#gen v tee*
god-u · 5 months
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finally wearing my jordan necklace 😭🖤
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Let me just say in advance, I am not responsible for anyone's emotional well being and will not be paying for anyone's therapy bills when I post this fic of mine....
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heckinwacky · 9 months
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protosymphonette · 1 month
apparently I shouldn’t ask you your fallout 4 opinions? Now I want to ask you your fallout 4 opinions :)
i warned you about my fo4 opinions bro. i told you dog.
most of these are like. technical and story related. bee tee dubs
ok under cut because i have a lot to say and most of it is TOXIC because i LOVE TO COMPLAIN
listen. listen. i have a lot of feelings about this game. most of them aren't very good. so lets start with the ones that are mostly positive.
i think a thing fo4 did really well was the companions. a lot of their arcs are more realized than the other fo games (despite the fact that 2 of them don't even have full names, but i digress), they have more unique voicelines... and being able to romance them doesn't hurt either. honestly, half the reason i found myself willing to continue playing the game was getting all of the companion questlines and such. i also like how connected it was to fo3 character (like with li, maccready, maxson) and storywise (the institute, railroad, synths), made me feel Smart for getting the references. the way weapons... work? i guess is the best term? is also pretty decent- though the more advanced display hurts my eyes whenever i use energy weapons (which is always because they are the only guns worth using in any fo game)
i'll probably add more positives as i go, but- now time for parts of the game that i don't particularly enjoy... i don't like how many gameplay changes they made. like with the perks and special system (why would they change it. why remove skills?? why start all special stats at 1? the removal of skills really gets me; like, they were a more tangible and easier way to recognize what, well, SKILLS you had and just removing them entirely makes no sense) and the pip boy ui (WHY did they make holotapes go into general "misc" as opposed to having their own "notes" section??? you use holotapes like 40x more often in this game why. what the hell todd) the weapons and armor system irks me too, somewhat- the fact that once you progress to a point in the game in which you are like, unable to see if an armor/weapon is better than what you have because of all of the goddamn superfluous adjectival modifiers. i wish single piece armors were more practical- the mix-and-match nature of the new armor system is... i don't mean to be like, petty, but its Fugly. i know it's the wasteland but, DAMN, my guy's fit is trash! there are too many modifiers to armor, too, i feel. like, ballistic v energy v whatever damage resistance... all i want to know is if this thing is better than this thing, and you're tellin me it is SOMETIMES but not all the times? my iddy biddy pea brain came here to have FUN and SHOOT not to think about strategy in armor. tldr for my technical qualms with this game: they shouldn't have changed allat. it was great and fun as was.
storywise i don't... to put it succinctly, i don't like this game's story. it's boring to me. i don't necessarily care about my son, or my spouse, with the 5 minutes i spent with them during the tutorial and the "hey honey!" holotape you gave me is doing nothing to change that in any way. also, while on the subject of spouses, the game tries SO HARD to railroad (heh heh) you into being the male sole survivor- he NARRATES the damn intro ffs (and replacing the legend ron perlman is a crime which can never be forgiven) AND is a veteran (combat+power armor experience) and nora... is a lawyer? a job in which it would make no sense for her to already have power armor training or experience with weapons. (oatus the power armor ui is fucking ugly and gross too and i've literally never used it outside its introduction with the minutemen because of this) i think the fact that i don't give 2 shits about my son is why the institute is soooooo dry to me. like, why am i supposed to side with these assholes? because my son who is an old man is, what, their dad? or something? (also shaun being the gen 3 synths "father" and you being able to romance a whole slew of gen 3 synths is... weird, plainly put) also the factions are just boring to me. like no flavor at all. i don't want to bring up Beautiful Golden Child New Vegas (but i do) but like... obsidian did the "choose a faction" thing a whole helluva lot better. like i don't really give a shit at all about any of the stakes or factions within fo4 like even a little bit all i care about is my Guys who are my Friends and we Kill People Together.
also this is like very petty and opiniony but i don't like how good the graphics are i feel like fallout is a game franchise meant to look a little shitty
tldr; fallout 4 would be such a good game if it was a good game
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erporo · 4 months
since ye like naran as much as me, do u have any headcanons to share? or thoughts >:3 just if u wanna ofc
think i do have some stuff bolt! pretty sure i won't bring anything new to the table tho
they're a bi4bi couple to me, both with varying levels of preference for men
& they're very much dating.
it's kinda funny? how they started dating like fr tho:
so the one who started the whole thing was arn.
dude just kinda noticed this sassy dud one day. just training. he.. didn't think much of him tho the first time (bcs demiromantic aran is v real in my mind)
he decided to approach him one day tho. just for the fuck of it & stuff yk? and that, man- that. that kinda changed everything.
i like to think that, at first, when they were only getting to know each other, narcis actually hated aran. he thought (he thought he wasn't the only one to think that btw) the older dude was inferior to him bcs. reasons (both familial and historical (if u know what i mean :/))
his smell was something else asw: dude reeked of sweat & booze (who knew these would be just the things that'd turn him on later tho <- WHO SAID THAT)
dude was a little hella posh 18-19 yo chap tho, what else would you expect yk
so dude was constantly avoiding aran, poor dude had to literally run after the younger fella for days. combine that with constant? returns home (since i imagine aran being a v homely man).. yeah, you get hella fun months (/gen btw)
until one day, after seeing the younger man yet again (& some stuff that followed).. aran just went forward and pinned him to a wall & told him everything. straight-up. that he actually may be a fun dude to be around and that he actually wants to do exactly that n stuff like that
narcis was shocked (& kinda flattered): not bcs of the whole situation he currently found himself in, but because of what aran told him
and that's where, a few weeks later (narcis had to kinda digest what aran told him yk?).. the entire story officially started methinks
so that's where they've started spending way more time together, doing rly dumb shit at times: like remember that 1 or 2yo drawing smb did of aran (wearing a KILN!! the look ever for aran btw) & narcis just rolling around in skates, drawing graffitis? that's exactly the kind of shit they'd do on like saturdays or smth
(if smb has the link to the post with the drawing btw, feel free to leave it in the comments- that drawing's the best, i still think about it occasionally, would love to rb it)
also. THIS. u r so real for this bolt.
i also just had this dumb idea of arn trying to teach narcis how to dance an irish jig, but all narcis is doing is failinG. so there's THAT LMAOOO
here's another adorable thing tho: they eventually start sharing some clothes (like tees, aprons??),
& narcis would eventually start to genuinely like what ireland's culture got in store bcs of aran, just like aran would start to genuinely like what britain's got in store:
like rly. take a moment and imagine narcis in a bit oversized aran sweater for example. ADORABLE STUFF.
Or Narcis listening to some Dropkick Murphys or smtn & Aran listening to some brit-pop, like Blur & Oasis (yep, i think Narcis likes these two bands, esp Blur & i will die on this hill)
& there ya go. i prob forgor smth since these are some hcs off the top of ma head :*
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isay · 6 months
Brain dump
So yesterday Kim headed off to the airport for her trip back to see the kids and grandkids in H town, leaving me with the hounds to fend for myself for the next three weeks. While I have immensely enjoyed being able to successfully cook a chicken, asparagus and mushroom pie, listen to the BBC (and currently the Avalanches last album) and just chill with the dogs, the house just kind of feels empty. I am literally missing her already.
I'm hoping though that I can take this period as a chance to reset, do some work on myself and formulate more of a view about what I want out of life moving forward over this next year. Over the last couple of months I've been kind of panicked by not working, but I'm hopeful that situation will change soon. As it is Australia kind of shuts down pretty much from mid-December through to the end of January as people take leave for Christmas and then turn that into the summer break, so while the job hunt is still on, it's with a slight sense of reduced urgency.
I tried catching up on Gen V on Amazon last night and found it really hard to concentrate but maybe part of that was my mind being preoccupied with the prospect of an interview this morning. I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself with it, but the organisation I interviewed with seems like somewhere I would really like to work. They're hoping to make a decision before Christmas so that things can be lined up for the new year, which would suit me to a tee, but I'm trying to keep my hopes in check.
So far I've interviewed well for three positions but have been runner up for all three. I'm trying to be philosophical about it and choosing to try and believe that it's because the right thing hasn't yet arisen. There is something about living in this leafier suburb and being able to hear the sounds of the trees swaying in the backyard that is making it a little easier to try and be more accepting of things as they are. I think being closer to nature, albeit in a suburban setting is having a calming effect on me.
One of the other things I'd like to get back to is writing a bit, I'm not sure what it is but something that used to come easily to me is now something that I find hard to do. My level of concentration is also something that I've really struggled with since the whole 'rona thing happened, but hopefully the next three weeks are an opportunity for me to get some of that back.
Oh and something I found out about our new locale recently is that there is a Buddhist temple literally down the road, so I'm hoping to check that out over the coming days. In fact after I've sent a thank you email to my interview panel I'm going to take the dogs out for a second walk to see if we can find it.
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luulapants · 2 years
could you edit your abortion post to remove the part about the satanic temple? people in the comments have noted how TST won't help legally, don't need donations, and have an antisemitic history. I'd love to reblog an edited version if you'd consider it /gen
Hey! A few things:
1. IDK how familiar you are with Tumblr mechanics, but me editing the original on a post that's already got a kajillion reblogs is a bit like trying to shoe the horse after it's left the stable. There are plenty of reblogs disagreeing with that detail that you can choose from or - wonder of wonders - you can even add that bit yourself
2. The purpose of joining a group like TST is not to help you get an abortion (I referred to several other groups that can do that). If abortion is illegal in a state, they're not going to start up operations just because you claim an exemption. The point isn't even to defend you in court, really.
TST is functionally a group that creates test cases. The point of a test case is not to win in court but to lose on the grounds of existing law and slowly, over years, move up to higher courts of appeal until winning a case on the grounds of challenging the legality or constitutionality of the law itself. The case then serves as precedent for future legal action. That's what Roe v. Wade was in the first place: a test case brought forward through the courts through legal activism, and it lost every trial right up to the Supreme Court.
In terms of personal protection, then, how does membership in that sort of group protect you if you're prosecuted for obtaining an abortion, either out of state or through illegal means in your state? Well, it may make prosecuting you look like more trouble than it's worth. A conservative prosecutor might not want to tee up a test case like this. It's not a strong protection. It's basically a Hail Mary to keep in your back pocket.
3. As for the antisemitic history, that all stems back to one 2018 decision to hire a lawyer who had also represented antisemitic clients. It was massively controversial in TST, some chapters actually broke off on their own, and I'm not particularly happy about it. That said, it doesn't amount to the church actually promoting antisemitic beliefs.
4. I told people to consider joining, not to donate or participate in TST activities. You literally don't have to do anything to consider yourself a member - just join the email list or do something else that creates a paper trail by which you can claim affiliation. Someone else suggested the Church of Prismatic Light as an alternative. I don't know much about them, but sure, great. If they work as an alternative - by which I mean, if they have documented dogma that the act of getting an abortion is a religious practice and therefore interfering with it is interfering with the ability to practice one's religion and have a history of obnoxious litigation to support it - go for it. Otherwise, hey - you considered it, like I suggested, and decided against it. That's fine, now stop expending your energy on getting a stranger on the internet to use the words you want them to use and focus on the other actions you need to be taking to protect abortion in the real world.
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lgcmedia · 2 years
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legacy dropped several videos today on their youtube channel and with each one named after the trainee, i was curious what these videos were about. but after watching through all of them, i realized that some of the boys were performing similar songs which got me thinking… is this legacy’s way of testing the waters to see how we think about the trainees?? with legacy confirming recently that future dreams season 5 is happening, i think they wanted to hype the show by giving us an idea of who might be joining… based on my observations on the videos, this is what i figured out:
cameron vs maximilian ( wonderland )
dowoon vs parker ( look )
indy vs jiahn ( the eye )
keeho vs tee ( dramarama ) 
there are a few trainees that we’ve seen in the past… like tee has been previous family concerts and vlive shows so we know he’s a dancer ( a really good one to add ). then there’s jiahn who i remembered as one of jaehyuk’s backup dancers from the last family concert ( his performance there really impressed me the most! ) indy and cameron both made their appearances with the truth untold osts so we know how good they are as a rapper and singer respectively… so it brings me to this question, will all of them be a part of a new boy group??? idk, someone please share me their thoughts!! i’m curious if anyone is noticing what lgc is doing with them dropping all of these videos!! ㅠㅠ
[ + / - ] another group?? ㅋㅋㅋ i don’t think they can do that when they can barely keep some of their members in their groups… i’m looking at you, type zero and v&a  👀 [ + / - ] song jiahn??? omg he’s sooooo underrated! i don’t get why he doesn’t get that much hype and seeing his performance in here, you can tell he is the trainee to look forward to!! i was so mesmerized during family concert and seeing him perform the eye here is just…woah…  [ + / - ] tee has been in legacy for so long as a trainee that i’m wondering if he’ll get a chance to debut?? he seems like a decent dancer, but his years of experience doesn’t quite show in this video? [ + / - ] while watching max and cameron’s performances side by side, i felt that max’s hair stood out too much… and not in a good way… ㅠㅠ it made his performance so lackluster… ㅠㅠㅠㅠ [ + / - ] parker… he seems like a fun guy based on what i saw on the variety shows but he surprised me a lot when i saw his performance video. tbh it’s hard to compare parker and dowoon’s performances because they showed their strengths so well. i guess we’ll find out in future dreams who is the better one since it’s a close fight that’s for sure! [ + / - ] i know cameron’s vocal capabilities thanks to the truth untold (which is worth the listen!! ♡) and seeing this vid, he’s not that bad?? sure his rapping isn’t the best but he makes it up by giving us such a fun performance. [ + / - ] i was certain that indy was a good rapper, but dancing??? WOW!!! 😍 he’s probably one of my favorite dancers! fighting, indy!! noona will support you in future dreams! [ + / - ] i watched lgc style and ended up being a fan of keeho but seeing his video, i want to support him even more! if he’s going to be in future dreams, i’m going to vote as much as i can for him! he’s such a skilled performer and has the personality too! ♡♡♡ [ + / - ] out of all of the performance videos i’ve seen, dowoon is the one that i’m most interested in. if he joins future dreams, what will he showcase? if this video gives us a glimpse of his skills, i feel as if he has a lot more in store that we’re unaware of… but i’m worried too that he might not meet my expectations either if there are other trainees who are talented... ㅠㅠ [ + / - ] legacy is so blatantly obvious with their favoritism… ㅋㅋㅋ they will put ALL of this effort towards their male trainees but what about the girls??? i want to know more about them!! 😤 if crystallis and fabula are the superior groups in this gen, then imagine how the female trainees are!! 
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( A/N: this article was curated by the lgc team to help give everyone some insight about what the public thinks about some of the trainees. the order of the comments were done randomly, so they do not reflect what the current rankings are in fd s5. on a positive note, this article is to reward all of the evaluation boys for completing their eval requirements. they will be awarded +3 NOTORIETY and you can include this post in your point pages for reference! )
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holemerch · 2 years
Hole Merch Isn't Just Fashion - It's Lifestyle
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Hole is not just a fashion brand. It is a lifestyle. You don't have to be a top athlete or sportsman to wear the brand. You can be a fun-loving, lazy, ambitious person. The Hole badge will come off after a while. Hole apparel is made for those who have a zest for life and enjoy the outdoors.
New style
Hole merch isn't just a fashion statement; it's a lifestyle, too. You don't have to be a top sportsman or an athlete to rock a pair of Hole jeans or a hole-studded T-shirt. It's for the lazily ambitious and fun-loving crowd. Eventually, the Hole badge will fall off.
90s style
While 90s fashion may seem like a distant memory, this style of clothing is back in style today. The era of the flocked skirt, bumbag, and skinny jeans was filled with a spirit of individuality. The 90s was also a time when fashion was all about minimalism, anti-fashion, and the super-coloured barbie woman.
The band formed in 1989, with guitarist Eric Erlandson and singer Courtney Love. The band released four successful albums over the course of twenty years. The t-shirt features a washed-out version of the band's classic logo. The band's t-shirts come in a wide variety of styles. You can find crew neck, v-neck, short sleeved, and long-sleeved shirts. You can also choose from mid-weight and slim-fit t-shirts, or even moisture-wicking active t-shirts.
The decade's youth culture is bringing back a lot of iconic styles. From the Game Boy to the Spice Girls, many '90s fashions have been adopted by Gen Z. These trends are making the '90s a great time to shop for vintage-inspired clothes.
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OS style
A Hole merch tee in OS style features the band's original artwork for "check out this site." This t-shirt was created for the album tour in 1994-95, a period when Hole lean into their raucous performances. A tour date can be found on the back of the tee.
Weekend style
Hole fans know that their merch is not just clothes, but a way of life. To be a Hole user, you don't have to be a world-class athlete or sportsman. You can just be a lazy and ambitious person who loves to spend the weekend outdoors. After a while, though, the badge will be a thing of the past.
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art-of-manliness · 7 days
Tucking in Your T-Shirt
Thanks to its versatility, the t-shirt has been a style staple since the middle of the 20th century. You can exercise and do chores in a t-shirt, and you can also wear it as part of a smart casual get-up for a first date. I love t-shirts. It’s what I wear most days working from home. For most of my life, I never tucked in my tees. Like many people my age, I thought tucking in your t-shirt was something that only your dad or the dorky kid at your school who had no fashion sense did. Well, I don’t know if there’s something that happens in brain development when you hit 40, and turn into your father, but I’ve been tucking in my t-shirt a lot more these days. And I’ll be damned; I think it can look pretty sharp in certain situations. Even if you’re not middle-aged or someone’s Pops. Below, I offer some guidelines that I follow when tucking in my t-shirt so that the vibes it gives off are more 1950s Marlon Brando than 1990s Bugle Boy. The Evolution of the Tucked-in T-Shirt While we wear t-shirts as a regular piece of clothing these days, they were originally underwear. Because they were underwear, men would tuck their t-shirts into their briefs or boxers to create a seamless undergarment beneath their outer clothes. During WWII, GIs would often remove their buttoned uniform top and just wear their undershirt with their uniform trousers. They kept their tee tucked in to maintain a clean, disciplined look even though they weren’t in full uniform. After WWII, veterans continued to wear their undershirts with trousers while working around the house. They kept their t-shirts tucked in because, well, that’s how they’d done it during the Big One. That’s how most men in the United States wore their tees from the 1950s onward: tucked in. As time marched on and style became more casual in the U.S., more and more men stopped tucking in their t-shirts. Wearing their t-shirts untucked was a way to separate themselves from the more uptight generation of their parents. Contributing to the trend was the fact that fewer men served in the military after the Vietnam War, and thus didn’t get into the tucked-in tee habit while in the service. There was a short resurgence of tucked-in t-shirts in the 1990s, but then it faded along with Beanie Babies. You’re starting to see more people — particularly young people, of both sexes — tuck in their t-shirts again. A lot of it is driven by Gen Z and Gen Alpha’s nostalgia for the 1990s. My ten-year-old daughter tucks in her t-shirts (emblazoned with the Vans logo — didn’t see that resurgence coming either). She loves that “90s vibe.“  The Benefits of Tucking in Your T-Shirt Since I started tucking in my tee more often, I’ve discovered three benefits to the practice: A tucked-in tee accentuates your v-shape. Having the masculine v-shape — broad shoulders that taper to a narrow waist — is attractive. When you tuck in your t-shirt, you accentuate your v-shape; it gives definition to your waist and makes your shoulders look broader.  A tucked-in t-shirt looks put-together. A tucked-in t-shirt provides a clean line between your torso and your legs. It looks a little sharper than an untucked tee, which bunches and wrinkles as it drapes over your waistband. When you tuck in your t-shirt, it looks like you mean business. A tucked-in t-shirt is practical. Your untucked t-shirt can get snagged on things in your environment. When your t-shirt is untucked, you no longer have to worry about that. This is why I’ve even been tucking my t-shirts into my gym shorts when I work out.  Guidelines for Tucking in Your T-Shirt Get a properly fitting T-shirt. A t-shirt that is too big won’t look good tucked in. It will give you that early 1990s Bugle Boy dork look. You also don’t want to go too tight either. We’ve got the guidelines for proper fit here. Note that a tucked-in t-shirt looks best on those with a fit physique. If you’ve got a paunch, a tucked-in tee will only accentuate it, and you’ll probably want to keep your shirt untucked.  Keep it… http://dlvr.it/T87XkK
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thelowkeygeek · 16 days
Check out the latest LOWKEY GEEK #youtube video! Is The Current Gen Of #videogames Confusing? #shorts by LOWKEY GEEK! This current gen of video games is really confusing. I'll be talking about why that is while recapping the latest Sony State of Play presentation and what games may be worth the excitement for 2024. 🔔 Consider Subscribing: https://ift.tt/V6iUTWk 🎧 Listen on Spotify: https://ift.tt/VRz6maD 🎧 Listen on iTunes: https://ift.tt/TnSQZGz ► The gear we use on this channel: https://amzn.to/3L79c1Y ► Fever events and experiences: https://ift.tt/r1NTqX8 ► 80s Tees: 30% OFF with code WINTER30: https://ift.tt/wNCEufq Other Great Content ---------------------------------- ► Movie Review & Out of Theater Reactions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YH2jORSfkqtudOJX2KFFJkK ► The Trailer Park: Trailer Reactions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YETuoR2B2Y1ulc_TfFKkyGZ ► The MovieTime Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YFrFx7-xandmlAgLWoUwIhc ► The Talking Talk Podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YG3kXuSkEzu2PGgnjvU70Kc ► Special Events & Travel: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YGUo9x5FHnbideFkmHV_lAM ► Japan WOW Now: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YFX48uPJl5FwipHSTGis9Qy ► LOWKEY GEEK Gaming: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YHHmgt_YpmNFEbOi0d52hic ► One-Shots: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsH8u5sKE6YGDDThqnXOa9FOLYtvAjFNK Follow Us --------------------------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_lowkey_geek Instagram: https://ift.tt/3gV0tQf Threads: https://ift.tt/WEumpzL Follow the Team on Letterboxd ----------------- Blake Wolf: https://ift.tt/uvVpiZM Rene A. Zelada: https://ift.tt/qrNBkSR #shortslive #liveshorts #entertainmentnews #podcast #sony #stateofplay #xbox #nintendo ***Please note that as an affiliate partner and as an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases through the links provided above at NO ADDTIONAL COST to you and NO INFLUENCE on any content produced. Commissions earned go towards the support and funding of this channel. Thanks! via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awFI-WeTCPU
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mysterymirrors · 22 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Abercrombie & Fitch Short-Sleeve V-Neck Pocket Tee - Blush Pink - S.
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thevouofficial · 2 years
CRAZY Cute Outfits – 35 BEST Ideas For Girls In 2022
UNIQUE Outfit Ideas To Create A Cute, Attractive & Trendy Look
There’s something special about cute outfits; first, cute dresses make you feel amazing, and second, dressed-up cute, you can go just about anywhere.
Cute outfits gather that optimistic energy floating through the air, bringing people and fun together like nothing else.
There are cute outfits for summer, fall, winter, special occasions, and even school.
Whether you’re getting ready for a rooftop picnic or a poolside escape, these are 35 of the cutest outfit ideas you can try.
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1/35 Cute Summer Outfits
Body Suit or Shorts in Bright Colors With Sandals
Cute Outfits For Summer – thevou.com
There’s no better season to wear cute outfits than the summer season, with relaxed combos of summer dresses in bold colors, shorts, and flat sandals.
As the temperatures rise, cute summer outfits come out of closets; bright colors are vibrant, happy, and sensual.
However, your selection of summer clothes must allow the transition into the following season (fall-winter) by providing endless arrays of cute outfit ideas.
2/35 Cute Aesthetic Outfits
Oversized Sweaters with Fitted Skirts
Cute Aesthetic Outfit – thevou.com
With the growing surge of aesthetic clothing styles on TikTok, Instagram and Pinterest, cute aesthetic outfits are gaining more attention than ever.
Defiant of the baby boomer fashion imposed on them by old fashion magazines like Vogue and Elle, Gen Z is fighting back by making their own sartorial choices.
The internet is bursting with fashion styles like cottagecore or dark academia, looks that didn’t exist a while ago.
Similarly, the new wave of cute aesthetic outfits isn’t to be cataloged or categorized but loved, worn, and enjoyed.
BrickBlack V-Neck Argyle Oversized Sweater
Shop Now
3/35 Cute Skirt Outfits
Tennis Skirt With Oversized Sweater
Cute Skirt Outfits – thevou.com
As spring draws nearer, it’s becoming warm enough to wear skirt outfits again.
This year, the cutest and trendies skirt outfit ideas draw inspiration from tennis and 90s fashion aesthetics, such as short skirts with pleats and plaid.
With that said, short skirts aren’t the only fashionable items right now.
Also, consider cute midi skirts with neutral colors or bold patterns – the perfect transitional pieces and office-appropriate compared to mini skirts.
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4/35 Casual Cute Outfits
Jeans, White Sneakers, Strapped Tees & Blazers
Casual Cute Outfits – thevou.com
The casual dress code is the most relaxed dress code to choose from.
Sneakers, skirts, jeans, hair accessories, and casual tops work wonders no matter where you’re going.
However, blending cute into casual outfits can be challenging as you don’t want to overdress.
Fun prints t-shirts can take the edge off any fancy outfit, but you must match them with bold pants and comfy boots to create that casual cute outfit look.
And, for a more feminine casual cute style, wear skirts with strappy sandals and lots of simple but colorful accessories.
5/35 Cute Outfits With Leggings
Leggings with Cropped Top or Oversized Sweater
Cute Outfits With Leggings – thevou.com
Ideal pants for cute outfit ensembles; there’s nothing more versatile than a stylish pair of double-duty leggings.
You can dress them up and down with white blouses or fitness bras and wear them to work, brunch, the gym, and even on dates.
Soft leggings are great for days when your period just started, getting out of bed feels impossible, and the last thing you want to do is attend an early morning lecture.
6/35 Comfy Cute Outfits
Loose-fitting Top with Linen or Cashmere Pants
Comfy Cute Outfits – thevou.com
Looking cute and trend-forward while also comfortable requires simple outfits that exude an effortlessly chic vibe.
Celebrities and fashion insiders are the best at pulling off this comfy-cute outfit combo simplest outfits, and here’s how.
Wear t-shirts with relaxed trousers – a match made in heaven – and keep the accessories streamlined.
Finish the look with a pair of adorable sandals.
Another way to create comfy, cute outfits is by adding matching fun printed shirts with leggings and sneakers.
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7/35 Cute Beach Outfits
Boho Style Skirt with a Tie Top & Sandals
Cute Beach Outfits – thevou.com
With summer on the horizon, preparing for a beach vacation doesn’t end with finding the right swimsuit.
Think beachy summer vibes; sandals, vaporous boho style dresses, hoop earrings, and straw bags with wooden handles.
Seasoned vacationers know that bringing the right cover-up, beachwear, sandals, and sunglasses for every occasion is just as important.
Above all, a cute beach outfit lets you transition from a wet and sandy bathing suit to everyday clothing.
8/35 Cute Outfits With Sweatpants
Sweatpants with Combat Boots or Chunky Sneakers
Cute Outfits With Sweatpants – thevou.com
Wearing cute outfits with sweatpants is a must for venturing outdoors to run errands, grab a bite, or ease back to work outside the home.
Perfecting the art of cute outfits with sweatpants relies on styling them in a way that looks both comfortable and effortlessly cool.
One way is to wear a casual overcoat with a cool print sweatshirt and finalize with a pair of sock sneakers.
Blend staples you’d typically pair with jeans with a tailored blazer or a button-down blouse.
9/35 Cute Korean Outfits
Light Academia or a Puffy Midi Dress
Cute Korean Outfits – thevou.com
Worn by famous Korean fashion idols and K-pop entertainment stars, Korean outfits and styles are trendy in the summer of 2022.
The cutest Korean outfits are built of affordable staples like casual tops, skinny jeans, pullover sweaters, harem pants, and similar looks that draw influences from streetwear.
Also, there are cute Korean outfits in classic tailoring – even Korean traditional hanbok in versatile designs ranging from elegant and girly to urban and sporty.
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10/35 Cute Anime Outfits
Anime Print Hoodie or Sweater with a Cute Headwear
Cute Anime Outfits – thevou.com
Most anime characters wear stylish, cool, inciting, and beautiful outfits.
But, for an anime outfit to be classed as cute, colors and design must be more relaxed compared to other anime character outfits.
The cutest anime outfits are flashy and very colorful, the kind of outfits that don’t show up often in your everyday wear.
Think oversized tops in funny prints, colorful baseball hats, and other similar accessories.
11/35 Cute Goth Outfits
Fishnet with a Black Mini or Midi Skirt
Cute Goth Outfits – thevou.com
The cute goth outfits style requires a mixture of looks such as Punk, Victoriana, Cyber, and Industrial.
Cute goth clothes have a distinctive blend of darkness, mystery, and exotic romance.
The most popular goth color is black; goth clothing is black; the shoes are black, hair is black, and even the make-up is black.
However, cute goth outfits require vivid reds, alluring royal purples, and emerald greens as charming colors that accentuate and highlight curves and features.
Add these colors either as breaking color accessories or shoes or as make-up.
12/35 Cute Matching Outfits For Couple
Cute Denim Matching Set
Cute Matching Outfits For Couple – thevou.com
There are better ways to match looks with your loved one than personalizing printed T-shirts with your names on the back.
The classic matching outfits for couples are denim on denim and similar color tops, but…
The cutest matching outfits for couples are coordinating sports jerseys, unisex and gender-neutral clothing with zodiac bracelets, and high-tech wearable devices.
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13/35 Cute Plus Size Outfits
Denim Overalls or Cute Kimono with a White Top
Cute Plus Size Outfits – thevou.com
When you are ‘too curvy’ for the standard brands and ‘too small’ for plus-size clothing, it is easy to feel alone in your self and body image.
However, cute plus-size clothes prioritize showing off your curves and wearing garments that accentuate your beautiful body.
Plus size is a growing and highly engaging community that, until recently, didn’t feel represented in the fashion or social space.
Not anymore!
14/35 Cute 90s Outfits
Cropped Top with Wide Leg Jeans & Pastel Bucket Hat
Cute 90s Outfits – thevou.com
The 90s fashion is back with enthusiasm bringing fashion trends that mix retro looks with streetwear and modern cuts.
The issue with putting together a cute 90s outfit is to make sure you’re not looking straight out of a Spice Girls music video or an Adidas advertisement from 1995.
Blend colorful crop tops, track pants, and bomber jackets, with slip dresses, platform heels, and the occasional tube tops.
15/35 Cute Outfits For Work
White Top with Cute Blazer & Heels
Cute Outfits For Work – thevou.com
Being cute while keeping cool in a professional setting can get a little tricky.
For most work environments and smart casual settings, denim shorts and a crop top won’t work unless you recourse to the best trick in the book: layering.
Layering helps create cute outfits for work and is also important when moving between 90 degrees outdoor temperature and 65 degrees office A/C all day.
Keeping a lightweight or sleeveless top on whenever you’re wearing trousers, jeans, or a skirt is a must if you’re going to top it with a blazer or cardigan indoors.
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16/35 Cute School Outfits
Pleated Dress or Striped Shirt with Long Cardigan
Cute School Outfits – thevou.com
There are plenty of cute outfits for school worn by teens, pre-teens, and tweens alike.
Some of the cutest school outfits are styled as teenage clothing, with dresses, relaxed jeans, adorable skirts, accessories, and scarves.
Those into a more sporty style can wear cropped tank tops, jogging jackets, and stylish leggings with sneakers.
17/35 Cute Date Outfits
Cottagecore Floral Pattern Dress with White Sneakers
Cute Date Outfits – thevou.com
First dates can be nerve-wracking and exciting, making the task of selecting cute date outfits pretty critical.
The safest and cutest bet is a blend of cute t-shirts with jeans, pretty dresses, a matching set, or a jumpsuit.
Eye-catching pieces and fun accessories will catch your date’s eye and undoubtedly make a great impression, be it a uniquely cut top, pants with a bold print, colorful heels, or sculptural earrings.
18/35 Cute Outfits For Going Out
Two Patterned Dress with Heels and a Cute Handbag
Cute Outfits For Going Out – thevou.com
Depending on the occasion, from date night dinners to bottomless brunches, there are many ways of putting together a cute outfit.
However, some pieces match all “going-out” occasions, no matter where and how.
The perfect transition piece for summer into fall, one-shoulder tops are among the most versatile clothing items, best paired with flared denim or mini skirts.
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19/35 Cute Clubbing Outfits
White or Sequin Slip Dress
Cute Clubbing Outfits – thevou.com
The cutest clubbing outfits are a great blend of looking chic and comfortable.
The best (and safest) choices are cute slip cocktail dresses.
But you can go for bodycon skirts, jeans, and a cute top or a jumpsuit – there are no rules for dressing appropriately.
However, it’s best to avoid chunky sneakers or ill-fitting T-shirts, so stick to eveningwear worth showing off.
20/35 Cute Crop Tops Outfits
Cropped Top with Wide Leg Trousers or Mom Jeans
Cute Crop Tops Outfits – thevou.com
The heat of summer has arrived, and with it, bare midriff.
Crop top outfits dominate right now, but the cutest versions are super casual; think jeans, a belly-baring tee, and even a dressy, feathered crop top.
For an extra dash of cuteness, wear crop tops in corset forms that look sculptural and sexy when paired with high-waisted jeans or pleated mini skirts.
21/35 Cute Emo Outfits
Graphic Tees or Black Midi Dress With Knee Socks & Pumps
Cute Emo Outfits – thevou.com
One of the cutest emo outfits can be created by wearing an oversized shirt, an oversized statement vest, and related emo accessories.
Reinforce the style with a pair of tapered jeans and long, color-matching press-on nails.
Another cute emo outfit (on the verge of sexy) is the combo of a cropped top with jeans for women, ideally mom’s jeans.
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22/35 Cute Overall Outfits
Denim Overalls with White Top & White Sneakers
Cute Overall Outfits – thevou.com
Overalls are loose-fitting pairs of pants with supporting cross-straps, usually made of rugged cotton, denim, or linen.
Overalls are generally worn as protective clothing while working.
But when overalls are matched nicely, they can be an excellent base for cute outfits.
From animal print to leather, overalls have grown far beyond their blue jean roots.
We can now wear overalls in other parts of our lives, such as work and nights out with friends.
Plus, even if the idea of wearing overalls to work gives you a bit of a heart attack, that doesn’t mean you can’t change up your style.
Next time, give black or white denim overalls a try during your next day at the park.
23/35 Cute Gym Outfits For Workouts
Gym Leggings, Cropped Top with White Socks & Trainers
Cute Gym Outfits For Workout – thevou.com
Cute gym outfits and workout clothes are a must for two reasons.
First, to incentivize ourselves to get moving, whether we’re hitting the gym or finishing a lengthy checklist of errands.
Second, what’s the point of going to the gym if you can’t wear cute gym apparel to show off your body?
24/35 Cute Outfits With Jeans
Washed Jeans With Fitted Top or Puff Sleeves
Cute Outfits With Jeans – thevou.com
Jeans and heels are about as classic an outfit as it comes.
Denim is one of the most versatile wardrobe staples and can be worn to fancy dinner parties or run errands, while heels add an extra oomph to the final look.
Nowadays, jean silhouettes and heels styles allow for endless cute outfit possibilities.
For example, you can opt for baggy boot-cut jeans and pointy slingbacks or pair a flared style with towering platforms.
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25/35 Cute Pink Outfits
Pink Floral Pattern Maxi Dress or Pink Matching Sets
Cute Pink Outfits – thevou.com
In the past, pink was a color exclusively worn by celebrities making red carpet-appearances.
Nowadays, pink is a crucial color in some of the cutest outfits.
You can see it in separates, used by those who only want to inject a flash of fuchsia into their ensembles, in swimwear, denim, and even tops ready for a night out.
There are also pink maxi dresses and cute suites that let you embrace the color in all its glowing glory; especially when matched with pink ombre nails!
26/35 Cute Baddie Outfits
Cute Crop Tops with Mini Skirts & Chunky Boots
Cute Baddie Outfits – thevou.com
Originating on TikTok and Instagram, baddie outfits feature soft pastel shades, Y2K style oversized sweats, and chunky sneakers.
The combination of empowering make-up with a sporty fashion twist gives every baddie outfit an effortless and sleek feel.
But, the cutest baddie outfits have a mix of oversized tees and cycling shorts so that you can showcase your elongated legs and silhouette.
27/35 Cute 80s Outfits
Mixed Plaids or Linen Body Suits
Cute 80s Outfits – thevou.com
The 80s fashion has plenty of style lows, such as bad perms, leg warmers, stirrup pants, and blue eyeshadow, to name a few.
But, there were also some cute ’80s fashion outfits that modern-day fashion designers are embracing and recreating again.
Crop tops, shoulder pads, and even fanny packs are some popular examples.
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28/35 Cute Shorts Outfits
Shorts with Cropped Top, Sandals, & Blazer
Cute Shorts Outfits – thevou.com
Once that temperature gauge reads about 60 degrees, your stems are out and about in full-legged glory, and there’s nothing better than a pair of cute shorts.
Cute shorts come in all possible flavors, but this summer, the cutest short outfits are styled with silk camisoles, tailored blazers, even tailored jackets, and sleek mules.
29/35 Cute Kawaii Outfits
Anime Tees with Jeans or a Cute School Uniform
Cute Kawaii Outfits – thevou.com
‘Kawaii’ already means ‘cute’ – a term often used in Japan for everything, from small dogs to prettily-decorated cakes.
For fashion, Kawaii outfits have a specific Japanese fashion style and aesthetic with complex layers in bright or pastel colors and decorative accessories, all matched with flamboyant hair colors and styles.
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30/35 Cute Alt Outfits
Black Mesh Dress with Leather Trench & Leather Boots
Cute Alt Outfits – thevou.com
The easiest way to describe the alternative style is as clothing that exists outside mainstream, commercial fashion.
As stylistic outsiders, cute alt outfits encompass subcultures like goth, emo, punk, grunge, hip-hop, and even cottagecore.
And while the alt outfits tend to be less practical than other aesthetics, it shows extreme creativity and experimentation.
31/35 Cute Flannel Outfits
Flannel Shirt with Loose-fitting Velvet Pants or Ripped Jeans
Cute Flannel Outfits – thevou.com
Flannel is so cozy and warm that it’s no surprise that everyone loves this wardrobe staple for fall and winter.
After all, there’s no better fabric to wear when you’re out enjoying cool-weather activities like apple picking and leaf peeping.
Moreover, cute flannel outfits will make you feel snuggled up and equally sophisticated and stylish.
32/35 Cute Winter Outfits
Oversized Knits or Winter Coats with Ankle Boots
Cute Winter Outfits – thevou.com
In the case of cute summer outfits, keeping minimalistic and comfortable is critical.
However, finding and pairing cute winter outfits is an art form and requires trench coats, oversized sweaters, and heeled booties.
Sure, you can pull on your favorite pair of leggings, throw on an oversized puffer jacket, and call it a day—but can you name that cute?
Cute winter outfits feature style and function, and the secret here is to wear oversized blazers layered over colorful turtlenecks, for instance.
Or, wear a chunky cardigan with a denim jacket and a pair of matching jeans for a denim-on-denim look that works without putting in too much effort.
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33/35 Cute Fall Outfits
Cropped Knits With Mini Skirts or Skinny Jeans
Cute Fall Outfits – thevou.com
Classic fall outfits were built on a wide range of earthy tones and colors that go well with brown clothes, as well as revived boot designs.
However, the cutest fall outfits for 2022 have an unexpected touch, with the staple pieces in minimalist style white blouses and black jeans.
Garments with a bright side (mix blush pink and grey), fringed-out accessories, animal prints, and layering are essential to cute fall outfits right now.
The fall season can be too cold to wear shirts and a little too warm to wear full-on coats, so that is where layering comes into play.
34/35 Cute Spring Outfits
Leather Jacket with Miniskirts
Cute Spring Outfits – thevou.com
Spring is the season of love, revival, reinvention, and stylistic freshness, with leather jackets coming out of the wardrobe, painted with white t-shirts and comfy sneakers.
It is the best season to pull unique cute outfits ranging from cute denim jackets and pastel dresses to stripe pants and floral dresses.
It is the season of different color schemes infused in shorts, skirts, jeans, and long-sleeved tops, to create that cute and young-at-heart vibe.
35/35 Cute Pregnancy Outfits
Maternity Dress with a Long Coat
Cute Pregnancy Outfits – thevou.com
While pregnancy can be tricky, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t look cute.
I am sure looks are not your priority but comfort; yet, comfortable maternity clothes can also be cute.
The secret here is to wear light pastel colors accessorized nicely with summer hats, ballet flats, handbags, and glasses.
Avoid clothes in neon colors and go for summer vibe pinks, blue, and other similar adorable colors.
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Cute Outfits FAQs
What should I wear to look cute?
To look cute, wear soft and fluffy clothes in light and cheerful pastel colors such as purple, pink, and shades of baby blue.
Avoid dark colors like black, brown, or dark blue at all costs; it’ll make you look too severe, goth, or overdramatic.
How can a girl dress like a cute?
Wear mostly light and cheerful pastel colors.
Wear cute skirts instead of pants.
Avoid high heels and swap them with flats or boots.
Wear cute cardigans over light-colored tank tops.
Wear oversized and comfortable clothes in adorable prints.
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Now it’s your turn…
Which one of these cute outfits do you like the most and why?
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4go2ireland · 2 years
Samstag, 6. August 2022
Life is what happens, while you are making other plans
Der Plan: Morgens shoppen, um 15 Uhr unter dem London Eye (sündhaft teures Riesenrad. Aber von unten schauen kostet ja nichts) Michelle und Familie treffen, an der Themse entlang bummeln, danach noch in die Tate Modern huschen.
Die Realität: Bis wir (ein Badezimmer für vier Personen...) endlich am Bahnhof sind, ist es nach 10 Uhr. Als wir in Earls Court aussteigen, um die U-Bahn-Linie zu wechseln, erklingt eine Durchsage: Der Bahnhof muss wegen eines Notfalls sofort geräumt werden. Wir machen das, was die Einheimischen auch tun: Zurück in die Bahn springen. Danach steigen wir in South Kensington aus, wollen umsteigen und stellen fest, dass jetzt offensichtlich keine Bahnen mehr fahren. Das Personal öffnet alle Ausgänge, damit sich auch dieser Bahnhof schnell leert. Nicht gut. Wir sind ganz schnell draußen. Später stellt sich übrigens heraus, dass es keine Terrorgefahr gab, sondern eine Kombination aus Brand in Hammersmith, ausgefallenes Signal, geplante Bauarbeiten ....
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Da einige Familienmitglieder gerne Sanitärräume besichtigen würden, geht es in das V&A Museum direkt um die Ecke. Denn Nicole hatte ja am Vorabend gelernt, dass es dort kostenlosen Eintritt und einen schönen Innenhof gibt. Dort kann sie auch gleich im Brunnen / Becken, in dem sonst vor allem kleinen Windelträger flitzen, ihre Füße kühlen. Wunderbar.
An der U-Bahn-Station bringt die freundliche Tube-Mitarbeiterin für uns in Erfahrung, welchen Bus wir nehmen können. "Bitte warten Sie hier, ich frage jemanden, der sich damit auskennt". Hach, könnte man sämtliche deutschen Dienstleistungsmitarbeiter bitte mal hierher auf Schulung schicken? Es überwältigt jedes Mal aufs Neue. Kurz darauf zuckeln wir in einem roten Doppeldecker gen Piccadilly Circus. Bis der Busfahrer aufs Klo muss und uns mal kurz parkt .... Aber der Weg ist ja das Ziel.
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Am Piccadilly ein kurzer Fotostopp, danach geht es endlich zu dem Ort, den sich der Nachwuchs seit Tagen wünscht: Chinatown! Inzwischen ist auch Mittagessenszeit, wir steuern mit "Beijing Dumplings" einen Tipp aus dem Reiseführer an. Holztische im Kellergeschoss, kleine Karte zum Ankreuzen sehr leckeres, sehr authentisches Essen. Kostet die Hälfte vom feudalen Zheng, schmeckt mindestens genauso gut und doppelt so gut wie bei Wagamama. Danach erkunden wir noch äußerst ausführlich den Supermarkt um die Ecke,
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Der Programmpunkt Covent Garden wird schwierig, London ist an diesem Samstag noch voller, als vorher. Kaum zu fassen. Inzwischen gibt es eine unglaubliche Fülle an Straßencafes, die natürlich alle voll sind. Wir retten uns in einen Teeladen und trinken mehrere Liter an den Probierstationen - danach kaufen wir aber auch dort ein.
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Um 16 Uhr treffen wir Michelle und ihre Familie nur ein paar Straßen weiter. London Eye wäre für uns beide ein Umweg gewesen. Bei Kaffee, Bubble Tee und Orangensaft verplaudern wir zu acht eineinhalb Stunden. Wobei manche eher zuhören, als selbst zu kommunizieren. Aber danach immerhin sagen, dass sie alles verstanden haben.
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Am Trafalgar Square trennen sich unsere Wege. Wir stellen fest, dass wir ja direkt vor der National Gallery stehen und diese noch 20 Minuten geöffnet hat. Im Museum staunen die Eltern: Klimt! (Gerald) Van Gogh! (Nicole), und die Geschwister wundern sich, was das für Sonnenblumen sein sollen, zu denen es die Familie auf einmal so eilig hat ...
Überall erklingt an diesem Tag Musik. Erst in Covent Garden, dann am Trafalgar Square. Und als wir am Abend unsere Sandwiches (Meal Deal! Tesco! günstig!) am Themseufer in Richmond auspacken, baut kurz darauf hinter uns erneut eine Band ihr Equipment auf. Ein schöner Abschluss für vier trubelige Tage London.
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wooahaes · 2 years
Oh holy shit thank you for ur thoughts I love talking ab my boys as well sksnsksm and All the best for ur final I hope it goes great!!!
Also ab the stanning groups w at least 8 members? FUCKIN MOOD BRO
I’m into nct and svt and now treasure 💀
At this point I I’ve stopped trying to control my brain lol but like I remember being hesitant to Stan skz coz they had 9 members back then and look at me now 💀 also treasure itself has a lot of members who are younger than me which was also why it was kinda unexpected for me because I remember thinking when like the new wave of 4th gen groups started after like TXT I was like ahh yeah no they’re all p much babies I think I’m gonna chill for a lil bit and stick w my grandmas and grandpas (according to twitter which I quit because I swear that place is the ass of all fandoms) but here I am🤡
-baby teume
henlo im taking a break from final because im frustrated with this professor and her "cite at least one" preface only to get followed with like "cite more than one thing in this question" for all questions except one lmao
sdkfjsdf YEA i love getting to talk abt literally any of my groups... the day someone asks me abt SHINee will be met w immediate regret bc i love them sm. they might be the smallest group i stan with 5 members but i still
omg nct... literally im not huge into nct yet bc the number of members scare me lmao but i would live for both mark + haechan and potentially renjun too since hes a cutie and he has a pretty voice... my only exposure to nct was glitch mode + the song uhh "life is still going on" tbh. v solid stuff and im interested.
also mark's "NCTzens this is for YOU" only to miss. i saw the clip forever ago and didnt know it was him until like a week ago lmao what a cutie
ngl i wasnt into skz at first but then i think coming back to oddinary was enough to get me interested? they have a lot of rly good stuff even if im not a fan of all of it. mr chris bang... i love u...... and also innie... i wuv him...
yeah felt that abt treasure lmao im older than most of the group? which like. in junkyu's case is purely by a few months, but the rest are younger than me!! every time i find out im older than an idol im like wot. especially if they're taller than me. trsr has some babies who are fuckin TALL
i know little abt TXT except that i was given some recs by an acquaintance who i occasionally talk kpop with lol but i did see them perform at weversecon22 (via stream)!! im... literally older than almost all of them (i'm older than soobin by several months since we're both 00 liners but STILL!! hes 6'1"... fear... but also dude can u reach the shit on the top shelf thx)
also god... twitter.... my beloathed... i have a twitter i rarely use but honestly ppl over there are... cringe most of the time. the only good ones are the ones who were calling out that bee tee ess journalist for a shoddily written article that reduced jjong down to his death + had misinformation :/ i deeply appreciate that since ppl who do that piss me off
also pls feel free to send asks whenever u want <3 like i said i love talking abt my boys (and talking in general dkfhdsf)!! and ur absolutely welcome to tell me abt nct if u want since ive been meaning to get into them more <3
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panelun · 3 years
La dispute saine dans Kaamelott
La nourriture n’est pas le seul élément typiquement français de Kaamelott. Il y a la dispute et le désaccord aussi.
Je pense que les anglo-saxons qui regardent Kaamelott doivent-être particulièrement perturbés par les relations dépeintes car ils ont un rapport à la dispute  et au conflit très différent du nôtre. 
Nous avons une représentation saine des désaccords. La dispute peut être bonne : elle permet de libérer les tensions, de dire ce qu’on a sur le coeur. Elle montre qu’on n’a pas peur de se dire ce qu’on pense. Exprimer un désaccord en public ne révèle pas la fragilité des relations mais au contraire, témoigne de leur solidité. On voit des exemples de ce style dans Astérix, notamment, où les gaulois passent leur temps à se battre entre eux pour ses broutilles, sans se détester pour autant, ou bien lorsque Astérix et Obélix se hurlent dessus avant de se rabibocher. Pour ceux que ça intéresse, je vous renvoie à “Éloge de la bagarre” dans Astérix chez les philosophes (numéro spécial de philosophie magazine), qui l’explique très bien.
Dans Kaamelott, c’est la même chose. Si on prend la famille de Léodagan par exemple, il me semble évident (tout comme aux autres spectateurs français il me semble) que dame Séli et Léodagan ne se détestent pas et ne détestent pas leurs enfants, bien qu’ils passent beaucoup de temps à s’insulter, à se critiquer ou à se disputer. Les conflits ouverts à la table du roi entre le couple ont même tendance à renforcer un sentiment de complicité. Ce n’est pas un couple d’amoureux transits, mais c’est bien un couple solide, et lorsqu’ils disputent leurs enfants, c’est un signe qu’ils les aiment. 
De même, Arthur passe son temps à s’énerver sur Perceval mais l’aime malgré tout. Il lui confère quelques privilèges et le considère même comme son préféré. Lorsque la dispute va trop loin et que Perceval doute, Arthur s’efforce de montrer son affection et le rassure suffisamment pour pouvoir à nouveau l’engueuler sans prendre le risque de le faire douter de la solidité de leur amitié. Autre exemple, la dispute entre Karadoc et Perceval pendant le livre V n’étiole pas leur relation mais la renforce lorsqu’ils se réconcilient. 
Et le seul personnage qui ne participe pas à ce petit manège avec le roi, c’est Lancelot. Lancelot ne dit jamais ce qu’il a sur le coeur, ce qui explique pourquoi ses relations avec Arthur finissent pas se dégrader. La dispute a vocation à consolider les relations parce que, tôt ou tard, il est inévitable d’avoir un désaccord. Lorsque cela arrive, il n’est pas sain de garder sa rancoeur pour soi sans l’exprimer franchement. 
Aussi, quand les personnages de Kaamelott se disputent, c’est un effet comique, mais c’est aussi un moyen de montrer leur complicité. Arthur ne serait pas si familier avec des gens qu’il n’apprécie pas ou des quels il ne se sentirait pas proche. On voit d’ailleurs qu’il n’est pas si virulent envers ses ennemis (dans le premier épisode où Élias apparaît par exemple, il s’emporte davantage contre Merlin que contre le mage qui vient le menacer. Lorsqu’il reçoit diplomatiquement des chefs, il marche sur des oeufs…) qu’envers ses alliés. La dispute est donc un signe de familiarité, de confiance, d’attachement et parfois, de respect mutuel entre les personnages. 
D’un autre côté, si on prend les comédies anglo-saxonnes (Les Monthy Python, les grosses comédies américaines…), même s’il peut y avoir des désaccords, le conflit n’est pas un ressort central dans la relation et si c’est le cas, il ne dépeint jamais une relation saine. Surtout, on ne se dispute pas en public, sauf pour effet dramatique. On ne critique ou on ne conteste pas sa moitié n’importe comment. C’est culturel. À ce sujet, j’étais tombée sur la vidéo édifiante d’une américaine en couple avec un français. Elle avait très mal pris une remarque de son copain, sans grande conséquence, parce qu’il lui avait fait savoir qu’il n’aimait pas son tee-shirt (sans lui demander d’en changer pour autant.) Ce n’est pas quelque chose qui vexeraient un couple de français très stable, il me semble, même si cela pourrait perturber un jeune couple encore incertain de l’avenir de cette relation.
 Les conflits dans Kaamelott ne paraitraient sans doute pas très sains pour un spectateurs anglophone, car pour eux, la dispute révèle une fragilité des relations, et surtout, elle doit rester privée. Dans une conférence sur les relations franco-américaines, une intervenante revenait sur la dispute qui avait opposé la France aux États-Unis, quand nous avions refusé de participer à la guerre en Irak. L’universitaire expliquait à cette occasion que le refus ouvert de la France de soutenir les USA avait été vécu comme une trahison d’autant plus grande qu’elle s’était clairement affirmée aux yeux de tous, ce qui avait été perçu comme une dégradation des relations internationales entre nos deux pays. D’un autre côté, la France n’avait pas ce problème puisque être honnête sur ses sentiments, même en public, est vu comme une bonne chose, même si cela doit révéler un désaccord. Cela montre au contraire qu’on n’a aucune crainte de voir nos rapports se dégrader.  
C’est donc bien quelque chose de typiquement français (oserais-je dire latin ?) que les spectateurs anglophones ont, je pense, un peu de mal à appréhender.
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