#georgia sweet tea
buckieduckie2 · 1 year
was at a summer camp and at the cafeteria there was sweet tea (doi) and like, the sweet tea in texas can get pretty damn sweet okay? okay. so theres this girl who moved in from Georgia and had the audacity to say that the tea was even sweet enough. it wasnt sweet enough?? GIRL HOW DAMN SWEET IS THE SWEET TEA IN GEORGIA 💀💀 anyways apparently texas sweet tea is no match for georgia sweet tea and i do not doubt her
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findusinaweek · 1 year
Five drinks to get to know me
I was tagged by @aeide! Thanks! Also wow, I’m always convinced you are very classy.
1) Water with (a lot of) lemon. I don’t like drinking water. I don’t actually like being aware of drinking in general, it’s probably a sensory thing? I’m not sure. Anyhow, I love citrus and I love sour things so I keep industrial kitchen sized bottles of lemon juice in my fridge and squeeze that into my water because I can’t just drink straight lemon juice, that’d be weird.
2) Maracuja juice. When I visit Brazil my dad sometimes leaves fresh fruit at my sister’s house and she juices them for us in the mornings. I think it’s the only way we trust affection from him, but it’s such good fruit! So drinking maracuja feels like family and love. And it’s soooo good! 3) Cider. I have mostly lived in places with lots of apple orchards nearby, so in the autumn it’s nice to go out to a farm and pick some apples. In my current region it’s a tradition to grab some hot fresh cider donuts while you're at it too, which is the only acceptable donut in my opinion. I really like cider, whether alcoholic or not. It probably is the most common alcoholic thing for me to drink though. I really like pear cider too, that’s just so refreshing and light!
4) Black currant tisane tea. I don’t like tea much but I really like black currants! This is the most common hot drink for me to be drinking (it’s not common, I don’t like to drink hot things).  There was very, very briefly a Polish grocery in my hometown and I got hooked. Had to buy out their entire tea section before they closed.
5) So many juices/sweet things, too few spaces. Caldo da cana! Just because I’m thinking about the time my brother took me out for caldo da cana and pastéis and then tried to seem cool to the very pretty waitress, like I was his fancy American girlfriend. Você esqueceu, né? Sou gay, irmão. Also bruh, I’m not cool! Anyways, it was a bonding experience and I made him buy me an extra pastel and cup of cana to bribe me into silence. I wish I could spend more time with him, we like the same things (Assassin’s Creed).
Tagging @luvjiro, @asinglesock, @stressfulsloth, @brasideios, @fikali, @thecontractorandtheastronaut, And whoever else is interested!
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frankbelloriley · 2 years
one of the biggest changes in the last two years is that I’ve adopted the opinion that “country music is good, actually”
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chamomiletealeaf · 4 months
Sweet as Pie
Chapter 1
When Simon retires from the military, he buys a little cabin in Georgia to live the quiet life he's always wanted. It's rural, hidden, and exactly what he was looking for. However, it's not as rural as he thought it to be, when one day he finds out he has a cute lil next door neighbor who is sweet as pie.
pairing: fem!afab!southern! reader x mommykink! simon riley
a/n: Thank you to @thatonepupkai for inspiring me with this because I am now obsessed with mommy kink Simon and Southern reader.
warnings: mentions of trauma
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Simon placed the last box of his belongings (which there weren't very many of) down in his new home.
He had just retired from the military, deciding to maybe try and experience some joy in his life.
Simon had never really experienced true joy. Not since his family. When he joined the Task Force he thought he could help save lives so that no one would have to live the way he did. He had nothing to live for, so why not try to save the lives of those who did have something?
But killing was hard. Something he didn't want to do. Was it really worth the risk? After Johnny nearly died by a shot to the head by Makarov, Simon felt an emotion that he hasn't felt since his family was alive.
For the first time in years, Simon Riley realized he had something to live for.
But he wasn't living, only surviving, which is why he decided to start a new chapter in his life and try and bring out that feeling he had gone so long without that he only got a taste of after Johnny was shot.
Which is where his rural cabin in Georgia comes in.
It was a beautiful wooden cabin; surrounded by nature and hidden by trees. It was alone, just the way he was. It was only one story and on a beautiful black lake that sparkled with the reflections of the sunny sky and warped images of the branches of the trees lingering over it. Maybe he would buy himself a kayak one day and go out on the lake. He was still learning how to take care of himself.
He didn't see any houses for a while. The closest house he saw being quite far down the lake, but close enough that he wasn't too secluded.
Simon wanted to start slow, inch his way back into civilization, and this cabin was the perfect start.
He placed the last box of his belongings down on the wooden floor in the living room. He sighed and placed his hands on his hips, then looked around as if he was trying to find something to do.
It felt awkward not having to watch his back 24/7.
He sat down on the little couch that came with the house, and opened up the box, deciding to occupy himself with putting away his things.
The first thing he took out the box was his only coffee mug that had the Task Force logo on it that Price had given to him so he wouldn't have to steal his mug to make his tea.
Tea, that sounded good.
Simon took the mug into the kitchen and put a kettle onto the stove.
As he waited for the water to heat up, he leaned back against the counter, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked outside his window in the kitchen, admiring the view of the lake.
Then something caught his eye.
From the window in the kitchen, Simon could see to the right of the cabin, which was most of the lake, and a lot of the wooded area beside it. He could see more from that window than the window in the living room, which showed the left part of his house, and that distant house that looked to be his only neighbor.
But in the distance, to the right, not too far from his cabin and definitely much closer than the other house, he saw a cute little pastel yellow house, also wooden, with a big white door.
"What the f-" Simon whispered under his breath, squinting his eyes to see if that was really another house he was seeing or maybe just a storage shed.
That's when he saw you.
Simon could see the door of your house that appeared to be the kitchen door. It was a single door with a little stoop to allow people to walk up and down it.
He watched as you opened the door, bringing a basket along with you, and walked over to the peach trees you had in your backyard.
You were beautiful. So much so that Simon unsquinted his eyes and his anger towards the realtor who sold him the house who failed to inform him of a closer-by neighbor faded.
He watched as you picked the peaches off the trees and pulled a white cardigan around your figure that slipped open every time you reached up to the branches of the tree.
Then, when the basket was full, he watched you disappear back into the coziness of your little yellow house, that was almost as cute as you were.
Simon stared at your kitchen door for a bit, awestruck by the woman he just saw.
Then the screeching whistle of the kettle is what snapped him out of his trance.
He rushed to turn the stove off and ran a hand through his messy blonde hair. Then with a sigh, he leaned against the counter on his palms, repressing a small grin creeping onto his face and thought:
Maybe having a neighbor wouldn't be so bad.
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prettygrltatum · 5 months
I have a brainrot I want to share with the world…
Southern!Reader x T141???
Like they’d be so confused about everything and they’d be grossed out by their Britishness + Scottishness😭😭
They’d try to get them to eat classic southern food like cornbread or sweet tea like southern tea..not the weak ass shit from the north. I’m talking about twelve pounds of straight SUGAR!!
I can see Ghost just gag on the sweetness of the tea, gaz just going like, “too sweet” price didn’t even drink it and soap is just INHALING IT
As someone born in the south and raised in Georgia, we need MORE of this!!!
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luellasplanet · 1 year
18. (georgia stanway)
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word count: 1.3k
this is a stanners fanpage now btw xx
based on anabor’s song ‘18’
in which matching tattoos end a friendship but spark a relationship
You had met Georgia at the mere age of twelve, been best friends since thirteen, and had done everything together since fourteen. “Troublemakers since the beginning” as your mum would say.
You two stole a bottle of her mums wine, at fourteen, and finished the bottle in a random feild. Stole your older sisters makeup and gave eachother makeovers infront of your bathroom mirror at fourteen and a half. Hijacked their fishing boat for a midnight boat ride, at fifteen, when on holiday with the stanway family, Gave each other food poisoning at fifteen and a half after a not so great reenactment of ‘The Great British Bake-off.’
And at sixteen the two of you made the stupid decision to get matching tattoos, forging your parent’s signatures and stealing some money out their wallets, the two of you headed off into Manchester.
You had gotten a tattoo on your collarbone while Georgia opted to get one on her rib, both of the tattoos could be easily hidden from the view of your parents.
Both of your tattoos read ‘troublemaker,’ written in each others handwriting.
i know it’s just a phase
you’re not in love with me
The two of you had managed to keep your tattoos hidden from everyone, you often spent nights in eachother rooms while Georgia left hickeys scattered in a trail, starting on your neck and making its way down until they were littered around your tattoo.
It was merely fun for the both of you, no feelings, purely just friendship with a little bit of kissing here and there.
As you started to fall asleep your fingers delicately traced her tattoo, while your legs were entangled together. No words were exchanged as your touch sent shivers up her spine. Your shirt was lifted slightly which allowed for the side of your stomach to be pressed agasint hers, the skin grazing against skin made your heart beat slightly faster than normal.
Regardless of how many boyfriends or girlfriends the two of you had, somehow you always found yourself in this position, time and time again.
so if you wanna piss off your parents
One night while Georgia was away on a football camp she calls you extremely panicked, at around one in the morning, “what’s wrong stanners?” You question as you rub your eyes trying to adjust to the very little lighting the stars and moon offered.
“My parents saw my tattoo! Well erm they didn’t actually see it. Lessi saw it, and then just asked me about it as my parents came round the corner. And they heard and fuck y/n, they’re so pissed.” She quietly told you, although you were surprised that the brunette had managed to keep her voice quiet for more than ten seconds, you couldn’t focus on that. “Shit, they’re gonna hate me,” you mutter. “What did you tell them?”
Your voice came out in shaky tones as you tried to control your racing. Millions of thoughts flew into your head at once.
What if you weren’t allowed to see Georgia again? What if her mum hated you? Or her dad, or her brothers? Would she ever invite you round for tea again? Would her mum tell yours? Were you never going to be allowed to see your bestfriend again, just because of a stupid tattoo?
“Y/n? You there?” The voice of the brunette on the other end of the line broke you out of your train of thought. “Mhm, yeah you were saying?”
She paused before answering, “erm, well I told them that we had matching tattoos and now they’re just a little mad… but it’s fine they’ll get over it. I hope.”
Your worst fears were coming true, Georgia’s parents definitely despised you. They’re sweet innocent child had been influenced by you to get matching tattoos.
When your parents found out about the tattoo, they banned you from seeing Georgia again. Claiming that they’re daughter could not be seen walking around with ink splotches engraved on her body.
You had to wait to see her at school on Mondays, but after awhile her appearances at school became less and less frequent, until she barely ever showed up to school as she was too busy with football.
You watched her footballing journey from the sidelines, instead of being there to support her.
There was a little piece of you that would always resent your parents for overreacting about the tattoo to this extent.
Of course, ignoring your parents wishes you got more tattoos. On your ankle, neck, wrist, spine and behind your ear. But you kept them all hidden away from your parents sight with the best of your abilities.
if long hair and tattoos are what attract you, baby then you’re in luck
Your hair was carelessly placed in a messy low pony tail, showing off the tattoo on the back of your ear and neck, while your denim shorts and cropped shirt showed off the tattoos on your collarbone, spine and wrist.
You were watching Georgia’s game, along with some of your classmates. Lotte, who you’d had the many encounters with in the past pointed you out to Georgia as they warmed up. You offered the girls watching you a smile and a little wave as they focused back on the task at hand.
When the long game that had eventually gone into penalties was over, Georgia finds comfort in your arms, as your chin rests on her head until she was finally ready to let go, “come back to mine please, my parents aren’t here for the weekend and my brothers won’t care?” She asks looking up at you, although her arms never left their tight grip on your waist. “You look really pretty today by the way, I like the new tattoos.”
You laughed at her before telling her that, “flattery will get you no where my girl, but yes I’ll come over. I’ll just tell my parents I’m staying and Emilia’s house.”
date me to scare them
The two of you were sprawled out on her bed, after eating random leftovers you had found in the Stanway fridge you decided to watch a movie underneath the comfort of her duvet cover.
What was watching a movie turned into you reading a book, holding it with your one hand, while you mindlessly twirled Georgia’s hair in your other hand.
Holding the book and turning its pages with one hand was extremely difficult but you didn’t mind as you could feel Georgia’s breathe fanning against your neck as she read the book over your shoulder.
The peace was disturbed as she softly spoke, careful not to startle you due to the close proximity. “Be my girlfriend y/n, I can’t go on acting like not being able to see you is not affecting me. I’ll treat you better than anyone else I promise.”
You smile at her little speech before turning to face her, “but what about our parents? They’ll absolutely kill us if they find out I’m at your house right now, let alone the fact that we’re dating!”
Completely ignoring the first part of your sentence, georgias attention was focused on the last part. “So we are dating then! Perfect it’s settled, no further comments are allowed!”
Her random energetic behaviour was not unusual in the slightest but her smile literally could light up a whole room as she happily snuggled into your side, placing a kiss against your collarbone (where your tattoo was) before she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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russos-ventitre · 9 months
georgia stanway x reader | memories from the dark room 🫧
✘ summary: georgia surprises you with a reusable film camera so the two of you can make cute memories together
✘ warnings/tags: tooth-rotting fluff, film date
✘ words: 982
a/n: there isnt enough love for george so im fixing that now, also sorry its short
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You sat comfortably in your shared flat, having a late tea in the kitchen as you heard keys jingling outside your door.
"Babe! I'm home! And I've brought presents!" Georgia shouted as she locked the door.
"Presents?" You questioned, pulling her into a tight hug and burying your face in her neck.
The midfielder's arms came around your waist pulling you closer as she pressed a kiss to your head.
"Yeah!" She replied excitedly. "You're gonna love it, babe!"
The two of you pulled away from the hug, you finally noticing the shopping bag dangling from her wrist. Your eyes followed her hands as she pulled out two reusable Kodak film cameras for the pair of you, both in your respective favourite colours. Your heart melted at the sight, previously mentioning before how you were gaining an interest in photography ever since you got your hands on her FujiFilm X100V, never looking back since. Throughout your monthly anniversaries, she would get you photography-related presents, one of them being your precious instant film camera and another being a custom keychain with pictures of the two of you made out of an old film roll. It was small gestures like that, that made your heart swoon for the short brunette.
"George!" You squealed, pulling her into another hug, this time peppering her now flush cheeks with little pecks.
The two of you rushed into the living room, you struggled to contain your excitement, your legs bouncing as you watched Georgia carefully insert the rolls of film into the cameras, handing over yours first. It was your first time shooting on film, only ever shooting digitally on Georgia's camera and your Evo or using your Evo for instant film shots, so you were buzzing with adrenaline.
You held the new toy in your hands ready to test drive it, watching as the brunette shifted herself closer to you, showing you how to properly hold it and not block the lens.
"So if you grab it like this.." She stuck her tongue out, a concentrated look painting her face. "..yeah.. like that, then you should be good to go. This dial here is how you wind your film.. this switch here is how you turn on your flash.. and this button here is your shutter."
You smiled at her through the entire explanation, knowing pretty much everything she said but allowing her to go ahead and teach you anyway, it made you happy watching her so who were you to stop her.
"Can we shoot some film today?" You asked quietly, biting your lower lip, hoping that she wouldn't deny your request.
"Actually I was hoping we could go out into town and take some pictures together... that's kinda why I bought them." She admitted sheepishly, fidgeting with the sleeves of her England hoodie.
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The two of you strolled your way through your neighborhood, hand-in-hand, lightly swinging them about as you walked into town. As you walked through the markets Georgia would point out things to you that she deemed 'good photo spots', guiding you to a good standing position and standing behind you to help you take the pictures. It was sweet, it was soft, and you very much enjoyed the feeling of your girlfriend's biceps around you as her hands were on top of yours, helping you stablise and take some shots. You occasionally turning your head to the side mid-photo and placing a quick peck on her cheeks as her face leaned over your shoulder.
"Are you gonna take any, Gee?"
"Y-Yeah.. just wanna help you first.. that's all." She blushed, rubbing the back of her neck.
The midfielder took a step back, watching in awe as you proceeded to take the next few shots of some of the flowers at one of the stalls, noticing how a particular bouquet had your attention. When you weren't looking Georgia talked to one of the workers at the flower stall, asking for that specific bouquet that you were admiring.
Unknowingly, you continued to wind up your film and snap more pictures of your surroundings, feeling a light tap at your shoulder after your 26th exposure.
You turned around to see your girlfriend holding that same bouquet you were admiring. You happily took the flowers from her, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. "You're adorable, Gee."
The two of you continued strolling throughout the market, taking more pictures of cute things and being madly in love with each other. You caught Georgia taking a few sneaky pictures of you whilst the two of you wandered about, blushing every time you saw the flash in your peripherals.
"I'll make sure to send our rolls off to that developing company first thing tomorrow, babe." The brunette replied, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as the two of you walked back home before it got too dark.
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A Few Days Later..
"[y/n/n]! Our film is here!" Georgia shouted from the front door, having retrieved the parcel with your prints.
She hurriedly opened up the box, finding two rolls of negatives, all of your photos printed out, and two CDs with the digitals.
"They're beautiful." You sighed, happy that your first time shooting on film was a complete success, thanks to your love.
Georgia smiled at you, seeing that you were satisfied with the prints. "We could make a little scrapbook with them. Have a little scrapbook dedicated to all our dates."
"Yeah?" Your eyes met hers, seeing how her features softened when she looked into yours.
"Yeah." She hummed, leaning close to press a delicate kiss to your lips, your hand coming to cup her face.
The two of you made it a habit, from now on, to always bring film cameras wherever you went, adding more magic to your memories. It was simple yet beautiful and you couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else.
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liked by stanwaygeorgia and 13,956 others
@/your_username gee bought me flowers 🥹
view all 937 comments
stanwaygeorgia only bc youre cute :)))
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎leahwilliamsonn gag me with a spoon
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ keirawalsh oi leave em alone
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undead-supernova · 2 months
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plot: when you suggest that you and Eddie should quit smoking cigarettes, Eddie struggles to believe in his capabilities. but there's just something about the way you challenge him...
pairings: modern!bestfriend!Eddie x bisexual!fem!reader
important note: this is a one-off of my High Tolerance series! Somehow I can't get enough of Eddie and Weirdo and I can't help but come back to them. (this is six months before Part 1 of the original series!)
warnings: fluffy fluff fluff fluuuuuuuuuuffffff, talking about smoking, a small argument, Southern culture, country music, reader has an accent, (why are Eddie and Weirdo so horny as friends? shouldn't they have known sooner? idiots)
wc: 2.4k
thank yew @strangergraphics for your adorable dividers!!!!
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It was unusual, the way it all started.
Just a normal Tuesday with the bitter cold of January and the crowded highways blocked off by unnecessary construction. Honks muffled by the sound of Guns ‘N Roses’ “Welcome To The Jungle” coming through your speakers. You were clad in a black turtleneck and jeans. Eyes lined in black, maroon-lipped. Spiked bracelets and nine shiny rings dappling light around the car.
Eddie was riding shotgun, sighing alongside you at how slow the traffic was moving when you first said it.
“I have a proposition.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “A proposition?”
You nodded. “Yeah, and I want you to hear me out.”
“Uh, okay?” he said, unsure as to what was about to come out of your mouth.
“I think we should stop smoking cigarettes,” you stated simply, looking back at the road as you inched forward. “A New Year’s resolution.”
“Nuh-uh,” he said, throwing his hands up, his rings reflecting off yours. “No way. Nope.”
“What! Why not?” you exclaimed, now throwing your hands up before promptly putting them back on the steering wheel.
Eddie had his own reasons, like how he’d been smoking for nearly ten years and the irritation of working at a dealership where rich idiots badgered him for just doing his job. The stress of bills and keeping his music career afloat. Not to mention how fucking sweet a puff of nicotine was whenever he got drunk or cross-faded. Nothing beats that feeling. Even you knew that.
“I just don’t want to.”
“Even if I did it with you?” you asked, voice growing soft.
He looked at you, confusion falling over his features. Your eyes seemed a little solemn, like you were disappointed by his refusal. And it was in your expression that he felt drawn to the idea. Because, yeah, if you actually could stop, maybe he could, too. But…
“We wouldn’t stop smoking weed, you know,” you added, cutting off his thoughts. “Just cut out the cancer sticks.”
“It won’t be as easy for me,” he said, sighing defeatedly. “I, uh, I don’t know. It’s complicated.”
“You always doubt your own strength, I swear.” You shook your head. “You’re so smart but so, so stupid sometimes. I say that affectionately, by the way.”
Before Eddie could think about some witty comeback, he heard the sound of the next song starting. It was different from your usual genres. It was the picking of a guitar, all folky and twangy and…
“What is this?” he asked, eyeing you.
You smirked, cranking the volume up as you started singing along.
         “Well, I was raised up beneath the shade of a Georgia Pine
         and that’s home, you know
         Sweet tea, pecan pie, and homemade wine
         where the peaches grow."
Eddie groaned. “Dude, what the fuck is this?”
You merely shook your head, your tone as playful as your expression. “It’s Zac Brown Band, god dammit! Show some respect.”
He was struck by your Southern accent popping up out of seemingly nowhere. And before he could even remotely process that or protest again, you cleared your throat and started screaming.
Not singing. Screaming.
“Please turn it off,” Eddie pleaded, dragging his hands down his face. “I think you’re killing me.”
“Nope,” you said simply. “My car, my music. It’s the least you can do when we’re stuck on this highway and you’re refusing to quit smoking without even trying.”
“Oh, come on,” Eddie huffed. “Like it’s that fucking easy.”
“Have you ever tried to stop smoking?”
Eddie thought about it for two, maybe three seconds before feeling a twinge of embarrassment.
There had never been a singular thought given to the idea of quitting. Not once. Smoking was just something he did. There wasn’t much else to it. No secret shame or guilt. No bargaining or grief. No, it was just something he did.
“No,” he admitted, avoiding your eyes. 
“At least think about it, okay?”
Eddie nodded before glancing back at you. You continued humming along to the god awful song and tapped the steering wheel, as pretty as ever. And he was surely in love with you. Really, he was. But he thought he was going to explode from how much he hated this song. It wasn’t just the sound, but the lyrics and how you knew every single one.
If he didn’t want a cigarette before, he surely wanted one now.
By the time the bridge hit, you cleared your throat, straightened your posture, and threw up a salute.
Eddie stared at you like you were crazy. “What the—”
         “I thank God for my life!
         And for stars and stripes
         May freedom forever fly, let it riiiiiiing.”
“Oh, I swear to god. I’m losing my mind.”
         “Salute the ones who died
         The ones that give their lives
         So we don’t have to sacrifice
         all the things we looooooooooove.”
Rolling his eyes, Eddie decided to throw up a quick salute himself. “Aye, aye, boys. Yes, okay,” he sighed. “Can we please change it?”
You nodded then and Eddie was severely grateful to hear the beginning notes to “Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill.
Thank god.
But you didn’t let up. “You can’t just live in the South for three years and not listen to at least one country song.”
“I did a reaaaally good job up until now.” That made you laugh. “I didn’t know you listened to country.”
“I contain multitudes, Eddie. Multitudes. Layers. Like an onion.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s in my blood. Don’t hate on country music just ‘cause you don’t get it. There’s more out there than just jeans, beer, girls, and tractors.”
“Don’t forget trucks.”
You snorted before exaggerating your accent. “Yeah, and I’ll run you over with one, boy.”
Despite his frustration at the grating music, Eddie stopped itching for a cigarette. No, the desire had disappeared entirely. He was looking at you, all giggles and lighthearted apologies, and couldn’t help but laugh along at how utterly goofy the encounter was.
And once he took a second to think about it, he realized that your accent had bled through the entire song. Your sweet little Southern accent that rarely popped out had been on full display for him and only him. That paired with your eyeliner and your spikes and your lips and your everything. It was…cute. Like, very cute.
You were always just so genuine. It was in the way you just fucking cared about things. How you just wanted to try and how it made him want to try, too. You always knew there was more inside of him than even he knew. How you did it, he couldn’t say.
It was hard to say no to you.
It was hard not to love you.
“Okay,” he said finally. “Let’s do it.”
You gawked at him, rapidly flicking your head back and forth from him to the road as traffic began to finally pick up.
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And like every addiction, the first week was the hardest.
If Eddie was sitting, his legs were bouncing. If he had a moment to spare, he was drinking coffee and scarfing Red Vines. Kept a toothpick in his mouth as if it would do anything. Frustration ran down his limbs in shivers that turned into unprovoked anger. It was fucking killing him.
You weren’t doing too hot either. When you called, you complained about a sore jaw from the three packs of wintermint gum you’d gone through. Bitten cheeks and lips. Irritation from anything and everything that came across your path.
So, when you saw each other that weekend, Eddie said flat out, “I don’t wanna quit anymore.”
You dropped your scrubber back into the sink, turning your head to gawk at him in shock. Mouth wide open, showing off a pitiful piece of gum you’d been chewing on for maybe two hours.
Eddie shrugged, suddenly intimidated by your gaze. “Don’t you think this is, I don’t know, too much?”
“Too much?” you asked, voice hardening.
“Eddie, you haven’t even tried yet.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, that incessant frustration rising up his chest and into his mouth. “I have and it’s not working.”
“You have not!” you argued, placing your hands on your hips. “It’s been a week and, yeah, this is fucking hard. But it’s just temporary. Robin said it takes at least a week or longer for it to, like, detox. Probably longer for us.”
Barking out a bitter laugh, Eddie challenged you. “What if I don’t care what Robin thinks?”
“Then you’re giving up and you’ll spend the next however many years killing your lungs because it was hard for a week.”
“You’re one to talk! You’ve smoked for the same amount of time as me.”
“And yet I’m still fighting for it.”
He watched your chewing seemingly turn aggressive, knowing that you were disappointed in him. And it was actually hurting. 
That first flare of guilt hit him then. 
“Why do you want me to quit so bad?” he wondered.
“Because I know you can do it!” you exclaimed. “This shit sucks, Eddie. I’m literally gonna lose my mind some time soon. But it’s not forever.” 
He rolled his eyes. But he realized it was most definitely a mistake when you stepped forward and put a finger to his chest, eyes locked on yours as your breath seemingly washed over his neck.
“Because after everything I know about you, your past, I know you wouldn’t be here right now if you were someone who gave up. If you didn’t fight just to try to have a better life.” Eddie stayed silent, watching your eyes grow soft. “And if you can get through all of that other shit, you sure as hell can quit smoking cigarettes.”
In that moment, Eddie couldn’t help but love you that much more. You were a challenger, a pusher. But it wasn’t unjustified and it wasn’t excessive. No, you were just a force to be reckoned with. When you knew something to be true, you hardly let up. Some called it stubbornness, but Eddie knew it to be determination.
Oh god, how he loved that about you. How you told him what to do and pushed him to do better.
And, oh god, did he have to try his hardest to stop getting a tiny bit hard thinking about it. This was not the time.
“Fine, I’ll keep trying.”
Your shoulders slumped, clearly exhausted from your argument. Leaned your head on his shoulder and heaved a sigh before stepping back.
He cleared his throat. “I’ll try. But don’t expect me to stop complaining about it.”
“As if I won’t. Hell, I’ll go first. Having an oral fixation sucks,” you admitted. 
Eddie’s eyes immediately went to your lips. And, Jesus, even all bitten up and cracked, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you. To call this argument to a close by throwing you up against a wall and devouring you until this bout of irritation dissipated from your bones.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “You’re telling me.”
He could’ve sworn your eyes flickered to his, your own lips nearly quirking up into a smirk. And, fuck, did it seem like you were chest-to-chest, all sidled up and ready for the next fight.
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” you asked.
“Like what, Weirdo?” he deflected, unable to keep himself from leaning in just a little bit further.
You pressed a finger into his dimples. “Like that.”
What, like I want to kiss you silly and massage your cheeks and then kiss you again and take that gum out of your mouth and make it mine and be gross and stupid? Like I want to say I’m sorry by taking you in this kitchen right now? Like I’m going to lose my mind from how much I fucking love you?
Eddie took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Took a step back.
“I think I’m going crazy.”
“Come on,” you said with a smile. “Let’s go get Taco Bell.”
He smiled back, feeling the heat start to subside from his face. And, most importantly, his dick. 
“I could always use a Baja Blast.”
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Things weren’t so bad after that first month. Or the second. Or the third.
And by the time you guys hit the six month mark, Eddie didn’t even crave it anymore. If anything, he couldn’t believe how much better his mood was. His chest felt lighter. Head clearer. 
For once, life felt good without a cigarette.
He noticed the same in you, how smiley you were at any given moment. No need to duck out to get a quick smoke in or beg for one after a crying spell. It was like a weight was lifted off of you. He couldn’t believe that such a small thing made up of tobacco, paper, and cotton could have such a big impact on, well, everything.
In the past, you were always looking forward to a cigarette. So, the two of you devised a plan. Every week or every other week, you and Eddie would go to Jailbait Hemp and try out a new product. Split the cost. Go find something to do. Just let loose and see where the day took you.
Today you were at Piedmont Park, passing a joint back and forth as people filtered in and out. You were lying on your backs, a blanket beneath your figures. Both barely able to see each other through the blinding sun because, predictably, no thought to grab your sunglasses. 
“We should try that THC syrup next Thursday,” you suggested.
Eddie turned his head, squinting back at you in the sun’s glare. Tried to see your pretty face the best he could. Sneaked another glance at how breathtaking you were in your sundress.
“Oh, yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah, why not?”
Eddie couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fuck it. Let’s do it.”
“Where do you wanna go to try it out?”
Summer lasted longer in the South. You’d have the Georgia heat to yourselves until mid-October. Eddie had no idea what you’d do until then. Drink, laugh. Play games, go to karaoke. Work.
Maybe things could change. Maybe he’d even get the courage to ask you out one of these days. It was funny what one could do with all of the money they once set aside for packs of cigarettes.
It was July and Eddie was in love. Had been for nearly four years. 
And some part of him knew as he watched you search the clouds that he’d continue to fall harder every single day. 
He knew exactly where to take you next week.
“No clue,” he lied, smiling to himself. “But it’ll be a damn good time.”
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duothelingo · 3 months
Georgia, anyway, did we offer you too much sweet tea or smth? Personally, not the biggest fan of it.
No I got detained when I tried to fly to Florida /srs
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 3 months
not totally insane but the OG13 reacting to Massachusetts breaking crates of tea open and throwing them into the harbor
and watching as he accidentally threw someone into the water, thinking it was tea
(quite possibly might’ve been one of the states, but who knows?)
(not forcing!!)
Ah yes I see you have risen from the dead :) /lhj
New Hampshire: honestly, he wasn’t too phased by it, seeing as he had overheard Mass talking about doing it. He wasn’t expecting Mass to toss someone overboard accidentally. On purpose? Sure yeah that’s a Massachusetts thing to do. On accident? "HEY WHO DRUGGED MASSHOLE’S DRINK-"
Rhode Island: Mans was too busy planning to burn the Gaspee, but when he heard what Mass did, he was so damn proud of him… yes this includes the tossing someone overboard too.
Connecticut: Like NH, he already knew what Mass was planning, but he, like Virginia, "wasn’t too happy about it". But somewhere, deep down inside him, cried happy tears.
New York: Mass refuses to part with this kid for any reason, so NY went with him. Happily too. He got to climb stuff and throw other stuff at Redcoats. This includes throwing boxes and rocks at anyone that got too close to Mass. They were proud of each other.
New Jersey: Mans watched the whole thing from afar and definitely did not cry happy tears due to how proud he was. He felt even more proud seeing his twin throw a soldier overboard (even after Mass told him it was accidental). He also recorded the whole thing in his notebook that he still has.
Penn: there has never been a moment when Penn was more proud than this one. He was so damn proud of his lovely boyfriend <3 After Mass tells him that he threw a soldier overboard thinking it was a crate of tea, Penn just laughed (yes he did) and said "Guess he was such a piece of sh*t he looked like the crates!"
Delaware: as much as he wanted to be a little upset, he couldn’t. It was too amazing to see. Even better seeing Brits get tossed overboard.
Maryland: Now- since he’s a mother hen, they didn’t take the time to appreciate that the whole thing happened, he was too busy checking the two dumbasses (Mass and especially York) over for injuries and scolding them on their reckless actions. Mass got the worse of the scoldings. NY was too baby for Mary to want to yell at.
Virginia: he went to go take a nap. Bro face-palmed himself so hard that he knocked himself out. Deep down tho, he was hella proud.
North and South Carolina: you bet your sweet ass they were laughing their own asses off watching the whole thing.
Georgia: mans was too eepy to watch it happen, but both Mass and NY got a pat on the back from Geo and a "good job!". Geo still thinks that the glare Mary gave him was worth it lmao.
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
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hi again! you might already know about this, but i really felt like bringing it up to you!
turns out michael's mom is pretty active on twitter and these past few days she's been engaging nonstop with tweets talking about aziracrow being in love. she's definitelymichael's #1 fan, but i couldn't help noticing the amount of not-about-characters stuff she seems to engage with too. Among tweets talking about Aziraphale's loving stare, queer fans making our usual queer jokes and remarks about them, michael reading fanfiction, miles maitland gifs, there's a good amount of... this. She surely has liked random stuff among the 14.6k rts/likes she has, so i'm attatching some examples of what she's been liking and rting because-- what the hell (i even spotted one of your tweets in the mix!) she even liked a tweet calling AL and GT innefable wives ??
my first thought was how embarrased i'd personally be if my mom was seeing comments online about me and my best buddy being madly in love, let alone engaging with them, but after it settled i'm just... in awe that this probably +70 y/o woman is being this supportive over social media 😭 so heart warming (btw i'm sorry for randomly popping up into your questions twice today- i have literally made this account after finding yours, feeling a bit less alone in the world)
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(Grouping these two Asks together since they are related.) Ask #1: Hi there! No need at all to apologize for being in my inbox twice in same day. I'm so glad that my blog has been helpful and meaningful to you, and that you felt compelled to write in as a result. Welcome aboard!
So, Mama Sheen. She's been doing this for years--at least since 2019, when I first started following Michael on Twitter--but I will tell you my slightly crackpot theory, which is that for a while back in the day, I thought that maybe her account was actually Michael's secret alt account. (What better place to hide than in plain sight, after all...). I'm not so sure about that now, of course, but it's been really interesting to see her retweeting so much shippy stuff involving Michael and David, and as both you and @tamose pointed out, she especially seems to have ramped it up since GO 2 came out.
I also wanted to touch on you describing Mama Sheen as Michael's #1 fan, because although I wholeheartedly agree, it's a curious thing to me that we can more easily see her as Michael's number one fan than his own girlfriend. It's Mama Sheen--not AL--who has been retweeting all of this, who's been cheering him on, engaging with fan content, and retweeting all things Ineffable Husbands/GO 2. I've written on my blog previously about how I've never really seen AL be supportive of him (and how she spent much of 2020 and 2021 making fun of his appearance/fat-shaming him), as well as how she is not at all part of that polyamorous/throuple dynamic with Michael, David, and Georgia. And while I know the lack of engagement and carefully calculated interactions/posts could be chalked up to her not being able to promote the show due to the SAG strike, that doesn't really excuse her tepid support of Michael himself.
(Also, don't even get me started on the cringeyness of Georgia and AL as Ineffable Wives, not to mention how insulting it is to David and Michael personally and to their work as professionals to suggest that they are replaceable/that Georgia and AL (or anyone else) could play Aziraphale and Crowley and give us the same dynamic and chemistry we saw on screen...)
But yes, going back to Mama Sheen, I have long thought that she seems to ship Michael and David, and how sweet and heartwarming it would be if Michael brought David over for tea or dinner--especially because his own mother passed away several years ago--and no doubt Mama Sheen would dote on him and make sure he's fed and happy. It's especially interesting to contemplate when we see this picture from the Bright Young Things UK premiere in 2003, which almost looks like Mama (and Papa) Sheen posing with Michael and his kilt-wearing Scottish boyfriend:
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Beautiful. Well, it's certainly something delightful to think about, at any rate. Whatever the case may be, I fully agree that it is lovely to see Michael's mom being so supportive and accepting of her son, particularly in the midst of such a hostile, anti-LGBTQ climate in the UK. We love you, Mama Sheen! ❤️
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exhaustedandlostit · 5 months
So i have this running fanfic in my head that ive never written down but I just think about when I get bored and its this American medic who’s married to Captain Price and I just saw a post with British people losing their minds at American sweet tea and I just feel the need to share this.
-Katie grew up in Georgia, so naturally, shes had a lot of iced sweet tea in her life. However, its not something she drinks like all the time, so John’s never seen it.
-They go to America to visit her aunt and her cousins, and they are sitting around the table at dinner, and her aunt places a pitcher of sweet tea on the table.
John just stared at the pitcher, trying to figure out what it was. He looked at it for a second, but then was distracted as they started passing around the food, and serving themselves. Mild conversation starting as they began to eat.
Then, he looks at his wife as she asks her cousin, “Hey will you pass the tea?”
And he just stares as the pitcher is passed to her.
She turns to him and looks at him, waiting for him to continue.
“Yeah, John?”
“What’s that?”
Katie looks at him for a second, head turned, and then,
“Its iced tea.”
She watches his face just turn into pure confusion, and then it dawns on her that iced tea is fucking unheard of to him.
He just looks at her, with a mixture of confusion and absolute horror on his face, and she tries not to bust out laughing. Eventually, her aunt asks her something and they go on eating. John was noticeably quiet the rest of the meal.
Later on that night, her and John are in their hotel room, and he is just absolutely losing his mind while Katie is doubled over cackling.
“WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK IS ICED TEA?” He keeps yelling in confusion, and Katie can’t stop laughing long enough to even respond.
Eventually, shes able to control herself, despite the ongoing sounds of British panic coming from her husband.
“It’s just a thing here!” She says, still laughing. He just stops and stares at her.
“Do you people not know how to make hot tea?” He says, looking at her, eyes wider than shes ever seen them.
“You people?!” She yells, laughing even harder.
This continues for at least another hour, and multiple times during which Katie has to take a minute because shes laughing so hard she can’t breathe.
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bolognese for the heart | chef!bob x oc
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Summary: chef!Bob making something with the pumpkin guts/seeds while OC sits nearby carving the freshly cleaned-out pumpkin. (wc: 458)
Requested: YES by @a-reader-and-a-writer
Warnings: fluff fluff fluff, knife mention, an entire backstory that i have yet to write (whoops)
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“Mm, the guts’re all yours, chef,” Georgia said as she slid over the bowl, a grimace on her lips and the last remaining strings of pumpkin insides dangling from her fingers. “Hated that.”
“I appreciate your sacrifice,” Bob chuckled as he kissed her cheek.
She wiped her hands on a towel. “Mm, you better.”
“So will you, once I get these guys toasted and seasoned.”
Bob took the bowl of guts over to the sink and began to pick out the seeds. Extracting them from the stringy insides and washing them off one by one. Once cleaned to his liking, he laid each of them out gently on a paper towel to dry. Georgia smiled as she watched him for a moment. Even after all this time, she could still watch him cook anything and be absolutely enthralled. Especially with the sleeves of his button up rolled up like that and his apron tied around his waist. 
“What’re ya gonna carve?” he asked, looking over his shoulder at her with a grin.
“Um —” Georgia turned back to the hollowed out pumpkin, staring up at her blank faced. “I don’t know. My family always painted pumpkins at Halloween.”
“Really? Why?”
“Less messy, more fun — less dangerous,” she said, picking up the paring knife she would use to carve warily.
Bob chuckled. “Guess that makes sense. You want help?”
He looked ready to stop everything to come back over and help her carve the pumpkin. Eyebrows raised and lips pursed, fingers third knuckle deep in pumpkin guts. Georgia shook her head with a smile.
“No, I got it. I wanna try your…The uh…”
“Sweet curry pepitas,” he filled in for her.
“Yeah, those — as soon as possible,” she said.
“Yes, ma’am.”
So they carved and cleaned pumpkin seeds quietly. A record playing from the other room and glasses of wine poured once Bob had seasoned the pepitas and put them in the oven to toast. He hummed quietly in her ear as he wrapped his arms around Georgia’s waist. Head rested comfortably on her shoulder as he watched her carve. She knew it was a little messy, but she was trying her best while also attempting to not cut herself. Bob just laughed lightly as she poked out the mouth, wide smiling and goofy — matched with a small pair of round eyes.
“He’s a very happy jack-o-lantern,” he chuckled, giving her waist a squeeze.
Their little country cottage filled with the smells of curry spices and brown sugar as they put in the electric tea candle and set the pumpkin up in the window. Even though they would be the only ones who would see it.
Just a small reminder of the perfect October night, and a bit of home.
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the-smut-analyst · 7 months
Fantasy Rom-Coms
The genre I never knew I needed. Until I found it.
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Short 'n' sweet book rec post today (because I know I've been doing a lot of deep-dive analyses of late). I deserve a break. You deserve a break. So let's do it.
Here's my top three fantasy rom-com series at the moment!
Pick them up if you enjoy a bit of smutty fantasy and are in the mood to laugh.
1. Anything by Kimberly Lemming
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I do not know if my tits were built for murder. I don't even think they were built with my back in mind.
Lemming is an auto-buy author for me. This woman is bloody hilarious. The humour is farcical and somewhat absurdist, which is my absolute favourite style. I grew up with the likes of Monty Python, The Mighty Boosh, and The Confessions of Georgia Nicholson - so Lemming's work is right up my alley.
Her character Alexis, the dirty-talking sword (yes, you read that correctly) is, in my mind, nothing short of comedic genius.
"Oh my god, chip my steal, you're so annoying," Alexis snapped. "Maybe if you fixed your attitude and took a bath once in a while, women would talk to you. You smell like old cheese and a mother's regret."
I know some reviewers have been thrown off my the modern vernacular in Lemming's work, due to its medieval-like fantasy setting. However, I think that is exactly what makes these books so good (and refreshing).
The love interests speak a bit more "ye oldy", while the female protagonists speak like we do. The result is something akin to what might happen if a modern romance reader were dropped into a smutty fantasy world. It's brilliant. For example:
"Every scratch," he whispered, his tone gentle and comforting. "Every bruise, I will pay back in fire and blood." I blinked. "Um... that is so sweet but so unnecessary."
I'd recommend reading Lemming's work in publication order, which is as follows (links included):
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon
Mistlefoe (novella - available with KU)
That Time I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf
Two Scoops of Hellfire (novella - standalone - available with KU)
A Bump in Boohail (novella - available with KU)
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Human
2. Alphas of Nasila series by V.K. Ludwig
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“If you ever see me running in heels, then you better run, too,” she says with a scoff. “What am I supposed to run away from, anyway?” “Me!” “Why? You got a chase kink or something?”
The best way I can think to describe this series is that it is Omegaverse satire. The pairings are alien males and human females, and the smut / romance includes all your fairly standard A/B/O tropes - with the exception of non-con. The consent is refreshingly solid here.
Book one of this series, Heat for Hire, was actually my entry into the Omegaverse. If you're unfamiliar with the genre, then this is a good place to start because the protagonist, Elli, is unfamiliar with how alpha/omega pairings work. So all the... ahem... knotting, heat cycles, etc. are explained via her first experience of them.
My skin prickles at the memory of Rhen’s growl. But only until I remember that I rubbed myself to orgasm on a civil servant.
However, book two, Knot for Nest is by far the best of the series, in my opinion. The chemistry between the two protagonists, Lucy and Tjor, is brilliant - and it's just a genuinely hilarious read. Lucy is a snarky, independent omega who absolutely knows how to play the big, bad alphas to her advantage.
Book three, Purr for Purchase, is a lot higher angst (and less comedic) than its predecessors. It wasn't really my cup of tea, but that's just because I'm not a huge fan of pregnancy in romance.
If you've tried the Omegaverse before but not enjoyed it because of the power imbalances or dub/non-con, then I'd still recommend this series. The Omega / Alpha dynamic is very much reserved for the bedroom and does not reflect how the couple interacts outside of it. This is particularly true of Lucy and Tjor. She might enjoy being "dominated" during sex, but she genuinely holds all the power in the relationship.
“Big, bad alpha, all calm and well-behaved between my thighs.”
The characters in each Alphas of Nasila book are interconnected and the events chronological. However, you do not necessarily have to read these books in order. If you're sceptical of the Omegaverse in general, start with book two. All these novels are available with KU.
3. Claws & Cubicles Series by Kate Prior
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Some people really haven’t adjusted to life under the Dark Reign of Terror yet. Some things are different, but honestly it’s all cosmetic. Things aren’t that different from when we had a normal, living CEO.
This series is like The Office, but with monsters (and smut). The dry, relatable humour of a boring corporate job - but with non-human co-workers like orcs, the undead, etc - is genius.
The comedy definitely leans into that classic British deadpan / understatement style. Think IT Crowd, Faulty Towers, and After Life. I think anyone who's ever worked in an office will definitely be smirking and chuckling their way through this series.
“You could have just called me in. I’ve got skin.” I wonder if that last remark is rude or something. After all, he doesn’t really have skin, to my knowledge. I hope I don’t have to take an undead sensitivity training class now.
Book one, Live Laugh Lich, gets pretty kinky (the MMC has three... er... yes). The smut here isn't going to be for everyone. But I liked the humour so much that I didn't really mind if the intimate scenes weren't my cup of tea.
However book two, The Orc From the Office, holds a much broader appeal, I think. I adored this installment. I'd recommend pushing through and reading this, even if you had mixed feelings on book one. The orc MMC is a socially awkward cinnamon roll and I love him.
I wonder distantly if my health insurance covers being eviscerated by Orc cock.
Book three, The Gargoyle from General Management, left me a bit wanting in terms of the character development. However, the setting of everyone being away together on a company retreat was comedy gold.
All of the Claws & Cubicles books are available on KU.
That's all! I hope you enjoy the smutty rom-com fantasy recs!
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
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Okay for my Modern Welcome Au fanfic, I’m making a Mother’s Day chapter, and I decided to draw all the moms. Everyone except for Miss Beagle is my own thoughts how they would look.
Miss Beagle belongs to Clown aka PartyCoffin. I just fan drew her in a cute Barnaby’s paw print apron (You can see his pup print and the large one) and I decided to give her a first name for the fanfic, since she needs one and a cute mama nickname. “Big Mama Betty” 
Anyway in order!
Monique Dear “Mama Dear”: Mother of Eddie Dear lives in Louisiana and is a post-man. Her husband die in a terrible truck accident before Eddie was born. She is a feisty, spunky woman that loves to go out doors, train for anything survival. She is a sweet mother and big tiger mom. When she sees her groan son, she would give him a bear hug and pick him up like he was a toddler. Very accepting and would sound like Carol from OK KO (VA: Kate Flannery) She’s always working out, since she have to lift heavy packages, and can cook!
Eleanor Frankly “Mother Frankly”: Mother of Frank. A calm, soft spoken woman. She is a Neurosurgeon, has the most steadiest hands. When she uses knives or scissors, she always cuts beautifully; one thing Eddie finds amazing because hello Crafting! She’s very intelligent, comes from a very wealthy family. Lives in New York, specifically Mid Manhattan with her husband. Yes, they are happily married, but once they saw Monique... 🤭 let’s just say they wanted to do a poly relationship.
Serenity Joyful “Mama Llama”: Mother of Julie. A funny nickname Jonesy came up when he was a toddler and stuck to the Joyful family. Don’t mind the colorful vomit skirt, rainbow monsters love to represent their family. Since, Serenity is all about Maximalism boho-chic outfits, she loves to represent her children’s colors. Believes in nature, spirituality, crystal healing, and listens to trees. Very laid back, sweet, and always goofy. Believes problems can be solved with yoga and Chamomile tea. Lives in the Rainbow Forest not far from the Welcome Home Residents.
Charlotte Partridge “Mama Lottie”: Mother of Poppy. She’s exactly like Poppy, but sweeter like honey! Very caring, hates cursing, and she knows how to cook. Her socks were made by Poppy, when she learned how to sew. Loves to support and protect all her children. She will treat everyone like her own kids. Lives in West Virginia!
Maria Gloria Pillar Garcia “La Jefe or Tu Jefe”: Mother of Howdy. In my fanfic, Howdy is Mexican American. As a joke, him and siblings like to call their mom, the boss or say, “Tu Jefe esta llamando” It’s a thing I noticed with Latino Americans say about their parents like the joke, “Your mom is calling you or My mom...” You don’t have to get it if you don’t. It’s a thing I’ve seen. Anyway, she’s the boss of the family, and knows how to run things. I mean this woman gave birth over 300 caterpillars, so she has the right to run her family and the family’s ranch. What I can say about her? She’s a Monarch butterfly, lives in Michoacán, Mexico. Used to live in East LA.
Chantelle Darling “Mother Darling: Mother of Wally. Lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She’s funny, nice, but cross the line with her and she’s the first to fight. Very protective of Wally, and his a widow. So her and Monique are gonna get along just fine. 
Miss Beagle “Big Mama Betty”: Mother of Barnaby. That dog is a HUGE mama’s boy! Everyone in the neighborhood knows her, she’s sweetest Mother Hen. 
I’ma say this too. If they were Humans, All of them except Maria and Monique would be African American/black! Monique would be biracial. Maria would be Mexican American with dark brown skin tone. My Au is about inclusivity for BIPOC/POC. 
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sleepyheadgallavich · 2 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday 🌟
Thanks for the tag @iansw0rld✨️🖤
Name: Sarah
Age: 29
Location: California
And now...
Latest music discovery: Crosses! they're so good and I'm happy that I stumbled across them
Latest movie: Last one I watched that I haven't seen before was Shattered
Last TV show you finished: Shameless...again lol
Most recently started book: It's been a while since I've read an actual book lol
Most recent trip out of town: outside of normal shit because I have to leave my town to do literally anything...probably my anniversary weekend
Most recent trip out of the country: Never :(
Most recent gift you made yourself: I made a new gifset this morning that I really liked so that!
Most recent gift you made to someone else: probably the gifset I made Georgia (@iansw0rld)
Most recent text message you received: not gonna write the whole thing out because boring but it was about school pick up for my kid lol
Most recent text message you sent: "sounds good to me" in response to said school pick up plans for my kid
Last fic you read: currently reading one about mobster mickey
Last drink you had: sweet tea
Last thing you ate: barbecue chips lol
Latest piece of clothing you bought: clothes for my kid
Latest piece of advice you received: I honestly couldn't tell you
Latest piece of advice you gave: wasn't necessarily advice but it was a gentle reminder to a friend that the hard choice she had to make was the right one and that she is worthy of love
Latest thing you promised yourself: That I would do better at taking care of myself
Thank you for the tag! <3
Tagging these cuties if you want to partake, if not, this is a friendly boop🖤
@mickittotheman @mickeym4ndy @whatthebodygraspsnot @heymrspatel @onthepyre @jessieoneday @samantitheos
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