#gerudo wedding traditions
aikoiya · 10 months
LoZ - Gerudo Wedding Traditions
Long ago, it was custom that if a member of the opposite sex unrelated to the Gerudo ruler of the time manages to defeat them in single combat, then they are to become that ruler's spouse.
Of course, a Gerudo cannot become king or queen until 18 & before that, they are trained extensively as fighters.
So, one who is able to defeat the Gerudo King or Queen is typically extremely strong a/o skilled.
This is done to ensure that the next generation will be strong as well.
Long ago, it did not matter how the ruler went about doing it, whether it be through wooing, manipulation, kidnapping, or blackmail.
So long as the two were bound for life.
However, since the Era of the Great Sea, this tradition has been lost.
Gerudo, just as a people, are very possessive of their spouses & are a very monogamous lot.
But it's not considered unhealthy to be possessive of your spouse in Gerudo culture because it's expected that spouses belong to each other. Neither side of the equation has more right to the other.
So a Voe's wife is considered his, but he is also hers. It's reciprocal.
What is considered unhealthy is considering your spouse yours but not allowing yourself to be theirs & not allowing them the rights due to them as your spouse. This creates a power imbalance & is seen as abusive.
In Gerudo culture, there is a very strict separation between lust & love, between matters of the body & matters of the heart. This plus the fact that the Gerudo, just as a people, are extremely exclusive with who they give their hearts to results in the typical Gerudo being extremely monogamous. As such, the idea of what IRL is called "open relationships," would be considered pure insanity & a sign of a demented mind. Even royal relationships were expected to be kept exclusive. To have sex with someone other than your spouse after marriage, even common law marriage, was considered losing control of one's impulses & baser, more primal urges & was thought to be a sign of a declining mental state. These individuals were considered no better than animals. - Something they share with the Greeks who prided themselves on personal control.
The Gerudo took adultery extremely seriously. We're talking about stoning here! Not even the king or queen were exempt &, in fact, aside from via conquest, changes in the monarchical bloodline generally took place due to the discovery of infidelity between the rulers. Like, it is literally against Gerudo law to do so willingly & is punishable by death. There are, of course, exceptions in the case of rape, but afterwards, the victim is required, by tradition, to go through a sort of sacred cleansing ritual to remove the evil of unwitting unfaithfulness from their body. This is also required in situations where, say, you're tricked into thinking you're having sex with your spouse but you aren't. Which, I know, an extremely rare thing to happen, but considering the Yiga, it does happen.
The sacred cleansing ritual is performed by Gerudo priestesses of Vah Kàvtrïna, who one of her domains is pudicity, which involves fidelity. Now, she wasn't associated with these cleansing rituals until after she'd been embraced by the Gerudo culture as she was originally a goddess of Ordona, Feron, & Necluda.
Part of the reason for such strict rules regarding faithfulness is due to personal duty & accountability being very important to the Gerudo as a culture. In some ways, to an unhealthy degree.
Very rarely were exceptions allowed. One such exception being in the case of infertility or sterility. And even then it was only allowed if there were no other blood relatives eligible for the throne. If there were, then their most qualified was to be crowned the next ruler of the Gerudo. 
By Gerudo custom from before the female-only curse, the king or queen were both absolutely forbidden from having romantic or sexual relations with anyone besides their spouse unless it was in specific situations such as one of the pair being sterile or infertile. And even when it was allowed, the vetting process was extremely strict for them & the final okay was to be given by the other spouse. (Basically, if the queen were looking for a Vo'màzr, then she'd make the 1st decision of who could go through the vetting process, but it was her husband who made the final decision. The same is also true in reverse.) Even then, romantic relations with Va'màziahn or Vo'màzren were strictly forbidden & considered deeply taboo. In a lot of ways, they were breeding chattel in gilded cages. And even in these cases, after every interaction, the master or mistress is required to go through this cleansing ritual.
It's actually thought that touching one who has been unfaithful before such a cleansing will place a sort of hex upon them from the Gerudo Goddess of Love, Passion, & Marriage, Vah Kàvtrïna. As to which involved is hexed, none are certain, though many believe that it is the one who committed the adulterous act. (It is untrue that she would; though she may become turbulently upset. However, she is also known to be one of the more reasonable of deities & is known for being able to judge others from their emotional state. And, much like a large number of the Gerudo pantheon, she also values accountability. As such, she is more likely to be reasonable with those who do so & are honest about such.)
It was actually much preferred for the fertile spouse to, instead, take another spouse. As, though bigamy wasn't common & was thought of as odd, it wasn't despised the way that infidelity is. I say bigamy instead of polygamy because having more than 2 spouses is thought to invite disaster. Once more, showcasing a desire for at least some form of exclusivity in their relationships. While far from normal, it is perfectly legal for a Voe to have 2 wives or a Vai to have 2 husbands. In such situations, they are called sister-wives & brother-husbands as the relationship between the 2 generally is not supposed to be romantic as they didn't marry each other, so much as they both married the same individual.
However, due to the female-only curse, it has resulted in the invention of what is referred to as Bigynous Marriage Treaties or Zeyvaivàq Màtukāvt'sàndlah. Which only happens between the chiefs of 2 different Gerudo tribes or settlements. Specifically, between ones that had been warring with each other. What it means if that the 2 chiefs end the war by intentionally binding their bloodlines together through both marrying the same man. In this way, the husband acts as a bridge between them, ensuring cooperation.
The logic behind this is to incentivize future generations to not wage war again as they will hopefully be less likely to do so knowing that they, definitively, share an ancestor.
Something else of interest, while Gerudo culture has always been much less accepting of same-sex relationships, there are certain situations where they're allowed to flourish. One of which is as brother-husbands to a Vai or sister-wives to a Voe. So, while homosexuality tends to be demonized, bisexuality is allowed to slide in certain situations even though it is still looked down upon to a degree.
However, despite all the strictness in regards to marriage, if a king or queen was unmarried, then they were free to have harems full of Va'màziahen/Vo'màzren. The reason being that marriage itself is considered sacred to them.
And, in such instances, it is fine to indulge in romantic relations with members of one's harem. Though, it isn't considered intelligent as Gerudo have a belief that a relationship between more than 3 people becomes incremently more difficult to manage with every person that joins.
Anyway, even being in a committed relationship & cheating on them is heavily looked down upon. And, even in situations where a Gerudo was single, there was only a certain number of different people the Gerudo could have sex with within a year before they were considered loose.
Divorces & annulments were indeed still looked down upon, but not with nearly as much scorn as infidelity was. These were, in fact, the preferred option when compared to being unfaithful.
It used to be that the Gerudo, traditionally speaking, would propose to their significant others (in the case of more Gerudo, men & in the case of the Centennial Kings, women) by giving them pieces of jewelry that they made themselves.
Also, traditionally speaking, they would do so while saying, "Kàvt shïchiso yūg nï’jï." Which means, "Bind your soul with mine."
Though, a few thousand years ago, gifting your husband with more handcrafted jewelry, even after marriage, began to take on the message of "I would marry you again if given the chance."
However, due to most Hylian men not being particularly into jewelry, the Gerudo began to also start gifting things like handmade trinkets, clothes, & other items all became various forms of ways to showcase a reaffirmation of love while handmade jewelry retained its expanded meaning of proposal or "I would remarry you."
Unfortunately, being the one to propose went out of fashion among the Gerudo over time as they began to make attempts at appearing meeker in an effort to mimic Hylian women & thus, hopefully, increase chances of catching a Voe's attention. (A sad situation as they should be loved for themselves.)
Now, the act of proposing with handmade jewelry & in traditional Gerudàn is more so something that a Gerudo Voe does for the sake of tradition or something a Hylian, Sheikah, or Ovelian (human with rounded ears) does in an attempt to showcase that he legitimately cares about her & is willing to learn more about not just her, but also her culture. (Which actually makes it quite a sweet gesture.)
Now, that doesn't mean that no Gerudo does this anymore. It's just not something that is done as regularly.
Important Cultural History:
Now, the tradition of gifting the one they wish to marry with a piece of jewelry that they made themselves is extremely ancient. As in, has been in existence since long, long, long before the Gerudo's initial arrival to Hyrule.
And, these pieces of jewelry traditionally had their spouse's name engraved on the inside in Gerudo script. So, the Vai would make a piece of jewelry with her own name & give it to her Voe, who would make one with his name on it & give it to her. This way, they would have their spouse with them always.
Though, beyond that, the rest of the design was up to the individual making it.
Interestingly, though not originally a Gerudo tradition per se, this one was later adapted into the exchanging of perfectly rounded rings upon marriage. (Because rings are relatively simple & can be very classy if done correctly.) Which, itself eventually was picked up by Hyruleans around the general timeframe of OoT when the rare Gerudo-Hyrulean marriage took place. And has now become a tradition in most parts of Hyrule. However, by this point, the more Gerudo-exclusive jewelry-making part of the tradition has been lost in Hyrulean culture. In it's place is purchasing one or using an heirloom ring passed down over generations.
Funnily enough, one of the first Hyruleans to take up this tradition was Talon from his late Gerudo wife. Their daughter later did the same thing with her knight in forest-green armor.
(A/N: The rings that Talon & his wife exchanged were passed down to Malon & Time, who then added their names as Talon & his wife's names had been very small. This ends up becoming a bit of a family tradition that allows them to be able to keep track of their lineage. Unfortunately, Time's was lost when he died. However, Twilight was found outside of Ordon with the ring that Malon wore, plus a pendant with the names of his foremothers alongside those of the men that his foremothers married. Perhaps in hopes that the other ring would eventually be found. After all, all one would need to do to confirm would be to match the names on Time's ring with the names of the listed foremothers. Anyway, after his adventure, Twilight happened to hunt down Time's place of death, where he also found the lost, forgotten ring. Thus proving his & Time's relation. Which allowed him & Illia to eventually have all of his foremothers' names engraved on the inside of his own ring before passing it down to his eldest.)
It's actually from ancient Gerudo tradition that the modern concept of wedding rings originated from.
It actually had a lot of symbolism behind it. For starters, it was believed that the ring finger had a vein that connected directly to the heart.
And a perfectly round ring was used as a symbol of an eternal union without beginning or end.
Before the Manfàsï Wàru that resulted in the Sûl'si Nàshàlay'è, Gerudo Voen & Vaien would typically make the rings themselves.
This was an adaptation of their original & even more ancient tradition, which involved simply crafting the one who caught their eye any type of jewelry. The reason being that jewelry holds significance within Gerudo culture.
Important History:
The Manfàsï Wàru, otherwise referred to as the Division War, was an event that took place at least 400 years before OoT in which the Gerudo first arrived; very little is remembered about it by the Wild Era Gerudo beyond the typical vague legend or myth.
And the Sûl'si Nàshàlay'è, or the Curse of Castration, is what resulted in the female-only curse placed upon the Gerudo as a whole. It is a literal curse & is therefore magical in nature. Meaning that this phenomenon isn't at all a natural occurrence.
Weddings are considered big deals for the Gerudo, which is why they are referred to as Màtu'kàvtéda Agàznien or "love-binding festivals." As whenever a wedding takes place for the Gerudo, a small festival is held.
Gerudo in general are just very exclusive with their hearts. So, for one to find someone that they want to bind themselves to for the rest of their life? That's a big deal.
Brides wear what is known as a Màtu'kàvtéda Shàree with a Mátu'kàvtéda Bàndaràshï, a Kopfab, & a Màtu'kàvtéda Hunfàm.
A Màtu'kàvtéda Shàree is a beautiful Gerudàn dress made of fine silk. Typically features vibrant colors, at least 3, & interesting patterns in gold or silver. Typically comes with a wide, gold or silver Àrïqna, or fabric belt, that cinches the waist closely & covers most of the belly. Considered very formal. Can be either one piece or two pieces. Two pieces is generally preferred by most Gerudo. However, one piece is considered most formal & generally what is worn by royal brides. - Inspired by Hindu saree.
A Màtu'kàvtéda Bàndaràshï is a strip of fabric that acts like a sash & is typically draped over one shoulder & circles around the opposite hip. Typically a different color to the Shàree to give variation. They often have gold or silver patterned borders. Non-wedding Bàndaràshï leave both arms free & unencumbered, unlike wedding Bàndaràshï, which are usually very long & hang over an arm to trail down to the floor. If worn by a bride who is either a queen or is marrying a king, the Bàndaràshï & Hunfàm must both match, with the Shàree & Kopfab being a different, yet complementary color.
A Kopfab is a colorful, hooded head veil (similar to a hooded cathedral or regal veil that doesn't need to be tied around the neck) with gold or silver embroidered patterns around the hem to be worn on the head of a queen, but specifically does not cover the face. It is opaque instead of sheer like a Hylian wedding veil would be. The longest that it can be is hip-length. It can also be worn by civilian Gerudo, but only on their wedding days. The queen is expected to wear it as formal attire. Typically paired with a Kafchita or Shàree or some other dress of Gerudàn make. Màlàki Kopfaben, however, are meant for royal weddings & reach down to the floor, many even trailing behind.
These Kopfaben also tend to come with the headpiece that we see Rhondson wear to her wedding:
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Altogether, it looks a bit like this.
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But, for royal weddings, the gold would be silver instead. Other than that, the colors can vary widely.
And a Màtu'kàvtéda Hunfàm is a type of face veil that Vai wear when they are getting married. Brides wear them for an entire week before the wedding so as to avoid bad luck as the bride must be kept clean of jealous intent from other Vaien or the lustful gazes of Voen other than the bride's intended. If anyone sees her face clearly before then, it is said to bring about disaster for the marriage. It is then worn to the wedding, where, upon finishing the ceremony & sacred rites, the groom removes the Hunfàm to be the first to look upon the face of his new wife before sealing the contract with a kiss. It's just superstition, but it's tradition at this point. This specific Hunfàm is held in place by a pair of hooks that wrap around the ears much like glasses. This makes it easy for the groom to remove.
These are the sorts of Vah Kàvtrïna patterns & symbols that Gerudo use for weddings:
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And these are just some general marriage-related patterns:
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Royal brides generally have their hair threaded with silver & have bold liner resembling that of the Egyptians, just silver.
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Though, blue isn't specifically necessary. That part can vary.
They also wear a pendant bearing her family's crest.
The groom wears a Shiwàni (or sherwani IRL). A finely made formal top made of silk. Usually sleek, thin, & tailor-fitted with an imperial collar & gold-threaded embroidery lining the cuffs, the collar, & the split where it's buttoned. Is typically buttoned up the middle or buttoned asymmetrically. Sort of a tunic as it generally reaches the knees at most. It typically bears his family crest across the back. Over this would be a Bàndaràshï worn diagonally much like the bride's.
He will likewise wear a golden pendant also bearing his family crest.
Under that would be a pair of Sirwàl or loose-fitting pants. (The Desert Voe Set's pants in the game.)
Of course, all finely made & made with vibrant colors & designs.
Kings will also typically wear their Túijïl or halo crown (think TP & HW Ganondorf) with their hair threaded with gold & their eyes lined with gold eyeliner, much like the Egyptian Pharaohs of old but gold.
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The king will also wear a cape of fur, a pair of fine Gàzmen (the shoes from the Gerudo Vai Set) or golden greeves (like from the Desert Voe Set or WW Ganondorf or HW Ganondorf), & hand chains like what we see TotK Ganondorf wear or a pair of golden guantlets like HW.
And, if not a Shiwàni, then he'll either wear a Juddàb (a plain shirt with an imperial collar) with a Dosāya (think a Zhuba) over it or wear just a Dosāya or go barechested & wear a variety of different jewelry. In such a case as going barechested, he'll also wear a Shendyazàr (a kilt-like loincloth much like the Egyptians wore) over his Sirwàl.
Gerudo weddings are traditionally held either in the town square or at a Shrine to Vah Kàvtrïna, the Gerudo Goddess of Love, Passion, Marriage, & Vivifatility (word referring to both fertility & virility).
However, due to Gerudo Town being a Vaidina (sexually segregated settlement where only females are permitted entry unless the male is in possession of a Gerudo Token), full scale Shrines to Vah Kàvtrïna don't tend to be situated inside. Rather, Kàra Kàra is where the major Shrine can be found as males are permitted there.
For more on Vah Kàvtrïna, go here.
Likewise, it is always presided over by a Kàvtrïna'eshônï or Priestess of Vah Kàvtrïna.
Gerudo weddings are set up differently. Instead of the bride walking down the middle of the pews with the groom waiting for her at the altar, the bride & groom instead enter from opposite sides of the altar with the audience facing towards the altar.
The bride & groom enter at the same time & meet each other at the altar in the center, which symbolizes how marriages require a lot of compromise, thus meeting each other halfway.
In Gerudo culture, wedding vows are expected to be unreleased, as it is believed that doing so will showcase deeper honesty from the pair. As a result, weddings tend to have a slightly more light-hearted feeling to them. It isn't unusual for laughter to be as much a part of the vows as tears.
Many even choose to speak their vows in the form of poetry, specifically, in the form of Màt'zàjrila (inspired by IRL Zajal poetry, specifically love-based ones). The reason being that, as mentioned above, unrehearsed vows are seen as more honest &, in Màt'zàjrila, it is considered important that it be done spur of the moment & involve whatever comes to mind, rather than something planned, practiced, & recited. This is done to draw out one's true thoughts. It has saved many marriages as, by doing so, the pairs' real thoughts on the other are brought out into the open.
It's sort of the "or forever hold your peace" moment.
After the vows, the pair are told to exchange family crest pendants, symbolizing that they have taken each other into their family before asking them to "seal their new bond before the eyes of Vah Kàvtrïna."
Due to the superstition surrounding the bride first being seen by anyone other than her groom, it is tradition for all to turn their gaze away the moment before the groom removes the veil.
Then they kiss to seal the contract.
After which, they both turn to the guests, hand-in-hand, throw up their arms & shout "Tïsarāya!" Meaning "Rejoice!"
Then, the guests turn their gazes back, cheer, & shower the couple with oasis flowers like confetti & the town begins the celebrations.
Such festivities tend to revolve around vibrant music, delicious food, & lively dancing. As well as extravagant gifts to the lucky pair.
Sense telling stories through dance is such a huge part of Gerudo culture. The bride & groom's first dance together is meant to act out some deeply important part of their courtship. Whether it be how they first met, how they fell in love, or how the engagement was finalized.
Desserts during the celebration generally feature Oasis Honey or Sàbaar Fruit (agave) & Amorous Figs. Which figs are heavily associated with Vah Kàvtrïna for their amorous effects & eating them during that time is said to bring good luck on one's wedding night as well as increase the likelihood of conception.
As such, the couple will traditionally be served Fashïna Amrïta near the end of the celebration, which is a type of Oasis Honey, Amorous Fig, & Palm Fruit flower mead.
The reason is that it has a bit of an aphrodisiac effect. And, again, is said to bring good luck.
Once the festivities are over, the couple are expected to bathe each other & brush each other's hair, which is thought to be a very intimate bonding experience to the Gerudo who take bathing very seriously.
This is believed to help them get used to each other's bodies before the act.
It isn't uncommon for newlyweds' first time together to actually be in the bath, in fact. But that's to be expected.
There are actually quite a number of different Gerudo wedding traditions to choose from, meaning that no 2 weddings will ever be totally alike.
However, these are the general ones.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 12 days
The thought that Ganondorf's SO would accidentally propose to him through Gerudo Traditions and he just... accepts it, not explaining anything to them, and just starts planning the wedding amuses me to no end. Like... Oh? You didn't know that if you do THIS that its basically a Gerudo version of a wedding proposal? Tough shit, now you are going to be married. What's that? Too soon? Shoulda studied up before doing it to Ganondorf!
Not even Ganondorf can resist the Gerudo blood in him. You are now his SO and you are married to him. No escape.
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askganon · 7 months
Did the Gerudo of your birth era have the tradition of marriage? They didn't seem to care too much for consent but I don't know much about your actual culture.
It was rare, though not completely unheard of, for a Gerudo to actually love their male donors. As such, those weddings are, if requested by the Gerudo, held within the fortress. That is the only time where a man is allowed within the Gerudo grounds, supervised of course.
However, once bound, the male is banished from the Fortress. The Gerudo may choose to come and go at will.
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caramel-catss · 1 month
botw/totk zelink headcanons
for @waroferas 🫶
they get married. first and foremost LOL. i will elaborate
after botw, zelda moves into link's house. they were already in love pre-calamity but neither realized or did anything about it. so they get to fall for each other againnnnn GAH. it just naturally progresses between them... there's only one bed, so of course they share it. of course link makes breakfast for himself and zelda. of course zelda braids link's hair and weaves flowers into it. of course link gives zelda his coat when she's cold. and then one night zelda is looking into link's eyes and they are so soft and his face is so joyful and carefree in a way she never imagined he'd ever able to be and suddenly she's brushing her hand against the scars on his chin and his breath hitches and they are so close and link leans in closer and zelda kisses him .
they make graves for the champions together
to me zelda drops the princess title, declares the castle a historical monument, and dissolves the monarchy. also to me like 90% of totk doesn't exist. so
link has no last name and zelda doesn't like hers. they create a new one for them both
the two fully embrace a domestic village life. link takes care of his and zel's horses or forages or helps out townspeople or follows zelda around or does whatever he feels up to doing. zelda starts the school and splits her time between it and working at purah's lab to research sheikah tech
zelda has a telescope and stays up late to look at the stars. link joins her. sometimes (mostly in the winter when it gets dark early) they'll invite hateno townsfolk to join them
botw took link 2-3 years, and the time between it and totk is about 5 years. when they marry, link and zelda are 23-ish? give or take a few years. being a kinda-medieval-ish world, it's probably a more normal age to marry
they get married at the heart pond. they only invite a few people; kass, riju, sidon, teba, yunobo, purah, impa & paya... close friends of theirs
link made their wedding rings by hand! got some help from the jewelry seller in gerudo town. zelda's has a silent princess shape - a topaz in the middle, and the petals made from diamond and sapphire
link has chronic migraines and zelda takes care of him. she tells him about hyrule before the calamity and helps him get his memories in order
they trade off for dinner w/ link cooking and preparing the meal and zelda cleaning the dishes
it is so so so important to zelda that they have an equal partnership, especially now that she isn't a princess and link isn't a knight. link respects this!!! it's a bit hard for him to adjust at first because of his previous relationship with zelda, but they are equals :)
sometimes they'll catch themselves falling into old habits!!! zelda sets the table in a traditional royal way without realizing. in the beginning (re: adjusting) link would subconsciously stand at attention when zelda approached him.
zelda had to learn a lot of things about life because she grew up rich!!!! link teaches her how to cook, mend + sew + wash clothing, etc... she's never done chores before and he had to re-learn them on the fly. they laugh a lot while they do this
link cuts zelda's hair short. zelda brushes link's hair as he grows it out
TOTK IS A ROLESWAPPPPPP FOAMS AT THE MOUTH TOTK ROLESWAP. GOD. only thing that makes its story bearable for me HONESTLY .
they're the kind of star-crossed lovers who are soulmates and would sacrifice themself for the other in an instant. important for totk lol
link places absolute faith in his wife when he swallows the secret stone. he knows how smart she is and know she'll find a way to help him, but even if she isn't able to... he doesn't mind. as long as this decision will help her and hyrule, he is okay with being a dragon for eternity
it's absolutely DEVASTATING for zelda when she finds out. link already lost an entire century because of her inability to save him. and now, he's lost his entire self for goddess knows how long... because she didn't catch him
zelda spends hours laying on link-as-dragon. she prunes his scales for him and memorizes his flight path
after botw, zelda passed out from exhaustion and link carried her on his horse back to hateno. after totk, link passes out from exhaustion and zelda carries him back on her horse <3
they officially adopt two cats after totk (i know they're not in either game shhhh they exist now) but link has and will bring home whatever animal is friendly to him and there are many feral animals in their backyard that link feeds
link had a very cloudy head and dissociated a lot post-botw, but after totk it got a LOOOOT worse. he'll be there one moment, and zoning out the next. over time it does get better but he's never quite the same
zelda wielded the master sword during totk and became quite a good swordsman herself. link used to sometimes go off to deal with small monster problems, and now either both of them go or just zelda if link's not feeling well
they don't use the master cycle often because it takes a lot of important materials to power it... but sometimes they'll go to hyrule field and play with it for fun
link primarily signs still. his voice was damaged from the fatal guardian hit, and the shrine of resurrection didn't fully heal it. but, when he feels safe (usually around zelda), he quietly speaks out loud. zelda, knowing why he was silent pre-calamity, can't put into words how happy it makes her
they grow old together :) after totk, they're finally allowed rest, and they live out their days as carefree village folk. both of them are the happiest they've ever been
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sunset-peril · 7 months
To Heir is Champion - Urbosa
Gerudo Town. A gleaming, all-women city in the middle of the unforgiving Gerudo Desert. Once said to have been the origin tribe of Calamity Ganon, the Gerudo people were now the closest ally to Hyrule, proven by the fact that the tribe had raised the last princess of Hyrule almost to adulthood.  
Lady Urbosa was chief of this proud tribe and also the adoptive mother of Princess Zelda. As the closest friend of Zelda's late mother, she was granted a maternal role for the future matriarch after her mother's sudden death. Urbosa cared very much for Zelda, enough to bend more than a few rules and traditions in order for Zelda to marry the love of her life, Champion Link of Hyrule.
Near the end of their engagement, Zelda had fallen quite ill. Worried for her daughter, Urbosa had taken her aside and examined her to find that the little princess of Hyrule was already expecting her first child. With such news in mind, she increased security among the Gerudo to ensure Link and Zelda's wedding would occur on time. She hoped this would be enough to secure their marriage with enough time to settle before she became obvious. 
Urbosa had promised to deny any knowledge of Zelda's pregnancy for as long as she wished, and thankfully for the excited grandmother-to-be, Zelda was about to relieve her of such a task.
"Lady Urbosa," Esosu, a high-ranking and highly trusted palace guard, entered the throne room. "a letter from Princess Zelda has arrived." 
Urbosa smiled softly, always happy to hear word from her vehvi. "Do bring it here." She held out a strong, yet gentle, hand for Esosu to place the letter into. 
Gerudo Chief Urbosa. The letter began with a striking formality, but Urbosa knew that such formality was demanded of Zelda. You've no idea how thankful Link and I are for your continued support of us throughout the years since Ganon's return was foretold. 
The smile on Urbosa's face grew larger and brighter. She was always willing to give both of them support. Zelda's life had been a struggle ever since her mother's assassination ten years before, and Link had his own demons to battle. For them to fully know Urbosa loved them was all her heart desired.
We both wish to thank you for your role in our marriage and our lives, which is why we've decided that you would be the first that we told.
Her mouth began to tremble with joy as she realized what the letter was for. 
I, Princess Zelda, and my husband, Prince Link, are beyond proud to announce that I am expecting the next descendant of Hylia. We expect the child to arrive in about two seasons' time. 
Urbosa began to cry. It was official now. 
"Lady Urbosa? What is the matter?" Although armor covered her face, her eyes shone with concern. "Do I need to prepare the troops?"
"Then what brings my chief such emotion?"
Urbosa looked down at the words on the page, making sure they truly existed, before replying. "The princess is with child." 
"Oh! Our little missy is expecting her first! Truly happy news, Lady Urbosa!"  
Link has some training business with the knights, so I will be coming down for a few days until his business is through. I look forward to being in Gerudo Town again.
Her Divine Highness, Princess Zelda Esmerelda Hyrule, Descendant of the Goddess Hylia and Heir to the Hyrulean Throne
Right below where Zelda signed her full title, the Hylian Emblem appeared, proving that the parchment originated from Hyrule Castle.
"Esosu. Princess Zelda is coming to Gerudo Town for a few days while Prince Link tends to business. We must prepare for her arrival."
Esosu nodded. "Yes, Chief." 
"I leave you in charge of the guards. Do as you see fit."
"Thank you, Chief." Esosu then left the throne room to prepare. 
Urbosa quickly read over Zelda's letter again, becoming giddy before heading up to her bedroom.
Zelda would surely be arriving soon. She needed a good place to rest and some cool clothing for the desert heat. Now that she was with child, her whole being was a little more fragile. 
Looking around, she saw no suitable place for Zelda to stay, then remembered Zelda's old room was downstairs. She headed back down in order to see what needed to be cleaned up, mind wandering to other tasks. 
Urbosa needed to break the news to the Canteen, so that no worker there would accidentally give Zelda a drink and hurt her growing baby. 
A Noble Pursuit actually sounded amazing right now.
Urbosa headed down to the Noble Canteen, to fulfill both items on her list.  
*Some time later… Gerudo Canyon*
"Link. I'm feeling quite alright. Don't worry so much." Zelda brushed her fingers along the braids on the top of her head, still appearing the same as she always did when traveling for non-training reasons. The two had ridden at a decent pace the whole trip, now approaching the Gerudo Canyon Stable. Although the whole trip had gone without incident, not even Zelda getting nauseated or a Bokoblin attacking them, Link rode very close to her, often placing one hand on her shoulder or rubbing her belly while they were in motion. 
"I'm a knight and your husband. It's my job. Besides, I'm not going to see you for almost a week."
"I'll be fine! I'm in very good hands with Urbosa."
His hands tightened around Epona's reins. "Right now, I can't feel like any hands are as good as mine."
"I can tell that. Relax. The Gerudo have taken excellent care of me over the past ten years, the little one and I will be as well cared for as if you were doing so." She slowed Skyloft down a little and placed a hand over her stomach.
Link matched the pace change instantly. "Are you okay? Do we need to stop? What's wrong with the baby?"
Skyloft stopped, Zelda muttered in frustration. "Link. Nothing is wrong. Stop please." 
The two horses whinnied in agreement. 
"Ugh. Master's never been like this before. He's making me look bad." Epona muttered to Skyloft. "You'd think this foal was the end of the world."
"Tell me about it. I have to carry her around everywhere and you don't see me psyching out over this foal." Skyloft shook out his head. "Actually I'm kind of proud about it, I get to carry both remaining Goddess descendants on my back."
"Can we trade? I want the heavy salty one instead of this worrywart."
"She's not actually any heavier, even though this stomach of hers is already bigger." The white stallion turned his head to nuzzle Zelda's stomach. 
"Aww, Skyloft! Look Link, Skyloft's bonding." 
"Heh. Sure is." 
"Of course she isn't. All she's done for the past month has been puke her guts up. I'm surprised that foal's even still alive… and that she's actually held her rice today." 
"Maybe that's why they're growing, because there's a few scattered days where Mistress keeps a meal down."
"Maybe… oh, I hope Master's foal turns out alright. He'll never forgive himself if something happens." Epona also nuzzled Zelda's belly, in part to keep Link's hands off. 
"Heh. Looks like someone's popular." Link smiled at the two horses. They had sensed Zelda's pregnancy when she was only about five weeks, surrounding her body until Link became scared enough that they realized the strange lifeform inside Zelda also belonged to him. 
"Ugh. It's probably just stable fever but, does something seem off with Mistress?" Skyloft looked towards Zelda's slim figure with confusion as she walked in the stable. 
"...Yeah. I feel it too." Epona tilted her ears towards Zelda. 
As Zelda drew closer, the feeling intensified.
"Mornin' Epona!" Link greeted. "Look who's finally well enough to go riding with us." 
"Mistress has been ill? Why haven't we heard anything, Epona?"
"I don't know… lemme get closer. " Epona focused her ears on Zelda's body, using her heightened senses to try and solve the mystery. "Her stomach doesn't sound right… what did she eat?"
As soon as Link removed the latch on Epona's stall, she raced out and approached Zelda. 
"This sound, Skyloft, I've heard it before… but not since… Hateno… It almost sounds like… no… I haven't heard this sound since I was a filly, but it must be the same." 
"What? Tell me, Epona!"
Epona nickered in realization and reared slightly. "It's a foal, Sky! Princess Zelda's carrying a foal!" 
"Woah, Epona! Epona, down!" 
"A foal?! Mistress is with foal?!"
"There's a heartbeat in her stomach, it could only be a foal!"
"Epona!" Link dropped everything and motioned for him and Zelda to back up before she hurt herself or either of them. 
The stress made Zelda double over her stomach, trying not to retch. 
Skyloft whinnied at Zelda, then unlatched himself and raced over to her. He surrounded her stomach, keeping his muzzle down over it. 
"Skyloft? What are you doing? What's gotten into you and Epona?" Zelda wearily asked, unable to get a hand to her stomach. 
"I'll protect your foal, Mistress." He turned his head to Epona. "I hear the beat too!" 
Epona was able to dodge Link and also placed herself around Zelda, the two forming a wall. 
"Zelda! Zelda!" Link's panic was rising, all the horses in the stable could sense his terror. 
"Master thinks we're going to hurt her." Epona realized. "Skyloft, let my master through."  
The horses separated just enough to let Link in, who proceeded to snap.
"Back! Get back, shoo!"
They took a few steps back. "I've never seen Master get so scared he started yelling… I wonder if he knows about the foal too."  
Once they were a few steps from Zelda, Link cradled her body. "Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?"
"No, Link… they just spooked me a little… all they did was hold their noses on my stomach, I think they can sense the little one."
Link helped her to her feet, then held his hands on her belly, unable to relax. 
"Master's heartbeat is racing. This is so strange for him… but why's he holding her like that?"
"Maybe he's worried about her foal. Maybe he's trying to protect it."
Epona snorted in confusion. "Hylians don't just get that way around each other… especially around another Hylian's foal."
"Link… I'm okay… we're both okay." Zelda leaned forward and kissed his lips. 
Both horses stomped in realization. "Your master sired my mistress!" Skyloft whinnied. 
"Master sired the Princess' foal!" Epona replied at the same time. 
The two Hylians chuckled. "Didn't know we're a thing?" Link asked. "I thought you two knew that we just got married."
"I think they're still uptight about the baby. Herd animals, according to Castle research, can detect pregnancy among their members."
He smiled and nodded. Zelda had already learned so much about horses. "Maybe. C'mon, Epona! Let's all go for a ride." He slid the blanket and saddle over Epona's back, then scratched her neck. "I'm sorry I snapped earlier, girl."
"The horses have been interested in the little one ever since they freaked out in the stable that first time. They're probably curious."
"Yeah,  Epona was little the last time she encountered a pregnant female… and that one happened to be a cow. Skyloft was bred at the Castle, correct? He's probably never encountered such a thing."
Zelda nodded, then pulled at her reins. "Okay, Skyloft, keep moving. It's getting hot." She exhaled loudly and fanned herself. 
"Here, honey." Link pulled out a boomerang from his pocket. "Use this." He then instructed both horses to move faster, trying to get through the stuffy canyon gateway before Zelda got nauseous. 
The horses had to stay at the stable, they all said goodbye before Link and Zelda stepped into the Desert Gateway and headed for Kara Kara. 
"Ah, there you are!" Urbosa called when the couple came into view. 
Zelda ran up to Urbosa and hugged her tightly. The two embraced in a long hug. 
"Let me see that baby of yours!" Urbosa bent down and rubbed Zelda's stomach. "Ah, you've already got a bump… how cute." She chuckled. "Are you being nice to your momma? Or are you making her regret getting pregnant with you already?"
"Both. Most days I can't keep any food down, but today my stomach's been alright. I already love this little one so much… I didn't even know I could do that."
"Ah, a mother's love is a powerful thing." She chuckled. "You're getting so big already. Either you're just that tiny or you've got a big baby in there."
"I'm getting a little worried that she's already showing, we've barely gotten to settle from the wedding… haven't even started on how we're going to tell the King."
"Oh yes, he's not going to be very pleased… you stay alert, Link, even one strike could kill this miracle here."
"Urbosa. He's already panicking, I need him to be able to leave and not have a heart attack… please don't stress him out." Zelda then winced, pressing one hand on either side of her bump. "Ooohh." She shuffled over to Link's side, panic flashed in his eyes. 
"Little bird!" Her and Link instantly tried to soothe her pain. "Link… can you help her over to the water?" 
She took short, sharp breaths. "I'm okay, I'm okay…" 
"Still. Let Link help you to the pond." With Urbosa's words, Link lifted his wife and carried her to the cool waters, letting them surround her hips. 
Once Zelda had floated for a while, the pulsing pain subsided. "...Thank you, Urbosa."
"You're welcome, little bird… I think you may have gotten overheated. These early cramps can get ugly, and the heat never helps. We'll be a little more careful on the way to the town." She rubbed Zelda's shoulders and looked at Link. "You probably need to head on, don't you?"
"...Yeah." Link kissed Zelda's forehead. "Stay safe, okay? Don't go near the Canteen, I don't want it to tempt you."
"Alright, Link. You try and have fun, okay?"
He looked pained to reply. "Love you."
"I love you too." 
He stood up, Zelda did too, and he hugged Urbosa before placing his hands on Zelda's bump and kissing her lips. 
The two women watched him leave, Urbosa with an arm around Zelda's back. "C'mon, little bird, let's get to the town before it gets any hotter. I've already had someone make a cooler maternity outfit for you."
"You're too kind to me, Urbosa."
"Anything for you, little bird, I want you to be as comfortable as you can."
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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marinsawakening · 7 months
The most annoying thing about the Gerudo in BOTW is the orientalism, racism and misogyny. The second most annoying thing about the Gerudo in BOTW is the way the orientalism, racism and misogyny directly tank their worldbuilding.
I'm not gonna talk about why the Gerudo are orientalist, people smarter and more informed than me have already done so extensively and I don't have anything to add to that discussion. I'm here to bitch about how it affects the worldbuilding to the extent where Gerudo society, as portrayed in BOTW, does not make much of any sense in-universe.
Let's be clear here: the worldbuilding would be trash even if it made complete in-universe sense because it's orientalist and misogynist. But it doesn't even make sense in-universe and it's pretty much entirely because of the orientalism and misogyny.
Two things are true about the Gerudo at once: 1) they do not allow men into Gerudo Town, and 2) they are absolutely obsessed with finding husbands. I don't want to guess at percentages, but a truly ridiculous portion of the dialogue the Gerudo get is somehow related to finding husbands, being in love with men, etc. It is baked into their culture, most obviously exemplified in the love lessons that occur in Gerudo Town. But, more important than lessons or whatever, is the fact that leaving Gerudo Town to find a husband is considered a coming of age rite of passage for young women. It is an integral part of Gerudo culture to leave on a journey to find a husband.
And let's be clear: the goal here is absolutely, unambiguously long-term marriage. Many Gerudo you meet lament the shallow nature of the men who try to pursue them, we see Gerudo who reference husbands they currently have, and just generally the way the Gerudo talk indicates that they are not looking for a one-night stand or a summer romance: they are looking for something permanent. They are looking for marriage, and a good portion of them succeed.
So. Uh. Where do their husbands live?
The only time see any Gerudo who permanently lives outside of Gerudo Town is in Tarrey Town, and you're the one who brought her there. All the other Gerudo you meet outside of Gerudo Town or Kara Kara Bazaar are travelling. There are no Gerudo residents in Kakariko, Hateno, or Lurelin, or mixed Gerudo children.
This is very, very weird when you consider that married Gerudo would not be able to live with their husbands in Gerudo Town. The 'no men allowed' rule has no exceptions, so if a newly wed couple wanted to live together - and they almost certainly would - they would have to do so outside of Gerudo Town. And yet, we do not see them, despite demonstrable evidence that married Gerudo do exist.
There is another option, of course: that Gerudo culture normalizes long distance relationships even for married couples, and that the husbands live outside of Gerudo Town whereas the wives live within it. This is theoretically possible, except we never get any real in-game hints indicating it. It's still the option that makes the most sense, but it's a fanmade band-aid solution, not a real element of the worldbuilding.
Either which way, the inherent conflict between 'men are not allowed in Gerudo Town' and 'a big part of the Gerudo Town culture is to get married to men' should logically be causing tension. While the guards take the rule very seriously, most of the people you meet inside Gerudo Town don't really care that you're a man, and we know there's a thriving black market supplying men's clothes. This indicates that, already, in canon, most Gerudo play fast and loose with this rule to begin with, and don't have much special attachment to it.
Which makes it even more glaring that nobody seems to be arguing against it. Logically, there should be conflict between the Gerudo who value the tradition of an all-women Gerudo Town, and the Gerudo who want to be able to live with their husbands in their hometown. With how incredibly centered the Gerudo's culture is on these two things, this should be a major political problem that's going to singlehandedly turn Riju grey before she even comes of age. There should be discontent and unrest from newlyweds and long devoted wives who don't want to leave their home behind to be with their husbands, and don't want to leave their husbands behind to be home. Who would want to, at the very least, be able to show their husbands their childhood home.
But even if there wasn't, there should be a larger Gerudo presence outside of Gerudo Town. Either Kara Kara Bazaar should be a lot larger and more populated than it currently is, or there should be one or more smaller towns around Gerudo Town where the married Gerudo live with their husbands, or where the husbands of the Gerudo who live in Gerudo Town reside. You cannot tell me every single Gerudo would be okay with abandoning their culture and moving in with their husbands; even if they could not bring their husbands back to Gerudo town, they would frequently like to live somewhere close by. And if we take the long-distance approach, there would be plenty of couples who wouldn't want to be separated too far, and therefore there'd be husbands moving closer to their wives, even if they could not live in the same town.
But say, for the sake of the argument, that this also didn't happen: then, at the very least, we ought to see Gerudo in other Hylian settlements. We ought to see Gerudo who live in Hateno, Kakariko, Lurelin, and maybe even at the stables. We ought to find populations of diaspora and mixed race Gerudo who have grown up outside of Gerudo Town, and have maybe even never visited it. We have circled back around to the first point of argument.
If the Gerudo are getting married, we should see evidence of their husbands, somehow, beyond dialogue references and quest objectives.
The reason we don't, of course, is obvious: orientalism. The Gerudo are an orientalist idea of a harem, exotic women out of reach yet practically begging to be conquered by Western men. They want to be with men, are searching for men, yet are very rarely shown to find one because doing so would pop the fantasy being sold to male players: that they could be the one to get them.
So to successfully sell this orientalist, misogynist fantasy, the worldbuilding becomes completely and utterly nonsensical.
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anni1600 · 7 months
Everything else Masterlist
All of my art is filed under the "#Anni1600 art" hashtag
Last Update: 01.09.2024
The Legend of Zelda
Koroks are cute
Gerudo Pirate
1:0 for the stairs - comic
The Owl House
Lumity celebrates Halloween
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Snowball fight!
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
My redesign for her suit
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
After shower - an abs study
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo Satoru
Santa Satoru
Bungo Stray Dogs
Cuddling Rimlaine for my bestie
Their wedding day
Hwasa in Maria
OCs and literally everything else
Pretty girl
Sapphic princesses
Wilt is snail watching - @susboi318116 OC
The witch's familiar meows gay rights
Headpats for El Gato
Vierländer Tracht (German traditional dress)
Pretty doodles
Summer's end
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sombersummerskies · 8 months
A Champion's Love: Chapter 24
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Chapter 24: Alone Together Word Count: CW: NSFW, 18+
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
~~~ <> ~~~
Your eyes go wide and you practically choke, “an heir?”
He winces at your reaction and clarifies, “or rather, your ability to give me an heir.”
You laugh, but it comes out sounding sharp and sarcastic, “oh yes, that makes it so much better. You’re not even king yet, why are they worried about heirs?”
Sidon lets out a deep sigh, running one of his hands over the silver garments that adorned his neck and shoulders, “it is tradition that when the heir ascends to the throne, whether it be a prince or a princess, that their spouse ascends with them. On the same day that I would become king, I would also need to declare myself and my wife wed. If, for example, I become king and I choose you as my wife, what would be expected of you afterwards is-”
“To produce an heir to the throne,” you mutter, a sour taste in your mouth, “I really hate tradition, you know that?”
He chuckles, though it’s a dry laugh, “I can tell, little one. But, the royal bloodline of the Zora has always been pure Zora. There may be Zora that hail from other regions and kingdoms, but they are still Zora nonetheless. The bloodline has never contained a Hylian before, so it is unknown and also unlikely that an heir could be produced.”
You mull over his words in your mind. “Well,” you say, “a Zora and Hylian relationship has never been documented before, right?”
“To my knowledge there have been a few here and there,” Sidon replies, “but based on our records no child had been produced from those relationships. Believe me, I checked with the historian.”
“... did they try?” you ask, absent-mindedly stoking the flames of the campfire.
The prince thinks before answering, “I suppose we do not know. The records never indicated if there were attempts to, well, conceive.”
You notice the blush on his face.
“Well if it was never documented,” you reply with a nervous laugh, “how do we know that they tried? How do we know that it’s so impossible and unlikely?”
Now you’re blushing too.
“Darling, are you perhaps insinuating that… the two of us try?” he asks, leaning closer to you.
You stammer, noticing how the glow from the fire makes his gaze more intense, “I mean- I didn’t- well I am curious, but- well- we don’t have to- if you don’t want to-”
You feel like an idiot for even bringing it up. But you can’t stop talking.
“Obviously, um, it’s far too early in our relationship to even be considering- y’know- like, kids, but- and even if we could it is not the right time- what with- all of the… um… training…”
In the midst of your rambling Sidon had brought himself closer to you. With his height he was able to corner you against the trunk of the tree, bringing his face near yours. You promptly shut your mouth.
“I agree that it is far too early for children,” he murmurs, his breath against you making you shiver, “but I do not think that there is anything wrong with curiosity. If I am being honest, I have been rather curious as well.”
“Curious?” you repeat, feeling quite small beneath him.
“About you,” he continues, nuzzling against your cheek, “I must admit that yesterday when I saw you in that gorgeous outfit from the Gerudo… it made my mind race.”
“O-oh,” you stammer breathily, “really? How so?”
He pulls back, his pupils dilated as he looks into your eyes, “would it be awfully wrong of me to say that I wanted to take you, then and there? To make you unravel in my hands.”
You feel heat curl in your abdomen as he speaks. Suddenly everything feels far too hot.
“I- ahem-” you clear your throat, thoroughly flustered, “I wouldn’t say it’s wrong… I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought of it…”
“Oh, yes?” he replies with a teasing tone to his voice.
You hum and nod your head, an intense blush on your face. “I’ve had dreams about you… and there was that one time in your room where you left that mark on me… and I wanted more,” you admit to him.
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you as flustered as you are right now, my darling.”
“W-well,” you stutter, “I’ve never- um- when I became a solider I never had the time to- you know- date or anything, so I haven’t-”
Sidon pulls back, blinking as he gazes down at you. “I…” he trails off, “I had never even considered… little one, I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable in anyway-”
You quickly shake your head, “no! No… I’m not uncomfortable, I would let you know if I was… I just don’t really know how to… y’know… do this…”
Becoming a soldier had meant you didn’t have the time for something as silly as dating, and it certainly meant you never had the time to be intimate. Some of your peers had flirted with you, but you never paid them any mind. There were more important things to focus on, after all. 
The prince tilts his head to the side and smiles softly at you, “would you like for me to show you?”
You swallow nervously. At any other time if you were in less of a daze you would have declined. You’re out in the open, you’d be exposed to attacks, and there’s still the concerns of the Yiga spying.
But the way that Sidon looks at you is so warm and inviting. He gently trails his fingers down the side of your cheek and you want nothing more but to melt into his touch. You can feel the way your heart hammers in your chest as you look into his eyes.
“Yes, please,” you whisper, the words coming out of your mouth before you can even register them.
He relaxes against the tree and holds his arms out to you. Effortlessly he lifts you up onto him, and you blush when you find yourself straddling his torso. Beside the two of you the fire continues to crackle.
You ease into him as he presses a kiss to your lips and let your eyes flutter shut. You can feel the way he smiles against you before deepening it. You feel his hands drift across your body. You’d already set your gear and weaponry aside when starting the campfire, so the only thing in the prince’s way was your clothing. 
He trails his kisses from your mouth down to your jaw and you feel his hands tug on the bottom of your tunic. You hear him murmur something against your skin and it takes your hazy mind extra time to register exactly what he says- which was asking permission to remove your shirt.
You flush but nod your head.
His hands guide you, leaning you back as he lifts the blue fabric off of you. Beneath your armor you tended to wear an undershirt or camisole with straps that supported your chest. Today it had been a camisole, and your blush deepened further as Sidon slipped this off of you as well.
You were completely topless. Instinctively you want to raise your arms and cover yourself, but the prince’s eyes are full of nothing but adoration and awe at the sight of you. 
“You are simply the most gorgeous being I have ever had the pleasure of gazing upon,” he whispers softly, his hands on your hips as he admires you, “the moon and the stars must agree as well. Their light makes you glow.”
You tug on his sash and look away nervously, “it’s different, isn’t it? From a Zora…?”
He pulls you close so that you’re pressed flush against him. His jewelry and adornments are cold against your skin, contrasted by the heat of his body. “It may be different,” he murmurs, “but that does not make you any less beautiful. If I must worship your body day and night to convince you of that, I shall.”
You shake your head, a nervous laugh spilling past your lips before you can stop it, “that won’t be necessary-”
You cut yourself off as Sidon presses his lips to you neck once more. His kisses are feather light as he trails down to your collarbone, then across your shoulders. Each kiss sends shock waves through your body. He uses his hands to lean you away and arch your back, giving him access to your chest. The prince is incredibly gentle, careful not to graze you with his teeth. He experimentally drags his tongue across one of your breasts-
You shiver, a sound similar to a whimper spilling out of you.
Sidon chuckles against you, tilting his head back, “you are awfully cute like this, you know.”
“S-shut up,” you stammer, though there’s no real anger in your tone.
He continues. He places kisses and licks on any part of you that he can reach. Occasionally he teases you with small nibbles that make you squirm. Effortlessly he’s able to lift you higher as his kisses travel lower- one on your abdomen, then one on your belly button, and another below. 
Once he reaches the waistband of your trousers you’re a breathless mess.
By this point he’d slid further down, and instead of straddling his torso he’s lifted you up high enough for you to be sat on his shoulders. The sight of him between your legs like this is something you catalog in your mind to remember for later.
He gazes up at you, smirking as he drags his nails down your back. Casually he tugs on the band of your pants. His eyes ask you for permission.
“Y-yeah, let me,” you reply. Your hands shake with anticipation as your fingers fumble with the buttons of your trousers. You take a moment to shift your weight so that you can tug them down, as well as your undergarments. Sidon easily slips the rest of the fabric off of your legs.
Now you’re completely nude, hovering over the prince’s shoulders.
He tilts his head and presses a kiss to your inner thigh. Your either thigh gets a squeeze from his hand, before his fingers drift to your pelvis. A smile plays on his lips as the tips of his digits glide across your womanhood.
“Darling, you’re dripping wet already,” he chuckles.
Your legs can’t stop shaking as you do your best to hold yourself up. His teasing touches are driving you insane. You’d never let anyone see this part of you, let alone touch it. You should be far more nervous, but with how gentle the prince is being you can’t help but feel soothed.
Before you have a chance to respond he lifts you up closer. Now you’re sitting on his face.
“Sidon-” you start, only to be cut off.
His tongue licks a long, languid line across your cunt.
This time when you say his name it comes out as a breathless moan. Your hands hold onto the fin behind his head desperately. His grip on your waist tightens, keeping you in place as he gets a taste of you. He drinks you in as if he’s a man starved of water. 
The heat at your core only coils tighter and tighter. His tongue finds your clit just as he easily slips a digit inside of you, making another incoherent cry spill past your lips. He curls his finger inside you, and you can’t keep your eyes open anymore. It’s all you can do not to squeeze him between your thighs as waves of pleasure wash over you as he thrusts his finger, eventually adding a second when he feels less resistance. Another moan escapes your lips as he sucks your clit gently before going back to a circling pattern that has you seeing stars behind your eyelids.
“Sidon- ah!- please-” you whimper, tripping over your words, “close- so close- nmnh- please!”
You can’t stop yourself from rolling your hips as you get closer- and closer- until-
Your whole body is racked with shudders and shakes, crying out into the night as the coil finally snaps. Sidon doesn’t cease, he continues to happily drink up every last drop until you breathlessly tap his shoulder.
“Too much,” you pant, “too- sensitive-”
You’re red in the face and you feel dazed. At the same time it’s quite literally the best that you’ve ever felt in your life. The prince grasps your hips and shimmies you down so that you’re sat on his torso again. You watch, blushing, as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes are full of mirth, clearly proud of himself.
“That was… just… wow,” you whisper, still trying to register what just happened.
“Agreed,” he grins, “you were spectacular. Tasted wonderful, too.”
You fluster and lean back- slightly confused when you feel something hit your back.
Two somethings.
You look behind yourself and gasp. Sidon’s cock- er, cocks, stand at full attention. You can see droplets of precum drip down the side as they throb.
“Oh,” you murmur, turning to look back at the prince.
“If you would like to we can stop here,” he replies, but you shake your head.
You lean forward, pressing your palms against his chest, “I want to help you too…”
“Are you sure?” he asks.
You nod, shyly smiling at him, “I am.”
He re-adjusts. Once more he sits himself against the trunk of the tree, but this time you’re sitting facing away from him. Your back is pressed against his chest. His grip on you keeps your legs spread apart, and you blush as you peer down. Both of his cocks stand proudly between your thighs.
He presses a hand to your abdomen before trailing it downwards. His fingers slip between your folds- you’re still soaking wet- and he spreads them apart. You shiver. You get a better look at his members and realize just how big they both are.
“Are you sure they’ll fit?” you ask in a quiet voice, tilting your head back to look at him.
“Both? No,” he chuckles, “I think just one will be enough for you.”
You nod and nervously look back down. You feel him press a kiss to the top of your head, relaxing you. You watch as he grasps one of his cocks, the one closest to you, and presses it against you. A shaky moan slips out of you as he grinds himself against your cunt.
“Please,” you whisper. You hold onto his arm desperately, “I want you Sidon, please-”
“You’re all I want,” he murmurs against you, “and I have wanted you for so long.”
He presses himself inside of you and you both moan in unison. You find yourself panting for air as you sink further onto his length. Both his hands find their way to your hips once more and he tightly, desperately holds onto you.
You hear him groan your name and you melt at the way it sounds. “So good,” he whispers, “you are doing so good for me, darling.”
Experimentally you roll your hips and are rewarded with a shuddering gasp from the prince. This fills you with confidence. His hands guide you as you find a rhythm, bucking your hips as he slowly thrusts in and out of you. Everytime you close your eyes you see explosions of color and stars as he manages to hit all the right spots inside of you effortlessly.
You’re both repeating one another’s names as if they’re pleas and prayers. The rhythm of Sidon’s hips stutters and he sharply moans, “I’m- nghh- close-”
“Please, please-” you repeat without thinking, “please- I want you to feel good too, please-”
He brings your hips down hard on his lap. You feel him shudder and gasp behind you as he comes undone, filling you with his warmth. The twin member to the other cums as well, shooting out thick ropes that mostly land in the river.
Just as he reaches the brink you do as well. You cry out his name as you unravel for a second time, momentarily going rigid in his grasp. Your chest heaves as you pant and relax back into him. A thin sheen of sweat covers your body but you feel too amazing to care.
After a few moments of lying together he slowly lifts you off of him- which you’re thankful for with how terribly your legs are shaking. You look back at him and laugh sweetly, charmed by how flush his face is and how full of adoration his eyes are.
“Does it always feel that good?” you ask.
He chuckles, “well, it depends on your partner. But I would wager a guess and say that between the two of us it will.”
A sleepy smile spreads on your face, “good.”
“Does that mean you’d like to do this again, darling?” he replies, tracing his finger along your jaw.
You nod, grasping his hand and pressing a small kiss to his palm, “I would, if you would.”
He grins, “of course, little one.”
You shiver from the cold night time breeze and figure it’s as good a time as ever to clean yourself off. After a quick dip in the river (which feels incredibly odd, you’d heard about the other soldiers going ‘skinny dipping’ back in your early army days but had never done it yourself) you dry yourself off and pull on your undergarments and your tunic. You’ll worry about pants later.
You curl up beside Sidon beneath the tree, wrapping your arms around him. His heartbeat pounds softly against your ear.
“Comfortable?” he asks with a small laugh, brushing his fingers through your hair.
“Very,” you whisper with a smile, “and thank you.”
“Whatever for?” he replies.
“Being my first… and being gentle,” you murmur, pressing your face against him.
He pulls you into his arms and presses a kiss to your forehead, “you need not thank me for that, darling.”
“Still…” you whisper, stifling a yawn.
You hadn’t quite realized how exhausted you were. Sidon is warm and his arms make you feel safe. You don’t notice how quickly you doze off.
You grumble as you slowly wake up. You can hear birds chirping. You feel oddly warm, as if the sun is shining on you. You blink as you open your eyes.
You’re still in Sidon’s arms. You’re still by the lake. The fire’s gone out. You’re not wearing pants. The sun is up.
The sun is up.
“Shit!” you curse, “shit, shit, shit- Sidon!”
The prince is still asleep, only responding to your panic by wrapping his arms around you tighter.
“No!” you groan, shoving his shoulder, “Sidon, get up-”
Ever so slowly the Zora is roused awake, his sleepy eyes bleary as they look up at you. He smiles, “good morning, my darling.”
“Sidon, we’re still by the river,” you say, urgency in your voice.
He blinks as he peers around, taking in the scenery. You see his eyes go wide with realization. “Oh dear,” he mumbles.
In a rush you pack all your belongings. You get fully dressed (and ignore Sidon’s comments on how he prefers you without trousers on) and hastily shove your feet into your boots. You strap your gear back on and make sure to stomp out your campfire. With the sun up you’re able to look at your reflection in the water’s surface and groan when you see how disheveled you look.
“No time to worry about that, c’mon,” you say to the prince.
You run back to the stable, hoping, praying, that Zelda is still asleep. You know it’s unlikely. Maybe today is your lucky day though- you know that this is also unlikely, you are very rarely lucky.
You run uphill and away from the river. The staff of the stable are staring as you and Sidon sprint up the path. You run into the building and throw the curtains open, panting as you bring yourself to a stop. 
Zelda is staring at you with a raised brow, hands on her hips.
You pant for air, adrenaline coursing through your veins, “morning, Zelda.”
You force a smile on your face.
“_____,” she says your name in the tone that a disappointed mother would use.
The prince runs in behind you, nearly crashing into you.
“Sidon,” she continues, now crossing her arms.
You give her a nervous grin.
“Would you like to explain yourselves? Or do I already know the answer,” she asks.
You laugh awkwardly and rub the back of your neck with your hand, “you uh… you probably already know the answer.”
She purses her lips, “lucky for you two, this does not put us behind schedule. However, we need to be leaving as soon as possible if we want to reach the Tabantha Bridge Stable by nightfall.”
“Yes ma’am,” you reply, sarcastically saluting her with your hand.
“I’ll prepare the horses,” Sidon says behind you. You hear the rustling of the curtains as he walks outside.
Zelda walks up to you, dropping the serious facade. A girlish smile plays on her lips. “I want to hear the details once all this pilot training is done,” she whispers to you with a grin.
You smile at her as she walks out. You enjoy the moments where the two of you get to ignore your duties and just be best friends.
After quickly packing your gear back into your traveling bag you return outside. Persephone waits for you outside of the stalls and whinnies as you approach. “Hello pretty girl,” you say as you attach your bag to the saddle.
Soon enough your trio is on the road again, this time heading north to Hyrule Ridge.
~~~ <> ~~~
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ge-uwu-do · 11 months
gerudo clothing 1
my og post got got so lets try again.
there's a few ways that i imagine gerudo clothing to go, but in general
clothing is loose and covers most of the body. common fabrics are cotton or sheeps wool
near everyone uses some sort of head covering
most people had access to a large scarf. this can be used as a head wrap, wrap around the body (it gets very cold at night), to carry things in a sling, to cradle babies, and as fashion or decoration
embroidery and embroidered and woven cloths are very present in gerudo culture, and an important part of it. different areas will tend towards different embroidery styles - geometric styles in the valley, floral and nature inspired designs in the centre plains, and incorporating beads in the highlands
common everyday clothing might use cotton or wool but expensive clothing for occasions will use silk or velvet. silk is traditional for weddings for example. silk clothing can often be passed down from parent to child, so owning one isn't a clear indicator of wealth
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 1
General Hyrule Culture:
Hyrule Courting Traditions
Dating VS Courting
Lurelin Romance
International Relations - Speculating on other countries across Hyrule's Earth.
No Port Town?
Hyrule Sports
Humans are the Countryfolk of Hyrule
TotK VS BotW Weapons
Ordonian Culture
Hyrulean Cultural Aesthetics
Pre-Hyrulean Culture
Hyrule Cultural Patterns
Rauru Era Hyrulean Culture
Faron Cultural Tidbits
Hebra Cultural Tidbits
Hyrulean Royal Transition of Power
Ordona Folktales: The Tale of the Stáblad & the Tangled Capaill
- Skyloftian-nutcase made a short prompt of my folktale! X3
The Pre-Aurelian Culture of the Loachnàdraeil - The origins of Hebran, Ordonian, & Hatenan culture.
Cece Brand Fungal Pirate Set - Something to go with the hat.
No Cece Brand Wedding Dress???
Hylian Fashion Trends
Hyrule Holidays & Festivals:
Hyrule Festivals & Holidays
Hanami Festival
Hyrule Pantheon:
Hyrule's Pantheon
My Thoughts on the Fierce Deity
- The Bargainer Statues
- The Fierce Deity's True Name
- The Fierce Deity's True Form
- Fierce Deity Unmasked
- FD the God of War
- FD Depictions in Hebra
Karina Goddess of Love & Passion | Warning: Mature Content (Nothing explicit, but it has some adult topics.)
Hylia as a Character
- Depictions of Hylia
- Hylia's Sacrifice
- Hylia = Amaterasu, But What Does That Mean?
Hyrule's Pantheon in Sumi-E
Gopongan Depictions of the Hyrulean Pantheon
Created Cultures, Races, ect:
Wolf Link & the Búralupán Race
Lupán Cultural Tidbits
Full Hyrule Settlement Restoration Map
Euryhaline Zora & Coastal Rito Port Town
Goron Spice
Sky Island Fruits
New Ingredient Ideas - Flora & Fungi
New Ingredients Ideas - Fauna & Byproducts
New Ingredients Ideas - 2nd Tier Ingredients
Beastiary Expansion
More Meat Variety
Flavor Differences Between Browned Butters?
Wild Cultural Recipe Ideas - Includes all the canon settlements in BotW/TotK.
Wild Ruined & Non-Canon Town Recipe Ideas - Includes the ruined settlements of BotW/TotK & some other perspective settlements.
Kakariko Food Culture
Ordon Food Culture
Koholint Food Culture - Eventide Island Settlement(s)
Gerudàn Cuisine
Ealiyah Town Food Culture - Town of the Highland Gerudo
Other LoZ Masterlists:
LoZ General Masterlist
LoZ Wild Masterlist
LoZ Cultural Masterlists: 1 & 2
LoZ Scenario Help Masterlists: 1 & 2
LoZ My Fanfic Masterlist
LoZ Great Fics Masterlist
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
Other Useful Masterlists:
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 25 days
Quick question: Do you think a kalasiris or a saree would fit more for a Gerudo wedding?
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Regardless of which, I plan to match it with a ghunghat. Basically, the head veil & forehead jewelry that Rhondson wears to her wedding. Just without the bauble thing on top of her head.
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(I'm actually surprisingly pleased with Nintendo's choice to include that bit of Indian culture.)
This is mostly looking for your opinion, but I'm chill with the Dorfbots getting to ring in if ya want.
They are so pretty!!! Both are so gorgeous. Oh so pretty. <3
Kalasiri looks better (in my head) on the Gerudo... but the colors on the saree???? Like that is gorgeous. I'm very Biased cuz I fuckin love blue but ugghghhhhhh so pretty.
Ughhhh this is hard... So pretty... Both are so very pretty... Nghhhh wear both. One for the wedding and one for the reception. Done. Fixed. Definitely not a cop out.
A kalasiris and a saree each bring their own distinct cultural significance and aesthetic, making them both compelling choices for a Gerudo or Demonic wedding. Here’s how each might fit and how the Ganondorfs and Demise might react:
Cultural Fit: The kalasiris, with its origins in ancient Egypt, features a close-fitting, ankle-length garment that drapes elegantly. The Gerudo, known for their desert culture, may find the kalasiris appealing due to its practicality and style in a hot climate. The simplicity and grace of the kalasiris could be seen as a symbol of strength and elegance, resonating with Gerudo values.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf: He might appreciate the kalasiris for its historical connection to powerful desert civilizations, seeing it as a reflection of Gerudo pride and tradition.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf: He could value the austere and commanding presence the kalasiris brings, aligning with his own sense of authority and power.
Wind Waker Ganondorf: He might be less concerned with tradition but could appreciate the garment's elegance, seeing it as a subtle nod to the Gerudo's regal past.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf: He may see the kalasiris as a battle-ready garment, fitting for a union of warriors.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf: Might view it as a blend of practicality and honor, respecting its historical roots.
Demise: The kalasiris, with its ancient connotations, might appeal to Demise’s sense of timeless power and dominance, especially if adorned with demonic symbols or modifications.
Cultural Fit: The saree, a traditional garment from the Indian subcontinent, is a versatile and richly decorated piece that drapes elegantly over the body. Its flowing nature and the ability to incorporate intricate designs could symbolize both the Gerudo's and Demise's connection to the divine, the earth, and their fierce femininity.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf: He might appreciate the saree's boldness and intricate beauty, viewing it as a statement of power and grace.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf: Could admire the saree's complexity and the way it commands attention, reflecting his own approach to power.
Wind Waker Ganondorf: Might find the saree's adaptability and vivid colors intriguing, seeing it as a reflection of his own multifaceted nature.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf: The saree's ability to blend tradition with striking visual impact could resonate with him, as it mirrors his own balance between warrior and ruler.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf: He might respect the saree's deep cultural roots and its potential to tell a story through its patterns and draping.
Demise: The saree, with its flowing nature and potential for dramatic styling, might appeal to Demise’s preference for grandeur and symbolism, especially if tailored to reflect his demonic heritage.
For a Gerudo Wedding: A kalasiris might be more fitting, especially in a desert environment, aligning with the Gerudo’s practical and proud nature.
For a Demonic Wedding: A saree might better suit the grandeur and dramatic flair associated with Demise, allowing for a more elaborate and symbolic expression.
The Ganondorfs and Demise would likely respect either choice, but their personal preferences would lean towards garments that align with their individual values and the symbolism they associate with the ceremony.
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vigilantdesert · 3 months
What’s a coming of age tradition that the Gerudo have?
// for the world building meme.
Extree, Extree~
I've talked about the atur at length, but this one kind of builds on it, so as a quick refresher -
An atur is a coming-of age journey that all Gerudo take in their late teens or early twenties. It has both practical and functional purposes, and varies depending on the province one grows up in, as well as one's personal conviction. The shortest journeys are taken by the Northern cliffside nomadic tribeswomen, as they generally venerate the heretical eighth heroine and only spend a few weeks traveling across the cliffs to the statue of the Heroine of Power, then return home. It is worth noting that few Northern Nomads split from their mothers' groups, and that they also tend to interact with voe more often, so they don't need to take the longer trips that their southern countrywomen do to find fathers for their future children.
Other Gerudo aturs take between one and four years. Their trajectories are determined by which heroine they venerate in their line of work - skill for tradeswomen, spirit for those in government and priestesses, endurance for most career soldiers, knowledge for scholars, flight for some soldiers and smiths, motion for traders, and gentleness for healers.  During their travels, they hone their skills in their chosen profession, spend some time figuring out how they want their lives to work, and are intended to pray to their ancestors and the heroine of their choosing for assistance in these matters.
Unofficially, most vai also choose the father of their children during these jaunts, especially if they don't intend on traveling much in their line of work. This is unofficial, but it's extremely practical for most Gerudo. Some, particularly those who have never left Gerudo Town or another major populated center, are extremely excited by their atur because it's the first time they'll interact with voe at all. This excitement usually wears off in the first few months, but there are always a few who remain boy crazy for years - often those who discover they were only attracted to other genders and weren't aware until faced with them.
That was not a brief summary but as a reward for slogging through that, here's the lesser-known headcanon: When a Gerudo returns from her atur, she meets with a priestess and the two discuss how her journey went; most importantly, they get about the business of choosing her first name. A Gerudo's first name is extremely important, spiritually, and is a mark that she has passed all the trials of childhood and emerged as an adult. This first name is recorded by the priestess, but is only known to others on her death. The other exception is a Gerudo's wife, as they exchange first names on their wedding day. Doing so beforehand is extremely bad luck.
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desertforged · 1 month
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@fragmented-tales sent: "Come to bed now, husband. It is our wedding night, after all." The blonde warrior speaks, though despite his words his tone is teasing rather than loving. How had he been the one the kingdom saw fit to be in an arranged marriage with Ganondorf? Surely the princess would have been a more diplomatic fit, no? //arranged marriage prompt from Wars//
"We both know this marriage is a farce, you have no need to play along," Ganon scoffed at the invitation, arms crossed over his chest.
He stood at the window of the abhorrently decadent suite of Hyrule Castle where he and his groom had been led after the ridiculously grand and very public ceremony that wed them. The wedding had been fashioned in a very Hyrulean manner, with the only Gerudo tradition carried by Ganon himself, donned in red and navy robes, trimmed in gold, and hands decorated with flourishes of deep stained henna.
Even the ring on his hand was Hyrulean in design.
He turned his gaze on the young man he'd wed. "Unless you are that eager to bed the Gerudo King so you can brag to your fellow knights come the 'morrow?"
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guideoftime · 10 months
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Sheikah weddings.
   As a group of very religious people who strongly worship Hylia, the Golden Three and of course their own ancestors, the Sheikah have very traditional and spiritual weddings. In the event that one of them does actually get married, even to outsiders (Hylians / Gerudo / humans), in their own eyes they do not see themselves married unless they do it by their own laws. And they have a very specific way of marrying someone. 
   While Sheikah weddings tend to be grand and momentous occasions with plenty of food (but no alcohol), they’re also quiet and respectful. The Sheikah use it as a day to connect their ancestral heritage with the ancestors of the people they’re marrying, joining the two families as one. For this occasion, they often light incense and candles, introduce their partner to their family and the family that is long gone, and ask for their blessing unifying the two households. 
   This also includes leaving offerings for their ancestors and of course Hylia. Decorating one of Hylia’s statues together is one of the things they take time to do, weaving flowers together and laying them across the statue of her in a grand way. 
   The actual wedding is officiated by the Tribe Leader or an elder in the face of it being the Tribe Leader getting married. They do a form of handfasting that they believe ties their soul to their partners, connecting their fate and destiny together so that in the next life, when it comes, they can easily find them regardless of how their life turns out. Sheikah are heavy believers in fate and destiny (if this is how it happens it must be what Hylia intends) and tying their fate to the others will ensure their heart remembers and finds them. 
   After the ceremony they have their partner sign the family registry that tracks the bloodlines and heirs throughout their entire lives. The books are passed down through the generations and kept in the Sheikah archives, with the rest of their records of history. 
   The Sheikah are already not heavy drinkers, they’re probably very light weight for this reason, but since weddings for them are considered practically religious events and a very big part of their lives they don’t believe in consuming alcohol during them. Though food is prepared and usually grand on most occasions. They typically hold these gatherings outside, the entire village participates in them, including the children who spend most of the day picking flowers and decorating the town with them. 
   In the time periods where there are not any Sheikah left–
   Sheik just asks that their partner signs the family registry and moves on. It’s one of the only things he can really do and hold left of his tradition. 
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doodlesbf · 1 year
( bridal prt.2 imagine)
Once wild have manged to lost legend in the gerudo market he sign slid down the wall as sia quietly giggle still in wild arms.
Sia: I don't see why, you have to kidnap me from the group wild.
She say as she carefully move off wild lap and arms to sit next to him since both are dress in Gerudo clothes but wild faintly blush and took a breath.
Wild: well the others won't stop talking/teased us about wedding.
Sia nod but see wild grow quiet as sia look to wild face.
Sia: well technically if you were to propose to me it'll be normal hyrulian tradition wedding which is understandable. My kind propose way is if I plan on asking you well I have to gift you my feather and to fully marry you wild is well..
Wild turn to look to sia listening to every word.
Wild: and what's the last part?-
Sia: I have to mark you as my future partner..by bite..
Sia blushing and look away from wild to hide her face from him as wild ears twitch to hear that and is red in the face too since he did have some nights dreams that sia is bitten him but in a more sexual way til wild snap himself out of it.
Wild: well what will you say if I did propose to you sia?
Sia: well I'll say yes if you propose to me-
Sia look back as she see wild have the small box and she star that it then slow look back to wild as in were he get that.
Wild: your sister keep this but she agree to give it to me if I promise her to make you happy.
Sia: link...you...oh god..I-
Wild: sia, will you marry me? I promise to try my very best to make you happy and protect you against anyone who wants to hurt you-
Sia cup wild cheeks stop him from talking as sia kisses wild lips happily and wild return the kisses and smile on his face as he feel every feeling of happiness, love and joy to finally propose but hear tapping like a foot and pull away from the kiss to look behind himself to see legend and see him with a smrik.
Legend: about damn time you propose wild.
Wild chuckle but the same time he get grab by legend and drag away as sia get up follow the two yet hold the small box with the rings inside, she happy to be engaged to wild and have a smile on her face. She never thought she'll be happy after everything she went through from losing her family at a young age to her brother link death, her whole hyrule going on a monster hunt on her kind to the point of Extinction to finding the chain, join them on their journey and find out about legend being her grandpa now she have a loving life partner for life. That she try to not shad tears of joy but legend notice and came over to wipe her tears away.
Legend: can't believe my granddaughter is going to be marry. I'm happy for you sia.
Legend say with a smile as sia smile back.
Sia: thank you legend but can I have wild back?
Legend: heh, nope not yet afterall, ya two have to tell the group of the good news.
Legend say as wild free himself from legend and go to sia side to take her hand and kiss her knuckles but not letting go. Wild walk by sia's side to return back to the others with legend follow close behind them.
Wild: I love you sia.
Sia: I love you too link.
Wild shiver to hear his name roll out sia lips but legend chuckle behind them saying love birds.
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hii Ray, how about 🩰, 🎈and 🎀? :3c
Tysm!! <3
🩰 — who is the better dancer?
I don't think either of them would be an amazing dancer, but Ganondorf would definitely be better at it than Ray. He is royalty, after all. Dancing really isn't Ray's thing, and they have pretty shit coordination, but they'll do it for Ganondorf if he wants it, and they do their best to enjoy it.
🎈— what is your most precious memory with them?
One of Ray's fondest memories with Ganondorf is the one occasion that one of the Gerudo soldiers dared to question Ganondorf's choice of consort. She argued that a mere Hylian was unworthy of Ganondorf, and that since he's capable of giving the Gerudo their only 'full-blooded' children (because he's the only male Gerudo), a Hylian consort is wasted on him and he should be with his own kind instead. Ray tried not to let it get to them, but deep down, that really hurt. Luckily for them, Ganondorf was there and immediately had their back. He was absolutely furious at the implication that he made a mistake in choosing Ray and at the soldier questioning his judgement regarding his own personal life, and ruthlessly defended their relationship. Ray watched it go down, feeling more genuinely loved and wanted than they'd ever felt before :3
🎀 — do you have any matching clothes with them? If so, what does it look like?
Ehhh probably not. Gerudo and Hylian fashions are pretty different to each other, and any clothes in the style of the other's culture would have to be custom made due to the massive size difference (not just between Ganondorf and Ray, but between Gerudo and Hylians in general). I think if they were to match, it would be a pair of traditional Gerudo-style outfits, probably for some sort of special occasion where Ray would be making a public appearance at Ganondorf's side and needed to look the part. Usually, the only things the two of them wear that match are their wedding rings, and I think they're both fine with it that way.
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