#genloss ranboo alter
starscatteredsky · 1 year
Name ideas for a Generation Loss Ranboo kin/introject
hope these work for someone! goo goobie - mod 👾 mod🧪
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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itsdefinitely · 3 months
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shout out to gender loss
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disabledalliums · 3 months
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Our glRanboo alter mentioned that they were puppy so we drew this for it! Feel free to tag as fanart and such, just don't complain if the design isn't accurate to what we see in genloss.
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nethergreatrack · 1 year
Did ‘The Puzzler’ actually say that the answer was on gl!Slimecicle but then the mask altered gl!Ranboo’s perception of what he said? It glitched and gl!Slime was screaming so we know gl!Ranboo’s perception was being altered in that scene and Puzzler seemed kinda disturbed by it.
Also, the fact they got the hat that temporarily freed gl!Sneeg from the brainwashing from gl!Slime. Did they pull it out of him of did he hand it to them? Was it actually covered in slime or blood? Since both gl!Sneeg and gl!Slime are labeled friend, are they all friends outside of the brainwashing? Did they put gl!Sneeg’s hat on him, smeared with his friends blood, for him to be suddenly aware of his friend bleeding out in front of him? Did gl!Ranboo unknowingly butcher his own friend and then leave him to possibly bleed out (I mean they kept talking about getting him help so idk)?
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thebreadsys · 2 months
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HELLO!!!! IM MARK/HOST WE HAVE 68 ALTERS AND WE HAVE TRIGGERS!!!! Adam Murray -Gatekeeper Samm!! -Little And we have a Genloss Ranboo we will post :P
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octolynx · 1 year
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Join here!!
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lesbiantrish · 2 years
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oh hi
its me
pronouns right : she/it/any horror themed neos
about 18/19
introject (if u didnt know/lh)
idk what else??
add as needed
oh yeah also feel free to suggest other names ,
picture (lmk if u want removed!/gen)
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Finally able to see genloss directors cut and goddamn, not even 10 minutes in and we already got some concerning stuff
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the ramen turns into intestines and the pickles are eyes... which really puts into perspective just how much of reality is altered by this corporation. We already knew that slime=blood, but learning that seemingly normal objects can also be Something Else. Wonder what this means when getting to Ranboo cutting Charlie open in search for a key, will all the random objects Charlie had eaten be the same for us? or is Ranboo taking Actual Human Organs out of Charlie?
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infizero · 3 months
ok so im gonna be real i have mixed opinions on the founders cut... I THINK IT WAS GOOD! TO BE CLEAR. but i did have someee problems with it. i think the og is better and here's why
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^ this shot is fucking fantastic btw i gasped so fucking loud.
i think the editing in certain moments kind of ruined their original impact. for example, turning the scene where ranboo is digging through charlie's insides into a montage, where the iconic moment of sudden horrific screaming is just one of those many quick scenes in that montage, reallyyyy removed a lot of the impact it originally had.
before you were lured into a false sense of security with the extended comedy of ranboo and charlie going back and forth and then out of NOWHERE the slime turns to blood and charlie's screaming and it's horrifying. but with it being a montage, it goes by so quickly and there's way less emphasis placed on the sudden change. idk i was just really disappointed with how that scene went down in the founders cut personally
there's also an opposite problem with a few scenes imo where they made stuff MORE emphasized and it kinda ruined the impact that way. specifically the scene where ranboo's button gets pressed while he's going through the doorway. i think that scene works wayyyyy better where it gets pressed, ranboo shuts down, and then is reset. adding the glitching and the big "FACTORY RESET" text on screen just feels really unnecessary, like just totally spelling it out rather than the horrific subtlety of the original. idk maybe that's just me
in general i think having to cut stuff down does alter the vibe a lot, i think a lot of what makes genloss genloss IS the live format. and obviously if ur making a cut down version then no matter what you're gonna lose some of that vibe. buttttt that does contribute to my feeling that the founders cut is inferior to the original vods
another thing is. i reallyyyyy dont like the new hetch lines in the final scene SORRY. he sounds so over the top evil and it really ruined the scene for me. him sounding much more like Some Guy in the original made it all the more scarier and REAL seeming in my opinion. thats what makes that scene so horrifying is how REAL it feels! in this version everything hetch said just sounded cartoonish and corny. sorry.
now WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID. there was plenty of stuff i really liked!!!!!!! i thought the animations with squiggles were FANTASTIC, all the new camera angles, the cuts between charlie's stream and the episode were really well done, the baby ranboo pictures.... i think there was a lot of stuff that was improved. im not saying i dislike the founders cut. and im glad it exists!! not everyone is willing to sit through the full thing
basically what i'll say is that the founders cut is perfect for someone who isn't willing to watch the vods in full, and im glad that it exists for the new content it provided, but i think that the best viewing experience for genloss the social experiments IS the original full vods. even with all of its dead air and drawn out bits and everything, i think it's the superior version. but idk that's just my opinion lol
also the third episode barely needed to be edited because it is already perfect <3
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divinemackerel · 9 months
Hey y’all, I’m making a quick post about sootbur/sootcest/bursonas just because I wanted to talk about it as a fandom, because people have a tendency to misjudge what it is and that often leads to hate and it can get really nasty.
First off, it is a character-centric* fandom. It mostly follows consistent characters put on by ccWilbur (though occasionally we do latch onto one off bits). These characters have no resemblance to their creator besides occasionally looks, but it is really popular in the fandom to alter their heights and looks and to further differentiate them and for fun. 
They are NOT ccWilbur unless specifically stated, and that distinction is important. To say they are him is like saying ccTommy and cTommy are the same person, or Ranboo in Genloss is the same person as ccRanboo.
They are characters put on by an actor, ccWilbur is not a murderer, a misogynist, or a zombie. (We hope.)
*There are people who include ccWilbur in their sootbur, of course, but I personally haven’t run into them in the tumblr sootbur fandom as it is bursona focused in ships. I think it would be unfair to paint this side of the fandom as rpf writers.
Second off, fandom is for the fans, acting like otherwise is a bit silly.
There is a need in the MCYT fandom (especially the DSMP side) to make sure everything is approved of by content creators, is “ok” with their boundaries. Sootbur is just for us though, how Wilbur feels about it really doesn’t matter as he will never really know about it unless you go and tell him.
Yes, he knows about the bursona side of the fandom and has interacted with it on twitter, but sootbur is, once again, for fans! It exists only in extremely small pockets in fan communities. Content creators do not and should not be heavily involved with these communities imo. This is common place in nearly every fandom.
Sootbur isn’t hurting anyone, it is just a silly set of ships. There’s no need to treat it like its somehow so much worse than DSMP ships like eretbur or fundbomb. Those ships also exist without “permission”.
Sure, maybe to you it inexplicably yucks your yums, but rather than jumping to the ship being the problem and harassing folks I implore you to consider why. Because the answer “just because its weird,” isn’t a good justification. 
This fandom is a community space, and on tumblr, is almost entirely sfw. It is not hurting anyone and is just a group of people being passionate about a specific creator’s/actor’s characters.
Thank you for reading. If you just don’t like the fandom regardless, please just leave us alone.
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anyway! genloss theories and thoughts now I am done:
- showfall media has been around for a long, long while. they’ve at the very least been around since the 90s in their current form, potentially longer, but I think as an organisation they’ve existed a lot longer than that. there’s something supernatural with how they bring people back and alter perceptions, and not all of it can be explained by technology. i think there’s something much more sinister at its core than even what we’ve seen.
- the people showfall media have been using for their shows have also been there for a long time. in the universe of generation loss, they’re still streamers, but their careers are maintained by showfall media to keep them relevant and gain money- whether it be after they got their hands on them or something they continued after, most likely a mix of both. charlie has been there since he was very young, in the cabin set, at least. ranboo has been there most likely for the least amount of time, being new and fresh and a hot commodity, but he’s been there long enough to recognise charlie.
- showfall media doesn’t brainwash people in the traditional way, it uses false memories and altered perceptions to force people to act the way they want. they seem able to freeze people in place, but it otherwise seems that people are in control of their actions to an extent under showfall’s methods- it’s just that they’re being given a distorted view of reality and being forcibly disassociated from the world around them. they reduce people down into characters by simplifying their view of reality, not by directly controlling them.
- i think showfall media might be recycling old/unpopular talent into their staff. we see from memorials that they have a level of freedom that allows them to have interpersonal relationships (one or more even being the puzzlers child), and they were once human but aren’t anymore. on that note, i think it’s quite possible that ranboo was turned into staff after his death. :)
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chrysalizzm · 1 year
survival of the fittest: predictions for generation two
i said in rancord sub-boosty chat that i would probably write a comprehensive meta regarding my theories for generation two and then it got nuked bc i wrote way too much in one message w spoiler blinders so here it is!
spoilers for generation loss episodes one, two, and three.
given that i started watching genloss assuming it was an allegory for genetic algorithms in ai due to the language of “generations” (knowing now that generation loss, as a concept, refers to “degradation of quality resulting from imperfect reproduction techniques”) i think that there's an element both of refinement and of deterioration here. a couple of elements are at play:
for those unfamiliar, a genetic algorithm is a method by which self-learning ai acquire and refine their pool of knowledge. very generally speaking, ai are trained in “generations,” with each generation learning from its predecessor and improving upon itself to reach its ultimate goal. to this end, genetic algorithms use process of elimination to narrow down the best ai—in other words, natural selection: survival of the fittest. the strongest wins. 
in the context of genloss, this seems to align with showfall media’s goal: creating the Perfect Hero for their Perfect Show. it also, perhaps, hints at what’s to come in generations two and three. i get the feeling that we will be seeing new ranboos, each one better equipped for the tasks demanded by the show than their previous iterations, and yet also retaining the knowledge that allowed the generations before them to survive. what are favorable traits within the ecosystem of showfall media? complacency? levelheadedness? the ability to perform unflinching normalcy under hellish conditions? at any rate, showfall media wants the generations of our hero, ranboo, to eventually acquire the skills to be the ideal protagonist and engaging pov character, whatever that may entail. it’d behoove us to keep an eye out for changes in generation two that seem influenced by the erratic and even unstable nature of generation one. 
(on a slight tangent: this is also how our brains learn things, and is relevant to trauma formation and retention. we often develop trauma responses to specific things—triggers—because those are what helped us survive traumatic experiences. there is positive reinforcement here: because we survived, we will do it again, and again, and again. parallel to natural selection, our brains prune responses; this is why trauma survivors have altered responses to things that may seem completely normal for people who don’t share those triggers or responses with them. altered response in brain structures, particularly the amygdala (the so-called “fear center”) are part of the observed neurobiological differences btwn those with and without ptsd—but i digress.)
on to generation loss. this has probably already been theorized before so i won’t beat a dead horse, but in the context of knowledge retention and crystallization as mentioned above, i think we’ll also see the next generations deteriorate significantly. this may manifest as more frequent breaks between the narrative of the show and what’s actually happening (e.g. this clip [blood and emotional distress tw] of the showfall media illusion breaking and us being shown ranboo elbow deep in charlie’s blood) and likely more emotional turmoil and derealization on the part of generation two and three. i wonder if generation two will inherit generation one’s cracked mask as a symbolic gesture and as an implicit warning, but that’s just broad speculation (and i imagine that mask is pretty much crushed to bits by now).
also re:the idea of imperfect reproduction causing the phenomenon of generation loss. we have to remember that ranboo is not the only character to be rescripted. charlie has had multiple generations. sneeg has had multiple generations. it’s sort of implied jerma has had multiple generations just by proxy of how long he’d been part of the genloss project. circling back to charlie and sneeg, though: their generations were imperfect. they made mistakes that broke the flow and immersion of the show, and it cost them. the generation that made the mistake was killed, and a new generation—streamlined, scripted, perfectly seamless—was put in their place. i found sneeg particularly rebellious, and also wonder about the importance of that hat and how it seemingly granted him self-awareness. at a guess it was because the hat was a holdover from the previous episode so the continuity error was what fucked sneeg up, in which case the hat didn’t actually have to be put on sneeg for the same effect to happen, but sneeg did hold it together remarkably well—long enough to attempt an escape. i wonder if that, too, was scripted. i wonder if everything we saw, everything we were handed with both hands by showfall and by hetch, was scripted.
ultimately i was super intrigued by genloss and am hyperfixating on it, if you couldn’t already tell. it was an incredible production with an incredible cast, story, costuming—everything. i’m in love with it. thank you to ranboo and to everyone on the cast and crew for genloss and i’m very excited for what’s next.
other stuff that stuck out to me that didn’t quite fit into this prediction:
hetch isn’t the founder, he’s just someone who appears to have control over the production that ranboo specifically was starring in (which is still a lot of executive power). saying that makes me wonder if there are other shows showfall media is in charge of, and genloss is just one of them. i found it interesting that hetch told ranboo to keep his mask at the outset of ep3, and this was the main reason why i personally did not trust him.
according to the genloss bts twitter, there was a “live” ending. that said, i think hetch opening the floor for ranboo to speak directly to the audience was what ultimately swung the vote so far to “die.” i’ve seen people talking about this already: we swarmed the vote en masse for “live” until hetch told ranboo they would just be reprogrammed into the show again, and ranboo begged. they begged us to let them die. look at us. we were never going to be able to say no to them. (i also think ranboo’s death makes for a compelling story in the future regarding my theory of generations, but i don’t know what the “live” ending would have looked like, so this is fully biased.)
thinking about how the show was shaped to culminate to ep3 from the beginning. we’ve seen and heard hetch through it all, and he was the one to break the illusion for ranboo. every last bit was scripted. uhh something something i think ranboo’s rebellion against chat in ep3 was also intended, even if the specific code that he chose wasn’t scripted. it really defeats a person to realize nothing is in their control, you know? the freedom was an illusion after all.
what is generation loss (concept)? how genetic algorithms work human-guided machine learning optimization of knowledge acquisition
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wombatemani72 · 1 year
I feel like there’s a lot of hints of Generation Loss not being in this reality. First in the Showfall media Announcement he says "bring entertainment to THIS world" and then Hetch said "find who in YOUR world is worthy"
It’s possible that Showfall is in an alternate reality or different dimension. I mean we were even kinda introduced to the idea with the door in the cabin (but i take stuff in the cabin with a grain of salt since it’s just a set and the door may have just been part of the show)
Anyway, I was really thinking about this because I love to imagine that they got to escape and live happily (because man it hurts my heart that they all died) but as I think about it, I realize we know nothing about what the world looks like outside of the Showfall mall. Is it a normal world? Or is it a dystopia out there like Little Nightmares 2 or that “Model Citizen” short film on Youtube (if you know what I’m taking about, it’s obscure but it fits so well with genloss it’s crazy)? Cause seriously, what does the world gotta be like for them to be watching this stuff. And for reincarnation(???) and a wire monster to be possible. 
(Although the wire monster is possibly another illusion since we know that Charlie and Ranboo were still being somewhat controlled/having their reality altered at that point by Hetch)
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honkceasar · 1 year
Okay big infodump that might not make any sense about The guy who didn’t like musicals, Black Friday, and genloss!!! They’re very similar and I think that’s very cool!!!! I love finding similarities between media I enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
‼️Spoilers for all 3 episodes of generation loss, Black Friday, and The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals!!! Also various descriptions of gore!!!‼️
-So this isn’t really an actual in-depth comparison but both the hatchetfield musicals and genloss are live comedy-horror shows that reuse actors and have an edited version posted on YouTube later and I think that is a really funny coincidence lmao
Okay so the first real thing that stuck out to me is that the comedy to horror balance of genloss is SOOO reminiscent of the hatchetfield musicals!! It’s part of why I adore genloss so much honestly. Starkid already has such a place in my heart, so watching something that gave that same comedy-to-horror balance made me fall in love with it immediately.
- Tgwdlm and Spirit of the Cabin I think are most similar in terms of tone. Both genloss and tgwdlm have that quality of “not scary until you think about it but once you do it’s HORRIFYING” concept and I’m SUCH A SUCKER FOR THAT. Granted, the horror of the first ep of genloss doesn’t hit that hard without the revelations of the second, but I feel like my point still stands. Also they both kind of poke fun at the horror genre in general?? Tgwdlm is supposed to parody the ENTITE horror genre, and I feel like with the amount of references to old horror movies in spirit of the cabin, I think it’s safe to say ranboo was doing something similar. (Also they both involve strange colored goo that replaces the appearance of actual gore?? Like when I realized what the slime was in genloss I couldn’t stop thinking about Charlotte’s blue intestines in Join Us And Die)
- While I don’t think it’s as great of a comparison, ep 2 and 3 of genloss definitely have a tone similar to Black Friday. Black Friday and The Mastermind of the Warehouse both have parts of them that are so absurd you start to wonder how it’s ever going to get that scary and then a bombshell drops out of NOWHERE. Like the feeling I got between What Do You Say and Feast or Famine in BF was the same as Charlie’s silly slime dissection turning to real blood and guts. I’d say towards the end of Black Friday it starts to feel like The Choice, but I don’t know how similar I could really say they are without reaching lol.
Okay here’s where I might just really want these to be more similar than they are BUT there’s also some really fun plot similarities between the hatchetfield musicals and generation loss!
- Mind control!! They both kind of have mind control! With tgwdlm, the weird goop shit can make people do things they normally would NEVER do. (Paul participating in a musical, Charlotte hurting people, Sam literally pointing a gun at his wife’s head and later ripping her insides out.) Wiggly in Black Friday also alters people’s perception in that way, making them more violent and desperate. The comparison of tgwdlm and genloss gets me the most though honestly. I think about how Professor Hidgens sings “you’ve just got to give up your choice” in Let It Out a LOT in terms of genloss ranboo. Nothing gl!ranboo does is HIS choice. He has to comply with the various games showfall makes him play if he wants to live or have any free will at all. Any time he breaks through the control and the filter, he becomes even more of an npc. None of his choices are his own.
- Okay this one’s more funny than serious but all of the hatchetfield shows and genloss have fucking time loop theories that make me insane actually. I keep desperately trying to make What If Tomorrow Comes make sense for genloss cause of the time loop implications but I’m really just grasping at straws lol let me BELIEVE.
- THE PROTAGONISTS DONT WIN (and it makes me so sad every time). Literally everyone in tgwdlm eventually dies/becomes a weird singing zombie. They even lure you into a false sense of hope with Paul and Emma that they managed to escape, just for it to be revealed that Paul has already been transformed and Emma has no hope for survival. In Black Friday, Wiggly remains undefeated, and the implied ending is that they get nuked by Russia due to the misplaced bomb. (tomorrow never comes!!) In generation loss, Sneeg is always so close but never truly reaches freedom, Charlie dies the moment he understands what has happened to him, and ranboo…..well. ⬛️ He even gets that same false sense of hope!! He defeats showfall, shuts it all down!! The exit is right there!!!!! He’s going to escape!!!!!! Just for him to get captured and crucified. The audience doesn’t even get to know if death really freed him. It’s that same kind of cruel ending where the protagonists efforts just,,,, don’t accomplish anything. The hero doesn’t succeed, and suffers for trying at all.
-there’s also like,,, religious imagery in Black Friday and genloss but nothing really to compare there, just neat
Okay silly rant over!!! I just really like genloss and the fact that it feels so similar to previous fixations I’ve had just makes it even more special to me :^)
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razberrypuck · 1 year
i just recently started listening to just roll with it, and am now on episode 13, and
i’m just saying, the ranboo episodes are REALLY giving me generation loss vibes but you didn’t hear that from me 🤷‍♂️
(to clarify, it’s like the whole being stuck in a place built to entertain, having your perception of reality altered and finally breaking free from the illusion and fighting to escape only to realize nothing is how you thought it was and you can never go back to the life you knew beforehand etc etc etc)
i might be onto something lmao /j
I Do Not remember if ranboo started working on genloss when that ep was recorded (I don't think they were? bc I'm fairly certain it was pre-ranboo-UK-trip but I could totally be wrong) but you're so right either way. clorten my beloved foreshadowing The Horrors we love to see it
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notnosimp · 3 months
I love how charborgs wires/markings paralell hetch's! Would crik/char recognize/be familiar with anyone else either of their actual cc counterparts interact with (like jerma and vinny for example, especially vinny for hetch since criken and vinny are friends irl and theres potential for why would hetch here let an anvil be dropped on him over that)
Thank you sm!! And oh, definitely!
Before I get to the others I wanna say that the reason Char also has quite a bit of wires is due to him not behaving and basically just trying to escape/mess with the cast and crews wiring. They keep him hired/not killed off 'cause he's making the shows look better and because by having him there and not fully mind-controlled, Hetch is a bit happier. They dug around, and now the Founder knows about them being friends before the hiring. (The Founder/Showfall WILL use this as blackmail, of course.)
I unfortunately don't watch much of Vinny, but the friendship between GL him and GL!Criken/Hetch would definitely be similar to GL!Chars and GL!Cris- the only difference being that Vinny was probably there for a lot, LOT longer. Same with Criken- he mentioned being given his job a while ago, and Charborg probably waited a year, maybe two before finally building up the courage to go to Showfall himself and find out why Criken was acting so weird.
(I'm just gonna call Hetch Criken from now on, unless I'm referring to him 'in mask' or on the job)
Criken absolutely, and probably immediately (since the cast members don't actually have masks) recognized Vinny and Jerma (and maybe Ranboo, too- hard to say since they don't play much together IRL from what I've seen but they did make Genloss together lmao. I'll come back to that)- same with Char when he got his mask off. Criken tried to communicate with them- tried to actually figure out why they were there (as, unlike him- they were actually super nice, sane people) but it didn't really work. There were little split moments where he thought he saw a flicker of recognition in their eyes, and sometimes they said something that wouldn't make sense if they didn't know who he really was, but those moments were over and done with in seconds.
Eventually, he gave up on them. Saw them as just another part of the show and didn't care about killing them off time and time again. Charborg still tries to communicate with them like Criken once did, even though Criken did tell him that he'd already tried and come up empty handed- and even though he's done trying- Criken does hope, deep in the back of his head, that they eventually escape. He hopes Charborg escapes, too. He doesn't think Showfall is a good place for them.
For a bit of an explanation on why he cares about them but less so the others- the short answer is that he knew them in the before. Before he got all his power. They're special to him; he has actual connections to them and knows that there are actually people behind those blank eyes. He's spent time with them: shared meals, binged shows, played games- all with them. They stay latched onto his heart, but with how much he knows the mind-altering tech does to their brains, that special place they once held is fading.
He finds solace in Char, at times- talking with him about memories before he got hired. They're far and few between- as mentioned before, mind-altering tech tends to erase a lot of stuff- but it helps him remember why he originally tried to help them and brings a bit of happiness into his life that doesn't come from his job.
It's in the past, though. He's confident there's no saving them, despite his hopes. That's the definitive answer of why he doesn't mind killing them anymore- especially since they can be revived. It's all for the story, all for the plotline- in his mind.
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