#get a small cup of water and charge it with your intent
animehideout · 9 months
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Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
Check Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4
a/n: sorry for taking too long to post part 3, it's because I post on Wattpad as well {for anyone's who's interested in Straykids x Reader ff check my Wattpad @narae_99 }
Warnings: Mature language.
♪Song suggestions♪ The weeknd - Trust Issues.
Words count: 1.4K
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• Time skip •
You sat on the couch in the school's common room, watching everyone chatting together. Yuji didn't leave your side, he was talking nonstop, it made you really happy cuz someone is actually interested in having a conversation with you, since you spent you whole life outcasted and rejected, feeling like an outsider even within your own family. No one found interest in you, since you wasn't a sorcerer.
Gojo watched as you were having fun talking with now; your students. And of course he didn't like that, he was still pissed by the idea that from now on you'd be his colleague. Even though you didn't do anything wrong, and you equally hated the idea of your arranged marriage, he saw you as a burden thay he is forced to carry. All what was on his mind, from the moment you took your vows, is how to make your life a living hell.
Breaking your curse wouldn't come out of charges. He's been thinking of ways to humiliate you and make you feel small in front of everyone. It's like a punishment of you being his wife.
He slowly approached Mei Mei, making sure to inactivate his infinity, giving her the green light to grasp the chance she's always dreamt of and allow her to touch him even though he never let her or Utahime to physically get near him.
“So Mei Mei–why don't you move here and start teaching in Jujutsu High, it would be ravishing to see you everyday!” he said loud enough to get your attention and he did.
“Oh Gojo, I know I've always been pleasing to your eyes!”
“Yes indeed..”
She chuckled as she extended her hand, her long fingers running on his chest,
“I would definitely give it a thought..Satoru” she called him by his first time for the first time, in a flirtatious way.
Mei Mei is a smart woman, Gojo never bothered to look at her before, let alone flirt with her, so she figured out his real intentions right away, so she played along, to offend you, she never liked you anyway.
Mei Mei always craved Gojo's attention, and she's enjoying it now even if it's fake. Her hands couldn't leave his body as she flirted back... touching his broad shoulders, tracing his jawline with her fingers with as sly smirk.
She leaned closer to him, her lips touching his ear, as she whispered, “Want me to offend the shit out of her..Gojo?”
“Do your thing, and I'll deposit that money in your account” he simply answered.
They made sure you were watching. You swallowed hard, observing them as they continued their playful banter, it wasn't jealousy but you felt a mix or irritation and discomfort. Whether he liked it or not, he's your husband legally and in front of everyone, so the least he could do is respect you, at least while others are watching as well, and he can hate you as much as he wanted in private.
“Y/n-sensei!! are you okay?” asked Yuji in repeat,
but you didn't hear him untill he shook your shoulder gently. You were too focused on Gojo and Mei Mei.
“Hm? sorry?” you said waking up from your trance.
“Everything is fine sensei??”
“y-yeah I'm good–just um... I'll be right back”
You excused yourself from Yuji, Megumi and Maki to pour yourself a cup of water.
Both Gojo and Mei Mei started laughing loudly as you walked past them. The atmosphere was too insulting and unpleasant to stay still, especially that your students and even the principal Yaga noticed how your husband ignored you and shamelessly flirted with another woman, you felt embarrassed.
You walked to the school's kitchen to get a cup of water that might cool you down, away from them. You enjoyed the silence, but soon it was interrupted by Mei Mei,
“Oh you're here y/n”
You maintained your composure in front of her, taking a sip from your water.
“Yeah,..was kinda thirsty”
“Come on all of the boys left, we're left alone, all girlies!! come join us, this party was for you after all” she exclaimed, as she started dragging you with her.
“Nah I'm good, it's kinda late so I might just go home”
“Hah? go home to who? to an empty house? Gojo told me that both of you don't live in the same house!”
It's like getting slapped hard across the face! such thing should have been kept private, It's none of anyone's business to know if you're sleeping under the same roof as Gojo.
“He proved himself to be a jerk” you thought to yourself. You didn't know what to say, Gojo has already spilt everything out.
“LETS GO” she yelled, pulling you back to the common room with her. All the girls were there, Utahime , Nobara and Maki.
“our bride arrived, where have been hiding?” said Utahime.
You sat on the couch trying to find a comfortable position, your heart pounding with anxiety.
Out of nowhere Utahime spoke, “So y/n! tell us, is Gojo a good fuck??”
Your eyes widened in shock, first of all you don't have an answer for that since you obviously didn't have sex, second of all, it was too inappropriate to ask such thing.
You stuttered, as you were about to answer, “I- Um..”
But Mei Mei cut you off, swirling a strand of her hair between her fingers as she spoke, “Oh I'm sure he was, me and Gojo used to hook up a lot, and let me tell me, he's so damn good” she lied.
Air got caught up in your throat, clenching your fists, struggling to keep on a normal face not letting their provocations take the best of you.
“come on y/n don't be shy tell us!!” said Utahime insisting,
you forced a smile as you spoke politely , “excuse me but I don't think my personal life is up for discussion”
“but wh-”
“Dont push too hard Mei Mei, she's not comfortable to answer this, move on already geez” said Maki clearly pissed.
“Chill Maki, we just wanted to get to know each other on a personal level” said Utahime chuckling.
Maki rolled her eyes in annoyance, you wanted to say a lot of things or just punch them across the face, but it was useless, no matter how hard you try to defend yourself, thanks to Gojo everyone already discovered that your marriage is just on paper.
“Excuse me ladies, as you know tomorrow is my first day teaching so it's better if I rest at home” you said walking out,
“tch how boring” sighed Mei Mei.
Maki followed you “Sensei!! Y/n sensei!!”
“hm Maki?”
“Please ignore them, they feed on provoking others, so please don't focus too much on what they say” she reassured.
You smiled, softly patting her shoulder, “Thank you Maki, but don't worry I'm fine..really!”
•Time skip•
There he was standing in the school's garden, breathing the fresh air, enjoying the cold night breeze.
You were already frustrated and seeing him made it ten times worse. You rushed his way,
“The hell was that Satoru?” you yelled,
He turned around looking at you raising his eyebrow, he wasn't wearing his blindfold, “Ugh! you again, what do you want?”
“Don't you have any manners? casually speaking of private stuff, telling everyone that we don't live together and that our marriage is fake? Don't you know that some things should remain unspoken of, especially in front of strangers?”
He bursted into laugher, mockingly, “Oh the only stranger here is you y/n! now don't tell me you're jealous? Oh is it because I didn't fuck the shit out of that pussy of yours?”
“Hah, jealous?? you don't mean anything to me Satoru, and I'm not dying to have sex with you” you yelled back.
“Then why are you mad about it?”
“Stop spilling private shit out, especially if it includes me or my dignity” you threatened pointing your index finger at him.
He took a step closer to you, his giant frame sending shivers down your spine, eyes conveying threat and anger,
“A talentless, weak human like you can't tell me what to do, besides I didn't know you had any dignity. You're not-”
You slapped him with all might and power in you. “FUCK YOU SATORU”.
He took it too far, humiliating you both with words and actions is something you would never accept. Even if you don't have any cursed techniques, you're still a human, who deserves to be treated with love and respect. He looked at you in disbelief, eyes widening, the sting of the slap reverberating through his senses. A moment of stunned silence followed, you glared at him one last time, then you left him standing there.
“I'll make you pay for this, y/n..” he promised.
Taglist 🫶🏻:
@hermitkerm @smolbeanzzz @eolivy @sanriosatoru @kiki17483 @khaleesihavilliard @ryumurin @bookswillfindyouaway @numblytemporary
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ramsayxme · 9 months
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Chapter One / Chapter Two / AO3 Link
Authors Note: TW- forced sex, forced oral sex, slight violence, Ramsay things, abandonment, etc etc.
Chapter Three: Your Reward
You finished your bath alone. A servant came in to add wood to the fire, allowing you to have promised warmth for the night. The water grew cold as you soaked, hoping and praying to the Gods that the water would cleanse you of his touch. When the water was finally as cold as the air, you pulled yourself out and slumped in front of the fire, pulling your knees to your chest. You hadn't been given another nightgown. You wrapped a pelt around your shivering and damp body as you allowed yourself to air dry in front of the fire.
Once you dried, you padded naked to the door. You knocked aggressively. "Can I get some clothes?" You yelled. A man was on the other side, keeping watch of your door, and he hollered back to you in a gruff voice. "Lord Ramsay has not delivered any clothes for his prisoner." You huffed, slightly annoyed. You walked over to your bed and laid down, covering yourself with the blankets. It was nearly impossible to tell what time of day it was here, your tiny window only ever showed overcast snowy skies.
You closed your eyes, exhausted from the last 48 hours, and wanted to attempt to get some sleep while Ramsay was likely on a hunt or doing whatever it was that evil Lord's did during the day. You closed your eyes, and drifted to sleep.
You stirred, waking up. Your room was nearly pitch dark, the fire completely dead. The only light you could focus on was the lit candles on your small table. You jumped, realizing that Ramsay was sitting at the chair next to your table, staring at you as you woke up. He had a wine cup in front of him, no doubt full to the brim. He had no expression on his face as he stared at you. You closed your eyes again, hoping that he wasn't really there and you were imagining things.
"I brought you the clothes you asked for." Ramsay's voice echoed in your room, breaking the silence. You groaned, your body was aching. You opened your eyes to look at Ramsay. "Thank you...M'lord." You whispered as you sat up in bed, making sure the blankets stayed over your naked skin. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" He asked you. You gingerly rubbed your face, softly allowing your brain to turn on again. "No, Rams- My Lord. I don't know." He chuckled. "You slept all day and all night. You poor, tired thing." He suddenly stood up, the chair scooting loudly.
You believed him. You had been so exhausted, you could imagine yourself sleeping that long. "I'm sorry, My Lord, I was very tired." You watched him intently as he walked over to your bed, sitting on the foot of it. "It's quite alright. I forgive you." He smiled, his eyes strangely calm. You didn't understand his dynamic, one minute he was angry at you and the next, loving and soft. He leaned forward towards you, and whispered, "I missed you yesterday. I came by last night but I saw how deeply you were sleeping. I didn't want to..." his eyes rolled around their sockets, searching for the right words. "...disturb you."
You forced a gentle smile. "Well, thank you for that. I needed the rest. That was... very kind of you." Ramsay chuckled, placing his hand on top of your leg over the blankets. "Kindness is what I am known for, My Lady." You weren't sure what to do, so you just softly smiled at him. He stood up and walked to the window, staring outside. "You deserve a reward, you see." He began.
"Last night after I visited and then left, the servant who was in charge of locking the door seemed to have forgotten his duties. Your door went unlocked all night long as you slept!" He exclaimed. Your heart sank. You could've escaped. You mentally scolded yourself for not being more vigilant. "But! Don't you worry, I took care of him. He won't be guarding your door any longer... come and see!" He beckoned you with his hand. You slid off the bed, dragging the blankets on the floor behind you, still covering your body.
You reached the window and Ramsay draped his arm over your shoulders, pressing his cheek against yours. "Look, there." He pointed outside. Your eyes followed the imaginary line until you saw it. Hanging on a wooden platform, there was the bloody and fully exposed muscular system of what was once a man. You gasped and looked away, burying your face into Ramsay's shoulder. He chuckled. "Aww, you are so innocent. That was the man that failed to lock the door, you see? I could've done that to you when you tried to run away. But, I showed you mercy." He cooed into your ear, his free hand playing with your hair.
"Are you ready for your reward?" He asked, using his index finger to tilt your chin up to look at him. "Are you going to flay me?" You asked, lower lip trembling. Ramsay smiled empathetically and cradled your face with his hand. "No of course not. Your reward isn't being flayed, silly girl. Your reward is pleasure." You stiffened, unsure of what he was alluding to. "Go, lay on the bed." He pointed towards your bed. You reluctantly made your way and laid down, burrowing under the covers. Ramsay began unlacing his shirt as he approached you. You prepared yourself to be used once again by him, and a knot formed in your stomach.
You closed your eyes, listening to Ramsay's leather fall to the floor along with his trousers and the clatter of his knives. You felt the weight on the bed as he climbed on top of you. You opened your eyes, expecting his face to be in front of you, but it wasn't. You saw him lifting the covers at the foot of the bed, and crawling head first in. "Let me please you." You heard him say under the blankets. Your body stiffened as you felt his shoulders between your ankles, and then up to your thighs.
He pushed your knees up, resting your thighs on his shoulders. You clamped your legs together, but Ramsay softly spread them. You felt your stomach churn, but this time, it wasn't with anxiety. You felt your core warm up as he began kissing your inner thighs softly, gently sucking as his lips grazed your skin. You held your breath as his hands traveled up, squeezing your breast softly, rubbing his thumb over your nipples. You whined, your body at war with itself. Ramsay was coaxing you gently with kisses, begging you to relax as he kissed as high as he could on your thighs.
You exhaled a moan as his lips met your wet cunt, kissing and sucking gently. He hummed with delight as he felt you were already wet for him. He gripped your thighs with his hands as he pulled your legs apart, allowing him full access to your most sensitive area. "Ramsay I-" You tried to say, but were cut off by your own gasping as he swirled his tongue around your clit. He was very good at this, which was making your body go into a pleasure induced swim even if you didn't want it to.
He continued to kiss your folds, his tongue snaking inside you as his nose pressed against you perfectly. You allowed your eyes to close as you sank deeper into his trance. You reached under the blankets and started swirling your fingers in his curls, gently gripping at his hair. He groaned as you did so, causing vibrations to gently tickle you as he licked. Your grip on his hair tightened as he licked faster and more passionately. "Doesn't that feel good?" He groaned, his lips grazing your clit. You moaned in response because unfortunately, it did.
You had never been eaten out before, but Ramsay definitely knew what he was doing. Your body was shivering under his touch, a flick of the tongue was enough to send a rolling wave of lust over you. You wanted him badly. You tugged at his hair and lifted the covers. "Ramsay, I want-" He reached up and covered your mouth with his hand. You whined into his hand as he silenced you, his other hand made its way down to your core.
"I know what you want." He whispered while pushing two of his fingers deep inside you. You lifted your hips, begging for more. He slowly slid his fingers in and out of you, the slow pace driving you crazy. Your hips began grinding on his fingers as he kept kissing your clit. You felt yourself climbing towards orgasm, and Ramsay could tell. He read it on your face. He pulled himself up, and his fingers slid out of you completely. Ramsay lie down next to you on the bed and he put one of his toned arms behind his head.
He grinned at you, his face slick with your arousal as he grabbed a handful of your hair and yanked you down to his waist. You immediately took his hard cock in your mouth. "That's right, good girl." He groaned as you began allowing his cock to fill your throat. You bobbed your head slowly up and down on his length, you couldn't quite fit all of it in your throat without gagging. Ramsay seemed to enjoy the gagging, though. You felt his hands on the back of your head as he applied pressure, pushing your face down on his cock.
You groaned, gagging on him. He exhaled loudly as you gagged around him, your throat contracting on his twitching cock. "Ahh, that feels so good..." His voice was raspy and low. You wanted him inside you. At this moment, you didn't care that he had flayed a man earlier today just for fun. You didn't care that he would probably hurt you within the next hour. You didn't care that he was Ramsay Bolton.
You pushed yourself up, Ramsay staring at you wide eyed. You quickly straddled him, his cock soaking wet with your spit. He chuckled as he saw the desperation in your eyes. "You want me badly, don't you?" He reached out, squeezing your hips. You nodded, whining as you rocked back and forth on his lap, his cock nudging at your entrance. "Take me then. After all, this is your reward."
Ramsay kept kneading at your hips and thighs as you guided his cock inside you. Your body was sent into a euphoric state as he filled you, moaning loudly as your walls stretched to accommodate him. Ramsay was watching you intently as you filled with pleasure, his eyes wide and tracking your face as you slid up and down. Sweat began forming on his forehead and on you as well. Your legs were already so sore from everything you had been through and he noticed you struggling to keep a decent pace.
Ramsay smiled, flipping you over so he was on top. "I'll take care of you, you just enjoy your reward..." he began thrusting into you. Your eyes rolled back as you allowed him to fuck you at his own pace. You didn't realize how badly you wanted him until now. You dug your fingernails into his back as he thrusted, groaning while you dug them in deep. You felt the warmth of your orgasm approaching as he continued to keep the pace. You started to tip over the edge, spilling over and flooding with pleasure. Ramsay didn't slow as he fucked you through your orgasm.
You were panting, aching, and trembling as Ramsay pulled out of you and threw you to the floor by your hair. You slammed onto the ground hard and looked up at him, your body and mind spinning from being so full of pleasure to suddenly thrown on the floor. Ramsay stepped forward, his cock dripping from being inside you. He grabbed your hair and lifted you to your knees, forcing his cock into your mouth. You didn't have the strength or energy to fight back as he fucked your face.
You barely had caught your breath before his cock was in your throat and you were gagging on him again. He groaned words to you, but you were in such a haze that you didn't understand them. He let go of your hair and you fell to the floor, leaving his cock unattended. He growled angrily as he lifted you up and threw you on the bed face first. He slammed his hand down, smacking your ass cheek so hard you let out a shriek. "I said bend over!" He barked. You must've not heard him the first time, as you positioned yourself on the edge of the bed.
His hands grabbed your hips and he fucked you from behind, slamming your thighs into the side of the mattress. He kept smacking your ass, leaving you whining like a pathetic whore. You could tell Ramsay was close to finishing as he got more erratic with his thrusts. He flipped you over to your back, and he straddled your stomach. One of his hands immediately went around your throat while his other hand began stroking his cock which was twitching and ready to release.
He began choking you as he jerked himself off, he was completely sweaty and his face was very serious. You couldn't help but swoon at the sight in front of you. You almost felt lucky to see him like this. Suddenly, the hand choking you pulled back and landed swiftly across your cheek, sending a ringing through your ears. He smacked you across the face. You cried out and Ramsay came, his warm cum hitting you in the face where he slapped you and sliding down to pool in your neck. He held a fist full of your hair from the top of your head as he finished cumming.
His breathing was heavy as he stood up, leaving you on the bed covered in his seed. He smiled at you as he threw you a cloth off the floor. "Keep doing good things and I will reward you more often." He grinned as he pulled his clothes back on. You laid there, wiping his cum from your face and neck. "You do look lovely like this..." He chuckled as he pulled his shirt over his head. "Now, be a good girl and clean up this room. I'll be back for you tomorrow." Ramsay swiftly left the room without another word.
You finished wiping yourself off and sat in silence, allowing your body and mind to process what just happened. On one hand, you were humiliated and hated him for using 'your reward' as a chance to just get what he wanted... but on the other hand, you were pleased to be the lady who he used for his pleasure. You were confused and ashamed as you splashed the cold water from your last bath on your face, washing yourself up. You argued with yourself as part of you wished he would come back for more.
Chapter Four
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captain039 · 4 months
Wasteland heat (Redone) PT 4
Cooper Howard(The Ghoul) x reader 
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, AOB dynamics, heat, oral F receiving, smut, swearing, fallout stuff, implied cousin incest, virgin reader, drug usage, needles, plus size reader, sexual assault
Previous part <-
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It feels like days of walking, what you tried to share in your pack with Lucy is now gone, water scarce, and food also scarce. Lucy's missing a boot and you're missing your bed. You feel so tired, your body like jelly, your legs numb and painful at the same time, like pins and needles hitting every inch of your skin. You've hit what looks like an old town maybe, you're not sure which one but as the alpha stops and your pip boy fuzzes at the small water gathering in an old broken metal thing you falter, smacking your lips together softly. You haven't told Lucy that you've been avoiding your meds, you couldn't chew them, couldn't swallow them without water, and you would always gag and cough them out. 
"Hm," The man says filling his canteen and drinking from it with a loud sigh, you glance to Lucy seeing her staring at him intently, or maybe the water he's drinking. She falls to her knees and you go to stop her but she cups her hands and drinks from the radiation-filled water with coughs and gags. 
"Now you're getting it" The alpha hums and you make a small noise in your throat. You can't reach your backpack with your hands tied, can't reach the medication you need to stop you from having a heat. You wonder if it will still work with this type of water. You don't have much time to think because the alpha starts coughing and wheezing and before you know it Lucy has grabbed you and ran. 
You don't find her sudden adrenaline burst the same as you run around the cars and to a dead end. You see the giant hole in the ground and the city beyond, it makes you stop and stare before Lucy's got rope around her waist and is tugged back. You turn to the man holding a lasso and tugging her closer, you charge at him with little force, but you manage to tumble to the ground. You can't do much with bound hands and the sudden position makes you so much warmer. He snarls at you as you struggle with fighting his free hand, his other under your knee. You manage to someone hug his hand to your chest and hold it there, hoping Lucy will hurry up and get free and grab his gun. The other wishes she didn't, the other wishes he'd reverse the roles and had you pinned down and tied up. Your mind's in a haze and your grip loosens significantly and he gets his hand free and quickly aims his gun and your sister. You feel like you're struggling to breathe, feeling like the sun got a meter closer and someone poured a bucket of sweat over you. Lucy yells your name but it sounds distant, like she isn't actually right there only a few meters away. Your whole body feels like it cramps up as you're thrown off left on the dirt. You whimper and curl your knees to your chest as you hear scurrying uneven steps and Lucy is at your side. 
"I couldn't take the meds" You feel like there's sand pouring from your eyes as you see her shocked face. 
"It's ok, It's ok, we can figure this out" She whispers gently lifting your top half to lean against her. 
"Fuck sake, get her up and Vaultie and move!" The end of his words break off into an inhuman snarl and coughs rack his body again. 
"Come on, there might be help inside" Lucy whispers. 
It's a struggle to get you on your feet, an even more struggle to get you to whatever place the alpha was going to. He hits the terminal a buzzing sound coming from it before he speaks. 
"Transaction" He says. 
"How can I help?" A male voice answers, a little too happy for the wastelands. 
"Sixty vials in exchange for two females mint condition" The alpha replies. 
"Physical condition must be examined in person, send them in!" Answers the voice. You're too out of it to know what's really going on, you desperately miss your bed even if it was a hospital one, and you need pillows, blankets anything. You whine and Lucy mutters something to you before you move inside. Once in, it feels cooler, and fresher even, on your body before Lucy gasps and jolts. 
"What the fudge"
"Fudge? There's no fudge here, just your friendly robot Snip-Snip mark 4" You frown looking at the robot in front of you.
"And you appear to be women, come through" The robot doesn't give you a chance to speak as you're led through the building and into a room.
"Have a seat on that gurney there" The robot points and Lucy helps you onto the gurney.
"Now it appears you are distressed somehow, how can I help?" he asks. 
"My sister, she's in heat, she hasn't been able to take her medication, do you have any repellents?" Lucy speaks for you as you sag against her. You want to move though, want to be back outside with the alpha, you want to take his shirt off and feel his skin against yours.
"I say what a predicament, let's see here" He turns and fumbles through drawers. 
"I was worried this was a sex slave place" Lucy chuckles lightly and the robot snaps around. 
"What a disgusting thought! No!, I'm simply going to harvest your organs" His words make you both freeze before something is injected into your stomach. 
You awake groggily and to someone shaking you, you open your eyes slowly and focus on Lucy. 
"Thank goodness, you just stay here ok, I'm going to deal with this and I'll be back ok?" She smiles softly and you frown going to speak but she rushes off making you groan. You glance around the room, an old storage room by the looks of it, now with surgical supplies instead. Your memory buzzes back to what happened with the robot and you sit up slowly. You look at the other gurney next to you and sigh a bit. Your body still feels hot and heavy and a nagging keeps scratching your brain as you slowly stand up. You ignore the shots outside, ignore everything, you snatch the two foam tops from the gurneys and lay them in the cleanest corner, you find some old sheets for the gurneys in one of the cupboards and lay them down, folding one as a makeshift pillow. You don't know where your backpack is so you can't use that blanket either. With what you have, which is very little you manage to make a bed well in this case a nest as the teacher called it. She was very brief in explaining what happened if you ever had a heat, there were always medical supplies to avoid all this. You sit on the foam before falling onto your side and sighing, you struggle with your jumpsuit, pushing it off so you only have your white singlet on. The door opens and you jolt sitting up, but relaxing as you see Lucy, she has a grim look on her face, blood on her face and chest, gun in her hand. 
"We need to go," She says simply, too simply too emotionless. 
"Lucy?" You question and her face falters and breaks as she forces a smile. 
"We can find Dad, we can go home soon" She coos and you're not sure if she's telling you or herself. 
"Lucy I can't" You mumble and she freezes.
"I'm going into heat I will slow you down and attract unwanted attention, we can connect our pip boy trackers-" You gulp a bit trying to control the emotions that bubble up. 
"I just need some food, water maybe, maybe if I take my meds now it won't be so bad" The truth is you don't want to go on, you're tired and need a break, and your body won't move from this spot you've claimed.
"Ok, I'll get you supplies" She whispers tears in her eyes as she walks out the door. 
She gathers supplies, she gets you food and water, alcohol too, she fills up a bag for herself also before sitting with you for a little bit before she says goodbye and she's gone, you watch her move on your pip boy before you lay back with a sigh. You barricade the door on shaky legs and make sure there is no other way anyone can get in. It's a stupid idea really, staying here and waiting out your heat, who knows if you'll even join up with her again? 
You're in and out of sleep, the heat becomes worse, your body sweats, slick coats between your thighs and your breathing is heavy. Caught between fevered dreams and reality till you hear footsteps. You tense up, hoping they can't get it, you made a pretty firm blockade.
"Omega?" You shudder and sag at the sound of the alpha you were travelling with, well forced to travel with. He'd been cruel though, more than once and you feel tears in your eyes like sand again. 
"Your sister left you?" He asks and he sounds pissed and you scoff quietly. 
"I made her leave" You call out trying not to sound like you're crying or showing any emotion. You haven't spoken much with the stranger, hell you don't know if he even has a name besides what the knight called him 'ghoul'. 
"I'll slow her down, she can find Dad and come back and we'll go home" A small sob leaves your lips, for some reason it isn't the truth. You hear him hum outside the door before he shuffles a bit before he lets out a big sigh. "I'd invite you to the party" He takes a sharp a breath before sighing. 
"Don't think that's your forte though darlin" he finishes and you're frowning, what party? There's no cake, no people out there as far as you know. 
"Don't overthink it" He chuckles and you feel yourself grow warmer that he knew you were. It's quiet for some time and you feel yourself drifting in and out of sleep, you've thrown your vault suit on the other side of the room and ate whatever dried fruit Lucy had found. 
"You awake in there omega?" You hear quietly. 
"It's dark out now, best be getting some sleep" He mutters, almost too soft for you to hear. 
"Why're you being nice?" You ask before you can think and you hear him chuckle. He doesn't answer though and it makes you frown harder before you give up on anticipation and fall asleep once more.
Next part ->
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jenna-ortega · 1 year
Dear Joel Miller
Summary— You’re back in town after a few years, and your dads new neighbor seems to always be there when you’re in need of a hand. Can you handle Joel Miller? (dbf joel) (could be a series if people enjoy)
Warnings— angst, fingering, dbf!joel, mean joel(ish) age gap (Joel late 40’s, reader in 20’s), darker fic maybe if you squint, not set in apocalyptic times
Word Count— 3.3k
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Moving back home from NYC wasn’t the ideal summer plan you had, but with how the rent was growing, your other options were limited. Sad to leave the fast life behind, you sulked in your bedroom for a week straight after moving in. You tried to be grateful, some people didn’t have this option. You kept reminding yourself, this is all temporary. A mantra you repeated till your brain was foggy...this is all temporary -
A knock pulling you from your oasis. It was just your father.
“Hey, I’m leaving for work. If you need anything honey, please reach out. I know the move was a lot.” he didn’t linger long, throwing you a pair of empathetic eyes that watched you try and put on a smirk to show some semblance of joy. He took your silence as a hint and slid out of your room. The last thing you heard before the slight slam of your front door was a shout -
“Y/n, sometimes we get the neighbors mail. If you see the name Joel Miller, run it over next door will ya?”
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The rest of your evening was spent in your room, on your phone, scrolling mindlessly through apps. Twitter, Instagram, even tinder...which you treated like hot or not. Burying your face into the phone means you’d have no time to be sad.
You walked over to your closet, opening it up to find some of your old stuff, spread out and tangled in wires. Your eyes spot something - I wonder if this still works.
You pull out the small speaker, and plug it in. To your surprise, you see the battery light blink green, signifying there was a charge.
You began to play your favorite songs, making sure to blast it loud enough for the neighborhood to hear. Jumping up and down in your pajama shorts and tiny top, turning to look out your bedroom window...you notice it stares directly into another bedroom. Curiously, you lowered your music, moving your shade to the right to peek in. Shit. Your eyes wander to the bed in the middle of the room, a rugged man lays on top of white sheets, arm nestled behind his head as he’s watching you intently. Your eyes widen at the sudden realization of him perceiving you, and you let go of the shade in a quick motion, jumping out of the windows view. He definitely saw you. Fuck. Was he...was he watching you the entire time? No, of course not.
You shut your music off and shake the thoughts from your head. You carefully ran down your stairs to get a much needed glass of water after the free concert you so happen to put on for your neighbor, jumping as your feet meet the cold tiles in your kitchen.
You opened up a cabinet to grab a glass, ignorant to the impending aggressive knock at your door that startled you enough to drop the fragile cup onto the floor - Fuck, you hissed as it shattered along your feet. 
“I’ll be right there!” shouting into the distance as you tiptoed away from the glass, rushing to the door to open it.
Your eyes are greeted with big brown ones looking you up and down -
“Uh- Hi!” your enthusiasm wasn’t lost on him as he furrowed his brows, wondering what made you so cheery today.
“Hi.” his stoic form would have scared you if you didn’t just see him relaxed and attentive in his own bedroom.
He leans on your doorway, one arm pressed against the side of the entrance, putting his weight onto one leg as he relaxed -
“Sorry to bother ya angel, did the mail lady come to you yet? I haven’t gotten a thing.” his tone lighter now as he smirked your way.
Your surprised at his comment, suddenly remembering what your father had told you about his mail - “Right! You must be Joel” you smiled, turning your head as you reached into the mailbox on the side of your door, feeling for any mail -
“None other.” his tone suddenly cold. The man was odd, intimidation leaking from his form, but a softness peaking through...dying to come out and play.
“Who might you be, darlin’?” his head tilts at you as you retreat from the mailbox, nothing in your hands for him.
“I’m Andrews daughter...y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Joel. You weren’t around the last time i was living here...” you tried to make conversation with him, but it didn’t seem as if he was interested.
He stood up from his slacked pose, slight smile leaving his face as you heard him silently sigh,
“Guess I wasn’t -No mail then,huh?” he reminded you the point of this visit wasn’t conversational, just transactional.
You jumped back inside a bit, crossing your arms with a small smile “Nothing yet! But if—“
You were cut off by a gruff voice
“You’re bleeding.”
His eyes follow your body down to the source, your foot leaking red underneath you.
“Oh—oh god, I didn’t even feel it. I just—I just dropped a glass before and it shattered everywhere but I didn’t kn—“ you were stumbling over your words, you didn’t know why this was so embarrassing for you…but you shrunk into yourself with a pink blush arriving to your cheeks.
“Take a breath, let me help ya out.” he offered, or mostly demanded since he walked in right past you, turning you around to face him so your back was to the door.
“Can you walk?” your brain blank as he asked a simple question.
“I think so—oh” you winced at the pain as you stepped down again, losing balance and falling into Joel’s chest. “Ouch” you whined out.
“Here— hold on” you felt him lean down, hooking his arm behind your knees as his other arm falls falls just under your arms. What an embarrassing first impression, you thought to yourself.
Bypassing the chair, he placed you down gently onto the kitchen table, far enough away from the shattered glass so he wouldn’t make the mess worse. “The first aid kit is—“ he cuts you off as you speak,
“I’ve been here, I know. Stay here would ya” …he lifts his head from where he was examining your foot, the stone cold look on his face sending shivers down your spine. You watched as he walked away from you, going up the stairs and to the …left? You didn’t remember the first aid kid being anywhere near your room.
A throbbing pain pulled you from your questions, moaning out “Hurry”… your eyes squeeze shut as blood seeps further onto the ground, leaving a small puddle beneath you.
Joel emerges down the stairs with the kit, rushing to bandage you up and clean the blood off your shaken foot.
“You sure did a number here, girl” he chuckles to himself as he cleans up the last of the glass/blood mixture. You look down at him from the top of the table, still reeling from the entire fiasco.
You lightly laughed at his comment, sighing out as he dumped the glass in the garbage can under the sink. You couldn’t help but get lost in your thoughts watching him in his navy blue shirt that shows off his muscles in just the right ways. The way he lifted you with no hesitation, took care of you like he really knew you. You hadn’t realized you’d been quiet for so long until —
“What’s got you so in your head, angel?” he walks over to you slowly, his hands resting on either side of your body, barely grazing your thighs.
Can’t believe he noticed you daydreaming, but you quickly snapped to look at him, humming a little as you thought of your next reply—
“Just grateful you were here to help is all.” you admitted, nervously reaching to your neck and rubbing the side, Joel noticing the squeeze of your thighs and how you had to adjust your position as he stood locking you to the table.
His large hands finding the tops of your thighs as he leans in, breath against your ear, lips brushing past your hair— he whispers,
“Looks like you owe me for that” you couldn’t help but notice the sudden darkness to his eyes as he pulls away from you, leaving your frame, walking towards your door. He turns to you one last time,
“And tell your father I said hello.”
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It’s been a week since your encounter with the neighbor. Joel Miller. You still weren’t sure what his vibe was, but you knew you had to pursue it. He would be your summer project. If you had to be trapped in the suburbs with nothing to do, maybe getting to know the cute neighbor would spice things up. It seemed he made himself scarce the last week. You didn’t see him when you peeked past your shades, he didn’t pay you any visits for his mail, he’d been...quiet. I mean, why did you expect anything else? You were just feeding into delusions now, overthinking every tone he gave you that last interaction.
You didn’t stop wondering why he had taken that different direction when getting your first aid kit, and the questions didn’t stop once you re-entered your room that evening and found one of your drawers propped slightly open...you didn’t remember doing that. Especially not to your underwear drawer.
But he couldn’t, that would be creepy. That would be downright disturbing. Your dads neighbor who he has been describing as more of a best friend the past week couldn’t have secretly stolen something from your room... but maybe you should find out.
It was Saturday, and your dad had planned a barbecue day with his friends, all of them will be enthralled with the baseball game on as well.
“Honey, you could join us if you want. I think company would be good for you. Can’t just lock yourself in your room for the whole summer.” your father persisted, speaking from the other side of your bedroom door.
“No thank you.” you turned over in bed, adjusting your sleeping position. So you were on your back now. But the ruffling of blankets didn’t hide the disappointed sigh your father let out as you heard his footsteps get further away from your door.
You remained in bed an hour or so, in and out of a conscience state, only to be awoken by the loud roaring of mens voices outside your window. Jesus. Too much testosterone in the house today. You walked out of bed to your window, peaking out to the sight of everyone around the grill with beers in hand. The hairs on your neck stand as you make eye contact with him. Joel. Who was already staring up at you, holding the unwarranted eye contact as he sipped his beer. You watch his muscle contract as he holds the beer to his mouth and brings it down. Feeling his gaze still burning into you as you bite your lip, analyzing his outfit….jeans and that goddamn navy shirt again. It’s like he knew.
This is it. This is your opportunity. You have to fuck with him. See what his vibe is about. So you do just that. Fuck with him, blowing him a kiss from your window with a smirk. Walking away quickly so you didn’t have to directly face your consequences. So you didn’t get to see Joel nearly choke on his beer and have to adjust his jeans. You didn’t get to know all the things Joel wanted to do with those lips, to that mouth. He knew he’d get to you in due time, he wanted to wait you out. If only you knew he thought of you the same as you did him, a summer project.
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You tried your best to be quiet as you snuck downstairs to get something to eat, since your fathers friends were back inside crowding the living room. You walked the hall until you were at the top of the steps looking into the living room, your eyes caught the back of him.
A rush of fear clouded your judgement as you ran back to your room, opting to starve until they left. Joel noticed your abrupt rush, only catching a glimpse of your back fading down the hall. Girl can’t even face what she started. He thought to himself as he scoffed.
You lightly closed the door behind you, leaving a small gap between the lock and frame, crawling back into bed on your back with a loud sigh. Joel looked so good, you wish you could have seen more of him. Even thought you wanted to know more, the man was intimidating, someone you know you couldn’t cross too many lines with. A man who wouldn’t put up with your antics.
Your mind betraying you as you begin to think of what his lick fingers would be like pushing you open. How warm his tongue would be as he flattened it against your cunt—fuck, you moan to yourself as your hand found comfort down your shorts, rubbing small tight circles against your clothed clit. You pulled down your shorts and any other barrier in your way, throwing them to the side as you spread your legs under the covers and dreamed it was Joel stretching you open.
You went on for awhile, fucking yourself on your own fingers. Feeling the tightness in your stomach beg to let go. “Joel” a pleading moan slipped out as your eyes were closed, squirming under the covers—
“I guess this ain’t the bathroom then.” your hand jumped out from under the covers, your eyes widen as you prop yourself up, trying to catch your breath.
Your mind barely working as you look a very interested Joel in his eyes “what the fuck are you doing in here.” Joel’s demeanor completely changes once he hears the tone you’ve set with him.
“Seems to me you called me here, angel.” He walked painfully slow to your bedside, but not before shutting and locking your door behind you. Your stomach in a thousand knots as you looked up at him from your bed.
“Or s’that another Joel you know who you were moaning about?” the sarcasm bouncing off your bedroom walls, you cower to him as he hovers over your half naked body under the covers.
“I didn’t say stop, did I?” your head slightly tilts at his words, you’re about to protest but were cut off by him ripping the blankets off of you. You gasp loudly and you rush to cover yourself with your arms.
Your eyes welling with tears from the embarrassment of him catching you in such a vulnerable state, but you’re quickly pulled from your own emotions as his hand grabs at your throat, pinning you to the bed—
“I said…” your hand flies to his wrist to try and loosen his grip on your throat, but he just keeps talking as you lowly gasp for air. “Keep. Going”
You relax in his palm, one hand still at his wrist as the other slowly obeys his words and rubs circles, catching the already leaking liquid and pushing one finger inside yourself. You whine and squirm under his grasp, closing your eyes tight as you try and get yourself off as he watches, but you haven’t been able to get yourself back into feeling that tightness.
“I —I can’t…It won’t work” you plead to him, hoping it ends whatever power play he’s decided to subject you to. But instead he scoffs at you, mimicking your words back to you in a high pitched voice—
“I —I can’t.” He laughs at you as he’s looking down at your swollen pussy. “Jesus girl, do I have to do everythin’ for ya?”
His ability to make you feel so small yet so turned on has your eyes closing in defeat, feeling his large fingers follow the curves of your body down to your cunt. His hand leaving your throat as one knee dips down into the bed, he’s now on his knees beside you. You feel his hand slide under your head and grab the hair at the base of your neck. “Oww” you squeak out loud as his grip gets tighter.
He didn’t like that.
“Stay quiet.” He slaps your pussy and you jump from the sting that lingers. Your eyes shut as your back arches up off the bed. A bright pink once against stains your cheeks in his presence.
His fingers prod at your entrance, only waiting a brief moment before he plunges two of his thick fingers into you, making sure to use his thumb to put pressure on your clit. “Fuck—fuck, your fingers feel so good” your praises were low for Joel, but you could tell his appreciation by the way he started to finger fuck you faster.
“Being such a good girl f’me” his tone finally one of praise, which alone almost sent you over the edge “l bet my angel’s about to cum. Hmm? Gonna cum on my fingers like the good girl you are?”
Joel let’s go of your hair, and moves his hand to push down on your lower belly as he finger fucks you faster, the sound of wet squelches fill the room as you try to muffle your moans by biting into your own arm— “fuck Joel, I’m gonna cum” you feel yourself on the edge of release, your whole back arching off the bed as Joel moans with you while you release on his fingers. Squeezing him tightly as your body can’t stop moving, rubbing yourself on his hand in the process. He kept ahold on your lower belly as you came down from your high. Your heavy breathing filling the room as your eyes are wide looking up at him. Your lips swollen and red from your forced biting, but Joel’s eyes didn’t leave your pussy. Watching as pulls out of you, your cum drenching his fingers.
“Taste yourself.” you look at him surprised as he forces his fingers into your mouth, you moaned around them in the process.
“Such a filthy girl. Can’t blow me kisses with my fingers gagging you.” His tone back to being rough and cold. He pushed his fingers to the back of your throat and watched you gag, removing them once he heard your pained squeak.
“Joel…” you waited to continue as the sentence as he got up from your side, once again standing over you. You sat up on the side of the bed, knees touching just below his as his brown eyes stalk you from above.
“Let me help you, please” you reach to touch his hips noticing the bulge in his pants. He groaned as you touched him, pushing your hands away from him—
“You don’t wanna start this, angel.” warning you, he grabbed your jaw in his hands as he helped your chin look upward—“I’ll ruin you.” His voice cracked, but keeping his unwavering eye contact that he’s known for.
You push your cheek into his hand, closing your eyes as the warmth of his palm soothes you. The comfort isn’t there for long since he’s the one who pulls away, walking towards the door to go back out, he leaves you, but not before commenting one thing—
“I’ll make sure to knock next time.”
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sgboyserotica · 3 months
The usual gang of after work end-of-week drinkers had shrunk down to two, just me and Irvin (not his real name). I didn’t know him all that well, he wasn’t actually from my company, but he was friends with one of my colleagues. I had hung back a bit because … well, because I got a bit of a vibe from him, and because I thought he was attractive.
Irvin had a big chest, (he has a short and broad frame) and I could see the dark brown discs of his nipples through his white work shirt. I could also see that he had quite big nubs, poking up. Those caught my eye. You know I’m a bit of a sucker for nipples.
He’d taken off his tie, undone his collar and rolled up his sleeves, and they clung tightly to his big arms. Looked really hot, with his wrestler’s build. His business pants were also tailored to his ass, which looked big and firm. All of this contrasted quite strongly with his squarish face - his glasses gave him a nerdy look, and he had a geeky look, like his body belonged to someone else.
He’d switched to water, because he needed to drive home. I was finishing off my third glass of wine, so I was pleasantly buzzed.
“Time to make a move,” Irvin said, stood and picked up his things. “Want a lift?”
I agreed, got my stuff and we headed to where his car was, in the office building where he worked. We made small talk along the way, and I complimented his physique. We compared our gym routines and I said how much I liked his chest. I put a hand out to feel it, and he stopped to let me.
I put my hand flat on his chest - very firm - and then I ran my hand across it, feeling the mounded shape, and then I sort of rubbed and cupped it, because it was a good size. Irvin made a small noise.
“Want a closer look?” he said, with a little smile. “Normally I charge, but free for a friend.”
I kept my face still, unsure if he was serious. Turns out that he was - as we continued, he explained that he often got offered money to do things by people who saw him in the gym. He’d accepted offers twice (he said) for muscle worship, where he went to a person’s house and they touched his body and did other things.
I said that I thought he was straight, and he laughed at me. Doing things for pay didn’t change his orientation, he said, and he didn’t care about the gender of the mouth that was sucking him. That was his limit, he said, which made sense to me.
Honestly, whatever your limit is, that’s your limit, and it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone but you - in this case, I could see what Irvin was getting at.
The car park was quite empty, not surprising given the hour, and the fact that it was in the business district. Fortunately for us, Irvin had parked in a far corner, because it was the only spot available when he’d arrived at work, he said. Still, it was in direct line of sight to the lift lobby, so anyone getting out of the lift to get their car (there were a couple more left on this floor) could see us.
I reached for the buttons on his shirt, but he stopped me. Car park was a little too exposed, so instead, we made our way to a higher floor. His firm had the use of the entire floor, and the toilets were inside. Completely private, for all intents and purposes, but we walked around the floor making sure that no one had stayed back to work.
I thought we could have pretty much done stuff out in the open, since there was no one in the place, but Irvin led me into the unisex handicapped toilet. It was huge, bigger than some HDB bathrooms, and had a sink and a toilet and plenty of other space, with handrails in a few places as well as a couple of emergency call buttons. Irvin closed and locked the door. He leaned against the one blank wall (the others had the door, the sink and the toilet against them), and slowly, seductively, undid one button on his shirt.
He looked a bit wounded when I laughed at him, but he recovered when I stepped forward and put my hands above his hips, and ran them up and down to feel his solid body.
“Open your shirt,” I said, and I let him undo the rest of his buttons. When he pulled his shirttails out of the waistband of his pants, I spread his shirt open, and cupped his pecs. They were really quite big, and heavy, and my hands were in the right position for me to rub my thumbs against his nipples as I lifted and lowered his pecs. He did have fairly large nubs, and he inhaled, hissing, when I rubbed them.
He was responsive, making soft noises as I played with his chest. It wasn’t worship, really, I mean, I like nipples and pecs and all that - but I was mostly trying to turn this guy on. I wanted him to moan.
(A small part of me wanted him to be so crazy horny that he’d ask me to fuck him, but I don’t think that straight guys do that. I already knew that he’d probably let me suck him if I got him hot enough.)
I tried getting a little rougher, but he didn’t like that - not everyone likes having their nipples played with, let along pinched and twiddled and more. I went back to just playing with his chest as though they were a couple of muscular boobs, and then I thought maybe I would lean in and taste him.
I put my thumb and forefinger around Irvin’s nipple, pinched and let go of his nub, firmly, but not hard. I leaned forward, and ran the tip of my tongue around his areola, leaving his nub alone. He grunted, impatient, put his hand on the back of my head and pushed me down, so I got a mouthful of his pec.
I sucked, his nipple entirely in my mouth, like a baby trying to get a feed. Irvin breathed heavily, and I thought he was enjoying it. I stuck out my tongue, pressed it against his nipple. The nub of his nipple felt very big against my tongue, the size of a pill. Now he didn’t seem to care about how much noise he was making, and he moaned loudly, as I rubbed my tongue against it, back and forth.
I let it go, and tried to put up my head, but Irvin pushed my head to his other pec - back to sucking, and more moaning from him. I have to admit that I was kind of enjoying myself. Maybe because hearing him moan was a turn-on for me.
When I put one hand on his crotch, I found that he was hard, straining. Obviously, sucking on his chest had turned him on a bit. He undid his belt and his pants in a hurry. When he let me take my head off his chest, I saw a small, wet spot on his underwear.
I rubbed the bulge, and Irvin peeled his undies downward and let out his cock. He had one that was thick at the base and somehow more narrow at the tip, uncut, but so hard that the skin was stretched tight over his cockhead.
I put a hand around him, and leaned forward to suck his chest again. Got his whole nipple under my mouth, and swirled my tongue around his tit, sucked hard - and then heard him yell “oh, FUCK” above my head and felt his cock pulsing in my hand.
I let go of his nipple and looked down, and saw that Irvin had shot his load, across the handicapped toilet, and a single strand of jizz was hanging down from his dick.
“Hey, sorry, sorry,” Irvin said, looking embarrassed. I didn’t reply, just dived down to scoop up that last drop with my tongue and get a taste of his cock. He half-yelped when I engulfed him, right to the root. I could smell him, when I had my mouth full - a full day’s worth of ballsweat, he was ripe. I didn’t mind.
He let me have a couple of sucks, from the base till only his glans was in my mouth, and back down again, before pulling back. I stood up, and Irvin pulled his underwear up.
“Ok, enough?” he said, “Or, uh, you want to jerk off or something?” I was hard and horny enough to want to finish, but I didn’t want to jerk myself off.
“You help me?” I said, and he seemed amenable.
I undid my pants and lowered them, mid-thigh. Irvin fingered my own barely-restrained bulge, and pulled down the front of my underwear.
I popped out, more than halfway hard, my foreskin retracted enough that my piss slit showed through the opening, wet and glistening.
“Wow, you’re big,” Irvin said, admiringly. I’m not, really - seen much bigger - but I am a little bigger than average and a little thicker, too, which adds to the illusion of size.
He stood to one side, out of the line of fire, grasped me overhand, and jerked me roughly, my foreskin slipping over my head more easily than usual since it was already lubed with pre-cum. It was uncomfortable but felt strangely good.
I imagine we must have looked like a couple of guys in one of this exec wear pornos, both dressed in workwear, my cock out, Irvin’s pants open and his shirt unbuttoned.
On a whim, I leaned forward and sucked one of his pecs like before. Irvin cursed “ah, FUCK” and jerked me harder, and it only took a little while of that before I was close enough to cum, pumping out my load and bucking my hips a couple of times. Irvin took his hand off as soon as I shot, and I stood back up.
I saw that some of my cum had landed on his hand, one thick string and I’d also managed to shoot quite far. Irvin smeared the last bit of my jizz on his other pec, and smirked at me.
“Dessert?” he said, and I obediently licked it off his nipple (earning me a sigh) and then sucked that pec, tonguing the nub.
Irvin moaned and I felt motion - he’d leaned back against the wall, pulled his underwear down and was jerking himself off. He was hard, again.
I straightened up.
“Can round two?” I said. Irvin’s eyes were a little glazed, and he nodded.
“I think so,” he said. I got to my knees, and he let himself go - it went straight into my mouth, and I sucked him, looking up to see that he was fingering his chest. I put one hand up and he let me grab one pec. He was moaning again as I fingered him, and when I managed to get his nub between my thumb and forefinger, I rubbed it between them - that was enough to set him off. He rewarded me with a second load, his dick pulsing between my lips, me swallowing a couple of times as he pumped it out into my mouth.
I withdrew and stood up, and we both tidied up. We made our way to the car, and he drove me home.
“That was good,” Irvin said, “I should be the one paying you.” I climbed out of the car - he’d stopped under my condo.
“Ah, you saved me a taxi fare home,” I said. “I think we’re even.”
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grace-cspace · 1 year
Prolouge:Gods of Sea
Suprise wasn’t even close to what Governer Swann felt whenever he opened his door on that warm, spring afternoon to find a basket with a small baby in it, the only thing that was with her was a note, a blanket and a locket that was around her neck but way to big for the small child. The Governer was quick to act, picking up the basket and walking inside, where he found his gorgeous wife sitting on the couch, holding their new born. “Penny, darling, come here please.” The woman’s head whipped around, revealing a beautiful face, framed by blond hair and forest green eyes. “Oh dear what is that?” The woman hopped up and hurried towards her husband, clutching her baby in her arms. “It’s a child.” The Governer said, moving the blanket off the baby and lifting her up into his arms. “She came with a note as well.” He spoke handing the woman the peace of paper.
Whoever may find my darling daughter please find her a good home, I could no longer care for her but she being my flesh and blood must find a place of residence. Her name is Estella, and again, take her in, do not let her know about this, let her live her life as if she was normal.
Mrs.Swann read it aloud, staring at the dear young girl in her husbands arms. “We must take her in Weatherby.” The governer of Port Royal stared at the baby in his arms for a secound. A small head of curly midnight hair was brushing her head as her big crystal blue doe eyes stared up at him. “Indeed Penny. Elizabeth seems to have a new sister, Estella Swann.”
“Stella!” Young Elizabeth Swan’s voice yelled out for her sister, searching through the croud of people until she saw small pale legs from being a curtain, hiding a small bakery’s windows. Elizabeth ran towards her sister, full intent of winning their little game, but before she could tag her Estella charged out of the curtain, running down the dirt street as her hair flew behind her along with her giggles. Elizabeth huffed, knowing her sister would put up a long chase. The two girls weaved through the street and people, mistresses dressed in beatiful gowns and men standing sophisticated with all their glory, but none of that mattered to them. Suddenly a loud bump echoed through the square as the curly haired girl fell onto her bottom, tears filling her eyes and a red mark in the formation of a hand now printed on her check. Tears dripping down the young girls checks as she refused to look up at the man in front of her. Elizabeth rushed to her sisters side, cupping her check and whipping her tears before glancing up at the commodore. “D..don’t touch her.” Elizabeth tried to sound intimidating but it came off more scared in her small voice. The commodore scowled down at her but didn’t smack her but instead firmly said, “get back to your parents.”
A fourteen year old Estella Swann sat on the dock, gently dipping her feet into the water below with her nose in a book. Sitting by the water and reading was one of Estella’s favorite things to do, she didn’t have many friends unlike her sister, typically the girl was alone unless she was with her parents or Elizabeth. Currently she was reading a book she picked up whenever she was younger in Italy. It was about the tails of pirates in the caribbean. She was shocked at how many brutal but altogether adventurous things had happened so close to her home. The stories about Davy Jones, Jack Sparrow, Black Beard, they all interested her more than anything she’d ever experienced. The way the pirates stood out, the way their stories shows that dispite the badness everyone said they had they were full of excitement, full of freedom. Estella would kill to be like the men she would read about that were off at sea, she wanted to be brave, speak up when she wanted something, she wanted to learn how to sail and how to swing from ropes and lead a crew, but instead she was stuck. Stuck as shy small Estella Swann, dispite how much she could dream she would never be a pirate, never have the freedom to feel the wind in her hair and the splash of ocean water, she would stay with her family until she got married off to some man and live the rest of her life as a house mother and wife. She couldn’t be free. Estella gently traced a picture sketched into the book, it was of a pirate ship, one with black sails that held the wind and a beautiful build, Estella didn’t even have to look at the caption to know that the ship on the page was the Black Pearl, one of the fastest ships in the world. Estella gently shut her book as she saw the ship arrive in the corner of her eye and stood, a small smile grazing her lips as she slowly made her way to stand in front of the boat as she watched two familiar faces step down, accompanied by an unfamiliar face, a small boy around her and Elizabeth’s age. As the three got down to Estella she immediately questioned the stranger to her father. “This is William Turner.” Estella’s father introduced waving his hand at the mysterious boy. Will smiled at her and held his hand out, Estella hesitantly shook his hand telling Will her name.
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original idea, m | kth
pairing(s): taehyung x reader
summary: Your boyfriend, Kim Taehyung, is observant. He noticed you started your period today and picked up your favorite can of sweet Thai tea on his way back from visiting his best friend Park Jimin. How nice of him until he asks you mid-gulp if he can go in raw.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; unprotected period sex, do not do this unless you absolutely trust the other person; established relationship; low-key crack; lots of fluff; shower smut (fem reader is on her period, handjob, unprotected, wall sex, creampie, doggy); non-idol!BTS, ft Jimin putting ideas in Taehyung's head, who would have guessed
“You started your period today.”
You cracked open the can of Thai tea you boyfriend handed you. “Yeah, how’d you know?”
“I saw the pad wrapper in the trash.”
You took a large sip, thinking the conversation was over.
“Does that mean I can go in raw?”
You nearly spit out the entire contents of your mouth. Instead, you choked and swallowed hard, coughing and sputtering. “What?”
Kim Taehyung expression didn’t change. “Does that mean I can go in–?”
You held up your hand, coughing wildly, hacking the words out. “I heard what you said, I just can’t believe you said it, who the fuck?”
Taehyung seemed to understand and nodded, dark brown hair falling over his forehead.
“Oh, right. I was talking to Jimin and he mentioned–”
Oh, of course, how could you not guess, Taehyung’s best friend Park Jimin was putting ideas in Taehyungie’s little noggin and now murdering you as you struggled to breathe.
“–that it could be possible, because you’re right, it’s too early to have kids and having a monetary plan to prepare is a better idea–”
You were glad that Taehyung was interested in finances when it came to having children but he sure picked a weird ass time to agree with your sensibilities.
“–but I love having sex with you, so I was telling Jimin I haven’t been in raw yet and I completely understand that you prefer condoms over hormones since that might affect your mental state and I don’t like the idea of only you doing something like that to yourself anyway, it doesn’t seem fair–”
You were still processing the fact that Taehyung had told Jimin he hadn’t been in raw. What the fuck?! At least he loved having sex with you. You were staring at Taehyung slack-jawed, but he was scrunching up his face, trying to remember the rest of the conversation.
“–and Jimin mentioned, ‘hey, at least you can do it when she’s on her period, it’ll add more lubrication and it might even be better for her,’ so I was wondering if we could try it, if you’re interested.”
You still hadn’t picked your jaw off the floor.
Taehyung opened his eyes and smiled at you. “Hm? What do you think?”
Okay, you very much enjoyed Taehyung’s eager, boxy smile, so that unfroze you, but you still blurted out your next question in sheer shock.
“Why did you tell Jimin you’ve never been in raw?!”
He blinked, tilting his head. “It just came up.”
You looked around, expecting Jimin to pop out and tell you you’ve been pranked. He did not.
“…. H-How…? Actually, don’t tell me, I’m going choose ignorance…” you mumbled, now taking another long sip of your Thai tea, but more like a swig and wishing it was forty-percent alcohol.
“But what do you think though?” Taehyung persisted, leaning down with his tilted head to try and catch your eye. “Do you wanna try? It might be nice!”
You looked down.
Someone was thinking about it for sure.
You looked back up.
Taehyung smiled at you innocently with a massive tent in his pants.
You stared into those big brown eyes and sighed.
“Ah… probably not. It’s going to be so messy and dirty and cleaning up is going to be such a bitch… I’m sorry, Tae, but I don’t think…”
You stood under the showerhead, your hair wet and sticking to your forehead.
Hey, in your defense, you were also curious.
Taehyung chewed on his lip, watching you inquiringly. “Hey, we don’t have to. I was being kinda pushy… but…”
You scratched your head, moving your wet hair out of your eyes. “Ah, it’s okay, I understand, I just… it feels wrong, you know? Aren’t you grossed out?”
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Mmm, at first? But the more I think about it, the more I think, well, isn’t it natural? And you have to deal with it every month for many, many years, right? Plus, when we have children, they’re going to come out of you slightly, erm…” He made a little bit of a face but shook his head, spraying water everywhere from his dark wet hair. “Anyway, it’s not too bad. We’re in the shower. You like it when we do stuff in the shower,” Taehyung added brightly.
You contained your laughter, giving him a hopeless smile. “Why are you acting so weird?”
Now Taehyung turned red, his deep tan skin flushing, eyes shifting from side to side. “Um…”
You tilted your head.
He shot you a quick glance and mumbled under his breath.
He chewed on his lip.
You reached up and pushed your hair back, swimsuit-supermodel style, and now Taehyung was doing more than glancing, he was observing very closely and very intently under wet strands of dark brown hair, curling around his strong features and moody brown eyes, his lips parting slightly, probably unnoticed on his part.
Looking like a fish wasn’t exactly an image Taehyung himself considered sexy.
Secretly, you enjoyed it because it meant he wasn’t conscious of what he looked like and was too distracted by your actions and your body to do so.
You smiled. “Why were you talking to Jimin about something like that anyway?”
Taehyung stiffened as you neared, biting his lip. “Ah, well…” He frowned slightly. “You’re so good at certain… things… It’s kind of frustrating for me… sometimes. I want to be better.”
Now you hesitated. “What are you talking about? Haven’t I taught you a lot of things? And you learn quickly and are amazing once you get the hang of it.”
His lips twisted into a small pout.
“For once, I’d like to teach you something.” He let out a small puff. “Or at least suggest something you’ve never heard of before.”
You blinked at him.
“Er… going in raw isn’t exactly a new concept… rather… that’s the original idea of dick and pussy in the first place…”
Taehyung scrunched up his face. “I know that, argh… I just mean… ah…” He trailed off, baritone voice now unsure and unsteady.
You saw he was rapidly losing confidence and you placed a hand on his chin, lightly lifting it with your knuckle. “Hey, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I want to try it. I just thought you wouldn’t like it, because… I mean… Period blood isn’t sexy per se… And I’m certainly not sexy during that time of the month…” You frowned uneasily, lowering your hand, but now Taehyung raised your chin, smiling at you.
“Don’t be silly. You’re always sexy.”
He leaned in, smile morphing into a smirk.
“Also, your boobs get bigger during that time of month, so I always appreciate that.”
Your eyes widened. “You noticed?”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “Of course, I noticed. I keep close tabs on your boobs.”
“Close tabs? Do you record the size in a notebook or something?”
He chuckled, tapping his temple with his free hand, the other sliding down your chin, tracing the contours of your neck and collarbones. “Mental notes. I remember all the important stuff. Your boobs are on the top of the list.”
Your cut in with your inquiring quips. “My ass? My mouth? My hands? My pussy?”
Taehyung frowned slightly and placed his large hand on your breast, kneading it as if he needed comfort. “Okay, near the top, but don’t make me order them, it’s too difficult.”
You grinned. “That makes me feel better.”
He breathed out in relief. “Whew, that’s good–mphf!”
You seized the moment and pushed him into the wall, pressing your wet body into his, your tongue snaking out and lightly flicking against his lips, taking advantage of his surprise and the beauty of his widened eyes to kiss him firmly, falling into his warmth. It took him a second to compose himself, tipping his head down to take charge of the kiss, squeezing your breast and running his thumb over your hard nipple, but you placed your palms flat on the shower wall and resisted him, dancing your tongue between his lips and not letting him catch it, smirking at the growl he made in frustration.
“We were having a moment,” he muttered.
“Mmm, I know, but I want my moment with him.”
Your fingers ghosted his thigh and he sucked in a breath as your hand closed around his cock, not quite hard yet but getting there, especially after your hand came into contact with it. You feathered kisses on his lips as you stroked his length, nice and slow, his other hand coming up to cup both breasts, panting softly, hot breath on your lips.
“You’re too quick…”
“Can’t waste too much water,” you chuckled. “And…”
You kissed up his jaw, adjusting your body to get a better angle, licking his skin lightly and feeling the vibration and depth of his moan under your tongue and lips, whispering gently into his ear.
“It’s kind of hard to focus when you’re so handsome, Tae.”
He let you have the moment, tipping his head down so your teeth could catch his ear, nipping at it lightly, contrasting with the pace of your hand, firm and intense, shivering at the thickness and the weight in your palm, savoring the taste of his skin, moaning into his ear, long and sensual, everything he liked and more, his head turning, black-brown eyes looking down at you under lashes covered in small droplets, adding to his already ethereal appearance.
“Let me…”
He leaned in, not finishing his sentence, kissing you long and deep and sweet, changing your positions, but you didn’t let go, toying with his tongue. He made a small tch sound of annoyance, shifting his hips, picking up one of your legs.
“Ah, w-wait…”
“Why?” he chuckled. “You don’t wanna wait. I can tell.”
You tried to hide the smirk, but it came out.
Smugness just refused to be hidden.
Taehyung grinned against your lips. “Thought so.”
Your hand was already guiding him. “This isn’t going to be the optimal position for you to cum.”
You raised an eyebrow and he thrust up into your pussy.
You sucked in a breath, relaxing yet still stretched out. It did hurt slightly. Taehyung was sizable after all, in length and girth, but you had practice and muscle memory, and maybe (definitely) a pain kink.
What? It was fun getting stuffed with dick.
Especially when it was Taehyung’s dick.
You? You were fine.
“Oh, fuck…!”
Er, maybe not?
He had such a cocky expression beforehand but the second he entered you, it instantly changed, sudden tension in his strong features, gasping as he slid in, surprisingly much easier than you expected, perhaps due to the consistency of the slippery blood, almost stopping halfway, but you didn’t let him, firmly grabbing his hips and yanking him towards you, his eyes rolling back, whining your name loudly, the volume and depth reverberating in the bathroom.
“You’re so t-tight… fuck… soft… oh, shit…”
You let him run through every expletive he knew, holding him firmly by his juicy ass, enjoying it too much, but thankfully Taehyung didn’t notice, eyes closed, head thrown back, dark wet hair curling around his cheekbones. He reached up and pushed it away from his face, exhaling hard, slowly opening his eyes, hazy and unfocused.
“Fuck… it feels so fucking good, you have no idea…” he shuddered, twitching inside you and moaning once more, body shaking so he had to plant his hands on the walls of the shower, volume increasing as you pulsed your muscles around his length. There was slight pain from cramps, but not from his cock, and you could ignore the dull ache and focus on the pleasure, slowly moving your hips and biting your lip, feeling the added slickness of your juices mixing with the blood.
You often cursed your period’s arrival, but maybe it was time to reconsider.
Always good to find the silver lining in things.
You rolled your hips and he gasped, thrusting back lightly.
“Don’t wanna hurt you,” he panted, swallowing hard. “Shit, it feels so fucking good, I can’t t-think…”
“I’ll tell you if it hurts,” you managed to say, pressing your hands into his ass and angling yourself to take him deeper, shoulder blades and head touching the shower wall, sighing in satisfaction.
“Alright, I’m gonna…”
He clenched his jaw, faster, harder, one hand coming down to grab a handful of your ass, you wrapping a leg around his and meeting him in the middle, increasing the depth of each thrust, both of you gasping at the tightness and the wetness, the messy slap and squelch echoing in the bathroom, water raining down on his broad back and spraying onto your chest, clenching around him so he could feel more, his eyelids fluttering, biting his lower lip, tendons on his neck popping out, and you realized he was trying not to cum, trying to hold back, so you gave his stiff length a particularly firm squeeze and Taehyung groaned, barely able to shoot you an incredulous look.
You grinned.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
You felt it, his cock twitching and spilling into you, eyes widening at the sensation, not quite as strong as porn seemed to make it, but noticeable for sure, pushing out your juices in a rough sputter, loud and obscene, flinching as Taehyung’s hand quickly moved down, rubbing your clit, making you squirm and twist of his cock, almost falling off but he kept his other hand on your ass, digging his nails into the softness, holding you in place.
“Come on, come on, come on–”
It didn’t take much, you were already turned on by the fucking and then the sensation of being filled up, and you cried out, trying not to move your hips, the high peaking.
“Tae, fuck!”
Hot shivers and burning electricity tearing through your veins, jerking your hips forward and tightening around his cock, harsh throbs racking your body you came, pussy squeezing so hard that you felt his cock stiffen again, swelling and growing inside you as your orgasm roughly roused him back to life, both of you moaning at the sensation, feeling his cum and yours drip down your thigh, hearing it plop thickly onto the bathtub below and wash away, stunning both you and him at the lewd noise.
You panted hard, letting out a tense puff as he slid out of you.
“That felt… so fucking good…”
You thought for a moment, catching your breath. The pain your felt was only from cramps, although it seemed to be less now. Was that the ibuprofen? Or the euphoria of orgasm? You paused on consider the differences, chewing on your lip thoughtfully.
“I think for me it’s about the same? You feel very similar with and without a condom.”
Taehyung shook his head. “Not for me, you feel way better, I don’t know how I can go back, the condom is seriously a nerf…” he mumbled.
You shifted your eyes. “You didn’t last… the longest.”
His ears turned red.
“W… Well…”
“My pussy is pretty overpowered, maybe she needs the nerf.”
He sighed, frowning. “True… I still stand by the fact that it physically feels better, but more time to enjoy does even it out…”
You tapped your fist in your other palm. “Oh! Let’s do it from behind.”
He blinked. “Eh?”
But you were already turning around, Taehyung stumbling back, pushing the showerhead out of the way and pointing it towards the wall so he didn’t drown, audibly gasping as you bent over and presented your ass, hands spreading open your pussy with one fluid motion. You turned your head back and grinned.
“Oh, fuck, yes.”
You felt him position the head against your opening and he pushed in, slow, steady, both you of moaning at the feeling, centimeter by centimeter, this position tighter, more heavenly, giving you added control over your muscles so you could pulsate around him. He inhaled sharply, gripping your hips and forcefully pushing in the rest of the way, bottoming out, balls smacking your clit.
“Stop t-that, fuck…”
You let go of your ass and placed one hand on the edge of the bathtub and the other on the wall.
Then you rocked your hips back.
“Ah, yes, Tae…”
“Are you trying to kill me? Oh, shit!”
You continued and Taehyung had no choice, fiercely grabbing your hips to try and get you to stop, but you were undeterred, so he had to ram his cock into you, exactly what you wanted, the sudden sensation of the head hitting you deeply rendering your speechless, and he had no time to gloat, too driven by lust and pleasure to taunt you even if he wanted to.
“A-ah, it’s good like this too, oh, fuuuck, yes, you always feel so fucking tight…”
He had a good rhythm and pace like this, deep, controlled, fast, making sure to give you the powerful thrusts you liked, loud, audible smacks of hips to ass, rough and wet, and you knew you had his cum inside you now along with yours and the added slickness of your period, and, sure, maybe someone found it gross, but in this second (and lucky all subsequent seconds involving this very behavior that would certainly continue at least once a month) you nor Taehyung gave a single fucking shit, pleasure flaring up your core, the dull ache of cramps forgotten, completely focused on the feeling of his cock entering you over and over, your hand on the wall curling into a fist, hitched breaths and flinching shivers taking over, clenching around him, oh fuck, his rock-hard, thick length plunging into your tight, wet hole, too much, so good, your thighs tensing from the overwhelming proximity of release.
“Taehyung, oh, fuck, you’re so good at f-fucking me…”
You could tell he wasn’t talking on purpose, probably clenching his jaw to last as long as possible, but he wasn’t going to last much longer because you smacked your palm into the tile wall, gasping his name loudly, shot into free-fall.
“Gonna cum, fuck!”
That was all the warning he got as your walls spasmed, brutally massaging his cock and he hissed your name, turning into a half-moan, half-whine as he yanked your hips down and slammed into your pussy, fully sheathing himself all the way up to his balls, his cock jolting and spilling his orgasm into you, his hands on your ass shaking so bad they seemed to be vibrating, gripping tighter and tighter, rolling his hips inside you and moaning, prolonging the euphoric feeling.
“S-So good… ah, yeeeeeees…”
It took him a while to still, breathing loud and hard, holding you in the bent over position, the additional time getting slightly awkward, but you waited it out, his grip finally loosening, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you up, your pussy too wet and his cock giving up, sliding out, a mess of juices splattering out of you.
Good thing you were in the shower. Easy to clean up.
“It’s… too good…” Taehyung huffed, broad shoulder leaning against the wall to hold himself up, still clinging onto you. “Your pussy does need a nerf, but, fuck, I’m still gonna think about it all the time…”
“Good thing for you that my period lasts at least five days.”
Taehyung looked up to the sky and whispered his gratitude.
“I know you kind of hate it, but I’m still going to thank them.”
“Maybe I have a reason to hate it a little less now. It’s still inconvenient.”
“Yeah, but going in raw…”
Mmm, yeah, that still sounded weird. Oh well.
“You’re not going to tell Jimin, right?”
“You let him go in raw?!”
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divinefireangel · 3 years
Make out Sessions with SF9 - Hard Ver.
As per multiple requests 👀. Hope y'all like it!
Warnings: Suggestive. Smut. Female anatomy. Sloppy kissing. Just go with it 😂. Choking. Youngbin's is highly inspired by Hannah 🤭. Extremely inaccurate description of wine? Cause I've never consumed any lmao. Sensual touching? Humping? Size kink for Ju? Strength kink for Seokwoo? Tbh idk what I'm doing lol
Everything under the cut!
You're both in the balcony, sipping on wine after a long tiring day, awaiting the weekend
Maybe it's the wine or the fact that you both are absolutely free for a whole day tomorrow, but something is just pulling you closer to him
And just like that, you straddle his thick thighs in the chair he's seated on 👀
Gulping you bite your lip, before leaning in to taste his
Of course due to the wine, his lips and tongue and saliva all taste like alcohol and his own flavour
He will pull you closer till your legs are bent at your knees and are resting against his sides comfortably and your heat is touching his crotch
He's also gonna be really loud, moaning into each kiss, breaking only to kiss your neck or jaw with closed eyes
His hands are sensually touching your back and breasts, just feeling you up and making your whine for more
Easily carries you to the bedroom for a night full of expected unexpected events
Baby boy is so shocked when you kiss him with a lot of fervour
Takes a few seconds to realize what's happening lmao
But when he does, he will flush his chest against yours
Hands start to wander along the length of your back
And everytime he reaches the end of your back, he goes lower till he's able to cup your butt
Now you're shocked 😝
All this, while still kissing you senseless
His lips moulding with yours
Moans coming out from the both of you
Teeth pulling at your lips
Teeth clinking together
His tongue asking for permission to enter your mouth
When you give him the green light, gosh he will be ready to fuck you on the floor 🤭
Oh this one definitely tries to convert every innocent little kiss to a make out whenever you both are alone
And he knows you will give into his charm because he's cocky and we love to see it
It's instances when he's sitting on a chair in the kitchen while you cook or study and every time you get something right he gives you a congratulatory kiss
But after that last bit of preparation, when he does kiss you, his hands are on your waist, fingers pressing into your skin lightly as his lips move against yours
Pulls away when you're breathless and smirks that sexy smirk FUCK ME
Now of course, his hands move to cup your butt and pull you closer
Well he makes you sit on his lap while he's still in the chair
Holds your face in one palm before looking into your eyes and just dives in to your mouth
It as so messy but it's also so hot like????? How even does he do that lol
His tongue is more in your mouth than his, purposely drawing out moans and small surprised squeals from you and your sounds are sending electricity to his cock
Which then leads to your both dry humping each other till he just feels like he's had enough of this teasing and dramatically pushes your things off the table to fuck you on it 😉🤭
Oh this fucker knows what he's doing but he'll act all cute so you can't even blame him 😣
And it's always things that shouldn't even affect you like feeling his hot breaths against your neck while his chest heaves on your back or his hands that slowly pull your pants a little lower IT'S NOT EVEN NOTICEABLE
But fuck he knows what he wants and he also knows he's convincing you
He's so happy when you huff in annoyance and just push him onto the bed after dragging him to the room
His smile disappears when you straddle his lap and pull him closer by his shirt
And he starts to lose his shit when you bite your lip and trace his facial features, looking at him with your bedroom eyes, lowering yourself till you feel his half hard cock
When you start to rub your clothed core against his, fuck he's even more desperate
Hands go to your hips to guide your movement
But before he can kiss you, you tilt your head back moaning so loud, making him whine to feel your lips
You give in easily lmao 💀
Grinding down harder and kissing him even harder only breaking to remove your clothes 🤤
He's been cooped up in the studio for too long so it is fair if you go and make sure he isn't as stressed 😉
And so you do
You walk in to his studio wearing the cutest skirt you own
But he's so engrossed in work he doesn't notice :(
That's okay cause you remove your shoes and pull his chair out, abruptly sitting on his lap, your back to his chest
That's when he notices the skirt, and his fingers trace the hem slowly raising it up 👀
Groans looking at your cute panties and turns your face to his to give you a sweet kiss
Makes you stand to lean on the table facing him
So when he stands he can tower you and make you feel small
His fingers comb through your scalp till he can pull your head back suddenly and slowly kisses up from your neck to your lips as you breathe hard through your mouth
His lips meet yours with a lot of force, whimpers and moans flying out from you when he starts to move you up on the table
"Naughty kitten" and imagine that with his deep ass voice WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF 😭
It all starts with a boring movie, you in his lap, breathing into each other's mouth while kissing
Your hands pulling at his hair
His hands roaming your body, squeezing you ass or choking you or cupping your boobs over your his shirt
And you're just grinding your core against his, dizzying the both of you
Desperately attempting to feel some sort of relief
He will surely laugh cutely at your struggle
Then of course he uses his strength to pin you down and kiss you again
But this time he moves his kisses down from your lips to your core 😉
Being the playfully unfair lover he is, he moves back up to capture your lips
His fingers have other plans tho 👀
He feels you get wetter as he traces your folds over your shorts
While swallowing your moans and cries for more
Or if he's feeling generous he will kiss your neck, listening to your cute begs for more while fingering you
Yoo Taeyang
Okay he knows that you are loving his biceps so he will purposely flex them especially after his home workout
And I mean this sweaty well defined biceps like those in his cycling pics
Smirking he just tells you that he's gonna shower before you both can spend time knowing full well that you will not stay put in your place
When you enter the bathroom, the scene in front of you is heavenly
Water cascading down from his wet hair through his abs and down his legs 👀
"Took you long enough"
Chuckling in disbelief you shake your head while undressing cause you'd be a fool to miss out
Climbing into the shower you push him onto the wall, pressing your chest to his and scratching his back while getting on your toes
Cupping your face he kisses you, pulling you both under the water coming from the shower
Your kiss is a mix of his and your salivas and the shower water, it's messy and desperate but you can't care when you feel his dick come to life against your stomach
Without further teasing he picks you up and fucks you in the shower as you clutch onto him harder every time his cock brushes your g-spot
Poor thing all he wanted was a relaxing bath till you entered
Stripping yourself, you enter the tub, sitting on his lap facing him and his shocked expression
He becomes a little less shocked when he, well his dick feels how wet you are lmao
Bringing one dripping hand out of the warm water he freely moves it from your cheek, down to your thigh but making sure to wet your neck and tweak your nipple in the process
Clenching your thighs hesitantly at the cold air you felt wherever he touched you, you moan with your eyes closed
Gulping he moves both his hands to your neck to pull you flush against him as he connects your lips together
His hands feel up your back
His kisses needy, muffling both of your moans while you wait for his cock to charge up 🤭
He didn't have the intention of making you weak in the knees
But fuck how can you not go weak when your boyfriend is so hot
Legit all he did was pulling his shirt off with one hand, skillfully
And that made you pull him into bed with you
Your legs trapping his left leg, grinding your needy core against his thigh
Chest pressed flush on his
Hands slightly scraping the skin on his back
Lips attached to his moist ones
His hands slowly hiking up your shirt to touch your soft skin
Tbh he can't take this for too long
So he flips you onto your back and climbs between your legs, a teasing smirk plastered on his face
And his even more teasing fingers tracing your skin up from your knee, over your thighs, stomach, chest till it reaches your throat, tilting your head up so he can pepper small lovebites on you
Places a bruising kiss on your lips till your eyes are rolling back from the foreplay itself
SF9 Masterlist
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Love Is Always The Move ✨
Lyonessa’s Powerful Self Love Drawin Spiritual Bath 🛁
💕 Organic Dried or Fresh picked rose petals
💕 Orange Blossom Water
💕 Amethyst
💕 Magnesium Flakes
💕 Red Cinnamon Candle
💕 Self Love Drops or Oil
💕 Sugar
💕 Kosher or Himalayan Pink Salt
💕 A salt exfoliating scrub
💕 A moisturizing body wash
💕 Your favorite lotion or body cream
💕 A fluffy towel and relaxing playlist
💕 A jar
💕 6 Written Self Love Affirmations
💕 A pair of tongs
💕A plate
This bath is best done on a new moon for the best result!
Cleanse and bless your space. If you have a love altar concentrate & charge your items, for increased power.
Charge your crystal with intention. Enchant & bless your herbs. Fix your candle, anointing it with self love oil and with sugar.
Draw your bath water and sprinkle in your rose petals, magnesium flakes and salt. Place your amethyst on the tub. Pour in the orange blossom water.
Set the mood. Get your playlist going!
Light the candle, remove your clothing and get into the bath and relax, while visualizing you elevating into the best version of yourself. This is also a great time for you to go over your affirmations or anything else you like to do spiritually uplift yourself.
When you are ready, think of all things preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself. Take the salt scrub and while scrubbing your whole body down say:
“I release (negative pattern) from my life and draw in good energy & self love.” Say this as many times as you need.
Rinse yourself off and use the cup to take a small portion of the bathwater to save.
Use the moisturizing body wash 🧴 and complete your bath. Dry off with your towel.
While moisturizing with lotion, repeat your six written affirmations out loud, six times. Then fold the paper six times towards you.
Using the tongs, light the paper on fire using the flame from the candle. Make sure to practice proper fire safety and let the ashes and embers fall into the plate.
Mix the ashes and the bath water in the jar.
Let the candle burn all the way down.
After the candle has burned down completely, take the jar of bathwater & ashes to the crossroads during sunrise. Pour it out and don’t look back. You can leave three coins for the spirit of the crossroads or some candies for Papa Legba.
Place the Amethyst under your pillow or under/near your bed. You can constantly reuse it for this spell, continuously.  This is a great spell to do once or twice a year to draw in self-love or also when you are in desperate need of a pick me up.
Notes & Metaphysical Properties 🗒💕✨💕
**** If you can’t find a red cinnamon candle, use a red candle instead and dress it with cinnamon.
*** Please use food safe organic or fresh picked roses, that are not store bought in your spiritual baths. Store bought rose contain a ton of pesticides on them that can leak into your bath water & are extremely toxic for your skin.
💕Cinnamon - Used to cultivate and draw in Love energy.  Has more of a spiritual kick, think of it as the spark, that gets the flame going.
💕Roses - Used to draw in Love, Feminine Energy, 
💕Sugar - Used to draw in Love, Sweetness.
💕Orange Blossom - Used to attract Power, Increased Energy & Vitality, Spiritual Grounding, Peace, Stability, Luck, Love and Happiness. Orange blossom water is primarily used to attract love, marriage, fidelity and other unions. As a solar plant, it is also linked to prosperity and abundance, and can help with attracting a wealthy or financially successful partner.
💕Amethyst - A powerful and protective stone, it shields against negative energy and psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting its owner from harm. It is a natural tranquilizer and can be used to relieve stress, anxiety, dispel fear and dissolve negativity. It helps facilitate inner peace, balance and healing of the body, mind and soul.
💕Salt - Salt is known as a cleansing and purifying agent, that helps remove negative energy.
The Numerology of Number Six
The number six embodies the heart, unconditional love, and the ability to nurture, support and heal. It is a powerful force of compassion and empathy, shining in partnerships of all kinds. In tarot, the number 6 is associated with the major arcana card, The Lovers. The zodiac signs associated with Venus, both Taurus & Libra are also associated with the number 6. Virgo is also the 6th Astrology sign and is extremely service orientated, helping to improve others or situations.
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dourpeep · 3 years
hear me out… xiao and kazuha as reader’s bodyguards and 💏‼️ i’m not saying reader should prepare for trouble and make it double but i am saying that things could get a little…. 😏
(This got lost in my drafts I'M SORRY)
YES YES YES oh my god yes
How could I have been so blind...KazuXiaoReader but with them being Reader's bodyguards--If we return to that idea of Knight!Xiao with you as his Lord, perhaps due to status or safety, you were actually instead assigned two knights/guards?
I also did more of a meeting/how the feelings grew instead (SORRY)
Both are dedicated and incredibly loyal, always right beside you to ensure your safety
Between Xiao's careful watch and Kazuha's uncanny ability to sense the slightest change in surroundings, it's safe to say that they have all the bases covered
Certainly unnerving for anyone with ill intent toward you to be faced with either of the two quiet men
But their solemnity is paired with the unlikely sweetness that you have, always so thoughtful of them despite having the ability to leave them to their work
Asking if they're feeling well when they greet you in the mornings, ensuring that they're comfortable on particularly long travels, cupping their cheeks following a scuffle to check for their well being
You have no obligation to do this, but...you do
And this quickly warms them to your presence
"There's a scratch-"
The pad of your thumb brushes just below the thin red line on Xiao's cheek, your brows furrowed and concern painted over your features. Any objections from either of your dear knights fell upon deaf ears in lieu of a soft, damp, handkerchief. Gently, you wipe at the graze.
"There. Does it hurt? Sting?" He shakes his head, a tinge of pink on his cheeks.
But it wasn't always quite like this
Before this settled comfort, you first met Xiao
He was abrasive, opting away from your touch because it'd impede his ability to do his job
So you let him be, giving him the space that he required
Weeks turn to months and you find out, entirely by coincidence, he has a soft spot for a certain sweet dessert
You could see the way his features relax, lifting a spoonful of it to his mouth and relishing in the sweetness, the texture of the tofu
It wasn't really anything special, but you could tell that he attached sentimentality to it
Within the very week, you ensured that you'd bring him another plate
It sits on the wooden top of the table, pristine. A twinge of sadness sparks at the fact that it hasn't been touched. Should you have said that it's for him?
When you leave the sitting room of your quarters, you come back to the dish empty and a simple note with "thank you" scrawled out on it
Xiao is in the room, carefully guarding the door
This exchange, though small, becomes a staple ritual each week until he finally accepts your invitation to sit with you for a meal
You've known Xiao now for a little under a year when you are assigned another guard along side him
Within the country, tensions have grown and to dissuade any possible dangers, the decision has been made for you
At first, Xiao isn't too keen on the idea
Apparently, this particular man has a tarnished reputation, someone who should have fled to prevent his damnation, but instead...
You are met with a soft-spoken and gently smiling Kazuha
"Have you been well, my Lord?"
Every evening, Kazuha joins you on your walk in the gardens, a hand settled over the hilt of his sword and mien serene. When you settle down on a bench, you pat the space beside you. He inclines his head and sits beside you.
Xiao is always close by, though favoring to stay behind so that he might survey the surrounding areas
It goes unsaid that he wishes to join you so close
And on a warm summer evening, he does
He finds that he enjoys the poetry (if not sometimes left half-finished) that Kazuha comes up with and amusement at his ability to create music with a stray leaf found
Your silent companion also discovers that you've taken quite the liking to him
A few different feelings swirl in his chest, but he keeps them within
A guard should not be feeling this way towards his charge
But your gentle touch and unyielding sweetness...
Meanwhile, Kazuha feels the same, it showing in the way that his touch lingers on your shoulder when he has to guide you past a crowd or the way that his expression immediately softens when you walk in the room
He's more honest with his feelings, though doesn't act on them
Kazuha shifts on his side, red eyes peering at Xiao beside him. You're within the room they're standing guard for which allows for a brief opportunity for conversation.
"They're lovely, are they not?" He muses, careful to watch the other's reactions.
Needless to say, you feel the same way too
Falling so, so slowly, so sweetly for Xiao and being swept up in Kazuha's warm smile and flowery words
In the silence of your room, you splash some water on your face, squeezing your eyes shut
Surely...you cant?
But you're unable to place these overwhelming feelings for your two gentle guards aside
One day, when in the gardens, you stop. This takes both of them by surprise, making them question if something is wrong
When you worry at your lip, they fall silent
You're in love with them
From here, things get complicated, as you're swept up in your duties, but they stick by your side and stay ever loyal
The fact that you're in love with them both doesn't leave their minds
Neither really knew how to continue--if they should continue. But the reciprocation was painfully clear.
Between them, as well.
With the uncertain feelings that Xiao feels towards Kazuha, he can't help but wonder...perhaps? Perhaps there was something there as well? But past Kazuha's tender smile, quips, and musings, he couldn't tell.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Dark Inside
Pairing | Wanda Maximoff x reader
Summary | she’s locked away, by the orders of the government. And you are the guard that is chosen with the responsibility of taking her to shower. Surely nothing unprofessional could unfold...
Warnings | nudity, smut, its a little dark I guess idk, shower sex, brief mention of infection, oral sex (fem receiving obvs), fingering, swearing
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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“Maximoff, get up.” You barked at the convicted avenger, whom kept her head down, staring at the cement floor of her cell. You rapped your hand against the door of her cell, as her head tilted towards you. It was her fault she was here, not yours, there was no reason for you to pity the strange woman, for her actions had come with consequences, and she knew of them before she decided to stand against the governement. “Now, I won’t ask again.”
It was a warning, and she fully understood that, no matter if her ability to read minds was restrained. That collar, metal and encrusted with a luminous red light, prohibited her from bewitching any one or any thing. Her arms were also bound together, limiting the possibility of her escape. She was the perfect prisoner, pretty and withheld, unable to exhume damage across the world, as she previously had done.
Wanda slowly came to stand, her eyes filled with emptiness as she slowly strode to the door, which you came around to. Hastily, you pulled it ajar, watching as her teammates converted their protective eyes towards you, wary for their friend. You hardly paid them mind as you escorted Maximoff through the walls of their holding, and through the corridors.
She plodded, like a barren mare, eyes sullen and downcast as you escorted her past the empty halls, and towards the shower room, where you lightly shoved her forward, lightly smirking as she did not struggle against the pressure you enjoyed roughing her up with. Out of all the government official inmates, she was by far your favourite. Her mouth remained shut, no sounds left her defined cheeks, all emotion was tucked away, in that blue suit that constricted her.
“Alright Maximoff, let’s get you out of this tight number.” You smirked at your own words, your hands pulling at the blue gear that kept her arms folded. As you stripped her, you could not help but let your hands scrape her pale sides, running down her waist as you pushed the navy suit down, keeping the collar on of course, as you reached behind her, watching as her breasts lightly bounced from the action.
Next to be removed were her panties, her feet shuffled as you dragged the material down, feeling as your eyes bore into her pussy lips, though you didn’t keep your gaze up for long. Instead of staring at her pretty cunt, you stood and tapped her ass. “Forwards girl.” She obliged with the action, moving slowly under the shower head, wrapping her arms around herself as you reached around her, your covered breasts pressing against her back as you turned the spray of water on.
As you moved away, you noticed how she tried to keep her modesty, not changing her stance of having her back turned to you. Her hands slowly raked through her dark hair, stroking the grease out of the strands as you watched, as was your job to do. Her back was thin, yet strong. She had held onto so much throughout her life, supporting her team, and that amounted to nothing more than declaring her a sentence.
People saw Wanda as a danger to society, here she was safe from causing more pain upon the world, restrained from reigning damage upon the earth. It had been ten minutes of her pathetically grazing her body with her shy fingertips, her attempts to cleanse herself were poor. “We don’t have all day inmate, if you want to actually be ridden of all that sweat and dirt that you’ve collected whilst being contained in that bag that clothes you, I suggest you get to scrubbing. Quickly.”
From you words, Wanda gulped, though nevertheless began to massage her knuckles on the midst of her chest, down to her stomach, and... she felt almost sick as she was about to wash the most private part of herself in front of someone. But she had no choice if she didn’t want to guarantee herself the severe cost of an infection down under.
Taking in a calming breath, that did little to actually calm herself, Wanda cupped her mound, lightly rubbing, her body jolting at how sensitive she was. A shuffling alerted her ears from behind, and she watched you kick her restraint suit lightly, her head prompting its gaze over her shoulder.
“Time is up, get dried and dressed.” The words sounded like a curse free falling from the curve of your lips. She didn’t want to be returned into that box, until the next time she required to use the lavatory, or her every other day shower. It was more constructing than the clothing that she was forced into, the four walls caging her in like a wild animal on show for children to see.
“Can’t I just have a couple more minutes?” Her voice was rough, sounding like seething sandpaper, for she had not used it in weeks. She usually spoke to no one, and thus it was a surprise when she finally did, more so when it was you.
“I have a tight schedule.” Your teeth gritted as you tutted deliberately at her enquiry. “But if you want my help to allow you bask in there a little longer, it’s gonna cost you, baby girl.” The sound and context of your voice made the young woman shudder, aware that your silent suggestion was an invitation for something deeper, and not one for the light hearted to take up on.
But she never considered herself weak at the knees from emotions, not anymore. There had been too much pain, and too many losses to think of herself as such. She could get through this, coil into your offered whim, or she could keep her dignity in tact, though it wouldn’t be complete for she would still remain tangled with her own dead skin clinging onto her for dear life.
“What do you want?” Her accent, which had somewhat faded a smudge, rang through your ears, making you curiously squint at her. But you said nothing, instead, pulling your shirt over your head, cocking your neck at the woman as her eyes went wide, seeing you be so forwards with your intent.
“I’m sure I don’t need to elaborate Maximoff.” You spoke as you kicked your boots off, toying with your belt, as your eyes denied to leave her bare skin. “Why don’t you turn around, so that I can see that lovely little bush I expect you’re growing.” She wasn’t sure if your words brought her somewhat comfort, or had her skin crawling, there was now a thin line between the two.
Nevertheless, the woman turned, blessing your eyes with her full silhouette. She was admittedly beautiful, especially out of her restraints, except of course, that heavy metal collar that forbade her from using her scarlet witchery. “Come closer, I’m not the one here that supposedly bites the hand that feeds.”
As her body spiralled around, to give you a clear and overall view of her body, you couldn’t admit to yourself that you were impressed. You had been right, there were hairs beginning to peak out of her skin, and her breasts, well they were like balanced bowls of water, awaiting for someone to drink from them.
At your words, Wanda gulped, though she did not stop moving, she instead, paced her feet forwards, not withholding her motions as came to stand before you, nervously licking her lips as she watched you toy with the waistband of your bottoms. It was uncertain if you were teasing her or yourself, though she figured that she best not complain, you were the one in charge here, and one step out of line could leave all her efforts for nothing.
Eventually, after moments of nerve wrecking and pent up expense, you dragged the cargos down your legs, showing her the blankness of your grey underwear. Grey was an understated colour, she saw it all around; from the falling of her country, to the walls that the government had encased her within. But this particular shade, encompassed quite literally against your skin, making her no longer envision it as a dull exterior, but instead an exciting barrier that concealed all the goods beneath its plain material.
Without instruction, Wanda dismissed herself unto her own knees, collapsing her weight down upon the back of her thighs as she tucked her hands around the back of your shins, her green eyes boring up at you, as she pressed an experimental kiss upon your thigh. “Go on Maximoff, earn yourself that extra shower time.” You kicked your panties off, leaving your bottom half bare to the enhanced woman, rolling your shoulders back as you took a steady breath through your nose.
Your fingers cascaded through her long locks, gently tugging her closer, forcing her to breathe in your scent, before her tongue darted out, licking a fine line along the outside of your lips. A frown settled upon your face at her obvious lack of knowledge when it came to pleasing a woman, though you allowed her to continue to explore herself, holding your lip between your teeth as you hungrily stared down at her.
“Good girl.” You coaxed her as she allowed her eyes to lightly flutter, her fingers, small and agile, reached up to part your pussy open, allowing her more access to what was behind its curtains. “Focus on the clit Maximoff, uses your fingers too.” Instead of your instructions leaving you as orderly, as you had planned them to pass in your head, they heaved from your chest in a breathy whisper.
Wanda complied with your verbal assistance, circling her warm and wet tongue around your special bud, rotating it around in her mouth as she pulled the pink ball of flesh into the confines of her mouth, striking it with rolls of her spinning saliva. Her hand trailed down from your lips, rubbing the pads against your slit, as you leant your head back, her nailed digits moving towards your entrance.
Her fingers fumbled, as one tried to surpass the entrance of your pussy, but slipped, only for her to try once more, succeeding to have your cunt swallow her digit into its lubricated depths, suctioning it within the confines of your walls. “Fuck, you’re not terrible at that inmate.” It wasn’t supposed to come across as a compliment, rather it was a noted observation to yourself. Though Wanda still muffled a moan against your mound, pumping her finger in and out of your walls.
Her administrations sped up, causing you to clench around her ravaging fingers, that albeit messy and irregular with their movements, were bringing you closer to fulfilling your satisfaction. It was wrong, to get off using the aid of an inmate, but she was far too compelling to just leave to her own innocent devices, alone in that little cell of hers. “Fuck.” You came over her face and fingers, rutting your hips as she lapped up your sweet nectar.
Once you had rode your orgasm out, you shoved her head away, falling down onto the tiles, and laying her down, spreading her legs wide as you by palmed at her perfect breasts. “Such a gorgeous little cunt. I knew that you’d get off on this, there’s a tantalising darkness to you, and that is what pulled me in.”
Your palms caressed her thighs, stroking soothingly down the parting of her legs and her centre piece, throwing your face between her revealed boudoir, trailing your tongue in quick motions up and down the expanse of her cunt, your fingers running languidly upon her swollen clit.
The fuzz from her growing hairs rubbed against the bottom of your face, but you cared not about the natural order of her body; in fact, it was kind of sexy. Your tongue entered her, slipping through her folds as you tasted everything that she had to offer you, tracing the shapes of figure eights within her flushed walls, your cheeks pressing against the insides of her cheeks.
“Oh my gosh.” Another few words that fell from her open mouth, her hands grasping the solid slate of the floor, as her hips lightly bucked up into your mouth, strings of moans dribbling off her tongue. “I- I-“ you soothed her thigh, confirming that it was okay, and all she had to was release all the tension building up within her.
And with that, she spilled, her swarm of essence falling onto your tongue, as your tongue eased out of her cunt, raking up the length of her pussy, cleaning up the mess that you had made of her.
“Looks like you’re gonna need another shower Maximoff.” You smirked, as you pulled your mouth away from her dripping cunt, her juices painting your rabid smirk in the most beautiful resolution. “I’ll let you have that extra time now.”
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cdroloisms · 3 years
Dream tried to stop Wil from creating L'Manburg, Phil tried to stop him from blowing it up, BOTH value people over items and builds, Phil has said that they're replaceable but people aren't, Dream traded spirit for his best friends fishes (we kno he's not someone to talk abt feelings:[) BOTH were kind and selfless but used by almost if not everyone, BOTH were ready to be THE VILLAINS if it meant everyone else could live better after. ONE of them always had someone there, ONE didn't. Intentional?
aaaa sorry for the really inconsistent posts ,, im gonna try to post a little more in the next few days. i have a few things written up, so look out for them? maybe? for now, have this *gestures vaguely* thing ,, it’s kinda a mess but *shrug*
phil is such a fun character, anon, especially for all the reasons that you mentioned in the ask!! he’s a really fun character with a lot of complexities that go (sadly) overlooked by a large portion of the fandom, but he’s super cool even tho i havent analyzed him too much. hope you enjoy (and i hope my interpretation of c!phil isnt too ooc lmao) 
tw: mentioned blood, injury, implied torture/abuse, starvation, trauma, mentioned death, prison arc/pandora’s vault
When Techno first brings Dream back from the prison, Phil doesn’t quite know what to think.
“I don’t trust him either,” Techno assures him, but there’s a flickering anger in the backs of his eyes, one that had emerged ever since he came back from the prison with the other man in his arms, and Phil knows his friend well enough to know that the words are empty in the face of the piglin hybrid’s particular brand of to-the-death loyalty. He shakes his head in reply, refusing to voice his thoughts for Techno’s sake, at least, but the look that the other slants at him suggests that he’s caught onto them all the same.
At first, the work is thankfully mindless; even if Phil has reservations on the man that Techno has more or less dumped into his house, he would hardly wish the clear suffering he’s been through on anyone. The first few days pass in a flurry of brewing potions, wrapping and rewrapping dressings, stitching up cuts and setting broken bones straight. The damage is extensive; Phil has to take more than a few breaks to just leave the house and breathe - he’s far from a stranger to blood and carnage, had received the title of ‘Angel of Death’ for a reason, but even he had never been particularly familiar with this form of cruelty. Torture was a level of violence that extended beyond what even he was willing to bestow - his hands may have caused many deaths, and the weight of each one would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life, but even those had the mercy of being a quick end. The wounds and scars that ripple over Dream’s skin, thin and stretched tightly over his bones with little muscle and fat left to cushion them, speak of horrors that were anything but merciful.
“I didn’t know they were capable of all of this,” Techno says, once, as they huddle of Dream, wringing towels in cold water to wipe his feverish skin. Techno’s hand reaches for the ribboning gold-filled scars that remain from the execution - carefully, Phil raises his hand to let his fingertips brush over them as well. “I mean, I knew he was dangerous and all, but-”
“I know, mate,” Phil looks back at Dream’s face, tight even in unconsciousness, at the darkened, hand-shaped bruises that remain around his throat, at the scar that runs over his left eye, clearly meant to mirror the same one that makes its way down the duck hybrid’s own face. “You said that Quackity and Sam were working together?”
“Yeah,” Techno’s expression darkens, eyes focused somewhere on the wall, seemingly very far away. He said that nothing happened to him in the prison, and he seemed relatively unharmed when Phil activated the stasis chamber, but ever since he came back, sometimes he’ll have moments, and Phil can’t help but - wonder. “Quackity does the dirty work, Sam gives him the way in and out, probably also the tools to do it. It’s-” he huffs a short, self-recriminating laugh. “It’s bad, Phil.”
Techno shoots him a look, and Phil cringes, knowing already that he’d used the wrong tone. Even with the execution, Techno had been adamant to hide all traces of his own terror and fear away from him, masking it all with fury for Phil’s own sake. He knows, just from the way his old friend looks at the ribboning scars that remain sometimes, that he is far from as over the whole ordeal as he acts, but Techno never wants to talk and Phil never knows the right time to ask and they smooth it all behind plans and explosions and hope that the TNT can blow apart the trauma, too. He’s got a sneaking suspicion that the same thing is going to happen, here.
“As soon as we can,” Techno starts again, pointedly shifting his eyes away from Phil’s face, “we’re calling a Syndicate meeting to figure out what we’re going to do about the prison. Like- come on, man, you couldn’t make a more transparent abuse of institutional power if you tried, really-” he looks over, uncharacteristic uncertainty warring over his features. “If you think that’s good, I mean-“
“Of course, mate.” Phil’s voice softens. “Whenever you’re ready.”
‘Whenever he’s ready,’ as it turns out, is easier said than done, becoming even more evident when their charge wakes up from his days long spell of unconsciousness. The worst of his injuries have, under their careful care and the benefit of many potions, healed enough to no longer directly threaten his life, but the vast majority have quite some time to go before being healed completely. Being as the goal was torture and not death, most of his injuries weren’t made to be life-threatening, but rather to cause as much pain as possible - from the grimace that twists Dream’s face when he struggles to force himself awake, they’re doing their jobs.
“Hey, mate, slow down,” Phil murmurs, pressing the man down by his shoulder when Dream weakly tries to push himself up and off the bed, and his struggling only lasts for a few more minutes before he gives up and slumps against his pillow, eyes cracking open and seeming surprisingly lucid.
“Where-“ his voice is wrecked, and Phil reaches for the glass of water at the bedside as Dream coughs. “Where am I?”
“You’re at Techno’s house,” Dream’s eyes widen and then slip closed as he processes the information, a wrinkle forming between his eyebrows as they knit together. “We broke you out, after Techno escaped with a stasis chamber with your book. Do you remember?”
Dream gnaws on his bottom lip. “Um- yeah. I think.” His head turns as his eyes crack open again- “Techno-“
“He’s out, right now. He’ll be back in a bit.”
“Oh.” Dream falls back into the bed, strength seemingly sapped from the short conversation. His breathing stutters, then steadies. “Okay.”
Recovery is slow. Phil doesn’t actually find himself seeing the man very often; now that he doesn’t need around-the-clock care anymore, he’s moved back into his own house, letting Techno do most of the work when it comes to rehabilitating the escaped convict crashing at his house. As he begins to spend more of his time awake and aware, he brings a whole slew of new problems; Phil catches him screaming one day, blurting harsh, angry words as Techno reads, unbothered from the other side of the room, and he stops in his tracks standing awkwardly in the doorway.
“Um-“ he winces when Dream curses, smashes something against the floor, and then curls into himself at the sound. Techno doesn’t even flinch. “Am I interrupting something?”
Dream stomps away, face flushed, arms wrapped around himself. Techno raises an eyebrow.
“You lookin’ for something, Phil?” he asks, and the unpleasant knot in Phil’s chest refuses to unwind.
The episodes, unfortunately, don’t seem to get much better. Though he’s rarely outright violent, Dream looks constantly murderous, usually muttering underneath his breath about something or another while he stalks the grounds of Techno’s house. It’s not too long before Techno sends him out to work around the house instead of just moping within the cottage, which also means that Phil sees him a lot more - tending to a small farm behind the house, feeding the dogs, hacking away at mobs, and usually complaining the entire time. It’s unnerving, even as injured and unarmored as the man is, to see him walking around like this; despite his rather pathetic appearance, swamped in sweaters that dwarf him thoroughly and thin enough to look like the slightest breeze will knock him over, his eyes are flinty and intelligent and bubble with promises of revenge.
“FUCK!” Phil turns to see him slamming a shovel into the snow, stomping away into the woods, and his hands tighten around his cup of tea. Next to him, Techno shrugs.
“Nerd’s got a few issues,” he drawls, and Phil laughs shortly.
“That seems like an understatement.”
“He’ll ease up in time,” Techno sounds surprisingly confident, completely content despite the muffled curses that come from the woods next to them. He’s probably used to it, with Chat and all, but Phil can’t quite seem to find the same calm.
“I just don’t know, mate,” Phil shakes his head. “You sure having him around is the best idea? He doesn’t seem...stable.”
Techno looks up at him over the rim of his cup of coffee. His head tilts, considering, but there’s a small smile on his face that tells Phil that Techno, inexplicably, doesn’t share the same sentiments. There was always a part of him that was, for the lack of a better word, softer than the rest of the server for his self-proclaimed rival, a sort of understanding that Phil could hardly hope (nor would really want to) understand.
“Don’t worry, Phil, if he tries anything I can always just tie him up in the attic or something,” Phil huffs a small laugh, amused, and nods to concede the point. “And- well, call it intuition. You could really try talkin’ to him, you know. He reminds me of you, sometimes.”
The words stick in his head despite his best efforts, rattling in his skull when he tries to sleep, lingering when he catches glimpses of the green-clothed man stalking around their properties. He can’t imagine what would’ve prompted his old friend to make the comparison, can’t think of a single thing (besides their affinity for the color green) that would mark him as similar to the - from what he’s heard - deranged menace with a particular penchant for destruction (not that his rants and fits of anger are doing anything to correct that impression). Even so, Techno had sounded so sure when he’d made the comparison, the words offhand like he’d thought them a million times before, like it was a simple observation that held no more weight than commenting on the color of the sky. Phil watches as Dream lugs a pile of logs behind him, huffing at one of Techno’s dogs that comes to chase and nip at his feet and grumbling loudly before faceplanting into the snow. He just...can’t see it.
Days later, Wilbur comes to visit, a grin on his lips as he dramatically recounts his newest exploit: a nation by Las Nevadas, a supposed safe haven away from the glitter and glory of Quackity’s city; it sounds brilliant, it sounds lovely, and more than anything it sounds stupid, and Phil tells him as such immediately.
“You’re being reckless,” he rants at his son, wings flaring outwards and only barely noticing Dream watching from the corner of his eye, “What are you doing- picking fights with Quackity? Starting another nation- didn’t you see what happened to the first two you made? You’re going to get yourself killed, Wil!”
“Well, I’ve already seen what’s on the other side of death, and it’s really not that bad-“
“You’re my son!” The words are angrier than Phil would’ve liked, and he knows that he looks ridiculous and overbearing, criticizing the actions of his fully grown son, but all he can see is Wilbur’s face, slack with pain and grief, stained with ash and soot as his eyes flutter to half-mast in the midst of the rubble of a country he loved and destroyed and destroyed him in turn. “I can’t lose you again, Wil!”
Wilbur doesn’t quite storm out, but it’s a near thing, leaving with a clipped goodbye and leaving Phil seething on his doorstep. He spends the rest of the night pacing around the house in a sort of mad frenzy, wings stretching and folding over and over. Not for the first time, he longs for the sky, to feel the air through his wings and let the world fall into pinpricks below him; it’s this that leads him to the roof of his house, staring stubbornly at the clouds as the sun sinks down to the horizon.
Phil startles; there, down below him, is Dream. He rocks back on his heels, seeming awkward, before clambering up the wall (Phil rolls his eyes at the ease with which he scales it, the feeling in his chest almost fond) and settling himself on the shingles at Phil’s side.
“Hey, mate,” Phil shakes his head. The fondness leaves, and the irritation that had risen at Wilbur’s words, earlier, comes back full-force. “Sorry- Wil came to visit, we talked. I just needed some time to think.”
Dream hums in acknowledgement, and they fall into a comfortable silence, watching as the sun dipping down past the mountains in the distance.
“You know,” Dream starts, sudden, “I told him the same thing.” He looks up at Phil, eyes faraway with old memories. “Wilbur, I mean. When he made L’manburg- I told him he was being reckless.” He shrugs. “I guess he never listened.”
Phil pauses, Techno’s words ringing in his ears. He reminds me of you, sometimes.
Dream looks surprisingly normal up close - face no longer reddened with fever or pale from blood loss, even the scars fail to really take from the boyishness of his face. He bites his lips, eyes falling away at Phil’s scrutiny, golden blond hair flopping over his forehead, newly trimmed to be something a little closer to his old length, at least in the front, the back pulled into a small ponytail. He’s young, and shockingly awkward, teeth worrying his lip, hands fiddling with each other, shifting his weight from one foot to the other several times a minute. He looks like a kid.
“He never does,” Phil lets himself smile, watches as Dream smiles back, almost like they’re sharing a joke. He wonders how well he really knows the man behind the mask. “Want to come in for some tea?”
Dream smiles wider, and something old and worn in Phils chest, knocked loose ever since he felt his son fall limp in his arms with his own sword shoved between his ribs, falls back into place.
“That would be great,” Dream replies, the words almost hopeful, and they go inside.
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xxxsweetdreamzxxx · 3 years
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warnings/tags: dom!Yixing sub!reader, fanfic, smut, slight fluff; cursing, size kink, fingering, unprotected sex, railing, cream pie
summary: over a weekend, the sexual tensions between you and your best friend Yixing come to a breaking point
word count: 4.7k (um, wow)
i went all out on this one, hope you all enjoy!!
P.S. only the ending is based on a dream this time, I made up the rest :>
"What are your plans for this weekend?" You asked the two men in front of you.
The three of you sat around a small round table outside your favorite local coffee shop, a few blocks from your work. Around you, the city buzzed in the excitement of mid-day. The autumn sun peeked through whatever gaps in the buildings it could to light up the streets below. Every now and then, the sounds of downtown - a speeding car, a siren - would interrupt the conversation. 
Their answers to your question were both something along the lines of 'absolutely nothing' with looks of dread for the boredom to come. 
"Why do you ask?" Junmyeon, the one to your left, asked. 
Shrugging your shoulders and peering into your nearly empty coffee cup you replied: "I don't know, I was maybe hoping I could tag along with one of you since I don't have anything to do either."
To your right, Yixing was quiet and deep in thought. "I know." He suddenly announced. "Let's go camping!"
You pondered the idea for a moment. The chance to completely disconnect from and forget about the stresses of adult life - even if just for a couple of days? Not to mention a whole weekend alone with your two favorite people in the whole world. Sounded better than any other activities you could think of at the moment. 
"Sure why not." you agreed, looking to Junmyeon. "Are you coming with?"
"I'll have to be back Sunday night, but sure."
"We'll bring two cars then, since me and y/n don't have to get back until sometime Monday." Yixing proposed.
Junmyeon knowingly smiled at him. "Must be nice getting a long weekend, I should join you guys' office."
The conversation trailed off into unrelated chatter, until your lunch breaks were up. Parting ways with Junmyeon, you and Yixing walked back to your building a few blocks away, continuing the conversation alone.
In your sophomore year of high school, the two of you had become fast friends, both having the same interests and intended career path. He had then introduced you to his friend Junmyeon, and although you didn't have as much in common with him as Yixing, his easy-going  personality made you warm up to him quickly. Throughout the remaining two years of high school, the three of you had been inseparable. You didn't even have any girl friends, but you didn't need any with the boys always around. 
Although, you would be lying if you said you'd never caught feelings for either of them. The truth was both were very attractive and had girls falling for them left and right. Multiple times over the years you yourself had gone through phases of having a crush on one, then the other until finally you decided it wasn't worth potentially ruining the friendship. These days, those feelings were rare - and dismissed as quickly as they came up. 
Entering your office building, the two of you rode the elevator up to your floor. Exiting quickly through the still-opening doors, you said your goodbyes to Yixing for the rest of the afternoon with a slight wave as you both headed to your individual desks.  
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
The rest of the week was uneventful, work progressed at the office smoothly. Later on that day, you'd gotten out of the shower after work to find Yixing and Junmyeon already texting in your group chat and making plans. Junmyeon was in charge of food and drinks. Yixing had a large tent that could be used, and would pick you up Saturday morning.  
y/n: you guys have to leave at least one thing for me to do
not_a_sheep: bring yourself
y/n: very funny
suh01: don't worry y/n, we'll work your ass off once we get there 
not_a_sheep: we? I never agreed to this
y/n: promise
suh01: i'll make sure of it
y/n: lol k
y/n: I can also bring equipment like flashlights and first aid just in case
not_a_sheep: good idea
And so it was that you awoke early on Saturday, pulling your hair into a loose ponytail. You dressed in some light denim shorts, a tank top, and a cropped jacket that provided just enough warmth until the day heated up. You kept your makeup natural, so if it was damaged by the outdoors in any way it wouldn't be noticeable. 
Feeling your phone buzz in your pocket, you quickly opened it to the lockscreen and glanced at Yixing's text signaling his arrival. Grabbing the backpack you'd packed the night before, you slid on your sneakers and headed out of your apartment and to the street. There he was waiting for you, Junmyeon sitting behind him in his car. Waving briefly at Junmyeon, you turned to Yixing's car as he rolled down the window. 
"You can toss your bag in the backseat." He instructed, smiling at you. 
Doing so, you then got in the passenger seat, closing the car door. He sped off in the direction of the country with Junmyeon following close behind. You picked up the soft sound of music playing at a low volume through the speaker. Only when he turned the volume louder did you realize he was playing your shared favorite band on the radio. Turning to smile at him, you saw he'd been waiting to see your reaction and once he did a grin spread across his face. God was that a cute grin. 
You ignored how flushed you suddenly felt by averting your gaze and singing along to the music. And that's what you continued to do for the next two hours. You didn't hold back one bit, you were so comfortable with each other. Your voices mixed in a passionate duet - you both knew every line the lead singer sung. 
Before you knew it, you were racing past open plains and small pine forests with no signs of civilization in sight. After passing by a few potential spots to set up camp, he pulled off the road near the edge of a forest and field. Rolling through the bumpy grass for a minute or two, he finally stopped and parked the car once the road was out of view.
"Wow, we're in the middle of nowhere." You observed, exiting the car and taking a look around. 
"It's perfect!" Junmyeon called, walking over from his car which was parked a little ways away. Once he'd gotten closer, he spoke again at a normal volume. "So, what did I miss out on in the past two hours?"
"Only a concert sung by y/n and yours truly." Yixing replied with a shrug.
At this Junmyeon laughed. Leaving the boys to talk about the drive, you walked around to the trunk of the car. Opening it, you took the tent out which was still folded up in its bag.  
"Where should we set this up?" You asked, holding it up for them to see. 
"Somewhere near those trees." Yixing pointed. As you began carrying it over, you heard him call out to you again. "Hey y/n, Junmyeon and I are going to quickly gather some firewood for later!"
"Alright!" You yelled without looking back. 
You walked over to the flat area that he'd instructed, a few yards from the trees. Making sure the cars were still in sight, you sat the tent down and began to unpack it, separating the pieces. Unfolding the stiff main walls of the tent, you attempted to flip the thing right-side up - except now it was too big for you to move. You tried a few more times before stepping back for a moment so you could muster up all your energy. 
You felt someone standing behind you the second before they tapped you on the shoulder. Startled, you spun around to find Yixing right next to you with that grin on his face. Behind him you could see a pile of fallen branches he'd set on the ground. 
"Need some help?" He asked. 
Sighing, you smiled at him in defeat. "Sure."
Each taking one side of the tent, you easily flipped it over with his assistance. It consisted of a single large interior room and a separate screened "porch" in the front. You then found a rock that fit in the palm of your hand, and used it to pound one of the stakes on a corner of the tent into the ground. It worked well. Moving to do the same on the next stake, you bent over to reach it. You could feel Yixing's eyes glued on your figure the whole time you drove the stake into the earth. 
Straightening up, you glanced at him with a teasing look on your face. "What?"
Embarrassed that he'd been caught, he quickly looked away and acted like he was going to work on one of the stakes that you hadn't gotten to yet. 
"Yixing, did you need something?" You asked in the same tone, subconsciously very aware of his intent but refusing to fully acknowledge it. 
Chasing him down around to the other side of the tent, you found him still avoiding your eyes, a slight pink painted across his cheeks. "Can I use that rock?" He asked, refusing to make eye contact. 
"Oh, sure." You replied, handing it to him. You were stopped from making any further comment by Junmyeon's approach, branches in his arms. 
"Who wants lunch?" He asked, dumping the wood with the rest. 
"Me!" You were starved after not eating breakfast. 
Heading off to his car, you decided to keep it silent between you and Yixing as you waited for Junmyeon to return. He returned with some sandwiches he'd prepared for all of you, and nothing was said for minutes as you devoured them. Then the idea of a hike was brought up and agreed to. 
After finishing every bite of your lunch, water bottles were gathered and the three of you made your way into the forest. Junmyeon led, while Yixing was in the middle and you brought up the rear. You soon came across a creek, and decided to follow it so you could easily retrace your steps when you decided to head back.  
Yixing's back was facing you as you followed him along the trail that Junmyeon chose. With him in your view the entire time, you couldn't help but take note of his broad shoulders, his tight ass. The way his sculpted muscles moved as he walked showed his strength - it was all very attractive. Continuously you were shoving these thoughts from your mind only for them to return again. 'He's my friend.' You reminded yourself. 'I can't think like this.'
Eventually you opted to just stare at the ground until you got back to the tent - several hours later. By the time you returned, the three of you were exhausted, muscles aching. The sun was already lowering in the sky, turning it all shades of orange, pink, and yellow. Grabbing the wood gathered earlier, the boys built a bonfire the best they could while you went to grab the marshmallows out of Junmyeon's car.
When you returned, the wood was already ablaze. They'd created the perfect campfire, setting the biggest logs flat on the ground as seats. It was just dark enough now that the fire created a barely visible glow that warmed the ground and air near it. Already sitting, they turned to look your way at your approach, Yixing's face lighting up with the sight of the marshmallow bag in your hand. His grin made your face feel hot and you quickly looked at Junmyeon instead, who smiled at you, understanding conveyed in his gaze. 
This exchange made you blush further, as you looked down at the grass and sat down next to Yixing on a log. Why did you feel this way? And why the fuck did you just sit next to him? Maybe you were just going through another phase of crushing on one of your best friends. These thoughts ran through your mind as you focused on opening the marshmallow bag. 'Nothing'll come from it, as usual.' You reminded yourself. 
Pushing these thoughts to the back of your mind again, you asked: "Do we have some sticks for this?"
"Here." Junmyeon replied, leaning over to hand you some he'd gathered. It occurred to you that this whole time he'd been watching you, reading you. 
The sky darkened, and the night got late. The three of you ate marshmallows, both golden and burned. Stories of all genres were told by everyone. Laughter filled the air. At some point, drinks were brought out, and enough was had to the point that everyone was tipsy. The tales became more ridiculous, small secrets were spilled without any thought. But it was okay, you probably wouldn't remember any of it by morning. 
Slowly, one by one, you began making your way to the tent as time creeped into the early hours of the morning. Junmyeon was first, followed shortly by Yixing after he'd put out the fire. He asked if you were coming too, and you replied with something like "in a minute."
When you did stumble your way over to the tent several minutes later, you moved to open it when you heard hushed voices. They were practically whispering, but bless your good hearing - you could just make out most of the words.
"Are you sure?" Yixing asked, excitement detectable in even his whisper. 
"I think so," Junmyeon replied, "...can't look at you... blushing..."
You put your ear even closer to the tent wall, struggling to hear Junmyeon. 
"I'm scared to make a move." Yixing confessed. "I'm scared I'll ruin everything." 
Then Junmyeon said something inaudible. 
In your drunken state, none of these words made sense. Did he have crush on somebody? Deciding you couldn't stay awake out there any longer, you finally entered the tent. They already lay on the ground, falling asleep. Junmyeon acknowledged your presence with a soft "hey" before rolling over on his side to face the wall of the tent. Yixing lay in the middle. You slowly crawled next to him on the other side and laid down. 
After a few minutes, Yixing spoke the last words you heard before drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight y/n."
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
The light of the late morning sun filtered through your lashes as you blinked open your eyes. The first thing you noticed was the throbbing in your head, the second was the arms securely wrapped around you from behind. Remembering the sleeping arrangement the night before, you quickly realized it was Yixing, spooning you like a child hugging onto its favorite plushie. At this revelation, your heart began pounding rapidly. 
You reached to touch his hand. "Yi- yixing?" You asked in a quiet voice. 
"Hmm..?" He moaned, semi-awake. 
For painfully long moments he continued holding you as he fully awoke and assessed the situation. When he realized he suddenly pulled away, sitting up and mouthing a "sorry," hoping Junmyeon wouldn't hear. Taking deep breaths to calm your heart, you sat up as well. 
"What time is it?" You asked in the same tiny voice. 
He grabbed his phone off of the ground and looked at the time, surprised by it. "10:23."
"Ugh." You groaned, rubbing your forehead. "My head's killing me."
At this, Yixing became concerned. "Do we have pain killers?"
"Yeah, in my emergency bag." You replied, still holding your head with your hand. 
"I'll go get them." He said without a second thought, quickly exiting the tent. Not two minutes later, he came back pills in hand. 
"Do you have water?" He asked.
At your motion to your water bottle a few feet away, he leaned over and grabbed it. Opening the pill bottle, he took out a dose and handed it to you. Then he did the same with your water. He made sure you took and swallowed them, concern never leaving his expression. 
"Isn't your head hurting too?" You asked. 
"A bit, but I'll take care of it after you start feeling better." He replied. "You're more important."
Not knowing whether to take that as a compliment or not, you pouted. "No I'm not, you're equally important. Where's your water?"
"Gone since yesterday." 
After thinking a moment, you held out your water bottle to him. "Here." 
He stared into your eyes, a little taken aback but looking to see if you were truly fine with it. For once, you met and held his gaze, letting him know you were. Taking the bottle from your hand, he swallowed the pain killers. You watched as the tip of your bottle that had been on your lips moments before touched his. But it was the way that he tilted his head back as he took a sip that made your indecent thoughts return. You snapped your head towards the wall, covering your reddening face with your hand. 
He set the bottle down again, not noticing your state. "Thanks y/n." 
He then moved to exit the tent again, waking Junmyeon. After rubbing his eyes and running his fingers through his hair, Junmyeon left you in the tent alone, still just as flustered and replaying the morning's events in your head for minutes on end. 
After you'd calmed down, the rest of the morning and afternoon flew by. Pretending like nothing happened, the three of you went about activities similarly to yesterday. You had brunch, then walked into the forest again, heading for the creek. This time, you went in, the coolness of the water refreshing from the mid-day heat of the sun. After splashing around and playing for hours, you returned back to the campsite and roasted some sausages over the fire for dinner. When the last bite had been finished, the three of you continued talking right up until the end of your time together.  
Standing up from a log, Junmyeon sighed. "Well you two, I've gotta bounce. I'll leave what food's left with you."
"Aight man." Yixing stood up, giving him a quick hug. "See you in a few days."
Yixing then said something quiet to him, causing Junmyeon to nod. 
"Bye y/n!" Junmyeon called, waving at you. 
A little confused that he wasn't offering a hug as usual, you didn't voice it and waved back. "Bye!"
With a smile, he turned and walked to his car. After removing the cooler with food inside, he took off, leaving you alone with Yixing. On your own, not as much was said, you chose your words more carefully. He started the fire up again with some new wood that had been gathered that day. You sat on separate logs, slowly conversing as the sky became colorful, then dark. This night was a bit cooler than the last, and you began to shiver slightly. 
During an awkward silence, he noticed this. Without saying anything, he reached out an arm, inviting you to sit on the same log as him. Heart rate speeding up a bit at the thought, you shuffled over to sit beside him after no hesitation. Wrapping his right arm around you, he pulled you close.
"Better?" He asked, smiling a sweet smile. 
"Mmmh." You agreed, trying to loosen the way your body had tensed. 
The minutes ticked by, and the only thing you could hear was the pounding of your heart deafening your ears. Then your worst fears came true.
"Y/n... is that your heartbeat?" He questioned. 
When you refused to answer, mind racing, he pulled your face around to look at him, hand on your cheek. "Hey, are you alright? Your face is burning up."
In that moment, a feeling overcame you. Maybe it was because of the way he cared so much, the genuine concern he expressed. Or how you felt infinitely safe around him in a way you couldn't describe. Although, it could've also easily been the way the firelight danced off his tan skin. The way it lit up his warm brown eyes more powerfully than the sunlight could ever dream of. It could've been any combination of those things or others. But something compelled you to pull down his face to yours, brushing your lips across his in a soft kiss. 
Snapping out of it, you pulled away, seeing the shock on his face. "Oh my god, Yixing I'm so sorry I-"
You were cut off as he kissed you back, a long deep kiss that you melted into. When you finally pulled apart, you giggled at how stupid you'd been. 
"What?" He asked, smirking. 
"I'm so blind. I thought you didn't like me in this way."
He shook his head. "I have for a long time y/n." 
As he met your lips again, your heart felt as though it was soaring above the clouds. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you ran your fingers through the hair at its base. Quickening the pace of your kisses, you began to breathe heavier. Panting, you felt him pick you up by your waist and place you on his lap. You began to grind your hips down into his. Groaning, he quickly stopped you by gripping them, firmly holding you in place. 
"Slow... down.." He panted, speaking between your kisses. 
"But- I want this." You told him, meaning every word. The wetness already pooling between you legs confirmed it. 
At your spoken consent, he released his grip on your hips. Straddling him, you began moving again, slower than before like he'd instructed. A growing bulge felt between your legs made you keenly aware of his arousal. A stronger thrust on your part made him grunt and swear against your lips. 
"Shit y/n."
Suddenly you both lost your balance, crashing onto the grass a few feet away. You were only on top for the few seconds it took him to remove your shirt before he rolled you under him, pinning you in place. He took control of the pace, speeding it up. Being completely engulfed in his shadow made you want him more.
Spreading your legs wider, he unbuttoned your shorts and began pulling them down. Then he tugged at the waistband of your soaked panties and pulled them down to your ankles as well. Fully exposed to him, the scent of your arousal mixed with the smokiness in the air, penetrating your sense of smell. There was no way he wasn't aware of it too. You felt him move a hand down your body towards your naked heat. 
When you felt the first touch of his fingertips against your folds, trembles rocked your body. You forced yourself to relax, settling down into the soft grass. Only to get excited again as he started tracing fast circles with his thumb on your clit, spreading your slick. You felt him smirk at how wet he'd made you. You arched your back up off the ground, moaning at the pleasure.
Beginning to feel your high building, you didn't warn him just yet. But unexpectedly, he inserted two fingers into your dripping pussy without warning. You cried out, sucking in a sharp breath as you flexed your walls and came onto his finger all in seconds. A little surprised, he pulled them out. Whimpering, you rode out your first orgasm underneath him.
After you'd calmed down a bit you moved to unbuckle his pants. He held your hand away for a moment. 
"Y/n, I didn't bring a condom. And... I don't want to hurt you." He said carefully. 
"I..." you panted, "don't care... I can take it." Another breath. "Just take care of me afterwards."
After hesitating a moment, he let go of your hand, and assisted you in removing his clothes. First his pants, then shirt, then his boxers. Springing free from the fabric, his cock stood erect as you took it in. It had good length, but its girth was what made you lay your head back on the grass and prepare yourself. The following seconds inched by as he moved towards you. 
Pulling him down closer onto your body, you led him into another round of rough kisses as you felt the tip of his cock brush against your clit. Taking his hand in yours, you intertwined your fingers with his, waiting. 
Pain shot through you as he slid into you harshly with a single thrust. Pushing deeper, he used his strength until he was balls deep in just two. He filled you up so much, almost too much. Bitting your lip, you did your best to adjust to his size. But he didn't give you much of a chance to, as he pulled out entirely after only being inside for a few seconds. The empty feeling was more painful than the full. You throbbed, desperately needing him back. 
Thankfully he didn't wait long before fulfilling this as he repeated himself multiple times. Your combined pants and moans filled the night air as he forcefully fucked you into oblivion. It didn't take much of this to cause your second high. Aggressively pounding into you again for the unknownth time, he hit that sweet spot. Your mouth fell open and you gripped some blades of grass next to you with your free hand. 
"Th- there-" you managed. 
Understanding, he didn't remove himself fully again, only doing so partially before angling himself to hit the same spot. He only did so twice before you came undone for the second time that night. 
"Yixing!" You cried out too late.
You clenched around his cock, feeling it twitch inside you. He swore, arms becoming shaky and breath choppy, warning you right before he came. Hot strings of his cum shot through you, filled you up to the brim. Your combined wetness then spilled out of you onto your inner thighs and the grass. Pulling out completely, he flopped down onto the ground next to you, grinning and breathing heavily. 
Reaching out to touch his face, he held your hand against it. Then he pulled you closer, kissing your swollen lips gently. Parting, he looked into your eyes and smiled. You still couldn't look at him in this way without blushing, but it didn't matter anymore. Taking you into his arms, he held you as exhaustion caught up with you. Not a word was said, but none had to be for you both to know the mutual happiness you felt.
                  .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•. _ .•°•.
You awoke to the sun peaking over the eastern horizon, lighting up the nature around you. Laying on your side, you felt something warm pressed up against your back. Rolling over onto your other side, you winced at the prickling of the grass on your bare skin and the soreness between your legs. You saw it was your best friend's bare chest that had been pressed against your back. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully, slightly curled around your body. 
Realization hit you as you remembered the events of last night. Eyes widening, you gasped and covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. Peaking through your fingers, you saw his eyes were now open, that same adorable grin plastered across his face. 
"Morning honey." He stretched a bit before realizing where you both lay. "Oh god, did we fall asleep here?"
"Mhmhmm." You replied with a nod. 
Sitting up, he grabbed his pants and pulled them on before standing. Offering you a hand, you accepted it and tried to use your legs. Immediately they buckled under you. No way were you walking to the tent. 
"Whoa!" He exclaimed as he prevented you from falling. He then scooped you up from the ground and into his arms. 
"What the hell have you done to me?" You playfully asked, poking his cheek. 
"I'm so sorry." He replied in a serious tone.
"Hey!" You scolded, not meaning to make him feel bad. "I asked for it."
He side eyed you as he carried you into the tent, smirking slightly. "Yeah you did."
Setting you down on the floor, he laid down next to you, cuddling up to you again. A few soft words and kisses were exchanged as you drifted off to sleep together again. It looked like this was what the rest of your trip would consist of, and you'd be lying if you said the thought didn't please you.  
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not her choice, part 2 | n.r.
part 2, part 1 here
summary: y/n and natasha will do anything for love, whether they realize it or not
warnings: nsfw themes, angst, brainwashing, violence, kidnapping, y/n and nat making dramatic calls, injury, basically "fuck" in different contexts
word count: 7,354
(sorry this is long I didn't want to split it up into more parts, not proofread as always)
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"You're pulling your punches." The man in stars, you now know as steve rogers, says as he stands across from you, nose bloody and shield in hand. You raise an eyebrow being your mask, as if asking him "You want me to stop?" After a pause, he nods his head and gets back into a fighting stance. "Please, continue."
Ever since that little..ahem..incident with Natasha, she's been telling you to not hurt her teammates, even though most of them have superpowers you might add, so you've been pulling your punches in fights ever since. You still beat their asses it was just..a lighter beating. You were treading in dangerous waters here, knowing that if Hydra suspects you even in the slightest bit they'll bring you back to the lab and wipe your mind again.
You dodge a swing from Steves shield and quickly knock him off balance, playing more defense than offense at this point. The Avenger quickly regains his traction and charges at you, tackling you to the ground so that the wind gets knocked out of you. You, as best as you can, try to dodge his punches on the ground, genuinely surprised when the asphalt underneath you sinks in with his punch. When his fist sinks into the ground once more, you grab his torso and use your legs to shove him off of you, landing a punch in that all-American boy face of his once you get on top of him. Instead of beating the man bloody like you would usually do, you shove yourself up and move away from him, trying to spot Natasha in all the chaos.
Your search stops when you hear Natasha's voice from behind you, her words being accompanied with a punch. "Hey." The punch isn't enough to hurt you but its enough to grab your attention as you turn around and grab her arm. Your grip is firm but not uncomfortable, letting Nat know that they hadn't brainwashed you yet. "Hey." You reply back, throwing a punch that she easily blocked. "You still with me?" She asks as her hand grabbing your wrist twists it back. "I let the guy with the metal arm beat me up twice, what do you think?" You say as you hit her stomach to make her stumble back.
The hits are hard but not fatal as Natasha moves to kick you in the stomach, you easily grabbing her leg and pulling her down to the ground. You land on top of her and you grin, "You've gotten soft, Romanoff." You tease in a breathy laugh as you see her quirk an eyebrow up. "Don't pretend like I can't kick your ass with my eyes closed, y/l/n." She says as she quickly shifts her weight and pins you down, an amused look on her face. "How come you always end up on your back when I'm with you?" She asks and you roll your eyes, scoffing but also realizing how true she is. Before you can reply there's comm's static in your ears, a Hydra officer barking the command to move out.
"I've got to go." You say as Nat gets off of you, hopping back up and making sure you've got your gun in it's holster. "Where will you be tonight?" Natasha asks as you fix yourself, her statement causing you to shoot her a teasing look under your mask. "You'll find me Romanoff." And with that, you turn and leave, not needing to look back to see the amused look on the red-heads face.
"Couldn't find any more shitty hotels?" Natasha asks as she sees you standing behind a run-down gas station, chewing on some gum that you bought with the change you found on the sidewalk. "They were all booked." You shrugged, lips turning up a bit at the sight of your favorite person. "Mm, come here." Natasha hums as she reaches you, gently pulling you in by your chin to kiss you.
These secret meetings have been happening for a while now, being both beneficial to the two of you and the Avengers.
You immediately told Natasha about Hydra's plan about building the next atomic weapon soon after her head came up from between your thighs, the redhead listening intently as you spill all of Hydra's intel. That's when she told you about them, the Avengers, and how they protect the world from Hydra and otherworldly threats. She said she might introduce you to them sometime, saying that the people there don't see others for their worst mistakes.
At that point in time though, you didn't care what side you were on, as long as Natasha was there you would fight alongside her. That's how it was like for your entire life, not caring about the sides of good or evil, only ever caring about Natasha and keeping her safe.
You wince at her action and she pulls back immediately, a concerned look on her face as she looks for the cause of your pain. It's then when she sees the blossoming bruise on your jaw, right where her fingertips grazed when she pulled you in. "Who did this?" She asked and you shrug, reaching up to touch the purple and red spot. "The guy with the metal arm, it really packs a punch." You reply as you see the worry lines deepen between her brows, causing you to cup her neck and pull her in for a soft kiss. "I'm alright Nat." You whisper, kissing her a few more times before leaning back. "I've gone through worse." You say and she frowns, intertwining her free hand with yours as cars pass by. "Haven't we all." Nat sighs and you nod, running your thumb along the back of her hand.
"Fuck! Tasha!"
You grip the back of the headboard as Natasha brings you to another orgasm, knuckle deep inside of you as she kisses your chest lustfully. "That's it, good girl." The redhead hums as your chest rises and falls, you trying to catch your breath as Natasha's fingers start to gradually slow down. Cum coats your inner thighs and sweat sheens your skin in regards to the many times Natasha has made you cum in the past few hours, finally deciding that you've had enough when she fully pulls her fingers out.
"God you have a lot of stamana." You laugh as your breathing finally calms down, moving your hand to pull her into a deep kiss. "I still have a lot more in me, y'know." Natasha hums as she moves to kiss your jaw, trailing it down your neck as she peppers kisses along the flushed skin. "I know just- just give me a minute." You breaths out as you let your eyes fluttered closed, liking the feeling of Natasha laying between your legs as she praises your skin.
It's not long after when your arousal starts to build again, deciding to take the initiative by gently bringing Nat's lips up to yours. "Natalia." You say breathily, your free hand intertwining with Natasha's hair. "Zachem tebe moy golub'?" She asks, heat pooling in her stomach as she feels you tug at her roots. "Ya tak khochu tebya trakhnut', Tasha." Your tone is filled with lust as you kiss Nat deeper, teeth tugging at lips and tongues meeting one another. "Mm bud' moim gostem." She hums and you grin, flipping Natasha over so she's on her back. You look at her for a second and smile, causing her to give you a curious look. "What are you looking at?" She asks with a small smile and you shrug, "You." You hum before kissing her, your teeth tugging at her bottom lip as your hands move down south.
"My god you're cheesy."
"Nat, wait up." Steve catches up with Natasha as she's walking down the compound hallway, the assassin slowing down her stride as the super-soldier gets in step with her. That little action is enough to tell Steve to continue, taking a moment to contemplate his words before speaking. "So..y/n." He starts off slow to see Natashas reaction, deciding that it was okay when the redhead kept a straight face.
"What about her?" She asks and Steve purses his lips together, thinking for a moment before grabbing Nat by the arm and pulling her into a storage closet. "What the hell, Rogers?" Nat asks as Steve closes the door behind them, his voice going down to a whisper as he speaks.
"I know you've been seeing her, Tasha." He starts off and Nat only furrows her brows, looking up annoyedly at the man. "I don't know what you're talking about." She says and he raises his eyebrow. "You're not being discrete Nat. I've seen you fight before and what you do with her is not it. You've knocked down people twice your size before but let her fight you like it's some sparring session." Steve says and Natasha opens her mouth to interject. "She's trained with me in the Red Room, of course she's going to be on my level-" "And that too. After every encounter we have with them you disappear for the evening, usually not arriving until 3 am with Hydra information given to you by your "inside source."" He finishes and Natasha sighs, knowing that she's been caught.
"Okay fine, you want to know the truth?" She asks in a low voice and he nods his head, waiting for Natasha to give her explanation. "I've been- fuck- I've been meeting with her after missions. She used to be brainwashed by Hydra but she broke out of it, hence the reason she's giving me information on Hydra's plans." She says and he stays quiet, the puzzle pieces clicking together as Natasha continues. "I've missed her, Steve, after all these years so I go to make sure she's okay and..other things." Her sentence trails off as she doesn't want to reveal her sex life to her best friend.
"Other things?" Cap raises his eyebrow and Tasha rolls her eyes. "We..comfort each other in not safe for work ways." She says and Steve looks confused for a moment before his mouth opens in a soft "oh- ohhh." "Just please don't tell the team, Steve. You out of all people should understand what it's like to have someone you..care about..taken by Hydra." Nat says and Steve's face softens, a gentle sigh escaping his lips before a grin breaks across it.
"Is this love, Agent Romanoff?" He asks and she shakes her head, stepping back to grab the door handle. "Love is for children, Rodgers, this is just.." She pauses, trying to find the correct word for the situation that she's in. "Comfort?" He offers and she nods her head, opening the door fully. "Comfort."
You watch Natasha with curious eyes as she towel dries her hair, you only being dressed in underwear and a bra as you lay stomach-down on the bed. It had been a particularly hard fight that day, Hydra pushing to take bigger strides in their next big war machines. The Avengers, of course, came in and tried to stop them and they conveniently broke into the base that you were being held at.
You were there being punished for your recent behavior, Hydra officers treating you like an animal as they kicked and hit you. "It needs to be put back into it's place." They practically spat at you like you were some sort of monster, threatening you with knifes to your throat as they criticized every breath you took. The next time they send you into the lab, you know you're going to get brainwashed, waiting for the scale to tip as you sat there helplessly watching. You just found Natasha after years of suffering and you weren't too keen on forgetting her.
A soft hand against your back pulls you back into reality as you see where Natasha's soft gaze is looking at, her fingertips gently tracing the scars along your back. "What are you looking at?" You ask even though it's pretty obvious, Natasha's emerald eyes meeting yours. "Who did this to you?" She asks with furrowed brows and you shrug one shoulder. "You want me to give you a list?" You joke half-heartedly as she moves across the bed, gently straddling your back as you feel her fingertips map out your scars. The feeling makes you hum contently, your eyes fluttering closed as Natasha touches you like the most delicate thing in the world.
Nat has never been the soft type, choosing to show her love through reassuring shoulder pats and quiet comfort instead of gushy romantic acts. That's why it genuinely surprises you when you feel a soft kiss placed on your back, right where a stab wound was a few years ago. "I'm gonna kill every single one of them." She mumbles and you can't help the laugh that escapes your lips, your head turning to look over your shoulder. "I know." You hum, a feeling of déjà vu washing over you.
"Kto sdelal eto s toboy?"
Who did this to you?
Natasha's voice is clipped as she holds your chin with her fingers, seeing you try and blink back the tears that threaten to fall. Your nose is bruised and bleeding, the skin under your eyes starting to turn purple and red.
Your voice is barely above a whisper as rage burns in Natasha's eyes. Anastasiya is one of the older girls in the Red Room, almost four years older than you and a good five heads taller. You had beaten her when you were sparring but as soon as no one else was looking she got you cornered, making the other girls her age hold you down as she took out her rage on you.
"Ona bol'she nikogda ne prikosnetsya k tebe, kogda ya zakonchu s ney."
She will never touch you again when I'm done with her.
You know that tone on Natasha, knowing that Anastasiya is going to have more than one bend in her arm when Natasha gets done with her.
"Nat, ne nado. U tebya budut problemy, i ya spravlyus' sam."
Nat, don't. You're going to get in trouble and I can handle myself.
Natasha's face softens a bit as she looks at you, her other hand coming up to rub your shoulder.
"YA znayu, pauchok, no pozvol' mne napomnit' yey."
I know, little spider, but let me give her a reminder.
"But-" You start and she nods her head. "But you can handle yourself, I know." Natasha says, moving up a bit to kiss your shoulder. “No, what I was going to say was that they all died shortly after.” You say and she laughs softly against your skin, mumbling a “good girl” as she goes to kiss your cheek. Her lips conveniently land on the scar she gave you all those years ago, the thin line going along your cheekbone.
"That, you did yourself." You say teasingly but you can see her face drop a bit, her lips peppering over the scarred skin. "I'm sorry." She whispers but you shake your head, turning under her so you can face her. "It's okay Nat, we were young and they forced us to train with knives. Shit happens." You say nonchalantly, hands playing with the hem of her tank top. It's then when you see the scars on Natasha's skin, bullet wounds and cuts littering her skin. She notices your gaze and moves her hand down to hold yours, seeing your brows furrow.
You glance up at Natasha and feel your chest tighten as you see her look down at your intertwined hands, her thumb gently brushing up and down the back of your hand. "Your hands have changed." Natasha states under her breath as she glances up at you briefly, seeing you raise an eyebrow in question. "What do you mean?" You ask and Natasha holds your intertwined hands up.
"See, there's more scars on your knuckles and there's a new cut right here." She says and you nod your head, not really noticing the changes until now. "The last time I saw you, they were so much different." She mumbles and you raise an eyebrow, a slightly amused look on your face. "Since when have you paid so much attention to my hands?" You ask and she shrugs, your heart rate speeding up as you watch Natasha's fingers play with your own.
"YA skazal tebe, chto u tebya budut problemy."
I told you that you'd get in trouble.
You hum as you gently grab Natasha's bruised hands, taking a ripped piece of cloth to clean up her bleeding knuckles.
"Oni sobiralis' rasskazat' o nas instruktoram."
They were going to tell the instructors about us.
Natasha winces as you wrap up her hands, carefully making sure that it isn't too tight as you tend to her injury.
"My mogli by spravit'sya s etim, Nat."
We could have handled it, Nat.
You sigh and Natasha shakes her head, her free hand moving to rest on her knee.
"No oni by nas nakazali."
But they would have punished us.
You nod your head and bite your lip, looking up into those green eyes as you hold her hand gently in your own.
"YA mog by prinyat' eto za nas oboikh."
I could have taken it for the both of us.
Natahsa's eyebrows furrow as she hears your words, her bandaged hand coming up to cup your cheek as the other grabs your free hand.
She gently brings your hand up to kiss your knuckles lightly.
"Net, ya ne pozvolyu tebe sdelat' eto dlya menya."
No, I won't let you do that for me.
You slowly move your hand to cup her cheek, Natasha's hand moving to cover your own.
"YA by vzyal na sebya mir za tebya, Natal'ya."
I would take on the world for you, Natalia.
Your words are a whisper but to Natasha, it was like a shout from the rooftops. The redhead slowly moves and kisses your hand that was resting on her cheek, causing a blush to dust your cheeks as she softly smiles at you.
"I ya dlya vas."
And I for you.
Gently guiding her hand to cup your cheek, the both of you smile, you leaning into the warm touch as Natasha relishes the moment.
You awake with a jolt as you hear heavy doors close outside of the motel room, it now being in the dead of night. Slowly moving from Natasha's arms, you go take a look outside, hoping to see that there's nothing. Your hopes are shattered when through the window, you can see the faint outline of a Hydra vehicle and multiple armed men, your heartrate spiking as you see the ones in white coats. "Shit." You hiss out as you start to pull clothes on, all of the rustling causing Natasha to awake. "Y/n?" She asks groggily as she sees you frantically moving around the room, hastily putting a shirt on and trying to find your weapon.
"Y/n what's happening?" She restates herself and is fully awake when you finally make eye contact with her, seeing the worry behind your eyes as you move towards her. "Nat, they're here." You rush out as you hand her some clothes, frantically trying to get the redhead out of here before she could get involved. "Whose here? Hydra?" She questions and you nod your head, feeling the bridge of your nose start to sting as reality comes crashing down on you. "They're here for me- shit- you have to go." You say as you try and pull yourself together.
"What? No, Y/n, I'm not leaving you again." Natasha says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world, pulling on some clothes and shoes. "Natalia this isn't fucking debatable, okay? I won't ever forgive myself if they get their hands on you." You say as you glance out the window one more time, mumbling a curse word as you start to see the figures close in. "Why are you acting like I can't handle myself?" Nat asks and you shake your head, opening a window opposite to the parking lot.
"I know you can handle yourself Nat, I've seen you fight hoards of threats and make your way out alive..I just don't want to pull you into this fight with me." You say before crossing the room and standing in front of Nat. "You've been the only thing I've cared about my entire life, please understand why I want you safe." Your voice is softer as you speak to her, her green eyes still prominent in the moonlit room. "What about you?" Nat asks in a whisper, a worried expression set across her face as you give her a watery grin.
"You know I never die, Natalia." You say as she shakes her head. "I'm like a cat and my lives haven't run out just yet." You continue and a laugh breaks past Nat's lips, causing you to smile even as a tear runs down your cheeks. "There it is." You breathe out and she looks at you questioningly. "What is it?" She asks. "I just wanted to see your smile one last time." You reply as you kiss a tear from her cheek, Natasha then moving to gently kiss your lips. The kiss is soft and passionate, you both trying to communicate to each other a message you both aren't ready to say yet.
Sooner than you'd like, the two of you break away, both of you giving the other a watery smile as you sniffle. "I'll come back to you, Nat. I promise." You whisper and she nods her head, gently kissing your temple as your eyes flutter closed. "You better, or else I'll beat your ass." She says and you give a shaky chuckle, hearing the Hydra men starting to kick down apartment doors. "I'm planning on it."
Hydra doesn't take long to storm the motel room, quickly seizing you before you had a chance to react. You were happy to comply with them until you saw them grab Natasha's arm, you immediately tearing from the Hydra agent's grip to tackle his ass. You successfully break his arm but aren't so lucky when you feel a wave of electricity shoot through your body, every muscle tensing up as you fall to the floor. "Fuck." You curse through gritted teeth as you force yourself to get up, looking at Natasha with desperate eyes as she hasn't left yet.
As the words leave your lips, both of you could almost see each other back on that mountainside, the dead bodies of the other girls littered around you as you kill another one for Natasha to escape. It felt like you were a teenager again, seeing Natasha teeter between staying and leaving as she stood at the treeline. A grunt of pain leaves your lips as one of the men shoves you into a desk, the wood breaking underneath you as air rushes out of your lungs. You've only taken down a few men, stabbing one of them in the throat with their own knife. As they start to overwhelm you, you take one last look at Natasha, seeing as she's taking one last glance at you as her hands rest on the window frame. As you lock eyes with her, you say one simple phrase.
"It's okay."
Natasha isn't paying attention at all in the meeting the next day, not getting the image of your worried look out of her mind. “Romanoff, did you hear me?” Tony asks and her eyes glance upwards, the other Avengers looking at her as they await her answer. “Sorry, what?” She asks and Tony sighs, pointing towards a highlighted point in the mountainside. "From the information we've gathered, Bruce surmises that the next Hydra base is here, the building located about thirty feet below the surface." He explains and Natasha nods her head, her attention immediately being drawn when the word Hydra slips past his lips. "I was asking your opinion on how we should enter the compound without getting caught." Tony finishes, waiting for Natasha to give her input as he sees the gears turning in her head.
"It's the compound that they use for their experiments, right?" She asks and Steve nods his head, Nat sighing as she looks at the dot on the map. "Well considering that it's underground they only need security for the entrances and exits, probably have a few patrolling the perimeter..I think our best entry point is here." She says, standing up and pressing a pen to the western side of the mountain. "Of course, we always have the risk of getting caught but it's lower than just walking through the front door." Natasha explains and all of the Avengers nod their head, she's not a trained soldier but she's a damn good spy if they've ever seen one.
"Nat, are you alright?" Steve asks after everyone clears out of the conference area, grabbing the assassin's arm before she leaves. "They've got her, Steve." She says and his eyebrows furrow. "Who?" He asks and Natasha sighs, looking up at the super-soldier. "Y/n. They took her last night." She explains and Steve sees the worry on his friend's face. "Do you think she's at the base we're going to?" He asks and Natasha shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, but if she is there I'm gonna tear up the whole place until I find her." She says and Steve nods, seeing the determination in Nat's eyes. "We'll get her back Natasha." He says and Nat grins a bit, "I know."
It's easy, almost too easy, getting into the Hydra base, Natasha only taking out five guards patrolling the area and guarding the entrance. "This doesn't feel right to me." Steve says as they head towards the entrance, the fresh snow crunching under their boots. "Nothing ever feels right to you, Cap." Hawkeye says as he flys overhead, making sure no Hydra agents get the jump on the pair. Natasha only quirks her head to the side when Steve makes eye contact with her, agreeing with both men as they reach the entrance. Natasha scans the entry card that they swiped off the guard and the door opens, immediately granting them access into the underground base.
"Give her a sedative." One of the doctors commands as you continue to struggle, hitting anything you could reach as they try to strap you onto a stretcher. They've been touring and interrogating you the entire night, bargaining for information instead of brainwashing you.
"We saw that Avenger in the motel, tell us what you know and we won't wipe your memory." They say but you only clench your jaw and stay silent, ripping yourself from their grip each time they try and contain you.
"Don't you fucking touch me!" You grit out as you knock one of the men unconscious, kicking the stretcher away from you as you watch the doctor run to grab a sedative. Your body is covered in blood and bruises, still putting up a fight since you were taken a day ago. Getting shoved up against the wall you cry out in pain, your head getting aggressively slammed against the wall. You don't even realize the doctors came back with a sedative until you feel the prick of the needle in your neck, your vision going blurry as the fight leaves your body.
You don't put up a struggle as they drag you onto the stretcher, strapping your arms and legs down as everything moves in slow motion around you.
You know where they're taking you. You know you're about to get brainwashed.
As they push you down the hallway, you slowly close your eyes and try to burn the image of Natasha's face into your mind, feeling slightly calmer as you think of her wrapping you up in her arms and telling you that everything is going to be okay.
The next time you open your eyes, you're strapped down into the metal chair that they use for brainwashing, feeling like you're a shell of a person as you look down at your restraints. They force a piece of plastic into your mouth as you blankly stare at the doctors in white coats, only one thing on your mind as they prep the machine.
A tear rolls down your cheek quietly as the restraints latch onto you tighter, forcing you to lay back as your breathing starts to get heavier.
It never gets easier, the brainwashing, knowing that you'll only be a puppet to Hydra with no free will.
The metal paddles clamp around your head and your heart rate spikes, hearing the doctors beside you start to say the words you always dreaded to hear.
With each word, you could feel the control leaving your body, bracing yourself for the pain that's going to come next.
A scream rips from your throat as pain surges through your body, the machine being activated and making you pull against the restraints. Your vision fades in and out of focus as you continue to scream, every muscle in your body tensing as the brainwashing takes over.
You try your best to fight the pain, your mind trying desperately to hold onto the memory of Natasha as your trigger words reach your ears.
No, it's Natasha.
Your eyes are blank as the machine finally releases you from its grip, a scientist having a pleased look on his face as he walks up to you. "Just to make sure this doesn't happen again." he says before commanding you to put your head forward, gripping your hair as he presses a cool metal gun to the back of your neck. With a click you could feel something being put into your neck, the new object feeling irritating under your skin. It's a small chip, maybe a quarter wide, and it's now attached to the nape of your neck, the needles embedding into your skin to make sure it stays in place.
"Are you ready to comply, Agent 809?" He asks and you nod your head, suddenly hearing alarms go off that there's been a security breach in the compound. "Say the word, sir, your wish is my command." You say and he grins, grabbing your chin. "Kill the Avengers." He says and you look at him in the eyes. "Main target?" You ask and he thinks for a moment, looking at the Hydra officers before looking back at you. ''The Black Widow."
Natasha hears your screams ring through the compound and she feels her blood run cold, Steve grabbing her arm before she could do anything stupid. "Natasha, don't." He says in a harsh whisper and she shakes her head, pulling herself from her grip as she continues to move down the hallway.
She quickly takes down the next few guards that she sees, not using her bullets yet so they don’t cause the rest of the base to be alerted of their presence. That plan doesn’t last long though when a guard gets the upper hand on her, causing her to shoot two bullets into his chest and making him drop. As soon as the shots are fired, alarms go off across the compound, causing Natasha to curse under her breath. “Language.” Steve says and Natasha rolls her eyes, picking up her gun and racing down the hallway to try and find you.
Natasha kicks down a set of double doors and shoots the people inside, scanning the room for any sign of you. They've gone through 95% percent of the compound and haven't found you yet, Natasha getting more and more anxious as time goes on. "I heard her, I swear." She tells Steve each time they clear an area and come up empty.
It isn't until she sees you strapped to the chair that she lets out a breath of relief, you seemingly normal accept for the cuts and bruises. "Y/n, oh god you're okay." She breathes out as she reaches you, seeing the dazed look in your eyes as she undoes your restraints.
"I'm sorry." You whisper out in a last-ditch attempt to warn her before your chip clicks on. "Sorry? You're sorry for what?" Natasha asks but doesn't get a chance to reply before you knock her backwards, tearing out of the remaining restraints as you stand up.
The wind gets knocked out of Natasha and Steve gets into a fighting stance, you not even giving him a glance as you head towards Natasha. Steve quickly intervenes and throws his shield at you, your hand sticking out to grab it before tossing it to the floor. "That's all you've got, Capitan?" You sneer teasingly as you grab a knife from the table, getting a swing on him and clipping him in the cheek.
The super soldier quickly hits back though, kicking you in the stomach and making you stumble back. You quickly grab one of the cords that was attached to a computer and you wrap it around the Avenger's neck, maneuvering yourself so that you're behind him and pulling tight.
Stumbling backwards, he throws himself up against the wall, successfully breaking your grip as you get pinned between the wall and the Avenger. Steve quickly turns and pins you up against the wall by your neck, pulling his fist back to punch you. "Steve!" Natasha hisses out his name harshly and he turns to look at her, temporarily forgetting that you're brainwashed. He groans and tosses you to the floor, seeing the glowing chip on the back of your neck. You quickly get back up and go for Natasha, the redhead dodging your swing and making your fist go through the wall. "Y/n. Stop it." Natasha grits out as she grabs your arm and twists it behind your back, a hiss leaving your lips as you feel your muscles pop.
"Who. the fuck. is y/n?" You spit out as you maneuver yourself around and hit Natasha back, grabbing her throat and tossing her up against the wall. "They want me to kill you, so that's what I'm going to do." You say as you grab a beaker besides you, breaking it to create a shattered edge. You're about to swing the bottle when Steve comes up behind you and hits the back of your neck with his shield (and you swear later on that if he did it any harder your neck would have snapped). A cry of pain leaves your lips as the chip sparks and you stumble forward, your head bowing into Natasha's shoulder as pain surges through your body. Natasha freezes as she sees your shoulder slump, a small whimper of "Natasha." leaving your lips as the chip short circuits. "Y/n?" She asks and she sees your hand come up to grip at the back of your neck, your other hand dropping the shattered beaker. "Nat. The chip." You breathe out as you feel it starting to take hold again, pushing yourself away from her as your mind clouds over again.
"Steve, hit the chip again." Natasha commands and Steve nods his head, watching as your shoulders tense up again as you attack Natasha. She quickly blocks all of your hits and flips you over onto the floor, you quickly gripping onto her arm and pulling her down onto the floor with you.
The chip sparks again and for a second you regain control, scrambling up to the control panel and enabling the emergency demolition program. "What are you doing?" Steve asks and your jaw tenses, shutting all of the Hydra officers inside by locking all the exits except one. "I'm blowing this place up." You mumble, jaw tensing as the chip revs up once again. "I've locked all of them in, if you go to exit c9 that'll be the only one unlocked so you can escape." You say as you lock all of the doors inside of the compound, keeping all of them in place so they can't run.
"What about you?" Natasha asks as she gets up from the floor, looking at the chip flicker on and off. "The chip will take over sooner or later, I'd rather die in this explosion than let them use my body again." You say as you grip the side of the table, everything in your body being split in two with each side fighting to take control. "No you're not, we're getting you out of here." Steve says and it genuinely surprises the both of you, the man in stars grabbing your arm as you slam the button down to activate the explosion.
T-minus: two minutes
"I don't deserve to get out of here." You shake your head as you look at Natasha's neck, now bruised with your handprint as you wince. "I've hurt you, I've hurt her, I've hurt so many people. All of it is on my hands." You say and Natasha shakes her head, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it gently. "I've left you once, Y/n, I'm not letting you go again." She says and you think for a moment, alarms blaring around you as you see the pleading look on her face. "Alright." You whisper, allowing Natasha to pull you out of the room as Steve follows close behind you.
You run down the hallway as you guide the two other Avengers towards the exit, quickly taking out any Hydra agents that gets in your way.
"There! There it is." You call out as you see exit c9, all three of you running towards it as the speakers count down.
T-minus: thirty seconds
The chip fully kicks back into gear as your eyes widen, your strides slowing down as it feels like someone wraps restraints around your body. "No, no no no. Please not now." You beg to yourself as both Steve and Nat notice, your eyes turning dead as your legs start to carry you away from the exit. "Oh no you don't." Natasha grits out as she tackles you, dragging you towards the exit as you fight against her.
Twenty five..
"Let go of me!" You hiss as you tear from her grip and Steve lingers near the exit, watching the interaction happen as a metal curtain starts to descend over the only open exit. "I'm taking you home, Y/n." Natasha says as she grabs onto your body, Steve moving to keep the door open as he calls the two of you to move.
"Steve! Go!" Natasha yells out as she drags you towards the exit, blocking each hit you try and swing at her. Steve shakes his head and calls out over the alarms, "I'm not leaving you two!"
Natasha looks at him and shakes her head, being only ten feet from the exit. "Just go! I'm right behind you." She says and Steve reluctantly steps through the exit, the now dented metal sheet continuing to close on the two of you.
"Y/n please, stop fighting me." Natasha begs as you tear out of her grip again, heart-pounding as the alarms fill her head. "Why should I listen to you? You left me. You were everything to me and then you just left me!" You ask harshly as you see the tears in her eyes, Natasha seeing the real you starting to break through. "I didn't want to leave you, Y/n! I'm sorry!" Natasha's voice raises a bit in volume. "I wanted you to come but you were stubborn and stayed behind for me! You stayed behind and when I went back to you..you were already gone." She says and the gears turn in your head. "Then why are you here? Why are you going through so much trouble for me when you have a perfectly good life out there?" You ask, your body still tense as Natasha looks at you with an open mouth. "Because.."
"Fuck." Natasha doesn't finish her thought as she grabs you and holds you close to her chest, turning you so that your body isn't the closest one to the blast.
The explosion shakes the ground as the two of you get tossed through the air, your body hitting the metal door with a thud. The ground shakes above you as the base comes apart, Steve pulling the metal curtain open and dragging the two of you out into the snow.
Natasha is coughing fiercely as the smoke and dust enters her lungs, gripping onto you for dear life as she feels Steve dragging the two of you out. Your blood stains the snow as Natasha sits up, heart dropping to her stomach as she sees your head loll back limply.
"Shit, Y/n!" She says as she taps on your cheek, blood running down her temple as she checks for signs of life. Your heartbeat is slow and your breathing is labored but you're alive, that final hit allowing the chip to fully break in half on the back of your neck. "It's because I love you, you idiot." Natasha whispers as she gently kisses your temple, Steves's jaw setting as he sees the little interaction.
The next time you wake up, you're in a sterile white room, your heart rate spiking as you think you're back in the Hydra lab again. Trying to push yourself up, your hands get stopped by restrains, the same straps tying down your legs. Swallowing thickly, you look around the room, the atmosphere making you feel vulnerable as you try and undo the restraints. A door opens to the right of you and panic seeps into your bones, thinking that it's a doctor coming in to run experiments on you again.
"Hey, it's okay." Natasha's soft voice reaches your ears as she comes over and undoes the restraints, gently freeing your legs and wrists before looking up at you. "I'm sorry, Bruce put them on for precaution." She says with a soft smile, taking a knee beside your bed so she's at eye level with you. You don't say anything as you move to hug her, your head immediately finding residence in the crook of your neck as you take a shaky breath. Your body aches and you're pretty sure you look like shit but you're so fucking happy that Natasha's here.
"Nat." You whisper softly as Natasha's arms quickly wrap around you, being careful to not hurt you as she closes her eyes. "I'm here, moy golub', I'm here." She whispers and you almost break down at that nickname, your arms tightening around her. "You're safe Y/n, you're free." She whispers and your mind can't even process her words, your only thoughts being how nice it feels to be wrapped up in Tasha's arms again.
When you pull away, there are tears in your eyes, Natasha gently wiping them away and kissing your cheeks.
"YA lyublyu tebya."
I love you.
The words slip from your lips before you could even process it, your eyes widening as you see the unreadable look on Natasha's face. "N-Nat, I'm so sorry, I didn't-" Natasha cuts you off with a kiss, gently pressing her lips to hers as she grins.
"ya tozhe tebya lyublyu."
I love you too.
"Should we do something about that?" Tony asks as the team looks through the one-way mirror they placed in your room, seeing Natasha climb into your bed and pull you into her chest. Your eyes close as you contently settle yourself into her, Natasha's hand rubbing circles along your back.
"Give them a break Tony, it's not like she's going or hurt anyone." Steve says as Bruce holds up the chip implant, "Yep, no more brainwashing for her." He says as the rest of them look at the two of you, never seeing Natasha this content until now.
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lilacsandamethysts · 3 years
You cocky bastard
Pairing: Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: He is reckless and cocky and that always lands him with a few broken bones which need to be taken care of by his lover.
Warnings: spoilers for Childe's story quest plus some spoilers about his backstory aka his real name like OG name, descriptions of injury, ends in fluff
A/n: Childe and I have a love hate relationship. One moment I want to smother him with kisses and another I want to clown him for no apparent reason.
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His side hurt, the broken ribs he had managed to obtain after the battle with Lumine made it difficult for him to sleep soundly and the soreness in his muscles from the Foul Legacy transformation wasn’t making things easier for him. A top of all that he had to use his delusion again a few days later which worsened his injuries. Teucer had fun though; the boy got to enjoy his time in Liyue and saw his older brother, he left the harbor happy. That’s what mattered to Childe, not his injuries, not the pain he was in and not the fact that he nearly got exposed by Lumine multiple times.His brother was happy, he heard him laugh and giggle and have fun, that’s all he could ever ask for.
Groaning he lifted himself up on his bed, the sheets pooling in his lap as he rested his bare back against the headboard. His chest and torso were covered in bandages and he had a stitched eyebrow. Everything hurt. He heard footsteps approaching his room and soon enough the door creaked open slowly, a head poking in and a familiar pair of eyes landed on his hunched figure. A boyish grin stretched over his features as the person groaned in annoyance, stepping inside fully a bowl of water in one hand and a rag in the other.
“I thought I told you to lay down.” She kneeled on the rug beside his bed, placing the bowl next to her as she slowly began untying the bandages around his torso, the light brush of her fingertips upon his skin sending small shocks of warmth through his veins. The bruised skin came into view once his upper half was freed from its confines. A large gush stretched from his right peck down to his third rib while a purplish bruise resided on his stomach. She winced lightly at the sight, starting to doubt if her healing methods were even working on his wounds. She dried the rag over the bowl bringing the warm cloth to the area around the open wound, cleaning his skin gently and slowly moving down to lightly press on his bruise. “You will hurt yourself further if you keep moving.”
This was the most painful part of his day, no doubt. It was never his intention to have her nurse him back to health; in truth he never wanted her to see him in such a vulnerable state. Some things in life are inevitable however, and now here he was watching her saddened state worsen every time he winced. He knew it hurt her to see him like this. When she showed up alongside Teucer, chasing after the young boy with the traveller, he was beyond surprised to see her. Worry gnawed at his insides at the thought of the two most precious people in his life being so close to his line of work, how easy it would be for one of the many enemies he had made to snatch them right in front of his eyes. But when he saw the way his brother hung at her every word, the pure adoration in his ocean eyes, the same adoration that swam in hers as she agreed with anything the young boy said; and then she would turn to him every time, catching his gaze with a cheeky grin making everything fade away, the only thing remaining being the two of them. He loved having her near him but he would prefer it be under other circumstances.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. Won’t do it again.” His palm cupped her cheek gently rubbing her cheekbone. She leaned into his touch covering his hand with her own looking up at him with narrowed eyes.
“Lies.” She continued to wrap the fresh bandages around his wounds, helping him change positions so he won’t have to do it on his own later and end up falling off the bed again. Once she was done she sat next to him trailing light kisses starting from his fingertips and going all the way up to his shoulder. He could feel all her emotions being channeled through the small pecks on his skin, every worry and every I love you she couldn’t say aloud right now. Wrapping an arm around her waist he brought her closer, albeit weakly due to his broken ribcage. She laid her head gently on his shoulder being mindful of how much she leaned on him. Leaving a last kiss on the column of his throat she nuzzled in closer, her fingers tapping on the freckles scattered on his porcelain skin. “Please don’t scare me like that again. I thought you died on me when you passed out in that archon forsaken ruin.”
“You know I can’t fully promise you that.” Kissing the top of her head he gave her a squeeze, broken bones be damned. “What I can do is promise to be more careful with the delusion. I shouldn’t have used it so soon after getting defeated by the traveller.”
“You little show off, you wanted to impress!”
“Guilty as charged, my light.” The chuckled that escaped him sent waves of pain through his chest and back but he ignored it knowing full well that she would get up at the first sign of discomfort. He just wanted to hold her for a little longer. “Thank you, for being here for me.”
“You are a cocky bastard, Ajax.”
“Your cocky bastard and you love me.” She rolled her eyes at him and he bit her cheek in retaliation. The room was filled with joyous giggles for the first time in days and he knew right then and there that everything was going to be alright. They would be alright.
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xxsmokeyy · 4 years
Levi x Reader (F) It’s The Tea
genre: fluff, canon divergence — coffee shop setting
summary: a misplaced table and a pair of hands that had a knack for good tea; you wonder what brought Humanity’s Strongest to your shop.
wc: 6,262
part II
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“I’ll have one flat white,” a customer says as she picks money from her coin purse. You give her a smile after receiving her payment, the exact amount saving you the task of calculating change.
“Coming right up.” And you make your way to the coffee beans to make the blend she ordered. She watches in patience as you skillfully maneuver around the counter, getting everything done along the process. You incline the porcelain a little to make for the finishing art, steamed milk piercing through the coffee and creating a signature shape. In no time, you hand her the drink on top of a saucer.
She silently nods as brief thanks, and as soon as she turns her back to you, you dart your eyes on a table of one by the far right windowpane. You carefully spectate her and what direction she’s going. She’s going to the table!
The make-do suspense keeps you on your toes as you look at her intently, breath slightly hitching, waiting for her to sit on the lone chair. The woman navigates across the room, heading straight for your wishful desires. Your hands fly to your mouth in shock, witnessing the life-changing moment unravel before your eyes. No way. She really is.
The cup of coffee on her left hand, she uses her right to move the chair to take a seat. But just when she’s about to pull it back, someone calls her from another table, waving at her excitedly.
You stand upright and alert while your scrutinizing gaze follow her movements. She looks at where the voice is coming from, and almost immediately, her face brightens upon seeing who. Her right hand lets go of the wooden furniture and proceeds to where the caller sits. You look at her destination and find three people on a table of four. It doesn’t take long before she takes the free seat and starts chatting with them.
Your body slumps back with a disappointed sigh. Looks like no one’s sitting there yet again.
It’s the closest call you’ve ever had after years of this shop’s existence. Why no one chooses to sit there is beyond you. Either your customers are not alone, or they are, but only to take out their orders. Actually, even if they’re alone, they’d take the table for two instead. Do they not want to look lonely that bad? You groan in annoyance.
The table consists of a small, circular table and a single chair by the window. In your mightiest opinion, it’s the perfect place to just sit down, enjoy a cup of hot coffee, and read a book. But nobody’s ever done that through the passing years, and you can only witness the table being neglected by people.
It irks you a little. Could there have been another way to maximize the space that stemmed from unproportional construction? Maybe it really is time to remove those. Maybe it’s not really a big deal.
You’ve been contemplating too many times replacing it with a plant vase or a decorative ornament to take up the space since it’s of no use anyway. But something just tells you you shouldn’t. Besides, just thinking thinking about feels costly.
The rest of the day goes by quickly, and before you know it, you’ve opened the store again, serving customers after customers. This time, you never gave the table another glance. Surprisingly enough, you spent the whole night debating with yourself on what decoration you should fill the space with. A nice bookshelf would’ve been good, but you decided to go with a monstera plant to make use of the window right by it. Not until your day off, though, which is still on Sunday.
Having consecutively served around six customers and cleaned used tables, you sit and take a breather, resting your eyes by reading a book to let a couple minutes go by.
You slowly get sucked into the story, the marvelous art of prose bringing you into the plot’s little universe. The way the writer used the most fitting descriptive words possible astounds you, making a smile of enjoyment involuntarily creep up your lips. Somehow, you think writing is similar to making coffee, mixing different elements to create the perfect blend, the sole goal of making an exquisite taste that will leave people aching for more? Oh, and they both smell good, books and coffee. A chuckle leaves your lips.
Just when you’re deep in thought, things starting to stir up in the narration, someone speaks in front of you.
“One black tea,” a stern voice curtly orders, interrupting your peace. Harshly brought back to reality, you rise to your feet to resume to work. First tea of the day, huh?
Sure, your shop is known for its good coffee, but your tea can put up for a competition, too. It’s just that these days, coffee is more on the popular side, since tea can be made in almost any household now.
You close your book to attend to the customer, but not without leaving a bookmark on the current page. When you look at him, you almost freeze in your tracks. Well if it isn’t Humanity’s Strongest himself!
A pair of dazing stale eyes bore into your own with an unreadable expression and you compose yourself. Crap, you must have been caught giggling to yourself. You feel heat speedily cover your cheeks, turning you to a blushing mess. How shameful.
“Pardon me,” you excuse, clearing your throat before telling him the price. He wordlessly fishes for his wallet and pays. He does find you a bit weird, laughing at nothing, but pays it no more mind. He’s supposed to be on leisure, not meddling with some brat’s uncanny actions.
As you turn your back to make his beverage, you squint your eyes in loss of face. It really is the Captain Levi, and you probably looked like a creep in his eyes. Now what will become of your shop’s repute?
You shove the thought to the back of your head and start working. The ravenhead watches back as you work your hands into making a, hopefully, good blend. Your heart is beating wildly inside your chest like it’s about to jump off your rib cage, but you try to ignore it. The thought of a widely known persona such as him inside your very shop is crazy. To what do you even owe this pleasure?
Oh well, you’ll just pour your heart into making his tea, that way you might erase his ridiculous impression of you in his head. Hey! What’s so bad about giggling while reading? your subconscious tries to defend while you strain the boiled tea leaves into a clean china. The earthly smell hits your nose, making you want one, too.
You smile as you hand over the teacup. “Thank you for your service,” you add, even going as far as bowing. The moment the phrase escapes your lips, you regret it right away. Chills shoot up your spine. It sounds so awkward and unnecessary, but should you just treat the Captain like any other people knowing he’s done so much for your country?
Your cheeks flush into a faint, pink color. Thankfully, you’re slightly angled downwards, he might not see. Levi only eyes you for a second before nodding and taking the cup of tea in his hands, his calloused fingers grazing your hands fleetingly.
When you hear his footsteps fade, you rise and rub a palm against your face. You hesitantly take a glance toward the Captain, and shock takes over your whole system. To be totally honest, you never thought you’d see the day someone would sit on that table.
He looks perfectly placed on the table, like it’s reserved a long time just for him. He’s in civillian clothes, probably to not attract a lot of people. The sunlight gives his face a pretty sheen, the air from the window blowing lightly on his dark fringes. Your heart continues to skip several beats for no clear reason. Maybe that is the reason why your instincts keep telling you to not replace it.
Meanwhile, Levi sips on the freshly brewed tea, the strong flavor staining on his tongue just right. As he occupies his mind somehwere else, the taste hits better. Everything feels evenly distributed, the base smooth and pleasant, the amount of water not brimming. The temperature isn’t so bad as well.
Then and there, he guesses you source fine leaves from the innermost walls, which is a luxury at this point, not to mention your non-overpriced charge.
Not bad, he thinks.
You’re dumbstruck as you sit back in awe. You weren’t able to decipher what he’s thinking, but you know for sure he doesn’t hate it from seeing that he emptied the whole thing and left a generous tip.
You grab your tray and proceed to cleaning up the table he previously seated on, the whole decision of shopping for a plant on Sunday going down the drain.
It’s been a whole month since the Captain’s visit, and you think of the once in a lifetime moment often, and at times randomly. You sure as heck won’t be removing the table now that something has happened.
“Thank you,” you say as you hand the cup of coffee, serving the last one for the queue. It’s a late, cloudy afternoon, looking like it’s about to shower, and the shop is pretty dull. Well, that only means you can read more.
“Is this the shop they say sells well?” you hear someone from the ordering area. “Yeah, you go ahead,” they converse. You’re making coffee for yourself at the moment and you can’t peer to look at whose voice it is.
“What? You do it!”
“Just go! We don’t have time!”
“What the fuck? You’re the one holding the knife, aren’t you?!” a man shouts in a whisper. You can’t hear crystal clear due to being far into the counter, although you know they must be disturbing the atmosphere.
Vexed by their rowdiness, you turn around and stop making the blend. You walk to the front of the counter, “Excuse me, please lower your—”
“Give me all your money, lady. Let’s transact in peace so nobody gets hurt,” the man grabs your collar, knife pointed straight into your neck. Another man of his companion moves to the side to cover their actions. You don’t feel the sharp edge prick your skin due to intense panic.
You look around frantically, worried if there are other people harmed. To your relief, they seem to not notice anything, if you can even call that relieving. Now there must be no saving you.
“It’s alright, we won’t bring someone else into this, just do what we ask,” the other guy says, wide, haunting eyes looking straight into you. You feel cold sweat drip from your forehead.
“Now hand us what you got.”
On the other hand, Levi finishes with his errands around the capital and stumbles within your shop’s vicinity. Walking mindlessly, he checks the skies to tell the time, but sees the dark clouds instead. It seems it’s about to pour.
He’s already in front of your shop, but the threatening rain will be bigger trouble, he might get stranded if he stops by. Plus, he probably didn’t bring enough money, so he’s got no choice but head back now.
Just when he’s about to leave, his peripheral vision miraculously catches sight of your horrified expression through the window, putting him to an abrupt halt. He turns to see better, and finds two men roughing you up while trying to hide the commotion.
He clicks his tongue and spins to turn away. It’s not his business anymore, it’s for the Military Police to deal with. They might be loan sharks for all he knows, and you’d be held entirely accountable for that.
Unable to take the view of the knife pointed to your neck out of his head, he sighs defeatedly and eventually discovers himself inside the store, else it’d slowly eat at his conscience.
“Oi, what’s going on here?” he questions with a firm voice, turning heads his way.
“It’s Captain Levi from the Survey Corps!”
“What a lucky day!”
People stir up upon seeing the Captain to which he only ignores, full attention on you and the two criminals.
The robber without a weapon quickly turns around to check, shaking in fear. As he makes terrifying eye contact with the Captain, he makes haste for the door in desperate hopes of escaping, but to no avail. Levi grabs the back of the poor guy’s head and slams it against an empty table, putting him to deep sleep. Then turning to your armed assaulter, Levi closes in with big steps and takes the knife down before swinging the side of his hand, striking a nerve on the man’s neck to knock him out.
Levi perceives they’re complete amateurs and wonders why they even steal. Atleast one of them tried to run, he thinks as he looks down on the passed out crooks.
You’re not exactly sure if your heart calmed down or speeded up even more—maybe both, but you feel safe and more at ease.
Tying the last knot, he stands from his kneeled form and dusts his hands off to rid himself of the filth.
You only watch silently, mind clouded in confusion of what to do. Captain Levi came just in time and saved you and your shop of possible bankruptcy. Say, it could have been the worst timing considering you haven’t cleared your cash box for weeks now. You’re reminded of how much you owe the Captain.
“Don’t worry, they’ll be out cold for a while, just call the MP’s on them,” Levi assures before taking a glance at you and fails to understand your expression, your face looks like it’s leaking shit in his opinion.
You look at the two robbers dozing off tied together by the help of Levi and your spare rope before giving your savior another bow. “Thank you so much!” you exclaim and raise your head to meet his fierce gaze.
“And sorry for the trouble, people around here can get belligerent, especially to us business owners,” you add.
He observes you from head to toe, eyes particularly lingering on your neck, and you blush in embarrassment, feeling his hot stare.
“Is there—?”
He takes something from his pocket and offers you a handkerchief which you cluelessly accept. You later on realize what it’s for, finally feeling a sting on your neck. You wipe the bleeding area and see trails of crimson on your apron as well.
With no reason to stay any longer, Levi steers to leave, but is just in time to witness the rain pour down heavily, big droplets washing against the windows. He sighs, it’s just as he guessed.
You, on contrast, get an idea to show your gratitude, feeling a physical candle light up in your brain. “Captain Levi, please stay and let the rain pass while I brew you some coffee,” you negotiate with strong willed eyes, fixed on returning him a favor. It’s the least you could do from within your limited skills, and you’d like it if he’d accept. Actually, you won’t accept if he rejects, fully wanting to pay him back atleast a tad.
He looks back at you, slightly surprised. You seem like a more persistent person now rather than an easily flustered mess. Could he be so insensitive as to decline your generous offer after seeing your firm resolve? But more importantly, coffee? Could he be so thick-skinned as to ask for something else other than that?
When he stays quiet, you decide to go ahead and make him a drink from one of your premium coffee beans, but you’re put to a stop as he speaks.
“I’d prefer tea.”
Oh, right. He did ask for black tea a month back, didn’t he? You give him a smile and a thumbs up of approval before turning your back to make his tea.
Levi massages his temples and takes a seat, eyeing the immobilized crooks and the outside, thinking what he got himself into. It won’t be so bad to stay for a while and let the rain ease down, right?
You wait for the water to boil before dropping a bunch of mint leaves, then waiting for it to simmer. You prepare a porcelain cup and saucer and pour in the hot liquid, adding honey for a natural sweetener. You mix in a couple droplets of lemon to balance the flavor and you’re good to go.
You set the tea on his chosen table of two, giving the free seat a momentary glimpse. You wonder how it would feel like to have a proper conversation with Captain Levi, only to quickly dismiss the thought of joining him as you hear someone call you from the counter. Thankfully, people are back to minding their business and don’t bother the Captain anymore. You excuse yourself and return to work, still a couple hours away from closing time.
Levi sits back and enjoys the tea you made, soon learning it’s a fresh peppermint tea. Though it’s only the second time he’s having your brew, he doesn’t know why he already has high expectations. The choice of blend is perfect for a rainy day, and it’s exactly what he would have made when he returned back to the headquarters. You don’t really look like someone who prefers tea, but he’s impressed nevertheless.
He sips on the cup, letting the weather pass and the taste line his tongue. A variety of things occupy his mind involuntarily and before he knows it, the rain has calmed down into a shower.
He stands to leave but suddenly notices an umbrella left on his table. When did that get there? He takes a glimpse at you and finds you looking back at him with curious, alert eyes like that of a cat, immediately averting your gaze and resuming to pick up the dirtied tableware onto your tray.
Levi confirms it’s from you, and it’s another one of your acts of gratitude. He’s left with no choice and grabs it, wraps his slender fingers around the handle, and takes his leave.
Satisfied, you sigh in relief as you watch his back drift into the darkness. You look at the handkerchief in the pocket of your apron, smiling. Despite rumors of him being an unrelenting leader and a ruthless thug that stretched way back, the Captain is a kind man, isn’t he? If there really is such thing as coincidence, you’d like to consider yourself lucky for having experienced it.
About two more weeks pass when Levi finds himself hooked into the sweet aroma of the tea you make, the ambience of your shop’s environment, and something else he can’t put a name on. In actuality, he may or may not be using your umbrella as an excuse to go to your store right now.
He takes a glance at his hand holding the same umbrella. He briefly questions himself what he’s doing but pushes the thought aside with the use of his well thought of excuse. True enough, he can’t just go around using other people’s possession, can he?
He begins to sense the growing familiarity of your shop as he closes in. The choice of location being just at the mouth of the city, the distinct line between rural and urban is visibly emphasized.
As Levi enters through the saloon door, his eyes almost immediately find your form, leisurely reading while leaning on the counter, back turned against the entrance, your hair up in a braided bun which he finds neat. He clicks his tongue as he approaches to order.
“It’s easier to mug you that way,” he says and you jolt in surprise. Recognizing the stone cold voice, you spin to see the Captain in front of you, inside your very shop once again. This is no coincidence anymore!
“Captain Levi!” you greet with a beam, utterly delighted to see him. “Pleasant afternoon, what can I get you?” you ask and look him straight in the face. He’s in casual clothes, so you guess it’s another one of his day off’s. His sombre eyes of a unique bluish grey color take on your gaze fiercely. It’s true that the eyes convey one’s entire personality, as you feel his menace even though he doesn’t intend to display it.
“Black tea,” he says without a hitch, giving you the exact amount of money, and you proceed to your working space. Boiling of water, straining of tea leaves, pouring it into clean china; as you hand it to him, they start to resemble a routine.
He goes ahead and takes the corner table, and you couldn’t be any happier, thinking he seems to like the spot, choosing it among every other free seats. Levi takes a sip, and enjoys it with no wonder. You didn’t fail to make an exquisite blend.
A couple moments later, he’s still there. While everyone else chitchats with their company, he sits in silence with his beverage, ocassionally looking at the sky freely laid out by the window. He’s never really one to catch up with the bulletin and read daily papers, he’d prefer books for that matter.
As you wipe with a rag the empty tabletop just beside him, you see him looking at the window, cup of tea in hand. He, however, feels your stare, and wordlessly slides an umbrella on the table without batting you an eye. You recognize it as yours and take a step towards him.
“You better not have arrived home drenched that night,” he says. It’s only until he returned to the headquarters that he had realized you must have given him your only umbrella.
A chuckle leaves your mouth, aren’t you concerned. “I might have.” He clicks his tongue.
You grab it in your hands and follow his gaze, soon looking vacantly at the view as well. “You can see the skies from there, right?” you ask, earning a low hum in response.
“I wonder how far they stretch from outside on… Some say they’re boundless,” the words unconsciously slip from your mouth as you watch the clouds move. Something about relatively slow afternoons just hypnotize you to no end.
Levi shifts his gaze to your figure upon hearing a frame of your mind, finding a glimmer of ambition in the mesmerizing pools of your eyes. He can hear your train of thoughts out loud, while you wonder if you could ever get to experience the outside world. He remembers a couple friends thinking the same thing way back, and he realizes, it’s people like you that he hates to see drift away, one of those whom he feels he has to protect, though it’s not like you know each other to great extent.
He brings his cup to his lips and frankly speaks, “It’s not pretty out there.”
His words interrupt you from your daze, making you look at him. You notice he grips the teacup oddly, holding it around the mouth instead of its handle. You heave out a shallow sigh. “Figured you’d say that,” you say with a sad smile. It’s undeniable, coming from him.
You fish something from the pocket of your apron and leave it on his table, then making your way back to the counter. A seemingly little exchange of borrowed objects. He eyes his cleaned dry handkerchief and leaves a comment before you can stray farther, “It does seem endless.”
The corners of your lips upturn into a grateful smile. He really is soft. “Thank you.”
He doesn’t know exactly what you’re thanking him for.
Time and time passed, and he always comes every week without fail. Sometimes, when days are light, he even visits twice a week. You could say you have developed quite a relationship with the Captain, though not something that can be considered close to sentimental. The distance is still present, but you’d have small talks here and there, sometimes you’d lend him your books just so he doesn’t bore himself to death, or maybe so he’d stay a little longer.
You gradually learn to read his moods through the language of his orders. You find that he’s more of a tea lover based solely from the fact that he never once asked for coffee. Black tea is his regular, Oolong tea is when something probably turns out good or successful, since the price a little higher and you guess it’s his little way of celebrating, Chamomile tea when something is roughly off, you figure as he never speaks excessively when he orders it.
You never end up joining him, though. Of course, he always takes the table of one, there isn’t room for another.
“The usual,” Levi briefly says and hands you the exact charge. Never faltering, you smile and continue to make black tea for the man. “You still haven’t hired a helper,” he points out and you hum in agreement.
“I can manage by myself,” you inform as you stir his tea. You’ve managed years by your own, what use is there for an extra hand? Besides, it’s not like your shop gets hoarded by huge amounts of people. Coffee shops attract a moderate number, and you’re fine with that.
You slide the finished drink to Levi and he accepts, heading to his own little corner. Ever since he first came, you labeled the corner seat as his own, and you never thought of removing it again. He doesn’t seem like a very social person, like he’s a man of few words if talking is unnecessary. You always wonder how it must feel to have a conversation with such a persona; must be novel and inspiriting. Problem is, you don’t have the guts to initiate it. You don’t want to be overlooked as a fangirl of the sort. If possible, you want to converse casually.
It’s the looming distance between a coffee shop owner and a country’s renowned soldier that obstructs you from feeling on level as him.
Still, you don’t know why you’re currently grabbing a book from one of your drawers and why you’re currently making your way toward him, tray still in hand to clean afterwards as an excuse.
“Fancy a book?” you offer as you set one of your favorite titles on his table. He darts his eye on it and studies the cover for a brief moment, seeing if it’s up to his standards. It doesn’t really pique his interest, but you made an effort, and it’d be of great companion with the tea.
Levi accepts the book in his hands and starts reading, later learning about the main character’s introduction. “You have a lot of books,” he comments out of observation. This isn’t the first time you offered him one, nor is it just the second. He’s come to a conclusion that you have a liking for it.
You hum in agreement. “I like collecting them, but they’re still not enough to fill a shelf, though. I’m thinking about putting one here,” you say, already envisioning where to place it.
He almost immediately thought of the Headquarters’ library. A lot of books there just get covered in dust, unmoved. Cadets these days don’t take reading as hobby. He considers the idea of bringing some for your shop to make use of it. “I can hand you some,” he says, flipping the page.
Your eyes widen in an equal mix of delight and surprise. He’d go that far? For what? Is the Captain really like this? “Really? From where?” you try to hide the excitement in your voice, but it doesn’t escape his ears. Well isn’t that great? An upgrade for your shop and a chance to see him again. Not that he’s not showing himself enough.
“Scouts’ library,” he says, flipping another page, and you’re deep in thought. Is that allowed? Do I have to pay?
Just a couple of pages in, he seems partially engrossed. The protagonist is a traveller who encounters metaphorical life obstacles and is most likely to find self-discovery through it, that’s as much as he knows.
He notices you still haven’t left and bats you an eye. You look troubled and euphoric at the same time, he couldn’t understand entirely what you’re thinking but he has a clue. “It’s free. Some of it are old anyway,” he informs, which seems to bring your face relief. So his hunch turns out to be right, you were thinking of the burden.
“Oh, I wasn’t thinking that!” you deny right away, waving your hand dismissively, cheeks blushing. You definitely were.
He stays quiet, and you feel ashamed. Does he think you’re a cheapskate? Or thick-faced? Hey, he’s also reading, you must be a distraction. Oh god, how can you make acquaintances with him now?
You aim to leave and give him his space, afraid that you might be bugging him for too long now, but Levi suddenly speaks just in time.
“You have an allurement for things about the outside,” he asserts in heed. When you don’t answer, he continues, “It’s not all rainbows out there, you know.” His perception of you still stands as he’s continuously reminded by you of people who go through great measures to reach their dreams, and those he lost due to wanting to seek for more.
You don’t know if it’s a positive connotation or a negative but he doesn’t sound so enthusiastic. Your grip on the tray tightens. The way he puts it… is he trying to make you drop your interest?
“I do know that. I just,” you pause, contemplating what to say. You’re stuck with I just want to dream, is it so bad? or I just want to experience the forbidden, I’m sick of being stuck in this birdcage, or an impulsive one: I just want to see, would you bring me outside?
Instead, you settle with “I wouldn’t know, I’m a mere shop owner. I don’t have the chance to sit and talk with someone who’s gone beyond the walls.” Like you, sir.
He studies you as you look back at him with firm eyes. Brat, you already live a life with fair peace. The resolve in your eyes didn’t waver, not one bit. He thinks, will you be content with knowing about the outside? Levi heaves out a sigh and closes the book before leisurely taking a sip on his tea.
“Maybe if you’d put another chair, we’ve been talking for months now,” he then says, an even amount of sarcasm in his tone, enough to not come off as rude.
Dumbfounded, you gawk at the Captain for a good five seconds, eyes slightly enlarged in surprise before laughing your head off, turning a couple heads your way for a fleeting second.
“What’s funny?” he quizzes, thin brows furrowed together, and you wave him off, wiping your euphoric tears away.
“Well, I didn’t know it’d be that simple, Captain!” you giggle, eyes genuinely happy and hearty. Just put a chair in? In all seriousness, he doesn’t exactly look approachable with those half lidded dark eyes and a permanent scowl now, does he? That’s one of the primary reasons you have trouble making advances to him.
Levi looks at you, taking in the undeniably beautiful sight before clicking his tongue and averting his gaze.
He’s absolutely certain he paid no attention to the way you tucked your hair behind your ear in a timid manner, the way your silky locks sway gracefully by the wind’s cool breeze, the way your delicate fingers held to the tray tightly as you try to compose yourself, and the way your glowing eyes looked back at him with a gentle gaze once you’ve finally calmed down. Yes, he likes to think he paid no extra mind to those details.
“Tch, did you think I’d bite you or something?” he deadpans, taking another sip on his cup.
“No, absolutely not!” You absolutely did. “I’ll put another chair some other day,” you say and wave him goodbye upon seeing a customer enter, returning to your working place.
He shakes his head lightly and finishes his cup, bringing the book with him as he takes his exit. The smile in your face never disappeared throughout the day, chest booming in an unrelenting speed.
Sunday comes, and you decide to do a general cleaning. You also buy a small shelf from the nearest furniture shop and have it delivered, filling it with some of your books. You squeeze in a chair to the corner by adjusting the other tables’ distances, and you can only laugh at yourself for not thinking of this long ago. You think, why not just sit on a table of two? but figure maybe the Captain’s already grown fond to the spot.
You feel like a schoolgirl as you mindlessly prepare things to talk about and questions to ask. How much does he know? Are titans really that big? Is the ocean real? What brought him to your shop?
But after that, you never saw him again. You think maybe he’ll arrive later or the next day, but more weeks pass, and not even his shadow appeared.
The slowest weeks achingly turn to months. You’ve been awfully attentive to the morning papers since then, looking for the slightest news about him, or their operations. You think it’s completely understandable, being perfectly aware that the Captain is a busy man. You know that visiting little tea shops isn’t actually a luxury that a guy like him affords, but it tugs at your heart a teeny bit, a small part of you involuntarily longing for him. Eitherway, you just wish for his and his people’s safety.
About five months have passed since you last saw him. Levi, on the other hand, has gotten busy those said times. Expeditionary Operations came after another, and he’s buried with work once they arrive back. His squad got promoted to Special Operations Squad, and intensive training was mandatory. The amount of free time he had back then was generous, and in those five months, he had no time to slack off.
But he never forgot you, every single time he drinks tea, he starts doubting his own blend as compared to yours.
“That’s the last of it,” Levi says as he hands over piles and piles of paperwork to the Commander. Erwin only grunts his response.
The ravenhead contemplates for a few moments before finally speaking, “I’ll be out. I’ll return before dinner,” he informs and turns his back, words more of a statement than asking for permission. The higher ranking officer only stares at him as his figure leaves the room. Fair enough, he’s done with his current tasks as a Captain and it’s his first day off in a while. He leaves him be.
Levi dismisses his tan jacket and fixes his cravat as he heads to the shop he favors. He ends up forgetting the books he’s supposed to give but pushes it aside. Oh well, just another excuse for him to visit.
Minutes of walking on foot, steps a little quicker than normal, and he finally arrives, the ambience hugging at his aura. It’s been long since he last set his foot here. He pushes at the saloon door, a ton of improvisations greeting his sight. The interior is now painted a beige color, the warmth going along with the wooden accents. You’ve added the shelf you said you wanted to put, a fair number of books in it. Lastly, his preferred corner seat already has two chairs opposite to each other.
Your back is turned against the door again, leaning on the counter as you occupied yourself with a book. He notices that your hair has gotten longer in a span of months. He shortly wonders what else has changed.
“Oi, the usual,” a familiar voice says, stoic tone resonating in your ears and you immediately feel your soul light up, like it’s been ages since you last felt so giddy. A chaotic mix of worry, excitement, longing, and bliss surges all throughout your body.
When you face the stale eyed man, your tingling heart shamelessly speeds up, a smile rising on your lips.
You wave him farewell as he leaves, and as he cuts eye contact, heat shoots up into your cheeks like crazy, which he totally misses out on.
One step out and Levi feels the presence of a stalker just around the alley. He gives her a bored look and starts walking away, which she then reveals herself and follows suit.
“So this is you and your secret lover’s getaway, huh?” Hange teases, obviously aiming to pry for more. Now what, she’s spying on him? This insane woman.
“Don’t be ridiculous, she has good tea,” Levi answers in nonchalance, staring right ahead the road. The woman makes silly noises at his response, similar to those sounds only she can produce when learning new discoveries about titans.
“Precisely,” the redhead says in satisfaction, nodding her head with her hands stroking her chin as if she got the answer she’s waiting for.
He shoves her actions aside, couldn’t care less about whatever conclusion she came up with. But no matter how much he keeps convincing his subconscious, it’s the tea that draw me in, he just can’t bring himself to believe in it.
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