant before she spotted someone.
‘Oh thank god.’
She ran forward and grabbed onto a blonde woman’s sleeve, tugging it lightly.
“Hey there! I’m so glad I’m not the only woman here. Would you like to team up? Girls supporting girls and all?”
The blonde turned to her and blinked, tilting her head.
“Oh, um… you can join us, but…”
She blushed lightly, obviously embarrassed.
“I’m not a girl.”
(Name) tilted her head as the person next to the blonde bursted into laughter.
The blonde scowled and turned to the man. “And what is so funny, Leorio?”
The man, supposedly named Leorio, continued laughing. “Th-the first girl we meet and she thinks you’re a girl too! This is priceless!”
(Name) tightened her grip on the straps of her backpack. “I apologize. You’re just so pretty, I thought you were a girl.”
Yet again, the blonde blushed. “It’s alright, I promise. You said you were looking for someone to team up with, correct?”
She nodded as Leorio’s laughter died down. “Well you can stay with us. I’m not sure if we’ll be together the entire exam, but you’re welcome to tag along.”
“I sure wouldn’t mind a pretty little lady like you being on my t-“
The blonde hit him over the head with some sheathed weapon. “Ouch, Kurapika what was that for?”
The boy called Kurapika huffed. “I won’t have you being a creep to our new comrade. It’s disgraceful.”
“New comrade?”
A boy, who looked no older than twelve approached the group. “Oh, Gon! This girl asked to join up with us.”
(Name) waved at him. “Hello, I’m (Name).”
“That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful lady.”
Leorio grabbed her hand with both of his and shook it. “Welcome to the team!”
She shook hands with the others as well, looking away shyly when her hand touched Kurapika’s.
‘He really is pretty…’
Kurapika smiled. “I bet the exam has been full of trials, did you come here alone?”
“Yes, the only other applicants I’ve met have tried tricking or hurting me into failing. I’m glad I’ve finally met some nice people.”
Kurapika’s face shifted into a grimace. “That’s deplorable. But I guess it’s to be expected. The applicants could be anyone, meaning there’s bound to be bad people.”
(Name) sighed, pulling out a water canteen from her bag and sipping on it. “Any idea on what the first phase will be?”
When she caught Gon staring at the canteen, she offered it to him. He took it with a smile. Everyone took a sip before handing it back to (Name).
“I see you’ve come prepared. If you don’t mind me asking, what else do you have in your backpack?”
She frowned slightly but pulled it over her shoulder and into her hands. “Not a ton of things, but I have some snacks and water, along with a few different outfits.”
Kurapika blinked. ‘Oh, I guess different outfits would be important to a woman.’
She offered the three some hard candy, which Gon and Kurapika took. As they waited for the phase to begin, they chatted amongst themselves to get to know each other.
“You dropped out of medical school!?”
Leorio seemed almost angry, but was calmed down when he saw the sad look on her face.
“Yes, I did. It’s not that I don’t want to go, I just… I didn’t really have a choice in what I was studying. I decided to take the Hunter Exam on a whim, really. I…”
She didn’t finish her sentence, quickly smiling to hide that she almost let her secret spill.
“I’m excited to succeed!”
Leorio’s eyes softened. She was hiding something, but he could tell it wasn’t sinister. It was more for their sake then her’s.
“I hope you do.”
A sharp ringing sounded throughout the large room. A man named Tonpa had walked over and talked to the group a bit, (Name) not paying him much attention. She was much too busy chatting with Kurapika, who seemed happy to share his experience with the exam with her.
The group looked up to see a man with short purple hair and a curly mustache standing before them, holding the ringing alarm. He stopped it before speaking.
“As of this moment the exam is closed to any further applicants. I would like to officially welcome everyone here to the Hunter Exam.”
Gon grinned. “Alright, finally, it’s gonna get started!”
“Aw man, I can’t believe I’m getting nervous.” Leorio said, loosening his tie.
“Come with me. Let me take a moment to remind you all that the Hunter Exam is extremely demanding. If you’re unprepared or unlucky, you may well be injured or killed. If you are alright with accepting those risks, then you may continue following me.”
The group followed after him, (Name) sticking by Kurapika. He may not be a girl, but out of all of them he seemed the most trustworthy and reliable.
“Very well then. The number of applicants is 405. At least for now.”
(Name) thought back to when Hisoka had taken one of the applicants out, holding the straps to her backpack a little tighter as she walked.
Leorio glanced around the crowd. “I guess I should have expected it, but no one’s backed out yet. I hoped there might be a few.”
(Name) hummed. “If they’ve made it this far, I doubt they’ll be backing out anytime soon.”
Kurapika nodded. “Yes, I agree. Just the path to the Hunter exam is full of trials and tribulations that would make ordinary men- oh and women, give up.”
(Name) suppressed a giggle. “Mhm.”
The people in the front began to speed up. “Hey, he’s picking up the pace!” Kurapika said with a frown.
“Sorry for the delay, but allow me to introduce myself. I’m Satotz, the examiner for the First Phase. I’m also the one that’s leading you to the sight for the Second Phase. Some of you may have already realized that keeping up with me until we reach the Second Phase is in fact, the First Phase.”
Their light jog turned into a run, and thirty minutes passed with no change in pace.
(Name) sighed lightly as she kept pace with the group, having to hold a hand over her chest to keep it from bouncing too much. ‘Went through the trouble of wearing two sports bras for no change in the outcome. Annoying.’
(Name) paid no attention to Tonpa explaining that this phase was not only a physical test, but a psychological one. She didn’t really care, (Name) was too busy focusing on her breathing and heavy backpack.
A boy came racing in between them riding a skateboard. (Name) glanced at him from the corner of her eye.
“Wow, that’s cool!” Gon called with a smile.
“Hey, kid on the skateboard, that’s not fair! You’re cheating!”
(Name) hummed and ran a bit ahead. She didn’t really feel like hearing Leorio harass a random kid. Kurapika watched her for a moment before following behind her.
“Sorry, he can be a bit annoying sometimes.”
Kurapika gave her a small smile, running beside her. (Name) shook her head. “No reason to be sorry. I’m just… not in the mood to hear someone yelling right now.”
“Hmm, that’s fair. Leorio can be pretty loud and obnoxious.”
(Name) hummed. “I happen to usually like loud and obnoxious people I’ll have you know. It’s just hard to to tolerate when I’m already tired from running.”
They both laughed. (Name) reached into her backpack and pulled out her canteen. “You thirsty? It’s been thirty minutes.”
He nodded. “Yes, thank you.”
Kurapika took a drink before he handed it back. The girl immediately shoved it back into her bag, Kurapika raising an eyebrow.
‘Why did she take it out if not to take a sip for herself?’
He didn’t voice this question, instead focusing on his legs, willing them forward.
“So, Kurapika, how old are you?”
The blonde tilted his head. “Why do you ask?”
She shrugged, shouldering her backpack again. “Just curious. If you want to know, I’m 18 myself.”
“17, 18 in April.”
(Name) nodded. ‘So we’re about the same age. Interesting…’
“And apparently Leorio is 19.”
“19!? He certainly doesn’t look the part.”
The two laughed again, (Name) nearly tripping, but quickly being steadied by Kurapika.
“Woah there, watch where you step. It is dark in here.”
(Name) nodded, lightly flustered from his grasp on her wrist. He let go quickly, seemingly unfazed by the physical contact.
3 hours pass by, and (Name) was beginning to get tired. The group stopped when Leorio collapsed, (Name) immediately rushing to his side. She dropped next to him, patting his back and offering him some water.
“Leorio!” Gon began running to join Leorio when the white haired boy, Killua called out to him.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing? He’s finished, so just leave him behind.”
Gon frowned. “Come on, you don’t know that! Besides I can’t just leave him here, he’s my friend!”
“Uh huh. That’s what I said.”
After chugging the rest of the water from one of her canteens, Leorio began to stand. “I’m not giving up… I came here to become a Hunter and that’s what I’m gonna do!”
(Name) watched as he rushed forward, Tonpa sighing.
“Hey take it easy, you need a break.”
“Shut up! If you’re just gonna stand around here, I’ll leave you… in my dust… hah hah… aww great, my legs won’t move.”
(Name) walked forward and handed him a handkerchief to wipe his sweat away with. Kurapika watched this interaction, his eyes watching her face twist into concern for a man she’d just met.
“So you’re not just in it for the money.”
Leorio huffed. “No, it’s all about money. There’s no other reason…”
“We don’t have time to argue about this. What do you think we should do now, Tonpa?”
(Name) stood up straight again, stretching lightly.
“Hmmm, wait a sec, that smell! Do ya remember? There was a sweet smell from that tunnel. Hey, I think it might help you recuperate!”
“I thought I recognize that smell, I think it’s the sap of the healing cedar tree!” Tonpa exclaimed.
“Healing cedar?”
“Yeah! The sap is used by Hunters who often become exhausted in the forest. All you have to do is smell the aroma for a while and you can recover and keep on going.”
Kurapika stopped Tonpa from carrying Leorio away. “Wait a minute, it could be a trap.”
“Maybe, but we can’t just leave him behind now, can we? It’s a chance we’re gonna have to take.”
The blonde frowned. “Yes, but…”
“I’m king of the flunkies. You wanna know why I failed the exam 34 times? I’m a sucker for anyone that needs my help.”
(Name) raised an eyebrow at this. She glanced between Leorio and Tonpa.
“It’s okay. As soon as Leorio recovers, we’ll catch up to you, I promise.”
“I’m sorry, Tonpa… Gon, Kurapika, (Name), don’t worry about me. Go for it!”
(Name) crouched down and rearranged her backpack as the others spoke, then stood as they began to leave, watching Leorio carry him away with a suspicious look.
‘Don’t trust him one bit.’ She thought.
“What are you doing, are you coming or not?”
“Oh yeah, sorry to keep you waiting. You can go on ahead.”
Killua tilted his head. “You mean you’re not going to keep going?”
“Yeah, not unless it’s with Leorio.”
(Name) nodded. “Me either. I’m still worried for him, he wasn’t doing too hot…”
Both Gon and Kurapika noticed her staring into the distance, clutching her cardigan tightly.
“Kurapika, I’m going to see how they’re doing. Tonpa said they’d be okay, but I’m still worried.”
“I’ll come with you. We can always catch up to the group later on.”
Gon nodded towards Killua. “Alright, we’ll be back. Then, if you want, you can tell me your name. Because I still don’t know what it is.”
Kurapika glanced at (Name). “Will you be coming as well?”
She gave him a quick nod. “Of course. I can’t just abandon someone in need.”
He didn’t respond, racing after Gon towards where they had last seen Leorio and Tonpa heading.
But he did feel something stir in his chest when his eyes met hers.
‘She’s kind. It’s… nice to see that in such a place.’
The three stopped when they spotted Tonpa lying on the ground.
“Tonpa! What’s wrong?”
He groaned and lifted himself up slowly. “Oh, it’s you. Hurry, they need your help!”
“What happened back there?” Kurapika asked, glancing between Tonpa and the hallway he pointed to.
“It was a trap. Worst I’ve seen. Hurry!”
(Name) turned and ran towards where Tonpa had been pointing, the two following behind her.
The three continued to run until they came across Nicholas, one of the applicants.
“Nicholas! What’s wrong?”
The boy slowly moved so he was on his hands and knees, looking back at them with a delirious expression. Kurapika subconsciously pushed (Name) behind him.
The man began to walk away while laughing to himself. Kurapika watched him for a minute before speaking.
“Let’s go, we have to find Leorio.”
Gon and (Name) nodded. “Yeah.”
“Leorio, can you hear me? Leorio!!!”
Gon continued to call out Leorio’s name as they ran, (Name) noticing Kurapika beginning to slow down.
She stopped next to him, Gon circling back when he noticed they were no longer running. “What’s wrong?”
Kurapika eyes became hazy, the blonde holding up his weapons to defend himself. “The Phantom Troupe…”
His breath came out in short pants as his eyes began to turn a deep shade of scarlet.
“Oh no…please, don’t do it…”
He collapsed onto the ground, (Name) quick to kneel by his side. “Kurapika, what’s going on? Are you alright?”
“Can you hear me?” Gon asked, concern lacing his voice.
Kurapika stared at the ground as sweat beaded down his forehead.
He fell, lying against the ground. “Make… them stop… please…”
He stared off into the distance, unable to move. (Name) wasn’t sure what to do, so she rubbed soothing circles into his back. “Kurapika, no one’s here. It’s just us.”
He didn’t relax though. His eyes remained that same scarlet color. “We have to get going. I’ll carry him.”
(Name) hoisted Kurapika up and over her shoulder. Gon blinked. “Wow, you’re strong.”
She nodded, a small smile on her lips. “I grew up with two younger brothers who looooved piggy back rides.”
“Can I get one too? Later, I mean.”
(Name) laughed. “Sure, after we find Leorio.”
They continued, now slowed down because of Kurapika’s weight. She didn’t seem to have much trouble carrying him, only occasionally grunting and rearranging him on her shoulder.
“So, Gon, why do you want to be a Hunter?”
The young boy hummed, adjusting the line on his fishing pole. “Mmm, I’m not sure yet, but I want to find my dad. He’s a Hunter too.”
‘Find? Did his dad abandon him?’
(Name) nodded slowly. “I see.”
“What about you?”
The girl paused, her grip on Kurapika’s thigh tightening ever so slightly. “Well… I didn’t have many options.”
Gon tilted his head. “Really?”
“Yeah. I… just thought it would be fun to try out.”
She sighed. (Name) didn’t enjoy lying, especially to an honest boy like him, but the truth about the situation wasn’t something a child should know. Gon didn’t respond.
The hallway was quiet for a bit, until Kurapika grunted loudly. (Name) turned her head a bit to see if he’d woken up, only for him to begin struggling against her and cry out.
“Kurapika! Are you alright?”
He wiggled out of her grasp, and just as she was about to lean over and help him back up, the white haired boy from before appeared, kicking the blonde in the face.
She rushed over to his side, crouching down as he lifted his upper half onto his forearms to look up.
She helped him into a sitting position, the blonde leaning against her for support.
Gon ran over, Killua standing in front of (Name) and Kurapika. The red had left his eyes, leaving them the pretty brown color she had noticed when she first met him.
“Oh good, you’re finally back to normal!” Gon said, smiling.
“But, uh…”
Killua watched Kurapika and (Name) with his blue eyes. “There is no healing cedar tree.”
“The sap comes from the tree of hallucination, it’s been used by assassins for a long time. It’s victims re-experience the worst events of their lives, and it eventually drives them insane.”
Kurapika blinked slowly, realizing he’d been leaning against (Name). He pulled back, the girl reaching out to make sure he didn’t fall.
“How do you know that?” Gon asked.
“So that means Tonpa must of…”
Killua nodded at the blonde. “Yeah, that’s right, he set you guys up.”
Kurapika growled in anger, gripping onto (Name)’s sleeve.
“We should go.”
“Sure, I think I know a way we can save the old guy you were with, and catch up with the group again with a single move.”
(Name) helped Kurapika stand, the blonde grateful for her help. She’d only known him for an hour but was risking failing the exam to make sure him and Leorio were okay.
“A games no fun unless there’s some risks.”
“I’m glad we met up again! Are you going to tell me your name?”
The boy smiled at Gon. “It’s Killua.”
“Okay Killua, tell us your idea.”
He pulled out a small object from his pocket. “It’s a bomb, small but effective.”
(Name) pulled Gon back by his shoulders a bit by instinct. He didn’t react, only glancing at her hands before responding.
“That’s a bomb?”
“Let’s blow up this wall and all the disgusting sap covering it.”
He placed the bombs all over the wall, (Name) stepping a few feet back. Kurapika watched as she carefully maneuvered Gon to a safe distance, the dark haired boy not seeming to mind at all.
The explosion began, the four leaping through the opening created by the bomb to grab Leorio.
They all fell onto the ground, (Name) being caught before she face planted by Kurapika. He pulled her up slightly before letting go.
“It worked! Not the easiest way to travel but it is fast! I guess there’s no turning back now.”
Kurapika blinked as (Name) knelt next to Leorio. “You alright?”
“Gon? (Name)? Kurapika? … Pietro?”
She patted his back gently. “It’s just us, Leorio.”
“You were hallucinating as a result of inhaling the sap. Tonpa fooled us all.”
Leorio gave (Name) a smile, accepting her hand when she offered to pull him to her feet.
“So that’s what that was. Guess I owe you guys one for saving my butt. But how did you manage to avoid it?”
Kurapika shook his head. “It was a close call for me.”
“(Name) and I were fine!”
“I guess it wouldn’t work on Gon cuz he’s still a kid, so he doesn’t have any problems yet.”
‘But why wouldn’t it work for (Name)?’
Leorio and Kurapika glanced at the girl, who was pulling out a bandaid to place on Gon’s knee. The two seemed to already be friendly with each other, laughing when Gon nearly tripped again.
“Hey old man, we don’t have time to sit around chatting.”
“OLD MAN!? What are you-“
“His names Killua!”
“Ready for the next round?”
Killua threw more bombs past Leorio’s head. “What was that, I heard a click.”
(Name) covered Gon and Killua with her cardigan, then shielded her ears.
The group of five jumped through the hole the bombs left, Gon handing (Name) her cardigan after they landed. “Thanks (Name)!”
Killua watched her with narrow eyes. ‘What does she get out of protecting us with that flimsy cardigan? What is she after..?’
A plume of smoke dispersed through the hallway, the sound of the other applicants coughing echoing on the walls.
“What exactly is going on here?” Satotz asked.
“Oh, uh, I’m sorry, but we had to break through the walls.” Gon said apologetically.
“I never said you couldn’t destroy the walls, but tell me, how is it that you survived after wondering through the tunnels of hallucinations? I’m quite impressed.”
(Name) pulled some debris from her hair, sighing. Leorio spotted Tonpa and rushed forward, grabbing him by the collar. “How dare you! I have a score to settle with you!”
“Stop, Leorio!”
(Name) pulled out a piece of hard candy and began to suck on it as her new comrades argued. Killua watched her do this and crouched down next to her.
“You got candy?”
She tilted her head then smiled. “Yes, would you like a piece?”
She offered him a piece of butterscotch candy, which he took. ‘… maybe she’s not so bad after all. I’ll still keep my distance but…’
He didn’t sense any malicious intent from her, just… something. Something that honestly unnerved him a little.
(Name) and Kurapika kept pace with each other, eventually reaching Leorio who had taken off his shirt.
“I see, so you were lying to us before.”
“Didn’t lie! My objective has always been to make a lot of money! And whatever happened in the past, happened in the past! I have no interest in doing anything that won’t make me any money!”
Kurapika sighed. “I wish you luck.”
“I don’t need luck, I’m going to become a hunter or die trying!”
“No, a doctor.”
(Name) giggled next to them.
“Could you please not look at me like that, Kurapika? It makes me a little nervous. Now come on, let’s go!”
The blonde smiled. “You alright now, Leorio?”
“Yeah I’m fine, check it out! I don’t care how stupid I look! I’d keep running even if I was naked! Pretend you don’t know me if you want!”
(Name) gasped when Kurapika threw off his tabard and stuffed it into his bag. Kurapika glanced at her. “Maybe we should follow his example.”
She pulled off her cardigan and stuffed it into her backpack.
It didn’t take long for her to catch up to Leorio, who instantly noticed she was no longer covered by her thick cardigan.
“WOAH! You’ve got a nice figure. Plump and soft, just how I like th-“
Kurapika kicked the back of his legs, causing him to crumple before getting back up and running behind them.
The blonde shrugged. “Sorry, pervert senses were tingling.”
They reached the outside, (Name) instantly unbuttoning her undershirt so she could fan herself. It was hot, and even with just her skirt and top she was sweating. “Yeesh, I’m burning up.”
She crouched down and fanned herself with her hand, ignoring what was going on. They seemed to be distracted by some kind of “impersonator”, but she didn’t care all that much.
The magician disposed of the impersonator and they began to run again.
‘Ah, maybe I should have listened a little…’ she thought, watching as the people around her began to be attacked by mysterious beasts.
She glanced around to see she’d already lost her group, sighing to herself.
“You lost, little girl?”
(Name) blinked before turning her head to the left to see Hisoka leaning against a tree. He smiled at her, holding a card in his hand.
“Dunno, maybe.”
She shrugged nonchalantly, giving Hisoka a bored look. “Hmm…”
Hisoka stepped forward, looking her over. “Not bad… you certainly have some potential.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Potential? What do you mean by that?”
The magician tossed a card in her direction, the girl not even flinching when it sliced her cheek. She continued to stare at him, the look in her eyes making him shiver.
It was the look of someone prepared to die.
“I see… so that’s why you’ve peaked my interest…”
He pointed behind him. “You pass. If you continue that way, you’ll catch up to the group in no time.”
He began to walk in the opposite direction, quickly passing her by.
“Wait, if that way is the right direction, then why are you going that way?”
He only chuckled. “I have some… business to take care of.”
She sighed and took out her dagger. “Whatever.”
She continued running in the direction he pointed to, the man barely restraining himself from letting out a moan.
“God, I can’t wait until she’s ready to fight.”
He chuckled to himself before continuing on his run.
Gon yelled out, nearly crashing into the girl. She paused, catching him in her arms. “Gon, you’re okay!”
She squeezed him lightly before noticing Kurapika as well. “(Name)…”
He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. “Your cheek…”
She blinked before swiping at her cheek with her sleeve. “Oh, this? You can thank Hisoka for it. He attacked me, then said I passed and pointed to where I could find the group. Still haven’t found them, though.”
Kurapika gripped his weapons tightly. “He’d even hurt a woman? That sick bastard…”
(Name) sighed. “It doesn’t hurt that much, and once we get to the sight of the second phase I’ll put a bandaid on it. I guess I’m just lucky to have survived this long, considering I’ve been alone these past thirty minutes.”
She offered the two a drink from her canteen, which they took. After that they continued, Kurapika keeping a close eye on the girl.
Killua was waiting near the edge of the crowd, and was the first one to see the three arrive.
“Gon, (Name)!”
He smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.
(Name) bent over to catch her breath before rushing over to the still unconscious Leorio.
Hisoka had pointed him out seconds before, winking at the girl. Kurapika scowled when he noticed Hisoka watching her every movement.
‘That creep. I’ll need to stick by her so he doesn’t get any weird ideas.’
Leorio didn’t remember anything, but seemed happy to have (Name) taking care of his injuries. Kurapika pulled her back to gently wipe her cheek.
“Leorio can wait a second, you need to tend to yourself first.”
She looked to the ground, nodding. ‘But I don’t really care about my own injuries…’
Nonetheless, she cleaned the cut and applied a hello kitty bandaid before going back to Leorio.
Satotz left shortly after wishing them all luck. Killua watched her tend to Leorio before walking off and chatting with Gon.
“Alright, you should be okay. It’s going to take a while for the swelling in your cheek to go down, though.”
She helped pull him to his feet before pulling her backpack over her shoulders. “Thank you, beautiful. If I had you to tend to me, I’d get hurt all the time.”
Kurapika narrowed his eyes. “I think I’ll be taking care of your injuries after this.”
(Name) chuckled, poking Leorio’s good cheek. “Don’t get hurt on purpose, big guy.”
“It’s almost time!” Gon said.
“I’m getting a little nervous.” Kurapika replied, holding onto his satchel tightly.
“I think you’ll do fine.” she patted his shoulder gently, a smile on her lips.
“Just about anything could be waiting for us behind those doors…”
The clock rang soon after Leorio finished his sentence. The doors to the building opened, a loud growling sound making (Name) jump and hide behind Kurapika and Leorio.
“Thanks for waiting. Buhara, how are you feeling now, hungry?”
A woman with greenish blue hair sat in front of a giant of a man, who’s stomach had been causing the loud noise.
“Yeah Menchi, I think anyone who has ears can hear that I’m starving!”
She smiled shyly at the group in front of her. “As you might have guessed, us two Gourmet Hunters are in charge of judging the Second Phase.”
“Gourmet Hunters?”
“What’s that?”
“Gourmet Hunters travel around the world collecting all sorts of exotic ingredients. They then use them to create new innovative dishes that have never been tasted. Before becoming Hunters, most of them were gourmet chefs.” Kurapika answered
‘Hmm, he’s smart.’ (Name) thought, watching the blonde.
“Hmm, so then this phase…”
“Right! So the subject for this phase, is cooking!”
(Name) smiled. ‘This is actually something I can do!’
She listened to the two examiners, nodding along.
“Man, I’ve never cooked anything before in my life!” Leorio said with a sigh. (Name) was taken aback by this.
“Never? How are you still alive?”
Kurapika looked away from the girl. ‘I’ve never cooked either, but I’ll keep that to myself,’ he thought, not wanting to embarrass himself.
Gon smiled. “I know how to cook!”
The three turned towards the boy. “You serious? What can you make?” Leorio asked.
“I can make a lot of different stuff, but my specialty is macaroni and cheese!”
“Macaroni… and cheese?”
(Name) giggled. “Oh, Gon, that’s great for your age.”
“Well, I guess you could call that cooking.”
Kurapika gave the boy a smile as Leorio laughed. “Come on, it doesn’t take much of a chef to make a simple dish like macaroni and cheese.”
“Hey, that’s not true! Aunt Mito always said no one makes it like me!”
(Name) nodded along, patting his head.
“I’m sure she’s right. Maybe you can make it for me sometime.” Leorio said, snickering.
“Met too.” Kurapika agreed, seemingly amused by the innocent boy.
(Name) gave him a piece of candy, quickly grabbing a piece for Killua as well. “Here, I’ll want some of that macaroni and cheese as well. Is this payment good enough?”
She winked, the boy laughing. “Yes, this will do!”
“Listen up! My order is…”
(Name) quieted down, glancing back to the large man known as Buhara.
“A whole roasted pig! It’s my absolute favorite, and living in the forest is the great stamp! The most ferocious and delicious pig of them all!”
“The great stamp?” The entire group asked in unison.
The ground began to shake underneath them, a herd of pigs barreling towards them. Kurapika pulled (Name) out of the way just in time, the girl letting out a gasp as her skirt flew up from the gust of wind accompanying the stampede.
She was thankful she had worn a pair of shorts underneath, but other people weren’t.
“Aww, there’s shorts.”
(Name) and Kurapika turned to look at Leorio at the same time.
“Why do you sound so disappointed?”
Kurapika shook his head at (Name). “You don’t want to know what goes through that pervert’s mind.”
He ushered her away, glaring back at Leorio as he did.
They continued running away from the giant pigs, (Name) and Kurapika teaming up.
“It’s snout is tough, did you see how it launched all those grown men?”
Kurapika nodded. “Yes, but it should have some sort of weakness. Perhaps…”
From the corner of his eye, Kurapika watched Gon hit the stamp over the head, causing it to fall over dead.
“(Name), I have a plan, but you’re going to have to trust me.”
They hid behind a tree so he could explain. “You’re going to grab a thick tree branch, and I’m going to throw you onto the pigs back. Then, you’ll hit it over the head. We’ll repeat this twice.”
She seemed a bit uncomfortable with this plan, glancing to the pig sniffing around for them. “Oh um… are you sure you can pick me up?”
He tilted his head, looking her up and down. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be able to?”
Too embarrassed to answer that, she agreed to the plan.
“Okay, on the count of three, we’ll rush out to attack.” Kurapika said, grabbing her hand. (Name) looked down, her face heating up ever so slightly.
They rushed out, causing the pig to run towards them. Kurapika grabbed (Name) by the waist and threw her into the air. “AHHH!”
She landed with a huff onto the pig’s back, groaning.
“You’ve got it, (Name)! Hit it now!”
She recovered quickly, bringing the stick down with as much force as she could manage. The pig collapsed, (Name) barely moving out of the way before she was crushed.
“You did it!”
Kurapika rushed over to help her up, smiling. The girl rubbed her bottom. “That landing hurt, I’m not excited to do that again.”
He gave her a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, it’s just the safest way to do it.”
The two repeated the action, Kurapika helping her off the second time.
Kurapika could only gently pat her shoulder. “You alright?”
She nodded slowly. “As alright as I can be, after being thrown in the air and landing on a pig.”
Kurapika laughed at this, the girl joining him.
Buhara ended up passing everyone that entered a roasted pig.
Menchi scolded him for passing everyone, but (Name) wasn’t listening. She was busy staring at Kurapika’s hand, that was placed on her shoulder.
“I’m not an armrest, ya know.”
Kurapika pulled his hand back, cheeks going pink. “Oh, sorry! I meant to say thank you for your help, but I got distracted by Buhara and Menchi.”
She giggled. “Well thank you for coming up with the plan. Now we’ve both passed half of the second phase!”
He relaxed, returning her smile.
“For the next part of this phase you’ll be filling my order, which is… sushi.”
Leorio tilted his head. “Sushi?”
“Sushi? Wonder what that is…” killua thought aloud.
“Any ideas?” Kurapika asked (Name), turning to her. She shook her head.
“No, unfortunately I’ve never heard of that dish before.” The two sighed.
“You guys look pretty stressed out! But I don’t blame you for not knowing what it is. Sushi is an ethnic dish from a small island country. I’ll give you a little hint. Inside you’ll find your work stations!”
(Name) tilted her head. “Work station?”
The applicants walked inside, seeing various kitchen work stations.
“Here’s where you’ll prepare the dish. Each station has all the essential tools and ingredients. I’ve even prepared the rice for you, which is necessary to make sushi. And now for one final hint! I’m particularly fond of hand molded nigiri sushi!”
(Name) stood at her station, between Kurapika and Leorio.
“Alright then, you guys can get started! This test will conclude as soon as I’m full. Until then you can serve me as many pieces as you want.”
(Name) watched Leorio stare at the barrel of rice. “Hmm… hand molded? That should give me some sort of indication of what it’s supposed to look like. But that still doesn’t tell me what other things I need to use.”
Kurapika hummed. “Nigiri sushi… I’m not sure exactly how this food is supposed to be made, but I think I’ve read about it somewhere.”
“Let’s see, if I recall, it’s made mostly of rice, mixed with vinegar and some type of raw fish.”
(Name) jumped at the sound of his voice, Kurapika’s eyebrow twitching in annoyance.
“We’re stuck out here in the middle of a forest!”
Kurapika threw his spoon at Leorio, hitting his forehead.
“Would you be quiet? There are rivers in forests you know and we could fish in them!”
The two looked around, seeing all the other applicants staring at them. Menacingly.
They raced out of the building, leaving the three alone. (Name) set her bag down and began running after them, Kurapika and Leorio following her lead.
“It’s no fair! They were eavesdropping!”
Kurapika sighed. “It’s not their fault, I was the one who shot my mouth off.”
“This sucks! Now everyone knows what’s in it!”
(Name) patted Kurapika on the shoulder. “I’m sure they would have figured it out anyways. Considering we were about to leave and return with fish.”
He gave her a small smile. “Thanks.”
The three returned with fish of varying types. (Name) traded Gon a few pieces of candy in exchange for a few fish.
“Well, all that’s left is to cook. Good luck boys!”
She gave them both a reassuring pat on the back before beginning her cooking process.
(Name) thought back to what Menchi had said, along with Kurapika’s limited information.
‘Does that mean the fish is supposed to be molded into the rice? Or the rice covers it?’
She tilted her head as she began to clean the fish. ‘Well, I assume I’ll at least need to cut it into fillets. After all, no one is dumb enough to serve her a whole, raw fish, right?”
(Name) watched with an incredulous expression as Leorio served Menchi an entire fish, still flipping around, halfway covered in rice.
Of course, Menchi rightly knocked the plate away. Leorio sulked back to his station.
“She didn’t like it…”
(Name) raised an eyebrow, but stayed quiet. ‘So he wasn’t kidding when he said he’s never cooked before…’
“What are you making?”
(Name) looked up to see Kurapika peeking over her shoulder. “Hey, no peeking!”
She bumped him with her hip, scolding him. “No cheating off of me!”
He pouted. “I wasn’t trying to… I was just curious.”
“Well be curious in that direction.”
“No, because you’re pointing at Leorio.”
(Name) giggled to herself as she finished her dish, beaming. “I’m done!”
She carried her plate to Menchi, setting it down in front of her. “Here’s my entry!”
Menchi hummed, seemingly interested from the smell alone.
“It’s sushi! I um… think!”
Menchi looked down at the dish. It definitely wasn’t sushi, but the girl had obviously tried, and if Menchi appreciated anything, it was effort.
The blue haired woman took a bite. “Hmm… too salty, but good try. It’s not quite sushi, but it tastes good. Go back and try again.”
(Name) blinked, then nodded. She felt dejected, she’d tried her hardest!
She walked back to her station, grabbing her bag. “(Name), what are you doing?”
“I give up.”
The two stared at her. “You give up? Why??”
“I’m a failure, I couldn’t make sushi.”
Kurapika patted her head. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your dish is the only one Menchi has even taken a bite of so far. Why don’t you try again?”
(Name) pouted. “… I’m going to go sit by the river.”
The two watched her walk away, her head hung low.
“Drama queen.” Leorio said, before getting back to his work.
“Well…” Kurapika stared in her direction for a moment. “She’s certainly… dramatic.”
But the blonde couldn’t help following her with his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing.
“Hey Kurapika, come try this! (Name) had some leftovers!”
Kurapika sighed. “You shouldn’t just eat the food she prepared…”
But he did join Leorio, taking a bite. “Oh wow, it is really good.”
The two snacked on her leftover food before getting back to work.
(Name)’s eyebrow twitched when she noticed Hisoka already sitting by the river. ‘Fuck it. Yolo.’
(Name) sat down a few feet away from him, tossing rocks into the water. She wasn’t even attempting to skip them, just throwing them into the river.
“… (Name).”
She hesitantly looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “What?”
“What are you doing here?”
She huffed. “Sulking.”
(Name) went back to her rock throwing, Hisoka now watching her. “Gave up that easily, huh?”
She paused. “As if you didn’t as well?”
He smirked. “Touché.”
The two sat in silence for a bit, before (Name) heard someone running up behind her. “(Name)- oh.”
The person paused a good distance away from her. “Can you come here? Away from…”
Hisoka raised his hand. “I’m not going to hurt her. We were just… talking.”
‘Oh now people are going to think I’m friendly with the murder clown.’
(Name) stood up, and stuck out her tongue at Hisoka for good measure. ‘There, now people will think I hate him! Orrr that I have a death wish. Which isn’t exactly wrong but-‘
“(Name), we know what sushi is now!”
It was Kurapika, and he was smiling at her. “Come on, now we’ve got a real chance to pass!”
Her pulled her back to the building by her hand, smiling widely. She couldn’t help but smile too.
‘He thought of me.’
Though they all tried their hardest, even after figuring out how to make sushi, none of them could satisfy Menchi.
She poured herself a cup of green tea, sipping slowly. “Ah..”
(Name) had just given her the last piece of sushi, and had been rejected yet again.
“Sorry, but I’m completely stuffed!”
Hanzo blinked. “So then, what happens now?”
“Like I said, the test is over and this time no one passed. Thank you, come again.”
The air grew tense, (Name) too busy pouting to really care. ‘But I tried so hard…’
She only looked up when Gon stole Menchi’s phone.
“Oh dear.”
She turned her head when she heard someone destroy one of the cooking stations. ‘Sore loser.’ (Name) thought, munching on piece of candy.
“Alright, I’ll show you what it means to be a Gourmet Hunter.”
Menchi left, saying she’d be back in about an hour. (Name) took this as an opportunity to chat with Buhara.
“Sorry that people are being disrespectful. I’m actually a chef myself, but not on any level close to you two.”
Buhara seemed a bit surprised by her comment. “Ah, that makes sense. Menchi seemed to enjoy your dishes the best. If she hadn’t been so picky today, I’m sure she would have passed you.”
(Name) nodded. “Yeah, but that’s not how things went.”
She sat down next to him, taking out a piece of candy and handing it to the man. “Here, I know after I’ve eaten a savory meal I like to have something a little sweet to balance it out.”
‘This girl…’
He took the candy. ‘I’m starting to understand Menchi’s interest in her.’
(Name) and Buhara chatted, exchanging recipes and laughing over stories about cooking gone wrong.
“Is she becoming friends with the examiner?”
Kurapika watched her, eyes wide. Leorio cheered. “Yeah, butter him up (Name)! Use your womanly charm and get us a passing grade!”
Kurapika smacked him over the head. “First of all, she’s not doing that. Secondly, if she was, you screaming out her plans would foil them.”
Menchi returned, momentarily glancing at (Name) and Buhara with a raised eyebrow before showing off her finds.
(Name) watched as the brute from before kicked the table Menchi had served the plate on over, nearly hitting (Name) in the face.
To her surprise, Buhara extended a hand to shield her. “Oh, thank you!”
He gave her a nod. “No problem.”
A few applicants attempted to get near Machi, but Buhara hit them with surprising strength. “Ooo get ‘em!!” (Name) called, cheering him on.
The wrestler Todo ended up pushing Buhara over, but the man seemed unfazed. “Ooo, you’re pretty strong. Guess it’s time to get serious. Think you can handle it?”
Menchi stepped in. “I can take care of him by myself.”
(Name) stared wide eyed as Menchi beat the absolute SHIT out of Todo, only using her legs.
‘That’s kind of hot.’ (Name) thought.
Kurapika pulled (Name) to safety. “Come here, it’s not safe over there.”
She hadn’t realized, but it had become kind of a fighting zone. Kurapika noticed she kept staring at Menchi, but didn’t think much. Her and Satotz were arguing, (Name) only catching the end of it.
“I was trying to see how resourceful these guys were. Could they face a challenge for which they had little or no experience?”
“That may be true, Menchi, but since no one passed that test, don’t you think it may have been a bit too difficult?”
‘Oh god the sky is talking.’
“It’s an airship with the Hunter Association’s logo!”
‘Oh. That makes more sense.’ (Name) thought, being pulled outside by Kurapika.
“Oh shit an old guy!” (Name) gasped, pointing at an old man falling from the sky. “I was not expecting to see an old man die today.”
The man landed, seemingly unfazed. ‘Oh so he’s some sort of wizard. Wait did she say chairman?’
Killua and Gon seemed surprised he hadn’t broken his legs. “I’m surprised he isn’t a chairman pancake.” (Name) said, patting Gon on the head.
Apparently, he was the highest authority in the Hunter Association.
(Name) stood near Menchi, glancing at her at her as Netero talked. ‘She’s cute.’
“I have an idea. We’re going to give them all a second chance at the test, and I would like for you to continue being the examiner for this. But this time around I want you to demonstrate how it’s done before the applicants make an attempt. Does that sound reasonable? I think this will go a long way for everyone to accept your ruling.”
The group of five were relieved that they would be getting a second chance.
“The test is, a boiled egg.”
The group rode on the airship to a large mountain.
“So, this is the spot.” Menchi said, standing before a cliff.
“What is this place?”
“How deep is it, I can’t see the bottom?”
Menchi smiled. “Not to worry, at the bottom is a deep river. Now, watch and learn boys.”
She fell backwards down the cliff.
“This deep ravine happens to be home of the spider eagle. And she’s gone down to retrieve one of its eggs.” Netero informed the group. (Name) peeked over the cliff.
Menchi climbed back up with ease, pulling the egg from her bra. “You might want to be a little careful, the river runs very fast so if you fall you’ll be whisked out to sea before you know what hit ya!”
(Name) handed her bag to Buhara. “Could you watch this for me, please?”
He nodded, the group gasping when she rushed forward and jumped. “(Name)!”
They all followed after her, (Name) holding onto one of the strings and swinging up to stand on one. “Whew, I’m awful at the balancing act!”
Kurapika stared at her, blinking. “(Name), please be careful.”
She blinked. “Oh, sorry. I’ll try.”
Killua glanced at her from his spot, already finding an egg. ‘She should be alright…’ he thought, before going back to his task.
The boy furrowed his eyebrows. ‘Why am I concerned for her safety? She’s just some woman…’
Eagles began attacking the contestants, (Name) managing to climb up to Kurapika. The boy held onto her, keeping her steady. “Did you get an egg?”
(Name) nodded, pointing to her chest. “I’m following Menchi’s example!”
The blonde blushed, quickly changing the subject. “… let’s climb up before the eagles come back.
Menchi had them drop all of their eggs into a large pot. “Don’t think the test is over yet! You still have to boil them. Over cooking or under cooking will fail you!”
Buhara began to sweat, staring at the pot. (Name) placed a hand on his arm. “You alright, Buhara?”
“I think he knows something we don’t!”
The group began pulling their eggs out, (Name) patting his arm after. Menchi seemed pissed. “You couldn’t have made it anymore obvious!”
Menchi glanced at (Name) yet again, calming slightly. “This is an ordinary chicken egg, and this is a spider eagle egg. Now go ahead and compare how they taste!”
(Name) glanced at Menchi, before halving her egg and handing it to her. “Here!”
The woman blushed, taking it. “Oh, um… thank you, applicant 406.”
“My name is (Name).” She said with a sweet smile.
“Thank you, (Name).”
The women smiled, eating together. “Menchi, this is delicious! Wow, gourmet hunters sure know their stuff!”
The woman seemed to become flustered from (Name)’s praise. “I appreciate you taking the time to speak with us. Buhara told me how kind you were to him earlier. I…”
She shook her head, turning her attention to the group. “Listen up, for the second phase, 43 pass! Menchi’s Menu is over!”
The all cheered, (Name) pulling in her four friends in for a hug. “Hehe!”
The group boarded the airship, on their way to the next phase.
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eightstarr · 9 months
hellooooo zoe! thank you for answering all my silly questions and validating my opinions. i appreciate you <3. here's another silly thought that popped to my mind: who were loser!ellie and doctor!abby's gay awakenings?? i need to, yes, NEED TO know.
again, thank you so much and i love you (in a gay way)
-penis cat anon
wait you're gay??? wtf (i love you too)
sorry these are so specific but they make sense in my head, okay? don't question me i know what i'm talking about
i think ellie's was celia from monsters inc :) she likes obsessive girls that will boss her around <3 that's it i rest my case. also celia is voiced by jennifer tilly and ellie is definitely a jennifer tilly girl but if you tell her "haha me too!" ellie will look you dead in the eye and be like "you are not into her like i'm into her." and she really means it
abby's was something more sophisticated because it's abby but still kinda weird because gay awakenings are weird!! i can picture her being like 11 years old and catching the movie death becomes her on tv and not understanding a single plot line or reference or piece of dialogue but being GLUED to the screen because for some reason she can't look away. her dad catches her when the credits are rolling and he's like "it didn't scare you??" and little abby who didn't process a single thing except goldie hawn's dress is like "not really :)"
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ablobwhowrites · 1 year
Well then, lemme just-
You know how some teens try to act all tough and serious so they can look cool and "mature for their age" but in reality are a complete sweetheart (and maybe a scared cat/crybaby too lol) and all of the adults there know this bc they knew/know them since their parents had them? Yeah<3
Reader: Nothing scares me😎, I'm awesome just like that-
Kevin: Oh! Hey Y/N, how are y-
Reader: *high-pitched scream*
When Reader discovered what Bob had done it probably hit them HARD. They thought he was the COOLEST dude on the neighborhood who always gave them free food after hard days at school and would let them hang out at his work when their parents were away, now you are telling them that police discovered that he was a killer?? That gotta be a very hurtful event, especially if you are a kid.
So they kind of created this fake version of themselves to make it seem that they were over it and that it actually didn't affect them, they became this "too cool for school😎" teen who didn't have any feeling besides "chill" and "stoic". Which ends up making some of the people they grew around worried, they know why they became like this but nobody has the guts to confront them about it, knowing how the topic hurts them
Lila: So...do you want to talk about Bob-
Reader: Why would I? I don't care about what happened 😎
Lila: Well then...take your glasses off please?
Reader: 🤏😎....🥺
Bob(after escaping prison) probably wouldn't recognize them at first, only when they start to cry and beg for him not to kill them is when he notices that the teen in front of him is that kid who would always hang around when he was working. At that moment he kinda freezes, he can't believe it! They look so different! He tries to calm them down, telling them that it's only him, Bob! You remember him... right?
They just look so small and sad, there is this voice in the back of his head telling him to hug them and never let go, to comfort them like a parent comforts their child after a bad dream...and that's exactly what he would have done...if they hadn't ran away.
(idk man, just want Bob to be a platonic yandere to this teen who tries to act all tough but is absolutely terrified of him lol.)
(I love when anons or anyone explains and expresses their creativity and I'll make this into head canons with a tad of shitpost)
bob would have books on how to raise a teenager and other stuff. He does go out of his way to get you good animal meat sense you don't really have a wanting for it, which is fine but will the police on his ass and all
Bob does make dad jokes with a mix of cannibal humor in. Plus seeing you try to be cool but in reality a scared little kid makes him feel like a dad trying to raise a toddler who is afraid of their own shadow....he is convinced you are afraid of your own shadow, bob tries to make his house kinda child proof after hearing about how kids (which he kinda feels like you are) get hurt or almost get poisoned by things in the house or around the house so he trys everything to keep you from hurting yourself
He wears glasses....no one can change my mind, and bob does let you make friends. Well after he has you calm down after the fact he is a mass cannibal serial killer in a fucking devil costume, he is not above carrying you plus he wont spoil you a lot just at the beginning so you can at least calm down to know your not going to die....one time you went to go get a drink form the fridge at night and didn't know which fridge bob kept the drink (cause I headcanon he puts his drink and the dead bodies in two separate fridges cause he doesn't want you to get sick or just because your not use to the smell of dead corpses of victims old and new) and you open the wrong fridge and a fresh dead body falls out onto the floor your just use to it and shove the body back into the fridge and forget your drink.
Bob isn't bothered by you being gay or trans, pansexual ect. But he will need to see who your dating cause he wants the best for you....he makes "hi gay I'm dad" joke when you came out because you're his 'kid' and he will try to poke fun at any time he gets the chance, if you want to date two people that's okay but I feel like bob knows we're everyone lives in the town so he will get on his devil costume and go outside to check if your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you and if they are....then oh boy he busting in and kill them.
You guys know when your trying to show your parents something on your phone and they do that looking far away from the screen to see it?....yeah bob has to grab his glasses and does that plus when he's cooking meat he knows how to season and make good ass hamburgers
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
So I have a question do you have any headcanons for the turtles from rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Only a few cause I lean more towards the 2012 series so I have tones of headcanons about them, but for Rise, here’s what I got!
Leo and Donnie are cat people while Raph and Mikey are dog people.
Raph sometimes is overwhelmed with his massive spikey body. He often worries he’ll knock something over or crush someone accidentally so he’s always very graceful and takes his time in crowded places.
Leo is gay but is unaware he’s gay. Everyone already knows they’re just waiting for him to figure it out. He won’t until he gets his first real crush, which will be Yuichi (got a whole HC about them you can read HERE)
Donnie and Kendra are secretly dating.
Donnie is the fastest swimmer among his brothers.
Cassandra often fangirls around Splinter and asks him questions about all of his old movies
April’s dad passed away when she was a little girl. Shortly after losing her dad, she met the Turtles.
Splinter and Donnie are the ones who stay up late the longest. For Donnie he’s working on his next big protect in the lab or play video games, for Splinter he’s binge watching his shows and lost track of time. Raph, Leo and Mikey are usually the ones to attempt to drag them to bed (often failing the task)
Out of all the Turtles, Cassandra is the closest with Mikey.
If a girl ever flirted with Raph, he’d be way too oblivious and not pick up the signs, just thinking she’s being extra nice to him cause he’s so lovable. This is basically the beginning of his dynamic with my ver. of Rise Mona Lisa
Mikey always invites Draxum over for family dinners every weekend. At first he come only because Mikey kinda terrified him but over time he came willing and warmed up to his family.
Splinter once considered that one of his sons would one day date April (she was the only female friend they had at the time and thought she’d be the only girl they’d ever know) but after she came out as gay, Splinter dropped the idea and started back at square one.
Yes, Splinter has considered marrying off his sons and has even looked into potential suitors but over time he realized he doesn’t want to force it. He’ll let his sons find love in there own time like he once did years ago.
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blushblushbear · 6 months
cashew headcanons please im so so gay for him
TIME FOR DIS NUT aka our darling little bookworm
cut cause I went on for a bit and none of it is important OOPS
okay first off since he's a college boy let's start with the fact that he has zero alcohol tolerance
like none
he'll have 2 sips of a light beer or a half a shot of malibu and he's red in the face sweating and swaying like 'oh wow, I'm really feeling it haha'
Same with coffee
anything past a normal strength cup he's VIBRATING
he doesn't have a heart condition like Nimh but give him a shot of espresso and he'll think he does
is constantly waiting for someone to ask him for book recommendations
and when they do he is sponge bob's eager face BOY IS OVER THE MOON
also he doesn't just read good books
he'll literally read anything
he ADORES trashy novels
especially if they're spicy *eyebrow wiggle*
he recognizes they aren't good but they are so wild and out of pocket like
he'd love shows like gossip girl and pretty little liars if they were BOOKS instead
except OOPS they are actually and he'd love to infodump about that little fact to me if I let him (at least I think they both are?? I know pretty little liars is-- THAT PLOT IS /NUTS/)
honestly he loves when things are written well but he also loves when plots are NUTS
the only kind of nuts he can have
well... second kind
he'd be a secret college slut (respectfully and also def not actually a secret) if he wasn't head over heels for you
now he's just in your dms/texts constantly
his family is just as quiet and mousey as he is
everyone is just as nerdy
though his dad doesn't read as much-- he's more tv and movies and games nerd
he gets his love of books from his mom's side
he'd KILL to be a librarian
or work at a bookstore
English major vibes
but not just vibes that actually is his major lol
has def had a crush on 3 different librarians growing up and 1 creative writing teacher
can't math for shit
his favorite parts of campus friends taking him on nights out is him getting to read in little corners he can find and the 3am breakfasts at the local diner
I've talked about this before but him Nimh and Poe are in a book club together
he thinks Nimh is the coolest cause he's a PA for a publisher
can read a harry potter length book series in an afternoon (also hates terfs <3 )
his favorite genres are romance of any kind but he does have a special fondness for the trashier romances, fantasy, and he does love a mystery but mostly cause he can never see the twists coming
the smartest idiot you'll ever meet
or maybe he's the dumbest smart guy???
either way he is both very clever and very simple all at once
also very well meaning
incapable of wrong
only of oops
(a lot of oops actually, he's kinda clumsy)
once went a whole day without eating cause someone recommended a new series and he LIKED IT VERY MUCH
I wish for the life of me I could remember ANY book series atm
I know of a few by like--- vaguely what they're about but I can't remember their names
he could though
he will spend whole dates telling you the plot of a book series in great detail
loves pets
not great with them
also low key allergic to a few
big rip cause he loves cuddles
cries over a cat at a distance while sniffing
also really likes birds
met a few birds as a squirrel and now he knows Poe who was a bird so like--
birds are buds of his
can't say no to something cute
cute eraser, cute pen, cute notebook, cute cookie, cute you
just can't refuse cute
would totally rock a cottage core vibe if he could manage to keep a plant alive
he lost his ficus Marcel and he's still low key getting over it
uses a wallet sized photo of you as a book mark
def has you or a pic of you and him as a lock screen
the home screen is a pic of a page of a book
is very good at those 'name the book this opening line is from' challenge
good omens, both the book and the show, WRECKED HIM
actually good omens was his fav book to screen adaption thus far
he has a few others but he's more excited about good omens
wants to be friends with Aziraphale
I could ramble on forever but I think I'll end it here
loves that hack where you put cheese on ramen
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casp1an-sea · 3 months
Hi I really like sharks!!!! MY name is Caspian Re (Re pronounced Rey) You can call me either of my first names or alternate! I also go by Cas for short. I also like weird, silly, or comfort character related nicknames and I sometimes go by Armie online
I primarily post about Twisted Wonderland, Star Wars, Marvel, and 2000s kids shows like Octonauts
Age: 18
Birthday: 10/13 
Gender: Trans masculine/Demi Male but I may just shorten it to Trans (pls only masc terms) 
Pronouns: He/Him, Ey/Em/Eir/Eirs/Emself on most days I have no preference but if it’s a day I do I’ll let you know
Sexuality: Bisexual or maybe just straight up Gay (idk I had an existential crisis about men today)
Zodiac: Libra Star, Pieces Moon, Aquarius Rising 
Personality type: ENFJ
If you send me an ask or msg pls feel free to mention your pronouns 
Hotlines to call Incase of emergency
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Master List:
I have a dating sim rp blog that is kinda popular :P
Pls check out my OCs, as well as my AUs, and my fics located in my writing post :)
commissions: Closed
requests: open!
EVENTS: KYLUX WRITING AND ART EVENT (Ongoing), May 4th Event, Upcoming Twst OC Colab Event
(I’ll do short writings, picrews, and possibly art if I’m in the mood. I’ll totally do my doodle style of you or a character.)
Fandoms, Writing, Moots and Tags, OCs, Comfort Characters, Just a list of Monsters I associate with myself, Moot Trail Mix Recipe, ART, Gender Envy >:(
Side blogs: @hux-and-gay (mostly Kylux, 18+), @ramblingsofamadblob (OC and world building posts to complex for my main)
rp accounts: @robinbanks-accidentally (TWST), @spring-chicken (OC), @brooklynscamp (Newsies), @hollowsdill-manor (Vampire/Werewolf dating sim), @angry-space-ginger (Hux), @rouge-space-dad (Han)
@thenewhestia (my mc to rp with @kal0psiapanesthesia)
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Likes: Star Wars, Marvel, Twisted Wonderland, the Life Series SMP, RPs, Random Generators (its an addiction), 2000s Kids shows, Doll customization, folklore, cats, singing, art, musicals, being in musicals, and weird sea creatures especially sharks :)
Dislikes: Sweets, Rey (if you are a Star Wars fan and you like her respectfully pls do not talk to me about her you will get your feeling hurt), Religious Topics (pls do not talk to me about Christianity or Catholicism it makes me uncomfortable), gruesome animal facts they are triggering please keep them to yourself, Mean people that disrespect me or my friends, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Ablests, Sexists, etc. 
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Fun Facts: 
I am Left Handed 
I am Hungarian and I love talking about my culture or my grandfather’s story if you want to ask
Romantically I am single but I do have a platonic partner, hi XEN 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I’m a Hufflepuff my Petronas is a field mouse and my wand is Willow wood with a Phoenix core
My favorite color is green 
My favorite food is Pineapple Teriyaki Burgers or Chinese food  
I am going to be a film major in the fall
I have two cats named Lilo and Stitch (both girls), and I also have multiple fish. My snail passed away :(
I was in my schools broadcasting class
I’ve performed in Willy Wonka, Newsies,  Little Mermaid, Bye Bye Birdie, Christmas Carol, and Shrek, and played the roles of James (James and the giant peach cameo), Arista (Ariel’s sister), Young Fiona, and the bird that sings in that one song in Shrek . I’ve also had solos in Try Everything, American Tears, Fields of Gold, an Mo Town Medley 
I Did competitive gymnastics for 13 years starting when I was 3, before I retired I was in XL level gold. 
I played Violin in elementary school and during Covid in freshman year I played chimes cause that was the choir alternative 
I watch lots of weird 1990s to early 2000s sci-fi shows typically from Australia, there’s suprisingly a lot of them 
I play Minecraft but I am bad at it lol
I play DND 
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Where else to find me?
YouTube: @antosaurusrex3752
Star Wars Force Alignment Quiz:
My Change.Org petitions:
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zombiefishmonster · 1 year
My Personal Kickin' It Headcanons
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- yes another kickin' it post. i'm making as many as my heart desires. enjoy.
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- Rudy Gillespie
+ big anime phase in highschool, specifically dragon ball z and naruto
+ had a HUUGE crush on bobby wasabi in grade school. his dad showed him his first movie, and he was obsessed. he doesn't feel romantically towards him now at all but he still holds him in a higher regard.
+ trans rudy bisexual rudy.
+ ty, lonnie and him have "guys nights", they sometimes invite bobby and phil but only sometimes.
+ the reason why he became a sensei and cares so deeply for his students is because his parents were neglectful, so he's determined to be there for any other kids who need it.
+ he definitely goes to all their weddings/events
+ i'd like to think he and ms. applebottom stay together.
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- Jack Brewer
+ definitely had a crush on jerry at a point
+ he really likes percy jackson (this is me projecting)
+ the only social media he has is instagram, and it's just because everyone made him get it.
+ we know about his haircare, but i think he'd also take incredible care of his skin. he's also very naturally tidy, despite having his less than classy moments
+ divorced parents, but they really try despite having busy jobs
+ his grandpa mostly took care of him growing up
+ he got his first tattoo at 18, he got it for his grandpa
+ bisexual jack.
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- Kim Crawford
+ the most Normal home life
+ i can't decide if she's pansexual or straight.
+ has mostly guy cousins
+ she's such a lowkey nerd. but like in the way she doesn't realize she's nerdy. she's really interested in the history of martial arts
+ she stayed in contact with sloane, and they moved in together, with jack, after high school
+ her room is a clothes MESS.
+ even though her parents are normal, most of her cousins and extended family are batshit
+ i also think she draws, mostly just sketches of things around seaford
+ even though she can't dance for shit, she can sing (this is kinda canon)
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- Eddie Jones
+ repressed queer
+ he left seaford because his mom got a better job offer
+ unfortunately, this made him fall out of karate but he got way more into dancing
+ he has REALLY nice handwriting
+ he has an older sister, like 10 years older, but they're still really close
+ literally LOVES tv dramas. he really likes greys anatomy
+ his mom has a cat that she got a few years after he was born
+ he tries to keep house plants alive, but it always ends up dying
+ he keeps in contact with milton and jerry a little
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- Jerry Martinez
+ he's a big frequenter of the hospital
+ he had a crush on jack at a separate time
+ he and milton move in together after highschool, that's when they start dating
+ takes milton to dancing lessons/teaches him himself
+ started dancing wayyy before karate, only started karate in middle school
+ he has dyslexia
+ like eddie, he's close with his sisters (wiki says he has 7 unnamed sisters; i think 3 younger, 4 older, making him pretty much middle)
+ he's not "good" at painting, but he enjoys it
+ he has a strong appreciation for country music
+ eddie got him in to greys anatomy, they text each other on episode release days
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- milton krupnik
+ the MOST online of them all, he definitely had a tumblr
+ surprisingly, he made the first move on jerry
+ despite the fiasco in "the commercial," he continued baking and actually got wayyy better
+ he's got a single dad, who does really try but he struggles a lot
+ probably the most mentally unstable. i can't explain it but it's his vibes. (im projecting)
+ he got more into hair and makeup as he got older
+ after julie, he realized he was gay and likes jerry
+ he had a warrior cats phase
+ he helped the rest of them study for all their finals, and he doesn't like to brag, but it's DEFINITELY the only reason why they passed
+ he spends the most time at the dojo, his dad works a lot, so it's just easier for him to stay at the dojo and help out with different classes / help around the mall
+ huge huge HUUUGE HUGE. enjoyer of the ocean. i can't explain it but it's true.
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(For reference. This is for Aiden and Lambert from the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. All of these can be read with pretty much no knowledge. I went into these freaking blind off of… somewhere. I don’t know. I found them somewhere and went down a rabbit hole.)
I’ve been through all 58 or so pages worth of fanfiction in their tag. Lore-wise, we literally only know a name and vague affiliation on one of em. They’re my poor little meow meows. My silly rabbits.
I went through all those fics and I got like. Six recommendations. These all made me feel some kind of way, or I read them more than once. IN some ORDER!
1. Where I Stand by LadySesame.
Status: complete
Ohhhhhhh what if we were lovers and I thought you were dead and then you got dragged into my home (that I never quite had the courage to invite you back to) completely feral and with clear signs of torture and me n my bros and my (kinda shitty dad who I fight with a lot but he’s genuinely trying but also he’s fucking it up) and one of my brother’s weird boyfriend (who was kind of the only one who knew you existed and mattered to me in any way) had to figure out what the hell to do about all this. And then it gets better but worse before it gets better.
Vampire hunt flashback cool. Dynamic immaculate.
2. The Kaedwen Wolves by Kaerith
Status: incomplete, has not updated since 2021.
Hockey aus really have it all. The banter. The rivals. The “we’re just homies. What do you mean I’m sending mixed signals.” The inherent homoeroticism of hockey. The “fellas is it gay to get in a fight on the ice so fast you forget to take your gloves off because some guy called your Good Friend over there a slur and like. I’m not gay or anything but also-”. And also men with muscles and a couple braincells but those only work occasionally. The chemistry.
This one would be tied for first but it’s still really early on and hasn’t updated in. A while.
3. Out of the Night That Covers Me by inexplicifics
Status: complete
Ough we love hurt/comfort and being kind in a world that is determined not to be. I love. Kind men with massive muscles who are so so so self-aware (but sometimes also stick their foot in their mouth real bad) And also terrifying women. I love terrifying women. Uh. Modern au. Everyone’s alive that I can think of.
4. Four Chambers by GilliganGoodfellow
Status: Complete
This one harmed me. It’s the accurate portrayal of grief. Warning for my homies. The Cat stays dead in this one. Had me wrecked for Amounts of Time
Rest of that series also bops and slaps. While I do love Complicated Feelings Towards Vesemir (he’s trying. He was part of an institution of child abuse. He didn’t have power to change anything. He was still part of it. He did the best he could. Maybe it wasn’t enough. He tried. Trying only gets you so far). Papa Vesemir ALSO has a place in my heart.
5. Denial by tnico
Status: complete
Author knows more weird little facts than I do. Scratches my brain. All of their works that I’ve read are stupidly good.
6. A Beginner’s Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code for Fun and Profit by heronfem
Status: incomplete, updating
You know.
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gaspriceboner · 8 months
My tanktop popped a seam yesterday and I’m home cuddled up on my futon fixing it and my kitten is cuddled up to my leg purring
I feel like an old grandpa knitting in a rocking chair by a fireplace I’m SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW
TW: for a needle
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TELL ME ABOUT TRANS LUIS!!! I WANT HIM TO BE TRANS SO BAD! (Also he has a giant neon sign over his head that says gay, this man reeks of homosexual)
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE OMG HEYYYYY HIIIIIII HELLOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I’m SOOOOOO sorry this took so long I had SO MANY THOUGHTS!!!!! I plan on SOMEDAY Doing Like. A properly credited and researched document on why I think Luis is trans so this post is more or less kind of a tl;dr rather than a super proper read?????????? And ofc obligatory ‘this is just my own reading and personal interpretation if you disagree please just keep your opinion to yourself!!!!!’
Also this isn’t proofread like. At ALL so please ignore any sentences that seem wonky or weird HDBEHENDUDJX
ALSO also I do NOT give permission for this post to be screenshotted or reposted ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!! No part of this!! Don’t steal!!
Trigger warning for just general mentions of transphobia, religious transphobia and also I talk the death statistics for trans people near the end, so please keep that in mind when reading!!
Ok so, I’m gonna try and put this as chronologically as possible BXBSHDNSHDND but starting at the beginning from when Luis was little there’s already a few things we can pick up on
Luis has a pretty unorthodox family; his mum died when he was little and his dad left so he had to be raised by his Grandfather, and, ask any Trans person around you and they’ll tell you it’s oftentimes the people in their lives who weren’t their direct parents who decided to pick them up and raise them and accept them as they truly are- I feel like you could probably read this with Luis’ grandfather if you really wanted to, too. From what we can TEEEEEEELLL Luis held his grandfather and the memory of him very near and dear to his heart (ie referencing him in conversation, saying ‘not again’ when the medicine burns in seperate ways etc) so you could probably guess that maybe Luis’ grandfather was a surprisingly accepting figure in Luis’ life!!!!!
Which would also line up with the little we know about him- their house was somewhat far away from the rest of the village and from what the notes about him read, his grandfather was a bit of an outcast????? It seemed like the only person who checked in on him regularly was Bitorez- once again, another positive male figure in Luis’ life that he could theoretically look up to and admire.
AND we know that Luis’ grandfather encouraged his love for science and biology- something that prooooobably would’ve been frowned upon in a super conservative catholic glorified cult. So already, Luis and his Grandfather are a bit unorthodox in the setting they live in.
Then we cut to Don Quixote; obviously there’s a LOT to dissect about Luis and his love for that book, and it’s pretty common knowledge how,,,,,,,,, g a y that book is HXNEHENEUDIX like MAAAAAANY-a historians have already pointed that out I don’t need to beat a dead horse but ask literally any trans person around you and they’ll tell you about how they had a fascination with like,, Warrior Cats or Animorphs or Percy Jackson or Peter Pan growing up only to find out they were trans later. Trans kids are pretty drawn to books with unlikely protagonists who don’t fit the usual stereotypes and go on adventures with a whacky misfit family they formed by themselves- and Don Quixote kiiiiiiiiiiiinda falls under that pattern????? It’s a REALLY weird book and I wanna get into why later but it wouldn’t be shocking to assume that Luis probably grasped onto that idea of finding love and acceptance even though he was weird and unusual and he too could go on chivalrous adventures and do good in the world and be loved for who he is (I’ve kinda gone into this before and I plan on going into it again I’ll tag you in that post!!!!)
There’s also something to note about the fact that none of the village notes reference Luis by his first name. Luis is apparently a very “strong and masculine” name so if we ARE going off of the assumption that Luis is trans (which like,,. Duh HDNEHENDHS) then we can probably assume he picked that name for himself
It’s also pretty notable to note (hah) that like,,,,,, just in general, a lot of kids who grow up in a super religious environment just. Turn out gay and trans. I dunno why. I dunno what’s the exact statistic for that but like. Cmon. We’ve all seen it. We all know it right
Then huzzah! Luis’ Grabdfather dies!!! How sweet of him!!!!! /s obviously but Luis takes his death as an opportunity to run from home- again, something that’s sadly quite common amongst younger trans people it seems. When you loose your only support at home, and suddenly that home becomes unsafe, oftentimes the only solution is to run.
Now I’ve talked MUUUUUUCH more in depth about it in this post but considering the fact that Luis was probably a young teenager, an immigrant from the middle of nowhere, and had zero family or support- there’s a less than zero chance that he probably would have stumbled across the queer community one way or another. See, all throughout the 20th century, the queer and poc/immigrant communities were VERY intertwined- now I am WHITE AS ALL HELL so their history isn’t something I’m able to speak on with any amount of grace as actual people of colour could, so I’ll keep this breif and also if I’ve misrepresented anything PLEEEEAAASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME
Basically, like I said- the communities were very intertwined. They’d help each other and were sometimes seen as like the same circle of people when it came to what they were fighting for. All throughout history, this comes up time and time again- which is why I can only assume that Luis, a young person of colour having come from basically the middle of nowhere, would most likely find solace and a place in both communities- and would ABSOLUTELY have explored his gender and sexuality because of it. Even if he WAS cis there’s no way he wouldn’t have at least dabbled in a bit of the ol gender exploration every now and then
((Also, VEEEERY important to note that yes although trans and poc history are very intertwined they are still very seperate histories. It’s VERY IMPORTANT to not erase poc voices from this discussion when talking about this aspect of history- listen to your poc friends first and foremost before all else))
It’s also probably good to note that a few universities around that time were pretty notoriously open about being queer-friendly but we have no clue what exact university in Europe Luis would have gone to but idk we can probably guess he fooled around with some men and women HANSYWNEYENDUCJX
Then we cut to umbrella. I and a few other people have gone into how umbrella would have most likely groomed a young Luis into being excited to work with them and willing via offering him a place to stay, a college degree, a stable life etc etc but there’s also a sense of horror there when you take into account they could’ve offered him the ability to medically transition. Something that was NOT easy or very safe to do at the time. And plus this is resident evil so we can only guess what magical hoodicky they would’ve gotten to do that GDBEYWNDYDJ
From what we can tell, luis honestly enjoyed his time with umbrella!!!! He seemed to be friends with his coworkers and he was proud of the work he was doing (Yknow, before he would have found out it was all a lie and was going to kill millions HXBEHENEH) and honestly isn’t that every trans persons dream????? To have a job where you’re accepted and can feel safe at??????? To have friends who can accept you???????? It just makes what all went down all the more heartbreaking to me if we DO view him in the lens of being a trans character!!!!!!!!!
And then, of course, for the second time in his life; everything comes crumbling down. I’ve done seperate analysis on this and I plan on doing another cuz what I’m about to mention just hits,,,,,,,, S O O O O close to home to me, but when everything in his life gets destroyed AGAIN;
Luis chooses to go back to Valdelobos.
And isn’t that just so devastating?????? Because we as humans ALL do that- when life gets so bad and so intense we have no clue what to do, we all wanna turn to our parents or our childhood homes and get a hug and that feeling of nostalgia and safety from when we were kids that we missed.
But ask any other trans person and they’ll tell you that a lot of the time, that’s not what you’re gonna get; and that’s what happened to Luis. He went home, hoping- BEGGING- for some kind of support from the nightmares he just went through, only to be thrown straight into another one. Los Illuminados had been taken over and reverted his childhood home into something totally unrecognisable and forced him to work for them or else he’d literally be tortured. And isn’t that just,,,,, made all the more depressing when you look at it from a trans angle????
In this case scenario, when a lot of Trans people are forced to return to unsafe homes- they’re forced to push down their identity for their own safety. And reading that in Luis is just all the more devastating
And then there’s the whole thing where Luis literally SELF SURGICALLY REMOVED THE LAS PLAGAS FROM HIMSELF????????? WHY DONT MORE PEOPLE TALK ABT HOW TRAUMATISING THAT MUSTVE BEEN????????????? I know @/katabay made an INCREDIBLE post going into a religious reading on this and how I’m Don Quixote Alonso himself preforms an excorsism on himself and it’s weirdly erotic?????? And how that translates to Luis’ Plagas removal- they also made INCREDIBLE art go check it out- but throughout history there are a LOT of poems made by “”””women who want to be men”””” (aka trans men) who were religious at some point and describe the sensation of binding or getting top surgery to that of having an exorcism (this was mostly done to convince local churches that Hey no it was totally cool actually just let us get gender affirming care pretty pretty please) so, y’know,,,, maybe that meme that Luis showing Leon is scar was actually him coming out as trans wasn’t that far off HEBWYENXUXJXJDNC
And there’s also just the whole fact that he was a scientist that plays into this, too- Catholicism, specifically the hardcore Catholicism that Luis grew up with, absolutely HATES science. And the fact that Valdelobos seemed to be permanantly stuck in this 18th century cult-like state only confirms that they probably would have been anti-medicine, too; not only adding onto Luis’ guilt but also making him a prestigious scientist all the more impressive. Imagery that Luis is shown with (like that lil casket he carried around in seperate ways filled with the suppressants Ada needed) is often used by people in cults similar to Valdelobos to prove that ‘oh science is the devil!!!’ Etc, and y’know what else is related to science????
Medically transitioning babey!!!!!! A lot of the times hardcore religious people, again in similar cults to Valdelobos, use terms like ‘mutulating’ to describe medically transitioning and use already devil-associated imagery like science and modern medicine to hammer home that hatred of trans people (also obligatory not all religious people are like this in fact MOST religious people aren’t like this I’m talking specifically situations like the Gloriavale cult etc etc)
So like,,,,, again, that whole meme that Luis made his own testosterone wouldn’t be too far off BXNSHENDHDNX
But then we get some light at the end of this very depressing tunnel HXNSHENDUJ;
Leon, Ada and Ashley
Now from here on out I’m gonna get into some more like,,, CHARACTER dissection so I figured here would be the best place to put this HDBEYENEUS; Luis fits ALL the stereotypes of a stealth queer person during his time period. Like,, you know the song Gay or European????? Yeah that isn’t a joke that’s a real rhing European queer and trans men did to basically hide the fact that they were queer. It’s like. The oldest trick in the book. Which is why it’s SOOOOOO funny to me when I see Reddit dudebros going “errrrrmm actually Luis isn’t gay it’s just his Spanish charm!!” LIKE DUDE. YOUVE FALLEN FOR T H E TRICK. THIS IS THE EQUIVALENT OF A BIRD USING THEIR TAIL FEATHERS TO DISTRACT A PREDATOR.
And also Spain in general just has a very long and very beautiful Queer and Trans history- obviously it’d be way too much to fit into this one post but I highly reccomend just,,,, looking it up for yourself. Queer people have always been around :))
Ok ok, back to Leon- I plan on someday taking apart and dissecting EEEEEEEEEVERY interaction between them cuz it’s just. It’s all SO GAY. But in general, Luis treats Leon SO much differently than Ashley and Ada but in a good way!!!!!
Luis isn’t afraid to be open around Leon. He isn’t afraid to be flamboyant and jokey and flirt with him- and hell, he probably did enjoy that chain scene HXNEHENEUDJDJ he isn’t afraid to be more vulnerable and just generally what you wouldn’t consider a stereotypical “manly-man;” he doesn’t conform to western societies of stereotypical masculinity, and he isn’t afraid to show that around Leon.
He’s open with Leon- he’s vulnerable and he very openly CARES about Leon. He truly wears his heart on his sleeve and this is for a MULTITUDE of different reasons but I think a big part of it is not just because he’s genuienly attracted to Leon but because leon is a shining example of a chivalrous knight to him
I and many others have gone into this further; but when Luis first met Leon in that body bag, it probably honestly WAS like he was meeting his very own Don Quixote for the first time. He was probably a shining example of everything he wanted to be; brave, kind, never makes mistakes- and again I’ve gone into this further but this truly does play into his character and his very noble quest for redemption and forgiveness a lot and viewing this from a Trans angle just gives that quest SO much more power
Capcom does their best to make Leon out to be a super strong manly-man and @highball66 has gone into some of Leon’s own queer coding, but I think Luis also sees through this. He sees through his macho dudebro masculinity and he sees a genuine and kind human being underneath; just as Leon had done for him. Leon is everything Luis wants to be in a man- just like his grandfather and probably countless male figures in his life before him. So he’s not afraid to open up to Leon; he isn’t held back by that expectation of toxic masculinity because he wasn’t raised that way.
And he’s the EXACT SAME with Ada and Ashley too!!!!!!!! He CARES about Ada! He’s CONSTANTLY looking out for her and giving her the benefit of the doubt and he’s always so polite and kind around her!!!!!!!! Like yeah he puts on the front of being a ladies-man but again like SOOO many others before me have mentioned that’s probably just a safety front!!!!!! He wears his heart on his sleeve around Ada and Ashley, too- he’s always SO polite around her I feel like not enough people point that out????? He offered his hand out for her to take before inspecting the blood, he’s always asking for permission before he touches her etc he’s so nice people don’t give him enough credit for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And theeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn it aaaaaaaaalll comes crashing down when he diiiiiieeeeeeessss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
It’s pretty important to note that Luis is killed by Krauser; and again, other people have gone into Leon and Krausers queer relationship coding a lot better than I have, but it’s pretty interesting to note that Luis was killed by the guy who pretty much encapsulates all forms of toxic masculinity (again, that meme that everyone jokes about that Krauser killed Luis cuz he was jealous of Leon’s new boyfriend might not be far off HXHWHDUXHSH)
Luis uses his final breath to save Leon- to save the man who has shown him forgiveness and empathy and love for the first time in god knows how long. He opens his heart up to Leon in his final moments; he does one last ‘such a loss to the ladies of the world eh?’ As a last-ditch effort to try and convince Leon that he tooooooootally isn’t queer you guys and to try and hold onto that sense of normality; but he drops that act immedietly after Leon shows him that he’s taking this seriously
He opens up to Leon and admits that he led a pretty shitty life. He spills his heart out to Leon and asks him if people can change. And I’ve said rhis before and I’ll say it again; this is Luis looking for some kind of confirmation. Some kind of forgiveness and some way of saying that Yes his life DID mean something- that people CAN change and CAN be loved like he loved Leon and Leon loved him. And, hell, if we’re REEEEEAALY tryna stretch here (which I mean this whole post is tbh HXBSHSNEHDNSHD) you could even read this as Luis asking for somebody to accept him as he truly is, and see past the facade of a super flamboyant cis straight man. It’s not a stretch to say this moment is him looking and hoping that Leon can see through his past actions and see the beautiful human being underneath- so it wouldn’t be crazy to view it under a queer light either
Then, of course, Leon says that iconic line; you were a fine knight, Don Quixote. Confirming to Luis that he WAS like the chivalrous knight he always looked up to when he was little. Not just for his bravery and confidence; but also for his exploration of gender and non conformity in his sexuality. Leon confirms that for him in his final moments.
Then of course there’s the nature of his death; the fact that he dies below his childhood village is pretty telling to me.
Now this is where I’m gonna get into some depressing statistics, so readers beware, but unfortunately, there is a good chunk of trans people who will die in their childhood homes for many reasons. There’s been a good chunk of trans people all throughout history who have lived long, full lives but still were buried in their childhood homes and towns under their dead name or under the gender they were assigned to at birth. It’s depressing and there really is no making light of it- which is why Luis dying in the village he grew up in and tried so desperately to escape from hits so hard to me.
• Now HOPEFULLY obviously I am N O T comparing Luis’ death to actual real trans people’s deaths. But as somebody who HAS lost trans friends to suicide, the manner of his death absolutely REMINDS me of that and thus hits home harder for me. Go give your trans friends a hug, basically
But on the bright side, at least he didn’t die alone. He had Leon; he had somebody who could, theoretically, show the world who he truly was and remember him by his true name and nature. Luis won’t be totally forgotten underground; he’ll have Leon and Ashley and Ada ro remember the man he truly was just like how many, many trans people who have passed away will have friends and loved ones who will remember them for who they truly are.
Now I don’t wanna end this whole analysis on such a depressing note so I’ll add this at the end; I genuienly think that even if you DONT headcannon Luis as Trans, adding that element to his character not only enriches his already INCREDIBLY well written story but also just generally means the world to trans people in real life, too
Like,,,,, I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again; seeing a character who is so genuinely confident in themselves, so open about their emotions and their identity and who holds themselves in a way that isn’t stereotypically “masculine”- that honestly hits so much closer to home than any other trans headcannon ever has. I’ve gone into detail about how much Luis as a character means to me, but seriously, reading him from this angle lowkey makes me want to cry with how much it means to me HDBEHENEHDJX
Luis is a Beautifully written character who shows the best and worst in all of us humans- who shows that we all just want to love and be loved and be forgiven and given the opportunity to change. All trans people deserve that, too; we all deserve the opportunity to live our lives to the fullest.
Even if you want to comment ‘ErM weLl CapCoM woUlD nEVeR hAvE a TrAns ChaRaCTeR-“ does it really matter???? Does it matter if a character has a canon label slapped onto them, if people can already analyse that character from their own perspective and find deep meaning in that themselves????? Is a character who is canonically queer any more meaningful than a character who isn’t????? I don’t think so, cuz clearly, myself and many, many others find solace and comfort and relatability in the fine knight that is Luis Serra
And finally; André Peña, Luis Serra’s voice actor, has been VERY vocal about his support for trans people and has even said he absolutely 100% believes that Luis would believe in trans rights- so suck it transphobes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luis is for US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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regaliasonata · 8 months
Jungle Fury Random Headcanons and Ideas
@skyland2703 @augment-techs @mo-ok @junglefurytrash went a bit crazy with this one
-Casey is the youngest of five siblings, and is the only boy in the family. He knows how to do makeup and hair.
-Due to his upbringing everyone in the house expected him to be gay, he was kind of dreading having to tell his mother and sisters but they were pretty chill about it.
-His sisters are either quintuplets or triplets and two adopted sisters depending on what you want to go with.
-Despite being the blue ranger Theo didn't develop his animal spirit until after Luen gained his. His parents seem to expect more from him as they were students in a sub school associated with the Pai Zhua.
-Theo's won a Guinness World Record award for karaoke, he claims it's in his blood to be amazing at it.
-Lily grew up within a small apartment in the city, she enjoys all the different foods that a place has to offer. Anything that's new and changing, reminds her of home.
-There's a chance that she trained with Zack and had him as a partner as she did mentioned how she used to do competitive dance competitions.
-RJ's mother passed away when he was young and he kind of blames himself for it. Despite trying to make their relationship better Finn may have blamed him all those years ago for Mrs. James's passing, just a constant reminder of her not being here.
-RJ is amongst one of the only individuals(Like Antonio) to discover the Morphin Grid on his own and is the reason the Pai Zhua has it as access.
-Sometimes just to spite Finn RJ catches fish and attaches them around the shark master's house. That way his air conditioning can smell terrible.
-Dominic flunked out of college, he was studying to become a teacher in geography.
-Casey seems more ticked off with Dominic because of the idea that he might try to go for Jarrod or RJ.
-Jarrod enjoys being around animals as his parents weren’t really around, his mother didn’t really enjoy the prospect of having a boy and his dad would either yell all the time or get pissed off about farm work not doing well so Jarrod cuddling up with a fluffy sheep or even summoning his black lion spirit to sleep next to it’s mane would soothe him.
-Despite all the troubles within the school Master Mao kinda sees Jarrod as his own son(Any of you kingdom hearts fans, cough cough Eraqus and Terra).
-Camille’s hatred of snakes was due to her mother being killed by Naja 10,000 years ago, she’s unaware of this fact but disposing of the snake rinshi felt right when it happened in the show.
-Her eyeshadow is actually a trait of her animal spirits. Animal spirits have way more depth to them as they are the shadow of one’s self, in some cases specific traits about said spirit leak into the person like physical to mental details (example: Camille’s eyeshadow, RJ’s ferocity from his wolf spirit.)
-megazords formed by animal spirits were based on specific influences centuries ago, from totems, giant sculptures like sphinx and even Animus. Some can claim that the guardians of the Pai Zhua were the first people to create earthly megazords within human history.
-mystical beasts or fictional animal like creatures such as the phoenix, azure dragon etc are somewhat rare due to a very small percent of people born with one or those entities giving access to said person. Such as the Phantom Beasts who are based on specific creatures. If Nick or Chip were to come to Pai Zhua and develop a phoenix and Garuda spirit then they’d be a powerful force.
-rinzen and zocalo energy isn’t inherently bad energy but the power is mainly associated with rinshi, the rangers have the potential to access it and even gain phantom beast modes similar to Jarrod and Camille.
-Fran’s animal spirit can range either from a black cat, owl or monkey and gives her abilities based on inner luck or focus making her quite powerful.
-Lily basically adopted Casey as her own little brother.
-Secretly Jarrod wants to pursue cooking or something based in creativity. He didn't touch a kitchen utensil for weeks after seeing kitchen nightmares and it took RJ having to throw the tapes out to get him back into cooking.
-Master Swoop can actually split himself into bat's and has the little shadows spying around the world for any threats. Its kind of creepy but very effective as he can easily have the bat's acting as kamikaze strikers to defeat monsters. Rangers on other teams don't know how threats get taken down but they don't mind, less work load.
-the Pai Zhua has more schools within the world that differentiate in some fighting styles and such. Some schools like the ninja academies try to pick up on their skills but a few of the campuses keep secret.
-Zordon tried to learn about the teachings thousands of years ago as their abilities mixing with the grid gave way for a spike in power with combat but they shunned the wizard away cause of being weary about his motives. Ninjor was welcomed in open arms via the power coins he had. This also explains why Jungle Fury was so scarce with the other teams up until megaforce.
-despite everything the Pai Zhua is nowhere near as moral as they tried to portray themsleves as. Some people can be very toxic in a few areas, Dai Shi had possessed people in the past and with each attempt they tried to have the individuals go mad and die from the experience as a way to rid themselves of the dragon. Casey and the rangers dismantled this ideology after killing the Dai Shi.
-because of her potential the academy sent scouts to try and push Fran to join the academy but RJ quickly shut that down and actually threatened a few of the higher officials because of this.
-Animal spirits talk amongst themselves when the team isn't around. Some play poker when everyone's asleep.
-because of being spirit and mythical based the JF team can handle most of the recurring threats of Zedd and Rita. Plus with their megazords not being mechanical they aren't easily disposed of.
-RJ secretly made JKP into a megazord incase there's an emergency, he met Antonio and added a shitload of symbol power and animal spirit energy to make it a powerful force.
-Lily loves a lot of 80s-90s music and loves to dress in a semi style of Y2K.
-Having no knowledge of Pokemon, Camille and Casey were sat down by Theo and Fran until they were introduced to Gen 4. Camille hacked her Platinum cartridge to get all the mythical and legendary mon events.
-RJ smokes blunts mainly to calm himself, it started as a way to escape the thought of his mother being goin and his father's disapproval.
-Tommy and Jason aren't allowed in Ocean Bluff when it comes to ranger activity because RJ's access to the grid could be useful but he likes to gatekeep and personally team wise if anything happens both him and the group wouldn't enjoy veteran rangers from the first modern team(unless it's billy) coming in and taking over operations.
-Camile and Jarrod jump monsters whenever a mission happens, forget talking, get the job done when needed.
-Casey was fired from the zoo for sleeping in the tiger cage and released all the animals into nice reservations after he was let go.
-Lily was made team leader as Casey doesn't feel too well with getting the role just for being a red ranger.
-Theo is a master at coming up with combo attacks and megazord concepts to the point that rangers like Chip and Max come to him for guidance. He's got quite the reputation in the ranger community for his witty ideas.
-Casey is on a red ranger watch list due to his sword skills, despite keeping their word Jason may have came to the city to demand some aid with their grid research and the two got into a brawl with Casey winning. Him, Jayden and Lauren are all at the top five of said list.
-RJ has dated lots of people but it usually never ends on a perfect note as they were usually relationships with people who took emotional advantage over him. Though he's in a better place within his life to try again with Casey or anyone who actually values him.
-Jarrod listens to a lot of punk music and back at the school Mao got complaints about speakers Blaring music at two in the morning.
-Cam hangs with RJ and shares ideas but he isn't allowed to tell Tommy about any of their conversations. The two may have had a thing in the past.
-Wolf rangers tend to have a powerful aura and they each meet together to talk about business, RJ has a bone themed secret landline he uses to contact them.( @sentinelofstories wolf war 👀😭)
-Due to Dai Shi the JF teams has a disdain for dragons, Serpentera count your days if you ever come back.
-Camille's rinshi form is just armor but was never accepted fully as a rinshi, she only became one to seem worthy in Dai Shi's eyes. The phantom beast hated her for many things and this was one of the reasons, thousands of years ago she murdered three previous members for nearly trying to assassinate her.
-Princess Shayla and the Wild Force rangers are on good terms with the JF team. Merrick follows RJ around like a lost puppy, Taylor spites Theo for being short, Lily tried to get Danny out of his shell. Max tries to explain modern day concepts to Camille, Alyssa and Dominic do small talk and Cole is given death glares from RJ or Jarrod because Casey has caught eyes for him.
-Casey is Gay, Lily is Bi, Theo is a straight ally, Camille and Jarrod are angry bisexuals, RJ is pan, Fran and Dom are unsure of what they are.
-It is unknown if dinosaurs can become animal spirits but Eric actively seeks out Casey to test this theory.
-Casey's favorite red ranger is TJ.
-The team watches movies each Thursday, Everyone except Lily can't handle watching Final Destination.
-it took some time but Jungle Fury had their crossover with RPM and its safe to say things were chaotic. Dillon and Jarrod pretty much had a staring contest with each other, RJ and Flynn got high for the most part, Scott kept crying tears of joy when Casey took him to see their world since it isn't destroyed, Theo wanted to throw himself out the window from hanging with Ziggy, Summer took Lily shopping and Camille was this close to murdering the twins but actually found herself warming up to them, she even went on a date with Gemma.
-Billy is on thin ice for trying to bring Zordon back and while RJ likes the dude he'd prefer that the giant head wouldn’t butt in on all of their affairs.
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karamatsuboy-aj · 7 days
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Name: Asher draco
Nickname: AJ(by ace),ash(when he does something good),koi(by jade,Floyd) and monsieur s'il vous plait( it means Mr pleaser because Asher is a people pleaser)(by rook)
Role: is the healer of ramshackle plus a therapist for everyone in the dorm and is one of mcs friends
Overblot (I'm not good with designing overblot if y'all have a different design full free)
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Age: 17
Sexuality: gay
D.O.B: July 15th (cancer)
Height: 5'5
Weight: unknown (he doesn't wanna weigh himself)
Blood Type: AB
Dorm: Ramshackle / heartslabyul as transfer
Magic: copying/healing
He is a fast learner who can do a spell by just watching someone do it once
Unique Magic: copy you copy cat
He can copy any unique magic as long as he seen it done once
Likes: apples, Mythology, swimming, hanging out with friends, making people happy, watching anime, playing games and drawing
Dislikes: yelling,jerks,bulling and being the crown prince
Dad:versh draco
personality:a ruthless father to Asher and a kind one to his other sons he is the king who wants Asher to toughen up and be more ruthless so he can't be taken advantage of he believes his kindness will be his downfall
Mom:ruby draco
personality:she loves all of her kids and try to teach them to be kind and loving tries to talk versh to get him to lighten up on Asher she knows Asher will be a great king although she's worried for him
Brother one:fang draco
personality:asher's triplet he picks on Asher because he feels like he isn't enough to be a prince and he feels like his parent love Asher more because of his power and that he's the crown prince
Brother two:Luna draco
personality: he's asher's other triplet he hates Asher because he thinks his dad hate him Luna wants to be just like his father but Asher kindness makes it hard sometimes he believes him or fang should have been the crown prince of galsoul
Sister:aoi draco
personality:loves her big brothers and knowns to be both kind and ruthless is being thought how to use healing magic to help others just like asher
Things he can do well and things he can not do well:
-great with healing people because his brothers were clumsy
-sewing up clothes his silbings clothes always gets torn up so he learned how to sew
- talks to people to cheer them up jade calls him the second therapist of ramshackle
- is bad about talking about his own feelings and keeps everything pent up
- doesn't really know how to handle big big crowds and tends to panic if he can't find anyone he knows
-bad at telling people no will allow self to be manipulated to make someone happy
History: he grew up in galsoul talking his mother's teachings to heart half of his scars are from protecting people and his other half are from his family he never really fought back unless he had to when he learned he was going to night Raven college he was happy because his dad wouldn't step foot on there
Little more info:he believes he has a good childhood others beg to differ , he would and will always put others people needs before his ,he thinks his feelings don't matter as much as others ,if he feels upset or mad he'll put on a mask pretending to be happy, he'll be whatever a person wants/needs him to be even if it's a punching bag
(done for now I got the idea from @fumikomiyasaki so check her out and sorry if it kinda sucks)
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alfiely-art · 18 days
Finished Homestuck act 1!!! Here are notes I took while reading. Kinda outta context because I didn't write what... panels...? I was on while reading. Whatever. Shall read more soon... also. Important thing. I have been told a lot about homestuck my knowledge is like a puzzle that only has the corner and edge pieces (those pieces are Hal, Caliborn, Nepeta and Equius. A little of others.) Now I am getting the rest of the pieces put into place. For my massive homestuck puzzle
Omg the guy the the ya :) he's just standing there
Why does john have hammers and nails in his room
Oh glasses. And realistic Handcuffs
Squawk like an imbecile and shit on your desk
John you're so. What
John your computer background sucks ass
Wait you made it. Your background still sucks ass
Why's he got two copies… whaaa
Clockwork of friendship… Like time dave is a time guy right
“It could kill a cat if you dropped it” Hey doesn't one of the peoples cats die doesn't that happen is this foreshadowing
Woah John slow down… that's kinda gay
Brilliant disguise little guy you got it 
So like is she evil in homestuck because John is tired of cake and betty crocker products. Is that what's happening 
Hey what the fuck is that. It's like a worse Lil Cal
YAY ROSE I know it's rose :3 
John why are you stalling wait
HEY THOSE SYMBOLS They're the god tier things… aren't they…
Help wait they're so cute what the fuck I love John's dad 
you can't be saying that white baby
What the fuck happened ar Jades house
John you gotta hurry up bro… OMG GUSHERS
Dave. Dave. Dave his house is going to be destroyed. Dave. Stop rambling bro. 
??? Where did rose go. Oj bathtub
Oh yay!!! Rose pov!!!!!
My precious <3333
Babygirl. Your time management is almost as bad as John's
Your violin playing is beautiful though good job girl
Wait that's the end of act one. That's a very short act. I'm assuming dave and jade will join the game act 2 ? I do not know woooooo…..
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