#geeky writes sailor moon
cjoatprehn · 5 months
Alrighty!! I got caught up formatting a little easter egg answer version of this poem for those who are aware of my systemhood. I’m certain not many will click, because I don’t think I told folks in plural aside from my bio.
But! Back at it again with @skylerwitherspoon n’s prompts! Tonight I’ve written a longer one for Prompts 20.
Enjoy! Alt text goes over Discord’s character limit, so let’s see how Tumblr alt text handles it-!
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Oohhhhkay…so not even Tumblr alt text can handle this poem. So I’ll drop the alt text below.
[20. Write a poem about your gender.]
I, Mx. Whisper, have many genders. /
As the idea of it all is a construct of a lack of fluidity. /
I’m the flow the oceans waves. /
The cascading of the waterfalls /
soaking boat riders in a blissful wash. /
I’m the apparition of the Void, /
that’s just a little guy. /
A fuzzy little cat of the darkness. /
I’m the moon and the stars /
that you shoot meteors across. /
I’m the hobbit underneath the grass mounds, /
Gazing up at passerby through a mosaic window on the ceiling. /
I’m the creature living in the closet, /
Scarred and horrifying /
But is quite wholesome that comforts you on scary nights. /
I’m the stink stink just doing their thing in that there corner. /
I’m the cyborg who’s got his eye out for men; /
Feasting on popcorn as tea spills. /
Mischievously pranking children as a fitted sheet monster; /
Only seeking cuddles and tickle matches in dominance. /
I’m the big brother ready to swing and box. /
I’m the stripper bratty to the lot. /
I’m the drag queen that dresses in hot pink hoochie shorts; /
To the funky Mettaton EX theme. /
I’m the man giving a Megan Thee Stallion-worthy booty performance. /
I’m the recluse in the woods. /
Deep in a book, written in Braille. /
I’m the linguist who fascinates herself in the many calligraphic forms. /
I’m the nameless princess who grew to Duchess. /
I’m the mother of your children. /
I’m the warrior leading armies in the night; /
By the glow of my bioluminescent wings en mass. /
Close your eyes and trust in pixie dust. /
Diplomacy is key. /
I’m the erosion manipulated by your corruption. /
I’m the sky clouded over and misty. /
I’m the tears you shed in gold sunlight. /
How soft a pillow, am I, Mama? /
I’m the geeky gadgets of your endeavors. /
I’m the large platforms you wear on your soles. /
I’m the collar adorning your neck. /
I’m the goggles that snap pictures of your fire poses. /
Slaying your competition in your worth, Your Grace! /
I’m the clicking of your mouse. /
I’m the tapping of your keyboard. /
I’m the manager of your chaos, /
Wearing bunny suits and buck teeth. /
I’m the children of the playground. /
I’m the singing of the birds. /
I’m the climbing up trees to read a book about peace. /
Hey look! A sunset! /
The others going home. /
This is our space. /
The children outcasted from the village. /
I’m the reading in your ears. /
I’m the booping of noses. /
I’m the squishing of slime and swishing of tentacles in the ocean. /
I’m the big hoodie that covers your hands; /
Obviously too big but that’s the point. /
I’m the Death that draws near. /
Not literally but ego-wise. /
I’m the owl that escapes your trap. /
I’m the wings beating in the air. /
I’m the heartbeat within your eggs. /
I’m the goth besties with emo girls. /
Alternative is fun, even with the skulls. /
What? They’re great for mixing in. /
I’m the tinking of glasses. /
I’m the foam from your beers. /
I’m the ice in the shaker, /
with your drink being chilled. /
I’m the warmth of the hearth. /
The softness of clouds. /
The sleek of the silk. /
The Jester in your eyes. /
The screams in your mind. /
The turmoil in one party. /
I’m the boy that starts the fight; /
and the girl that finishes it. /
Settle down or take it outside! /
Staying sharp these days, hmm?
I’m the sizzle of hot in cold. /
The chinking of metal. /
The sigh from your chest. /
The sweat dropping from your brow. /
The sailor-born swear of frustration. /
I’m the coin tossed to your butcher. /
I’m the blade holding your fate. /
I’m the hammer that broke the anvil. /
I’m the one who snores deep and loud. /
A hard day at the forge earns you great sleep. /
Even if you’re napping on a customized warhammer. /
It’s comfortable. /
I’m the brood that has seen Death itself. /
I’m the medium who heard all. /
I’m the mirror you dance in. /
You’re doing great with your recitals and practice. /
I’m the dragon breathing fire. /
I’m the prism that facets color. /
I’m your hoard of cherished goods. /
I’m the pen in your hand. /
I’m the hands on your phone. /
I’m the window to the world. /
The bridge between cups. /
I could go on. /
I am no gender. /
I am a system. /
Of flux.
CJOAT | For SkylersPrompts in Escapril 2024
CJOAT Watermarked
I’ll probably post a spoken poetry video for this post…but I’m not pressed about it. I’m going to take my ass to bed. ^^
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princesscolumbia · 3 months
Pride Month 2024 - Day 12
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Here she is! The grand matron of all my megafics and projects!
Ranma is having A Day. The usual wacky relationship hijinks wind up with him tripping while running from his self-declared love interests (it has to do with martial arts, several foreign laws, and an okonomiyaki cart...long story) and falling off a roof (...again, long story) to pass through a stream of water from a broken pipe, triggering the magic that cursed him to turn into a girl with a splash of cold water. But today the wacky cranked right up into the weird when he DIDN'T collide with the other person who also happens to be standing in the spray of water. Usagi is having a pleasant day, actually. She's spending time with her boyfriend, taking in parts of Tokyo she doesn't normally get to, and in all enjoying herself when she gets a call about a monster attack. She ducks into an alley and starts to transform into Sailor Moon when a pipe bursts and sprays her with water right as someone...doesn't collide with her falling from the roof above. The destiny of both Ranma and Usagi has been altered by a random accident that nobody could have planned for or anticipated. Nobody around them is even remotely prepared.
I originally posted chapter 1 of this fic back in 2006 on Fanfiction.net, so if you recognize it from that website, don't worry, I'm the original creator just migrating it over here where I'm actually posting my fics and updating stuff. FF.net is now my lowest priority for updating, so if you want to follow my work be sure to subscribe here. Original author's notes: I keep writing fics I keep SWEARING I'll never, ever write! But this one just called out to me, darnit!!!
I shall now tell you, dear reader, my favorite story of being inspired to write a fanfic that I've ever experienced, let alone told:
The year is 2005, the Penultimate Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction Index is still being updated, the Ranma 1/2 Superhighway is still going strong, and FFML is your best place to find new fics and earliest possible releases for your favorites because anyone who is anyone in the ENTIRE ANIME COMMUNITY is on FFML.
So on the Ranma 1/2 Superhighway they maintained a nice page that neatly described the different categories of fanfiction, including but not limited to:
Alternate Universe
The 'fusion' one may require explanation for people who aren't obsessed with words and meanings because at first glance it looks like a crossover, and is often called such by those who don't know how words work! A crossover does just that, it takes two plotlines, usually from two different media or franchises, then crosses them over each other. The point of contact is where the story takes place.
A fusion, on the other hand, is when you take two entire timelines and mash them together. The vast majority of the time this means whole characters get fused, as well.
And upon reading that, being the super-geeky science nerd that I am, I had the thought, clear as day, "...so what would a fission fic be?"
That was it. That was literally the start of the journey that would launch Fission and bring us all to this point in time.
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
Taking Her Home
Back in the chaos of 2020 during the early days of the lockdown and while I desperately tried to get a therapists to endorse my HRT, I had began writing a visual novel in Ren'Py. Back then I was part of a game studio and had worked upon a number of projects for them. Writing, coding, music and photography.
My desire was to channel the skills that were being polished into a personal little side-project that I had named Taking Her Home.
The story was about essentially a reunion between a child and their estranged father who kicked them out of their family home when they were a teenager. The child has since transitioned and is seeking to gain some form of emotional closure from the encounter.
As written, it had been framed as Sabrina, the protagonist, disguising herself as Danny, her deadname, and interacting as Danny until the final day where she has a choice to reveal herself.
I ended up scrapping the project after starting HRT and allowing my experiences openly living as a woman to shape and change me. Regretfully I came to view the project with discomfort, feeling how unthinkable it would be to pretend to be who I once was for the sake of placating an abuser. Plus I had cut ties with my biofam since starting the project.
Thusly it was scrapped within a year of starting. 40k words, 5 original songs and a fairly competent game mechanic. All down the drain.
Though I am unlikely to finish it, I have come to appreciate the project in new light recently. Within the past year I was diagnosed with DID. I have a system of 5, though to those who follow me and know me on Tumblr, only 3 of them present openly to the world.
One of the hidden pair is The Kid. Our deadname. Our father's son.
In some way, I feel the writing of this script was an attempt for the emerging female parts who had been repressed to make peace with this male part that was being put away. In that light... well, it seems worth at least examining what we had written, don't you agree?
Note all screenshots are temporary assets, especially the GIU. They would have been replaced if the game were finished. Some GIU elements are from games I worked on previously and are used without permission of the studio I used to be part of. They would have been replaced before the game was released.
The game starts with a flashback. There's no art of it, but the notes depict a teenage Danny being kicked out by his father with a single cardboard box of possessions.
In the present, Danny and Sabrina are in an airport preparing to fly to England. Their sister, Liz, has died and they had received the news via unexpected contact from their father who they had not seen since they were kicked out all 15 years ago. The father, Rodney, wishes for Danny to come to the funeral and visit him.
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As this scene plays out we hear the first track, Homecoming
As they psyche themselves up for the trip, Danny and Sabrina begin to discuss their childhood and we are given a stealthy character creation segment.
The character creation segment gives some flavor text to Danny/Sabrina's upbringing. We learn the name of their step-mother and the fact that their parents divorced, that they have a biological older brother who lives with their mother and a half-sister, the now dead Liz.
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But as you answer these questions about their childhood the game places a score to your options that lets you pick from 3 variations of who Sabrina grew up to be.
In the code I label them as Fashion Brie, Geeky Brie and Active Brie. One was interested in theatre, learned make-up and starred in many stage performances. Geeky Brie was into anime and manga, did cosplay and Active Brie was into sports and had a lot in common with Rodney.
Then throughout the game there will be comments and baggage related to that backstory. For instance Rodney would have destroyed Geeky Brie's Sailor Moon manga brought in by a friend from France, Fashion Brie would be livid that her father never once attended one of her shows.
The other reason for character creation is to start the stat system.
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During the course of the week Danny/Sabrina will talk with Rodney and get a feel for how much he has changed, if at all, and each interaction gives the opportunity for the stats to increase or decrease.
Frustration - How angry your character is with Rodney. At high levels this will unlock an option for the "burn all bridges" ending.
Confidence - Required to unlock burn all bridges, allows you to interject and stand up for yourself more.
Understanding - Required for the "come out" option, where you can see who Rodney is and why he is the way he is. Can play along with frustration too, if you are frustrated and understand Rodney then you'll "know" he is incapable of change.
Empathy - Connection between parent and child required for the "come out" ending. Grown when you make sincere connections.
Once they arrive in England Sabrina and Danny are picked up by Becky, the friend who housed them after they were kicked out.
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Becky fills in some of the blanks on Sabrina's time when she lived in London prior to moving to the USA. Becky was present during Danny's transition.
As they talk the song Girl From London plays.
During this segment we get to see who Sabrina is in the present. The intro was focused in on the childhood and Danny and Brie's relationship with Rodney. This segment is to show that they turned out alright, even if they are willingly going back to confront a past that should be left to rest.
Day 2 is the first day with Rodney.
Becky drops you off and in if you need her to pick you up you'll need to send a "signal flare" text message which will take a while to be responded to.
On the drive Becky prepares you to talk to Rodney by introducing the "Call Out" function, where you have the option of stopping Rodney's dialogue and interrogate his dialogue for bigoted or untrue remarks (akin to the Hold It! function in Ace Attorney).
She'll also ask what you are looking to get out of the trip, an answer which will impact your stats.
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As Becky speaks Questioning plays.
The "gameplay" then begins as your character, presenting as Danny, arrives at the house and begins to reconnect with their father.
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While "Here With You" plays.
As Rodney and Danny talk, Rodney makes a number of reaching assumptions about Danny's life which show a level of projection, for instance he assumes Danny must spend every Christmas alone in America because he has "no family" there with him.
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and you are given chances to ask or tell him to not use bigoted language. No matter which playstyle you use he will ignore this, though may apologize more often if told off.
For the Call Out function my favorite was always this subtle one, very much based on interactions with my IRL father.
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"you left for London" he says. If you correct him you respond.
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The conversation has ups and downs and you can be prompted to ask about your step-mum and why he's alone now, how his relationship is with your brother, if he still works at the local pub and a number of other bonding questions that can breed empathy, understanding, frustration or confidence.
Towards the middle of the day you can either tour the house or go for a walk. There are some stat bonuses for doing both.
In your childhood bedroom there are a number of options for searching for items from your past and a mechanic which either lets Rodney be in the room with you as you search (he will comment on items and give context as to why they are stored and such) or have you kick him out for either privacy or because he insists on smoking.
I had intended to polish this segment if I finished the game so that some items would only be available with or without Rodney's presence.
There's also a secret scene in the bedroom hunt which can end the game right here and then by having Rodney explode and begin to argue with Danny right there and then on the first day. In this ending you storm out of the house and skip the funeral entirely, opting to stay in London with Becky instead.
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I wanted to make all of the endings valid, but since my diagnosis, the idea of "never think of the name Danny or Rodney Smith" kind of hurts, the idea of a viable ending being to bury poor Danny entirely? That ending came from a dark place, it seems.
Also the bench concept will come up later...
If you succeed through the day you can either leave early or stay for a meal. If you do, Rodney will note that Danny had mentioned wanting to introduce him to someone and wanted to know who it was. No matter how you approach this situation Rodney will think his son is hiding homosexuality.
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Your reaction here will read how well your empathy and frustration points have been stacking up. The script sometimes doing a check for those values rather than asking you outright.
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These options are unlocked based on your interactions, the below is checked to see what you are allowed to say at that point.
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Obviously these are thought, not spoken.
The day ends when Becky arrives to pick you up. You have a debrief which is a stealthy way of seeing if you passed or failed the checks for the stats leading towards unlocking each of the endings.
Day 3 was the funeral and is a segment I never ended up writing. It was going to be more flavor text for Danny's childhood, his relationship with his other birth family and give some connection he had to Liz which brings about the unspoken truth that Sabrina is very much built from his perception of his older sister.
Day 4 is the second visit to Rodney and would take place on neutral ground with distinct paths. Pub, Canal Walk and Cafe are options.
I'd not finished writing this segment, but I had written the conclusion of Day 4.
It ends with an argument that causes Danny to burst out and retreat to The Bench.
The Bench is a park bench much like many others. Every time Danny and Rodney had an argument and Danny stormed out he would go to this spot. Sometimes people found him and had deep conversations on that spot with him.
There's a bench on the South Bank of the River Thames that fills that role in our own life. We think of it and the view it grants often.
The scene begins with a flashback of a time Liz is the one to collect 15 year old Danny and have a conversation comforting him after one of his dad's angry outbursts. As the flashback ends Liz is replaced with Sabrina and then as the scene continues the 15 year old Danny is replaced with the 32 year old one.
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As they talk, Sabrina and Danny discuss their feelings on Rodney. At this point you are given stat checks to see if you can unlock options for the ending. Danny will advocate for the love he has for his father and Sabrina for the hatred she has for Rodney.
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As the conversation goes on, Danny begins to yield to Sabrina and by the end Sabrina is the only one with spoken dialogue and Danny is only appearing as thoughts and choice screen prompts, much the same as Sabrina was during the first portion of the game.
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I again note I wrote this 2/3 years before my DID diagnosis. In the dev notes I even state that Danny is the "kid inside, the one who sits behind every action you make judging you and wishing you were more" with no concept that it may not be a universal experience.
The final day is essentially select your ending.
I believe the ones I had written before abandoning the project were:
"I don't have a plan. I'm just going to go and see what happens." - You go in without a plan presenting as Sabrina. You cannot explain this in any way that satisfies and end up arguing. It is a break but an unclean one. You think back on it and wonder "what if" often.
"I'm going to burn all the bridges once and for all." - You end things on your terms, head held high. You understand he has no power over you and never did.
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"I'm going to call him." - You call to say goodbye, you do not come out as Sabrina to him. You thank him for the week and return to America, satisfied that you got to say goodbye and knowing you do not owe him access or context.
"We're going to meet somewhere on my terms. We'll talk this out. Make it work." - You meet in London and run the conversation, dispel his every fear about your gender and sexuality. He finally gets to see the grown woman you have become and though you are not certain if he accepts or rejects you, he jokes about burying two children in one week after all, you can go back to the USA knowing he *acknowledges* you. Maybe that's enough?
"I'm not going back" - You do not show up to the scheduled Day 5 meeting and stay with Becky instead. You return to America and ignore the growing pile of emails from Rodney, leaving things unresolved but breaking all connection.
"I just want to say goodbye." - Essentially the "call him" ending but with coming out. You do not argue. You tell him your name is Sabrina, that you're going back to America and not to contact anymore. It's benign. You wonder how he is handling the news and realize you don't care.
And that's the game.
I just felt like putting something of it out into the world. It was a deeply personal project at an integral time of my life when I was on the intersection between past and present, slowly learning just who was hiding under the masks and lies I told myself.
Maybe one day, if the kid ever wants to come back, I'll let him finish this. For himself. For the love he still has for our father and for the game studio that we are no longer part of.
But for now I feel it's a draft that shall forever remain unfinished. And that's okay. It did what it needed to.
Thanks for giving me a platform to just air it out in a form that isn't just a lingering piece of ignored potential.
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ruddcatha · 2 years
For the writer ask game!
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
Hope you’re having a wonderful day, lovely!
Hello my dear @sereia1313!!!!
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🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
It's actually known at my job that I write fanfiction, only one person knows what fandom I write for but they don't read any of it. Some of my friends know and have read it, and I have made some now IRL friends through the fandom! I had a former co-worker, who actually followed me to the firm I work for now, who decided to tell people that oh he wasn't as geeky as I am, at least he doesn't write fanfiction, and people turned to me and went OH REALLY that must be so cool!
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
So far I have actually only written for two fandoms. Inuyasha which y'all can find on Ao3 and FFN, and Sailor Moon which thankfully died and need to stay buried with the old Moonlight Romance website lol (we are talking back in 1999-2000 ish folks, a 17-18 year old writing is VERY different from the 40+ writing now, yes I am aging myself lol). I do want to try writing for the Kamisama Kiss and the Fruits Basket fandom, the other series for anime that I know well is Yona of the Dawn and Snow White with the Red Hair, but I have no ideas for them. I'm odd, for some reason I can't write fanfiction for live action movies, even though I am a huge Harry Potter and Star Trek fan I just can't make myself write for it. I can write in the world with another fandom, but not the characters themselves.
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
I answered this question earlier , but also for some stories I tend to do a LOT of research (or even for a chapter). I never really know when I will decide to do a lot of research (except for Final Frontier. Lord that had about 25-30 hours of research before the first chapter was even written... its largely why a second chapter is still pending because I don't have that kind of time right now and my husband has moved on to other things lol).
So this is a hard one for me, because I don't usually plan on doing research for my stories unless its a SPECIFIC thing that I am trying to do, and then I fall down the rabbit hole and spend HOURS researching for like 5 paragraphs lol.
Thank you for the ask love!
Writer Goal Ask List
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madegeeky · 4 years
Fairy Tales and Other Indignities
A present for @docholligay! This was an interesting experience because, unlike the two fics I’ve written in the past year or two, I knew I wanted to write a fic but had nothing specific in mind. I came up with the first paragraph and then thought of different things that could go with it. This is what I came up with and I’m quite happy with it. I hope everyone enjoys!
Michiru was unsure how many deities she had upset and how many different lives she had done so, but it must have been more than a few in both cases. It was the only explanation for the situation she currently found herself in. 
She had often found villains to be unpleasant but this was quite beyond the pale. It was deplorable enough that Haruka had gotten herself kidnapped and put, if one believed the villain, into “eternal sleep”. It was appalling enough that she had been listening to a monologue that was now coming to the ten minute mark. But it was absolutely abominable that apparently this particular villain had read too many fairy tales and had come to the decision, with what truly miniscule brain power he had, that he wanted the Senshi to relive them. 
Michiru had no idea what fairy tale the other Senshi had found themselves in but she would dare any of them to say that they had it worse off than her. Yes, rescuing Haruka from a thorn-covered castle and giving her true love’s kiss (only years of practice in keeping her face placid kept her from physically grimacing when he said that) was easy. But everyone would agree that dealing with the aftermath of it, of dealing with a Haruka who had somehow found herself in the place of princess instead of prince, was going to be a truly abysmal experience. (For all involved. Michiru had no reason to save everyone else from the constant complaining that was looming in her future and she was a firm believer that if she had to suffer, so did those around her. Besides, perhaps Minako’s obnoxiously loud behavior would finally prove itself useful and she would draw Haruka’s attention and thus take the majority of the complaining on herself.)
“You must be jesting,” she finally interrupted. She knew it was a nonsensical statement to make, she knew that this man was serious, and yet somehow, out of everything that she had dealt with and seen in her life, this had to be the most improbable one yet. 
“I never jest,” he said imperiously. “You Senshi are so weak that I will use children’s tales to destroy you!” 
Michiru was not one to say, as other Senshi often did, “for fuck’s sake” but she was sorely tempted to at this moment. However, just because the situation was obnoxious to the extreme did not mean she needed to resort to vulgarity. Instead, she gave the only logical response one could give in such a situation: “Deep Submerge!” The fact that he died immediately only made the whole situation that much more deplorable. She would have to deal with the aftermath of this for days, if not weeks, to come and yet he was so weak as to only require one attack before he died.
Michiru sighed and then calmly waited for the thorny vines in front of her to disappear. She waited patiently for three minutes. The vines were not disappearing. Michiru wondered if praying to any non-specific deities and apologizing for any past (life) transgressions could possibly get her out of this situation. She was not above praying when the need was great and surely this situation qualified. 
After another two minutes, with the vines doing nothing whatsoever other than existing, Michiru allowed herself to sigh the sigh of the truly beleaguered. After all, there was no one around to hear her and so what did it matter if she allowed herself an uncouth moment of self-pity. 
Pulling herself back together, just because she was alone and in a truly obnoxious situation did not mean that she had to lose her propriety completely, she put out a hand and cast Deep Submerge at the vines. She watched as the ball raced toward them. She watched as the ball reached them. She watched as it passed through the vines as though her attack was nothing more than water.
For fuck’s sake, Michiru thought. She would never let those words leave her lips, not even with no one around to hear them as, unlike certain blonde hair beribboned Senshi she knew, she had a sense of decorum. But she thought they were particularly apt in this situation and so allowed them to echo in her head. 
For a moment she simply stood there and then Michiru put her hand out. She and Haruka had practiced this but she had never before found herself in a situation where she had had actual need to do it. Apparently today, of all days, was the day she needed to and so she pulled Haruka’s sword into her hand. It came, as easily as it had every time she had tried before, and Michiru stared up at the expanse of vines before her, a tower peeking out over the top. For a moment Michiru let herself just sit with the fact that this was her life. Transforming into a magical soldier who fought villains that did things like kidnap the woman she loved and forced her to reenact a fairy tale that even when Michiru was small she found nonsensical and uninspired. And then she started swinging the blade.
By the time Michiru had reached the tower she was covered in a faint sheen of sweat and scratches, her arm aching. The vines had gone on far longer than she had been expecting and, for the first time in her life, she wished that Usagi were here. She had the ability to bring people back from the dead; perhaps with enough convincing lies Michiru could persuade her to bring the villain back so she could have the pleasure of killing him again. If she distracted Usagi with some sort of cake, she might even have the time to make it slow and painful. 
As she looked up at the tower she realized something: it was much taller than it had appeared from further away. She flicked her wrist, Haruka’s sword going back from whence it came, and braced herself. She knew exactly what she was going to find behind that door when she opened it and, having already suffered so many indiginaties today, with so many more awaiting her in the future, she couldn’t stop herself from hoping that she was somehow wrong. 
She was not wrong. 
She opened the door and simply stood there for a moment, gaze slowly following stairs that appeared to go ever upward. She had lived in many penthouses that went up that far. She had never walked up the stairs to get to them for good reason. 
If she distracted Usagi with two cakes, she’d have even longer to torture him, Michiru thought to herself as she began to climb.
By the time she reached the top she was drenched in sweat, hair clinging to her forehead and the sides of her face. Being a Senshi meant that she had a huge amount of endurance but it was not limitless and getting through the vines had already used up quite a bit of it. She had used up the rest during the climb. She had, at least, kept herself entertained by thinking of various ways to torture the villain, as well as how she would convince Usagi to resurrect him.
She pushed the hair off her face as she allowed herself a moment to breathe. It was almost done and then she merely had to get through the next week or two of the fallout awaiting her before everything went back to normal. 
She opened the door.
“For fuck’s sake!” 
For there Haruka was, laying on a lush bed, hair golden and shining in the sunlight, her beautiful face soft in sleep while wearing a pink. ruffled. lacy. nightgown. 
“For fuck’s sake,” Michiru said again. Sometimes, decorum be damned, only vulgarity would do.
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stxrshxpxd · 4 years
Hey! so it's me again and the headcannon thingy you said is basically a matchup lol :). So here's a description of me
Im here for the matchy thing Im 5'1" with a bit of a thicker body shape. I have short curly brown hair and grey eyes. I listen to a lot of different music, my favorite right now being either Nirvana or Oasis. I'm shy and awkward when I meet new people but I get more comfortable when I get to know someone really well. I love drawing, video games,playing guitar and I really love watching 90s anime (sailor Moon is 100% my favorite). I wear a lot of band t shirts, skirts, army jackets and flannels. I love platforms and vans. My friends day I'm really giddy and energized :)
Hope that's enough thank you :)💖
ah okay straight off the bat im gonna have to match you with damon no cap 😩❤️❤️
i think you two would go a long time just being casual friends and you’d probably be a bit intimidated by his strong character and a bit awkward around him, but he’d only be so in your face because he was intrigued by you and wanted desperately to get to know you better
and so you’d probably end up alone in a corner at a party or something like that one night and somehow fall into a rather deep conversation. and you’d talk for hours about everything and anything. until damon would then drunkenly blurt out how attracted he was to you (girl imma cry🥲)
anyway i think you would have such a stable ground to stand on with you having slowly grown into a relationship, that you’d just be one of those couples that are just meant to be. dare i say soulmates
he would love to watch you draw and i think that’s such a wholesome concept. like resting his head on your shoulder from behind and staring admiringly at your drawing and watching you slowly add to it. he’d be amazed it would be adorable
“draw me!” - “i wouldn’t be able to capture your beauty” - “oh fuck off im not that pretty” - “you’re quite pretty” - “you’re sweet. now draw me!!”
but then secretly drawing simple portraits of him when he’s sleeping or writing lyrics or playing guitar or watching tv or reading etc
staying up all night talking while playing music and all too often inviting one another up to dance when a good song comes on. being absolute dorks and jumping around laughing and singing, and then crashing down out of breath on your bed as the song ends, only to find the next song is another banger
damon worshipping your body omg. i just think he’d praise you like crazy during sex and go on and on and on about how much he loves your body. ugh😩🤲🏼😭
he’d also think you were so cute with your height. he’d put his chin on top of your head when hugging you and fully engulf you (that man knows how to give proper hugs😭)
you two would probably get so geeky together. with everything. music, tv, video games..... just imagine spending so many long days off with him in your london flat binge watching your favourite show or playing guitar together or playing all your favourite games. such domestic softness.
also. just as a punch in the face to you i’d like to inform you that he would have an old dirty and chipped polaroid of you that he would keep in his wallet at all times for when he’s on tour and away from you. and every time an interviewer brings you up in conversations would always whip out the polaroid and show it. it would be so cute. he would be so in love with you are you kidding me 😭
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Malou (’Mia Mayhem’) Jensen *Main character
Voice Claim:(Olivia Wilde) https://youtu.be/bV6cC-rUMCs?t=1m13s (Right click on links and open in new tab)
Partner(s): Dalton. Parents: None. Kids: None. Age: 37 (Year 2020) 26th of May. Height: 173cm Body type: Slim. Eye color: Light blue/gray Human: Immortal.
About: Caring, Individualistic, Generous, Passionate, Creative, Adventurous, Sarcastic, Charismatic, Clever, Compassionate, Sensitive, Freethinking, Friendly, Helpful, Sharing,  Humble, Self-critical, Understanding, Witty, Open-minded, Absentminded, Emotional, Brooding, Skeptical, Stubborn, Shy, Introvert, Observant, Anxious, Cautious, Genuine, Awkward and Clumsy. ~ Straight, but loves to watch gay porn. Is borderline Asexual when it comes to straight sex. ~ Has several tattoos on her body, mainly Geeky, representing some of the fandoms she’s in. ~ Her favorite tattoo is the unicorn she has on her left hand. ~ Colors her hair electric blue. ~ Is a writer/artist. ~ Currently learning to write song lyrics/sing/play guitar. ~ Lives with her roomie, Dalton. ~ Used to attend a design school where she would sew clothes all day, now she can’t stand sewing by machine, and only does things she can sew by hand. ~ HUGE cat lover. - Has 3 of her own, Oliver, BMO and Bunny. ~ Used to be very skinny and hated when people assumed she had an eating disorder, or called her names like giraffe or spider legs, when she actually had a very large appetite and always ate a lot. ~ Always smells like burned incense and wood. ~ Hates most artificial smells, loves earthy tones. ~ Loves to collect creepy stuff. ~ Atheist. ~ Has a pretty dark sense of humor. ~ Drinks almost nothing but tea. ~ Is probably made of tea? ~ Dislikes society. ~ Flannel/tartan addict. ~ Super power = anxiety. ~ Believes in unicorns and magic. ~ Strong-willed. ~ Stomps around in big boots. ~ Once kicked a taxi cause the driver was an ass. ~ Hates when people repeatedly sticks their nose in her business. ~ Orphan. ~ Pretty good cook. ~ Fills her bed with plushies to make up for the fact she hasn't shared her bed with anyone half a decade at least. ~ Lonely. ~ Melancholic. ~ Romantic at heart though she never fully admits it. ~ Cares too much for her own good. ~ 100/10 would do anything for the people she loves. ~ Is very honest, if you can’t handle the truth, don’t ask for it. ~ Was abused physically and mentally as a child, as result she sometimes suffers from anxiety, Depression and bad nerves. ~ Can be rather pessimistic. ~ Hates freezing. ~ Uncomfortable around people. ~ Loves her friends, her cats, Rock music, chillout music, pandas, unicorns, owls, wolves, ravens, deer, bears, foxes, Deadpool, watching movies, plushies, licorice, writing, being creative in any way, light chains, grungy stuff, neon lights, Christmas, Halloween, Halloween-type decor, Hello Kitty, 90′s stuff, spearmint, finding deeper meaning in stuff around her, stickers, Anti-Heroes, collecting penis decor, spooky stuff, anything made out of raw wood, flannel, daydreaming, weird/cute/extraordinary mugs, leather wristbands, gay porn, dancing to loud music, Rick & Morty, coloring books, cozy blankets, strange backpacks, gemstones/crystals, nature and scented candles. ~ Her style changes with her mood. One day she wears bright colorful stuff with rainbows and unicorns. Next day it’s black clothes with witchy/creepy symbols/prints or dirty jeans and oversized flannel shirts. ~ Can be pretty grumpy, but it’s usually nothing more than just that. Malou’s tag Malou’s house/home Malou’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One Gif to describe her:
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One song to describe her:  Mumford & Sons - Hopeless Wanderer Personal playlist: 1. Incubus - Drive 2. D-A-D - Laugh 'n' A ½ 3. Godsmack - Serenity 4. Jack Johnson - All At Once 5. Damon Albarn – On Melancholy Hill (acoustic) 6. Tim Christensen - Whispering At The Top Of My Lungs 7. Linkin Park - Papercut 8. Nirvana - Plateau 9. Gorillaz - Tomorrow Comes Today 10. Serj Tankian - Left Of Center 11. Korn - Freak On a Leash 12. The White Stripes - Hardest Button To Button 13. Gorillaz - Aries ft. Peter Hook & Georgia 14. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop 15. Madrugada - Sirens 16. Alabama 3 - Woke Up This Morning 17. Gorillaz - Amarillo 18. Jewel - Absence Of Fear 19. Angels and Airwaves - Secret Crowds 20. Blur - Girls And Boys 21. Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz (Spirit House) 22. Cigarettes After Sex - Sweet  23. Jewel - Deep Water 24. Jack Johnson - Sleep Through the Static 25. Damon Albarn - Lonely Press Play 26. D-A-D - Empty Heads 27. R.E.M. - Drive 28. Incubus - Promises, Promises 29. Chris Cornell - Billie Jean 30. Blur - Colin Zeal 31. Puscifer - Momma Sed 32. Heartless Bastards - Only For You 33. Gorillaz - El Mañana 34. Angels & Airwaves - Breathe 35. The Beatles - Come Together 36. 4 Non Blondes - What's Up 37. Gorillaz - Momentary Bliss ft. slowthai & Slaves 38. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me 39. Blur - Mirrorball 40. Incubus - Black Heart Inertia 41. Limp Bizkit feat. Method Man N 2 Gether Now 42. 2Pac - Changes ft. Talent 43. D-A-D - Bad Craziness 44. Nirvana - Pennyroyal Tea 45. Blur - Ong Ong 46. Angels and Airwaves - Do It For Me Now 47. Right Said Fred - What A Day For A Daydream 48. Damon Albarn - Everyday Robots 49. The Human League - I’m The Law 50. Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity 51. Linkin Park - A Place For My Head 52. Blink -182 - Down 53. 3 Doors Down - Duck And Run 54. Alanis Morissette - Hand In My Pocket 55. Savage Garden - The Animal Song 56. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue 57. Incubus - Dig 58. Green Day - Basket Case 59. LP - Lost On You [Live Session] 60. D-A-D - Sleeping My Day Away 61. Bob Marley - Buffalo Soldier 62. Beth Hart - Delicious Surprise 63. Extreme - Hole Hearted 64. Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al 65. Jack Johnson - Breakdown 66. Damon Albarn - Photographs (You Are Taking Now) 67. Sticky Fingers - Cyclone (The Village Sessions) 68. Blur - Star Shaped 69. Serj Tankian - Empty Walls 70. The Dead South - Diamond Ring 71. The Kills - U.R.A Fever 72. Godsmack - I Stand Alone 73. Queen -  Bicycle Race 74. Alanis Morissette - Ironic 75. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy - Hidden War 76. Nirvana - About A Girl 77. Damon Albarn - Mr Tembo 78. Savage Garden - To The Moon & Back 79. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet 80. Jewel - Down So Long 81. Tep No - Swear Like A Sailor 82. Youssou N'Dour - 7 Seconds ft. Neneh Cherry 83. Gorillaz - Broken 84. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Road Trippin 85. Jewel - Good Day 86. Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road 87. Gorillaz - The Valley of The Pagans ft. Beck 88. Green Day - When I Come Around 89. Tim Christensen - Lay Down Your Arms 90. Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood 91. The Pretty Reckless - Zombie 92. Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow 93. Blackfield - My Gift of Silence 94. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy - Love Me a Little 95. Damon Albarn - Heavy Seas Of Love 96. The Paper Kites - Bloom 97. David Bowie - Heroes 98. The Beatles - Day Tripper 99. Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. 100. Faithless - Mass Destruction 101. Limp Bizkit - My Generation (Uncensored) 102. Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite 103. Jennifer Brown - Alive 104. Of Monsters And Men - Sloom 105. Panic! At The Disco - New Perspective 106. Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff(Explicit) 107. Blur - Lonesome Street 108. Sort Sol - Holler High 109. Jacob Lee - Demons (Philosophical Sessions) 110. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here 111. Nina Simone  Feeling Good 112. The Human League - Darkness 113. Gorillaz - Strange Timez ft. Robert Smith 114. Des'ree - I'm Kissing You 115. Meredith Brooks - What Would Happen 116. Dan Black - Symphonies ft. Kid Cudi 117. The Kills - No Wow 118. Gorillaz - Fire Flies 119. Guns N' Roses - Patience 120. Incubus - In The Company Of Wolves 121. The Dead Weather - Will There Be Enough Water 122. Hooverphonic - Mad About You (Live at Koningin Elisabethzaal 2012) 123. Blur - The Universal 124. Sort Sol - Let Your Fingers Do The Walking 125. Roy Orbison - In The Real World 126. Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night 127. Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Henri Pfr & Hësling Edit) (Cover By Victoria) 128. Hollow Coves - These Memories 129. Beth Hart - Favorite Things 130. Catching Flies - Quiet Nights Bonus: Yello - Oh Yeah Double Bonus: Meredith Brooks - Bitch Triple Bonus: Seal - Crazy Almost done I swear!: Wolf Larsen - If I Be Wrong Last but not least: Tim Christensen - Enjoy The Silence
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docholligay · 5 years
Nonny, this has my best attempt at chronological order for MaS. It's the first in the SM series section. Just click the link the index and it'll take you right there.
Thank you so much geeky!! Tumblr is making me do this in the app, I assume because it was made in the app, so I can't really type a ton but THANK YOU
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howanimestuffworks · 4 years
Now it’s time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different. We all know that at this point in time the world is out of sorts so it’s nice to have that little ray of sunshine every now and again. Luckily for me that ray of sunshine just gotten bigger with me being nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  
I made my first couple of graphics! I think they turned out good!
Like always we have to begin with the rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog so that other people can visit them.
Answer the 11 questions put to you by the nominator.
Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing and provide them with a new set of 11 questions to answer.
Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.
List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo within your post or on your blog site.
The person that nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award was no other then Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise, who is one of the many active bloggers I know and has helped me come out of my shell and try and blog more then keep hiding away!
I always love reading Pinkie’s new posts and look forward to any new ones that pop up, I will recommend checking her blog out as her blog is just so CUTE! Especially with all the restyling she has done! (I so need to know how she managed to get a animated background working on her blog!) Anyway onto my answers and if you need any directions to Pinkie’s site just click here!
I am a tad late getting this done (along with everything else hahaha) but I really reaaaally needed to get my training for work completed otherwise my manager will literally murder me with a spatula!
I mean she would if she could, is it even possible to be murdered by a spatula? 
  Q: Have you ever cosplayed, if yes.. what’s your best cosplay? If no what would you cosplay if you could?
Sadly no, I never had enough money to spend on the materials I would need for my cosplay, nor have I had the confidence to pull of a cosplay, I am very self conscious about my body and hate the fact that I still have some “puppy fat” at 33 years old.  Even though I am pretty much self conscious about my body I would still push myself out of my comfort zone and cosplay some of my favourite characters.
There’s a little list of cosplays I would love to pull off from my favourite anime and games, Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series, Hitomi Kanzaki from the Vision of Escaflowne and Chibi Usa from Sailor Moon being three that I would love to go for!
  Aren’t these girls cool! 
Bonus Pic!
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Kinda scary shoving Pinkie Pies head on Chibi Usa, give me the willies!  
 Q: What is the least geeky thing about you?
What is the least geeky thing about me…man this one is so so hard! Hahaha! I think the least geeky thing about is that I love love to go for long walks! I just go where my feet take me!
Q: If your life was ever turned into an anime, what type of anime would it be?
Hmm.. I think it would be a dramatic slice of life shoujo that would depict me failing adulthood severely and kinda boring…until my life goes from boring to eventful where I’m transported to another realm to go saving the world with my babble of followers that consist of my favourite characters who somehow got dumped in said realm along with me, and blamed me for that happening cause I had to go poking that portal till it exploded and sucked us all in!
It would all fall on Van and Chise to try and find us a way home without me screwing everything up in the process!!
This was fun to make I gotta admit that, plus I just couldn’t stop laughing!!!
Q:  If your life was ever turned into a video game, what type of game it would be?
It most probably be the same as the anime adaption just more in depth and set out like a JPRG!
Chise would be a perfect character to take the Healer position considering one of her abilities is creating medicine in Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus Bride).
Van would be taking the warrior class, mainly swordsman as he is quite adaptable when equipped with his own sword, though I can picture him cursing his head off about the amount of times I died throughout our adventure.
Hitomi would be our visionary, she can predict things before they happen through visions even though some do take a mental impact on her.
Duo is pretty good at stealth so I can picture him using that to his advantage with some pretty good stealth kills when we cannot attack outright.
Heero is more melee so would just attack outright but he is also good at physical combat and can use that to his advantage.
Luffy would be similar to Heero and would create a good tag team with him.
 Q: If you’d have to choose any other archetype but geek, what would you want to be?
I would be a story teller, one of my goals is to be an author and have my own set of YA Fantasy books out there in the world! It would be a big achievement for me in my life, I have a few brainstorms going on some of the characters but I’m keeping that a secret for now..Suuuush..
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I would love to be a well known author and have alot of people adoring my stories and characters!!
 Q: What’s the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
The worst thing I did to a friend is throw a book at them! I do treat my friends with alot of respect and never treat them all badly, but this friend of mine (who is now my boyfriend, strange things happened ya know) just would not be quiet so I could read, all he ever did was natter away to me and then the book went flying at him…I regret that so much…
 Q: What is your favourite alcoholic beverage and tell us about when you had too much of it.
Believe it or not I have not had one ounce of alcohol pass my lips ever, so I never had any drunk stories to tell. (Which is ironic considering I work in a pub!) It’s mainly tied to my past, I’ve seen what alcohol can do to a person and sadly I was a victim of that, my dad is a severe alcoholic and he used to abuse me, my siblings and my mother, so I never ever touched the stuff.
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It’s still quite hard to talk about as it affected me my entire life in so many ways.
 Q: How would you take over the world, in a world of endless possibilities? Be evil!
Firstly I would destroy all the world leaders and then brain wash everyone across the globe to do my bidding and make my cat their supreme leader!! (come on who doesn’t want to be ruled over by an evil kitty!)
I would then force people to constantly pick up litter (mainly because I am so sick of people dumping litter everywhere) and to become my cats slaves and servants and imprison their families if they refused!!!
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Okay I’ll admit I am so bad at being evil…
 Q: Which anime character you think could stop the you from question 8.
Can I pick two…I can picture Usagi Tsukino and Sakura Kinomoto tag teaming and defeating me and my kitty! Me and my lovely Videl would pass in each others arms and live a happy and evil afterlife where we destroy Satan and take his throne and become rulers of hell!!
I think they would make a great team!
 Q: Which anime characters would be the henchmen to the you from question 8.
I would brain wash the best of the best to become my henchmen! The Prince of all Sayain’s – Vegeta and of course Goku would be mine and Videl’s guards! Piccolo and Gohan would lead my mighty army!
But they may have a tough time with this lot…we shall see if Usagi and Sakura come up triumphant! 
 Q: If you could make one true wish, but it had to be at least  somewhat selfish, what would it be?
If I could make one wish for myself it would be to be a millionaire and live in a posh mansion that has a pool with all my cats! They would have their own rooms and have luxurious beds like I would! They would also have loads and loads of toys and their own pool side loungers!!!
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I’ll be the new kid on the block!
What is the most geeky thing about you?
What is the next Anime that you are planning to watch?
If you could write out your life story, how would that story go?
What was the saddest Anime scene you have watched?
What was the best thing you have done for a friend?
What were your plans this year before the pandemic?
If you could pilot a mech or Gundam, which one would it be?
If you could marry an anime or video game character, who would it be?
Tell me about the last game you have played?
Is there a character out there that is most similar to you?
Last book you have read? 
Truthfully I don’t know that many people considering I’m the new kid on the block within the anime blogging community, I’m basing my nominations based on the few people that I have come to know within the anime blogging community recently.
I’m sorry if you were already picked!!! 
Mari from Starting Life At Zero Who’s brave posts really are inspiring to me and has helped me understand alot of things lately.
Roki Bloop from Secluded Observations who actually stumbled across my blog on twitter and introduced me to a few more bloggers, if it wasn’t for Roki I wouldn’t even be doing the Sunshine Blogger Award at all!
Nabe-Chan from Geek Nabe Another lovely person that I have been interacting with on twitter and has a lovely blog!
Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise I am so getting you back! hahaha! Pinkie is so awesome and has such a cute and funny blog!
Steph from Two Happy Cats another blogger that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account.
Kiritonarukami from KiritoNarukami One of the newer bloggers that I stumbled across on here lately.
Mike from Gaming and God Another blogger I’ve stumbled across lately who’s blog consists of not only Anime and Manga reviews but also Gaming reviews!
Lesley from Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner Another Anime and Manga blogger that I have discovered 🙂
Odyssey from LOFZ ODYSSEY ANIME REVIEWS Another cool blogger that I’ve discovered!
Jiraiyan from Otaku Orbit is one of the two bloggers that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account. (I actually have two accounts but liked the name of this one more.)
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Okay I stole this idea from Pinkie but I needed a reason to use this wallpaper!
PS: If you would love to be nominated then you can if you answer this question about me, who is the character I am using throughout my blog? 
    A Pony With Sunburn Is Not A Good Look: The Sunshine Blogger Award! #anime #otaku #blogger #animeblog #blogging Now it's time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different.
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melodyalanaroster · 5 years
Tag Game!
Tagged by @alicesanderthegreat! Thanks! ^_^
The rules are simple: answer 20 questions + tag 20 people to get to know them better
1. Nickname: Alana’s primary nickname is Mels. My IRL nickname is Chelle. (my IRL name is Michelle)
2. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
3. Hogwarts House: Slytherin
4. Height: Around 5′4 (I haven’t measured myself in a while.)
5. Last Thing I Googled: Aladdin and the King of Thieves (my bf and I were talking about possible future Disney Live Action remakes at the time.)
6. Favorite Musicians: There are so any... But A couple of my favorites are The Beatles, Starset, Ed Sheeran and The Pillows.
7. Song Stuck In My Head: At the time of writing this post, I don’t have one stuck in my head... But the last one was “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” by Elton John.
8. Followers: On this blog, I have 935. On my multifandom blog, I have 507.
9. Following: 4,676
10. Do you get asks: Occasionally
11. Amount of Sleep: I try to get at least 5 hours each night. It just depends on what time I have to go into work, what time I clock out, and if I decide to take a nap. On my days off, I get closer to 8 hours.
12. Lucky Number: Mine are 7 and 14.
13. What Are You Wearing: At the time of this post, I’m wearing short black shorts and a large My Hero Academia shirt.
14. Dream Job: Prop Maker
15. Instruments: I bought an ocarina... I should probably learn how to play it...
16: Languages: I only know English... But there are a bunch of languages I’d love to learn!
17. Favorite Song: I have SOOOO many! Some of them are “Nowhere Man” by The Beatles, “Starlight” by Starset, “All of the Stars” by Ed Sheeran, “Peace Sign” by Kenshi Yonezu, and “The Messenger” from the soundtrack to Terry Pratchett’s Soul Music.
18. Random Fact: I have massive collections of Pins, Buttons, and Stickers.
19. Aesthetic: My IRL aesthetic is cool yet geeky.
20: Dream Trip: I wanna travel the world... I’d love to go back to the United Kingdom... One of my dreams is to go to Dubai and go to the highest floor of the Burj Khalifa that visitors have access to. My boyfriend and I have decided that the “Dream Honeymoon” would be Japan... Especially if Universal Studios Japan is still doing the Sailor Moon and Godzilla stuff by the time we can go...
Tagging: @sparklypandemonium @colombia-chan @dailygila
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Manga Editor Yumi Sukemune on Making Princess Jellyfish and the History of Shojo
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Most writing about manga focuses on the artists and writers credited on the covers of the books. But there’s another role that’s indispensable to the creative process for most manga series: the editor. In addition to managing the manga production schedule, editors provide creative guidance for artists, in some cases acting as equal partners in coming up with the storylines and characters of their series.
A year ago at Anime Expo 2017, I sat down with manga editor Yumi Sukemune to chat about her work with Akiko Higashimura, the artist behind the josei (adult women’s manga) series Princess Jellyfish about a group of geeky women living together in a Tokyo apartment complex. But our conversation wandered a bit outside of her day job, revealing an editor with a critical, feminist perspective on the history of shojo (girls’ manga).
Thank you to Ms. Sukemune and Kodansha interpreter Misaki Kido for the interview opportunity, and for their patience as this interview sat in draft form for an entire year. It took a while to get this one out, but I think it was worth it!
First off, how did you get started as a manga editor?
I joined Kodansha 12 years ago right out of college. I’ve been assigned to the Kiss Magazine Editorial Department the entire time. The editor of Attack on Titan joined Kodansha the same year.
What titles have you edited?
Princess Jellyfish and Tokyo Tarareba Girls, which is Higashimura’s follow-up series about 30-something-year-old ladies. It’s like a Tokyo version of Sex and the City. A lot of titles that aren’t published outside of Japan. I always have five to six titles that I’m looking at at any time.
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How typical is it for a manga editor to be editing multiple titles at the same time?
It’s pretty common.
What’s the process for how editors are assigned to titles?
For those existing series, there might be editors already assigned to them, but in Japanese companies, people rotate from department to department fairly frequently. So when some editor leaves the department, if the title needs a new editor, then that’s an opportunity where you might get assigned to an existing title.
In my case with Higashimura, there was another editor before me, but then that person left. But besides that, I was already close with Higashimura because we both liked Johnnys idol groups. That was our connection.
So when the previous editor left, because I was pretty personally connected to Higashimura, I became the editor.
Is Higashimura going to do an idol series?
(laughs) She loves K-Pop right now.
Being an editor is a creative role in addition to an administrative one. Is that assignment process partially based on story fit in addition to being good at managing an artist?
There’s no test for it or anything like that, but when you’re being hired into the company, in the interview process, they’re looking at the way you talk, the way you express yourself. The people looking for new hires are picking up those kinds of personality traits. So those are some of the challenging aspects.
In other cases, when you first start to become an editor, you team up with more of a veteran, “sempai,” editor. Then, when they go together to a creator’s house and they have a meeting, the sempai editor will ask you things like, “What would you do in this case of the story?”  You’re on the spot and you have to express what your opinion is.
A lot of the editors love manga of course, but they also study and watch a lot of movies and stuff like that too. There are a lot of movie otaku.
I imagine they read a lot of books too.
So in terms of the creativity, of course there’s individuality, but at the same time … being in love with the character, that’s just being a fan. As an editor you have to really think about where the story’s going: beginning, middle, and end. You need to look at it constructively and then put your opinions into those critical perspectives. That’s something that’s expected from an editor. And then, depending on your level of skills in addition to your creativity, you could become a hit-maker editor or not.
The Manga Editing Process
What’s a day in the life of a manga editor like?
My working hours are flexible. Most of the manga artists work at night. So in the morning, a lot of people just watch movies and things like that. Around noon-ish, that’s when we go to work. But then we won’t be able to go back home until the last train.
In terms of shojo manga artists specifically, it’s kind of a one-on-one relationship of manga artist to editor, so as long as we can stay in touch with those artists, we can work from anywhere. We can work from home too.
Regarding Higashimura, she works on so many series at once, but she also has a lot of assistants and they’re kind of set up like a studio. Their schedule usually starts at 11 AM and goes until 7 PM. So in terms of Higashimura, she definitely doesn’t work beyond those hours. She won’t pull all-nighters, she won’t work on weekends. She keeps a work-life balance.
Do a lot of very successful manga artists do that?
It’s not regular at all!
Because it’s set up like a production studio, the main artist Higashimura just does the rough sketches for the story and she also does the penciling. But from there on she actually works with other staff, and they finish her work.
When the artist sets up a production studio-type of setup, then they can actually work on more than just one title at a time. But not too many female artists actually do it like that. Usually if you work with shojo manga artists they’re working with their friends and just barely making the 30 pages each month.
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You mentioned in the Kodansha panel earlier that Ms. Higashimura is the most prolific current shojo manga artist. That she has the most titles.
That’s true. She works with all the major publishers.
Speaking of staying in touch with artists, we were looking at your phone before. Could you talk about the process? You two are on LINE sending “names” (rough manuscript drawings) back and forth, right?
(She shows me her LINE message history with Ms. Higashimura.)
Yesterday Higashimura sent a name. I usually just loosely say “I kind of want to see the first draft by this day.”
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The name stage is usually very simple. But for her, she makes it very detailed. This one has notes on how to finish these panels for the assistants. So, “Put the shadow on here, on the blue.”
Here’s what I’m saying in these messages: “Sorry about the delay of this post. I think the name is really awesome. I think we can use it just the way it is. Especially the scenes in the past and the scene about grilled fish. You’re actually connecting them indirectly. I think it’s really well done. I am here in LA in the morning. I was in awe for a minute. If you’ve got a continuation of these pages please send it to me.”
What stickers do you use on LINE?
We mostly send photos. Not a lot of stickers.
(She shows another name with red pen marks on it.) This is proofing. I use red pen to mark things.
Princess Jellyfish is a really honest portrayal of fujoshi and otaku culture and social anxiety. What sort of conversations do you two have about telling this kind of story?
She often models these characters off of her real-life friends. There’s a friend of hers who’s into dolls. Also all her assistants are super manga otaku. While they’re working, they’re always chatting, for example, having a funny conversation with different ways to end a sentence. The way they talk is unique. She picks it up while she’s writing. Whenever I meet her or even on LINE, Higashimura mentions, “Oh this funny thing happened.” I say, “That’s really funny, why don’t you write about it?”
Communicating and keeping friendships with people outside of work is one of the main reasons she insists on doing the 11–7 shifts, the work-life-balance. Tokyo Tarareba Girls is really based on all her friends who are editors, who are always bitching about something. It’s like, “I’m working so hard, but I have no boyfriend. What’s going on?” She writes about that.
As her editor, my main job is to figure out what she’s into, what her main focus is right now, and to encourage her, to ask “why don’t you write that into the story?”
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Shojo and “Waiting for Men”
In the panel earlier you talked about how shojo has changed. You said it was about waiting for a boy to discover you, and now it’s about girls saying “this is my way of life.” Why do you think that is?
I think the biggest influence was Sailor Moon. I’m 34 now. When I was little, Sailor Moon was a current, ongoing series. Up until the emergence of Sailor Moon, all the manga was really about an average girl being discovered by a boy. That was the classic formula. But as soon as Sailor Moon hit, everything changed into a new generation of girls who had the ability to do what they wanted to do in life.
Around that time in the history of Japan, women were starting to get accepted into regular workplaces. The timing in history might have contributed to the message too.
For those girls who grew up with Sailor Moon and keep that true to their hearts, as they get older they become these really strong women and do things for themselves.
Do you think the cultural shift influenced Sailor Moon? Or the other way around?
Sailor Moon was originally supposed to become an anime by the time it started. There was a project for the anime too, they worked on them together. So instead of waiting for the stories to finish, they actually continued the story at the same pace in manga and anime. Because it was a collaborative project between the artist and the animation studio, it wasn’t really up to the creator herself. The creation came from the anime production team as well.
Princess Jellyfish is josei though, not shojo, right?
Yes. The magazine is a josei magazine, although story-wise, none of them are working, so it’s more in the realm of shojo manga, really. And definitely the style is shojo manga.
How much of what you were describing about shojo applies to josei?
In the josei manga genre, unlike shojo manga, it’s not all pure and fresh. It’s not that kind of puppy love story. But in terms of the main character opening up the door to their own life, it’s actually consistent between both shojo and josei manga.
Was josei already doing that, though?
Even in josei manga back in the day, even though they were working women, the formula of an average woman being discovered by men was still the same. It’s like all the characters are mature adults, but it’s still this bubbly romance.
There’s a series called Tramps Like Us (Kimi wa Pet) in Kiss Magazine. It’s a story about a girl picking her favorite boy and keeping him in her house. The pet is a boy.
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That change is interesting. Early shojo manga like the works of the Showa 24 Group weren’t about women waiting for men.
Those series like Rose of Versailles are very eternal, evergreen titles. Those tend to be the formula of the character seeking their own path. Those legendary creators: Keiko Takemiya, Moto Hagio. Series that actually stick around long enough to be classics, they tend to be based on main characters finding their own path. But series that became very popular hits but eventually as time goes became lost and forgotten, those are the ones with the formula where the girl gets discovered by the boy.
I feel like in the 1980s shojo manga went in that direction a bit.
Yes, during the bubble economy. Back in the ’80s during the economic boom, it was all about what kind of relationship can you have as a person. That was the biggest focus.
Keiko Takemiya was told by an editor that a story was not going to be a hit; it was complicated, it should be more romance. But she really felt strongly about writing those kinds of stories. So she created The Poem of Wind and Trees (Kaze to Ki no Uta) from there. It’s a really famous Boys Love manga now.
It really shows how hard it was for those female creators in the ’80s to stand up for what they wanted to write about and to execute their expression and get published.
There have been a lot of fans who have been supportive of creators like Takemiya, but at the time, those fans were a way smaller fraction of fans. But post-Sailor Moon people began to accept and understand and like those formulas too. In terms of The Rose of Versailles, it’s inspired by the sort of “fantasy” admiration toward French culture. So that brought in the audience. It’s not really because of feminism. It’s because France is cool.
But it sounds like Sailor Moon represents more of a true feminist shift.
I think so.
There’s an element of romance in Sailor Moon with Tuxedo Mask but that’s not the focus of the series and that’s not the reason why she’s fighting. She’s also looking out for her teammates and friends.
In the US a lot of fans had a very similar response. Because we didn’t get a lot of female characters with that kind of agency.
Everything is connected. No matter where you’re from you really want to cherish and respect yourself in terms of your personality.
As an editor, I always question the difference between the audiences. Like, the school life in America and Japan is different. Is that something that affects the popularity of manga?
The portrayal of the cool, attractive boys seems to be very different here in the US too. I think that might affect whether a manga series becomes popular overseas, not just in Japan. Series like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura, ones set in fantasy-based worlds, are kind of rare in shojo manga. They’re just a fraction, and the rest of the titles are focused on school life and slice-of-life stories.
Even the editors and executives in Japan, they’re thinking that whatever is available here and the shojo manga outside of Japan is just a fraction of the shojo manga that is available.
The High School Formula
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Have you edited any of those high school titles before?
I have a series called Love’s Reach. In shojo manga, there are a lot of teacher-student relationships, but elsewhere that’s illegal, right? Love’s Reach is the standard shojo manga formula: school life, always a big event with some emotionally thrilling moments. So if people actually get into these series and accept these kinds of stories then we can introduce a bunch more shojo manga. A lot of the shojo manga that’s available here, like Princess Jellyfish or Nana, is kind of irregular compared to the rest of the shojo manga in Japan.
Is there anything different about editing for one of those school life series versus something more irregular?
For Princess Jellyfish, the creation starts with Higashimura’s inspiration, ideas, and imagination. In terms of things like Love’s Reach, there’s the standard formula and then you put a good talented artist on it. So during the meeting, I say things like “do you want to go on a school trip now?” Like, “this is a good time now.” We have these formulas so you can sort of test the artist to see if they can work creatively with those frameworks and make them their own. That’s how each of the creators’ talents emerge.
Because the history of shojo manga is so long in Japan, there are readers who just want to read a formulaic story. Instead of going into a really fresh story that’s very imaginative, some people just want to read the same old story right before they go to bed after coming back from a long day of work.
In fact, a lot of the digital shojo manga sales in Japan happen after 11 PM. It’s interesting. They probably just buy it and read it and just fall asleep. Maybe right before you’re going to bed and you’re relaxing, you might not want to be introduced to super fresh, super imaginative ideas.
(laughs) The Rose of Versailles is too heavy!
(laughs) I might dream about it or something!
Of course sexy titles and “ero” manga too. Manga that you don’t want to have as a book also sell during nighttime.
It’s important for big publishers to fulfill all these people’s needs. Of course we want to create something new, but we also want to produce something that our audience would want.
Thank you so much for your time!
Manga Editor Yumi Sukemune on Making Princess Jellyfish and the History of Shojo originally appeared on Ani-Gamers on October 2, 2018 at 10:14 PM.
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By: Evan Minto
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kyotosummer · 4 years
I don’t know how to explain my feelings about this JK Rowling situation... this is entirely wild considering my experience with Harry Potter:
Grandmother got me the third book when I was in Junior High. Thought it was a lot of fun, wound up reading 2 and 1 right before the 4th one came out.
I guess because I wound up obsessing over Sailor Moon and anime, EVERYONE expected me to become obsessed with Harry Potter. Next thing I knew, everyone was buying me merch. I got annoyed with it back then because I felt like everyone was trying to avoid buying me anime/manga (it wasn’t nearly as easy to find back then. If you were lucky, you might find a couple of series in the graphic novel section of a bookstore, and they didn’t always recognize the term “manga”. Otherwise, you had to go to geek stores that sold exclusively geeky things.) Now that I’m older, I realize it was mostly my dad trying to avoid asking for Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho, because mr. NASCAR macho felt silly buying them and couldn’t pronounce them.
My church/ school/ cult HATED it. To the point where our youth pastor went around loaning everyone interested a book called “Harry Potter and the Bible”. It’s a short book that goes into detail about how the series is evil and goes into detail about how it was influenced by the occult to suck more kids into the occult.
This backfired on them, because apparently the Mirror of Erised having backwards writing was an occult thing. I didn’t realize the writing was backwards (give me a clue that a series has a mystery or hidden messages and I WILL geek out, though I’m not always the quickest to figure them out) so in my excitement I showed my mom what the book said and the mirror stuff. She STORMED into the youth pastor’s office and let him have it, shouting that I only saw Harry Potter as a fun fantasy book and would have never known about the occult stuff if THEY hadn’t given been so obsessed to point it out. And if I wound up actually getting into the occult, it was THEIR fault. (She’s not wrong. I may have been a loud kid who hated homework, but otherwise I followed most of their rules and read pretty chill stuff like Nancy Drew and random 90’s girl books (about like babysitters getting into 12 year old shenanigans and horse girl stuff- the usual. ) They just hated that I liked “evil” stuff... like Pokémon, Sailor Moon, music worth dancing to, etc.)
In the end, I had to have a lengthy discussion with my YP about the books and whether I’ll keep reading them. Basically the end result was yes, I will keep reading them, if they become so dark that I’m uncomfortable I will stop, and a fictional story will not affect my faith. They FINALLY backed off after that.
As far as the movies went, never watched after the third one. I don’t remember the details entirely- I believe they changed something about how Harry got his broom & I think the parents’ patronus mystery was changed? Either way, I REALLY didn’t care after that. I wasn’t a fan of the movies’ asthetic, anyway.
So now, nearly 20 years later, everyone around me is talking about the creator being all hateful and I am both laughing at the irony and super confused. Like, JK, dear, the Christian community hates you. I have a hard time believing they’re gonna accept your books. What are you doing? Let people be themselves and your books collect value cuz DAMN I would like to have some compensation as my life has not known peace since I opened The Prisoner of Azkaban as a tween and thought it was neat.
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skarletterambles · 7 years
skarletterambles tag index
This is nowhere near as organized or exhaustive as the one on my main blog, but it was time to attempt to organize this one, too.
Last updated 15 June 2020
Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire (I usually only tag the latter if it’s something that applies specifically to the books and not the TV show.)  Also note that I tag #game of thrones spoilers for the current/most recent season.  Jaime/Brienne = OTP!
Pirates of the Caribbean -- Sparrabeth = OTP and I will keelhaul anyone who says otherwise
Star Wars - Mainly general stuff, and just from the movies, not the extended universe.  Beware of porgs. 
Star Trek -- Mainly the original series and Next Generation.
The Mummy -- I adore the movies with Arnold Vosloo and Brendan Fraser.  Imhotep/Anck-su-numun = OTP
The Blacklist - I stopped watching the NBC drama in 2017, but it was originally the reason I made this side blog. I shipped Keen2.
Harry Potter --  I’m pretty sure I’m a Hufflepuff.
Lord of the Rings and other Tolkeinness
Disney --  individual movies should be tagged with their titles, too
Note that I have another side blog specifically for Disney ducks.
The Sims - I go through phrases of Sims addiction a few times a year
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sailor Moon
Other Topics
U.S. Politics -- I’m liberal and think the Cheeto-in-Chief is horrible.
religion -- I’m a Christian in the sense that I actually try to follow Jesus’ teachings about loving my neighbors and treating others as I would like to be treated, because God made and loves every one of us, regardless of what we look like, where we came from, or whom we love.
asexuality -- I identify as gray ace
mental health / depression / anxiety (Yep, I’ve got those.  Unfortunately.)
science in general  / astronomy /  geography & maps
weather  / hurricanes /  tornadoes  /  volcanoes / natural disasters
aliens (includes those clever/funny “humans are weird and/or badass compared to aliens” posts)
cryptozoology  /   dinosaurs   
I try to tag all animal photos as “animals” in addition to whatever kind of critter it is (e.g.  llamas).  See also cuteness overload.
history   / U.S. history  /  world history  /   current events
ancient Egypt  /  old newspapers
Shakespeare / Jane Austen  /  literature humor  /  fairy tales
daydream  -  My daydreaming and positive visualization usually involves tropical beaches.
funny stuff - because apparently I had a brain fart and forgot the word “humor” exists...
graphic design fails / sign fails / grammar fails
This is a classic -- a tag for those posts that are especially memorable and probably spawned memes, but are next to impossible to find back later
fandoms / shipping / nonshipping / villains
Tumblr tutorials
books  /  writing  /  writing reference  /  original fiction  (See also my sideblog @kavrillia where I post about my original universe, although it really just exists for my own reference/amusement/brainstorming and probably won’t make much sense to anyone else)
I work in a library --  I usually post about that at my main blog under this tag, but sometimes it spills over here, too.
personal vent posts & personal anecdotes -  This blog is mostly for fandom stuff and reblogging other people’s posts, but once in a while I’ll get the urge to ramble about something personal.
This list is by no means exhaustive.  I tag the names of books, movies, television shows, celebrities, animals, locations and other random stuff, too.  There’s a reason this blog is called a “grab bag of geekiness.”  It’s meant as a place for me to save and collect content that I don’t want cluttering up my main blog, which is focused on Warcraft and dragons.  The 1600+ people who follow that one don’t want or need to see all the miscellaneous stuff I run across.  ;)
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madegeeky · 4 years
@docholligay I was thinking about this earlier and in know life is stressful right now soooo.... Here's the outline of an AU based on Moulin Rouge where it makes sense that Haruka is the prostitute and Michiru the client.
Haruka is one of the "low tier" prostitutes at Moulin Rouge. She doesn't make a ton of money so she supplements with helping keeping the entire building up and running. Between the two jobs she manages to keep her place at there but it's always by the skin of her teeth.
Michiru is an upper class woman looking for high class prostitute. It has to be a high class prostitute because, of course, everyone knows and accepts that the upper class uses prostitutes but it's only acceptable for them to use the high class ones. After all, someone with a pedigree like Michiru's needs to show, even in her prostitutes, that she has incredible taste.
Michiru goes to Moulin Rouge to meet the Satine-stand-in and, through a variety of ridiculous and over-the-top mixups, meets Haruka instead. And sparks fly. And for a moment Michiru thinks that at least one thing in her life has turned out better than she thought. But then it turns out Haruka isn't who she was supposed to meet.
But of course, Haruka's head is full of true love and how it can overcome all so she pursues Michiru until she wins and they begin a covert relationship. However, they're eventually round out. A lot (but not all) of the people at Moulin Rouge are outraged that Haruka would dare to steal from one of the shining stars of their get up (a lot of these people suddenly find themselves with just ridiculously bad luck and no one notices the Minako's self-satisfied smirk) and people are appalled Michiru could sink so low. Haruka, seeing that Michiru is about to lose her standing in high society, which she considers far more important than her, pretends that she's only been with Michiru because of the money and Michiru leaves in a rage.
However, eventually Michiru realizes what Haruka has done (be an idiotic martyr) and goes after her. After very dramatic declarations of love (on Haruka's part) they agree to run away together, even though Michiru will be disowned and Haruka will lose her home. However, it won't matter because they'll be both be free and together.
Except, whoops, Michiru is dying and forgot to tell anyone and now she's dead. It's all very dramatic and sad. Trust me, I just can't write it well.
Anyway, turns out that since Michiru had yet to be disowned by her parents, she still has a lot of money, all of which she leaves to Haruka (the will is somehow ironclad, shush, this is based on a movie where they fucking dance on clouds, just shush).
So Haruka ends up with all the freedom and the money in the world, which is what she had always dreamed of, but at the cost of Michiru's life.
Again, it's all very sad and dramatic. Trust me.
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s4banf-blog · 5 years
Geek Culture, Part 2
As with any culture, there will always be problems. In the geek culture, one of these main problems is sexism. Typically, it is assumed that geeks will refer to the straight white male. Sometimes, the culture doesn’t acknowledge that there is women who also fit into this ‘category’. Roli Varma states that “scholars have yet to critically examine the impact of geek culture on the under-representation of women in CS/CE in relation to the ethnicity/race and class”. Varma writes her paper in direct reference to the under-representation of women especially minorities in geek culture, she then goes onto to investigate this and why we need more representation within the culture. When women emerged from the all male dominated culture, it created internalised misogyny. This then created memes to try and stereotype the female geeks, which were often seen as “fake geek girls”. These memes often depicted young women wearing heavy makeup with gigantic over the top ‘nerdy’ glasses. However, this isn’t anything new. Women have often been marginalised within the community. Often in comic books, they have been ‘refrigerated’. Frank Miller the author of The Dark Knight Returns and Renin states that ‘refrigerated women’ is “a trope wherein female characters are killed (or raped, or suffer some other form of violence) solely to further a male character’s story or development”. These agendas have slowly been tackled with such characters such as Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman that continue to challenge this male dominated world. Some women however, are completely oblivious to the ongoing misogyny. An example of this is Allie Townsend. Her article written in 2011, “There’s a New Geek Girl Site in Town. I May Already Hate It” claims that the “internet culture has evolved way past the gender divide”. Throughout her article, Townsend puts down women-centric geek sites and blogs. She implies that because she’s never personally experienced any sexism in geek culture, it simply does not exist. This invalidates the experiences of real life women who have been harassed at conventions for their costumes or aggressively pestered by men when walking into a comic shop. However, when you have men and women in the community and industry who turn their heads away from new female fans, you are shutting out new fans.
People self-identify as geeks because they have been put down, excluded, and hurt by other people due to a certain interest in "uncool" things like comic books, or board games, or computer programming. More and more millennials are embracing being a geek, whilst previous generations saw the label as being something to be embarrassed about. Millennials are slowly starting to shape mainstream culture, they have changed the idea of what it means to be a geek - thus encouraging more and more people to embrace themselves to the term.  Some of those who self-identify as geeks look back nostalgically on the time when their status felt rebellious, says Benjamin Nugent, author of American Nerd: The Story of My People. Being geek means that you have permission to like what you like no matter what it is. In 2012/3, a new trend came about of wearing t-shirts that simply said “GEEK” and “NERD” across the chest. Topshop brought out the designs. By springtime they were unavoidable, seen on the chests of schoolkids, ravers and posh kids alike. Literally worn by everyone apart from those named on these t-shirts. As all things fade, so did this fashion statement. If you wore one of these t-shirts before it became cool, then you would’ve been ridiculed. Another example of the ‘wrong’ type of people associating themselves with being a ‘geek’ is Kim Kardashian revealing that she watches anime. People were absolutely furious about this, how can a popular famous reality star enjoy something only ‘geeky’ people enjoy? There is an implication that Kim is a ‘fake geek girl’ who can’t name so many anime series’ that she watches is an example of something that’s been happening for years, as self-declared keepers of a community struggle to come to terms with its growing popularity. Why shouldn’t Kim like anime? She grew up with it. Sailor Moon hit American screens in 1995. She’s a globetrotter deeply interested in world cultural trends. It would be surprising if she didn’t know what it was. Just because people don’t like her as a person -  is no excuse to assume that she’s ignorant that anime exists entirely. Her spouse, Kanye West has also declared his love for anime, tweeting that Akira was one of his favourite films. Fans of a cultural product assume that other fans are like them; that they share the same ideas, opinions and presumably, background.
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Slowly consumerism is becoming filled with superheroes and fantasy, which create a lot of revenue. For example take the company Marvel and their sadly deceased owner Stan Lee before he died, he was worth a whopping $50million alone - (not including Sony and Disney). Marvel’s Black Panther became the highest grossing film for the Marvel Universe.. To date, the franchise has made over $14.7billion worldwide, making it the highest grossing franchise ever. It’s currently $6bn ahead of Star Wars. According to statistics, four of the top 10 highest grossing films of 2017 are comic book adaptations. In 2017, consumers in America spent $14.6billion on video games, hardware and related. The first San Diego Comic Con in 1970 featured 145 attendees. Last year, that number exceeded 130k. Geek culture is a cultural phenomenon.
Pop-culture portrayals of “geek culture” aren’t entirely accurate according to some. Shows like The Big Bang Theory and Silicon Valley may get right overwhelmed by tone-deafness to the culture they are supposedly giving to us, the people. What our core culture perceives to be geek culture is just a set of marketable trends. Actor Will Wheaton from Star Trek: Next Generation says in his memoir ‘Just a Geek’ that “Becoming mainstream is the wrong word; the mainstream is catching up”. Knowing obscure facts about favourite subjects has also lost its flavour. The number of Star Wars characters or the name of a constellation is all on Wikipedia now.
Nowadays people are starting to associate the alt-right with ‘geek’ culture, especially with what is going on with our modern day lives. There is no direct parallel between the alt-right and geek culture. Simply, an invasion. Recently, there was much debate surrounding horror author HP Lovecraft becoming the figure of the World Fantasy Award due to his well documented racism. His passionate fans - most of who have never experienced racism - asked why such historical oppression even mattered anymore. The movement is an online community whose values are almost identical from the far-right racism and sexism of the National Front and the Klu Klux Klan. It began as an attack on individuals, on a supposed lack of integrity in gaming journalism, which was then exploited by alt-right ‘activists’ using misinformation to start a huge fire of hatred online against women and minorities in gaming. This outrage helped to build their ever growing army of white, (mostly) male supporters. The fury of alt-right ‘activists’ helped push a minority of young male geeks to them. But far more members of the geek community went against the racist ignorance of the alt-right, and have stood against them.
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joestarry-eyed · 7 years
tagged by my ultra talented queen @geeky-afakasi 💗
Five things you’ll find in my bag: sunglasses, a sword, my phone, my will to live, my makeup bag 👜
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom: fairy lights, my dog probably shedding all over my bed, more horse posters than a girl my age should have on her walls, all my manga, & my ps2 🎮
Five things I’ve always wanted to do: go to a warm ocean and swim with the fish, go somewhere in a hot air balloon, pet like,, every dog i see, get a tattoo that i wont get bored of, finish an original story 🖋️
Five things that make me happy: my friends make me insanely happy!!! my dog makes me happy, guinea pigs & pizza make me happy, so do outer space & the sky 🌌
Five things I’m currently into: hummus, bnha, wearing my hair like sailor moon, writing really angsty fics, & not letting my brittle ass nails snap off 💅
Five things on my to do list: finish all the anime I have on my list, finish all the manga too,, finish all the fanfics & fanart,,, get my pony back into work so i can start jumping again 🐴
tagging these cutie pies~ @kaibagirl007 @ss-sarcastic @ebumimasaru @zanbaryuujin @hades-thot-queen @jazthespazz @dnarielle 💜
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