#germany and switzerland my loves
todaviia · 1 year
did you go by train? it's quite far isn't it?
I flew bc I came from Berlin, Munich actually has a really great TGV connection! In general it's only the DB network that's sucky...
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thxnks4themrms · 15 days
you can literally see Canada from the beach here btw it's so cool actually
Woah Canada
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roeverthemoon · 2 years
random thoughts, bday edition👇🏻
#it my bday#bf asking me where we should vacation this summer#he sweetie pie#i drew him a rose bath earlier cause men deserve cute romantic gestures too#i want to visit east coast canada but he said another time#1-germany 2-italy 3-japan 4-s.korea 5-switzerland 6-scotland#idk exactly#i love islands#pr is awesome but we can't go this year#i mainly want to go out of country this year tho if possible#if not. 1-back to Bar Harbor my love 2-pennsylvanian cities road-trip 3-chicago 4-cali 5-back to the florida home again#i'm just so grateful for these experiences n being so loved n supported#what i want more than a vacation is a new place to live and a pet to live in it LOL#kinda unreasonable in NY esp when i don't have an income but yanno#i wish i cld just work normally but mh says no#annnd i might be a lazy coddled baby idk. i don't think so#but would that be so bad? to just be alive and do what i can without pushing my mental health?#i could do more if i needed to to survive#and... i want to do more so i can be more content with life but i'm not pushing my limits before i feel ready if i don't have to#my body is getting healthier rn so i should be somewhere different in life by the end of this year. if not that's okay but i'm optimistic#maybe 23 will be my year? who knows. or the worst? not trying to jinx it#maybe.... both?#lots of loss approaching any year now but also lots of good things to come#manifesting writing career in my future#manifesting love over fear#manifesting dolphins win the superbowl 2024#manifesting two dogs and two cats#manifesting the determination and accessibility to go vegan without changing my mind#manifesting moving out of country to somewhere with low violent crime rates#roe post;
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
little miss perfect || lia walti x reader ||
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whenever you have a problem, lia is always there.
there had once been a time whenever you could have seen yourself being close with lia. both of you had grown up in the same area, and had played soccer together as children. your positions had been different, so it wasn't until lia got her call up to the swiss national team that things started to go sideways for the two of you.
you had been born in switzerland, but your parents were german. your father had only been in the area for a job, but once the call came, he packed things up. lia had been one of your best friends, and then one day, you were ripped away from her. even though the two of you had seen each other often after, things were not the same.
the first time that lia had scored on you was far from the first time that your heart broke, but it definitely hurt like it was. it wasn't like practice, and lia had just knocked your chances at tournament advances away with that one shot. your team was decent, but lia was better. you could try your hardest, but you simply just didn't have the energy to block all of them.
"(y/n), honey, it's okay. you'll get them next year." your parents had always been very encouraging when it came to your career. women's soccer wasn't nearly in as good of a place then as it was now, but they believed in you. in their eyes, you were good enough to make the whole world believe in you.
you didn't know then that it would be one of the last games that your parents would attend together. when your father got sick, you completely threw yourself into playing. it was the distraction from everything else in your life. the worse things got at home, the harder you went in training. you had truly become one of the best goalkeepers in the world, but the one person who you wanted to see it wasn't there to do so.
your first game after losing your father was also your first call up for the senior national team. it was a friendly against switzerland, which made you a bit nervous. technically, there wasn't any bad blood between you and lia, but much of the childhood love you shared was lost. all of the good feelings that you had once felt for her festered until they turned into disdain, and eventually, hatred.
"mama, relax. i am at my new apartment, and it is lovely. london is beautiful, i can't wait for you to see my new uniform. i'll send you pictures later. goodbye, i love you." phone calls with your mother were often a bit of an ordeal. she was a worrier, not that you could blame her. she had lost a lot, and you made the choice to move all the way to london to play for chelsea instead of going with her back to switzerland.
chelsea was a good fit for you, at least it was until lia signed for arsenal. you couldn't stand seeing her sometimes. something about playing against her always caused you to make stupid mistakes. she always played perfectly, just like you remembered when you were kids, and somehow, she made you play like you were still just a tiny little child starting out in the goal.
the warnings had been clear, so it didn't surprise you when they didn't renew your contract. still, you were angry. you were mad at yourself for leaving germany, mad at lia for making you play bad, and mad at chelsea for just dumping you. you were mad enough that you had taken their derby rival's offer when it came. the post you had made to announce yourself as a gunner was petty at best, but somehow didn't get you in trouble.
"come on wally, you used to know each other. surely you can tell us something about our new keeper," beth whined as she tried to bug lia into spilling her secrets on you. you pitied her, not having heard you come up behind the two of them.
"i hear she's pretty quiet for a keeper. none of that annoying stomping," you said. beth and lia both jumped, causing you to snicker. "(y/n) (y/l/n), nice to meet you."
"beth, and sorry about that. everybody has been buzzing about this trade, and lia mentioned when the rumors started up that you know each other," beth said. she was trying so hard to explain herself, but you didn't mind. you knew how it looked from the outside, but you had never been good about hiding your anger and wanting some sort of revenge. it wasn't a good trait, something you hadn't grown out of.
"beth," lia hissed. her cheeks were red with embarrassment, and you just ate it up. lia was always so perfect, rarely ever slipping up like that. "it's been a long time, and we've both grown up a lot since then…"
"yeah, lia here became the perfect poster girl for the swiss national team, and i'm the troublemaker that fucks it up when it really counts. little miss perfect." your smile was forced, and lia backed away from you a little as you began to gesture. you were getting yourself worked up, and while lia wanted to comfort you, she knew it wasn't the right time.
"alright then… well, it was nice meeting you," beth said awkwardly. she practically sprinted away with lia, which unfortunately set the tone for your first season.
you had trouble making relationships with the girls, who all knew lia first. it only seemed to get worse whenever caitlin came around. not only did lia have all the friends, but she also had a girlfriend. you had never been able to make anything last, always far too focused on your career. even within your own team, girls dubbed your focus to the game as obsessive.
soccer was your escape, and whenever something wasn't clicking, you went out to the pitch. you felt like it was a safer alternative to partying or something more dangerous. you tried things like therapy and talking, but it never felt like it helped all the way. still, you had begun to make some progress and slowly, things started to get better for you.
"when are you going to tell her how you feel?" beth asked you. she had fallen back from everybody else as you made your way from the training grounds to the cafeteria for lunch before you watched tape.
"what are you talking about?"
"lia, you should talk to her. she's single again, i don't know if you heard. leah wants to set her up with a friend, but viv and i think that you're a better match. it's pretty obvious that you don't hate her now that viv's pointed out how you act around her. you get quiet, but it's not because you're mad or jealous, you're just shy," beth rambled. you wanted to push her away and run, but it would somehow only help to prove her point.
"i don't like lia. maybe i did when we were yong, but that's changed. she wouldn't want someone like me anyway. whoever leah thinks would be good is the better choice. she deserves someone who can handle themselves, not like me." you wanted to leave it at that, but if you had learned anything in your time at arsenal, it was that the girls rarely did that.
you had hoped that kim would be the voice of reason in killing the ridiculous idea circulating the locker room that you and lia would be a good couple. instead, a single conversation at the bar after a tough loss had you calling the last voice of reason in your life, your mother. unfortunately, she agreed with a couple of the more sentimental girls that the idea of you and lia falling for each other after so long apart was utterly perfect.
"your contract is up. i don't know how true it is, but some of the girls heard you aren't going to renew," lia said. it had to have been weeks since you had spoken to each other outside of training. she had said something to you at a club, but the music was far too loud for you to hear anything.
"i don't know yet. arsenal has been nice, but i haven't been able to make it feel like home. maybe i'll go back to germany, things weren't perfect there, but they might have been better." you didn't know why you were being so open with lia. it was like you were too tired to hate her, but the more you thought about it, it had been a long time since you had really felt like you hated her.
"you haven't let your guard down long enough to let it. none of us know how to help you. i want to hold you in my arms and comfort you like i used to, but you said it yourself, we've grown up. we're not sixteen anymore, and we haven't been in a long time."
"there have been other people lia. there's always someone else for you, isn't there? a girl so beloved can't stay single for long, someone always wants to keep her." you let out a dry laugh as you thought of the countless women who had only wanted you for one night. lia frowned at you, a slight pout to her lips that you wanted to lean in and kiss off.
"i would keep you if you let me. i don't know what i did to make you hate me so much, but i'm sorry. i'm sorry for whatever i did, and even more so for everything that i didn't do," lia apologized. you were about to ask what she was talking about when she stopped you. "the losses, i could have comforted you, but i was scared. the girls were already teasing me when we faced each other, and i wanted to fit in with them. i should have called when i heard about your dad, but i didn't know what to say. you've had this caricature of me in your head as being perfect, but i feel like i've made the most mistakes when it comes to you."
"lia-," you started, only to find yourself at a loss for words.
"we could have been happy if i wasn't so scared. i never got to tell you that i wasn't mad at you, and maybe if i had, we wouldn't be like this." lia was almost fully in tears, and you felt guilt tearing you apart from the inside out. "please don't go, give me another season or something to make things right. i'm not perfect, and i won't ever be, but for you, i'll try my best every single day."
"lia, i'm not mad at you. i was always mad at myself, and you weren't around anymore, so i told myself i was mad at you. i don't deserve an apology, but i accept yours. things won't ever be perfect for either of us, but if we try, we can make each other's lives better," you said. "i'll resign, and we can try all of us again. i miss how we used to be."
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milaisreading · 7 months
2p Axis and 2p Allies reaction to a guy giving Valentine's Day gifts to y/n before they had a chance?
🌱🩷: Here u go! Hope it is ok, and thank you for the request!
2p!Italy: Bella, these are for you~
Yn, while looking at the flower bouquet: Thank you! I didn't expect you to care about Valentine's Day! These are really pretty
2p!Italy: You care about this holiday and so do I. Besides, I wanted to be the first one to give you the present.
Yn:Oh... uhm...
Yn: Well... Actually... Sweden already gave me a present so...
2p!Italy: Really?
Yn: Thanks for the chocolate!
2p!Germany, all proud that she likes it: Nothing to thank me for. I heard from people you like this flavor.
Yn: Yep! It's one of my favorites, actually.
2p!Germany, confused as he thought she likes this one: One of? What's your favorite? I can get you that instead.
Yn: No need! Besides, Denmark already gave me that this morning.
2p!Germany: ... What? Wait, so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah. This morning
Yn: Why is your gun out?
Yn, worried as his glare intensifies and his grip on the present tightens: Are...are you ok?
Yn: You look constipated. Was it the food you ate earlier?
2p!Japan, embarrassed as he shoves the present into her hands: Just take this stupid gift?!
Yn: Thanks... *opens to see what's inside*
2p!Japan, trying to look like he doesn't give af: And?
Yn: Oh! This is a cute figurine! It will go well with the one Korea gave me!
2p!Japan: When did he give it to you?
Yn: This morning.
2p!Japan: Ah... so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah- where are you going?
2p!Japan: Out for a walk.
2p!America: Hey there, dollface! Happy Valentine's Day! Here is your present.
Yn, jumping in surprise as she takes it: Thank you! The bear is cute!
2p!America, swinging his arm around her shoulder: Not as cute as you.
Yn, blushing:O-oh...
2p!America: Anyway, want to go and eat something?
Yn: No, I just ate with Norway
2p!America: Excuse me? What?
Yn: He took me out to lunch as a gift.
2p!America,thinking of all the ways to kill a country: Oh... lovely...
2p!France: What is that?
Yn, looking at the small cake 2p!France was pointing at: Oh! This? It's a cake Finland made me for Valentine's Day! Want to try? He made it with my favorite flavor.
2p!France while tightening his grip on a gift he got her: Oh... And you accepted the gift just like that?
Yn, confused by the question: Yeah? We always give each other gifts.
2p!France: You gave him gifts as well?!
Yn: Yeah... Are you mad?
2p!France: Yes.
Yn: O-oh... I will put it away then...
2p!France: Please do.
2p!England: Poppet! I made you my special cupcakes! Try them!
Yn, nervous as she remembers what his special cupcakes might have:I am not really hungry, so...
2p!England: They don't have anything bad in them, I swear!
Yn, slowly nodding her head as she takes them: O-Ok.
2p!England: I wanted to make this present special! Do you like them?
Yn, surprised they taste like real, normal cupcakes: Yeah... they remind me of the ones Switzerland got me this morning.
2p!England: What?
Yn: Switzerland gave me some as a present this morning *continues eating*
2p!England, thinking: I will turn him into literal Swiss cheese
Yn: Thanks for the presents, Russia... Isn't this too much? *looks at the mountain of gifts*
2p!Russia, shakes his head while patting hers: Not really. In fact, there are more I need to give you.
2p!Russia: Don't worry your pretty brain about it, but... Who gave you those flowers over there? *points at the tulips*
Yn: Oh! Netherlands gave me them as a gift this morning! They smell so good- Why are you taking the vase away?
2p!Russia: They have gone bad. I will get you better ones
Yn: What?
Yn, admiring the Hello kitty plushie: This is so adorable! I never saw this one!
2p!China, while having a huge grin on his face: Well, it was a special I requested for you. Happy you like it.
Yn: Thanks! You didn't have to go through so much trouble for me.
2p!China: It was more trouble at all~
Yn: It will look great with that plushie Estonia gave me this morning
2p!China: Someone gave you a present already?
Yn: Yep~
2p!China: Oh... Can you do me a favor?
Yn: Sure. What is it?
2p!China: Can you sleep with your window open for tonight? And put that plushie from Estonia as close as possible to the the window
Yn: What?
2p!Canada, blushing as Yn thanks him for the chocolate: It's nothing. Just a small token of appreciation.
Yn: Still! Thank you for remembering me! I didn't expect gifts from both Iceland and you, to be honest.
2p!Canada: Oh, it's nothing. I am happy you like- What do you mean by Iceland?
Yn: Him and Mr. Puffin gave me those cute Valentine's Day cards. They are so adorable~
2p!Canada, agitated while she is smiling: Aha...
An hour later...
Yn, yelling from her room: My cards are gone!!
2p!Canada as he lights up a fire: How tragic
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creativewritersposts · 3 months
"I can't believe what I see!" - Nico Hischier
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summary; Nico Hischier x reader
It's the European football championship and Nico doesn't accept any other jersey than Switzerland. It turns out it's really funny to mock him.
warning(s); none, maybe grammar errors, fluff
author's note; if you don't know Scamacca, you definitely need to check what he looks like..damn 🔥 3/4 fics today!
tags; @hockey-hischier13
"no!", Nico amost gets an heart attack after seeing you in an italian jersey.
"We are cheering for Switzerland!", Nico tries to explain you. He doesn't know what's wrong with your pretty head to do this.
You're not even Italian!
"I am cheering for Germany", you correct him. You're very proud of this jersey. When you saw the European championship of soccer this year, especially Gianluca Scamacca, you got a reason to be in party fever.
He's hot. Very hot.
"You already have a good looking, hockey boyfriend!", he argues and sits down the couch. It takes Nico many nerves to stay calm and usually he has never problems to stay chill.
You look at him, "and I'm proud of it but-", he interrupts you, "BUT?", he jumps up under electricity in his veins. There's no acceptable but for him to wear this..this thing.
"But scamacca needs support too", you tell him your mind. He doesn't need to know you already stalk his tiktok edits for hours.
"He has enough fan girls!", Nico rolls with his eyes and walks to your open kitchen to get some cold water from the fridge.
"You can cheer for Switzerland", you shrug your shoulders, completely alright with your mind.
"Fine!", Nico huffs.
It's 9 pm, Nico sitting in his Switzerland jersey, you in the Italian one. Of course Nico couldn't stay chill with the fact you're cheering for the wrong team.
"You'll cry, my swiss boys will destroy your favorite player!", he grins. He was so sure about that.
"I can't believe what i see!", you get whiny after watching your team losing. Highly losing.
It's horrible to watch with.
"Yeahhhh!", Nico screams because an Italian dude scored a goal.
"Who's the loser?", Nico dances around you. "aw you are", you look at him with an ironic face expression. What a pain in the ass.
"Be glad I love you, i need food right now", you mumble. You always been a bad loser. Walking out the living room, he steps behind you.
"I love you too", he softly kiss your lips.
"Until I meet scamacca", you argue again. Of course just as a joke. You want to keep Nico forever. He's your soulmate. "I'm more of a hockey girl so you don't need to worry", you laugh and smile at him.
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mdoesitmatter · 4 months
No, I cannot handle it anymore. Let’s talk about Neil Josten and his fluency in three languages.
Like, l get it, in the case with Andrew’s memory is possible but how did Neil manage to learn this? Yeah, but he lived in Germany and Austria and also went to school there-
Stop right there, languages do not work this way. He was past adaptive age at this point and he also didn’t communicate with other children. He would need like couple years of active learning in those countries to get like confident B2 (and he has at LEAST C1 in the trilogy). And don’t even get me started with French. French?? Where did he learned it??? Switzerland??? THAN HE WOULDN’T HAD ENOUGH TIME TO ACHIEVE FLUENCY IN GERMAN.
(Okay, I actually found out he spent like 18 months in France but like?? 18 MONTH :)
And you know, l would like get it, if it was German and Dutch, for example. They have at least similar grammar structure. But German and French are not the same.
Oh, and did we mention dude can speak decent Spanish? I quit.
The boy is linguistic genius I guess?
«Neil Josten is fluent in 3 languages»
— is a prove that aftg isn’t sport romance but a FANTASY .
Posted on my way to college, forgot about it, only to found out a couple hours later that kind people on internet fervently disagree. I love this place so much. Also I absolutely love the comments implying that I am not from Europe (can I take it as a compliment to my English? dunno).
I am from Europe and I am also fluent in 3 languages. I am currently living in German speaking country and learning German, so I must admit my own struggles with this language affected my perception of a character. It might be only my case, because when I moved I was past adaptive age and whole experience was combined with heavy trauma — I got opposite reaction to Neil’s and first year of living in this country denied existence of German (even though I was under ungodly amount of pressure to learn it). By the time the shock was gone I already had strong negative about the language because of how people around treated me. It works really different for everyone.
Anyway, it was cool to see the reaction even if it wasn’t positive😅
But it was really interesting to read different stories from polyglots in the comments and I would love to read more so be free to disagree and share your experiences :)
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Hi. I like your stories... Can I ask you for a fic where Bucky has his eye on reader (she is Tony's sister) so he avoids her and she thinks he doesn't like her. But when he realizes that she feels something for him, he shows her how much he likes her 😏😏
Greetings from Bavaria Germany
Sorry this has take so long. I've had major writers block and I haven't been very well recently. Thank you for your request.
I'll show you, Doll...
Bucky Barnes x F!reader
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, oral (m-receiving/f-receiving), face fucking, fingering, unprotected sex, rough sex, spanking, light choking, hair pulling, protective reader of Bucky, some mean creepy guy, nick/petnames (sweets, sweetheart, Doll, baby, princess)
Despite what you may think, Bucky doesn't hate you. Quite the opposite actually. He's pretty sure he fell in love with you the moment he laid eyes on you.
"Steven!" Your stern voice echoed across the parking lot startling Steve, Bucky and Sam. "You can't just leave!"
The three men watched you as you walked towards them, your heels clicking against the concrete. By the look on your face, you were pissed.
Steve gulped as he turned to face you, "Y/N, you can't stop-"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "I'm not stopping you, dumbass."
"Oh, right. You're joining us?" Steve asked taken back.
"No. I can't do that to, Tony, but I'm also not taking his side." You offered him a small smile. "You could say I'm, Switzerland." You joked making Bucky smile.
Sam frowned in confusion. "What's that mean?"
"It means she neutral." Bucky gruffed as he glared at him before looking back at you lowering his face so his hair fell forwards to cover his light blush.
You smiled at him before looking up at Steve. "He's cute." You mouthed at him making Steve roll his eyes. "I only came to say goodbye. I'm not sticking around to watch everyone fall apart."
Steve nodded, "Where are you going?" He asked.
You shrugged, "Maybe I can find, Bruce... He's had long enough to cool down." You joked making him smile. "I wanted to give you this." You slipped your hand into your purse and pulled out a cell phone. "It's untraceable and has my number in. Just call, if you need me, okay?" You handed it to Steve. "I'll find you." You looked over his shoulder to Bucky and smiled softly. "Any of you."
Steve nodded and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm gonna miss you, Sweets." Steve whispered as he gave you a squeeze, kissing the top of your head.
You gulped, felling a lump form in your throat. "Of course you are. I'm the best." You smiled and pulled back from him, cupping his face. "I love ya', Cap." You smiled caringly up at your friend.
Steve nodded, "I love you too, Sweets." He whispered.
You drew in a deep breath and walked over to Sam. "Want me to drop in on the family for you?"
Sam nodded. "Please." Sam hugged you.
You pulled back and looked at Bucky. "It was nice to finally meet you, Mister Barnes."
Bucky nodded.
"He doesn't hate you." Sam sighed as the pair of you walked into the kitchen.
Once again he was trying to convince you that Bucky didn't hate you and that was just his face.
You pouted, "Sure feels like it." You grumbled, looking down at your watch. "I gotta go."
"What about your coffee?" Sam asked as you began to leave.
"Can't. Got a meeting." You waved goodbye to him and left the kitchen, your heels echoing down the hall as you walked away.
Sam shook his head as he walked over to the refrigerator to grab some fruit for his breakfast, muttering to himself.
"She gone?" Bucky asked as he got up from behind he counter making Sam jump.
"What the hell, man?" Sam frowned. "Why were you down there?" He asked puzzled.
Bucky shook his head and went back to making his breakfast and protein shake.
Sam stared at him for a moment before closing the refrigerator door and walked over to him. "Do you hate, Y/N?" He asked.
Bucky frowned, "No. Why?"
"Well, you were hiding from her." Sam raised his eyebrow at him.
Bucky scoffed, "I wasn't hiding."
"You literally were!" Sam pointed down to the floor. "And, you asked, 'She gone?'. That's hiding."
Bucky shook his head. "I don't hate her, Sam."
Sam rolled his eyes, "Right. Sorry, I forgot. You love her."
Bucky huffed, "Don't be ridiculous."
"I'm not." Sam smirked. "I know what I see and I see you too afraid to talk to the pretty girl." He teased.
Bucky glared at him. "I'm not afraid, I just don't want to talk to her."
Sam smirked at him. "Really? So you don't stare at her like a love sick puppy when she's not looking? And you don't blush whenever she smiles at you? And you definitely don't get jealous when some other guy touches her, right?" Sam asked with his arms folded over his chest.
Bucky glared at him. "Shut up."
Sam rolled his eyes, "Just talk to her, would ya'."
Bucky grumbled and grabbed his things before leaving the kitchen.
Sam shook his head with a heavy sigh. "I don't need this." He said to himself.
Sam knew how Bucky felt about you, anyone from space could see that Bucky was head over in heels for you, just like you were for Bucky. But the pair of you were completely oblivious to how the other felt and it was irritating as hell. Sam had had enough of the pair of you pining after one another, so he was going to make sure you finally admitted the truth to one another.
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Bucky scowled at his reflection in the restroom mirror. He was going to kill Sam for doing this to him. Sam should be the one doing this stupid gala thing with you, not him.
Bucky couldn't focus around you. He never could. You were just so beautiful and sweet, every word you spoke mesmerised him. He often found himself completely ignoring anyone else around him when you were there. You turned him into a mess. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and kiss you until you were dizzy, but he couldn't. He felt too guilty. It wasn't fair, why did you have to be a Stark?
"Fuck," He closed his eyes as he leaned against the countertop and let out a heavy sigh.
You closed your eyes and drew in a deep breath as you finally managed to escape the hoard of boring rich people that had surrounded you. Finding a quiet spot by the back to hide for a little while whilst you waited for Bucky to return.
You hated these things with a passion but it was your job to do now Tony wasn't there.
"It's good to see you again, Y/N."
You closed your eyes with a groan before looking up at the sound of a familiar and annoying voice.
"Hunter." You rolled your eyes.
"C'mon, Stark, don't be like that." He smirked at you as he leaned against the wall opposite you.
"You'll have to forgive me, I don't like you." You smiled.
Hunter sighed, "I'm not that bad of a guy, sweetheart."
You frowned, "No? So you haven't tried to slander my brother's name before or steal his work?"
He chuckled, "You really dislike me more than that frozen piece of history you're here with?"
You narrowed your glare at him. "Excuse me?"
"I'm just saying, no matter how many times we've crossed paths doing business, he killed your parents, right? Compared to him, I'm a really good guy." He grinned as he held his arms out at his sides.
"Go to hell." You hissed and turned to leave but Hunter grabbed your arm. "Let go of me."
"Everything okay?" Happy asked as he came to a stop just behind you.
You nodded. "I'm just saying goodbye to, Mr Taylor."
"Don't be like this, Y/N. Tony, isn't around anymore, you're free to make your own decisions now. Why not let me show you how good for you I can be." He smirked down at you as he leaned closer. "I'll make you see stars, Princess."
You growled as you tugged your arm free before pushing him back from you. "I was always capable of making my own decisions about you. And I highly doubt your talentless hands could do anything magical, Mr Taylor. And, another thing, Sergeant Barnes, isn't to blame for all the horrendous crimes he was forced to commit. A much darker and evil group of people are to blame and I will not stand for you trying to further tarnish a good man's name. He doesn't deserve it... Expect a call from my lawyers, Mr Taylor." You nodded at Happy again and he swiftly moved in front of you and made Hunter walk away.
You let out a heavy breath as you rubbed your arm where the bastard had squeezed.
"Drink this." Bucky's hand appeared from behind you as he offered you a glass with amber liquid swirling around inside.
You looked at him over your shoulder and smiled thankful. "I'm sorry if you heard any of that, James."
He shook his head. "It's fine."
You frowned, "It's not fine, James. You've paid the price for things you had no control over and you're making your amends." You sighed softly. "You know that I don't hate you for what happened, right? I don't blame you for their deaths." You looked up at him with sad eyes.
Bucky gulped as he looked down at the floor. "Tony, did."
You rolled your eyes, "He was a stubborn idiot that wouldn't admit out loud that he'd come to realise he couldn't blame you for what happened." You offered him a soft smile as you placed your hand on his arm. "I think it's time we left."
Bucky shook his head, "If you're not ready then we don't have to. I'm fine."
"Are you kidding me? I was ready to leave the moment we got here." You huffed making Bucky smile. "And I'm starving. I've even eaten like thirty stupid canapés."
Bucky chuckled as he nodded. "Yeah, they're not meant to be filling." He gave you a small smile. "Wanna get a cheese burger?"
You let out a tired sigh as you and Bucky entered the elevator back at Stark tower. "Thank you for tonight, James." You smiled at him warmly.
"Bucky." He corrected. "You can call me, Bucky... Please." He smiled back a little.
You nodded, "Thank you, Bucky."
"You're welcome. I won't say it was my pleasure because it wasn't. I hate those kind of tnings." Bucky looked down at his feet nervously.
You groaned. "Me too..."
Silence briefly settled between you before Bucky cleared his throat. "Thank you for saying the things you did. It's nice to have someone who isn't, Steve or Sam, say them."
"It was all true." You said. "... It was nice to talk to the real you." You smiled.
Bucky huffed, "I don't know 'bout that... The real me died a long time ago." He frowned.
You shook your head. "No he didn't. He just, grew up. You've been through a thousand lifetimes of pain and heartache. You fought and struggled to get to where you are now. You might not have found your happy ending just yet but you're still here, searching and not giving up." You smiled softly at him.
Bucky gulped as he lowered his gaze to the ground. "I don't hate you." He blurted out making you look up at him.
Bucky sighed as he turned to face you. "Sam, said I've been giving off 'hate vibes'." He rolled his eyes dramatically making you laugh, "And, if I have, I'm sorry because I don't hate you..."
You smiled, "Oh, good. I was starting to think I had done something."
Bucky shook his head. "It's just me. Sometimes, well, all the time, I don't know how to act around you." He chuckled and ran his hand over the back of his neck. "I get all flustered."
You smiled even more. "Me too."
He looked up at you with a furrowed brow. "Wha'cha mean? You never stop talking." He chuckled.
You nodded with a deep breath. "True, but it never makes any sense." You blushed. "I can talk about work or missions or science perfectly fine, but the moment I have to talk to you like... To impress you or... Flirt, I'm useless. And if you catch me looking at you, I'm just a mess." You shook your head with heavy sigh.
Bucky began grinning as he watched you lower your blushing face and avoid eye contact with him. "If I'm in a room already and I hear you coming, I tend to run or hide." He admitted feeling his own face redden.
You looked up with a soft smile. "When, Sam, told me you were joining me this evening, I changed my outfit four times because I wanted to make sure I looked nice for you." You blushed even more.
Bucky shook his head with a smile. "Why would you want to look nice just for me, doll?"
"No reason." You crossed your arms over your chest.
Bucky raised his eyebrow. "No reason, huh?" He smirked as he turned back to face the elevator doors. He leaned down close to your ear, "So it's not because you want me to bend you over and fuck you stupid?" He asked with a shit eating grin.
You gasped and turned to look at him. "Buck-"
Bucky crashed his lips against yours cutting you off. He pressed his body against yours until your back hit the elevator wall, his hands gripping your hips as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Eventually he pulled back from you letting you breath, "Just me?" He asked smirking as he rested his forehead against yours.
You breathed in deeply shaking your head. "Not just you." You let out a breathy giggle. "So does this mean you don't hate me?"
Bucky slid his hands over your hips, pulling you closer. "Why don't I show you how much I don't hate you, doll?"
You nodded, "I like the sound of that." You smiled softly up at him.
He leaned down and gently pressed his lips against yours, smiling into the kiss as you gripped the front of his suit jacket and pulled him closer to you, slipping your tongue into his mouth.
The elevator doors opened effectively cutting the kiss short making you both pull apart. Bucky took your hand and quickly lead you out of the elevator and down the corridor towards his room. As you came to his door, Bucky gently placed his hands on your hips and pushed you against the door.
Bucky then cupped your cheek with his flesh hand. "Still want me to show you, Doll?" He whispered.
You nodded, "More than anything." You smiled at him.
Bucky pressed his lips against yours as he crouched down just enough to wrap your legs around his waist before he opened the door and stepped into his room. As the two of you kissed Bucky kicked the door shut with his foot and lead you over to his bed.
He bent down and gently placed you back onto your feet. "God, you're beautiful." Bucky whispered against your lips.
You managed to push his jacket off his broad shoulders before having to stop and let out a breathy moan as Bucky ran his lips over your bare shoulder and neck. You fumbled with the buttons of his shirt as he licked and sucked your throat. You huffed in annoyance as you tugged on the material making Bucky chuckle against your skin. You managed to unfasten the buttons and began to push it off his broad shoulders and down his thick arms. Bucky tested up as you gently pressed your lips against his skin that were littered with scars.
"You don't have to do that, Y/N. I know it's ugly-" Bucky's eyes closed  with a moan as you ran your tongue over his left nipple before kissing the scars across his peck.
"They're apart of you now, Bucky, but they don't make you any less beautiful." You looked up to him as you cupped his face and brought him closer to kiss.
Bucky slipped his tongue past your lips as his large hands began caress your body as he pushed your dress from your shoulders. The material pooled at your feet as Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you until you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He gently laid you down onto of the mattress before he broke the kiss only to kiss his way down your neck to the tops of your breasts. He slipped his right hand around your back and skillfully unhooked your bra, pulling it off and throwing it over his shoulder. "Sweetheart... you're just, beautiful." He whispered.
You drew in a sharp breath and closed your eyes as Bucky cupped your breasts in his hands. The difference between his hands as he kneaded them and lightly pinched your hard nipples made you moan softly. Bucky leaned down and wrapped his lips around your right nipple making you moan even louder and push your chest out closer to his face. Bucky smirked against your breast as you slowly rolled your hips against his thigh. He pulled off you with a pop and moved his lips to your other breast.
"Don't tease, James, please." You whispered, threading your fingers through his short hair.
Bucky chuckled as he left your breast and began to run his tongue over your soft skin, lightly nipping and sucking as he made his way down your body to your lace covered pussy. "And where's the fun in that, Doll?" He sent you a wink before he tugged your panties off. "Fuck," He pushed your legs apart and settled between them as he licked his lips. He could practically smell your arousal already.
You let out a soft moan, your head falling back into the pillows as Bucky ran his tongue up the length of your slit. He pushed your thighs apart wider with his large hands as he dived in and began devouring your cunt like it was his favorite meal.
"Oh, God," You arched your back as he sucked on your clit.
"C'mon, beautiful," He moaned against your core as he lapped at you. "Cum on my face." He shook his head, brushing his facial hair against your thighs.
You moaned loudly as he reached up with his right hand and pinched your nipple, giving a twist as he shoved his tongue inside your slit. Your eyes screwed shut as you felt the coil snap and you came with a cry.
Bucky didn't stop lapping at your pussy, drinking up every last drop before he pulled back with a smirk. "Got another, Doll?"
You nodded with a hum. "I'm not done yet, Sergeant." You smirked back at him making him chuckle.
Bucky moved his right hand to your hip, "Good."  He ran his metal index finger up your folds making you gasp at the cold sensation. "Because neither am I." He said as he slowly pushed the didget in making you moan softly. Bucky closed his eyes with a breathy moan. "Fuck... baby..." Bucky pulled his finger out and popped it into his mouth, moaning at your taste before he put the other in so the two were equally lubed before he slipped both fingers in side of you.
You let out another deep moan as his thick fingers laid inside you. "Please, Bucky..." You squeezed your legs together around his hand.
Bucky chuckled. "So. impatient." He pulled his fingers out, twisting his hand as he did before pushing them back in with a smirk as you moaned. He watched your face as he did this a few times, thinking you were the most beautiful person in the world.
He leaned forwards and began licking your clit as he moved his fingers in and out of you.
Your back arched again as Bucky curled his fingers, finding that spot inside of you that made your toes curl as he sucked on your clit. "Bucky, I-" You cried out as you came all over Bucky's hand.
"Fuck, baby... can't wait to be inside you..." Bucky pulled his fingers out of you and once again sucked them clean.
Bucky then stood from the bed and pulled his pants and boxers off, having gotten rid of his shoes and socks earlier along with your heels.
Your eyes widened and your mouth watered at the sight of him. You'd always had a feeling Bucky was well endowed but seeing for yourself just how much of him there was, was a little shocking.
"You just gonna stare at it?" Bucky smirked at you as he stroked his cock.
You shook your head and got off the bed and dropped onto your knees before him. You looked up at Bucky as you bit your bottom lip and gently wrapped your hand around his shaft. Bucky's head dropped back as you licked his leaking tip before you wrapped your lips around it, moaning at his taste. He let out a soft moan as you gave his shaft a playful squeeze.
"Fuck-" Bucky closed his eyes briefly.
You began to bob your head slowly. Bucky moaned, his eyes falling shut again as you used your hand to slowly pumped him.
"Faster, please," Bucky begged as he moved his hips trying to hold back.
You bob your head faster as you moved your hand in time, all the while wat hung Bucky's face.
You pulled off his cock with pop, keeping your hand moving. "You don't have to hold back, James. Be rough." You smirked up at him.
Bucky licked his lips as he stared down at you. He had to admit to himself, seeing you on your knees in front of him, naked and asking him to be rough, did make it harder for him to control himself.
He began smirking to himself as he pushed your hand away and took a hold of his cock in his hand. "Open up, doll."
You grinned up at him before you opened your mouth wide.
Bucky pushed his cock all the way into your awaiting mouth, moaning deeply as his tip hit the back of your throat. He gathered your hair into a makeshift ponytail and began fucking your mouth.
His head fell back as you reached up and dug your nails into his ass cheeks pulling him closer as you swallowed around him and moaned.
"Fuckfuckfuck-" Bucky screwed his eyes shut as he came in your mouth.
Bucky pulled you off his cock only letting you catch your breath for a second before he was reaching down and picking you up.
"Was I too rough?" He whispered as he gently placed you back onto his bed.
You shook your head with a soft exhale, "Not at all." You reached up and cupped his cheek.
Bucky smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips as he settled between your legs.
You wrapped your arms and legs around Bucky as he took himself in his hand and carefully ran his tip through your slick. Your breath caught in your throat as Bucky began to push himself inside you. He made sure to go slow, not wanting to hurt you as he filled you. He stopped as he heard you whimper. "Doll?" Bucky pulled back to look down at you.
You shook your head and cupped his cheek. "I'm fine... You're just, so big." You giggled at him making blush.
"Okay... but I'm going slow."
You nodded and leaned up to kiss him. Slowly Bucky pulled out of you before pushing all the way inside of you.
Bucky kissed your neck as he slowly moved his hips, letting his dick fill you over and over.
"Fuck," Bucky breathed against your neck, "You feel so good, sweetheart."
You moaned as he licked and sucked your neck. You tangled your fingers in his hair and tugged lightly. "Please, Bucky... Harder." You begged.
You let out a needy whine as Bucky pulled out of you completely.
"Turn around. Now." He ordered.
You quickly turned around, only to have Bucky manhandle you when you weren't fast enough.
You cried out in pleasure as Bucky quickly pushed his cock back inside your pussy. He let out a deep moan as you squeezed around him and began moving his hips at a brutal pace. You moaned loudly as Bucky slammed into you. A loud crack echoed across the room as he slapped your ass with his right hand making you cry out and screw your fingers up in the bedsheets.
"Fuck, baby-" He moaned. He reached forward and wrapped his right hand around your throat. He pulled you back so your back was against his chest and turned your face so he could crash his lips against yours. His left hand slid around your body and began kneading your breast as he continued to fuck you hard and slow. "You feel so fucking good baby."
You gasped, your reached up and wrapped your hand around his wrist. "Yes! Fuck, James!" You cried out as Bucky squeezed your throat.
Bucky growled loudly as he fucked into you hard and fast.
"FUCK!" Bucky yelled.
"Oh, Bucky!" You cried out.
"That's it! C'mon, doll. Let go. I'm right there with you." Bucky moaned. He pressed his fingers against your clit and began rubbing tight circles as he felt you clench around him.
You tugged on Bucky's hair as you came hard around his cock.
"FUCK!" Bucky moaned loudly as he came, catching himself before his full body weight crushed you.
The pair of you fell onto your sides as you caught your breath. Bucky smiled against your hair as he slowly pulled himself out of you. He leaned over your side, pressing a kiss to your shoulder then your neck, kissing his way over to your lips making you giggle. He hovered over you with a playful smile. "Still need convincing, Doll?"
You nodded with a giggle, "Maybe a little."
Taglist: @gh0stgurl @fangirlfree @chrisevanseagletattoo @lewisroscoelove @calimoi
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matan4il · 4 months
Watched Eurovision last weekend and tried to only pay attention to the music but oof, the Israel derangement was horrid. Were any of the other contestants nice to Eden or at the very least not total assholes to her because where's she's from? Please tell me someone was decent or even mildly professional.
Hi Nonnie!
I'm glad to tell you that there WERE people who were personally decent to Eden and the Israeli team, from what I've heard.
One of the parts that suck is that it feels like talking about it too loudly might bring those people into the line of fire. I can say that about myself, that while I was treated awfully by some people in fandom, I've had people be absolutely wonderful to me, and I've had to keep my mouth shut and not thank or celebrate them publicly, because that would have drawn the fire to them. They absolutely do not deserve that. And it sucks that I can't even be openly grateful. Same with the people friendlier to Eden, we Israelis have heard stuff, so we know of them and are thankful, but I don't think anyone has said anything too public, because no one wants to endanger them.
Still, I hope it's been long enough since the final, that we can safely share a few things. Also, I'll emphasize that most of this is hearsay, I can't verify any of it, because it wasn't published officially, this is just the stuff we hear.
The Israeli singer who grew up in and was representing Luxembourg was really lovely with Eden. Tali could have easily avoided ANY association with Eden, so I give her credit for not doing that. The German singer was the nicest to the Eden and Israeli delegation, and I also heard that Germany actually stood up for Israel when the EBU wanted to disqualify it, rightly pointing out the differences between this situation and Russia's ban. I heard good things about the Austrian singer as well, the Latvian, and the Georgian singer. There's probably more that aren't popping into my mind right now, but this is a start, and it's nice knowing kind people, who won't bully a 20 years old singer just because of her nationality, do exist, right?
Another part that sucks is that even some of the people who were nice backstage to Eden, were only willing to do so away from the public eye. I think the most extreme one is the 2023 runner up, Finnish performer Käärijä. He ran into Eden backstage and was totally cool with them doing a short, quick rendition of his ESC song together (which you can see in the link below). It was clearly just two people who love music having fun together, but once the vid was posted online, people started attacking him for supporting genocide (because that's not a leap of logic at all), and he quickly put out a message denouncing everything he's said and done ever, including being born. Then he just had to reassure all of his bullies that he's "okay" even further. The Norwegian 2023 singer who was supposed to deliver her country's jury results had already announced she won't as an anti-Israel measure, so when he was supposed to give the Finnish jury vote, he simply announced he won't, letting people make the connection, and figure out for themselves that it was an anti-Israel move.
Still I think you can take the ones who weren't loudly nasty to Eden, and assume most were nice enough to her privately, even if not publicly. To figure out who those probably were, on top of the ones I mentioned above, I'll just give a short rundown of the performers who were being awful about Israel to different degrees (so you can figure out who was at least decent by way of elimination): Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, the UK, the Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Lithuania, Norway, Finland, Slovenia, San Marino, Denmark.
I hope I helped... Have a good day! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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deedala · 4 months
🌞 weekly tag wednesday 🌞
thank you for the game this week @heymacy and for tagging me!! + @thepupperino @energievie @mybrainismelted @lee-ow @lingy910y @mmmichyyy @darlingian @suzy-queued @wehangout 💖💖💖 xoxo
name: deanna
your time zone: EST
favorite food: uuhhhhmmm potatoes?
your eye color: blue 🙄
do you have curly, wavy, or straight hair? wavy frizzy. wearing a satin bonnet to sleep in helps a lot with the frizziness unless its spring in which case i am fighting for my life against the warm humid air
coffee or tea? coffee
you can only listen to one album for the rest of your life. which album is it? yeah its gonna be the rise and fall of a midwest princess - chappell roan thanks
how many countries have you visited? lets name them then count...canada, ireland, UK, france, netherlands, germany, belgium, luxembourg (its a grand duchy yes but whatever it counts) switzerland, italy...thats 10 visited countries
favorite social media platform (other than tumblr): gosh...instagram i guess? wait does discord count?? if so: discord.
if you had to be reincarnated as an animal, what animal would you want to be? house cat
relationship status: married
did you go to college? if so, what did you study? yes, i have a BFA in painting
you’ve just made a letterboxd account. what are your top 4 films? hey!! friend me on letterboxd im deedala over there too! right now i have my fav 4 listed as The Eagle, The Fall, The Holiday, and Love and Monsters
what’s one of your pet peeves? loud noises
what’s one of your guilty pleasures? i try not to feel guilty about fun stuff, lets say my guilty pleasure is the song guilty pleasure by chappell roan 😜
and finally, if you could learn any skill, what skill would you want to learn? i would thoroughly enjoy being a skilled seamstress actually
alrighty i know im a bit late today but lemme tag some folks who have maybe not done this one yet!! ✨✨ @michellemisfit @tanktopgallavich @too-schoolforcool @heymrspatel @metalheadmickey @softmick @gallawitchxx @callivich @vintagelacerosette @whatwouldmickeydo @mickeysgaymom @crossmydna @gardenerian @the-rat-wins @sam-loves-seb @blue-disco-lights @sickness-health-all-that-shit @samantitheos @loftec @iansw0rld @transmickey @tsuga-of-mars @ardent-fox @rereadanon @palepinkgoat @themarchg1rl @thisdivorce @sleepyfacetoughguy @purplemagpie @mikhailoisbaby @jrooc @spoonfulstar @captainjowl @creepkinginc and anyone else who may want to play!! just say i tagged you (i will always corroborate) 💖
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musialasmaid · 3 months
A Small Gift ♡ Florian Wirtz
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summary: florian has a small gift for you after his match
warnings: none
The sun was shining brightly over the packed stadium, the air buzzing with excitement as the crowd eagerly anticipated the start of the game. You sat in the VIP section, nervously fiddling with the jersey you wore—Florian's number boldly displayed on the back. The moment was almost surreal, watching your boyfriend, Florian Wirtz, prepare for another pivotal match. Today, Germany was playing against Switzerland, and the stakes were high.
Florian had given you the jersey that morning, a playful grin on his face as he pulled you close. "For good luck," he had said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I need you to be my lucky charm today."
Now, as you watched him from the stands, you could see the determination in his eyes, the way he moved with precision and purpose during the warm-up. Your heart swelled with pride and love, knowing how hard he had worked to get to this moment.
The whistle blew, signaling the start of the match. The game was intense right from the beginning, both teams displaying incredible skill and tenacity. You cheered loudly, your voice blending with the roar of the crowd as Florian made a brilliant pass that led to Germany's first goal. The excitement was contagious, and you found yourself on the edge of your seat, heart pounding with every play.
Half-time arrived with the score tied, and you took the opportunity to stretch your legs and grab a drink. As you made your way back to your seat, you noticed a familiar face making his way towards you—Florian's coach.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted with a smile. "Florian wanted me to give you this."
He handed you a folded note, and you thanked him, your curiosity piqued. As you unfolded the paper, you couldn't help but smile at Florian's familiar handwriting.
"Meet me by the tunnel after the game. I've got a surprise for you."
Your heart raced with anticipation, and you spent the second half of the game trying to focus on the match while wondering what Florian had planned. Germany and Switzerland continued to battle fiercely, but in the final moments, Florian made a spectacular move, scoring the winning goal. The stadium erupted in cheers, and you jumped to your feet, screaming in joy and pride.
As the final whistle blew, the celebration began. The German team congratulated each other on the field, and you made your way down to the tunnel, your heart beating with excitement. You spotted Florian waiting for you, his face lighting up as he saw you approach.
"Hey, you," he said, pulling you into a tight hug. "Did you enjoy the game?"
"I loved it," you replied, beaming up at him. "You were incredible out there."
Florian grinned, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "Thanks. I have something for you." He reached into his bag and pulled out a small box, handing it to you with a nervous smile. "Open it."
You took the box, your hands trembling slightly as you lifted the lid. Inside was a delicate necklace with a small, intricately designed pendant in the shape of a football. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up at Florian, tears of joy welling in your eyes.
"Florian, it's beautiful," you whispered, touched by the thoughtful gift.
He smiled, taking the necklace and fastening it around your neck. "I wanted you to have something special to remember today. You're my lucky charm, Y/N. I couldn't do any of this without you."
You threw your arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I'm so proud of you, Florian. I love you."
"I love you too," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Now, let's go celebrate. This win is for both of us."
Hand in hand, you left the tunnel and joined the team in their celebration, your heart full of love and pride. The victory was sweeter because you had shared it together, and you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you and Florian would face them as a team.
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forsoobado137 · 12 days
Seeing Hetalia and singing terminology in the same post has me literally jumping for joy. My brand!! My brand!! My thing!! Ecstatic. Thank you kind enabler.
Yes I love musicccc. I was in choir so I have a bit of background knowledge. I love thinking about how their voices work lol. Infact, here are some more voice/ choral singing headcanons!
Romano is an opera god. He has the range of Pavarotti, and literally sounds like an angel on earth. I love that this is canon.
Italy has the same classical theatre type of voice as his brother (but not at his level). He's an expert at reading sheet music (a lot of Italian terms).
America has a really powerful tenor voice + amazing breath control. The problem is he's sometimes a bit sharp. Also he loves improvising, which means he'll sometimes shout lyrics instead of singing or he'll experiment with a riff. It doesn't always land. Also, he doesn't really enunciate his consonants.
England sounds American when he sings. His voice is a kind of a generic baritone, though he can reach high notes with a decent falsetto. His strength is that he's always on tempo. He hates when other people clap at concerts because they're always off-beat.
France has a very seductive baritone voice. It's deep and elegant. He knows the differences between the dynamics. He's makes dramatic expressions when singing, which might make some roll their eyes. His range isn't really anything special, and he's annoyed that he gets stuck with the boring baritone melodies. He holds onto the long notes for just a liiiiiittle too long.
Switzerland is a tenor and has very good vocal control. This man can yodel.
Germany is kind of a bland singer. It's like he's never heard of vibrato. He is a bass/baritone who cannot hit the high notes to save his life. Very on tempo.
Prussia CANNOT SING. His voice is raspy, he's tone deaf, and has no sense of dynamics. Don't tell him though...
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crimson-kisses · 9 months
Heyy, how about an platonic germany and prussia with a younger sibling? Like a micronation or a country!
Thanks for taking your time. we love your content, dont forget to rest!! 🌷🌷
Aw thank you so much for the lovely kind words :’) lifts my spirits up fr - I believe this concept has been done already, but nonetheless I will try and keep this rather short and simple. 🌻
Warnings: yandere themes, toxic relationships and the like.
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Perhaps you are a small protectorate state situated between Switzerland and Germany or between Austria and Germany. The region you represent is nestled amidst the aftermath of a war-ravaged battlefield, a testament to the turmoil that has unfolded. It is within this backdrop that Gilbert and Ludwig, two German brothers, stumble upon you, a young child in need of protection.
Recognizing the fragility of your situation, both Gilbert and Ludwig take it upon themselves to safeguard you. Gilbert, with a sense of duty and compassion, becomes your primary caretaker, ensuring your well-being and providing the nurturing support that you require. His presence brings a sense of warmth and stability, assuring you that you are not alone in this world.
Ludwig, on the other hand, takes a more reserved approach initially, keeping a watchful eye from the sidelines. His role extends beyond your immediate care, as he assumes the responsibility of handling any diplomatic tensions that may arise due to your presence. Aware of the delicate nature of political relationships in the region, Ludwig acts as a mediator, striving to maintain a delicate balance and protect the interests of your small state.
Both brothers understand the importance of their roles and the need to balance each other out. Gilbert's nurturing nature and hands-on approach provide you with a sense of security and guidance, while Ludwig's diplomatic prowess and watchful eye ensure the stability and political viability of your protectorate.
As time passes, Gilbert and Ludwig grow more attuned to the challenges and responsibilities that come with protecting you. They strive to provide you with the best possible future amidst the backdrop of the war-torn region.
Gilbert takes on the role of a tough mentor, providing discipline and rigorous tutoring. He has an obnoxious side to him, but he believes in pushing you to reach your full potential. He sets high standards and expects you to meet them, sometimes pushing you outside of your comfort zone. While his methods might be strict, they are aimed at helping you grow and succeed.
On the other hand, Ludwig, despite also being strict, has a gentler approach compared to his elder brother. He recognizes the importance of balance and ensures that you have time to relax and unwind. Ludwig understands the need for affection and emotional support, even if he finds it awkward to express it himself. He creates a safe space for you, where you can find solace and feel cared for.
As you grow older, Gilbert begins to loosen up his strict demeanor. He sees your progress and development, and he becomes more supportive and encouraging. He realizes that while discipline is important, it's equally important to have an environment that allows you to thrive and feel supported.
Both Gilbert and Ludwig work together to shield you from the feeling of isolation. They go above and beyond to ensure that you never truly feel alone. They create a sense of belonging and make you feel part of a loving and nurturing family, despite the challenges and isolation that may surround your small territory.
While you may not fully grasp the extent of your isolation, it is because Gilbert and Ludwig actively work to shield you from it. They make sure that you have a support system and a sense of belonging, so that you can grow and flourish in your unique circumstances. Their combined efforts create an environment where you can thrive, even in the face of isolation.
Gilbert also takes on the role of keeping you occupied with various activities, often in a random and chaotic manner. He teaches you different things and shares altered visions of what he considers necessary for you to know.
Ludwig, on the other hand, assumes the responsibility of handling more manipulative tasks. He deals with any external threats or individuals who might be prying too much into your affairs. Ludwig ensures that the surveillance technology in place is functioning properly, protecting your privacy and security.
Gilbert's focus is primarily on your education and keeping you engaged. He creates an environment of constant stimulation and learning, even if it may seem chaotic at times. Meanwhile, Ludwig works behind the scenes, safeguarding your interests and ensuring that your privacy is protected.
While their approaches may differ, Gilbert and Ludwig collaborate to provide a balance of education and protection. Gilbert's random and chaotic activities keep you on your toes, fostering a sense of curiosity and adaptability. Ludwig's surveillance and protective measures ensure that you are shielded from external threats and unwanted intrusions.
Gilbert and Ludwig provide you with a unique upbringing, where you are constantly learning, protected, and shielded from excessive interference. Their combined efforts create an environment where you can grow and develop, while also maintaining control.
Ludwig makes sure to keep reminding you of your young age, often making you feel anxious and worried about potential dangers in the world. He subtly plays with your mind, gently coaxing you to think negatively and suspiciously about your surroundings, it also brings about unease within you.
Despite this, Ludwig also provides you with an outlet for conversation, allowing you to discuss any topic you desire. Similar to Gilbert, he possesses a wealth of knowledge and diverse interests, which proves beneficial when you express your own interests. Ludwig's vast knowledge allows for engaging discussions and opportunities for you.
Ludwig's approach is tinged with a level of mental manipulation, the constant reminder of your vulnerability and the negative perspective he encourages fills you anxiety and a sense of distrust.
Both Gilbert and Ludwig still play significant roles in your upbringing. Gilbert keeps you occupied with various activities and teaches you, while Ludwig's conversations and knowledge expand your horizons.
Both of them provide you with access to various forms of entertainment and resources, such as books, movies, PlayStation, and games. They ensure that you have a means to satisfy your wants and desires within reasonable limits. While you won't be completely cut off from the outside world, they encourage a level of dependence on them for your wants and needs.
By carefully managing your access to resources and creating an environment where they fulfill most, if not all, of your wants and needs, Gilbert and Ludwig foster a sense of reliance on them. They want you to view them as the primary providers and caretakers, ensuring that you turn to them for support and assistance.
All of you will have a house in the countryside, providing a sense of isolation from the outside world. They allocate a significant portion of the house to you, allowing you the freedom to shape it according to your preferences. They encourage you to make the space your own, to design and decorate it to your liking.
Within the boundaries that they establish for your safety and well-being, Gilbert and Ludwig happily support your decisions and desires for the house. Whether it's choosing the colors, arranging the furniture, or adding personal touches, they want you to feel a sense of ownership and comfort in your living space.
Since this scenario is set in modern times, it is likely that the relationship between you, Gilbert, and Ludwig would indeed have a lighthearted tone due to your young age, given your upbringing and the support provided by Gilbert and Ludwig.
Gilbert, as the caring and affectionate figure, would likely engage in various activities with you, such as games, adventures, or creative projects. He would create a cheerful and nurturing environment, where adventures are common occurrences. His goal would be to ensure that you have an enjoyable experience.
Ludwig, while potentially more reserved, would still find ways to interact with you in a lighthearted manner. He might encourage intellectual pursuits, engage in stimulating conversations, or introduce you to new experiences. Despite his serious nature, he would recognize the importance of fostering easement within you.
Though as you grow older, you might begin to question certain aspects of your upbringing and notice differences between your life and that of others. You may wonder why some of your friends are suddenly missing and why you don't attend school with other kids. You might also notice that you don't have the same possessions or experiences as your peers, leading to feelings of curiosity, confusion, frustration or a sense of missing out.
Your dear brothers are fully aware of the confusion you are experiencing and have already prepared to have a conversation with you when you turn to them crying about it. Always running to them for support and affection.
You truly were so naive, just as they preferred you to be.
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nordickies · 3 months
What do you think of the Nordic's relationships with the other characters? Do they have friends outside of each other? Maybe enemies? Who do you ship them with?
Aaah, okay this is going to be messy, so embrace yourself. I have to speedrun my views this time, let's go
Sweden: The idea of Sweden and Ukraine getting along is oddly wholesome to me since they have likely known each other since childhood. And I like the idea of Greece being Sweden's first childhood crush due to the whole Eastern Viking Trade. To me, Estonia is Sweden's old-time friend and potential love interest in the past. Latvia is a runt of a litter Sweden tried to take under his wing at some point, though with varying success. Sweden and Poland have such drastic personalities, and I don't think they get along that well, which is especially funny considering they were technically married for a few years. Plus Poland has his reasons to dislike Sweden. Sweden and Spain's interactions in the canon are so cute; I like to think of them as friends. They may have had something extra going on during the 1960s/70s tourism boom, hehe. On the other hand, Sweden's and France's relationship is intriguing; it has fluctuated significantly in their lifetime. Either they're close allies, with France having massive influence over Sweden, or they despise each other, basically. But Sweden has relatively good relationship with England. I can't see Russia and Sweden getting along at all, sorry. While the Netherlands and Denmark have always been closer, I think Ned and Swe are old friends, too. They're just both lowkey about it. I think Prussia is a bit intimidated by Sweden for some reason; he can't think of ways to converse with him without making things awkward. However, Germany and Sweden get along well! Germany can always count on Sweden to be competent and trustworthy; he talks so little, which is appreciated. And I love the idea of Sweden having a "dad group chat" with e.g. Austria and Australia. They need that peer support at times. Norway: I like Ireland and Norway as potential love interests, but Scotland's romance with Norway intrigues me way more. There are centuries worth of alliances and cultural ties to draw inspiration from for those two. I could see them pining for each other for ages and going back and forth about it. However, I could see Norway getting close to Ireland and Southern Italy (plus the US) during the 18th century! I personally think Norway was one of the few nations that spent some time in the Americas. Obviously, Norway is a close friend of England's; one of the few, actually. They seem to get along, and imagining how much Norway's genuine friendship must mean to the Brit is rather cute. And yeah, I love the Magic trio; Romania and Bulgaria would also make lovely dates for Norway. I stand by the idea of Norway and Switzerland getting along and having a friendship based on their shared love for mountain sports. Liechtenstein and Austria can join in, too, why not? I don't think Norway would get along with France; they seem like such distinct personalities. And I don't believe Norway cares that much for Germany or Prussia; he doesn't seek to spend time with them like the rest of the Nordics. He probably finds them a bit annoying, in all honesty. Oddly enough, Lithuania seems like someone Norway would get along with, and maybe they find themselves hanging out surprisingly often. Norway is an explorer at heart, and he travels by himself a lot. I could see him making unlikely friends during these travels in, e.g., Asia and South America while getting lost on a jungle hike or something. New Zealand and Norway have surprisingly many things in common, so it's cute to imagine them being on friendly terms, as well
Denmark: In my opinion, Denmark would be closer to France than the rest of the Nordics. And Denmark is the cause of England's childhood traumas, hehe. Denmark is obviously close to the Benelux countries; he and the Netherlands are especially tight. Denmark and Estonia are childhood friends who have had their struggles, but they are close nowadays. Their friendship has a lot of potential for cute interactions. I love the idea of Denmark and ASEAN countries connecting through sports, and I could honestly see Denmark and South Korea getting along surprisingly well. Or Australia and Denmark due to their passion for swimming and watersports. I love the idea of Ireland and Denmark having some past romance and being connected due to their long cultural ties. But for some reason, their relationship never lasted to the modern day. In the past, Denmark and Russia had contact through mutual alliances, but they weren't exactly close friends; it's probably hard to break the ice with Russia, yknow. But Denmark probably tried. Austria, Thailand, and Portugal are Denmark's past allies, but they don't have that much going on between them to call each other close friends. Poland and Denmark are old allies, too. While Prussia and Denmark get along nowadays, they have held their grudges and had complicated relationship. I love the possibility of pesky drunk hookups between them; I get my enemies-turned-something drama from those two, tbh. Germany and Denmark are close too, but maybe Germany prefers Sweden's quieter and calmer character. Also, I kind of love the idea of Italy flirting with Denmark and him just playing into it, being a raunchy inside joke between them which keeps confusing unaware bystanders. Denmark and the US are longtime allies and thus on pleasant terms. Denmark is kind of like an older coworker, ready to cheekily mess with you whenever he gets the chance (in this case, targeting Canada specifically). Finland: Estonia and Finland are best friends, practically glued to each other, and Latvia is like the forgotten little brother in this dynamic. Hungary is like a long-lost cousin with whom Finland just immediately clicked. Russia and Finland have their own difficulties, it's complicated. And I don't think Finland would like England or France that much, either. They can be professional, but they're not exactly close friends. But Germany and Finland have always gotten along. I think it's a fun idea that their friendship began in the 19th century, both being lost in how this nationhood responsibility works, and their friendship developed from there. I love the idea of Monaco and Finland becoming friends over their love for motorsports - or Japan and Finland geeking over each other and having surprising cultural similarities. Czechia and Canada share their passion for ice hockey with Finland, so they probably spend time together due to their hobby. Poland and Finland would make great friends, too, even with their past difficulties. Poland and Italy being great friends and adopting Finland into their circle sometimes is a charming idea to me; they make a lovely trio.
Iceland: Well, Iceland is friends with practically everyone—except England. They need to have their petty rivalry because I think it's funny. I also think Iceland's and Turkey's unlikely friendship could be entertaining, but not in a romantic or "creepy" way like everyone tends to portray it. Turkey gives me Uncle vibes. He'd take the poor kid to eat proper food while visiting his place. I think the manga chapters with the ASEAN countries were so cute, proving once again that Iceland could make friends anywhere. I see Iceland being especially friendly with nations like Hong Kong, Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Northern Ireland, and Luxembourg. I think he's also very close with the Baltic states! Especially Latvia, since they're so close in physical age compared to others. And the US just one day decided to adopt Iceland as his friend; I don't think they're that compatible personality-wise, and the US probably thinks of Iceland way more highly than Icey does of him. But Iceland just tags along with his louder friend nevertheless
Sadly, I can't go into detail with every single relationship out there. Just picked out the most relevant ones with a sentence or two! So there's a lot more going on and a lot more nuance to each relationship, you know. Feel free to ask for more specifics, I suppose
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Word of the week 2: Waldeinsamkeit (German)
Translation: The feeling of being alone and at peace in the woods (literally: forest loneliness)
The language: German is an Indo-European language belonging to the Germanic branch and spoken in Germany by 80 600 000 people and 133 250 000 people worldwide. Or is it? That is true for Standard German, which is part of the Continental West Germanic dialect continuum stretching from the Netherlands to Austria, and including High, Middle and Low German dialects as well as Dutch. Standard German is a High German variety (High German refers to dialects and languages in southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria). Parts of the continuum aren’t mutually intelligible, but sinch Standard German has been the writing norm for centuries and used in education, media and administration, people can understand each other anyway since some regional differences have mellowed in the last generations, although some Low German dialects in the north are closer to Dutch than High German dialects in southern Germany.
Why waldeinsamkeit? When you’re in the woods alone it feels so peaceful and beautiful, and English doesn’t really have a word to describe that, so I love this word
Submitted by anonymous
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equalv · 2 years
German tv shows with lgbt* characters
I think it can be quite hard to find queer german tv shows, so I thought I‘d compile a list with the ones that I have watched so far.
✪  = queerness is centered in this show
1899 (2022) (mlm) | Netflix | international 
Ángel (Miguel Bernardeau) 
Ramiro (José Pimentão)
Krester (Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen)
All you need (2021-) (mlm) | ZDF | ✪
Vince (Benito Bause)
Robbie (Frédéric Brossier)
Levo (Arash Marandi)
Tom (Mads Hjulmand)
Andreas (Tom Keune)
Barbaren (2020-) (mlm) | Netflix
Marbod (Murathan Muslu)
Flavus (Daniel Donsky)
Beat (2018) (mlm) | Prime Video
Beat (Jannis Niewöhner) 
Becoming Charlie (2022-) (trans, mlm, wlw) | ZDF | ✪
Charlie (Lea Drinde)
Ronja (Sira-Anna Faal)
Mirko (Antonije Stankovic)
Blutige Anfänger (2020-) (mlm) | ZDF, YT
Michael Kelting (Werner Daehn)
Dr. Claas Steinebach (Martin Bretschneider)
Bruno Pérez (Martin Peñaloza Cecconi)
Phillip Schneider (Eric Cordes)
Charité (2017-) (wlw, mlm) | Netflix
Schwester Therese (Klara Deutschmann)
Otto Marquardt (Jannik Schümann)
Martin Schelling (Jacob Matschenz)
Dark (2017-2020) (wlw, mlm, trans) | Netflix
Peter Doppler (Stephan Kampwirth)
Bennie Wöller (Anton Rubtsov)
Doris Tiedemann (Tamar Pelzig/Luise Heyer)
Agnes Nielsen (Helena Pieske/Antje Trauer)
Deutschland 83/86/89 (2015-2020) (wlw, mlm) | Prime Video
Alex Edel (Ludwig Trepte)
Prof. Tobias Tischbier (Alexander Beyer)
Lenora Rauch (Maria Schrader)
Rose Seithathi (Florence Kasumba)
Dogs of Berlin (2018) (mlm) | Netflix
Erol Birkan (Fahri Yardim)
Guido Mack (Sebastian Achilles)
Dr. Klein (2014-2019) (mlm) | Netflix
Patrick Keller (Leander Lichti)
Kaan Gül (Karim Günes)
DRUCK (2018-) (wlw, mlm, trans) | YT | ✪
Fatou Jallow (Sira-Anna Faal)
Matteo Florenzi (Michelangelo Fortuzzi)
Zoe Machwitz (Madeleine Wagenitz)
Kieu My Vu (Nhung Hong)
Isi Inci (Eren M. Güvercin)
David Schreibner (Lukas von Horbatschewsky)
Yara Aimsakul (Elena Plyphalin Siepe)
Hans Brecht (Florian Appelius)
Eldorado KaDeWe – Jetzt ist unsere Zeit (2021-) (wlw) | ARD
Heidi Kron (Valerie Stoll)
Fritzi Jandorf (Lia von Blarer)
How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019-) (wlw) | Netflix
Fritzi (Leonie Wesselow)
Gerda (Luna Baptiste Schaller)
Kitz (2021) (mlm) | Netflix
Kosh Ziervogel (Zoran Pingel)
Hans Gassner (Ben Felipe)
Ku‘damm 56/59/63 (2016-2021) (mlm) | ZDF
Wolfgang von Boost (August Wittgenstein)
Hans Liebknecht (Andreas Pietschmann)
Der Kroatien Krimi/Split Homicide (2016-) (wlw) | ARD
Stascha Novak (Jasmin Gerat)
Loving Her (2021) (wlw) | ZDF | ✪
Hanna (Banafshe Hourmazdi)
Holly (Bineta Hansen)
Franzi (Lena Klenke)
Lara (Emma Drogunova)
Josephine (Karin Hanczewski)
Anouk (Larissa Sirah Herden)
Sarah (Soma Pysall)
Mord mit Aussicht (2018-2022) (wlw) | Netflix
Bärbel Schmied (Meike Droste)
Neumatt (2021-) (mlm) - Switzerland | Netflix
Michi Wyss (Julian Koechlin)
Joel Bachmann (Benito Bause)
Polizeiruf 110 (1971-) (queer/gnc) | ARD
Vincent Ross (Andre Kaczmarczyk)
SOKO Leipzig (2001-) (mlm) | ZDF
Moritz Brenner ( Johannes Hendrik Langer )
Tatort (1970-) (mlm, wlw) | ARD
Robert Karow (Mark Waschke)
Julia Grosz (Franziska Weisz)
Esther Baumann (Brigitte Urhausen)
Meret Schande (Christina Scherrer)
Vorstadtweiber (2015-) (mlm) – Austria
Georg Schneider (Jürgen Maurer)
Joachim Schnitzler (Phillip Hochmair)
WIR (2021-) (wlw) | ZDF
Annika Baer (Eva Maria Jost)
Helena Kwiatkowski (Katharina Nesytowa)
Wendland (2023-) (wlw) | ZDF
Kira Engelmann (Paula Kalenberg)
Birthe (?)
Queer Eye Germany (2022) (mlm, nblm, trans) | Netflix
Avi Jakobs
Leni Bolt
Ayan Yuruk
Jan-Henrik Scheper-Stutke
Aljosha Muttardi
Notes: I may have forgotten to add some characters, because for most of the shows it has been some time since I last watched them. Please let me know if you want me to add a character or even show:)
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