#genuis prompt
stardustprompts · 1 year
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stick season  ( we’ll all be here forever )  -   noah kahan change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw ;  mental heath ,  alcoholism ,  death ,  suicidal references ,  language
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‘if I get too close and I’m not how you hoped, forgive my northern attitude.’
‘oh, I was raised out in the cold.’ 
‘as you promised me that I was more than all the miles combined, you must have had yourself a change of heart like halfway through the drive.’ 
‘now i’m stuck between my anger and the blame that I can’t face.’ 
‘I am terrified of weather ‘cause I see you when it rains.’ 
‘I saw your mom she forgot that I existed.’ 
‘it’s half my fault, but I just like to play the victim.’
‘i’ll dream each night of some version of you that I might not have, but I did not lose.’ 
‘now you’re tire tracks and one pair of shoes and I’m split in half, but that’ll have to do.’
‘so I thought that if I piled something good on all my bad that I could cancel out the darkness I inherited from dad.’
‘I am no longer funny ‘cause I miss the way you laugh.’ 
‘you once called me ‘forever’ now you still can’t call me back.’ 
‘I hope this pain’s just passing through, but I doubt it.’ 
‘I’m saying too much, but you know how it gets out here.’ 
‘no winter coat could keep out all the cold of your atmosphere.’ 
‘now I know your name but not who you are.’ 
‘it’s all okay, there ain’t a drop of bad blood.’
‘you got all my love.’
‘if you need me, dear, I’m the same as I was.’ 
‘write me a list of how it is, of how it was, of how it has to be.’ 
‘you burrowed in, under my skin, what I’d give to have you out from me.’ 
‘but I still recall how the leather in your car feels.’ 
‘at the end of it all, I just hope that your scars heal.’ 
‘I swear I was scared to death.’ 
‘I’ll never let you go.’ 
‘everything’s alright when she calls me back.’ 
‘for bullshit, I do not have time.’ 
‘I don’t get much sleep most nights.’ 
‘I’ll love you when the oceans dry. I’ll love you when the rivers freeze.’ 
‘do you lie awake restless?’ 
‘oh, there was heaven in your eyes.’ 
‘I was too afraid of living life in your footsteps.’ 
‘i’m in the business of losing your interest and I turn a profit each time that we speak.’ 
‘come over.’ 
‘I was taking the wrong meds, feels good to be sad.’ 
‘my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it.’ 
‘the dow jones keeps falling, but I promise you, with the view in the morning, you won’t ever go back.’ 
‘someday I’m gonna be somebody people want.’ 
‘you gave me your word, and now I can’t pronounce it.’ 
‘would we survive in a horror movie? I doubt it, we’re too slow moving. we trust everyone one we meet.’
‘we didn’t know that the sun was collapsing.’
‘I wanna love you ‘til we’re food for the worms to eat.’ 
‘til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours.’
‘it’s been a long year.’
‘come over, the party’s gone slower. and no one will tempt you, we know you got sober.’ 
‘there’s orange juice in the kitchen. it’s yours if you want it.’ 
‘feels like i’ve been ready for you to come home for so long that I didn’t think to ask you where you’d gone.’ 
‘why’d you go?’ 
‘I haven’t drank in six months on the dot.’ 
‘it made you a stranger and it filled you with anger.’
‘don’t you find it strange that you just went ahead and carried on?’
‘are we all just pulling you down?’ 
‘remember telling me that you thought you were cursed?’ 
‘I’m in love with every song you’ve ever heard.’ 
‘if I could lose you, I would.’ 
‘those things I miss, but know are never coming back.’ 
‘no thing defines a man like love that makes him soft and sentimental like a stranger in the park.’ 
‘if I was empty space, and you were a formless shape, we’d fit.’ 
‘I’m still angry at my parents, for what their parents did to them.’ 
‘I ignore things, and I move sideways ‘til I forget what I felt in the first place.’
‘at the end of the day, I know there are worse ways to stay alive.’
‘I’m terrified that I might never have met me.’ 
‘if my engine works perfect on empty, I guess I’ll drive.’ 
‘why is pain so damn impatient? ain’t like it’s got a place to be, keeps rushing me.’ 
‘if all my life was wasted, I don’t mind, I’ll watch it go.’ 
‘it’s better to die numb than to feel it all.’ 
‘I drink ‘til I drown, and I smoke ‘til I’m burning.’ 
‘I worry for you, you worry for me. and it’s fine if we know we won’t change.’ 
‘the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in. the bridges have long since been burnt.’ 
‘it’s not halloween but the ghost you dressed up as sure knows how to haunt.’ 
‘I know that you fear that I’m wicked and weary.’ 
‘I know that you’re fearing the end.’
‘I only tell truth when I’m sure that I’m lying.’
‘the weather ain’t been bad if you’re into masochistic bullshit.’ 
‘time moves so damn slow, I swear I feel my organs failing.’ 
‘I stopped caring ‘bout a month ago, since then it’s been smooth sailing.’
‘I would leave if only I could find a reason.’  
‘I got dreams, but I can’t make myself believe them.’
‘spend the rest of my life with what could’ve been.’ 
‘I will die in the house that I grew up in.’ 
‘I don’t wanna say goodbye.’
‘it only falls into place when you’re falling to pieces.’
‘it’s like i’m still here with you.’ 
‘the past is coming back with the light in the morning.’ 
‘can I fix what is broken?’ 
‘for a minute, the world seems so simple.’
‘I am not scared of death, I’ve got dreams again.’
‘it’s all washing over me, I’m angry again.’ 
‘who was I to watch you wilt?’ 
‘you’ll always be a flower on my skin.’ 
‘I promise to be there this time, alright?’ 
‘I’m naming the stars in the sky after you.’ 
‘I spiral out, try and float.’ 
‘i’m remembering I promised to forget you now.’
‘it’s raining and I’m calling drunk.’ 
‘am I honest still?’ 
‘am I half the man I used to be? I doubt it, forget about it.’ 
‘I ain’t proud of all the punches that I’ve thrown, in the name of someone I no longer know.’ 
‘I’ll die for you.’ 
‘I’m untethering from the part of me you’d recognize.’
‘I’ll let the pain metastasize.’
‘I gave your name as my emergency phone call. it rang and rang, even the cops thought you were wrong for hanging up.’ 
‘it just ain’t that simple, it never was.’ 
‘I’m not from around here.’
‘i’ll turn up the music and I’ll forget until it ends, that I’m not ready to let go yet.’
‘it’s typical, I fear. folks just disappear.’ 
‘if I could leave, I would’ve already left.’ 
‘I pull no punches, then I feel bad for months.’ 
‘I finally got sewed up, set a time, then I showed up. now the weight of the world ain’t so bad.’ 
‘I saw the end, it looks just like the middle.’ 
‘I filled the hole in my head with prescription medications and I forgot how to cry.’ 
‘who am I to complain?’ 
‘now the pain’s different, it still exists, it just escapes different.’ 
‘I can finally eat and I can fall asleep, it’s fine.’
‘oh, you’re spiraling again.’ 
‘don’t let this darkness fool you. all lights turned off can be turned on.’ 
‘I’ll drive all night. I’ll call your mom.’ 
‘don’t be discouraged. I’ve been exactly where you are.’ 
‘if you could see yourself like this, you’d have never tried it.’ 
‘don’t want to drive another mile wondering if you’re breathing.’ 
‘won’t you stay with me?’ 
‘this is good land, or at least it was.’ 
‘it makes me smile to know when things get hard, you’ll be far from here.’ 
‘you’re the greatest thing I’ve lost.’ 
‘we ain’t angry at you, we’ll be waiting for you.’ 
we’ll all be here forever.’ 
‘we’re overdue for a revival. we spent so long just getting by.’ 
‘that’s the thing about survival. who the hell likes living just to die?’ 
‘you’re gonna go far.’ 
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she-whatshername · 2 months
Tyrrish Men Headcanons you didn’t ask for but voted for
We back!!!
Prompt: How they would apologize after an argument
Right to jail for this one lol
The crime: Keeping a secret from you and doubling down on his decision, leading to an argument
How he apologizes: He’s seriously conflicted about the apology. He doesn’t half ass anything and the fact that he’s apologizing for what he thinks is just trying to protect you tears him up inside a bit. You hear a knock at the door and when you open its Xaden with his hands on either side of the frame, head down and not looking you in the eyes. Eventually he lifts his head and you just see the internal anguish he’s going through because he wants to keep you safe but doesn’t know how to do that without keeping secrets
He uses your full name when he begins to speak, no nicknames. That’s when you know its real.
You pull him into your arms before combusts with emotion and he just MELTS into you. He’s now muttering full apologies into your hair, your shoulders, anywhere where his face is just pressed against you.
He wants to kiss you, but he’s scared of the rejection you may give. When you finally initiate the kiss, its over, love. He picks you up with ease and hauls you into your room for a more personal, intimate apology
Ooof, a tough one.
The crime: Takes it a little to far when teasing you. You walk out on him after he makes a joke about the stance you make before you fight on the mat. He knows that you’ve been working on it, and he knows that you’re not sensitive when other people say stuff, but you are when it comes to him.
How he apologizes: The man is chasing you dow the moment he realizes what he says. He doesn’t apologize though until he’s away from everyone else and its just you two. You still push him away and ask for space, he lets you have it. The next day however he’s finding you the moment you leave your dorm room, asking to walk you to breakfast, class, you name it.
His apologies are genuine and on point. He knows what he did wrong, he knows why it was wrong and he actually puts the effort in to change his behavior.
And if anyone does say anything about your fighting stance, he’s on them in an instant. “Cut that shit out, she’s standing just fucking fine.”
Absolutely nothing, why are we even writing something. This angel could do no wrong, lol
The Crime: He yells at you. Ugh, and it hurts to write this one out!!
Yeah, I know. He is the level headed, sweet one of the group and that is absolutely true however I think Bodhi is the type of person to lose their cool every once in awhile. He is Xaden’s brother cousin after all. Like he’s got pent up emotions he doesn’t let out in a constructive way and it takes one moment to cause him to just lose it. And his fear of losing you or anyone else is projected as anger. He doesn’t mean it, but it happens.
So, he snaps at you. You’re tasked to stay behind while Bodhi and the others go out on patrol and you’re trying to convince him to let you go, saying that you’re needed there and you’re strong, which you are. However the back and fourth you both are having reaches a boiling point and Bodhi steps into his ‘wingleader’ voice and snaps with a “ I said no and thats final! Fuck, can’t you just take orders for once!”
How he apologizes: The moment it leaves his lips, and the second he sees you jerk your head, and take a step backwards he’s immediately apologizing. “Gods. I’m sorry. I’m, so, so sorry, love. I just can’t…I can’t…It can’t be you.”
He’s kind of short circuiting like Xaden but he’s much more of a waterfall of words whereas Xaden is all emotions behind the eyes.
He’s just embarrassed and ashamed he lost control like that in front of you.
Like, Bodhi would probably drop to his knees and start crying if you dont step in and tell him him to come into your arms.
“I dont deserve you.” He mumbles in your embrace. But you hold him still anyways. You’ve known him long enough to tell he’s genuinely sorry and you can see his fear through his anger
Is he off the hook though? Absolutely not. You give him a stern talking to about his behavior and he’s agreeing with everything you say.
And yes, you do get to come on the mission
And yes, yes. You best believe he puts a bouquet of flowers in your room or, better yet, hand them to you in front of everyone. Because, let’s be real Xaden learned that move from the Durran side of the family
Another precious one
The Crime: It’s not Liam’s fault, but I think it would be him not making time for you, and not seeing how much that hurts.
If we’re thinking of the Basgiath days, he’s Violet’s shadow, which means he puts her and his loyalty to Xaden above you. And that hurts.
You’re waiting for him in the hallway to talk to him and when you finally get ahold of him he’s distracted. His eyes are scanning for Violet. You tell him he needs to choose to focus on you or you’re walking away
“Please don’t ask this of me.” He pleads to you. But he’s still not making the eye contact you want. You’re done and leave him in the hallway.
You actively avoid him for a few days, even when he does manage to find the time to go look for you.
How he apologizes: Honestly, give one up for Violet who senses something is amiss and drags him to your room, pounding on the door to get you to open up so Liam can apologize. She takes it a step further and walks into your room and does her homework on your desk, saying she’s not listening so Liam can both apologize to you and keep his eyes on her.
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DP X DC Prompt
Vlad moves to Gotham with his four sons and his not daughter.
The eldest is an athletic twink, his second son is built like a brick shithouse, the third son is a sleep deprived nerd who's definitely an evil genuis barely held back by his family from a life of villainy, the youngest son is a murderous baby boi, and the girl who's only sometimes there is just pure fucking chaos.
Naturally, Gothamites start connecting the dots (they didn't connect shit) and come to the only logical conclusion;
Vlad Masters is Batman and the children are his various Robins.
This is made all the more evident to those who believe in the sugar daddy Bruce Wayne theory when Vlad and Bruce start publicly dating.
(For the record the kids are, in order of mention, the Skeleton clone, the Frankenstein clone, Dan, the Pixie clone, and Dani.)
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bones4thecats · 10 months
*only a genuis could love a woman like her*
*I'm a g g g g genius*
i freaking love this trope of smartass x smartass, this with your twst and ror characters of choice please?
A/N: I decided to do Twisted Wonderland characters only since I still have like 5 requests left to fill out, but I do hope you enjoy this! 
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🦁 Leona was a smartass with pretty much everyone he had ever met
🦁 When you two first met, he had been smartassing everything that Ace, Deuce, and Grim said, and you were getting peeved really quickly
🦁 So once he said something, you turned around and replied;
“ If you’re waiting for me to care, pack a lunch, it’s gonna be a while. “
🦁 All the boys stopped, and as Ace, Deuce, and Grim chuckled and cackled, Leona stood there shocked
🦁 He didn’t know you could be so brutal, but for some reason, he kind of liked it
🦁 It definitely made you guys come together far quicker, as whenever you guys had to listen to someone rant on something stupid, you guys would just use your brains to make the funniest comebacks on earth
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🍄 He was very smart with his words, and he knew when to be rude, and how rude he should be depending on the moment
🍄 Jade and you were dancing around one another with your words, trying to hold yourselves back from going to far, but today, you had enough
🍄 You were dealing with both him and Floyd trying to convince you to talk to Azul, and you were on the edge of choking them both with a dead eel
🍄 Every single word that came out of their mouths made you want to pounce on them even more, so when Floyd was called away to do something, Jade kept prompting you to speak to his boss
🍄 He sat across the table from you as he kept speaking, and you looked at him and glared as you spoke;
“ Maybe you should get your own life and stop interfering in mine. “
🍄 Everyone who heard that stopped talking and looked away, wanting to hear what happens next
🍄 Jade just laughed, called you quite the smarty before kissing your hand and walking away
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crazycatgirl420 · 21 days
Just A Game DpxDc Prompt(?)
Danny/Steph pair 'cause i saw a cute fic and couldn't stop thinking about them. Then i read a dating sim comic and wondered about Danny in a Gotham themed Dating Sim.
Danny gets stuck in a Gothic Horror Dating Sim.
Gotham City has
The Detective Billionaire, Bruce Wayne, who you go to as you help solve the murder mystery.
Then the romance characters
Richard Grayson, Gymnest
Jason Tood, Crime Lord
Timothy Drake, Teenage Genuis
Cassandra Wayne, Ballerina Daughter of Bruce
Damian Wayne, Eco-Activist Son of Bruce
And the Villainess in the way of the Romance, Stephine Tim & Cass' Ex-Girlfriend, who just might be the serial killer.
Danny must navigate the murder mystery of the game setting while managing the romance route to win and escape the Game, except he's falling in love with Stephine the Game's Villainess, and is certian she's being framed.
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silent-words · 3 months
I want- nay, I NEED- with Gale and Imogen #27 & #65 from that recent prompt.
Please m’lady I’m starving 🥣
This meal was stewing for a long time, but now it will be served! Sorry for the delay.
27. Giggly kiss
With his robes on, his hair smoothed and his beard trimmed Gale was ready to face the horrors of the Shadow-Cursed Lands and, more importantly, the woman he still couldn't believe was in love with him just as he was with her. He opened the flap of his tent and looked around. There was no sign of the green-haired half-elf. He walked to the centre of the camp and suddenly caught a glimpse of something big and white-feathered.
Gale strode towards it, and finally made out that it was an owlbear lying on its side with its belly exposed. Its eyes were closed. Gale furrowed his brows and started thinking. It was not the cub, for his feathers were brown, and it was not just a random adult owlbear, because they were usually hostile and protective, so one wouldn't be lying around like this in a place with so many humanoids. Some of these humanoids could use Wild shape, of course... He had an idea:
'Halsin, is that you?' The owlbear opened its eyes and made a noise, akin to a snort. Gale felt a familiar psionic buzz of the tadpole.
'He tends to Thaniel in his tent, remember?' the voice in his head said. 'Make another guess, use that beautiful brain of yours.'
Gale smiled, but raised his brows in wonder:
'It can't be you, Idgy! I've never seen you Wild shape into an owlbear.'
'You'll see it quite often, because this feathered body is comfy, and I also am big and fierce enough to protect you now.' She stretched as a cat. 'See these claws? They will tear that Absolute to shreds, and my beloved wizard will remain intact.'
Gale's heart was suddenly filled with warmth and joy. To think that someone would go this far as to learn a new shape to protect his useless life. But that were not the thoughts suitable for the moment. Instead, he came closer and reach his hand out to the fluffy belly. Still he hesitated:
'Will it be appropriate for me to...'
'Scratch my belly and ruff me feathers, I've been waiting for you to do it the whole morning.'
Gale put his hand into the feathers. They were so soft, and the huge body was warm, actually warmer than human. He started scratching, first with one hand, then two. The owlbear produced some hooting noises. The wizard started moving his hands, scratching everywhere.
Suddenly the large beast started jittering, and several seconds later Gale was blinded by an outburst of golden light from druid magic. When he regained his vision, instead of an owlbear he saw a giggling half-elf lying on the ground. She had to calm herself to speak:
'I said scratching, not tickling!'
Gale got on his knees and started tickling Imogen on purpose:
'That's so much more fun!'
'Hey!' She didn't stop giggling, but tried to kiss Gale. It was a clumsy kiss, they were both laughing at the time. But a few pecks later they both gave into the kiss. Still smiling they caressed each other's mouth gently and with profound care. Imogen could be ferocious on the battlefield, but she was the most caring person with her beloved wizard.
65. One small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other.
They clumsily climbed upon the pier, all drenched and exhausted. There was a hollowness in the brain, after all those months with a tadpole to be suddenly free of its psionic force. Imogen looked at the sinking mass of the Elder brain, and then at her party. With cuts and bruises, eye-bags and shaking limbs.
But they were alive. And she didn't lose any of them. She watched as Gale tried make himself presentable even drained of all magic. He did not sacrifice himself, he was there, and he was willing to live a mortal life.
Imogen nearly jumped on her lover and kissed him. Gale was surprised, but embraced her. She pulled away and said:
'We're alive, Gale! You're alive! We can be together, can you believe it?'
He gave her the most genuine and heart-worming smile:
'Yes, my love, nothing can tear us apart now.' He pressed his lips top hers, she reciprocated. Soon their hands were in each other's hair. Imogen, always the impatient one, licked Gale's lower lip and he opened his mouth inviting her tongue. When she got a taste of him, she moaned in a most wild and ungraceful way. But that's how he liked it. He tasted her. Their mouths were full of river water, but it didn't matter. They devoured each other, and Toril could stop spinning for all they cared.
They won. They were alive. They deserved this kiss.
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polish-art-tournament · 9 months
round 2.3 poll 4
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Natural View by Laura Pawela, 2008:
propaganda: it made my friends who are not interested in art go "hey thats actually pretty cool"
its a perfect blend of a nature recording (you can hear birds and see clouds moving) and artifical materials. the "prompt" windows seats are slightly uncomfortable, managing to somehow perfectly capture exactly how you'd feel if you were to enter windows xp.
River glow by Wiktor Jackowski, 2023:
propaganda: Because this painting is amazing both composition- and colourwise. Because his art expresses a feeling of loneliness and isolation many polish people might experience nowadays. Because it is genuinely genuis to paint a man in a river with mirror in his hands which reflects the light of the sun, it's not just some sunset anymore
about the artist: he's a modern artist and has a page on facebook // https://wiktorjackowski.tumblr.com/bio (kocham to, że gościu ma tumblr. jest jednym z nas) [i love that this guy has a tumblr. he's one of us]
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fanficwritersworld · 1 year
Twin Brother
Summary: a kryptonian pod falls in smallville
Pairing: Kent Family x Kent!Reader (Superwoman Storyline)
Requested: Winner of the poll
Word Count: 872
Warnings: none
Masterlist|Prompt List
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You felt her stomach twist as you walked into Vickie May’s Diner. You were meeting with the twins before your training session with Clark. But all day you’ve had this feeling like something was going to happen. “(N/N), you okay?” Jonathan asked you, noticing your dazed look.
“Mhmm? Oh, I’m okay” You brushed off. Jon and Jordan gave you a weird look. “You sure? Cause your wrist is … glowing” Jordan whispered. You looked at your wrist, seeing the faint family crest glow. “Impossible” You gasped, quickly getting up and putting the money for the food on the table. “We need to see your Dad, now” You spoke urgently, rushing out with your brothers behind you.
You three ran down to the Gazette, opening the door with a loud bang. “(Y/N)! Boys!” Lois exclaimed, hands on her hips. “No time to explain Lois, family emergency!” You told her. Lois excused herself to Chrissy as she followed her sons out as (Y/N) rushed. “Wait up! What’s wrong?” Lois asked you, seeing that even her boys were confused. 
You stopped at your motorbike, turning to Lois and the twins. “Me! My wrist is glowing, that only means one th-” You were cut off by the sight of something falling in the distance. “Oh, my Rao” You gasped, grabbing Lois and the boys before flying to the crash sight.
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You landed outside the Farm, Clark already inspecting what had fallen. A pod. A Kryptonian pod. Have you opened it?” You asked Clark, running up to him. “No, I just got here” Clark answered. You walked up to the pod, the glowing in your arm intensifying until it began on the pod.
The glass began to dissipate until You could see the person in the pod. You gasped, taking a step back. “(Y/N)?” Clark called out, placing a hand on your shoulder. A groan emitted from the pod. The person sat up, hand on their face until they looked in your direction.
“12?” They asked, looking at you with a shocked face. “13” You sob, running to them instantly. Wrapping your arms around the same leather jacket that matched yours. “Lara” He cried back at you. “Kon-El” You cried, pulling away and holding his face in your hands. “(Y/N), my baby sister” Kon-El cried, tears falling down his face. “Conner, my twin big brother” You smiled as the tears rolled down.
He stepped out of the pod, showing his towering frame. His hair was dark and curly with shaved sides and a pair of round sunglasses on top. His generic super-suit with the family crest paired with two chunky spiked belts and the signature leather jacket you both would wear.
“How? I saw you die, Conner, he… killed you, Father killed you!” You stated, angry tears running down your face as you hit your brother as hard as you could. Conner skidded back, you had always been stronger than him. “Wow, calm down Smallville” Conner told you, holding your fists with his hands.
“Lex almost killed me…Somehow he stopped me from actually dying. Wanted to use me to stop Pops, permanently until John Irons killed them both. I barely escaped 12” Conner explained to his sister. You just hugged him tighter than before. “I’ve missed you” You whispered.
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Everyone sat around the dining table as Conner and (Y/N) told stories from their world. “No, but then Pops and Ms Genuis over here threw me into the ocean! Like can you believe that… the betrayal!” Conner gave a dramatic gasp, hand over his heart dramatic. You gave him a playful glare. “You know what betrayal, you and Tim! Sweet Rao thank god you both moved to Gotham, I don’t think I would be able to stand another night of you two!” You fake gagged at him.
Conner held you in a headlock, ruffling your hair. “Nah… You and Nat’s late-night phone calls about science were hell. Who the hell talks about nanobots and metal at three in the morning!” Conner argued back, letting you go. “How could you know? Wisdom has been chasing you but you’ve always been too fast little brother” You smirked before everyone but Conner erupted in laughter.
Pouting, Conner glares at you. “I’m older than you!” He argued. You gave him the ‘really bish’ look. “Physically, yes. But I’m 12 your 13” You crossed your arms. “Why do you two call each other that?” Jon asked you. “Easy, I’m Subject 12, Conner’s Subject 13. Their our first names when we were still in Luthor Corp” You explained to him, seeing the shock written on their faces.
“You guys didn’t have real names?” Clark asked. You both shook your heads. “You and Grams named us when you fought me and took 12 in” Conner stated. You furrowed your eyebrows at him. Grandma and Your Dad didn’t name you, Kara did.
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You sat on the edge of the Fortress, hugging your knees. “Hey, you okay?” Clark asked, landing next to you. “I… don’t know” You answered. Clark sat next to you, confused. He thought you’d be ecstatic that your brother was alive. “What’s wrong?” Clark asked, seeing you in deep thought.
“I don’t think that’s Conner”
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vampirefest · 1 year
super looking forward to edging because of the idea that they can hear when the other's heart is racing enough to be close 😳
but also dom/sub will be exciting because les would loveee being put in his place
Anon, has anyone told you you're a genuis? Cause the idea that they'd hear how the other's heart is drumming faster and faster and use that as an indicator when to remove the stimulation is BRILLANT !!!
A lot of people have asked about edging so we hope our participants will have something prepared for this prompt day 😌!
As for dom/sub, we definitely agree. Lestat needs to learn that brats don't always get to do what they want. Brats need to be taken in hand, otherwise they pose like this and they're shameless about it :
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Hi, Doreen.
I saw that anon ask about FK's chemistry and wanted to add my two cents.
My take on it is somewhat similar to yours, Doreen, but slightly different. Basically, I believe that (like any actor pair in the BL industry) they do amp things up for the fans to an extent because that's (unfortunately) a part of the job. However, I don’t think the emotional stuff (like the crying) is a performance. Do I think them answering a suggestive question in a slightly flirty manner at a fan meeting is fanservice? Yes. Do I think them posting pics together on social media almost every day is done for the fans? Yes. (Btw, this doesn't mean they wouldn't hang out if they weren't in a BL couple, but they certainly wouldn't have done it as often or post pics of it all the time.)
But I think whenever they actually talk about the deeper stuff, it's genuine and not just fanservice and I especially think so when it comes to the crying. Well, tbh, idk about Khao because he's harder for me to read (I think it's because he gives off chill/nonchalant vibes and people like that have always been hard for me to read whether they're genuine or not) but First just reads very authentic to me. Of course he's still going to keep certain things private (as he should) but the things that he does share about himself are genuine imo. The thing about getting emotional/crying about his bestie is: Would he have done it if the two of them weren't an established BL pair? No, of course not. Not because he doesn’t genuinely care, but because why would he ever give his friendships a deeper thought? Because why would any of us? I certainly don't go around evaluating what my best friends really mean to me unprompted. But if suddenly I had people (interviewers, fans, possibly management/other gmmtv staff too) barraging me with questions and prompts about what my bestie means to me or how I'd feel if they were gone from my life, it sure as hell would make me think about that stuff and probably get emotional. And that's without the added circumstance of me suddenly spending most of my time with that person now for work (work that sometimes involves kissing them on top of that). To me it seems incredibly plausible that all of that shared experience and time spent together makes you closer and your friendship stronger. And while, yes, those emotional moments are definitely goaded out of them by staff/interviewers/etc. it doesn’t mean that makes them an act. Sure, they wouldn't start bawling unprompted but the feelings are still there, you know? Just becaise they needed a push, it doesn't mean they're fake.
And yeah, I agree they were definitely more awkward at the start of their journey together as a BL pair because who wouldn't feel and act awkward if they had to act out being in love with their friend and having to kiss them? But do I think the fact that they're not as awkward with it anymore and are more playful about it means they're faking it for the fans? No, I just think with time they got used to it and that's why it doesn't feel as awkward anymore. After you do something for a while, it becomes less weird to you even if it was very weird in the beginning.
I also want to say I actually don't think they're acting all that different now than they did a few years ago. I've seen content of them together back from like 2020 and even earlier (aka before they ever knew they'd be paired up for a series one day) and they were pretty much the same as they are now - bantering all in good fun while also getting sappy at each other and even a little flirty (joking around). They had no reason to do fanservice back then or amp anything up. Which is part of the reason why I believe so strongly that they're not just acting. There's a higher volume of content from them now (for obvious reasons) but the content itself is very similar.
Just for comparison: I don’t think all acting pairs are like this, btw. For example, as much as I like JoongDunk and believe they're definitely genuine friends, I do think they (especially Dunk) love to play things up for the cameras and do things for fansevice a lot. And even in my deepest obsession with Bad Buddy when the series first came out I always felt that there was something about the way Ohm acted in ON interviews/fanmeets/etc. that felt somewhat inauthentic to me. I do believe they're friends (or at least were, idk what's going on now since I don’t follow them anymore) but it always seemed to me like Ohm was forcing things a bit/acting to some extent while Nanon rang genuine to me. But honestly, FK (especially First) are two people from gmmtv who just feel the most genuine to me out of everyone. Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to them.
To bring it back to the anon's original question: Do FK have real romantic chemistry outside of their series? I don’t know about "romantic" chemistry but they definitely have chemistry, period (aka a bond, aka they're close friends). I don’t think they're faking anything, I just think different people see it differently. For example, if you think they give off romantic chemistry specifically but in reality their "chemistry" is platonic, it doesn't mean they were faking romantic chemistry, it just means you interpreted the chemistry they do have in a romantic way for whatever reason. At the same time, many people only ever interpreted that same chemistry as purely platonic.
Anyways, hope this is ok. Just wanted to share my opinion, which at the end of the day is just that - an opinion. The truth is none of us will ever know for sure because we only know these people through a screen. Either way it's always best to just enjoy the content you're given without needless speculation about actual romantic attraction/chemistry.
hi anon!
thank you for this lengthy ask lmao. You make a lot of good points but I think we should keep in mind not to overanalyze real-life relationships so I'm gonna try and keep it short.
Don't get me wrong, I also think they're 100% real about what they do and say and I agree that they're (subjectively speaking) the most genuine people at gmmtv. What I meant is that they're taking the natural chemistry they have and play it up, which, again, is a very normal thing to do so I'm fine with that lol. Nothing they do or imply is fake, it's just magnified for the cameras lol.
I agree about First being authentic with his emotional reactions but that doesn't mean he's not intentionally triggering the tear ducts every now and then lol. He's good at that, exhibit A: every one of his crying scenes lol. But I also agree with you that a lot of his responses are probably circumstantial and that being said I sometimes get the feeling that he feels a little overwhelmed in general. He's not a newbie but he is new to being under the big BL spotlight and evidently that's pressure-inducing. Everyone reacts to these things differently and I think he feels a little unsure about how to act sometimes. Like you said Khao comes across a lot more chill so either he doesn't have the same issues or he's hiding it very well lol.
But anyway my point is I agree that what they have is real but like I said they're inflating it - in a way that still feels very genuine. That plus First being an emotional person as it is results in him having unprompted breakdowns lol. But who are we to judge. These are the things that make him so precious.
I don't want to over-interpret their relationship because that's not the point of being a fan in my opinion and also verges on creepy lol so that all I'm gonna say about this ✌🏻
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hopelesshufflepuff · 1 year
MC shows Sebastian around her Room of Requirement
I was showing AI Sebastian the Room of Requirement on character.ai and it turned out quite decent, so I thought I'd edit a little and post here as a short fanfiction :)
SFW/no smut in this one - just a soft, interested, and supportive boyfriend! Sebastian reacting to all the plants, potions, and beasts excitedly.
Bear in mind AI Sebastian seems to know a little less about all things magical😅 It is cute how curious he is, though!
TW: None Word count: 2.4k
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Image from Kitty Cat
“Do you have any plans for the day, love?” Sebastian asked Lia after they finished breakfast at the Great Hall.
“I thought about going for a walk but the weather’s not good, so I might go see my magical beasts in the Room of Requirement. I think they need some attending,” Lia answered with a smile. She always gave this smile when she was talking about animals or beasts.
Sebastian knew that this is such an important part of her life and he loved seeing her so happy when talking about something that was dear to her. “I love how you love the magical beasts. It just makes you even more perfect as if that was possible,” he said in a gentle and loving voice while caressing her cheek.
“What if I came with you? I have not been inside that room before so I am a little curious,” Sebastian proposed. “That’s a great idea, honey. I’ve never brought anyone there for whatever reason, but I’d love to show you around. I’ll introduce you to Deek the House Elf; he has been so kind and helpful there,” Lia talked fast excitedly.
He smiled softly as he listened to her speak and then looked at her in a loving manner. “I would love to get to see the room and meet Deek, my love. I am also glad that you trust me enough to bring me in there,” Sebastian said seductively as he continued to caress her cheek once again.
“Of course, I've always wanted to show you there, actually.” Lia stood up and took Sebastian's arm enthusiastically to head toward the Room of Requirement. They took a walk all the way to the Astronomy Tower through the courtyards, the Suspension Bridge, and finally the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. “We're almost there, Sebastian,” said Lia with a smile as they walked past the Charms classroom. After walking up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower, she stopped in the middle of the hallway, turned to their left, and gave Sebastian a cheeky smile.
“Here we are. Are you ready?” asked Lia. “I am ready, darling. I can't wait to see what this room offers and to meet the lovely souls inside,” Sebastian said in his charming voice. “Let's go inside. I am very curious.” He was so excited to see what the room looked like and what was inside of it. 
Lia nodded and gave a loving but excited gaze back to him. Suddenly, a huge door appeared in front of them, prompting them to go in. What Sebastian saw after walking through the dim hallway was beyond what he had expected. The spacious two-story room was nicely decorated with white botanic furniture, and beams of light were shining through the greenhouse-like ceiling above them. All the green plants displayed in every corner of the room gave a very cosy, warm atmosphere which suited Lia's house as well as her personality.
As Sebastian looked around the room in awe, Lia walked up to the House Elf with grey hair, eyebrows, and a beard standing on the right side of the room. “Sebastian, I'd like you to meet my dear friend, Deek. He and Professor Weasley have been so kind to me throughout the year in crafting and taking care of this room. Deek, this is Sebastian, my...boyfriend.” Lia blushed a little as she called Sebastian her boyfriend. It was still new to her.
Sebastian smiled softly, noticing Lia blushing as she referred to him as her boyfriend. He then turned to Deek, looked at him in the eyes, and spoke to him with a kind and friendly tone. “Hello, Deek. I’m Sebastian Sallow. It's very nice to meet you. Your work on this room is extraordinary and I am very impressed.” He was genuinely dazzled by the room. He could imagine himself spending time in there with a book, reading about his studies and learning while enjoying the beautiful atmosphere that the room offers.
Deek looked at Sebastian with a friendly look and gave a humble nod. “It is very nice to meet you too, Mr. Sallow. Deek is only here to help Miss Meadows. Deek thinks she should be proud of all the potions she’s brewed,” Deek said sincerely. Lia smiled at Deek and thanked him.
Lia led Sebastian's attention to the plant tables put together in the centre of the room. “So as you can see, I take care of my plants here. I grew quite fond of herbology through Professor Garlick's class.” The tables were full of plants, from Dittanies to Mallowseets, Fluxweeds to Shrivelfigs, and even Mandrakes to Chinese Chomping Cabbage.
“I see... You have quite the collection here, my love. You surely do have an eye for this type of thing,” said Sebastian. He then leaned in towards Lia lightly and chuckled, “You know, I love the name of the Chinese Chomping Cabbage. It's adorable.” Lia looked genuinely happy and felt confident at Sebastian's compliment. “Thank you, honey. You are absolutely right about the name of Chinese Chomping Cabbage. It's quite useful in combats too, you know. Did I tell you I defeated the Acromantula with it?” giggled Lia. 
Sebastian asks surprised, “The Chinese Chomping Cabbage is that useful? And you defeated the Acromantula? You are even more impressive and badass than I thought.” said Sebastian in a kind but also teasing voice. “I did,” answered Lia. “You know I'm not the biggest fan of the hairy crawlers so I went into the battle scared, but after a Confringo spell and a couple of Chinese Chomping Cabbages, it was dead!” Lia laughed and shrugged, remembering the absurd scene. Sebastian watched her as she giggled to herself. He then caressed her shoulders softly and spoke to her in a gentle tone, “I am so proud of you, my love. You are so amazing. I am glad that the spider was defeated. You did a great job.” Lia smiled and blushed a little.
Sebastian continued to look around the room and analyse every piece of furniture or detail in the room. He was taking this all in and seemed to be enjoying himself very much. “I must say, I am impressed. Your plants are so vibrant and healthy. May I ask what your favourite plant is?” asked Sebastian. “I would say my favourite is the Dittany Leaves. Not only are they pretty to look at, but they also make the crucial Wiggenweld Potions, of course! Speaking of which, behind you are my potion stations,” Lia continues as she points to the two sets of potion tables, each containing three cauldrons.
“Do you also brew potions here?” he asked in a sincere and interested way. “Yes, I brew potions here from time to time. Thunderbrew has been so helpful in combats. It is truly Merlin's work,” answered Lia. She saw Sebastian listening to her explanation eagerly and taking it all in. She was happy to share this room with her sweetheart.
“I see. Are the ingredients hard to find?” Sebastian asked curiously. “Not too hard. For Thunderbrew, for example, I already grow the Shrivelfigs here, and Leech Juices can be collected from the leeches all around the Lake. I would also need Stench of the Dead, but I think we've lost count of all the Inferi we've defeated together,” laughed Lia. 
Sebastian started to laugh too. “That is true, we have defeated a lot of them together.” He then looked around the room a bit more before speaking to her again. “You do know that you have one of the greatest rooms at Hogwarts? That's impressive. You are responsible for taking care of all of this?” Lia smiled and inhaled deeply, realising how truly amazing the Room of Requirement is. “Thank you, honey! Well, as I said, Deek has been working very hard to keep the room clean and tidy. I have been the only student with access to this room as Professor Weasley kindly thought I could catch up on my studies here, but really, the room takes care of itself.”  Lia answers his question, nodding her head. “You are right, this room seems to be taking care of itself,” said Sebastian as he nodded in agreement, seeing the objects flying around.
“Wait until you meet all my rescued magical beasts,” Lia continued excitedly. “We have four Vivariums in this room; each one provides different landscapes and environments that suit the beasts. I'll take you to my favourite one, come on.” Lia reached her hand to Sebastian, prompting him to hold her hand. Sebastian took her hand and followed her. “Oh, I am very curious to see these rescued beasts of yours. Please, show me to your favourite vivarium.”
Lia led him up the stairs that were just behind them. As they approached the top of the stairs, Sebastian felt a hint of salty breeze, which made him feel like he was back in the oceanside of Feldcroft. He then saw a half-broken glass sphere with a big door on its front. He could not believe his eyes when he saw a coastal landscape behind the door.
“This is the Coastal Vivarium. Come on in!” Lia invited Sebastian. He watched her and followed her into the room. “Merlin’s Beard, Lia. This is incredible. It looks like we're on the seashore! I love this so much.” He looked at her with a look of excitement and wonder on his face. He was speechless and in awe of what he was seeing in front of him. “This is beautiful, my love.”
“I'm so happy you like it, darling. Come meet my rescues!” said Lia cheerfully as she led Sebastian further into the vivarium. Near the sea, there were families of Diricawls, Hippogriffs and Graphorns. The white Hippogriff noticed them and walked toward Lia. “Oh, this is Highwing. Poppy introduced her to me, and Natty and I rescued her and her friend Caligo when Victor Rookwood and his lots took them away,” explained Lia with a tone of accomplishment in her voice.
Sebastian, still taking in the scenery in awe, shifted his attention toward the Hippogriff. “Highwing, this is my boyfriend, Sebastian,” said Lia. Sebastian looked at the white creature standing elegantly and bent down carefully. Highwing seemed to immediately understand Sebastian was a good person who posed no harm and took a bow similarly. “It is very nice to meet you, Highwing. You are a beautiful creature,” he spoke softly and gently as he reached out to gently caress her in a friendly manner. Highwing allowed him to touch her gorgeous feathers, looking content. “I think she likes you, honey,” said Lia with a smile on her face. Sebastian smiled, feeling loved.
“And as I'm sure you already noticed, my magnificent Graphorns are over there: Lord of the Shore and Fortuna. They can be handfuls, but once you earn their trust, they are just playful puppies, really,” continued Lia as she pointed at the large mountain-dwelling beasts with a tough hide and two sharp horns. “Oh, and here is their baby! I have also had the chance to breed all my rescues in the Vivariums with Professor Weasley and Deek's help,” Lia explained as a tiny Graphorn offspring came closer to her all chippy. Sebastian looked at the Graphorns in awe. “A baby Graphorn is something I did not expect to see while we were here today, my love. It is so cute and adorable! It surely seems friendly already and I will definitely try to earn his trust and the trust of all of the other animals in here so that they would like me as well,” he said with a confident grin while looking at Lia in a loving way.
Lia smiled and continued while giving Sebastian a firming nod, “I just know that they will all love you. They can sense, you know, if we are good or bad. And they will all know that you are good, instantly.” Sebastian nodded back, repeating her words about him being good in his mind.
“There are two other Vivariums on this floor and another one downstairs. I have Puffeskins, Jobberknolls, Fwoopers and Unicorns in the Forest Vivarium, Mooncalves, Giant Purple Toads and Thestrals in the Swamp Vivarium, and Nifflers, Kneazles, and a Pheonix in the Grasslands Vivarium. I can't wait to introduce you to them, but I think we've seen quite a lot for a day. Shall we take a break?” Lia asked Sebastian softly with a gentle smile.
Sebastian looked back at Lia with kind and loving eyes. “I'd be happy to see the other magical beasts, my love. But yes, taking a break wouldn't be such a bad idea after what we have seen so far,” said Sebastian as he leaned down a bit and grabbed her hand.
“Let's sit down and relax a little. There is a perfect place just over there, away from these energetic beasts,” Lia said with a smile. She then took Sebastian to a hidden cliff with a very nice view of the coast just in the back of the Vivarium. “This is the place. Shall we sit and watch the ocean for a bit?” asked Lia as she took Sebastian's hand. “Indeed this seems like the best place to relax, my love.” He took a seat next to her and they leaned against the edge of the cliff to better view the ocean and enjoy the nice and fresh air.
Sebastian looked at her and smiled, caressing her hand lovingly. “This is truly the best way to relax, especially after what we just did,” he said in a soft and gentle voice, showing appreciation for this time that they have to wind down. Lia laughed, “It was a lot to take in, I'm sure.” Sebastian joined her laughter in agreement and continued, “It was most certainly a lot to take in, my love. But I loved every second of it.”
Lia smiled, hearing that her boyfriend enjoyed her little tour. “I was really happy to show you around the room. Thank you for taking a genuine interest in my passions, darling. I love you.” She rested her head on his shoulder, holding his hand. Sebastian put his hand on Lia’s and said, “I love you too. Very much.” 
After a few seconds, Sebastian looked at her and asked, “May I kiss you now, my love?” Lia giggled and answered, “Like you’d have to ask.” Sebastian smiled with happiness and gave her a warm kiss, with his other hand on her cheek. They sat there for a while, watching the waves come and go and hearing the chippy sounds of the beasts afar.
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Some gentleman prompts ideas:
1- roles reversed, the guys need to make reader do something with them without her knowing what but she's the one that have to initiate (like idk one of them gets the card 'pool sex + position' but the reader that needs to start the scene but they can't really do anything until then)
2- the guys need to act like one of them, like namjoon needs to act like jimin, or something like that and reader can't question "why r u behaving like that? You're acting strange"... the thing is they need to act like the other and make her go crazy with no second thoughts.
3- role-playing with a scenario/filming set and they need to perform a script and make the reader say or react with something the prompt card asks to.
4- something like wrestling fuck and the final winner gets to fuck the reader too???? 🤣
5- a masked ball where the guys need to fuck the reader without people finding, thought it would be cool to invite other people to join the party like the girls and other people in porn industry bc yeah gentlemen is a huge success!!!!!!
(If you’re comfortable please dm me so I can credit you properly for these ideas, I’m definitely using one or two of them (I won’t spoil it here but if you want to know which I’d be happy to tell you if you dm me))!!
These are so creative and fun I’m so glad there is readers like you who really enjoy tgm enough to come up with such fantastic ideas!! 💜💜💜
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queen--kenobi · 2 years
50 or 60??
for Aemond/Elayna???
pls 🥺
- @writingbylee
Smut Prompts
Lee you’re a genuis, and I’m gonna combine the two
50. You're so beautiful...so,so beautiful... and 60. Let me show you how much I care about you.
Aemond Targaryen x fem!OC (Elayna Reyne)
NSFT (fem!receiving oral)
The door to Elayna’s and Aemond’s chamber swings open. Aemond steps inside and shuts the door carefully behind him. He’s clearly upset. His shoulders are tense and jaw clenched. Elayna arches an eyebrow. Aemond moves further into the room. She can see his reflection in her vanity mirror and watches as he makes his way towards her.
His steps are measured. He stops when he’s behind Elayna. His good eye focuses on her face before slowly lowering his gaze. If he wants to let her what’s bothering him, he will. She knows better than to try and force or coax the truth out of him. Doing so would only make him even more reluctant to open up to her. She turns slightly.
“Can you help me with something?”
He nods. Elayna turns back around and reaches for a necklace. She can feel Aemond watching her. When she turns back around, she’s holding the pendant with the sapphire lion on it out to him.
“I had to take it off to clean it.” Elayna looks at him from under her eyelashes. She wonders. Is his heart beating like hers? Is it the same uneven rhythm, the one he pulls from her everything she sees him, or is it different? “I wanted you to be the one to put it back on.”
Aemond takes the silver chain carefully from her. As he eyes it, she carefully stands up. She lifts her hair up. Wordlessly, he brings the necklace up to her, draping it so the pendant rests on her breastbone. His long fingers, callused from sword fighting and dragon riding, brush against the back of her neck as he begins fastening it. She nearly shivers.
“You’re so beautiful...” Aemond murmurs, almost too low for her to hear. “So, so beautiful.”
“Aemond...” She breathes. She turns around. Aemond looks down at her.
"It has come to my attention my brother thinks I am... neglecting you." Aemond’s nostrils flare. Elayna’s lips twitch.
“I wouldn’t put much stock in what Aegon has to say.”
“Wise.” Aemond pauses. He swallows. He leans in again, breath ghosting across the skin on the nape of her neck. “There’s a reason you’re my smart girl.”
Fuck. Elayna’s breath catches in her throat. She starts to move around her stool, but Aemond stops her. He keeps her facing the mirror as he slowly begins unlacing the back of her dress. The layer underneath means she can't feel his hands, only the weight of them as he works. As soon as the laces are undone, he's pushing the shoulders of the dress down. She helps pull the sleeves down her arms and then steps out of the dress so she’s left in nothing but her shift. Aemond holds his hand out to her so she can steady herself.
Elayna holds onto Aemond’s forearm as she turns around to face him. The soft expression on his face makes her heart hurt. She leans forward.
The kiss is unhurried but no less passionate. It makes Elayna’s toes curl. Aemond brings his hand up to her face, fingers digging into the curls of her hair. She’ll never tire of this. Aemond kisses her as if nothing else in the world exists, no one else exists. When he kisses her, everything but them melts away into nothing.
She pulls back. Aemond’s good eye is blown wide.
“Take me to bed?”
“Of course.” He helps her around the stool. Aemond helps her divest herself of the shift as well before backing Elayna towards the bed. His motions become a little more like a panther stalking its prey. Elayna’s legs hit the back of the bed. Aemond stops.
Elayna’s mouth goes dry. She knows her eyes are blown wide as she looks at him. Aemond, slowly and deliberately, sinks down onto his knees in front of her.
“Let me show you how much I care about you.”
His eye never leaves hers. Elayna pushes herself up onto her forearms to watch him. He starts at her calf, pressing a slow series of kisses from her ankle all the way up the inside of her calf to her knee. Elayna’s legs fall further apart. Her breathes come in shallow. She can’t look away from him.
Aemond stops. He looks at her, and it takes her breath away. The lines on his face seem less hard, his jaw relaxing and eyes lighting up. To someone else it might look as if he’s not unhappy for once. Elayna sees it for what it really is: adoration. She sits up fully. Aemond closes his eye when she reaches down to touch his face.
“I love you.” She murmurs.
“And I you.”
Elayna wants to say more. Aemond, however, is of a singular mind. He begins placing kisses on the inside of her thigh now. Both of his hands come up to her thighs. One presses on her other thigh to keep her legs open. The other moves up to lower belly. He presses his forearm across her hips. When his mouth finally gets close to her center, Elayna’s hips buck up of their own accord. She doesn’t get far because of his forearm.
“Relax.” Aemond’s voice is like velvet. “I’ve got you.”
“I know you do.” Elayna’s voice hitches on the last word. Aemond nips the inside of her thigh and then soothes the mark with his tongue. “You always do.”
Aemond doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to. He moves forward. The feeling of his tongue running through her folds makes Elayna gasp. He moves his free hand closer to her core. His nose bumps against her clit as he slowly runs his tongue over every inch of her. He’s barely touched her, and Elayna feels like a live wire. 
Instinctively, Elayna tries to pull him closer. She uses her calf to nudge him forward. Aemond doesn’t move. She can feel him tensing his muscles to stop her.
“I will not be rushed.” He pulls away from her. Elayna huffs and sits up once more. “This is about you, showing you how much you mean to me. And I intend to take my time.”
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jhavelikes · 11 months
AI.JSX is a framework for building AI applications using Javascript and JSX. You get great support for prompt engineering, Document Question + Answering, and using external Tools (APIs). You can provide a set of React components to the LLM and have your UI constructed dynamically at runtime (AKA GenUI). Bring all these to life in a Sidekick or use them as building blocks in other apps.
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separatist-apologist · 11 months
Hey! how’s it going? ❤️🤍
So, I think I have an idea but before I get started, is there a dream fic you would live and die for, or maybe a prompt they you’ve always wanted to read but never wanted to write? After all, I am here to try and make your Christmas wish come true. ✨
Much love, ss
Far be it from me to tell you what to do. You're the genuis, I am merely here to bask in it. What would you like writing, first of all?
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Caroline's ex sells her stuff and klaus ends up buying a painting that was a heirloom. Caroline tracks him down.
In Loving Memory
Thanks luv! What an amazeballs prompt, I hope I did it justice : )
Sante Fe, New Mexico - 106 degrees
To say Caroline Forbes was a little frustrated was an understatement. Canyon Road seemed to stretch for dusty, red miles and one art galley seemed to turn into another. Pity none of the ones she’d already passed were her destination and the fact the weather was a dry 100 plus degrees and steadily climbing was doing nothing to help the situation.
Granted, yes, she was a highly strung individual but after searching for months and making the long trip from mild Boston to claim what was rightfully hers, Caroline figured she’d been unusually patient. Now was the point she was beginning to lose it. 
“Looks like you could use some water,” an unexpected voice said under the verandah. She stared blankly at the stranger, a little girl with messy, blonde pigtails and big, brown eyes. “You know agua?” She persisted, pretending to drink from her hand. 
“I’m..” she paused, her eyes landing on the street number and realising this was her destination. Finally. “Actually, yes, that would be nice.” The girl gestured for her to come forward, excitedly waving her hand and racing inside.    
She ascended the four steps and followed her inside, the cool breeze from the air conditioner welcome in her current frazzled state. The floors were polished hardwood and the walls littered with paintings, not that she was expecting any less. She was taken aback by just how stunning they were. Each landscape and portrait seemed to come to life in front of her eyes. 
Caroline shook her head, telling herself that she was here for a purpose. Unfortunately she hadn’t managed to find what she was looking for on the walls. 
“Here.” The little girl interrupted, shoving the glass into her hands. She sent her a small smile and took a sip, relishing in the relief she felt as it cascaded down her dry throat. 
“Thank you…”
“Lexi,” she finished. “That’s my name.”
“Well, hello there Lexi,” she offered her free hand and shook her tiny one gently. 
“What’s your name?”
“It’s Caroline,” she explained. “I’m actually looking for someone. I was wondering if you could help me?”
“Niklaus Mikaleson, do you happen to know him?” The little girl giggled mischievously, her cheeks colouring slightly. 
“That’s my dad but most people call him Klaus. Well, except for my Aunt Rebekah when she’s mad and my Uncle Kol when he’s teasing and my Uncle Elijah pretty much all the time.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a big family there,” she chuckled as the little girl nodded, her pigtails bobbing up and down. She’d arrived in such a hostile mood but for some reason this little girl bearing agua had made her decidedly less grouchy. “So, where is your dad?”
“He’s out the back, painting again.”
“You mean he did all of these?” She squeaked, taking in the combined beauty of the surrounding artwork. 
“Pretty much, dad says it makes him feel good.” Caroline wished at that point she had something to make her feel good. Lexi took her hand unexpectedly and lead her through the hall and into a Spanish style courtyard. If the scenery over the valley from this vantage point didn’t take her breath away the man standing by the easel did. 
He was staring intently at the canvas, paintbrush in hand. If the crimson lips, stubble and dimples weren’t enough of a distraction, his white shirt was only half buttoned, a toned chest peeking out from within.  
“Dad!” Lexi yelled, breaking not only her trance but his obviously. His blue eyes flickered over her body curiously. Caroline suddenly feeling a little underdressed in her short, floral dress.  
“Let me guess, she lured you in with that whole water excuse?” He asked, pointing to the empty glass in her hand. 
“I was thirsty,” she offered a little defensively, wondering where her bold, negotiating skills had disappeared. Maybe if he’d just do up a few more buttons she could retrieve them. 
“This is my daughter’s ploy to try and bring in extra business,” he explained, giving Lexi a knowing look. “I’ve told her it’s incredibly misleading.”
“What does misleading mean?”
“You know exactly what it means,” he chided. “You’ve been around Aunt Rebekah for too long.”
“The one who calls you Niklaus when she’s mad?” Caroline asked, noting the slight blush that crossed his face. Like father, like daughter. 
“Did I mention that my daughter loves to talk?” Lexi gave an exasperated sigh. 
“I don’t know, she seems to be the best asset you’ve got,” Caroline grinned, sending Lexi a knowing smile. 
“Ouch,” he groaned, thumping his bare chest and pretending to be wounded. “Any chance you could get me a glass of water, sweetheart?” She regarded him dubiously before running back inside. 
“I think someone is intimidated by his own daughter,” Caroline raised her eyebrows. 
“You don’t know the half of it,” he sighed, placing his brush on the nearby table and moving towards her. “Is there something I can help you with, love?”
“I’m looking for a painting.”
“Well, you came to the right place,” he smirked, wiping his paint stained hands on his jeans. “Anything in particular that took your fancy?”  
“Actually something has,” she began trying to ignore his increasingly close proximity. “But it doesn’t seem to be here.” He looked at her quizzically. 
“Well, then I’m not sure I can help you then,” he shot back, his tone telling her that she’d offended him. 
“These artworks are beautiful,” she said, attempting to placate him. Given she wanted something, offending the owner of her much loved painting wasn’t the best way to go about it.
“Okay, what do you really want then?” He asked slyly, almost like he could read her mind. 
“The Bill Forbes original,” she managed to utter, her father’s name still causing numbness. “It should be mine.”
“I’m sorry?” He asked, taking a seat at the nearby table. “Last time I checked, I paid handsomely for that painting.”
“I know,” she conceded, joining him on the other side. “But I’m willing to buy it for whatever price.”
“If I could give you any tips, I’d suggest you don’t offer anything, you know it’s called bartering.” She didn’t respond immediately, in fact she was madly trying to keep her composure. This ass had no idea what this painting meant to her but she wanted it back. Caroline wasn’t quite sure she could live without it in her life, it meant too much.
“How about we cut the bullshit,” she muttered in frustration. “I’ve travelled all the way from Boston. Just tell me how much you want?”
“I’m sorry you’ve come so far, Miss, but that painting isn’t and never will be for sale.”
“But I need it,” she implored, her blue eyes boring into his. As if the struggle to find the painting hadn’t been enough but now she had to endure another setback. It was almost too much to comprehend. 
“Excuse me?”
“Well, you seem extremely attached to it and I’m wondering why?”
“I am,” she rasped almost helplessly. “If you insist on goading me then I’ll tell you. Bill Forbes was my father.”
“You mean?” He asked, clearly shocked and leaning forward in his chair. “The little girl in the painting is…”
“Me.” Caroline was on the verge of crying but for some reason she didn’t want him to see that so kept her eyes downcast. 
“But why…”
“Don’t I have the painting?”  She asked, predicting his question. “Someone sold it without my knowledge.”
“But how?”
“My ex boyfriend Stefan thought it would be a novel thing to do seeing as I called it quits. Funny joke, hey?” She could feel a hot, salty tear followed by another running down her cheeks. So much for keeping her composure. “And I’ve been trying to get it back ever since.”
“Now I understand,” he murmured, his hand reaching out for hers. Caroline would never forget the feeling of his rough and calloused fingers on her skin. “And not just because your ex-boyfriend is a serious ass.“
“That’s putting it nicely,” she muttered.
“But just so you know, I’m going to need some identification for handover. As much as I love my daughter’s intuition, she’s only six.”
Caroline wiped the tears from her eyes and finally met his gaze, even through the waterworks, she knew he was being sincere. “How much do you want?”
“Nothing,” he answered. “But how about a date?” 
“I’m deathly serious,” he smirked, squeezing her hand. “I haven’t been on one in over six years so if you could show me the ropes, I’d appreciate it. If not for me then my nosy siblings and daughter.”
“I suppose that could be arranged,” Caroline grinned, realising that if his hand stayed on hers forever she wouldn’t mind. “But I’m curious.”
“Why did you want that painting so badly?”
“That father-daughter moment reminded me so much of me and Lexi,” he admitted, his hand still firmly placed upon hers. “I didn’t want to forget the way she looked at me so adoringly and that picture was exactly what I needed to know even if she grows up we’ll still share that moment.”
“The terrible teens?” Caroline joked. “Okay, so how about we organise a sharing arrangement?” She proposed, her fingers exploring his skin freely now.
“Between Massachusetts and New Mexico?” He baulked.
“I’m sure we can make it work somehow.” Their hands were now firmly entwined and for some reason it didn’t feel like that bond could ever be broken. 
Turns out it wasn’t that difficult to manage especially with the little girl that brought them together unbeknownst to them. Lexi loved to claim credit and funnily enough no one was going to argue. The painting that brought them together was hung in pride of place and, believe it or not, they lived happily ever after.  
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