#gellerts expression when he lost
childotkw · 3 months
can we please get a snippet of the Grindelwald!Harry AU?? Maybe Gellert tracks Harry down and like wants to apologize for being absent but Harry’s like you’re not my dad!! And Gellerts like o.O my son hates me so much that he won’t even acknowledge me.
orrr something about exactly WHY everyone thinks Harry’s Gellert son
Or literally anything. I’m obsessed
This is the first thing that popped into my mind 😂
“I’m sorry - what?”
Albus took a calming sip of his tea, humming in appreciation at the pleasant taste, before placing it back on the saucer and looking at the young man across from him. There was nothing of Gellert in him, not in looks or personality or even in the flavour of magic that emanated from him; and it only solidified the suspicion in his mind that this was not the long-lost son of his old friend.
Certainly, Gellert never would have allowed such a…gobsmacked look to cross his face.
Amusement bubbled merrily in his gut at the expression on Harry, though. This was a man that had never learned or never cared to mask his emotions before, and it was refreshing to witness someone so unashamed or concerned over how he was perceived.
Albus had been spending far too much time around politicians lately.
“I said that for someone rumoured to be Gellert Grindelwald’s son, you were remarkably easy to find.”
Harry’s eyes - a brilliant, lovely green - suddenly narrowed and sharpened. He still did not resemble Gellert, but the abrupt shrewdness of his gaze was as dangerous as it was compelling. Albus hid his smile behind the rim of his cup.
“Grindelwald.” It wasn’t even a question, just a flat repetition.
“Oh yes,” Albus said, more jovial than the situation perhaps warranted. “The wizarding world is positively abuzz with news of your existence. It’s quite a scandal.”
“But I’m not Grindelwald’s kid,” Harry replied, with such aggressive honesty that it made a well of fondness appear in Albus’ chest. Truly, it seemed he had stumbled across a wonderful gem of a human being. Even just this brief conversation told him all he needed to know about young Harry’s character.
He took another sip, waiting deliberately to see where this would go.
Harry inhaled, his lips already opening to say more - when he just stopped and huffed. His eyes pierced Albus, and some weary amusement snuck on the other’s face. “And you know that,” Harry said, rolling his eyes and sighing. “You just wanted to see how I’d react.”
Marvellous! Not only a sincere man, but one with a clever mind. There was a temper there, Albus had been able to tell that after Harry’s initial response to his arrival - the bright burst of anger in his eyes when he first saw Albus, the way the green darkened, his jaw clenched and his fingers twitched - but it was tempered by such an overwhelming blanket of kindness and good humour.
He should get out of the office more often.
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Yandere! Gellert Grindelwald x Muggle! Female Reader.
One shot. Topic: Reader Chan who loses hope.
Grindelwald caressed your effeminate cheekbone with affection to get your attention. The two of you were bare naked and laying outside on the beach Grindelwald owned. He told his henchmen to close the land for today. It was just him and you.
You peeked at his awaiting expression. Just to get him off your back. You gave him a fake smile and ran your long piano fingers across his gray hair. 
You two married four days ago. When Grindelwald is finished with the last papers, he will take you to a real honeymoon. He wanted to take you to Denmark and then Libya. 
He imagined you wearing foreign dresses and jewelry. Grindelwald wanted to fuck you without taking them off. He fondly smiled at the memory of the wedding night. 
He didn't remove your huge sparkly wedding gown when he consummated the marriage. He let you bleed on the expensive silk material. To remind you, he is in charge. After that, Grindelwald didn't use his magic to clean the gown. He hung it up and placed it behind a glass case for display in his study. 
He wanted everyone to know he owned you. 
He was a fan of nature. So, he didn't make love to you on a bed in a bedroom. Too original and boring. No, he fucked you on the grass in the dark woods next to his old school, Hogwarts. His powerful magic skills blocked predators and made you two invisible. 
He felt as if he was the original Adam making love to his wife, Eve when they got expelled from Paradise. 
What a grand feeling.
You couldn't say the same. A elderly stranger whom you never met kidnapped you and chained you to a room. He didn't touch you but forced you to wed him. You tried to fight but he would whip and burn you. He tamed you like a horse. 
So, you had to respond to his kisses and look at him as he raped you. You felt like a coward. But who likes pain?
Grindelwald purred like a damn cat when you gave him his fake affection as if it was medicine. But, now. He noticed how lacking you were. As if you were not trying. You stopped giving him fake smiles and seemed to not mind getting hit by his slapping and hair pulling. 
How rude. He gritted his teeth at your defiance. So, he got his belt and whipped you. To his horror, you didn't seem to even feel him. You flinched and winced at the right time. But you didn't utter a word. The fuck is wrong with you?
He didn't feed you for two days. Then he finally came. 
"All right. That's enough!" He snarled and shook your shoulders. "Why are you acting like a bitch?"
"What's the point of my opinion? You're always offended by my answers anyway and deny them." You sarcastically replied as tears came out.
Grindelwald clenched his jaw. He demanded why you were ungrateful. You lost it. You pushed him out of his grip. You sobbed how you lost your freedom and all people you loved and how it was unfair that he expected you to love him like a mindless slave.
You clutched your face as you crumpled to the ground. The middle aged man watched you with a clean expression and said nothing. He didn't say it. He actually pitied you. He agreed he was rather mean to you. Grindelwald walked to the door. "Don't try to escape." His tone mellow and heartless once more. 
He was sitting on his favorite arm chair in his study with the fireplace lit. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand.
Fuck. He screwed up. He didn't mean to break your spirit. When he told you he loved you. It was real. If he didn't love you. He wouldn't feel guilty or ask why you were unhappy. Grindelwald is too proud. He will never apologize or admit his mistakes. 
But, he is affectionate and will make it up. He decided to give you more freedom. Going on leisures alone in the Muggle world only. Not the Magic world. And have your technology devices back. 
Yeah. That will do.  Hopefully, he will make you lovey dovey and wrapped around his finger. But he will make conditions. Nothing is free. Everything has a price. You have to suck his dick well and hard before stepping outside. A smirk graced his gray cracked lips. Not a bad deal. 
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swallow-the-bird · 8 months
Know what always bothers me in crimes of Grindelwald? That in every scene where Albus sees him he's not smiling. The memory of making the bloodpact? He looks evillll like he's manipulated an idiot into doing what he wanted- and in the mirror of erised he again is so serious it's like he's judging him-
They should've made him smile in those scenes- it's painfully obvious that's what he was meant to do. The memory is from when they loved each other; the mirror shows your biggest desire trying to trap you.
He 👏 should 👏 have 👏 smiled 👏
If you ever get out of ideas for what to draw i think it'd be a cute idea to have those redrawn-
Thanks for your brilliant idea❤️I agree with you—Or, to put it another way, how could they possibly not be in love? And when someone in love gazes at their beloved, how could they not be moved?
I’ve never believed that Gellert’s feelings for Albus were purely manipulative or exploitative. Albus, as blinded by love as he might be, wouldn’t be deceived by insincerity. It’s precisely because Gellert’s love was genuine—though tainted by ambition and a desire for control—that they resonated and melded at the soul level, allowing Albus to open up to him and give his all.
This is also why the tragic events of the summer of 1899 have such a devastating effect on Albus. Besides the remorse and guilt he felt for Ariana, it also stemmed from the genuine love he shared with Gellert. The blade of love is sharp and particularly lethal because of this genuine affection.
Love is real, manipulation is real, and hurt is real. Love has its tender and sincere side, but it also has a harsh and cruel aspect.
“Oh, to be young and to feel love’s keen sting,” Albus remarked many years later. The blade of love is indeed forged by love itself.
So yes, the movie’s portrayal of Gellert’s expression in the Mirror of Erised might not convey this depth of emotion, which I personally find regrettable.
But looking at it from another perspective, doesn’t the Mirror of Erised reflect Albus’s deepest desires?
His longing for Gellert never ceases, nor can he truly let go of everything Gellert once represented—dreams, ambition, and lost youth. But has he ever secretly hoped that Gellert never truly loved him? Like he’s desperately convincing himself that Gellert only ever used and manipulated him, and that he’s an extremely cold person incapable of love. This way, Albus can hate him unreservedly, without the torment of being torn between love, regret, and conscience.
Hating a despicable enemy is always easier than confronting a lover and confidant.
“There are all kinds of courage," as Albus said it many years later, "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
Perhaps this desperate wish is why a version of Gellert, different from reality and memories, appears in the mirror.
But I believe, throughout his long life and even after death, Albus ultimately chooses not to deny this love. It manifests as the tear that drops onto the tip of his nose at King’s Cross station—a tear shed for the man who defended his grave with his life.
Of course, this is all my subjective interpretation. Oh, so many conflicting thoughts and feelings aroused by this ship—!😭
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dyrise · 1 year
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"The world as we know it is coming undone. Gellert is pulling it apart with hate, bigotry".
I know it’s been ages since I last tried to study Jude’s and Mads’ facial expressions in Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, but as surprising as it may sound, I’m back with a new analysis! There’s still a lot to say about the restaurant clip, but I really wanted to focus on that scene in which Dumbledore have a talk with Newt and Theseus because I’ve never discussed it before despite it being really interesting as well. We’ll never say that enough: Jude Law is a real maestro.
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So, in this scene, Dumbledore is briefly mentioning Grindelwald’s doings and the methods he’s using in order to try and take over the world. He disapproves them, obviously, and Jude did a phenomenal job showing the distress Dumbledore is feeling at that moment. He’s finally admitting out loud that his former lover’s completely went astray and he’s truly devastated by that. First, you can tell that he’s lost in his own thoughts by the way he’s avoiding eye contact with Theseus while acknowledging the truth: "Gellert [btw, notice how he’s calling him by his first name] is pulling it apart with hate" -> he’s looking to the side, which is also a gesture associated with shame and anxiety. Is he ashamed by what Grindelwald has become? I think it would make sense since we know that he feels responsible for fueling his ideas when they were younger. He takes part of the blame.
Then, the more he’s speaking, the more he seems to be struggling. The expression he has after adding "bigotry" is a look of disgust: his eyebrows are pulled down, his nose is wrinkled, his upper lip is pulled up and the corners are turned down… But these small movements can also be associated with pain and that’s what makes them even more interesting to study. The facial expressions of pain and disgust are often quite hard to tell apart but what characterizes pain the most is the contraction of the muscles surrounding the eyes. On the screenshot I shared, you can clearly see that Jude’s eyes are almost closed. What does it mean? Dumbledore is not only ashamed and sickened by Grindelwald’s actions: he’s truly pained. And to me it looks like Jude purposely exaggerated his facial movements to emphasize Dumbledore’s suffering. He was given no directions in the script but once again, he nailed it.
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Accidental Love (Fated)
Newt just wanted to free Thestrals from MACUSA and their cruel ways of keeping them in line. He didn't expect to have a Dark Lord come over to his house for tea every afternoon, nor that the same man would be exactly what he needed. Soulmates: a Dark Lord completely smitten with a magizoologist. Surely, that's not how the story goes?
6.9k Also on ao3!
Nobody could say they’ve run into a Dark Lord twice by complete accident.
Well, except Newt Scamander.
The first time had been a very long day ending in the subway of New York late into the night. Newt had been running about, doing this and that, before being dragged into a high-stakes situation by the Dark Lord. He hoped that would be the only time he would meet the Dark Lord. And yet, the second time was also in America.
Newt had been keeping tabs on MACUSA. They had a small handful of magical creatures in their care. They had Thestrals for their carriages and Newt was horrified to find out that they still used whips and harmful spells on the poor creatures. With solid evidence, Newt was set on freeing those creatures from MACUSA and the abusive conditions. So, when he saw that a carriage test run was scheduled, he made his move.
He was so focused on his goal that he didn’t think about the fact it was the middle of the night. And by the time he realized why, it was too late to stop. There was no way MACUSA would let him go after that stunt.
And that was how Newt came to have a herd of Thestrals in his basement and a Dark Lord on his couch.
The blonde draped himself over the couch as he sipped tea. He wore a shockingly open expression. His wand was tucked away neatly.
Newt didn’t know if that made him relieved or offended.
“You didn’t even care about the carriage, just the creatures,” Grindelwald said, amused.
“I didn’t think there’d be a criminal in there.”
“And yet you carried on. Even now you’ve done nothing expect get me tea.” The tips of Grindelwald’s lips tipped up and his eyes brightened for a second. “So many potential consequences and you haven’t tried to run, fight, alert someone.”
Newt looked away. He had too much to lose; he couldn’t go running to anyone. “What do you want Grindelwald?”
“Nothing,” the blonde said. But when Newt gave him such an expectant look, he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. “Call me Gellert.”
Newt bristled. That wasn’t a thing people just did, and a man like Grindelwald enjoyed his status. By merlin’s beard, why would he ask Newt of all people to call him by his first name? Newt frowned, slightly annoyed to still see the open expression on the other man’s face.
Hastily, he rose from his seat and left for his kitchen.
Grindelwald watched him go. He shouldn’t have been there; he didn’t know why he hadn’t left yet. There was just something about the red head that had him curious – something his visions enticed him with that he wasn’t allowed to see clearly. Whatever it was, he knew he had to wait and find out lest he lose it.
Finishing his tea, he set the cup on a coaster. He didn’t miss the pleased look Newt had made when he noticed.
“I’ve run out of biscuits,” Newt said. He stayed standing, unsure of what to do. His eyes kept wandering to his basement door worriedly. The Thestrals had been left in an enclosure to calm down, but he was anxious to go down and begin his work with them.
Grindelwald hummed as he stood. He supposed he shouldn’t keep the magizoologist away from his creatures for too long.
“That’s alright. I prefer cakes anyways.” Grindelwald wore a small, soft smile as he spoke. “I shall see you tomorrow night.”
Newt was lost, unable to recall if the man used the door or apparated.
He had no idea what he had gotten himself into.
Somehow dressed casual and luxurious, Grindelwald appeared the following night as he said. He took his spot on the couch again, waiting patiently as Newt prepared some tea for them. When the younger man returned, he could not help but be delighted by the small plate of cake slices brought with.
Newt, with all his strength, told himself that he didn’t see the way the Dark Lord lit up.
He was a Dark Lord for Circe’s sake. There should not be a pleasant smile on his face, and Newt most certainly shouldn’t find it pleasant.
Newt stared at the cakes, unsure why he bothered to buy them. He didn’t need to follow orders from the blonde, and yet he went out specifically to find cake. A little voice in his head told him it had to do with the smile he saw earlier, but he decided to block it out. It was a ridiculous thought.
“I apologize for my actions in America,” Grindelwald said into the silence. His voice was earnest, his eyes hidden as he focused on pouring two cups of tea.
Newt tilted his head. A completely unprompted apology from a ruthless Dark Lord. “What do you want, Grindelwald?”
“Gellert,” the blonde corrected. He said nothing else.
Newt rolled his eyes. “What do you want, Gellert?” He asked. It felt strange to call him by such name, but it was the shorter choice.
“You’re a curiosity. A beautiful one. Am I not allowed to wonder? Everyone, even many of my followers, fear me. You don’t. It’s in my nature to want to know why.”
Newt fought against a blush. He had never been called beautiful before, but he had to focus. “And the best way for you to do that is over tea and cake in my house?”
Grindelwald smirked. “Is that an offer to have tea in your bedroom?”
Newt’s cheeks turned a furious pink. He scolded himself and tried to clear his mind. “No,” he said sternly. “Why aren’t you in hiding?”
Grindelwald almost mentioned the blatant change of topic. “I don’t need to.”
“Surely everyone would already be searching for an escaped criminal? Even you shouldn’t be this calm about it.”
“As far as MACUSA is concerned, I am still sitting silently in their little cell. Last night was simply an unfortunate accident for one of their workers now lost to the sea,” Grindelwald explained. He had been able to easily convince a lost fool to switch places with him in exchange for a better position in life. He supposed he would follow through with his promise and not make the man a simple acolyte.
He stood up before seeming to promptly forget what he was going to do. “Bathroom?”
Newt directed him to the downstairs bathroom but otherwise stayed seated. He used the silence to wonder what he did to get stuck with a curious Dark Lord until he felt magic settle over everything.
Arms crossed against his chest and a frown on his face, Newt waited until the other man returned to his seat. “Did you put wards on my house?” Newt stared right into those mismatched eyes, catching a flash of mischief.
“Sensational. It would have taken others hours to realize,” Grindelwald replied. He was honestly impressed and even more interested in finding out what the magizoologist could do. It seemed like he was weak and not in touch with his magic entirely, but it took little time for Grindelwald to figure out it was most likely a mask. That the red head didn’t want people to know about everything he knew.
“Of course, I’d know, it’s my house.” Newt felt his cheeks unwillingly heat again and promptly looked away. “Is it too reasonable to ask you to take them down?”
“For both our sakes, yes. We don’t need someone to come barging in now do we?”
Newt internally cursed the other man. However, it was a good idea. He really didn’t need his brother barging in and finding him lounging about with the most wanted man in Britain. There was no way he could spin a lie that grand.
Besides, Grindelwald’s work was anything but mediocre.
Newt let out a sigh. “Fine.”
Grindelwald relaxed back into his seat. “How are the Thestrals?”
Newt stopped himself from diving into a rant about the creatures, instead settling for giving the man a skeptical look. “Why?” For all he knew, the blonde could want to take them and use them for his plans.
“I’m not a monster, darling. I do care about others, creatures included,” Grindelwald said truthfully. He wore that open expression again; one he couldn’t seem to get rid of even if he tried. Nor could he control his thoughts as he kept using endearing terms and complements on the red head.
Newt, predictably, blushed at the word ‘darling’. There was no way the other actually meant it.
“Well then…” Newt plunged into a rant about Thestrals and why he had been so determined of getting them away from MACUSA.
Grindelwald listened closely.
It continued like that for a week. Grindelwald coming over at night to simply talk with Newt over tea and cake. It was… surprisingly pleasant.
One morning, Newt was woken by the sensation of magic urgently rushing through his being. It didn’t harm him in any way, but it certainly made him jump out of bed. Only to find out it was the wards on his house alerting him to his brothers’ presence.
Gellert keyed me in? Newt thought, momentarily thrown off. Then he realized it was a combination of his own magic and Gellert’s that was setting off the alarm and an unwilling thrill ran up his back.
He hastily shook that thought away. He didn’t want it or need it.
Rushing downstairs, Newt let his brother in.
“Why on Earth do you have wards up?!” Theseus yelled, way too frustrated for that early in the morning.
“For my creatures?”
Theseus eyed him but let it go. He let himself into the kitchen.
Newt followed behind quietly.
“What?” Theseus started rummaging through all the cabinets and draws, making a bit of a mess. “Where are the biscuits? Why do you have cake? You know I don’t like cake.”
Newt’s shoulders slumped. “I ran out…” he replied, voice low. He hated when his brother did this. He still acted like Newt was the baby brother even though they were both grown men. But Newt never had the energy to say anything. The one time he did caused him a headache that was more irritating than accidently splinching during apparation.
Theseus didn’t always get his way at home or at work, so he had decided he’d get his way at Newt’s house.
What will Gellert say? Newt wondered. He had accidently taken to ranting about his brother to the Dark Lord. All it took was Grindelwald actually listening and asking questions to get Newt to open up – at least about his brother. It was a strange sort of comfort he knew he shouldn’t have.
And yet…
“Don’t you have work?” Newt asked.
Theseus pulled on the ends his suit jacket, raising a brow. “I came by to tell you something, but yes. I do have work.” Theseus sounded annoyed, but it was for more than one reason. He was always in a cranky mood. He waited until Newt asked him what the news was. “The Ministry rejected your appeal.”
“Oh,” was all Newt could muster. That had been his latest and last attempt at getting his travel ban eased or cancelled. He had no other options. If he needed to leave, he would have to do it illegally. Not that it phased him, but he didn’t think I’d be the best thing for his record.
Newt leant his hip against the counter. He had nothing else to say to his brother that morning, especially after he was being so rude.
It seemed Theses didn’t have the time that day to angrily stare and he left within a few minutes.
The rest of Newts day was split between the basement and his library upstairs. The library was where he kept his more ‘controversial’ or prized documents. A lot of it related to creatures while the rest was random knowledge or things like how to escape a country unnoticed. It was attached to his bedroom, a simple portion of the wall enchanted with a password. It didn’t creak or groan when opening.
Newt was about to head back up when the front door opened.
The Dark Lord was earlier than usual. And looked deflated. He seemed tired and a little bit out of it. He perked up slightly when he saw Newt, however. “Afternoon, darling,” he said with warmth. He had given up on trying to stop himself from using pet names for the red head as they just flew out of his mouth despite his best efforts.
And why would he stop if he got to see those freckled cheeks flushed?
Newt looked between the book in his hands and the man in his living room.
“Can I have a tour?” Gellert asked. He was curious to find out how the magizoologist lived from something other than his living room and kitchen.
“Uh…” Newt saw excitement in those mismatched eyes, and something compelled him to agree. “Sure, follow me,” he said.
He showed the blonde to the tiny, spare bedroom downstairs. Then up the narrow steps to his bedroom – the only thing on the second level. It was full of blankets and pillows and looked cosy and well lived in despite the fact he often fell asleep in the basement. There was an attached bathroom – nothing special. Grindelwald pointed to an inconspicuous part of the wall and asked about it, somehow just knowing that there was a room hidden behind it.
Knowing the other man would find a way in there one way or another, Newt opened the door to his library.
“Magnificent. You are gifted.”
Newt faltered as he put a book away. “Pardon?”
Gellert didn’t repeat himself. Instead, he took the time to glance over the names of the books and the intricate detailing on the wooden shelves. “Can I see the basement?” He asked. If it were anyone else, he would have simply waltzed around the house like he owned it. He would have already known what was in every cranny.
Newt was silent. He contemplated the pros and cons before deciding that it was okay. He would protect those creatures with his life and his creatures were surprisingly protective of him.
He led the way, feeling as if the blonde was watching him intently.
There were about fifty enclosures in the basement. Some were empty, but most had at least one magical creature residing in it. There was even one that had a pack of muggle wolves. Newt had found them as their natural habitat was being destroyed for housing. He knew that muggles hunted them for fun and couldn’t bare the idea of letting them fall to that fate. They were very much still wild creatures, but like everything else, they were fond of Newt.
Grindelwald was shocked silent. His lips morphed into a smile when he saw the wolves. A smile not for magical creatures, but the muggle canines.
“You are greatly underestimated,” Gellert stated. The basement had been much larger than he was expecting, with different sections and levels. “To create and maintain all of this is truly magnificent.”
Newt flushed. No one ever complimented him, so he could not understand why a Dark Lord was the first person to praise him for everything. “Thank you?”
“Truly exceptional, my dear. You should be encouraged more often.”
“The Ministry would say the exact opposite,” Newt replied. He knew that they would put him on a watch list if he let them know he could do more magic than just the basics.
Gellert’s mood dropped instantly. “What have they done now?”
“Refuse to lift my travel ban. Nothing serious.”
“Would you like my assistance?”
Newt snorted. He wasn’t an amateur. He stared directly into those mismatched eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “I have my own ways against the rules, Gellert.”
Mischief and a challenge. Grindelwald was overwhelmed with a sense of giddy excitement that he had to force himself not to reply. He didn’t know what nonsense would blurt out and he wasn’t up for embarrassing himself that day. But there was something so inviting – enticing – about the way Newt all but lit up when rejecting his offer that he wanted to know more.
“Right,” he finally murmured out.
They headed to the living room after that for their daily tea get-togethers. Their fingers brushed as Newt handed Gellert a teacup and they both acted like they didn’t feel the light tingle in their fingers.
But Gellert was beginning to figure out why he was there.
Gellert spent the next two weeks discussing things with the only person he fully trusted – Vinda Rosier. She had been delighted to help, amused by her boss.
Gellert had been making great progress with Newt. The magizoologist trusted him more. There was no diabolic scheme, and the other man knew that, because Gellert was unreasonably honest with him.
He couldn’t help it. He just couldn’t lie, physically or verbally. He wondered what things would have been like that if they had met earlier. Then again, Gellert wouldn’t have any damage to make up for.
A few months into the whole daily tea thing, and Newt realized he was friends with the Dark Lord. He enjoyed their conversations and was actually excited when the wards let him know the other had showed up. It was a more subtle (and pleasant) feeling compared to the alarm magic that was sent through his body when other people showed up.
Newt had accidently bought too many apples. He gave some to the creatures but still had lots left over. He wasn’t going to sit around and let them go bad. So, he looked up a recipe and made an apple cake.
It turned out surprisingly well.
“That smells delicious. And here I was thinking we should dine out,” Gellert said as he made his way into the kitchen just as Newt was slicing the cake.
Newt let out a laugh. “We can still ‘dine out’ if you want,” he said. There was just something about that expression paired with the blonde’s tone that made him feel giggly. He picked up two slices of cake. When he turned around, Grindelwald was much closer than he was expecting.
Gellert accepted a slice with a smile, quickly eating the fluffy sponge. He licked his lips, holding eye contact with Newt. He leaned in slightly, keeping track of every reaction the red head made. “Perhaps we should do something different today?”
Newt didn’t freeze or hold his breath. He took in every feature on the other man’s face and smiled. He could feel something in the space between them and his being beckoned him to close the distance, to touch the other man and see if those strange tingles would happen again. “What would that be?” Newt asked, voice a honey-like whisper. There was no hesitation or fear.
And Gellert saw that. He put his hands on the counter on either side of Newt, bringing them slightly closer together. But not enough to touch. Not yet. He felt like he needed to savour it before he drowned in it, because he knew he would get addicted to Newt.
He licked his lips and watched as Newt’s eyes followed the motion. So, he started to close the small distance between them, putting his hands on Newt’s waist. One of Newt’s hands came to rest on his neck.
And then, the wards went off. Followed by obnoxious knocking on the front door.
“Newt? Artemis, I know you’re in there!”
Newt’s head fell to Gellert’s shoulder with a loud sigh. “By Circe…” he mumbled as he started to pull away and towards the door. For a second, he forgot just who he was with before promptly springing into a small panic. He spun around only to find the other man with a calm expression.
“Go before he breaks your door. He won’t see me.” Gellert saw the hesitation. “Trust me, darling.”
Newt finally turned back to the door. With a deep breathe, he opened it. “Hi, Thee.”
The elder Scamander frowned. He pushed his way past, hanging his overcoat and scarf on the rack near the door. “I told you to take down these wards. What were you doing anyway?”
Newt closed the door and had to take a few breaths before replying. “I was in the kitchen.”
Theseus rolled his eyes. Whatever he had planned on saying left his mind as he saw a wolf snarling at him from the couch. It had an almost blonde coat and brown eyes that seemed angry about his mere existence. “Why?!”
“Why not?” Newt retorted as he saw the wolf. He sat down next to it, running his fingers through the fur to calm it down. Of course, it worked like a charm.
Theseus shook his head. “Your affinity for wild things is ridiculous. How you earn their trust and make a relationship with them is beyond me.”
“Maybe because you call them things or beasts. I know what you say to other people.”
“Merlin Newt! I think you’re getting a bit —”
“What did you want, Theseus?” Newt was done. He had finally reached his limit. How he hadn’t already reached it was a mystery – or maybe he was already beyond his limit.
Theseus recoiled at the harshness. “We’re planning on brining Grindelwald to Britain in the next few months. I figured I would tell you…”
Theseus sighed long and hard, bracing himself to ask his next question. He wasn’t used to having to deal with his brother like this. “Leta kicked me out again. Can I stay the night?”
“No.” Newt left no room for debate. Firstly, his brother had been rude for the past few months – more than usual. And secondly, he had things he wanted to do. “Sleep on your couch.”
Theseus didn’t know what to do. Sure, he had had his little brother mad at him, but this was different. He didn’t know how to handle it. So, he left. He showed himself out.
Newt ran a hand through his hair roughly as the door clicked shut. He got up before the wolf turned back to a man, heading straight for the kitchen to fetch tea and cake. He and Gellert had things to talk about and he had been putting it off for too long.
Newt didn’t see Gellert for a week and a half after that night.
When the blonde did show up, it was with flowers, an empty notebook, and a hopeful smile.
Newt opened the door to let him in with haste only to find a woman standing on his steps, waiting for something.
“Newt, this is Vinda Rosier.” Grindelwad introduced them. It was somewhat of a relief having the person he cared about and the one person from his organization that he trusted meet.
“Is this him?” Vinda asked Grindelwald. When she got a nod, she turned to Newt. Her expression was polite but there was no trace of a smile. “Tu es son âme sœur? Le zoologiste magique ?”
Newt raised a brow at Gellert and then at her. “Oui, et tu l’es?” He swore he saw Gellert swoon out the corner of his eye. He’d have to check that.
“Son commandant en second.”
“Vous devez être très habile,” Newt said with a small smile.
Vinda’s lips quirked upwards. “I like him.”
Newt opened the door slightly wider and stepped to the side. “Would you like to come in?”
“No. I was simply escorting him here. Very nice to meet you, my Lord.”
Newt watched her go. He was sure he was going to be seeing more of her. Which was fine. What did baffle him, however, was that she was talking to him when she said Lord.
Turning to face the man in his house, Newt made a face.
Gellert held out the flowers with an almost hesitant smile. “I’ll explain.”
Turns out, Grindelwald had been sulking quite a lot over the last week. He had felt terrible after their little fight and couldn’t stop thinking about it. After Rosier scolded him, he started thinking about what he could do to fix things. And thus came the genius idea of reorganizing his entire ‘greater good scheme’ with Newt.
Hence the notebook. He wanted to write everything down. Keep note of the changes, of the integration of creature rescue and protection, and the major point: not eradicating muggles.
By the time they had talked about everything concerning Gellert’s work, night had fallen. But that didn’t mean they were done.
In fact, Gellert stayed the night. They didn’t do anything except cuddle and talk as Gellert didn’t want to rush anything. Besides, the bed was extremely comfortable that he fell asleep near instantly.
When Newt awoke the next morning, it was to an empty bed. Stretching out, he thought nothing of it. Gellert was a busy man that had a revolution to enact; surely, he couldn’t waste away his mornings as well as afternoons.
However, he was proved wrong. He found Gellert in his kitchen bustling about, humming to himself. The blonde smiled when he noticed Newt was up.
“Good morning,” Gellert said warmly. He spun around holding two plates of egg and something else, cups and tea pot floating behind him. He set everything down on the small dining table, pulling out a seat for Newt.
The red head smiled brightly, settling down into the chair. The food smelt and looked amazing. When he bit into it, it was a fluffy heaven. The only other people he knew that cooked that well were Queenie and Jacob.
Grindelwald made small talk as they ate and refused to let Newt do the dishes, settling for drying what the red head washed. Everything was so utterly soft and domestic. Their hands brushed as they squeezed into the small counterspace around the sink. The space between them crackled and energy ran through their entire bodies. Newt quickly understood that it was Gellert’s magic mingling with his and that unfamiliar, yet excited rush washed over him.
“Hey,” Newt said softly. He dried his hands with a quick spell as he waited for the blonde to turn and face him. He cupped one of Gellert’s cheeks, not surprised when he all but nuzzled into the hand. “Thank you.” Newt’s voice was quiet, the smile on his face soft.
Gellert melted. He had no idea what he did to have the pleasure of meeting Newt, but he was glad he did. He lightly gripped Newt’s wrist, turning his face so he could place a kiss to the palm. “Anything for you, Schatz,” he said. It was the truth, after all. He was already completely gone, his entire heart Newt’s to claim. He would do anything for the other man – even sit in a cell if that was what he really wanted.
He didn’t know how else he could show Newt that he was his to have. He didn’t think he could hide it. Everyone would know the second they saw him looking at Newt.
A lovesick man.
Newt felt a shiver run up and down his spine because of the kiss on his palm. He raised his other hand to rest on Gellert’s shoulder, applying just a little pressure. It was enough to get the other man to come closer, hands resting on Newt’s hips. Exactly what he wanted.
Gellert’s head fell to rest on Newt’s shoulder as he murmured words onto the skin. Newt didn’t catch all of it, but he could make out a few words. “…devoted… forever… eternity… yours…”
Newt tilted his head down slightly, voice a whisper as he said, “I’m yours.” He giggled as feather-light kisses were trailed up his neck until Gellert was gazing into his eyes once more. It seemed that the little fight they had had the other week had made Gellert doubt that Newt would want something, even after patching things up the night prior. “Truly,” Newt added.
Newt couldn’t tell you who leant in first. He could tell you that it wasn’t what he was expecting.
The kiss was sweet and slow and full of emotions. There was a dull thrum of magic shifting between them, a combination of both their magic. It didn’t intensify the moment by making it hotter, messier, more sensual, but by amplifying their emotions. They pressed impossibly closer to each other and held on for dear life, like the other was a lifeline.
Maybe, in some way, they were.
Theseus had avoided his brothers house like the plague for a month. He was waiting for Newt to calm down fully and was working up nerves of steel just in case he hadn’t.
Only, when he visited, he found an empty house. Most of the furniture and everything impersonal were left in the house covered in a thin layer of dust. The kitchen was empty of cups and tea pots, all general appliances unplugged and sitting neatly on the counter. There were no clothes in the bedroom or books on shelves. And the basement, normally full of life, was stripped down bare. Even the expansion charms had been taken away, leaving only a small, tiny, cold, room.
And Theseus lost it.
There was no trace of his baby brother ever living there. And he didn’t know what to do about it.
He wasn’t allowed time to dwell on it as his workload was increased. He filed a notice about his brother but was forced to ignore it. Four months on and he was constantly having to push the thought of his baby brother to the back of his mind. He just didn’t have time with all his work and an escaped Dark Lord plotting evil in every shadowy nook and cranny.
Theseus had been sent to France in order to scope out an establishment that had been marked as suspicious. They lost the Auror that found it – they couldn’t blend in with the scene and was sniffed out quickly.
Theseus was sat on the skirts of the establishments largest room. He observed everyone as he nursed a glass of fire whiskey, feeling odd without his usual attire. The place had a fancy-dress code and was a place to make good connections for an array of businesses.
His eyes zoned in on a woman with dark hair, a purple dress, and a hair piece to match. There was something about her that put his senses on high alert.
She was at the bar, standing in front of the man she was talking to, obscuring Theseus’ view. Her posture screamed importance and elegance. She excused herself from the bar, heading towards the entrance of one of the smaller rooms.
Theseus started to watch her, but his eyes caught sight of a familiar head of copper curls that made his heart drop to his stomach. No. Please, no, he thought. But that did nothing for him.
Newt was sat in one of the tall bar stools, talking animatedly to the bartender who smiled along with him. They were clearly familiar with one another as the bartender immediately began to mix a drink for the red head. There was no exchange of money which made Theseus’ stomach lurch. Either his brother was getting by in unseemly ways, or he visited often to have himself a tab.
Neither option seemed better.
Downing the rest of his drink, Theseus slinked his way over to the bar. To his luck, the bartender went to serve another customer, and the seats on either side of his brother were left empty.
“Newt?” He asked hesitantly.
Newt spun to face him, almost spilling his drink with the speed he put it down.
“What are you doing here Newt? And where have you been for the past months?!” Theseus couldn’t help but raise his voice. There was no way he could be calm after accidently stumbling upon his own brother that disappeared with no warning nor a note.
Newt’s eyes flicked away for a moment. “Dealing with business is all,” he said, nonchalant.
Theseus’ left eye twitched. “Business doesn’t mean you leave the country for four months! Which, you are in big trouble for,” he exclaimed.
Newt told himself to not roll his eyes. Instead, he took a sip of his drink, lifting it in a cheer to the bartender. It was made well after all. “There was no way around it. You were never going to lift it.”
“They would have given you chances after the first year was up. Like finding that boy from the subway in New York," Theseus said. He was certain that the mention of that boy would get his brothers attention, but he acted like he hadn’t heard.
“Think of all the creatures I could lose in a year, let alone three!” Newt roared. He made a hand gesture when he noticed the bartender watching their conversation. She was gone the next second. “And I would not help the Ministry hunt down and hurt that boy. Credence doesn’t deserve that.”
“You know?” Theseus asked.
“Of course.”
Theseus stood there dumbfounded. What was he supposed to do. It seemed that no matter what he said, his brother would say something to battle it. Clearly, there was no way to simply coerce him to going home. “Listen, let’s just go home and —”
“Is everything alright here?” The woman in the purple dress asked, appearing out of thin air. She had a heavy French accent which made Theseus fill with dread.
All Newt had to say was, “He’s my brother.” and she backed off. Sighing, Newt gave his brother a sympathetic smile. “I’m not going back. Not yet.”
“You leave me no choice,” Theseus said as he reached into his jacket pocket, retrieving a pair of gold bangles.
Newt eyed the magic restraining cuffs wearily, leaning away. “That’s not a good idea,” he warned.
Yet Theseus wasn’t listening. He was going to take his baby brother home. He reached out with one hand towards Newt. Within a breath, he had someone physically restraining him, holding his arms behind his back. The bangles hit the floor with a clank. Three quarters of the establishment turned their wands on him, the lady wearing purple with hers pressed directly against his neck. Everything was silent, waiting for him to move or to be given directions.
“My Lord?” A random voice urged. The title made Theseus’ blood run cold. He would be in big trouble if Grindelwald had decided to make and appearance.
Newt let out another sigh, running a hand through his hair. “Vinda, the cuffs.”
Vinda – who looked lovely in purple – slowly removed her wand from the elder Scamander’s throat in favour of picking up the cuffs. She made a motion and the ones holding Theseus back brought his arms out in front of him. She worked silently and within seconds Theseus’ wrists donned those gold bangle-cuffs.
Defenseless. Confused. Hurt. Worried.
“Shall we take him with?” Vinda asked, turning to Newt now that the threat was neutralized. She was the only one to relax, the rest waiting for a cue.
Newt shook his head. “Sweet thought, but no one will be able to handle his whingeing,” he stated. A huff from his brother made his statement all the more believable. With a wave of his hand, everyone dispersed. Only the two holding Theseus and Vinda stayed with him, keeping watch over the situation. Before Theseus could start ranting to him, Newt spotted a woman and the bartender making their way up the bar to him. “Odette, Jacqueline,” he started before diving into fluent French.
He apologized for the disruption and promised that he would deal with the unwanted guest. It wasn’t the establishments’ fault that the elder Scamander got in.
Theseus watched the exchange silently. He accidentally made eye contact with Vinda, the woman glaring at him harshly. If looks could kill, she would have already stabbed him three hundred times.
“You work for Grindelwald,” Theseus said blandly. Vinda squinted her eyes in return, not wanting to converse with him. “Why are you with Newt?”
Vinda let out a small cackle. “I thought you were supposed to be smart, British boy,” she mocked. “I have two lords – what of it?”
Theseus’ mind must have overloaded from stress and worry that he couldn’t come up with an answer. Nor could he remember being dragged to a private room.
“Send him to America. Have one of the ministry acolytes pick him up. A few bruises here and there and they should hold him in MACUSA for a while. They’re not taking any risks right now.”
Theseus refused to believe Newt said that. That he so casually and quickly put together a plan to get Theseus out of the way. There was no way his brother would ever be in any form of relationship with the vile man Gellert Grindelwald. No way…
Almost a year after the first night Grindelwald had tea with Newt, a massive herd of wixen were scrambling into a tomb in Paris. Grindelwald had spent countless hours restructuring his agenda and enforcing it, successfully rerouting his plans. ‘The Greater Good’ now also called a revolution.
Newt sat in the front row of the coliseum like tomb. He had heard the speech hundreds of times, having helped the blonde practice. He blended in with the crowd enough to not be spotted as he smiled at Vinda who stood in the centre as well. He had Credence seated beside him, the boy holding his arm for comfort. He was still nervous around wixen but had latched onto Newt quite quickly.
They all knew there were Aurors in there with them. They had snuck in but had taken no other precautions of fitting in, so, they stuck out like a sore thumb. It was just a matter of waiting to find out who exactly had decided to crash their gathering.
“Go forth. Let everyone know that the next stage of the revolution is upon us!” With the speech over, all the followers started poofing away one by one.
All that was left was Grindelwald’s inner circle and the swarm of Aurors that thought they stood a chance.
Always one for the dramatics, Gellert made a ring of raging blue flames encircle the most inner circle of the tomb. He scowled as his eyes glazed over all the Aurors in the tomb. He recognized the eldest Scamander, that annoying Lestrange woman, and the sister of Newt’s dear American friend. He was amused when they all noticed his red head, even more so when they were told to hold fire.
Gellert watched as Newt escorted Credence to the platform, promising him that he was going to be okay. Then they had a whole conversation with Vinda before finally Credence left with her, leaving Newt to stand by Gellert against the Aurors.
Theseus, Leta, and Tina all started talking at once, their words almost incomprehensible.
Newt scowled; expression similar to Gellert’s.
“You all said it,” he said, voice loud, carrying throughout the entire tomb. “I have an affinity for dangerous creatures. I learn, get to know them, earn their trust. Develop a relationship. You all call him a monster, so, why is Gellert not the same?”
Everyone cringed at the use of the Dark Lords first name.
Theseus was the first to open his mouth, to complain. But Newt wasn’t having it.
“Just because you and Leta have issues doesn’t mean others need to have bad relationships,” Newt said hotly. He felt Gellert snake his arm around his waist, their magic mingling and instantly making him feel slightly better about the situation.
Theseus took a few frustrated steps forward before being stopped by the flames racing their way up the stairs towards him. They stopped just short, just enough to make him fearful of them. “Love has ups and downs. It can’t be fireworks all the time.”
“Oh contrary,” Gellert spoke up, a smirk on his lips. “Touching a soulmate always feels like fireworks.” Sure, he was stretching the truth a little, but it was for a good cause. Getting the elder Scamander to break again.
Theseus spluttered. “No. Those are fairytales.”
Multiple people around him muttered their opposing opinions, Leta included. She looked so pained by it, like the fact her and Theseus weren’t soulmates physically pained her.
An impatient Auror suddenly fired a blast of magic towards Newt and Gellert. The latter easily deflected it, instantly sending a spell of his own that had the man on the ground, writhing in pain.
As much as Newt enjoyed watching his partner, he had things to attend to at the castle. “Remember, Tina and Theseus are exceptions. Queenie will hate us if not.” Newt turned to his side slightly to find those mismatched eyes already on him. He pressed a quick peck to the blonde’s cheek before stepping away with a smile. “Au revoir!”
Any form of happiness or non-murderous intent left Gellert’s body. A sadistic smile overtook his features as he readjusted his grip on the elder wand. It was his time to play and let out a bit of steam.
All the Aurors gulped.
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Lost and found part 2:
Lost and found
(A Poly Albus x oc x Gellert story smut with eventual plot)
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The way of life together:
The next months went by quickly, after their shared moment of touching the boys had been extremely protective of her. And even though they had been very forward of touching her last time, they had also given her space to get used to the idea. They had a far more important task than just love one another and they would carry that out first and foremost. 
Their purpose was great and was contantly in progress, with gathering followers, trying to find the elder wand and the way they had apparently become helbend to protect her more than ever from all the 'dangers'.
That did however not mean they did not still share their special moments, they had actually been forward with her when it came to kissing or hugging. And she might not have known this but her boys did everything in their power to get her ready for them before they leaned into her completely. For them this matter was simply not something to be rushed. 
It was Christmas day about three months after their last shared moment when one of the two rascals got tired of waiting. Albus`s two siblings had both been gone as his sister was at their aunts house and his brother was working at the inn. Gellert had put up the tree per her request, the Christmas tree not something wizards usually participated in but something she had wanted. And so she had gotten. All had been going swimmingly, that is until the star had to be placed on the tree.
“Come on Gellert, you’re the tallest one here!” She pleaded holding out the paper star she had made that afternoon. “I will not do so, I refuse to conform to anything muggle related, it is already a privilege I let you get the tree.” He muttered folding his arms over his chest and turning away. She grabbed his hand “Pleaseee”, he scoffed leaning toward her ear. “I love you, but if you continue your whining I will have to place you over my lap and spank you” His deep voice whispered, as his breath tickled her neck. 
She squealed and ran toward Albus “Please help me Albus, I really want to put the star on the tree” her voice took on a whiny tone making Albus smirk. He leaned down and put his head on her shoulder as they were both looking at Gellert. “I might help you..” He hummed in her ear, as she smiled happily. “If we can get something much more valuable in return that is” His eyes twinkled in delight at her pouting. 
“Well? What is it then?” She asked curtly. Albus tutted her “You may only know that, after we help you”. She thought about his words for a second, finally sighing loudly “All right deal, If you help me I will give you what you want”. Within seconds she was sitting on Albus`s shoulders as she placed the star neatly on the tree. “I believe it is tilted a bit to the right” Gellert interjected. She placed it a bit left to correct it, “Is this better?” she murmured. “Now it is a bit to the left” She placed it toward the right. “Better?” She asked. “Maybe it`s best to just take it off, I feel like it`s tilted” she whipped her face to him an annoyed expression on her face only to see the teasing grin on his face.
She glared at him and placed the star in the middle, “You tease” she was quickly placed on the ground by a now messy haired Albus, “What took you so long?” he teased. She groaned attempting to walk away “Stupid boys always teasing me” She muttered. A hand was placed around her waist as she was hoisted on Albus`s hip like a child “You might want to stop there, as I demand my payment” He smirked looking at her lips. “All right I will do it. What do you want?  For me to do your chores for a month?” She assumed giving him an innocent look. Oh how they loved that look.
Albus showed that teasing smile again, “I had something a bit different in mind” he turned to Gellert who was looking at him with interest. “If you would please draw a nice hot bath please”, Gellert furrowed his brows at his lovers words, what was he planning? He did as he said anyway. Albus suddenly had an intense look in his eyes as he looked at the small woman “If you want us to stop you can say so, please don`t feel pressured. She looked at him in confusion for a second but finally nodded. “I will”
And that was why about half an hour later she was sitting in the big bathtub at Dumbledore Manor. The bathtub was made from copper and filled up the room almost completely its back resting against the back wall, she believed the whole tub could fit at least four people. Albus had added some Rose petals and Lavender soap to the warm water making her mind a bit fuzzy already, but she still couldn`t shake the nerves settling in her stomach. She rubbed her bare shoulders with her palms, her warm hands warming the cold skin.
She heard hushed whispers from behind the door. What were they planning? 
Thankfully she didn`t have to wait that long for answers as the door opened revealing her lovers. Gellert had taken of his tie and shoes and was only wearing his trousers and button up shirt. Albus had only taken of his shoes leaving him in his usual black button up shirt and trousers. They didn`t say anything to her only walking toward the bathtub in silence both taking a side. 
It was an almost threatening sight as the two tall figures loomed over her, thankfully they sat on their knees next to the tub, both giving her a kiss on the cheek as greeting. She huffed in frustration, why had they even placed her here? The look in their eyes darkened, she might have been a bit too mouthy lately.
After a second of silence Albus started talking “You have been pushing your limits recently love, so this is simply something to make you learn” at his words Gellert took of his tie holding it “Love please give me your hands” His mismatched eyes raked over her exposed skin, not even trying to hide it. She held out her hands hesitantly, placing her wrists in his cold hands. He wrapped the tie around her wrists in a secure manner, She wouldn`t be able to get out of this herself. 
“Please hold your hands above your head” Albus whispered guiding her hands above her head. He wrapped the cloth around the faucet tightly leaving her stretched out above the water with only her waist resting in the warm concoction. Her Nipples perked up at the cold air and goose bumps started to cover her skin. Gellert`s eyes observed the change reaching over to graze a hand over her shoulder and over the side of her breast. “Are you a bit cold love?” He whispered in her ear. “Yes” her teeth chattered a at the cold. 
His hand moved over to the centre of her soft breast ghosting around one of her rosy buds before placing a hash slap on it making her gasp loudly “Good” He taunted her, his eyes gaining a strange glint. His fingers rested around her nipple as he looked her in the eyes “You have been a naughty girl haven`t you?” the words set off a strange feeling around her body making her shiver. 
Albus spoke up suddenly gaining their attention in an instant “I believe you should really answer him love” his normally soft features were now set in an intense stare, his eyes grazing over her body in obvious want.  She shivered again as Gellert grabbed her chin “Answer us” he almost growled the words and she breathed in deeply in surprise.
“Yes I am a naughty girl” Her voice was uneven and shaky as she started shivering from the cold, although the burning feeling between her legs had to have been part of it as well. Their movement fastened at her words as they both grabbed one of her legs and placing them over the edges of the tub completely displaying her to young men. 
The cold of the tub make her shiver even more as her legs are exposed to the air too. “What are you do…” She is interrupted by a harsh tug on her nipple making her let out an surprised moan. “You don`t get to speak.” Gellert hisses at her. Albus smirks at the sight “Haven`t we tortured her enough my love?” Albus has a lazy smile on his face just enjoying the view, obviously not at all unpleased with their torture.
The burning between her legs becomes almost unbearable as she couldn`t help buckling her hips forward just hoping for some kind of friction, She lets out a filthy moan pushing her chest forward into Gellert’s awaiting hand. Gellert gives her an amused look “Even though she looks at her limit, I am not entirely done with torturing our darling, how about we let her see how pleasure with us would look like first?” Gellert’s eyes snap over to Albus giving him an intense look. “Get in the tub darling, face our love” Albus slid into his submissive role in a second transitioning perfectly into Gellert`s good little boy. 
Albus follows his command without a word, but not before removing his shirt and trousers leaving himself completely bare. Gellert places a hand over her eyes to block her view from Albus as he himself observes the lean muscle of the younger man shamelessly an satisfied smirk on his face, Albus steps in carefully sitting down on his knees in front of her his face inches from hers. Gellert removes her hand and she is faces by the mesmerising blue eyes of her lover. 
“Hello” She whispers not being able to stop herself to give him a sweet smile. Albus was about to lean forward and give in to the girl when an arm curled around his torso pulling him into a familiar chest, “Not yet” the demanding voice of Gellert fills his ears stopping him in his tracks. A muscular arm snakes around his body massaging the underside of his stomach, “Don`t you think you should be pleasured too?” He whispered. Albus nodded at the words yearning for the touch of his former best friend.
Gellert`s hand slid over to Albus`s nipple placing his fingers around the bud with a strange precision, He gave it a light tug before moving his other hand downward wrapping his hand around the younger man`s length. The reaction was immediate as Albus let out a loud moan, the sound echoing around the room. She stared at his face in wonder, his eyes were fixated on her as he reached out his hand to touch her. His hand stroked her face slowly his thumb brushing up the tears that had somehow landed there. 
Gellert moved his hand stroking Albus`s member in a arithmetic symphony of movement. The pleasure shot through the Dumbledore with sharp tugs, and all he could manage to do was stay upright in the tub and moan. He gave into his urge with a snap as his lips met hers in a feverish kiss. 
“I love you so much…” He groaned the words in her ear before he leaned forward smashing his lips against hers again, the feeling of his tongue was familiar to her and she tried to focus on the action. She honestly couldn`t help focus on the other feelings on her skin, the way his chest moved up and down against her nipples for example, or how his hand strayed lower and lower toward her core, and the way her hips couldn`t help buckle against his stomach. 
Albus got higher and higher on his peak, his moans piercing through the room harshly now, he only interrupted them by kissing his girl. “Do you like this love? Do you like how daddy pleasures you? Do you like how she is looking at you now?” The voice of Gellert whispered in his ear making his attention drift to her once again. 
Albus really felt like he was almost about to explode, and just as the feeling of pleasure was too much for him the wave of release waved over him like a drug hazing his mind almost completely before it clears a bit again, his eyes roll back to his head for a second and his fingers dip lower rubbing on the girls clit in a feverish fashion. He really wanted to give her as much pleasure as possible. 
She squealed at the sudden action, as she was completely distracted by the way his cock had stiffened up before releasing the white liquid she didn`t know existed. It had been the most addicting sight she had ever seen and the way his eyes had been skewed shut and Gellert’s arms had held him in place would be engraved in her mind forever. 
Albus`s fingers moved quickly and skilfully as he rubbed me with fervour, his mouth was stuck to my neck as he pushed against me with his knee making me grind forward almost sending me over the edge already. The feeling of pleasure almost burned now, and she swore she would not survive without her release. 
Gellert’s hand made a fist in Albus`s hair pulling his head back harshly as he tutted at the man “I didn`t allow you to touch her, did I?” Albus widened his eyes shaking his head. “You will get out and stand in the corner, it is your punishment to watch her get her release without you.” He smirked seeming far too happy to be able to punish him. 
Albus gave me a hazy look not daring to do anything else before stepping out of the tub, pulling on his dress shirt and pants quickly. His blue eyes focussed on them again and Gellert only focussed on hr again when he was sure Albus did as he ordered. 
Gellert crawled forward like a lion, his exposed flesh glinting in the light his manhood erect and ready. She looked the huge appendage with a strange sense of unease, she wasn`t sure she was ready for that yet. He reached up loosening her bound hand from the wall, her hands still bound and placing them around his neck her body surging forward as her chest pushed against his her legs dangling around him. 
He leaned back In the water as he rocked back and forth making her shiver, the rubbing was addicting and she whined softly as his gaze hit her with admiration. His manhood lay flat on his stomach and she surged forward a bit from the rubbing sliding atop of it without it penetrating her. He could barely contain himself from sliding it inside her inviting heat, but he knew she wasn`t ready so he settled for just letting her ride him this way. 
The bulge of his member felt hot against her heat, her body surging in response every time it rubbed against her clit. The feel of her folds keeping him satisfied as well. The wet sliding sounds filled the silence, the strange sound echoing in her ears. A strange feeling hit her without warning as he inserted a finger into her tight hole, the temporary pain filling her mind. She dug her nails in his back letting out an uneven moan, “Are you all right?” He mumbled keeping his finger in her tight heat as she squirmed. 
She breathed loudly trying to catch her breath, “I think so, it feels so strange” Her voice felt strained and unfamiliar in her ears. She moved against him again sliding his finger in and out of her slowly, the feeling of fullness was so overwhelming that she couldn`t imagine having all of them inside of her. After a second or so she nodded slowly signalling that he could move, what he did however was something different. A second finger joined the other one and she let out a loud moan this time at the pain. 
A few tears escaped her eyes as she stared at him in the eyes, the mismatched eyes looked conflicted obviously not sure on if he should continue. She rubbed against him in a feverish manner, his knuckles feeling strange inside of her body. Her attention was caught by his cock again suddenly finding her fingers around it rubbing it slowly. Gellert let out a surprised moan at the action, and she almost believed she heard Albus gasp from the other side of the room. 
He moved his fingers in and out of her with purpose, her fingers stroking him in the same strange rhythm. His low moans filled the room as well own as they both tried to reach each other’s peak. The pleasure build up quickly their minds hazing as their bodies worked. Her mind grew numb with the new feelings her body acting on its own to reach this new high. He groaned letting out a slew of words, “Love, please continue like that. You feel so good” He murmured in her ear. 
She nodded in agreement but was interrupted by her own body. Her breathing quickened suddenly, her legs shaking, the edge of the bathtub digging into her back harshly not registering in her mind at all as pure hot pleasure shot through her mind. And it was at that moment just as the feelings came to an high that Gellert kissed her lips in a sweet slow kiss, his tongue moving into her mouth. She felt him groan softly into her mouth as he hardened and something sticky hit her hand, and she moaned back as she clenched around his fingers her walls loosening and tightening around him.
His fingers left her body slowly as he brought his hand toward his mouth  tasting her on his fingers, “You taste so good baby,” His eyes raked over her face as he held her check in his hand. he honestly hadn`t expected for just this taste of her to be so undeniably good. His arms rested around her gently in a satisfied embrace, her mind slowly returned to her and the lavender scent registered to her again. He looked down as her hands were still wrapped tightly around him, “Are you going to keep holding on dear?” He smirked teasingly. 
She startled letting go of his softening member quickly raising her bound hands splashing them both with the water. “Might you untie me please then?” She had a sheepish smile on her face and Gellert couldn`t help but peck her lips before reaching over to untie her. “Yes my love, of course”
Their gazes finally loosened looking around the bathroom like it was the first time they actually looked at it. The blue eyes of Albus hit theirs as he stood in the corner with a smirk back to his usual self. “You enjoy yourself loves?” He teased them a shit eating grin on his face. 
Instead of getting mad Gellert just looked at him in contentment a small smile on his face. “I think we sure did” before placing an arm around her. “Heads up!” Albus yelled as he took a sudden leap jumping into the bath splashing the water anywhere. “By merlin`s beard!” She yelled laughing loudly even Gellert joining her. They all sat in the water for as long as they could before it would run cold and it was a memory the two men would treasure for a while to come.
Cause even the good times must become a memory someday, and that day might be soon for the three of them.
(If you like this part 2 please tell me! I have some plans to also include some older versions of grindlewald and dumbledore, so let me know if you guys like that idea! Not my picture! It is from pinterest)
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albusgellertalways · 2 years
Closer Than Brothers Cont’d fic update
Chapter 22:  Christmas Break
Albus and Gellert enjoy the Christmas holidays with Bathilda and Percival, and sometimes Aberforth.
“I wanted to make a Christmas tradition for us.”  Albus beamed at his soulmate. “I’m taking you on a date in the church.  I cleared it with the priest and we’ll be alone for the evening.”
Gellert’s mismatched eyes shone with gratitude.  “Oh, Albus.  I had such a wonderful time last year.  I was hoping this was what you had in mind.”
“Great minds think alike.  Come on, I already set up the food.”  Albus took Gellert’s hand and they apparated directly into the church. The food and plates were waiting for them on a large Gryffindor blanket.  Albus cast a warming charm on the food and they made short work of their dinner and drained their wine-filled goblets.  When they moved on to dessert, Gellert fed Albus a piece of lemon cake before going in for the kiss.  Albus deepened the kiss, letting out a moan as Gellert’s tongue touched his.  He was so lost in the kiss that he barely heard the church door open.
Gellert tensed and pulled away, pointing behind them at the intruder.  Albus prayed the priest hadn’t seen but judging by the wide-eyed expression on his face, he’d seen everything.
Uh oh.  We're fucked.  “I-I’m sorry, Father,” Albus stammered.  “Please don’t tell anyone what you saw.  We’ll leave right away.”
“No, Albus, there’s no need to be sorry,” Gellert growled, getting to his feet and striding towards the priest.  “We weren’t doing anything wrong.”
What happened then, Albus never could’ve predicted.
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inhumanetrash · 2 years
Doodles because like,, the secrets of Dumbledore was the first movie I was able to concentrate on through the whole thing since like,, a few years.
And it made me feel things I don't usually feel when watching movies 😔
I'm kinda sad now tbh but I'm also happy because I finally got to watch something before I see spoilers
Doodles I made today (excuse the poor quality,I used a calligraphy nib to do lineart 💀)
Also making aestethic sketchbook pages is beyond my control
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Also fuck jkr
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The Secrets of Dumbledore  had some great moments during which Dumbledore’s subtle arrogance, his tendency to focus on the greater good first and to manipulate in its service, and overall the fact that he is chaotic good, shined through.
-When Grindelwald asks Dumbledore how the blood troth feels around his neck, Albus leans in, softens his expression and tells him “we can free each other” with a casual smile on his face. Gellert looks like he’s been slapped.
-When he meets Theseus and Newt: Albus: Has Newt told you why you’re here. Theseus: Was he meant to? Albus: *sassily laughing his ass off* No. As a matter of fact.
-The way he uses his gloves and the cheeky manner in which he takes out the documents Newt needs to get to Theseus.
-Albus: *calls the Erkstag the German ministry’s little bed and breakfast* The prisoners are left to spend their nights and to be eaten.
-Albus: Professor Hicks… assuming you’re not otherwise engaged… *sassily* frankly, even if you are…
-When Newt asks about the case, one of the most important things in his life, Albus casually tells him that it’s in good hands and leaves without any other explanation, while Newt has a lost expression and his hand is still clenched as if he’s holding the case.
-When the gang is at Hogwarts Albus starts by congratulating them and when Theseus is surprised he mentions Newt, Jacob and Lally’s contribution. Then: Albus: And you are alive… and you ‘re well. […] Theseus:  Albus, forgive me, but aren’t we right back where we started? Albus: Actually I would argue that things are…*seemingly thinks of a way to argue in favor of the plan* a great deal worse.
-*Newt says something correct* Albus: Three points to Hufflepuff.
-Albus: Aberforth here will prepare you a delicious dinner; his own recipe. Aberforth: *internally screaming*
-When Newt cannot recognize his case on sight: Albus: Good, I’d be worried if you could *chuckles*.
-Albus: If by teatime the Qilin, not to mention all of us are still alive, we should consider our efforts a success.  Jacob: For the record, no one ever died playing Three-Card Monte.  Albus: An important distinction.
-When the gang is in the room of requirement, Bunty was there before the others entered and the real case was the closest one to her. When Jacob picks a case, he chooses the one in front of Newt but Dumbledore directs him to choose another. Newt notices and is fixed on THAT case thinking that it’s his own. This was such a classic case of Dumbledore’s casual manipulation.
-Albus cares about Credence, but he accepts fast that he cannot save him and he also can’t help seeing that he may be useful in helping against Grindelwald. While he is fast to instinctively use a counterspell when Grindelwald attacks, when Aberforth tried to approach earlier Albus held him back because Grindelwald being publically confronted by someone who was close to him is their best chance. This is a noticeable instance of Albus’ first instinct being to look at the bigger picture and make a choise that is risky but seems to be the one with the best possible outcome.
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ourgreatergood · 2 years
Sooo, I had to make Albus suffer again… there is really no point to this but another expression of Albus’s pain! Enjoy!
TW: self harm
There were no words left to him. The air was dragged from his lungs, leaving him struggling for breath. His chest was aching painfully with words that wanted, needed to be screamed out but his head was empty. For all his eloquence, his brilliance, and his wit he was left with nothing.
There was something inside him, so much in fact that he didn’t know how to carry it around, but he simply could not express it. He had become quiet these days. He knew it and others had remarked so as well. He did try not to let it show, he put on a smile and he went to Hogsmeade with Horace and Armando every other weekend and he did chat at breakfast and dinner, but really, if he could not speak what was eating him up inside, he did not know what to say about school curriculums and Quidditch matches either.
It was, he had to admit, the worst part of it… being so exceptionally lonely even when he was surrounded by so many loving people.
It was as if he had lost his voice. The oppressing pain inside him was suffocating it all, leaving him breathless, speechless. He wanted to talk but whenever Minerva asked him if he was alright, all he could manage was: “I am fine.” Mechanical, almost. Committed to memory and rehearsed a thousand times since the day his sister had died.
Albus did not care if they believed him. He could not tell them anything else, least of all the truth. Because the truth was that whenever he closed his eyes, he saw Gellert before him. The truth was that he was terrified – of Gellert, of himself, most of all of what he was feeling. The truth was that he did not know, had never learned, never in the past 30 years how to live with everything he’d done, with everything he was. He wasn’t sure that it would ever change. There were periods of time when he didn’t think about it as much, when there was only work and now and here.
And there were times when it was bad. Sometimes it was during summer holidays, sometimes it was at Christmas time. Sometimes it was an article in the Daily Prophet, sometimes it was an old letter he read again despite himself. Sometimes it was just a feeling that overcame him.
It was his to deal with, though, because how ridiculous did it sound if he told anyone he was still mourning a relationship that had ended thirty years ago? A relationship that had lasted only two months? How pathetic did it sound that he had met the love of his life at seventeen, how terrible did it sound that it was Gellert Grindelwald?
Ridiculous. Pathetic. Terrible.
There was nobody to tell even if he had found the words and the voice to speak. How was anybody to ever understand when he could not even grasp it himself? He could not expect anyone to be sympathetic over feelings as despicable as his. He could not bear their lack of understanding, their helpless pity, their benevolent advice. He could not bear leaving a conversation feeling like he’d spoken a different language. He could not bear revealing all his most shameful thoughts, the most painful emotions only to find that, indeed, there was no understanding, no absolution, no company.
There were no words left to him. No words that anyone could understand. No words that could express the all-consuming, excruciating feeling inside him. No words even for himself.
And to his own horror it was those moments that he longed for Gellert the most. He longed for the way Gellert always seemed to know what he was thinking, ached for the only equal, the only partner he had ever known, he yearned for the feeling of being whole and truly, utterly understood.
It was fascinating how well he remembered all those emotions when they could not have been farther from his reality. It made for a striking contrast, since in reality he was broken beyond repair. His affair with Gellert had left him with a permanent mark, one he carried with him at all times. It had left him with truths about himself he despised and feelings that lasted a lifetime. He was his twin soul and, really, what did that say about him and how in Merlin’s name was he to live with the pain and shame inside him that were gnawing on the love that refused to burn out?
It was his to deal with and he did not know how. He was restless and sleepless and helpless and in his desperation all he could think of was fury. He sank to the wooden floor in front of his bed and perhaps he wanted to scream and perhaps he wanted to throw his pillow across the room, but most of all he wanted it all to end.
He was tired of it. So very tired of his own thoughts, so very tired of his own emotions, so very tired of being alone, so very tired of pretending he was fine, so very tired of it all.
And he was angry at Gellert, so very angry, but more even at himself. How was he such a fool? How did he not manage to rid himself of those terrible feelings, of the man that could not have been clearer on what he was fighting for in the world and it was not him? How had the dreams he’d had at seventeen turned into this nightmare that he couldn’t wake from?
He had seen it all back then. He had imagined his life with Gellert in every possible scenario, in every single universe. He had seen them together, revolution or not. He had seen them travel together, he had seen their accomplishments, had seen shared studies and shared recognition, he had seen good-morning and good-night kisses, he had seen a small cottage, sometimes in the wildest, distant future even a child had hopped through the back yard.
He had never imagined them ending up like this. Eternally bound to each other, yet eternally separated. The pain in his chest expanded, closing off his throat, crushing his heart and his breathing became shallow while his eyes started burning.
He looked at his hands, at the scar on his left palm, at their troth in his right one. It was easy thinking about it. It didn’t matter anyway. He could not do it, he was too pathetic, too caught up in his own mind. But he could imagine it. He could imagine making Gellert feel some of the pain he caused in the world, could imagine making him see the pain he caused him – he could imagine, perhaps, giving him a chance at remorse, at redemption.
The chain closed around his arm tighter and tighter, the pact glowing angry crimson. It closed around his neck just like the pain inside his chest had, choking him. The metal cut into his flesh and despite the panic rising in his throat he observed the droplets of blood that were drawn from his arm where the chain cracked his skin open. It was oddly calming to feel such a physical pain, to see such an open wound.
He was pulling at the chain around his neck without conscious thought when all air had left him and he was desperately gasping for more and stars were dancing before his eyes already. He was so dizzy, struggling against the vow of his life, that he fell to the side and only when his head hit the ground and the stars turned to black did it stop. The chain loosened and his throat and lungs were hurting as they were suddenly filling with oxygen again.
Albus closed his eyes. For a moment he simply breathed. He breathed and felt the rales of his lungs, the soreness in his throat, the pain on his arm that was slowly seeping into his consciousness. For a moment he was nothing but the painful sensations in his body. He was not his heartbreak, not his infinite desperation, not his shame or his longing. He was not the cruel tiredness but peaceful exhaustion.
He could’ve fallen asleep right there on the floor but he heaved himself up onto his bed again, pulled the blanket up to his chin and finally surrendered to sleep.
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trothplighted · 2 years
Actually good point about the violence in the Wizarding World. I'm listening to GoF rn and I was shocked by some things like Fred and George letting Dudley choke on his tongue or Wizards messing with Muggles memories like toys at the World Cup, Harry name in the Goblet being an obvious serious and worrying sign and every adult just kinda accepting it and going "okay go celebrate Harry w/ the Grryfingdors lol" etc
I wish there was more conversation on the psychological impact of being able to horribly injure or maim someone or have someone horribly injure or maim you but it gets fixed IMMEDIATELY with a spell and there’s rarely a scar or a lasting sign, and maybe your memory gets modified so you don’t even remember it. Plus, there’s a culture of violence being okay that doesn’t really exist for Muggles - you can challenge somebody to a duel in the books if they insult you! In the 90s! You can prank people at school by turning them into things without their knowledge and it’s funny (the Canary Creams), you play card games where the deck might blow up and your version of chess involves actually destroying the pieces that are lost! Kids can get Acid Pops off the shelf in a store that literally melt through their tongues! Fred and George trick Ron into making an Unbreakable Vow that would have killed him when they’re small children!
And the adults around seem to exist basically to stop the kids from killing anyone, but not to teach conflict resolution skills that don’t involve hexes or pranks or tampering with food or outright violence (Millicent Bulstrode doesn’t get detention for putting Hermione in a headlock in CoS). You’re allowed and encouraged to retaliate against bullying with more aggression, getting into fights is ordinary and expected. The only time that Harry gets into trouble for that kind of thing is when Umbridge already has it out for him.
It begs the question of culture shock and how the characters themselves see the behaviors they exhibit, because a lot of behaviors that we readers see as horrific and traumatizing are basically fine in the wizarding world, but people who are Good People commit really nasty assaults against one another for a laugh or out of annoyance or because the other guy had it coming, and it’s never called out or seen as bad or questionable.
That’s the biggest problem I have with the way Rowling tries to handle bullying, and in particular how she tries to handle Snape being bullied - she acts like the things James does are unusual or particularly sadistic, and they’re just not when you look at how the wizarding world as a whole behaves. It doesn’t make it okay, but trying to act as if two books ago Ron wasn’t talking about how his tongue got melted through when he was four because his brothers fed him a sweet that hurt him and then they got “walloped” by Arthur (spanking and corporal punishment of one’s children is also normalized in their world), or as if Ron wasn’t almost killed in wizard chess in book 1, is just weird. Everybody solves all their problems with violence in this world, and everybody expects teenagers to know that’s how problems are solved.
One thing I’m trying to express in this Grindeldore AU where Gellert is a professor is that the students at Hogwarts think it’s very ordinary to answer an insult or an inconvenience with the magical equivalent of a slap or a smack. They think in those terms, they see themselves as mature and capable of delivering on threats, and they see experiencing violence as something you just learn to deal with. That’s because they don’t have therapists, they don’t have any context for bullying being bad, and since everyone learns the same magic, everyone is expected to be ready to throw down, or to find protectors.
idk I find this a really fascinating concept, because it ties into the weird libertarian thing the wizarding world has going on, the transition into modernity that hit Britain in the Victorian era when it came to private property and authority over one’s private life never really happened for them
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madferrocknroll · 2 years
SPOILERS - Okay so watched the new Fantastic Beasts film last night and I was not disappointed in Mads. I knew I wouldn't be but seriously the mans acting skills are SO good. One of the things I love about Mads is he doesn't have to overact to make himself seem like the evil characters he portrays. His acting as Gellert Grindelwald is perfect and imo seeing him in this role just further proves to me he should have had the role from the start. Here's a few things I loved about his portrayal.
I loved the small contemptuous facial expressions Mads Gellert was making as if he could barely stomach to be around muggles. Anyone who didn't know Grindelwald and what he stands for probably wouldn't notice the hatred in his expressions but Mads put it across in a beautifully understated way.
I loved how they actually had Albus say he and Grindelwald fell in love and their first scene in the coffee/tea shop was absolutely beautiful 😍 Albus closing his eyes sensing Gellert is nearby then opening them to see Gellert looking over at him. It was honestly gorgeously portrayed by Jude and Mads. They defos seemed like two long lost lovers.
One thing I have to say is I love the way Mads moves. He has a very animal grace about him he almost seems like a panther stalking it's pray. I always thought the same in Hannibal and he moves the same way in this film.
I am glad they made Gellert Grindelwald wear normal clothes in this movie. I found it hard to take Depp's Grindelwald seriously as he looked too cartoonish.
The Dumbledore and Grindelwald fight scene at the end where they end it by feeling each others heart beats and then Gellert shouting "WHO WILL LOVE YOU NOW ALBUS" after a retreating Dumbledore was just so beautifully heartbreaking cause let's face it we have all felt it when someone we loved walked away from us. Gorgeously done 👌
Last but not least I know Grindelwald has a thing for jumping out of windows and that's probably why they done this but I'm just going to pretend Grindelwald flinging himself backwards off a cliff was a nod to Hannibal. Fannibals will know what I mean ;)
All in all I really enjoyed the movie. But one thing I will say is if there are any viewers who enjoyed Mads performance in this but have never seen Hannibal then watch it! Hannibal Lecter is a serial killer cannibal who ends up in a cat and mouse game with a man named Will Graham who works alongside the FBI to solve serial murders and they become obsessed with each other. If you are into the Grindelwald/Dumbledore relationship then you will definitely like Hannibal. It's Mads best work imo and us Fannibals are still hoping for a 4th Season which there has been rumours lately that Netflix might be picking up. So get it watched you won't regret it!!!
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silverynight · 3 years
Looking for freedom
Newt has been in magic chains for a while; he knows he has no choice but to be good to the man who finally bought him.
However, the wizard with mismatched eyes, only looks at him once when he brings him to a castle... Nurmengard he calls it.
"I'm Gellert and this is your new home," he mumbles, trying not to look at the redhead.
Worrying that he doesn't consider him attractive enough to keep him, Newt walks quickly towards him and the blue veils attached to his panty seem to float after him as he moves.
He sits on the man's lap as he's been told he should do for his new owner. Gellert puts a hand over his thigh, surprised and Newt looks with curiosity as his face turns completely red.
"No... This is not–I mean of course I find you attractive, but you don't have to do this," the wizard says, flustered. If only Newt knew more about the dark lord he'd have realized how special it was for Gellert to behave like a teenager with his first crush in front of him. "Here... I brought you different clothes."
Instead of thinking that Gellert is being kind, Newt nods, takes the clothes as he turns around and goes back to his room, feeling rejected.
The fear of him sending Newt back is too much for him, so he starts helping around the castle and trying to clean as much as he can.
"We can do that with magic," Vinda, one of Gellert's followers, tells him with an amused expression on her face. "You're just here to look pretty."
Newt shakes his head.
"He doesn't want me," he mumbles, feeling miserable.
"On the contrary, pretty. I think the problem is that he wants you too much," she tells him, winking at him.
"What are you doing, Newton?" Gellert frowns at him when he finds him in his office, exhausted and yet trying to clean a bit more. "You don't have to do this!"
"But..." A few tears escape from his eyes. "I don't want to go back!"
"You won't," Gellert promises fiercely, taking both his hands with his. "The good thing is that the potion is ready."
"The potion?"
"Will you drink it for me?"
The thing is, Newt doesn't have any other choice, Gellert is his owner now.
"Of course," he drinks the whole thing and starts feeling dizzy. Fortunately, Gellert carries him in his arms and takes him to his bedroom.
By the time Newt wakes up, he's himself again; he remembers that he was more than just a slave before, he was a magizoologist, he had a brother, creatures and–
"It's alright. I've been taking care of them."
He's been with the dark lord, Gellert Grindelwald himself, all this time. And for some reason he just gave him his case back and his wand too.
After reuniting with his babies and sobbing in front of them for a while (he can't believe he forgot about them and left them alone for days) he goes back to the bedroom.
"You can go now," the dark lord tells him. For some reason, he looks sad, almost devastated.
"Thank you for... freeing me," Newt beams at him. It seems Grindelwald just bought him so he could search for the right potion and give it to him. "I won't forget about this."
"Liebling, you don't have–"
Newt cuts him off by giving him a hug, he has no idea what the word means, but he supposes it's not something bad after all.
Shaking a little, Grindelwald hugs him back and then he lets him go.
After he sees his brother again and spends a couple of days with him, Newt feels like something is missing, although he doesn't know what until he starts traveling again and sees Grindelwald one more time.
"Gellert," he beams, heart beating inside his chest like it wants to get out.
But the dark lord is narrowing his eyes at him, looking with concern the scratch on his cheek.
"You have to take care of yourself better, Newton. Last time–"
"I know," Newt cuts him off immediately. He doesn't want to think about the time he was taken and turned into a slave.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up, but–"
"How did you find me? I mean then. When I was..." He knows he doesn't need to finish the sentence in order for the other wizard to understand, so he doesn't.
Grindelwald looks down, but sits on the bed, right next to Newt.
"I've been following you. I was... I thought if I knew more about you I could stop you from getting in my way every single time," he chuckles, but there's no happy spark in his eyes. "You got captured and when I saw what happened... I lost it. They payed for it, of course. All of them."
Instead of feeling fear because of the rage that sounds in his voice, Newt takes Grindelwald's hand and squeezes it gently.
"You were meant to be free... you are," the dark lord mumbles, stroking Newt's cheek. "So I brought you to Nurmengard and made the potion to bring your memories back."
"You love me," Newt says, surprising them both. Yes, he's usually oblivious, but he can see the truth in those mismatched eyes clearly. It's written all over his face.
With a smile on his face, he leans to kiss him, however, after a couple of seconds, Grindelwald moves away.
"I don't want your pity... I don't want you to do this because you're grate–"
"My friends have saved me and my creatures a couple of times and I assure you I didn't kiss all of them on the lips," Newt chuckles. Though the expression vanishes quickly. He get closer to the dark lord again and kisses him on the cheek. "I love you, Gellert. But, if you don't want this... I'm not going to force y–"
The dark lord presses their lips together possessively and Newt shivers in his arms.
"Are you sure about this?" Gellert asks, still looking vulnerable.
"Yes, let me show you how much I love you."
And Newt does.
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sofullofloveicould · 2 years
master list of all my 2022 microfics for microfic may!! 
day 1, ignite:
one moment of many:
his eyes are warm and soft, green as jewels and snakeskin and leaves. I am ignited with hope, leaking admissions from loosened lips. 
I love you
it burns me and it hurts me and not even for a second do I want to take it back
day 2, villainous
“How villainous”  Pansy’s head rests on my shoulders, and she turns to press a kiss on my neck. “I didn’t think you had it in you.” 
Harry and Draco haven’t emerged from the closet we locked them in; fifteen minutes now, and neither of them have alohamora’d their way out. 
day 3, heartbeat
After the full moon, Remus presses the sleeping marauders’ pulse points. Peter, James, Sirius-
He presses his fingers to Sirius’ wrist, combs his fingers through his hair, presses the faintest of kisses to his forehead. Their heartbeats are proof; they have not fallen prey to the monster beneath his skin.
day 4, solitude
The walls have eyes and ears now, his mother reminds him the first time the Dark Lord arrives to stay. You must not let him see weakness.
From the brand sitting heavily on his skin, they bore into his soul, ensuring he can never find solitude.
day 5, lost & found
Luna is missing her shoes.
She follows a trail of them; soft blue dress slippers followed by muggle sneakers and combat boots, stopping at the door of a classroom she’s never seen before. She steps inside. 
“You found me.” It’s Ginny; hair mussed and lips bitten. The door swings shut.
day 6, survive
“You don’t understand,” Draco kneels in front of him, crying. “I did what I had to survive.” 
Harry’s eyes are cold as he levels his wand with Draco’s face. “Such a shame that you did all that to die today.” 
There is a flash of green light, then nothing else
day 7, irresistible
“I don’t know why I love you,” Lily laments as she practically drags James back to the common room, covered in soot - evidence of the marauders’ most recent prank.
“How could you not?” James gestures to himself, hair poofed up and singed, eyebrows nearly burnt off. “I’m obviously irresistible.”
day 8, expectations
Marcus Flint didn’t measure up to his parents, this god-awful world’s, or anyone's expectations. He never would.
When he rested his head on Oliver Wood’s shoulder (of all people) and locked their lips together in a kiss, he decided that he should’ve never wanted to meet those expectations anyways.
day 9, ferocity
There is a ferocity in loving him, Gellert thought, tucked away in Albus’ bedroom, hiding from summer’s waning heat, lips locked in a kiss like forever, sweat and love and conquest. A love like ours will last forever.
day 10, black & white
 Justice was never black and white for Draco Malfoy. Or maybe it was - his dark mark a stark black against his pale skin. Maybe justice is green; looking Harry Potter in his eyes and lying, saying; “it’s not him”. Maybe justice's colors won’t matter when he’s dead.
day 11, balance
In Quidditch, there is a constant need for balance; there is no magic that can bring someone back from the dead. Sometimes Ginny flies up-up-up, until there’d be no saving her if she lost her balance and fell. She hasn’t yet, but she knows it’s only a matter of time.
day 12, radiant
She is radiant, Lavender thinks, watching Parvati and Harry dance. She can’t help but smile at Parvati’s bemused expression when Harry steps on her toes. 
She twirls to where Lavender is standing. 
“I hope you’re a better dancer than he was,” Parvati says, extending her hand. 
She takes it.
day 13, symphony
His laugh is a symphony, bright and heavy, flitting behind Draco’s heart.
There is a booming brass in his smile, wide and uncontrolled, and strings instruments in his eyes, soft and searching.
His heart beats wildly, a caged, frenzied animal in his chest, and love roars in his ears.
day 14, inquietude
Your mind is in a state of inquietude, Luna’s father had told her, on the ripe edge of summer when reality can be peeled away like the skin of a peach. My mind is the same, you know, I have never known reprieve, and I fear you may never either.
day 15, fire & ice
They are fire and ice, fall heat on soccer fields, and sweaty locker rooms.
They are Marcus and Oliver, sprained ankles and head wounds, pushing and shoving and lips running over bruises.
They are opposites, enemies, and something dirty and sacred, hidden in dim motel rooms and training camps.
day 16, remember
Do you remember? Gellert had whispered in his ear, wands to each other's throats, in the secret voice he’d used all those decades ago. Do you remember when we were going to change the world? Do you remember when you loved me?
day 17, decadent
Pansy licked her lips -“My god, Hermione, you are absolutely decadent” - before lowering her head again.
day 18, secrets
Draco has one secret from Harry, and it's the ring tucked in his shirt pocket, rubies, and emeralds, waiting to slip on his finger.
day 19, humbug
“Stop being such a humbug,” said Harry as he dangled the mistletoe above Draco’s head, “and kiss me already.”
day 20, sand & sea
The ocean air worms its way through Bill’s cottage’s windows, sand and sea, an existence set ahead for him, a seaside life with room enough for two.
day 21, promise
Promises, wrapped in bridal colors and said under sallow stars; I’ll stay here forever, and nothing can take us apart
day 22, invincible
“Oliver, you know you’re not invincible,” says Percy exasperatedly as he applies gauze to Oliver’s newest head wound, “so why do you keep doing this to yourself?”
day 23, progress
“You’ve been making incredible progress,” Draco’s ministry-required therapist tells him during one of their regular sessions, “I have just one more question for you; What is the nature of your relationship with Harry Potter?”
day 24, serenity
Ginny finds some kind of peace in Luna’s arms, breathing heavily in unison, the dreamy look in Luna’s eyes giving way to sleep. It is absolution, serenity, and early mornings, limbs on limbs, holding to another body as if to prove that they’re there.
day 25, pain & pleasure
Pain: tearing his way through bodies on the quidditch pitch, rain stinging his eyes and bludger-bruises forming on his face.
Pleasure: Oliver’s head between his thighs, their bodies pressed close, kisses that taste like sweat and passion and ecstasy.
day 26, wander
Charlie Weasley was born with wanderlust in his veins, and so he wanders. He finds dragons, looses love, and discovers that maybe he never needed it anyways.
day 27, hopeful
Hands interlaced under the stars, Harry’s lips look too kissable, a luscious pink against his carmel skin. His glasses are askew and his mouth is slightly open, making an ‘o’ at the sky. Draco is hopeful, and there are only a few inches separating their faces, so he closes them.
day 28, epilogue
hold me, you must tell him, kiss me, make me forget her.
he is only an epilouge to our love; only a blip.
it is a shame that we only shared one night; and he will share your bed forevermore.
day 29, saturninity
these are saturnine evenings; 
love lost and lust earned;
the hopeless feeling of loving wrong and falling hard;
thinking of blond hair and grey eyes blown wide;
pressed against the body of a woman you love no longer.
day 30, wax & wane
wax and wane with me, 
build a temple wherein our devotion can lie
and tear it down in secret
love me until there’s nothing left,
except the two of us,
we will change the world.
day 31, why?
i never asked you why
why love me, why hurt me, why leave me
why leave the knife and the pills on the counter
as if doubting my devotion
i will follow you anywhere, my little dragon
mega challenge
wax and wane, black and white, pain and pleasure, fire and ice, lost and found.
our love is villanous, inquiet, saturnine, secrets snagged behind your heartbeat
you are irresistible;  the decadence in your laugh, your hopeful ferocity.
i have a secret; i hated you once but it spoiled into love
ships listed in order of most occurrences
drarry (draco malfoy/harry potter) - 9
flintwood (oliver wood/marcus flint) - 3
grindeldore (albus dumbledore/gellert grindelwald) - 3
pansmione (hermione granger/pansy parkinson) - 2
linny (ginny weasley/luna lovegood) - 2
wolfstar (remus lupin/sirius black) - 1
jily (james potter/lily evans) - 1
parvender (lavender brown/parvati patil) - 1
bleur (bill weasley/fleur delacour) - 1
perciver (oliver wood/percy weasley) - 1
ginsy (ginny weasley/pansy parkinson) - 1
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If you were alive again… (Tom Riddle x Reader)
Part 1
Request: Any chance I could request something for Tom Riddle x Ghost! Reader? It starts off with Tom manipulating her for info and the Reader just liking being noticed, but then Tom falls for her and tries to find a way to bring them together. Could end in fluff or smut, whichever works best for you!
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
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Hogwarts' astronomy tower was engulfed in the beautiful silver streams of light provided by a rich full moon, which hung high up in the night sky - pitch black, lightened up by countless glimmering stars.
A sole silhouette of a girl, no older than sixteen, could be found sitting on the railing, gazing into the seemingly never ending darkness. A crisp cold wind blew by, but she - or shall one say - You couldn't be bothered. You couldn't feel it - for you were dead.
A mere shadow of what you once have been, a young and talented student who has walked along the many corridors of this very school a long time ago. Once you have been a proud member of house Slytherin, younger sister of the famous Gellert Grindelwald - the very same who transported you into the unloving hell of the living dead for the sake of power, although you always supported him in everything he did.
He was an ungreatful, despicable, pathetic bastard, taking for granted what laid right in front of his eyes. And when he finally rose to power he lost sight of the things dearest to him - fighting his very best partner Dumbledore and killing you in a fit of rage.
Merlin forsake these Deathly Hallows, which brought out the worst in all wizards and witches who tried to conquer them.
Footsteps sounded behind, but you didn't need to turn around to know who visited at this hour.
Tom was his name, a handsome boy dare you say, quite charming and intelligent. He has been visiting you for a few weeks now, engaging you in deep conversations about anything. More than often you talked about your brother, realizing soon that this boy resembled him in more ways than one. Tom himself had ambitions about making magical beings the superior race, killing all those unworthy of using witchcraft. And as you did with your brother, you also shared his oppinion.
"Good evening, Lady Grindelwald", Tom said, now standing by your side, hands behind his back.
"Tom, my dear, what brings you here tonight?" you questioned, turning to look at him.
"I just wanted to see you. How are you feeling today?"
You looked back out into the night sky, smiling slightly, as you quite liked the attention you recieved by him.
"Alright, I believe. I've been reminiscing about the days where I didn't feel as numb as I do today".
A pang of guilt hit Tom in the chest, making him furrow his brows in confusion. He was so close to getting the information about the famous elder wand he so eagerly wanted, as it was lastly known as the wand of your brother. With the stone of resurrection, currently possessed by his very own uncle, whom he wanted to kill within the next few days, along with his grandfather, he'd gain umimaginable power.
He didn't know why he felt that way as he looked at your emotionless expression, you were useless to him in any way. He couldn't define, why he almost felt eager to come visit you every night.
'I'm sure it's because I'm so close to my goal', Tom thought - at least that's what he tried to tell himself. Tom never felt this way. To be fair, he didn't think he could. But still he found himself loving the hours he had with you, he loved your presence.
All he said was,
"I understand how you must feel. I too haven't felt anything remotely close to emotion since the day I have been left at the doorstep of that despicable orphanage". Lies.
For the thirst time ever, Tom showed sympathy. He almost gagged at his behaviour.
"I still can't believe I'm the only one you ever told the story about your life. I can imagine that you must have quite many friends, Mr. Popular", you laughed for the first time in years, a slight twinkle awakened in your eyes.
Tom didn't notice. Lies.
He wondered what colour your eyes were, for colour was nowhere to be found in your ghostly appearance. He wondered if they would shine in a bright blue or in a beautiful earthy brown. Or maybe they were a glimmering gemstone green.
If you were alive again..
Tom dismissed this thought. He didn't care about this, about you. He couldn't, he didn't want to. All he wanted was the missing information.
So he just shrugged his shoulders and replied,
"You're the only one I trust enough to know about this".
You sighed, the smile on your lips vanishing again. You loved being near him, but you knew deep down, that in reality - he wasn't here for you. Lies.
His next question confirmed your suspicions.
"Do you still remeber what we talked about yesterday?", Tom asked, now leaning next to you on the railing.
"The way Dumbledore is following your every move or the elder wand?", you mumbled, knowing where this would go.
"The second one would be correct, Miss Grindelwald. As i recall correctly, you said that your brother took it with him to Nurmengard".
"Tom", you sighed, now floating away from the railing to the opposite side of the tower. "I already told you that it would do you no good to infatuate yourself with this topic. You'd fulfill your dreams without it"
"(Y/N), you know I wouldn't use it, I promised you. I promised to destroy the very thing that is responsible for your death", Tom replied, again haunted by guilt. Lies again.
He has been trying to get this information out of you for quite some time now, but you never said a word. However you started to rethink your desicion, after all you thought you could trust him.. or could you? He was persuasive.
That you liked Tom was an understatement. You fell for him. How could you not? He was perfect in every way, he was powerful and he seemed proud in what he was doing. But would you really want him to become the very same thing your brother became? A power hungry monster? Would you be ready to witness, as another one of your loved ones got stuck in insanity?
You went back and forth in your conversation, him preassuring you and you reluctantly telling him more about what he wanted to know.
Finally you gave in, telling him about everything your brother gathered of knowledge about the deathly hallows. And how the elder wand was in fact in Dumbledore's possession, for it changed it's loyalty to the person, who overpowered the owner.
"So all this time it's been right before my eyes", Tom mumbled, tapping his nose. "Of course Dumbledore would have it". He got annoyed.
You cleared your throat, for you heard exactly what he said and as he turned to look at you, his heart, which he believed to be made from stone, missed a beat.
You were a true haunting beauty. Your face and body posture held a certain grace, drawing him in.
If you were alive again...
What if? Yes, what if you were alive again? Could you be his?
And his next question threw both of you off guard, for it was an action of instinct neither of you expected. It was an action of...could you call it love?
"Do you miss being alive? Do you ever miss being human?", Tom asked silently.
This was out of character for him, he never cared. Or did he now? Caring was a weak term for these unknown emotions inside him. Is this what people call love? Is he loving?
He watched you closely, as your eyes lost every twinkle. He felt bad again. He watched you, as your eyes dropped to the floor, as a small white thread of tears dribbled slowly down your silver cheek. He felt worse now.
Tom took a step near you.
"It would be my hearts deepest desire...to get back what has been taken from me so very early...", you whispered.
You looked at him again, a small sad smile gracing your lips. You shook your head.
"What if? Yes, what if you were alive again?". There was an edge of desperation to his voice now. For the first time ever, Tom Riddle's heart felt something. It beat in his throat. It felt pain, desire, angst and love all at once.
Another question out of instinct, maybe, dare I say it, out of love.
"Could you be mine then?"
And then you vanished.
What if? Yes, what if you were alive again? Could you be his?
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Letters From the Past
Newtina Week Day 3: A journey through time. (Newt and Tina go to the past/future or someone from the past/future visits them.)
Now at just over 100 years of age, Newt and Tina receive a surprise. A long-forgotten letter from Queenie, years after her death at the hands of Grindelwald.
TW: Character death mentioned.
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Newt climbed the ladder of his old, beaten case, a stack of yellowed correspondence in hand. He was nearly half-way through cleaning it out after decades of research. It was time to move on, pass the case onto the next generation. His son and grandson would be taking over his work soon, though Newt felt a bittersweet clench in his chest whenever he thought about it. He was proud that they had created something wonderful between them. He worked for over eighty years to make the world better for creatures, to educate other wizards about them. He had seen protective orders, ordinances, and treaties written in dozens of countries around the world to improve their living conditions. He was proud of the work he had done. His son had continued at his side and branched off into herbology and potion testing, trying to find alternative ingredients for common potions that would not harm creatures.
Now his grandson, Rolf, had expressed interest in taking on the family business. He was currently traveling, studying creatures, plants, and whatever he fancied at the moment. He called himself a Naturalist because he was fascinated by all things in nature and yearned for the discovery of new things. Newt saw a lot of himself in his grandson. It was when he wrote to let them know that he had met a wonderful girl who he would be bringing home to meet them soon, and that he thought she might be the one, that Tina said it might be time to pass on the case.
Newt knew she was right. There were few things that Tina wasn’t right about, come to think of it, but it was still difficult to think of his case being in the care of another, even if that person was Rolf.
Newt pushed himself up and over the lip of his case, recalling how he used to run up the rickety ladder and out with ease. How fit and young he had been at thirty, though he never realized it. Time had been kind to Newt and Tina, but their bodies were not what they used to be. Years of hard work, injuries, and physical labor had seen to that.
“What do you have there?” Tina asked as she stirred the soup on the stove with her wand, her keen eyes trailing down the page of an old, stained cookbook. She glanced up at her husband as he emerged into their kitchen and placed the pile of parchment onto the table. The light from the window over their large farmhouse sink made her still-dark hair shine. Gray streaked through the soft locks that were currently pulled back away from her face into a plait that hung loosely over her shoulder. Newt still found that there were moments when she would still take his breath away, even seventy-seven years after their first meeting. He was a lucky man.
“Letters mostly,” he replied, his fingers flipping through a few of the pages on the top of the file. “I haven’t seen them in years, most are from the thirties, I’d say.” He sat down with a small grunt and leaned on his elbow, sorting the papers into piles. Tina finished adding ingredients to their dinner and joined him at the table, picking up the top piece of parchment off the pile.
“Oh, Thes,” she said with a sad smile, tracing his name with her fingertip. Newt looked up and nodded, his eyes flashing back to the paper before him.
“I know. I think most of the people these letters are from are dead now. It’s…”
“It’s hard to get old,” Tina said, finishing his thought. Newt nodded, his eyes not leaving the parchment in front of him as he read. They had both lost so much over the years, so many people that they loved and cared about, but they had lived a good life together and he wouldn’t give up the family they had created to change anything in their past. It was still heartbreaking to think that neither of their siblings had lived to see their niece or nephew grow up, even though it had been more than half a century since they had been put to rest.
“Who is that one from?” Tina asked, pulling a faded, lavender envelope from the stack.
“Mr. Worme.” Newt flipped the letter over and read the few lines on the back before placing it gently onto a pile. “It was congratulating me on my seventh edition and updating me on its progress and publication.”
“Oh, goodness. That must have been in thirty-six? Thirty-seven??”
“Thirty-five,” Newt corrected her with a smile, pulling another envelope from the pile. “They all sort of run together. I can’t keep track of the dates myself.”
Tina flipped the unopened envelope in her hand over and she stilled, her eyes growing wide. Newt noticed her change of mood immediately.
“What is it, Love?” he asked. When she didn’t answer, he pulled the envelope from her fingers gently. He flipped it over to see the writing on the front. “Is that…?”
“Queenie.” Tina’s eyes were wide and tears were brimming in their chocolatey depths. Her sister had been a tough topic for years. Tina, though she knew that Queenie had made her own tough choices all those years ago, still carried guilt with her. She still blamed herself for driving her little sister into Grindelwald’s circle, and later, for not being able to save her when she tried to run from it. Her death stung, far more than watching Theseus fall in the final battle, far more than the peaceful death that Jacob had seen at the age of 90 a few years back. Hers had been the hardest by far.
Taking the envelope back, she stared at it for a few more moments. “It’s not opened...and it’s addressed to you.”
Newt shook his head, confused. “I don’t remember that one at all. I would have remembered if she had tried to contact me, it would have stood out. It happened so infrequently that…” Newt stood and walked around the table, lowering himself into the chair at his wife’s side. “Do you want to open it?”
“I- I think so,” Tina mumbled, her gathered tears breaking through her lashes and cascading down her cheek, “I...no. You open it. It’s addressed to you.”
“It’s for you, though. You know it is.” Newt’s hand rested lightly on her shoulder, his fingers passing lightly over her upper back in a practiced motion. “Do you want me to read it to you?”
With a sniff and a nod, Tina passed the letter over to Newt who opened the wax seal carefully and pulled out a letter on matching stationary. He watched as Tina pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed at her eyes before leaning on the table and watching out the window, listening. Unfolding the letter, Newt looked at the familiar handwriting with a pang of sadness and something akin to a long-held frustration and anger. He cleared his throat and began to read.
February 12, 1934
My dear Newt,
I know that you will be surprised to hear from me. You may not want to, and if that is the case, then I understand. I have done things that make me ashamed beyond explanation, and for that, I am truly sorry. I left Teenie, and I can never go back to the way things were. I did that, and I have regretted it ever since. I thought that what I was doing was right, but over time I have realized that Gellert was not truthful or forthcoming with his goals. Thank you for being the family for her that I could not be. Thank you for loving her the way that she deserves to be loved.
I heard the news of your first child in the Daily Prophet. Congratulations. I am so happy and proud of you both. You will be wonderful parents, she is a lucky little girl. I wish that I was able to meet her, but I fear that it might never happen now. Please give her a kiss from her Auntie Queenie with love.
I am leaving Nurmengard tomorrow. I know that there are several Aurors on watch and correspondence is being checked. I do not know if Tina’s correspondence is among those, they keep any information about Tina a secret from me, even now. I didn’t want to take a chance and have this letter be intercepted. I figured sending a letter by no-maj post to you would be safest.
Please, tell her how sorry I am. I made these choices and I take full blame for my actions. She has been my everything since we were children, and she will continue to be my everything until the day I die. Tell her that I love her. She deserves nothing but the best in life, and that is all I hope for her. Tell her that I would be by her side right now if I could do this all over again. I’m not sure if I will make it to England or not, that is where I am trying to go. If I do, I will be in contact again. If I do not, please forgive me for what I have done. Not only here with Gellert, but to you both. Especially to Tina. I know my sister, and I know that she has probably tried to take responsibility for what happened in Paris. Don’t let her live her life thinking that she was responsible, Newt. She wasn’t. It was my choice that led me here.
I hope that I can tell her these things in person soon. Please be watching for an owl from me in the coming weeks. If the worst should happen, I am sure that you will hear through the Ministry. I am running, not because I am scared, but because I know that Gellert Grindelwald is a manipulator and a liar. I cannot stand with him any longer. I know that I will face prison time when I arrive in England, but I will do what I can to help the resistance working against him.
I am sending love to you both, and I hope that you will allow me to see you soon. I will be in touch. Please also share these sentiments with Jacob as I have no address for him. I don’t know where he is and I will probably never see him again, but I only wish him happiness. I hope he can forgive me someday.
All my love and devotion, always,
A pause followed Newt’s reading, interrupted only by Tina’s choked sobs as she clutched her handkerchief to her face. Newt stared at the letter in his hand, the other resting along Tina’s back and trying to soothe her with a light touch. He realized that he was also crying as tears began to blur the words before him. Clearing his throat, he removed his glasses and used his shirt sleeve to dab at his eyes.
Tina sighed and looked up at Newt, her eyes were red and tears still streamed down her face. He set the letter on the table and thumbed the tears away from her slightly-wrinkled face, cupping her cheek lightly as he had done thousands of times before. She leaned into the touch and then her face buried itself into his shoulder as her arms wrapped around his waist. She seemed to be calming now as she took deep, steadying breaths.
“She never made it,” Tina mumbled into Newt’s shoulder, her despair heavy in her voice. Newt closed his eyes and held her close.
“I know.” He shook his head as he laid the letter down and wrapped his other arm around Tina, surrounding her. She continued to cry into his shoulder, her sobs and hiccuping breaths growing farther apart as she calmed. She took deep breaths and Newt played with the wisps of hair that had escaped their confines at the nape of her neck. “I can’t believe you found that letter. I never knew it existed.”
“I know,” she responded, pulling away from him and wiping the remnants of her tears away with her handkerchief. “She sent it by muggle post, it probably got mixed in with the fan mail. The purple envelope saw to that.” They both laughed, softly and awkwardly in the solemn moment, as they thought back on the piles of fan mail that had arrived over the years from witches of all ages and walks of life. Thankfully, it had tapered off after a couple of decades and they were left in peace with only scholarly letters of interest scattered here and there.
“Thank Merlin I never get rid of anything…” Tina snorted and shook her head, dabbing at her eyes once more. She inhaled deeply through her nose and then released her breath through her mouth, her face downcast as she twisted the cloth in her hands absently. “How are you, Love?” Newt asked softly.
“I’m… okay,” Tina whispered without looking up. “Surprised, sad, angry… happy to hear from her… I don’t really know how I feel right now.”
Newt nodded, picking the letter up and looking at it again. “That’s completely understandable. It’s a lot to take in after so long. I wish we had seen it sooner.”
“I wish Jacob had seen it,” Tina continued, and Newt hummed in agreement.
“He forgave her long ago.”
“I know he did. He was so… good.” Tina said with a wistful smile, her eyes closing at the wash of memories. “He deserved closure too, though.”
“Do you feel that this was closure, then?” Newt asked carefully.
“I- kind of? Maybe a little.” Tina said, her voice hoarse after her burst of emotions. “I’m glad to have it. I’m… I’m glad that she ran for the right reasons. I wish, so much, that she would have made it to England. She could have been…”
“She would have been a part of our family again, even if she would have been in prison. She always was in a way.” Newt watched as Tina’s dark eyes rose to meet his, they were bloodshot, and tears still threatened to fall, but they were still as bright as they had ever been. “I always considered her family, even if she was never here.”
“I know you did. You never had to, but you did.” Tina leaned forward and hugged Newt properly. “Thank you.”
“I love you,” he whispered into her hair, and he felt her arms tighten around his back.
“I love you, too.”
Tina pulled away and used the heel of her hand to brush an escaped tear from her cheek. She lightly, gently grabbed the letter and envelope from the table. Folding the letter carefully, she slid it back into its home and tucked it carefully into the pocket of her long, woolen sweater.
“I’m going for a walk,” Tina said, standing slowly from her chair. “I need a bit of fresh air, I think.”
“Right,” Newt agreed. “Do you want company?” He knew the answer already, but he wanted to make sure she was okay after the shock she had just received.
“I don’t think so,” she said, a small forced smile crossing her face, “I think I need a bit of time alone to think.” Newt nodded and Tina bent down to place a light kiss on the top of his head. “Keep an eye on dinner for me?” she asked as she made her way to the door.
“Of course, I’ll take care of things here.” With a nod, Tina slipped through the door and began to walk up the path. Through the window, Newt watched as she paused to pull the lavender letter from her sweater pocket and pull the letter out. She continued walking toward the pasture, her eyes trained on her sister’s final words. He smiled at the sight, thankful that Queenie had been able to pay her sister one final visit with her words from the past, even if it had come years later than intended.
Thanks for the visit, Queenie, he thought, hoping that wherever she was now, that she was finally at peace.
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