#genuinely one of my favorite luigis ever
opal16trash · 1 year
genuinely one of my favorite scenes in the entire film. Sure it's short and goes by quick but it's super sweet.
- Lu bringing Mario's food to him and giving him a soft "hey"
- Luigi kinda handing him the plate but Mario denying it due to being too upset from his fathers words
- "You're not bringing me down. You know what? What do they know, huh?" Lu trying to comfort/reassure his older brother is so sweet. He knows how much that hurts as Lu was probably affected by his fathers words as well
- "It's not just them. Our whole lives everyone was tellin us we can't do this, can't do that.. just sick and tired of feeling so small." This is probably the first time that we ever see Mario at a low and vent. Luigi is silent, listening, and understanding
- Mario, and Luigi too, has been beaten down for trying to achieve his dream. Although he kept going and had Lu for support, he just wants to prove them wrong
God I just love this scene and their relationship. I also love what they did with Marios character. He's so determined and just wants to prove that he's capable of doing anything that he's willing to do.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
As much as I mourn all the lines that appeared in mario movie trailers but for some reason, didn't make it to the finished product (RIP "I'm not afraid! I'd do anything for my brother!" YOU LIVE ON IN MY HEART ALWAYS AND FOREVER), I've been thinking about "I hope you told your brother how much you love him, because you're probably never gonna see him again" and the rest of that whole dialogue exchange in particular from this specific trailer and how much I wish we'd gotten that moment because I think it would have helped spotlight a vital aspect of Mario's character that the movie already does a REALLY good job with getting across in the first place: the way he communicates how he feels through action and acts of service instead of words!
(more under the cut because this got too long, haha)
Mario is usually a very quiet protagonist so this tracks with the games too, obviously, but even movie!Mario seems like someone who isn't overly verbose or who's especially eager to enter into heavy, feelings-based conversations (at least not without a struggle). Talking about his feelings might not come easy to him, and he maybe even forgets to say things outloud that to him, seem obvious. (Meanwhile, I think Luigi is always up for gushing about his favorite people (see the interrogation scene lol) and probably ends every phone call/text message exchange ever with "love you!" to Mario and his parents, to the point that he might accidentally say it to acquaintances and customers too on occasion, LOL).
So thinking about this exchange with Toad and how, even if the movie didn't acknowledge it past that point, this idea would be hanging over Mario throughout his journey hits harder because you can imagine him thinking: hey, when WAS the last time he told Luigi outright that he loved him that wasn't a distracted "yeah, me too" response to Luigi saying it first? Maybe it's been a long time. Too long. So long it's genuinely upsetting for him to realize! What if his brother doesn't actually know how much Mario loves him, because he does, he does so much, and he's been an idiot for going so long without saying the actual words and now he can't, he CAN'T and he would give anything in the world to go back and do things differently!
And of course, all this panic is totally unwarranted and even silly because I think Luigi knows like his own name how much Mario loves him. Because the audience watching this movie knows how much Mario loves his brother by that point! Mario never says the actual words - in fact, he never says anything particularly positive about Luigi, other than "you were great!" regarding the commercial in the very beginning - and yet it couldn't be any clearer!!! I think it's pretty impossible to come out of this movie (if you were paying attention in the least) not seeing that love plain as day in everything Mario does, down to the littlest things, because he is a man of action and that's how he expresses himself best!
You see it in how he shifts from mildly embarrassed to immediately Intense and Ready To Throw Down on a dime when Spike insults Luigi, you see it in how he pauses to open doors and create paths for Luigi to safely follow him through the construction site as he's parkouring, you see it when the dog becomes aggressive and Mario is just entirely focused on keeping Luigi behind him, pushing him out of harm's way, getting the dog's attention so it will attack him instead, etc. You see it in the warp pipe when his entire demeanor changes the second he realizes Luigi is in trouble, how he desperately paddles to reach him and grab his hand and comfort him about the situation. You see it in how his brother is front of mind for him at every point in his adventure and that's why he fights so hard to talk to Peach, why he agrees to the fight with DK, why he keeps trying even when things seem hopeless and no one believes he can do it. You see it written all over Mario's face during the reunion, every single little way he touches Luigi and brings him closer and checks in on him with crystal-clear relief and joy and gentleness!!! The "show, don't tell" aspect is just OFF THE CHARTS IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE because that's how Mario is. He's not so good at words and remembering to say them. When he loves someone, he wears that feeling, he lives that feeling in so much of what he chooses to do and how he interacts with the world, and while it's always good to say these things outloud now and then just to be clear everyone's on the same page (and I'm sure he does after the movie, haha), it doesn't make it any less meaningful. :)
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skulls-soul · 8 months
My dumb stupid “ homework” is done and my job/employment is safe (for now) so why not I give y’all another dimigi idea (dimentio x luigi)
OK this is kind of the same set up as last time in where Luigi, Mario peach and Bowser just finished saving the universe but instead of it being that night he saw dimentio in his dream’s, it took a week for Luigi to hear him in his head
When this first happened, Luigi was scared shitless! at home all alone with Mario not coming back until late in the afternoon the next day!! Which was in hindsight a good thing since it gave him at least a little bit of time to get used to the voice while Mario was not around (that and to make sure he’s not crazy)
That means that once again he doesn’t tell Mario about what’s going on. He doesn’t want to worry him because he saved the universe last week.. (smh)  Mario still saw him jump every once in a while, but it’s small enough, in where Luigi can just pass it off as something silly
With that being said if I heard the voice of a villain, that mind controlled me to help him succeed in destroying the universe in my head saying “ how long does it take to style a tiny fuzzy mustache?”  I would jump Yelp and spin around, using my comb as a weapon too!
He wouldn’t really be able to pass it off as something silly at such a loud yelp
 Ever since that first time dimentio spoke he’s been putting his input on things luigi does in his day to day. At first it was just insults and jabs with an occasional question that isn’t so politely placed. Although, at some point that change to occasional genuine question
And it’s because Luigi always answered his questions, no matter how rudely placed, and when he got his answers, he was fascinated by Luigi’s description of the world and it also got him curious on the green fellow himself
Up the point where he started asking personal questions. When he first did so, it genuinely startled Luigi but for different reasons instead of it just being due to the sudden voice. But just like with any other question, the jester asked Luigi gave him a genuine answer. 
“ what is your favorite place in the entirety of the mushroom kingdom?” dimentio asked as Luigi walked down the woodsy path to his and Mario’s house
….. “the casino” Luigi answered hesitantly, his gaze focused on the ground.
It was dimentio’s turn to be surprised causing a laugh out of the jester,leaving luigi feeling warm
at some point, it became less and less questions about the world and more about Luigi
And At some point along Luigis adventure of getting the disembodied voice out of his head, he became well acquainted with said voice although one day they burst out into an argument (Demento said something about his mustache) so when Mario came into the bathroom with a Weegee screaming at his reflection… you can say that he was concerned
And when Luigi explained to him that the split smiled Villain is talking to him in his head…that it didn’t help with his concerns
In fact it did the exact opposite…
Aaand now he’s in peach’s castle with the two worrying over him…then Bowser joined cuz OF COURSE it’s game night so not only Bowser is here but his best friend Daisy, waluigi and wario were there…it was hectic to say the least
So much so that he had to leave the room to get some air
Dimentio was worried in which surprised him because he never thought that he would ever feel worried for the plumber and yet here he is
He didn’t say anything though, not until Luigi’s heart slowed down it was a simple question. “are you ok?” 
“Oh Um..ya just not used to being the center of attention hehe”
“Hmm well they were being loud and annoying so I did book it out of there too”
 if Luigis Giggle did something to dimentio’s brain that is for him to know and him to know only. “their just concerned… well half of them are” luigi says
“Well I think they should have a bit more faith in you after all you were quite a foe”
Luigi pouts to that yet thanks him nonetheless.
“So what do u plan on doing?” dimentio asked
“Mama Mia I have no clue”
“I think you should march back in there and give them a peace of your mind”
“Hehe….you know what your right!”
“I’m right? I mean obviously but you usually don’t go with my ideas”
“ I am going to kindly give them a piece of my mind”
“Of course” Demento really shouldn’t be surprised but he’s happy nonetheless that Luigi is taking his advice and so with that all being said and done, Luigi stands up and tells the group that they should continue with game night as per usual so he can show them all that he is fine (at least physically)
And so they do
Aaaaaand this post is too long so I’m gonna leave it here and make other posts about these two in this scenario. Sense frankly I have too many ideas 
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lizadale · 3 months
i gotta confess this I've been into this au since like middle school and I've roasted it to bits in my head ever since (/pos) and literally had a whole au that was lowkey based off it, knowing that you're still active and working on it is genuinely great i love your work it literally carved the path to how I view super paper mario today and it's the main reason why dimentio is one of my favorite mario characters of all time (gotta love the luigis mansion characters too yknow especially gooigi and steward). ok ramble over I'll go watch a playthrough of spm
tdlr: your dimigi au made me go insane because it was too good
omgggg thank you so much! :'D
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sketchedboba · 1 year
I get some people raise an eyebrow on how you write Bowser in this au but can I just say hes gotta be one of my favorite Bowsers out there!! ❤
Like no shade to other Bowsers but he's such an interesting and complex character to me I want to learn more about him in this au!
Like it's strange & interesting to me how he can neglect to raise his own imperfect creations yet be willing to take in other imperfect & abandoned koopalings, It makes me wonder about whether it was him being naive to parenthood in his younger years as well as seeing his own imperfections in them.
I actually like him doing poorly at being a parent the first time around but doing great with most of the next set of kids since these things do happen in life and it makes me want to know more about his relationships with not only his kids but their relationships with each other and how it effects everyone, like I'm curious about Bowser's mindset and what he regrets in his life and if he ever considers trying to mend broken family relationships with his older kids, I'm also very curious about how Luigi handles this info and if he calls him out on some things later on when he kinda has the right to do so as a queen and step parent
Im a huge fan but also super shy so sorry for this being anon but your story leaves me with questions and cravings for more it's so good and not just black & white keep up the great work!❤
After reading all of this, thank you 💚
I don't dislike other Bowser interpretations (heck I envy how simple or even more complex others make his character). However thank you!
I've also shared a few times that just because I've written a morally grey or black character, doesn't mean they're terrible overall or stay that way. It gets frustrating having to explain this over and over again especially when the version in my au gets compared to someone's personal version of him or another au. I have nothing against either.
Anygays, what a rant- moving on 😭
I'll reveal more on the Koopa Kids in the next post and I'm excited to share more of their personalities. 🎉 Surprise 🎉 they were the ones the new animatic is going to be about. It'll flesh out their lives a bit more.
As for Luigi's response, there's a comic planned for the confrontation so I won't spoil much outside of that. Just know it gets pretty messy.
Also for anyone doing the math, yes, Bowser wanted an heir at the age of 16, he was royalty AND the only other large koopa species. Kamek is a nice father figure, but he wanted company he could tend to. He was also naive in thinking about how fatherhood worked and Kamek spoiled him, so no wasn't really an answer he would take.
I genuinely found canon Bowser's treatment of different types of the younger koopalings over the years interesting. He praises Junior a lot and most of the others are an after thought (just like how Nintendo treats them...)
I know 10 is a lot of children for him (I've been told this before), but he's 34 almost 35 in my au. He has most definitely will and has fucked up whether it be with his children or his relationships with others.
It's good to know that there are people invested in the au though and don't worry about being anon 😌 I appreciate the support n luv ♥️
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Here are these two goofs eating spaghetti. 🧡
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dappledpaintbrush · 7 months
wow, looks like you can do an essay about Dimentio.
What do you think of the other characters?
For me in "short"
Tippi: The protagonist of the story and got her happy ending, I came to miss her presence after the end.
Count Bleck: Definitely one of Mario's best written villains. I cry.
Nastasia: I was in her place, I empathized a lot with her and sometimes I wish she would return in other stories.
O'chunks: I was surprised by her story, I didn't expect that background, for me he is a himbo in a good way. A good guy.
Mimi: I can't say the same with Mimi, a little disappointed, but at least there are headcanons.
Mr. L: Definitely wasted potential, I would have liked to see more with the other minions. It's weird if I got a penny for every time Luigi is hypnotized into being an enemy I'd have two cents, which isn't much but it's weird that it happens twice.
Dimentio: It's thanks to him that I have an obsession with Jesters, he managed to do what Bowser couldn't with just a snap of his fingers. Terrifying, I hope one day we see it again.
Okay so. I’ll try not to make this unbearably long. But this game is my special interest so. I apologize in advance. (I turned off reblogs bc reblogging asks removes the read more) (and it’s gonna clog people’s feed) (this IS unbearably long) (I Failed)
Omg I miss Tippi too :( it feels so weird playing the game without her.
Tippi is so . so interesting. All of the characters are interesting, but I especially love the way she’s written. I love how they were able to nail that she’s gentle and caring, but also firm and not about to put up with anybody’s bullshit. To me, that’s hard to write without it feeling disengenuine, and they pulled it off with Tippi VERY well. A particular line of hers I really like is, “Perhaps...my life would have been more carefree without you, that is true,” in response to Blumiere’s, “But I have caused you so much suffering..." She didn’t immediately console him. She told him the truth, as harsh as it was. Idk, that scene had just always stuck out to me. It’s not a line I expected to be written.
I wish her unexplained teleportation powers were. Explained. But that doesn’t really mess up her character so it’s okay. However. I hate how she developed a crush on Mario. I’ve always hated it. I like to pretend it’s not real LMAO. But then again, it can be interpreted in a deeper way- that she didn’t actually have a crush on Mario and she was merely projecting onto him. Her memory was flooding back to her and she was in a very vulnerable situation after all. Projecting those feelings for an, at the time, unknown individual onto Mario makes sense.
I love Tippi dude she rocks she’s my favorite forever and ever and ever
Count Bleck:
where do I even begin on Count Bleck good lord. One of Nintendo’s best villains even outside of the Mario franchise. God he’s so fucking good.
I wish it was more clear whether or not he was planning on erasing Team Bleck from existence as well. Whether or not he was going to do that that impacts his character HEAVILY. Him wanting all worlds to end but sparing the people who cared about him really helps his “redemption” and helps us have more sympathy for him. Unfortunately it’s not directly touched on outside of that one thing Dimentio said, but. It’s Dimentio LMFAOOO we can’t trust him. I personally lean more towards Bleck was going to betray the team just given the evidence about it. I yapped a lot about my reasoning IN A POST I CANT FIND. It had a bunch of screenshots and stuff and I can’t. Fucking. Find it. Oh well I guess that’s just GONE ❤️
Despite this I feel like it’s important to address Bleck with nuance. I don’t think he intentionally planned on betraying his team. I think he genuinely loved them. But he was so caught up in the Dark Prognosticus and the Void and Timpani and ultimately BEING this Count Bleck character the book spoke of that he felt like there was no way out of it anymore. This is supported by the fact he tried to fight Mario in the final battle despite knowing Timpani was still alive. It’s clear Blumiere had completely lost himself, as if he forgot why he was doing this in the first place and let Count Bleck take over (note: I mean this in a symbolic/psychological sense; I don’t believe the book was controlling him). It’s only when he’s on his death bed that he realizes he does not have to do this.
I put redemption in quotation marks because. I don’t think he was redeemed. Granted he didn’t have enough time to do anything, but to be honest, I don’t think he or any other member of Team Bleck is redeemable (before anybody comes at me with the lament au/ajl, THE POINT IS THAT DIMENTIO IS NOT REDEEMABLE NO MATTER HOW HARD HE TRIES!! YOU CANNOT REDEEM THE EXTERMINATION OF LIFE ITSELF!!!)
Also he’s a goofy guy. He’s just a dad
NASTASIA COME BACK TO ME. God I wish they kept her emo hair strand.
Her character is so. so sad (I feel like I’ve said that sentence forty seven times, this game is MISERABLE). I love her so much. I love her confidence, I love how she doesn’t take bullshit from anyone, I love how much she loves. It makes me so fucking sad how depressed she remains long after Blumiere’s sacrifice. Like, we don’t know how much time passed between the ending of the game and Mario returning (when you boot up the save file again, Merlon states that it has been a while since he’s seen Mario). It explains why Mimi and O’Chunks seem fine (I’m sure they’re not fine, but I mean it explains why they were able to have a “normal” conversation with Mario and co.), but Nastasia is still so heartbroken.
Of course that is to be expected, and I’m glad Nintendo didn’t make everything all sunshine and rainbows ooo we’re all happy now etc, even IF a long time has passed. It makes total sense that there are repercussions to experiencing a traumatic event and Nastasia portrays it well (for a Mario game). In her epilogue dialogue, her hope for better days is shallow. It’s fake. She shows how she truly feels and immediately backtracks (“I guess I should be happy... I mean, I am, but, um...”). She still wants to put on that confident and secure exterior, but it’s not working. She will always love Blumiere, and she will always miss him. I hope she finds happiness one day, too. She deserves to live her own life.
I know I’m contributing to this I barely post about him but lord he’s so interesting. I know the Japanese and English translation tell different versions of his backstory, but I really like the English version where Blumiere manipulated him in his extremely depressed state to join him. It gives more layers to Blumiere’s character- the lengths he was willing to go to get this job done, lengths that he would have never gone to before losing Timpani (and himself).
O’Chunks has one of the most unforgiving backstories in the whole games and it’s rarely talked about. He was a fucking COMMANDER OF AN ARMY and the whole game he’s just played off as some dumb brute/comic relief. I actually believe he suffered some kind of brain damage from that final battle, explaining his eyes, his struggle to speak properly, and his overall behavior. Also, the fact one of his most trusted advisors betrayed him mirrors his relationship with Dimentio. JUST. GOD . RIPS HAIR OUT. I wouldn’t blame him if he never trusted anybody again after the events of the game. But he clearly has a heart of gold beneath that rough exterior, so I doubt that mindset would come to pass
Also I know it’s not this deep like at All but . Regarding O’Chunks and his backstory, the last war fought in Scotland was the Battle of Culloden in 1746. The Scots lost that battle too, so it fits O’Chunks backstory. It’s funny to imagine he’s hundreds of years old and he just Stopped Aging once he joined the “Mario Dimension” for lack of a better term LMAO. Side note, I also believe Blumiere lost Timpani centuries ago- especially considering the Ancients are extinct by the time the game takes place (although I’ve heard it’s possible Blumiere murdered the entire Tribe of Darkness? but that’s ambiguous) (and my feelings on it would be another yapping session so I’ll shut up for now). It just took THAT long to get the criteria for the Void met. So it’s interesting to think of the concept that O’Chunks and Blumiere have known each other for THAT long. Probably why he sent O’Chunks out to fight the heroes first. He trusted him the most. But then again, I know the game did not intend for O’Chunks to be born in the 1700s lol. Like I said it’s just interesting for me :3
I agree with you- her backstory is disappointing compared to characters like O’Chunks and Dimentio. But at the same time I enjoy the unknown. After all, she is the embodiment of mystery. Her whole shtick is mimicking. You never know if a character is truly themselves or it’s a copy (I mean, you do- her mannerisms are obvious- but still lmao)- hell, even SHE canonically loses herself sometimes in her mimics. But even then, I wish we knew more about her. AND I WISH THE CONCEPT OF HER BEING A FAILED PIXL WAS TALKED ABOUT MORE? WHAT??????? HELLO????? REMINDERRRR that you can’t just go about making Pixls. That was a practice for the Ancients, and the ONLY reason Merlon could do it is because he is a descendant of the Ancients with a shit ton of their books. How old is Mimi? How much has she seen? If she’s centuries or even thousands of years old- depending on how long ago you think the Ancients died out- what was she doing this whole time??? LIKE HELLO!!! MIMI!! SPEAK TO ME!!!!
I love love LOVE LOVE LOVE how she can be used as a parallel to the Pixl Queen in regards to Dimentio. Dimentio and Mimi have a sibling dynamic to me, and the story potential considering Dimentio’s biological sister got turned into a Pixl and. Yk. Mimi could possibly be a failed Pixl. Is INSANE and I WISH it was used more because holy shit it has so much potential.
I like to believe the Pixl Creator (aka Dimentio’s father imo) created Mimi even if there’s no evidence JUST LET ME HAVE THIS but I also made a post maybe a year ago that theorized Francis’ ancestors created Mimi. I don’t think it’s really recognized that Francis CREATED A PIXL WITHOUT MAGIC. Yk that spell that requires the magic of the Dark Prognosticus? Yeah just forget that shit I said earlier about Non-Ancients not being able to just go out and make a Pixl, because apparently this fuckass Redditor did it. Anyways. Tipton is a robot. Mimi is a robot. I rest my case (loud applause) (people throw roses at me)
I already made posts about Mr. L and Dimentio, so I won’t ramble anymore here :3 But in regards to what you said YEAH . Mr. L could’ve been so much more it’s genuinely painful. And Dimentio is fucking terrifying. I honestly like to believe he did genuinely nuke the protagonists and the game only said he merely teleported them because saying “Mario’s dead like for real” is probably something Nintendo didn’t want to put in their game. I mean come on- he used the explosion attack that causes actual damage in battle. They died LMOAOOAOA. I hope we see both of them again. I was hoping so BADLY for even a glimmer of Mr. L in the Mario movie-like a mask/bandana hanging out of a drawer cameo or something. BUT ITS OKAY GUYS 😁😁😁😁😁😁 (visibly shaking) (teeth chattering) (is missing patches of hair on my head) (rocking back and forth)
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supertrainstationh · 3 months
My Nintendo Direct 6/24 Results
Mario & Luigi: Brothership - I've dreamed of Mario and Luigi being presented like this with polygonal 3d and a dynamic camera since the GameCube era, so its great to see it finally come true. First game in the series since the first one in 2003 not to have some obvious gimmick in terms of how the Mario Brothers are controlled in and out of battle, VERY happy to see that.
Super Mario Party Jamboree - Mario Party Superstars in 2021 was the first Mario Party game I purchased since Mario Party 4, (not counting Mario Party Advance) and this looks like an excellent and fun game. I find the inclusion of two retro maps odd since there isn't a focus on old material like in SuperStars.
Dragon Quest 1 + 2 2D HD Remaster - I never played and DQ games before, and I've been interested in featuring DQ1's NES version on stream so as to explore the earliest era of home console RPGs, so I'm torn as to if I'll play the NES version, or this modern remake.
Stray - It may end up being the least impressive version of the game, but Stray's hyper dense gritty high tech city setting got my attention and I was praying for a Switch version. In any game I play town and city exploration is one of my favorite aspects when towns are featured, so I'll be excited to play this one.
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - The idea of Zelda exploring Hyrule from a top down perspective hasn't been explored since the CDI game "Zelda's Adventure", so It's great to see Nintendo take a swing at the concept, and do so in a way that is true to the nature of Zelda's depiction as a wise protector of Hyrule, but not a soldier or fighter in the way Link is. It feels like the "echo" system is a developer tool from the development of Link's Awakening's Switch remake that the expanded into something that defines the actual gameplay experience when fleshed out into a game mechanic. As an aside, there was a small amount of backlash against Aonuma accusing him of being sexist for not having the option for a female hero in Breath of the Wild, which was absurd, and I'm glad this proves those people wrong.
Metroid Prime 4 - SEVEN YEARS after it was first announced, we finally have screenshots and gameplay of this title. The announcement of Prime 4 should go down in history as one of the most severely mishandled strategic moves Nintendo ever executed, but the game looks great. I have a copy of Prime Remaster for Switch I've yet to play on stream, we'll see if I get to it before Prime 4 comes out.
Marvel Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection - I think this is the first re-release of these titles since Disney purchased Marvel, and it's amazing to see this happen, as I genuinely doubted if it would be possible. I don't care about these games but I'm glad they're being made available.
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition - I will totally buy this. I love high score attack runs of Vs. Pinball and I've had the NES Remix games on my list for years. Actual speedrunning and skill challenged condensed into curated mini-game like format is fun, and I'm certainly going to get my hands on this one
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD - Doesn't look graphically impressive even for Switch, but this was one I hoped would come over, and it still looks great. I hope the forced motion controls that made me fall off the Wii version have been revamped. But from my perspective, I haven't even played and covered the first DKC on my show yet, so I'm not likely picking this one up soon.
Only game I specifically hoped for that wasn't featured was the remake/remaster of Beyond Good and Evil, which got an ESRB rating late last year, but has yet to be officially announced for whatever reason.
10/10 show for me. If for the rest of my life I could only play games on Switch, I would never ever be bored, ever.
But I'd still rather play RCA Studio II than most modern stuff anyway.
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animusbell · 1 year
not that this movie deserves any amount of writing dedicated to it but i finally watched the mario one
first of all gotta commend p much everyone except the writers and casting dept. i did enjoy a lot of the fight choreography & visual stuff. storyboarding must've been a blast
this movie contains no Characters. it has a few archetypes, maybe, a few things happen in it. but no characters. it must be flat fuck friday because these dips have no dimension
maybe nitpicky but peach's voice casting was bizarre lol... like i hate pratt and they shouldve had martinet but i at least got used to hearing his voice come out of the guy. peach never sounded right at all. luigi was also eh but he was barely there
im so tired of women characters being given warrior ninja skills in place of a personality... lord... what was peach doing with a halberd. where's her umbrella. like there IS precedent for her fighting in the games but not like that. who is this woman
mario has like no character except "everybody's mean to him" and "went out of his way to be nice once." where is my sweet little guy... charles martinet couldve fixed this movie by Being In It and im not even exaggerating
bowser also sucked lol sorry. jack's song was funny. but everything about that feels weird and contrived. like has he ever even interacted w peach before. what is going on. he couldve been so much more fun of a character i feel like. but so could everyone i guess.
absolutely no development for luigi lol. like he has his moment at the end w mario but they didnt do any building towards it. they just had him be a damsel instead of peach. which is fine but felt weird with whatever they were trying to
donkey kong was actually my favorite character in this movie somehow. he literally had more of a personality than anyone else and that's saying a lot about the anyone else. but genuinely he was p funny
oh and toad. what was he doing there lol. like ostensibly he was supposed to be Funny Sidekick but he barely did anything
DK and toad making fun of mario interacting w peach IN FRONT OF PEACH and shes just fine w that... jesus
what was going on w the luma
im SO FUCKING tired of everything needing to have a cinematic universe attached to it. fuck that egg if they make another mario it better be completely and utterly unrelated to this one and also a better movie. need martinet in there
oh also. game mechanics were fine but not inventive. like zero attempt to translate anything that was going on for the movie medium, just straight up video game elements and mechanics. at least in sonic they had the fun ring portal thing going on. and sonic was good, which also helped
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 years
I guess we'll get this outta the way now; Chris Pratt sucks and I hate him and his voice in the Mario movie specifically is dogshit. Also Luigi looked cute. I know some mutuals are gonna be very happy about that.
OK NOW TO THE M E A T: When I was 11, the first ever Mario game I ever played was Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. And I. Fucking. LOVED. BOWSER 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 The way he is characterized in that game is my favorite ever, I just ADOOOOORE that he's like a big dumb jock meathead who's still pretty capable and MOST IMPORTANTLY, has a heart of gold deep down >w< 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 (Well maybe more like bronze or mercury, he's not PERFECT but he has his moments of good). So all I'm saying is I really, REALLY hope that that's how he's characterized, except in a villainous way: as a genuine threat because of his power and evil-ness, but still lovable from how meatheaded and dumb and stubborn and short-tempered and angy he can be. Also rly hope he has like, one soft moment please please please 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
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ren3gade · 1 year
the funniest thing about the super mario movie is all the little girls in the theater (sunday matinee) were totally in love with bowser, especially at the beginning. they collectively lost it during the part where he's rehearsing asking peach to marry him (awwww, he's so cute, etc).
granted, this happens BEFORE bower tries to murder everyone, but i was envisioning a deluge of slate articles lecturing 10 year olds not to romanticize toxic partners
since bowser looks like jack black and sounds like jack black, he ends up being way more likeable than he should be, and i think that was definitely the right call, and the whole 'jam with me' scene was probably my favorite next to the very fun side-scroller sequences.
there's not really any reason for chris pratt to be mario, so if they ever need to cut some budget corners *clears throat*. i think the idea is pratt can do 'generic nice guy' but--get ready for this--anyone can. charlie day works as luigi though. seth rogan is about as good a voice actor as he is an actor, i truly have no idea why he was cast, but keegan-michael key had me in awe lmao
peach ticks all the boxes for What Female Leads Need To Be In A Modern Children's Movie and while it's predictable, i'm not knocking it. considering the source material, i appreciate they made a conscious effort not to damsel the otherwise-expert-female-lead in the final conflict a la Despicable Me 2 and that horrible racist viking dragon movie sequel thing that appears to have completely dropped from the public consciousness thank god.
as far as kids movies go, it was pretty on-par with most of the ones i've seen lately tbh. a notable difference was a lot of the "in world" jokes fell flat (idk how to describe this, the characters tell a joke and laugh, but none of the audience laughs because it's not a funny joke) and there are a couple of more adult jokes that felt out of place (i honestly kind of dug the existential dread star guy but i don't think the kids got it at all).
I think they could have seriously condensed the beginning that sets mario and luigi up as losers who get kicked around by basically everyone. but the runtime felt ok and though there weren't a lot of laughs throughout, the kids seemed to enjoy it and everyone clapped at the end (this is an embarrassing regional thing, but it usually only happens in family movies people genuinely enjoy)
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misc-muses · 3 months
✔ : What drew you to Stan? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
Munday meme //
Honestly, I'm drawn to characters who make me laugh (which, for the record, is part of the reason why I think Handsome Jack is one of the best video game villains ever). And then NWHS and ATOTS aired and I knew he was going to stay my favorite (ignoring the brief period of time after NWHS where Ford was my favorite). I'm definitely a sucker for characters who have a hard past but come out swinging. And the found family aspect also really warms my heart. Stan is kind of all of that in one, plus I feel like we're actually kind of similar personality wise, so it's pretty easy for me to write him. Aside from that, though, I like characters who are endlessly kind, love with their whole hearts, and are unabashedly themselves. For example, Luigi has been my favorite Nintendo character since forever because, despite being scared, he went and saved Mario from a scary mansion three separate times. Zuko from ATLA is also really funny, and he went through a fantastic character arc that is unmatched. Jerma is my favorite character for the same reason, so is Mung Daal from Chowder. Ice King is also really funny, and his backstory is tragic, but he ends up having a satisfying arc and gets what he wants towards the end of the series; people who genuinely love him.
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outoftouchsoldier · 6 months
gaming anon again. here's how i think ben would react to some games (disclaimer. he would be forced to play some)
animal crossing: "so boring. why do they talk like that? do they ever shut up? can i leave? can i make everyone leave and have the island for myself?" would hate tom nook with passion probably
mario: he would find it absurd at first but somehow get engaged. if someone points it out he would deny it of course
stardew valley: like animal crossing. would quit playing the first 5 seconds
the sims 4: "so.... i need to constantly tell my character what they need to do? are they stupid or something?" would probably ragequit or accidentally make his sim die over something dumb. i think he would try to put a bunch of them on a pool and remove the stairs, finding the situation funny but only the 1st time. after that he wouldn't touch the game ever again
any rpg game: would skip cutscenes and dialogue. his way of playing is spamming attacks over and over again just to be done with the game already
pokemon: wouldn't care about the league or pokedex. he only wants to catch the coolest pokemon and close the game forever. if his rival is mean to him he would continue the storyline only to beat them in every battle
zelda: ok i think he would find himself enjoying the games. any of them. at first he wouldn't care but as he gets further in the story, he gets more interested. his favorites would be twilight princess or ocarina of time.
minecraft: "why is everything made of squares? it doesn't make sense.." would enjoy killing every mob he sees.
OOC ::
omg hello again gaming anon, fancy seeing you here.
He does not have the attention span for animal crossing. As an AC player, it does get a bit boring after a while, especially when it comes to AC New Horizons, and the fact that in the newer games the animals are so nice and don't insult people like they used to that would piss him the fuck off so much. Same with Stardew Valley. I won't lie, I struggled to get into it and find it boring, and I definitely know he would. That shit would get turned off after the first five minutes.
I think he'd be alright with Mario but as the difficulties get harder, the more he'd end up rage quitting because at the end of the day, he is an old man. Unless it was Mario Kart... Fuuuuuuuuuck, he'd be so competitive to the point where it's just not worth playing with him anymore. I do see him hating Mario as a character JUST BECAUSE he can't play anything other than Mario Kart.
As for The Sims 4, I can't lie, reading the fact that this is Sims 4 in specific has me triggered bc it's sooooo shit compared to the other 3, EA fumbled BIG TIME with that one. But regardless, I genuinely see Hughie giving him Sims 2 to play because it's a game he personally likes because of how detailed it is. So, he sits him down in front of the PC and boots it up. He shows him how to use Create A Sim and Ben eventually creates himself after spending AGES going through outfits, he then lies about his personality traits, gets annoyed at the Turn On and Turn Off options and that's it. Once he's chosen a house and the game starts, he thinks it's pointless, simply doesn't get it. And once Hughie tells him he can torture his sim and kill him, he actively goes out of his way to make that sim suffer and the same goes for any other sim that dares to cross his lot.
But yeahhhh RPG would bore him in the end. It's no fun if all you have to do is spam one button - and that is why he HATES nintendo games, ESPECIALLY Luigi's Mansion and Peach's new game. That's it, he's never playing anything like that again.
Honestly, I've never played a Zelda game in my life, so I have no real opinions of how he'd view it, so I'll take your word for it because it would be nice to see him enjoy SOMETHING. And with Pokemon, I see where you're going with that one. Losing would bug him like hell, even when he's no longer playing the game anymore. He'd put down the DS or Switch and will be STILL triggered.
I think with Minecraft, he would definitely kill mobs for the fun of it, he would actively seek them out, but then would lose it when he dies because he's lost his stuff. He's that type of person that doesn't give a shit about a map or keeping a note of his current coordinates. But I think the building wouldn't interest him as much and the combinations for crafting would confuse him because he'd not remember then and start getting annoyed.
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grayblacklight · 11 months
You know, two things always bothered me about the "desert island games" prompt:
1. There are too many stupid Nintendo games, I could never choose!
2. Also you probably wouldn't have more than one console anyways, sooo
I'm going to make lists based on individual consoles! A separate list for Wii games, DS games, switch games - and what better place to start than the NES? Genuinely, I've been looking for one for a while now. Regardless, in no particular order, my five NES games I would be most ok with playing for the rest of my life
1. Starting off with an easy one - this will probably be on most of these lists - everyone's favorite super fighting robot, Mega Man! A series known for it's replayability, it's no wonder that nearly every game in the series is worth considering. Out of the first 6 on NES, the only one I would NOT consider is the first one. 4, 5, or 6 is probably your best bet, and both 2 and 3 are fine enough options. Still, I'm gonna have to go with 4. Why? KALINKA BIAS
2. Mother/ earthbound zero (beginnings? Is that the best Nintendo could come up with? Really?) This is an easy one. Mother is both a charming game and one with plenty of room to experiment and a lot to go back to. There's a lot you can do in any given RPG, but out of all the ones on NES, mother is the one I hold closest to my heart for its characters, story, and humour. Plus, the music slaps.
3. Tetris. I don't really need to explain this one, it's an endlessly replayable puzzle game that I've always loved. NES Tetris in particular is one that I played a ton of in school. There's a little competition from other puzzle games like Dr. Mario, but for me it's a no brainer- probably because my second brain cell needs Tetris to function
4. Super Mario bros. 3, an excellent combination of replay value and just being one of the best games on the NES. Plus it has Luigi. Easy win
5. KIRBY KIRBY KIRBY THATS A NAME TO KNOW- it has to be Kirby's adventure, are you kidding me. Arguably the best NES game ever, incredibly replayable thanks to copy abilities, and it has King Dedede. And at the end of the day, we all need king Dedede in our lives.
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atlasgoodwin · 1 year
Fandom meme by @/gehayi
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I have a lot of them, but right now, my main romantics ships are AsoRyuu (TGAA), Edeleth (FE3H) and Amy/Virginia (CC)
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
My friends changed my mind on many things over the years, but I don't remember the ships :(
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Russell and Amy from Criminal Case
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Most of the ships that I don't like are like popular ships from fandoms, for example, in Fairy Tail, I really don't like the main ship Nalu, but I wish I did
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Yes, I made some wonderful masterpieces there and there- But for real, when I'm inspired, I love making shitpost stuff
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
I have been in the Criminal Case fandom for 7 years and it's still going let's goooooo
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
My first OTP was Luigi/Daisy and to this day, I love them so so so so much <3
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
A little bit of everything to be honest, it depends on how I am feeling, but it's mostly video games, western animation and anime
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not Tumblr, but Twitter did multiple times :/ One example being Super Smash Brothers and if you know... you know rip
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
I guess Good Omens(?), is that the name? I have no clue what it is, but I know it exists because of Tumblr
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Stealing my friend Katrina's answer by saying Amy Young from Criminal Case, she went through some insane character development in one district and girl, I feel so bad for you :(
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Okay, I don't like Jones (Criminal Case) as much, but I can say that he had an amazing character development in Season 5, I was actually interested to see him grow as a character, even tho I am not a fan of him
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
I would love to be friends with Marceline from Adventure Time, she is such a chill person, I wish to be her
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Criminal Case: - More fanarts (that is not of the main characters, like suspects, killers or victims)
-More shitpost memes
-More fanfics (Of characters that I care about- even that, just overall)
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Monster from Imagine Dragons AND Skillet reminds me of one of my favorite Criminal Case characters, Duncan Young
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
I have many AUs in mind, but it would be interesting to see a Victim and Killer switch to see how it would plan out and the different motives!
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
The first one that came to mind is Hetalia and it's literally because of Homestuck lmao, I got more interesting in Homestuck so I gave up on the Hetalia fandom
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
(Total Drama) I do not ship romantically Cody and Sierra at all, but I really love them platonically, it has so much potential to be an amazing platonic ship, until All Stars happened,,,
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I need to do a list of headcanons for my favs, because right now, I have NOTHING in mind D:
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
idk rip
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Tess Goodwin (Criminal Case) - She is so intriguing as a character, at first, I didn't like her (that was like 9 years ago lol) but became so attached to her and I have a massive crush on her,,, I also love to analyze her so much
Kazuma Asogi (The Great Ace Attorney) - Wonderful well written character that I got attached to quickly, I won't spoil TGAA, but the only time I cried in TGAA was because of him aofbwoifbwos
Edelgard Von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem Three Houses) - She is a mixed feeling in the fandom, but I cannot stop thinking about her. Like Kazuma, so well written!! Love her design, love her personality and she is so fun to analyze!!
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Ivy (Carmen Sandiego 2019) physically and personality wise, I have a lot in common :)
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
The only one that comes to mind is Star Trek (Thanks Katrina), because I know the other fandoms very well sdoibgfobgoer
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I love fanart so goddamn much, I don't care if it's not for me, I still love love love LOVE IT so much!! People are so talented, it's insane and I wish they could share their passion and motivation with me please i am desperate ;o; oadbfoiwebigfwer
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media-mel · 1 year
More film/show quick reviews
I Am Not Okay With This (2020) - ok this is a series but shhhh! I LOVED this. The main girl is SOOO likeable and funny to me. Sad it was cancelled, now I want to read the comic to find out what happens next…
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) - I did watch this once as a kid, but shh. Very quippy and quotable, I kept thinking of various KH crack videos with dubs from this LOL.
Polar (2019) - More camp than I expected LOL. The vibes between Montana and the rest of the film feel like two different movies. In terms of women roles, it feels uh.. pre-Gamer Gate… CW: long sex scene, fatphobia, torture, and the dog dies…
The Spider Man Trilogy (2002, 2004, 2007) - Okay I actually genuinely love how camp these movies are. Love the camera movement. Still really surprised how good the 2004 film is!
The Irishman (2019) - god this movie was so long and for what! LOL. Fantastic performances though. And I got used to the de-aging VFX, even if they caught me off guard at first. Still, perhaps I wasn't the audience this movie was for because I really felt it was so long...
Venom + Venom Carnage (2018, 2021) - Wow I really just… really do not fucking care for car chase scenes LOL. These movies were alright, but honestly I probably will never watch them again haha. Venom and Eddie were funny! I saw glimpses of the sexuality that all the fans were bonkers about (though it was weaker than I expected based on said fans reactions lmao).
Titan AE (2000) - Very very y2k movie LOL. The rock music is sooo funny and does not fit the sci fi at ALL imo lmao. I do prefer Treasure Planet for Jim and Silver’s relationship, so I wish the emotional relationships were stronger in this movie. But still a fun movie. Stith4Ever. Why was Akima’s skull so fucking long.
The Hunger Games films (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)- I know that these movies ironically fulfill the very notion I've heard the books were against (making a entertaining spectacle of dark topics, among other things), I do really like them 🙈 My favorite will always be Mocking Jay pt 1 just because I love that underground-jumpsuit aesthetic LOL. Lock me away, boys 🚓🚨
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) - Okay other than Illumination’s loathsome “Our movies cannot slow down at all even once” problem, this movie was great. They made Mario and Luigi. So. fucking. adorable. And Bowser was great ofc.
American Psycho (2000) - I DO think this is a good film, but I also can’t BELIEVE this satirical doofus is the guy so many men project themselves onto LOL. I wasn’t expecting a theme on conformity, but to me its what makes the movie interesting.
The King's Man (2021) - This delivered what I expected: fun characters, action scenes that are unique and actually interesting, epic music that makes you feel like you’re with old friends. And it delivered what I did not expect: The WEIRDEST erotic scene I have EVER seen LMAO.
Agent Cody Banks (2003) - Saw this so young I don’t really remember it. This movie has a much higher budget than I remember LOL. Not really innovative but it was for kids, and I remember loving it.
Nope (2022) - okay okay I will admit at first I was like “okay how does the monkey connect” but my dumbass didn't realize Jupe had been purposely giving horses to the UFO, so realizing that Jupe tried taming the UFO in the way he thought he tamed the monkey really made me love this film even more. No wonder Jordan Peele's considered the next Steven Spielberg!
Rope (1948) - NGL I was hoping Rupert would go along :/ This would be so fun on see on stage, I enjoyed it!
Psycho (1960) - I enjoyed this too! One scene that will stick with me is the camera shift in Norman and Marion’s conversation when mothers are brought up. Very interesting cinematography there.
Hoodwinked (2005) - l watched this friends lmao; I was very hesitant, but I gotta admit it was funnier than I expected. The various POVs really makes it a unique animated comedy.
Fight Club (1999) - God first 12 minutes of this film I thought I was going fucking crazy! But hey you know I get it now. This is a fun movie. It feels like the opposite reaction to consumerism and conformity than American Psycho’s, an interesting pair of movies.
Three Pines (2022) - Once again, a show not a film, but I really enjoyed this series. Loved the setting, the atmosphere, the characters, the mysteries. Even though its a detective show with murder, I still found it oddly cozy enough to be a comfort show for the future LOL. Maybe it's because Armand is just that likeable!
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billiewena · 3 years
top 5 spn characters
helllll yeah.
5. ruby
her impact!!! BEST villain ever! she’s so evil that she earned by sam’s trust by….genuinely caring about him!! keeping him from drinking!!! saving his and his brother’s life multiple times!!! training him!!! making him stronger!! she also just has such a cool story, from her past as a witch to her history with alistair & lilith to her time in hell. she may have fallen for the target a little but she got her job DONE and waited until after the reveal to make her epic speech. she served cunt and died, fr.
4. bobby
BOBBYYYYY. his dynamic with the brothers is just so important to me. he’s seen them at their highs and lows and supported them all through it. and then once you learn HIS story??? he was so sure he’d never be a father or a good one…and yet!! death’s door is a guaranteed cryfest every time I watch it.
3. rowena
it's a miracle a female character as complex and flawed as her got to be a part of this show, but boy am I glad she was. she never hides who she is and in fact celebrates the fun & evil parts of her, but there’s so much more to her than meets the eye. centuries of hurt, pain, and trauma that only motivate her to be stronger and better. she thought she was beyond redemption but got it anyways. all while being a hot, powerful witch MILF? no one’s doing it like her. I…I love her. <3
2. billie
LOOK YOUR HONOR. as the lawful neutrals of spn, the reapers are just my favorite in general (they’re just trying to do their job!!!!) but billie changed the GAME. she's so fun but also has such a respect for the rules. she never lets the winchesters forget she can yeet them into the empty at any given time. she makes dean sing a password to get into hell. she calls them "mario and luigi." she gets killed and simply comes back with a promotion. I also genuinely love how she changes and evolves as Death. while she remains dedicated to the natural order, she becomes less harsh about it and even sympathetic to dean and rowena. it’s so fun to see them go from openly hating the winchesters to being amused and begrudging to them to understanding their part in the bigger picture. it leads to so many good moments, i.e. realizing dean WANTING to die makes it no fun for her especially since it wasn’t even his time
(sidenote and this probably goes without saying but the fact that they tried to retcon everything she was about to make another “manipulative” villain in s15 is my villain origin story. especially when the point she was trying to make all along ended up being the final theme of the show: that the winchesters need to stop the resurrections and stop making exceptions for themselves. they were the ONLY true neutral character and it should’ve stayed that way)
...ANYWAYSSSS they're just such a fun "tell it like it is" character and the fact that their actress headcanons them as she/he/they is just the perfect cherry on top. they deserved to reap god and run the place <3
1. castiel
hannah was right! HE’S the reason!!! like I don’t even know what to say about him without sobbing and I'm sure many other people have said better but like!!! he’s possibly my favorite fictional character just…ever!!! he's this ancient being who's seen the dawn of time and creation of man...but he loves guinea pigs and Beyonce and is a dad and is a GAY dad and I just!!! there’s so many weird layers to him and he just became more lovable and endearing as time went on, and truly became the heart of the show.
honorable mentions: like so many but eileen, rufus, crowley, kevin, all the waywards, garth, charlie, jack, jo, naomi, etc. come to mind first. oh and sam and dean I GUESS (kidding kidding I love them too I swear <3)
also, shout-out to my boy Death too because tbh he is basically is a tie for billie's spot for me. iconic entrances, iconic lines, iconic actors…I love them both so much. this IS a reapers and Death stan account.
put “top 5” anything in my ask and I will answer
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